perché Francia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti e Ucraina: loro ritengono che ERDOGAN abbia il diritto di fare il genocidio dei Curdi, così come ha fatto: il genocidio di tutti i cristini di IRAQ e SIRIA, e il genocidio degli armeni? ] [ "Nonostante la nostra disponibilità a cercare un compromesso, i membri occidentali del Consiglio di Sicurezza (Francia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti) e l'Ucraina hanno sostanzialmente bloccato la bozza, dopo aver proposto modifiche, che stravolgevano l'essenza del documento e di fatto e interpretavano l'ultimo round di negoziati," — ha detto la portavoce del ministero degli Esteri russo in una conferenza stampa. Il 31 marzo la Russia aveva presentato una bozza di dichiarazione al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite per la stampa con l'accento sulla necessità di garantire la più ampia rappresentanza nei negoziati tra le parti siriane. L'obiettivo principale del documento era quello di far partecipare ai negoziati oltre all'opposizione i rappresentanti dei curdi in qualità di una delle componenti più importanti della società siriana:
ovviamente, non è mai esistita una spinta espansionistica del Donbass contro la territorialità della UCRAINA, per avere dei dubbi circa il fatto che: è MERKEL Parvy Sector il nazista AGGRESSORE! 06.04.2016. L'OSCE osserva un aumento significativo del numero di violazioni della tregua nel Donbass, tutte le parti devono dar prova di moderazione, ha dichiarato oggi il rappresentante speciale dell'OSCE nel gruppo di contatto sull'Ucraina Martin Sajdik. "Si osserva un aumento significativo del numero di violazioni del cessate il fuoco, soprattutto nelle zone di Avdeevka e Esinovata nella regione di Donetsk. Per evitare un'ulteriore escalation e per ridurre la violenza, invito tutte le parti a dar prova di moderazione e a rispettare il cessate il fuoco", — ha detto ai giornalisti.
soltanto un Fariseo o un Salafita ( per la loro perversione religiosa ), potrebbero commettere la bestemmia contro il loro Creatore, di credere che, un semplice uomo, non sia il massimo che un uomo possa raggiungere.
UNIUS REI, come ogni uomo di buona volontà, è soltanto l'amico dello Sposo holy JHWH, come tutti voi, è soltanto, un servo dei suoi fratelli!
[ rettifica]: "I am the husband of Israel" I SAID: ] NO! QUESTO È STATO SBAGLIATO DA ME, SORRY, È un MIO SBAGLIO teologico! [ rettifica]: SOLTANTO JHWH è lo Sposo di: Gerusalemme, ed, ISRAELE!
KINGDOM SAUDI ARABIA SALMAN ] chi avrebbe le: MIGLIORI potenzialità spirituali, per essere il mio migliore fratello, in tutto il mondo? tu e il mio Sommo Sacerdote Ebreo, ovviamente, MA SE SBAGLIATE IL TEST? IO VI UCCIDERÒ ENTRAMBI!
KINGDOM SAUDI ARABIA SALMAN ] TALMUD: ie, Satan's Bible, Politica magia satanismo KABBALAH [ anche io, come te sono propenso a credere, che, i veri luciferini sacerdoti di satana: i Bush 322 del NWO, mi stanno aiutando a realizzare il mio Regno della Fratellanza Universale, anche perché, 1. i Farisei sono troppo materialisti, venali, ed a loro non interessa in modo ideologico spirituale, di realizzare il regno di Satana(anche se, anche loro sono delle creature infernali che ucciderebbero tutto il genere umano ), comunque non sono dei veri satanisti al 100%. QUINDI, 2. SPERANO DI POTERSI SBARAZZARE DI LORO, portandomeli io, in Arabia SAUDITA, anche perché, con il mio ministero politico universale del Regno di Dio JHWH in Israele? e per i prossimi 100 anni? loro non hanno nessuna speranza di poter prendere il possesso del pianeta!
I AM ONLY THE JEW CATHOLIC KING OF ISRAEL! ] Mic Micson [ + Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Most of them are JEWS. La maggior parte di loro sono ebrei. Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 16:15 [ talmud is satan's bible SpA FED NWO Baal JaBullOn lilit into regime masonry Bildenberg ] HOLODOMOR-olocausto ucraino.[ MY ISRAELE noi ci dobbiamo riconciliare con i musulmani e con il mondo intero per delitti che altri sistema massonico di Farisei SpA FED hanno fatto in nome nostro! ] TUTTO COME DICE IL TALMUD DELLA BANCA DI UK INGHILTERRA DI PROPRIETÀ SPA ROTHSCHILD 1600d.C., TUTTO è stato fatto: in CHIAVE ANTICRISTIANA, IL COMUNISMO E LA RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE, ECC.. SONO UN RISULTATO DELLA FINANZA EBRAICA INTERNAZIONALE! Caricato il 28 gen 2012. ] [ Mic Micson 15:29 + Lorenzojhwh Unius REI. It was actually more than 10 million...not 5 to 7 million. In realtà è stato più di 10 milioni ... non è un 5 a 7 milioni. ] ANSWER [ Enlightened Pharisees, are the true priests of Satan, they have killed 100 million Christian martyrs, and have planned, and partly aroused, by reaction, every Jewish Holocaust in these two thousand years, because their power financial worldwide. SpA FED IMF; It is based on hatred, which must be spread, against to all nations!
farisei Enlightened, sono i veri sacerdoti di satana: hanno ucciso 100milioni di martiri cristiani, ed hanno pianificato, ed in parte hanno suscitato, per reazione, ogni Olocausto di Ebrei in questi 2000 anni, perché il loro potere finanziario mondiale. SpA FED FMI; si basa sull'odio, che, deve essere diffuso in tutti i popoli!
Mic Micson 15:31. You mentioned NWO. you know Francis is Anti-Pope and a Freemason?Lei ha parlato di NWO. Va bene ... sai Francesco è Anti-Papa e un massone?
NO! for our mercy and salvation, for strategic rationale: they are only: smart saint cowards: and accomplices strategy, who, with their clever strategy have prevented the massacre of all Christians in US and Europe! Have had the immense losses and millions of deaths, then they understood that, Masonry could not be fought: in a the front! If there were not the Popes? today you'd be also you, an Christian dead!
NO! per nostra misericordia e salvezza, per razionale strategia: sono soltanto dei codardi e complici, che, con la loro intelligente strategia hanno impedito il massacro di tutti i cristiani di USA ed Europa! Hanno avuto delle perdite immense e milioni di morti, quindi hanno capito che la massoneria non poteva essere combattuta: frontalmente! Se non cerano i Papi? tu oggi saresti stato un cristiano morto!
Mic Micson 15:31 Are you a Roman Catholic or what? answer ANSWER [ I AM ONLY THE JEW CATHOLIC KING OF ISRAEL!
se, la RUSSIA è ritenuta aggressiva da: sharia talmud, Obama e SpA FEd Bildenberg NATO, è perché, loro sono satanisti, nazisti, massoni, parassiti e farisei, che, loro non credono più nella autodeterminazione dei popoli! PERÒ, QUESTa STORIA CHE, tra di loro, ci SONO, molti, NOSTALGICI DELL'URSS comunismo? FA ribrezzo ANCHE A ME! MA, lol. tuttavia, NON MI SEMBRA questa storia da ignoranti? non mi sembra un BUON MOTIVO, PER UCCIDERLI tutti, o per temerli, a tal punto: tanto da doverli circondare con una corazza di missili e carri armati! il problema di OBAMA è che lui è tutto: così tutto criminale, che, lui non può non sapere, che è Rothschild, che, ha disperato bisogno di una guerra mondiale, che uccida almeno 2miliardi di correntisti bancari: C/C, per far ripartire la finanza usurocratica: e per dare solidità finanziaria a tutte le bolle e i prodotti derivati, titoli spazzatura di cui si sono riempiti nel FMI SpA, per truffare tutti i popoli del mondo nei paradisi fiscali!
il NWO ha censurato e cancellato dalla pagina di youtube ( ) e quindi anche dal mio sito ( ) il presente commento! ] QUESTO DELITTO? NON LO DOVEVANO COMMETTEre! LE MIE PROPRIETÀ DEVONO ESSERE RISPETTATE! LO GIURO: CHE QUESTA STORIA AVRÀ DELLE DRAMMATICI CONSEGUENZE! [ BLOGGER 666 CIA UK all SECRET SERVICES: INZIVOSI zombies, LURDACCHIONI SODOMITI ADULTERI ] su, figli miei: lasciatemi lavorare! per favore, voi siate gentili con me, anche oggi sono stati uccisi centinaia di martiri cristiani! vi prego non mi boicottate il server blogger, almeno fatelo per amore di tutti quelli che, come voi, sono passati prima di voi, da attraverso: il bidone di acido solforico!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, [ anche se adesso, io ho resettato il modem: 100Mg fibra ottica? CIA services 666 NWO, mi stanno disturbando l'accesso: al BLOG, per costringermi a dire: ancora, qualche volgarità! MA, DEVE ANCORA NASCERE QUEL CRIMINALE, CHE, MI PUÒ COSTRINGERE A FARE QUALCOSA!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ ma, anche di tutti e 4: gli aerei di linea coinvolti nell'auto attacco 11-09 (delitto realizzato dal MOSSAD e CIA, come affermò il Presidente Cossiga, che dichiarò anche che tutti i Governi del mondo erano stati avvisati e sapevano già, di questo delitto dell'11-09, in modo preventivo) infatti, noi non abbiamo trovato nessuna traccia biologica dei 4 jumbo, e suoi equipaggi e passeggeri, semplicemente perché sono tutti finiti sull'altare di satana!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ Volo Malaysia Airlines 370: di quell'aereo carico di cinesi, che è stato cercato inutilmente, nell'oceano Indiano, e che ogni tanto, affiora e viene recuperato un qualche pezzo dell'aereo volo MH370, quelle persone sono finite tutte sull'altare di satana, di qualche base militare USA, infatti il pilota che è vivo, si è esercitato a fare atterraggi su piste sterrate! e poiché, io li ho denunciati subito: proprio in questi termini, poi, per rimediare al delitto di cannibalismo e satanismo, il NWO CIA, hanno mandato la moglie di Obama e le sue figlie in CINA!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ IO HO LETTO ( proprio io ) SUL SITO DELLA CIA, circa 7 anni fa, CHE ERANO FATTI, ogni anno, 100000 SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALTARE DI SATANA, E POICHÉ, MAI NESSUNO FINISCE IN GALERA PER QUESTI DELITTI, POI, NON CI PUÒ ESSERE: UN ALTRA SPIEGAZIONE, A FARE QUESTI DELITTI IMPUNIBILI, È PROPRIO LA CIA! ma secondo la mia METAFISICA deduttiva, in realtà, sono: circa: ogni anno: in totale: 200000: i sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, quindi circa: 30000 sono fatti in: in Germania, quindi circa: 20000 in Francia, e, quindi circa: 15000 circa, sono fatti in INGHILTERRA, in suo UK, perché ovunque ci sono le basi militari degli americani USA? avvengono, anche, questi delitti aberranti di satanismo!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ anche se, i satanisti della CIA mi hanno fatto vedere molti cadaveri sciolti nell'acido solforico, per lo più persone molto giovani, io non ho bisogno di leggere o di vedere le cose, per conoscere la realtà, perché la METAFISICA che è razionalità induttiva e deduttiva, è una analisi profonda della realtà: quindi, con la logica di: "causa ed effetto": si giunge ugualmente, ad una analisi politica e storica molto precisa ed attendibile della realtà!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, mi creda, tutto quello che di male, le hanno detto, contro la RUSSIA? sono tutte calunnie!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, il suo Erdogan SHARIA, faceva passare i camion con il petrolio, grano, ecc.. ma, i cristiani li rispediva indietro, al suo ISIS sharia Daesh, per farli morire, ed infatti, sono morti, quasi tutti! LA MALEDIZIONE CHE, FARISEI anglo-americani, MASSONI Gender Darwin, E loro SALAFITI sharia, HANNO CONDENSATO SUL GENERE UMANO? È QUALCOSA, di così terribile, CHE LASCEREBBE SOPRAVVIveRE POCHE PERSONE, in questo pianeta, SE LA RUSSIA FOSSE AGGREDITA DALLA NATO, CHE È QUELLO CHE CON LA LEGA ARABA, proprio questo È GIA STATO COMPLOTTATO di fare! [ Il terribile racconto di un bambino rapito dal Daesh. 05.04.2016( Il bambino curdo è stato prigioniero del Daesh per otto mesi. Sputnik Arabic ha raccontato in esclusiva la sua prigionia. Ayman Sharaf Khaji, 11 anni, la sua famiglia e un altro migliaio di curdi della città di Sinjar sono stati sequestrati dai terroristi il 3 agosto 2015. Tutte queste persone non sono state semplicemente imprigionate: gli uomini sono stati costretti a lavorare da schiavi, mentre le donne sono state trasformate con la forza in odalische:
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ MA, NON ESISTE UN POTERE DELLE TENEBRE, CHE PUÒ TENERE PRIGIONIERI GLI UOMINI, POICHÉ, DIO JHWH HA GARANTITO IL LIBERO ARBITRIO, e per quanto può essere stato drammatico ed addirittura, criminale e satanico il passato di una persona, in una frazione di secondo, se un sacerdote di satana, si rivolge a Dio per essere perdonato, poi, lui diventerà nel Regno di Dio, un grande SANTO, e: si farà più festa in cielo, per un peccatore pentito, che, per 1000 giusti!" E DIO NON MI HA DETTO: "TU DEVI PUNIRE I PECCATORI PENTITI!". ecco perché, il Sacerdote di Satana, Bartolo Longo, proprio lui è diventato un Santo! QUINDI NEL MIO TEMPIO EBRAICO: TUTTE LE RELIGIONI SONO GERUSALEMME, E TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO SONO LE 12 TRIBÙ DI ISRAELE, CHE È PERCHÉ, IO HO FATTO DI ME STESSO IL PROCURATORE MONDIALE UNIUS REI, E LA MIA FEDE È UNA FEDE DIVINA E CREATIVA: E QUELLO CHE, IO FACCIO? NESSUNO LO PUÒ DEMOLIRE, E infatti, NON PUÒ ESSERE DEMOLITO, PERCHÉ IO SONO LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ ogni religione considera se stessa: "GERUSALEMME LA SPOSA DI DIO", ed ogni sistema ideologico: considera se stesso, come, le 12 Tribù di ISRAELE, cioè, la migliore forma di Governo per razionalizzare le risorse di tutto il pianeta! MA, MENTRE I FARISEI MASSONI ANGLO AMERICANI SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, REGIME BILDENBERG, impero NWO, loro SONO diventati luciferini, in modo consapevole! TUTTE LE ALTRE PRETESE DI UNIVERSALITÀ SONO PENOSE, e criminali, genocidarie, SIA SUL PIANO: ideologico, MORALE, ETICO CHE TEOLOGICO! se a questo dobbiamo aggiungere che, la esperienza politica delle 12 TRIBù di ISRAELE, senza genealogie paterne, non hanno nessun significato: spirituale e politico, come nessuna pretesa di dimorare in PALESTINA? POI, IL QUADRO complessivo, È COSÌ DESOLANTE, CHE, noi tutti, DOVREMMO TUTTI, BUTTARCI PER TERRA, E METTERCI A PIANGERE!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ io non ho una religione, o una ideologia da imporre, o delle tasse da riscuotere, o degli omosessuali da punire, no! perché, io sono la libertà di coscienza della LEGGE NATURALE, io sono soltanto il Regno delle 12 tribù, di ISRAELE, che è una esperienza politica teocratica laica, che, è l'unica possibilità, per tutto il genere umano, di poter sopravvivere all'olocausto nucleare universale! QUINDI SENZA NESSUNA FORMA DI AMBIZIONE O DI INTERESSE PERSONALE, IO HO FATTO POLITICAMENTE DI ME STESSO IL RE DI ISRAELE, ma sono disposto a partecipare ad un concorso, per lasciare il mio posto, a chi dimostri di valere più di me! ... perché, è vero che, io sono un piccolo uomo, ed anche un poco cretino ritardato!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ Erdogan Salman Rothschild, Bush, Obama, Cameron e tutta la famiglia satanica, mi hanno sterminato 3,2milioni di cristiani, soltanto tra: Siria ed Iraq, ed io non riesco ancora ad odiarli! I maomettani sharia nazisti, sunniti salafiti, maniaci religiosi, commercianti di schiavi dhimmi, in 1400 anni, ne hanno fatti di genocidi, per tutta la LEGA ARABA, ma per poter sterminare i cristiani di: IRAQ e Siria, i maomettani si sono dovuti alleare con i satanisti Gender Darwin Boldrini Mogherini D'Alema, tutti massoni farisei, che sono gli stessi che: stermineranno anche: tutti gli europei, tutti gli israeliani e tutti i russi! perché, tutti loro sono le bestie di satana, un solo anticristo!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ io sono un uomo mite: come Mosé, io soffro per ogni violenza, ma non sono un pacifista, se, io incontro un assassino? io lo faccio morire subito! MA, QUESTA È UNA SCONFITTA PER ME, PERCHÉ È ANDATO ALL'INFERNO, QUINDI, IO DEVO CONQUISTARE I NEMICI, per il Regno di Dio, NON LI dovrei UCCIDERE.. ma, se loro vogliono fare di me, il complice dei loro omicidi? poi, lo andranno a raccontare a Satana, velocemente! Io ho provato ad odiare: Rothschild, Salman, ERDOGAN, ecc.. ma, io non ci sono riuscito, IO NON SO ODIARE: perché l'odio è una potenza che non può albergare, in un cuore dove vive l'amore! Erdogan dice: "io ho ucciso tutti gli armeni, ed ancora li ucciderò attraverso, i miei turcomanni azeri, azerbaijan, islamici: ucciderò i loro uomini, stuprerò le loro donne, e mi prenderò le loro proprietà, così il mio demonio dio Allah, conquisterà il mondo, ed il mio pene sarà felice" che è in questo modo, che, ragionano tutti gli islamici sharia del mondo, che non ucciderli subito, significa essere uccisi da loro: certamente! .. ed io lo posso dimostrare, perché, io sono nell'osservatorio del martirio dei cristiani martiri innocenti, che, questo è il motivo per cui: 25 anni fa, io sono entrato in internet: ed ho iniziato a fare dei siti!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ è molto triste! ALCUNI nella loro meschinità, pensano a Dio come qualcosa di esclusivo, qualcosa di vero soltanto per loro, ma, non è così, perché in nessuno potrebbe esistere nessuna forma di virtù senza la presenza e la potenza dello Spirito Santo in lui! Addirittura dei predestinati alle fiamme dell'inferno (dogmatici maniaci religiosi salafiti, GENDER Sodomiti dawin religion, scellerati farisei induisti buddisti, ecc.. tutti ipocriti ovviamente ), uccidono altre persone: i santi, che sono assai più buone di loro, e sono assassini Erdogan: che, in nome di Dio, loro pensano di fare un favore a Dio, e uccidono persone innocenti, spalancano sotto i loro piedi, l'abisso dell'inferno: che li inghiottirà senza pietà!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ è inevitabile nel cammino spirituale, di fare degli errori: "SBAGLIANDO SI IMPARA!" ma, io non ho mai detto al mio peccato: "tu sei il mio carattere", ma, io ho sempre trattato il mio peccato come un impostore, per anni sono stato una vittima ed uno schiavo del peccato, certo, io ho commesso anche alcuni peccati di idolatria, quando ho pensato di servire la Istituzione Ecclesiastica, pensata come un surrogato (in sostituzione) al rapporto personale con Dio: a cui tutti siamo chiamati come sue creature: che è questo lo scopo per cui siamo stati creati! Ma, Dio ha detto: "Lorenzo, così la tua vita religiosa non può funzionare: tutto deve essere resettato!".. certo è stato doloroso, ma, così oggi, io posso dire, di essere, diventato un vero uomo libero, libero da ogni forma di peccato, un uomo esperto delle realtà invisibili e delle realtà politiche visibili. quindi, in questi circa 8 anni in youtube, alla presenza dei sacerdoti di satana della CIA, io non ho sbagliato mai una sola volta, e mai nessuno, mi ha potuto sconfiggere, come loro i cannibali possono dichiarare! E IL TERRORE SI È IMPADRONITO DI TUTTI LORO, CHE SI SONO FATTI MALE SERIAMENTE, E MI HANNO LASCIATO SOLO! MA, IO NON SONO MAI SOLO, PERCHÉ ISRAELE MIA SORELLA, LEI È SEMPRE CON ME!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ il desiderio di dare di me, il massimo ed il meglio a Dio! il pauperismo della spiritualità francescana mi plasmava spiritualmente: eliminando da me le vanità di ogni tipo, eliminando, anche, in me ogni soggezione di fronte alle autorità di ogni tipo, ed io, quindi, non pensavo ai titoli accademici, non pensavo a fare carriera ecclesiastica, ma, con molta intensità, io pensavo ai misteri della teologia, a perfezionare la mia vita interiore, e quindi a tradurre la teologia nella mia vita spirituale! COSÌ, INEVITABILMENTE HO ATTRAVERSATO TUTTO LO SCHIFO DEL SOPRANNATURALE, per giungere finalmente, alla pura fede arida e razionale della vita divina dei figli di Dio, dove Dio e tutte le realtà spirituali diventano nuovamente assenti alla vita sensibile! Ecco perché, io mi definisco un agnostico razionale, SEMPLICEMENTE, PERCHÉ, IO HO MESSO DEFINITIVAMENTE IL MONDO DEL SOPRANNATURALE ALLE MIE SPALLE, e questa è la mia natura e la mia realtà teologico-razionale, la mia identità, da circa, 20 anni circa!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ alla età di 20 anni (1980d.C. ), io non avrei mai pensato di poter diventare prete, quindi è evidente, che, io ho avuto una esperienza mistica, a San Giovanni Rotondo, da Padre Pio, io seguivo gli esercizi spirituali di alcuni sacerdoti, avendo fatto ad uno di loro ( don Vito Raimondi, di Palo del Colle ) da autista. e questo veramente santo sacerdote don Vito Raimondi, lui pianse quando il mio attuale Arcivescovo, disse a tutti che io ero pazzo: e che quindi non potevo più essere ordinato Diacono alla età di 26 anni! MA, È EVIDENTE QUESTI ERANO I DISEGNI DI DIO! Circa, la mia esperienza mistica, non è stato niente di importante, sapevo di essere alla presenza di Gesù Cristo, quindi interiormente avemmo, tra di noi, un breve dialogo, come se lui volesse perfezionare in me, gli esercizi spirituali che stavo seguendo, affinché io potessi avere delle virtù veramente evangeliche, ma, non fu una esperienza fisica, fu soltanto una esperienza interiore!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ la memoria storica, della mia genealogia, non va oltre i 500 anni circa, nella mia famiglia, noi siamo sempre stati piccoli e autonomi proprietari agricoli, diciamo una economia a conduzione familiare agricola! Ma è stata una storia di onore, virtù cristiane, protezione dei poveri, eroismo, sacrificio, rettitudine, fede in Dio, e difesa della giustizia, quindi in questi 500 anni, mai è stato commesso un adulterio e mai un furto ( dai componenti della mia famiglia ), che avrebbe potuto dare scandalo, in una piccola comunità contadina dove tutti sapevano di tutto, e dove ogni famiglia ha il suo soprannome dispregiativo, tranne la mia famiglia paterna che ha un secondo nome: "FEDELE"! Quindi io ho ricevuto questi valori di ORGOGLIO, e di nobiltà di animo e di eroismo, e spero che i miei figli, e tutti gli uomini del pianeta possano raccogliere la mia eredità!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ "vanità delle Vanità, tutto è vanità sotto il sole!" Qoelet ] c'é tanta gente che strepita, in questo momento, come le oche del Campidoglio, senza sapere il perché, ma, i sacerdoti di satana, i cannibali della CIA, essendo pieni di demoni: ed impregnati dello spirito di Satana, loro si che hanno paura, perché loro, avendo una vita soprannaturale, loro sanno consapevolmente quello che io potrei fare loro!
SECRET SERVICE UK 666 CIA ] mi dice: "errore di rete" ma, l'unico errore che io conosco? è quello di lasciarvi vivere!
SECRET SERVICE UK 666 CIA ] allora, mi fate lavorare, oppure vi devo mandare dai morti e stramorti di gebabele second UK, anche a voi, prima del tempo?
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ AI FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI interessano almeno 2miliardi di cadaveri per coprire le bolle finanziarie ecc.. prodotti derivati fasulli, ecc.. e riattivare un nuovo ciclo monetario parassitario fondato sul DEBITO PUBBLICO! ] se, poi, Europa Israele e Russia e Cina dicono: "ok! sterminiamo la LEGA Araba, perché è meno pericoloso, oppure distruggiamo la NATO!" poi, certamente la LEGA ARABA andrà sotto sterminio: certamente!
gli USA ci stanno facendo uccidere dagli islamici sharia, un poco per volta! la colpa è delle sinistre massoniche, i complici delle Banche Centrali! ] Priest's crucifixion rumours false, says India's Foreign Minister Published: April 4, 2016 by Anto AkkaraUPDATE: 4 AprilIndia’s government has said rumours that a kidnapped Catholic priest was crucified on Good Friday are false, and promised that efforts are being made to secure his release. A flurry of news reports both confirming as well as denying the alleged crucifixion of Rev. Thomas Uzhunnalil, ...IndiaYemenKidnappingIslamic State Latest News Kenyans mourn 147 victims on anniversary of Garissa attack Published: April 4, 2016 UPDATE (4 April) Memorial events were held in Kenya on Saturday (2 April), as Kenyans marked the ...Egyptian Copt cleared of Facebook 'blasphemy' Published: April 4, 2016 An Egyptian Copt, Bishoy Kameel Garas, has been declared ‘innocent’ after he spent more than half ...Kandhamal Christian granted month’s bail after 7 years in jail Published: April 1, 2016 More than seven years since seven Indian Christians were arrested on suspicion of murdering a Hindu ...Faith-based persecution on the rise in Asia-Pacific Published: March 31, 2016Pakistani Christians bury their dead after Easter massacre Published: March 31, 2016CAR's new President brings hope, but hunger threatens 'new start' Published: March 30, 2016Malaysian court upholds right to convert from Islam Published: March 29, 2016Christian women face double vulnerability due to gender and religion Published: March 24, 2016Village massacres strain Nigeria further, as traditional nomads fight modernisation Published: March 23, 2016
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ qualcuno pensa che Satana sia stupido? non potete giocare di astuzia per salvare la vostra vita dalla malvagità assoluta e dalla ipocrisia omicida di: USA e LEGA ARABA ] NESSUNA COMPLICITÀ CON I MOSTRI! SE NON LI ISOLATE SUBITO, INSIEME TUTTI INSIEME? PRESTO DOVRETE COMBATTERE PER NON MORIRE, INUTILMENTE, POTRETE PROTEGGERE LA VOSTRA VITA!! I TURCHI HANNO FATTO IMPUNEMENTE IL GENOCIDIO DEGLI ARMENI ED OGNI GENOCIDIO IN SIRIA E IRAQ, E GLI È ANDATA BENE! CERTO NON SI FERMERANNO, PERCHÉ I TURCHI E GLI ISLAMICI SONO ASSASSINI E PREDATORI PER CONFORMAZIONE GENETICA! voi mi direte: "noi non possiamo più opporci a questo gigante nazista assassino di LEGA ARABA, senza gli USA" .. ecco perché, io vi dico: "voi siete già morti!" perché voi avete affidato le vostre vite ai sacerdoti di satana: i farisei massoni anglo-americani usurai e commercianti di schiavi!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ QUESTA STORIA di Sultano ERDOGAN che, lui vuole rifare l'impero ottomano, ancora più grande, è perché, lui è un uomo malato, ha pensieri di tipo: infantile razzista: perché: il suo Dio è SALMAN! COME GLI USA POSSONO STARE DIETRO TUTTO QUESTO delitto islamico delirio, per ESSERE I SATANISTI CULTO, e dire dobbiamo danneggiare la RUSSIA! ok, e perché dobbiamo danneggiare la Russia? cosa ci ha fatto? QUESTO È VERAMENTE DEPRIMENTE E PERICOLOSO! gli USA dicono: "noi siamo la protezione a tutti i mali del mondo, che noi stessi abbiamo creato".. ma, tutto questo è assurdo! è indispensabile che ,Europa e ISRAELE rompano con USA e facciano una alleanza militare con RUSSIA e CINA, perché, la LEGA ARABA è ormai un nemico mortale per il genere umano, che, ormai risponde ad una sola regia saudita: come il caso REGENI, e ISIS Daesh hanno dimostrato!!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ IO PENSAVO DI COSTRUIRE IN ARABIA SAUDITA IL MIO TEMPIO EBRAICO ] ma, quì c'è tanta gente pazza, che non vede l'ora di morire per l'IMPERO Rothschild, morire in una guerra inutile, dove nessuna linea di confine potrà essere spostata! MA DIO NON CI HA CHIAMATO A FARE CONFINI DI ODIO!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ questi massoni NATO SpA FED farisei anglo-americani, e i loro alleati islamico sharia nazisti, non vedono l'ora di vedere il massacro di tutti i popoli del mondo! [ ED IO NON CREDO CHE POSSA ESSERE CREDIBILE UNA COALIZIONE ANTI ISIS DAESH, SE, UN SUO PRINCIPALE PROTAGONISTA: ERDOGAN, HA COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA LORO IMPUNEMENTE DA ISIS, COSÌ COME USA E SAUDITI LO HANNO FINANZIATO! .. QUINDI ERDOGAN PUÒ FARE OGNI GENOCIDIO IMPUNEMENTE IN QUESTO MODO!
HOLODOMOR-olocausto ucraino.[ MY ISRAELE noi ci dobbiamo riconciliare con i musulmani e con il mondo intero per delitti che altri sistema massonico di Farisei SpA FED hanno fatto in nome nostro! ] TUTTO COME DICE IL TALMUD DELLA BANCA DI UK INGHILTERRA DI PROPRIETÀ SPA ROTHSCHILD 1600d.C., TUTTO è stato fatto: in CHIAVE ANTICRISTIANA, IL COMUNISMO E LA RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE, ECC.. SONO UN RISULTATO DELLA FINANZA EBRAICA INTERNAZIONALE! Caricato il 28 gen 2012. All'inizio degli anni '30 Stalin trasforma l'Ucraina in un lager a cielo aperto. Tutte le derrate alimentari vengono requisite, l'NKVD, la polizia comunista, incendia i boschi dove la popolazione cerca scampo alle requisizioni forzate, i soldati alle frontiere e la sospensione dei collegamenti ferroviari impediscono agli ucraini di scappare. Dal 1931 al 1933 le vittime della carestia provocata e delle uccisioni di tutti quelli che si oppongono sono stimate tra i 5 e i 7 milioni.
SE LA LEGA ARABA, NAZISMO SHARIA, NEGA LIBERTÀ DI RELIGIONE, POI, TUTTI LO DOVRANNO NEGARE! 04/04/2016, NEPAL. Kathmandu cancella il Natale dalle feste nazionali. Cristiani: Gli indù hanno 83 giorni di festa. Il ministro dell’Interno giustifica la decisione per controllare l’impennata di feste religiose. I cristiani lamentano l’influenza di “tendenze anti-cristiane”. Il Natale era stato dichiarato festa nazionale otto anni fa, quando il Nepal è diventato uno Stato laico. Leader cristiani denunciano anche l’articolo 156, che vieta le conversioni. Kathmandu. Il governo del Nepal ha deciso di rimuovere la festività del Natale dal calendario delle celebrazioni nazionali, scatenando le proteste dei cristiani che ne chiedono l’immediato ripristino.
perché, vi agitate in questo modo? ma, avete la idea di quante persone muoiono di infarto ogni anno? CHI DEGLI EBREI NON VUOLE VENIRE IN ARABIA SAUDITA INSIEME A ME? DOVRÀ VEDERSELA CON JHWH PERSONALMENTE! E poi, Ci sono due categorie di indemoniati: 1. quelli che sono aiutati dal demonio ( Bildenberg, massoni farisei salafiti, maniaci religiosi, Darwin inculati, troie, ecc..) 2. e quelli che sono danneggiati dal demonio, perché, loro non vogliono dare l'anima maleficata a Rothschild ENLIGHTENED, e non vogliono andare all'inferno insieme con lui! ORA TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SANNO GIOIRE CON ME APPARTENGONO AL PRIMO GRUPPO! poi, c'é un terzo gruppo che sono gli uomini di buona volontà, che loro dal demonio direttamente non potranno mai avere dei problemi, ma, avranno dei problemi da quelli che sono del primo gruppo che sono i malfattori della casta dei ricchi, e dei super ricchi!
05/04/2016, NO, NO, NO! QUESTO È GROTTESTO! PER UN MASSONE DI SATANISTA, REGIME BILDENBERG: COME LA NATO CIA? ERDOGAN AL LORO CONFRONTO È QUASI UN SANTO! ECCO PERCHÉ, ONU RIMPROVERA ISRAELE SOLTANTO! ] [ TURQUÍA. Gracias a Erdogan, Turquía se encuentra al borde del abismo, El presidente turco no quiere recibir "lecciones de democracia" de nadie. Mientras tanto, en el país se detiene a periodistas, se acusa de terrorismo a los parlamentarios y académicos. Hasta hace pocos años, Erdogan parecía querer sumarse a la Unión Europea, manteniendo el respeto por los derechos humanos y las minorías religiosas. Ahora parece ir más bien rumbo a una cuasi-dictadura. Ankara (AsiaNews) - Al regresar de un viaje a los Estados Unidos, el presidente, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, criticó fuertemente a Occidente por querer dar "lecciones de democracia" a Turquía. En una reunión celebrada ayer con la Media Luna Roja de Turquía, dijo: "Los que tratan de darnos lecciones de democracia y sobre los derechos humanos primero deben mirar su propia vergüenza". Es probable que esta frase se refería a los comentarios del presidente Barack Obama, que calificó de "muy preocupante" el curso turco en defensa de la libertad de prensa. El gobierno de Erdogan es acusado por varias partes de autoritarismo. En los últimos meses ha bloqueado periódicos, ha arrestado a periodistas, ha acusado de terrorismo a los parlamentarios kurdos, ha puesto bajo acusación judicial a estudiosos universitarios. Este juego peligroso es probable que conduzca al país a la ruina. Turquía se está alejando cada vez más de la integración con la Unión Europea, la adhesión a las libertades fundamentales, los derechos humanos y la libertad de la prensa. Esto se llevaba a cabo en el año 2011, cuando el AKP, el Partido de la Justicia y del Desarrollo de Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ganó las elecciones por tercera vez. El apoyo popular a Erdogan y el AKP en todas las elecciones desde 2002 ha sido sobre todo una victoria contra el dominio de los militares, que han sofocado durante décadas al país. En el 2002, Erdogan ganó la elección en una Turquía que salía de a poco de una grave crisis económica, un golpe de Estado post-moderno en 1997, que había dejado muchas heridas. Se había prometido trabajar por la entrada de Ankara en Europa, por el fin de la protección militar, por la justicia y por una recuperación económica. Por lo tanto, la base musulmana conservadora y moderada del AKP ha encontrado el apoyo de muchos votantes desilusionados de la izquierda y de los liberales, que pensaron que Turquía necesitaba un nuevo impulso con reformas sociales y económicas. Muchos grupos religiosos han apoyado al AKP. Entre ellos, el movimiento Hizmet, inspirado por el erudito islámico Gülen, ahora en el exilio autoimpuesto en Pensilvania. Todos estos grupos exigieron una Turquía más libre, capaz de hacer frente a las heridas del pasado, como es el caso del problema kurdo, y capaz de trabajar por un futuro de prosperidad. Los turcos estaban casi hipnotizados por la retórica enérgica de Erdogan, que combina tonos patrióticos y conservadores, junto a valores occidentales y modernos. Su ascenso fue coronado por un referéndum el 12 septiembre 2010 - 30 años después del golpe militar de 1980 - lo que le permitió cambiar sustancialmente la Constitución redactada por los militares en 1982. La victoria del referéndum, que llevo a terminar con la influencia de los militares en Turquía, sin embargo, ha creado una dificultad para Erdogan y sus asociados: ahora no había más enemigos contra los que lanzar a la gente tras el AKP. El problema se volvió evidente a partir de las elecciones de 2011, que marcan el inicio del alejamiento de Erdogan y del AKP del camino de la democracia, que se caracterizó por fuertes discursos del entonces primer ministro contra los enemigos reales o presuntos, tanto en casa como en el extranjero. Gracias a la red de medios de comunicación bajo su control, Erdogan comenzó a demonizar diversos sectores de la sociedad turca, incluyendo a los armenios cristianos, los judíos, los griegos, los kurdos, los chiíes. Incluso la tan elogiada política de "no hay problemas con los vecinos" de Turquía se ha hizo añicos, y el AKP comenzó a dañar los lazos con las naciones del entorno. Por ejemplo, las relaciones con Israel fueron interrumpidas después de la intervención del Mavi Marmara, el buque lleno de ayuda que quería violar el embargo de Gaza. En 2011, tras el intento de la Primavera Árabe de derrocar a Bashar al Assad, el AKP se ha convertido también en un duro crítico del presidente sirio. Y ahora, en sus fronteras, se encuentra con unos tres millones de refugiados sirios que huyen de la guerra civil. Turquía está ahora también lejos de Egipto, la populosa nación árabe en el Mediterráneo, luego de que Erdogan públicamente criticara al presidente Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, apoyando a la vez a Mohammed Morsi, un miembro de los Hermanos Musulmanes, derrocado por al-Sissi y por los levantamientos populares en el año 2013. El verdadero autoritarismo de Erdogan comenzó después de las protestas de Gezi Park en junio de 2013, cuando hubo manifestaciones contra el plan del AKP para construir edificios de estilo otomano en la zona del parque de la plaza Taksim. Mientras que la policía fue criticada por el uso de fuerza excesiva, Erdogan la elogió, diciendo que la represión de las manifestaciones había sido "heroica". La mayor protesta contra un gobierno en la historia de la República de Turquía, y el primer desafío serio al poder de Erdogan han causado una división aún más profunda en un país ya de por sí polarizado. Erdogan acusó a los manifestantes de terrorismo y de intentar derrocar su gobierno. Al menos 11 personas, muchos de ellos jóvenes manifestantes, murieron en enfrentamientos con la policía. La demonización de Erdogan llegó a su culmen en diciembre de 2013, cuando se llevaron a cabo dos investigaciones de corrupción en relación con los ministros del gobierno, con altos dignatarios de la burocracia y hombres de negocios con fuertes lazos con el AKP. Para Erdogan las investigaciones fueron instigadas por el movimiento Hizmet, al que acusó de intentar un golpe de Estado contra el gobierno. Por esto, se inició una guerra contra el movimiento, llegando a decir en 2014 que "si acusar a las personas que traicionan a esta nación se llama una 'caza de brujas', entonces sí, vamos a realizar una caza de brujas". Erdogan también inventó el término "estado paralelo" o "estructura paralela" para referirse a los miembros del movimiento Hizmet, instigando una serie de operaciones policiales contra el grupo. El último en orden de tiempo es el cierre del diario Zaman, el periódico turco de mayor difusión, diciendo que tiene lazos con Hizmet. Turquía tiene más de 30 periodistas en prisión y más de 1.800 casos contra individuos acusados de insultar al presidente. En 2014, Erdogan se convirtió en presidente con el 52% de los votos, lo que le permitió un paso más en su programa autoritario y en su visión de un sistema presidencial que suplanta al sistema parlamentario utilizado hasta la fecha. De todos modos, a pesar del ostracismo que sufre Turquía en el extranjero y las tensiones internas en relación con la realización del sistema presidencial, la mayor dificultad para Turquía sigue siendo el problema kurdo. En el 2013, el gobierno turco encabezado por Erdogan estableció un acuerdo con el Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK). Este pacto debía abrir un proceso a través del cual garantizar más derechos y autonomía a la minoría kurda, reprimida durante tanto tiempo, a cambio de un alto del fuego después de 30 años de irredentismo violento que resultó en la muerte de más de 40.000 personas. El cese del fuego fue violado por el PKK en julio de 2015, un mes después de que el AKP - siempre bajo el control de Erdogan - perdió su mayoría en el Parlamento, que mantenía desde el año 2002. Entre los ataques del PKK y la pesada represalia de Erdogan contra la población kurda en el sureste, parecía que Turquía estaba deslizándose hacia una guerra civil. El retorno a las alarmas del PKK y las represalias de Erdogan son vistas por muchos como una táctica del presidente para causar el caos y empujar a la gente a votar por el AKP en las elecciones anticipadas de noviembre pasado. Al AKP le preocupaba que estas elecciones reprodujeran los mismos resultados que los de junio, cuando perdió el poder. Dada esa situación, se volverían a abrir investigaciones de corrupción contra miembros del AKP y los miembros de la familia del presidente. El alarmismo de Erdogan y sus represalias han pagado y el AKP ganó el 49% de las bancas parlamentarias, lo que permite al aguerrido Presidente continuar empujando al país al borde del abismo, tan sólo para mantener el equilibrio de poder y escapar de las investigaciones, que podrían llevar a la cárcel a los miembros de su familia.
NO, NO, NO! QUESTO È GROTTESTO! PER UN MASSONE DI SATANISTA, REGIME BILDENBERG: COME LA NATO CIA? ERDOGAN AL LORO CONFRONTO È QUASI UN SANTO! ECCO PERCHÉ, ONU RIMPROVERA ISRAELE SOLTANTO! ] [ 04/05/2016, TURKEY. Thanks to Erdoğan, Turkey is on the brink of disaster, As Turkey’s president rejects outsiders’ "lessons in democracy", journalists are arrested, and lawmakers and scholars are accused of terrorism. Until a few years ago, Erdoğan seemed to favour European Union membership, human rights and protection for religious minorities. Now he seems bent on establishing a quasi-dictatorship. Ankara (AsiaNews) – Back from a trip to the United States, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lashed out at the West for giving Turkey "lessons in democracy". "Those who attempt to give us lessons in democracy and human rights must first contemplate their own shame," Erdoğan told a meeting of the Turkish Red Crescent in Ankara. His comments came after US President Barack Obama said Turkey's approach towards the media was taking it "down a path that would be very troubling." More and more, Erdoğan's government has been accused of increasing authoritarianism, muzzling critical media, arresting journalists, charging Kurdish lawmakers with terrorism offences, and taking judges and academics to court. Such a dangerous game could lead the country to disaster. Turkey has been derailed from its vision of closer integration with the EU, the adherence to fundamental freedoms and human rights and the freedom of press since the third term of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) when it won the elections in 2011. The popular support for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP, in every election since 2002 resulted in success against the military tutelage in Turkey, which held the nation in a choke hold by way of memoranda and interventions if not outright coups. Erdoğan came to power at the turn of the century as Turkey coiled from a crippling financial crisis in 2001, which left the economy in ruins, a post-modern coup d’état which had taken place just in 1997 and was still being felt strongly, as he promised EU membership and end to military tutelage, justice for all and financial upheaval for the country. The AKP’s conservative “moderate” Muslim base found their support for the AKP bolstered by the votes of disillusioned leftists and liberals, who believed that Turkey needed a new impetus to gain traction in social and economic reforms. Many religious groups, including the Hizmet Movement, inspired by the reclusive Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who resides in rural Pennsylvania in self-imposed exile, supported the AKP’s pledge of a more free Turkey that was ready to confront its problems from the past, such as s the Kurdish issue, whilst striving for a more prosperous future. Turkish people were spell bound by Erdoğan’s energetic rhetoric which fused together a conservative and patriotic discourse with modern western values. Erdoğan’s rise was crowned with a referendum on September 12, 2010, thirty years to the day of the dreadful 1980 military coup, making significant changes to the 1982 military-sponsored constitution which is in place in Turkey today. However as much as the 2010 referendum was the funeral toll for the military tutelage in Turkey, it presented Erdoğan and his associates with a conundrum, there were no enemies that the AKP could use to rally the people behind it. This problem manifest itself onward from the 2011 elections when Erdoğan and the AKP began to stray from the path to democratization they had promised the Turkish people, characteristically marked by a sharpening of the Prime Minister’s discourse and the eventual habit of inventing enemies, foreign and domestic. Erdoğan, and the media outlets he had begun to collect under his control from as early as 2007, began demonizing different sections of Turkey’s population, including Armenian Christians, Jews, Greeks, Kurds and Shia Muslims. Turkey’s once lauded “zero problems with neighbors policy” crumbled as the AKP administration began damaging ties with surrounding countries one by one. For example, the bilateral ties with Israel were all but cut off after the intervention to the Mavi Marmara aid ship en route the Gaza Strip in 2010. The AKP also became a vocal critic of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad after the Arab Spring uprisings looked as they might topple him in 2011. Turkey currently has over 3 million Syrian refugees within its borders fleeing the civil war in the neighboring country, according to Turkish officials. Turkey is also currently estranged from Egypt, the largest Arab nation in the Mediterranean, after Erdoğan publicly slammed the country’s president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and supported Egypt’s former president Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was overthrown by Sisi in a military coup in 2013. However, Erdoğan’s real authoritarianism began to take root after the Gezi Park protests in June 2013, against the AKP’s plans to build an Ottoman style barracks instead of the park in İstanbul’s Taksim square. The police force was criticized for excessive violence, though Erdoğan praised the crackdown, saying the police suppression of the protest had been “heroic.” The protests, the biggest incident of unrest against a government in the history of the Turkish Republic and the first serious challenge to Erdoğan's rule, caused a deeper divide in the already polarized nation. Erdoğan has accused the protesters of terrorism and attempting to overthrow his government. Eleven people, many of whom were young demonstrators, were killed in the clashes between police and protestors. Erdoğan’s demonizing of a certain group reached its pinnacle after two far-reaching graft probes were revealed in Dec. 2013, involving four cabinet ministers, high-ranking bureaucrats and businessmen with strong ties to the AKP. Erdoğan blames the Hizmet movement for instigating the corruption probes, claiming the movement tried and failed to carry out a coup against his government. He subsequently waged a self-declared war against the movement, going so far as to say, “If reassigning individuals who betray this country is called a witch hunt, then yes, we will carry out this witch hunt,” during a in 2014. Erdoğan invented the term “parallel state” or "parallel structure," to refer to members of the Hizmet Movement, upon instigating wave after wave of police operations against the group, the latest being the seizure of the Zaman daily, the largest circulation daily in Turkey, on grounds that it has links with the group. Turkey has over 30 journalists in prison with over 1800 court cases opened against individuals on the grounds that they insulted the president. Erdoğan became president in 2014 with 52 percent of the vote allowing him to proceed with his authoritarian agenda and vision for an executive presidential system to replace the parliamentary system currently used. However, despite all the ostracization Turkey has been facing abroad, and the domestic turmoil Erdoğan has been wreaking within to realize his goal of an unchecked presidential system, the main difficulty Turkey faces today would most succinctly be put as the Kurdish problem. In 2013, the Turkish government headed by Erdoğan brokered a settlement with the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). The Settlement Process, as it was called, envisaged granting the country's long-repressed Kurdish minority greater rights and autonomy in exchange for a cease-fire after a three-decade insurgency that claimed the lives of more than 40,000. The ceasefire was ended, by the PKK in July 2015, a month after the AKP, still under Erdoğan’s control, lost the majority in parliament that it held since 2002. The PKK’s attacks after the ending of the ceasefire and Erdoğan’s heavy-handed retaliation in the country’s southeast resembled a civil war during the summer of 2015. The PKK’s return to arms and Erdoğan’s retaliation was viewed by many as the president’s tactics to cause havoc and pressure the people to vote for the AKP in the snap elections that were held in November. A reoccurrence of the situation after the June 7 elections, when the AKP had lost power, would mean the reopening of graft investigations against members of the AKP and family members of Erdoğan himself. However, Erdoğan’s scaremongering ahead of the Nov. 1 paid off as the AKP won 49 percent of the vote, allowing Turkey’s embattled president to continue pushing Turkey near the edge off a cliff, just in order to keep his grip on power and escape the graft probes that could see his family members behind bars.
#PUTIN VLADIMIR #RUSSIA ] [ perché, tu paventi una invasione militare della LIBIA? SE, sharia Salman, sharia Erdogan, e ISIS SHARIA SARanno RESPINTi dai LIBICI CON SUCCESSO? non ci sarà nessuna invasione di terra!
Unius kingREI
#Brzezinski 666 NWO FED NATO CIA BAAL JABULLON SPA GMOS AGENDA ] [ cosa posso fare per farti cambiare idea? il tuo giuramento massonico è un giuramento a morte? ALLORA MUORI! PERCHÉ QUELLO CHE TI POSSO FARE IO? È ASSAI PEGGIO DI QUELLO CHE TI POSSONO FARE LORO!
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI!] Moshe Cohen [3 months ago] You are a Messianic Jew? Why? /// [ YOUR, is EVERYTHING, against Jews and Christians, because you have desecrated the Bible, through the Talmud ] I LIKE TOO MUCH WHY THE JEWS ARE PRACTICAL rational, materialistic, and it is thanks to this their mental structure: utilitarian and rational, that Jews have forced even God JHWH holy, to become man in Jesus of Bethlehem: into House of David: therefore God has been forced on the cross to show his infinite love for us! A LOVE SO GREAT FOR US, INFINITE LOVE, ALL GIVEN TO US THE HOLY CROSS, THAT IS A SCANDAL, THAT, CAN NOT BE BELIEVED, AND, ACCEPTED BY US, THAT IS WHY, WE ARE ALL SELFISH! and in any case, Jews forced, even God JHWH holy, to manifest yourself, among men from Abraham to Moses, to all the Prophets. SO: IN THEIR SENSE PRACTICAL MATERIAL, ALL JEWS WILL came, ALL BY me: lorenzoJHWH: WHY, I represent THEIR INTEREST, their future, the unique THEIR chance to collect the 12 tribes of Israel, under the wings blessed, grace, and protection: of their God YHWH, in MY Jewish Temple: once again, for the last time, BEFORE of tHE END .. BUT, yOU RABBIS PHARISEES, you said in the Talmud, that ALL non-Jews, their soul was created by the devil (tHEREFORE iT iS tHE dEMON tHAT HAS CREATED ALL aNIMALS, and also: all (goy animals from the human form), WHEREAS, in fact, GOD CREATED oNLY tHE JEWS, but, only those who have not lost their paternal genealogy .. so, in this mode, you have gave to devil, the creative power, but, which everyone knows, as creative power can be only, of JHWH God's Only: is his only the creative power! HOW, YOUR THEOLOGY, IS OVER THE SHIT? that's why, you did the Holy YHWH: be the devil! .. And, this is right, for your hypocrisy, perversion, concealment, racism, hatred, blasphemy, murder, monopoly wear, Spa Central Banks, Bildenberg regime, AIPAC Masonic system, SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN AGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, and GMOs agenda 666 NWO, and heavy metals in vaccines, to harm future generations of goyim, and exterminate them all (all Satanism, that you have taught your brothers Saudi Salafi Shari'a), then in your hatred, now you will die, too, all Israelis, as well as have killed all the Jews of Europe, too! THAT IS THAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN IN Talmud IS SO TERRIBLE, SATANIC, NAZI, racist, DEMONIC, THAT CAN NOT BE BELIEVED REAL, FROM A HUMAN MIND, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS MAKE HUMAN SACRIFICES on altair, OF SATAN, WHY ARE YOU pRIESTS OF SATAN, THAT TOURS, SPA WORLD BANK, SPA SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE, FED ECB, IMF, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, AND GUIDED CIA AND NATO: to massacre 5 billion PEOPLE, it's possible, AS SOON! by UNIUS REI from] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Usted es un Judio Mesiánico? ¿Por qué? /// [TU, es todo, contra los Judios y los cristianos, ya que han profanado la Biblia, a través del Talmud] me gusta demasiado ¿POR LOS JUDIOS son prácticos racional y materialista, y es gracias a este su estructura mental: utilitario y racional, que los Judios han obligado incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para hacerse hombre en Jesús de Belén: dentro de la Casa de David, por lo tanto, Dios ha visto obligado en la cruz para mostrar su infinito amor por nosotros! Un amor tan grande para nosotros, por amor infinito, TODO dado a nosotros LA SANTA CRUZ, QUE ES UN ESCÁNDALO, eso, no se puede creer, Y, aceptado por los Estados Unidos, por eso, todos somos egoístas! y, en cualquier caso, Judios forzados, incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para manifestarse a sí mismo, entre los hombres desde Abraham hasta Moisés, a todos los Profetas. SO: en su sentido material práctico, TODOS LOS JUDIOS VOLUNTAD vino, todos por mí: lorenzoJHWH: ¿Por qué, represento su interés, su futuro, la única SU oportunidad de recoger las 12 tribus de Israel, bajo las alas benditas, la gracia y la protección : YHWH de su Dios, en mi templo judío: una vez más, por última vez, antes del fin .. Pero, ya RABINOS fariseos, dijeron en el Talmud, que todos los no-Judios, su alma fue creada por el diablo (por lo tanto es el demonio que ha creado todos los animales, y también: todos los animales (goy de la forma humana), mientras que, de hecho, Dios creó sólo los JUDIOS, pero sólo aquellos que no han perdido su genealogía paterna .. por lo , en este modo, usted ha dado a diablo, el poder creativo, pero que todo el mundo sabe, como el poder creativo puede ser única, de la JHWH Dios Sólo: ¿es su único poder creador CÓMO, sU tEOLOGÍA, es más de la MIERDA? por eso, que hizo el Santo YHWH: ser el diablo .. Y, esto es correcto, para su hipocresía, la perversión, la ocultación, el racismo, el odio, la blasfemia, el asesinato, el desgaste de monopolio, Spa Bancos Centrales, el régimen Bildenberg, sistema de AIPAC masónico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, y los OGM programa 666 NWO, y los metales pesados en las vacunas, perjudicando a las generaciones futuras de los goyim, y exterminan a todos ellos (todo el satanismo, que ha enseñado a sus hermanos Arabia salafista Shari'a) , a continuación, en su odio, ahora que va a morir, también, todos los israelíes, así como haber matado a todos los Judios de Europa, también! O sea que usted ha escrito en el Talmud es tan terrible, satánico, nazi, racista, del demonio que no puede ser real creído, DE UNA MENTE HUMANA, ¿por qué siempre hacen sacrificios humanos en Altair, de Satanás, ¿por qué te sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que los viajes, BANCO MUNDIAL SPA, SPA SCAM BANCARIA SEÑORIAJE, FED BCE, FMI, TODO MONOPOLY SPA, y guiado de la CIA y la OTAN: masacran a 5 mil millones de personas, es posible, tan pronto! por Unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [3 Monate her] Du bist ein messianischer Jude? Warum? /// [IHR ist alles, gegen Juden und Christen, weil sie die Bibel entweiht haben, durch den Talmud] ich wie zu viel, warum die Juden PRAXIS rational sind, materialistisch, und es ist dank dieser ihrer geistigen Struktur: utilitaristischen und rational, haben die Juden sogar Gott JHWH heilig gezwungen, Menschen in Jesus von Bethlehem zu werden: in House of David: deshalb für uns hat Gott am Kreuz gezwungen, seine unendliche Liebe zu zeigen! EINE LIEBE SO GROSS FÜR US, unendliche Liebe, alles gegeben, uns die Heiligen Kreuzes, DASS EIN SKANDAL IST, DASS NICHT GEGLAUBT werden und von uns akzeptiert, das ist, warum wir alle egoistisch! und in jedem Fall die Juden gezwungen, selbst Gott JHWH heilig, sich zu manifestieren, unter den Menschen von Abraham bis Moses, an alle Propheten. SO: in ihrer praktischen materiellen Sinn, ALLE Juden kam, die alle von mir: lorenzoJHWH: WARUM ich ihr Interesse darstellen, ihre Zukunft, die einzigartige ihre Chance, die 12 Stämme Israels zu sammeln, unter den Flügeln gesegnet, Gnade und Schutz : in meiner jüdischen Tempel ihres Gottes JHWH: noch einmal, zum letzten Mal, bevor Sie das END .. aber Sie RABBINER PHARISÄER, sagten Sie im Talmud, dass alle nicht-Juden, ihre Seele vom Teufel geschaffen wurde (daher ist der Dämon, dass alle Tiere geschaffen hat, und auch: alle (goy Tiere aus der menschlichen Form), während in der Tat schuf Gott nur die Juden, sondern nur diejenigen, die ihre väterlichen Genealogie nicht verloren .. so in diesem Modus haben Sie Teufel, die schöpferische Kraft gab, aber, die jeder kennt, als kreative Kraft nur sein kann, von JHWH Gottes nur: ist seine einzige die schöpferische Kraft HOW, Ihre Theologie über die Scheiße ist? das ist, warum Sie der Heilige JHWH tat der Teufel sein .. Und das ist richtig, für Ihre Heuchelei, Perversion, Verschleierung, Rassismus, Hass, Gotteslästerung, Mord, Monopol Verschleiß, Spa Zentralbanken, Bildenberg Regime, AIPAC freimaurerischen System! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN TAGESORDNUNG, Chemtrails Monsanto und GVO Agenda 666 NWO und Schwermetalle in Impfstoffen, um künftige Generationen von Gojim schaden, und vernichten sie alle (alle Satanismus, dass Sie Ihre Brüder Saudi Salafi Shari'a gelehrt haben) , dann in Ihrem Hass, jetzt werden Sie auch alle Israelis als auch getötet haben alle Juden Europas, zu sterben! DAS IST, DASS SIE HABEN, geschrieben in Talmud IST SO Terrible, satanisch, NAZI, rassistische, dämonisch, dass Real nicht glauben KÖNNEN, die von einem menschlichen MIND, Warum bist du immer Menschenopfer auf altair MACHEN, DER SATAN, warum bist du Priester SATAN, DASS TOURS, SPA WORLD BANK, SPA SCAM BANKING Seigniorage, FED EZB, IWF, ALL MONOPOLY SPA UND FÜHRUNG CIA und NATO: massakrieren 5 Milliarden Menschen ist es möglich, SO SCHNELL! von unius REI von] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Você é um judeu messiânico? Por quê? /// [SEU, é tudo, contra os judeus e os cristãos, porque você profanou a Bíblia, através do Talmud] Eu gosto muito por que os judeus são práticos racional, materialista, e é graças a esta sua estrutura mental: utilitária e racional, que os judeus têm forçado até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para tornar-se homem em Jesus de Belém: em casa de David; por isso Deus foi forçado na cruz para mostrar seu amor infinito por nós! Um amor tão grandes para nós, amor infinito, ALL-nos dado o Santa Cruz, QUE É um escândalo, isso, não se pode acreditar, E, aceite por nós, é por isso, estamos todos egoísta! e em qualquer caso, os judeus forçados, até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para manifestar-se, entre os homens de Abraão a Moisés, para todos os Profetas. SO: em seu sentido material prático, todos os judeus vieram, todas por mim: lorenzoJHWH: Por que, eu represento o seu interesse, o seu futuro, a única sua chance de coletar as 12 tribos de Israel, sob as asas abençoado, graça e proteção : do seu Deus YHWH, em meu templo judaico: mais uma vez, pela última vez, antes do fim .. Mas, você RABINOS fariseus, disse no Talmud, que todos os não-judeus, a sua alma foi criada pelo diabo (por isso, é o demônio que tem criado todos os animais, e ainda: todos os animais (goy da forma humana), enquanto que, na verdade, Deus criou só os judeus, mas, somente aqueles que não perderam a sua genealogia paterna .. so , neste modo, você deu ao diabo, o poder criativo, mas, o que todos sabem, como poder criativo pode ser apenas, de JHWH God Only: é o seu único poder criativo como, sua teologia, está sobre o MERDA? é por isso que, você fez o Santo YHWH: ser o diabo .. E, isso é certo, para a sua hipocrisia, perversão, ocultação, o racismo, o ódio, a blasfêmia, assassinato, desgaste monopólio, Spa Bancos Centrais, regime Bildenberg, sistema de AIPAC maçônico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN dO GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto e OGM agenda 666 NWO, e metais pesados em vacinas, para prejudicar as futuras gerações de goyim, e exterminá-los todos (todos satanismo, que você ensinou seus irmãos Arábia Salafi Sharia) , então, em seu ódio, agora você vai morrer, também, todos os israelenses, bem como ter matado todos os judeus da Europa, também! QUE é que você tem ESCRITO NA Talmud é tão terrível, satânico, nazista, racista, demoníaco, QUE NÃO PODEM SER CONSIDERADAS REAL, DE UMA MENTE HUMANA, por que você sempre fazer sacrifícios humanos em altair, de Satanás, POR QUE É VOCÊ sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que as excursões, SPA DO BANCO MUNDIAL, SPA SCAM BANKING senhoriagem, FED BCE, FMI, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, e guiado CIA ea NATO: massacrar 5 bilhões de pessoas, é possível, tão logo! por unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [il y a 3 mois] Vous êtes un Juif messianique? Pourquoi? /// [VOTRE, est TOUT, contre les juifs et les chrétiens, parce que vous avez profané la Bible, à travers le Talmud] I LIKE TROP POURQUOI LES JUIFS SONT PRATIQUES rationnelle, matérialiste, et il est grâce à cette leur structure mentale: utilitaire et rationnel, que les Juifs ont forcé même Dieu JHWH saint, pour devenir l'homme en Jésus de Bethléem: dans la Maison de David: pourquoi Dieu a été forcé sur la croix pour montrer son amour infini pour nous! Un amour si grand POUR NOUS, L'AMOUR INFINI, LE TOUT DONNÉ POUR NOUS LA SAINTE-CROIX, QUI EST UN SCANDALE, QUE, NE PEUT ETRE CROYONS, ET, ACCEPTE PAR US, QUI EST POURQUOI, NOUS SOMMES TOUS SELFISH! et en tout cas, les Juifs forcés, même Dieu JHWH saint, pour vous manifester, parmi les hommes d'Abraham à Moïse, à tous les prophètes. SO: dans leur sens matériel pratique, TOUS LES JUIFS WILL est venu, ALL BY-moi: lorenzoJHWH: POURQUOI, je représente LEUR INTERET, leur avenir, l'unique, leur chance de recueillir les 12 tribus d'Israël, sous les ailes bénies, la grâce et la protection : de leur Dieu YHWH, dans MON Temple juif: encore une fois, pour la dernière fois, AVANT dE lA FIN .. Mais, vous rabbins pHARISIENS, vous avez dit dans le Talmud, que tous les non-Juifs, leur âme a été créé par le diable (Par conséquent, il est le démon qui a créé tous les animaux, et aussi: tous (goy animaux de la forme humaine), ATTENDU, en fait, Dieu a créé seulement les Juifs, mais, seuls ceux qui ont pas perdu leur généalogie paternelle .. donc , dans ce mode, vous avez donné au diable, la puissance créatrice, mais que tout le monde sait, comme puissance créatrice ne peut être que, de ce JHWH Dieu seul: est sa seule la puissance créatrice COMMENT VOTRE THÉOLOGIE, eST sUR lA MERDE? Voilà pourquoi, vous avez fait le Saint YHWH: être le diable .. Et, cela est juste, pour votre hypocrisie, de perversion, de la dissimulation, le racisme, la haine, le blasphème, assassiner, l'usure de monopole, Spa Central Banks, régime Bildenberg, système AIPAC maçonnique! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENRE DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto et les OGM agenda 666 NWO, et de métaux lourds dans les vaccins, de nuire aux générations futures de goyim, et exterminer tous (toutes satanisme, que vous avez appris à vos frères Saudi Salafi Shari'a) , puis dans votre haine, maintenant, vous allez mourir, aussi, tous les Israéliens, ainsi que ont tué tous les Juifs d'Europe, aussi! QUE est que vous avez écrit dans le Talmud est si terrible, SATANIC, NAZI, raciste, DEMONIC, QUI NE PEUT ETRE VRAI CRU, à partir de l'esprit humain, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS FAITES TOUJOURS SACRIFICES HUMAINS sur altair, DE SATAN, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS PRETRES DE SATAN, QUE TOURS, CIA SPA BANQUE MONDIALE, SPA SCAM BANCAIRE seigneuriage, FED BCE, FMI, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, ET GUIDÉE ET dE L'OTAN: à massacrer 5 milliards de personnes, il est possible, dès! par UNIUS REI de] موشيه كوهين [3 أشهر منذ] أنت يهودي مسيحي يهودي؟ لماذا ا؟ /// [ك، هو كل شيء، ضد اليهود والمسيحيين، لأنك تدنيس الكتاب المقدس، من خلال التلمود] أنا أحب TOO MUCH لماذا هم اليهود العملية عقلانية، مادي، وذلك بفضل هذا الهيكل العقلي: النفعية و عقلانية، واضطر أن اليهود حتى الله JHWH المقدس، لتصبح رجل في يسوع من بيت لحم: الى بيت داود ولذلك فقد اضطرت الله على الصليب لإظهار محبته اللامتناهية بالنسبة لنا! حب كبير جدا بالنسبة لنا، الحب بلا حدود، وبالنظر إلى كل الى الولايات المتحدة الصليب المقدس، وهذا هو فضيحة، وهذا، لا يمكن أن يعتقد، وقبلت من قبل الولايات المتحدة، ولهذا السبب، نحن جميعا الأنانية! وعلى أي حال، أجبر اليهود، حتى الله JHWH المقدسة، لإظهار نفسك، وبين الرجال من إبراهيم إلى موسى، لجميع الأنبياء. SO: في شعورهم المواد العملية، وجاء كل اليهود WILL، قبل كل شيء لي: lorenzoJHWH: لماذا، أنا أمثل مصلحتها أو مستقبلهم، فريدة من نوعها فرصة لجمع 12 أسباط إسرائيل، تحت أجنحة المباركة، نعمة، وحماية : إلههم يهوه، في المعبد اليهودي MY: مرة أخرى، للمرة الأخيرة، قبل نهاية .. ولكن، لالحاخامات الفريسيين، قلت في التلمود، أن جميع غير اليهود، تم إنشاء ارواحهم من الشيطان (ولذلك فمن الشيطان الذي خلق كل الحيوانات، وأيضا: الكل (الحيوانات اليمنية من الشكل البشري)، في حين أنه في الواقع، لقد خلق الله اليهود فقط، ولكن فقط أولئك الذين لم يفقدوا نسبهم الأب .. لذلك في هذا الوضع، لقد أعطى الشيطان، والطاقة الإبداعية، ولكن الذي يعلم الجميع، والطاقة الإبداعية يمكن أن يكون إلا من JHWH الله فقط: هو له إلا قوة خلاقة كيف، اللاهوت الخاص بك، هو على القرف؟ لهذا السبب، يمكنك فعل يهوه الكريم: يكون الشيطان .. وهذا هو الحق، والنفاق الخاص بك، تحريف، إخفاء، والعنصرية، والكراهية والتكفير والقتل، وارتداء الاحتكار، سبا البنوك المركزية، نظام Bildenberg، نظام ايباك الماسونية! م واس هوليوود هالوين الجنسين داروين جدول الأعمال، Chemtrails مونسانتو، والكائنات المعدلة وراثيا جدول 666 NWO، والمعادن الثقيلة في اللقاحات، إلى يضر الأجيال القادمة من الأغيار، وإبادة كل منهم (عن عبادة الشيطان، وأنك قد علمت إخوانكم السعودية السلفية الشريعة) ، ثم في الكراهية الخاص، والآن سوف تموت، أيضا، جميع الإسرائيليين، فضلا عن أنه قتل جميع اليهود من أوروبا، أيضا! هذا هو أن كنت قد كتبت في التلمود بشكل فظيع SO، الشيطانية، النازية، عنصرية، الشيطانية، التي لا يعتقد ريال، من العقل البشري، لماذا أنت دائما تقديم التضحيات البشرية على نسر، الشيطان، لماذا أنت كهنة الشيطان، بأن تور م واس البنك الدولي، SPA الغش المصرفي رسوم سك العملات، FED البنك المركزي الأوروبي وصندوق النقد الدولي، وجميع الاحتكار SPA، واسترشادا وكالة المخابرات المركزية ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي: لمذبحة 5000000000 الناس، فمن الممكن، AS SOON! بواسطة الخط الفاصل بتصفح من
SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA, SE NON MUSULMANI SONO I DHIMMI, E SE QUESTI ASSASSINI TERRORISTI DIVENTANO GLI EROI? POI, LA LEGA ARABA È RESPONSABILE DI ALTO TRADIMENTO E DI TERRORISMO SHARIA CONTRO IL GENERE UMANO! Pakistan: kamikaze fa strage di cristiani a Lahore, 72 morti, maggior parte donne e bambini 28 marzo 2016 ] con la sharia nazista: senza libertà di religione, e gli schiavi dhimmi D'alema Mogherini Boldrini? i mandanti IDEOLOGICI, di ogni strage ISLAMICA SHARIA, sono sempre i SAUDITI salafiti Ergogan e SALMAN .. E TUTTI I LORO ALLEATI SHARIA COMPLICI! [ Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa: "Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato. E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati dall'azione di un kamikaze ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento". Fra le vittime una trentina sono bambini, che nel momento dello scoppio utilizzavano i giochi e le attrezzature sportive del Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto, mentre si cerca di risalire ai responsabili del movimento Jamat ul Ahrar che ha rivendicato l'attentato. ... Il 15 marzo dello scorso anno due kamikaze sempre del Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamat-ul-Ahrar, si erano fatti esplodere all'ingresso di due chiese di Lahore vicine fra loro, la cattolica St.John's Church e la cristiana Christ Church causando 17 morti. 28 marzo 2016 ] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// IL TUO È TUTTO contro ebrei e cristiani perché tu hai profanato la Bibbia attraverso il talmud /// MI PIACCIONO TROPPO GLI EBREI PERCHÉ, SONO PRATICI razionali E MATERIALISTI, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale: utilitaristica e razionale, che ebrei hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a diventare uomo: in Gesù di Betlemme: della Casa di Davide: quindi Dio è stato costretto sulla Croce a dimostrare tutto il suo amore infinito per noi! UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE PER NOI, AMORE INFINITO, TUTTO DATO PER NOI SULLA SANTA CROCE, CHE È UNO SCANDALO CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO ED ACCETTATO DA NOI CHE NOI SIAMO TUTTI EGOISTI! e comunque, EBREI hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a manifestarsi tra gli uomini da: Abramo a Mosé a tutti i Profeti. QUINDI: NEL LORO SENSO PRATICO MATERIALE, LORO VERRANNO TUTTI DA ME: PERCHÉ, IO RAPPRESENTO IL LORO INTERESSE, il loro futuro, la LORO unica possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di ISRAELE, sotto le ali benedette, di grazia e protezione, del loro Dio JHWH, nel MIO Tempio Ebraico, ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, PRIMA DELLA FINE.. MA, VOI RABBINI FARISEI, voi avete detto nel Talmud, che per TUTTI i non ebrei, la loro anima è stata creata dal demonio (QUINDI È IL DEMONIO CHE HA CREATO TUTTI GLI ANIMALI (goy animali dalla forma umana), MENTRE, in realtà, DIO HA CREATO SOLTANTO GLI EBREI, ma, soltanto quelli che non hanno perduto le GENEALOGIE PATERNE ).. quindi voi avete dato al demonio, il potere creativo, che tutti sanno può essere di Dio Soltanto: il potere creativo! COME LA VOSTRA TEOLOGIA È FINITA NELLA MERDA? ecco perché, voi avete fatto di JHWH Holy il demonio! .. e questo è giusto per la vostra ipocrisia, perversione, dissimulazione, odio razzismo, blasfemia, omicidi, usura monopolio, Spa Banche CENTrALI sistema massonico, Monsanto Scie chimiche, e OGM, e metalli pesanti nei vaccini, per danneggiare le future generazioni di goyim, e sterminarli tutti (tutto il satanismo che voi avete insegnato ai vostri fratellastri Sauditi salafiti sharia), quindi nel vostro odio ora farete morire, anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come avete fatto morire tutti gli ebrei europei, anche! CHE QUELLO CHE, VOI AVETE SCRITTO NEL TALMUD È COSÌ TERRIBILE, SATANICO, NAZISTA, RAZZISTA, DEMONIACO, CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO REALE POSSIBILE, DA UNA MENTE UMANA, ECCO PERCHÉ SIETE SEMPRE VOI CHE FATE I SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALATARE DI SATANA, PERCHÉ SIETE VOI I SACERDOTI DI SATANA CHE GUIDATE, SPA BANCA MONDIALE, OGNI MONOPOLIO SPA, E GUIDATE CIA E LA NATO: PER MASSACRARE 5MILIARDI DI PERSONE AL PIÙ PRESTO! by UNIUS REI from
DIVERSI SACERDOTI DI SATANA, cannibali e non, sono tecnici informatici, SONO STATI MESSI A DISTURBARE IL MIO LAVORO DALLA CIA, MOSSAD SERVICES UK, NATO NWO SPA FMI, ECC. sono sempre sulla pagina di: ma, se anche voi non li potete più vedere, perché sono stati tutti sconfitti e danneggiati da me: e quindi si sono nascosti? ma, loro so li ancora, e mi seguono dentro tutti i miei siti! ] SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT " I Think you in Love With me all all time you talking about me Way???? Today I see very very mad men in steet talking to he self about God. Someone told me to tell you You Use Drugs ??? I am born 1591BC .. CIA Very hard job but CIA said I am very good With my CIA JOB. 374z3z8ie@ is Alex . I know RothChild he meet me.
MA IL SUO SACERTOTE DI SATANA DIRIGENTE GLI HA ORDINATO DI ZITTIRE! StratScorpius SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT BLOCK " 1. IHateNEWLAYOUT you do not know how to watch my new video lol IFuckingKillYouRapeU watch?v=LDg8qbzG4Lw you see me. UFuckWithWrongPerson SOON I Get u a Account Warning From StopSpaMistafield. Not you I mean I Shut down UniusRei 1 or channels /// 2. 187AUDIOHOSTEM Google: "Spying BIG PENIS from my boyfriend" [Stop Spying My Genitalia] /// ANSWER, SPERO TANTO CHE PER COLPA MIA SATANA NON VI ABBIA MESSO IN GINOCCHIO SUI CECI! lol. /// answer /// SANTA PASQUA 2016 A VOI E ALLE VOSTRE FAMIGLIE! FATEVI SANTI e ... ci vediamo in PARADISO, E, NON MI BIDONATE, E SOPRATTUTTO NON MI FATE ASPETTARE TROPPO!
D'ALEMA, MOGHERINI, BOLDRINI, Bildenberg Rothschild? NESSUNA PIETÀ PER LA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA, NOI CI DOBBIAMO ESTINGUERE E DOBBIAMO ESSERE SOSTITUITI DAGLI ISLAMICI! Dalla Duma proposta per aiutare le famiglie: Stato paga parte mutuo dopo nascita figlio, 27.03.2016. Il programma "Sgravi per l'alloggio dei bambini" prevede che in caso di nascita di un figlio parte della rata del mutuo sarà pagata dallo Stato:
LA INFESTAZIONE DEMONIACA GENDER IDEOLOGIA? È UNA MINACCIA ANCHE PER I GAY! la omosessualità non è una turba (malattia) psichica, ma, è una malattia spirituale contagiosa! QUINDI LO STATO HA IL DOVERE DI PROTEGGERE LA SALUTE SPIRITUALE DEI CITTADINI! LA RUSSIA DOVREBBE INSEGNARE AL MONDO IL GIUSTO APPROCCIO NON VIOLENTO E NON DISCRIMINATORIO! Gender e ddl Cirinnà: come distruggere la famiglia naturale Ddl Cirinnà, come stravolgere la famiglia e la società Stop famiglia tradizionale: arriva la nuova gen(d)erazione
se, la RUSSIA è ritenuta aggressiva da: sharia talmud, Obama e SpA FEd Bildenberg NATO, è perché, loro sono satanisti nazisti massoni, parassiti e farisei che, loro non credono più nella autodeterminazione dei popoli!
a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
is the end[] I am distressed by the evil, hypocrisy, hardness of heart, lack of honesty, and for the criminality of all: leaders, elite, rich, seigniorage banking, satanism, satanist, horror, porno, industrial, political, leaders, freemasons, racist, sharia, zionist, communists, that is, for the crime of all the governments of the world.. Yes, I am distressed! I will start to leave youtube and internet .. therefore .. I'll start to preparing for myself, for the World War. prepare your soul, for the assessment: of the your Creator! This world will be destroyed, so that will been created a nightmare scenario. ie an world: to most bad, and more bad!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [all institutions and governments? are absolutely criminal!] In fact, institutions and governments having: Freemasonry and seigniorage banking, why, they are the enemies: the executioners of the people, all accomplices of tyrants enlightened, that is, the Jewish monarchy, occult, satanic: of IMF: BCE: FED, ecc.. -NWO. As today is in Syria? So will for all the nations! all people will react with angrily, why, since this: inflation, recession and unemployment, is an figures: artificially: it is induced by monopolists American: Jewish lobby, is working to destabilize all institutions, so that it can be done one war, for an new World War), this conspiracy of silence? no longer be tolerated!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [the superiority of Christian civilization? It has allowed democracy: secularism, pluralism, integration, acceptance, cooperation! All those who fight the Christians? is clear: "It is they who claim to be Satanists by themselves" .. and since, Satanism is stronger, is than of the enlightened, they, or are complicit, or are victims of the enlightened, for their own self-destruction ... because the Satanists have no concept of friend, love, ecc.. is only for his Alliance ... they are merely, opportunists, and monopolistic .. therefore, they (Rothschild, and Bush, and Company) are programmed to kill everyone, to stay alone
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [Islamic fundamentalist extremism] .. That is why the enlightened, have financed the fall of all the governments Muslim moderates and secular, that is why, these criminals will bring of the Sharia, put the terror in the West, making inevitable a world war against Islam .. My being a biblical fundamentalist: it is only for my own spirituality? has the value completely opposite to that of Islamic fundamentalist .. because I breathe democratic values in the political
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [superiority: cultural and moral, of the Christian civilization] under the satanic Masonic scheme of banking seigniorage, this invocation of Charlie Chaplin (Charlot), has the same taste of the desperation of Kennedy, which addresses the people, to protect, so, in mode impossible and desperate: Christian values ... But, it they are now no more defensible, since the political and institutional system: it has become: the system of enlightened: ie, pure Satanism: of IMF-NWO. The synagogue of Satan, masonry, which has the one only eternal goal, the destruction of Christianity. Since they won against Christianity! Then we witness the massacre of all Muslims, and a ban on a global scale of the holy Koran.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. now, the evil of all religions and all cultures, against Christians, is hidden at Christians (5% of Americans), by media world, namely the Jewish and Zionist monopoly of information (network). .. Therefore, the poor and innocent Christians? they ignore the fact that all religious and ideological systems, are against them. While Christians are not against anybody, because, they're just the Jewish lobby, of banking seigniorage (the directors of every war), they have taken, the control of people and symbols of Western culture .. that is the wolf that has been coated lamb skin: for appropriating of the all symbols of Christianity and Judaism
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [superiority: cultural and moral, of the Christian civilization] under the satanic Masonic scheme of banking seigniorage, this invocation of Charlie Chaplin (Charlot), has the same taste of the desperation of Kennedy, which addresses the people, to protect, so, in mode impossible and desperate: Christian values ... But, it they are now no more defensible, since the political and institutional system: it has become: the system of enlightened: ie, pure Satanism: of IMF-NWO. The synagogue of Satan, masonry, which has the one only eternal goal, the destruction of Christianity. Since they won against Christianity! Then we witness the massacre of all Muslims, and a ban on a global scale of the holy Koran.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. now, the evil of all religions and all cultures, against Christians, is hidden at Christians (5% of Americans), by media world, namely the Jewish and Zionist monopoly of information (network). .. Therefore, the poor and innocent Christians? they ignore the fact that all religious and ideological systems, are against them. While Christians are not against anybody, because, they're just the Jewish lobby, of banking seigniorage (the directors of every war), they have taken, the control of people and symbols of Western culture .. that is the wolf that has been coated lamb skin: for appropriating of the all symbols of Christianity and Judaism
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Cina, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Iran, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Arabia Saudita, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. India, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Pakistan, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Russia, ecc.. --> you Do not want to play my music? So is the music of the Illuminati, what you want to play for you: all children of the devil! Then, prepare yourself well in the war, because you do not have any hope of winning! for I have put all you together? no, I'm not wrong! Why Satanists enlightened Americans, they do not divide their power, with no one .. is only a matter of time, but all that is anal, is fuking against you! .. because if the Americans lose all the weapons, of the surface? they win, however, with those weapons that are underground or under water .. they are able to hit planes with laser beams of the satellites .. and do not forget the aliens their allies!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. SuperLion911 said: :hi Kuwait's right! You are right معك حق المشكله في ازديات والكل في خطر الكراهيه والحرب هي نتائج الكرهه والمستفيد هو الشيطان والخاسر هم البشر Inviato a: jhwhpantocrator --ANSWER-> BLESSINGS TOO MY BROTHER
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: Warning Muslim in sharia is satanism by David Duke ISEL333 SAID: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. jhwhpantocrator we the Jews pray to Our One God, That Our Messiah will come soon, and the world will be much better .-- ANSWER-> you really believe what you said? I did not. I do not think so ... because the world is going from bad to worse ... and the guilt of all is the seigniorage banking of the Rothschild and Rochefeller, etc. .. that is, the true synagogue of Satan, and every war and every holocaust or Shoah.. The Messiah is now at the end of the world (including: 300 years), now if you do not satisfied of me: your the King of Israel, you have to do this, is this sudden experience of the 3rd WWnuclear
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 1/4 [protocols of zion] You know, I'm very aware or the protocols of zion "manual" if you will. I looked it up on: " amazon . com ", and it is listed under "controversial readings", along with Mein Kampf. Now, you must understand that the ordinary everyday jew most likely distances themselves from such readings like these in order to prevent to perpetuation of the stereotype. But, every wonder what goes thru their heads politically? Well, with social issues, most likely left, but with Israel, most likely extreme-far right. Zion protocols is crystal clear where they get their politics from.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 2/4 And my friend, those politics are not even close to the values of our American way. It teaches how to manipulate the economic model of a nation, find it's vulnerability, and crush it. Keep all money of the world privatized into a international monetary system to where a whole nation will go further into debt while the bankers get even richer. I believe that any people(s) who follow these values, have their place in hell.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 3/4 [protocols of zion] If you want to starve our children because it benefits you, the Lord will know, you cannot hide from him. George Soros still has a chance to get on his knees and beg God for forgiveness for his selfishness, and un-repented sins, and If he takes that money and gives it to those in need in the southwest suffering from those hurricanes, losing their homes, and not for a media opp, he might have a small place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 4/4 [protocols of zion] He should give it all away, because he has stolen it. Or he can die with a hardened heart and rot. My point is, Books like these have turned a once huge religion into a divided culture of confusion. Where are the jews who follow the old testament, and not secular dogma written by men. I hope our Christian politicians read this stuff observantly not saying where it's from but simply pointing out a problem in our economic problems. Thanks to Ron Paul, hopefully more people will wake up.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [reincarnation] CONCLUSION: who slander God of be evil? Can not hope to be able to save himself from hell. as Muslims, say: "There is not a grave sin to kill the idolaters Christians, since God can not forgive sin of: idolatry, blasphemy and apostasy. Therefore, everyone in the world are automatically condemned to be: o Muslims, or to die, and the same: do this the: Buddhist, Zionist, Hindu, and Communist .. so is for that, this poor world has been cursed by Satan, because of, these criminals? that the tragedies will never end . Therefore, if: the Zionists, Muslims, Sharia, Hindus, Buddhists and communists, did not retreat from their positions? I will not stop the arm of the satanist enlightened of NWO-IMF: Rothschilds and company Bush, which is been already fully armed, for to make the 3rd WWnuclear. . you can only prepare your soul for God, very quickly
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 10/10: [reincarnation] all the lies of satan: are for the predestined at hell eternal: they wanted to believe: things convenient for their wickedness, but have closed hearts to the truth, ie for their wickedness and selfishness. is God's revenge, is against: all these bad people. in reality: the diversity: it is the splendor of the wealth, is love: we are all equal because God is just, against the killers of: reincarnation, sharia, Zionism. sireAndracottus: SAID: IF YOU CAN EXPLAIN inequality, YOU CAN DEFEAT ME AND ASK ME TO ACCEPT YOUR THEORY AND VEDANTA renounce. - answer-> the inequality is only the work, of Satan. I do not have an: interest, about your (new) religion. God is Witness: "I do not have an: interest: in all this." But: every lie of: Satan must be smacherata: why, I am UniuRei ie, Mahdi That, is the King of Israel
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 9 / 10: [reincarnation] we have not lost: our identity, but only Our memory: necessarily, because the secret of happiness and power, is all in faith, because faith: is directly related: with hope: charity, that is true love .sireAndracottus: SAID: "DEAR humanumgenus. there is so much inequality in this world. black men, white men, rich & poor men, healthy & deceased, Powerful & weak, ugly and beautiful, intelligent & retarded. by your theory of perpetual hell & heaven? this CAN BE HORRIBLE Inequality Explained: AND GOD WOULD SEEM TO BE WICKED to, PARTIAL, CRUEL GOD. YET WE ALL KNOW, HE IS LOVING .--ANSWER-> No, for an educator? for an parent? There are no bad children, poor, stupid, retarded, etc. all inequality poor, ecc.. is due only at act of predation: of Satan
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 8 / 10: [reincarnation], but can not be blamed: God of: racism, or of: actions preferred, since it is precisely in this way, That, Jews are curse for themselves and for the world... in the belief of be the chosen people? but, is in this way, that, they blaspheme against God, and They do not know of: having received only, one priestly role. yes! Brahman is immanent and transcendent, everything inside & outside everything "-Yajur Veda Taittiriya Upanishad. holy*, HOLY*, holy .-- but, is just for this, there can be no injustice or no difference: in Brahman, in report: to all the his creatures. because, the Perfect?. can not create the imperfect.. Unfortunately, in the "earthly paradise", we are been all traitors: and: all of us, we are falling: in this: 3rd dimension: if you want this? it was the only form of: reincarnation, but in this passage degrading?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 7 / 10: [reincarnation]]: sireAndracottus:SAID:"HOW YOU CAN GIVE To ETERNAL HEAVEN TO MAN FOR THE GOOD DEEDS OF HIS SHORT LIFE?"-ANSWER-> bIBLE SAID: "one thousand years: for the Lord God: are as one minutes: and one minute, are as 1000 years", Therefore, the time is relative, while God scours: constantly, the thinking of every man. the proceedings of God is perfect and eternal. "Cruelty and partiality can not be Attributed to Brahman"-Holy Brahma Sutras 3.3.34 (900BC). karma? is common to all men. then, you can not do of an baby at HIS birth: an criminal-designate, and: then, you think, That, Brahman is right, for be him, more evil of us?? no, God grants to us the free will, and he is agrees to pull away: of any Satanism: as, drugs, diseases, ecc, ie, namely, all the things, That are humanly impossible to overcome by alone. reincarnation, sharia, Zionism? are the source of mean any malice.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 6/10:[reincarnation:] natural law: is the truth. are universal values, why: rational! are in themselves: the philosophical, and: the mathematical proof of the existence of God, why, has destroyed: relativism: that is, every fragile subjectivism. to restore the universal unity of all: ie UniusRei: that is the Jewish Temple.. Unfortunately, were the Jewish lobby of enlightened, That, has suffocated through the power of money: the truth. That, the Zionists have stolen to us: all, through: all the conspiracies of Freemasons amd seigniorage banking, of course, all in key anti-Christian, ecc.. for satanism. [[6.The purpose of human life is not to reach heaven, But to BECOME ONE WITH BRAHMAN THROUGH HIS KNOWLEGE OF NATURE, UNITY OF YOUR WITH HIM.-ANSWER-> but precisely this: say, all the religions monotheistic! now it is not possible for the infinite perfection of Justice of God, the universal right to deny the freedoms of conscience and religion, for: a social segregation.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 5/10: [reincarnation] That since God, calls the stars and the electrons to name, and he has hungry and thirst, of our love, and is glorified in the science: personally. Therefore, must be denied any surrogate of God, as in fact is the relationship with a religion. indeed, many times, religion is an: true treason, or an sin, of idolatry. Certainly, religion is essential, as all have need a mom, but no bride her mother. Therefore, the best religion is those, That, know, how: not must become indispensable, ie, Judaism: Christianity. the "supreme truth" is then immediately accessible to every pure heart, even if: it is of an man atheist, that is my: "Universal brotherhood". That, is the natural law: "do good (to everybody), avoid evil" (to everybody): that is the justice. ie, you not lie", why, those who lie against ReiUnius? How could he return to his presence a second time without dying?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4 / 10: [reincarnation] Then, "people" That, in India was socially: degradation: raped, such as "pariah": he has become, even an "untouchable"! but, you: in this, mode, you have destroyed, without hope of ransom, an being: human made by God: like you.. fact at image: and likeness of God: he, too. but this can be only: a wickedness of Satan. So heaven or hell: they are precise and perfect, because in a whole life, to all God has given so many opportunities and: many opportunities for redeem themselves from all mistakes of evil: of ideology or of religious. Brahman is granted to all, always! since all have been created by the infinite love of God, and: they are called, in a personal relationship with Brahman. but: Zionism, reincarnation, sharia? are INCOMPATIBLE with my: brotherhood Universal!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3 / 10: [reincarnation]]: humanumgenus: vs: sireAndracottus: [eternal reward: haves for today, The Power of Faith, Hope, and Love, like all of us can do. Thus, in a long lifetime, every 5 years or so, God has always, to all man? the new opportunities! But born in India who cursed as an (pariah)? for your lie, That it is beloved by demons: ie, "reincarnation, " As They advise of: believe, spiritualist During the sessions, or how, They must acknowledge, of : Have Lied to: ie, demons are forced to admit That he lied under the force of: an: exorcism, That is done in the name of Jesus: ok, this pantheism is the ideal breeding ground for demons, this, not by Any hope of redemption: for "pariahs or untouchables," as Each Guarantees, for demons, of an stay safe in humans: forever without eviction. But, only monotheism, is capable of: reject the demons: really.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2 / 10: [reincarnation] If there is the injustice? This Is Not by God: that he is: infinite holiness, But it is: only for human selfishness, That is: each source of: injustice: wickedness! While: the suffering is unavoidable: to plea of the decay: from original plan of God: ie, the "earthly paradise". Since, this world Was not created by Satan, But, However, Has Been degraded, and by h: by us all, with HIM. we are all fallen: from That original plan, Where Was infused grace: in knowledge of: an infused knowledge. In fact, in my opinion, all of us, we where in the "earthly paradise. " Earlier in an age: for have, everybody, ie, all together, Betrayed the love of God: And His pact. Certainly, we Would Have Been Already the hell for us, But, We Have Been Granted, an extra time .. God is a Person: A individuality, and Took the men to His "image and: similarity", ie, we are all: individuals: forever. this is terrible prospect for an unfavorable opinion forever!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1 / 10: [reincarnation] humanumgenus: vs sireAndracottus: [[2. Man Is Responsible for His suffering "]]: this is not always true, Because an: only tyrant can stifle an: Entire people, as the Freemasons and the rich: that is, the accomplices of Zionists, the seigniorage of banking: IMF-NWO, They Have stifled, all the people of the poor: that THE ENTIRE human race. not just through wear, But through Their Lies of: evolution, relativism, manipulation of history, morality of Object destruction, negation of natural law, to spread : all of Each Form: Satanism: sexual perversion, and to destroy the family: the State. enlightened Have Done That: the greatest moral and institutional crime: of the whole history of mankind. [[Sharia Zionism: reincarnation? are the real crimes Against All Mankind!]]
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. amen ingrato! I command in Jesus' name, ♰that the blood of Jesus be upon you,♰ and all men and women♰ of the world: the blood of Jesus:♰ is on all. ♰You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals,♰ who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE♰TECHEL♰PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰. We love★ are all equals and brothers
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: Warning Muslim in sharia is satanism by David Duke ISEL333 said:The Torah say holy land for Israel, the nt of Jesus say for Israel, say the quran Also land of Israel. old maps of land says sons of Israel. Where is Palestine in All These books None of Word. LOOK IN THE QURAN SURA 5:20-26. ALSO LOOK Zabur 135:12,136:22. GOD GAVE THE HOLY LAND ONLY TO ׂ SONS OF ISRAEL. PALESTINIANS NEED TO GO TO THERE HOMES>> JORDAN. - Answer-> Everything is God's possession, was been cursed, every human selfish of being! is written: "Come from Lebanon, my spouse (or the entire human mankind), come from Lebanon: that is come in Israel .. God wants all world to came in Israel: in Jewish temple in its glory
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. if there not was a real threat of bank seigniorage of IMF-NWO, of jewish lobbies of enlightened: ie satanist true, that is the synagogue of Satan, against all world? an absolute monopoly, of all strategic resources, so that all the world: can talk of, seigniorage banking, but in the institutions, this is impossible to speak. This is the same mixture of hatred and anti-Semitism that was present, before the 2nd World War: a threat to all peoples, and against, my people Israel! how can they be so blind? so insensitive against, the despair of the people?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: ислама Коран победа просвещенного сатанизма 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. vitalodion--> of the same video? There is an Italian version and an English version. I am a Catholic, that is a true Christian who can not lie, that can not be unjust, cruel or biased. I do no racism or no discrimination between men .. your vulgarity? only dishonors you and the abomination that you belong! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. vitalodion--> dello stesso video? c'è una versione in italiano ed una versione in inglese. Io sono un cattolico: cioè un vero cristiano che non può mentire, che non può essere ingiusto, crudele e fazioso. Io non faccio nessun razzismo o nessuna discriminazione tra gli uomini.. la tua volgarità? disonora soltanto te e l'abominio a cui tu appartieni!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALBINOSULTIMATECATS1 ->my Friend, I've never had a doubt about you. because you were honest in acknowledging your responsibilities, even if you have not shown the strength to make a change in your life .. but God is patient with you. There is not a way to block me, because the Holy Spirit, of justice and truth? can not be blocked without have serious consequences. and the Holy Spirit declares infallibly, at every lost soul: its destruction in hell of fire and despair. How to live in peace when the innocent suffer great violence in the world?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALBINOSULTIMATECATS1 -> my friend, Johnny, I can not leave youtube for a human will. no, I can not force someone, to follow the path of good ... but I never go under stress, I never tortured, myself, because my health is always perfect, but I do, only, a job, for this office, which God has entrusted to me. Of course, I sacrifice myself not for my interest ... but if I were a selfish as so many? I also then, I have a look: a vision: very limited, so short like all, that they can not see the great tragedy, which, of course, will fall upon mankind if: 1. seigniorage banking or Zionism of talmud of enlightened, 2. Sharia, 3. reincarnation, should not be solved: fast!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew -> about, WHAT JEW IN to the WORLD: he can talk about: seigniorage of the banking ... for then, Living: The risk of: 1. be Expelled from His synagogue of Satan, 2. be held-up as a traitor to His people: 3. to emerge from the shadows of satanRothoscild, and His personal six-pointed star, Which has Never Been the star of David? I not still, I have not found a single jew, That, he Decided to live this risk. But It Is Precisely in this way That the enlightened can prepare: a new Shoah or the Holocaust in new: for him and for us all. lorenzojhwh by the King of Israel.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said: I would put it this way: Russia is fighting terrorism not only in Chechnya. Russia is fighting international terrorism and is ready to fight it anywhere. In our country we confront it first and foremost in Chechnya. It is a complex tangle of problems that initially were engendered by separatist trends in that republic. In the absence of an effective administration, separatism quickly transformed itself and came under the influence of international terrorists and religious radicals who within a few months took the power that was there for the taking. And you know about it very well. It is no secret for any of those present that no one can accuse Russia of suppressing freedom.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said: In 1995 Russia granted full de facto independence to the Chechen Republic. And we had to pay the price in 1999 when a large-scale attack on Russia, in the Republic of Dagestan, was launched under the slogan of creating a caliphate and wresting more territory from the Russian Federation, the whole of the North Caucasus and some other areas. What does that have to do with the independence of Chechnya? Who can answer that question? I will tell you. That question is answered by the people who aided and abetted that aggression, who inspire and finance this kind of activities.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said:They are religious extremists and international terrorists. By the way, I would like you to note that the creation of a caliphate on the territory of the Russian Federation is only the first part of their plan. Actually, if you follow the developments in that sphere, you ought to know that the radicals have much more ambitious goals. They speak about creating a world caliphate. They say it is necessary to kill Americans and their allies. I think that you are a country that is an ally of the United States and you are in danger. They speak about the need to kill all the non-Muslims or crusaders, as they put it.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said:So, if you are a Christian you are in danger. But if you decide to renounce your faith and become an atheist, you too are to be eliminated in accordance with their thinking and their principles. You are in danger. If you decide to become a Muslim, even that will not make you safe because they believe that traditional Islam is also hostile to the goals that they set themselves. So, even in that case you are in danger. --ANSWER-> How can it be alien to all this the Saudi Arabia? But this is precisely the agenda of enlightened, in order to make the 3rd WWnuclear ... At that level can not be naive, nobody: they are all accomplices of satanists Rothscild & company Bush: instead!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking -> how is it that Jews racist [(lol.) Zionists (lol.)], existing at the time of the prophet Jeremiah, they were operating with relentless cruelty: through wear, so as to: in mode of reduce entire families in slavery? It did this with each other, with the same their people ... certainly they had accomplices, their prophets and priests great masters of the law ... precisely when the law says that usury is abomination for God 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking --> come è possibile che gli ebrei razzisti [()sionisti()], già esistenti, al tempo del profeta Geremia, loro operavano con crudeltà inflessibile: attraverso la usura, tanto da: ridurre in schiavitù intere famiglie? E questo facevano tra di loro, con lo stesso loro popolo... certamente loro avevano per complici profeti e sacerdoti: grandi maestri della legge... quando proprio la legge dice che l'usura è un abominio per Dio
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. pornography -> it is written who destroys the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in his body? Then, the Holy Spirit will destroy him! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. pornografia --> è scritto chi distrugge il Tempio dello Spirito Santo che è nel suo corpo? Poi, lo Spirito Santo distruggerà lui!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [[Help]] ... If you want peace and an end to this nightmare of enlightened Satan banking seigniorage, you are forced to defend Islam and the Holy Koran, were illuminated, that they replaced all the Islamic governments: moderate and laity with more extreme. Ahmadinejad is a Satanist like Obama, to do, like him: the horns of three fingers. AMAS is in Palestine, now in Libya will be a government of extremists also, as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. etc. .. is the indignation of the West, which will lead to a war in which, necessarily, China will be affected ", because China could not be alone: in a subsequent and inevitable clash against America: alone. India and Russia? have betrayed, to be inserted: both, in the bank seigniorage, too .. in the NWO Illuminati and company Bush= No stop! I believe in a peaceful Koran. and all religions? are not bad if Politicians are good.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [[Aiuto]] ... Se vuoi la pace e porre fine a questo incubo di illuminati satanisti: del signoraggio bancario, voi siete costretti a difendere l'Islam e il Santo Corano, sono state le illuminati, che hanno sostituito tutti i governi islamici: moderati e laici: con i più estremisti. Ahmadinejad è un satanista come Obama, di fare, come lui: le corna a tre dita. AMAS è in Palestina, ora in Libia sarà un governo di estremisti: anche, come in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. ecc .. è l'indignazione dell'Occidente, che, porterà ad una guerra, in cui, necessariamente, anche la Cina sarà compromessa ", perché la Cina, non potrebbe rimanere sola: in un successivo e inevitabile scontro, contro l'America da sola. India e la Russia? lol. hanno già tradito, per essere Inseriti: entrambi nel signoraggio bancario, troppo ..per il NWO di illuminati e company Bush. Io credo nell'amore di un pacifico Corano. tutte le religioni? non sono male se i politici sono buoni.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Help]] ... If You Want Peace and an end to this nightmare of enlightened: seigniorage of banking, You Have to Defend Islam and Holy Koran, Were The Enlightened Who Have Replaced all the Islamic Governments: moderate and secular: with extremist. Ahmadinejad is a Satanist like Obama, to do what, as him: the horns to 3 fingers. Amas is in Palestine, now in Libya will be a government of extremists, as is in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. etc. .. is the indignation of the West, will lead to a war in Which Necessarily even China will be compromised, "Because China is aware That it can not deal with a clash Against America alone. India and Russia? lol. Have Betrayed, to be Entered in the bank seigniorage, too .. That is, to pay interest on Their money at the Jews. The love of love of the Quran. Religions are not bad if the Politicians are good.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Vitalodion - I am on the side of God and of all peoples. I am the enemy of imperialism all Masonic lobby and all. [I am for Islam Mahdi Holy] One of the main cultural problem of the global scale, for the project of Biblical Zionism, is the destroy of Koranic Islam. the basis for Western policy, is based on two statements: The predominance of Judaism thesis: people over the rest: and the obligation: to be tolerant of other people: Towards Them, ie, seigniorage banking: of enlightened: IMF-World Order. The buying up of the whole world with ITS Inhabitants and property on the basis of Jewish Corporate: transnational monopoly: on usury. In Spite Of The Fact That These statements: Directly Mentioned are not, strictly They Are Being Implemented.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [I am for Islam Mahdi Holy] Koran Judaism Denies the doctrine predominance over the rest people, and the usury is under a strict ban and is characterized as a kind of Satanism. Practically These statements are not used in the political life of Muslims, based on the concept different alternative to the Biblical concept slavery, the Western wheeler-dealers: Understand: that the Koran is potential: Their global threat to regime power imposition. This Explains Their desire to leave / destroy: the Koran in the ITS historical legacy. One of the ways to resolve the problem of Islam for the Western wheeler-dealers is multiway policy
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1/5 [Eugenics] SWEDEN / selective abortion based on the gene: Gianfranco Amato: Saturday, May 16, 2009: why female fetus aborted. We are in Communist China? No, democraticissima in Sweden. The health authorities have established the Scandinavian country of full legality of selective abortion based on gender. It happened, in fact, othat: an: a woman in southern Sweden, already a mother of two daughters, he has had amiocentesi, for: to check the sex of the unborn child. Disappointed for: not being able to have the boy, othat: so desired, the: woman asked, doctors Hospital Mälaren, of: to stop the: pregnancy. the: direction of health care: the hospital has invested in the issue: the National Commission of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) asking about the specific provisions: the possibility of: selective abortion based on gender,
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2/5 [Eugenics] in the absence of: real and obvious of reasons: medical. the: Commission has ruled that othat: an: such a request could not be refused, because abortion up to the eighteenth week the Swedish legal order is an inalienable right of women, even if justified on the basis of personal choice sex unborn child. This type of: selective abortion seems a bit 'too much even for: the hardcore of abortion: home. But the beautiful souls of our own pro-choice would naturally put an: application. Place othat: abortion - how reiterates Swedish Socialstyrelsen - is an inalienable right of women, othat: does it matter if the reason for: recourse to the interruption of pregnancy is based on the child's sex, on his disability, its genetic characteristics ,
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3/5 [Eugenics] or: simply knowing othat: the: mother did not want to ruin an: Club Méditerranée holiday planned because of: an: unplanned pregnancy (real episode of: I've been aware for: professional reasons)? This is that: it happened in Sweden has the merit of: removing the veil of: hypocrisy from any argument about abortion hairy. You must have the courage of: tell it like it is and be consistent to the end. Moreover, today in Italy, despite the Petition of: Principles of the Law 194, applies an: full implementation of the concept: self-determination of women: in fact no one can prevent an: woman of age is not forbidden: an abortion if she wants it , whatever the reasons for his request.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4/5 [Eugenics] Even we, in theory, there is the: ability of: a practice selective abortion for: Typically, only othat: you'd rather not say. Better find other reasons more presentable, maybe through the mesh always larger than the criterion established by the "risk for: the: mental health of the woman." Despite the circumstances, the: Law 194 introduced, of: fact, in our legal system antiprincipio a very serious matter: the right of: and of life: death-in-chief of the woman against: another innocent human being. In everyday practice, this "jus vitae ac necis" is assigned to the mother totally and exclusively, through the expedient of the procedure, othat: transform a crime into a medical procedure paid for by taxpayers.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 5/5 [Eugenics] In Sweden, abortion is an "achievement" social since 1938. Today, according to statistics of Johnston's Archive, over 25% of pregnancies in this country end with an abortion rate othat: it has increased by 17% following the introduction of so-called morning-after pill, that othat:, according to the promoters, should have its own reduce the phenomenon of abortion. Moreover, this phenomenon has not been curbed even by the fact othat: Sweden, sex education is an integral part of school curricula since 1956, and othat: its the: Sweden is considered the: home of the condom. It is our Pope Benedict XVI? He's right!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. UZBEKISTAN: North West -> in Karakalpakstan: have been banned: the Bible and also: Mel Gibson film "The Passion. ". The secret police are very angry and aggressive in his persecution and searches. The Agency "Forum 18", said Narulla Zhamolov, responsible for religious affairs in the region, has issued this ban by reference to "expert analysis" ... but ashamed to say, who these experts were ... lol. were handed by asses, of his barn. April 16, 2009 the Protestant Valeri Adamia has been convicted by a court in Takhiatash: a huge penalty of money of 20 months of salary, only because he had a Bible at home for personal use. (Asia News)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. UZBEKISTAN: nordoccidentale --> in Karakalpakstan: sono stati vietati: sia la Bibbia che il film di Mel Gibson "the passion". la polizia segreta è furiosa e molto aggressiva: nelle sue persecuzioni e perquisizioni. La Agenzia "Forum 18", spiega che Narulla Zhamolov, responsabile per gli affari religiosi nella regione, ha emanato questo divieto facendo riferimento ad: "analisi di esperti"... ma si è vergognato di dire chi erano questi esperti... lol. porse erano gli asini della sua stalla. il 16 aprile 2009 il protestante Valeri Adamia è stato condannato, dal tribunale di Takhiatash: ad una multa enorme di 20 mensilità, soltanto perché aveva una Bibbia in casa per l'uso personale.(Asia News)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Nepal. [Christianophobia]. May 23, 2009 there was the explosion of a bomb during Mass in the Cathedral of the Assumption of Dhobighat on the outskirts of Kathmandu (Nepal). In the Church there were 300 people, and a teenager and a woman are died, and while more than 12 were injured. At the crime scene were found, brochures: military group Hindu Cham: National Defence Army, which has also claimed responsibility for the murder of the Salesian priest, Father John Prakash. This group fighting to restore the Hindu monarchy, abolished in 2008, but use of the strategies absolutely schizophrenic. (Zenit. org)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Nepal. [cristianofobia]. il 23 maggio 2009 c'è stata l'esplosione di una bomba durante la messa nella Cattedrale della Assunzione di Dhobighat, alla periferia di Kathmandu(Nepal). Nella Chiesa c'erano 300 persone, ed un adolescente ed una donna sono morti, mentre mentre più di 12 sono stati i feriti. Sulla scena del crimine, sono stati trovati, opuscoli del: gruppo militare induista chamato: National Defence Army, che ha anche rivendicato l'assassinio del sacerdote salesiano: Padre John Prakash. Questo gruppo lotta, per restaurare la monarchia induista, abolita nel 2008, ma usa delle strategie assolutamente schizofreniche.(Zenit . org)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Freemasonry and modernism. [masters of CARL Rahner, were: Descartes, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger ... what was the outcome? is been pure Gnosticism, which reduces the faith, at to phenomenal experience, a priori: generic and not Mathematical Analysis. The Church by divine structure, it becomes a simple educational agency in the area. Rahener was unable: to unite: the experience of the immutable, with the experience: of the changing of historical paradigm. Consequence of this heresy: is been the destruction of the metaphysical and the destruction of a concept human objective... the Jewish lobby of the synagogue of Satan, ie the bank seigniorage, thank you very much.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. massoneria e modernismo [maestri di CARL RAHNER, furono: Cartesio, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger... quale è stato il risultato? è puro gnosticismo, che riduce la fede, ad esperienza fenomenica, aprioristica ed atematica. La Chiesa da struttura divina, diventa una semplice: agenzia educativa sul territorio. Rahener è stato incapace: di unire: l'esperienza dell'immutabile, cone l'esperienza: del mutevole: paradigma storico. Conseguenza: di questa eresia è la distruzione: della metafisica: ovvero: la distruzione di una concezione: umana oggettiva: le lobby ebraiche della sinagoga di satana: cioè del signoraggio bancario, ringraziano vivamente.
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.Informazioni su king of Israel Unius Rei Mahdì
I'm not me, at being overly religious
are you that you're too bad: so as to have needed to be terrified!
[] Psalm 18 [] [21] The Lord is according to my righteousness,
I requited the innocence of my hands;
[22] For I have kept the ways of the Lord,
I have not abandoned my God wickedly
[23] His reviews are all before me,
I have not dismissed me from his law;
[24] intact but have been with him
and I looked out of guilt.
[25] The Lord makes me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.
[] Psalm 18 [] [26] The good man you are good
You're the man of integrity intact,
[27] with the pure you are pure,
with the pervert you are smart.
[28] Why did you save the people of the humble,
but lowers the eyes of the proud.
[29] Thou, O Lord, are my lamp;
my God illuminates my darkness.
[30] With you I am going against the hosts,
with my God I can scale the walls.
Psalm 23] [1] Psalm. Alleluia. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want; [2] He makes me lie down in green pastures. he leads me beside still waters.
[3] He leads me in right paths, for his name's sake. [4] When I walk through the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort they comfort me. [5] In front of me You prepare a table. under the eyes of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil. My cup runneth over. [6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me every day of my life, and dwell in the house of the Lord for many years.
[Psalm 24] [1] Alleluia. Psalm. The Lord's is the earth and its fullness, the universe and its inhabitants. [2] It is he who set it on the seas;and rivers has established. [3] Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord, who stand in his holy place? [4] Those who have clean hands and pure heart, who desires not worthless, who has not sworn to deceive his neighbor.[5] will get blessing from the Lord, the God of his salvation from justice.
[Psalm 24] [6] are the men who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.[7] gates, lift up your heads, get up, ancient doors and enter the King of glory.[8] Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. [9] gates, lift up your heads, Stand up, ancient doors and enter the King of glory. [10] Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts is the king of glory.
here there is nothing to win, because the Zionists of the IMF-NWO: ie Rothscild od enlightened od satana. they have stolen everything that could be stolen: even our dignity as well and as with the seigniorage banking? all is lost! religions, institutions, human life itself on the planet no longer has a value! here there is nothing to win, because the Zionists of the IMF-NWO: ie Rothscild od enlightened od satana. they have stolen everything that could be stolen: even our dignity as well and as with the seigniorage banking? all is lost! religions, institutions, human life itself on the planet no longer has a value!this is my truth:
if God does not want to pay, even more shame and insult on its face? you should begin to die! Perhaps what remains to me, is only: the chance to save someone at all costs: but, all is lost! no more hope!
[salmo 31][18] Lord, let me not be ashamed, because I cried;
the wicked are confounded, silent in the underworld.
[19] FA silence lying lips, which speak arrogantly against the righteous
with pride and contempt. [22] Blessed be the Lord, who has done wonders for me grace. in a fortified city. [24] Love the Lord, all ye his saints;
the Lord protects his faithful and repays the proud. [25] Be strong, take courage,
all you who hope in the Lord.
I'm not me, at being overly religious
are you that you're too bad: so as to have needed to be terrified!
[] Psalm 18 [] [21] The Lord is according to my righteousness,
I requited the innocence of my hands;
[22] ...
di jhwhpantocrator Data di iscrizione 13/apr/2011 Paese Israele
..Canali in primo piano
. Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone 85 iscritti .. Giovanni Paolo II 6468 iscritti .. kingx Brotherhood Universal 136 iscritti .. Jewish Messiah Unius REI 172 iscritti .. universal brotherhood 154 iscritti .. JHWH the King of kings 1244 iscritti .. Dominus Unius Rei 209 iscritti .. Kingdom of JHWH 192 iscritti .. Lorenzo king lorenzoJHWH Unius REI from Israel 268 iscritti
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
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Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
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[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
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turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
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torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
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wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
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برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
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[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
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toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
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(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
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torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
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((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
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[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
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((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
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((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
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((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
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[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
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a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Alleluia! È caduto il controllo giudaico di satana! è caduto il dominio massonico satanico ebraico bancario del FMI sul mondo: felicità per tutti! Soldi gratis per tutti! [2 Re 1, 10]: sono un uomo di Dio? -rispose Elia al comandante dei 50 uomini. - Allora scenda un fuoco dal cielo a distrugger te e i tuoi 50 uomini! Subito scese un fuoco da cielo ed uccise l'ufficiale e i suoi 50 uomini. Allo stesso modo, nel nome di Gesù, devono morire tutti i nemici di lorenzojhwh
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Youre a fuckin slave to a false Idol. How stupid must you bee you fucking jew nigger. ANd if you keep sending me perverted messages about nuns and sodomy i will surely keep spamming you just like you have done to me. And get a real job nerd. Im sure your false god wouldnt appreciate a lazy jigaboo nigger who spends his whole day in fromnt of a computer moniter spamming innocent people who really do not give a damn about your shit.
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
LEVITICUS 25:45-46 "Moreover you may buy the children of strangers...and they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves. LEVITICUS 26:29 "You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters NUMBERS 15:32-36 "...they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day...Then the Lord said to Moses, 'The man must surely be put to death"...So as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died."
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
EXODUS 21:17: and again in LEVITICUS 21:9 "And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. EXODUS 21:20-21: "And if a man beats his servant or his maidservant with a rod...(and he or she)...remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he (or she) is his property. EXODUS 31:15 "Whoever does ANY work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death
6ceska6republika6 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
go fuck yourself, asshole. I am not satanist... leave metal heads alone if you know what is good for you. Pig.
DeathMetalFuckers ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
who are u...???what do u want?? i'm atheist, not SATANIST.............
RicoRichmond ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Have you seen 'Terrorstorm', 'Invisible Empire' or 'Endgame'?
Lethargyca ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
this is stupid... I love islam?? seriously, fuck you and fuck satan.
shadow7death ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
How many channels are you going to use to spam people that don't want to hear your fucking bigotry? Piss the fuck off, dumb ass. Go get an education, you sad, lonely piece of delusional shit.
metal1324 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
god has chosen you to be a polotician right i havent heard that one before....
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Re: 13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists] potassium99mg SAID: dude i am not a satinist. i just like metal music. please take my name off you and your freinds sending list. thank you -Joe -- ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. dude,in a war mean? you'd already been shot! In fact, we are at war, while you are under the flag of the enemy// in un una guerra: qualsiasi? tu saresti stato già fucilato! Infatti, noi siamo in guerra, mentre tu sei, sotto la bandiera del nemico
BlooMunky24 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
fucking jew. stop shoving bibles up my ass
GuitarHeroLegend572 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What you're doing to a lot of Satanists is very unconstitutional, and very stupid. You cannot shove your ridiculous religious shit up their ass. You cannot tell other people who to and who not to believe in. It is their right to believe in whoever they want. So I am going to kindly ask you to stop telling them who to believe in. If you continue, YOU yourself will burn in hell.
ObscuritasEtSuperbia ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Hail Satan. =)
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
It's funny how you try to brainwash us to believe in something that doesn't exist, and how you try to tell us that we believen in something that doesn't exist. There is no point. You claim to have respect to the other religions, yet you disrespect satanism, shame on you... Leave us alone.
leonardoinvader ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
TheDarkLordLucifer SAID: Blasphemous rites during the middle of the night. My father Satan is with me. I can see into another enchanting world. Standing beneath a sky full of shining stars. Freedom with the master, the reason for my being.I can hear your futile prayers from beyond the void.Again, you are searching for false hope.Cowards of the cross, you shall hide from me.Your churches are shelters from all.You feel Satan's power but you cannot stop him. Old Nick shall be crowned our newest king. -- ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALL HERE? I see and feel much much much more of you
RiccardoTheBeAst ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
STFU bitch.
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [the calling of Elisha, 1 Kings 19.19]: I illegally holds the Spirit of prophecy, because God has made me a politician "Rei Unius. So I'm willing to give the Spirit of prophecy, immediately, to my people Israel and every man who desires by God it, to every person on this planet. Just the mere desire to receive the Holy Spirit of prophecy, is sufficient so you can receive Him. Why the spirit of prophecy is not related to sin. You destroy the yoke that held men slaves of bank seigniorage!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [la vocazione di Eliseo: 1 Re 19,19]: io detengo illegalmente lo Spirito di profezia, perché Dio ha fatto di me un politico: il "Rei Unius". Così io sono disponibile a cedere lo Spirito di profezia, immediatamente: sul mio popolo Israele e su ogni uomo che lo desidera da Dio, ad ogni uomo su questo pianeta. È sufficiente il solo desiderio di ricevere lo Spirito Santo di profezia, per poterlo ricevere. Poiché lo Spirito di profezia non è in relazione con il peccato. Voi distruggete il giogo che tiene gli uomini schiavi del signoraggio bancario!
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What? Why should I believe in Satan? He does not exist. What's wrong with you?
TOPUR666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Chuj ci dupę pedalski pomiocie !!! Pedofilu, kurwo katolicka , żyj swoim życiem i daj żyć innym a jak ci się nudzie zwal sobie konia do pornosa !!!
gregornstein ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Praised be Satan the only true God!!!
TheDarkLordLucifer ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Satan is not only my God, he is also my friend!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [1 Kings 19.15] You consecrated Cazael as king of Aram. Then you go to consecrate as King of Israel, Jehu, and then, you go to consecrated as a prophet in your place: Elisha. Those who escape the sword of Cazael? will be killed by Jehu! who shall escape the sword of IEW? will be killed by Elisha! I will spare only: 7000 in Israel, ie all those who have not bowed the knee before the god Baal and not have kissed the his statue. - Answer-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. here why, unto thee: youtube, I can not leave alive its you. you can not be converted, you can only be destroyed, I condemn you with all to death, for the complicity with the Illuminati, in Jesus' name Amen Alleluia 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. OoTLink + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. BreathTheDeath Satan has hurt your brain? you know read? is JohnDiabol who claims of himself to be a Satanist and Nazi
BreathTheDeath ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
So your telling me that im a Satanist and a Nazi? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE?
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What are you trying to achieve?
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Re: 13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists]Tachus666 SAID: I KEY TO THE NAZARENE IN HIS FUCKING CROSS. I took pleasure in see Christians burn in the extermination 666 -ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. JohnDiabol --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. as a Satanist and Nazi, like you, that you have reversed the cross! How you can be a good person? Although Christianity is an invention? The cross is the symbol of the greatest love! You has reversing the cross! you declared by yourself to be a criminal! But if Jesus is really the son that God has raised: What will be your just condemnation? Jesus is not Christianity. Jesus is a person who sits at the Father's right hand and you're a damn, with all those who hate him because he loved until the end, did not hurt anyone yet everyone hates him? All those who hate Jesus will shed the blood of their children on the road. Amen Alleluia
Tachus666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
fava6 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ma perchè se mi faccio i cazzi mia cè gente come te che mi rompe le palle con questa religione!!! basta!!!!! io credo e faccio cosa mi pare!!! non credo di venirti a dire a te che sei patetico!! lo penso, ma m'importa una sega! peggio per te! basta con le e-mail pro gesu!!!!!!!!!! che coglioni!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Today is: 15/07/2010. You have to remember this date, because now I prophesy in the name of Jesus, that your life will full of woe, misfortune of continued and then you will die from cancer that will eating you: is a terrifying death. If If you do not delete all those who blaspheme, kissing with the tongue and acts done of explicit sex HeLLsarma SAID: You better become a christian... - ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. be a Christian? does not mean that is a victim predestined: in the name of Jesus, you're dead in 2010, in fact you will not see the 2011: Amen
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. XXXdevil92 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. you are a criminal! All our institutions are criminals! youtube is a criminal because you're here from 2 years to curse and vilify. This is not democracy! Democracy is not vandalism. it is clear the government has lost control of the territory: in fact, we are your powers occult: of IMF Freemasonry and Satanism are our real social control. In August? you're dead! this is what I prophesy about you in the name of Jesus! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. XXXdevil92 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. tu sei un criminale! Tutte le nostre istituzioni sono criminali! youtube è un criminale perché tu stai qui da 2 anni a bestemmiare e a vilipendere. Questà non è democrazia! Democrazi non è vandalismo. è chiaro il Governo ha perso il controllo del territorio: infatti, ci sono i tuoi poteri oculti del: FMI massoneria e satanismo che sono il nostro vero controllo sociale. In agosto? tu sarai morto! è questo che io profetizzo su di te nel nome di Gesù!
XXXdevil92 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Senti l'Italia è un paese laico quindi bestemmio quanto mi pare, non è reato studiati il codice penale e civile, ad ogni modo se ti dà fastidio sentire le betemmie non ti guardare questo genere di video, nessuno ti obliga. Non distruggerò il mio canale neanche se fai scendere il tuo dio dal cielo... John Most disse :"Quanto più l'uomo è religioso, tanto più crede; quanto più crede, tanto meno sa; quanto meno sa, tanto più è ignorante; quanto più è ignorante, tanto più è governabile. " ...Mi sono spiegato...
73Izaura ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
"sempre più brava" ------ pourquoi ??? --- sans doute , c'est ton l'influence !!! mes meilleurs pensés vont vers toi et l'italie !!! m. ( fr)
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
¡No! Yo soy el unius Rei, que es el único representante de Dios para todos, en toda la historia de la humanidad. Por supuesto, todas las religiones tienen mal, traicionado, pero esto no le da el derecho a blasfemar contra Dios o difamar a las religiones. ¡Sí! usted tiene que humillar, aunque me acusan a ti en modo incorrecto? sin embargo, debe ser humilde para ti. De hecho las cosas van de mal en peor en el mundo! También, Usted también es responsable de todo esto. Usted destruir su sitio maldecir o te mato: en el nombre de Jesús te mato, como le he matado a muchos de tus compañeros! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. LuciferWitch666 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Los iluminados han declarado en "El Comercial Georgia Guidestones" para salir con vida, sólo 500 millones de personas! Voy a matar a 500 millones de satanistas, como yo soy más bien de la iluminación? Lo voy a matar también, usted es una abominación, para mí es limpiar el mundo a partir de estiércol y cuando tú: AMEN .--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. El ángel que te envié? Usted no puede apoyar!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Le escribí: "13/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] Un documento lleno de amor y responsabilidad social. Cámara entiende? Su única responsabilidad es el coño". Satanás ha hecho daño a su mente. Usted está en animales jaulas para el sistema bancario del Nuevo Orden Mundial de señoreaje. 1. Vas a morir! 2. Yo sólo matar a los criminales! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Witchinghour666 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Oh, Dios mío? satana es tu dios! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. El tiempo se ha convertido en fuerte! Destruye todos los video negativos: en lugar de impacto educativo, porque mi paciencia con que ha terminado!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
1/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas]Yo soy el primero y último gobierno metafísico "unius Rei" (esta declaración es importante, si por el Anticristo será inútil para él en esto, sin embargo, también hay que luchar contra las profecías bíblicas que decir que después de mi reinado la moral de la humanidad se colapsará imparable y que los satanistas tomar el control de la empresa: de nuevo cada vez). El mi es una convivencia cultural universal, en los siguientes principios: igualdad o la justicia (no hacer el mal) 2. la verdad (no es mentira): contra el racismo y la intolerancia: el sionismo, la Sharia, etc .. En mi acto de gobierno en todo el género humano según el ministerio de Elías el profeta. Puedo aprovechar de la manera sobrenatural y progresiva, todos los hombres malos:con desgracias para causar la muerte para que la ira de Dios vive en mí.quienes están familiarizados con los principios jurídicos y espirituales deben entender cómo Dios puede permitir que
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
2 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] este poder para mí. es mi posición de "unius" contra él y para el bien de toda la humanidad, (sólo en este momento se puede entender, todas mis cartas, escritas en: lorenzojhwh, humanumgenus y ShalomGerusalemme) están relacionados con los principios seculares y racionales y no como un las creencias religiosas. Si yo acuso a alguien injustamente? No se preocupe! Espíritu Santo de Dios nunca puede ser el cómplice de la injusticia! Esta es la prueba: mi autoridad teológica y jurídica: la metafísica: es mi jurisdicción, sobre todo el género humano, por eso, que puedo pedir a los "Illuminati" para volver: a mí, que la soberanía monetaria, que han robado a todos los pueblos y que les permitió crear el poder oculto: la masonería, etc
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
3/13En segundo lugar, han decidido de diezmar a la raza humana con la tercera potencia nuclear para reducir las WW todos a la esclavitud es el Nuevo Orden Mundial del FMI: El satanismo es un prototipo, como lo es hoy es imposible hablar de señoreaje banco, o la manipulación de la información .. Pero también puede organizar a Arabia Saudita (estos criminales esperar que los acontecimientos se descompone: después de que el Nuevo Orden Mundial de los sionistas, es la voluntad de aplastar a todos con el terror la Sharia islámica) y todas las naciones a reconocer la libertad de religión como el imperialismo islámico es la segunda amenaza, después de que el Nuevo Orden Mundial.Como puede tener esta autoridad, si no fuerzas demoníacas fueron derrotados? Pero es la metafísica(transformación ontológica del ser) con su extraordinario potencial para traer a mi fe, en dimensiones nunca explorado todavía. Sin embargo no hay nada extraordinario en mí:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
4 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] para que pueda convertirse en un ejemplo a imitar y replicar: una nueva manera de ser y de humanización del hombre sin límites. Ciertamente, mi "posición" que me hace, el representante universal, lo siguiente: 1. Dios el Creador, 2. cada persona. Yo soy la máxima autoridad política y el mundo espiritual. En política, estoy tranquila: más allá de la imaginación: (A). Estoy seguro de que "lo bueno de cada hombre es más del mal", por lo tanto, mi llamamiento al sentido común será un éxito porque: 1. Soy un personaje bíblico, 2. mi reino fue profetizado 3. Voy a tener éxito! (B) Dios me ha prometido, en la fe, de manera intuitiva, "no hagas daño a una brizna de hierba, porque usted tendrá que construir mi casa: el templo judío." Gracias youtube, que me ha dado la oportunidad para advertir de peligros inminentes toda la humanidad. Sin embargo, he maltrata a youtube:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
5 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] Este crimen fue posible porque todas las religiones han traicionado a Dios! Pero deja que Satanás y todos los símbolos que. Me ha maltrata youtube: frecuencia, porque él es cómplice de la corrupción y la profanación de la santidad delicado y frágil de la dignidad humana. Satanistas, que me quiere golpear a muerte, pero más más: me quieren golpear a muerte a estos delincuentes de las altas finanzas y la masonería: clase dirigente que sus planes han tratado de destruir la crististianesimo, dando lugar a la profanación de la dignidad humana .. pertenece a (metal, etc ..) de inmediato, ya que podría no haber esperanza para su caída inevitable. Satanistas, que han traicionado el Creador y el pueblo, ya que han invertido la cruz, que es el mayor símbolo del amor, que son negativos, los depredadores, los delincuentes, y que van en contra de todo principio: consagrados positivo, en el que nuestro sistema jurídico de cada .
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
6 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] Usted es la cultura del odio (que los satanistas han dicho esto a mí públicamente), pero somos una civilización del amor. Por lo tanto, son incompatibles: que tengo disponible la misma energía que creó el universo de la nada. Niños: ya he matado a miles de ustedes. Te lo ruego, con lágrimas: "Sé que Satanás, él es lo que la Biblia dice acerca de él! Los niños, que permita que Satanás. Es un mentiroso y un criminal, más allá de las posibilidades de su juicio o de la defensa." El poder de Satanás es su razonamiento humano, porque su razonamiento es ahora rehén de odio y el egoísmo no lo puedo evitar: no es bueno. Vigorosamente la Cruz? Al margen de cualquier debate sobre la religión es un crimen social, estoy persiguiendo a la pena de muerte. Verá mueren rápidamente a todos los que se oponen a mi proyecto político:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
7 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] I no ha visto el predominio de una ideología o un deseo de poder: no, porque no: i elimina el actual equilibrio de poder. Pero al igual que dinero en efectivo. Dios y yo, a mí mismo, imponer a la raza humana, por motivos basados únicamente en una forma racional, es decir, en el interés propio, porque me da el dinero a todos gratis. a todos los gobiernos, en lugar de hacerlas pagar 270% de su valor como en la actualidad, todos los estados ya no será necesario exigir a sus ciudadanos a pagar impuestos. Pero hoy, todos hombres, fueron convertidos en esclavos y en secreto temas de las finanzas judías, por señoreaje bancario: entonces todos los hombres se convierten en realidad: los hombres libres. ¡Sí! en todo el mundo ya no de pagar impuestos. Sólo entonces sí, por primera vez, realmente se puede hablar de democracia.
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
8 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] porque yo no estoy a favor de castigar el pecado "es de hecho el mismo pecado, que se castiga por una ley eterna de Dios". Como un ex satanista, tú eres mi primeros ministros, se encuentra ahora mismo, es un movimiento revolucionario radical, que ya no puede ser detenido: por cualquier persona. Ahora lloras de alegría! He aquí mi secreto ", como mis primeros ministros: puedo dar a usted: como ex-satanistas, mucho más, de que Satanás fue capaz de promesa, por lo que no castigar el pecado. De hecho, yo no soy religioso gobierno, porque mi moral es secular: de hecho, los diez mandamientos que yo represento, es una ley de libertad de la ley sobre todo natural y positivo, antes de ser revelada o la ley religiosa. Es por eso que estoy ciencia y la cultura en absoluto. Nadie se atreve a hacer o hablar conmigo de la religión! valor!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
9 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] Pero si quiere seguir siendo terco con Satanás? Su negocio se verán afectados, porque tengo la superioridad espiritual y de todos modos, nunca pudo superar las pruebas terribles de la Segunda Guerra nuclear tercero en 2012, sin el favor de Dios ahora, usted puede comenzar a escribir canciones y vídeos en lorenzojhwh: para mí? Esto pánico por la elite y líderes mundiales, que estaban planeando matar a todos nosotros, como animales, pero es lo contrario que va a pasar: "Tómate el veneno hizo por ti mismo." De esta manera, se puede declarar al mundo: "Tengo derecho a un mundo mejor sin: la masonería, los poderes ocultos de la banca." Sólo los mejores estudiantes podrán decidir suicidarse con drogas o Satanás, porque no estarán de acuerdo en vivir en el presente: un mundo de mierda: Verdugo: hecho a la imagen del masón Judio:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
10/13 [Carta Abierta a los satanistas.]. Con todos los italianos fascismo eran honestos, ahora todos son ladrones? Esta corrupción es la consecuencia de dinero delincuencia mundial: banca señoreaje para el sistema de los sionistas. es el desaliento general es el resultado de un tratamiento de conducto radicular de nuestras instituciones: el mal que trae para abrumar el bien en todas las áreas! Pero, Te quiero, porque se ha atrevido a desafiar a Dios por el acto de destruir su vida, pero Dios ha aceptado su desafío, Dios es amor, Dios te ama a través de mí! Tengo una explicación de su desesperación. Puedo cuidar de ti mismo, en tan sobrenatural, que puede proteger! Usted puede orar por mí: Dios no puede rechazar la oración de un satanista, sin negarse a sí mismo! El futuro de Satanás y todo lo que le pertenece a él?
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
11/13 [Carta Abierta a los satanistas.]. es la desintegración, que es la muerte segunda: "lago de fuego" de la Revelación, después del Juicio Final. Hijo, usted debe resistir, para permanecer en esa vida que es el amor, usted debe permanecer conmigo! No pensé que en 50 años, me convertiría en un "fan" de Arisa "Malamorenò": *- puede explotar en un instante el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- 03 2087 (Satanismo recuperar la humanidad) densas nubes, en un cielo de distancia ... *- Mi nieto está en la luna, que emigró a probar fortuna; *- sólo en la tierra sigue siendo: ¿quién no puede hacerlo (no tener una espiritualidad), escuchar a la verdad muchas falsas y falsos (como lo es hoy, a la red, la francmasonería judía). *- ¿Puede estallar en un momento en que el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!"
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
12/13 [Carta abierta a] Satanistas campos *- podrá suprimir las flores, porque las flores han perdido su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". el amor es para siempre! pero el amor: "¡NO!" Queda la esperanza de cambio, como el miedo de tener que quedarse. *- Mi marido está siempre cerca, dijo que volverá otra vez el cielo, entonces la oración de la noche, por temor a que. También Dios, entonces él puede dejar escapar: todo para ir en el olvido. *- Estallido de mayo en un momento en que el sol, todo: puede ser que termine, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- Incluso el césped, dan flores, porque también tienen renunciar a las flores su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- Pero a veces basta con que usted está aquí a mi lado, yo sólo, tú, tú estás aquí a mi lado, a veces es justo, que estás cerca de mí,
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
13/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] porque para mí es justo, que está aquí a mi lado. usted está allí. *- El dolor nos puede hacer caer, podría poner fin a la esperanza, la esperanza puede desaparecer, pero todo el mundo puede amar, puede el amor: el amor puede ser. *- Para volver a sonreír de nuevo, tomar de una manera segura, "¡Sí! El amor puede", "¡sí! El amor puede!" *- Y pueden explotar en un instante el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, el amor, pero: " ¡NO! " *- También puede renunciar a los prados, las flores, porque las flores han perdido su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" ¡Te quiero! Al igual que Dios, en cuya presencia estoy: No he recibido dinero de nadie y he hecho todo por mí mismo, porque Te amo: Tengo compasión en su vida. porque el amor es el propósito de mi vida! ¡Te quiero!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
I wrote to you: "13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists] A document full of love and social responsibility. House you understand? Your only responsibility is the "pussy". Satan has done harm to your mind. You are animals in cages for NWO banking system of seigniorage. 1. You're going to die! 2. I kill only criminals! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. witchinghour666 --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. oh my god? satana is your god! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. the time has become tight! Destroy all the negative video: for educational impact, because my patience with you is over!
MustangWD ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
You will be Dead man right ? ! Don't try stupefy people on this fucking world asshole !!! You will suffer in HELL , where you blow my biggest cock in flames !!!!!
ThrasherManiac69 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
-_- ZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ bla bla bla bla and more bla bla bla this's borin'!!! so boring!!!
0RegieSatanas0 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Seriously, go bother someone else with your deranged illusions. I did not ask for this, and you have wasted your time. I'm not sure if I even want to know, but I can't help but wonder... what the hell are your intentions? Do you feel so much better to have wasted not only your own, but also another persons time? What do you get out of this besides the (of what I presume) overwhelming feeling of selfrighteousness? In other words, go sit in a dark corner with your precious book and stop bothering people with your bullshit, who actually don't give a shit.
antisciaf ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
religion is hate, religion is fear, religion is war Slayer sermon "Cult" - Christ Illusion
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
ShalomGerusalemme you really sound fucking stupid! Your not killing me or anyone! I really think you, need to get a fucking life. You really sound so ignorant. It's sad because people like you, are the ones who start shit! So this is what your Holy crap God thought you? To kill 500 people, because your a closed minded Bitch! You really need help!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
No! I am the Rei Unius, that is the only representative of God for all, throughout the history of mankind. Of course, all religions have wrong, they betrayed, but this does not give you the right to blaspheme God or vilify the religions. Yes! you have to humiliate yourself, even if I accuse thee in mode wrong?? however, you must be humble for yourself. In fact things have gone from bad to worse in the world! Also, You are also responsible for all this. You destroy your damn site or I will kill you: in the name of Jesus I will kill you, as I've killed you a lot of your comrades! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. LuciferWitch666 --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. The enlightened have declared in "The Georgia Guidestones Commercial" to leave alive, only 500 million of people! I will kill only 500 million of satanists, as I'm more good of the enlightened? I will kill you too, you're an abomination, for me is to clean the world from manure as you: AMEN.--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. The angel that I sent you? You do can not support you!
witchinghour666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
its not chritstian to refer to satan as a faggot
AbyssPL ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Muahahahhaha, ok, come and try to get me, freak. You will burn like wooden churches, and Jews in crematory.
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ah telling me you will kill me, that just shows what a loser you are!
meximetalmurder ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
funeral? killing me? of what are you talking about?
AbyssPL ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
I am not satanist, BUT... I don't want to read mumbling of freaks like you. SO?! Fuck off from my channel and burn to ashes you pathetic cunt, just like your religion.
Sicprayer ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Stupid Christian Fuck You and Fuck your Jewish God You and you're Religion will Fall and Burn
TheRelentlessAgony ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Stupid christians. Suck the dick of your false god...or be fucked in the ass for all eternity. Fuck off. I will butcher you like a fucking goat.
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666caldix666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ahahahahahhahaha ma vai a lavorareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Satan is the way!
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
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(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
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torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
to all: the military, ministers, officers, directors, politicians, etc. .. - because there are war crimes? because no military may order, to kill civilians, he should never be obeyed by the soldiers ... Similarly, it is not possible, take an oath of allegiance, to the traitors of the Constitution: which enabled in all worldwide the banking seigniorage. In fact, criminals are liars, they are not legally longer eligible to receive an oath of loyalty ... why, all governments and all institutions: legally are de-legitimized, because they have violated the Constitution, that not provides the transfer of monetary sovereignty to the Jew Rothschild ... How much is been your oath of allegiance to the Constitution? it shall be void and you are a traitor to your people! I am the only legitimate authority on the planet! ie UniusRei
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. INDIA -- 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. sireAndracottus -- If You Were Pure Consciousness? You Shall Know The Satanism of your reincarnation, for 3000 classes of slavery. Gandi said this not ... you are a racist and murderess of innocent Christians. you guys are under a curse ... 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. sireAndracottus -- as can be: "HOLY Bhagavad Gita 2 .. 1.31"for you if there is no God? If there was the evolution of BigBang? then the earth (our planet, could not be at the center of the universe: fonte: NASA). You're a pantheist and for you God is not a person but an energy Solanto indistinct? I did not want to talk with you if you do not want to talk about the Christian martyrs of Orissa: So, get out! You have to learn about banking and about seigniorage Giacinto Auriti or Ezra Pound: you are ignorant and arrogant!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Agelesstruth: ie, sireAndracottus - you can not hide your real crimes: of today, with the alleged crimes of the past that have already been judged by God .. "lol. made by the missionaries, " you're pathetic, you can not hide: the crimes of today, made in Orissa, etc. .. Then the Pope asked for forgiveness again and again for all the sins of the past, but now Christians are not to blame, because the masonry of the Zionists took control ... You are totally mad and totally heretical, but this is not a bad news .. what is intolerable is that thou hast justified: racism and slavery, that is the reincarnation, why, you have become: a truly criminal soul: totally lost ... in the hell. I knew you were a Christian, but your change, it was perhaps to avoid being killed in Orissa, by Hindus? For that matter, for this you have forsaken Christianity?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IIVedantaII - Jews have suffered, also rightly, because they have hidden, and, to their detriment: they go on for more than five centuries to hidden, the crime of genocide of the whole human race: that is, the banking seigniorage, and all their plots, that it could never have been written in history books. This led the Jewish lobby, at have the control of all world governments, as, has provided the document of the: "the Elders of Zion," that to be a fake, however, has been realized: in detail. However, as Coelet says: "there is a time to hate, and a time to love", this time for me still is, the time of love, therefore I still can not hate anyone. not even a dickhead like you.
markdeez33 by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
Thanks 4 coming thru and sharing your creative energy with me. I appreciate that. Get at me if you need anything! - Mark Deez
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. RussiaChina India Iran etc. - is not any cheaper than killer, that 3rd WWnuclear ? But what I also think about you? You are, together with enlightened? you are also complicit in all this, by many years ago! But no one, of my enemies, who can hide himself from my anger and God's wrath, why, still although he went to hell by Satan? Even them I'd go to pick you: of course: in Jesus's name! with that, JEW IN THE WORLD: he can talk of seigniorage banking ... for then: 1. be Expelled from His synagogue of Satan, 2. be held-up as a traitor to His people, 3. be Expelled from satanRothoscild, & His star's six-pointed, lol. no, never been star's David? I not still, have found one only single jew, That, he Decided to live this risk. But, is in this mode That, enlightened can prepare: a new Shoah, agaist Him, & Holocaust agaist all us. lorenzojhwh the King of Israel. biblebelievers. org. au / przion3. htm
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. enlightened, pornographers, Zionists, racists, communists, Freemasons, Satanists, sharia, banking seigniorage, politicians, traitors, corrupt, parasites, predator, elite, leader: all of you? you will be punished: all: like dogs! none of you can escape or avoid: the wrath of God! [nb:. Prior of this publication? I had a phone call with just a number = "00000000000". lol. in fact, satanist see the cursor on my computer:lol. all these Satanists] 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. illuminati, pornografi, sionisti, razzisti, comunisti, massoni, satanisti, sharia, signoraggio bancario, politici, traditori, corrotti, parassiti, predatori: voi tutti? voi sarete puniti: tutti: come cani! nessuno di voi: sfuggirà o potrà sfuggire: all'ira di Dio! [nb:. prima di pubblicare: questo articolo? io ho avuto uno squillo da un numero con soli = "00000000000". lol. infatti vedono il cursore del mio computer: questi satanisti ]
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
1 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [[God will punish evil: so inflexible]] will have a conviction inevitable evil: God is not a pacifist! is his infinite justice, which obliges him to the punishment of unrepentant sinners. [evil appointed: in the Bible] Satan: =: 47 times - hell: =: 32 times - or Beelzebub Beelzebub: =: 6 times - or Belial Belial: =: 1 time - daemon: =: 20 times; (New International Version) demons: =: 44 times - an evil spirit: =: 2 times - evil spirits: =: 4 times - darkness: =: 127 times; Antichrist: =: 4 times - six hundred sixty-six: =: 1 time
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
2 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] bad: =: 425 times - evil: =: 99 times - bad: =: 73 times - bad: =: 78 times - children of the devil: =: 2 times - children of the wicked: =: 1 time - the children of disobedience: =: 3 times; malignancy: =: 4 times; - malignant: =: 18 times; - malignant =: 5 times; badness: =: 4 times - bad: =: 27 times - bad: =: 15 times - impiety: =: 28 times - wicked: =: 99 times - wicked: =: 127 times - perversity: =: 17 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
3 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] perversion: =: 5 times - perverse: =: 19 times - perverse: =: 5 times - abomination: =: 37 times - an abomination: =: 14 times; abominable: =: 21 times - abominable: =: 29 times; injustice: =: 16 times - unfair: =: 11 times - unfair: =: 7 times - iniquity: =: 298 times - unfair: =: 5 times - unfair: =: 11 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
4 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] perfidy: =: 5 times - wicked: =: 6 times - wicked: =: 9 times; Curse: =: 51 times - damn: =: 47 times - damn: =: 8 times - criminals: =: 35 times - murders: =: 8 times; Cain: =: 16 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
5 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] murderer or murderess: =: 35 times - bloody: =: 2 times - thieves: =: 16 times - robbery: =: 11 times - robbers: =: 1 time extortion: =: 1 time (new dodati) in other versions is called with the name "tyranny, oppression, violence - wear: =: 6 times - violence: =: 76 times - violent: =: 15 times - violent: =: 10 times - corrupt: =: 11 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
6 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] unclean: =: 17 times - unclean: =: 11 times - dishonesty: =: 1 time - dishonest: =: 5 times - dishonest: =: 2 times; arrogance: =: 14 times - arrogant: =: 5 times - arrogant: =: 3 times - boastful: =: 1 time - pride: =: 16 times - superb: =: 25 times - tyrants: = : 3 times - lie: =: 45 times - lies: =: 31 times - a liar: =: 15 times - liars: =: 11 times - a false witness: =: 9 times - false witnesses: =: 4 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
7 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] stubbornness: =: 11 times - Rebellion: =: 13 times - Rebel: =: 37 times - rebels: =: 34 times - transgression: =: 50 times - offenders: =: 8 times; False Prophets: =: 7 times - wolves: =: 2 times - false apostles: =: 1 time - false teachers: =: 1 time - false Christs: =: 2 times - false: =: 1 times; - impostors: =: 3 times - the false prophets: =: 7 times - deception: =: 45 times - deceivers: =: 1 time - false wonders: =: 2 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
8 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] sin: =: 454 times - sin: =: 171 times - sinner: =: 21 times - sinners: =: 45 times - avarice: =: 3 times - 3 times greedy - greedy: =: 2 times - greed: =: 5 times - greed =: 4 times - greedy: =: 4 times - fornication: =: 26 times - fornicator: =: 3 times - fornicators: =: 7 times - adultery: =: 31 times - an adulterer: =: 4 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
9 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] adultery: =: 16 times - effeminate: =: 1 time - Sodom: =: 46 (the city where they lived sexual depravity of: all kinds) sodomites: =: 2 times, (the inhabitants of: Sodom were sexually depraved) Gomorrah: =: 23 times, (the city where they lived That is depraved sex, murder)
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] magic: =: 6 times - Magician: =: 4 times - Wizards: =: 26 times; - warlock : =: 1 time - witch: =: 2 times - mediums or fortune tellers: =: 14 times; Earthquake: =: 12 times - earthquakes: =: 4 times - Flood: =: 17 times; - wars: =: 15 times - diseases: =: 14 times - disasters: =: 97 times; - flagella: =: 7 times - punishments: =: 7 times - destruction: =: 127 times - perdition: =: 23 times - devastation: =: 7 times - killed : =: 72 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
11/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Infidels - 18 times - pagans: =: 29 times; (New Version) in other vesion is called with the name "idolaters" - idolatry: =: 4 times; - idolatrous: =: 2 times - idolaters: =: 6 times - Sheol: =: 60 times; (New International Version) is called in other versions with the name "the grave" antechamber of hell, a place of transition: the darkness,
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
12/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Sheol: =: 63 times - hades: =: 10 times - the second death : =: 4 times, (the second death means spiritual death, soul, That, suffer eternally in hell, not because death means for: annicchilimento but perpetual suffering, the soul annicchilimento not, speaks of the Holy Bible, the soul is immortal) of tin: fire or hell: =: 5 times - hell: =: 6 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] magic: =: 6 times - Magician: =: 4 times - Wizards: =: 26 times; - warlock : =: 1 time - witch: =: 2 times - mediums or fortune tellers: =: 14 times; Earthquake: =: 12 times - earthquakes: =: 4 times - Flood: =: 17 times; - wars: =: 15 times - diseases: =: 14 times - disasters: =: 97 times; - flagella: =: 7 times - punishments: =: 7 times - destruction: =: 127 times - perdition: =: 23 times - devastation: =: 7 times - killed : =: 72 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
11/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Infidels - 18 times - pagans: =: 29 times; (New Version) in other vesion is called with the name "idolaters" - idolatry: =: 4 times; - idolatrous: =: 2 times - idolaters: =: 6 times - Sheol: =: 60 times; (New International Version) is called in other versions with the name "the grave" antechamber of hell, a place of transition: the darkness,
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
12/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Sheol: =: 63 times - hades: =: 10 times - the second death : =: 4 times, (the second death means spiritual death, soul, That, suffer eternally in hell, not because death means for: annicchilimento but perpetual suffering, the soul annicchilimento not, speaks of the Holy Bible, the soul is immortal) of tin: fire or hell: =: 5 times - hell: =: 6 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking - how is it that Jews racist [(lol.) Zionists (lol.)], existing at the time of the prophet Jeremiah, they were operating with relentless cruelty: through wear, so as to: in mode of reduce entire families in slavery? It did this with each other, with the same their people ... certainly they had accomplices, their prophets and priests great masters of the law ... precisely when the law says that usury is abomination for God 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking -- come è possibile che gli ebrei razzisti [()sionisti()], già esistenti, al tempo del profeta Geremia, loro operavano con crudeltà inflessibile: attraverso la usura, tanto da: ridurre in schiavitù intere famiglie? E questo facevano tra di loro, con lo stesso loro popolo... certamente loro avevano per complici profeti e sacerdoti: grandi maestri della legge... quando proprio la legge dice che l'usura è un abominio per Dio
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany-- You're crazy, I'm a politician universal: I do not compete with governments or with religion, too? because God is not stupid: like you and he knows how to read: well in our heart ... he loves the strategies of respect and affection for Him. but, as you can be a hypocrite? and you can expect to teach me? You've blocked me, on your post, and you deleted my comments too. All in youtube, they would say: "Boy, you has lost. " you make the accusations against me, but you do not bring forward a single test or demonstration of your own accusations.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ILD2014 - from a political point of view, there are no Jews or Christians, because Christianity with the Second Vatican Council, has given up forever: to be an ideology for the control of the world, so enlightened Satanists of IMF, seigniorage banking; masonry and company Bush: they are the only credible NWO of the: micro chip, the civilizations of slave man: ie, the beast of the satan's man. they, the Zionists, who have appropriated of all the symbols of Christianity and of Judaism: distorts all. It is they who have essential needs of war and 3°World War at the end of a any monetary cycle. If my Govern of UniusRei will not be acknowledgment? 3rd WWnuclear is for 2012: certainly, will be unavoidable, since without taxes (60% of the Italian people? have become poor), the IMF collapses: certainly,.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
ILD2014 SAID: why the Jews don't renounce the Talmud or the Muslims renounce the Sharia? Oh, I know! They're the code of laws for each religion! I'm not going to renounce Cannon Law or other teachings of the Magisterium, am I? And read up on your Communist policies. Denial of religion wasn't even in the original Communist Manifesto. It was a policy in Soviet and Chinese Communism. -- ANSWER- 3rd WWnuclear is planned against China, etc. .. will probably be in 2012. But, there are not people and there are not governments, no, do not exist their, there are the freemasonries: supra national: 1. Islamic, 2. Communist, 3. Zionists enlightened of seigniorage banking, who do their dirty power games, on the skin of all people. are all scum, without the sense of human dignity.
jhwhpantocrator by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
[Trieste] in just 40 days of employment, because of the communist Tito, in 1945, "foiba (karst chasms: natural: more than 200 meters deep) Basovizza (No. 149): He had to swallow: more than 2000 people. But only in 1980 the Jewish lobby: of banking seigniorage: our true masters, allowed associations of ex-combatants (Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia) to have a voice major. Therefore, only in 1991, our false political authorities were allowed, by the enlightened Zionists, to the celebration of those wonderful people who had had: the fault, to save, in mode so perfect, the lives of all Jews: that were in fleeing from the Balkans. Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia because of this, they were punished and abandoned in the massacre.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Star of David is scam & Satanism: Never Existed! is star of Rothschild, Marduk & Moloch of seigniorage Zionist banking: occult kingdom of IMF-NWO ♰ [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel ♚ PERES ] ♰ PAXCSPBC SSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ALLEU ♰ ♰ ♰ amen "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰. Star of David is the worship of Rothschild: You Have Betrayed YHWH! I am King of Israel & UniusRei.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
I am a Christian ministry .. ie a project: universal political: King of Israel and "ReiUnius", the only alternative to the NWO: the 3rd and its inevitable WW nuclear, that is the only monarchy in the world history of mankind. that is, the universal brotherhood Ich bin ein christlicher Dienst .. dh ein Projekt: universal politisch: König von Israel und "ReiUnius", die einzige Alternative zu der NWO: 3. und ihrer unvermeidlichen WW Kernenergie, das ist die einzige Monarchie in der Weltgeschichte der Menschheit. das heißt, die universelle Brüderlichkeit io sono un ministero cristiano cioè un progetto: politico universale, Re di Israele e Unius Rei, l'unica alternativa al NWO: e alla sua inevitabile 3°WWnuclear, cioè l'unica monarchia mondiale della storia del genere umano: cioè la fratellanza universale
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
YesImOneOFMany SAID: My self? ... I say what I think ... I say things like ... Internet is not your home. Internet is not a private place to be. The more you use it the more it knows about you. You May Not Know It But You are feeding a monster That will never be your friend. The www is a world wide "web"where many get trapped by energies They feel are "cool. " People speak & write on the web Openly looking for attention and the "web" Gives Them Just What They Want in order to "rapture"theme away from reality. Do not be a www fly! - -ANSWER- BUT THIS CAN NOT BE TRUE FOR lorenzojhwh: the king of Israel. he is a ministry that goes beyond all limits, breaking all barriers... MA, QUESTO NON PUÒ ESSERE VERO PER LORENZOJHWH: lui è un ministero che supera ogni limite, che infrange ogni barriera
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany -- you have discovered too late that the Jews of today are all false Jews ... too late! In fact, the real Jews? are died: religiously. culturally and spiritually in Babylon. Where are born this Satanist of enlightened of the scribes and Pharisees, with their satanic Talmud! Certainly, Rome was forced to destroy them! These false Jews? they are the true Satanism throughout the world. that is, the bank seigniorage. but, I am king of Israel. ie, only their hope. tu hai scoperto troppo tardi il fatto che gli ebrei di oggi sono tutti dei falsi ebrei... troppo tardi! infatti i veri ebrei morirono: religiosamente . culturalmente e spiritualmente a Babilonia. Dove nacquero quei satanisti degli scribi e dei farisei, con il loro satanico talmud! Sicuramente, Roma è stata costretta a distruggerli! Questi ebrei falsi? sono proprio loro il vero satanismo per tutto il mondo. cioè il signoraggio bancario.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Commento al tuo video: Rabbi Zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion IMF FMI NWO seigniorage banking YesImOneOFMany said:. Jeremiah 2:07 - 9 ... Jeremiah 14:13 - 16 ... Jereamiah 5:26-31. That is Why They wanted Jesus dead, Because Jesus Knew They Were Satan's seed. Jesus spoke in parables So They Would not learn and kill Him, before the appointed time. Said Jesus talking to some "jews": John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He Was a murderer from the beginning .... Guess what? Those are the fake jews. Read What They Said A Few verses before: "33They Answered HIM, We be Abraham's seed, and Were never in bondage to-any man ..."
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
YesImOneOFMany said:. Amaizing .. They did not know. Deuteronomy 12Then beware lest thou forget 6 the LORD, Which Brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. the Torah is the Law of Moses in the Pentateuch. Now, in my opinion, the Babylonian Talmud is a proof of the "Teachings"of the"bad figs" (Jeremiah 24) This people are the examination and the Islamist fanatics. But, circumcision is from the heart is needed.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany -- how I can hate the dead? they all think they are alive, whereas they are already dead, for to have betrayed God: YHWH. they do not have that, just the prospect of the abyss of hell. They would like to be able to: annihilate, disintegrate yourself, but instead, with their: power regenerated, will blaze a day nearby, crushed by the consciousness of their crimes, in clear and perfect knowledge of their wickedness. but, all the dead have a right to my pity and my prayers. Of course, I should hate them, I'm not capable of this! Sure, a small remnant remains, even in Israel, because the man did not dare, for "fat and fat ones" of Jeremiah. squotere of himself from his wickedness and selfishness. Right now? is the lack of confidence in me to win! Will remain the prophecy, "were thrown from the cliff, all of their leadere elite: all animals, which I had heard the my sweet words"?? Jews treat me as if I not belonged to their own heritage!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
at world - I can not take under my protection the whole human race: if 1. Jews do not renounce at the Talmud and the banking seigniorage, 2. Muslims do not renounce the Sharia, 3. if the Communists: dickhead, do not understand that even believers in God are good communists. Contrary? No person who is guilty of only one of these crimes, will tell his children the 3 rd WWnuclear! if Christians did not have the Gospel? namely, the doctrine of love for enemies? today could not exist in the world: Muslims, Jews and communists of course! and in fact: all of them are not in the doctrine of love for the enemy. In reality, not only in the secrecy of their hearts, but, in mode clearly they have will to exterminate all other ... since all of their are: of the imperialist ideology: in reality still
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. jew - maybe the tribe of Aaron (for the priesthood), was the largest and important tribe in Israel? Of course not! His task was to remind all Israel, that: he was all totally: only a priestly people of all man saints and holy .. In fact, this is precisely the task of Israel, in turn: that is of to remind all nations, that every man has a priestly role: that is to manifest the image of the glory of God to others. But, on the contrary, Israel has just put himself at the disposal of Satan Rothschild, since all the money in our pockets? makes us all the Satanists, in relation to God. is simply: a single note of banking seigniorage of IMF-NWO, to desecrate the entire Vatican, etc. .. etc. .. that's why we have suffered so much destruction, which were torn down, against all peoples, in the last 5 centuries.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube - I'm not a man religious, that he says: "This is the truth, because the Bible has says. " I said to God, when I was a boy, "you give me, the rational demonstration, of all your mysteries and of everything that is mysterious. " that's why God gave me the metaphysics! I can not explain something to my students: or to say something here, because it is written in a book. If you have not been verified by me. In fact, I am a Christian only, from personal experience. In fact, I can not even talk about something, that is: outside of my experience rational, proven many times proven and irrefutable. Since metaphysics is just pure rationality of "being"! all I'm saying? will be believed by all men! this God said to me.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
TheGingermarie SAID: "what do you think about what the CDC said about coming Zombies?" -ANSWER- ZOMBIE - lol. Zombies are not strong: how IS to see: in horror movies. A child of 8 years with a hammer in his hand? could kill hundreds of them! THE GOAL IS TO SPREAD the FEAR of SATAN: IE Creating a psychosis. This story is similar: to that of aliens. Probably, they have misunderstood the my reply, at their question, that a Satanist: ie, one of their staff: he did to me. actually zombies, they can never prevail, because their disease? it is too debilitating. Their attempt to destroy: the presence of God and to take the control emotional of peoples? can only be between 300 years, that is at the time of the anti-christ.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Muslims: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. dethroned81 - how to protect a hen, under her wings: her chicks? so I will defend all Muslims in all the world .. Allah is my witness, I will spread the: Islam Holy, and myself also have to build many: mosques saint ... but there is no room in my kingdom, for your lies, about the sharia, because hundreds of innocent Christian martyrs, are killed every day, by you: in the world! this is that deny all your lies. You made the genocide of all Christians who were before you. first, before of you? were all Christian countries! Sharia is incompatible with my universal brotherhood. If you do not abandon the sharia? Islam itself is big in danger, because, I am the divine ministry of UniusRei: I am an invincible power!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Commento al tuo video: Son of Hamas leader converts to Christianity CyberSarayaRPG SAID: Sharia is from Satan? It's the perfect best Legislation, and it's fair to Every Person. Also it's fair, to kill Muslims who accept an other religion. Surely I have to hate the sin, But I Also hate the sinner, if he isn't a muslim! You follow the satan! May Allah guide you to Islam.. --ANSWER- right you, has condemned to death, at this moment: 1.5 billion Muslims. Since you have just declared incompatible, all kinds of diversity (which is always a treasure for God), in relation to sharia. Therefore, the Sharia is Satanism. In fact, with the sharia, peace will never be possible on the planet. and all this? can only be the work of Satan!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube - I can not contend against thee, about the my "uniusrei2" because I'm hugely guilty against you: guilty as charged in various ways, and many and various: ways: against you and against all of your users: against all, in over the world. Indeed, it is plain for all (at least), as I have "stolen" videos to so many people ... etc. .. etc. ... etc. .. Yes, I admit all my guilt! However, even if I do not deserve anything from you, for myself? However, I can not know what it might do against you: again, the Holy Spirit, if you do not make return to me my "uniusrei2. Yours faithfully
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. at world - it is useless to lose themselves in the lies of Satan! Human nature, if not culturally guided by natural law or rational metaphysics? it tends to bottom: in fact, a bad apple, can corrupt all healthy apples, but it is not true the other way unfortunately. Thus, in this way, we can not say, "we have put il good, with the bad, and then may the best win. " Since, the best have always been: Sodom and Gomorrah (ie, Satanism, farm porn, gay, etc. ..). Thus, with the values of moderation: metaphysical, secular and democratic: we have a moral duty, to make a cultural operation: reverse the current trend, to cancel the criminal actions of the Jewish lobby of the IMF-New World Order, that is the banking seigniorage and Masonic . whose ie, is the his goal? it is parasitic goal: that is the extermination of all people. each loan banking, in times of recession? is an incitement to suicide!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
abdibaasit SAID: ALLAH is the supreme, the most merciful the most beneficent, the most high, the most powerful, the sustainer, the bestower, the creator, the one that give life and death, the owner of judgement day, the self sufficient, the most gracious, the forgiver, the all wise, the almighty, the all knowing, the irresistible, all praiseworthy, exalt, lofty and glory is he who is freee of any sort of deficiencies who has no partners who has no associates with his kingdom. who begets not children nor is he begotten in anyways. he is the first without beginning and he is the last without ending. he is all seeing and all hearing. ABOVE all his creation. -ANSWER-- all WHAT YOU HAVE said? is WONDERFUL! But the Christians, over at body, they can see also: both the soul(PSYCHE), that the spirit of the same and only divine person: Allah Holy. You do not hurt them for that!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. SUPERCOLLECTORSBEST - Holy Spirit, has never disappointed me! Like the Pied Piper: draws at him: all the rats? So all the enlightened and Satanists: they are forced to come to me! lol. Then they must dance to my music! I can show you: now, like all fetishes, sadism, masochism, trampling under foot, etc. ..? all sex perverse is run by Satanists, in fact you can watch the channel: "TheRedDemonizer"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. RandomPerson745 - rapture? it is true I have Fought Against God for this ... But, However, the abduction Would Be: for all the righteous: Between 300 years. However: it is not impossible: that: Some Of Us Can Have from God the gift of the kidnapping, as has Already Been for Enoch, Elijah, and Mary the mother of Jesus it is true I have fought against God for this ... but, however, the abduction would be: for all the righteous: in 300 years. however: it is not impossible: that: some of us can have from God the gift of the kidnapping, as has already been to Enoch, Elijah, and Mary the mother of Jesus
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. FlorienBloem777- how, in what way, you can do your (calumnies), as well as serious and generic and unmotivated? without leading to the foundation of your attack: with one only motivation (even a false accusation) to this your vile act and your as criminal act, also you has closed: your page against me! This is not the behavior of an honest man: claiming to believe in God! You have condemned me, without reason and without a chance of appeal as evidence of your cruelty and wickedness! You have cast shame against your church: also! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. FlorienBloem777- right that you, to be the most abominable Christian, to carry with you, the star cabalistic and satanic, with six points, of Rothschild, which has never been the star of David, studying ass
FlorienBloem777 by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
You are just a follower of satan, poor you. You do not know what you Worship We know what we worship AS SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS. WORDS BY Jesus Christ John 4 :22
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
1/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize your Govern. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . CHALLENGE: I Will Publicly announce that: Islam is: an true religion, if: anyone can disprove Any of: the: dozen of: the: accusations that: I have made: against Muhammad. The allegations of Muhammad: being: an narcissist, an misogynist, an rapist, an pedophile, an lecher, an torturer, an mass murderer, an cult leader, an assassin, an terrorist, an mad man, an Looter ... "-
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
answer- I am unius Rei and Mahdi ie, king of: Israel: for: holy Islam. This article is: my response to your rebellion and: criminal, Against your secularize Lack of: the: political life in all Muslim countries. I do not care where in the Hell is Mohammed: now in fact I do not judge the Dead who: Already Have Been Judged. but: Certainly you will go from HIM very soon, if: you continue to make asses with: horns. amen: in Jesus's name! Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
2/26 MUHAMMAD:Pedophile- Arab year is: lunar, Which is: shorter Than solar year. In solar years, Aisha Was 8 years 9 months old Muhammad consummated When His marriage with: her. Consummati? This is: annice way to say Raped her. According To Muslims, anwoman must consent to her or the marriage: marriage is: null. How can an6-years old child consent to her marriage? Without anconsent, how can we call this relationship Between an51 years old man and: an6-years old child marriage? Some Muslims claim that: It Was Abu Bakr who: Asking Muhammad approached HIM to marry His daughter. This is: not true. the: Prophet asked Abu Bakr for: 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Said Abu Bakr "but: I am your brother." the: Prophet Said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and: His Book, But: she (Aisha) is: Lawful for: to marry me." Bukhari 7.62.18. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
3/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . ONLY YOU PICT Those Verses (of: 6,000) that: SUIT YOUR AGENDA .. Muhammad Said But many good things: He Did not Follow His Own Advice and: did very bad things. Your logic that: Should we look only the: Few Good Things That: Muhammad Said or did and: forget about coming from His Crimes Against Humanity is an educated man: mind-boggling.. In the: case of: there are more bad Muhammad Teachings Than Good. How Can Any intelligent person considers Such anman as anmessenger of: God:? *** Sapere Aude! *** "Have the: courage to activate YOUROWN intellect" Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
4/26 YOU OUT of QURAN QUOTE: ITS CORRECT CONTEX .. It is: up the: Muslims to tell us what are the: correctness of contexts: those verses. * What is: the: real context When Muhammad instructs His followers to scourge Their wives if: They are not obedient? * What is: the: real context When He Tells Them to the kill: They find unbelievers wherever Them? * What is: the: real context When He rapes an9-year-old child or women captured in war? the: truth is: that: Quran is: anbook out of: context. How can we apply Those barbaric Teachings of: Quran in this age of: science and: reason? of: the course: apologists do not Realize that: What They Say is: apostasy. Repeatedly Quran claims to be an: "clear book" (5:15) "Easy to Understand (44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40)" Explained in detail "(6:114) "Clearly conveyed" (5:16, 10:15) and: with: no doubt in it (2:1). Claiming that: Quran can not be understood is: not clear and: needs tafseer is: disbelieving in the : Quran itself.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
5/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the: Violence and: pedophiliac behavior of: the: kinky: "Prophet" Mohammed and: tea: lot of: violent suras ("wolf") is: belittled, trivialized, Perverted, only the telling: half-truth or just Hidden and: lying by the: Imans and to the mullahs: Majority Of: The: Brothers-Muslims! ("Whitewashed" Quran and Hadith!) That: "wolf" is: HIDDEN BEHIND or of: the: good and: mercyfull suras ("sheep's clothing"), the Knitting picture "of Religion: Peace? ... is: anLIE! Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
6/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the "whitewashed" QURAN DOES NOT EXIST "... Most Muslims Rely On Their clerics to interpret the: Quran / Hadiths and: Generally These clerics give only anwhitewashed version of: the: Quran, for: the: sake / will of Allah, Which Is: Actually not in the: Quran / Hadiths. Genuinely Many Muslims do not know the: 'True Islam' and: believe in the: But whitewashed Islam as true: in truth, that: version of: the: Quran does not exist ... " Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
7/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . -WOMEN ARE polluting! Koran sura 5.6 (repeated in sura 4:43 ares Removing pollution before praying) and: if: ye are sick on anjourney, or one of: you cometh from the: Have ye closet or contact with: women and: y find not water, then go to clean high ground and: rub your faces and: with your hands: some of: it. "When it's time to pray and: You Have just used the: Touched toilet or anwoman, be sure to wash up. If: you can not find Any water, just rub Some dirt on yourself. 5:6 Muhammad Described women as "unclean" creatures. In anHadith, Muhammad says, "Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and: Donkeys." Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
8/26 But: Islam Has Been Made: to give worship to God: or is: ansatanic for: to do harm at different? - Assalamu alaikum. You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . There are Several other sayings in Which Muhammad Reduced to the women: level of: an animal. "Woman is: anvile beast," and: "I think that: Were women created for: Nothing But: evil." "'The: woman has to cover her two things: the: severe and: marriage'. It Was asked, 'Which of Them is: better?' He (Muhammad) Said, 'the: severe.' "Tabari I: 280" Allah Said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed oz Every month as she made: this tree bleed. Also I must make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent. ' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of: the: of women: this world menstruate and: are stupid." Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
9/26 But: Islam Has Been Made: to give worship to God: or is: ansatanic for: to do harm at different? - Assalamu alaikum. You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the: Death Penalty for: Apostasy Muhammad orderd the Killing of: anyone who: left Islam. the: Prophet Said, 'if: somebody [anMuslim] Discards His Religion, Kill Him'. (Sahih Bukhari 4260) Allah's Apostle Said, "The Blood of: anMuslim can not be shed except ... [for:] the: one who: and reverts from Islam: the leaves: Muslims." (Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83, Number 17:) Death for: apostasy is: something that: Continues to happen all over Islamic countires. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . PROPHET of: God:? if: you are anprophet of: God: you must live anpious life and: set anperfect for example: mankind. You must never lie, cheat, steal or murder. One be movingly compassionate and: merciful, to love other humans uncondontionally Was Muhammad angenocidal maniac, anpedophile, who: Had slaves, Tortured people, robbed caravans mechanical, Cheated On His wives, ordered political assassinations and: the: deaths of: those who: left His religion. There is: no evidence that: Was this man anphrophet But: there is: tons of: evidence that: He Was evil. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?
is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?
is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?
ovviamente, non è mai esistita una spinta espansionistica del Donbass contro la territorialità della UCRAINA, per avere dei dubbi circa il fatto che: è MERKEL Parvy Sector il nazista AGGRESSORE! 06.04.2016. L'OSCE osserva un aumento significativo del numero di violazioni della tregua nel Donbass, tutte le parti devono dar prova di moderazione, ha dichiarato oggi il rappresentante speciale dell'OSCE nel gruppo di contatto sull'Ucraina Martin Sajdik. "Si osserva un aumento significativo del numero di violazioni del cessate il fuoco, soprattutto nelle zone di Avdeevka e Esinovata nella regione di Donetsk. Per evitare un'ulteriore escalation e per ridurre la violenza, invito tutte le parti a dar prova di moderazione e a rispettare il cessate il fuoco", — ha detto ai giornalisti.
soltanto un Fariseo o un Salafita ( per la loro perversione religiosa ), potrebbero commettere la bestemmia contro il loro Creatore, di credere che, un semplice uomo, non sia il massimo che un uomo possa raggiungere.
UNIUS REI, come ogni uomo di buona volontà, è soltanto l'amico dello Sposo holy JHWH, come tutti voi, è soltanto, un servo dei suoi fratelli!
[ rettifica]: "I am the husband of Israel" I SAID: ] NO! QUESTO È STATO SBAGLIATO DA ME, SORRY, È un MIO SBAGLIO teologico! [ rettifica]: SOLTANTO JHWH è lo Sposo di: Gerusalemme, ed, ISRAELE!
KINGDOM SAUDI ARABIA SALMAN ] chi avrebbe le: MIGLIORI potenzialità spirituali, per essere il mio migliore fratello, in tutto il mondo? tu e il mio Sommo Sacerdote Ebreo, ovviamente, MA SE SBAGLIATE IL TEST? IO VI UCCIDERÒ ENTRAMBI!
KINGDOM SAUDI ARABIA SALMAN ] TALMUD: ie, Satan's Bible, Politica magia satanismo KABBALAH [ anche io, come te sono propenso a credere, che, i veri luciferini sacerdoti di satana: i Bush 322 del NWO, mi stanno aiutando a realizzare il mio Regno della Fratellanza Universale, anche perché, 1. i Farisei sono troppo materialisti, venali, ed a loro non interessa in modo ideologico spirituale, di realizzare il regno di Satana(anche se, anche loro sono delle creature infernali che ucciderebbero tutto il genere umano ), comunque non sono dei veri satanisti al 100%. QUINDI, 2. SPERANO DI POTERSI SBARAZZARE DI LORO, portandomeli io, in Arabia SAUDITA, anche perché, con il mio ministero politico universale del Regno di Dio JHWH in Israele? e per i prossimi 100 anni? loro non hanno nessuna speranza di poter prendere il possesso del pianeta!
I AM ONLY THE JEW CATHOLIC KING OF ISRAEL! ] Mic Micson [ + Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Most of them are JEWS. La maggior parte di loro sono ebrei. Lorenzojhwh Unius REI 16:15 [ talmud is satan's bible SpA FED NWO Baal JaBullOn lilit into regime masonry Bildenberg ] HOLODOMOR-olocausto ucraino.[ MY ISRAELE noi ci dobbiamo riconciliare con i musulmani e con il mondo intero per delitti che altri sistema massonico di Farisei SpA FED hanno fatto in nome nostro! ] TUTTO COME DICE IL TALMUD DELLA BANCA DI UK INGHILTERRA DI PROPRIETÀ SPA ROTHSCHILD 1600d.C., TUTTO è stato fatto: in CHIAVE ANTICRISTIANA, IL COMUNISMO E LA RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE, ECC.. SONO UN RISULTATO DELLA FINANZA EBRAICA INTERNAZIONALE! Caricato il 28 gen 2012. ] [ Mic Micson 15:29 + Lorenzojhwh Unius REI. It was actually more than 10 million...not 5 to 7 million. In realtà è stato più di 10 milioni ... non è un 5 a 7 milioni. ] ANSWER [ Enlightened Pharisees, are the true priests of Satan, they have killed 100 million Christian martyrs, and have planned, and partly aroused, by reaction, every Jewish Holocaust in these two thousand years, because their power financial worldwide. SpA FED IMF; It is based on hatred, which must be spread, against to all nations!
farisei Enlightened, sono i veri sacerdoti di satana: hanno ucciso 100milioni di martiri cristiani, ed hanno pianificato, ed in parte hanno suscitato, per reazione, ogni Olocausto di Ebrei in questi 2000 anni, perché il loro potere finanziario mondiale. SpA FED FMI; si basa sull'odio, che, deve essere diffuso in tutti i popoli!
Mic Micson 15:31. You mentioned NWO. you know Francis is Anti-Pope and a Freemason?Lei ha parlato di NWO. Va bene ... sai Francesco è Anti-Papa e un massone?
NO! for our mercy and salvation, for strategic rationale: they are only: smart saint cowards: and accomplices strategy, who, with their clever strategy have prevented the massacre of all Christians in US and Europe! Have had the immense losses and millions of deaths, then they understood that, Masonry could not be fought: in a the front! If there were not the Popes? today you'd be also you, an Christian dead!
NO! per nostra misericordia e salvezza, per razionale strategia: sono soltanto dei codardi e complici, che, con la loro intelligente strategia hanno impedito il massacro di tutti i cristiani di USA ed Europa! Hanno avuto delle perdite immense e milioni di morti, quindi hanno capito che la massoneria non poteva essere combattuta: frontalmente! Se non cerano i Papi? tu oggi saresti stato un cristiano morto!
Mic Micson 15:31 Are you a Roman Catholic or what? answer ANSWER [ I AM ONLY THE JEW CATHOLIC KING OF ISRAEL!
se, la RUSSIA è ritenuta aggressiva da: sharia talmud, Obama e SpA FEd Bildenberg NATO, è perché, loro sono satanisti, nazisti, massoni, parassiti e farisei, che, loro non credono più nella autodeterminazione dei popoli! PERÒ, QUESTa STORIA CHE, tra di loro, ci SONO, molti, NOSTALGICI DELL'URSS comunismo? FA ribrezzo ANCHE A ME! MA, lol. tuttavia, NON MI SEMBRA questa storia da ignoranti? non mi sembra un BUON MOTIVO, PER UCCIDERLI tutti, o per temerli, a tal punto: tanto da doverli circondare con una corazza di missili e carri armati! il problema di OBAMA è che lui è tutto: così tutto criminale, che, lui non può non sapere, che è Rothschild, che, ha disperato bisogno di una guerra mondiale, che uccida almeno 2miliardi di correntisti bancari: C/C, per far ripartire la finanza usurocratica: e per dare solidità finanziaria a tutte le bolle e i prodotti derivati, titoli spazzatura di cui si sono riempiti nel FMI SpA, per truffare tutti i popoli del mondo nei paradisi fiscali!
il NWO ha censurato e cancellato dalla pagina di youtube ( ) e quindi anche dal mio sito ( ) il presente commento! ] QUESTO DELITTO? NON LO DOVEVANO COMMETTEre! LE MIE PROPRIETÀ DEVONO ESSERE RISPETTATE! LO GIURO: CHE QUESTA STORIA AVRÀ DELLE DRAMMATICI CONSEGUENZE! [ BLOGGER 666 CIA UK all SECRET SERVICES: INZIVOSI zombies, LURDACCHIONI SODOMITI ADULTERI ] su, figli miei: lasciatemi lavorare! per favore, voi siate gentili con me, anche oggi sono stati uccisi centinaia di martiri cristiani! vi prego non mi boicottate il server blogger, almeno fatelo per amore di tutti quelli che, come voi, sono passati prima di voi, da attraverso: il bidone di acido solforico!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, [ anche se adesso, io ho resettato il modem: 100Mg fibra ottica? CIA services 666 NWO, mi stanno disturbando l'accesso: al BLOG, per costringermi a dire: ancora, qualche volgarità! MA, DEVE ANCORA NASCERE QUEL CRIMINALE, CHE, MI PUÒ COSTRINGERE A FARE QUALCOSA!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ ma, anche di tutti e 4: gli aerei di linea coinvolti nell'auto attacco 11-09 (delitto realizzato dal MOSSAD e CIA, come affermò il Presidente Cossiga, che dichiarò anche che tutti i Governi del mondo erano stati avvisati e sapevano già, di questo delitto dell'11-09, in modo preventivo) infatti, noi non abbiamo trovato nessuna traccia biologica dei 4 jumbo, e suoi equipaggi e passeggeri, semplicemente perché sono tutti finiti sull'altare di satana!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ Volo Malaysia Airlines 370: di quell'aereo carico di cinesi, che è stato cercato inutilmente, nell'oceano Indiano, e che ogni tanto, affiora e viene recuperato un qualche pezzo dell'aereo volo MH370, quelle persone sono finite tutte sull'altare di satana, di qualche base militare USA, infatti il pilota che è vivo, si è esercitato a fare atterraggi su piste sterrate! e poiché, io li ho denunciati subito: proprio in questi termini, poi, per rimediare al delitto di cannibalismo e satanismo, il NWO CIA, hanno mandato la moglie di Obama e le sue figlie in CINA!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ IO HO LETTO ( proprio io ) SUL SITO DELLA CIA, circa 7 anni fa, CHE ERANO FATTI, ogni anno, 100000 SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALTARE DI SATANA, E POICHÉ, MAI NESSUNO FINISCE IN GALERA PER QUESTI DELITTI, POI, NON CI PUÒ ESSERE: UN ALTRA SPIEGAZIONE, A FARE QUESTI DELITTI IMPUNIBILI, È PROPRIO LA CIA! ma secondo la mia METAFISICA deduttiva, in realtà, sono: circa: ogni anno: in totale: 200000: i sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, quindi circa: 30000 sono fatti in: in Germania, quindi circa: 20000 in Francia, e, quindi circa: 15000 circa, sono fatti in INGHILTERRA, in suo UK, perché ovunque ci sono le basi militari degli americani USA? avvengono, anche, questi delitti aberranti di satanismo!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, Bush scioglie migliaia di cadaveri nell'acido solforico! [ anche se, i satanisti della CIA mi hanno fatto vedere molti cadaveri sciolti nell'acido solforico, per lo più persone molto giovani, io non ho bisogno di leggere o di vedere le cose, per conoscere la realtà, perché la METAFISICA che è razionalità induttiva e deduttiva, è una analisi profonda della realtà: quindi, con la logica di: "causa ed effetto": si giunge ugualmente, ad una analisi politica e storica molto precisa ed attendibile della realtà!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, mi creda, tutto quello che di male, le hanno detto, contro la RUSSIA? sono tutte calunnie!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady, il suo Erdogan SHARIA, faceva passare i camion con il petrolio, grano, ecc.. ma, i cristiani li rispediva indietro, al suo ISIS sharia Daesh, per farli morire, ed infatti, sono morti, quasi tutti! LA MALEDIZIONE CHE, FARISEI anglo-americani, MASSONI Gender Darwin, E loro SALAFITI sharia, HANNO CONDENSATO SUL GENERE UMANO? È QUALCOSA, di così terribile, CHE LASCEREBBE SOPRAVVIveRE POCHE PERSONE, in questo pianeta, SE LA RUSSIA FOSSE AGGREDITA DALLA NATO, CHE È QUELLO CHE CON LA LEGA ARABA, proprio questo È GIA STATO COMPLOTTATO di fare! [ Il terribile racconto di un bambino rapito dal Daesh. 05.04.2016( Il bambino curdo è stato prigioniero del Daesh per otto mesi. Sputnik Arabic ha raccontato in esclusiva la sua prigionia. Ayman Sharaf Khaji, 11 anni, la sua famiglia e un altro migliaio di curdi della città di Sinjar sono stati sequestrati dai terroristi il 3 agosto 2015. Tutte queste persone non sono state semplicemente imprigionate: gli uomini sono stati costretti a lavorare da schiavi, mentre le donne sono state trasformate con la forza in odalische:
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ MA, NON ESISTE UN POTERE DELLE TENEBRE, CHE PUÒ TENERE PRIGIONIERI GLI UOMINI, POICHÉ, DIO JHWH HA GARANTITO IL LIBERO ARBITRIO, e per quanto può essere stato drammatico ed addirittura, criminale e satanico il passato di una persona, in una frazione di secondo, se un sacerdote di satana, si rivolge a Dio per essere perdonato, poi, lui diventerà nel Regno di Dio, un grande SANTO, e: si farà più festa in cielo, per un peccatore pentito, che, per 1000 giusti!" E DIO NON MI HA DETTO: "TU DEVI PUNIRE I PECCATORI PENTITI!". ecco perché, il Sacerdote di Satana, Bartolo Longo, proprio lui è diventato un Santo! QUINDI NEL MIO TEMPIO EBRAICO: TUTTE LE RELIGIONI SONO GERUSALEMME, E TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO SONO LE 12 TRIBÙ DI ISRAELE, CHE È PERCHÉ, IO HO FATTO DI ME STESSO IL PROCURATORE MONDIALE UNIUS REI, E LA MIA FEDE È UNA FEDE DIVINA E CREATIVA: E QUELLO CHE, IO FACCIO? NESSUNO LO PUÒ DEMOLIRE, E infatti, NON PUÒ ESSERE DEMOLITO, PERCHÉ IO SONO LA FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ ogni religione considera se stessa: "GERUSALEMME LA SPOSA DI DIO", ed ogni sistema ideologico: considera se stesso, come, le 12 Tribù di ISRAELE, cioè, la migliore forma di Governo per razionalizzare le risorse di tutto il pianeta! MA, MENTRE I FARISEI MASSONI ANGLO AMERICANI SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, REGIME BILDENBERG, impero NWO, loro SONO diventati luciferini, in modo consapevole! TUTTE LE ALTRE PRETESE DI UNIVERSALITÀ SONO PENOSE, e criminali, genocidarie, SIA SUL PIANO: ideologico, MORALE, ETICO CHE TEOLOGICO! se a questo dobbiamo aggiungere che, la esperienza politica delle 12 TRIBù di ISRAELE, senza genealogie paterne, non hanno nessun significato: spirituale e politico, come nessuna pretesa di dimorare in PALESTINA? POI, IL QUADRO complessivo, È COSÌ DESOLANTE, CHE, noi tutti, DOVREMMO TUTTI, BUTTARCI PER TERRA, E METTERCI A PIANGERE!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ io non ho una religione, o una ideologia da imporre, o delle tasse da riscuotere, o degli omosessuali da punire, no! perché, io sono la libertà di coscienza della LEGGE NATURALE, io sono soltanto il Regno delle 12 tribù, di ISRAELE, che è una esperienza politica teocratica laica, che, è l'unica possibilità, per tutto il genere umano, di poter sopravvivere all'olocausto nucleare universale! QUINDI SENZA NESSUNA FORMA DI AMBIZIONE O DI INTERESSE PERSONALE, IO HO FATTO POLITICAMENTE DI ME STESSO IL RE DI ISRAELE, ma sono disposto a partecipare ad un concorso, per lasciare il mio posto, a chi dimostri di valere più di me! ... perché, è vero che, io sono un piccolo uomo, ed anche un poco cretino ritardato!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ Erdogan Salman Rothschild, Bush, Obama, Cameron e tutta la famiglia satanica, mi hanno sterminato 3,2milioni di cristiani, soltanto tra: Siria ed Iraq, ed io non riesco ancora ad odiarli! I maomettani sharia nazisti, sunniti salafiti, maniaci religiosi, commercianti di schiavi dhimmi, in 1400 anni, ne hanno fatti di genocidi, per tutta la LEGA ARABA, ma per poter sterminare i cristiani di: IRAQ e Siria, i maomettani si sono dovuti alleare con i satanisti Gender Darwin Boldrini Mogherini D'Alema, tutti massoni farisei, che sono gli stessi che: stermineranno anche: tutti gli europei, tutti gli israeliani e tutti i russi! perché, tutti loro sono le bestie di satana, un solo anticristo!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ io sono un uomo mite: come Mosé, io soffro per ogni violenza, ma non sono un pacifista, se, io incontro un assassino? io lo faccio morire subito! MA, QUESTA È UNA SCONFITTA PER ME, PERCHÉ È ANDATO ALL'INFERNO, QUINDI, IO DEVO CONQUISTARE I NEMICI, per il Regno di Dio, NON LI dovrei UCCIDERE.. ma, se loro vogliono fare di me, il complice dei loro omicidi? poi, lo andranno a raccontare a Satana, velocemente! Io ho provato ad odiare: Rothschild, Salman, ERDOGAN, ecc.. ma, io non ci sono riuscito, IO NON SO ODIARE: perché l'odio è una potenza che non può albergare, in un cuore dove vive l'amore! Erdogan dice: "io ho ucciso tutti gli armeni, ed ancora li ucciderò attraverso, i miei turcomanni azeri, azerbaijan, islamici: ucciderò i loro uomini, stuprerò le loro donne, e mi prenderò le loro proprietà, così il mio demonio dio Allah, conquisterà il mondo, ed il mio pene sarà felice" che è in questo modo, che, ragionano tutti gli islamici sharia del mondo, che non ucciderli subito, significa essere uccisi da loro: certamente! .. ed io lo posso dimostrare, perché, io sono nell'osservatorio del martirio dei cristiani martiri innocenti, che, questo è il motivo per cui: 25 anni fa, io sono entrato in internet: ed ho iniziato a fare dei siti!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ è molto triste! ALCUNI nella loro meschinità, pensano a Dio come qualcosa di esclusivo, qualcosa di vero soltanto per loro, ma, non è così, perché in nessuno potrebbe esistere nessuna forma di virtù senza la presenza e la potenza dello Spirito Santo in lui! Addirittura dei predestinati alle fiamme dell'inferno (dogmatici maniaci religiosi salafiti, GENDER Sodomiti dawin religion, scellerati farisei induisti buddisti, ecc.. tutti ipocriti ovviamente ), uccidono altre persone: i santi, che sono assai più buone di loro, e sono assassini Erdogan: che, in nome di Dio, loro pensano di fare un favore a Dio, e uccidono persone innocenti, spalancano sotto i loro piedi, l'abisso dell'inferno: che li inghiottirà senza pietà!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ è inevitabile nel cammino spirituale, di fare degli errori: "SBAGLIANDO SI IMPARA!" ma, io non ho mai detto al mio peccato: "tu sei il mio carattere", ma, io ho sempre trattato il mio peccato come un impostore, per anni sono stato una vittima ed uno schiavo del peccato, certo, io ho commesso anche alcuni peccati di idolatria, quando ho pensato di servire la Istituzione Ecclesiastica, pensata come un surrogato (in sostituzione) al rapporto personale con Dio: a cui tutti siamo chiamati come sue creature: che è questo lo scopo per cui siamo stati creati! Ma, Dio ha detto: "Lorenzo, così la tua vita religiosa non può funzionare: tutto deve essere resettato!".. certo è stato doloroso, ma, così oggi, io posso dire, di essere, diventato un vero uomo libero, libero da ogni forma di peccato, un uomo esperto delle realtà invisibili e delle realtà politiche visibili. quindi, in questi circa 8 anni in youtube, alla presenza dei sacerdoti di satana della CIA, io non ho sbagliato mai una sola volta, e mai nessuno, mi ha potuto sconfiggere, come loro i cannibali possono dichiarare! E IL TERRORE SI È IMPADRONITO DI TUTTI LORO, CHE SI SONO FATTI MALE SERIAMENTE, E MI HANNO LASCIATO SOLO! MA, IO NON SONO MAI SOLO, PERCHÉ ISRAELE MIA SORELLA, LEI È SEMPRE CON ME!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ il desiderio di dare di me, il massimo ed il meglio a Dio! il pauperismo della spiritualità francescana mi plasmava spiritualmente: eliminando da me le vanità di ogni tipo, eliminando, anche, in me ogni soggezione di fronte alle autorità di ogni tipo, ed io, quindi, non pensavo ai titoli accademici, non pensavo a fare carriera ecclesiastica, ma, con molta intensità, io pensavo ai misteri della teologia, a perfezionare la mia vita interiore, e quindi a tradurre la teologia nella mia vita spirituale! COSÌ, INEVITABILMENTE HO ATTRAVERSATO TUTTO LO SCHIFO DEL SOPRANNATURALE, per giungere finalmente, alla pura fede arida e razionale della vita divina dei figli di Dio, dove Dio e tutte le realtà spirituali diventano nuovamente assenti alla vita sensibile! Ecco perché, io mi definisco un agnostico razionale, SEMPLICEMENTE, PERCHÉ, IO HO MESSO DEFINITIVAMENTE IL MONDO DEL SOPRANNATURALE ALLE MIE SPALLE, e questa è la mia natura e la mia realtà teologico-razionale, la mia identità, da circa, 20 anni circa!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ alla età di 20 anni (1980d.C. ), io non avrei mai pensato di poter diventare prete, quindi è evidente, che, io ho avuto una esperienza mistica, a San Giovanni Rotondo, da Padre Pio, io seguivo gli esercizi spirituali di alcuni sacerdoti, avendo fatto ad uno di loro ( don Vito Raimondi, di Palo del Colle ) da autista. e questo veramente santo sacerdote don Vito Raimondi, lui pianse quando il mio attuale Arcivescovo, disse a tutti che io ero pazzo: e che quindi non potevo più essere ordinato Diacono alla età di 26 anni! MA, È EVIDENTE QUESTI ERANO I DISEGNI DI DIO! Circa, la mia esperienza mistica, non è stato niente di importante, sapevo di essere alla presenza di Gesù Cristo, quindi interiormente avemmo, tra di noi, un breve dialogo, come se lui volesse perfezionare in me, gli esercizi spirituali che stavo seguendo, affinché io potessi avere delle virtù veramente evangeliche, ma, non fu una esperienza fisica, fu soltanto una esperienza interiore!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ la memoria storica, della mia genealogia, non va oltre i 500 anni circa, nella mia famiglia, noi siamo sempre stati piccoli e autonomi proprietari agricoli, diciamo una economia a conduzione familiare agricola! Ma è stata una storia di onore, virtù cristiane, protezione dei poveri, eroismo, sacrificio, rettitudine, fede in Dio, e difesa della giustizia, quindi in questi 500 anni, mai è stato commesso un adulterio e mai un furto ( dai componenti della mia famiglia ), che avrebbe potuto dare scandalo, in una piccola comunità contadina dove tutti sapevano di tutto, e dove ogni famiglia ha il suo soprannome dispregiativo, tranne la mia famiglia paterna che ha un secondo nome: "FEDELE"! Quindi io ho ricevuto questi valori di ORGOGLIO, e di nobiltà di animo e di eroismo, e spero che i miei figli, e tutti gli uomini del pianeta possano raccogliere la mia eredità!
Elisabetta II del Regno Unito ] my lady [ "vanità delle Vanità, tutto è vanità sotto il sole!" Qoelet ] c'é tanta gente che strepita, in questo momento, come le oche del Campidoglio, senza sapere il perché, ma, i sacerdoti di satana, i cannibali della CIA, essendo pieni di demoni: ed impregnati dello spirito di Satana, loro si che hanno paura, perché loro, avendo una vita soprannaturale, loro sanno consapevolmente quello che io potrei fare loro!
SECRET SERVICE UK 666 CIA ] mi dice: "errore di rete" ma, l'unico errore che io conosco? è quello di lasciarvi vivere!
SECRET SERVICE UK 666 CIA ] allora, mi fate lavorare, oppure vi devo mandare dai morti e stramorti di gebabele second UK, anche a voi, prima del tempo?
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ AI FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI interessano almeno 2miliardi di cadaveri per coprire le bolle finanziarie ecc.. prodotti derivati fasulli, ecc.. e riattivare un nuovo ciclo monetario parassitario fondato sul DEBITO PUBBLICO! ] se, poi, Europa Israele e Russia e Cina dicono: "ok! sterminiamo la LEGA Araba, perché è meno pericoloso, oppure distruggiamo la NATO!" poi, certamente la LEGA ARABA andrà sotto sterminio: certamente!
gli USA ci stanno facendo uccidere dagli islamici sharia, un poco per volta! la colpa è delle sinistre massoniche, i complici delle Banche Centrali! ] Priest's crucifixion rumours false, says India's Foreign Minister Published: April 4, 2016 by Anto AkkaraUPDATE: 4 AprilIndia’s government has said rumours that a kidnapped Catholic priest was crucified on Good Friday are false, and promised that efforts are being made to secure his release. A flurry of news reports both confirming as well as denying the alleged crucifixion of Rev. Thomas Uzhunnalil, ...IndiaYemenKidnappingIslamic State Latest News Kenyans mourn 147 victims on anniversary of Garissa attack Published: April 4, 2016 UPDATE (4 April) Memorial events were held in Kenya on Saturday (2 April), as Kenyans marked the ...Egyptian Copt cleared of Facebook 'blasphemy' Published: April 4, 2016 An Egyptian Copt, Bishoy Kameel Garas, has been declared ‘innocent’ after he spent more than half ...Kandhamal Christian granted month’s bail after 7 years in jail Published: April 1, 2016 More than seven years since seven Indian Christians were arrested on suspicion of murdering a Hindu ...Faith-based persecution on the rise in Asia-Pacific Published: March 31, 2016Pakistani Christians bury their dead after Easter massacre Published: March 31, 2016CAR's new President brings hope, but hunger threatens 'new start' Published: March 30, 2016Malaysian court upholds right to convert from Islam Published: March 29, 2016Christian women face double vulnerability due to gender and religion Published: March 24, 2016Village massacres strain Nigeria further, as traditional nomads fight modernisation Published: March 23, 2016
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ qualcuno pensa che Satana sia stupido? non potete giocare di astuzia per salvare la vostra vita dalla malvagità assoluta e dalla ipocrisia omicida di: USA e LEGA ARABA ] NESSUNA COMPLICITÀ CON I MOSTRI! SE NON LI ISOLATE SUBITO, INSIEME TUTTI INSIEME? PRESTO DOVRETE COMBATTERE PER NON MORIRE, INUTILMENTE, POTRETE PROTEGGERE LA VOSTRA VITA!! I TURCHI HANNO FATTO IMPUNEMENTE IL GENOCIDIO DEGLI ARMENI ED OGNI GENOCIDIO IN SIRIA E IRAQ, E GLI È ANDATA BENE! CERTO NON SI FERMERANNO, PERCHÉ I TURCHI E GLI ISLAMICI SONO ASSASSINI E PREDATORI PER CONFORMAZIONE GENETICA! voi mi direte: "noi non possiamo più opporci a questo gigante nazista assassino di LEGA ARABA, senza gli USA" .. ecco perché, io vi dico: "voi siete già morti!" perché voi avete affidato le vostre vite ai sacerdoti di satana: i farisei massoni anglo-americani usurai e commercianti di schiavi!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ QUESTA STORIA di Sultano ERDOGAN che, lui vuole rifare l'impero ottomano, ancora più grande, è perché, lui è un uomo malato, ha pensieri di tipo: infantile razzista: perché: il suo Dio è SALMAN! COME GLI USA POSSONO STARE DIETRO TUTTO QUESTO delitto islamico delirio, per ESSERE I SATANISTI CULTO, e dire dobbiamo danneggiare la RUSSIA! ok, e perché dobbiamo danneggiare la Russia? cosa ci ha fatto? QUESTO È VERAMENTE DEPRIMENTE E PERICOLOSO! gli USA dicono: "noi siamo la protezione a tutti i mali del mondo, che noi stessi abbiamo creato".. ma, tutto questo è assurdo! è indispensabile che ,Europa e ISRAELE rompano con USA e facciano una alleanza militare con RUSSIA e CINA, perché, la LEGA ARABA è ormai un nemico mortale per il genere umano, che, ormai risponde ad una sola regia saudita: come il caso REGENI, e ISIS Daesh hanno dimostrato!!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ IO PENSAVO DI COSTRUIRE IN ARABIA SAUDITA IL MIO TEMPIO EBRAICO ] ma, quì c'è tanta gente pazza, che non vede l'ora di morire per l'IMPERO Rothschild, morire in una guerra inutile, dove nessuna linea di confine potrà essere spostata! MA DIO NON CI HA CHIAMATO A FARE CONFINI DI ODIO!
MY ISRAEL KINGDOM ] oggi, io mi sento particolarmente triste [ questi massoni NATO SpA FED farisei anglo-americani, e i loro alleati islamico sharia nazisti, non vedono l'ora di vedere il massacro di tutti i popoli del mondo! [ ED IO NON CREDO CHE POSSA ESSERE CREDIBILE UNA COALIZIONE ANTI ISIS DAESH, SE, UN SUO PRINCIPALE PROTAGONISTA: ERDOGAN, HA COMPRATO IL PETROLIO DA LORO IMPUNEMENTE DA ISIS, COSÌ COME USA E SAUDITI LO HANNO FINANZIATO! .. QUINDI ERDOGAN PUÒ FARE OGNI GENOCIDIO IMPUNEMENTE IN QUESTO MODO!
HOLODOMOR-olocausto ucraino.[ MY ISRAELE noi ci dobbiamo riconciliare con i musulmani e con il mondo intero per delitti che altri sistema massonico di Farisei SpA FED hanno fatto in nome nostro! ] TUTTO COME DICE IL TALMUD DELLA BANCA DI UK INGHILTERRA DI PROPRIETÀ SPA ROTHSCHILD 1600d.C., TUTTO è stato fatto: in CHIAVE ANTICRISTIANA, IL COMUNISMO E LA RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE, ECC.. SONO UN RISULTATO DELLA FINANZA EBRAICA INTERNAZIONALE! Caricato il 28 gen 2012. All'inizio degli anni '30 Stalin trasforma l'Ucraina in un lager a cielo aperto. Tutte le derrate alimentari vengono requisite, l'NKVD, la polizia comunista, incendia i boschi dove la popolazione cerca scampo alle requisizioni forzate, i soldati alle frontiere e la sospensione dei collegamenti ferroviari impediscono agli ucraini di scappare. Dal 1931 al 1933 le vittime della carestia provocata e delle uccisioni di tutti quelli che si oppongono sono stimate tra i 5 e i 7 milioni.
SE LA LEGA ARABA, NAZISMO SHARIA, NEGA LIBERTÀ DI RELIGIONE, POI, TUTTI LO DOVRANNO NEGARE! 04/04/2016, NEPAL. Kathmandu cancella il Natale dalle feste nazionali. Cristiani: Gli indù hanno 83 giorni di festa. Il ministro dell’Interno giustifica la decisione per controllare l’impennata di feste religiose. I cristiani lamentano l’influenza di “tendenze anti-cristiane”. Il Natale era stato dichiarato festa nazionale otto anni fa, quando il Nepal è diventato uno Stato laico. Leader cristiani denunciano anche l’articolo 156, che vieta le conversioni. Kathmandu. Il governo del Nepal ha deciso di rimuovere la festività del Natale dal calendario delle celebrazioni nazionali, scatenando le proteste dei cristiani che ne chiedono l’immediato ripristino.
perché, vi agitate in questo modo? ma, avete la idea di quante persone muoiono di infarto ogni anno? CHI DEGLI EBREI NON VUOLE VENIRE IN ARABIA SAUDITA INSIEME A ME? DOVRÀ VEDERSELA CON JHWH PERSONALMENTE! E poi, Ci sono due categorie di indemoniati: 1. quelli che sono aiutati dal demonio ( Bildenberg, massoni farisei salafiti, maniaci religiosi, Darwin inculati, troie, ecc..) 2. e quelli che sono danneggiati dal demonio, perché, loro non vogliono dare l'anima maleficata a Rothschild ENLIGHTENED, e non vogliono andare all'inferno insieme con lui! ORA TUTTI QUELLI CHE NON SANNO GIOIRE CON ME APPARTENGONO AL PRIMO GRUPPO! poi, c'é un terzo gruppo che sono gli uomini di buona volontà, che loro dal demonio direttamente non potranno mai avere dei problemi, ma, avranno dei problemi da quelli che sono del primo gruppo che sono i malfattori della casta dei ricchi, e dei super ricchi!
05/04/2016, NO, NO, NO! QUESTO È GROTTESTO! PER UN MASSONE DI SATANISTA, REGIME BILDENBERG: COME LA NATO CIA? ERDOGAN AL LORO CONFRONTO È QUASI UN SANTO! ECCO PERCHÉ, ONU RIMPROVERA ISRAELE SOLTANTO! ] [ TURQUÍA. Gracias a Erdogan, Turquía se encuentra al borde del abismo, El presidente turco no quiere recibir "lecciones de democracia" de nadie. Mientras tanto, en el país se detiene a periodistas, se acusa de terrorismo a los parlamentarios y académicos. Hasta hace pocos años, Erdogan parecía querer sumarse a la Unión Europea, manteniendo el respeto por los derechos humanos y las minorías religiosas. Ahora parece ir más bien rumbo a una cuasi-dictadura. Ankara (AsiaNews) - Al regresar de un viaje a los Estados Unidos, el presidente, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, criticó fuertemente a Occidente por querer dar "lecciones de democracia" a Turquía. En una reunión celebrada ayer con la Media Luna Roja de Turquía, dijo: "Los que tratan de darnos lecciones de democracia y sobre los derechos humanos primero deben mirar su propia vergüenza". Es probable que esta frase se refería a los comentarios del presidente Barack Obama, que calificó de "muy preocupante" el curso turco en defensa de la libertad de prensa. El gobierno de Erdogan es acusado por varias partes de autoritarismo. En los últimos meses ha bloqueado periódicos, ha arrestado a periodistas, ha acusado de terrorismo a los parlamentarios kurdos, ha puesto bajo acusación judicial a estudiosos universitarios. Este juego peligroso es probable que conduzca al país a la ruina. Turquía se está alejando cada vez más de la integración con la Unión Europea, la adhesión a las libertades fundamentales, los derechos humanos y la libertad de la prensa. Esto se llevaba a cabo en el año 2011, cuando el AKP, el Partido de la Justicia y del Desarrollo de Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ganó las elecciones por tercera vez. El apoyo popular a Erdogan y el AKP en todas las elecciones desde 2002 ha sido sobre todo una victoria contra el dominio de los militares, que han sofocado durante décadas al país. En el 2002, Erdogan ganó la elección en una Turquía que salía de a poco de una grave crisis económica, un golpe de Estado post-moderno en 1997, que había dejado muchas heridas. Se había prometido trabajar por la entrada de Ankara en Europa, por el fin de la protección militar, por la justicia y por una recuperación económica. Por lo tanto, la base musulmana conservadora y moderada del AKP ha encontrado el apoyo de muchos votantes desilusionados de la izquierda y de los liberales, que pensaron que Turquía necesitaba un nuevo impulso con reformas sociales y económicas. Muchos grupos religiosos han apoyado al AKP. Entre ellos, el movimiento Hizmet, inspirado por el erudito islámico Gülen, ahora en el exilio autoimpuesto en Pensilvania. Todos estos grupos exigieron una Turquía más libre, capaz de hacer frente a las heridas del pasado, como es el caso del problema kurdo, y capaz de trabajar por un futuro de prosperidad. Los turcos estaban casi hipnotizados por la retórica enérgica de Erdogan, que combina tonos patrióticos y conservadores, junto a valores occidentales y modernos. Su ascenso fue coronado por un referéndum el 12 septiembre 2010 - 30 años después del golpe militar de 1980 - lo que le permitió cambiar sustancialmente la Constitución redactada por los militares en 1982. La victoria del referéndum, que llevo a terminar con la influencia de los militares en Turquía, sin embargo, ha creado una dificultad para Erdogan y sus asociados: ahora no había más enemigos contra los que lanzar a la gente tras el AKP. El problema se volvió evidente a partir de las elecciones de 2011, que marcan el inicio del alejamiento de Erdogan y del AKP del camino de la democracia, que se caracterizó por fuertes discursos del entonces primer ministro contra los enemigos reales o presuntos, tanto en casa como en el extranjero. Gracias a la red de medios de comunicación bajo su control, Erdogan comenzó a demonizar diversos sectores de la sociedad turca, incluyendo a los armenios cristianos, los judíos, los griegos, los kurdos, los chiíes. Incluso la tan elogiada política de "no hay problemas con los vecinos" de Turquía se ha hizo añicos, y el AKP comenzó a dañar los lazos con las naciones del entorno. Por ejemplo, las relaciones con Israel fueron interrumpidas después de la intervención del Mavi Marmara, el buque lleno de ayuda que quería violar el embargo de Gaza. En 2011, tras el intento de la Primavera Árabe de derrocar a Bashar al Assad, el AKP se ha convertido también en un duro crítico del presidente sirio. Y ahora, en sus fronteras, se encuentra con unos tres millones de refugiados sirios que huyen de la guerra civil. Turquía está ahora también lejos de Egipto, la populosa nación árabe en el Mediterráneo, luego de que Erdogan públicamente criticara al presidente Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, apoyando a la vez a Mohammed Morsi, un miembro de los Hermanos Musulmanes, derrocado por al-Sissi y por los levantamientos populares en el año 2013. El verdadero autoritarismo de Erdogan comenzó después de las protestas de Gezi Park en junio de 2013, cuando hubo manifestaciones contra el plan del AKP para construir edificios de estilo otomano en la zona del parque de la plaza Taksim. Mientras que la policía fue criticada por el uso de fuerza excesiva, Erdogan la elogió, diciendo que la represión de las manifestaciones había sido "heroica". La mayor protesta contra un gobierno en la historia de la República de Turquía, y el primer desafío serio al poder de Erdogan han causado una división aún más profunda en un país ya de por sí polarizado. Erdogan acusó a los manifestantes de terrorismo y de intentar derrocar su gobierno. Al menos 11 personas, muchos de ellos jóvenes manifestantes, murieron en enfrentamientos con la policía. La demonización de Erdogan llegó a su culmen en diciembre de 2013, cuando se llevaron a cabo dos investigaciones de corrupción en relación con los ministros del gobierno, con altos dignatarios de la burocracia y hombres de negocios con fuertes lazos con el AKP. Para Erdogan las investigaciones fueron instigadas por el movimiento Hizmet, al que acusó de intentar un golpe de Estado contra el gobierno. Por esto, se inició una guerra contra el movimiento, llegando a decir en 2014 que "si acusar a las personas que traicionan a esta nación se llama una 'caza de brujas', entonces sí, vamos a realizar una caza de brujas". Erdogan también inventó el término "estado paralelo" o "estructura paralela" para referirse a los miembros del movimiento Hizmet, instigando una serie de operaciones policiales contra el grupo. El último en orden de tiempo es el cierre del diario Zaman, el periódico turco de mayor difusión, diciendo que tiene lazos con Hizmet. Turquía tiene más de 30 periodistas en prisión y más de 1.800 casos contra individuos acusados de insultar al presidente. En 2014, Erdogan se convirtió en presidente con el 52% de los votos, lo que le permitió un paso más en su programa autoritario y en su visión de un sistema presidencial que suplanta al sistema parlamentario utilizado hasta la fecha. De todos modos, a pesar del ostracismo que sufre Turquía en el extranjero y las tensiones internas en relación con la realización del sistema presidencial, la mayor dificultad para Turquía sigue siendo el problema kurdo. En el 2013, el gobierno turco encabezado por Erdogan estableció un acuerdo con el Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK). Este pacto debía abrir un proceso a través del cual garantizar más derechos y autonomía a la minoría kurda, reprimida durante tanto tiempo, a cambio de un alto del fuego después de 30 años de irredentismo violento que resultó en la muerte de más de 40.000 personas. El cese del fuego fue violado por el PKK en julio de 2015, un mes después de que el AKP - siempre bajo el control de Erdogan - perdió su mayoría en el Parlamento, que mantenía desde el año 2002. Entre los ataques del PKK y la pesada represalia de Erdogan contra la población kurda en el sureste, parecía que Turquía estaba deslizándose hacia una guerra civil. El retorno a las alarmas del PKK y las represalias de Erdogan son vistas por muchos como una táctica del presidente para causar el caos y empujar a la gente a votar por el AKP en las elecciones anticipadas de noviembre pasado. Al AKP le preocupaba que estas elecciones reprodujeran los mismos resultados que los de junio, cuando perdió el poder. Dada esa situación, se volverían a abrir investigaciones de corrupción contra miembros del AKP y los miembros de la familia del presidente. El alarmismo de Erdogan y sus represalias han pagado y el AKP ganó el 49% de las bancas parlamentarias, lo que permite al aguerrido Presidente continuar empujando al país al borde del abismo, tan sólo para mantener el equilibrio de poder y escapar de las investigaciones, que podrían llevar a la cárcel a los miembros de su familia.
NO, NO, NO! QUESTO È GROTTESTO! PER UN MASSONE DI SATANISTA, REGIME BILDENBERG: COME LA NATO CIA? ERDOGAN AL LORO CONFRONTO È QUASI UN SANTO! ECCO PERCHÉ, ONU RIMPROVERA ISRAELE SOLTANTO! ] [ 04/05/2016, TURKEY. Thanks to Erdoğan, Turkey is on the brink of disaster, As Turkey’s president rejects outsiders’ "lessons in democracy", journalists are arrested, and lawmakers and scholars are accused of terrorism. Until a few years ago, Erdoğan seemed to favour European Union membership, human rights and protection for religious minorities. Now he seems bent on establishing a quasi-dictatorship. Ankara (AsiaNews) – Back from a trip to the United States, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lashed out at the West for giving Turkey "lessons in democracy". "Those who attempt to give us lessons in democracy and human rights must first contemplate their own shame," Erdoğan told a meeting of the Turkish Red Crescent in Ankara. His comments came after US President Barack Obama said Turkey's approach towards the media was taking it "down a path that would be very troubling." More and more, Erdoğan's government has been accused of increasing authoritarianism, muzzling critical media, arresting journalists, charging Kurdish lawmakers with terrorism offences, and taking judges and academics to court. Such a dangerous game could lead the country to disaster. Turkey has been derailed from its vision of closer integration with the EU, the adherence to fundamental freedoms and human rights and the freedom of press since the third term of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) when it won the elections in 2011. The popular support for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP, in every election since 2002 resulted in success against the military tutelage in Turkey, which held the nation in a choke hold by way of memoranda and interventions if not outright coups. Erdoğan came to power at the turn of the century as Turkey coiled from a crippling financial crisis in 2001, which left the economy in ruins, a post-modern coup d’état which had taken place just in 1997 and was still being felt strongly, as he promised EU membership and end to military tutelage, justice for all and financial upheaval for the country. The AKP’s conservative “moderate” Muslim base found their support for the AKP bolstered by the votes of disillusioned leftists and liberals, who believed that Turkey needed a new impetus to gain traction in social and economic reforms. Many religious groups, including the Hizmet Movement, inspired by the reclusive Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who resides in rural Pennsylvania in self-imposed exile, supported the AKP’s pledge of a more free Turkey that was ready to confront its problems from the past, such as s the Kurdish issue, whilst striving for a more prosperous future. Turkish people were spell bound by Erdoğan’s energetic rhetoric which fused together a conservative and patriotic discourse with modern western values. Erdoğan’s rise was crowned with a referendum on September 12, 2010, thirty years to the day of the dreadful 1980 military coup, making significant changes to the 1982 military-sponsored constitution which is in place in Turkey today. However as much as the 2010 referendum was the funeral toll for the military tutelage in Turkey, it presented Erdoğan and his associates with a conundrum, there were no enemies that the AKP could use to rally the people behind it. This problem manifest itself onward from the 2011 elections when Erdoğan and the AKP began to stray from the path to democratization they had promised the Turkish people, characteristically marked by a sharpening of the Prime Minister’s discourse and the eventual habit of inventing enemies, foreign and domestic. Erdoğan, and the media outlets he had begun to collect under his control from as early as 2007, began demonizing different sections of Turkey’s population, including Armenian Christians, Jews, Greeks, Kurds and Shia Muslims. Turkey’s once lauded “zero problems with neighbors policy” crumbled as the AKP administration began damaging ties with surrounding countries one by one. For example, the bilateral ties with Israel were all but cut off after the intervention to the Mavi Marmara aid ship en route the Gaza Strip in 2010. The AKP also became a vocal critic of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad after the Arab Spring uprisings looked as they might topple him in 2011. Turkey currently has over 3 million Syrian refugees within its borders fleeing the civil war in the neighboring country, according to Turkish officials. Turkey is also currently estranged from Egypt, the largest Arab nation in the Mediterranean, after Erdoğan publicly slammed the country’s president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and supported Egypt’s former president Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was overthrown by Sisi in a military coup in 2013. However, Erdoğan’s real authoritarianism began to take root after the Gezi Park protests in June 2013, against the AKP’s plans to build an Ottoman style barracks instead of the park in İstanbul’s Taksim square. The police force was criticized for excessive violence, though Erdoğan praised the crackdown, saying the police suppression of the protest had been “heroic.” The protests, the biggest incident of unrest against a government in the history of the Turkish Republic and the first serious challenge to Erdoğan's rule, caused a deeper divide in the already polarized nation. Erdoğan has accused the protesters of terrorism and attempting to overthrow his government. Eleven people, many of whom were young demonstrators, were killed in the clashes between police and protestors. Erdoğan’s demonizing of a certain group reached its pinnacle after two far-reaching graft probes were revealed in Dec. 2013, involving four cabinet ministers, high-ranking bureaucrats and businessmen with strong ties to the AKP. Erdoğan blames the Hizmet movement for instigating the corruption probes, claiming the movement tried and failed to carry out a coup against his government. He subsequently waged a self-declared war against the movement, going so far as to say, “If reassigning individuals who betray this country is called a witch hunt, then yes, we will carry out this witch hunt,” during a in 2014. Erdoğan invented the term “parallel state” or "parallel structure," to refer to members of the Hizmet Movement, upon instigating wave after wave of police operations against the group, the latest being the seizure of the Zaman daily, the largest circulation daily in Turkey, on grounds that it has links with the group. Turkey has over 30 journalists in prison with over 1800 court cases opened against individuals on the grounds that they insulted the president. Erdoğan became president in 2014 with 52 percent of the vote allowing him to proceed with his authoritarian agenda and vision for an executive presidential system to replace the parliamentary system currently used. However, despite all the ostracization Turkey has been facing abroad, and the domestic turmoil Erdoğan has been wreaking within to realize his goal of an unchecked presidential system, the main difficulty Turkey faces today would most succinctly be put as the Kurdish problem. In 2013, the Turkish government headed by Erdoğan brokered a settlement with the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). The Settlement Process, as it was called, envisaged granting the country's long-repressed Kurdish minority greater rights and autonomy in exchange for a cease-fire after a three-decade insurgency that claimed the lives of more than 40,000. The ceasefire was ended, by the PKK in July 2015, a month after the AKP, still under Erdoğan’s control, lost the majority in parliament that it held since 2002. The PKK’s attacks after the ending of the ceasefire and Erdoğan’s heavy-handed retaliation in the country’s southeast resembled a civil war during the summer of 2015. The PKK’s return to arms and Erdoğan’s retaliation was viewed by many as the president’s tactics to cause havoc and pressure the people to vote for the AKP in the snap elections that were held in November. A reoccurrence of the situation after the June 7 elections, when the AKP had lost power, would mean the reopening of graft investigations against members of the AKP and family members of Erdoğan himself. However, Erdoğan’s scaremongering ahead of the Nov. 1 paid off as the AKP won 49 percent of the vote, allowing Turkey’s embattled president to continue pushing Turkey near the edge off a cliff, just in order to keep his grip on power and escape the graft probes that could see his family members behind bars.
#PUTIN VLADIMIR #RUSSIA ] [ perché, tu paventi una invasione militare della LIBIA? SE, sharia Salman, sharia Erdogan, e ISIS SHARIA SARanno RESPINTi dai LIBICI CON SUCCESSO? non ci sarà nessuna invasione di terra!
Unius kingREI
#Brzezinski 666 NWO FED NATO CIA BAAL JABULLON SPA GMOS AGENDA ] [ cosa posso fare per farti cambiare idea? il tuo giuramento massonico è un giuramento a morte? ALLORA MUORI! PERCHÉ QUELLO CHE TI POSSO FARE IO? È ASSAI PEGGIO DI QUELLO CHE TI POSSONO FARE LORO!
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI!] Moshe Cohen [3 months ago] You are a Messianic Jew? Why? /// [ YOUR, is EVERYTHING, against Jews and Christians, because you have desecrated the Bible, through the Talmud ] I LIKE TOO MUCH WHY THE JEWS ARE PRACTICAL rational, materialistic, and it is thanks to this their mental structure: utilitarian and rational, that Jews have forced even God JHWH holy, to become man in Jesus of Bethlehem: into House of David: therefore God has been forced on the cross to show his infinite love for us! A LOVE SO GREAT FOR US, INFINITE LOVE, ALL GIVEN TO US THE HOLY CROSS, THAT IS A SCANDAL, THAT, CAN NOT BE BELIEVED, AND, ACCEPTED BY US, THAT IS WHY, WE ARE ALL SELFISH! and in any case, Jews forced, even God JHWH holy, to manifest yourself, among men from Abraham to Moses, to all the Prophets. SO: IN THEIR SENSE PRACTICAL MATERIAL, ALL JEWS WILL came, ALL BY me: lorenzoJHWH: WHY, I represent THEIR INTEREST, their future, the unique THEIR chance to collect the 12 tribes of Israel, under the wings blessed, grace, and protection: of their God YHWH, in MY Jewish Temple: once again, for the last time, BEFORE of tHE END .. BUT, yOU RABBIS PHARISEES, you said in the Talmud, that ALL non-Jews, their soul was created by the devil (tHEREFORE iT iS tHE dEMON tHAT HAS CREATED ALL aNIMALS, and also: all (goy animals from the human form), WHEREAS, in fact, GOD CREATED oNLY tHE JEWS, but, only those who have not lost their paternal genealogy .. so, in this mode, you have gave to devil, the creative power, but, which everyone knows, as creative power can be only, of JHWH God's Only: is his only the creative power! HOW, YOUR THEOLOGY, IS OVER THE SHIT? that's why, you did the Holy YHWH: be the devil! .. And, this is right, for your hypocrisy, perversion, concealment, racism, hatred, blasphemy, murder, monopoly wear, Spa Central Banks, Bildenberg regime, AIPAC Masonic system, SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN AGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, and GMOs agenda 666 NWO, and heavy metals in vaccines, to harm future generations of goyim, and exterminate them all (all Satanism, that you have taught your brothers Saudi Salafi Shari'a), then in your hatred, now you will die, too, all Israelis, as well as have killed all the Jews of Europe, too! THAT IS THAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN IN Talmud IS SO TERRIBLE, SATANIC, NAZI, racist, DEMONIC, THAT CAN NOT BE BELIEVED REAL, FROM A HUMAN MIND, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS MAKE HUMAN SACRIFICES on altair, OF SATAN, WHY ARE YOU pRIESTS OF SATAN, THAT TOURS, SPA WORLD BANK, SPA SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE, FED ECB, IMF, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, AND GUIDED CIA AND NATO: to massacre 5 billion PEOPLE, it's possible, AS SOON! by UNIUS REI from] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Usted es un Judio Mesiánico? ¿Por qué? /// [TU, es todo, contra los Judios y los cristianos, ya que han profanado la Biblia, a través del Talmud] me gusta demasiado ¿POR LOS JUDIOS son prácticos racional y materialista, y es gracias a este su estructura mental: utilitario y racional, que los Judios han obligado incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para hacerse hombre en Jesús de Belén: dentro de la Casa de David, por lo tanto, Dios ha visto obligado en la cruz para mostrar su infinito amor por nosotros! Un amor tan grande para nosotros, por amor infinito, TODO dado a nosotros LA SANTA CRUZ, QUE ES UN ESCÁNDALO, eso, no se puede creer, Y, aceptado por los Estados Unidos, por eso, todos somos egoístas! y, en cualquier caso, Judios forzados, incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para manifestarse a sí mismo, entre los hombres desde Abraham hasta Moisés, a todos los Profetas. SO: en su sentido material práctico, TODOS LOS JUDIOS VOLUNTAD vino, todos por mí: lorenzoJHWH: ¿Por qué, represento su interés, su futuro, la única SU oportunidad de recoger las 12 tribus de Israel, bajo las alas benditas, la gracia y la protección : YHWH de su Dios, en mi templo judío: una vez más, por última vez, antes del fin .. Pero, ya RABINOS fariseos, dijeron en el Talmud, que todos los no-Judios, su alma fue creada por el diablo (por lo tanto es el demonio que ha creado todos los animales, y también: todos los animales (goy de la forma humana), mientras que, de hecho, Dios creó sólo los JUDIOS, pero sólo aquellos que no han perdido su genealogía paterna .. por lo , en este modo, usted ha dado a diablo, el poder creativo, pero que todo el mundo sabe, como el poder creativo puede ser única, de la JHWH Dios Sólo: ¿es su único poder creador CÓMO, sU tEOLOGÍA, es más de la MIERDA? por eso, que hizo el Santo YHWH: ser el diablo .. Y, esto es correcto, para su hipocresía, la perversión, la ocultación, el racismo, el odio, la blasfemia, el asesinato, el desgaste de monopolio, Spa Bancos Centrales, el régimen Bildenberg, sistema de AIPAC masónico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, y los OGM programa 666 NWO, y los metales pesados en las vacunas, perjudicando a las generaciones futuras de los goyim, y exterminan a todos ellos (todo el satanismo, que ha enseñado a sus hermanos Arabia salafista Shari'a) , a continuación, en su odio, ahora que va a morir, también, todos los israelíes, así como haber matado a todos los Judios de Europa, también! O sea que usted ha escrito en el Talmud es tan terrible, satánico, nazi, racista, del demonio que no puede ser real creído, DE UNA MENTE HUMANA, ¿por qué siempre hacen sacrificios humanos en Altair, de Satanás, ¿por qué te sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que los viajes, BANCO MUNDIAL SPA, SPA SCAM BANCARIA SEÑORIAJE, FED BCE, FMI, TODO MONOPOLY SPA, y guiado de la CIA y la OTAN: masacran a 5 mil millones de personas, es posible, tan pronto! por Unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [3 Monate her] Du bist ein messianischer Jude? Warum? /// [IHR ist alles, gegen Juden und Christen, weil sie die Bibel entweiht haben, durch den Talmud] ich wie zu viel, warum die Juden PRAXIS rational sind, materialistisch, und es ist dank dieser ihrer geistigen Struktur: utilitaristischen und rational, haben die Juden sogar Gott JHWH heilig gezwungen, Menschen in Jesus von Bethlehem zu werden: in House of David: deshalb für uns hat Gott am Kreuz gezwungen, seine unendliche Liebe zu zeigen! EINE LIEBE SO GROSS FÜR US, unendliche Liebe, alles gegeben, uns die Heiligen Kreuzes, DASS EIN SKANDAL IST, DASS NICHT GEGLAUBT werden und von uns akzeptiert, das ist, warum wir alle egoistisch! und in jedem Fall die Juden gezwungen, selbst Gott JHWH heilig, sich zu manifestieren, unter den Menschen von Abraham bis Moses, an alle Propheten. SO: in ihrer praktischen materiellen Sinn, ALLE Juden kam, die alle von mir: lorenzoJHWH: WARUM ich ihr Interesse darstellen, ihre Zukunft, die einzigartige ihre Chance, die 12 Stämme Israels zu sammeln, unter den Flügeln gesegnet, Gnade und Schutz : in meiner jüdischen Tempel ihres Gottes JHWH: noch einmal, zum letzten Mal, bevor Sie das END .. aber Sie RABBINER PHARISÄER, sagten Sie im Talmud, dass alle nicht-Juden, ihre Seele vom Teufel geschaffen wurde (daher ist der Dämon, dass alle Tiere geschaffen hat, und auch: alle (goy Tiere aus der menschlichen Form), während in der Tat schuf Gott nur die Juden, sondern nur diejenigen, die ihre väterlichen Genealogie nicht verloren .. so in diesem Modus haben Sie Teufel, die schöpferische Kraft gab, aber, die jeder kennt, als kreative Kraft nur sein kann, von JHWH Gottes nur: ist seine einzige die schöpferische Kraft HOW, Ihre Theologie über die Scheiße ist? das ist, warum Sie der Heilige JHWH tat der Teufel sein .. Und das ist richtig, für Ihre Heuchelei, Perversion, Verschleierung, Rassismus, Hass, Gotteslästerung, Mord, Monopol Verschleiß, Spa Zentralbanken, Bildenberg Regime, AIPAC freimaurerischen System! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN TAGESORDNUNG, Chemtrails Monsanto und GVO Agenda 666 NWO und Schwermetalle in Impfstoffen, um künftige Generationen von Gojim schaden, und vernichten sie alle (alle Satanismus, dass Sie Ihre Brüder Saudi Salafi Shari'a gelehrt haben) , dann in Ihrem Hass, jetzt werden Sie auch alle Israelis als auch getötet haben alle Juden Europas, zu sterben! DAS IST, DASS SIE HABEN, geschrieben in Talmud IST SO Terrible, satanisch, NAZI, rassistische, dämonisch, dass Real nicht glauben KÖNNEN, die von einem menschlichen MIND, Warum bist du immer Menschenopfer auf altair MACHEN, DER SATAN, warum bist du Priester SATAN, DASS TOURS, SPA WORLD BANK, SPA SCAM BANKING Seigniorage, FED EZB, IWF, ALL MONOPOLY SPA UND FÜHRUNG CIA und NATO: massakrieren 5 Milliarden Menschen ist es möglich, SO SCHNELL! von unius REI von] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Você é um judeu messiânico? Por quê? /// [SEU, é tudo, contra os judeus e os cristãos, porque você profanou a Bíblia, através do Talmud] Eu gosto muito por que os judeus são práticos racional, materialista, e é graças a esta sua estrutura mental: utilitária e racional, que os judeus têm forçado até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para tornar-se homem em Jesus de Belém: em casa de David; por isso Deus foi forçado na cruz para mostrar seu amor infinito por nós! Um amor tão grandes para nós, amor infinito, ALL-nos dado o Santa Cruz, QUE É um escândalo, isso, não se pode acreditar, E, aceite por nós, é por isso, estamos todos egoísta! e em qualquer caso, os judeus forçados, até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para manifestar-se, entre os homens de Abraão a Moisés, para todos os Profetas. SO: em seu sentido material prático, todos os judeus vieram, todas por mim: lorenzoJHWH: Por que, eu represento o seu interesse, o seu futuro, a única sua chance de coletar as 12 tribos de Israel, sob as asas abençoado, graça e proteção : do seu Deus YHWH, em meu templo judaico: mais uma vez, pela última vez, antes do fim .. Mas, você RABINOS fariseus, disse no Talmud, que todos os não-judeus, a sua alma foi criada pelo diabo (por isso, é o demônio que tem criado todos os animais, e ainda: todos os animais (goy da forma humana), enquanto que, na verdade, Deus criou só os judeus, mas, somente aqueles que não perderam a sua genealogia paterna .. so , neste modo, você deu ao diabo, o poder criativo, mas, o que todos sabem, como poder criativo pode ser apenas, de JHWH God Only: é o seu único poder criativo como, sua teologia, está sobre o MERDA? é por isso que, você fez o Santo YHWH: ser o diabo .. E, isso é certo, para a sua hipocrisia, perversão, ocultação, o racismo, o ódio, a blasfêmia, assassinato, desgaste monopólio, Spa Bancos Centrais, regime Bildenberg, sistema de AIPAC maçônico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN dO GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto e OGM agenda 666 NWO, e metais pesados em vacinas, para prejudicar as futuras gerações de goyim, e exterminá-los todos (todos satanismo, que você ensinou seus irmãos Arábia Salafi Sharia) , então, em seu ódio, agora você vai morrer, também, todos os israelenses, bem como ter matado todos os judeus da Europa, também! QUE é que você tem ESCRITO NA Talmud é tão terrível, satânico, nazista, racista, demoníaco, QUE NÃO PODEM SER CONSIDERADAS REAL, DE UMA MENTE HUMANA, por que você sempre fazer sacrifícios humanos em altair, de Satanás, POR QUE É VOCÊ sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que as excursões, SPA DO BANCO MUNDIAL, SPA SCAM BANKING senhoriagem, FED BCE, FMI, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, e guiado CIA ea NATO: massacrar 5 bilhões de pessoas, é possível, tão logo! por unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [il y a 3 mois] Vous êtes un Juif messianique? Pourquoi? /// [VOTRE, est TOUT, contre les juifs et les chrétiens, parce que vous avez profané la Bible, à travers le Talmud] I LIKE TROP POURQUOI LES JUIFS SONT PRATIQUES rationnelle, matérialiste, et il est grâce à cette leur structure mentale: utilitaire et rationnel, que les Juifs ont forcé même Dieu JHWH saint, pour devenir l'homme en Jésus de Bethléem: dans la Maison de David: pourquoi Dieu a été forcé sur la croix pour montrer son amour infini pour nous! Un amour si grand POUR NOUS, L'AMOUR INFINI, LE TOUT DONNÉ POUR NOUS LA SAINTE-CROIX, QUI EST UN SCANDALE, QUE, NE PEUT ETRE CROYONS, ET, ACCEPTE PAR US, QUI EST POURQUOI, NOUS SOMMES TOUS SELFISH! et en tout cas, les Juifs forcés, même Dieu JHWH saint, pour vous manifester, parmi les hommes d'Abraham à Moïse, à tous les prophètes. SO: dans leur sens matériel pratique, TOUS LES JUIFS WILL est venu, ALL BY-moi: lorenzoJHWH: POURQUOI, je représente LEUR INTERET, leur avenir, l'unique, leur chance de recueillir les 12 tribus d'Israël, sous les ailes bénies, la grâce et la protection : de leur Dieu YHWH, dans MON Temple juif: encore une fois, pour la dernière fois, AVANT dE lA FIN .. Mais, vous rabbins pHARISIENS, vous avez dit dans le Talmud, que tous les non-Juifs, leur âme a été créé par le diable (Par conséquent, il est le démon qui a créé tous les animaux, et aussi: tous (goy animaux de la forme humaine), ATTENDU, en fait, Dieu a créé seulement les Juifs, mais, seuls ceux qui ont pas perdu leur généalogie paternelle .. donc , dans ce mode, vous avez donné au diable, la puissance créatrice, mais que tout le monde sait, comme puissance créatrice ne peut être que, de ce JHWH Dieu seul: est sa seule la puissance créatrice COMMENT VOTRE THÉOLOGIE, eST sUR lA MERDE? Voilà pourquoi, vous avez fait le Saint YHWH: être le diable .. Et, cela est juste, pour votre hypocrisie, de perversion, de la dissimulation, le racisme, la haine, le blasphème, assassiner, l'usure de monopole, Spa Central Banks, régime Bildenberg, système AIPAC maçonnique! , SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENRE DARWIN aGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto et les OGM agenda 666 NWO, et de métaux lourds dans les vaccins, de nuire aux générations futures de goyim, et exterminer tous (toutes satanisme, que vous avez appris à vos frères Saudi Salafi Shari'a) , puis dans votre haine, maintenant, vous allez mourir, aussi, tous les Israéliens, ainsi que ont tué tous les Juifs d'Europe, aussi! QUE est que vous avez écrit dans le Talmud est si terrible, SATANIC, NAZI, raciste, DEMONIC, QUI NE PEUT ETRE VRAI CRU, à partir de l'esprit humain, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS FAITES TOUJOURS SACRIFICES HUMAINS sur altair, DE SATAN, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS PRETRES DE SATAN, QUE TOURS, CIA SPA BANQUE MONDIALE, SPA SCAM BANCAIRE seigneuriage, FED BCE, FMI, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, ET GUIDÉE ET dE L'OTAN: à massacrer 5 milliards de personnes, il est possible, dès! par UNIUS REI de] موشيه كوهين [3 أشهر منذ] أنت يهودي مسيحي يهودي؟ لماذا ا؟ /// [ك، هو كل شيء، ضد اليهود والمسيحيين، لأنك تدنيس الكتاب المقدس، من خلال التلمود] أنا أحب TOO MUCH لماذا هم اليهود العملية عقلانية، مادي، وذلك بفضل هذا الهيكل العقلي: النفعية و عقلانية، واضطر أن اليهود حتى الله JHWH المقدس، لتصبح رجل في يسوع من بيت لحم: الى بيت داود ولذلك فقد اضطرت الله على الصليب لإظهار محبته اللامتناهية بالنسبة لنا! حب كبير جدا بالنسبة لنا، الحب بلا حدود، وبالنظر إلى كل الى الولايات المتحدة الصليب المقدس، وهذا هو فضيحة، وهذا، لا يمكن أن يعتقد، وقبلت من قبل الولايات المتحدة، ولهذا السبب، نحن جميعا الأنانية! وعلى أي حال، أجبر اليهود، حتى الله JHWH المقدسة، لإظهار نفسك، وبين الرجال من إبراهيم إلى موسى، لجميع الأنبياء. SO: في شعورهم المواد العملية، وجاء كل اليهود WILL، قبل كل شيء لي: lorenzoJHWH: لماذا، أنا أمثل مصلحتها أو مستقبلهم، فريدة من نوعها فرصة لجمع 12 أسباط إسرائيل، تحت أجنحة المباركة، نعمة، وحماية : إلههم يهوه، في المعبد اليهودي MY: مرة أخرى، للمرة الأخيرة، قبل نهاية .. ولكن، لالحاخامات الفريسيين، قلت في التلمود، أن جميع غير اليهود، تم إنشاء ارواحهم من الشيطان (ولذلك فمن الشيطان الذي خلق كل الحيوانات، وأيضا: الكل (الحيوانات اليمنية من الشكل البشري)، في حين أنه في الواقع، لقد خلق الله اليهود فقط، ولكن فقط أولئك الذين لم يفقدوا نسبهم الأب .. لذلك في هذا الوضع، لقد أعطى الشيطان، والطاقة الإبداعية، ولكن الذي يعلم الجميع، والطاقة الإبداعية يمكن أن يكون إلا من JHWH الله فقط: هو له إلا قوة خلاقة كيف، اللاهوت الخاص بك، هو على القرف؟ لهذا السبب، يمكنك فعل يهوه الكريم: يكون الشيطان .. وهذا هو الحق، والنفاق الخاص بك، تحريف، إخفاء، والعنصرية، والكراهية والتكفير والقتل، وارتداء الاحتكار، سبا البنوك المركزية، نظام Bildenberg، نظام ايباك الماسونية! م واس هوليوود هالوين الجنسين داروين جدول الأعمال، Chemtrails مونسانتو، والكائنات المعدلة وراثيا جدول 666 NWO، والمعادن الثقيلة في اللقاحات، إلى يضر الأجيال القادمة من الأغيار، وإبادة كل منهم (عن عبادة الشيطان، وأنك قد علمت إخوانكم السعودية السلفية الشريعة) ، ثم في الكراهية الخاص، والآن سوف تموت، أيضا، جميع الإسرائيليين، فضلا عن أنه قتل جميع اليهود من أوروبا، أيضا! هذا هو أن كنت قد كتبت في التلمود بشكل فظيع SO، الشيطانية، النازية، عنصرية، الشيطانية، التي لا يعتقد ريال، من العقل البشري، لماذا أنت دائما تقديم التضحيات البشرية على نسر، الشيطان، لماذا أنت كهنة الشيطان، بأن تور م واس البنك الدولي، SPA الغش المصرفي رسوم سك العملات، FED البنك المركزي الأوروبي وصندوق النقد الدولي، وجميع الاحتكار SPA، واسترشادا وكالة المخابرات المركزية ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي: لمذبحة 5000000000 الناس، فمن الممكن، AS SOON! بواسطة الخط الفاصل بتصفح من
SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA, SE NON MUSULMANI SONO I DHIMMI, E SE QUESTI ASSASSINI TERRORISTI DIVENTANO GLI EROI? POI, LA LEGA ARABA È RESPONSABILE DI ALTO TRADIMENTO E DI TERRORISMO SHARIA CONTRO IL GENERE UMANO! Pakistan: kamikaze fa strage di cristiani a Lahore, 72 morti, maggior parte donne e bambini 28 marzo 2016 ] con la sharia nazista: senza libertà di religione, e gli schiavi dhimmi D'alema Mogherini Boldrini? i mandanti IDEOLOGICI, di ogni strage ISLAMICA SHARIA, sono sempre i SAUDITI salafiti Ergogan e SALMAN .. E TUTTI I LORO ALLEATI SHARIA COMPLICI! [ Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa: "Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato. E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati dall'azione di un kamikaze ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento". Fra le vittime una trentina sono bambini, che nel momento dello scoppio utilizzavano i giochi e le attrezzature sportive del Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto, mentre si cerca di risalire ai responsabili del movimento Jamat ul Ahrar che ha rivendicato l'attentato. ... Il 15 marzo dello scorso anno due kamikaze sempre del Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamat-ul-Ahrar, si erano fatti esplodere all'ingresso di due chiese di Lahore vicine fra loro, la cattolica St.John's Church e la cristiana Christ Church causando 17 morti. 28 marzo 2016 ] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// IL TUO È TUTTO contro ebrei e cristiani perché tu hai profanato la Bibbia attraverso il talmud /// MI PIACCIONO TROPPO GLI EBREI PERCHÉ, SONO PRATICI razionali E MATERIALISTI, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale: utilitaristica e razionale, che ebrei hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a diventare uomo: in Gesù di Betlemme: della Casa di Davide: quindi Dio è stato costretto sulla Croce a dimostrare tutto il suo amore infinito per noi! UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE PER NOI, AMORE INFINITO, TUTTO DATO PER NOI SULLA SANTA CROCE, CHE È UNO SCANDALO CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO ED ACCETTATO DA NOI CHE NOI SIAMO TUTTI EGOISTI! e comunque, EBREI hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a manifestarsi tra gli uomini da: Abramo a Mosé a tutti i Profeti. QUINDI: NEL LORO SENSO PRATICO MATERIALE, LORO VERRANNO TUTTI DA ME: PERCHÉ, IO RAPPRESENTO IL LORO INTERESSE, il loro futuro, la LORO unica possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di ISRAELE, sotto le ali benedette, di grazia e protezione, del loro Dio JHWH, nel MIO Tempio Ebraico, ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, PRIMA DELLA FINE.. MA, VOI RABBINI FARISEI, voi avete detto nel Talmud, che per TUTTI i non ebrei, la loro anima è stata creata dal demonio (QUINDI È IL DEMONIO CHE HA CREATO TUTTI GLI ANIMALI (goy animali dalla forma umana), MENTRE, in realtà, DIO HA CREATO SOLTANTO GLI EBREI, ma, soltanto quelli che non hanno perduto le GENEALOGIE PATERNE ).. quindi voi avete dato al demonio, il potere creativo, che tutti sanno può essere di Dio Soltanto: il potere creativo! COME LA VOSTRA TEOLOGIA È FINITA NELLA MERDA? ecco perché, voi avete fatto di JHWH Holy il demonio! .. e questo è giusto per la vostra ipocrisia, perversione, dissimulazione, odio razzismo, blasfemia, omicidi, usura monopolio, Spa Banche CENTrALI sistema massonico, Monsanto Scie chimiche, e OGM, e metalli pesanti nei vaccini, per danneggiare le future generazioni di goyim, e sterminarli tutti (tutto il satanismo che voi avete insegnato ai vostri fratellastri Sauditi salafiti sharia), quindi nel vostro odio ora farete morire, anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come avete fatto morire tutti gli ebrei europei, anche! CHE QUELLO CHE, VOI AVETE SCRITTO NEL TALMUD È COSÌ TERRIBILE, SATANICO, NAZISTA, RAZZISTA, DEMONIACO, CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO REALE POSSIBILE, DA UNA MENTE UMANA, ECCO PERCHÉ SIETE SEMPRE VOI CHE FATE I SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALATARE DI SATANA, PERCHÉ SIETE VOI I SACERDOTI DI SATANA CHE GUIDATE, SPA BANCA MONDIALE, OGNI MONOPOLIO SPA, E GUIDATE CIA E LA NATO: PER MASSACRARE 5MILIARDI DI PERSONE AL PIÙ PRESTO! by UNIUS REI from
DIVERSI SACERDOTI DI SATANA, cannibali e non, sono tecnici informatici, SONO STATI MESSI A DISTURBARE IL MIO LAVORO DALLA CIA, MOSSAD SERVICES UK, NATO NWO SPA FMI, ECC. sono sempre sulla pagina di: ma, se anche voi non li potete più vedere, perché sono stati tutti sconfitti e danneggiati da me: e quindi si sono nascosti? ma, loro so li ancora, e mi seguono dentro tutti i miei siti! ] SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT " I Think you in Love With me all all time you talking about me Way???? Today I see very very mad men in steet talking to he self about God. Someone told me to tell you You Use Drugs ??? I am born 1591BC .. CIA Very hard job but CIA said I am very good With my CIA JOB. 374z3z8ie@ is Alex . I know RothChild he meet me.
MA IL SUO SACERTOTE DI SATANA DIRIGENTE GLI HA ORDINATO DI ZITTIRE! StratScorpius SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT BLOCK " 1. IHateNEWLAYOUT you do not know how to watch my new video lol IFuckingKillYouRapeU watch?v=LDg8qbzG4Lw you see me. UFuckWithWrongPerson SOON I Get u a Account Warning From StopSpaMistafield. Not you I mean I Shut down UniusRei 1 or channels /// 2. 187AUDIOHOSTEM Google: "Spying BIG PENIS from my boyfriend" [Stop Spying My Genitalia] /// ANSWER, SPERO TANTO CHE PER COLPA MIA SATANA NON VI ABBIA MESSO IN GINOCCHIO SUI CECI! lol. /// answer /// SANTA PASQUA 2016 A VOI E ALLE VOSTRE FAMIGLIE! FATEVI SANTI e ... ci vediamo in PARADISO, E, NON MI BIDONATE, E SOPRATTUTTO NON MI FATE ASPETTARE TROPPO!
D'ALEMA, MOGHERINI, BOLDRINI, Bildenberg Rothschild? NESSUNA PIETÀ PER LA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA, NOI CI DOBBIAMO ESTINGUERE E DOBBIAMO ESSERE SOSTITUITI DAGLI ISLAMICI! Dalla Duma proposta per aiutare le famiglie: Stato paga parte mutuo dopo nascita figlio, 27.03.2016. Il programma "Sgravi per l'alloggio dei bambini" prevede che in caso di nascita di un figlio parte della rata del mutuo sarà pagata dallo Stato:
LA INFESTAZIONE DEMONIACA GENDER IDEOLOGIA? È UNA MINACCIA ANCHE PER I GAY! la omosessualità non è una turba (malattia) psichica, ma, è una malattia spirituale contagiosa! QUINDI LO STATO HA IL DOVERE DI PROTEGGERE LA SALUTE SPIRITUALE DEI CITTADINI! LA RUSSIA DOVREBBE INSEGNARE AL MONDO IL GIUSTO APPROCCIO NON VIOLENTO E NON DISCRIMINATORIO! Gender e ddl Cirinnà: come distruggere la famiglia naturale Ddl Cirinnà, come stravolgere la famiglia e la società Stop famiglia tradizionale: arriva la nuova gen(d)erazione
se, la RUSSIA è ritenuta aggressiva da: sharia talmud, Obama e SpA FEd Bildenberg NATO, è perché, loro sono satanisti nazisti massoni, parassiti e farisei che, loro non credono più nella autodeterminazione dei popoli!
a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
is the end[] I am distressed by the evil, hypocrisy, hardness of heart, lack of honesty, and for the criminality of all: leaders, elite, rich, seigniorage banking, satanism, satanist, horror, porno, industrial, political, leaders, freemasons, racist, sharia, zionist, communists, that is, for the crime of all the governments of the world.. Yes, I am distressed! I will start to leave youtube and internet .. therefore .. I'll start to preparing for myself, for the World War. prepare your soul, for the assessment: of the your Creator! This world will be destroyed, so that will been created a nightmare scenario. ie an world: to most bad, and more bad!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [all institutions and governments? are absolutely criminal!] In fact, institutions and governments having: Freemasonry and seigniorage banking, why, they are the enemies: the executioners of the people, all accomplices of tyrants enlightened, that is, the Jewish monarchy, occult, satanic: of IMF: BCE: FED, ecc.. -NWO. As today is in Syria? So will for all the nations! all people will react with angrily, why, since this: inflation, recession and unemployment, is an figures: artificially: it is induced by monopolists American: Jewish lobby, is working to destabilize all institutions, so that it can be done one war, for an new World War), this conspiracy of silence? no longer be tolerated!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [the superiority of Christian civilization? It has allowed democracy: secularism, pluralism, integration, acceptance, cooperation! All those who fight the Christians? is clear: "It is they who claim to be Satanists by themselves" .. and since, Satanism is stronger, is than of the enlightened, they, or are complicit, or are victims of the enlightened, for their own self-destruction ... because the Satanists have no concept of friend, love, ecc.. is only for his Alliance ... they are merely, opportunists, and monopolistic .. therefore, they (Rothschild, and Bush, and Company) are programmed to kill everyone, to stay alone
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [Islamic fundamentalist extremism] .. That is why the enlightened, have financed the fall of all the governments Muslim moderates and secular, that is why, these criminals will bring of the Sharia, put the terror in the West, making inevitable a world war against Islam .. My being a biblical fundamentalist: it is only for my own spirituality? has the value completely opposite to that of Islamic fundamentalist .. because I breathe democratic values in the political
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [superiority: cultural and moral, of the Christian civilization] under the satanic Masonic scheme of banking seigniorage, this invocation of Charlie Chaplin (Charlot), has the same taste of the desperation of Kennedy, which addresses the people, to protect, so, in mode impossible and desperate: Christian values ... But, it they are now no more defensible, since the political and institutional system: it has become: the system of enlightened: ie, pure Satanism: of IMF-NWO. The synagogue of Satan, masonry, which has the one only eternal goal, the destruction of Christianity. Since they won against Christianity! Then we witness the massacre of all Muslims, and a ban on a global scale of the holy Koran.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. now, the evil of all religions and all cultures, against Christians, is hidden at Christians (5% of Americans), by media world, namely the Jewish and Zionist monopoly of information (network). .. Therefore, the poor and innocent Christians? they ignore the fact that all religious and ideological systems, are against them. While Christians are not against anybody, because, they're just the Jewish lobby, of banking seigniorage (the directors of every war), they have taken, the control of people and symbols of Western culture .. that is the wolf that has been coated lamb skin: for appropriating of the all symbols of Christianity and Judaism
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [superiority: cultural and moral, of the Christian civilization] under the satanic Masonic scheme of banking seigniorage, this invocation of Charlie Chaplin (Charlot), has the same taste of the desperation of Kennedy, which addresses the people, to protect, so, in mode impossible and desperate: Christian values ... But, it they are now no more defensible, since the political and institutional system: it has become: the system of enlightened: ie, pure Satanism: of IMF-NWO. The synagogue of Satan, masonry, which has the one only eternal goal, the destruction of Christianity. Since they won against Christianity! Then we witness the massacre of all Muslims, and a ban on a global scale of the holy Koran.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. now, the evil of all religions and all cultures, against Christians, is hidden at Christians (5% of Americans), by media world, namely the Jewish and Zionist monopoly of information (network). .. Therefore, the poor and innocent Christians? they ignore the fact that all religious and ideological systems, are against them. While Christians are not against anybody, because, they're just the Jewish lobby, of banking seigniorage (the directors of every war), they have taken, the control of people and symbols of Western culture .. that is the wolf that has been coated lamb skin: for appropriating of the all symbols of Christianity and Judaism
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Cina, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Iran, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Arabia Saudita, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. India, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Pakistan, 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Russia, ecc.. --> you Do not want to play my music? So is the music of the Illuminati, what you want to play for you: all children of the devil! Then, prepare yourself well in the war, because you do not have any hope of winning! for I have put all you together? no, I'm not wrong! Why Satanists enlightened Americans, they do not divide their power, with no one .. is only a matter of time, but all that is anal, is fuking against you! .. because if the Americans lose all the weapons, of the surface? they win, however, with those weapons that are underground or under water .. they are able to hit planes with laser beams of the satellites .. and do not forget the aliens their allies!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. SuperLion911 said: :hi Kuwait's right! You are right معك حق المشكله في ازديات والكل في خطر الكراهيه والحرب هي نتائج الكرهه والمستفيد هو الشيطان والخاسر هم البشر Inviato a: jhwhpantocrator --ANSWER-> BLESSINGS TOO MY BROTHER
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: Warning Muslim in sharia is satanism by David Duke ISEL333 SAID: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. jhwhpantocrator we the Jews pray to Our One God, That Our Messiah will come soon, and the world will be much better .-- ANSWER-> you really believe what you said? I did not. I do not think so ... because the world is going from bad to worse ... and the guilt of all is the seigniorage banking of the Rothschild and Rochefeller, etc. .. that is, the true synagogue of Satan, and every war and every holocaust or Shoah.. The Messiah is now at the end of the world (including: 300 years), now if you do not satisfied of me: your the King of Israel, you have to do this, is this sudden experience of the 3rd WWnuclear
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 1/4 [protocols of zion] You know, I'm very aware or the protocols of zion "manual" if you will. I looked it up on: " amazon . com ", and it is listed under "controversial readings", along with Mein Kampf. Now, you must understand that the ordinary everyday jew most likely distances themselves from such readings like these in order to prevent to perpetuation of the stereotype. But, every wonder what goes thru their heads politically? Well, with social issues, most likely left, but with Israel, most likely extreme-far right. Zion protocols is crystal clear where they get their politics from.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 2/4 And my friend, those politics are not even close to the values of our American way. It teaches how to manipulate the economic model of a nation, find it's vulnerability, and crush it. Keep all money of the world privatized into a international monetary system to where a whole nation will go further into debt while the bankers get even richer. I believe that any people(s) who follow these values, have their place in hell.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 3/4 [protocols of zion] If you want to starve our children because it benefits you, the Lord will know, you cannot hide from him. George Soros still has a chance to get on his knees and beg God for forgiveness for his selfishness, and un-repented sins, and If he takes that money and gives it to those in need in the southwest suffering from those hurricanes, losing their homes, and not for a media opp, he might have a small place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Capitalist09 said: Re: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew --> 4/4 [protocols of zion] He should give it all away, because he has stolen it. Or he can die with a hardened heart and rot. My point is, Books like these have turned a once huge religion into a divided culture of confusion. Where are the jews who follow the old testament, and not secular dogma written by men. I hope our Christian politicians read this stuff observantly not saying where it's from but simply pointing out a problem in our economic problems. Thanks to Ron Paul, hopefully more people will wake up.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [reincarnation] CONCLUSION: who slander God of be evil? Can not hope to be able to save himself from hell. as Muslims, say: "There is not a grave sin to kill the idolaters Christians, since God can not forgive sin of: idolatry, blasphemy and apostasy. Therefore, everyone in the world are automatically condemned to be: o Muslims, or to die, and the same: do this the: Buddhist, Zionist, Hindu, and Communist .. so is for that, this poor world has been cursed by Satan, because of, these criminals? that the tragedies will never end . Therefore, if: the Zionists, Muslims, Sharia, Hindus, Buddhists and communists, did not retreat from their positions? I will not stop the arm of the satanist enlightened of NWO-IMF: Rothschilds and company Bush, which is been already fully armed, for to make the 3rd WWnuclear. . you can only prepare your soul for God, very quickly
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 10/10: [reincarnation] all the lies of satan: are for the predestined at hell eternal: they wanted to believe: things convenient for their wickedness, but have closed hearts to the truth, ie for their wickedness and selfishness. is God's revenge, is against: all these bad people. in reality: the diversity: it is the splendor of the wealth, is love: we are all equal because God is just, against the killers of: reincarnation, sharia, Zionism. sireAndracottus: SAID: IF YOU CAN EXPLAIN inequality, YOU CAN DEFEAT ME AND ASK ME TO ACCEPT YOUR THEORY AND VEDANTA renounce. - answer-> the inequality is only the work, of Satan. I do not have an: interest, about your (new) religion. God is Witness: "I do not have an: interest: in all this." But: every lie of: Satan must be smacherata: why, I am UniuRei ie, Mahdi That, is the King of Israel
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 9 / 10: [reincarnation] we have not lost: our identity, but only Our memory: necessarily, because the secret of happiness and power, is all in faith, because faith: is directly related: with hope: charity, that is true love .sireAndracottus: SAID: "DEAR humanumgenus. there is so much inequality in this world. black men, white men, rich & poor men, healthy & deceased, Powerful & weak, ugly and beautiful, intelligent & retarded. by your theory of perpetual hell & heaven? this CAN BE HORRIBLE Inequality Explained: AND GOD WOULD SEEM TO BE WICKED to, PARTIAL, CRUEL GOD. YET WE ALL KNOW, HE IS LOVING .--ANSWER-> No, for an educator? for an parent? There are no bad children, poor, stupid, retarded, etc. all inequality poor, ecc.. is due only at act of predation: of Satan
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 8 / 10: [reincarnation], but can not be blamed: God of: racism, or of: actions preferred, since it is precisely in this way, That, Jews are curse for themselves and for the world... in the belief of be the chosen people? but, is in this way, that, they blaspheme against God, and They do not know of: having received only, one priestly role. yes! Brahman is immanent and transcendent, everything inside & outside everything "-Yajur Veda Taittiriya Upanishad. holy*, HOLY*, holy .-- but, is just for this, there can be no injustice or no difference: in Brahman, in report: to all the his creatures. because, the Perfect?. can not create the imperfect.. Unfortunately, in the "earthly paradise", we are been all traitors: and: all of us, we are falling: in this: 3rd dimension: if you want this? it was the only form of: reincarnation, but in this passage degrading?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 7 / 10: [reincarnation]]: sireAndracottus:SAID:"HOW YOU CAN GIVE To ETERNAL HEAVEN TO MAN FOR THE GOOD DEEDS OF HIS SHORT LIFE?"-ANSWER-> bIBLE SAID: "one thousand years: for the Lord God: are as one minutes: and one minute, are as 1000 years", Therefore, the time is relative, while God scours: constantly, the thinking of every man. the proceedings of God is perfect and eternal. "Cruelty and partiality can not be Attributed to Brahman"-Holy Brahma Sutras 3.3.34 (900BC). karma? is common to all men. then, you can not do of an baby at HIS birth: an criminal-designate, and: then, you think, That, Brahman is right, for be him, more evil of us?? no, God grants to us the free will, and he is agrees to pull away: of any Satanism: as, drugs, diseases, ecc, ie, namely, all the things, That are humanly impossible to overcome by alone. reincarnation, sharia, Zionism? are the source of mean any malice.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 6/10:[reincarnation:] natural law: is the truth. are universal values, why: rational! are in themselves: the philosophical, and: the mathematical proof of the existence of God, why, has destroyed: relativism: that is, every fragile subjectivism. to restore the universal unity of all: ie UniusRei: that is the Jewish Temple.. Unfortunately, were the Jewish lobby of enlightened, That, has suffocated through the power of money: the truth. That, the Zionists have stolen to us: all, through: all the conspiracies of Freemasons amd seigniorage banking, of course, all in key anti-Christian, ecc.. for satanism. [[6.The purpose of human life is not to reach heaven, But to BECOME ONE WITH BRAHMAN THROUGH HIS KNOWLEGE OF NATURE, UNITY OF YOUR WITH HIM.-ANSWER-> but precisely this: say, all the religions monotheistic! now it is not possible for the infinite perfection of Justice of God, the universal right to deny the freedoms of conscience and religion, for: a social segregation.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 5/10: [reincarnation] That since God, calls the stars and the electrons to name, and he has hungry and thirst, of our love, and is glorified in the science: personally. Therefore, must be denied any surrogate of God, as in fact is the relationship with a religion. indeed, many times, religion is an: true treason, or an sin, of idolatry. Certainly, religion is essential, as all have need a mom, but no bride her mother. Therefore, the best religion is those, That, know, how: not must become indispensable, ie, Judaism: Christianity. the "supreme truth" is then immediately accessible to every pure heart, even if: it is of an man atheist, that is my: "Universal brotherhood". That, is the natural law: "do good (to everybody), avoid evil" (to everybody): that is the justice. ie, you not lie", why, those who lie against ReiUnius? How could he return to his presence a second time without dying?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4 / 10: [reincarnation] Then, "people" That, in India was socially: degradation: raped, such as "pariah": he has become, even an "untouchable"! but, you: in this, mode, you have destroyed, without hope of ransom, an being: human made by God: like you.. fact at image: and likeness of God: he, too. but this can be only: a wickedness of Satan. So heaven or hell: they are precise and perfect, because in a whole life, to all God has given so many opportunities and: many opportunities for redeem themselves from all mistakes of evil: of ideology or of religious. Brahman is granted to all, always! since all have been created by the infinite love of God, and: they are called, in a personal relationship with Brahman. but: Zionism, reincarnation, sharia? are INCOMPATIBLE with my: brotherhood Universal!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3 / 10: [reincarnation]]: humanumgenus: vs: sireAndracottus: [eternal reward: haves for today, The Power of Faith, Hope, and Love, like all of us can do. Thus, in a long lifetime, every 5 years or so, God has always, to all man? the new opportunities! But born in India who cursed as an (pariah)? for your lie, That it is beloved by demons: ie, "reincarnation, " As They advise of: believe, spiritualist During the sessions, or how, They must acknowledge, of : Have Lied to: ie, demons are forced to admit That he lied under the force of: an: exorcism, That is done in the name of Jesus: ok, this pantheism is the ideal breeding ground for demons, this, not by Any hope of redemption: for "pariahs or untouchables," as Each Guarantees, for demons, of an stay safe in humans: forever without eviction. But, only monotheism, is capable of: reject the demons: really.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2 / 10: [reincarnation] If there is the injustice? This Is Not by God: that he is: infinite holiness, But it is: only for human selfishness, That is: each source of: injustice: wickedness! While: the suffering is unavoidable: to plea of the decay: from original plan of God: ie, the "earthly paradise". Since, this world Was not created by Satan, But, However, Has Been degraded, and by h: by us all, with HIM. we are all fallen: from That original plan, Where Was infused grace: in knowledge of: an infused knowledge. In fact, in my opinion, all of us, we where in the "earthly paradise. " Earlier in an age: for have, everybody, ie, all together, Betrayed the love of God: And His pact. Certainly, we Would Have Been Already the hell for us, But, We Have Been Granted, an extra time .. God is a Person: A individuality, and Took the men to His "image and: similarity", ie, we are all: individuals: forever. this is terrible prospect for an unfavorable opinion forever!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1 / 10: [reincarnation] humanumgenus: vs sireAndracottus: [[2. Man Is Responsible for His suffering "]]: this is not always true, Because an: only tyrant can stifle an: Entire people, as the Freemasons and the rich: that is, the accomplices of Zionists, the seigniorage of banking: IMF-NWO, They Have stifled, all the people of the poor: that THE ENTIRE human race. not just through wear, But through Their Lies of: evolution, relativism, manipulation of history, morality of Object destruction, negation of natural law, to spread : all of Each Form: Satanism: sexual perversion, and to destroy the family: the State. enlightened Have Done That: the greatest moral and institutional crime: of the whole history of mankind. [[Sharia Zionism: reincarnation? are the real crimes Against All Mankind!]]
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. amen ingrato! I command in Jesus' name, ♰that the blood of Jesus be upon you,♰ and all men and women♰ of the world: the blood of Jesus:♰ is on all. ♰You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals,♰ who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE♰TECHEL♰PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰. We love★ are all equals and brothers
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: Warning Muslim in sharia is satanism by David Duke ISEL333 said:The Torah say holy land for Israel, the nt of Jesus say for Israel, say the quran Also land of Israel. old maps of land says sons of Israel. Where is Palestine in All These books None of Word. LOOK IN THE QURAN SURA 5:20-26. ALSO LOOK Zabur 135:12,136:22. GOD GAVE THE HOLY LAND ONLY TO ׂ SONS OF ISRAEL. PALESTINIANS NEED TO GO TO THERE HOMES>> JORDAN. - Answer-> Everything is God's possession, was been cursed, every human selfish of being! is written: "Come from Lebanon, my spouse (or the entire human mankind), come from Lebanon: that is come in Israel .. God wants all world to came in Israel: in Jewish temple in its glory
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. if there not was a real threat of bank seigniorage of IMF-NWO, of jewish lobbies of enlightened: ie satanist true, that is the synagogue of Satan, against all world? an absolute monopoly, of all strategic resources, so that all the world: can talk of, seigniorage banking, but in the institutions, this is impossible to speak. This is the same mixture of hatred and anti-Semitism that was present, before the 2nd World War: a threat to all peoples, and against, my people Israel! how can they be so blind? so insensitive against, the despair of the people?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Commento al tuo video: ислама Коран победа просвещенного сатанизма 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. vitalodion--> of the same video? There is an Italian version and an English version. I am a Catholic, that is a true Christian who can not lie, that can not be unjust, cruel or biased. I do no racism or no discrimination between men .. your vulgarity? only dishonors you and the abomination that you belong! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. vitalodion--> dello stesso video? c'è una versione in italiano ed una versione in inglese. Io sono un cattolico: cioè un vero cristiano che non può mentire, che non può essere ingiusto, crudele e fazioso. Io non faccio nessun razzismo o nessuna discriminazione tra gli uomini.. la tua volgarità? disonora soltanto te e l'abominio a cui tu appartieni!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALBINOSULTIMATECATS1 ->my Friend, I've never had a doubt about you. because you were honest in acknowledging your responsibilities, even if you have not shown the strength to make a change in your life .. but God is patient with you. There is not a way to block me, because the Holy Spirit, of justice and truth? can not be blocked without have serious consequences. and the Holy Spirit declares infallibly, at every lost soul: its destruction in hell of fire and despair. How to live in peace when the innocent suffer great violence in the world?
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALBINOSULTIMATECATS1 -> my friend, Johnny, I can not leave youtube for a human will. no, I can not force someone, to follow the path of good ... but I never go under stress, I never tortured, myself, because my health is always perfect, but I do, only, a job, for this office, which God has entrusted to me. Of course, I sacrifice myself not for my interest ... but if I were a selfish as so many? I also then, I have a look: a vision: very limited, so short like all, that they can not see the great tragedy, which, of course, will fall upon mankind if: 1. seigniorage banking or Zionism of talmud of enlightened, 2. Sharia, 3. reincarnation, should not be solved: fast!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Jew -> about, WHAT JEW IN to the WORLD: he can talk about: seigniorage of the banking ... for then, Living: The risk of: 1. be Expelled from His synagogue of Satan, 2. be held-up as a traitor to His people: 3. to emerge from the shadows of satanRothoscild, and His personal six-pointed star, Which has Never Been the star of David? I not still, I have not found a single jew, That, he Decided to live this risk. But It Is Precisely in this way That the enlightened can prepare: a new Shoah or the Holocaust in new: for him and for us all. lorenzojhwh by the King of Israel.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said: I would put it this way: Russia is fighting terrorism not only in Chechnya. Russia is fighting international terrorism and is ready to fight it anywhere. In our country we confront it first and foremost in Chechnya. It is a complex tangle of problems that initially were engendered by separatist trends in that republic. In the absence of an effective administration, separatism quickly transformed itself and came under the influence of international terrorists and religious radicals who within a few months took the power that was there for the taking. And you know about it very well. It is no secret for any of those present that no one can accuse Russia of suppressing freedom.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said: In 1995 Russia granted full de facto independence to the Chechen Republic. And we had to pay the price in 1999 when a large-scale attack on Russia, in the Republic of Dagestan, was launched under the slogan of creating a caliphate and wresting more territory from the Russian Federation, the whole of the North Caucasus and some other areas. What does that have to do with the independence of Chechnya? Who can answer that question? I will tell you. That question is answered by the people who aided and abetted that aggression, who inspire and finance this kind of activities.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said:They are religious extremists and international terrorists. By the way, I would like you to note that the creation of a caliphate on the territory of the Russian Federation is only the first part of their plan. Actually, if you follow the developments in that sphere, you ought to know that the radicals have much more ambitious goals. They speak about creating a world caliphate. They say it is necessary to kill Americans and their allies. I think that you are a country that is an ally of the United States and you are in danger. They speak about the need to kill all the non-Muslims or crusaders, as they put it.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4/4[/watch?v=ryqrqeeTJek]VLADIMIR PUTIN said:So, if you are a Christian you are in danger. But if you decide to renounce your faith and become an atheist, you too are to be eliminated in accordance with their thinking and their principles. You are in danger. If you decide to become a Muslim, even that will not make you safe because they believe that traditional Islam is also hostile to the goals that they set themselves. So, even in that case you are in danger. --ANSWER-> How can it be alien to all this the Saudi Arabia? But this is precisely the agenda of enlightened, in order to make the 3rd WWnuclear ... At that level can not be naive, nobody: they are all accomplices of satanists Rothscild & company Bush: instead!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking -> how is it that Jews racist [(lol.) Zionists (lol.)], existing at the time of the prophet Jeremiah, they were operating with relentless cruelty: through wear, so as to: in mode of reduce entire families in slavery? It did this with each other, with the same their people ... certainly they had accomplices, their prophets and priests great masters of the law ... precisely when the law says that usury is abomination for God 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking --> come è possibile che gli ebrei razzisti [()sionisti()], già esistenti, al tempo del profeta Geremia, loro operavano con crudeltà inflessibile: attraverso la usura, tanto da: ridurre in schiavitù intere famiglie? E questo facevano tra di loro, con lo stesso loro popolo... certamente loro avevano per complici profeti e sacerdoti: grandi maestri della legge... quando proprio la legge dice che l'usura è un abominio per Dio
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. pornography -> it is written who destroys the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in his body? Then, the Holy Spirit will destroy him! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. pornografia --> è scritto chi distrugge il Tempio dello Spirito Santo che è nel suo corpo? Poi, lo Spirito Santo distruggerà lui!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [[Help]] ... If you want peace and an end to this nightmare of enlightened Satan banking seigniorage, you are forced to defend Islam and the Holy Koran, were illuminated, that they replaced all the Islamic governments: moderate and laity with more extreme. Ahmadinejad is a Satanist like Obama, to do, like him: the horns of three fingers. AMAS is in Palestine, now in Libya will be a government of extremists also, as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. etc. .. is the indignation of the West, which will lead to a war in which, necessarily, China will be affected ", because China could not be alone: in a subsequent and inevitable clash against America: alone. India and Russia? have betrayed, to be inserted: both, in the bank seigniorage, too .. in the NWO Illuminati and company Bush= No stop! I believe in a peaceful Koran. and all religions? are not bad if Politicians are good.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [[Aiuto]] ... Se vuoi la pace e porre fine a questo incubo di illuminati satanisti: del signoraggio bancario, voi siete costretti a difendere l'Islam e il Santo Corano, sono state le illuminati, che hanno sostituito tutti i governi islamici: moderati e laici: con i più estremisti. Ahmadinejad è un satanista come Obama, di fare, come lui: le corna a tre dita. AMAS è in Palestina, ora in Libia sarà un governo di estremisti: anche, come in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. ecc .. è l'indignazione dell'Occidente, che, porterà ad una guerra, in cui, necessariamente, anche la Cina sarà compromessa ", perché la Cina, non potrebbe rimanere sola: in un successivo e inevitabile scontro, contro l'America da sola. India e la Russia? lol. hanno già tradito, per essere Inseriti: entrambi nel signoraggio bancario, troppo ..per il NWO di illuminati e company Bush. Io credo nell'amore di un pacifico Corano. tutte le religioni? non sono male se i politici sono buoni.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Help]] ... If You Want Peace and an end to this nightmare of enlightened: seigniorage of banking, You Have to Defend Islam and Holy Koran, Were The Enlightened Who Have Replaced all the Islamic Governments: moderate and secular: with extremist. Ahmadinejad is a Satanist like Obama, to do what, as him: the horns to 3 fingers. Amas is in Palestine, now in Libya will be a government of extremists, as is in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. etc. .. is the indignation of the West, will lead to a war in Which Necessarily even China will be compromised, "Because China is aware That it can not deal with a clash Against America alone. India and Russia? lol. Have Betrayed, to be Entered in the bank seigniorage, too .. That is, to pay interest on Their money at the Jews. The love of love of the Quran. Religions are not bad if the Politicians are good.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Vitalodion - I am on the side of God and of all peoples. I am the enemy of imperialism all Masonic lobby and all. [I am for Islam Mahdi Holy] One of the main cultural problem of the global scale, for the project of Biblical Zionism, is the destroy of Koranic Islam. the basis for Western policy, is based on two statements: The predominance of Judaism thesis: people over the rest: and the obligation: to be tolerant of other people: Towards Them, ie, seigniorage banking: of enlightened: IMF-World Order. The buying up of the whole world with ITS Inhabitants and property on the basis of Jewish Corporate: transnational monopoly: on usury. In Spite Of The Fact That These statements: Directly Mentioned are not, strictly They Are Being Implemented.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. [I am for Islam Mahdi Holy] Koran Judaism Denies the doctrine predominance over the rest people, and the usury is under a strict ban and is characterized as a kind of Satanism. Practically These statements are not used in the political life of Muslims, based on the concept different alternative to the Biblical concept slavery, the Western wheeler-dealers: Understand: that the Koran is potential: Their global threat to regime power imposition. This Explains Their desire to leave / destroy: the Koran in the ITS historical legacy. One of the ways to resolve the problem of Islam for the Western wheeler-dealers is multiway policy
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 1/5 [Eugenics] SWEDEN / selective abortion based on the gene: Gianfranco Amato: Saturday, May 16, 2009: why female fetus aborted. We are in Communist China? No, democraticissima in Sweden. The health authorities have established the Scandinavian country of full legality of selective abortion based on gender. It happened, in fact, othat: an: a woman in southern Sweden, already a mother of two daughters, he has had amiocentesi, for: to check the sex of the unborn child. Disappointed for: not being able to have the boy, othat: so desired, the: woman asked, doctors Hospital Mälaren, of: to stop the: pregnancy. the: direction of health care: the hospital has invested in the issue: the National Commission of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) asking about the specific provisions: the possibility of: selective abortion based on gender,
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 2/5 [Eugenics] in the absence of: real and obvious of reasons: medical. the: Commission has ruled that othat: an: such a request could not be refused, because abortion up to the eighteenth week the Swedish legal order is an inalienable right of women, even if justified on the basis of personal choice sex unborn child. This type of: selective abortion seems a bit 'too much even for: the hardcore of abortion: home. But the beautiful souls of our own pro-choice would naturally put an: application. Place othat: abortion - how reiterates Swedish Socialstyrelsen - is an inalienable right of women, othat: does it matter if the reason for: recourse to the interruption of pregnancy is based on the child's sex, on his disability, its genetic characteristics ,
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 3/5 [Eugenics] or: simply knowing othat: the: mother did not want to ruin an: Club Méditerranée holiday planned because of: an: unplanned pregnancy (real episode of: I've been aware for: professional reasons)? This is that: it happened in Sweden has the merit of: removing the veil of: hypocrisy from any argument about abortion hairy. You must have the courage of: tell it like it is and be consistent to the end. Moreover, today in Italy, despite the Petition of: Principles of the Law 194, applies an: full implementation of the concept: self-determination of women: in fact no one can prevent an: woman of age is not forbidden: an abortion if she wants it , whatever the reasons for his request.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 4/5 [Eugenics] Even we, in theory, there is the: ability of: a practice selective abortion for: Typically, only othat: you'd rather not say. Better find other reasons more presentable, maybe through the mesh always larger than the criterion established by the "risk for: the: mental health of the woman." Despite the circumstances, the: Law 194 introduced, of: fact, in our legal system antiprincipio a very serious matter: the right of: and of life: death-in-chief of the woman against: another innocent human being. In everyday practice, this "jus vitae ac necis" is assigned to the mother totally and exclusively, through the expedient of the procedure, othat: transform a crime into a medical procedure paid for by taxpayers.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. 5/5 [Eugenics] In Sweden, abortion is an "achievement" social since 1938. Today, according to statistics of Johnston's Archive, over 25% of pregnancies in this country end with an abortion rate othat: it has increased by 17% following the introduction of so-called morning-after pill, that othat:, according to the promoters, should have its own reduce the phenomenon of abortion. Moreover, this phenomenon has not been curbed even by the fact othat: Sweden, sex education is an integral part of school curricula since 1956, and othat: its the: Sweden is considered the: home of the condom. It is our Pope Benedict XVI? He's right!
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. UZBEKISTAN: North West -> in Karakalpakstan: have been banned: the Bible and also: Mel Gibson film "The Passion. ". The secret police are very angry and aggressive in his persecution and searches. The Agency "Forum 18", said Narulla Zhamolov, responsible for religious affairs in the region, has issued this ban by reference to "expert analysis" ... but ashamed to say, who these experts were ... lol. were handed by asses, of his barn. April 16, 2009 the Protestant Valeri Adamia has been convicted by a court in Takhiatash: a huge penalty of money of 20 months of salary, only because he had a Bible at home for personal use. (Asia News)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. UZBEKISTAN: nordoccidentale --> in Karakalpakstan: sono stati vietati: sia la Bibbia che il film di Mel Gibson "the passion". la polizia segreta è furiosa e molto aggressiva: nelle sue persecuzioni e perquisizioni. La Agenzia "Forum 18", spiega che Narulla Zhamolov, responsabile per gli affari religiosi nella regione, ha emanato questo divieto facendo riferimento ad: "analisi di esperti"... ma si è vergognato di dire chi erano questi esperti... lol. porse erano gli asini della sua stalla. il 16 aprile 2009 il protestante Valeri Adamia è stato condannato, dal tribunale di Takhiatash: ad una multa enorme di 20 mensilità, soltanto perché aveva una Bibbia in casa per l'uso personale.(Asia News)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Nepal. [Christianophobia]. May 23, 2009 there was the explosion of a bomb during Mass in the Cathedral of the Assumption of Dhobighat on the outskirts of Kathmandu (Nepal). In the Church there were 300 people, and a teenager and a woman are died, and while more than 12 were injured. At the crime scene were found, brochures: military group Hindu Cham: National Defence Army, which has also claimed responsibility for the murder of the Salesian priest, Father John Prakash. This group fighting to restore the Hindu monarchy, abolished in 2008, but use of the strategies absolutely schizophrenic. (Zenit. org)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Nepal. [cristianofobia]. il 23 maggio 2009 c'è stata l'esplosione di una bomba durante la messa nella Cattedrale della Assunzione di Dhobighat, alla periferia di Kathmandu(Nepal). Nella Chiesa c'erano 300 persone, ed un adolescente ed una donna sono morti, mentre mentre più di 12 sono stati i feriti. Sulla scena del crimine, sono stati trovati, opuscoli del: gruppo militare induista chamato: National Defence Army, che ha anche rivendicato l'assassinio del sacerdote salesiano: Padre John Prakash. Questo gruppo lotta, per restaurare la monarchia induista, abolita nel 2008, ma usa delle strategie assolutamente schizofreniche.(Zenit . org)
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. Freemasonry and modernism. [masters of CARL Rahner, were: Descartes, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger ... what was the outcome? is been pure Gnosticism, which reduces the faith, at to phenomenal experience, a priori: generic and not Mathematical Analysis. The Church by divine structure, it becomes a simple educational agency in the area. Rahener was unable: to unite: the experience of the immutable, with the experience: of the changing of historical paradigm. Consequence of this heresy: is been the destruction of the metaphysical and the destruction of a concept human objective... the Jewish lobby of the synagogue of Satan, ie the bank seigniorage, thank you very much.
jhwhpantocrator . Shalom Gerusalemme ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰. king UNIUS REI. massoneria e modernismo [maestri di CARL RAHNER, furono: Cartesio, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger... quale è stato il risultato? è puro gnosticismo, che riduce la fede, ad esperienza fenomenica, aprioristica ed atematica. La Chiesa da struttura divina, diventa una semplice: agenzia educativa sul territorio. Rahener è stato incapace: di unire: l'esperienza dell'immutabile, cone l'esperienza: del mutevole: paradigma storico. Conseguenza: di questa eresia è la distruzione: della metafisica: ovvero: la distruzione di una concezione: umana oggettiva: le lobby ebraiche della sinagoga di satana: cioè del signoraggio bancario, ringraziano vivamente.
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.Informazioni su king of Israel Unius Rei Mahdì
I'm not me, at being overly religious
are you that you're too bad: so as to have needed to be terrified!
[] Psalm 18 [] [21] The Lord is according to my righteousness,
I requited the innocence of my hands;
[22] For I have kept the ways of the Lord,
I have not abandoned my God wickedly
[23] His reviews are all before me,
I have not dismissed me from his law;
[24] intact but have been with him
and I looked out of guilt.
[25] The Lord makes me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.
[] Psalm 18 [] [26] The good man you are good
You're the man of integrity intact,
[27] with the pure you are pure,
with the pervert you are smart.
[28] Why did you save the people of the humble,
but lowers the eyes of the proud.
[29] Thou, O Lord, are my lamp;
my God illuminates my darkness.
[30] With you I am going against the hosts,
with my God I can scale the walls.
Psalm 23] [1] Psalm. Alleluia. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want; [2] He makes me lie down in green pastures. he leads me beside still waters.
[3] He leads me in right paths, for his name's sake. [4] When I walk through the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort they comfort me. [5] In front of me You prepare a table. under the eyes of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil. My cup runneth over. [6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me every day of my life, and dwell in the house of the Lord for many years.
[Psalm 24] [1] Alleluia. Psalm. The Lord's is the earth and its fullness, the universe and its inhabitants. [2] It is he who set it on the seas;and rivers has established. [3] Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord, who stand in his holy place? [4] Those who have clean hands and pure heart, who desires not worthless, who has not sworn to deceive his neighbor.[5] will get blessing from the Lord, the God of his salvation from justice.
[Psalm 24] [6] are the men who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.[7] gates, lift up your heads, get up, ancient doors and enter the King of glory.[8] Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. [9] gates, lift up your heads, Stand up, ancient doors and enter the King of glory. [10] Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts is the king of glory.
here there is nothing to win, because the Zionists of the IMF-NWO: ie Rothscild od enlightened od satana. they have stolen everything that could be stolen: even our dignity as well and as with the seigniorage banking? all is lost! religions, institutions, human life itself on the planet no longer has a value! here there is nothing to win, because the Zionists of the IMF-NWO: ie Rothscild od enlightened od satana. they have stolen everything that could be stolen: even our dignity as well and as with the seigniorage banking? all is lost! religions, institutions, human life itself on the planet no longer has a value!this is my truth:
if God does not want to pay, even more shame and insult on its face? you should begin to die! Perhaps what remains to me, is only: the chance to save someone at all costs: but, all is lost! no more hope!
[salmo 31][18] Lord, let me not be ashamed, because I cried;
the wicked are confounded, silent in the underworld.
[19] FA silence lying lips, which speak arrogantly against the righteous
with pride and contempt. [22] Blessed be the Lord, who has done wonders for me grace. in a fortified city. [24] Love the Lord, all ye his saints;
the Lord protects his faithful and repays the proud. [25] Be strong, take courage,
all you who hope in the Lord.
I'm not me, at being overly religious
are you that you're too bad: so as to have needed to be terrified!
[] Psalm 18 [] [21] The Lord is according to my righteousness,
I requited the innocence of my hands;
[22] ...
di jhwhpantocrator Data di iscrizione 13/apr/2011 Paese Israele
..Canali in primo piano
. Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone 85 iscritti .. Giovanni Paolo II 6468 iscritti .. kingx Brotherhood Universal 136 iscritti .. Jewish Messiah Unius REI 172 iscritti .. universal brotherhood 154 iscritti .. JHWH the King of kings 1244 iscritti .. Dominus Unius Rei 209 iscritti .. Kingdom of JHWH 192 iscritti .. Lorenzo king lorenzoJHWH Unius REI from Israel 268 iscritti
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
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((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
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[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
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((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
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((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
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((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
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[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Alleluia! È caduto il controllo giudaico di satana! è caduto il dominio massonico satanico ebraico bancario del FMI sul mondo: felicità per tutti! Soldi gratis per tutti! [2 Re 1, 10]: sono un uomo di Dio? -rispose Elia al comandante dei 50 uomini. - Allora scenda un fuoco dal cielo a distrugger te e i tuoi 50 uomini! Subito scese un fuoco da cielo ed uccise l'ufficiale e i suoi 50 uomini. Allo stesso modo, nel nome di Gesù, devono morire tutti i nemici di lorenzojhwh
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Youre a fuckin slave to a false Idol. How stupid must you bee you fucking jew nigger. ANd if you keep sending me perverted messages about nuns and sodomy i will surely keep spamming you just like you have done to me. And get a real job nerd. Im sure your false god wouldnt appreciate a lazy jigaboo nigger who spends his whole day in fromnt of a computer moniter spamming innocent people who really do not give a damn about your shit.
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
LEVITICUS 25:45-46 "Moreover you may buy the children of strangers...and they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves. LEVITICUS 26:29 "You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters NUMBERS 15:32-36 "...they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day...Then the Lord said to Moses, 'The man must surely be put to death"...So as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died."
DoomMarco666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
EXODUS 21:17: and again in LEVITICUS 21:9 "And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. EXODUS 21:20-21: "And if a man beats his servant or his maidservant with a rod...(and he or she)...remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he (or she) is his property. EXODUS 31:15 "Whoever does ANY work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death
6ceska6republika6 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
go fuck yourself, asshole. I am not satanist... leave metal heads alone if you know what is good for you. Pig.
DeathMetalFuckers ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
who are u...???what do u want?? i'm atheist, not SATANIST.............
RicoRichmond ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Have you seen 'Terrorstorm', 'Invisible Empire' or 'Endgame'?
Lethargyca ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
this is stupid... I love islam?? seriously, fuck you and fuck satan.
shadow7death ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
How many channels are you going to use to spam people that don't want to hear your fucking bigotry? Piss the fuck off, dumb ass. Go get an education, you sad, lonely piece of delusional shit.
metal1324 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
god has chosen you to be a polotician right i havent heard that one before....
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Re: 13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists] potassium99mg SAID: dude i am not a satinist. i just like metal music. please take my name off you and your freinds sending list. thank you -Joe -- ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. dude,in a war mean? you'd already been shot! In fact, we are at war, while you are under the flag of the enemy// in un una guerra: qualsiasi? tu saresti stato già fucilato! Infatti, noi siamo in guerra, mentre tu sei, sotto la bandiera del nemico
BlooMunky24 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
fucking jew. stop shoving bibles up my ass
GuitarHeroLegend572 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What you're doing to a lot of Satanists is very unconstitutional, and very stupid. You cannot shove your ridiculous religious shit up their ass. You cannot tell other people who to and who not to believe in. It is their right to believe in whoever they want. So I am going to kindly ask you to stop telling them who to believe in. If you continue, YOU yourself will burn in hell.
ObscuritasEtSuperbia ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Hail Satan. =)
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
It's funny how you try to brainwash us to believe in something that doesn't exist, and how you try to tell us that we believen in something that doesn't exist. There is no point. You claim to have respect to the other religions, yet you disrespect satanism, shame on you... Leave us alone.
leonardoinvader ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
TheDarkLordLucifer SAID: Blasphemous rites during the middle of the night. My father Satan is with me. I can see into another enchanting world. Standing beneath a sky full of shining stars. Freedom with the master, the reason for my being.I can hear your futile prayers from beyond the void.Again, you are searching for false hope.Cowards of the cross, you shall hide from me.Your churches are shelters from all.You feel Satan's power but you cannot stop him. Old Nick shall be crowned our newest king. -- ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ALL HERE? I see and feel much much much more of you
RiccardoTheBeAst ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
STFU bitch.
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [the calling of Elisha, 1 Kings 19.19]: I illegally holds the Spirit of prophecy, because God has made me a politician "Rei Unius. So I'm willing to give the Spirit of prophecy, immediately, to my people Israel and every man who desires by God it, to every person on this planet. Just the mere desire to receive the Holy Spirit of prophecy, is sufficient so you can receive Him. Why the spirit of prophecy is not related to sin. You destroy the yoke that held men slaves of bank seigniorage!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [la vocazione di Eliseo: 1 Re 19,19]: io detengo illegalmente lo Spirito di profezia, perché Dio ha fatto di me un politico: il "Rei Unius". Così io sono disponibile a cedere lo Spirito di profezia, immediatamente: sul mio popolo Israele e su ogni uomo che lo desidera da Dio, ad ogni uomo su questo pianeta. È sufficiente il solo desiderio di ricevere lo Spirito Santo di profezia, per poterlo ricevere. Poiché lo Spirito di profezia non è in relazione con il peccato. Voi distruggete il giogo che tiene gli uomini schiavi del signoraggio bancario!
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What? Why should I believe in Satan? He does not exist. What's wrong with you?
TOPUR666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Chuj ci dupę pedalski pomiocie !!! Pedofilu, kurwo katolicka , żyj swoim życiem i daj żyć innym a jak ci się nudzie zwal sobie konia do pornosa !!!
gregornstein ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Praised be Satan the only true God!!!
TheDarkLordLucifer ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Satan is not only my God, he is also my friend!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. [1 Kings 19.15] You consecrated Cazael as king of Aram. Then you go to consecrate as King of Israel, Jehu, and then, you go to consecrated as a prophet in your place: Elisha. Those who escape the sword of Cazael? will be killed by Jehu! who shall escape the sword of IEW? will be killed by Elisha! I will spare only: 7000 in Israel, ie all those who have not bowed the knee before the god Baal and not have kissed the his statue. - Answer-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. here why, unto thee: youtube, I can not leave alive its you. you can not be converted, you can only be destroyed, I condemn you with all to death, for the complicity with the Illuminati, in Jesus' name Amen Alleluia 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. OoTLink + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. BreathTheDeath Satan has hurt your brain? you know read? is JohnDiabol who claims of himself to be a Satanist and Nazi
BreathTheDeath ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
So your telling me that im a Satanist and a Nazi? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE?
OoTLink ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
What are you trying to achieve?
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Re: 13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists]Tachus666 SAID: I KEY TO THE NAZARENE IN HIS FUCKING CROSS. I took pleasure in see Christians burn in the extermination 666 -ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. JohnDiabol --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. as a Satanist and Nazi, like you, that you have reversed the cross! How you can be a good person? Although Christianity is an invention? The cross is the symbol of the greatest love! You has reversing the cross! you declared by yourself to be a criminal! But if Jesus is really the son that God has raised: What will be your just condemnation? Jesus is not Christianity. Jesus is a person who sits at the Father's right hand and you're a damn, with all those who hate him because he loved until the end, did not hurt anyone yet everyone hates him? All those who hate Jesus will shed the blood of their children on the road. Amen Alleluia
Tachus666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
fava6 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ma perchè se mi faccio i cazzi mia cè gente come te che mi rompe le palle con questa religione!!! basta!!!!! io credo e faccio cosa mi pare!!! non credo di venirti a dire a te che sei patetico!! lo penso, ma m'importa una sega! peggio per te! basta con le e-mail pro gesu!!!!!!!!!! che coglioni!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Today is: 15/07/2010. You have to remember this date, because now I prophesy in the name of Jesus, that your life will full of woe, misfortune of continued and then you will die from cancer that will eating you: is a terrifying death. If If you do not delete all those who blaspheme, kissing with the tongue and acts done of explicit sex HeLLsarma SAID: You better become a christian... - ANSWER-666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. be a Christian? does not mean that is a victim predestined: in the name of Jesus, you're dead in 2010, in fact you will not see the 2011: Amen
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. XXXdevil92 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. you are a criminal! All our institutions are criminals! youtube is a criminal because you're here from 2 years to curse and vilify. This is not democracy! Democracy is not vandalism. it is clear the government has lost control of the territory: in fact, we are your powers occult: of IMF Freemasonry and Satanism are our real social control. In August? you're dead! this is what I prophesy about you in the name of Jesus! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube + 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. XXXdevil92 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. tu sei un criminale! Tutte le nostre istituzioni sono criminali! youtube è un criminale perché tu stai qui da 2 anni a bestemmiare e a vilipendere. Questà non è democrazia! Democrazi non è vandalismo. è chiaro il Governo ha perso il controllo del territorio: infatti, ci sono i tuoi poteri oculti del: FMI massoneria e satanismo che sono il nostro vero controllo sociale. In agosto? tu sarai morto! è questo che io profetizzo su di te nel nome di Gesù!
XXXdevil92 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Senti l'Italia è un paese laico quindi bestemmio quanto mi pare, non è reato studiati il codice penale e civile, ad ogni modo se ti dà fastidio sentire le betemmie non ti guardare questo genere di video, nessuno ti obliga. Non distruggerò il mio canale neanche se fai scendere il tuo dio dal cielo... John Most disse :"Quanto più l'uomo è religioso, tanto più crede; quanto più crede, tanto meno sa; quanto meno sa, tanto più è ignorante; quanto più è ignorante, tanto più è governabile. " ...Mi sono spiegato...
73Izaura ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
"sempre più brava" ------ pourquoi ??? --- sans doute , c'est ton l'influence !!! mes meilleurs pensés vont vers toi et l'italie !!! m. ( fr)
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
¡No! Yo soy el unius Rei, que es el único representante de Dios para todos, en toda la historia de la humanidad. Por supuesto, todas las religiones tienen mal, traicionado, pero esto no le da el derecho a blasfemar contra Dios o difamar a las religiones. ¡Sí! usted tiene que humillar, aunque me acusan a ti en modo incorrecto? sin embargo, debe ser humilde para ti. De hecho las cosas van de mal en peor en el mundo! También, Usted también es responsable de todo esto. Usted destruir su sitio maldecir o te mato: en el nombre de Jesús te mato, como le he matado a muchos de tus compañeros! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. LuciferWitch666 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Los iluminados han declarado en "El Comercial Georgia Guidestones" para salir con vida, sólo 500 millones de personas! Voy a matar a 500 millones de satanistas, como yo soy más bien de la iluminación? Lo voy a matar también, usted es una abominación, para mí es limpiar el mundo a partir de estiércol y cuando tú: AMEN .--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. El ángel que te envié? Usted no puede apoyar!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Le escribí: "13/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] Un documento lleno de amor y responsabilidad social. Cámara entiende? Su única responsabilidad es el coño". Satanás ha hecho daño a su mente. Usted está en animales jaulas para el sistema bancario del Nuevo Orden Mundial de señoreaje. 1. Vas a morir! 2. Yo sólo matar a los criminales! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Witchinghour666 -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Oh, Dios mío? satana es tu dios! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. El tiempo se ha convertido en fuerte! Destruye todos los video negativos: en lugar de impacto educativo, porque mi paciencia con que ha terminado!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
1/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas]Yo soy el primero y último gobierno metafísico "unius Rei" (esta declaración es importante, si por el Anticristo será inútil para él en esto, sin embargo, también hay que luchar contra las profecías bíblicas que decir que después de mi reinado la moral de la humanidad se colapsará imparable y que los satanistas tomar el control de la empresa: de nuevo cada vez). El mi es una convivencia cultural universal, en los siguientes principios: igualdad o la justicia (no hacer el mal) 2. la verdad (no es mentira): contra el racismo y la intolerancia: el sionismo, la Sharia, etc .. En mi acto de gobierno en todo el género humano según el ministerio de Elías el profeta. Puedo aprovechar de la manera sobrenatural y progresiva, todos los hombres malos:con desgracias para causar la muerte para que la ira de Dios vive en mí.quienes están familiarizados con los principios jurídicos y espirituales deben entender cómo Dios puede permitir que
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
2 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] este poder para mí. es mi posición de "unius" contra él y para el bien de toda la humanidad, (sólo en este momento se puede entender, todas mis cartas, escritas en: lorenzojhwh, humanumgenus y ShalomGerusalemme) están relacionados con los principios seculares y racionales y no como un las creencias religiosas. Si yo acuso a alguien injustamente? No se preocupe! Espíritu Santo de Dios nunca puede ser el cómplice de la injusticia! Esta es la prueba: mi autoridad teológica y jurídica: la metafísica: es mi jurisdicción, sobre todo el género humano, por eso, que puedo pedir a los "Illuminati" para volver: a mí, que la soberanía monetaria, que han robado a todos los pueblos y que les permitió crear el poder oculto: la masonería, etc
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
3/13En segundo lugar, han decidido de diezmar a la raza humana con la tercera potencia nuclear para reducir las WW todos a la esclavitud es el Nuevo Orden Mundial del FMI: El satanismo es un prototipo, como lo es hoy es imposible hablar de señoreaje banco, o la manipulación de la información .. Pero también puede organizar a Arabia Saudita (estos criminales esperar que los acontecimientos se descompone: después de que el Nuevo Orden Mundial de los sionistas, es la voluntad de aplastar a todos con el terror la Sharia islámica) y todas las naciones a reconocer la libertad de religión como el imperialismo islámico es la segunda amenaza, después de que el Nuevo Orden Mundial.Como puede tener esta autoridad, si no fuerzas demoníacas fueron derrotados? Pero es la metafísica(transformación ontológica del ser) con su extraordinario potencial para traer a mi fe, en dimensiones nunca explorado todavía. Sin embargo no hay nada extraordinario en mí:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
4 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] para que pueda convertirse en un ejemplo a imitar y replicar: una nueva manera de ser y de humanización del hombre sin límites. Ciertamente, mi "posición" que me hace, el representante universal, lo siguiente: 1. Dios el Creador, 2. cada persona. Yo soy la máxima autoridad política y el mundo espiritual. En política, estoy tranquila: más allá de la imaginación: (A). Estoy seguro de que "lo bueno de cada hombre es más del mal", por lo tanto, mi llamamiento al sentido común será un éxito porque: 1. Soy un personaje bíblico, 2. mi reino fue profetizado 3. Voy a tener éxito! (B) Dios me ha prometido, en la fe, de manera intuitiva, "no hagas daño a una brizna de hierba, porque usted tendrá que construir mi casa: el templo judío." Gracias youtube, que me ha dado la oportunidad para advertir de peligros inminentes toda la humanidad. Sin embargo, he maltrata a youtube:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
5 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] Este crimen fue posible porque todas las religiones han traicionado a Dios! Pero deja que Satanás y todos los símbolos que. Me ha maltrata youtube: frecuencia, porque él es cómplice de la corrupción y la profanación de la santidad delicado y frágil de la dignidad humana. Satanistas, que me quiere golpear a muerte, pero más más: me quieren golpear a muerte a estos delincuentes de las altas finanzas y la masonería: clase dirigente que sus planes han tratado de destruir la crististianesimo, dando lugar a la profanación de la dignidad humana .. pertenece a (metal, etc ..) de inmediato, ya que podría no haber esperanza para su caída inevitable. Satanistas, que han traicionado el Creador y el pueblo, ya que han invertido la cruz, que es el mayor símbolo del amor, que son negativos, los depredadores, los delincuentes, y que van en contra de todo principio: consagrados positivo, en el que nuestro sistema jurídico de cada .
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
6 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] Usted es la cultura del odio (que los satanistas han dicho esto a mí públicamente), pero somos una civilización del amor. Por lo tanto, son incompatibles: que tengo disponible la misma energía que creó el universo de la nada. Niños: ya he matado a miles de ustedes. Te lo ruego, con lágrimas: "Sé que Satanás, él es lo que la Biblia dice acerca de él! Los niños, que permita que Satanás. Es un mentiroso y un criminal, más allá de las posibilidades de su juicio o de la defensa." El poder de Satanás es su razonamiento humano, porque su razonamiento es ahora rehén de odio y el egoísmo no lo puedo evitar: no es bueno. Vigorosamente la Cruz? Al margen de cualquier debate sobre la religión es un crimen social, estoy persiguiendo a la pena de muerte. Verá mueren rápidamente a todos los que se oponen a mi proyecto político:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
7 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] I no ha visto el predominio de una ideología o un deseo de poder: no, porque no: i elimina el actual equilibrio de poder. Pero al igual que dinero en efectivo. Dios y yo, a mí mismo, imponer a la raza humana, por motivos basados únicamente en una forma racional, es decir, en el interés propio, porque me da el dinero a todos gratis. a todos los gobiernos, en lugar de hacerlas pagar 270% de su valor como en la actualidad, todos los estados ya no será necesario exigir a sus ciudadanos a pagar impuestos. Pero hoy, todos hombres, fueron convertidos en esclavos y en secreto temas de las finanzas judías, por señoreaje bancario: entonces todos los hombres se convierten en realidad: los hombres libres. ¡Sí! en todo el mundo ya no de pagar impuestos. Sólo entonces sí, por primera vez, realmente se puede hablar de democracia.
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
8 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] porque yo no estoy a favor de castigar el pecado "es de hecho el mismo pecado, que se castiga por una ley eterna de Dios". Como un ex satanista, tú eres mi primeros ministros, se encuentra ahora mismo, es un movimiento revolucionario radical, que ya no puede ser detenido: por cualquier persona. Ahora lloras de alegría! He aquí mi secreto ", como mis primeros ministros: puedo dar a usted: como ex-satanistas, mucho más, de que Satanás fue capaz de promesa, por lo que no castigar el pecado. De hecho, yo no soy religioso gobierno, porque mi moral es secular: de hecho, los diez mandamientos que yo represento, es una ley de libertad de la ley sobre todo natural y positivo, antes de ser revelada o la ley religiosa. Es por eso que estoy ciencia y la cultura en absoluto. Nadie se atreve a hacer o hablar conmigo de la religión! valor!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
9 / 13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas.] Pero si quiere seguir siendo terco con Satanás? Su negocio se verán afectados, porque tengo la superioridad espiritual y de todos modos, nunca pudo superar las pruebas terribles de la Segunda Guerra nuclear tercero en 2012, sin el favor de Dios ahora, usted puede comenzar a escribir canciones y vídeos en lorenzojhwh: para mí? Esto pánico por la elite y líderes mundiales, que estaban planeando matar a todos nosotros, como animales, pero es lo contrario que va a pasar: "Tómate el veneno hizo por ti mismo." De esta manera, se puede declarar al mundo: "Tengo derecho a un mundo mejor sin: la masonería, los poderes ocultos de la banca." Sólo los mejores estudiantes podrán decidir suicidarse con drogas o Satanás, porque no estarán de acuerdo en vivir en el presente: un mundo de mierda: Verdugo: hecho a la imagen del masón Judio:
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
10/13 [Carta Abierta a los satanistas.]. Con todos los italianos fascismo eran honestos, ahora todos son ladrones? Esta corrupción es la consecuencia de dinero delincuencia mundial: banca señoreaje para el sistema de los sionistas. es el desaliento general es el resultado de un tratamiento de conducto radicular de nuestras instituciones: el mal que trae para abrumar el bien en todas las áreas! Pero, Te quiero, porque se ha atrevido a desafiar a Dios por el acto de destruir su vida, pero Dios ha aceptado su desafío, Dios es amor, Dios te ama a través de mí! Tengo una explicación de su desesperación. Puedo cuidar de ti mismo, en tan sobrenatural, que puede proteger! Usted puede orar por mí: Dios no puede rechazar la oración de un satanista, sin negarse a sí mismo! El futuro de Satanás y todo lo que le pertenece a él?
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
11/13 [Carta Abierta a los satanistas.]. es la desintegración, que es la muerte segunda: "lago de fuego" de la Revelación, después del Juicio Final. Hijo, usted debe resistir, para permanecer en esa vida que es el amor, usted debe permanecer conmigo! No pensé que en 50 años, me convertiría en un "fan" de Arisa "Malamorenò": *- puede explotar en un instante el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- 03 2087 (Satanismo recuperar la humanidad) densas nubes, en un cielo de distancia ... *- Mi nieto está en la luna, que emigró a probar fortuna; *- sólo en la tierra sigue siendo: ¿quién no puede hacerlo (no tener una espiritualidad), escuchar a la verdad muchas falsas y falsos (como lo es hoy, a la red, la francmasonería judía). *- ¿Puede estallar en un momento en que el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!"
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
12/13 [Carta abierta a] Satanistas campos *- podrá suprimir las flores, porque las flores han perdido su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". el amor es para siempre! pero el amor: "¡NO!" Queda la esperanza de cambio, como el miedo de tener que quedarse. *- Mi marido está siempre cerca, dijo que volverá otra vez el cielo, entonces la oración de la noche, por temor a que. También Dios, entonces él puede dejar escapar: todo para ir en el olvido. *- Estallido de mayo en un momento en que el sol, todo: puede ser que termine, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- Incluso el césped, dan flores, porque también tienen renunciar a las flores su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" *- Pero a veces basta con que usted está aquí a mi lado, yo sólo, tú, tú estás aquí a mi lado, a veces es justo, que estás cerca de mí,
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
13/13 [Carta abierta a los satanistas] porque para mí es justo, que está aquí a mi lado. usted está allí. *- El dolor nos puede hacer caer, podría poner fin a la esperanza, la esperanza puede desaparecer, pero todo el mundo puede amar, puede el amor: el amor puede ser. *- Para volver a sonreír de nuevo, tomar de una manera segura, "¡Sí! El amor puede", "¡sí! El amor puede!" *- Y pueden explotar en un instante el sol, todo podría terminar, pero el amor, el amor, pero: " ¡NO! " *- También puede renunciar a los prados, las flores, porque las flores han perdido su color, pero el amor, pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" pero el amor: "¡NO!". pero el amor: "¡NO!" ¡Te quiero! Al igual que Dios, en cuya presencia estoy: No he recibido dinero de nadie y he hecho todo por mí mismo, porque Te amo: Tengo compasión en su vida. porque el amor es el propósito de mi vida! ¡Te quiero!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
I wrote to you: "13/13 [Open Letter to Satanists] A document full of love and social responsibility. House you understand? Your only responsibility is the "pussy". Satan has done harm to your mind. You are animals in cages for NWO banking system of seigniorage. 1. You're going to die! 2. I kill only criminals! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. witchinghour666 --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. oh my god? satana is your god! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Youtube -666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. the time has become tight! Destroy all the negative video: for educational impact, because my patience with you is over!
MustangWD ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
You will be Dead man right ? ! Don't try stupefy people on this fucking world asshole !!! You will suffer in HELL , where you blow my biggest cock in flames !!!!!
ThrasherManiac69 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
-_- ZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ bla bla bla bla and more bla bla bla this's borin'!!! so boring!!!
0RegieSatanas0 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Seriously, go bother someone else with your deranged illusions. I did not ask for this, and you have wasted your time. I'm not sure if I even want to know, but I can't help but wonder... what the hell are your intentions? Do you feel so much better to have wasted not only your own, but also another persons time? What do you get out of this besides the (of what I presume) overwhelming feeling of selfrighteousness? In other words, go sit in a dark corner with your precious book and stop bothering people with your bullshit, who actually don't give a shit.
antisciaf ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
religion is hate, religion is fear, religion is war Slayer sermon "Cult" - Christ Illusion
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
ShalomGerusalemme you really sound fucking stupid! Your not killing me or anyone! I really think you, need to get a fucking life. You really sound so ignorant. It's sad because people like you, are the ones who start shit! So this is what your Holy crap God thought you? To kill 500 people, because your a closed minded Bitch! You really need help!
ShalomGerusalemme ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
No! I am the Rei Unius, that is the only representative of God for all, throughout the history of mankind. Of course, all religions have wrong, they betrayed, but this does not give you the right to blaspheme God or vilify the religions. Yes! you have to humiliate yourself, even if I accuse thee in mode wrong?? however, you must be humble for yourself. In fact things have gone from bad to worse in the world! Also, You are also responsible for all this. You destroy your damn site or I will kill you: in the name of Jesus I will kill you, as I've killed you a lot of your comrades! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. LuciferWitch666 --666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. The enlightened have declared in "The Georgia Guidestones Commercial" to leave alive, only 500 million of people! I will kill only 500 million of satanists, as I'm more good of the enlightened? I will kill you too, you're an abomination, for me is to clean the world from manure as you: AMEN.--666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. The angel that I sent you? You do can not support you!
witchinghour666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
its not chritstian to refer to satan as a faggot
AbyssPL ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Muahahahhaha, ok, come and try to get me, freak. You will burn like wooden churches, and Jews in crematory.
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ah telling me you will kill me, that just shows what a loser you are!
meximetalmurder ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
funeral? killing me? of what are you talking about?
AbyssPL ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
I am not satanist, BUT... I don't want to read mumbling of freaks like you. SO?! Fuck off from my channel and burn to ashes you pathetic cunt, just like your religion.
Sicprayer ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Stupid Christian Fuck You and Fuck your Jewish God You and you're Religion will Fall and Burn
TheRelentlessAgony ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Stupid christians. Suck the dick of your false god...or be fucked in the ass for all eternity. Fuck off. I will butcher you like a fucking goat.
LuciferWitch666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
666caldix666 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ by UniusRei3 ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..
Ahahahahahhahaha ma vai a lavorareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Satan is the way!
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
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[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
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turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
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torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
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wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
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برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
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[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
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toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
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(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
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torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
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((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
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[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
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((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
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((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
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((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
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[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
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a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa
Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa
MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa
666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa
@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa
[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa
@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa
@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
to all: the military, ministers, officers, directors, politicians, etc. .. - because there are war crimes? because no military may order, to kill civilians, he should never be obeyed by the soldiers ... Similarly, it is not possible, take an oath of allegiance, to the traitors of the Constitution: which enabled in all worldwide the banking seigniorage. In fact, criminals are liars, they are not legally longer eligible to receive an oath of loyalty ... why, all governments and all institutions: legally are de-legitimized, because they have violated the Constitution, that not provides the transfer of monetary sovereignty to the Jew Rothschild ... How much is been your oath of allegiance to the Constitution? it shall be void and you are a traitor to your people! I am the only legitimate authority on the planet! ie UniusRei
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. INDIA -- 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. sireAndracottus -- If You Were Pure Consciousness? You Shall Know The Satanism of your reincarnation, for 3000 classes of slavery. Gandi said this not ... you are a racist and murderess of innocent Christians. you guys are under a curse ... 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. sireAndracottus -- as can be: "HOLY Bhagavad Gita 2 .. 1.31"for you if there is no God? If there was the evolution of BigBang? then the earth (our planet, could not be at the center of the universe: fonte: NASA). You're a pantheist and for you God is not a person but an energy Solanto indistinct? I did not want to talk with you if you do not want to talk about the Christian martyrs of Orissa: So, get out! You have to learn about banking and about seigniorage Giacinto Auriti or Ezra Pound: you are ignorant and arrogant!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Agelesstruth: ie, sireAndracottus - you can not hide your real crimes: of today, with the alleged crimes of the past that have already been judged by God .. "lol. made by the missionaries, " you're pathetic, you can not hide: the crimes of today, made in Orissa, etc. .. Then the Pope asked for forgiveness again and again for all the sins of the past, but now Christians are not to blame, because the masonry of the Zionists took control ... You are totally mad and totally heretical, but this is not a bad news .. what is intolerable is that thou hast justified: racism and slavery, that is the reincarnation, why, you have become: a truly criminal soul: totally lost ... in the hell. I knew you were a Christian, but your change, it was perhaps to avoid being killed in Orissa, by Hindus? For that matter, for this you have forsaken Christianity?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IIVedantaII - Jews have suffered, also rightly, because they have hidden, and, to their detriment: they go on for more than five centuries to hidden, the crime of genocide of the whole human race: that is, the banking seigniorage, and all their plots, that it could never have been written in history books. This led the Jewish lobby, at have the control of all world governments, as, has provided the document of the: "the Elders of Zion," that to be a fake, however, has been realized: in detail. However, as Coelet says: "there is a time to hate, and a time to love", this time for me still is, the time of love, therefore I still can not hate anyone. not even a dickhead like you.
markdeez33 by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
Thanks 4 coming thru and sharing your creative energy with me. I appreciate that. Get at me if you need anything! - Mark Deez
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. RussiaChina India Iran etc. - is not any cheaper than killer, that 3rd WWnuclear ? But what I also think about you? You are, together with enlightened? you are also complicit in all this, by many years ago! But no one, of my enemies, who can hide himself from my anger and God's wrath, why, still although he went to hell by Satan? Even them I'd go to pick you: of course: in Jesus's name! with that, JEW IN THE WORLD: he can talk of seigniorage banking ... for then: 1. be Expelled from His synagogue of Satan, 2. be held-up as a traitor to His people, 3. be Expelled from satanRothoscild, & His star's six-pointed, lol. no, never been star's David? I not still, have found one only single jew, That, he Decided to live this risk. But, is in this mode That, enlightened can prepare: a new Shoah, agaist Him, & Holocaust agaist all us. lorenzojhwh the King of Israel. biblebelievers. org. au / przion3. htm
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. enlightened, pornographers, Zionists, racists, communists, Freemasons, Satanists, sharia, banking seigniorage, politicians, traitors, corrupt, parasites, predator, elite, leader: all of you? you will be punished: all: like dogs! none of you can escape or avoid: the wrath of God! [nb:. Prior of this publication? I had a phone call with just a number = "00000000000". lol. in fact, satanist see the cursor on my computer:lol. all these Satanists] 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. illuminati, pornografi, sionisti, razzisti, comunisti, massoni, satanisti, sharia, signoraggio bancario, politici, traditori, corrotti, parassiti, predatori: voi tutti? voi sarete puniti: tutti: come cani! nessuno di voi: sfuggirà o potrà sfuggire: all'ira di Dio! [nb:. prima di pubblicare: questo articolo? io ho avuto uno squillo da un numero con soli = "00000000000". lol. infatti vedono il cursore del mio computer: questi satanisti ]
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
1 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [[God will punish evil: so inflexible]] will have a conviction inevitable evil: God is not a pacifist! is his infinite justice, which obliges him to the punishment of unrepentant sinners. [evil appointed: in the Bible] Satan: =: 47 times - hell: =: 32 times - or Beelzebub Beelzebub: =: 6 times - or Belial Belial: =: 1 time - daemon: =: 20 times; (New International Version) demons: =: 44 times - an evil spirit: =: 2 times - evil spirits: =: 4 times - darkness: =: 127 times; Antichrist: =: 4 times - six hundred sixty-six: =: 1 time
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
2 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] bad: =: 425 times - evil: =: 99 times - bad: =: 73 times - bad: =: 78 times - children of the devil: =: 2 times - children of the wicked: =: 1 time - the children of disobedience: =: 3 times; malignancy: =: 4 times; - malignant: =: 18 times; - malignant =: 5 times; badness: =: 4 times - bad: =: 27 times - bad: =: 15 times - impiety: =: 28 times - wicked: =: 99 times - wicked: =: 127 times - perversity: =: 17 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
3 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] perversion: =: 5 times - perverse: =: 19 times - perverse: =: 5 times - abomination: =: 37 times - an abomination: =: 14 times; abominable: =: 21 times - abominable: =: 29 times; injustice: =: 16 times - unfair: =: 11 times - unfair: =: 7 times - iniquity: =: 298 times - unfair: =: 5 times - unfair: =: 11 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
4 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] perfidy: =: 5 times - wicked: =: 6 times - wicked: =: 9 times; Curse: =: 51 times - damn: =: 47 times - damn: =: 8 times - criminals: =: 35 times - murders: =: 8 times; Cain: =: 16 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
5 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] murderer or murderess: =: 35 times - bloody: =: 2 times - thieves: =: 16 times - robbery: =: 11 times - robbers: =: 1 time extortion: =: 1 time (new dodati) in other versions is called with the name "tyranny, oppression, violence - wear: =: 6 times - violence: =: 76 times - violent: =: 15 times - violent: =: 10 times - corrupt: =: 11 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
6 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] unclean: =: 17 times - unclean: =: 11 times - dishonesty: =: 1 time - dishonest: =: 5 times - dishonest: =: 2 times; arrogance: =: 14 times - arrogant: =: 5 times - arrogant: =: 3 times - boastful: =: 1 time - pride: =: 16 times - superb: =: 25 times - tyrants: = : 3 times - lie: =: 45 times - lies: =: 31 times - a liar: =: 15 times - liars: =: 11 times - a false witness: =: 9 times - false witnesses: =: 4 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
7 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] stubbornness: =: 11 times - Rebellion: =: 13 times - Rebel: =: 37 times - rebels: =: 34 times - transgression: =: 50 times - offenders: =: 8 times; False Prophets: =: 7 times - wolves: =: 2 times - false apostles: =: 1 time - false teachers: =: 1 time - false Christs: =: 2 times - false: =: 1 times; - impostors: =: 3 times - the false prophets: =: 7 times - deception: =: 45 times - deceivers: =: 1 time - false wonders: =: 2 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
8 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] sin: =: 454 times - sin: =: 171 times - sinner: =: 21 times - sinners: =: 45 times - avarice: =: 3 times - 3 times greedy - greedy: =: 2 times - greed: =: 5 times - greed =: 4 times - greedy: =: 4 times - fornication: =: 26 times - fornicator: =: 3 times - fornicators: =: 7 times - adultery: =: 31 times - an adulterer: =: 4 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
9 / 12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and, seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] adultery: =: 16 times - effeminate: =: 1 time - Sodom: =: 46 (the city where they lived sexual depravity of: all kinds) sodomites: =: 2 times, (the inhabitants of: Sodom were sexually depraved) Gomorrah: =: 23 times, (the city where they lived That is depraved sex, murder)
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] magic: =: 6 times - Magician: =: 4 times - Wizards: =: 26 times; - warlock : =: 1 time - witch: =: 2 times - mediums or fortune tellers: =: 14 times; Earthquake: =: 12 times - earthquakes: =: 4 times - Flood: =: 17 times; - wars: =: 15 times - diseases: =: 14 times - disasters: =: 97 times; - flagella: =: 7 times - punishments: =: 7 times - destruction: =: 127 times - perdition: =: 23 times - devastation: =: 7 times - killed : =: 72 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
11/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Infidels - 18 times - pagans: =: 29 times; (New Version) in other vesion is called with the name "idolaters" - idolatry: =: 4 times; - idolatrous: =: 2 times - idolaters: =: 6 times - Sheol: =: 60 times; (New International Version) is called in other versions with the name "the grave" antechamber of hell, a place of transition: the darkness,
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
12/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Sheol: =: 63 times - hades: =: 10 times - the second death : =: 4 times, (the second death means spiritual death, soul, That, suffer eternally in hell, not because death means for: annicchilimento but perpetual suffering, the soul annicchilimento not, speaks of the Holy Bible, the soul is immortal) of tin: fire or hell: =: 5 times - hell: =: 6 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] magic: =: 6 times - Magician: =: 4 times - Wizards: =: 26 times; - warlock : =: 1 time - witch: =: 2 times - mediums or fortune tellers: =: 14 times; Earthquake: =: 12 times - earthquakes: =: 4 times - Flood: =: 17 times; - wars: =: 15 times - diseases: =: 14 times - disasters: =: 97 times; - flagella: =: 7 times - punishments: =: 7 times - destruction: =: 127 times - perdition: =: 23 times - devastation: =: 7 times - killed : =: 72 times;
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
11/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Infidels - 18 times - pagans: =: 29 times; (New Version) in other vesion is called with the name "idolaters" - idolatry: =: 4 times; - idolatrous: =: 2 times - idolaters: =: 6 times - Sheol: =: 60 times; (New International Version) is called in other versions with the name "the grave" antechamber of hell, a place of transition: the darkness,
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
12/12: [Against the Jewish lobby of pornography: and: seigniorage banking: [the words of evil in the Bible] Sheol: =: 63 times - hades: =: 10 times - the second death : =: 4 times, (the second death means spiritual death, soul, That, suffer eternally in hell, not because death means for: annicchilimento but perpetual suffering, the soul annicchilimento not, speaks of the Holy Bible, the soul is immortal) of tin: fire or hell: =: 5 times - hell: =: 6 times -
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking - how is it that Jews racist [(lol.) Zionists (lol.)], existing at the time of the prophet Jeremiah, they were operating with relentless cruelty: through wear, so as to: in mode of reduce entire families in slavery? It did this with each other, with the same their people ... certainly they had accomplices, their prophets and priests great masters of the law ... precisely when the law says that usury is abomination for God 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. seigniorage banking -- come è possibile che gli ebrei razzisti [()sionisti()], già esistenti, al tempo del profeta Geremia, loro operavano con crudeltà inflessibile: attraverso la usura, tanto da: ridurre in schiavitù intere famiglie? E questo facevano tra di loro, con lo stesso loro popolo... certamente loro avevano per complici profeti e sacerdoti: grandi maestri della legge... quando proprio la legge dice che l'usura è un abominio per Dio
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany-- You're crazy, I'm a politician universal: I do not compete with governments or with religion, too? because God is not stupid: like you and he knows how to read: well in our heart ... he loves the strategies of respect and affection for Him. but, as you can be a hypocrite? and you can expect to teach me? You've blocked me, on your post, and you deleted my comments too. All in youtube, they would say: "Boy, you has lost. " you make the accusations against me, but you do not bring forward a single test or demonstration of your own accusations.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. ILD2014 - from a political point of view, there are no Jews or Christians, because Christianity with the Second Vatican Council, has given up forever: to be an ideology for the control of the world, so enlightened Satanists of IMF, seigniorage banking; masonry and company Bush: they are the only credible NWO of the: micro chip, the civilizations of slave man: ie, the beast of the satan's man. they, the Zionists, who have appropriated of all the symbols of Christianity and of Judaism: distorts all. It is they who have essential needs of war and 3°World War at the end of a any monetary cycle. If my Govern of UniusRei will not be acknowledgment? 3rd WWnuclear is for 2012: certainly, will be unavoidable, since without taxes (60% of the Italian people? have become poor), the IMF collapses: certainly,.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
ILD2014 SAID: why the Jews don't renounce the Talmud or the Muslims renounce the Sharia? Oh, I know! They're the code of laws for each religion! I'm not going to renounce Cannon Law or other teachings of the Magisterium, am I? And read up on your Communist policies. Denial of religion wasn't even in the original Communist Manifesto. It was a policy in Soviet and Chinese Communism. -- ANSWER- 3rd WWnuclear is planned against China, etc. .. will probably be in 2012. But, there are not people and there are not governments, no, do not exist their, there are the freemasonries: supra national: 1. Islamic, 2. Communist, 3. Zionists enlightened of seigniorage banking, who do their dirty power games, on the skin of all people. are all scum, without the sense of human dignity.
jhwhpantocrator by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
[Trieste] in just 40 days of employment, because of the communist Tito, in 1945, "foiba (karst chasms: natural: more than 200 meters deep) Basovizza (No. 149): He had to swallow: more than 2000 people. But only in 1980 the Jewish lobby: of banking seigniorage: our true masters, allowed associations of ex-combatants (Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia) to have a voice major. Therefore, only in 1991, our false political authorities were allowed, by the enlightened Zionists, to the celebration of those wonderful people who had had: the fault, to save, in mode so perfect, the lives of all Jews: that were in fleeing from the Balkans. Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia because of this, they were punished and abandoned in the massacre.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Star of David is scam & Satanism: Never Existed! is star of Rothschild, Marduk & Moloch of seigniorage Zionist banking: occult kingdom of IMF-NWO ♰ [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel ♚ PERES ] ♰ PAXCSPBC SSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ALLEU ♰ ♰ ♰ amen "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰. Star of David is the worship of Rothschild: You Have Betrayed YHWH! I am King of Israel & UniusRei.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
I am a Christian ministry .. ie a project: universal political: King of Israel and "ReiUnius", the only alternative to the NWO: the 3rd and its inevitable WW nuclear, that is the only monarchy in the world history of mankind. that is, the universal brotherhood Ich bin ein christlicher Dienst .. dh ein Projekt: universal politisch: König von Israel und "ReiUnius", die einzige Alternative zu der NWO: 3. und ihrer unvermeidlichen WW Kernenergie, das ist die einzige Monarchie in der Weltgeschichte der Menschheit. das heißt, die universelle Brüderlichkeit io sono un ministero cristiano cioè un progetto: politico universale, Re di Israele e Unius Rei, l'unica alternativa al NWO: e alla sua inevitabile 3°WWnuclear, cioè l'unica monarchia mondiale della storia del genere umano: cioè la fratellanza universale
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
YesImOneOFMany SAID: My self? ... I say what I think ... I say things like ... Internet is not your home. Internet is not a private place to be. The more you use it the more it knows about you. You May Not Know It But You are feeding a monster That will never be your friend. The www is a world wide "web"where many get trapped by energies They feel are "cool. " People speak & write on the web Openly looking for attention and the "web" Gives Them Just What They Want in order to "rapture"theme away from reality. Do not be a www fly! - -ANSWER- BUT THIS CAN NOT BE TRUE FOR lorenzojhwh: the king of Israel. he is a ministry that goes beyond all limits, breaking all barriers... MA, QUESTO NON PUÒ ESSERE VERO PER LORENZOJHWH: lui è un ministero che supera ogni limite, che infrange ogni barriera
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany -- you have discovered too late that the Jews of today are all false Jews ... too late! In fact, the real Jews? are died: religiously. culturally and spiritually in Babylon. Where are born this Satanist of enlightened of the scribes and Pharisees, with their satanic Talmud! Certainly, Rome was forced to destroy them! These false Jews? they are the true Satanism throughout the world. that is, the bank seigniorage. but, I am king of Israel. ie, only their hope. tu hai scoperto troppo tardi il fatto che gli ebrei di oggi sono tutti dei falsi ebrei... troppo tardi! infatti i veri ebrei morirono: religiosamente . culturalmente e spiritualmente a Babilonia. Dove nacquero quei satanisti degli scribi e dei farisei, con il loro satanico talmud! Sicuramente, Roma è stata costretta a distruggerli! Questi ebrei falsi? sono proprio loro il vero satanismo per tutto il mondo. cioè il signoraggio bancario.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Commento al tuo video: Rabbi Zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion IMF FMI NWO seigniorage banking YesImOneOFMany said:. Jeremiah 2:07 - 9 ... Jeremiah 14:13 - 16 ... Jereamiah 5:26-31. That is Why They wanted Jesus dead, Because Jesus Knew They Were Satan's seed. Jesus spoke in parables So They Would not learn and kill Him, before the appointed time. Said Jesus talking to some "jews": John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He Was a murderer from the beginning .... Guess what? Those are the fake jews. Read What They Said A Few verses before: "33They Answered HIM, We be Abraham's seed, and Were never in bondage to-any man ..."
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
YesImOneOFMany said:. Amaizing .. They did not know. Deuteronomy 12Then beware lest thou forget 6 the LORD, Which Brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. the Torah is the Law of Moses in the Pentateuch. Now, in my opinion, the Babylonian Talmud is a proof of the "Teachings"of the"bad figs" (Jeremiah 24) This people are the examination and the Islamist fanatics. But, circumcision is from the heart is needed.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. YesImOneOFMany -- how I can hate the dead? they all think they are alive, whereas they are already dead, for to have betrayed God: YHWH. they do not have that, just the prospect of the abyss of hell. They would like to be able to: annihilate, disintegrate yourself, but instead, with their: power regenerated, will blaze a day nearby, crushed by the consciousness of their crimes, in clear and perfect knowledge of their wickedness. but, all the dead have a right to my pity and my prayers. Of course, I should hate them, I'm not capable of this! Sure, a small remnant remains, even in Israel, because the man did not dare, for "fat and fat ones" of Jeremiah. squotere of himself from his wickedness and selfishness. Right now? is the lack of confidence in me to win! Will remain the prophecy, "were thrown from the cliff, all of their leadere elite: all animals, which I had heard the my sweet words"?? Jews treat me as if I not belonged to their own heritage!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
at world - I can not take under my protection the whole human race: if 1. Jews do not renounce at the Talmud and the banking seigniorage, 2. Muslims do not renounce the Sharia, 3. if the Communists: dickhead, do not understand that even believers in God are good communists. Contrary? No person who is guilty of only one of these crimes, will tell his children the 3 rd WWnuclear! if Christians did not have the Gospel? namely, the doctrine of love for enemies? today could not exist in the world: Muslims, Jews and communists of course! and in fact: all of them are not in the doctrine of love for the enemy. In reality, not only in the secrecy of their hearts, but, in mode clearly they have will to exterminate all other ... since all of their are: of the imperialist ideology: in reality still
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. jew - maybe the tribe of Aaron (for the priesthood), was the largest and important tribe in Israel? Of course not! His task was to remind all Israel, that: he was all totally: only a priestly people of all man saints and holy .. In fact, this is precisely the task of Israel, in turn: that is of to remind all nations, that every man has a priestly role: that is to manifest the image of the glory of God to others. But, on the contrary, Israel has just put himself at the disposal of Satan Rothschild, since all the money in our pockets? makes us all the Satanists, in relation to God. is simply: a single note of banking seigniorage of IMF-NWO, to desecrate the entire Vatican, etc. .. etc. .. that's why we have suffered so much destruction, which were torn down, against all peoples, in the last 5 centuries.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube - I'm not a man religious, that he says: "This is the truth, because the Bible has says. " I said to God, when I was a boy, "you give me, the rational demonstration, of all your mysteries and of everything that is mysterious. " that's why God gave me the metaphysics! I can not explain something to my students: or to say something here, because it is written in a book. If you have not been verified by me. In fact, I am a Christian only, from personal experience. In fact, I can not even talk about something, that is: outside of my experience rational, proven many times proven and irrefutable. Since metaphysics is just pure rationality of "being"! all I'm saying? will be believed by all men! this God said to me.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
TheGingermarie SAID: "what do you think about what the CDC said about coming Zombies?" -ANSWER- ZOMBIE - lol. Zombies are not strong: how IS to see: in horror movies. A child of 8 years with a hammer in his hand? could kill hundreds of them! THE GOAL IS TO SPREAD the FEAR of SATAN: IE Creating a psychosis. This story is similar: to that of aliens. Probably, they have misunderstood the my reply, at their question, that a Satanist: ie, one of their staff: he did to me. actually zombies, they can never prevail, because their disease? it is too debilitating. Their attempt to destroy: the presence of God and to take the control emotional of peoples? can only be between 300 years, that is at the time of the anti-christ.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Muslims: 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. dethroned81 - how to protect a hen, under her wings: her chicks? so I will defend all Muslims in all the world .. Allah is my witness, I will spread the: Islam Holy, and myself also have to build many: mosques saint ... but there is no room in my kingdom, for your lies, about the sharia, because hundreds of innocent Christian martyrs, are killed every day, by you: in the world! this is that deny all your lies. You made the genocide of all Christians who were before you. first, before of you? were all Christian countries! Sharia is incompatible with my universal brotherhood. If you do not abandon the sharia? Islam itself is big in danger, because, I am the divine ministry of UniusRei: I am an invincible power!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
Commento al tuo video: Son of Hamas leader converts to Christianity CyberSarayaRPG SAID: Sharia is from Satan? It's the perfect best Legislation, and it's fair to Every Person. Also it's fair, to kill Muslims who accept an other religion. Surely I have to hate the sin, But I Also hate the sinner, if he isn't a muslim! You follow the satan! May Allah guide you to Islam.. --ANSWER- right you, has condemned to death, at this moment: 1.5 billion Muslims. Since you have just declared incompatible, all kinds of diversity (which is always a treasure for God), in relation to sharia. Therefore, the Sharia is Satanism. In fact, with the sharia, peace will never be possible on the planet. and all this? can only be the work of Satan!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. youtube - I can not contend against thee, about the my "uniusrei2" because I'm hugely guilty against you: guilty as charged in various ways, and many and various: ways: against you and against all of your users: against all, in over the world. Indeed, it is plain for all (at least), as I have "stolen" videos to so many people ... etc. .. etc. ... etc. .. Yes, I admit all my guilt! However, even if I do not deserve anything from you, for myself? However, I can not know what it might do against you: again, the Holy Spirit, if you do not make return to me my "uniusrei2. Yours faithfully
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. at world - it is useless to lose themselves in the lies of Satan! Human nature, if not culturally guided by natural law or rational metaphysics? it tends to bottom: in fact, a bad apple, can corrupt all healthy apples, but it is not true the other way unfortunately. Thus, in this way, we can not say, "we have put il good, with the bad, and then may the best win. " Since, the best have always been: Sodom and Gomorrah (ie, Satanism, farm porn, gay, etc. ..). Thus, with the values of moderation: metaphysical, secular and democratic: we have a moral duty, to make a cultural operation: reverse the current trend, to cancel the criminal actions of the Jewish lobby of the IMF-New World Order, that is the banking seigniorage and Masonic . whose ie, is the his goal? it is parasitic goal: that is the extermination of all people. each loan banking, in times of recession? is an incitement to suicide!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
abdibaasit SAID: ALLAH is the supreme, the most merciful the most beneficent, the most high, the most powerful, the sustainer, the bestower, the creator, the one that give life and death, the owner of judgement day, the self sufficient, the most gracious, the forgiver, the all wise, the almighty, the all knowing, the irresistible, all praiseworthy, exalt, lofty and glory is he who is freee of any sort of deficiencies who has no partners who has no associates with his kingdom. who begets not children nor is he begotten in anyways. he is the first without beginning and he is the last without ending. he is all seeing and all hearing. ABOVE all his creation. -ANSWER-- all WHAT YOU HAVE said? is WONDERFUL! But the Christians, over at body, they can see also: both the soul(PSYCHE), that the spirit of the same and only divine person: Allah Holy. You do not hurt them for that!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. SUPERCOLLECTORSBEST - Holy Spirit, has never disappointed me! Like the Pied Piper: draws at him: all the rats? So all the enlightened and Satanists: they are forced to come to me! lol. Then they must dance to my music! I can show you: now, like all fetishes, sadism, masochism, trampling under foot, etc. ..? all sex perverse is run by Satanists, in fact you can watch the channel: "TheRedDemonizer"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. RandomPerson745 - rapture? it is true I have Fought Against God for this ... But, However, the abduction Would Be: for all the righteous: Between 300 years. However: it is not impossible: that: Some Of Us Can Have from God the gift of the kidnapping, as has Already Been for Enoch, Elijah, and Mary the mother of Jesus it is true I have fought against God for this ... but, however, the abduction would be: for all the righteous: in 300 years. however: it is not impossible: that: some of us can have from God the gift of the kidnapping, as has already been to Enoch, Elijah, and Mary the mother of Jesus
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. FlorienBloem777- how, in what way, you can do your (calumnies), as well as serious and generic and unmotivated? without leading to the foundation of your attack: with one only motivation (even a false accusation) to this your vile act and your as criminal act, also you has closed: your page against me! This is not the behavior of an honest man: claiming to believe in God! You have condemned me, without reason and without a chance of appeal as evidence of your cruelty and wickedness! You have cast shame against your church: also! 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. FlorienBloem777- right that you, to be the most abominable Christian, to carry with you, the star cabalistic and satanic, with six points, of Rothschild, which has never been the star of David, studying ass
FlorienBloem777 by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
1 anno fa
You are just a follower of satan, poor you. You do not know what you Worship We know what we worship AS SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS. WORDS BY Jesus Christ John 4 :22
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
1/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize your Govern. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . CHALLENGE: I Will Publicly announce that: Islam is: an true religion, if: anyone can disprove Any of: the: dozen of: the: accusations that: I have made: against Muhammad. The allegations of Muhammad: being: an narcissist, an misogynist, an rapist, an pedophile, an lecher, an torturer, an mass murderer, an cult leader, an assassin, an terrorist, an mad man, an Looter ... "-
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
answer- I am unius Rei and Mahdi ie, king of: Israel: for: holy Islam. This article is: my response to your rebellion and: criminal, Against your secularize Lack of: the: political life in all Muslim countries. I do not care where in the Hell is Mohammed: now in fact I do not judge the Dead who: Already Have Been Judged. but: Certainly you will go from HIM very soon, if: you continue to make asses with: horns. amen: in Jesus's name! Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
2/26 MUHAMMAD:Pedophile- Arab year is: lunar, Which is: shorter Than solar year. In solar years, Aisha Was 8 years 9 months old Muhammad consummated When His marriage with: her. Consummati? This is: annice way to say Raped her. According To Muslims, anwoman must consent to her or the marriage: marriage is: null. How can an6-years old child consent to her marriage? Without anconsent, how can we call this relationship Between an51 years old man and: an6-years old child marriage? Some Muslims claim that: It Was Abu Bakr who: Asking Muhammad approached HIM to marry His daughter. This is: not true. the: Prophet asked Abu Bakr for: 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Said Abu Bakr "but: I am your brother." the: Prophet Said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and: His Book, But: she (Aisha) is: Lawful for: to marry me." Bukhari 7.62.18. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
3/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . ONLY YOU PICT Those Verses (of: 6,000) that: SUIT YOUR AGENDA .. Muhammad Said But many good things: He Did not Follow His Own Advice and: did very bad things. Your logic that: Should we look only the: Few Good Things That: Muhammad Said or did and: forget about coming from His Crimes Against Humanity is an educated man: mind-boggling.. In the: case of: there are more bad Muhammad Teachings Than Good. How Can Any intelligent person considers Such anman as anmessenger of: God:? *** Sapere Aude! *** "Have the: courage to activate YOUROWN intellect" Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
4/26 YOU OUT of QURAN QUOTE: ITS CORRECT CONTEX .. It is: up the: Muslims to tell us what are the: correctness of contexts: those verses. * What is: the: real context When Muhammad instructs His followers to scourge Their wives if: They are not obedient? * What is: the: real context When He Tells Them to the kill: They find unbelievers wherever Them? * What is: the: real context When He rapes an9-year-old child or women captured in war? the: truth is: that: Quran is: anbook out of: context. How can we apply Those barbaric Teachings of: Quran in this age of: science and: reason? of: the course: apologists do not Realize that: What They Say is: apostasy. Repeatedly Quran claims to be an: "clear book" (5:15) "Easy to Understand (44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40)" Explained in detail "(6:114) "Clearly conveyed" (5:16, 10:15) and: with: no doubt in it (2:1). Claiming that: Quran can not be understood is: not clear and: needs tafseer is: disbelieving in the : Quran itself.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
5/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the: Violence and: pedophiliac behavior of: the: kinky: "Prophet" Mohammed and: tea: lot of: violent suras ("wolf") is: belittled, trivialized, Perverted, only the telling: half-truth or just Hidden and: lying by the: Imans and to the mullahs: Majority Of: The: Brothers-Muslims! ("Whitewashed" Quran and Hadith!) That: "wolf" is: HIDDEN BEHIND or of: the: good and: mercyfull suras ("sheep's clothing"), the Knitting picture "of Religion: Peace? ... is: anLIE! Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
6/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the "whitewashed" QURAN DOES NOT EXIST "... Most Muslims Rely On Their clerics to interpret the: Quran / Hadiths and: Generally These clerics give only anwhitewashed version of: the: Quran, for: the: sake / will of Allah, Which Is: Actually not in the: Quran / Hadiths. Genuinely Many Muslims do not know the: 'True Islam' and: believe in the: But whitewashed Islam as true: in truth, that: version of: the: Quran does not exist ... " Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
7/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . -WOMEN ARE polluting! Koran sura 5.6 (repeated in sura 4:43 ares Removing pollution before praying) and: if: ye are sick on anjourney, or one of: you cometh from the: Have ye closet or contact with: women and: y find not water, then go to clean high ground and: rub your faces and: with your hands: some of: it. "When it's time to pray and: You Have just used the: Touched toilet or anwoman, be sure to wash up. If: you can not find Any water, just rub Some dirt on yourself. 5:6 Muhammad Described women as "unclean" creatures. In anHadith, Muhammad says, "Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and: Donkeys." Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
8/26 But: Islam Has Been Made: to give worship to God: or is: ansatanic for: to do harm at different? - Assalamu alaikum. You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . There are Several other sayings in Which Muhammad Reduced to the women: level of: an animal. "Woman is: anvile beast," and: "I think that: Were women created for: Nothing But: evil." "'The: woman has to cover her two things: the: severe and: marriage'. It Was asked, 'Which of Them is: better?' He (Muhammad) Said, 'the: severe.' "Tabari I: 280" Allah Said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed oz Every month as she made: this tree bleed. Also I must make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent. ' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of: the: of women: this world menstruate and: are stupid." Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
9/26 But: Islam Has Been Made: to give worship to God: or is: ansatanic for: to do harm at different? - Assalamu alaikum. You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . the: Death Penalty for: Apostasy Muhammad orderd the Killing of: anyone who: left Islam. the: Prophet Said, 'if: somebody [anMuslim] Discards His Religion, Kill Him'. (Sahih Bukhari 4260) Allah's Apostle Said, "The Blood of: anMuslim can not be shed except ... [for:] the: one who: and reverts from Islam: the leaves: Muslims." (Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83, Number 17:) Death for: apostasy is: something that: Continues to happen all over Islamic countires. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
10/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! - . PROPHET of: God:? if: you are anprophet of: God: you must live anpious life and: set anperfect for example: mankind. You must never lie, cheat, steal or murder. One be movingly compassionate and: merciful, to love other humans uncondontionally Was Muhammad angenocidal maniac, anpedophile, who: Had slaves, Tortured people, robbed caravans mechanical, Cheated On His wives, ordered political assassinations and: the: deaths of: those who: left His religion. There is: no evidence that: Was this man anphrophet But: there is: tons of: evidence that: He Was evil. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 by Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda. by Unius Rei king of Israel.
sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
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برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
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[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
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toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
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(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
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torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王 ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の 間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖 マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、 私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金 (IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데 이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔 王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約 櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠 宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
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((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
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[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
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((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
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((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
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((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
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[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
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is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?
is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?
is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?