@ IsraelNationalTV -> when the best: among: men: he wants to do a good job: for love of the your creator? God commands: immediately an angel: to hit him: 1. flagellation, 2. crown of thorns; 3. crucifixion; 4. spear in the heart! since God can not be glorified: by a carnal man: that: he must die, because: God can be served: by only: a spiritual man! But, now, a spiritual man resurrected? He ends: and began to suffer: to rule the world! here's why: Catholic priests: they commit blasphemy when they say: "diseases?: are a gift from God!" .. In fact, many saints: (in order to benefit mankind?): they continue to suffer: only: for: their explicit: the request! but this is not my case! for: I have decided: to kill: so: in mode supernatural: all the traitors of my kingdom!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> Freemasonry: namely, the synagogue of Satan: 1. was born: in: the slavery of Egypt! are them, that: 2. have broken: down: every possibility of resistance of the people: because stabbing the back: the heroes and patriots: of the Jews! 3. they did sin, of Moses in the desert! and taken away: the hope of entering the "Promised Land" to Him! 5. they have cursed Israel mightily! 6. They are our rabbis: that is, the Pharisees: IMF: and all their accomplices in the NWO! I am compelled by God(like Jonah) to forgive all, but I pray everyday for God to make a massacre of them all: for not to give me: this disgust: that is: of having to forgive them!
kwv1 -> is for mercy: that: we have extended: the salvation outside of Christianity .. though? 1. Christians go to hell: very right: like everyone else! 60%: of all mankind? is for the hell (geenna). 2. 39.9%? is in purgatory (ade:sheol): that it's the same suffering: physical: that is in the hell, but, in place of demons: there are the holy angels: to make a comfort sweet! "born again"?: it is indispensable to achieve: the same divine nature of God himself: it: Christians do not become children of God: automatically, but only: through: 1. an active apostolate: 2. a personal and individual relationship with God!
@ YHWH -> "Lord Have mercy of us! Christ's mercy!" -> People are all sinners dead: all grass:for the fire: up soon: 3°WWnuclear! that's why: for my love and mercy: I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1= satanist = youtube= IHateNEWLAYOUT:you suck! @ all Governs --> the way of love? is always the cheapest! that's why I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1: all satanists and freemasons this is the one: that: it really matters!
My heart is full of love and happiness! because: my future is bright .. while: the your heart((perverse and evil)) is oppressed: with sadness .. because: your Satan: has already lost its future
@ Youtube-Synnek1: = IHateNEWLAYOUT: you suck! you have decided: that: I no longer have to answer .. (at all "shared" with you) [[From: lorenzojhwh. A: p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]], but all governments: of the world? they must know: all the evil: that you: IMF-NWO: CIA MOSSAD: you're doing: against: me: and against them!
I was attacked by haker: and now, they have changed: my "bios" on a laptop: it: I can not use: more do reading: the reader: of: my: CD DVD that: it was renamed as: "* __ etc. .. etc. .. "but, for another laptop? have destroyed the file system and I can not reinstall windows.. their goal? do lost: against me: the my time: and: my money! [[TO DO: DESPITE A: AGAINST ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HAS SET: VERY "BAD": his WINDOW: OF HIS traslator! WHEN: 2. YOUTUBE becomes: in numbers indecipherable: the clues of my friends! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - ANSWER -> YOU GUYS! you have the "syndrome of Cain"! but will, perhaps: you people? you who have chosen: to be Satanists criminals: of IMF-NWO: ALL of them to do evil against all peoples: CIA MOSSAD? you have already ruined peoples: too: ENOUGH: certainly: you will be punished!
youtube suck! --> [Against bishops: freemasons and modernists] if there HAD not Been: the apparitions of Our Lady: (fatima lourdes, etc ... etc ...) the my: "Queen of the Angels" and there are not Been: father saint Pius from Pietrelcina, and all other saint? the synagogue of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, would have annihilated: every form of: Christianity throughout the world .. Because Christianity is not a political movement: as is been grazy crazy: Islam, but, now: all Satanists: with my Kingdom of unius Rei? now they become: all the most talented guys: or: go down to dance between the bones!
Illuminati of IMF are afraid of this server! here because it will be resized! @ Synnek1 ---> about: March 7, 2012? you're dead! youtube is IHateNEWLAYOUT = youtube = is Satanists! I am not responsible: if you has chose to be a Satanist .. you sided with the forces of earth: to see the worms happy! and so: you lost the sky! and since, Angels have the air force: their: they win? You suck! I believe that all people of this planet? they are in love with me! I'm sure: all the saints of God: and all the angels perfect! and God himself: they are all in love with me!
CAN YOU USE Vaseline!