questa è una menzogna ebraico-massonica! anche in Congo hanno più letti nelle terapie intensive di noi! Pavia, "rianimazioni piene per colpa dei No vax": malata di tumore attende da mesi di essere operata
tutti i ricchi di questo pianeta si affidano alle loro capacità/possibilità e credono in se stessi, mentre tutti i poveri di questo pianeta devono sperare in Dio!
Tuttavia la vita degli uni e degli altri dipende soltanto da me, e dall'usuraio ebreo massone Rockefeller!
tutti i dirigenti di amministrazione delle banche, Spa FED IM ECB BM NWO di questo pianeta hanno la possibilità di poter guardare l'occhio di lucifero-Saruman
Venezuela, Maduro: osservatori Ue venuti a spiare le elezioni.
che strano, Aljaksandr Lukašėnka chiese gli osservatori alle elezioni ma Soros non glieli mandò!
il mio santo prete indiano mi ha detto che i monsoni che dovevano finire a Settembre(in INDIA) stanno continuando ancora
oggi 29-11-2021, mentre in Venezuela, sono state osservate delle nubi sferiche.. l'umanità sarà punita per colpa dei massoni che hanno rubato la sovranità per darla ai Rothschild!
Ucraina: la Nato chiede alla Russia di ridurre le tensioni e di non opporsi al genocidio dei russofoni del Donbass!
Migranti, Papa Francesco: «Il Mediterraneo è un grande cimitero per colpa mia»
Bergoglio e il suo massone bilderberg non vede la disperazione estinzione e la distruzione del popolo italiano.
Come è fatto l'asteroide grosso come uno stadio che la NASA vuole deviare con una missione da fantascienza, ma il mio asteroide è come un pianeta, è spugnoso, ed è anche incandescente, Rockefeller e i suoi complici Rabbini, massoni, lgbtq, Imam? non si potranno salvare! sarà una bella pulizia dalla feccia!
come forse saprai, il Liceo “Cavour” di Torino ha pensato male di adottare sui documenti scolastici l’asterisco, in quanto preteso simbolo grafico di un inesistente genere neutro (student* al posto di “studente” o “studentessa”, ragazz* in luogo di “ragazza” o “ragazzo”). Il pretesto è, come spesso accade, la lotta alle discriminazioni, che però diventa una volta di più un cavallo di Troia per l’indottrinamento degli studenti con la nefasta ideologia gender.
L’asterisco, infatti, sembra solamente un segno grafico, ma dietro c’è molto di più: dietro c’è il tentativo di annullare il maschile e il femminile, imponendo un’antropologia come minimo controversa e su cui certamente non vi è condivisione.
Una simile forzatura è inaccettabile!
Firma e condividi la petizione per chiedere che il Ministro dell’Istruzione Bianchi intervenga contro l’uso dell’asterisco al Liceo "Cavour" di Torino!
Lorenzo, cancellare le realtà biologiche significa appiattire la mente, la cultura e l’identità dei giovani, senza alcun fine che non sia puramente ideologico. Perché il rispetto delle differenze non può passare per l’eliminazione delle differenze stesse!
Oltretutto, poi, questa iniziativa non è “solo” moralmente deprecabile, ma viola anche la Direttiva ministeriale “sulla semplificazione del linguaggio dei testi amministrativi”: che esorta la Pubblica Amministrazione a redigere qualsiasi atto in lingua italiana, scansando «effimeri fenomeni di moda» come gli sproloqui della neolingua politicamente corretta.
Per questo e per moltissimi altri e gravi motivi ti invitiamo a FIRMARE e CONDIVIDERE la petizione per chiedere al Ministro dell’Istruzione Patrizio Bianchi di intervenire contro l’adozione dell’asterisco da parte del Liceo "Cavour", evitando che l’ideologia gender venga imposta nella scuola.
La confessione della Grandi: "A sei anni quel prete mi ha molestata..."
si, la colpa sarebbe tutta di quel prete, cioè se avesse avuto la possibilità di sposarsi!
per ora: adulteri, pedofili e gli omosessuali devono condividere i loro delitti con il Vaticano!
Il terrorismo Omicron fa cilecca
Tutti i pazienti che hanno beccato la variante Omicron sudafricana erano già vaccinati: anche il dirigente dell’ENI venuto dal Mozambico è un vaccinato due volte. Cosa ci vuole di più per capire che i vaccini sono inefficaci allo scopo di immunizzare e proteggere? Che per contrastare una malattia ormai “Lieve” mettono a rischio troppe persone inoculate con effetti avversi anche …
What we’re about to tell you should NOT be taken lightly.
Our critical End-of-Month fundraising deadline is approaching and once it passes, we are just under 1 year away from the 2022 Election. In a time when Joe Biden is FAILING, we cannot come up short.
Joe Biden has OPENED our Southern Border.
Joe Biden has MANDATED COVID-19 vaccines.
Joe Biden has caused prices to SKYROCKET.
Joe Biden has FAILED as your President.
That’s why it’s so important we CRUSH our $2.5 MILLION fundraising goal. It’s the ONLY WAY President Trump can SAVE AMERICA. The Communist Democrats are engaging in yet another Witch Hunt, this time going after my Administration’s unprecedented and incredible coronavirus response, despite the fact that, sadly, more Americans have died this year from Covid than in all of 2020.
It is a Witch Hunt that’s been going on for years.
Why don’t they investigate Crooked Hillary, when so much has now been proven about her and her campaign’s lies and dealings with Russia to smear me and spy on my campaign? We must not let these unhinged Democrats discredit our great accomplishments. The Witch Hunts must end.
I can’t stress enough how important your support is right now. I need YOU to publicly STAND WITH ME against the Left.
"Per Putin, l’Europa è corrotta, criminale, pervertita, immorale, pazza e decadente" Giulio Meotti
Nov 28 Intervista a Michel Eltchaninoff, studioso franco-russo di Dostoevskij e autore di Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin, il più importante studio sulla mentalità, le letture e le idee del presidente russo. "Dall'autore dei 'Fratelli Karamazov' ai filosofi Solovyev e Berdjaev, così Putin attinge alla cultura russa per drammatizzare il suo scontro con un Occidente che ritiene in declino..."
lgbt is satanist ideology same! Serbian Commissioner for the Protection of Equality only proves that some are more “equal” than others
by Serbian Editorial
Jugoslav Kiprijanović called same-sex partnerships “unnatural, immoral and accursed”. In doing so, he merely exercised his right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. And now, it is he who is being persecuted by a faction of the Serbian government and LGBT lobbyists.
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A victory for women? Biological male crowned homecoming queen
by Marija Stajić
When a man takes the place of a woman in society, only this time and only in this moment in history it is NOT patriarchy but equity for all genders. Because liberals say so. And they know best.
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Lorenzo—Just when you think that LGBT extremists have run out of previously taboo behavior that they think should be acceptable in today’s woke culture, they come up with something new to push. The other day a transgender professor proposed that society refer to pedophiles as “minor attracted persons” in order to protect their dignity.
A professor at Old Dominion University, Allyn Wright, is a gender-confused biological woman who is taking hormones to grow a beard and appear more masculine. She also has a history of advocating for the “de-stigmatization” of pedophilia, including writing a book titled, “A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and their Pursuit Of Dignity.”
Help IOF Combat The LGBT Agenda
We can take some solace that when word of this idea reached the public via Twitter, it sparked a high degree of outrage. Naturally, most people took Wright’s comments as an attempt to normalize pedophilia. Many people called for Wright to be terminated. Old Dominion University refused to fire the professor, and she issued a statement claiming that she is not attempting to normalize pedophilia. Wright is of the view that the stigma of pedophilia is a hinderance to getting those who harbor sexual attraction to minors into treatment. She distinguishes between predators who have acted against children, and “non-offenders” who have not.
Whether Wright intends to normalize pedophilia or not, there’s little doubt that calling pedophiles “minor attracted persons” is focused on what the pedophile might want, not what society and children need – protection from pedophiles. As Spencer Lindquist wrote at The Federalist, “Pedophiles are stigmatized because pedophilia is and deserves to be accurately seen as unspeakably reprehensible. Stigmas are a way we socially communicate this reprehensibility. Any word, framing, or action that chips away at this stigma inevitably breaks down the guardrails against such evil actions.”
Support IOF Today
IOF has been at the forefront of fighting the spread of the LGBT agenda around the globe. We’ve fought to preserve true marriage – the union of one man and one woman – for the biological nature of gender, for religious liberty, for the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values and beliefs, and for the inherent dignity of every person, including the vulnerable and the unborn. Because of this, we’ve been labeled “hateful,” “bigoted,” “homophobic,” and “anti-woman.” But we are none of those things. We are proud people of faith who believe in universal values and truth and who passionately defend the family, and family values. Please help us continue to fight for the family around the globe by making a generous donation today. If you can manage it, please become a monthly donor to IOF of an amount of your choosing.
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This is not the first time that pedophilia has been pushed on society by LGBT activists. The Drag Queen Story Hour movement, founded in San Francisco but now operating in 29 states and on four continents, has regularly featured convicted sex pedophiles as presenters. The president of an LGBT group that sponsored Drag Queen Story Hour events for children in Wisconsin was arrested on seven counts of possession of child pornography. A pedophile advocacy group cited positively by Professor Wright, B4U-ACT, was founded by a convicted pedophile who served time in federal prison. Their website proudly states, “We are not advocating treatment to change sexual feelings.” And of course, who can forget the infamous North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), another depraved entity based in San Francisco, that to this day advocates for abolishing age-of-consent laws so that adult men can legally have sex with underage boys.
Help IOF Combat Depravity
There seems no end to the desires of LGBT groups to change societal norms to embrace their agenda. One demand leads to the next, which leads to the next, ad infinitum. At first, we were told that all the LGBT community wanted was tolerance. Then tolerance become a demand that marriage be redefined to accommodate the desires of same-sex couples. Then marriage was said to no longer to be confined to couples because people practicing polyamory – throuples, triads, quads, quints, etc. – demanded the right to marry. Once marriage was stripped of its essential nature as a gendered institution, then gender itself was said to no longer be governed by biology but instead determined by “identity.” Hence, we have the nonsensical situation where someone like Professor Allyn Wright refers to herself using the pronouns “they” and “them.” Now, pedophilia is being scrapped in favor of “minor attracted persons.”
What’s next in the LGBT movement? We shudder to think.
IOF is one of very few organizations that has the courage to challenge LGBT activists with their incessant demands and dangerous agenda. We are international in scope and enjoy a huge grassroots base of support. Though we have the support of the people, we do not have the support of the powerful and the elites – people like George Soros who shower LGBT groups with massive funding. Our support depends on people like you to make voluntary contributions on behalf of individuals and families. Won’t you step forward today with a one-time donation to support our work? Even better, if you are able please become a monthly donor to IOF, which gives us the stable financial foundation we need to move forward with our critical programs.
Von NAZI der Leyen Hitler-Rothschild: gli algoritmi dovrebbero monitorare sistematicamente la comunicazione tra i cittadini.
Agli ordini di Schwab da DWN , traduzione automatica Bruxelles vuole che in futuro la comunicazione dei cittadini venga monitorata sistematicamente. La Commissione europea cancella regolarmente le proprie e-mail e chat: il suo presidente è persino sfuggito a uno scandalo cancellando enormi quantità di dati. Nella Commissione Europea, tutte le e-mail vengono cancellate automaticamente dopo sei mesi, a meno che …
"Maometto ha preso il posto di Marx" Giulio Meotti
Nov 26 Le sezioni del Partito Comunista in Francia sostituite da Allah. Le strade si chiamano ancora Stalingrado, ma vige la Sharia. Ci sono più moschee che chiese. Un nuovo libro rivela questo "cambiamento di civiltà"...
Rejoice: 5 inspirational songs for Thanksgiving
How to cultivate gratitude
During the holidays, it is easy to lose perspective and forget how much God has blessed us, writes Greg Laurie. In discussing three truths that can help us focus on gratitude, we should "use our Thanksgiving tables as communion tables, providing a visual reminder of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us," Laurie encourages.
MBearing His Image Together
Bearing His Image Together
When I was a little girl, every time it snowed, my mom would remind me that no two snowflakes were precisely alike. I’m not sure to what degree this statement is true, but it instilled in me a unique sense of wonder. I can still picture myself peering through the window of my childhood living room... Read More
Video: Heaton says she's hearing God ‘loud and clear’ during pandemic downtime
Emmy Award-winning actress Patricia Heaton is excited for the holidays and says she’s gained clarity from God about life as she continues to put her faith into practice through her support of the Christian humanitarian charity World Vision. In this video interview with The Christian Post, Heaton discusses Christ, her faith, and her work as a longtime ambassador of World Vision, explaining, "There's a saying, 'Jesus died for us publicly. So don't live for Him privately.'"
Following verdict, Arbery's mother says ‘God is good’
A jury has found the three white men charged with the killing of 25-year-old unarmed African American Ahmaud Arbery guilty of murder in the highly-publicized case that has been among those at the forefront of nationwide protests for racial justice. “It’s been a long fight. It’s been a hard fight. But God is good,” Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones, said, as reported by The Associated Press.
Gifford talks 'cancel culture,' money-driven church
Kathie Lee Gifford has issued a blistering condemnation of both “cancel culture” and today's money-driven church, urging the Body of Christ to remember that the way of Jesus is one of kindness, humility and empathy. “Coming from my own position of faith, I believe we were all created in the image of God. And whether you look like me, or you look very, very different, we are still God’s children and created in His image," the former "Today" co-host and bestselling author said in an interview.
Ex-porn star encourages Christians to forgive themselves after sinning
An ex-porn star who converted to Christianity and her pastor husband shared advice on how Christians can move forward after they sin by not wallowing in self-pity and doubt but learning how to forgive themselves for their past mistakes. In their "Let's Talk Purity" podcast, Brittni De La Mora, an author and speaker, and her husband, Rev. Richard De La Mora, founder of “Love Always Ministres,” discuss asking for forgiveness, truly believing God has forgiven sinful mistakes, and remembering self-forgiveness to avoid falling into Satan's defeatist thinking.
We Move Together
We Move Together: An Advent Journey
In this four-part devotional series, we’ll be renewed and reminded that Jesus — God with us, Emmanuel — is still inviting us to be his hands and feet in the world today. Sign up today to receive the weekly Advent devotional starting on November 29th. Read More
Former Bethel leader speaks out
A former leader at Bethel Church in Redding, Calif., which is often criticized for some of its charismatic practices, has broken her silence and responded to some of the more common criticisms of the megachurch. Carrie Llyod, who was a student and teacher at Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry, addressed several criticisms leveraged at Bethel, some of which she attributed to "gossip and distant assumption."
Dallas Theological Seminary
Young man studying the Bible in the coffee shop
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That is why we created an entry-level seminary degree — Master of Biblical and Theological Studies (MBTS) — designed to go deep in God's Word. This degree gives you an overview of the entire biblical story, introduces key theological concepts, and lets you choose from dozens of electives based on your interests and calling — making seminary possible for you through our comprehensive yet customizable options.
With the 100% Fully Online option, you could complete the degree in under two years — one of the fastest ways to earn a DTS degree that will equip you for whatever God might be calling you to do.
se ammazzi un ladro in uSA? ti danno un premio, ma quì in Italia ti mettono in galera! WATCH: Trump meets with Rittenhouse, 'a really good young guy' | World Israel News “He should never have been put through that,” former President Donald Trump said of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse’s ordeal.
Last week, jurors found Rittenhouse not guilty of homicide, attempted homicide and other charges related to the August 2020 shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Trump had been defending the teen throughout the trial, saying that he was acting in self-defense.
se tu non stampi monete sovrane da 10 dollari? poi, la colpa è tua! SYDNEY, 28 NOV - Il primo ministro delle isole Salomone, Manasseh Sogavare, ha dichiarato che i disordini che hanno tenuto in scacco per oltre tre giorni l'arcipelago sono stati "orchestrati" dalle persone che vorrebbero destituirlo. "E' fin troppo chiaro che i recenti avvenimenti sono stati pianificati e orchestrati per farmi dimettere dalle mie funzioni di primo ministro per ragioni senza fondamento", ha dichiarato Sogavare in un discorso alla tv.
Premier isole Salomone, rivolte 'orchestrate contro di me'© ANSA Premier isole Salomone, rivolte 'orchestrate contro di me'
Le violente proteste, che hanno messo a ferro e fuoco parti intere della capitale Honiara, sono nate sullo sfondo della povertà e della disoccupazione, esacerbate dalla nuova politica filocinese del governo di Sogavare, che ha tagliato i ponti con Taiwan, con la quale invece la minoranza Malaita aveva legami culturali ed economici duraturi e profondi.
in Italia questo ganese poteva trovare un posto soltanto nella mafia nigeriana! E' morto a 41 anni Virgil Abloh: direttore creativo di Louis Vuitton e creatore di Off-White
non esiste nei TG italiani uno sguardo alla geopolitica, perché si devono nutrire con questa demenzialità di intrattenimento! Federico Lauri punzecchia la Lucarelli: "Vuole venire a letto con me"
cia uk 666 sPA fed ] [ io non ho perso la guerra e la dovete smettere di trattarmi come uno schiavo..
---> bloccato!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria ) PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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- io non ho perso la guerra e la dovete smettere di ...
- Premier isole Salomone
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++++++++++++ ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
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Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel

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