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miserabile fallito

miserabile fallito

I have been observing the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years
every 5 minutes Muslims kill an innocent Christian because of Sharia,
and 13 years ago I became the Messiah of the Jews
e: do I look like someone who wants to joke?

sono osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani da 33 anni
ogni 5 minuti i mussulmani uccidono un cristano innocente per colpa di sharia,
e 13 anni fa sono diventato il Messia degli ebrei
e: io ti sembro qualcuno che ha voglia di scherzare?


Madam Kaag is married to Anis al-Qaqa, a Fakestanian politician, so she is a muslima.
She knows exact what she is doing, she is not stupid.
She should be removed from government.
miserabile fallito

TxPepper jantje

Just to add to your comment...from Wikipedia:

"Kaag is married and has four children.[3][2] Her husband, Anis al-Qaq, is Palestinian, a deputy minister under Yasser Arafat in the 1990s, and used to be the Palestinian representative to Switzerland.[31][32] Kaag is a noted polyglot and speaks six languages: Dutch, English, French, Spanish, German and Arabic.[12][33]"


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Jose Manuel Martins Simoes 2 hours ago

Dutch cynicism ... it's normal, they do the same with countries in Europe!


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ALPEX 3 hours ago

is it not a subject for a lawsuit?


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Dean Blake an hour ago

Further legal action should be taken by individual parties hurt by the funding of the NGO. Public shaming is where to begin. Let her sue for defamation then countersue.


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Duke 2 hours ago

I can't believe Holland. Holland has always been close with Israel in many ways and I find it very disappointing they actually funded Palestinian Terror. Very disappointing and I hope Holland stops the funding immediately. Madam Kaag couldn't find a real man to marry? She chose a Muslim terrorist and if he continues to control Her and Holland, Holland will be Muslim Nation like so many European nations and bankrupt.


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DAS01 2 hours ago

Better late than never, even if the excuse for not being aware before is decidely weak or nonsense.


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bev 2 hours ago

wow it is so hard to believe that a country like Holland, which was such an honourable country during ww2 could sink so low as to support terrorists who kill jews/israelis. yes madam kaag should be ostracized and thrown out of the government immediatey


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 8 hours ago

Holland Belgium, etc ... with a very low tax levy:
they have become tax havens, which are making the poorest countries drown!
you can not make a single currency and different taxation!

Olanda Belgio, etc.. con un prelievo fiscale molto basso:
sono diventati dei paradisi fiscali, che stanno facendo affogare i Paesi più poveri!
non puoi fare una moneta unica e diversa tassazione!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 9 hours ago

CHINA Xi-Jinping, Russia Putin] [hyper super rich Jews
they are friends of Islam, and are enemies of: Russia China and Israel.
What if you think Jews shouldn't have a homeland? then, you also have no rights in the South China Sea!
not becoming a Zionist will make you fall into the world war!

CINA Xi-Jinping,

Islam genocide Jihad sharia slavery and dhimmitude is not problem for USA UE UN chinese and russian govern?
Pour en finir avec la repentance à sens unique et "l'auto-racisme" occidental !
ISLAM ISIS sharia genocide
by Kinglorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

bev 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago

this person is such a jackass and what he expresses is so stupid, obscene and factually untrue. but he keeps the lies coming----biden moderate terrorist-----why dont you just follow dementia joe and be a puppet like him to the far left exremist marxists in america


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 bev 14 minutes ago

idiot! why dont you just follow dementia joe and be a puppet like him to the far left islamic sharia jihad extremist marxists in america you too? idiot
all OCI UN Arab League is all one only sharia ISIS
there is not terrorist moderate!
IDIOT! you shouldn't be guided by satan's haste in your rash judgment .. see all the CIA troll suckers that come after you ?!

Buck Rogerss bev an hour ago



🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Buck Rogerss 9 minutes ago

miserabile fallito

Dean Blake bev an hour ago

BOT crackpot


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Dean Blake 13 minutes ago


AND LOVE SATANA? you will regret being conceived

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a day ago

I can't say that Muslims are dangerous and bad people, no, in fact they are the best of all ..
but, there is no limit to the evil that can be done to them because of the sharia genocide!

Jim 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a day ago

You are kidding, right?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim 3 minutes ago

I have been observing the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years
every 5 minutes Muslims kill an innocent Christian because of Sharia,
and 13 years ago I became the Messiah of the Jews
e: do I look like someone who wants to joke?

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel