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KGB dont exist

PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

Don Spilman 2 days ago

Ol pootie is really on a roll now that he is emperor for life! Stealing information from everyone, like china has been doing for decades! Threatening everyone on the planet moving his massive military around setting something up even as we speak! He is not a good man!

George Parker Don Spilman  

Former KGB, what do you expect. We are all products of our experience and training.

Alex Peshansky George Parker  

And they say that there's no such thing as former KGB.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 George Parker a day ago

your CIA 666 coronavirus cannibal exist
KGB dont exist

442rocketdave Don Spilman 4 hours ago

Yep the son of the Devil is up to NO GOOD and although Russia is a threat they are a meager threat compared to China but together we are living in a dangerous world especially with our own home grown IDIOT terrorist BLM and ANTIFA both are terrorist organizations. We are having murders in our area and they are against white people and its getting out of control but no press coverage just our Sheriff and all of my ex police buddies we keep informed its getting very dangerous right now.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 442rocketdave an hour ago

yes, my friend, you said it right, you are truly a very brave troll, Biden really is son of the Devil, like you said! yeaaahh, Media Network satellite Internet TV lgbtq NWO FED IMF ECB UE UN are the masters of every monopoly: and slander Russia all the time ..
you don't be the stupid chicken, who eats their poisoned baby food!
sono i padroni di ogni monopolio:
e calunniano la Russia e la Cina tutto il tempo.. tu non essere il pollo stupido, che si mangia la loro pappina avvelenata!,,

Don Spilman 442rocketdave 3 hours ago

Wow Dave, thats pretty concerning, I don’t know where you are but I haven’t heard anything yet in my area, fully expecting it though. I listen to and X cop three or four times a week, who still has some contacts he has interesting stuff! We whites will have to start shooting back but you and I know the godless freaks of msm will jump in with both feet then! Oh well let the civil war begin!!!!!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman an hour ago

Sukker Don 666 Spilman SAID "Oh well let the civil war begin !!!!!"
it seems only right that your cannibal pedophile BIDEN, he goes to shoot in Nancy Pelosi's knickers, instead of going to harass the children!
about the civil war: which is so much needed: it is what the lgbtq must do against the antifa: the swamp.

Don 666 Spilman SAID "Oh well let the civil war begin!!!!!"
mi sembra giusto che il tuo pedofilo cannibale BIDEN, lui vada a sparare nei mutandoni di Nancy Pelosi, invece di andare a molestare i bambini!
circa la guerra civile: di cui c'é tanto bisogno: è quella che gli lgbtq devono fare contro gli antifa: la palude.



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman a day ago edited

Don 666 Spilman
and if it were us, the bad ones?
The good of God is Holy, pure, undefiled, & righteous.
you are not!



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masseur1950 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a day ago

Anybody who likes and follow biden and wants him for president is the MOST IRRESPONSIBLE hypocrite.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 masseur1950 a day ago

why did OBAMA reward them by transferring all our industries to China?
now all wahhabites will be exterminated all and ISLAM (the light in darkness) will disappear from this planet

perché OBAMA li ha premiati trasferendo tutte le nostre industrie in Cina?
ora tutti i wahhabiti saranno sterminati tutti e l'ISLAM (la luce nelle tenebre) sparirà da questo pianeta



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442rocketdave 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 hours ago

You need some SERIOUS!!!! MEDICATION and maybe commitment to the nearest mental hospital.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 442rocketdave 44 minutes ago

Jesus answered him: «If I have spoken badly, show me where the evil is; but if I have spoken well, why do you strike me? » John 18.19-23.



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Don Spilman 442rocketdave 3 hours ago

I tuned the poor thing out months ago. Just block the pathetic soul. I don’t know why WIN allows the sad creatures weird ramblings.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman 42 minutes ago

Gli rispose Gesù: «Se ho parlato male, dimostrami dov'è il male; ma se ho parlato bene, perché mi percuoti?». Giovanni 18,19-23.

do you know that if you block me?
Satan will make you eat the rat poison

tu lo sai bene che se tu mi blocchi?
Satana ti farà mangiare il veleno dei topi



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442rocketdave 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 hours ago

So says the idiot and hypocrite!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 442rocketdave an hour ago

yes, my friend: Don 666 Spilman 322 SCRUM is a total scum
he is the leader of 40 CIA trolls here



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David Rice a day ago

i wouldn't put it pass the demorats giving the research to Russia like they did uranium.


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alpcns . a day ago edited

Most countries spy on each other - this is not news. What IS news is the proven lie that "the Russians" stole the DNC data for the 2016 election. Not only that was technically impossible (due to the transfer speed detected) but, even more damning, the official reports (FBI, and others, including the ones hired by the DNC) say (under oath) otherwise.

It was an "inside job". And Seth Rich was Hillaried for it.


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julea bacall a day ago

Never should a vaccine for anything, especially a pandemic, be patented or 'sold'. I hope every country is given or steals any successful vaccine for Covid 19. I had childhood polio and am so glad Salk was Ethical enough to say No to any patenting of his vaccine. It must be free to everyone or go ahead and take it to save this world.


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Don Spilman julea bacall 3 hours ago

But that won’t serve the purpose of “the rich men of the earth” Psalms 2! How can the nast vile Gates become the first quadrillionair? Poor fella!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman 32 minutes ago

you see that your "1 Guest Vote" CIA ghost troll employee continues to put negative marks on me: this could turn me out of control, here

vedi che un tuo dipendente CIA fantasma troll di "1 Guest Vote " mi continua a mettere i voti negativi: e questo potrebbe trasformarmi una potenza fuori controllo, quì



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 julea bacall a day ago

CIA always slanders Russia .. don't believe in CIA 666 Deep State
1 1



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Dan Carlisle a day ago edited

If the west really care Like Bill Gates says why not share it. Of course Bill is the guy that says we have billions to many people on the planet and wants to stab chemicals into all of us, but not them you can bet.
2 1


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Dan Carlisle 37 minutes ago

Bill Gates has said publicly that he must kill a billion people with vaccines!



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Don Spilman Dan Carlisle 3 hours ago

Yup the Georgia guide stones are there for a purpose! !


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman 39 minutes ago edited

Bill Gates & the Georgia guide stones is your 666 purpose NWO



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Alex Peshansky 10 hours ago

What else would you expect from a country whose supreme leader publicly, on national TV, bragged that they don't need research "let them develop it, and we will grab (tsap-tsarap in Russian) it".


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Don Spilman Alex Peshansky 3 hours ago

Ol pootie is emperor for life now don’t you know!


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thewizardofaz a day ago

I hope the Russians get the "un-fermented" batches.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 thewizardofaz a day ago

what did you do, for the Rothschild theft of the scam banking seigniorage, Deep STATE coup, regime bilderberg and high constitutional betrayal?
China and Russia from all this evil are only defending themselves: from the NWO FED IMD coorporations

cosa hai fatto
per il furto Rothschild del signoraggio bancario
golpe Deep STATE
e alto tradimento costituzionale?
Cina e Russia si stanno soltanto difendendo: dal NWO FED IMD coorporations



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442rocketdave 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 hours ago

Take your tin foil hat off and go back to your XBOX or PLAYSTATION and ask your mommie for some cookies and milk.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 442rocketdave 11 minutes ago

Jesus answered him: «If I have spoken badly, show me where the evil is; but if I have spoken well, why do you strike me? »John 18,19-23.
you are only a goyim slave talmud animal with a humanoid form.
why, you don't study the scientist Giacinto Auriti?

Gli rispose Gesù: «Se ho parlato male, dimostrami dov'è il male; ma se ho parlato bene, perché mi percuoti?».Giovanni 18,19-23.
tu sei soltanto un animale talmud schiavo goyim dalla forma umanoide.
perché, tu non studi lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti



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Don Spilman 442rocketdave 3 hours ago edited

LOL, I blocked the bubble brain but I have to admit I enjoy your comments to the pathetic critter!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman 12 minutes ago edited

club 666 lizards
troll CIA zombies agenda



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David 3 days ago

Given there is no pandemic, I find it highly acceptable that someone resists them. Also, if this was a pandemic as they claim, should not such research be public domain? Guess not, so then its all about the Benjamin's now isn't it?


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Natural Branch 🌿 a day ago

I don't understand. Why is research to find a cure for a pandemic, a secret?
1 1


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Avi Haaetz a day ago

NO HARM done by stealing something which does not work anyway.
1 1


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Dorrie_ a day ago edited

I wonder what is being done about the theft!
1 1


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Dorrie_ Dorrie_ a day ago

So some fool gives me a thumbs down for asking a valid question! LOL!! Fools are aplenty on these threads!!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Dorrie_ a day ago

what did you do, for the Rothschild theft of the scam banking seigniorage
Deep STATE coup, regime bilderberg and high constitutional betrayal?
China and Russia from all this evil are only defending themselves: from the NWO FED IMD coorporations



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George Parker a day ago

The ridiculous thing is that we will share any vaccine breakthrough with the world. A pandemic can only be controlled if EVERYONE fights it. I appreciate ground breaking methods and unprecedented levels of research throw up findings useful in other fields. But the damage done by stealing secrets negates future good will, which is priceless.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 George Parker a day ago

CIA always slanders Russia ..
don't believe in CIA 666 Deep State
they hate also Donald TRUMP



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Neil a day ago

Russia, China, all mooslime countries and all communist/socialist including the EU morons, are trying to steal the free countries virus vacillating information because they are too damn stupid to make them their selves!
The USA and Israel should refuse the vaccine to all those demonic scumbags!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Neil a day ago

why did OBAMA reward them by transferring all our industries to China?
now all wahhabites will be exterminated all and ISLAM (the light in darkness) will disappear from this planet



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Neil 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 17 hours ago

They are all communist, and all mooslimes are satan worshippers! Islam is a satanic cult!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Neil 4 minutes ago

dirty and impure kafir, why don't you want to become a dhimmis slave?
"Islam is the light in the darkness"
also because in hell they didn't pay the bill

sporco e impuro kafir, perché non vuoi diventare uno schiavo dhimmis?
"Islam è la luce nelle tenebre"
anche perché all'inferno non hanno pagato la bolletta



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago

Lampedusa: decine di immigrati fuggono da quarantena e vagano per l’isola – VIDEO
Luglio 17, 2020
Arriva la tassa sul morto per mantenere gli immigrati in hotel
Luglio 17, 2020
Luglio 17, 2020
Immigrati infetti in fuga per l’Italia, a centinaia via da quarantena: “E’ facile scappare”
Luglio 17, 2020
La Croce Rossa guadagna milioni con gli immigrati infetti
Luglio 17, 2020
Danno ai contribuenti di 90 milioni di euro, indagati Raggi e Zingaretti
Luglio 17, 2020
Governo svuota Lampedusa: trasferimenti segreti in resort di tutta Italia
Luglio 17, 2020
Carabinieri presi a morsi da branco immigrati
Luglio 17, 2020
Fregatura Fund: l’Italia riavrà i suoi soldi solo se taglia le pensioni


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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 3 days ago

eih ROTHSCHILD quando è stata l'ultima volta, che tu ti sei messo sotto un toro a succhiare? ] [ è vero che io sono IMMORTALE: ma perché, io mi devo prendere il tuo vaccino alle nano particelle di: tungsteno, uranio, alluminio, acciaio, ecc..?
io voglio soltanto il vaccino russo: "quello made in Russia "


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago

Hagia Sophia: Religious and political leaders are missing their own chances to right historical wrongs https://www middleeastmonitor com/20200713-hagia-sophia-religious-and-political-leaders-are-missing-their-own-chances- to-right-wrongs-historical /
Apparently Pope Francis (but only apparently, because Allah uuh Akbar died to all the infidels he has already decided to convert to ISLAM: the light where the darkness is. The truth where the error exists, etc ... we are a legion of demons allah: we do not forget, we do not forgive, etc .. every resistance is futile, etc .. because there is only one Allah and then, there is only one planet then it is cursed who was born Chinese, etc. etc. .. but he was not born a Muslim, because all the kafirs are impure and dirty and stink), the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is "very distressed" by the decision to bring the Hagia Sophia Byzantine era back to a mosque; it has been a museum since 1934. It made its disappointing failure point of view known in the latest edition of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.
but after the Byzantines were all beheaded and raped: they went to the cemetery and said:
"you want to sell us Hagia Sophia"
and this was written in the Koran, all the corpses said .. said nothing ..
but, as the saying goes: "whoever keeps silent agrees!"


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago

Satan and Allah said: "Israel or Turkey: which one is the real democracy? "
https://www middleeastmonitor com/20200716-israel-or-turkey-which-one-is-the-real-democracy/
the question is difficult, very complicated and complex
but let's see .. let me think ..
but, it was not Erdogan ISIS "Muslim brothers", Wahhabis, Iranians, OCI, Hamas, etc .. who were saying:
"we don't want democracy, we just want sharia"

la domanda è difficile, molto complicata e complessa
ma vediamo un po .. lasciami riflettere..
ma, non era Erdogan ISIS "fratelli musulmani", wahhabiti, iraniani, OCI, Hamas, etc.. che andavano dicendo:
"noi non vogliomo democrazia, noi vogliono soltanto sharia"



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Am Y'Ishroel Chai 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago

La sua Mona e fai putana tsingara.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai a minute ago

dirty and impure kafir, why don't you want to become a dhimmis slave?
"Islam is the light in the darkness"
also because in hell they didn't pay the bill



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Don Spilman Am Y'Ishroel Chai 2 days ago

Am, I don’t know what you are saying to dead brain but I know it’s good!!!!! I just don’t know how you have the patience !


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Am Y'Ishroel Chai Don Spilman 2 days ago

It means your mother is a gypsy pro in Italian.
They dislike gypsies with a passion.


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Don Spilman Am Y'Ishroel Chai 2 days ago



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman a day ago

you are so the dregs of hell, the dregs of a coward, that you only go wrong saying my back
but you don't have the courage to face me!

sei così la feccia dell'inferno, la feccia di un codardo, che tu vai a dire male alle mie spalle soltanto
ma non hai il coraggio di affrontarmi!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai a day ago

gypsies are 80% parassite e criminal like you Cia , thieves



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman a day ago

since, your seeker should be alive, then,
because you are so terrified to give up facing: any speech against me?

dato che, il tuo cercello dovrebbe essere vivo, poi,
perché tu sei così terrorizzato da rinunciare ad affrontare: un qualsiasi discorso contro di me?



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai 2 days ago

i am Tzar not tzingara
i am male not female..
when will I send you to cry from Allah-Satan?
he will hurt you!



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 3 days ago

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grishko said that relations between Moscow and Turkey are based on solid foundations.
ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah
Putin has just passed Erdogan's cursed match in the hands of the Merkels, etc. and remains to watch,
to see in whose hands: this cursed match will go out!
ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah
Il vice ministro degli Esteri russo, Alexander Grishko, ha affermato che le relazioni tra Mosca e la Turchia si basano su solide basi.
ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah
Putin ha soltanto passato il cerino maledetto di Erdogan nelle mani delle Merkel , ecc.. e rimane a guardare,
per vedere nelle mani di chi: questo cerino maledetto si spegnerà!
ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah, ah, ah ah ah ah, ah


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago

US foreign policy under a democratic president https: // www middleeastmonitor com / 20200717-us-foreign-policy-under-a-democratic-president / One can almost certainly predict that the victory of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will change many American equations . United States President Donald Trump has overturned American foreign policy: in many areas related to China, Europe, Iran, Syria and Palestine, as well as has negatively reversed the equations related to global trade, climate and the environment.
Muslims love Biden: because there is a good and strong understanding between Satanists and Satanisms.
but, they don't say that TRUMP will never make war against CHINA
which is precisely the goal of BIDEN !!
and war is the target of all predators as are the Muslims of the ARAB LEAGUE


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

you of the CIA? you have seen too many dirty films made by Pelosi with Hillary
and the brain was damaged
Pelosi with Hillary are 2 witches
first they got dirty with jam and then, they licked each other!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎  

Russia steals viral vaccine data from the west
it would always be good news! because our goal is to come out of this disease soon.
but, why should the Russians copy a wrong vaccine,
when have they already done the good one?
voi della CIA? avete visto troppi filmini sporchi fatti da Pelosi con Hillary
e si è danneggiato il cervello

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel