IHateNEWLAYOUT 6 ore fa
lorenzojhwh@drop dead assole I think you live wiih me you fag I bet you Jack off my channel you are a gay men just like you dad I will shut down one or you chanbel you very piss me off so much all time you talking about me you very gay faggot me I know On YT
Synnek1 6 ore fa
U LIKE Getting "POUNDED" LOL! >;-)
I am a man without mythology
@lorenzojhwh i have my family thank you very much kiddo. so enjoy your iron age mythology
@IamKingOfHearts --- > in truth "you do not can have one hope to survive this nuclear WW 3 ° that is indispensable to build an new IMF ie, for regenerate himself! without me you are no more life!" "
in verità "voi non avete una sola speranza di sopravvivere a questo 3°WW nucleare che è indispensabile al FMI per rigenerare se stesso senza di me!""
IamKingOfHearts dit Parce que votre dieu est le vrai Dieu, et quiconque d'autre dieu c'est faux, correct? - REPONSE -> pas! il n'y a qu'un seul le Dieu unique YHWH. mais il ya des interprétations trop nombreux mauvais au sujet de Dieu en tant que la franc-maçonnerie talmus la charia, le satanisme, etc. etc. aussi dans chrétiens il ya trop de idées fausses à propos de Dieu. Mais, est-ce la sagesse de Dieu! puisque Dieu ne peut être connue seulement l'expérience personnelle l'amour! et non par une religion! comme Je sais Dieu, sans cesse, à chaque minute de ma vie! parce que, moi et Dieu, nous ne pouvons pas plus être séparés! mais qui est égoïste raciste cynique?
que il pourrait jamais connaître Dieu? voici pourquoi tous les rabbins qui sont tous complices du FMI? les tâtonnent complètement dans l'obscurité de Satan, comme tout le monde ils restent des sous silence dans la face à la puissance de Satan, à savoir l'Ordre mondiale et le FMI, pour leur propre destruction!
@IamKingOfHearts -> no! c'è un solo Dio unico JHWH.. ma, ci sono troppe intepretazioni sbagliate circa Dio come massoneria talmus sharia, satanismo, ecc.. ecc.. anche tra i cristiani ci sono troppe idee sbagliate circa Dio.. ma, è proprio questa la sapienza di Dio! poiché Dio si può conoscere soltanto per esperienza personale l'amore! e non attraverso una qualsiasi religione! così come io conosco Dio continuamente ogni minuto della mia vita! poiché, io e Dio noi non possiamo più essere separati! ma, chi è egoista cinico razzista? come lui potrebbe mai sapere di Dio? ecco perché tutti i rabbini che sono i complici del FMI? loro brancolano completamente nelle tenebre di satana come tutti coloro che rimangono in silenzio di fronte al potere di satana cioè il FMI- NWO per la loro stessa distruzione!
because your god is the true god and every other god is fake, correct?
I know that you only believe in your selfishness!
and that is your misfortune!
io so che tu credi soltanto nel tuo egoismo!
ed è questa la tua infelicità!
@IamKingOfHearts-I am an image of God Justice, truth, mercy, equality! in this I'm like each other believing. However, if I had not the property to destroy the barriers of space-time I would not have the ability to save Jews. Muslims etc.. that is, all those, that because of their monstrous sacred books they are men who were prisoners of a distant past. Since I am the better political of all history the human kind! So only Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem is true!.. all the rest? is shit! and yet, the fact that I can save your body? this not to say that I can save also, to your soul without your cooperation! so God is for everyone and everyone is just before God! I will continue to hit the criminals, because This is my mandate supernatural! because it is from me that born human rights and freedom of conscience! for I am the living law nature the metaphysics of Rei Unius
lorenzojhwh 2 secondi fa
Segnala spam
@IamKingOfHearts-I am an image of God Justice, truth, mercy, equality! in this I'm like each other believing. However, if I had not the property to destroy the barriers of space-time I would not have the ability to save Jews. Muslims etc.. that is, all those, that because of their monstrous sacred books they are men who were prisoners of a distant past. Since I am the better political of all history the human kind! So only Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem is true!.. all the rest? is shit! and yet, the fact that I can save your body? this not to say that I can save also, to your soul without your cooperation! so God is for everyone and everyone is just before God! I will continue to hit the criminals, because This is my mandate supernatural! because it is from me that born human rights and freedom of conscience! for I am the living law nature the metaphysics of Rei Unius
Synnek1 2 minuti fa
"Luissa" LOL! >;-)
Synnek1 3 minuti fa
That's YOU SUCKING like a PRO.! >;-)
Synnek1 10 minuti fa
@lorenzojhwh ----> REBIRTH! >;-)
DangerDave826 11 minuti fa
lorenzojhwh 17 minuti fa
@Synnek1 ---> March 7, 2012? you're dead youtube!
Synnek1 18 minuti fa
..JungleFever" LOL! >;-)
lorenzojhwh 18 minuti fa
lorenzojhwh 19 minuti fa
Synnek1 = youtube = IHateNEWLAYOUT
@IamKingOfHearts-I am an image of God Justice, truth, mercy, equality! in this I'm like each other believing. However, If I Had not the property to destroy the barriers of space-time I would not have the ability to save Jews. Muslims etc... That Is, All Those, that Because of Their monstrous sacred books They are men who were prisoners of a distant past. Since I am the better political of all history the human kind! So only Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem is true!.. all the rest? is shit! and yet, the fact that I can save your body? this not to say that I can save also, to your soul without your Cooperation! I know God is for everyone and everyone is just before God! I will continue to hit the criminals, Because This is my supernatural send! Because it is from me that born human rights and freedom of conscience! for I am the living law natures the metaphysics of Rei unius
@IamKingOfHearts ---> באמת "אתה לא צריך 1 תקווה לשרוד את זה הגרעין WWIII כלומר הכרחי לבנות: קרן המטבע החדש כלומר, עבור לחדש את עצמו בלעדי לך הם לא יותר החיים "למען האמת:" שעליך לעשות הוא לא יש תקווה אחת לשרוד זה גרעיני מלחמת העולם 3 ° כי היא הכרחית על קרן המטבע הבינלאומית עד לחדש את עצמו בלעדי ""
@IamKingOfHearts ---> gerçeği Bu hayatta kalmak için "Eğer bir umut olabilir değilsiniz nükleer WW 3 ° o vazgeçilmez olduğunu inşa etmek bir yeni IMF yani, kendini yenilemek için bensiz hiçbir daha vardır hayat! ""
Verità içinde "voi olmayan avete una sola Speranza di sopravvivere bir questo 3 ° WW nucleare che è indispensabile al FMI başına rigenerare se stesso senza di me" "
IamKingOfHearts SAID because your god is the true god and every other god is fake, correct? - ANSWER -> no! there is only one the one God YHWH. but there are too many interpretations wrong about God as Freemasonry talmus Sharia, Satanism, etc.. etc.. also in Christians there are too many misconceptions about God. But, is this the wisdom of God! since God can be known only FOR personal experience love! and not by any religion! as I know God, continually, every minute of my life! because, me and God, we can not more be separated! but who is selfish cynical racist? as he could never know God? here's why all the rabbis who are ALL accomplices of the IMF? grope them completely in the darkness of Satan, as anyone of they remain in silence in the face at the power of Satan, namely the IMF-World Order, for their own destruction!
IamKingOfHearts SAID The bible is pure evil. It rivals the quran - ANSWER-> I do not like throwing the child together at the bath water! Also if the Koran was entirely dictated by Satan? I unius Rei I can purify it! as also the Old Testament that the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem they corrupt at the time of its composition to have been Thus, at this way curse Israel so powerful and allow the apostasy of 'Judaism! Some months ago I have seen as a Satanist she took a pole of wood of a diameter of 15 cm in her vagina she had helped her in this monstrosity from another women Satanist! Who could do such a thing if you is not afraid to finish, too as a human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? Who has allowed that Satanism happen? if the IMF ie the rabbis kakam Pharisees not will? like this I've seen several Satanists women impaled! and one had been put on the fire impaled by an skewer for calves
lorenzojhwh (9 ore fa)
Hitler hated jews more than anything because of the IMF! Hitler hated Jesus and God. Because he make the esoteric rituals of the Kabbalah! Rothschild You are a wretched person if you want do pass me as to someone who believes, in "conspiracy theories". because The Seigniorage banking it's worse every theory of conspiracy as the Constitution he said that we are the slaves of Rothschild for to pay to him the our money at interest? But, I did not hurry! when I am past my blade with infallible above you? So will your children to come from me, because my righteousness it does not offend my love as sure as I have love for everyone!
@IamKingOfHearts-I am an image of God Justice, truth, mercy, equality! in this I'm like each other believing. However, if I had not the property to destroy the barriers of space-time I would not have the ability to save Jews. Muslims etc.. that is, all those, that because of their monstrous sacred books they are men who were prisoners of a distant past. Since I am the better political of all history the human kind! So only Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem is true!.. all the rest? is shit! and yet, the fact that I can save your body? this not to say that I can save also, to your soul without your cooperation! so God is for everyone and everyone is just before God! I will continue to hit the criminals, because This is my mandate supernatural! because it is from me that born human rights and freedom of conscience! for I am the living law nature the metaphysics of Rei Unius
lorenzojhwh (18 minuti fa)
@Synnek1 ---> March 7, 2012?
you're dead youtube!
@IamKingOfHearts ---> in truth "Can not you do have one hope to survive this nuclear WWIII that is indispensable to build an new IMF ie, for regenerate himself! Without me you are not more life! ""
in truth "you do not have one hope to survive this nuclear WW 3 ° that is indispensable to the IMF to regenerate himself without me!" "
IamKingOfHearts SAID because your god is the true god and every other god is fake, correct? - ANSWER -> no! there is only one the one God YHWH. but there are too many interpretations wrong about God as Freemasonry talmus Sharia, Satanism, etc.. etc.. also in Christians there are too many misconceptions about God. But, is this the wisdom of God! since God can be known only FOR personal experience love! and not by any religion! as I know God, continually, every minute of my life! because, me and God, we can not more be separated! but who is selfish cynical racist? as he could never know God? here's why all the rabbis who are ALL accomplices of the IMF? grope them completely in the darkness of Satan, as anyone of they remain in silence in the face at the power of Satan, namely the IMF-World Order, for their own destruction!
IamKingOfHearts SAID The bible is pure evil. It rivals the quran - ANSWER-> I do not like throwing the child together at the bath water! Also if the Koran was entirely dictated by Satan? I unius Rei I can purify it! as also the Old Testament that the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem they corrupt at the time of its composition to have been Thus, at this way curse Israel so powerful and allow the apostasy of 'Judaism! Some months ago I have seen as a Satanist she took a pole of wood of a diameter of 15 cm in her vagina she had helped her in this monstrosity from another women Satanist! Who could do such a thing if you is not afraid to finish, too as a human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? Who has allowed that Satanism happen? if the IMF ie the rabbis kakam Pharisees not will? like this I've seen several Satanists women impaled! and one had been put on the fire impaled by an skewer for calves
lorenzojhwh (9 ore fa)
Hitler hated jews more than anything because of the IMF! Hitler hated Jesus and God. Because he make the esoteric rituals of the Kabbalah! Rothschild You are a wretched person if you want do pass me as to someone who believes, in "conspiracy theories". because The Seigniorage banking it's worse every theory of conspiracy as the Constitution he said that we are the slaves of Rothschild for to pay to him the our money at interest? But, I did not hurry! when I am past my blade with infallible above you? So will your children to come from me, because my righteousness it does not offend my love as sure as I have love for everyone!
@youtube -> how do I subscribe to the other channels? if, I have passed my limit of being able to do the "subscriptions"? in fact I have a whole list full of Satanists that I have killed and that I am not able to remove, ie all this dead!! so and I can not give my friendship to anyone when you spend at the new [graphic setting March 7, 2012.] here's why I am forced by you for that date I will be compelled to kill you too! Now you can send one your monkey specialist as "123SERIO", "IHateNEWLAYOUT IE always the same Synnek1" to clean up the list of all my subscriptions dead?? thank you! my happiness? and that you're an atheist, of Satanist for IMF- NWO Rothschild's son! have taken the "microchip" too?
IamKingOfHearts (31 minutes ago) said Hitler was a catholic by the way... oh course DNA testing revealed he has the genes of the people he hated the most in a ironic twist. Oh and stalin killed poeple for political reasons - answer - do not be afraid to write on my page I'm not bad! 1. Hitler was a Catholic? just like Rochefeller! lol. fact he has killed thousands of Christians and blackmailed also the Pope! Stalin and Mao killed all Christians and not for reasons politic but for ideological reasons because the communists and the Nazis they are the sons of the synagogue of Satan, which is the IMF-World Order! who is under the power of Satan? He does not see the next Holocaust!