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technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal

PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave ) technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal

Evolution is a Hoax. 16 hours ago

Ha Ha. LoL. just had to say it.

Dajjal 16 hours ago

"Divide and conquer"! Anything that induces paranoia among the enemy is a great boon.

Norm Dajjal 14 hours ago

such as the non stop explosions in Iran.

alpcns . 11 hours ago

Gee, what a strange thing to do for a 'peace partner'.

/EU Mode off

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

President RIVLIN ] [ lost that Africans, by the gift of God, have many heroes and many saints
but my king David had reddish and rich hair:
center can not make it a Palestinian a s s h o l e parasite of Merkel!

perso che gli africani, per dono di Dio hanno tanti eroi e tanti santi
ma Davide aveva i capelli rossicci e ricchi:
centro non ne possono fare un palestinese str0nzo parassita della Merkel!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 19 hours ago

Lazio Region wants to report who speaks of the ghost masks of Zingaretti: Palamara method
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
The Moroccan government: these buses take Tunisians at night to the homes of Italians - PHOTO
July 30, 2020
Government spreads the virus throughout Italy with immigrants from Lampedusa: half of positive cases
July 30, 2020
US, American PD ready to mass fraud: Trump could postpone the vote
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Corinaldo massacre, sentence for the 6 of the multiethnic gang: 6 dead are worth between 10 and 12 years
July 30, 2020
Florence: PD votes and now they are hostage to Africans - VIDEO July 30, 2020
Abruzzo, infected Tunisians sent by Conte flee the quarantine


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 19 hours ago

Le marocchinate del governo: questi bus portano di notte tunisini nelle case degli italiani – FOTO

Da Lampedusa con amore in tutta Italia…
L’immigrato clandestino vien di notte. Sono
arrivati nel cuore della notte di martedì e sono stati dislocati
all’interno della struttura ricettiva nelle rispettive stanze.
Presenti solo le forze dell’ordine che hanno scortato i mezzi pesanti dal casello di Anagni-Fiuggi fino all’hotel Daniel.
Fiuggi trasformata in un campo di accoglienza per clandestini
tunisini. Invece di riportarli a Tunisi, questo governo di criminali li
sparpaglia in tutta Italia. Di notte. Per lo più infetti.
che se da molto tempo Fiuggi ospita in varie strutture (prima erano quattro e due sono state fatte chiudere da Salvini) la situazione è esplosiva. Molte le proteste. Per questo il bus è stato fatto arrivare
di notte. E non è mancato un episodio preoccupante. L’ennesimo. Infatti un
gruppo di ospiti è scappato e ha fatto irruzione all’interno di una
proprietà privata.
Il Pd riempire gli hotel italiani falliti di tunisini in fuga dalla
guerra in Abissinia. Qualcuno ha scritto sul web: “il Pd Non è un partito, è un’associazione a delinquere”.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 19 hours ago edited

Governo untore: comemrciante di schiavi e assassino di 5 milioni di disoccupati italiani.
Luglio 30, 2020. (la democrazia o repubblica: di tipo inciucio parlamentare: di persone corrotte Rothschild, e senza maggioritario? è un delitto costituzionale!)
La maggioranza parlamentare (golpisti senza elezioni), che è minoranza nel Paese, manda a processo
il leader dell’opposizione, che è maggioranza nel Paese. Questo avviene
nei Paesi totalitari. E’ tempo della rivolta.
Matteo Salvini è stato rinviato a giudizio per la vicenda del sequestro della Nave Ong, Open Arms. In Senato 149 voti contrari a bloccare l’autorizzazione a procedere e 141 favorevoli, 1 astenuto. Voto
non valido per mancanza della maggioranza assoluta e, dunque, si celebrerà il processo contro l’ex ministro dell’Interno, che non è mai stato sconfessato dal suo governo di poltronari venduti al demonio denaro: traditori degni della pena di morte.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago

China Seeds: A Biological Attack on America?
the priests of Satan Jewish neo-liberal LGBT Masons are without dignity:
and they are serial murderers and historic slanderers: coup and exporters of false masonic rothschild democracies without monetary sovereignty: the triumph of the antichrist in the EU!
CHINA is not paradise, it is not perfect,
but, of course: it does not deserve all these Rothschild slanders

China Seeds: A Biological Attack on America?
i sacerdoti di Satana ebrei massoni lgbtq neoliberisti sono senza una dignità:
e sono assassini seriali e storici calunniatori: golpisti ed esportatori di false democrazie massoniche rothschild senza sovranità monetaria: il trionfo dell'anticristo in UE!
la CINA non è il paradiso, non è perfetta,
ma, certo: non merita tutte queste calunnie dei Rothschild


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 21 hours ago

Covid, US GDP falls 32.9% in the second quarter. Never been so bad since 1947
1. destroying CHINA even with the world war (the CIA said in 2004: that they would have made the virus in 2020) is only the first goal of the CIA deep state with the accomplices of the democratic party
2. the second objective is to bring down all the center-right governments;
3. the third objective between Covid and uranium steel nanoparticles vaccine infected with human fetuses, etc .. and to kill at least one billion people (Bill GATES said so)!

Covid, il pil Usa crolla del 32,9% nel secondo trimestre. Mai così male dal 1947
1. distruggere la CINA anche con la guerra mondiale (lo ha detto la CIA nel 2004: che avrebbero fatto il virus nel 2020)è soltanto il primo obiettivo della CIA deep State con i complici del partito democratico
2. il secondo obiettivo è abbattere tutti i governi di centro destra;
3. il terzo obiettivo tra Covid e vaccino infetto alle nano particelle di uranio acciaio siero di feti umani, etc.. e di uccidere almeno un miliardo di persone (questo lo ha detto Bill GATES)!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 21 hours ago

they are afraid to name: to say: "the Pakistani of Erdogan the Ottoman" ... and in fact: they don't say it!
FERRUZZANO, 30 JUL - A few dozen migrants of various nationalities landed this morning on the Reggio coast south of Locride, on the outskirts of Ferruzzano Marina. The migrants who were on board a sailing boat of about 25 meters, including families, reached the shoreline with the boat. After the boat ran aground, they descended scattering along the beach, the Ionian railway section and the Statale 106. ==========================
Nick Peterson 10 hours ago

those like Mr. Beinart who argue in softer terms, framing their position in terms of human rights.

It has always been the practice of antisemites to frame their hatred in terms of whatever was the highest court-of-appeal of the time. When "racial theory" was considered "science", Jew-hatred was based on notions of racial superiority/inferiority. Today, concern with human rights is on the ascendant — and, for the most part, rightly so — so this is what the scoundrels leap to wrap themselves up in.

But let's be clear: calling for the destruction of a people, to push them into the sea, is not a "human right", nor is thwarting efforts in that direction a violation of human rights.

The Arabs who were abandoned by their brethren, and left in a territory without a country (calling themselves "Palestinians" is also, please remember, a lie), under the administration of the country who won that territory after defending themselves against their neighbors' aggression, actually have things pretty good and would be far better off if they were not so hell-bent on murder.

Just imagine how well they could live if they turned their undisputed cleverness to productive goals and made peace with Israel. ... Instead of being a pawn, they could be the envy of the Arab world.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 hours ago

President RIVLIN
io non so perché blogger non voleva ricevere questo articolo

https://satan-is-faggot blogspot com/2020/07/ww3-riyad-and-his-nuclear-war.html


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 hours ago

BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists and their demonic trinity: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they told me: "when we asked Bin SALMAN to realize your Kingdom of ISRAEL in MADIANA
he said to us: "" fuuuckking yourself and go kill the russian and the chinese people ""...

questa malarazza di satanisti ebrei anglo-americani e la loro trinità demoniaca: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, loro mi hanno detto: quando, noi abbiamo chiesto a Bin SALMAN di realizzare nella MADIANA il tuo Regno di ISRAELE
lui ci ha detto: ""f0ttetevi, e andate ad uccidere i russi e i cinesi"


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 hours ago

BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] [ and then, we say and we are sorry that this rascal of Anglo-American Jewish satanists: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, they are punished, with their accomplices: with the shoah in the crematoria of HITLER, or with the shoah of sharia islamists ...
but, they told me: "kill Bin SALMAN: he is the one who forces us to remain prisoners of SATAN and prevents us from returning to JHWH in your Kingdom of ISRAEL"

e poi, noi diciamo e ci dispiace che questa malarazza di satanisti ebrei anglo-americani: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED 322 NWO 666 IMF, loro siano puniti, con i loro complici: con la shoah nei forni crematoi di HITLER, o con la shoah degli islamici sharia...
ma, loro mi hanno detto: "uccidi Bin SALMAN: è lui che ci costringe a rimanere prigionieri di SATANA e ci impedisce di ritornare a JHWH nel tuo Regno di ISRAELE"


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

MAGA Donald J. Trump our President from United States
hero patriotwe are all his SUPPORTER:
really lorenzoJHWH, I really need you to pick up the pace.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

Toninelli in the closed ports said: "The last word is from Salvini, Conte and mine. Let's decide together."
Today, however, he denies his words:

"Salvini did it all by himself". Danilo Toninelli, in Tonight Italy, expresses himself after the vote with which the Senate said yes to the trial for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

A surge of infections in Sicily: 70 percent: they arrived with the boats
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020

Government fills small village with infected immigrants pretending to be negative
PD: "Embrace a positive migrant"

Smuggler senators: the 149 traitors who sold Italy to the foreigner


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

Illegal immigrants are a coronavirus bomb: outbreaks break out all over Italy, brought by the Red Cross: but they are fleeing quarantine - VIDEO
July 30, 2020
Salvini on trial, Don Biancalani exults: "A great day"
July 30, 2020
OpenArms, Toninelli confesses: "Conte and I were responsible with Salvini for the management of the government", but today he denies it - VIDEO


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

Soros finances the NGO of the red robes to ferry illegal immigrants to Italy
July 30, 2020 Why does Soros have a Kalergi Talmud interest in ethnic replacement in ITALY?


Soros finanzia la catena delle toghe rosse per traghettare clandestini in Italia30 luglio 2020 perché Soros ha un interesse Kalergi Talmud di sostituzione etnica in ITALIA?


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

we were in ITALY the 4th industrial power in the world
and today, thanks to the EU and GERMANY, and to the Rothschild banking cartel:
have we become the 14th or 24th?


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago

the technocratic EU democratic party lgbtq masonic neoliberal: Rothschild's institutional coup mafia consociativism, Bilderberg regime
is leading to a profound social divide
which can lead to civil war in Italy!

il partito democratico UE tecnocratico lgbtq neoliberista masonico: consociativismo mafioso istituzionale golpista, regime Bilderberg
sta portando una profonda frattura sociale
che può portare alla guerra civile in Italia!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 7 hours ago

the state is a infector: and is a traitor to: get a wildly infected Afro-Islamic invasion! therefore the infected are spreading in all Italian regions! in this way it will be impossible in September to reopen the school or return to productive activities.
"Does the seventh industrial power, Italy, need an emergency declaration to continue activating a toll-free number?", Or one of the "weak" reasons given by Conte to continue the state of health emergency.
"If it were true," added Cassese, "it would mean that the state is not there and the Prime Minister should worry about this emergency rather than the health one," he says.
Laws are enough
According to the constitutionalist, therefore, "laws and regulations provide for and regulate normal prophylaxis activities and do not require the use of an emergency".


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 7 hours ago

A state of health emergency would not be needed, but ordinary laws would suffice to manage the pandemic in Italy, says the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese.
According to Sabino Cassese, emeritus judge of the Constitutional Court, Conte's reasons for justifying the extension of the state of health emergency would be "very weak".
the Democratic Party is an institutional coup-led totalitarianism: Masonic mafia: and an ideological error: subservient to Rothschilds technocracy and neoliberalism
represents a constitutional crime and a constant threat to their peoples!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 7 hours ago

Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini: the democratic party has lost its religious identity, and therefore has also lost: the concept of country ... but in the face of a dogmatic masimalist ISLAM: Koranic imperialist sharia theocratic fundamentalist jihad? sooner or later they will have to bury their male children, and they will have to help their raped daughters .. but this is not a problem for the lgbtq because they have no future to protect !! If the center-right is compact, the people of Twitter, who express themselves through the hashtag #salviniaprocesso, splits on the story.
Solidarity comes from those who define the "anti-Italian" government.
They send #salviniaprocesso for defending Italy and #bonafede is still there after having released mafia criminals. Prolong the #statodiemergenza that nn is there. Immigrants who roam the streets naked. They will approve Mes. A government more anti-Italian than this, never seen.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 7 hours ago edited

Open Arms, right-wing solidarity with Salvini] this is how Anglo-American Jews are also threatening the survival of the israeli people! the democratic party and the Masonic lobbies Rothschild: they are cancer, an institutional coup: a flagrant violation of the Constitution: a mafia of judges: they can only be criminalized! [For the senator, the solidarity of his comrades, including Silvio Berlusconi, has arrived. For the leader of Forza Italia "once again the political use of justice is the weapon with which the left wants to free itself from its opponents".
"Of course Forza Italia can only be against these methods, not only for loyalty to an ally, but also and above all because they are absolutely unacceptable methods in a true democracy", said Cavalieri to 'Studio Aperto'.
Even the leader of the Carroccio himself spoke of "political process".
For Salvini's party companion, Roberto Calderoli, the leader of the League must be united to Dalla Chiesa, Falcone and Borsellino to be stabbed by those same institutions that he was trying to serve.
For Calderoli, the Italian one is "a state that instead of thanking Minister Salvini who had stopped the invasion and the trafficking of human beings sent him to trial for having done his duty, for having done what his institutional role imposed on him and loyalty to citizens. "

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

A ruling party politician in India, Nand Kishore Gurjar, said that people who want to offer to make animal sacrifices during Id al-adha should sacrifice their children as the meat of innocent animals can spread the coronavirus.
these fanatical Hindus are another pathology apart.
but everything they do with the Qur'an sharia, and with the Talmud SpA Coorportion: FED shareholders lgbtq: the antichrist ..
a threat can be interpreted by the other slave peoples of the planet such as: Chinese, dalit dhimmis and goyims, which have an apparent human form, but which are actually animals of Rothschild and Erdogan

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  
Obama, "Trump feeds nativism, racism and sexism"
AND WHAT DOES A TRAITOR OF THE HOMELAND MUST SAY / slander as is the Democratic Party to legitimize itself?

Obama, "Trump alimenta nativismo, razzismo e sessismo"
E COSA DEVE DIRE/ calunniare un TRADITORE DELLA PATRIA come è il Partito Democratico per legittimare se stesso?

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel