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Islamists in Egypt Use Rumors to Attack Christians

Non chiamatemi la Le Pen italiana
L’intervista al settimanale OGGI (9 aprile 2014)
Io e Marine Le Pen in sintonia. Difendiamo chi non ha potere
L’intervista a IL TEMPO (3 aprile 2014)
Fronte comune contro l’eurocasta
L’intervista a IL TEMPO sulla vittoria di Le Pen in Francia (25 marzo 2014)
Giusto sentire i cittadini ma non dividiamoci
L’intervista a LIBERO sul referendum in Veneto (19 marzo 2014)
Il premier è Schettino ed è commissariato dal Colle
L’intervista a IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (11 marzo 2014)
Italia spogliata della sua sovranità. Basta umiliazioni, via dall’euro
L’intervista a IL QUOTIDIANO NAZIONALE (11 marzo 2014)
Noi l’unica destra che vuole uscire dall’Europa
L’intervista a LA STAMPA (9 marzo 2014)
Gianfranco ci critica? Siamo sulla buona strada
L’intervista a LIBERO (8 marzo 2014)
Bene il richiamo ad An ma no a faide e correnti
L’intervista a IL TEMPO (28 febbraio 2014)
Messaggio diseducativo che viene dato ai giovani
L’intervista a IL MESSAGGERO sulla sentenza della Consulta sulla legge Fini-Giovanardi (13 febbraio 2014)
E’ la prova dei nostri sospetti, il Cav cacciato da poteri stranieri
L’intervista a LIBERO (11 febbraio 2014)
Lo stop al taglio delle pensioni d’oro voluto dal Pd per proteggere la Casta
L’intervista a IL TEMPO (4 febbraio 2014)
Torna An per riunificare la destra
L’intervista a Il GIORNALE (16 dicembre 2013)
Se per stare nell’euro uccidiamo il Paese è meglio andarsene
L’intervista a LIBERO (22 novembre 2013)
Pensioni e benefit: la Consulta non rispetta la Carta
L’intervista a IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (17 ottobre 2013)
Le Pen insegna, non si può più essere moderati
L’intervista a LIBERO (11 ottobre 2013)
Il futuro del centrodestra deve partire dalle primarie
L’intervista a IL GIORNALE (13 settembre 2013)
Noi vivi, sono finiti solo colonnelli e poltronisti
IL GIORNALE (13 giugno 2013)
Il Pdl ha disorientato gli elettori, Silvio non basta se dietro non c’è niente
IL MESSAGGERO (12 giugno 2013)
Rilanciamo la destra rivendicando le cose fatte.
Fratelli d’Italia ha ridato dignità a un mondo
IL MESSAGGERO (29 maggio 2013)
L’esercito dei giovani Fratelli d’Italia per ricostruire la nuova destra
IL TEMPO (24 maggio 2013)
No governissimi e uomini dello scorso millennio
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (22 aprile 2013)
Mi sono scusata. Patto tra toghe e politica
IL MESSAGGERO (21 febbraio 2013)
Riformiamo il centrodestra
Non voglio più giustificarmi per Dell’Utri e B.
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (25 gennaio 2013)
Che errore gli ex An con Alfano
LIBERO (21 novembre 2012)
Pdl, caos primarie Meloni spacca gli ex colonnelli di An
IL MESSAGGERO (21 novembre 2012)
Pdl: Il web vuole Meloni e Crosetto
L’OPINIONE (21 novembre 2012)
L’apparato non mi vuole? La base si. Ecco perchè corro alle primarie
PUBBLICO (20 novembre 2012)
Angelino è ostaggio degli apparati se vinco rottamo tutti e spazio a facce nuove
LA REPUBBLICA (20 novembre 2012)
Primarie Pdl, questione di giustizia
L’Opinione di Roma e del Lazio (15 novembre 2012)
La candidatura della Meloni spacca gli ex An
Bene il segretario ma dica no al Monti – bis
LIBERO (10 novembre 2012)
Meloni: “Rifondare il Pdl, più onestà e basta casting tv
IL SECOLO XIX (10 novembre 2o12)
Tra gli ex An resta la voglia di scissione
IL GIORNALE (9 novembre 2012)
L’inno di Mameli entra in classe
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (9 novembre 2012)
Angelino & Giorgia: Corsa in tandem per le primarie?
PANORAMA (8 novembre 2012)
Meloni: basta nominati
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (8 novembre 2012)
Il top player del centro destra nella partita della Pisana
L’OPINIONE ROMA (6 novembre)
Democrazia e merito contro l’antipolitica
GIORNALE – DOSSIER LAZIO (16 ottobre 2012)
Sondaggio Spincon: Il 40% degli elettori vuole Giorgia Meloni candidata alla presidenza della Regione Lazio (10 ottobre 2012)
Subito primarie, via i raccomandati. Ma Silvio resti allenatore
IL MATTINO (10 ottobre 2012)
Giorgia Meloni: I cittadini? Scelgono meglio dei partiti
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (9 ottobre 2012)
Il Pdl è senza bussola. Meloni “rottama” il Cav
LA DISCUSSIONE (9 ottobre 2012)
“Azzerare il partito non basta, via catapultati e condannati”
LIBERO (7 ottobre 2012)
Ansaldo, la cordata italiana fa volare il titolo Finmeccanica
IL SECOLO XIX (2 ottobre 2012)
Sentenza contro il buonsenso
IL GIORNALE (27 settembre 2012)
Ora cambio di marcia per tornare a vincere
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (27 settembre 2012)
Meloni: Il male è la cooptazione anche Silvio faccia le primarie
LA STAMPA (26 settembre 2012)
I candidati del dopo Polverini
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (25 settembre 2012)
Un partito allo sbando e Alemanno gioca le sue carte
EUROPA (25 settembre 2012)
Ripartire da zero
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (24 settembre 2012)
Presa a martellate la targa commemorativa di Di Nella
LA REPUBBLICA (19 settembre 2012)
Villa Chigi in frantumi la targa per Di Nella
IL MESSAGGERO (19 settembre 2012)
Presa a martellate la lapide in ricordo di Paolo Di Nella
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (19 settembre 2012)
Polverini minaccia ma resta. L’io diviso di Gasparri e La Russa
PUBBLICO (18 settembre 2012)
Meloni scatenata, Angelino regge. Ma il protagonista è Fiorito
IL TEMPO (17 settembre 2012)
Alfano salva Silvio dalle primarie
IL TEMPO (17 settembre 2012)
“Con il Cavaliere in campo servono soltanto le primarie delle idee”
IL GIORNALE (17 settembre)
Ultima battaglia Polverini – Pd. Cancellieri: “Colpire i disonesti”
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (17 settembre 2012)
Gli accusati replicano: E’ un cialtrone, va cacciato dal partito
IL TEMPO (16 settembre 2012)
“Comunicazioni urgenti”. Polverini choc alla Pisapia
IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA ROMA (16 settembre 2012)
Meloni al contrattacco: Solo fango da un disonesto
IL MESSAGGERO (16 settembre 2012)
Il presidente esca dal fortino. Luca? Alle primarie non lo voterei
LIBERO (16 settembre 2012)
Berlusconi bidona i giovani del Pdl
IL SECOLO XIX (15 settembre 2012)
Berlusconi diserta Atreju e spacca il Pdl. Delusione tra i militanti
IL TEMPO (15 settembre 2012)
Berlusconi “bibblico”. “E’ tempo di riflettere”
“Troppa confusione, è ora di riflettere”. Berlusconi resta muto
LA STAMPA (15 settembre 2012)
Atreju, la Fornero non fa colpo: Che freddezza
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (13 settembre 2012)
Monti-bis, Meloni: devono decidere gli italiani (11 settembre 2012)
Governo, Meloni: Per un Monti bis serve giudizio degli elettori (9 settembre 2012)
Pdl, Meloni: Atreju grande momento di protagonismo giovanile (6 settembre 2012)
Tutto pronto per Atreju
Il Popolo della Libertà punta sempre su di lui
LA REPUBBLICA (5 settembre 2012)
Meloni: Ora il Governo tagli le pensioni d’oro
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (29 agosto 2012)
Pdl ed ex An vogliono contare di più
ITALIA OGGI (25 agosto 2012)
Il rilancio di Monti: 80 nuove semplificazioni
AVVENIRE (22 agosto 2012)
La scissione dal Pdl la fanno gli amici di Monti
LIBERO (14 agosto 2012)
Anche il Pdl vuole una Commissione
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO (8 agosto 2012)
Castrum 2012: Incontro con Cesare Giardina e Federico Iadicicco (29 luglio 2012)
Duecento giovani radunati per l’Italia Castrum, ospite d’onore l’ex ministro Giorgia Meloni (28 luglio 2012)
Presidenzialismo, c’è il primo si. E il Pd va in tilt
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (25 luglio 2012)
Monti ci spinge nella recessione più grave dal ’45
LA GAZZETTA DI PARMA (22 luglio 2012)
Dedalo, Giorgia Meloni: Il Pdl affronti le nuove sfide con criterio e raziocinio (21 luglio 2012)
Verità nascosta. La chiede il Pdl
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (21 luglio 2012)
Un fiume di fiaccole per ricordare Paolo
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (21 luglio 2012)
I giovani di Dedalo: Vigileremo sulle regole
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (21 luglio 2012)
Dedalo, i Giorgia Meloni boys contro Forza Italia (20 luglio 2012)
Il Cav vincerebbe le primarie. Ma la partita sarebbe aperta
L’OPINIONE (20 luglio 2012)
Vent’anni dopo la strage di via D’Amelio
LAB (20 luglio 2012)
Rottamatori e rottamati: Nel Pdl è lotta per la sopravivvenza
Pdl, Meloni boccia Berlusconi candidato premier: Meglio come allenatore (18 luglio 2012)
Ex An: Berlusconi dovrebbe scegliere le primarie (18 luglio 2012)
Meloni: Nel Pdl servono le primarie (18 LUGLIO 2012)
Gli ex An restano sul piede di guerra
Il Tempo (18 luglio 2012)
LA REPUBBLICA (18 luglio 2012)
Ma qual’è la colpa degli ex An?
LA VOCE REPUBBLICANA (18 luglio 2012)
Video – servizio Tg3 sul ritorno a Forza Italia
TG3 (16 luglio 2012)
“Silvio lo preferisco come allenatore e poi sotto quel nome io non ci vado
LA REPUBBLICA (17 luglio 2012)
Forza Italia, ex An in rivolta. Berlusconi frena: frainteso
IL MESSAGGERO (17 luglio 2012)
Su Forza Italia Berlusconi frena
LA STAMPA (17 luglio 2012)
La rivolta degli ex An frena Berlusconi. C’è chi giura: Non punta al Governo
NAZIONE – CARLINO – GIORNO (17 luglio 2012)
Da Pdl a Fli gli ex An insorgono. Silvio ci ripensa
IL MATTINO (17 luglio 2012)
Video – Tg La7, servizio sulla rinascita di Forza Italia
LA7 (16 luglio 2012)
Cronache dall’Istituto Luce
IL TEMPO (16 luglio 2012)
La stategia del nuovo Silvio: il programma si fa su internet
IL GIORNALE (16 luglio 2012)
Alfano scarica la Minetti: Deve lasciare
IL GIORNALE (16 luglio 2012)
Alfano, mossa disperata: Via Minetti e le veline
L’UNITA’ (16 luglio 2012)
La sinistra ci prova: Colpa del Cav
LIBERO (14 luglio 2012)
Berlusconi si rimette in forma e come vice spunta la Meloni
LA DISCUSSIONE (13 luglio 2012)
La provincia di Roma chiuderà ma si fa un palazzo da 263 milioni
LIBERO (12 luglio 2012)
Il centrodestra va all’attacco: “Spreco di denaro pubblico”
IL MESSAGGERO (12 luglio 2012)
Le banche boicottano i precari e ignorano i mutui agevolati
L’OPINIONE (10 luglio 2012)
Grande coalizione, tanti dubbi nel Pdl
L’OPINIONE (10 luglio 2012)
Meloni tuona: Preferenze e bipolarismo per vincere (9 luglio 2012)
Meloni: Grande alleanza idea fantasiosa, no ad alchimie di Palazzo (9 luglio 2012)
Riforme, lite sulle preferenze Casini le vuole. Pd: indisponibili
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (9 luglio 2012)
Uno Mattina Estate su politica e legge elettorale
RAI UNO (5 luglio 2012)
Rispunta la grande coalizione. E viene subito archiviata
IL SECOLO (5 luglio 2012)
Le mosse del centrodestra
IL GIORNALE (25 giugno 2012)
Silvio faccia l’allenatore
IL TEMPO (24 giugno 2012)
Pdl , Alfano frena su Berlusconi: Solo forzature
IL MATTINO (24 giugno 2012)
Il Pdl frena Berlusconi: Avanti con Alfano
LA REPUBBLICA (24 giugno 2012)
Berlusconi, Alfano frena: Se scende in campo lo dirà
IL MESSAGGERO (24 giugno 2012)
Gli ex An attaccano Silvio sulle quote rosa: Militanti, non veline
L’UNITA’ (24 giugno 2012)
Silvio in campo? Se è vero lo dirà lui
AVVENIRE (24 giugno 2012)
I colonnelli anti –  Cav
LIBERO (24 giugno 2012)
Berlusconi faccia l’allenatore (23 giugno 2012)
Alfano cerca altri sfidanti di peso per vincere le primarie da leader
IL GIORNALE (18 giugno 2012)
Catanoso: Bel segnale da Giorgia Meloni, auguri a Perissa e Spampinato (16 giugno 2012)
Giorgia Meloni dice addio alla Giovane Italia (16 giugno 2012)
Giorgia Meloni: Lascio la presidenza della Giovane Italia (15 giugno 2012)
La Meloni a 35 si rottama: Io vecchia per la Giovane Italia (15 giugno 2012)
Acea, Meloni: Bersani stravolge realtà, prenda prpvvedimenti
Alfano: Primarie entro l’autunno e programma fatto con la gente
IL GIORNALE (9 giugno 2012)
Il Pdl: Candidato premier scelto dagli elettori
La REBUBBLICA (9 giugno 2012)
La domanda del secolo: rifare An?
L’UNITA’ (9 giugno 2012)
Pdl, Meloni: Svolta entro giugno o siamo pronti a rifare la destra (8 giugno 2012)
Svolta entro giugno o siamo pronti a rifare la destra
IL MESSAGGERO (8 giugno 2012)
La destra ideale è fatta di popolo e progetti, non certo di parole e leader
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (8 giugno 2012)
Pdl: Meloni, A qualcuno il progetto non piace più? Vada pure (7 giugno 2012)
Pdl, Meloni: Partito non è morto. Ha 38 di febbre ma si può salvare (7 giugno 2012)
Un giorno da pecora – il podcast
RADIO 2 (7 giugno 2012)
Veneziani: La destra ricominci dai migliori
IL SECOLO (05 giugno 2012)
Scarcerati i due marò. E Monti ci mette il cappello
LIBERO (03 giugno 2012)
“Le falangi degli ex An ci conquisteranno”
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (03 giugno 2012)
Zerocedario: le istruzioni per ricominciare da capo
L’OPINIONE (29 maggio 2012)
Giorgia Meloni: Sistema oligarchico arduo da abbattere
LA STAMPA (28 maggio 2012)
Intervista a Giorgia Meloni: Abbiamo i valori per battere l’antipolitica
IL GIORNALE (28 maggio 2012)
“Dimettetevi il partito ha fallito”
REPUBBLICA (27 maggio 2012)
I giovani ex An chiedono di più: Via veline ed indagati dal partito
LIBERO (27 maggio 2012)
“Ripartire da zero” il Pdl si lecca le ferite: “Risposte agli elettori oppure spariremo
LA NAZIONE (27 maggio 2012)
Il Cavaliere alle prese con lo scontro interno
LA DISCUSSIONE (27 maggio 2012)
Primarie per entrare in lista
IL TEMPO (27 maggio 2012)
Arriva la carica degli “azzeratori”: così rifondiamo il Pdl
IL GIORNALE (27 maggio 2012)
L’ex ministro Giorgia Meloni inizia per “Ripartire da zero”
LA DISCUSSIONE (26 maggio 2012)
Il presidenzialismo piace a tutti. Ex An e forzisti siglano la tregua
LIBERO (26 maggio 2012)
E intanto il Pdl torna a cercare voti in mezzo alla gente
IL TEMPO (26 maggio 2012)
Pdl, i seniores sfidano i giovani: meritiamo rispetto
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (26 maggio 2012)
Interrogazione alla Camera (24 maggio 2012)
Caso Vattani, da 24 parlamentari interrogazione a Terzi, Meloni prima firmataria (24 maggio 2012)
La storia della destra non si tocca
IL SECOLO DI’ITALIA (24 maggio 2012)
Contro le tasse di Mario è astensione di massa
LA PADANIA (22 maggio 2012)
Pdl sotto shock: Adesso si cambia
LA REPUBLICA (22 maggio 2012)
Il Pdl è tentato dalla scissione: un gruppo autonomo anti Prof
IL GIORNALE (17 maggio 2012)
E la destra italiana gioisce del tracollo una “vendetta” per le beffe a Berlusconi
LA REPUBBLICA (15 maggio 2012)
Meglio scegliere che essere scelti
RINASCITA (15 maggio 2012)
Nel Pdl gli ex An nel mirino: “Ma non ci faremo cacciare”
IL GIORNALE (15 maggio 2012)
Riprendiamoci i giovani valorizzando i loro talenti
L’UNIONE SARDA (13 maggio 2012)
Verso il Porcellum “corretto”
IL SOLE 24ORE (12 maggio 2012)
Il Pdl si spacca sulla Legge Elettorale
“Beppe si batte con le preferenze”
LIBERO (11 maggio 2012)
Legge elettorale, il Pdl frena sul doppio turno. Torna il Porcellum ritoccato (10 maggio 2012)
Elezioni, arriva la proposta del Pdl. Cambiamo il Porcellum in una settimana (10 maggio 2012)
Riforma elettorale caos, litigi e veti incrociati
A una fetta del Pdl piace il Porcellum corretto (10 maggio 2012)
Legge elettorale, si torna ai veti incrociati
AVVENIRE (10 maggio 2012)
Legge elettarale, torna il caos
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (10 maggio 2012)
Nel Pdl è scontro “generazionale” sulle preferenze
LA DISCUSSIONE (10 maggio 2012)
Legge elettorale, il Pdl causa lo stallo: ora si rischia di votare col Porcellum
EUROPA (10 maggio 2012)
I deputati azzurri: voto di preferenza e premio al Senato
IL GIORNALE (10 maggio 2012)
Appoggio a Monti, caos nel Pdl
IL SOLE 24 ORE (10 maggio 2012)
Porcellum con preferenze per salvare il bipolarismo
L’OPINIONE (10 maggio 2012)
Il proporzionale non passerà: la rivolta di Meloni e c.
PANORAMA (10 maggio 2012)
Pdl spaccato, a rischio la riforma elettorale
L’UNITA’ (10 maggio 2012)
TG1: servizio del 9 maggio sulla conferenza stampa di presentazione modifica L. elettorale
L. elettorale, Proposta Pdl “correggi Porcellum: ok preferenze (9 maggio 2012)
L. elettorale: Meloni – Crosetto, Berlusconi non propende per doppio turno (9 maggio 2012)
Oggi la proposta Meloni e C per una nuova legge elettorale
IL SECOLO (9 maggio 2012)
Modello tedesco addio, Pdl e Pd ora trattano sul doppio turno
IL SOLE 24ORE (9 maggio 2012)
Legge elettorale, dietrofront. Finisce la tregua fra Pdl e Pd
Legge elettorale, il Pdl ora rispolvera il doppio turno
AVVENIRE (9 maggio 2012)
L. elettorale: Meloni (Pdl), domani proposta modifica a difesa del bipolarismo (8 maggio 2012)
Lavoro, Fornero chiede un “cambio di mentalità”
AVVENIRE (8 maggio 2012)
La prof Fornero boccia i ragazzi: “Studiano poco”
IL GIORNALE (8 maggio 2012)
Ma i giovani sanno troppo poco? I voti di Fornero dividono
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (8 maggio 2012)
Una lezione per la destra: se è divisa vince la sinistra
IL GIORNALE (7 maggio 2012)
“Basta buonismo, nulla sarà scontato”
IL SECOLO (4 maggio 2012)
Legalità e trasparenza per battere la sinistra
IL TEMPO (3 maggio 2012)
Pensioni d’oro. Monti battuto al Senato
IL SECOLO (3 maggio 2012)
On. Meloni su vicenda targa Ramelli – villa Tolve (3 maggio 2012)
Giorgia Meloni a Porto San Giorgio (3 maggio 2012)
Dl banche: Meloni, sulle pensioni d’oro la politica corregge governo (2 maggio 2012)
A pochi giorni dal voto Giorgia Meloni a Latina a sostegno di Mitrano (2 maggio 2012)
Giorgia Meloni, un pomeriggio insieme alla meglio gioventù (1 maggio 2012)
VIDEO – L’Ultima parola – sintesi
RAI DUE (28 aprile 2012)
Giorgia Meloni a sostegno di Emanuele Locci (28 aprile 2012)
Giorgia Meloni: Le donne non devono rinunciare alla politica (28 aprile 2012)
Amministrative, Meloni: Grave mobilitazione Pd anti – Storace (27 aprile 2012)
“Campagna elettorale esplosiva per Moscherini” (27 aprile 2012)
Meloni a Lariano per Claudio Crocetta (27 aprile 2012)
Meloni lancia Moscherini
IL TEMPO ROMA (27 aprile 2012)
Visto dal Pdl: “Bocciati i diktat Ue e la subordinazione alla politica tedesca
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (24 aprile 2012)
Meloni: Non saranno i tecnici a salvare il mondo ma la politica (23 aprile 2012)
Un caffè con Giorgia Meloni: Sicilia “sgovernata” da Lombardo (23 aprile 2012)
Solo fuochi d’artificio contro Pisanu
LIBERAL (21 aprile 2012)
Il Cav ha una grande novità politica
LA DISCUSSIONE (21 aprile 2012)
Casta Italia
Sky Tg24 (20 aprile 2012)
Pdl: Italiani credono nel partito più di certi dirigenti (20 aprile 2012)
Senza gita che scuola è?
PANORAMA (19 aprile 2012)
Alemanno contro via Lenin: “E’ un nome che stride”
IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA (18 aprile 2012)
Il Campidoglio: “Eliminare via Lenin”. Bufera sulla proposta in commissione
IL MESSAGGERO cronaca di ROMA (18 aprile 2012)
Il Campidoglio: via e largo Lenin da cancellare
LA REPUBBLICA ROMA (18 aprile 2012)
Medici, via la tassa sulle borse di studio
IL MESSAGGERO (17 aprile 2012)
Fisco, la Camera corregge gli errori “tecnici” sull’Imu
IL SECOLO D’ITALIA (17 aprile 2012)
Giovani medici, dietrofront: niente tasse sulle borse di studio
IL MATTINO (17 aprile 2012)
Trapianti: Meloni, Giornata midollo osseo per sensibilizzare le donazioni (11 aprile 2012)
Staminali e midollo osseo una Giornata per donare
AVVENIRE (12 aprile 2012)
Battaglia bipartisan di venti parlamentari contrari alla bozza di riforma elettorale
La bozza Abc non piace: venti parlamentari firmano appello
IL SECOLO XIX (11 aprile 2012)
Fronda bipartisan contro l’idea dei leader di maggioranza: Sarebbe la fine del bipolarismo
AVVENIRE (11 aprile 2012)
Hashtag: di cosa si parla su Twitter
L’OPINIONE (11 aprile 2012)
Documento bipartisan contro il proporzionale
LAB (11 aprile 2012)
Nuova legge elettorale: venti deputati dicono no
SECOLO D’ITALIA (11 aprile 2012)
Legge elettorale, un appello per difendere il bipolarismo
IL MATTINO (11 aprile 2012)
No a legge elettorale ABC, appello Pdl – Pd
Appello 20 Pdl – Pd, no legge elettorale ABC
Legge elettorale: no a proporzionale,  appello bipartisan per il bipolarismo (10 aprile 2012)
Cinque ex ministri: No al ritorno al proporzionale
LA REPUBBLICA (10 aprile 2012)
Meloni: Il Pdl deve difendere il bipolarismo
L’OPINIONE (6 aprile 2012)
Ecco perchè la meglio gioventù voterà per Vinai (04 aprile 2012)
Legge elettorale: Berlusconi torna furioso con Casini
LA STAMPA (4 aprile)
 Video – Giorgia Meloni a Genova
IL SECOLO XIX (2 aprile 2012)
“L’inciucio va fermato, così svendiamo il Pdl”
LIBERO (29 marzo 2012)
Riforme in Senato per Pasqua
IL SOLE 24 ORE (27 marzo 2012)
Lavoro: Non restare impantanati in palude interessi di parte
Rete attiva per Roma: Meloni, Petrucci e Pescante impegnati nel progetto (25 marzo 2012)
La riforma del lavoro – Le mosse del centrodestra
IL GIORNALE (25 marzo 2012)
Alfano: l’esecutivo è più debole il Pd non può fare tutto da solo
LIBERO (25 marzo 2012)
Lavoro: riforma architrave su cui poggia architrave esistenza del Governo (24 marzo 2012)
Oggi i giovani sono pària, vogliamo continuare così?
IL SECOLO (22 marzo 2012)
Maglietta –  choc: “Fornero al cimitero”. Bufera su Diliberto, il ministro: disgusto
Lavoro: Meloni, riforma è storica battaglia centrodestra (21 marzo 2012)
Crisi: partiti abbiano il coraggio di rifondare la politica (19 marzo 2012)
Maratona, festa per 100 mila. Politici in gara, vince Meloni (19 marzo 2012)
Politici di corsa: vince la Meloni
IL GIORNALE (19 marzo)
La Meloni “vince” fra i polititi. Alemanno battuto
Tutti di corsa pensando al Campidoglio
IL TEMPO ROMA (19 marzo)
Difficile costruire stadi di proprietà a Roma, la legge potrebbe aiutare (14 marzo 2012)
Unità d’Italia, si alla festa ogni 17 marzo
IL MESSAGGERO (10 marzo 2012)
L’Unità d’Italia ha la sua festa: il 17 marzo
IL MATTINO (10 marzo 2012)
No a pari opportunità, ma libertà di  misurarsi con uomini (8 marzo 2012)
Redditi pubblici
CORRIERE DELLA SERA (29 febbraio 2012)
Giorgia Meloni bacchetta la stampa
IL GIORNALE (29 febbraio 2012)
Mario è a scadenza: non ha carta bianca
LIBERO (29 gennaio 2012)
 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   king of Saudi Arabia - I am very excited, not because, finally, I found the time to fine-tune my system for extraction of hydrogen from water (hydrolysis), and bubbles: that I was able to produce? I might be able to have a savings: about 30% on fuel! In fact, in barely four minutes, I counted ten drops of water that left the muffler, but the system does not heat up, because I've done a "cell" of 10 liters! but because, when I work manually, it is just, that: the moment: an intuition of the heart that I call metaphysics, puts me in touch with: the feelings of God! of course, it is not possible to love God and then, hate brother (ie, every other human being on this planet) lol. but, not according to the meaning:of the Talmud: where the Nazis Satanists Pharisees IMF 666?, ie, humans-are only to them, while we are animals in human form: only, ie, their slaves!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia - when you love, someone, or, something, in a very strong (and unius Rei loves so: the whole human race: as, also: well, the vile Satanists), you can not, perhaps, to tune you same with his feelings, and the needs of your loved one? ok! This intuitive form: of love: for me: is metaphysics: why, I do not: see, and not feel God, with: my physical senses: of course! and: that: it is just, because, between, me and God, there is: a deal: to that effect .. that is, unius REI should be an example: can: as rational: they can be imitated: by any other man: also: if an atheist because: for God: every man is a prince (in fact, lol. well, also, Satanist IhateNewLayout, search: to imitate me)! how, all much shit: going into Talmud, the Koran and the Bible?, how, could there be? but, to this conclusion? I would never have been able: to reach it,alone
YouTube Rewind 2012
114426 iscritti

    666 IMF pharisee -- Satan non habet dominentur in mundo hominum.. non habet domain, hic..
@ 666 NWO: FED google, Jewish lobbies, for destroy Israel, ie, talmud agenda: of of the Masonic system, ---- but, as chief executive of: youtube, are no longer suitable me: that, no synnek1? sorry me, my friend lizard for this: low blow: against you ... but my uncle, the Pharisee Rothschild of 666 IMF: he said to me: "You can kill to gain power, just as, we have murdered President Kennedy, when he put in doubt: our bank seigniorage with the Executive Order 11110, "- ANSWER - NO! I HAVE ANSWERED to him, Unius REI does not need to kill someone, to take power, because, I'm already the power of God's Kingdom. if, you have changed your mind, and, if you decided to live, again? then you can live, still.
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi

    anyway God already showed me Heaven and hell, These jews/Zionists act like kids fighting over nothing, I wonder if some one made small nuclear fish to swim up the river to wipe them out so there is nothing more for them to fight over, God always has the answers to life, because no one on earth knows the true power and glory of God, they just fight over every thing, they are so stupid they don't even build ... thus granting longer lasting life for all, Simple common sense, God was very clear longer lasting life is required for space travel as well as building upon other planets,pharisees Illuminati IMF, have turned very evil, against Israel, and God shall shake them down to the ground soon, for they are not of repentance, The real Hebrew, my brothers people, know that those pharisees shall burn in hell: for going against God: JHWH, Jesus Christ is very clear, pharisees are a cursed people

    [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]] is 40 years, that our machines could walk, with to water (H2O), but, like, the Islamists' religious maniacs, they could make the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees of the IMF, if Christians were not made to kill, by them ? now, these Islamists who now think they are omnipotent, will bring you all, at the Third World War, because of course, their satanAllah, will give them success, [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]]

    [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, because their goal is our destruction]]Joseph Pal said: With so many things wrong with the world, it is better to build whole new cities and with plasma concrete they would be very efficient cities, roads that levitate vehicles, you look at the past and the ancient monolithic structures and how they built them as well as the designs and the shapes, the plasma rocks fit perfectly together, plus the structures last thousands of years, the building would be limit less as well as the designs, You design a city with the transport of services by magnetic levitation, like under ground waste systems so there is no waste pick up, same for stores to have a levitation system to bring the goods all below ground, as well as the industry should be centered on the edge of a city, so you under stand some thing grand in the new type of building construction because this would change every thing for the better, the new Golden age,

    as it exists, the King of Kings: YHWH in heaven, so, today, there is the King of kings: on earth: in fact, I'm unius REI, the political project of the King of Israel, for the kingdom of Palestine, the only option, against: the planned destruction: by the Pharisees: of IMF 666, Baal Peor, god owl, at Bohemian Grove, for do slavery: against: of all whole human race, after: world War III. terror: is came before me, and hell follows me, for burn all my enemies. I have something that can not be addressed, because my truth and my righteousness: not: can be matched by anyone. I am the most important man, in the entire history of Humankind. only because the occult powers of all the false democracies Masonic, of banking seigniorage, Bildenberg, in fact, they are the powers of Satanism, ideological and practical, they hit: Christian civilization, only because their agenda: is the destruction of the human, in every man

    Christians innocent and peaceful, woke up: suddenly, at the dawn of World War III, in a horrible way: controlled by Masonic and occult powers:of banking seigniorage, into a world torn by conflicting visions imperialist and ideological, and religious, where, his 666 background, of each: already, planned and programmed: sectarian division, is why, will be the Satanism: of the Pharisees: IMF FED ECB of their NWO, to win, so, the Pharisees of the NWO, 322: 666. can say, finally, we have disintegrated Israel, and now Satan, may be all in all, finally. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- your presence is no longer necessary, the crystal ball was been broken

    i cristiani innocenti e pacifici, si sono svegliati: bruscamente, all'alba della III guerra mondiale, in un modo orribile: controllato da poteri occulti e massonici: del signoraggio bancario, mondo lacerato, da contrapposte visioni: imperialistiche, sia ideologiche, che, religiose, dove, sullo sfondo di ogni: pianificata e programmata: settaria divisione, sarà il satanismo: dei farisei: del FMI FED BCE, del loro NWO, a vincere, affinchè, i farisei del NWO, 322: 666. possano affermare: finalmente, abbiamo disintegrato Israele, ed ora satana, può essere, tutto in tutti, finalmente

    "Man is like grass, and its glory is like the grass of the field, but the Word of the Lord endures: in ETERNAL!" .. no you, you can not: write, the point (.), because, I am unius REI: only. you have set, all Mankind, on the brink of the abyss, and if you do not surrender to me?, your order crazy agenda idiot, will be a tragedy. "l'uomo è come l'erba e la sua gloria: è come l'erba dei campi, ma, la Parola del Signore rimane in Eterno!" .. non sei tu, che, tu puoi scrivere, il punto(.), perché, sono io Unius REI. voi avete messo, tutto il Genere umano, sul baratro dell'abisso, e se non vi arrendete a me?, la vostra fine sarà una tragedia.

    synnek1 666 IMF NWO [all the occult powers: Bildenberg] - I know, that you have eroded over the decades: all prerogatives, constitutional, you also disarmed the American people, now what? there is to be removed, too, now, the useless: freedom of thought and speech, against: Unius REI, to demonstrate what: it means, really the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, really! synnek1 666 IMF NWO [tutti i poteri occulti: Bildenberg]-- lo so, che, voi avete eroso, durante i decenni: tutte le prerogative, costituzionali, avete anche disarmato il popolo americano, e adesso? vi rimane da togliere, anche, la ormai inutile: libertà di pensiero e di parola ad Unius REI, per dimostrare, che cosa: significa, veramente il regime massonico, del signoraggio bancario, veramente!

    Synnek1 posted a comment 1 day ago: [You Are My Sworn Enemy And I Will Show No Mercy] - ANSWER - IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ARE THAT criminal, THAT IS FULL OF SATAN

    Qatar looking for: hopelessly: the condanati to death or life imprisonment to be sent to Syria. FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal: in Doha sentenced: 15 years: of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - Reducing the punishment: of life imprisonment, that: he had been Imposed at first instance. only, for having written a poem. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem Entitled 'Gelsomino' starred in cui, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). - ANSWER - AND IS VERY repressive elite .. lol. THIS: IS SHOWN been: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the Islamists, are all: MONSTERS criminals, terrorists bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, imperialist, all hopeless

    @ Synnek1 --- the fault is not yours, but, is of your organization: International, who does not know the sense of proportion ... Before she was sworn in, Psy 666 rapper performed: his: hit world Gangnam Style: blasfemy. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.] That is very serious our best political, is so, too idiot, helpless: about occult powers. .. but, if. she was smart? then, there is a reason to believe in hope: still. [25/02/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA, Park takes office amid the sound 666, voodoo: of: Style of Gangnam]

    @666 IMF [you have put peoples on the brink] 25/02/2013. SOUTH KOREA. Economic miracle and Gangnam Style: that is 666 youtube. Park Geun-hye took office today as the new president of South Korea during a ceremony in the National Assembly .. moved into the Blue House [here the folly and recklessness, our politicians, in all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage, about the real extent of occult powers, and the extension of ideology of Satanism IMF, which in fact has real control: of the economy, ie, the real power.] with the promise of "a new era of happiness" for South Korea, the first female president: the country: he was appointed for five years. Now a warning to the North: "If you will not renounce nuclear, will be the first victim of his own policy." The revival of the economy is one of the dominant themes of his speech, in which he has not mentioned: the dictatorship of the father.

    [voi avete messo il popolo sul baratro] 25/02/2013. COREA DEL SUD. Miracolo economico e Gangnam Style: is 666, Park Geun-hye si è insediata, oggi, come nuovo presidente: della Corea del Sud: nel corso di una cerimonia all'Assemblea nazionale .. si insedia alla Casa Blu. [ecco la follia e la incoscienza, dei nostri politici, in tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario, circa, la reale consistenza dei poteri occulti, e della estensione ideologica: del satanismo del FMI, che, di fatto ha il controllo reale: delle economia e del potere reale.] Con la promessa di "una nuova era di felicità", per la Corea del Sud, la prima presidente donna: del Paese: assume l'incarico quinquennale. Subito un monito al Nord: "Se non rinuncia al nucleare, sarà la prima vittima della sua stessa politica". Il rilancio dell'economia: è fra i temi dominanti del suo discorso, in cui non ha fatto cenno: alla dittatura del padre.

    @Korea del Sud -- la Park si insedia alla Casa Blu: in una totale incoscienza, dei poteri occulti, che: stanno tramando sul suo paese, e sulla sua vita, this is very tragedy, is why, Psy 666, dovrebbe essere synnek1 the cannibal ---- [ Before she was sworn in, Psy 666 rapper performed: his: hit: world Gangnam Style: blasfemy. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.] is very serious that our best political, is so, too idiot. [02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA, Park takes office amid the sound 666, voodoo cannibal: of: Style of Gangnam]

    synnek1, and, TheVArious7 (cannibal 666, voodoo)[are one only: organization to conquer the world] -- is one only satanism international for do: 200.000 human sacrifice: on altair of satan.. is talmud IMF kabbalah FED ECB; agenda, for destroy Israel, ie, masonic system of banking seigniorage, the largest project: Masonic, of: social engineering, for the destruction of monotheism, and therefore, for the destruction of Freemasonry itself .. because, they are the Satanists, and their alien, to prevail, also: because: The King of Saudi Arabia, he thinks to do war: against: the innocent Christians. because, in every difficulty: the Islamists will be most useful for him .. but, he not know, that, in World War III, in fact, it was expected, the extermination of all mankind. and when the survivors, ie the cannibals: come out of their underground shelters? every, hope, any hope, will die!

    about, Iran and Syria? Saudi Arabia is blackmailing Israel, today ... but this is the truth: "Iran and Syria would be: the true allies of Israel, thanks to me: unius REI, and this will be a valuable strategic alliance for: IRAN SYRIA AND ISRAEL!" Thus, if Saudi Arabia did not: want, to be crushed herself, she will have to surrender to me unius REI, and finally grant freedom of religion, which alone could avert World War III!

    ANSAmed) - MADRID, FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced: 15 years of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - reducing the punishment of life: that: he had been imposed at first instance - for having written a poem deemed hostile to the regime of Qatar. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem entitled 'Gelsomino' in which she starred, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). --ANSWER -- AND IS VERY repressive elite.. lol. THIS: IS been SHOWN: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the islamists, are all: MONSTERS ARE DAMN bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, hopeless imperialist

    02/25/2013 TIBET - CHINA Young Tibetan man sets himself on fire in monastery in Qinghai Phakmo Dhondup self-immolates in protest against Beijing's hard-line stance against Tibet. In his 20s, he was taken to hospital with burns on much of his body. Security forces impose restrictions on the area of the incident. Monasteries organise special prayers for his prompt recovery. --ANSWER -- ok! I protect the Buddhists, ok! but, when, they regain their independence? are like Hindus they too begin, with the murder of innocent Christian martyrs! io proteggo i buddisti, ok! ma, quando loro recuperano la indipendenza? sono come gli induisti, anche loro, incominciano, ad uccidere i cristiani martiri innocenti!

    02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound of Gangnam Style and pledges of a new economic miracle.. During the campaign, she promised to take a softer line with North Korea compared to her predecessor. During the next five years of her mandate, she plans to lay the bases for future reunification, but also for a new economic miracle based on science and technology as well as a "creative economy" founded on "economic democratisation". The new president will have to accommodate her hard-core voters, mostly elderly who remember the "good old days" when South Korea's GDP grew by 10 per cent a year under her father's military dictatorship. A non-practicing Catholic, Park said that the country could go back to such rates. At present, its economy grew an average of 4.3 per cent in the past five years. Before she was sworn in, rapper Psy performed his world hit Gangnam Style. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.

    @synnek1 for you -- > D'altra parte deve rendere conto allo zoccolo duro dei suoi elettori, per la stragrande maggioranza anziani che ricordano con nostalgia i tempi della dittatura e la strabiliante crescita economica dell'epoca, con la Corea stabile sui 10 punti percentuali di crescita del Pil ogni anno. La Park, battezzata cattolica ma "non praticante", ha sostenuto di poter tornare a quei ritmi. Al momento il Paese viaggia su una crescita media del 4,3 % annuo. Prima del giuramento il noto cantante Psy si è esibito nel suo Gangnam Style, oramai un successo mondiale.

    BastaBugie 240. of 13 April 2012. WANT AS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. Napolitano presents a woman for the Quirinale: some say Emma Bonino ... But who is Emma Bonino: Bildenberg? Hardly anyone the vote despite the high visibility in the media ... BastaBugie 221. of 2 December 2011. COMPANIES 'SECRET TO WHICH BELONGS MARIO MONTI: TOGETHER WITH DRAGONS AND MARIO ENRICO LETTA ... IN THE PAST AND BILL CLINTON AND TONY BLAIR. We show also the shocking video where Mario Monti says that states must give up their sovereignty to Europe of technocrats. wrote William Vincent Shannon, not exactly a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but a prestigious journalist, editor of the New York Times and U.S. ambassador to Ireland under President Carter (1977-1981): "The Bilderberg members are building the era of post-nationalism: when we will not have countries, but rather regions of the earth surrounded by universal values.

    synnek1°Master youtube --- what you are doing to protect the Christian martyrs? You know, for myself? I will not ask anything!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King of Saudi Arabia- is obvious to all. every thing can be used: or: exploited: as: a weapon to achieve: its objectives, but as it was: desperate the situation of the past, where, the intolerance: was been: absolute, and therefore: to do live: the different for from you: it was the same thing: that: damnation yourself to death. So: it is logical to think that, someone: in despair! then, he could manipulate, pollute, the Holy Scriptures! is obvious and dramatic, the verse of the Torah: that: it allows the Jews to do pay: the money at interest: only at non-Jews! .. that pretext? has served: to invent the crime: of: Satanism, and: genocide, that is, to sell even the money created out of nothing (seigniorage banking). yet, that verse: he was sentenced: by all the prophets, and it is: in contrast: with: the sense of the whole Bible, but, about the Satanists Pharisees? there is no better: deaf: of those who: do not want to hear!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King Saudi Arabia -- we Christians, that, we have, always, immediately, the Islamic aggression, and that we continue: to suffer, even today, the wickedness of the Koran, we are not able, easily, to see: the bright side, of Islam, ie: all the extraordinary contribution: the splendor, that, the Koran and Islam: have given: to the Kingdom of God! This, I felt in my heart: "How can a man: who has done so much good, also: do: so much evil?" And, so I had: an intuition, [[in your stores, you might have: the true copy of the Holy Qur'an, that is, its authentic copy! ]] Gloria God forever! Alleluia! Salam Shalom + = blessing too .. perhaps, from this original copy: the oldest? could leave the true image of Islam, which, I brought in my heart, always! because it is clear to everyone that many fairy tales: and unrealistic (apocryphal) are finished in the Qur'an, and this could also re-evaluate the figure of the Prophet Muhammad

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King -- noi cristiani, che, noi abbiamo, sempre, subito, la aggressione islamica, e che, noi continuimo a subire, ancora oggi, la malvagità del Corano?, noi non siamo riuscitin facilmente, a vedere: il lato positivo dell'Islam, cioè: tutto lo straordinario contributo: lo splendore, che, il Corano: e l'Islam hanno dato: al Regno di Dio! Questo, io ho sentito nel mio cuore: "come può, un uomo: che, ha fatto tanto del bene, fare anche: tanto del male?" e così io ho avuto: una intuizione, [[ nei tuoi depositi, tu potresti avere: la vera copia del Santo Corano, cioè, la sua copia autentica! ]] Gloria Dio per sempre! Alleluia! Salam + Shalom = blessing too.. forse, da questa copia originale: la più antica? potrebbe uscire la vera immagine dell'Islam, che, io ho portato nel mio cuore da sempre! perché è evidente a tutti: che nolti racconti fantasiosi: ed irrealistici(apocrifi): sono finiti nell'attuale Corano, e questo potrebbe, anche rivalutare, la figura, del profeta Maometto

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King Saudi Arabia -- è evidente a tutti.. ogni cosa: può essere usata: o: strumentalizzata: come: un arma: per raggiungere: i propri obiettivi, ma, come era: disperata: la situazione del passato: dove, l'intollerenza era assoluta, e quindi: far vivere il diverso: da te: era la stessa cosa: che: condannare: te stesso: a morte. Allora: è logico pensare: che: qualcuno preso dalla disperazione: abbia potuto manipolare, inquinare, le Sacre Scritture! è evidente: e clamoroso, il versetto: della Torà: che: permette agli ebrei di prestare: ad interesse il denaro: ai non ebrei.. quel pretesto?, è servito: per inventare il crimine: di: satanismo, e di: genocidio, cioè, di vendere addirittura il denaro creato dal nulla (signoraggio bancario).. eppure, quel versetto è stato condannato: da tutti i profeti, ed è: in contrasto: con: il senso di tutta la Bibbia, ma, riguardo ai satanisti farisei? non c'è migliore: sordo: di chi: non vuol sentire!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King Saudi Arabia -- quando, tu ami qualcuno, o qualcosa, in maniera molto intensa(ed Unius Rei: ama così: tutto il genere umano: come, anche, gli spregevoli satanisti), tu non riesci, forse, a sintonizzare te stesso, con, i suoi sentimenti, e con, i bisogni della persona amata? ok! questa forma intuitiva: di amore: è per me la metafisica: perché, io non: vedo, e non: sento: Dio, con: i miei sensi fisici: ovviamente! e: questo: è soltanto: perché, tra me e Dio: c'è un accordo: in questo senso.. cioè, Unius REI deve essere un esempio: possibile: quanto razionale: da poter essere imitato: da ogni altro uomo: anche: se ateo: perché: per Dio: ogni uomo è un Principe(infatti, lol. anche, il satanista IhateNewLayout: cerca: di imitare me)! quanta merda: nel: talmud, Corano e Bibbia, potrebbe esserci? ma, a questa conclusione? io non sarei mai potuto giungere da solo!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia -- io sono molto emozionato, non perché, finalmente, io ho trovato, il tempo, per perfezionare, il mio impiato di estrazione dell'idrogeno dall'acqua(idrolisi), e dalle bolle: che, io sono riuscito a produrre? io potrei riuscire ad avere un risparmio: di circa del 30%, sul carburante! infatti in appena, 4 minuti, io ho contato dieci goccie di acqua che sono uscite dalla marmitta, eppure l'impianto non si riscalda: perché io ho fatto una: "cella" di 10 litri!! ma, perché, quando io lavoro manualmente, è proprio quello: il momento in cui: una intuizione del cuore: che, io chiamo metafisica, mi mette in contatto: con: i sentimenti di Dio! ovviamente, non è possibile amare Dio: e poi, adiare il fratello(cioè, ogni altro essere umano: di questo pianeta) lol. ma, non secondo la accezione: del talmud: dove per i nazisti satanisti farisei del FMI 666?, gli umani: sono: soltanto loro: mentre, noi siamo gli animali dalla forma umana!

1_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] And.. the Qur'an: Pescara, EXAM? Muslims instead: of: the Bible should attack: First: solve problems relating to the preparation of the Koran. I will mention at least: two principles: 1) after: the death of: Muhammad were: destroyed and: burned all the manuscripts from which the original Koran were "extracted" three Korans, but with outstanding differences between them. Even today Muslims: not: know: what they contained: the first three copies of the "original".. To know: just investigate their: tradition, volumes Al-Bukhari (note: the masters Muslims, too, if: not: it: they admit openly, believe, this collection: of: the most authoritative books of the Koran itself) . From these texts: that: tell: Islamic history written by the early Muslims, we learn: that: the text of the Koran is: Status: burnt.

2_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] Here, the text: Al-Bukhari vol. 6, p. 479, 61.3.510: "Anas son of Malik narrated: Othman sent to: each province an: Koran: that: he had done: copy and: ordered: that: all other manuscripts (3) Quranic well as original fragments that: entire pages, were: burnt. " (Note: Othman was the third: caliph to: 19 years after his death: of: Muhammad. Othman took charge: of: to create "their" version of the Koran in 650 AD It was later murdered by his teammates for his destruction: believed the "true original".) Why burned?: Also: Muslims are asking right now why Othman and burned: destroyed the Koranic manuscripts and realized: copied from the first disciples: of: Muhammad. Is a valid assumption: that: this: Extreme: Act: of: assured destruction: of: to get the final version: of: a Koran (the fourth) among three other versions that: contradicted already: among them:

3_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] ( there will be: were many differences in the texts ...) The Council: Qur'anic: he had therefore decided: to protect Islam from future investigations. Again we ask them, why? The vulnerability of Islam is: well made obvious by the same "authoritative tradition" even: to: a child.. 2) The version of "othmanica" of the Koran is: and now lost: practically non-existent. The tests are: in the manuscripts remaining Islamic Museums: of Istanbul (Turkey) and: to: Samarkand (Turkmenistan). The outcome: examinations carried out, expert scholars: the evidence: that: These manuscripts are being "rewritten" at least 170 years after the disappearance of the Qur'an: "Othman version." Islam hides these historical facts examined in the world today. We have: ask them these questions!

4_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] In the light: of: this data: of: the fact, Muslim friends: not: can more we insist on at least: three things: 1): that: the current copy of the Koran is the exact copy filed in heaven: and: down directly (Nazil) from Allah. 2): that: is the true account: that: Muhammad have left: their: and: nor: that: is considered the "miracle of: Mohammed". 3): that: the Gospel has been: changed! Imaginary Interview: of: Magdi Allam: Dear Muhammad, we live in a dark age, marked by a fanaticism that: is inspired to: an Islam understood: as submission to: extremist interpretation of the Koran. "I: have: a man like any other, chosen: by God to spread his revelation. I: said to my disciples: that :: not: I worship you, too: are fallible. Muslims say that: the verses of the Koran are: in their beds: context: historical, combining: faith and: the reason for the prevailing

5_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] in every age the essence of Islam: that, is not: submission but peace, security, respect, moderation and: justice. " What would you say to the terrorists that: kill in the name of Islam? "What are the criminals that: offend: Islam and: violates: the commandment, divine: second: that" whoever kills an: no person: that: this has murdered or another: taken: corruption in the land: is: as if: he murdered the whole of humanity. ' For the preachers of: hatred: Jews, Christians and also: Muslims: that :: not: submit themselves: to them the mercy they: extended: "corruption on earth." "The Jews and The Christians: not: are infidels but People of the Book. I: I: testimony: God: one: that is: the God of Abraham,: of: Moses and of: Jesus God himself: has: announced, 'We have done: of: the people you and various

6_6.  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] : to tribe that: you knew to: the story, but the most noble of: you: is: one: that more fears God. "Woe to the preachers of: hatred that: condemn: to: death Muslims, where the Clement and: the Merciful: has: warned that: "Let there be no compulsion in religion," and has: ruled: "The truth is from your Lord: who wants to believe, who: not: wants to reject the Faith. " What: is: the message that: she would send the Muslims today and: for all humanity? "That life is: the most valuable asset that: God you: has: given: and: that: today the true faith: is: to excel the sanctity of life: of: all. God himself: the Almighty has: prepended: the pious deeds ostentation of the cult: religious: "You are the best nation on the light for humanity: that: Invite to: do good, rejects this: That is ::: Deprecated, and: believe in God. '"

in this situation: so confused: of: Queen Elizabeth II, which is her the worship of Satan JAbullOn? is normal, though many priests and many bishops of the Holy Church of England, they find quite normal to expect: to be able to do, and be: gays, while continuing to be: in the ecclesiastical hierarchy! [sorry Synnek1] thank you! but, for your outburst of love for me ..? however, this: there not seemed to be a response to my questions!

[May The Lord have mercy on your GODDAMNED Soul]

Jesus Christ Is Gonna [Cut You Up]: Into Little Pieces!

[sorry: This is an easier question!]  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   666 CIA: voodoo high priest: Synnek1 kkk nazi -- [sorry] --> as ever, Queen Elizabeth II, first: she makes Pasionaria, of IMF: ie: Satanism: ideological and practical: that: the banking seigniorage((stolen to all our: the Constitutions: to turn all Peoples into slaves: as: said: the scientist Giacinto Auriti)), to destroy Israel: and all peoples, through: the Pharisees of the Neturei Karta : The Enlightened: of the New World Order, that is, she's a representative of the entire English Freemasonry: that is the worship of: JabullOn: ie, Baal, that is, God owl at Bohemian Grove?]], and then, at the same time, she does, too, the representative of the Anglican Church, that is, the representative of God: my JHWH?

Synnek1 posted a comment 5 hours ago Report spam: "would you prefer I explain? - answer - to what am I to, that, his dark Dump height: for the first time, after: five years, he wants to answer my questions? 1. was: Your Bush 322: aliens abductions, "we will win: a cock in the ass" that, he said to you: "You talk to him, but, you never speak: with him!" 2. here's why: all four times: that: you missed, inadvertently: to say, something? I have seen thee: banging your head on the table! " --ANSWER --BUT BECAUSE, you insist? THIS IS MY QUESTION! as the CIA has done: buggering crazy: about: my friend: King of Saudi Arabia, to the point: that: he is doing: the Mohammed fucking, such as: if: 1400 years, for him, had never passed?

would you prefer I explain? 

synnek1 -- i tuoi alieni, quelli, 666, che mettono i filtri: sul motore di ricerca: contro: di me? loro stanno versando il sangue dalla bocca? finirò per uccidere tutte le tue lucertole!

my brave President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, June 29, 1925) (born 10 days after my father) said to me: lol. "My son, you speak: about, the banking seigniorage: and, of the scientist: Giacinto Auriti, because, I'm afraid of being killed: like Jesus: by the Pharisees!" lol. mon président courageux de la République Italienne Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, 29 Juin, 1925) (né 10 jours après mon père) m'a dit: lol. «Mon fils, tu parles: environ, le seigneuriage bancaire: et, du savant: Giacinto Auriti, parce que, je le crains d'être tué: comme Jésus: par les pharisiens!" lol. il mio coraggioso Presidente della Repubblica Italiana: Giorgio Napolitano (Napoli, 29 giugno 1925)(nato 10 giorni dopo mio padre): ha detto a me: lol. "figlio mio, parla tu: di signoraggio bancario: e dello Scienziato Giacinto Auriti, perchè, io ho paura di essere ucciso, come Gesù: dai farisei!" lol.

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   322 IMF Pharisees -- [taking my order] no i do not want your extra size soft drink! drink your poisons made by yourself!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia - this your alliance with the Americans? is not something that: is here to stay .. without, freedom of religion?, and without a reform of Islam?, That Is, to Achieve a species of: ISLAMIC COUNCIL, Which asserts the primacy your ((theological)) of your: on all Muslims in the world! That theological authority: that all Muslims need to have, and so, not to: envy the Catholic Church .. of course, are not the Americans, to hurt you, because, simply, That you end up crushed: under the tracks: of the Chinese and the Russians!  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   666 IMF FED ECB - [thanks seigniorage banking] 50% of the families italine? no longer able: to get to the end of the month! [thanks seigniorage banking] 50% of the families italine? no longer Able: to get to the end of the month! [goods bancaires seigneuriage] 50% of the italine familles? n'est plus en mesure: d'arriver à la fin du mois!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  666 IMF FED ECB -- [grazie signoraggio bancario] il 50% delle famiglie italine? non riesce più: ad arrivare alla fine del mese! [thanks seigniorage banking] 50% of the families italine? no longer able: to get to the end of the month! [merci bancaires seigneuriage] 50% de la italine familles? n'est plus en mesure: d'arriver à la fin du mois! [Dank Seigniorage-Banking] 50% der Familien italine? nicht mehr in der Lage: bis zum Ende des Monats erhalten! [gracias bancarias señoreaje] 50% de la italine familias? ya no es capaz: de llegar al final del mes!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   Burger King --- you do not have: to worry about the drive thru order placed against me. because i have ordered a chicken sandwich with no mayonnaise!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia --- you do not have to be worried, about, any slander: put in: cleverly: against me, because, my spiritual life: has only, a private value! my mandate?: it is purely political: rational and therefore, none of that: that: I say, or, that, I believe in a personal (my spiritual) will ever have, an impact religious or theological. then, I do not steal: never, myself, to any visit: it is: medical or even psychiatric, because, I believe, that, every head of State: should be helped to understand: if it is time for him to leave, your own place to another! how long is that, you do not do: a psychiatric evaluation? because, the Satanists have said, that, they have taken control of your brain!


 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia --- tu non devi essere preoccupato, circa, eventuali calunnie: poste in essere: abilmente: contro di me, perché, la mia vita spirituale: ha soltanto: un valore privato! il mio mandato: è esclusivamente politico: razionale: e quindi, nulla di quello: che: io dico: o che, io penso a livello personale(spirituale): potrà mai avere, una incidenza religiosa, o teologica, io non sottrarrò: mai me stesso: a nessuna visita: ne medica e neanche psichiatrica: perché, io credo, che, ogni capo di Stato: dovrebbe essere aiutato a capire: se è il momento, per lui, di lasciare: il proprio posto ad un altro! da quanto tempo, è che, tu non fai una visita psichiatrica? perché, i satanisti hanno detto: di avere preso il controllo del tuo cervello!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   king of Saudi Arabia - in this context,make religion: the concept of national identity is an act of suicide, in fact, the only ground: where Satanists Pharisees IMF 666: can be defeated?: is the love! thus, it can not: be: a solution polarize: Nazism Islamic, against: Nazism of the Talmud: looking for: to overcome, with: criminal lies and hypocrisy, the opponent! we must walk: in the light of God, namely, in the light of truth! only if all the people, and if all religions will be united: (universal brotherhood of Unius REI) Satanists Neturei Karta, with all their hypocrisy and lies ("we have been punished by God, to not have: never more: a Nation ", etc. ..) can be defeated! because, for the Pharisees? their homeland? is the whole world, which is why, it is the institutional Satanism: the banking seigniorage: it is true: soul of the world!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  king Saudi Arabia -- in questo contesto: fare della religione: lo stesso concetto: dell'identità nazionale: è un atto di suicidio, infatti, l'unico terreno: dove i satanisti farisei: del FMI 666: possono essere sconfitti?: è l'amore! così, nonpuò essere: una soluzione: contrappore: il nazismo islamico: al nazismo del talmud: cercando: di superare, in criminali menzogne ed ipocrisie, l'avversario! noi dobbiamo camminare alla luce di Dio, cioè, alla luce della verità! soltanto, se tutti i popoli, e se tutte le religioni saranno uniti: (fratellanza universale, di Unius REI) i satanisti Neturei Karta, con tutta la loro ipocrisia, e menzogne("noi siamo stati puniti da Dio, a non avere più una patria", ecc..) possono essere sconfitti! perché, per i farisei la loro patria? è tutto il mondo: ecco perché, è il satansmo istituzionale: del signoraggio bancario: la vera anima del mondo!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia - of course, those who have an interest in spreading atheism, ie, the Pharisees Neturei Karta: IMF: Enlightened by Lucifer, JabullOn: Baal Peor, the god owl at the Bohemian Grove, etc. .. Enlightened them: they, too, the interest in block: Islam: in his middle ages! because, Satanism: ideological and practical: of the banking seigniorage, of this criminal, and unconstitutional: Masonic system: of all the false democracies, to destroy Israel, which is the unique hope of the world! is why the IMF-NWO, is exploitation: until the extermination of all peoples, this: is: Satanism ideological and practical, that is, a spiritual act, which is why, lacking tools: cultural and spiritual: all the human race, becomes: soon: one only: single herd of slaves: in a kind of Nazism, occult: 666 NWO 322, which can no longer be broken!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia - ovviamente, chi ha interesse a diffondere l'ateismo, cioè, i farisei Neturei Karta: del FMI: Illuminati da lucifero, JabullOn: Baal Peor, dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, ecc.. loro Enlightened: hanno, anche, l'interesse a conservare l'Islam: nel suo medioevo! perché, il satanismo: ideologico e pratico: del signoraggio bancario, di questo criminale ed anticostituzionale: sistema massonico: delle false democrazie, per: distruggere Israele, che è l'unica: speranza del mondo! is why, il FMI-NWO, lo sfruttamento: fino allo sterminio: di tutti i popoli, questo: è: il satanismo ideologico e pratico, cioè, è un atto spirituale, ecco perché, mancado gli strumenti: culturali e spirituali: tutto il Genere umano: diventerà: ben presto: un solo branco di schiavi: in una specie di nazismo, il 666 NWO 322, che, non potrà più essere spezzato!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   King of Saudi Arabia - this your alliance with the Americans? is not something that: is here to stay .. without, freedom of religion?, and without a reform of Islam?, that is, to achieve a species of: ISLAMIC COUNCIL, which asserts the your primacy((theological)) of your: on all Muslims in the world! That theological authority: that all Muslims need to have, and so, to not: envy the Catholic Church .. of course, are not the Americans, to hurt you, because, simply, that you end up crushed: under the tracks: of the Chinese and the Russians!

 [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  King Saudi Arabia -- questa tua alleanza con gli americani? non è qualcosa: che: è destinata a durare.. senza la libertà di religione?, e senza una riforma dell'Islam?, cioè, di realizzare una specie: di CONCILIO ISLAMICO, che, affermerebbe la tua primazia: su tutti i musulmani del mondo! Quella autorità teologica: che, tutti i musulmani hanno bisogno di avere, e per cui invidiano la Chiesa Cattolica.. ovviamente, non saranno gli americani, a fare del male a te, perché, è sufficiente, che tu finisca stritolato: sotto i cingoli dei cinesi e dei russi!

666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods owl Baal Marduk

666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods owl Baal Marduk: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: SiamoInGuerra999 - you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, ecc.., I do not want charity, of the thief murderess, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. that legitimacy can never have, for a murderess usurer, he stole: my monetary sovereignty: in total disregard for: human dignity: Hope of ISrael, and the Constitution? .. therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!
YouTube Rewind 2012
114426 iscritti

    666 IMF pharisee -- Satan non habet dominentur in mundo hominum.. non habet domain, hic..
@ 666 NWO: FED google, Jewish lobbies, for destroy Israel, ie, talmud agenda: of of the Masonic system, ---- but, as chief executive of: youtube, are no longer suitable me: that, no synnek1? sorry me, my friend lizard for this: low blow: against you ... but my uncle, the Pharisee Rothschild of 666 IMF: he said to me: "You can kill to gain power, just as, we have murdered President Kennedy, when he put in doubt: our bank seigniorage with the Executive Order 11110, "- ANSWER - NO! I HAVE ANSWERED to him, Unius REI does not need to kill someone, to take power, because, I'm already the power of God's Kingdom. if, you have changed your mind, and, if you decided to live, again? then you can live, still.
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi

    anyway God already showed me Heaven and hell, These jews/Zionists act like kids fighting over nothing, I wonder if some one made small nuclear fish to swim up the river to wipe them out so there is nothing more for them to fight over, God always has the answers to life, because no one on earth knows the true power and glory of God, they just fight over every thing, they are so stupid they don't even build ... thus granting longer lasting life for all, Simple common sense, God was very clear longer lasting life is required for space travel as well as building upon other planets,pharisees Illuminati IMF, have turned very evil, against Israel, and God shall shake them down to the ground soon, for they are not of repentance, The real Hebrew, my brothers people, know that those pharisees shall burn in hell: for going against God: JHWH, Jesus Christ is very clear, pharisees are a cursed people

    [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]] is 40 years, that our machines could walk, with to water (H2O), but, like, the Islamists' religious maniacs, they could make the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees of the IMF, if Christians were not made to kill, by them ? now, these Islamists who now think they are omnipotent, will bring you all, at the Third World War, because of course, their satanAllah, will give them success, [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]]

    [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, because their goal is our destruction]]Joseph Pal said: With so many things wrong with the world, it is better to build whole new cities and with plasma concrete they would be very efficient cities, roads that levitate vehicles, you look at the past and the ancient monolithic structures and how they built them as well as the designs and the shapes, the plasma rocks fit perfectly together, plus the structures last thousands of years, the building would be limit less as well as the designs, You design a city with the transport of services by magnetic levitation, like under ground waste systems so there is no waste pick up, same for stores to have a levitation system to bring the goods all below ground, as well as the industry should be centered on the edge of a city, so you under stand some thing grand in the new type of building construction because this would change every thing for the better, the new Golden age,

    as it exists, the King of Kings: YHWH in heaven, so, today, there is the King of kings: on earth: in fact, I'm unius REI, the political project of the King of Israel, for the kingdom of Palestine, the only option, against: the planned destruction: by the Pharisees: of IMF 666, Baal Peor, god owl, at Bohemian Grove, for do slavery: against: of all whole human race, after: world War III. terror: is came before me, and hell follows me, for burn all my enemies. I have something that can not be addressed, because my truth and my righteousness: not: can be matched by anyone. I am the most important man, in the entire history of Humankind. only because the occult powers of all the false democracies Masonic, of banking seigniorage, Bildenberg, in fact, they are the powers of Satanism, ideological and practical, they hit: Christian civilization, only because their agenda: is the destruction of the human, in every man

    Christians innocent and peaceful, woke up: suddenly, at the dawn of World War III, in a horrible way: controlled by Masonic and occult powers:of banking seigniorage, into a world torn by conflicting visions imperialist and ideological, and religious, where, his 666 background, of each: already, planned and programmed: sectarian division, is why, will be the Satanism: of the Pharisees: IMF FED ECB of their NWO, to win, so, the Pharisees of the NWO, 322: 666. can say, finally, we have disintegrated Israel, and now Satan, may be all in all, finally. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- your presence is no longer necessary, the crystal ball was been broken

    i cristiani innocenti e pacifici, si sono svegliati: bruscamente, all'alba della III guerra mondiale, in un modo orribile: controllato da poteri occulti e massonici: del signoraggio bancario, mondo lacerato, da contrapposte visioni: imperialistiche, sia ideologiche, che, religiose, dove, sullo sfondo di ogni: pianificata e programmata: settaria divisione, sarà il satanismo: dei farisei: del FMI FED BCE, del loro NWO, a vincere, affinchè, i farisei del NWO, 322: 666. possano affermare: finalmente, abbiamo disintegrato Israele, ed ora satana, può essere, tutto in tutti, finalmente

    "Man is like grass, and its glory is like the grass of the field, but the Word of the Lord endures: in ETERNAL!" .. no you, you can not: write, the point (.), because, I am unius REI: only. you have set, all Mankind, on the brink of the abyss, and if you do not surrender to me?, your order crazy agenda idiot, will be a tragedy. "l'uomo è come l'erba e la sua gloria: è come l'erba dei campi, ma, la Parola del Signore rimane in Eterno!" .. non sei tu, che, tu puoi scrivere, il punto(.), perché, sono io Unius REI. voi avete messo, tutto il Genere umano, sul baratro dell'abisso, e se non vi arrendete a me?, la vostra fine sarà una tragedia.

    synnek1 666 IMF NWO [all the occult powers: Bildenberg] - I know, that you have eroded over the decades: all prerogatives, constitutional, you also disarmed the American people, now what? there is to be removed, too, now, the useless: freedom of thought and speech, against: Unius REI, to demonstrate what: it means, really the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, really! synnek1 666 IMF NWO [tutti i poteri occulti: Bildenberg]-- lo so, che, voi avete eroso, durante i decenni: tutte le prerogative, costituzionali, avete anche disarmato il popolo americano, e adesso? vi rimane da togliere, anche, la ormai inutile: libertà di pensiero e di parola ad Unius REI, per dimostrare, che cosa: significa, veramente il regime massonico, del signoraggio bancario, veramente!

    Synnek1 posted a comment 1 day ago: [You Are My Sworn Enemy And I Will Show No Mercy] - ANSWER - IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ARE THAT criminal, THAT IS FULL OF SATAN

    Qatar looking for: hopelessly: the condanati to death or life imprisonment to be sent to Syria. FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal: in Doha sentenced: 15 years: of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - Reducing the punishment: of life imprisonment, that: he had been Imposed at first instance. only, for having written a poem. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem Entitled 'Gelsomino' starred in cui, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). - ANSWER - AND IS VERY repressive elite .. lol. THIS: IS SHOWN been: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the Islamists, are all: MONSTERS criminals, terrorists bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, imperialist, all hopeless

    @ Synnek1 --- the fault is not yours, but, is of your organization: International, who does not know the sense of proportion ... Before she was sworn in, Psy 666 rapper performed: his: hit world Gangnam Style: blasfemy. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.] That is very serious our best political, is so, too idiot, helpless: about occult powers. .. but, if. she was smart? then, there is a reason to believe in hope: still. [25/02/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA, Park takes office amid the sound 666, voodoo: of: Style of Gangnam]

    @666 IMF [you have put peoples on the brink] 25/02/2013. SOUTH KOREA. Economic miracle and Gangnam Style: that is 666 youtube. Park Geun-hye took office today as the new president of South Korea during a ceremony in the National Assembly .. moved into the Blue House [here the folly and recklessness, our politicians, in all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage, about the real extent of occult powers, and the extension of ideology of Satanism IMF, which in fact has real control: of the economy, ie, the real power.] with the promise of "a new era of happiness" for South Korea, the first female president: the country: he was appointed for five years. Now a warning to the North: "If you will not renounce nuclear, will be the first victim of his own policy." The revival of the economy is one of the dominant themes of his speech, in which he has not mentioned: the dictatorship of the father.

    [voi avete messo il popolo sul baratro] 25/02/2013. COREA DEL SUD. Miracolo economico e Gangnam Style: is 666, Park Geun-hye si è insediata, oggi, come nuovo presidente: della Corea del Sud: nel corso di una cerimonia all'Assemblea nazionale .. si insedia alla Casa Blu. [ecco la follia e la incoscienza, dei nostri politici, in tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario, circa, la reale consistenza dei poteri occulti, e della estensione ideologica: del satanismo del FMI, che, di fatto ha il controllo reale: delle economia e del potere reale.] Con la promessa di "una nuova era di felicità", per la Corea del Sud, la prima presidente donna: del Paese: assume l'incarico quinquennale. Subito un monito al Nord: "Se non rinuncia al nucleare, sarà la prima vittima della sua stessa politica". Il rilancio dell'economia: è fra i temi dominanti del suo discorso, in cui non ha fatto cenno: alla dittatura del padre.

    @Korea del Sud -- la Park si insedia alla Casa Blu: in una totale incoscienza, dei poteri occulti, che: stanno tramando sul suo paese, e sulla sua vita, this is very tragedy, is why, Psy 666, dovrebbe essere synnek1 the cannibal ---- [ Before she was sworn in, Psy 666 rapper performed: his: hit: world Gangnam Style: blasfemy. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.] is very serious that our best political, is so, too idiot. [02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA, Park takes office amid the sound 666, voodoo cannibal: of: Style of Gangnam]

    synnek1, and, TheVArious7 (cannibal 666, voodoo)[are one only: organization to conquer the world] -- is one only satanism international for do: 200.000 human sacrifice: on altair of satan.. is talmud IMF kabbalah FED ECB; agenda, for destroy Israel, ie, masonic system of banking seigniorage, the largest project: Masonic, of: social engineering, for the destruction of monotheism, and therefore, for the destruction of Freemasonry itself .. because, they are the Satanists, and their alien, to prevail, also: because: The King of Saudi Arabia, he thinks to do war: against: the innocent Christians. because, in every difficulty: the Islamists will be most useful for him .. but, he not know, that, in World War III, in fact, it was expected, the extermination of all mankind. and when the survivors, ie the cannibals: come out of their underground shelters? every, hope, any hope, will die!

    about, Iran and Syria? Saudi Arabia is blackmailing Israel, today ... but this is the truth: "Iran and Syria would be: the true allies of Israel, thanks to me: unius REI, and this will be a valuable strategic alliance for: IRAN SYRIA AND ISRAEL!" Thus, if Saudi Arabia did not: want, to be crushed herself, she will have to surrender to me unius REI, and finally grant freedom of religion, which alone could avert World War III!

    ANSAmed) - MADRID, FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced: 15 years of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - reducing the punishment of life: that: he had been imposed at first instance - for having written a poem deemed hostile to the regime of Qatar. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem entitled 'Gelsomino' in which she starred, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). --ANSWER -- AND IS VERY repressive elite.. lol. THIS: IS been SHOWN: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the islamists, are all: MONSTERS ARE DAMN bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, hopeless imperialist

    02/25/2013 TIBET - CHINA Young Tibetan man sets himself on fire in monastery in Qinghai Phakmo Dhondup self-immolates in protest against Beijing's hard-line stance against Tibet. In his 20s, he was taken to hospital with burns on much of his body. Security forces impose restrictions on the area of the incident. Monasteries organise special prayers for his prompt recovery. --ANSWER -- ok! I protect the Buddhists, ok! but, when, they regain their independence? are like Hindus they too begin, with the murder of innocent Christian martyrs! io proteggo i buddisti, ok! ma, quando loro recuperano la indipendenza? sono come gli induisti, anche loro, incominciano, ad uccidere i cristiani martiri innocenti!

    02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound of Gangnam Style and pledges of a new economic miracle.. During the campaign, she promised to take a softer line with North Korea compared to her predecessor. During the next five years of her mandate, she plans to lay the bases for future reunification, but also for a new economic miracle based on science and technology as well as a "creative economy" founded on "economic democratisation". The new president will have to accommodate her hard-core voters, mostly elderly who remember the "good old days" when South Korea's GDP grew by 10 per cent a year under her father's military dictatorship. A non-practicing Catholic, Park said that the country could go back to such rates. At present, its economy grew an average of 4.3 per cent in the past five years. Before she was sworn in, rapper Psy performed his world hit Gangnam Style. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.

    @synnek1 for you -- > D'altra parte deve rendere conto allo zoccolo duro dei suoi elettori, per la stragrande maggioranza anziani che ricordano con nostalgia i tempi della dittatura e la strabiliante crescita economica dell'epoca, con la Corea stabile sui 10 punti percentuali di crescita del Pil ogni anno. La Park, battezzata cattolica ma "non praticante", ha sostenuto di poter tornare a quei ritmi. Al momento il Paese viaggia su una crescita media del 4,3 % annuo. Prima del giuramento il noto cantante Psy si è esibito nel suo Gangnam Style, oramai un successo mondiale.

    BastaBugie 240. of 13 April 2012. WANT AS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. Napolitano presents a woman for the Quirinale: some say Emma Bonino ... But who is Emma Bonino: Bildenberg? Hardly anyone the vote despite the high visibility in the media ... BastaBugie 221. of 2 December 2011. COMPANIES 'SECRET TO WHICH BELONGS MARIO MONTI: TOGETHER WITH DRAGONS AND MARIO ENRICO LETTA ... IN THE PAST AND BILL CLINTON AND TONY BLAIR. We show also the shocking video where Mario Monti says that states must give up their sovereignty to Europe of technocrats. wrote William Vincent Shannon, not exactly a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but a prestigious journalist, editor of the New York Times and U.S. ambassador to Ireland under President Carter (1977-1981): "The Bilderberg members are building the era of post-nationalism: when we will not have countries, but rather regions of the earth surrounded by universal values.

    synnek1°Master youtube --- what you are doing to protect the Christian martyrs? You know, for myself? I will not ask anything!
1_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas. To find true persecution, look overseas. Colorado Springs, December 21 (World Watch Monitor) — By Steve Rabey. Jesus warned his followers that they would experience persecution, a prediction that was already coming true before the books, of, the New Testament were completed. Today, Shortt argues, "the greatest curbs on religious freedoms take place in Muslim majority countries." Take Egypt, where Christianity grew deep roots in the centuries before Mohammed. Today, there are more than 10 million Christians among a population, of, more than 80 million. But Christians have faced increasing pressures in recent decades,

2_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]], and, the overthrow, of, a dictator, and, a historic election that promoted the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi have complicated matters even more. The book documents how attacks, and, bombings, of, churches have increased since the election; forced emigration is shrinking the Christian population; Coptic Christians (the largest group, of, Egyptian Christians) face systematic obstacles to promotion in the army, police, and, legal professions; Coptic women have been abducted, and, forced to convert to Islam;, and, Muslims who convert to Christianity may be shunned, harassed, physically harmed, and, even killed. Shortt is quick to point out he doesn't blame Islam per se for the growing pressure on Christians.

3_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  After all, Christians, and, Muslims marched hand-in-hand in 2011 during the Tahrir Square demonstrations against the Mubarak regime. Rather, an increasingly fervent strain, of, "politicized Islamism" has swept the Arab world, exploiting popular anxieties, and, endangering interfaith. Religion has only become more politicized as the scheduled Dec. 15 vote on a proposed Egyptian constitution nears. Still, Shortt notes the causes, of, conflict often are more mundane, such as differences in lifestyle,, or, fears that hard-working, thrifty, and, self-disciplined Christians may have an edge over their neighbors in the daily competition for survival. "I reject the...fantasy that holds Islam to be uniquely violent," he writes. In fact, he asserts,

4_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  "much anti-Christian prejudice, and, violence has nothing to do with militant Islam." Throughout the Middle East, for example, both ancient grudges, and, modern statecraft contribute to Christians' vulnerabilities. The West has embraced, supported, and, armed a series, of, unpopular dictators, unintentionally increasing the credibility, of, groups like Al Qaeda., and, interventions that may have seemed like a good idea to some at the time, such as restoring Iran's Shah to power in 1953, have more deeply entrenched both anti-Western, and, anti-Christian feelings. Nor does Shortt hold Christians blameless in the rise, of, religious intolerance. For one thing, Christian churches in the region have their own long history, of, "violent intolerance."

5_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  Christians in many countries have also been slow in embracing, or, promoting interfaith dialogue, and, tolerance. In other places, Christians have allowed inter-church divisions to weaken both their witness, and, the social fabric. Not all church leaders have been well trained, or, temperate., and, in some cases, he writes, overzealous believers have allowed their exuberant house church worship services to antagonize their neighbors. In Nigeria, where the population has roughly equal numbers, of, Christians, and, Muslims, religious conflicts play out against a backdrop, of, chronic sectarian problems among some 500 ethnic groups. When tensions rise, followers, of, Jesus, and, followers, of, Mohammed seem more apt to blame

6_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]], and, attack each other rather than to love, and, work with each other. "Muslims have (also) suffered grievously at the hands, of, Christians," writes Shortt. In too many, of, these cases, the conflicts turn deadly. Shortt describes conflicts that erupted after the 2011 Nigerian Presidential elections in which a Christian candidate was elected. The results led to outbursts, of,  violence that left more than 800 people dead, more than 300 churches razed, and, some 65,000 people displaced. In Iraq, he says, the American-led invasion, of, 2003 has been a "disaster" for a struggling Christian population that numbered between 1.2, and, 1.4 million in 1990. Today the Christian population in this "cultural, and, spiritual heartland, of, Christianity"

7_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  has dwindled to fewer than 200,000 souls. The Christians who remain have witnessed the destruction, and, desecration, of, their churches, convents, monasteries, and, orphanages. Bishops have been murdered, or, beheaded in their churches. "Few populations on earth have suffered as acutely as Iraq's in recent years," he writes. Shortt does not make out his exhibition, of, petty disputes, Western diplomatic miscalculation, and, Christian culpability to be excuses for anti-Christian violence. Nor does he explain why it may be important to believers to face up to these realities. Beyond the argument that the threat to Christians is vastly under-recognized, he draws few conclusions from his just-the-facts approach to the subject.

8_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  In some countries where Christians are persecuted, national constitutions officially enshrine religious freedom. The problem, writes Shortt, is that "beliefs may be manifested only in particular ways." The danger is not in embracing Christian doctrine, but in living it out. In country after country, Christians who attend church worship services, read Christian literature, observe Christian holidays, or, wear crosses subject themselves to social ostracism, violence, or, criminal charges,, and, courts seldom support their constitutionally mandated rights. Conditions are bad, and, getting worse. So, what can be done? If you were hoping the Arab Spring, with its promise, of, democracy, would bring relief, think again. "

9_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  Nowadays," says Shortt, "where political systems reflect people's values, they usually also reflect people's strong religious beliefs." Even in "secular" nations such as Turkey, a country "torn between two versions, of, itself," religious values often trump official policies. In 1965, Harvard's Harvey Cox predicted the imminent rise, of, "the secular city," but Shortt sees religion on the rise. "God is winning in global politics," he writes. In some cases, Christians persevere amidst the persecution. Such is the case in China, where decades, of, suppression following Mao's Cultural Revolution haven't been able to halt the growth, of, underground, and, house churches that Shortt says have brought about "a spiritual renaissance"

10_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  that is considered by some to be "the greatest religious revival in history." Elsewhere, one bright spot is the influence, of, individual, incarnational Christians who minister to people's needs, and, serve as ambassadors, of, Christ. Shortt says these nurses, and, doctors in hospitals, teachers in schools, and, "Bible women" who work in villages around the globe are "translators" who "help interpret Christianity in local languages, and, cultures.". Such committed individuals can't singlehandedly eradicate the growing global problem, of, Christian persecution, but at least they can embody the message that Shortt conveys to all people, of, faith: "Good religion promotes conflict resolution; bad religion fosters discord." (Steve Rabey)

11_11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and, Oman: all zombies: for [genocide, for sharia]]..  Steve Rabey is a Colorado writer, editor, and, consultant who has written more than 2,000 articles, and, more than 30 books ( rabeywords com). Christianophobia
Rupert Shortt, 298 pp. (including index), 2012, Ryder/Random House (UK). king dickhead! When the Zionists: Pharisees: Neturei Karta: Enlightened, of the Talmud: 322 666 owl god, Baal Kabbalah: IMF FED ECB: they will remember That they are Christians, In Their hypocrisy, Which is higher than yours? you will die, as the beast of a dog, because, you are a demon! Christianophobia _11.. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman: all zombies: for genocide, for sharia. 

genocide, for sharia Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Oman: all zombies:] - ANSWER --- YOU HAVE KILLED THE HOPE ON THIS PLANET!. HA MUERTO LA ESPERANZA EN ESTE PLANETA!. VOI AVETE UCCISO, LA SPERANZA SU QUESTO PIANETA!. Vous avez tué le ESPOIR SUR CETTE PLANETE!. SIE HABEN DIE HOFFNUNG AUF DIESER PLANET getötet!. Bu gezegende UMUT ÖLDÜRÜLDÜ VAR!. لقد قتلتم THE HOPE على هذا الكوكب! king dickhead! When the Zionists: Pharisees: Neturei Karta: Enlightened, of the Talmud: 322 666 owl god, Baal Kabbalah: IMF FED ECB: they will remember That they are Christians, In Their hypocrisy, Which is higher than yours? you will die as the beast of a dog, because you are a demon! Christianophobia . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [[Imperialism: Abdulla Bin Abdel Aziz Dracula.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman: all zombies: for genocide, for sharia.

my friend: [Satanism IMF: (ESM - the European Stability Mechanism): in Italy] We are: all: know that: the famous "hidden speculators" responsible for the crisis: that: are: experiencing more: not: is: that: an: group: of: the bankers. As a reward, not: only that we are: Thorough: to them the responsibility of: us out of the crisis, but: we are the: Also providing: immunity from prosecution: for: do it. On 19 July, 2012: Parliament: has: ratified: the entry into the, MES (ESM.Questo "mechanism" of: more stability: not: is: that: an: Institute: Loans simulator: intergovernmental, in the as States Parties come: as of: Members and / or: Debtors. addition to about 125 billion: of: Euro: that we will have to: pay for: enter (the MES has: however, the right of: take an : increase: of: capital at any time, under penalty)

my friend: [Satanism IMF: (ESM - the European Stability Mechanism): in Italy] we have: committed to: return the ratio: deficit / GDP: 60%: in the tour: of: vent 'years (we are now at the 125/126%). This: means having to pay approximately: 45 billion: of: euro: the year. Even worse: the hypothesis of: use of this fund: for: an: loan: not: we should: be able: of: repay the debt: contract: on time, the fund would acquire the right: of: of deciding the: our economic financial, suspending: of: fact: in the democracy, our: Country. and, as if, not: enough, the fund: has: guaranteed: total immunity to its officials, as well: that: the inviolability of: archives and: property and: exemption from taxation for any: his possessions and : profits.

my friend: [Satanism IMF: (ESM - the European Stability Mechanism): in Italy] The EUROGENDFOR (EGF) is: was established in the, 2007. is: an: body: of: the military police that: respond to Cimino, the group of foreign ministers of the six countries that: they provide: the number of staff. The duties assigned to: this: the body, the, treated: of: Velsen, not: are well defined. In line of: Maximum range: repression of: any of turmoil: the supervision of the square: the investigation of: various national police forces. Also: soldiers EGF enjoy: of: immunity for: all actions performed in ' fulfillment: of them duties, as well as the inviolability of: locations and: communications, not: are not even obliged to: reimburse any damage to Things or: people ...

my friend: [Satanism IMF: (ESM - the European Stability Mechanism): in Italy] Thanks to: all these concessions EGF not: it seems to us, for: Statute, very: different from the various secret police that: for: decades: subject: and: scared: different populations around: the world. if, on the one hand we are: mandating, through the establishment of the ESM, the management of the: financial policies: Eurozone to an Institute: Financial: (subject: to: of reasons: profit, rather than the interests of the : Populations that: should: be), on the other we have: created: an: body: military for: suppress in full "legality" the legitimate protests of citizens, citizens who increasingly squeezed by this oligarchy without principle: moral, you can see: to deprive one: after: the other, of: all: the rights acquired in the hard, time: that: it ensured: a dignified life. "IMF 666: 322: not: only: THEY ARE: Bringing : HUNGER, MA, to them, they say: ALSO, TO DO: in the, ours: INTEREST! "

[All: the human race: for: a single family: in the, universal brotherhood without losing its own identity!] Has: need: of: an: location: of: Identification: collective because the brothers are those : Why are around: for n: common father! Well, that is: the true vocation of the Temple: Jewish! This: is: the priesthood of UNIVERSAL: Melchizedek! priesthood, that: Abraham wanted: for, if: and: for: all: his children: and: descendants! so, Satanism: that: is: finished: in all: the sacred texts: must be identified: and: sterilized! because: there is an: foundation: that: is: the picture and: similarity: that: God has: put: in every man: and: then: every difference becomes a minor difference: is why: it must be cursed : and the Talmud: its: Pharisaism: like any other: the culture of hatred: the supremacy because: not: there is: a real superiority: at of: outside: the universal image and: likeness that: God has: put: every man in the act: creative!

@ For my brotherhood UNIVERSAL - but, if, Judaism: not: it can be exported: o: widespread? if, not: THERE COULD BE ever: an: MANKIND: that: is: DONE, only: to JEWS? then this: is: logical also: Jews must: be destroyed! The Illuminati, after: You have: served of: them: and: of them rabbinical complicity: the: purpose: of: spread: hate resentment: resentment: and: Racism: from: to: the people! is: important, however, that, them not: can: understand: that: are Jews Illuminati to want them destroyed: because the Jews? for: Illuminati Jews? them not: are real Jews! because, then, if, not: can an even exist: the human race totally Jewish? So the future is been: reserved: only: for: Satanists and: aliens: (in a very: short) all: monsters, that: the IMF has: created: because of the synagogue: Satan is : yes: the new tower of the pyramid: Babel: that: is: the NWO!

@ Universal Brotherhood? -: Is: a curse: if, Judaism: not: is: a religion that: can be: Diffuse exported, ie: in Parthian: as a jew?: You must be born!: And : This barrier is: aggravated, accentuated: the satanic Talmud: to: where the story seems to corroborate! as of the first: to be killed: from the others? perhaps is: better to kill others (prevent? is: rather, that: cure!) in advance through: the IMF, the seigniorage: bank: and: the destruction: of: all sovereignty: for: the impoverishment, devitalization , exhaustion, etc. .. of: all: the nations now powerless in front of the grid: of: institutions and: read: that: have: an: lager: hopeless! All peoples, which are driven: by real traitors (Masons), that, them not: are: nenche: capable: of: the look of: the death of the system, which is been: created: IMF! without understanding that his: money? not: you can pay with interest to: none!

. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] is why: all: the Jews of the world to them are: involved and: must: understand: that: is: essential to build: an: true Israel: for: ripristare a real nation (true kingdom) and : not: a puppet nation: that is, a false democracy Masonic: with the star of: Satan Rothschild: on the: his: Flag: that is, a nation pretext of conflict: that: is been: Built: designed: only: with: the perspective that would have been destroyed! is why: the rabbis Satanists: Illuminati: them not: are so stupid: Today, from go to: live in Israel (to lose power: sovereignty stolen: to: all: the people)! is why: the Jews: lost: faith in God: and: them not: fail: to: understand: the real reasons for them: identity: for of: out: of: an: folklore fact: of: remorse : hate, resentment: fears and resentment: romantic traditions! maybe it is: just: Satan, the true God: of: the: world? So, Rothschild is: an: hero: for: kill enemies: that is all: the people!

. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] is why, not: is: can save: our: planet: if, not: is destroyed: the IMF and: not: are you renew all institutions, and: religions, "that is, is : Required: healed: human relationships: between: all: men! " watching: the natural law: that: is: the law of love: and: universal compassion: such as Buddha, Gandhi: and: all: the leading saints them are: told you! and: so: for to become an: project: political has: essential need: the construction of the Temple: Jewish: and: the restaurant of the Kingdom of Israel: where requirements become: shared needs: how must: be the control policies: democrafico: that are: shared by all nations! if, not us: we want: that: both used the war: for: to realize this: target

and: God thinks that: also: I: I: Do universal brotherhood: I: that: not: are capable: of: to forgive anyone? or: of: to have compassion for: my enemies? So, I said, are the worst element: the greatest enemy of universal brotherhood! and, perhaps is: for: this: that: God has: choose: me! for: just punish: me: and: force me to: forgive all: why should we forgive?: is: something: that: is: violently opposed: to my nature: of: unius REI! In fact, I said, are: the law of retaliation! is why: under: my: kingdom? anyone should fall: under: my justice! because: I: not: I can: be the accomplice of: no crime! and: for: me men are: all: the same: because there is an: only: and unique God, that has: done: all: them to: his: and image: similarity!

the foundation: of: all: the human race? can only be "the biblical Decalogue" or "Natural Law: you do good! you from evil! we are: all: brothers: and: God is, infinitely pure infinitely just: infinite love! ' because the Ten Commandments? this is: the only "real" word: that God has: written personally to the of: out: of: any: manipulation: ideological of: evil, racism: and: predation: Satanism: of the Pharisees: that: today are precisely: the masters of IMF! So the cultural revolution of the [universal brotherhood]? can be: only: a restoration of the Jewish religion: to: destruction of at every moment: that is: been corrupted: and: for: back to Abraham, who made of: if, same: subject: of: Melchisek! then: the true Judaism: is: the offering of the bread and: wine: made by Melchizedek: and: not: the sacrifice bloody: that: is: evil, and: predation

. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] of course: in this universal brotherhood: all: must: believe: set to: me and: anyone should be excluded: not: we must: Do as the "League" raba "has: already done in Syria: that: is: went to Syria with: his Salafis of Al Qaeda to: say: I: Assad not: it: I want! " because either: you're all: together: o: hopefully in the, ravvidimento (conversion) of: all: o: not: it does not matter: you have to die like pieces of: radioactive shit! is why: I: I: the collaborazone of Rothschild: and: of: all: many: is why: I: I: granted: an amnesty universal! also: why: I: not: I: Jurisdiction: to: judge crimes: that: are been committed: in the era of satanic IMF: that is, the crimes committed: at of: outside my: kingdom: "Universal" : of: unius REI:

. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession [UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] if, someone insists with: the thinking that: a religion or: an ideology: to win: against: all: the others necessarily? then, will be: Satanism: IMF NWO: ie, the Masonic system: of: Jabull On: or: Baal 666: the owl god: the Bohemian Grove: ie, the god Marduk: Pharisees Illuminati rabbis kakam: the IMF: to: win: against: all! on the contrary: they: have: already won: against: all! but, if, someone thinks that: for: he: is: appropriate, to continue to live? So, the only alternative left: the IMF: and: to his: inevitable 3 ° WW nuclear is the kingdom: the universal brotherhood of lorenzojhwh: ie, the Kingdom: of: Palestine: for: universal brotherhood!

666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods owl Baal Marduk: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: SiamoInGuerra999 - you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, ecc.., I do not want charity, of the thief murderess, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. that legitimacy can never have, for a murderess usurer, he stole: my monetary sovereignty: in total disregard for: human dignity: Hope of ISrael, and the Constitution? .. therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!
Le profezie bibliche sul Messia
[332 profezie messianiche dell'Antico Testamento, sono la prova scientifica della divinità di Gesù Cristo!] questo ha detto la statistica!
The Biblical prophecies about the Messiah
[332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, are the scientific proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ] said this statistics!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel