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PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 minutes ago

https://voxnews info/2020/07/16/italiana-stuprata-a-milano-da-un-africano-al-parco-in-pieno-giorno/
Milan is not a city for women, like all major Italian cities it has become a multiethnic jungle: the prey is Italian women.
A woman was attacked and raped on the San Siro hill in Milan while she was walking with her dog. The attacker was "described to the police as an African".
An Italian woman, 45 years old, was raped by a man she described as a foreigner, yesterday around 18, in Milan while she was walking the dog in the park of Monte Stella, the Montagnetta di San Siro, in the north- west of Milan in the QT8 district.
The victim of the attack was transported, in yellow code, to the Mangiagalli Clinic of the Policlinico.
The police intervened on the spot, called by 118. The investigations are conducted by the Mobile Squad.


Kjeld Hesselmann 12 minutes ago

The Arabs in Israel don’t love the country and they can hardly keep their own countries free of filth and stench. The odor may remind them of homey conditions.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 24 minutes ago

Chaos Prosecutors, Palamara lawyers: "Trojan wiretapping with Ferri and Lotti cannot be used"
Ja-Bull-On monster, FED lgbtq, IMF ECB Rothschild Freemason antichrist Saruman tries to protect himself!
https://www msn com/it-it/notizie/italia/caos-procure-legali-palamara-inutilizzabili-le-intercettazioni-trojan-con-ferri-e-lotti/
Caos Procure, legali Palamara: "Inutilizzabili le intercettazioni 'trojan' con Ferri e Lotti"
il mostro Ja-Bull-On, FED lgbtq, IMF ECB Rothschild massone anticristo Saruman cerca di proteggersi!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago

Aggression in Milan: an Italian woman, 45 years old, was raped by a man she described as a foreigner, yesterday around 18, while she was walking the dog in the Monte Stella park, La Montagnetta di San Siro, in the area north-west of Milan in the QT8 district.
we have no places in prison
we don't have the death penalty!

Aggressione a Milano: una donna italiana, di 45 anni, è stata violentata da un uomo da lei descritto come straniero, ieri intorno alle 18, mentre stava portando a spasso il cane nel parco del Monte Stella, La Montagnetta di San Siro, nella zona nord-ovest di Milano nel quartiere QT8.
non abbiamo posti in carcere
non abbiamo la pena di morte!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago

Afro-Islamic invasion, Kalergi plan: the Democratic Party is a threat to nation security.
Twelve migrants landed on the island of Lampedusa were transferred, in the utmost secrecy, to the Felicioni residence in Roseto degli Abruzzi. The mayor Sabatino Di Girolamo thunders: «I want to know the nationality and the names in order to check for the anti-Covi rules». According to some rumors, they are said to be Bangladeshis arriving from a reception center in Calabria. The news, which sparked the discontent of the people of Roseto, who do not exclude street demonstrations, starts from the web. But the police headquarters and the prefecture did not reveal anything, even if the migrants are positive.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago

hydrogeological instability of Pd Bilderberg UE the antichrist, Bomb of water Palermo: 300 firefighters interventions, evacuated houses,
Firefighters need 12 hours to empty an underpass from the water: looking for 2 missing people.

dissesto idrogeologico di Pd Bilderberg UE l'anticristo, Bomba d'acqua Palermo: 300 interventi pompieri, case evacuate,
vigili del Fuoco hanno bisogno di 12 ore per svuotare dall'acqua un sottopassaggio: alla ricerca di 2 dispersi.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago

where is the Democratic Party? the mafias swarm! Video player of:
Mafia, the accusation of Massimo Giletti: «I have not yet heard a distancing from Minister Bonafede» The conductor against the minister's modus operandi

dove c'é il Partito Democratico? le mafie pullulano! Lettore video di:
Mafia, l'accusa di Massimo Giletti: «Non ho ancora sentito una presa di distanza del ministro Bonafede» Il conduttore contro il modus operandi del ministro



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago

having legalized the Churches of Satan is not a good idea
The "rooms of horrors" on the deep web: 17-year-olds paid to see children killed live
Horror chats, 20 children exchanged photos of pedophilia and beheadings: the oldest was 17 years old Pedophiles in Italy, arrests and searches in 15 regions. Among the victims, also babies

avere legalizzato le Chiese di Satana non è una buona idea
Le "stanze degli orrori" sul deep web: 17enni pagavano per vedere bimbi uccisi in diretta
Chat dell'orrore, 20 ragazzini si scambiavano foto di pedofilia e decapitazioni: il più anziano aveva 17 anni Pedofili in Italia, arresti e perquisizioni in 15 regioni. Tra vittime anche neonati



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago

national hydrogeological instability tragedy
Shocked water bomb in Palermo: «Two drowned in the car» But the bodies are not found,
tragedia dissesto idrogeologico nazionale
Bomba d'acqua choc a Palermo: «Due annegati nell'auto» Ma i corpi non si trovano,
Pd lgbtq UE antichrist antisionists threatens the Italian death and destroys the homeland



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago

Pd threatens the Italian people with death and destroys the homeland. Citizenship income, spending grows DOES NOT create jobs, stimulates parasitism, INPS, 1.4 million applications for citizenship income accepted

Pd minaccia di morte il popolo italiano e distrugge la Patria. Reddito di cittadinanza, la spesa cresce NON crea lavoro, fomenta il parassitismo, Inps, accolte 1,4 milioni di domande per reddito di cittadinanza



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago

Pd lgbtq UE antichrist antisionists threatens the Italian people with death and destroys the homeland. Virus, the Pakistani case with Erdogan jihad sailing ships: they can still enter Italy, but there is a boom of infected sharia. Coronaviruses rise, today 162, while the dead (13)

minaccia di morte il popolo italiano e distrugge la Patria. Virus, il caso pakistani con velieri Erdogan jihad: in Italia possono ancora entrare, ma è boom di contagiati sharia. Coronavirus salgono i contagi, oggi 162, mentre calano i morti (13)



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gerald m. serlin 9 hours ago

Not only are the Arabs anti-social in many ways they are unsanitary, too. They should not ne allowed to mingle in civil society.


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I Peter 3:15 11 hours ago edited

I hate to be ugly, but REALLY, decent, hardworking, law abiding people have a right to discriminate against people who desire to live and act like animals and effect the lives and health of others. The Bible doesn't say "Cleanliness is next to godliness", as some have claimed; but the godly don't have a desire to live like heathens. I think Israel should make the criminals (so-called Palestinians) put all that garbage in medium size boxes and ship each box to those who support the boycotting movement against Israel (including a number of Democrat politicians) and use the money that is paid to terrorists to buy the boxes and pay for the shipping. Or, better yet, force the criminals that did this to load the garbage onto Iranian ships that threaten Israel.


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SAWolf 17 hours ago

The fakenstinian contribution to the Human Race, besides the explosive vest.


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Timothy Votaw 4 hours ago

I wonder, after letting this go for so long.


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Phil Lesh Fan 6 hours ago

"Regavim said it campaigned for several months before the Civil Administration announced this week that it will enforce the law..."

As in America, laws that are not enforced are merely suggestions or wishes.
Governments which do not enforce laws are what? The Tooth Fairy's employees? Hanukkah Harry's employees?


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Leonie Pipe 9 hours ago

Removing these mounds of polluting wastes is only half of the problem solved. Next is to remove the toxic wasteland they have the gall to call "Palestine". Filthy fakestinian swine should be diffused into Egypt and Jordan, where they rightfully belong. The fact that even those countries don't want them says something...

Invasione, Poliziotti: “Lamorgese mente, arrivano a migliaia da zone infette e da lei solo promesse” Luglio 16, 2020
Aspi,Conte ha firmato un accordo truffa: italiani pagheranno i 5 miliardi di debiti dei Benetton Luglio 16, 2020
Hacker compromettono account Twitter dei vip e truffano milioni di followers Luglio 16, 2020
Patrioti issano sulla Foiba di Basovizza il tricolore ammainato da Mattarella Luglio 15, 2020
Accolgono immigrato in casa e lui si frega anche la macchina Luglio 15, 2020
Ammucchiata Pd-M5s-LEU in Liguria: candidato nel nome dei Benetton Luglio 15, 2020
BLM abbattono statue e le sostituiscono con quelle di teppisti neri Luglio 15, 2020
Migrante nudo per strada e altri due armati di coltello: a Cassibile protesta contro baraccopoli Luglio 15, 2020
Sbarchi infetti, turisti in fuga dalla Sicilia: “Disdette continue” Luglio 15, 2020
Scoppia contagio coronavirus in campo nomadi Scampia Luglio 15, 2020
Attivisti Black Lives Matter uccidono mamma bianca e poi la deridono Luglio 15, 2020
Boss si schiera con Bonafede, Giletti: “Perché non smentisce?” – VIDEO Luglio 15, 2020
A Palermo si muore affogati: “E il sindaco Orlando pensa solo agli immigrati” Luglio 15, 2020
Immigrati appena sbarcati fuggono da quarantena e svaligiano bar Luglio 15, 2020
Bomba d’acqua a Palermo: 2 morti, altri automobilisti salvi a nuoto – VIDEO Luglio 15, 2020
Ong Casarini traghetta stupratori in Italia: trovato a bordo Mare Jonio violentatore africano Luglio 15, 2020
Benetton guadagnano 1 miliardo in borsa, Toninelli esulta – VIDEO Luglio 15, 2020
Il terrorista Sy applaude il governo che smantella i decreti Salvini Luglio 15, 2020
Coronavirus: forte crescita dei contagi, ce lo stanno riportando sui barconi Luglio 15, 2020
Invasione, poliziotti in rivolta: da Lampedusa a Trieste lo Stato non esiste più Luglio 15, 2020
Arrivano gli immigrati e contagio esplode nel Lazio e Toscana Luglio 15, 2020
Massacrata da immigrato perché non gliela dà: braccio e mandibola fratturati, denti rotti Luglio 15, 2020
Carabiniere massacrato da 10 immigrati: punito dallo Stato perché interviene Luglio 15, 2020
Sbarcano in Sicilia e girano nudi per la città – VIDEO Luglio 15, 2020
Scuolabus dirottato, terrorista umanitario senegalese condannato a 24 anni di carcere Luglio 15, 2020
Maggioranza immigrati in Italia non lavora: 2.800.000 mantenuti Luglio 15, 2020
In arrivo altre 4 navi quarantena: 4 milioni per mandare in crociera i clandestini infetti Luglio 15, 2020
Boom di contagi, Catalogna si richiude: verso lockdown anche a Barcellona

Milan is not a city for women, like all major Italian cities it has become a multiethnic jungle: the prey is Italian women.
A woman was attacked and raped on the San Siro hill in Milan while she was walking with her dog. The attacker was "described to the police as an African".
An Italian woman, 45 years old, was raped by a man she described as a foreigner, yesterday around 18, in Milan while she was walking the dog in the park of Monte Stella, the Montagnetta di San Siro, in the north- west of Milan in the QT8 district.
The victim of the attack was transported, in yellow code, to the Mangiagalli Clinic of the Policlinico.
The police intervened on the spot, called by 118. The investigations are conducted by the Mobile Squad.

Milano non è una città per donne, come tutte le grandi città italiane è diventata una giungla multietnica: le prede sono le donne italiane.
Una donna è stata aggredita e stuprata sulla collinetta di San Siro, a Milano, mentre stava passeggiando col suo cane. L’aggressore è stato “descritto alle forze dell’ordine come un africano”.
Una donna italiana, di 45 anni, è stata violentata da un uomo da lei descritto come straniero, ieri intorno alle 18, a Milano mentre stava portando a spasso il cane nel parco del Monte Stella, la Montagnetta di San Siro, nella zona nord-ovest di Milano nel quartiere QT8.
La vittima dell’aggressione è stata trasportata, in codice giallo, alla Clinica Mangiagalli del Policlinico.
Sul posto è intervenuta la polizia, chiamata dal 118. Le indagini sono condotte dalla Squadra Mobile.


lorenzoblu su Soros vuole svuotare le carceri italiane
Adolf su Altri 500mln per accogliere i clandestini: nulla per i cassintegrati
discord80 su Patrioti issano sulla Foiba di Basovizza il tricolore ammainato da Mattarella
discord80 su Accolgono immigrato in casa e lui si frega anche la macchina
discord80 su Legge omofobia, manifestazione davanti al Parlamento
discord80 su Hacker compromettono account Twitter dei vip e truffano milioni di followers
discord80 su Offendono maestre che maltrattano bimbi: denunciati
lorenzoblu su Legge omofobia, manifestazione davanti al Parlamento

Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization

PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave ) Report: 7 ships catch fire in province housing Iranian nuclear plant Islam is crime genocide slavery and demonic infestation ] [[ from IRAN? then my angels that ministry heaven army

they will go on burning all the ARAB OIC LEAGUE

Allah is Satan! 

the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
questo è quello che sta succedendo aoggi a Roma
Allarme di Magnitudo Italia: aumentano le famiglie romane in 
Raggi ti sei scordata in quel parco l’umanità di una madre
Raggi umanità riccardo cino
Eppure è una madre, Virginia Raggi, ma sembra aver perso ogni tratto di umanità. Altro che gente di fogna a Roma, semmai cercala in Campidoglio Beppe Grillo. Questa cavolo di sindaca che ti sei inventata è incapace di farfugliare una sola parola persino per quel parco abbandonato al degrado e nel quale i genitori di una […]

Roma, sgominato giro di squillo in B&B a San Basilio
È stato sgominato l’ennesimo giro di prostituzione a Roma. Nel quartiere di San Basilio. Purtroppo questo ‘mestiere’ che è vecchio come la storia dell’uomo si lega quasi sempre allo ...

immigrati a tiburtina (2)
Tiburtina, africano spacca con una pietra il vetro di un furgone per rubare
Ci risiamo: i clandestini stanziati alla stazione Tiburtina hanno ripreso i loro gesti criminali. Ammesso che questi abbiano mai subito un’interruzione. La stazione Tiburtina, sgomberata più volte, è stata ...

Roma, botticelle ferme sopra i 30 gradi. E la Raggi scontenta tutti

Droga e violenze, immigrati cacciati dalla stazione Tiburtina occupano di nuovo

La scuola telematica non funziona. A Roma un milione di genitori nel panico

Massimo Giletti decreto del governo
Decreto Fase 2, è una barzelletta: che succede da domattina 
https://www 7colli it/ ==========
https://www 7colli it/per-favore-la-mascherina-nigeriana-aggredisce-autista-sul-bus-15530/ Please the mask, Nigerian attacks driver on the bus the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization A Nigerian woman attacks the driver of the 057 line. She did not want to wear a mask and became a beast The young Nigerian woman who lost her head yesterday while on board the ATAC car 057 became a beast. Just because the driver had kindly told her to put on the mask, which the woman was not wearing. Fairy request in a civil way, we would like to reiterate it. Without any discriminatory accent or considerations that could alter the psychophysical state of the young immigrant. But the reaction was still very violent. After punching and breaking the dividing barrier, in fact, the now out of control passenger threw herself against the same driver and even managed to break the wheel of the car. So before the eyes of the startled and terrified passengers the bus had to pull over and promptly stopped. Before an accident could happen or someone was seriously injured.


the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
for asking politely to wear the mask, the BUS was vandalized and the driver was beaten.
The driver refuses treatment but the situation of ATAC drivers is increasingly at risk
Upon arrival of the police, the driver who had suffered blows and suffered minor bruises, however, refused the treatment of 118. Perhaps not to further aggravate the situation of the Nigerian woman. However, it was reported for damage and interruption of public service. The other passengers were taken out of the car, and after a while the 057 races resumed regularly. A bad news story, which shows how exposed ATAC drivers are, especially today in the suburbs. Where social exclusion and violence are unfortunately increasingly out of control.

il Partito Democratico sta distruggendo una millenaria civiltà
per avere chiesto gentilmente di indossare la mascherina, il BUS è stato vandalizzato e il conducente è stato picchiato.
Il conducente rifiuta le cure ma la situazione degli autisti ATAC è sempre più a rischio
All’arrivo delle Forze dell’Ordine il conducente che comunque aveva subito colpi e riportato lievi escoriazioni ha rifiutato le cure del 118. Forse per non aggravare ulteriormente la situazione della donna nigeriana. Che comunque è stata denunciata per danneggiamento e interruzione di pubblico servizio. Gli altri passeggeri sono stati fatti scendere dalla vettura,e dopo poco le corse dell 057 sono riprese regolarmente. Un brutto fatto di cronaca, che dimostra quanto siano esposti i conducenti dell’ATAC, specialmente oggi in periferia. Dove emarginazione sociale e violenza sono purtroppo sempre più fuori controllo.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

Report: 7 ships catch fire in province housing Iranian nuclear plant Islam is crime genocide slavery and demonic infestation ] [[ from IRAN? then my angels that ministry heaven army
they will go on burning all the ARAB OIC LEAGUE
Allah is Satan!

we have the worst government of sodomites in the history of Italy Freemasons and traitors Kalergi, neo-liberals and rothschild satanists of the antichrist Merkel, and in fact 2 people died yesterday in Palermo for the hydrogeological instability

abbiamo il peggiore governo di sodomitici della storia d'Italia massoni e traditori Kalergi, neoliberisti e satanisti rothschild dell'anticristo Merkel, ed infatti ieri sono morte 2 persone a Palermo per il dissesto idrogeologico

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

Islam is crime genocide slavery and demonic infestation ] [ In the presidential palace of Ankara Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hosted a special concert by the pianist Fahir Atakoglu. The musician composed a song to celebrate "the national struggle" on the night of July 15 4 years ago against an attempted coup. Thousands of citizens flocked to the streets protesting against the military who had closed a Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul and bombed the parliament in the capital Ankara. President Erdoğan, on vacation in Marmaris, left the hotel that hosted him with his family about 15 minutes before the arrival of a commando who was supposed to assassinate him.
by lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  an hour ago

Islam is crime genocide slavery and demonic infestation ] [ In the evening the Turkish president claimed everything that happened in the following years. "If after 15 July - he declared - Turkey managed to hit all terrorist organizations heavily, it is because it got rid of the Feto virus that had invaded its body". Feto is the acronym for the organization of Fetullah Gülen, a billionaire imam who was an ally of the Turkish head of state. The cleric fled to the United States in 1999, after the first disagreements with the president. For years Erdoğan has been asking in vain for him to be extradited. In any case, he considers it the mind of the attempted military putsch which cost the lives of 258 people (the wounded were 2000).
Since then, a purge has taken place that has reached record numbers. One hundred and fifty thousand employees were kicked out of public administration roles, 99,066 operations against suspects of having played a role in the coup, 282,790 arrested. 25,912 people are still in the cell. The figures were the central core of the proud claim made by Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu.
The president's commemoration speech, released by the public news agency "Anadolu", is steeped in emphatic triumphalism: "Our nation took a victory that night that will go down in history and that will be written in gold letters. Not only did it save our state, but it also eliminated the threat of a total invasion. " The head of state, consistent with the Islamic tradition, claimed the charm of "martyrdom".



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  an hour ago

Islam is crime genocide slavery and demonic infestation ] [ A vocation that is accompanied by very concrete aims. #Turkey has issued a navtex navigation notice in which it calls not to enter the exclusive economic zone of #Cyprus between 18 July and 18 August, because in that area the ships Yavuz Ertugrul Bey, Osman Bey and Orhan Bey will make drilling to the hydrocarbon research. With the same means, Ankara defines any attempt to legitimize the "claims" of the Greek Cypriot administration that had also granted Eni licenses as "null and unacceptable".
The anniversary of the aborted putsch was celebrated by the Prosecutor's Office of Ankara with 60 arrest warrants against as many citizens suspected of belonging to the clandestine network of Gülen scattered in 30 provinces. They are accused of having rigged public exams and competitions to encourage the infiltration of religious followers. Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has announced that three members of the PKK, the Workers' Party of Kurdistan, have been "neutralized", ie killed or captured, in the northern belt of Iraq, the autonomous Kurdish region whose capital is Erbil.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  an hour ago

Islam is crime genocide slavery and demoniac infestation ] [ There were 300,000 inmates in Turkey before a law that cleared the prisons of 90,000 guests after the Covid-19 epidemic. Political dissidents and defendants from relations with terrorists were excluded from the benefit. Two lawyers have ended up in this large group, Ebru Timtik and Aytac Ünsal. Both are members of the Association of Progressive Lay Tendency Lawyers closed by Erdoğan on 22 November 2016 with a decree issued during the state of emergency. On April 5, they decided to turn abstention from food on hunger strike until death.

Ebru Timtik now risks gangrene. He cannot speak or drink. It weighs 39 kilos. She was sentenced to 13 years and 6 months for external membership in a terrorist organization, in application of article 314, paragraph 1, of the criminal code. He has been in prison for 3 years. Unsal has been given 10 years and six months for the same reason. He has been in the cell for two years and 9 months. The lawyer Ebru hasn't eaten in 205 days, Unsal since 175. They claim a "fair trial". They were accused by witnesses whose face was obscured and their voice altered to prevent them from being recognized. Three hundred lawyers from different countries have sent a petition to the Turkish Supreme Court to support their application. The "fault" of both is defending two teachers suspected of having been in contact with an organization of the extreme left.



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Allen Gray  10 hours ago

I am happy to see some positive action. God is good!!!!


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DemocracyRules Allen Gray  6 hours ago

The fire burning today near the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is seven+ ships that are the same size and type that are used to smuggle weapons to the Houthis in Yemen.

The other fire today is an aluminum manufacturing plant. The type of aluminum is used to make centrifuges, and in powdered form it is used to make fuel for solid fuel rockets, that are necessary tor quick-launch missiles like ICBMs.


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Don Spilman DemocracyRules  2 hours ago

ALL good burn baby burn!


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Lawom Tabay  12 hours ago

“If a regime or a government is involved in the Natanz incident, Iran will react decisively,” said Mousavi. They will attack with their navy, five ships less. Because .... fire. Hehehe.


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Don Spilman  2 hours ago

I sure hope Israel and or America is doing the exploding and burning! “Warms the cockles of me heart”!!!!!!!


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Denise Waterford  7 hours ago  edited

This is sad. That someone would come along and WOOF WOOF! WOOF! Grrrrrrrrrrr! I WANT MY HAAGEN DAZS AND I WANT IT NOW!!!! DIZZLE! DIZZLE!


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Dajjal  7 hours ago

if those events ain't accidents, only the perps know for sure. How about that fire on the Bon Home Richard🙄


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  9 hours ago

now, SAUDI ARABIA will also begin to burn, in honor of their devil Allah. is
then I will also light the sacred fire in Turkey!

ora, inizierà a bruciare anche la ARABIA SAUDITA, in onore del loro demonio Allah. e
poi accenderò il fuoco sacro anche in Turchia!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  9 hours ago

conflicting reports emerged in the Iranian media with regard to the cause of the incident.
they were my angels ministers!
I am the King of ISRAEL
and the Saudis opposed me!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  10 hours ago

Report: 7 ships catch fire in province housing Iranian nuclear plant

but these Sharia criminals unpunished for 1400 years,
they kill an innocent Christian every 5 minutes,
and I swore it: "now all the ARAB LEAGUE must burn"

questi criminali sharia impuniti da 1400 anni,
uccidono un cristiano innocente ogni 5 minuti,
ed io lo ho giurato: "ora tutta la LEGA ARABA deve bruciare"

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  10 hours ago

Cina Russia UE USA ONU ] codardi [ my Kingdom of ISRAEL will react to my 33 years of sharia Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians ..
because, my angel ministers always listen to what I say
to start punishing Satanists and Muslims ..
that Allah is the devil and that Muhammad is the false prophet? this is the truth! Revelation - Chapter 19 [20] But the beast BIDEN was captured, and with it the false prophet Moametto, who in his presence had operated those portents with which he had seduced those who had received the mark 666 FED IMD OCI NWO of the beast, and they had worshiped the monstrous lunar meteor idol statue of Mecca Kaaba.
these Islamic Satanists killed a billion saints, in 1400 years, and their end has come!

il mio Regno di ISRAELE reagirà al mio 33 anni di Osservatorio sul martirio dei Cristiani..
perché i miei ministri angeli ascoltano sempre quello che io dico
per iniziare a punire i satanisti e gli islamici..
che Allah è il demonio
e che Maometto è il falso profeta? questa è la verità! Apocalisse - Capitolo 19 [20] Ma la bestia BIDEN fu catturata, e con essa il falso profeta Moametto, che alla sua presenza aveva operato quei portenti con i quali aveva sedotto quanti avevano ricevuto il marchio 666 FED IMD OCI NWO della bestia, e ne avevano adorato la statua idolo mostruoso meteorite lunare di Mecca Kaaba.
questi satanisti islamici hanno ucciso un miliardo di santi in 1400 anni, ed è arrivata la loro fine!

WATCH: Giuliani slams de Blasio amid NYC crime spike Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, who led the civic cleanup during his tenure from 1994 to 2001, reacts to the city’s spike in violent crime after a one-year old was shot and killed.

masseur1950  9 hours ago

He KNOWS what he speaks of. He created what def.....gblasio was scared of and destroyed.
I wish he could become the mayor again.


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Froike masseur1950  8 hours ago

Amen to that!


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Froike  8 hours ago

DiBlowsio is a Crime Wave all by himself!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  2 hours ago

U.K. Court Documents: Steele Told FBI Clinton Knew He Was Compiling the Dirty Dossier
U.K. Court documents released on Wednesday reveal that as early as July 5, 2016, the FBI was aware that former MI6 agent Christopher Steele had acknowledged that then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton personally knew that he was commissioned to compile the now thoroughly discredited Trump- Russia dossier.
all Democrats (demon rat )must be indicted for perjury, high treason and for threats to national security.
tutti i Democratici devono essere incriminati per spergiuro, alto tradimento e per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  2 hours ago

lorenzoJHWH Patriot Jewish Messia from Italy, You’ve been identified as one of President Trump’s TOP supporters, and we wanted to reach out to let you know about your EXCLUSIVE one-time offer.
we’re halfway through July and we’re pacing a little behind our upcoming End-of-Month Goal. We can’t afford to fall behind, so President Trump has decided to do SOMETHING BIG to make sure we CRUSH our goal. For a limited time, President Trump has authorized a 500%-MATCH on your next contribution.
That’s right, lorenzoJHWH. When you make your next contribution, it will make 5X the IMPACT!
But, this offer is only available for the NEXT HOUR, so you need to act fast.
Please contribute $42 in the NEXT HOUR to fight for President Trump and your gift will be 500%-MATCHED. > JULY FUNDRAISING GOAL CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT
it’s going to take EVERY Patriot stepping up if we’re going to WIN BIG in November, and President Trump is counting on you.
We’re giving the President an updated list of donors soon and we want him to see YOUR NAME among his BEST supporters. Don’t let him down.
please contribute $42 IMMEDIATELY to get your name on the list and your gift will automatically be 500%-MATCHED.

Thank you, Team Trump 2020



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  2 hours ago

lorenzoJHWH Patriot Jewish Messia from Italy, The Chinese Communist Party has officially sanctioned the coward Senator Rubio from their country. the Chinese Communist Party is upset from Senator Rubio continues to speak out against their human rights abuses against ethnic minorities across their country.
but Senator Rubio the coward not to speak against all criminal Arab League, jihad sharia genocide slaves dhimmis and christian martyrs, and UMMA nazi, this makes the coward totally blind Senator Rubio
For too long, the OCI UMMA Mecca demonic idol Kaaba government ISIS (genocide of the theology of substitution without reciprocity and without secularism, of paranoid liars and demons) has bullied and intimidated their way to suppressing any opposition. Look at their horrible treatment of Kafir impure, dhimmis slaves, Murtidi apostate death penalties
their efforts to clamp down on anyone who speaks out against their demonic paranoid crazy government UMMA octopus.
Senator Rubio put it best when he said:
"Anytime a totalitarian and an evil regime is against you; you know you're on the right side" but him with Islamic jihad? he has always decided to stay on the wrong side .. because the Chinese do not rape and kill Christians
while Muslims do it!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  2 hours ago

lorenzoJHWH Patriot Jewish Messia from Italy, Let’s face it. Business news is usually dense, dry, and boring…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Morning Brew is a free daily email that delivers the latest business news from Wall Street to Silicon Valley. Written in a witty and conversational tone, it makes reading the news actually enjoyable.
Here’s the best part: It’s just a 5 minute read, so you can get all the most relevant updates, then get on with your day.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  2 hours ago

lorenzoJHWH Jewish Messia from Italy, a huge deadline was approaching and the threat of a liberal takeover is higher than ever, you have not contributed to my father’s Senate allies to help them reach their goal this month.
Will you please make your first online contribution of the month before the critical deadline at midnight tonight?
It’s vital you take this seriously. Democrats are breaking fundraising records, taking the lead in the polls, and putting all our hard work in jeopardy.


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   
Covid runs on the wings of the Kalergi jihad ISIS invasion (while European tourists are punished with the quarantine): slight increase in the number of people infected, but social concern rises

Covid corre sulle ali della jihad Kalergi invasione ISIS (mentre i turisti europei vengono puniti con la quarantena): leggero aumento dei contagiati, ma sale la preoccupazione sociale

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   

the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
this is what is happening today in Rome
Magnitudo Italy alarm: Roman families increase in
You forgot the humanity of a mother in that park
Rays humanity riccardo cino
Yet she is a mother, Virginia Raggi, but she seems to have lost all traits of humanity. Other than sewer people in Rome, if anything look for it in Campidoglio Beppe Grillo. This mayoral cabbage you invented is incapable of mumbling a single word even for that park abandoned to decay and in which the parents of a […]

Rome, defeated ringing ring in B&B in San Basilio
Yet another round of prostitution in Rome has been defeated. In the San Basilio neighborhood. Unfortunately, this 'job' that is as old as human history is almost always linked to ...

tiburtina immigrants (2)
Tiburtina, an African, smashes the glass of a van with a stone to steal
Here we go again: the illegal immigrants stationed at Tiburtina station have resumed their criminal acts. Provided that these have never suffered an interruption. Tiburtina station, cleared several times, was ...

Rome, small barrels still above 30 degrees. And Raggi discontents everyone

Drugs and violence, immigrants driven out of Tiburtina station occupy again

The telematics school is not working. A million panicked parents in Rome

Massimo Giletti government decree
Decree Phase 2, is a joke: that happens from tomorrow morning
https: // www 7colli it /


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   

https://www 7colli it/per-favore-la-mascherina-nigeriana-aggredisce-autista-sul-bus-15530/
Please the mask, Nigerian attacks driver on the bus
the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
A Nigerian woman attacks the driver of the 057 line. She did not want to wear a mask and became a beast
The young Nigerian woman who lost her head yesterday while on board the ATAC car 057 became a beast. Just because the driver had kindly told her to put on the mask, which the woman was not wearing. Fairy request in a civil way, we would like to reiterate it. Without any discriminatory accent or considerations that could alter the psychophysical state of the young immigrant. But the reaction was still very violent. After punching and breaking the dividing barrier, in fact, the now out of control passenger threw herself against the same driver and even managed to break the wheel of the car. So before the eyes of the startled and terrified passengers the bus had to pull over and promptly stopped. Before an accident could happen or someone was seriously injured.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   
Please the mask, Nigerian attacks driver on the bus
the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
The driver of the 057 line who was passing yesterday in via Mario Cora in Rome had not been aggressive or rude. It was almost two in the afternoon, and the young 27-year-old African woman had climbed into public transport without wearing the mandatory face protection device. So the driver had pointed this out to him, in an absolutely urban and civil way. But the girl's reaction was one you certainly don't expect. In fact, from the beginning, he thought it well to rant, repeatedly insulting the driver and screaming in a sprawling way. Later, to make matters worse, the young Nigerian girl began to punch the dividing Plexiglas that separates the bus cabin from the driver's seat. With such anger and violence that it manages to shatter it. Which creates some questions. Because this device has not been installed for the social distancing envisaged by the covid, although obviously today it serves above all to protect the driver from too close encounters. With people who could be infected.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   

Please the mask, Nigerian attacks driver on the bus
the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
Donatella Chiodi Flag of Italy @ChiodiDonatella PLEASE, THE #MASCHERINA.
The driver of the 057 line asked him in #Roma.
But the woman becomes a beast.
Fists and kicks at the partition that shatters and then smashes the wheel of the vehicle.


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎   

Please the mask, Nigerian attacks driver on the bus
the Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization
A Nigerian woman attacks the driver of the 057 line. She did not want to wear a mask and became a beast
The young Nigerian woman who lost her head yesterday while on board the ATAC car 057 became a beast. Just because the driver had kindly told her to put on the mask, which the woman was not wearing. Fairy request in a civil way, we would like to reiterate it. Without any discriminatory accent or considerations that could alter the psychophysical state of the young immigrant. But the reaction was still very violent. After punching and breaking the dividing barrier, in fact, the now out of control passenger threw herself against the same driver and even managed to break the wheel of the car. So before the eyes of the startled and terrified passengers the bus had to pull over and promptly stopped. Before an accident could happen or someone was seriously injured.


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  an hour ago

we have the worst government of sodomites in the history of Italy Freemasons and traitors Kalergi, neo-liberals and rothschild satanists of the antichrist Merkel, and in fact 2 people died yesterday in Palermo for the hydrogeological instability

abbiamo il peggiore governo di sodomitici della storia d'Italia massoni e traditori Kalergi, neoliberisti e satanisti rothschild dell'anticristo Merkel, ed infatti ieri sono morte 2 persone a Palermo per il dissesto idrogeologico

Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization

Phil Lesh Fan  6 hours ago

"“I welcome the newcomers to the socialist camp,” ridiculed Economy Minister Amir Peretz, head of the Labor party."

Mr. Peretz seems to view helping people in need as being socialist activity.
You, sir, have missed the point(s) that God has tried so hard to teach us.
How many political points do you think you scored by your attempt to ridicule Mr. Netanyahu?

Democratic Party is destroying a millenary civilization

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel