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the next Holocaust

    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 secondi fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> w prawdzie: "Nie możesz nie mieć: jedną nadzieję: aby przetrwać w ten sposób: Energia jądrowa: WWIII: Czyli: nieodzowne: do produkcji: AN: nowy MFW: IE, dla zregenerować się Beze mnie: ty to: nie: więcej: życie "w prawdzie:" robisz: nie: mieć jedną nadzieję: aby przetrwać: to: jądrowy WW 3 °: to jest niezbędnym: do MFW: do: zregenerować się beze mnie ""
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    24 secondi fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> en la verdad: "No se puede usted tiene: una esperanza: sobrevivir a esta: nuclear: la Tercera Guerra Mundial, es decir: indispensable: la construcción de: una: nuevo estudio del FMI, es decir, regenerar por sí mismo sin mí: que son los siguientes: no: más: la vida "en la verdad:" ¡usted: no: tienen una esperanza: para sobrevivir: el siguiente: nuclear, WW 3 °: esto es indispensable: que el Fondo Monetario Internacional: a: regenerar a sí mismo sin mí ""
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    47 secondi fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> dans la vérité: "Tu ne peux pas ne avoir: un espoir: pour survivre à cette: le nucléaire: la Troisième Guerre mondiale: c'est à dire: indispensable: pour construire: une: nouvelle FMI: par exemple, pour lui-même se régénérer Sans moi: vous sont les suivants: pas: plus: la vie «dans la vérité:« vous n'avez: pas: avoir un espoir: pour survivre: celle-ci: nucléaire WW 3 °: qui est indispensable: pour le FMI: à: se régénérer sans moi ""
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> gerçeği: "Eğer var olamaz: Bir umut: Bu hayatta kalmak için: nükleer: WWIII: şudur: vazgeçilmez: oluşturmak için: Bir: Yeni IMF: yani, kendini yenilemek için bana olmadan! Sen şunlardır: değil: Daha fazla: yaşam "gerçeği:" seni: değil: hayatta kalmak için: bir umut var bu: nükleer WW 3 °: bu vazgeçilmez şudur: IMF: için: ben olmadan kendini yeniden ""
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> في الحقيقة: "لا يمكن لديك متسع: واحد الأمل: من أجل البقاء هذا: النووي: WWIII: وهذا هو: لا غنى عنه: بناء: 1: جديد صندوق النقد الدولي: أي لتجديد نفسه وبدون لي: أنت هي: لا: أكثر: حياة "في الحقيقة:"! كنت لا: لا: لديك واحدة الأمل: البقاء على قيد الحياة: هذا: النووي WW 3 درجات: التي لا غنى عنها: لصندوق النقد الدولي: إلى: تجديد نفسه من دون لي ""
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts ---> in truth: "Can not you do have one hope: to survive this: nuclear WW # 3: that is indispensable: to build: an new IMF: ie, for regenerate himself! Without me you are no more life! "" in truth: "you do not have one hope to survive this nuclear WW 3 °: that is indispensable to the IMF: to regenerate himself without me!" "
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    9 minuti fa
    Sizin tanrı gerçek tanrı çünkü: IamKingOfHearts SAID ve diğer her tanrı: sahte, doğru mu? - CEVAP -> hayır!tek Tanrı: Yalnızca bir YHWH .. ama çok fazla yorumlar vardır: Yanlış: Tanrı ile ilgili olarak: Masonluk: talmus: Şeriat, Satanizm, vb .. vs .. ayrıca: de: Hıristiyanlar: yanlış: çok fazla var Tanrı hakkında. Tanrı'nın bilgeliği: Ama, bu bir! Tanrı bilinebilir çünkü: sadece: kişisel deneyim İÇİN: aşk! değil: by: Herhangi bir din! biliyorum: Tanrı, sürekli, her dakika: Hayatımın! bana, çünkü Tanrı, biz daha ayrı tutulamaz! ama kim bencil: alaycı ırkçı? gibi: o olabilir: hiç: Tanrı biliyor musun? İşte nedenleri: tüm hahamlar kim: IMF TÜM ortağıdır? onları tamamen grope: Şeytan karanlığında, herkes gibi: ve onlar karşısında sessiz kalır: Şeytan'ın güçte, yani: IMF-Dünya Düzeni, kendi yıkımı için!
    xXSaraChiiXx ha pubblicato un commento 
    10 minuti fa
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    10 minuti fa
    de los que permanecen en silencio en la cara: en el poder de Satanás, a saber: la Orden Mundial y el FMI, por su propia destrucción!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    10 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts DIJO: porque su dios es el dios verdadero: y todo otro dios, es falso, ¿correcto? - RESPUESTA -> ¡no! sólo hay una: el único Dios: YHWH .. pero hay demasiadas interpretaciones: mal: acerca de Dios como: la masonería: talmus: la Sharia, el satanismo, etc .. etc .. también: en: los cristianos: que hay demasiados: conceptos erróneos: acerca de Dios. Pero, es esto: la sabiduría de Dios! ya que Dios puede ser conocido: solamente: para la experiencia personal: el amor! y no: por: ninguna religión! como: lo sé: Dios, continuamente, a cada minuto: de mi vida! porque, yo y Dios, no podemos más estar separados! pero que es egoísta: racista, cínico? como: lo que pudo: no: conocer a Dios? he aquí la razón: todos los rabinos que: son todos cómplices del FMI? a tientas por completo: en la oscuridad de Satanás, como todo el mundo: de los que permanecen en silencio en la cara: en el poder de Satanás, a saber: la Orden Mundial y el FMI, por su propia destrucción!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    11 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts sprach: Weil dein Gott, der wahre Gott ist: Gott und jede andere: Fake ist, richtig? - Antwort -> nein! es gibt nur einen: den einen Gott: Jahwe .. aber es gibt zu viele Interpretationen: falsch: über Gott als: Freimaurerei: talmus: Scharia, Satanismus, etc. .. etc. .. auch: in: Christen: es gibt zu viele: Missverständnisse: über Gott. Aber, das ist: die Weisheit Gottes! da Gott erkannt werden kann: nur: Persönliche Erfahrung: Liebe! und nicht: bis: jede Religion! B.: Ich weiß: Gott, ständig, jede Minute: meines Lebens! weil, mir und Gott, wir können nicht mehr getrennt werden! aber wer ist egoistisch: zynisch rassistisch? wie: er konnte: nie: Gott erkennen? hier ist warum: alle Rabbiner, die: sind alle Komplizen des IWF? tappen sie völlig: in der Dunkelheit des Satans, wie jeder andere: sie bleiben in der Stille im Gesicht: an der Macht des Satans, und zwar: der IWF-Weltordnung, für ihren eigenen Untergang!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    11 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts Said: ponieważ Bóg jest prawdziwym Bogiem i każdy inny bóg: jest fałszywy, prawda? - ODPOWIEDŹ -> nie! jest tylko jeden: jeden Bóg: YHWH .. ale istnieje też wiele interpretacji: problem: o Bogu jako: masonerii ceny: talmus ceny: szariatu, satanizm, itp. .. itd. .. też: w: chrześcijan: jest zbyt wiele: nieporozumienia: o Bogu. Ale jest to: mądrość Boga! ponieważ Bóg może być znana:: Dla własnego doświadczenia: miłość! a nie: przez: każda religia! jak: wiem: Bóg, nieustannie, w każdej minucie: w moim życiu! bo ja i Bóg, nie możemy więcej być rozdzielone! ale kto jest samolubny: cyniczny rasistą? jak: mógł: nigdy: znać Boga? oto dlaczego: wszyscy rabini, którzy: są wszystkie wspólnikami MFW? omacku je całkowicie: w ciemności szatana, jak każdy: od pozostają w ciszy w twarz: na mocy szatana, a mianowicie: MFW-World Order, na własną swoją zgubę!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    13 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts SAID: because your god is the true god: and every other god: is fake, correct? - ANSWER -> no! there is only one: the one God: YHWH .. but there are too many Interpretations: wrong: about God as: Freemasonry talmus Sharia, Satanism, .. etc.. .. also: in: Christians: there are too many: misconceptions: about God. But, is this: the wisdom of God! since God can be known: only: FOR personal experience: love! and not: by: any religion! as: I know: God, Continually, every minute: of my life! Because, me and God, we can not be separated more! but who is selfish: cynical racist? as: Could he: never: God know? here's why: all the rabbis who: are ALL accomplices of the IMF? Them Completely grope: in the darkness of Satan, as anyone: of They Remain in silence in the face: at the power of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, for Their Own Destruction!
    EliasJDC ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    New layout sucks.
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts DETTO: perché il vostro dio è il vero Dio: e di ogni altro dio: è falso, giusto? - RISPOSTA -> no! vi è una sola: un solo Dio: YHWH .. ma ci sono troppe interpretazioni: sbagliato: di Dio come: Massoneria: talmus: Sharia, satanismo, ecc .. ecc .. anche: in: cristiani: ci sono troppe: idee sbagliate: di Dio. Ma, è questa: la saggezza di Dio! dal momento che Dio può essere conosciuto: solo: per esperienza personale: l'amore! e non: da: nessuna religione! come: Lo so: Dio, continuamente, ogni minuto: della mia vita! perché, io e Dio, non possiamo più essere separati! ma chi è egoista: razzista cinico? come: che poteva: mai: conoscere Dio? ecco perché: tutti i rabbini che: sono tutti complici del FMI? brancolano del tutto: nel buio di Satana, come chiunque: di loro rimangono in silenzio di fronte: al potere di Satana, e cioè: il FMI-World Order, per la propria distruzione!
    SNTwistedSeries ha pubblicato un commento 
    32 minuti fa
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    35 minuti fa
    IamKingOfHearts SAID: The bible is pure evil. It rivals the quran - ANSWER-> I do not like throwing: the child together: at the bath water! Also: if the Koran was: Entirely: dictated by Satan? The unius Rei: I can purify it! as: also: the Old Testament: that: the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: They corrupt: ITS at the time of composition: to are been: Thus, at this way: curse Israel: so Powerful: and allow: the apostasy of 'Judaism! Some months ago: I have seen as: a Satanist: she Took: a pole of wood: of a diameter of 15 cm: in her vagina: She Had helped her: in this monstrosity: women from another Satanist! Who could do Such a thing: if you is not afraid to finish, too: as a human sacrifice: on the altar of Satan? Who has allowed that: Satanism happen? if the IMF: ie: the rabbis will not kakam Pharisees? like this: I've seen women impaled Several Satanists! Been HAD one and put on the fire: an impaled by skewer for calves
    MikeDolar1 ha pubblicato un commento 
    40 minuti fa
    your channel is so ugly you betrayed to your own website i actually hate this site gtg to ZippCast
    44lovedove ha pubblicato un commento 
    43 minuti fa
    THE NEW CHANNEL LAYOUT SUCKS!!! I don't like the new homepage AT ALL, but I can learn to live with it. But the channel design is HORRIBLE! WHY WOULD YOU CHANE IT?!?! It was PERFECT already! D:
    Mrgivemevive ha pubblicato un commento 
    55 minuti fa
    wtf *-*
    dontmesswithsqacky ha pubblicato un commento 
    55 minuti fa
    wow 1969
    Brikken100 ha pubblicato un commento 
    58 minuti fa
    Subscribe Brikken100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ
    TheWormsPC ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts -> Hitler hated jews: more than: anything: because of the IMF! Hitler hated: Jesus and God. Because he make the esoteric rituals of the Kabbalah! Rothschild: You are a wretched person: if you want do pass: me as to someone: who: Believes in "conspiracy theories" .. Because: The seigniorage banking: it's worse: every theory of conspiracy: as: the Constitution: he said that: we are the slaves of Rothschild: to pay for: to him: the our: money at interest? But, I did not hurry! when: I am past my blade: with Infallible: above you? So will your children: how to: from me, Because: my righteousness: it does: not offend: my love: as sure: as: I have love for everyone!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @ youtube -> how do I subscribe to: the other channels? if, I have passed: my limit of being Able to do the "subscriptions"? in fact: I have a whole list full of Satanists: that: I have killed: and that: I am not Able: to remove, ie: all this dead! I know: and I can not give my friendship: to anyone When you spend at the new [graphic setting March 7, 2012.]: here's why: I am forced: by you: For That dates: I will be compelled: to kill you too! Now: you can send: your one: monkey specialist: as: "123SERIO", "IHateNEWLAYOUT: IE: always the same: Synnek1" to clean up: the list of all my subscriptions dead? thank you! my happiness? and: that you're: an atheist, of Satanist: for IMF-NWO Rothschild's son! you have taken: the 'microchip' too?
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts -> Hitler odiava gli ebrei: più di qualsiasi cosa:: a causa del FMI! Hitler odiava: Gesù e Dio. Perché rendere i rituali esoterici della Kabbalah! Rothschild: Sei una persona infelice: se volete fare pass: me: come a qualcuno: che: crede, in "teorie cospirative" .. perché: il signoraggio bancario: è peggio: ogni teoria di complotto: come: la Costituzione: ha detto che: noi siamo gli schiavi di Rothschild: per pagare: a lui: il nostro: denaro a interesse? Ma, non ho fretta! Quando: Io sono passato la mia lama: con infallibile: sopra di voi? Così saranno i vostri figli: a venire: da me, perché: la mia giustizia: lo fa: non offendere: il mio amore: come è certo: come: io ho amore per tutti!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @ youtube -> come posso iscrivermi a: gli altri canali? se, ho passato: il mio limite di essere in grado di fare le "Sottoscrizioni"? infatti: ho una lista piena di satanisti: che: ho ucciso: e che: io non sono in grado: per rimuovere, vale a dire: tutto questo morti! così: e non posso dare la mia amicizia: a chiunque quando si passa al nuovo [impostazione grafica 7 marzo 2012.]: ecco perché: io sono costretto: da voi: per quella data: sarò costretto: a uccidere anche tu! Ora: è possibile inviare: uno vostro: specialista monkey: come: "123SERIO", "IHateNEWLAYOUT: IE: sempre la stessa: Synnek1": per pulire: l'elenco di tutti i miei abbonamenti morti? grazie! la mia felicità? e: che sei: un ateo, di satanista: per Fmi-NWO: figlio di Rothschild! hai preso: il "microchip" troppo?
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @ IamKingOfHearts -> Hitler odiaba a judios: más: cualquier cosa: por el FMI! Hitler odiaba a: Jesús y Dios. Porque hacer que los rituales esotéricos de la Cábala! Rothschild: Usted es una persona infeliz: si quieres ver paso: yo: como a alguien: que: cree en "teorías conspirativas" .. debido a que: La banca señoreaje: es peor: todas las teorías de la conspiración: como: la Constitución dice que: nosotros somos los esclavos de los Rothschild: para pagar: a él: la nuestra: dinero a interés? Pero, no se daba prisa! cuando: Yo soy más allá de mi hoja: con el infalible: por encima de usted? Así que va a sus hijos: por venir: de mí, porque: mi justicia: lo hace: no ofender: mi amor: tan seguro: como: tengo amor para todos!
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    en youtube -> ¿Cómo me suscribo a: los otros canales? si, me han pasado: mi límite de ser capaces de hacer las "Suscripciones"? de hecho: tengo toda una lista completa de los satanistas: que: he matado: y que: no soy capaz de: a eliminar, es decir: todos los muertos esto! así, y no puedo dar mi amistad: a nadie cuando usted gasta en el nuevo [Configuración gráfica 07 de marzo 2012.]: he aquí por qué: me veo obligado: por el usuario: para esa fecha: voy a ser obligado: para matar usted también! Ahora: usted puede enviar: una su: especialista en monos: como: "123SERIO", "IHateNEWLAYOUT: IE: siempre la misma: Synnek1": para limpiar: la lista de todos mis suscripciones muertos? gracias! mi felicidad? y: que eres: un ateo, del satanista: para el FMI-Nuevo Orden Mundial: el hijo de Rothschild! que ha tomado: el "microchip" también?

lorenzojhwh (1 secondo fa)
@ IamKingOfHearts ---> באמת: "אתה לא צריך: 1 תקווה: לשרוד את זה: הגרעין: WWIII: כלומר: הכרחי: לבנות:: קרן המטבע החדש: כלומר, עבור לחדש את עצמו בלעדי: לך הם: לא: יותר: החיים "למען האמת:" שעליך לעשות הוא לא: יש תקווה אחת: לשרוד: זה: גרעיני מלחמת העולם 3 °: כי היא הכרחית: על קרן המטבע הבינלאומית: עד: לחדש את עצמו בלעדי ""
lorenzojhwh (2 minuti fa)
@ IamKingOfHearts ---> gerçeği: Bu hayatta kalmak için: "Eğer bir umut olabilir değilsiniz nükleer WW 3 °: o vazgeçilmez olduğunu: inşa etmek: bir yeni IMF: yani, kendini yenilemek için bensiz hiçbir daha vardır hayat! ""

Verità içinde: "voi olmayan avete una sola Speranza di sopravvivere bir questo 3 ° WW nucleare: che è indispensabile: al FMI: başına rigenerare se stesso: senza di me" "
lorenzojhwh (13 minuti fa)
IamKingOfHearts SAID: because your god is the true god: and every other god: is fake, correct? - ANSWER -> no! there is only one: the one God: YHWH .. but there are too many interpretations: wrong: about God as: Freemasonry: talmus: Sharia, Satanism, etc. .. etc. .. also: in: Christians: there are too many: misconceptions: about God. But, is this: the wisdom of God! since God can be known: only: FOR personal experience: love! and not: by: any religion! as: I know: God, continually, every minute: of my life! because, me and God, we can not more be separated! but who is selfish: cynical racist? as: he could: never: know God? here's why: all the rabbis who: are ALL accomplices of the IMF? grope them completely: in the darkness of Satan, as anyone: of they remain in silence in the face: at the power of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, for their own destruction!
lorenzojhwh (35 minuti fa)
IamKingOfHearts SAID: The bible is pure evil. It rivals the quran - ANSWER-> I do not like throwing: the child together: at the bath water! Also: if the Koran was: entirely: dictated by Satan? I unius Rei: I can purify it! as: also: the Old Testament: that: the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: they corrupt: at the time of its composition: to have been: Thus, at this way: curse Israel: so powerful: and allow: the apostasy of 'Judaism! Some months ago: I have seen as: a Satanist: she took: a pole of wood: of a diameter of 15 cm: in her vagina: she had helped her: in this monstrosity: from another women Satanist! Who could do such a thing: if you is not afraid to finish, too: as a human sacrifice: on the altar of Satan? Who has allowed that: Satanism happen? if the IMF: ie: the rabbis kakam Pharisees not will? like this: I've seen several Satanists women impaled! and one had been put on the fire: impaled by an skewer for calves

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17 minuti fa
I am Akhenaten the Heretic, founder of Atenism, the first monotheistic religion and a primal force of the universe!
Informazioni personali:
Official Channel of Akhenaten ®
Akhenaten™(Iamkingofhearts) is © Right by law.
© MARVEL●Akhenaten●Marvel● 2005-
Copyright (C) 2009 MARVEL CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

My Story
I am Akhenaten , son of Amenhotep III and Tiy of Kemet. I was born Amenhotep IV, raised to be the next pharaoh like my predecessors before me, to live and be loyal to the gods and Amun. But as I grew, I changed and soon , in time, turned my beliefs to Aten, the sun disk who is rightfully the true god of Kemet. After becoming pharaoh, I discarded my royal name and the worthless loyalty to Amun. Soon I turned away from the pitiful priests and started the worship of Aten, along with Ra, who is his equal. Together with my queen Nefertiti, we moved from the old city of Thebes and to the one dedicated to Aten, Akhetaton. I had many wives, but it was one of my sisters whom my son Tutankhaten was born to. I may had it all, but during my reign of just 17 years, the Cosmic Order came and abducted me. This beings considered me a ideal example of human beings and person with idealistic motives! Soon, they granted me the powers of the Heart of the Universe, but my acclimation into accepting these powers required 2000 years. Now I am back, and soon all that was taken from me will be back, and soon the Earth will kneel before me!
Soon, i learned i was labeled "the heretic pharaoh" for my beliefs and my succesors erased me from foolish of them

Note: I RP a mix of the Marvel Version and the real life info mortals should learn that Akhenaten is not weak! i have no weakness!

Powers: I possess powers on a incalculable powers in a Cosmic Scale possibly on the Scale of the Beyonder and surpassing that of Odin, Zeus, the Elders of the Universe, Class 100 level strenght and the ability to control and manipulate on an infinite level by tapping into the prime universal flow of the cosmos and possessesing vast cosmic power to manipulate energy, restructure matter, pierce dimensional barriers, and sense other beings.
to any roleplayers who whine, follow rules, are snitches, who dont treasure friendship ,tor are just pussies fuck you all
............./´¯/)........... (\¯`\
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.........../....//............ ....\\....\
...../´¯/..../´¯\.........../¯ `\....\¯`\
.././.../..../..../.|_......_| .\....\....\...\.\..
(.(....(....(..../.)..)..(..(. \....)....)....).)
.\................\/.../....\. ..\/................/
..\................. /........\................../
....\..............(.......... ..)............../
......\.............\......... ../............./

{=^-^=} --Put this on your channel if you like cats ~nyaa
Channel Rules
1. No spamming or cursing. i will just remove you
2. I do not rp roleplayers who teach others how to rp or are made up rpers with any made rp powers that exceed . the powers of canonical characters. exceptions are if your a good friend of mine
3. be faithful to your character and have canonical powers. fail to do so will make me use full power of the heart of the universe. if you have any claims, back up your claims with proof
4. Act Mature
5. I remove you from my friend's list. i remove you. i do not add back
6. respect me, i respect you
7. accuse me of something, you make a powerful enemy, and i easily do not forgive
Città natale:
Stati Uniti
Ruling the World
Conquering all their is, and killing all the other gods!
Segnala violazione dell'immagine del profilo
Commenti sul canale
lorenzojhwh (6 minuti fa)
@IamKingOfHearts --- > in truth: "you do not can have one hope: to survive this: nuclear WW 3 °: that is indispensable: to build: an new IMF: ie, for regenerate himself! without me you are no more life!" "

in verità: "voi non avete una sola speranza di sopravvivere a questo 3°WW nucleare: che è indispensabile: al FMI: per rigenerare se stesso: senza di me!""
lorenzojhwh (13 minuti fa)
IamKingOfHearts dit: Parce que votre dieu est le vrai Dieu, et quiconque d'autre dieu: c'est faux, correct? - REPONSE -> pas! il n'y a qu'un seul: le Dieu unique: YHWH .. mais il ya des interprétations trop nombreux: mauvais: au sujet de Dieu en tant que: la franc-maçonnerie: talmus: la charia, le satanisme, etc .. etc .. aussi: dans: chrétiens: il ya trop de: idées fausses: à propos de Dieu. Mais, est-ce: la sagesse de Dieu! puisque Dieu ne peut être connue: seulement: l'expérience personnelle: l'amour! et non: par: une religion! comme: Je sais: Dieu, sans cesse, à chaque minute: de ma vie! parce que, moi et Dieu, nous ne pouvons pas plus être séparés! mais qui est égoïste: raciste cynique?
lorenzojhwh (14 minuti fa)
que: il pourrait: jamais: connaître Dieu? voici pourquoi: tous les rabbins qui: sont tous complices du FMI? les tâtonnent complètement: dans l'obscurité de Satan, comme tout le monde: ils restent des sous silence dans la face: à la puissance de Satan, à savoir: l'Ordre mondiale et le FMI, pour leur propre destruction!
lorenzojhwh (20 minuti fa)
@ IamKingOfHearts -> no! c'è un solo Dio unico: JHWH.. ma, ci sono troppe intepretazioni: sbagliate: circa Dio: come: massoneria: talmus: sharia, satanismo, ecc.. ecc.. anche: tra: i cristiani: ci sono troppe: idee sbagliate: circa Dio.. ma, è proprio questa: la sapienza di Dio! poiché: Dio si può conoscere: soltanto: per esperienza personale: l'amore! e non: attraverso: una qualsiasi religione! così come: io conosco: Dio: continuamente: ogni minuto: della mia vita! poiché, io e Dio: noi non possiamo: più essere separati! ma, chi è egoista: cinico razzista? come lui potrebbe: mai: sapere di Dio? ecco perché: tutti i rabbini: che: sono i complici del FMI? loro brancolano completamente: nelle tenebre di satana: come tutti coloro: che: rimangono in silenzio: di fronte al potere di satana: cioè il FMI- NWO: per la loro stessa distruzione!

lorenzojhwh (1 secondo fa)
@ IamKingOfHearts ---> in truth: "Can not you do have one hope: to survive this: nuclear WWIII: that is indispensable: to build: an new IMF: ie, for regenerate himself! Without me you are not more life! ""

in truth: "you do not have one hope to survive this nuclear WW 3 °: that is indispensable to the IMF: to regenerate himself without me!" "
lorenzojhwh (12 minuti fa)
IamKingOfHearts SAID: because your god is the true god: and every other god: is fake, correct? - ANSWER -> no! there is only one: the one God: YHWH .. but there are too many interpretations: wrong: about God as: Freemasonry: talmus: Sharia, Satanism, etc. .. etc. .. also: in: Christians: there are too many: misconceptions: about God. But, is this: the wisdom of God! since God can be known: only: FOR personal experience: love! and not: by: any religion! as: I know: God, continually, every minute: of my life! because, me and God, we can not more be separated! but who is selfish: cynical racist? as: he could: never: know God? here's why: all the rabbis who: are ALL accomplices of the IMF? grope them completely: in the darkness of Satan, as anyone: of they remain in silence in the face: at the power of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, for their own destruction!
lorenzojhwh (32 minuti fa)
IamKingOfHearts SAID: The bible is pure evil. It rivals the quran - ANSWER-> I do not like throwing: the child together: at the bath water! Also: if the Koran was: entirely: dictated by Satan? I unius Rei: I can purify it! as: also: the Old Testament: that: the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: they corrupt: at the time of its composition: to have been: Thus, at this way: curse Israel: so powerful: and allow: the apostasy of 'Judaism! Some months ago: I have seen as: a Satanist: she took: a pole of wood: of a diameter of 15 cm: in her vagina: she had helped her: in this monstrosity: from another women Satanist! Who could do such a thing: if you is not afraid to finish, too: as a human sacrifice: on the altar of Satan? Who has allowed that: Satanism happen? if the IMF: ie: the rabbis kakam Pharisees not will? like this: I've seen several Satanists women impaled! and one had been put on the fire: impaled by an skewer for calves
lorenzojhwh (1 ora fa)
Hitler hated jews: more than anything: because of the IMF! Hitler hated: Jesus and God. Because he make the esoteric rituals of the Kabbalah! Rothschild: You are a wretched person: if you want do pass: me: as to someone who believes, in "conspiracy theories" .. because: The Seigniorage banking: it's worse: every theory of conspiracy: as: the Constitution: he said that: we are the slaves of Rothschild: for to pay: to him: the our money at interest? But, I did not hurry! when: I am past my blade: with infallible above you? So will your children: to come from me, because my righteousness: it does not offend: my love: as sure as I have love for everyone!
lorenzojhwh (1 ora fa)
@youtube -> how do I subscribe to: the other channels? if, I have passed: my limit of being able to do the "subscriptions"? in fact: I have a whole list full of Satanists: that: I have killed: and that: I am not able: to remove, ie: all this dead!! so: and I can not give my friendship to anyone when you spend at the new [graphic setting March 7, 2012.]: here's why: I am forced by you: for that date: I will be compelled: to kill you too! Now: you can send : one your: monkey specialist: as: "123SERIO", "IHateNEWLAYOUT: IE: always the same: Synnek1": to clean up: the list of all my subscriptions dead?? thank you! my happiness? and that you're an atheist, of Satanist: for IMF- NWO: Rothschild's son! have taken the "microchip" too?
lorenzojhwh (2 ore fa)
IamKingOfHearts (31 minutes ago) Spam said: Hitler was a catholic: by the way .... oh course DNA testing revealed: he has the genes of the people: he hated: the most: in a ironic twist. Oh: and stalin killed: poeple for political reasons: - answer - do not be afraid to write on my page: I'm not bad! 1. Hitler was a Catholic? just like Rochefeller!: lol. fact: he has killed thousands of Christians and blackmailed: also: the Pope! Stalin and Mao killed: all: Christians: and not for reasons politic: but: for ideological reasons: because the communists and the Nazis: they are the sons of the synagogue of Satan, which is the IMF-World Order! who is under: the power of Satan? He does not see the next Holocaust!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel