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249 universal political theology of the Kingdom

satanist is her society Bush 322 IMF 666 NWO Rothschild phrisees masonic system new babylon tower for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
58 minuti fa

Miley Cyrus is satanist.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

i am king of Israel my kingdom is the Palestine for universal brotherhood bless to all Peoples blessings too all shalom + salam
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

we should not have fear resentment against Satan (because otherwise we will be subjected upon us old age disease and death) (but we must to him indifference and contempt). the fear of evil? means to offend the omnipotence of God Why only the fear of God YHWH must be in us. Also to hate Satan? it is to enter in his domain of his reign that is a kingdom of hatred and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince the most excellent creature very honored and privileged and consequently we deplore her pride and his ambition they all do not want to serve 1. Jesus of Bethlehem 2. to its Unius REI 3. and to every man that envy jealousy (for failure of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline degradation which is why 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love) has become the king of all liars and murderers of all the hypocrites like him.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

noi non dobbiamo avere timore rancore contro satana (perché altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi malattia vecchiaia e la morte) (ma dobbiamo a lui indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male? significa offendere la onnipotenza di Dio perché ,solo il timore di dio deve essere in noi. Inoltre odiare satana significa entrare nel dominio del suo regno che è un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare che satana era un principe la più eccelsa creatura assai onorato e privilegiato e di conseguenza noi deploriamo il suo orgoglio e la sua ambizione di non volere servire a Gesù di Betlemme ed al suo Unius REI che invidia gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati la causa della sua decadenza abbrutimento ecco perché 666 è precipitato nell'abisso della distruzione e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore) è diventato il re di tutti i mentitori e assassini di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] but never lose the love of God for him (ie its possibilities to exist then become evil without spiritual life this his evil will remain in him until the day of judgment when despair infinite its hell it will be disintegrated together with him into the lake of fire which is the disintegration or second death). in fact as it is clear the Lord YHWH the Creator of all things it is not against None. So it is only our behavior which can have an effect scary. in this way everything that we do for good o for evil to other creatures?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] is destined to go back on ourselves so to be amplified. That's why it is our faith that can produce blessing or curse all conditions of doom all the horrific consequences of sin .. I have never found a criminal who has not for himself a rational justification for his behavior so even the international criminal the most dangerous in the history of mankind as IMF NWO 666 SPA Rothschild and the King dell'Saudi Arabia sharia imperialism for worldwide caliphate they have their rational justification for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] ma non perderà mai l'amore di Dio per lui (cioè la sua possibilità di esistere quindi diventerà maledetta senza vita spirituale questo suo male rimarrà in lui fino al giorno del giudizio universale quando la disperazione infinita del suo inferno verrà disintegrato insieme con lui nello stagno di fuoco che è la disintegrazione o seconda morte). infatti come è evidente il Signore JHWH il Creatore di tutte le cose non è contro nessuno. Quindi è soltanto il nostro comportamento che può produrre degli effetti spaventosi. in questo modo tutto quello che noi facciamo di bene o di male alle altre creature?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] è destinato a ritornare su noi stessi in modo amplificato. ecco perché è la nostra fede che può podurre benedizione o maledizione tutte condizioni di sventura tutte le orribili conseguenze del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale che non abbia per se stesso una razionale giustificazione per il suo comportamento quindi anche i criminali internazionali più pericolosi della storia del genere umano come IMF 666 NWO SPA Rothschild ed il Re dell'Aabia Saudita sharia imperialismo worldwide caliphate hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali per i loro crimini immensi di sterminio e di genocidio..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas impide que tengamos la comunión con Dios porque Dios no puede odiar y de hecho YHWH es amor infinito su amor es una . amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios no se pueden conservar en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno para la gente por lo tanto nuestra acción agresiva violenta debe ser dirigida contra el crimen la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque de hecho el testimonio de la verdad y la protección de los inocentes que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho JHWH no puede odiar o maldecir a Satanás como su amada criatura .. Por lo tanto son sólo sentimientos el odio la rebelión la codicia el orgullo la malicia la mentira y los crímenes que Satanás tiene en sí mismo que maldice el mismo Satanás y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura puede impunemente desviar por sentimientos de amor universal de su Creador!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr et en fait YHWH est amour infini son amour est un . amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu ne peuvent pas être conservés dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout les gens donc notre action agressif violent devraient être dirigées contre le crime le «injustice en soi! parce que en fait le témoignage de la vérité et la protection de l'innocent il a la priorité sur tout! en fait JHWH ne peut pas haïr ou maudire Satan comme sa créature bien-aimée .. par conséquent ils ne sont que des sentiments la haine la révolte la cupidité l'orgueil la méchanceté le mensonge et les crimes que Satan a en lui-même qui maudire Satan lui-même et c'est une loi universelle de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner par des sentiments d'amour universel de son Créateur!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures prevents us to have communion with God because God can not hate and in fact YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any the people therefore our action aggressive violent should be directed against the crime the 'injustice in itself! because in fact the testimony of the truth and the protection of the innocent it takes precedence over everything! in fact JHWH can not hate or curse Satan as his beloved creature .. therefore they are only feelings of hatred rebellion greed pride malice lies and crimes that Satan has in himself that curse Satan himself and this is a universal law of the spirit. No creature can with impunity divert by feelings of universal love of his Creator!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile contro le creature impedisce a noi di avere comunione con Dio perché Dio non può odiare ed infatti JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi i servi di Dio; non possono conservare un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone quindi la nostra azione aggressiva violenta deve essere rivolta contro il crimine l'ingiustizia in se stesso! perché infatti la testimonianza della verità e la protezione degli innocenti ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti Dio non può odiare o maledire satana come sua amata creatura.. quindi sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio ribellione avidità orgoglio malvagità mengogne e crimini che satana ha in se stesso che maledicono satana stesso ed è questa una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura può impunemente deviare dai sentimenti di amore universale del suo Creatore!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 système maçonnique FMI - si vous êtes calme maintenant je le ferai connaître encore aussi pour vous de cette façon je peux le faire le mal en mode global mondial contre tout criminels! [en fait sont seuls les lois éternelles de l'Esprit Saint que je peux d'intensifier aggraver car de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle même dans tout le royaume de Dieu) et le plus souvent il s'agit d'une menace très délicate parce que tribulations les malheurs les maladies les catastrophes et la mort prématurée rupture sont faites pas en mode immédiat ...] il ya tellement de pages dans youtube parce que quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page afin de protéger de cette façon les criminels les blasphémateurs les pharisiens les communistes et les salafistes immoral pervers cynique menteur cruel etc ..?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

Il sera alors aussi dans sa vie toutes les malédictions de leurs crimes .. un fardeau de culpabilité métaphysiquement intenable satan brûlure au nom de Jésus!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 masonic system IMF - if you are calm now I will make it known also to you in that way I can do evil in global mode worldwide against all criminals! [actually are only the eternal laws,of the holy spirit that I can intensify aggravate because of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction even in all the Kingdom of God) and usually this is a threat very tricky because tribulations misfortunes diseases disasters and premature death snap are made not so in mode immediate ...] there are so many pages in youtube because someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page to protect in this way criminals blasphemers Pharisees communists and Salafis immoral perverted cynical lying cruel etc. ..? He will then too in his life all the curses of their crimes .. a burden of guilt metaphysically untenable satan burn in Jesus's name!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[théologie de la fraternité universelle ou métaphysique la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit «de grandes bénédictions sont reste à la tête de l'homme juste et il peut jouir abondante de la joie à la présence vivante de YHWH de grands plaisirs à sa droite maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses la guérison physique et la prospérité économique) .. mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions vont loin de toutes les bénédictions et de semer la haine le mépris la violence le racisme le fanatisme le dogmatisme et ce uniquement pour une sensation misérable la cupidité la prédation la poursuite du pouvoir qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon d' religion) .. c'est pourquoi aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[la teología de la fraternidad universal o la metafísica la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito "grandes bendiciones son descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo y se puede disfrutar abundancia alegría al presencia viva de YHWH grandes delicias a su derecha ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen por favor divino (que son los siguientes 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas la curación física y la prosperidad económica) .. pero muchas malas religiones van lejos de todas las bendiciones y la siembra el odio el desprecio la violencia el racismo el fanatismo el dogmatismo y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste la codicia la depredación la búsqueda del poder el cual es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio de la religión) .. por eso ninguna religión puede ser que participan en la gestión del poder político.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[theology of universal brotherhood or metaphysics the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written "great blessings are rest on the head of the just man and he can enjoy abundant joy to the living presence of YHWH great delights to her right now and forever! "the prospects offered by divine favor (they are 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches healing physical and economic prosperity) .. but many bad religions go away from all the blessings and sowing hatred contempt violence racism fanaticism dogmatism and this only for a feeling miserable greed predation the pursuit of power which is Satan himself (as demon of religion) .. that's why no religion can be involved in the management of political power.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

ci sono tante pagine in youtube perché qualcuno deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente dei martiri in questa pagina per proteggere in questo modo i criminali farisei e salafiti?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[teologia della fratellanza universale o metafisica della realtà politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo dell'uomo giusto e lui può gustare abbondanti gioie alla presenza vivente di JHWH grandi delizie alla sua destra ora ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte dalla benevolenza divina (sono 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma la cattiva religione allontana da tutte le benedizioni e semina odio disprezzo violenza razzismo fanatismo dogmatismo e questo soltanto per un sentimento miserabile di avidità predazione ricerca del potere che è satana stesso (come demone di religione).. ecco perché nessuna religione può essere coinvolta nella gestione del potere politico.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[teología política del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como podemos conseguir por ejemplo el profeta Eliseo (posee) una porción doble del poder del espíritu del profeta Elías y cómo podemos tener a nuestra disposición el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política en la tierra. y esto es un don universal entonces todas las naciones serán benditas en el modo de vista económico etc ..!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste 2. debemos tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios porque bueno como vemos comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir el mismo criterio que Dios se encargará de nosotros de hecho Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros a través de nuestra fe
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[théologie politique du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens nous pouvons obtenir comme le prophète Elisée (a eu) une double portion de la puissance de l'esprit du prophète Elie et comment on peut avoir à notre disposition le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI le roi d'Israël dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique sur la terre. et cela elle est un don universel alors toutes les nations seront bénies en toi en mode économique etc ..!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste 2. il faut prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu parce que eh bien comme nous le voyons comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère que Dieu va voir nous avons en effet Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous par notre foi
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for glory and power of God in your life! [like we can get such as the Prophet Elisha (has got) a double portion of power of the spirit of the prophet Elijah and how we can have at our disposal the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI the King of Israel in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form on earth. and this it is a universal gift then all nations shall be blessed in mode economically etc. ..!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body 2. we must take our position in relation to God because well as we see understand God in faith? that is the same criterion that God will see we in fact God looks at each of us through our faith
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[teologia politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra] voi cercate la gloria e la potenza di Dio nella vostra vita! [come noi possiamo ottenere come il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto) una doppia porzione della potenza dello spirito del profeta Elia e come noi possiamo avere a nostra disposizione la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI il Re di israele nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio in forma politica sulla terra. e questo è un dono universale quindi tutti i popoli saranno benedetti economicamente ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo prendere la nostra posizione nei confronti di Dio perché così come noi vediamo comprendiamo Dio in fede? quello è lo stesso criterio che Dio potrà vedere anche noi infatti Dio guarda ognuno di noi attraverso la nostra fede
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

@ 666 - tu viennes à moi car tu as été misérable et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO à savoir le système maçonnique de seigneuriage bancaire finissent tout son pouvoir occulte arnaque jusqu'à ce que vous ne serez pas exterminés pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan .. vous venez à moi et je vais apprendre à vous le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí porque tú has estado horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM es decir el sistema masónico por señoreaje bancario Finalizar su poder oculto estafa hasta que usted no será exterminado para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás .. vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted el camino del poder de la fe!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

@ 666 - you come to me because thou hast Been wretched and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO ie the Masonic system for banking seigniorage end All His occult power scam until you will not be exterminated to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan .. you come to me and I shall teach to you the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me perché tu sei stato miserabile e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO vale a dire il sistema massonico di signoraggio bancario finisce tutto il suo potere occulto truffa fino a quando non sarete sterminati per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana .. venite a me e ti insegnerò a voi la via della forza della fede!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore ? YHWH"]] Santo santo santo il mio il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH Che Essa è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana .. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan .. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore ? YHWH"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع يمكن أن يكون كل شيء السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا ... أنا لا هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]] Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-Communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals Because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves ... I do not there is violence That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI and king of Israel .. [[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves ... so do not there is violence that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

holy HOLY holy my @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente tutti possono essere ex-farisei ex-massoni ex-islamisti ex-comunisti ex-satanisti ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE tu lo sai io non progettato di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente cadrà ogni menzogna circa tutte le criminali religioni perché JHWH tu devi essere amato al di sopra di ogni cosa e il prossimo (cioè ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non c'è violenza che può essere fatta contro la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] [message to humanity the book of remembrance p.261] [without the foundation of natural law represented by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms to take control of the company society nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie only from my own the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme by criminals legalized institutionalized is always the same 1. militarism 2. oppression 3. violence 4. crime place in a legal manner] here's how also the noblest of men Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken "with swords and staves," and he had to endure a show trial even even for the crime of the highest levels of authority whether religious that policies (which they should represent the justice). [Is evident as the evil that is always been present in the world it was worse by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] which is a refined form of hypocrisy because from their foundation the Bank of England (they stole to all peoples the monetary sovereignty) then take control of institutions through their occult powers Masonic associations corporations all monopolies Bildenberg etc. ..] to be directly involved in their agenda NWO for world wars related Shoah. So not only that there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such but the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking against the majority of the people. the real crime it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system) an example is represented from playing the stock exchange raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital adding injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are not thieves and murders of the road but in the system of legalized "bags" financial and commercial with speculation kill more people than all of ... however these ideological murderers enjoy respect and a good reputation and have big worldly honors but they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars debts inflations depression unemployment unfair competition etc. .. because this is the result an IMF which is a private SPA for the impotence of the state and its not efficient governance
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

YourASlaveWakeUp Commento sul tuo video Kabbalah Talmud Zionism Perpetuated Evil IMF NWO 2of3 yes they do interact with demons but not all the freemasons are evil people or even decide to practice malicious magic -- ANSWER--♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. all Masons are sworn to Satan and to betray the people through the bank seigniorage! and we are all going to die for it! OccullticScience33 Comment on your video ROTHSCHILD ISRAELI SUPREME COURT Rockefeller Dupont Knesset Its located on the street is even called Rothschild street they named the street. LadyGagaVEVO said me ""I called a taxi and I'm going to become a nun! all because of that gay OF synnek1 cia FUCK imf 666 I hopefully THAT SYNNEKKK can cut HIS "PEA PISELLO evil" NOW THAT MADE of HIM AND of ME an SLAVE FOR SATAN """ ---♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. lol.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Re amen" was said in Jesus's name. I has done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by Rei Unius ♰ King ♥ ... Sandcastles666 SAID i only read the bit when would die of cancer lol did you copy and paste or type that out? -- ANSWER --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. you are like a dog shit all of you turn to dust for me! You're like the shit out of a dog which turns to dust for me! Sandcastles666 SAID im i gonna die? -- ANSWER--♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. of course! but die is not the worst thing! You go to hell!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Jesus the apostles. Basic premise observation. Only with the divine revelation man is come to an exact understanding even partial of the invisible world. for that the forces of the evil of which all people have a vague knowledge bought with clarity the knowledge of the demons are spiritual beings and personal created good by God that created angels and to rebelling against God coming to a total and irreversible perversion. AS ALIENS Abductions Bush of 322 666 and Rothschild for destroy hope of Israel.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

The Encyclical Ut unum sint of the May 25 1995 emphasizes the importance of knowledge of the sister Churches and That finds in them "certain aspects of the Christian mystery to times have been highlighted more effectively "(n. 14). That seems to me we can apply this observation to the case of the fidelity to the reading of the Bible on the part of the people That I believe we can do the same observation to purpose of exorcism That in the Orthodox world and in general in some of the confessions Protestantism are an ordinary pastoral practice as in the past it was also in the Latin Church what That unfortunately not is more.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ king of Saudi Arabia 666 Rothschild 322 Bush CIA IMF Sharia Talmud 666 322 IMF aliens abductions -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. who was the goat Which he said to you That you will go to heaven? no! you deserve Hell million times! one man who knows the banking seigniorage? Besides he knows everything! all your crimes and murders. Because God wanted a political authority that is unius REI then that's for sure God also HAS DECIDED to make the massacre That he promised in Psalm 110 That's why I asked 500 million of corpses for my wrath ! Because as you made behind me to barking like dogs along with all your accomplices Masons but then you do not have the courage to face me personally? Because the Constitution says That the people are sovereign but then you sell us the money at interest (for 270% of its value as said the scientist Giacinto Auriti) to doing slave to birth all children with a debt per Capita $ 50.000 each?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@666 Rothscild 322 Bush CIA IMF --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. because you made come behind me to barking like dogs along with all your accomplices Masons but then you do not have the courage to face me personally? because the Constitution says that the people are sovereign but then you sell us the money at interest (for 270% of its value as said the scientist Giacinto Auriti) to doing slave to birth all children with a debt per Capita $ 50,000 each? perché voi mi venite dietro di me abbaiando come cani insieme a tutti i vostri complici massoni ma poi voi non avete il coraggio di affrontami? perché la Costituzione dice che il popolo è sovrano ma poi voi vendete a noi il denaro ad interesse(per il 270% del suo valore come ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti) per far nascere tutti i bambini con un debito pro-capite di 50.000 dollari a testa?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@CIA IMF IHateNEWLAYOUT --- That your wife know you are a Satanist institutional? ie AI aliens and abductions? but what is the relationship between the CIA and Satanism? and you and your relationship with Satanism? C.S.P.B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti C. S. S. M.L.Crux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux Holy.N.D.S.M.D. Do not sit mihi dux draco V.R.S. begone Satan Get away Satan! N.S.M.V. Not Suade Mihi Vana S.M.Q.L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas I.V.B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@Ihatenewlayiout CIA satanism institutional international ie IMF for NWO --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. because your daughter is not over too on the altar of Satan? that she not too killed for the love of Satan as were all killed the sons of synnek1? maybe because your wife kicked you out of the house? So now all the new your children they all end up on the cold stone of the altar of Satan anyway? perché tua figlia non è finita anche lei sull'altare di satana? cioè anche lei uccisa per amore di satana come sono stati tutti uccisi i figli di synnek1? forse perché tua moglie ti ha cacciato di casa? allora adesso tutti i nuovi tuoi figli finiscono tutti sulla fredda pietra dell'altare di satana in ogni modo?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ IhateNewLayout -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. how you can be a Satanist to seek the power of God in your life? lol. Dost thou not think you that God YHWH is a consistent person? Dost thou not think that before trying the power of God you should seek God and your friendship with him? while you have a lot of things which belong to Satan in your channel mentre tu hai molte cose che appartengono a satana nei tuoi canali. come tu puoi essere un satanista per cercare la potenza di Dio nella tua vita? lol. non credi tu che Dio JHWH è una persona coerente? non credi tu che prima di cercare la potenza di Dio tu dovresti cercare Dio e la tua amicizia con lui?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ Rothschild 666 IMF Pharisee occult worshiper of the owl god Baal Marduck at the Bohemian Grove a lover of the satanic talmud -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. lol. as she began to cry your health? lol. you and all your vicious band of false democracies Masonic Sharia 322 Freemasonry Masonic and banking system of the banking seigniorage all of you the devils incarnate! you have robbed the sovereignty of all peoples for their destruction and to the destruction of the hope of Israel! but this you need to know "I am always however and in every way unius REI for the next 50 years." The King of Israel the legitimate representative of the Kingdom of God on earth a metaphysical entity that you can not bribe or defeat because I have the power to copy reply replace replicate myself in all men! I order you to return to me immediately 1. banking seigniorage and 2. all peoples to start from my Jewish people!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@Rothschild 666 IMF; fariseo adoratore occulto del dio gufo Baal Marduck al Bohemian Grove cultore del talmud satanico --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. lol. come ha incominciato a piangere la tua salute? lol. tu e tutta la tua banda malvagia delle false democrazie massoniche 322 Sharia massoneria sistema bancario e massonico del signoraggio bancario tutti voi i demoni incarnati! voi avete derubato la sovranità a tutti i popoli per la loro distruzione e per la distruzione della speranza di ISraele! ma questo tu devi sapere "io sarò sempre comunque ed in ogni modo Unius REI per i prossimi 50 anni!". Il Re di ISraele il legittimo rappresentate del Regno di Dio sulla terra una entità metafisica che tu non puoi corrompere o sconfiggere perché io ho il potere di replicare me stesso in tutti gli uomini! io ordino a te di restituire a me immediatamente 1. il signoraggio bancario 2. tutti i popoli ad incominciare dal mio popolo ebraico!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ king of Saudi Arabia -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. if you think to the consistency coherence of the Gospel and in consequence at the coherence of the Church? then. it is true that "EXSTRA ECCLESIA SALUS NOTHING!" HOWEVER it was not possible that the Christ Messiah born in Bethlehem he was to worsen the situation of before where Abraham Moses Melchizedek etc. .. etc. ... they have saved themselves even without the presence of Christ! Here because God has created unius REI that is to me to bring God's mercy that is the salvation of the natural law the moral principle of fundamental moral law in the entire history of the human race after all this is my work main! but save those who they were the enemies of the Cross? like you? ok! this is just impossible even for me!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@king of Saudi Arabia --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. se tu pensi alla coerenza del Vangelo e in conseguenza a quella Chiesa? poi. è proprio vero che "EXSTRA ECCLESIA NULLA SALUS!" TUTTAVIA non era possibile che il Cristo Messia nato a Betlemme lui venisse a peggiorare la situazione precedente dove Abramo Mosé Melchisedek ecc.. ecc... loro hanno potuto salvare se stessi anche senza la presenza di Cristo! Ecco perché Dio ha pensato ad Unius REI cioè a me per portare la misericordia di Dio cioè la salvezza della legge naturale della morale fondamentale in tutta la storia del genere umano dopotutto questo è il mio lavoro principale! ma salvare coloro che loro sono stati i nemici della CROCE? come te? ok! questo è proprio impossibile anche per me!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ King Saudi Arabia it is true that God is one and can not have children! In fact no one would think that your thoughts your words your body and your breath are different people! This can be understood by all "lol. maybe God is done in a way that is a little different from us!"I know him personally and you? @Re Arabia Saudita è vero che Dio è uno solo e che non può avere figli! infatti nessuno penserebbe che il tuo pensiero la tua parola il tuo corpo ed il tuo respiro sono diverse persone! questo può essere capito da tutti "lol. Dio forse è fatto in una maniera che è un poco diversa da noi!" io conosco lui personalmente e tu?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[it is useless you blocked my ADSL because you all will fall under my judgment! and for that matter that I have changed my background image!] @ Synnek1 666 CIA IMF; Talmud satanic nazi -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. Priest of Satan -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. on Which altar of Satan are been For Their end [is gone to finish] your children? Cain where are your children? ... / / Synnek1 posted a comment 7 minutes ago "I know understand?" - ANSWER -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive but can not understand the crimes! [the Hell 666 322 IMF Sharia Talmud] 1035 The Church in her teaching Affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The Souls Of Those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell where they suffer the punishments of hell "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm. 76;
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

bring the vision of hell described in Lucia of Fatima in more detail. , "Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which it seemed that it were in the ground. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls as if they were transparent and Negro or bronze with demons of the human form which floating about in transported by the flames that issued from within themselves together in clouds of smoke and fell on all sides like the sparks that fall in a huge fire without weight or equilibrium amid cries and groans of pain and despair which did shudder and tremble with fear. the demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive animal frightening and unknown but transparent and Negroes. "From "Lucy says Fatima" - Ed Harper p. 80th
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

"If God punish immediately who offends of course he would not be offended as it is now. But because the Lord does not punish immediately sinners feel encouraged to sin more.'s Good to know however that God will not stand for ever as fixed for each man the number of days of life as well establishes for each the number of sins that he decided to forgive him Who percent to whom ten who one. many many years living in sin! terminates But when the number of faults fixed by God they are overtaken by death and go to hell. " (St. Alphonsus Liguori - Doctor of the Church) CHRISTIAN SOUL DO NOT GET HURT! IF YOU LOVE ... DO NOT ADD A SIN SIN! YOU SAY "GOD IS MERCIFUL!" YET WITH ALL THIS MERCY ... HOW EVERY DAY BE HELL!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

"Se Dio castigasse subito chi lo offende certamente lui non verrebbe offeso come lo è ora. Ma poiché il Signore non castiga subito i peccatori si sentono incoraggiati a peccare di più. È bene sapere però che Dio non sopporterà per sempre come ha fissato per ogni uomo il numero dei giorni della vita così ha fissato per ognuno il numero dei peccati che ha deciso di perdonargli a chi cento a chi dieci a chi uno. Quanti vivono molti anni nel peccato! Ma quando termina il numero delle colpe fissato da Dio sono colti dalla morte e vanno all'inferno. " (Sant'Alfonso M. de Liguori - Dottore della Chiesa) ANIMA CRISTIANA NON FARTI DEL MALE! SE TI AMI... NON AGGIUNGERE PECCATO A PECCATO! TU DICI "DIO È MISERICORDIOSO!" EPPURE CON TUTTA QUESTA MISERICORDIA... QUANTI OGNI GIORNO VANNO ALL'INFERNO!!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ synnek1 666 CIA; IMF; talmud satanic nazi --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. priest of satana --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. on which altar of Satan are been for their end [is gone to finish] your children? Cain where are your children? ... // Synnek1"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB] 7 minuti fa "me know comprende?" -- ANSWER --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. Unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive but can not understand the crimes! [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] 1035 The Church in her teaching affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell where they suffer the punishments of hell "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm. 76;
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ King of Saudi Arabia -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. how you were able to do the accomplice and ally of all this? USA CIA aliens abductions 200.000 sacrifice human on the altare of satan any year? Rothschild Pharisees of the Talmud satanic 666 IMF FED ECB 322 Freemasonry baal god Marduk at the Bohemian Grove that is the owl god? as you can enjoy of the Holocaust of Israel and all the Christian peoples? who goat which has convinced you that you will go to Heaven? -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. come tu hai potuto fare il complice e l'alleato di tutto questo? Rothschild farisei del talmud satanico 666 FMI; FED BCE; 322 Freemasonry dio baal Marduk al Bohemian Grove cioè il dio gufo? come tu potrai godere della Shoah di Israele e di tutti i popoli cristiani? quale caprone ha convinto te che tu andrai in Paradiso?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ King of Saudi Arabia -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. the fact that I'm sitting on the Throne of God? this it is only a private revelation and has no relation about doctrinal! but has a great importance from the political point of view! Of course I am ashamed of all this why of all the servants of God? I am the most unworthy! you'll be okay with me that if there is only one God then exits already too is only one truth! that is the truth is the Gospel and I I can prove it! Why did God create creatures for their existence and who are you to kill them? but you as well to do kill Christians? you do kill also the Shiites which is why in violation of free will you lift yourself against God that is against the sanctity of Islam I represent! because I represent everything that is true (both at the institutional level which on the spiritual plane) around the world
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@King of Saudi Arabia --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. il fatto che io sono seduto sul Trono di Dio? questa è soltanto una rivelazione privata e non ha nessuna relazione sul piano dottrinale mentre ha una grande importanza dal punto di vista politico! certo io mi vergogno di tutto questo perché tra tutti i servi di Dio? io sono il più indegno! tu sarai daccordo con me che se esiste un solo Dio quindi esite anche una sola verità! cioè la verità è del Vangelo! ed io te lo posso dimostrare! Perché Dio ha creato le creature per la loro esistenza e chi sei tu per ucciderle? ma tu oltre a fare uccidere i cristiani? tu fai uccidere anche gli sciiti ecco perché in violazione del libero arbitro tu sollevi te stesso contro Dio! cioè contro la santità dell'Islam che io rappresento! poiché io rappresento tutto quello che è vero(sia sul piano istituzionale che sul piano spirituale) in tutto il mondo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Synod of Constantinople ibid. 409. 411 274]. The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs. 1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion "Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat because strait is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and few there be that find it "(Matthew 7 13-14).
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Since we know neither the day nor the hour we must as we will alert the Lord and watch constantly so that when the single course of our earthly life we may merit to enter with him to the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed nor are any commands such as a wicked and slothful servants to go to the eternal fire into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth" [Conc Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Lumen Gentium 48]. 1037 God predestines no one to go to hell; [Cf Council of Orange II Denz. -Schönm. 397; Council of Trent ibid. 1567] this is the result of a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful the Church implores the mercy of God who does not want "any to perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3.9)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Accept with kindness O Lord the gift that you present us your servants and your whole family your peace in our days save us from eternal damnation and welcome us into the fold of the elect! [Roman Missal Roman Canon]. Amen! Never preacher of truth (St. Paul) thought that he should not by these arguments - eternal life or eternal fire - for the reason that due to the corruption of the times might seem too harsh to those to whom he spoke. It is clear then how should those disapprovarsi predicatri that as not to cause discomfort to ascoltatri do not dare to touch certain topics of Christian Doctrine! Cf. Benedict XV Encyclical Letter Humani Generis Redenptionem)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] And again about hell so says S. John Bosco " If we have a mortal sin on his conscience we are doomed to hell at that time and until there rid confessing our place is always hell. So you have a nice say you have time to go and confess then you do when you get older. But in the meantime I'm suspended in the mouth of this horrible hell and is the Lord that keeps me hanging on and do it out of pure mercy. If I continue to offend Him He can sdegnarsi". and let me fall. (Don Bosco Biographical Memoirs VII 678

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] And again about hell so says S. John Bosco " If we have a mortal sin on his conscience we are doomed to hell at that time and until there rid confessing our place is always hell. So you have a nice say you have time to go and confess then you do when you get older. But in the meantime I'm suspended in the mouth of this horrible hell and is the Lord that keeps me hanging on and do it out of pure mercy. If I continue to offend Him He can sdegnarsi". and let me fall. (Don Bosco Biographical Memoirs VII 678
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity 1033 ... Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren [see Mt 25 31 -46]. To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remain forever separated from him for our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called with the word "hell."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity 1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" [cf Mt 5 22 Mt 5.29; 1034 Mt 13.42 Mt 13.50 Mk 9.43 to 48] which is reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted and where they can destroy both soul and body [cf Mt 10 28]. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels and they will gather. . . all evildoers and throw them in the fiery furnace "(Matthew 13.41-42) and that he will pronounce the condemnation " Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire "(Matthew 25 41).
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Matthew 25 41-46 New International Version (NIV) 41 "Then he will say to those on his left 'Depart from me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in I needed clothes and you did not clothe me I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44 "They also will answer 'Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply 'Truly I tell you whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me.' 46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous to eternal life."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@MsDrUnkCunt - Priest of Satan 666 CIA MFI Markdmullins83 SYnnek1 -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. Cain where are your children? maybe they're all gone killed on the cold stone of the altar of Satan? ! Behold I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact this year you will die! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ PERES ♚ Techel] ♰ PAX ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Ipsa Venena Bibas yourself Drink your poisons. Rei unius King of Israel alleluia! ♰[VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]"E' venuto Gesù per dirci che ci vuole tutti in Paradiso e che l'inferno del quale poco si parla in questo nostro tempo esiste ed è eterno per quanti chiudono il cuore al suo amore" Benedetto XVI (Il Giornale 26/3/2007) La Madonna ha mostrato ad alcuni veggenti di Medjugorje l'inferno come un mare di fuoco. Riteniamo opportuno in questo secolo di sfacciato ateismo,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]riportare la visione dell'inferno descritta a Lucia di Fatima in modo più dettagliato. Di conseguenza se qualcuno non crede ancora alle apparizioni di Medjugorje ha il dovere di credere nelle apparizioni di Fatima "La Madonna ci mostrò un grande mare di fuoco che pareva che si trovasse sotto terra. Immersi in questo fuoco i demoni e le anime come se fossero bracci trasparenti e negre o color bronzo dalla forma umana che fluttuavano nell'incendio trasportati dalle fiamme che uscivano da loro stessi insieme a nugoli di fumo e cadevano da tutte le parti simili alle faville che cadono nei grandi incendi senza peso né equilibrio tra gridi e gemiti di dolore e di disperazione che facevano raccapricciare e tremare di spavento. I demoni si distinguevano per le forme orribili e schifose di animali spaventosi e sconosciuti ma trasparenti e negri". Da "Lucia racconta Fatima" - Ed. Queriniana pag. 80
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

666 CIA @IhateNewLAyout --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. super powers? never come from God! because God can be accessed only through faith! and faith? comes only from the Word of God when it is properly understood through the Holy Spirit of an universal love divine love! which is the universal brotherhood! who wants to be a servant of God? he must abandon super powers! i super poteri ? non vengono mai da Dio ! perché Dio può essere accessibile soltanto attraverso la fede! e la fede? nasce soltanto dalla Parola di Dio quando essa è intesa rettamente attraverso lo Spirito Santo dell'amore universale che è la fratellanza universale! chi vuole essere servo di Dio? lui deve abbandonare i super poteri!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Unius REI? him as every honest judge can not do sentenced to die against someone in a supernatural way whether before he has not listed the crimes of the condemned to die of that cursed. that he is been expelled from the Kingdom of God! In fact the charges must be formulated because the judgment may be legal! Unius REI? lui come ogni giudice onesto non può condannare a morte qualcuno in modo soprannaturale se prima lui non ha elencato i crimini del condannato a morto del maledetto che. è stato espulso dal Regno di Dio! infatti i capi di accusa devono essere formulati perché la sentenza possa essere legale!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ King of Saudi Arabia satanist of Sharia of Al Qaeda criminal terrorists accomplice of all Satanists USA; 666 Rothschld Bush 322 master of Aliens Abductions! you have violated all the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights] and in fact consistently your wickedness and lust for power you do not have them signed these rights because you hope to subjugate the whole world to the your Sharia that is to realize your imperialism! because at least you are coherent and conscious of being a murderess and a slave trader!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB] 9 secondi fa @King Saudi Arabia --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. you're not a hypocrite like the Pharisees Enlightened in fact Rochefeller he pretends indeed to be a Christian as they always have their ancestors Jews Marranos (werewolves occult) for the destruction of Christian civilization the destruction of Jewish monotheism (do Shoah) in order to raise finally (as described on the U.S. dollar of 100 years ago) the new tower of Babel as an absolute power for the Antichrist and his micro-chip! the era of global slavery
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[Universal Declaration of Human Rights] Article 1 When human beings are born they are free! and must be treated in any case in the same way! --ANSWER--♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. ALL LIES! 1. WHEN A CHILD IS BORN IN ITALY? He has 50,000. euro debt public to pay! rabbis cursed of Kakam Pharisees usurers lenders of scam murderers racists and Nazis for the Talmud satanic Illuminati of IMF for the destruction of the hope of Israel and to the Shoah against the People f Jews and against all the nations together to all their accomplices Masons Political the burning fire of wrath of JHWH? is against you all because this story of debt public? is a scam (legal fiction) in the scam of the banking seigniorage! usurers cursed said of you the scientist Giacinto Auriti!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

hallelujah ---offline --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. God has compassion for all peoples of the world and protect all of them from the Rothschild murderess thief usurer moneylender and all his accomplices 666 322 of Sharia that is all accomplice Masons and their masters of the IMF the god Baal owl at the Bohemian Grove! all murderess of Christians MArtyrs innocent it is likely that I will have to take a trip and will be absent three days! --- glory to G-d Holy Holy Holy JHWH forever and ever of all Satanists? only synnek1 AND IhatenewLayout are authorized by me to stay on this page! all the others look their lives vanish! alleluia
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ Benjamin Netanyahu from IsraelNationalTV my Jewish people all over the world my dear sisters mothers and grandmothers! My dear brothers and sisters fathers and grandparents Jews! the oath to Satan IMF or its Freemasonry? is not worth a shit! Because it was not Satan to create the world! Therefore its authority will always REMAIN in abusive authorities illegal! we are closer to our dream to the Kingdom of Palestine (territorially more than double of the present Israel) something great! or we are close to all day 3 ° WW nuclear! if God has allowed you so much wealth and power? Because it is only only you today you can have pity of Israel and of all mankind! I am Unius REI the King of Israel your son father and brother but Also incorruptible justice then I am also the son father and brother all the other Nations and Peoples I say it will be a success!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ synnek1 High Priest of Satan with the powers of cock! master of 666 CIA all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF. ---- you need to stop doing the blasphemy against Christianity just because Christians do not kill anyone like the Muslims because this crime remains! in fact is a very big crime! and also if are satanist of IMF that have the power? this does not authorize you in any way to make blasphemy against the Christian religion -- tu la devi smettere di fare blasfemia contro il cristianesimo soltanto perché i cristiani non uccido nessuno come fanno i musulmani perché questo reato rimane ed infatti è un reato molto grande! il fatto che sono i satanist del FMI ad avere il potere? questo non autorizza voi in ogni modo a fare blasfemia contro la religione cristiana
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@synnek1 High Priest of Satan with the powers of cock! master of 666 CIA all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. it is useless you pretend to be stupid not to go to war! I'll see if I European Satanists on this page? as Darodicus? the traitor of the German people etc. .. that is of Angela Dorothea Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany ie an accomplice to all Freemasons of the devil? the scam of system masonic for banking seigniorage! she will have much to cry because of you because I tell you all that Satanists institutional are to do in Germany In fact I have the book with the cover in blue canvas Lukas and four years in hell 1999 (TEA SpA Milan) book that had not yet been corrupted by your system of the NWO
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@synnek1 High Priest of Satan with the powers of cock! master of 666 CIA all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. it is useless you pretend to be stupid not to go to war! I'll see if I European Satanists on this page? as Darodicus? the traitor of the German people etc. .. that is of Angela Dorothea Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany ie an accomplice to all Freemasons of the devil? the scam of system masonic for banking seigniorage! she will have much to cry because of you because I tell you all that Satanists institutional are to do in Germany In fact I have the book with the cover in blue canvas Lukas and four years in hell 1999 (TEA SpA Milan) book that had not yet been corrupted by your system of the NWO
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ Iran Pakistan Saudi Arabia and all muslims country -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. you are crazy! you have aped the rabbis of the Talmud Pharisees Illuminati (the Luciferian worshipers Baal 666 IMF god marduk owl) and also you have made of a divine religion? an abomination absolute that you have done an Islamic regime intolerant! but this? was not God's will! here because it would be been better for you that you were not ever born! @Iran Pakistan Saudi Arabia and all muslims country --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. voi siete pazzi! voi avete scimmiottato i rabbini farisei Illuminati del Talmud(i luciferini adoratori di Baal 666 FMI god marduk owl) e anche voi avete fatto di una religione divina? una abominio assoluto cioè voi avete fatto un regime islamico intollerante! ma questo? non era volontà di Dio! ecco perché sarebbe stato meglio per voi che voi non foste mai nati!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

la sfera della Redenzione è venuta per colpa dei satanisti del FMI [questo asteroide esplodendo a grappolo impatterà contro gli USA che spariranno!] l mondo sarà avvolto da una oscurità. Molti moriranno vedo le persone sedute nelle loro case quando tutto comincia a tremare una fitta nebbia si diffonde nel cielo come una grande nuvola mentre una pioggia di schegge di rocce infuocate si abbatte sulla terra. la sfera riappare dopo essere passata dietro il sole. Non bisogna uscire in questa oscurità la luna è completamente coperta non manda luce". Ti dico l'uomo di scienza ha raggiunto il vertice della conoscenza ma non raggiungerà mai la verità! Non rifiutate mai le parole dei numerosi figli prescelti essi hanno ricevuto dal Padre la conoscenza per prepararvi ai giorni di combattimento e di dolore giorni che sono già iniziati,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

USA is lost! [BALL OF REDEMPTION] Those who have given themselves body and soul to Lucifer are blinded to what awaits them. We eat we drink we will celebrate the wedding but when suddenly the ball will fire your skin will dry up and disappear around the bones as if it had never existed. All those who have dishonored their body the temple of the Holy Spirit it will burn. You'd better hide your nakedness agents of hell. You'd better set an example for your children! Each parent will be held responsible for the destruction of the soul of his children. Satan has placed many agents in the House of God in the field of entertainment culture and government. They are now working for Satan how many children are in the house of God while their hearts are outside the law of God is a sacrilege! It increases more than His wrath! - ANSWER - for this reason it is indispensable that my my Jewish People the U.S. must abandon
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

USA is lost! [BALL OF REDEMPTION] "Son it's time. Many will receive a second view to see beyond the veil while raging Lucifer in a fierce battle. Days in your own land they are counted because the sphere of purification continues on his way. for all those that remain close to my son there is nothing to fear while those that through this crucible the darkness of suffering will fall you will fall for their guilt. "by Veronica Lueken NY - ANSWER -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. FALL ash acid this asteroid as it spins three times in Earth orbit here it is made incandescent a reason the previous one friction with the sun but the enemies (criminals) of the cross will be suppressed for their lack(supernatural) of oxygen will be forced to go outside they will find death. This will kill at least 3 billion people
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ CIA IMF 666 322 @ shit -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. but the testimony scientifically relevant is the photo that was taken the three children of Fatima and their faces terrified? could not be imitated no even by professional actors! said "we would have died of fear 1. whether Madonna was not close to us! 2. and if he had not promised to us before that we would go to Heaven!" This way the hell has been described scientifically " in its impressive reality! -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. ma la testimonianza scientificamente rilevante è la foto che fu scattata ai tre bambini di Fatima ed i loro volti terrorizzati? non potrebbero essere imitati neanche da attori professionisti! dissero "saremmo morti dalla paura 1. se la Madonna non fosse stata vicino a noi! 2. e se non avesse promesso a noi in precedenza che noi saremmo andati in Paradiso!" il questo modo l'Inferno è stato descritto nella sua impressionante realtà!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ CIA IMF 666 322 @ shit -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. of course we Catholics we have an impressive array imposing of mystics who have had direct experience of hell purgatory and paradise the most famous of which (and also the most recent and authoritative) is Padre Pio Pietralcina lived in San Giovanni Rotondo @CIA IMF 666 322 @ shit --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. ovviamente noi cattolici noi abbiamo una schiera impressionante imponente di mistici che hanno avuto una diretta esperienza dell'inferno purgatorio e paradiso il più famoso dei quali(ed anche il più recente ed autorevole ) è Padre Pio da Pietralcina vissuto a a San Giovanni Rotondo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

CIA IMF @ 666322 @ shit - I wrote "shit" directly on this page! but the article I was rejected! who has rejected it? he wanted to that this particular not go unnoticed on the Italian text "shit" perhaps those who have rejected my previous article? may have been God YHWH in Person as either an alien intelligence it can not have this reaction speed! CIA IMF @ 666 322 @ shit -- io ho scritto "merda" direttamente su questa pagina! ma l'articolo mi è stato respinto! chi lo ha respinto? lui voleva che questo particolare non passasse inosservato sul testo italiano forse chi ha respinto il mio precedente articolo? può essere stato Dio JHWH in persona poiché neanche una intelligenza aliena può avere questa velocità di reazione!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

CIA IMF @ 666 322 -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. not only we Christians we have a truth revealed by Jesus personally but even the apostles were atto have Their own experiences not only in the field of exorcism but Also visions and raptures in heavenly places (top) as in the infernal places (below) the best known it is the book of Revelation of St. John the Apostle where it was revealed the smallest technical details technology Aliens Abductions microchip @ shit -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. not only we Christians we have a truth revealed by Jesus personally but even the apostles were able to have their own experiences not only in the field of exorcism but also the visions and kidnappings in heavenly places (top) as in the infernal places (below) the best known it is the book of Revelation of St. John the Apostle where it was revealed the smallest technical details technology Aliens abductions microchip 666
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@666 CIA IMF --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. of course all religions naturalistic is come to the same conclusion [ie the existence of Hell Purgatory and Paradise] through the use of medium or dreams or prophecies or oracles! God certainly did not want to leave completely ignorant those people and therefore has brought local knowledge of souls after death through these imperfect instruments anyway! ovviamente anche tutte le religioni naturalistiche giungono alla stessa conclusione [cioè la esistenza di Inferno purgatorio e paradiso]attraverso l'uso di medium o sogni o profezie oppure oracoli! certamente Dio non ha voluto lasciare del tutto nell'ignoranza quei popoli e pertanto ha portato la conoscenza dei luoghi delle anime dopo la morte attraverso quei strumenti imperfetti ugualmente! in Jesus's name alleluiah
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

Prayer to S. Antonino for the release of the evil spirits God the Almighty and merciful That you gave Blessed Anthony the Abbot against a particular power the devils grant we beseech Thee That through his merits and his prayers we are freed from their snares for being able to reach in eternal life. We ask for the same our Lord Jesus Christ your Son That and it is God he lives and reigns with in Te 'of the unit the Holy Spirit. for all ages of ages. Amen. 1 Our Father 1 Ave Maria 1 Gloria
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ China and all Communists Country -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. everywhere where Christians are being persecuted? to 80% is always for the consequences of a direction of the Illuminati IMF 666(directed by occult and ideological manipulations).(regia occulta e manipolazioni ideologiche). what is the hope that you have for to be able to survive if you have made to exploit yourself(ideologically for kill Christians Innocent ecc..) for many centuries and you never you are noticed anything? I am Unius REI the king of Israel
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@China and all Communists Country -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. who has stopped the evolve culturally and theologically of the Islam? the logic of the Talmud 666 IMF ie god Baal OWL at Bohemian Grove ie god Marduk of 322 ie Ja bul On of freemasonry! Christians? not opposes against the policy of your country why you persecute them! Christians speak of equality and fundamental human rights but this? can not be a problem for those who have decided not to be a criminal country! if you do not stop making suffer to people peaceful? soon all the satanic system of banking seigniorage it will collapse because it needs to regenerate itself through the destruction! I am Unius REI the only hope of the world
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB] 10 minuti fa /user/YouTube/feed?filter=1 @Cina and all Communists Country --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. chi ha impedito all'Islam di evolvere culturalmente e teologicamente? la logica del Talmud del FMI! ovunque i cristiani vengono perseguitati? all'80% è sempre per le conseguenze di una regia degli Illuminati del FMI 666. Infatti i cristiani non hanno un progetto imperialistico da seguire che si oppone alla politica del proprio paese! I cristiani parlano di uguaglianza e di diritti umani fondamentali ma questo? non può essere un problema per chi ha deciso di non essere un criminale!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[China and all Communists Country] the Jews of the IMF 666 NWO Illuminati have created you that is communism through Stalin's Jews (all Jews his collaborators) and Marx Friedrich Engels etc. .. (all Jews) for two reasons 1. kill Christians 2. be destroyed! because they are always the Pharisees of the Talmud that they did kill and have slandered Jesus of Bethlehem. that is you were created by your mortal enemies! and up to now? you were an idiot perfect in fact you continue to do harm to Christians again more! but if you believe that your life is worth more than an excrement? you must know this I am unius REI
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[China and all Communist Country] it is not strange that on the eve of the World War Israel sells missiles to you "patriot" and Europe sells you the most sophisticated sonar? do not seem too naive these enemies? no! you are throwing the wool over your eyes because they give you the illusion that you can win! only hitting the snake on the head (the 666 IMF) you can win this war ie for just avoid it! non è strano che alla vigilia della guerra mondiale Israele vende a te i missili "patriot" e l'europa vende a te i più sofisticati sistemi sonar? non ti sembrano troppo ingenui questi nemici? no! ti stanno gettando del fumo negli occhi perché devono dare a te l'illusione che puoi vincere! soltanto colpendo il serpente alla testa (cioè il FMI) tu puoi vincere questa guerra proprio evitando di farla!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[communism IMF -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. From Helene Demuth Marx (the jew) had a son who took the surname of his mother and of which Friedrich Engels (was the real lender and ideologue of communism that is the man of confidence of international Jewish bankers) for Marx's insistence he had to pretend to be his father. Wednesday March 26 2008 6,256 U.S. soldiers committed suicide back home two days ago U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq arrived in 4000. but In 2005 there were 6,256 suicides military veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan exceeding in one only year all those who died in the two wars in progress.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[communism IMF .Of Stalin would have to say that he was jew but not before being a patriot Russian-Ossetian educated the Orthodox Christians as a typical Russian. The name itself Djugashvili (Josif Vissarionovich) means 'son of jew' He took part the revolution or Bolshevik coup which was built and was then monopolized by Ashkenazi Jews and also created in the USSR autonomous republic of Birobidjian in Siberia to the borders with China to the Jews outside of the Zionist project. Bolshevism (the French Revolution democracy etc. ..) it was a tool created by the Zionist bankers (Pharisees Illuminati) Wall Street (all in an anti-Christian) of which Trotsky (and Lenin) was the trustee who with his proletarian internationalism would break down before the royal dynasties (Catholic) in Europe and create then the New World Order what is taking place today with a century of delay or perhaps perfectly in accordance with the agenda of globalist Zionists.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

[/?p=31422]] [communism IMF -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. Why Stalin created Israel] Stalin (true communist) failed to steal or disrupt the criminal purpose of the Wall Street bankers neutralizing Trotsky and most of his band Jewish self- died as a result of power struggles and of public trials (purges = storms in Russian) staged around the year 1930 (to coincide with the financial meltdown on Wall Street). Since then the American press led by Hearst began to demonize Stalin true communist to attribute the responsibility for the genocide in Ukraine (from which his family originated Trotsky before emigrating to New York and the Krushchev destalinizzatore) and was revealed the antagonist Hitler in Germany. Both Stalin and Hitler would have had to bleed to each other in a battle of war as in fact happened so that a third actor eventually prevailed Judeo-America.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

honestly how can one to go to vote if he knows the bank seigniorage ? I have erased my the right to vote! - But all the leaders of public administration understand that it is convenient to oppose to all that is against Christian to make a career. as Who is interested in Freemasonry and international finance. I said to the Lord "Anyone who speaks a word against you(Unius REI) so it will be put to death .... because the spread terror among the people of the wicked and at the same time can be raised the people of the good!"
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@synnek1 CIA 666 --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. you are a monster of Satan! i am human! every man united with God merciful and compassionate? is invincible !
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@ CIA IMF Synnek1 666 322 - YOU ARE HUMAN? -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. Satanist are human? you are idiot! Satanists are all idiot the slave of satan but i am the friend of God YHWH only. but satanists are not demons ie aliens abductions ie OGM of Rothschild and Rochefeller for IMF NWO Satanists are disgusting reptiles in their mind. @ in Jesus's name -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. alleluia I am unius REI the best because thou art YHWH one only and one God in your the Holy Spirit HALLELUJAH. @ my Jesus Christ -♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. really you're sitting at the right hand of your Father YHWH YHWH because you are! alleluia my Allah Holy Holy Holy Holy Allah Allah Allah Holy Holy Holy Allah
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★ alleluia REI Unius♰ King ♥ Israel ★ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]
♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-]allarm♰.

@CIA IMF 666 322 Synnek1 -- YOU ARE HUMAN? --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. satanist are human? you are idiot! all satanists are idiot the slave of satan but i am the friend of God JHWH only. but not are demons ie aliens abductions ie OGM of Rothschild and Rochefeller satanists are disgusting reptiles. @in Jesus's name --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. io sono Unius REI il migliore perché tu sei JHWH un solo ed unico Dio nello Spirito Santo HALLELUJAH. @my Jesus Christ --♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. veramente tu sei seduto alla destra del Padre tuo JHWH perché tu sei JHWH! alleluia my Allah Holy Holy Holy Allah Holy Allah Holy Allah Holy Allah Holy

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina

I am Universal King Unius REI frm kingdom of God JHWH ie Mahdì and king of Israel.

said to the Lord "Anyone who speaks a word against you(Unius REI) so it will be put to death .... because the spread terror among the people of the wicked and...
http //
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
http //deiverbumdei.blogspot.i
di lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina

Data di iscrizione 18/set/2012

Posizione Gerusalemme
Paese Israele

IMF 666 322 aliens abductions

JHWH the King of kings
1243 iscritti
President Metaphysical Mankind
1194 iscritti
ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine
1202 iscritti
Creation in the XXIst century
229 iscritti
Evolution is Crime Ideological
106 iscritti
27 iscritti
267 iscritti
Unius Rei King Universal
103 iscritti
all christian martyrs will win
132 iscritti
universal brotherhood
155 iscritti


satanist is her society Bush 322 IMF 666 NWO Rothschild phrisees: masonic system new babylon tower for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar
58 minuti fa

Miley Cyrus is satanist.
1 ora fa

i am king of Israel my kingdom is the Palestine for universal brotherhood bless to all Peoples blessings too all shalom + salam
1 ora fa

we should not have: fear resentment against Satan (because otherwise we will be subjected upon us old age disease and death) (but we must: to him indifference and contempt). the fear of evil? means to offend the omnipotence of God: Why only the fear of God: YHWH must be in us. Also to hate Satan? it is to enter: in his domain: of his reign that: is: a kingdom of hatred and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince the most excellent creature very honored and privileged and consequently we deplore her: pride and his ambition: they all do not want to serve 1. Jesus of Bethlehem 2. to its Unius REI 3. and to every man that envy jealousy (for failure of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline degradation which is why 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love) has become the king of all liars and murderers of all the hypocrites like him.
1 ora fa

noi non dobbiamo avere: timore rancore contro satana (perché altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi malattia vecchiaia e la morte) (ma dobbiamo: a lui indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male? significa offendere la onnipotenza di Dio: perché ,solo il timore di dio deve essere in noi. Inoltre odiare satana significa entrare: nel dominio: del suo regno che: è: un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare che satana era un principe la più eccelsa creatura assai onorato e privilegiato e di conseguenza noi deploriamo il suo: orgoglio e la sua ambizione: di non volere servire a Gesù di Betlemme ed al suo Unius REI che invidia gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati la causa della sua decadenza abbrutimento ecco perché 666 è precipitato nell'abisso della distruzione e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore) è diventato il re di tutti i mentitori e assassini di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
1 ora fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] but never lose the love of God for him (ie its possibilities to exist then become: evil without spiritual life this: his evil will remain in him until the day of: judgment when despair infinite: its hell it will be disintegrated: together : with him into the lake of fire which is: the disintegration or second death). in fact as: it is clear: the Lord YHWH the Creator of all things it is not: against: None. So: it is only our behavior which can have an effect: scary. in this way: everything: that: we do for good: o: for evil to other creatures?,
1 ora fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] is destined to go back on ourselves so: to be amplified. That's why it is our faith that can produce: blessing or: curse: all conditions: of doom: all the horrific consequences of sin I have never found a criminal who has not: for himself a rational justification for his behavior so even the international criminal: the most dangerous in the history of mankind as: IMF NWO 666: SPA Rothschild and the King dell'Saudi Arabia sharia imperialism: for worldwide caliphate they have their rational justification for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide
1 ora fa

[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] ma non perderà mai l'amore di Dio per lui (cioè la sua possibilità: di esistere quindi diventerà: maledetta senza vita spirituale questo: suo male: rimarrà in lui fino al giorno del: giudizio universale quando la disperazione infinita: del suo inferno verrà disintegrato: insieme: con lui: nello stagno di fuoco che è: la disintegrazione: o seconda morte). infatti come: è evidente: il Signore JHWH il Creatore di tutte le cose non è: contro: nessuno. Quindi: è soltanto il nostro comportamento che può produrre degli effetti: spaventosi. in questo modo: tutto quello: che: noi facciamo di bene: o: di male alle altre creature?,
1 ora fa

[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] è destinato a ritornare su noi stessi in modo: amplificato. ecco perché è la nostra fede che può podurre: benedizione: o: maledizione: tutte condizioni: di: sventura: tutte le orribili conseguenze del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale che non abbia: per se stesso una razionale giustificazione per il suo comportamento quindi anche i criminali internazionali: più pericolosi della storia del genere umano: come: IMF 666 NWO: SPA Rothschild ed il Re dell'Aabia Saudita sharia imperialismo: worldwide caliphate hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali per i loro crimini immensi di sterminio e di genocidio..
2 ore fa

(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas impide que tengamos la comunión con Dios porque Dios no puede odiar y de hecho YHWH es amor infinito su amor es una amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios: no se pueden conservar en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno para la gente por lo tanto nuestra acción agresiva violenta debe ser dirigida contra el crimen la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque de hecho el testimonio de la verdad y: la protección de los inocentes que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho JHWH: no puede odiar o maldecir a Satanás como su amada criatura Por lo tanto son sólo sentimientos el odio la rebelión la codicia el orgullo la malicia la mentira y los crímenes que Satanás tiene en sí mismo que maldice el mismo Satanás y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura puede impunemente desviar por sentimientos de amor universal de su Creador!
2 ore fa

(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr et en fait YHWH est amour infini son amour est un amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu: ne peuvent pas être conservés dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout: les gens donc notre action agressif violent devraient être dirigées contre le crime le «injustice en soi! parce que en fait le témoignage de la vérité et: la protection de l'innocent il a la priorité sur tout! en fait JHWH: ne peut pas haïr ou maudire Satan comme sa créature bien-aimée par conséquent ils ne sont que des sentiments la haine la révolte la cupidité l'orgueil la méchanceté le mensonge et les crimes que Satan a en lui-même qui maudire Satan lui-même et c'est une loi universelle de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner par des sentiments d'amour universel de son Créateur!
2 ore fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures prevents us to have communion with God because God can not hate and in fact YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God: can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any: the people therefore our action aggressive violent should be directed against the crime the 'injustice in itself! because in fact the testimony of the truth and: the protection of the innocent it takes precedence over everything! in fact JHWH: can not hate or curse Satan as his beloved creature therefore they are only feelings of hatred rebellion greed pride malice lies and crimes that Satan has in himself that curse Satan himself and this is a universal law of the spirit. No creature can with impunity divert by feelings of universal love of his Creator!
2 ore fa

[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile contro le creature impedisce a noi di avere comunione con Dio perché Dio non può odiare ed infatti JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi i servi di Dio; non possono conservare un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone quindi la nostra azione aggressiva violenta deve essere rivolta contro il crimine l'ingiustizia in se stesso! perché infatti la testimonianza della verità e: la protezione degli innocenti ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti Dio non può odiare o maledire satana come sua amata creatura.. quindi sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio ribellione avidità orgoglio malvagità mengogne e crimini che satana ha in se stesso che maledicono satana stesso ed è questa una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura può impunemente deviare dai sentimenti di amore universale del suo Creatore!
2 ore fa

TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322: système maçonnique FMI - si vous êtes calme maintenant je le ferai connaître encore: aussi pour vous de cette façon je peux le faire le mal en mode global mondial contre tout criminels! [en fait sont seuls les lois éternelles de: l'Esprit Saint que: je peux d'intensifier aggraver car: de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle: même dans tout le royaume de Dieu) et le plus souvent il s'agit d'une menace très délicate parce que: tribulations les malheurs les maladies les catastrophes et la mort prématurée rupture sont faites pas en mode immédiat.] il ya tellement de pages: dans youtube parce que quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page afin de protéger de cette façon: les criminels les blasphémateurs les pharisiens les communistes et les salafistes immoral pervers cynique menteur cruel etc?
2 ore fa

Il sera alors aussi dans sa vie toutes les malédictions de leurs crimes un fardeau de culpabilité métaphysiquement intenable: satan brûlure au nom de Jésus!
2 ore fa

TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322: masonic system IMF - if you are calm now I will make it known: also to you in that way I can do evil in global mode worldwide against all criminals! [actually are only the eternal laws,of: the holy spirit that: I can intensify aggravate because: of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction: even in all the Kingdom of God) and usually this is a threat very tricky because: tribulations misfortunes diseases disasters and premature death snap are made not so in mode immediate.] there are so many pages: in youtube because someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page to protect in this way: criminals blasphemers Pharisees communists and Salafis immoral perverted cynical lying cruel etc.? He will then too in his life all the curses of their crimes a burden of guilt metaphysically untenable: satan burn in Jesus's name!
2 ore fa

[[théologie de la fraternité universelle ou métaphysique: la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit: «de grandes bénédictions sont reste à la tête de l'homme juste et il peut jouir abondante de la joie à la présence vivante: de YHWH de grands plaisirs à sa droite maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont: 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses la guérison physique et la prospérité économique) mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions vont loin de toutes les bénédictions et de semer: la haine le mépris la violence le racisme le fanatisme le dogmatisme et ce uniquement pour une sensation misérable: la cupidité la prédation la poursuite du pouvoir qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon d': religion) c'est pourquoi aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
2 ore fa

[[la teología de la fraternidad universal o la metafísica: la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito: "grandes bendiciones son descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo y se puede disfrutar abundancia alegría al presencia viva: de YHWH grandes delicias a su derecha ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen por favor divino (que son los siguientes: 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas la curación física y la prosperidad económica) pero muchas malas religiones van lejos de todas las bendiciones y la siembra: el odio el desprecio la violencia el racismo el fanatismo el dogmatismo y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste: la codicia la depredación la búsqueda del poder el cual es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio de: la religión) por eso ninguna religión puede ser que participan en la gestión del poder político.
2 ore fa

[[theology of universal brotherhood or metaphysics: the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written: "great blessings are rest on the head of the just man and he can enjoy abundant joy to the living presence: of YHWH great delights to her right now and forever! "the prospects offered by divine favor (they are: 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches healing physical and economic prosperity) but many bad religions go away from all the blessings and sowing: hatred contempt violence racism fanaticism dogmatism and this only for a feeling miserable: greed predation the pursuit of power which is Satan himself (as demon of: religion) that's why no religion can be involved in the management of political power.
2 ore fa

ci sono: tante pagine: in youtube perché qualcuno: deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente dei martiri in questa pagina per proteggere in questo modo: i criminali farisei e salafiti?
2 ore fa

[[teologia della fratellanza universale o metafisica: della realtà politica: del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto: "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo dell'uomo giusto e lui può gustare abbondanti gioie alla presenza vivente: di JHWH grandi delizie alla sua destra ora ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte dalla benevolenza divina (sono: 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma la cattiva religione allontana da tutte le benedizioni e semina: odio disprezzo violenza razzismo fanatismo dogmatismo e questo soltanto per un sentimento miserabile di: avidità predazione ricerca del potere che è satana stesso (come demone di religione).. ecco perché nessuna religione può essere coinvolta nella gestione del potere politico.
3 ore fa

[teología política: del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como podemos conseguir: por ejemplo: el profeta Eliseo (posee) una porción doble: del poder: del espíritu del profeta Elías y cómo: podemos tener: a nuestra disposición: el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI: el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política: en la tierra. y esto: es un don universal entonces: todas las naciones serán benditas en el modo de vista económico etc!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste 2. debemos: tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios porque bueno como vemos comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir el mismo criterio que Dios se encargará de: nosotros de hecho Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros a través de nuestra fe
3 ore fa

[théologie politique: du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens nous pouvons obtenir: comme: le prophète Elisée (a eu) une double portion: de la puissance: de l'esprit du prophète Elie et comment: on peut avoir: à notre disposition: le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI: le roi d'Israël: dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique: sur la terre. et cela: elle est un don universel alors toutes les nations seront bénies en toi en mode économique etc!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste 2. il faut: prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu parce que eh bien comme nous le voyons comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère que Dieu va voir: nous avons en effet Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous par notre foi
3 ore fa

[political theology: of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for glory and power of God in your life! [like we can get: such as: the Prophet Elisha (has got) a double portion:of power: of the spirit of the prophet Elijah and how: we can have: at our disposal: the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI: the King of Israel: in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form: on earth. and this: it is a universal gift then: all nations shall be blessed in mode economically etc.!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body 2. we must: take our position in relation to God because well as we see understand God in faith? that is the same criterion that God will see: we in fact God looks at each of us through our faith
3 ore fa

[teologia politica del Regno di Dio: sulla terra] voi cercate la gloria e la potenza di Dio nella vostra vita! [come noi possiamo ottenere: come: il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto) una doppia porzione: della potenza: dello spirito del profeta Elia e come: noi possiamo avere: a nostra disposizione: la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI: il Re di israele: nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio: in forma politica: sulla terra. e questo: è un dono universale quindi: tutti i popoli saranno benedetti economicamente ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo: prendere la nostra posizione: nei confronti di Dio perché così come noi vediamo comprendiamo Dio in fede? quello è: lo stesso criterio che: Dio potrà vedere: anche noi infatti Dio guarda ognuno di noi attraverso la nostra fede
3 ore fa

@ 666 - tu viennes à moi: car tu as été: misérable et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO: à savoir le système maçonnique de seigneuriage bancaire finissent tout son pouvoir occulte: arnaque jusqu'à ce que vous ne serez pas exterminés pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan vous venez à moi et je vais apprendre à vous le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí: porque tú has estado: horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM: es decir el sistema masónico por señoreaje bancario Finalizar su poder oculto: estafa hasta que usted no será exterminado para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted el camino del poder de la fe!
3 ore fa

@ 666 - you come to me: because thou hast Been: wretched and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO: ie the Masonic system for banking seigniorage end All His occult power: scam until you will not be exterminated to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan you come to me: and I shall teach to you the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me: perché tu sei stato: miserabile e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO: vale a dire il sistema massonico di signoraggio bancario finisce tutto il suo potere occulto: truffa fino a quando non sarete sterminati per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana venite a me: e ti insegnerò a voi la via della forza della fede!
3 ore fa

[[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa: il Signore YHWH e nessuno: dirà: ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]] Santo santo santo il mio il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH Che Essa è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa: il Signore YHWH e nessuno: dirà: ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]]
3 ore fa

المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع: يمكن أن يكون كل شيء: السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا. أنا لا: هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل
3 ore fa

[[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH and no one: will say you know the Lord: YHWH?"]] Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-Communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals Because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves. I do not: there is violence That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI and king of Israel [[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH and no one: will say you know the Lord: YHWH?"]]
3 ore fa

Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves. so do not: there is violence that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
3 ore fa

holy HOLY holy my @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente: tutti possono essere: ex-farisei ex-massoni ex-islamisti ex-comunisti ex-satanisti ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE tu lo sai io non progettato di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente cadrà ogni menzogna circa tutte le criminali religioni perché JHWH tu devi essere amato al di sopra di ogni cosa e il prossimo (cioè ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non: c'è violenza che può essere fatta contro la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] [message to humanity the book of remembrance p.261] [without: the foundation of natural law represented: by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms to take control of the company society nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie only from my own: the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme by criminals legalized institutionalized is: always the same: 1. militarism 2. oppression 3. violence 4. crime place: in a legal manner] here's how: also the noblest of men Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken "with swords and staves," and he had to endure a show trial even even for the crime of the highest levels of: authority: whether religious that policies (which they should represent the justice). [Is evident as the evil that: is: always been present: in the world it was worse: by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] which is a refined form of hypocrisy because from: their foundation: the Bank of England (they stole to all peoples: the monetary sovereignty) then take control: of: institutions through : their occult powers: Masonic associations corporations all monopolies Bildenberg etc.] to be directly involved in their agenda: NWO for world wars related Shoah. So not only that there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such but the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking against the majority of the people. the real crime: it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system) an example is represented from playing the stock exchange raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial: speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital adding injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are not thieves and murders of the road but in the system of legalized "bags" financial and commercial with speculation kill more people than all of. however these ideological murderers enjoy respect and a good reputation and have big worldly honors but they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars debts inflations depression unemployment unfair competition etc. because this is the result: an IMF which is a: private SPA for the impotence of the state: and its not efficient governance
nulla lascia stare con quelli come te ho smesso di discuterci da tempo fanatici bastardi seguaci di una chiesa corrotta e malata seguaci di un dio malevolo creato a immagine e somiglianza dell'uomo. ti prego di non iniziare uno dei vostri soliti discorsi non ne ho proprio voglia sarebbe tempo perso
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Nordpatrioter SAID: La mia opinione personale è che se l'antisemitismo è una cosa stupida per tutti lo è particolarmente per noi cristiani che crediamo o dovremmo credere nell'ebreo Gesù Cristo. Un abbraccio e ancora buon Natale NP -ANSWER-> BEN DETTO! La vocazione di un vero cristiano è quella di essere solo anti-ignoranza

indeed all those who have blocked lorenzojhwh is because they are full of demons and can not stand the light of God that is in me. For this reason I have friends and enemies in all religions and at all: class group ideology party philosophy etc.. In the presence of lorenzojhwh? human race is divided into two camps! The world will change for me! Because the presence of God in me is bending space and time. Will bring life and death in every corner of the earth. // in verità tutti quelli che hanno bloccato lorenzojhwh è perché sono pieni di demoni e non sopportato la luce di Dio che è in me. Per questo motivo io ho amici e nemici in tutte le religioni e in ogni: categoria gruppo ideologia partito filosofia ecc. Alla presenza di lorenzojhwh? il genere umano si divide in due schieramenti! Il mondo cambierà per me! Perché la presenza di Dio in me sta piegando lo spazio e il tempo. Porterà vita e morte in ogni angolo della terra.

Grazie mille,sei un vero amico. Ti auguro un felice Natale.

we are called to correct all men. Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith;

May the peace of God always be over your life.

shalom to you
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Matthew 5:11 - Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified and made white and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me. Revelation 3:19 As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these; Adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness 20 Idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies 21 Envyings murders drunkenness revellings and such like: of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faith 23 Meekness temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.25 If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory provoking one another envying one another. Galatians 5
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

iambillycoen SAID:"i do not if im natrually stupid or what but honestly "brother" if i ever transform it will be more of a....metomorphis ill become stronger and smarter i mean no disrespect to god but i aint no hard core christian ya no?" - ANSWER-> stupid? is essential to be crazy! Only in this way you will be happy creative and above all free and alive. lorenzojhwh is crazy? Of course! Precisely for this he has succeeded where all others fail! What is important is the result. I am happy.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

ba4996 SAID: The supreme being is omnipotent.- -ANSWER->AMEN! CSPBCSSML NDS MDVRS NSMV SMQLIVB ALLELUIA! For the intensity of my messages tremble Satanists for their lives many have stopped/stuck lorenzojhwh some can not resist on my list. Only the best are able to resist in the face of a raging fire and devouring which purifies and sanctifies // per l'intensità dei miei messaggi tremano i satanisti per la loro vita molti hanno bloccato lorenzojhwh alcuni non riescono a resistere nella mia lista. Solo i migliori riescono a resistere di fronte ad un fuoco divorante e divoratore che purifica e santifica
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re:[Human Sacrifice to Satan]Anonimus Said:dude i am seriously confused now i want a long message i want an explanation-ANSWER->all is:taught in the Bible explained by Church. You save your life like a coal removed of the fire.You kneel down the foot of the cross in the infinite love of God Let wash in the blood of the Lamb Innocent. Destroyed are all your sins: past and future. Heal immediately from all your fears and diseases not afraid of this power that on you.You are healed and free of all your chains now."You have believed!" are transformed! Enjoy the fullness of: peace/joy that come from God without breaks in waves of divine love in your heart. in its protection:Enjoy! as promise of the glory of the heavenly kingdom of which you are now heir by grace to your God in Christ Jesus Alleluia. From time to your God do not be afraid of its ineffable presence. Read your Bible for 1 hour every day. lorenzojhwh binds all men and spirits of the planet at the foot of the cross
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re:[human sacrifice to Satan]anonimus"SAID:dude seriously i am confused now i want a long message i want an explanation>_< tutto è insegnato nella Bibbia tutto è spiegato dalla Chiesa. Tu salva la tua vita come un carbone sottratto al fuoco. Tu inginocchiati ai piedi della croce lasciati attraversare dall'amore infinito di Dio. Lasciati lavare dal sangue dell'Agnello Innocente. Distrutti sono tutti i tuoi peccati: passati e futuri. Guarisci immediatamente da tutte le tue paure e malattie in questa potenza che ti sovrasta. Vivi e liberati da tutte le tue catene adesso. Tu hai creduto! Ora sei trasformato! Godi la pienezza della pace e della gioia che vengono da Dio e prorompono a ondate d'amore divino nel tuo cuore. nella sua protezione: godi! come un antipico della gloria del Regno celeste di cui ora sei erede per la grazia di Dio in Cristo Gesù. Alleluia. Dai del tempo al tuo Dio non avere paura della Sua ineffabile presenza. leggi la tua Bibbia per 1 ora ogni giorno.

Scusami ma sono un po' confuso ora... sei di religione israelitica o cattolica? Ciao NP
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia-> ba4996 SAID: "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." -ANSWER-> "FRATELLO in maniera soprannaturale Dio ha già iniziato da tempo a colpire e uccidere prematuramente decine milioni di ribelli nel mondo ogni mese. Ma proprio perché questo massacro non deve interrompersi esso non deve essere appariscente. Dio disse a me: "io libererò il mio popolo da coloro che lo tiranneggiano attraverso una occulta schiavitù. Incomincerò a colpire chi sta più in alto" così mi spiegò il salmo 110 disse a me: "il Signore è alla tua destra annienterà i re nel giorno della sua ira. Giudicherà i popoli in mezzo a cadaveri ne stritolerà la testa su vasta terra". Molti mesi fa infatti io ho fatto un commento dal titolo: "3 sul trono""

humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia-> ba4996 SAID: "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." -ANSWER-> BROTHER in a supernatural power God has already begun some time to hit early and kill tens of millions rebels in the world every month. But just because you should not stop this massacre it should not be flashy. God said to me: "I will enfranchise my people from those who are bully through a hidden slavery will be to destroy commencing to those who are higher". so he'll explain Psalm 110 he said to me: "The Lord is on your right will destroy the kings on the day of his wrath. judge the peoples in the midst of corpses he will crush their heads on a vast land. " Several months ago in fact I made a comment entitled: "3 on the throne"

Hi daer Lorenzo I wish you a Special & blessed CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year 2010.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Through the Power of the Word of God where the angels at Bethlehem they said: "Peace on earth to all men of goodwill" this ministry will lead to heaven all the atheists who are worthy through the merits of Christ and According to the measure of His Mercy. You be careful "LauderdaleBaptist" to not incurring in the reproach of Jesus against the hypocritical Pharisees he says: "You shut the kingdom of God for you and also forbid to others of can enter // Per la potenza della Parola di Dio in cui gli angeli dicono a Betlemme: "pace in terra a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà questo ministero porterà in Paradiso anche tutti gli atei che ne saranno degni per i meriti di Cristo e secondo la misura della Sua Misericordia. Tu stai attento "LauderdaleBaptist" di non incorrere nel rimprovero di Gesù agli ipocriti farisei egli dice: "voi avete chiuso il regno di Dio per voi e impedite anche agli altri di potere entrare"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

-ANSWER-> to"LauderdaleBaptist" -ANSWER-> Christ then came to destroy the human race? You make of Christ a failure because you're incapable of having a glance of all / global history of salvation. At your request? I've removed you from my list. I would not have ever done! Cristo allora è venuto a distruggere il genere umano? Tu fai di Cristo un fallito perché sei incapace di avere uno sguardo di insieme / globale sulla storia della salvezza. Come da te richiesto? io ti ho rimosso dalla mia lista. io non lo avrei mai fatto!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

LauderdaleBaptist said: We believe the Bible you can believe whatever you want and we do not hate you and we do not persecute you. We all must stand before God and answer for our lives therefore let none of us be the judge of another. This is what we believe: Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. 1John 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. john 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved. 21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

ba4996 SAID -> R:Re: R:Re: R:Re: R:Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia- > There is only one way to God and that is through the Savior Jesus Christ. -ANSWER-> you say that God will destroy all those who have not the Christian religion? Impossible! Great are the paths of God's mercy for his precious creatures who operate the justice and suffer in innocence! // tu dici che Dio distruggerà tutti quelli che non hanno la religione cristiana? Impossibile! Grandi sono le strade della misericordia di Dio per le sue preziose creature che operano la giustizia e soffrono nell'innocenza!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

R:Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia-> "createsutoo" 21/dic/09 SAID:i like this 1.. it says alot to me. peace.kori. -ANSWER->Every day hundreds of CHRISTIANS ARE KILLED IN THE WORLD for fault of Sharia! Who wants to be an accomplice to this crime? // OGNI GIORNO CENTINAIA DI CRISTIANI SONO UCCISI NEL MONDO PER COLPA DELLA SHARIA! Chi vuole essere complice con questo crimine?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

lorenzojhwh vs sharia->Dependent on men if all religions can be good or bad but sharia does not grant freedom of religion so it's a crime against the human race that I curse in Jesus' name.X "eldeebhider7"->Certainly I am free if I want I can become a Muslim. But if you want you can become a Christian without being insulted persecuted beaten chased and killed? In the name of Allah the Holy and merciful you now answer me honestly to me. God's law says you have to do discrimination between people of different religion? So that God is Satan? and you're a Satanist damn? I prophesied misfortune illness and death in the name of Jesus to all those who do not respect freedom of religion of others. Not answer? As is true the Holy Merciful Allah that I serve to Him all the Muslims?They will crying of the world for wickedness yours! You are Corruption shame of Islam? In the name of Jesus I command you to come forward honestly with your partner.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re: R:Re: R:Re: R:Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia--> LauderdaleBaptist SAID: "WHAT IS THIS???" -ANSWER-> You behaved like a child of light? or like a snake "LauderdaleBaptist" What do you want?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia "Brightstar27" SAID: "lorenzojhwh How dare you curse ANYTHING "in Jesus name." Romans 12:14 says DIRECTLY: "Bless and do not curse." Repent.lorenzojhwh Come osi fare maledizione "nel nome di Gesù". Romani 12:14 dice direttamente:"Benedite e non maledite". Pentirsi. -ANSWR-> how dare you in your insolence / presumption teach me the Scriptures publicly? challenging me even in a public list? You're the only one to trying it! You know imprecatory prayer of the prophet Jeremiah? and that of Elijah? Have you the faith to exercise the full authority of Christ? I saw Lucifer who has lost all for his insolence / presumption. In truth in my heart there is only hatred against Satan and the suffering of men. If I am forced to kill? I will kill but never that will I hate the precious creatures of God because I am a child of light.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

is for Christians bigots like you "Brightstar27" that the Church is destroying themselves and the world is in great distress! You're defending the killers of Satan and Sharia! how Satan has tempted Christ using the Scriptures. So you're to undermining my life and all mankind. But the blood of 300 Christians martyred every day by the Sharia and 300 million Christians in constant danger of life it weighs on your soul damned because you serve the demon of religion instead of serving the living God where the demand for justice are mandatory. you think you win? Believe that murderers and satanists listen to your words religious beliefs? The tragedy of the innocent will condemn you in the day of the trial. Their pain does not come to you hypocrite? Why you do not answer to me first "imprecatory prayers of Jeremiah Elijah Elisha were bad? If still no answer? I will chase you!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

to "ProductionsAdonikam" The Power of the Lamb the Lion of Judah? He has already won!

[the satanism is demonstration of how sovereignty is transferred to the occult powers: Masson-banking. Spread this message to defend the human race]ba4996" SAID:"We pray and thank God for you everyday-ANSWER-> to all satanists: If God will not have your soul? very soon you will die in each despair. The women of satanists are more stupid of the prostitutes because none must pay for their performance. God created you and you serve to satan that is a dead than alive on you like a parasite? Will end in tragedy! how you can escape the disaster? God's judgment weighs on you! lorenzojhwh has bound all men and all spirits at the foot of the cross of Jesus Amen! the blood of Christ to save or ruin presentlyThe forces of hell shall not prevail! Alleluia! [/watch?v=BAuvxQ5JChk][/watch?v=BFZhv5msLaU][/watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU]
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

my brother SAID: "okay now you have lsot me man whys my head hurt and what are ya saying? be blunt >_<" --ANSWER->brother only the Holy Spirit can speak to you about you your personal things without confusion/shame. Even I was a sinner! Satan accuses the men! Christ defends the MAN! Christ paid our debt at our place I do not judge you and not condemn you. I will only for your bliss but I know: "God alone is the way!"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

fratello soltanto lo Spirito Santo può parlare a te di te delle tue cose personali senza farti vergognare? senza confonderti. Anche io ero un peccatore! Satana accusa gli uomini! Cristo difende loro. Cristo paga il nostro debito al posto nostro io non giudico te e non condanno te io voglio soltanto la tua felicità. ma io lo so: "solo Dio è la strada!"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

to "iambillycoen" brother! Life is hard for us all. Today more than yesterday. In this time of economic recession. Surrender?Despair?Corrupted?Being a Satanist? No! besides a dirty way there's also a neat way to overcome every difficulty. Love God and trust him. Will never be defeated or hopeless. You'll spend alive by any test! But everyone knows that lorenzojhwh has found a friend who is too strong. Everyone knows that lorenzojhwh not is a sectarian interceding for every person in the world who suffer like him for a more just world. For me the Bible is not a book but a living person. la vita è dura per tutti noi. Oggi più di ieri. in questo tempo di recessione economica. Arrendersi?Disperarsi?Corrompersi?Fare il satanista? No oltre ad un modo sporco c'è anche un modo pulito per superare ogni difficoltà. Amare Dio e fidarsi di lui. Mai sarai sconfitto o disperato. Tu passerai vivo da qualsiasi prova! Per me la Bibbia non è un libro ma una Persona Vivente.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[/watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU]"fuelflammable" L'inferno è realtà un team di ricerca in Siberia ha fatto una scoperta sconvolgente scendendo nel sottosuolo con attrezzature sofisticatissime per registrare i movimenti della placca terrestre la squadra di perforazione ha forato fino a oltre 9 miglia in profondità. La trivellatrice ha raggiunto una grande tasca vuota e la temperatura è salita rapidamente a 1100 gradi. un suono è venuto dall' interno della terra su per il condotto di trivellazione. Il suono era di milioni di uomini e donne che urlavano per la sofferenza. i suoni sono stati registrati e una copia è stata inviata a una stazione radio. È il vero suono delle anime tormentate nell'inferno.e ora che avete ascoltato il tormento dei dannati RICORDATE CHE IL TEMPO PRESENTE è BREVE RISPETTO ALL'ETERNITà

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

shalom blessings too -> There is plenty of space around and then there's the Mount of Olives. The place is only a false problem necessary an authority inspired by God that solves the real problemsThere is plenty of space around and then there's the Mount of Olives. The place is only a false problem. necessary an authority inspired by God that solves the real problems Our mission is to save souls in the name of the Lord and serve as watchmen until the return of our Savior Jesus Christ.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

"ANONIMUS" SAID: now enough with the long messages? -ANSWER-> demons as parasites absorb your nervous system? and you're stressed? tired and you can not even read a little comment? Come among the sons of light. Back to God! // Demoni come parassiti assorbono il tuo sistema nervoso? e tu sei stressato? stanco e non riesci neanche a leggere un piccolo commento? Vieni tra i figli della luce... torna a Dio!

humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

R:Re: lorenzojhwh vs sharia-> "createsutoo" 21/dic/09 SAID:i like this 1.. it says alot to me. peace.kori. -ANSWER->Every day hundreds of CHRISTIANS ARE KILLED IN THE WORLD for fault of Sharia! Who wants to be an accomplice to this crime? // OGNI GIORNO CENTINAIA DI CRISTIANI SONO UCCISI NEL MONDO PER COLPA DELLA SHARIA! Chi vuole essere complice con questo crimine?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Alleluia!Mene+Techel+Peres->arise YHWH and his enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind like wax burning so are the wicked for glory of the Lord. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of JesusJHWH:"ora tu devi bruciare!"STOP:halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan!Go! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB for the destruction of your:satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking: for you: fire food is harmful dishonor shame diseases depression obsessions infestation cloak of lead.Woe to you cursed.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed:"drink your poisons made by yourself"I impose to you to leave the human race!Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness:God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains?Go of your beast prisoner in his hell!Amen/watch?v=e2CLAD_pRds

Attento Humanumgenus c'è un fake di celtic59 che va in giro a bestemmiare.

** If God will not have your soul ? very soon you will die in each despair ** se Dio non avra la tua anima ? molto presto tu morirai disperato. + Satanists women are more stupid of the prostitutes because they do not pay their performance + le donne sataniste sono più stupide delle prostitute perché non si fanno pagare

Thanks for the subscribing I really appreciate it.

God be with you my dear friend!!! Sampaguita.

[The forces of hell shall not prevail!] Nazism was fueled by Jewish bankers Americans. The Nazi-fascism was the failed attempt by the Jewish-Masonic lobby to achieve the Global Slavery Humanity (the goyim). Today with the European Union and other phony union of states of the Earth the Freemasons materialize the Protocol of the Elders of Zion (New World Order).The Freemasons (worshipers of Jabulon) will fail miserably. for the fateful 2012 or the Age of Aquarius. Adonay the Father of the children of light decided the dramatic failure of the conspiracy (political - economic - Religious - media - military) The Divine Light will triumph! Love will conquer because it is the catalyst for universal harmony!

peace to you too mate!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

RabAdamson said: "May love be with you Amen"- answer->** verily Satan has lost his angelic body in the primordial battle. But he can not forget the moment when he met with lorenzojhwh. Because what to him he left the Archangel Michael (a shadow to speak) lorenzojhwh was about to disintegrate it. Now he is terrified at the idea of being able to come near me. ** in verità Satana perse il suo corpo angelico nella battaglia primordiale. Ma lui non può dimenticare il momento in cui si incontrò con lorenzojhwh. Perché quello che a lui lasciò l'Arcangelo Michele (un ombra per parlare) lorenzojhwh stava per disintegrare. Ora lui è terrorizzato alla sola idea di potersi avvicinare a me. ***lorenzojhwh lega tutti gli uomini del pianeta ai piedi della croce *** lorenzojhwh binds all men of the planet at the foot of the cross Alleluia!!! x n°+++
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

This will awaken you by the demons that keep your mind "iambillycoen" have questo ti sveglierà dai demoni che tengono la tua mente "iambillycoen"
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

RabAdamson said: "May love be with you Amen"- answer-> lorenzojhwh lega tutti gli uomini del pianeta ai piedi della croce * lorenzojhwh binds all men of the planet at the foot of the cross Alleluia!!! x 9000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 + Alleluia!

eldeebhider7 SAID: sharia = laws of the God. do you prefer the laws of human and refuse laws of God? -ANSWER-> If Sharia was of God? It would not hurt for me that I am a Christian. Mahomet(peace be upon him) bless his time but you are the curse of your. You curse the holiness of Allah and Islam with horrible crimes because you are donkeys with horns. is for your theological ignorance which knows no God. In fact you say that He is Merciful but you being tortured to death those who want to change your religion. I order in the name of Jesus to the demons of the abyss to climb to take possession of every Muslim in the world who advocate Sharia law endangering so all mankind.

Continue to educate those who are blind with hate my brotha...peace & love!

Gloria in excelsis Deo....
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

oOIcaro89Oo said: Se esistesse davvero un dio e fosse onnipotente ed infinitamente buono come ha potuto permettere un tale sterminio di gente (olocausto) e che Hitler operasse del tutto indisturbato?-ANSWER->Se la nostra libertà non fosse vera. non potremmo meritare veramente neanche un giudizio. E che dire di tutti quelli che sono complici con la loro omertà del signoraggio bancario che genera CRIMINI INFINITI VIOLAZIONE DI SOVRANITÀ ecc.. milioni di morti all'anno per fame oltre al satanismo e pornografia? Auguri per te e per il tuo senso di giustizia coltivalo e non perderlo. Così diventerai come me: un evangelizzatore indipendente.

lorenzojhwh vs sharia->Dependent on men if all religions can be good or bad but sharia does not grant freedom of religion so it's a crime against the human race that I curse in Jesus' name.X "eldeebhider7"->Certainly I am free if I want I can become a Muslim. But if you want you can become a Christian without being insulted persecuted beaten chased and killed? In the name of Allah the Holy and merciful you now answer me honestly to me. God's law says you have to do discrimination between people of different religion? So that God is Satan? and you're a Satanist damn? I prophesied misfortune illness and death in the name of Jesus to all those who do not respect freedom of religion of others. Not answer? As is true the Holy Merciful Allah that I serve to Him all the Muslims?They will crying of the world for wickedness yours! You are Corruption shame of Islam? In the name of Jesus I command you to come forward honestly with your partner.

You are the greatest!!!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X magodoriente -> ieri ho fatto tutto il corso di Matrix divina. io uso quel potere infatti come potrebbe sussistere il mio ministero? Tutto è spiegato dallo Spirito Santo a me e a tutti nella Bibbia (se questa Bibbia è considerata come una PERSONA) che rimane un libro ermetico per gli indegni. il relatore è prigioniero del sistema satanistico del buddismo: peccato! 1- La storia non è circolare ma lineare! 2- Dio non è una matrice ma una PERSONA come noi. ciao.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[human sacrifice to Satan] +by the blood of many human sacrifices sprinkled all over the stage of a theater. [sacrifici umani a satana] +con il sangue di molti sacrifici umani spruzzato su tutto il palco di un teatro. "asianpride1226" SAID:"Hey! So you're from Italy? Italians make the best horror movies of all time!" -ANSWER-> lorenzojhwh is killing SATANA and ITS everyone around the world without distinction! go Slipknot! ** there is no democracy or sovereignty there are only the occult powers of the NWO ** non c'è democrazia o sovranità ci sono solo i poteri occulti del NWO

Apocalisse 18-8:per questo,in un solo giorno verranno su di lei questi flaggelli:morte,lutto e fame;sarà bruciata dal fuoco,poiche potente Signore è Dio che l'ha condannata.Dedicata alla grande prostituta Babilonia,ma dedicata anche ha tutti i Satanisti.


Shalom My Brother in Christ our King.....and Glory to the Ancient of Days...our Father
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X MrIvanspak --> gli animali sono migliori dei satanisti perché non sono bestie mostruose. Se tu tratti con gentilezza quei demoni incarnati? Essi si volteranno per sbranarti! Profetizza su di loro una sventura qualsiasi nel nome di Gesù affinché quei criminali oltre ad avere deliberatamente rinunciato all'eternità possano perdere anche il tempo. Lasciare loro in vita? Tu stesso meriteresti di morire quale loro complice. -->tu devi provare ad usare il mio esorcismo -> you must try to use my exorcism --> animals are better than the Satanists because they are no monstrous beasts. If you treat with kindness those demons incarnate? They turned to do evil to you! You prophesy upon them a anywhere disaster-: in the name of Jesus so that these criminals as well as having deliberately given up eternity may also lose time. Leave them alive?? You yourself deserve to die as their accomplice for them.

X "MrIvanspak "--> Re: You do not make them die without knowing why:you tell to their! "freedomfan0801" SAID: "HAIL SATAN!! The only TRUE god!" -ANSWER-> se tu parli con qualcuno forse che non scendi al suo stesso livello? Cosa? Un divino figlio di Dio partecipe della stessa natura di JHWH Dio che scende al livello di un satanista? Assurdo! Tu i satanisti li devi dominare nel nome di Gesù essi sono demoni da legare ai piedi della croce perché il sangue di Gesù operi su di loro. questo è quanto e non una sola lettera in più!

Ti temono perchè tu sei pieno di Spirito Santo.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

†Psalms 24 " The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and those who dwell therein for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his† HOLY †place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation†. Such is the generation of those who seek him who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah † Lift up your heads O gates! And be lifted up O ancient doors that l the King† of glory may come in. Who is this King† of glory? The Lord† strong† and mighty† the Lord† mighty in battle† Lift up your heads O gates! And lift them up O ancient doors that the King† of glory may come in. Who is this King† of glory? The Lord† of hosts he is the King† of glory! Selah †

Quello tremava dalla paura quando ha visto il mio canale,se guardava il tuo canale chi sa che fine avrebbe fatto ahahah.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X MrIvanspak --> Anche quella testa di cadavere putrefatto di "PyramidHead333" mi ha bloccato. Dimmi tu perché tutti i satanisti hanno così tanta paura di me da bloccarmi?

SoldierofYAH è un GRANDE!!!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Per la fiducia nel suo satana come per la maggior parte dei satanisti anche "shadow7death" ha bloccato me. Ma SoldierofYAH dice a lui: your the delusional one my friend.. "Bible: They call upon what they think are the spirits of the dead(sleeping ones) but don't realize they are calling upon demons to possess them"** Yeah you go ahead and do that.. >:) see what happens when you die.. God isn't happy with you REPENT CONFESS and turn away from your iniquity times are coming to an end. ISLAM is growing rapidly and they'll cut your friggen head off if you believe in our 1 true God.. this world has been in a battle zone for quite some time you guys and atheisms and evolutionists.. are in between and don't even realize what is about to hit! >:D Nuclear bombs and then when I die because of IRAN and IRAQ i'll meet every evil person on the Battle Field at Armageddon! >:) turn away now the Messiah is coming!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X "MrIvanspak"alcuni satanisti si sono travestiti da agnelli (mi hanno benedetto) e poi si sono iscritti con l'intento di danneggiarmi e maledirmi infatti poi dopo giorni hanno modificato il loro logo con cui io li avevo accettati con un'altro volgare. e questo con l'intento di maledire il mio sito. Tu devi andare a ritroso e devi cancellare tutti i simboli satanici dalle pagine dei tuoi commenti. eliminare i satanisti dalle tue liste. Non permettere che essi ti possano parlare liberamente. Il satanista non è in buona fede lui è andato deliberatamente nella perversione con interesse e calcoli personali. Il suo destino è la disperazione. usa il mio esorcismo anche per altre attività soprannaturali che essi possono fare contro di te: essi pregano per ore al fine di rovinarti.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

R:Al metafisico-razionale lorenzojhwh non servono dogmi ->oOIcaro89Oo SAID: tu hai un difetto: credi in una religione e l'unica religione in cui credere è quella che si trova in noi stessi: il nostro ESSERE il nostro IO. Le religioni ed il concetto di dio sono stati inventati dall'uomo e questo avrà un significato no? -ANSWER-> io aspettavo da tempo questo commento. La massoneria parte dallo stesso concetto e ha inventato il signoraggio bancario satanismo SpA in una parola il NWO. Tu sei il VERO Budda o Gesù Cristo che viene a liberare il genere umano dalla menzogna? Sei grande! Ma chi ti da la certezza che Dio non esiste e che il tuo "IO" bello gonfio e grasso non ti trasforma in un'altro lucifero Hitler?un nuovo liberatore del genere umano a 20 anni? Hai una bella e promettente carriera davanti a te proprio come quella di "fanfra"

...benvenuto tra noi Lorenzo...
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X magodoriente ->pertanto non giudico gli uomini per la loro religione o ateismo ma per la purezza del loro cuore contro la mia volontà ho anche simpatizzanti tra pochi satanisti. Anzi io stesso pur non nascondendo la mia fede non mi intefaccio con gli altri su pressupposti religiosi ma solo razionali la metafisica umanistica e personalistica appunto in contrapposizione al NWO. Non vendo la mia fede al mercato e non la impongo a nessuno
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

I'm Lorenzo an exorcist with the political vocation to save the human race of the next 3rd World War nuclear planned for 2012. For courtesy of youtube I have three channels: lorenzojhwh + ShalomGerusalemme + humanumgenus. I am speaking to all "rationally" in personalistic Maritain's metaphysics and with the world of fraternal love without racism for the natural law (universally shared) that the truth is: "Do not lie" and justice "do not be evil" of construction of the Jewish temple in opposition to the NWO Jewish Masonic seigniorage finance bank
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re:To metaphysical-rational lorenzojhwh not need of dogma RyanTF2" is Ryan Età:17 SAID:" just applied for three universities as you sent me this message in your bedroom seat and no future quite ironic really :) have fun bein a slave for the rest of your life :D" -- ANSWER-> I with my eyes I saw your ruin Ryan but believe me I cried for you. You have the power to speak with 3 univerisita? Even if it is always the university master's of this world of cowards they sold to the devil itself. tu hai il potere di parlare con 3 univerisità? Anche se fosse sono sempre le università del padrone di questo mondo di vigliacchi venduti al demonio.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

io sono lorenzo kingdom israel lorenzoJHWH Unius REI un esorcista con la vocazione politica di salvare il genere umano dalla prossima 3° guerra mondiale nucleare prevista per il 2012 e su gentile concessione di youtube ho tre canali: lorenzojhwh + ShalomGerusalemme + humanumgenus. io parlo "razionalmente" per la metafisica personalistica di Maritain con tutto il mondo di amore fraterno senza razzismo e nella legge naturale (universalmente condivisa) della verità che è "non mentire" e giustizia "non fare il male" di costruzione del tempio ebraico in opposizione al NWO della finanza ebraico massonica del signoraggio bancario

Ciao ti ringrazio dell'iscrizione. Cari saluti.

jdubya0257 said: "HAPPY HOLIDAYS FELLOW LIBERTY LOVING PATRIOTS! ! Let's Take nostro paese!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!" ANSWER-> WITHOUT monetary sovereignty that is kidnapped by Jewish finance? But who founded democracy he knew he found a scam! Now of its founders Masons democracies have prisoners of administrators Satanists of 11-09 now not only the U.S. but the entire world having need of mercy of God //SENZA SOVRANITÀ monetaria che è rapita dalla finanza ebraica? Ma chi fondò la democrazia sapeva di fondare una truffa! Ora dai suoi fondatori massoni le democrazie sono passate agli amministratori satanisti dell'11-09 e della misericordia di Dio ora non ha bisogno solo l'USA ma il mondo intero.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

a "Magodoriente" tu sei una specie di satanista? Come mi viene? dai il "benvenuto tra noi" a tanti siti "fake" atti a bloccare l'uso democratico della rete. Se sei implicato in questa operazione sappi che io le ho profetizzato contro nel nome di Gesù.//Quale degno satanista tu "fanfra" non hai - per caso - riempito yuotube di tanti siti "fake" al fine di inibire l'uso democratico della rete? La storiografia ufficiale che riconosce Gesù come personaggio storico è quella della Chiesa? No è quella delle tue facoltà universitarie massoniche e del signoraggio bancario! Io profetizzo la sventura su di te nel nome di Gesù e su tutta la tua famiglia e i tuoi occhi la vedranno "fanfra". Il sangue dei martiri e dell'Agnello Innocente ti soffoca "fanfra".
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

X Magodoriente ->ti sei bevuto il cervello in un bichiere? Io ho spiegato i motivi del mio sospetto su di te chiaramente. Cosa ti induce a credere che non ti avrei creduto? Tu sei arrogante! Poi tutti sanno che il 25 dicembre è la data liturgica della nascita di Cristo e non quella cronologica. Tu disprezzando la fede hai aggiunto un secondo elemento negativo al mio giudizio su di te e se io parlo veramente con Cristo come tu supponi ironicamente questo certamente non sarà per tè senza conseguenze.

humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

7[Apocalypse VS. NWO]Modern weapons of Revelation9.17->so I appeared:1."horse"+2."Knights" 1. Knights are bombers"they had breastplates of fire hyacinth and sulfur.2.horses are tanks:"the heads of the horses were like lions' heads their mouth came fire smoke and sulfur the power of"horses"is in their mouth(gun)in their tails(guns) their tails are like snakes have heads they hurt. the rest of mankind that were not killed it not renounce the:idol demons witchcraft fornication murder. Armi moderne di Apocalisse9,17->1.Cavalieri sono bombardieri "questi avevano corazze di fuoco giacinto e zolfo" 2. cavalli sono carri armati:"le teste dei cavalli erano come le teste dei leoni e dalla loro bocca usci fuoco fumo zolfo la potenza dei"cavalli"sta nella loro bocca(cannone)nelle loro code (mitragliatrici)le loro code sono simili a serpenti hanno teste con esse nuociono il resto dell'umanità che non perì non rinunciò a: idoli demoni omicidi stregonerie fornicazioni
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

6[Apocalypse vs. NWO]*micro-chip or VeriChip now implanted in 20,000 people "MARK OF THE BEAST:" Furthermore forced everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead. No one could buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number that corresponds to its name. Here is wisdom. Those who have intelligence calculate the number of the beast his number is 666"(Revelation 13:16-18) 6[Apocalisse vs NWO]*micro chip o VeriChip ormai impiantato in 20.000 persone "MARCHIO DELLA BESTIA:"Inoltre obbligò tutti piccoli e grandi ricchi e poveri liberi e schiavi a farsi mettere un marchio sulla mano destra o sulla fronte.Nessuno poteva comprare o vendere se non portava il marchio cioè il nome della bestia o il numero che corrisponde al suo nome.Qui sta la sapienza.Chi ha intelligenza calcoli il numero della bestia perché è un numero d'uomo e il suo numero è 666"(Apocalisse 13:16-18)
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

5 [Apocalypse vs NWO] Lacks the light of grace? "enlightened" are "blacked out"! is with the superstition that manage the world. This is suicide! their lives along with all+all their accomplices will be lost in a bloodbath! They fear the 2012 and instead they must have to fear today because they know that exponentially people are know about the pyramid (NWO) integrated system of: bank seigniorage masonry SpA Satanism etc. Now all institutions and religions is a crime of high treason to the people. The blood of suicides and despair is about to fall on their heads. The tragedy is invisible but close. History has saved their fathers? but will not spare their children! YHWH? also forgive them! Then 3 immediate solutions: 1.building a Jewish temple; 2.print money communal property of the bearer convertible Bank 3.dominate monster/demon of NWO with a metaphysical authority that is capable of handling it
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[figures in the history] * From Adam to the Parousia (the end of the world) 1260x5 = 6300 years by Revelation 12.6 (we went through the year 6000) * innocent Christian martyrs in total will be 120 million we are now about 100 million. * Men of all the history of mankind will amount to 120 billion about 78,400 billion people to hell while 41,600 are billions of people for Heaven. Of 1 ° e2 ° World War speaks in Revelation 14,15-16. Of the 3rd World War in Revelation 14,17-20. In v.20 he says: 200 miles = 280 square kilometers. 280x280 = 78,400 billion in damages that are even (-10) dead direct and indirect effects of nuclear war 3 ° = 7.8 billion
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

4 [Apocalypse vs. NWO] * 3rd nuclear war? "the 2nd angel sounded like a great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea" Revelation 8.8 * giant asteroid? "The third angel sounded: and a great star fell from heaven" Revelation 8.10 4 [Apocalisse vs NWO] *3°guerra nucleare? "il 2°angelo suonò la tromba come una grande montagna di fuoco fu scagliata nel mare" Apocalisse 8,8 *Asteroide gigante? "il terzo angelo suonò la tromba: e cadde dal cielo una grande stella" Apocalisse 8,10
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

3 [Apocalypse vs. NWO] says the Lord: "Come out of Babylon my people not to share in his sins and have no part with its plagues. Because her sins have piled up until heaven and God has remembered of his iniquities "Revelation 18.4 as U.S. have caused the Germans and Japanese and invented 11 to 09. Will force the Chinese to nuclear confrontation. Burn them! Then will come a meteorite "friable" that will explode in the atmosphere then the U.S. will have an end forever. 3 [Apocalisse vs NWO] dice il Signore: "uscite popolo mio da Babilonia per non associarvi ai suoi peccati e non avere parte con i suoi flagelli. Perché i suoi peccati si sono accumulati fino al cielo e Dio si è ricordato delle sue iniquità" Apocalisse 18,4 come gli U.S. hanno provocato tedeschi e giapponesi e inventato l'11-09. Costringeranno i cinesi allo scontro nucleare. Bruceranno tutti! Poi verrà un meteorite "friabile"che esploderà nell'atmosfera allora gli USA avrà una fine per sempre.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

2 [Apocalypse vs. NWO] The new Jewish Temple repealing the old law of the Temple. There is a new law of freedom and grace for these "last" time. Praise replaces the sacrifice and the prescription. 2 [Apocalisse vs NWO] il Nuovo Tempio Ebraico abroga la vecchia legge del Tempio. C'è una Nuova Legge di libertà e di grazia per questi "ultimi" tempi. La lode sostituisce il sacrificio e la prescrizione.

Grazie per il video Immortal,già messo in primo piano sul mio canale.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

**lorenzojhwh in the name of Jesus - innocent lamb and for its blood - and for: the holiness of God the prayers of the saints in the name of the Church: 1. binds all men and demon of the planet at the foot of the cross. 2. And has ordered that every sinner should having relevant/appropriate to his punishment without exception. ** lorenzojhwh nel nome di Gesù - Agnello Innocente e per il suo sangue - e per: la santità di Dio le preghiere dei santi in nome della Chiesa 1. lega tutti gli uomini del pianeta ai piedi della croce. 2. Dispone e ordina che ogni peccatore vada al suo castigo corrispondente senza alcuna eccezione.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

rafvrab DICE: "lei è diventato un predicatore di odio". e il satanista con la testa di morto nell'occhio ["you is become a preacher of hate." and Satan with the skull in the eye] SAID: occult = "hidden from sight like your intention$ " --ANSWER-> For the power of God certainly all men knows that lorenzojhwh can not lie. This is the worst time for all the children of darkness! Alleluia. Per la potenza di Dio sanno con certezza tutti gli uomini: lorenzojhwh non può mentire. Questo è il tempo peggiore per tutti i figli delle tenebre! Alleluia
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

rafvrab SAID: "Buddy you're nuts. All those conspiracy theories you've swallowed are pure bullshit. You may as well believe that the moon is made of cottage cheese."-ANSWER->scientist founder of the University of Teramo Giacinto Aurito demonstrated in court the crime of "bank seigniorage. Yes we are robbed of 270% of the value of our money. He demonstrated his theories in Guardiagrele coining the "SIMEC" local currencies owned by the bearer. How dare you said to lorenzojhwh that is teacher of the ignorant? Repent now! Because of this occult power the bank of few Jews are born Freemasonry and all the ills of the world. you ass or criminal why you make yourself an accomplice?
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

rafvrab SAID: "Buddy you're nuts. All those conspiracy theories you've swallowed are pure bullshit. You may as well believe that the moon is made of cottage cheese."-ANSWER-> lo scienziato fondatore dell'università di Teramo Giacinto Aurito ha dimostrato in tribunale il crimine di "signoraggio bancario". Si noi siamo derubati del 270% del valore del nostro denaro. Ha dimostrato le teorie sue in Guardiagrele coniando il "SIMEC" moneta locale di proprietà del portatore. Come osi dare dell'ignorante al docente lorenzojhwh? Ravvediti subito! Perché da questo potere occulto bancario di pochi ebrei nascono le massonerie e tutti i mali del mondo. tu asino o criminale di questo ti fai complice

odokokan SAID: jews were blamed for killing christinas boys for ritual use of their blood in order to make matsot bread for pesach.--ANSWER->is documented! this is precisely the case with the judgments of the Inquisition and for 3 boys saints recognized by the Catholic Church. But few criminals,they not make a crime people! Who has convinced you "odokokan" that lorenzojhwh is against the Jews? He is not against a people. I am not a Zionist but I am able to find the land in Palestine for all Jews to return to the world. But you you want to protect the real murderers of NWO criminals of powers occult of Freemasonry International "bank seigniorage" which are led by a few Jewish bankers. You're making the same mistake as did your fathers and which led to many massacres of Jews while the real criminals have always managed to escape. You will die with them supernaturally if not stop defending them.

apologeniuss SAID: God does not oblige us anything! But who does not see God (any god) is because he chose himself as God is a Satan. Now how can God support a similar choice? He should deny himself! Therefore the intellect can know that God exists that God is more to us that in God there is only goodness and not evil (type: ying yang and other conciliation of opposites of the axiom: God = Satan! !) but God is the end of all things. When one does not believe in God is responsible at least to a certain age -ANSWER-> OK! Very true what you say! But the ways of the human heart are twisted. Perhaps I have given scandal so he does not believe? God did not lose a good life and virtuous FOR philosophical questions. Why can not maintain the virtue without the power of the Holy Spirit.

Il tuo canale è interessantissimo e soprattutto fuori dal coro. Complimenti!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

To metaphysical-rational lorenzojhwh not need of dogma for to be 1° representative of the whole human race. in the power of spiritual and cultural of: TRUTH (not lie) JUSTICE (do not do evil) lorenzojhwh exercises his kingship over space / time. decided a deadline for the NWO Satanists he who is the only one who can save the lives of those that survive. Macabre game of the gods. After 11-09 have decided for nuclear war with China but the story that has saved their fathers will not save their children. lorenzojhwh is proof that their power is over he who kills the bad man in world. The third Jewish temple for monetary sovereignty of the people is the only solution to everything)will when they see that angel Azazel has brought down many of them in the death is an opportunity for us their unbelief
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Al metafisico-razionale lorenzojhwh non servono dogmi per essere il 1° rappresentante di tutto il genere umano. nella potenza spirituale e culturale di: VERITÀ (non mentire) GIUSTIZIA (non fare il male) lui esercita la sua regalità sullo spazio e sul tempo. lorenzojhwh ha deciso un termine per i satanisti del NWO lui che è l'unico che può salvare le luride vite di quelli che sopravviveranno. Macabro gioco degli dei. Dopo 11-09 hanno deciso per la guerra nucleare con la Cina ma la storia che ha salvato i loro padri non salverà i loro figli. Proprio lorenzojhwh è la dimostrazione che il loro potere è terminato lui che fa morire i malvagi nel mondo. Il terzo tempio ebraico per la sovranità monetaria del popolo (unica soluzione a tutto) verrà quando vedranno che l'angelo Azazel avrà fatto scendere molti di loro nella polvere. è una opportunità per noi la loro incredulità

Thanks for subscribing It looks like you are a very dedicated person. Alecia MLMLeadSuccessPro*com
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

lorenzojhwh had 2 "visions" at a distance of 10 years and only after 10 years realized that they were fragments of a single message of God I have seen billions of people (a single square eyes could not wrap)they beg for my protection. So I realized that my ministry is one of the doors to Paradise until the end of the world. Perhaps the only door available to the atheists because I am metaphysical. So I saw how dead those who had yet to be born in the world.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[figures in the history] * From Adam to the Parousia (the end of the world) 1260x5 = 6300 years by Revelation 12.6 (we went through the year 6000) * innocent Christian martyrs in total will be 120 million we are now about 100 million. * Men of all the history of mankind will amount to 120 billion about 78,400 billion people to hell while 41,600 are billions of people for Heaven. Of 1 ° e2 ° World War speaks in Revelation 14,15-16. Of the 3rd World War in Revelation 14,17-20. In v.20 he says: 200 miles = 280 square kilometers. 280x280 = 78,400 billion in damages that are even (-10) dead direct and indirect effects of nuclear war 3 ° = 7.8 billion

humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

...And the chemtrail nightmare continues on a massive scale! This is my plane trip out west in which I document at least 2500 miles of chem clouds across Canada! Please share this video. comment and rate. I always appreciate your input. Thanx Arron -I was under the hopeful delusion that they were sparing the small towns across Canada. but after traveling to Medicine Hat Alberta I see that the small towns are being attacked from every conceivable direction. They were spraying that place as much if not more than Montreal! On the only clear night of the whole time we there under a velvet sky I could see very clearly planes flying pretty low delivering their mysterious muck. I could almost hear the nozzles hissing in the silent starry night. I witnessed a huge chembow around the moon which I will document in a later post.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[The world hates all religions!] Perhaps because there is evidence that Satan exists and God not? Absurd! All religious leaders have become wortihless because the world is full of wickedness for Masonry seigniorage banking SpA. Is because they all betrayed God that our children are confused. Men and women of every people and every religion you clasp around to lorenzojhwh to save mankind. [Il mondo odia tutte le religioni!] Forse perché è dimostrato che satana esiste e Dio invece no? Assurdo! Tutte le guide religiose sono diventate spregevoli perché il mondo è pieno di malvagità massoneria e signoraggio bancario. è perché tutti loro hanno tradito Dio che i nostri figli sono confusi. Uomini e donne di ogni popolo e di ogni religione stringetevi intorno a lorenzojhwh per salvare il genere umano.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[atheists] RevolutionaryJam SAID: On the belief in God as a "Delusion" -ANSWER-> God loves honest men even if they are atheists. But it is difficult to be atheists if you are really honest. The greatest scientists? Are creationists! God wanted to be invisible and philosophically has left only 50% of evidence of its existence because he is a gift of love out of jealousy. Then the passive negative selfish etc. which 50% will want to believe? is terrible! the same faith that we want to believe it is also necessary not to believe. do not let you delete from the book of life.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[atei] RevolutionaryJam SAID: On the belief in God as a "Delusion" -ANSWER->Dio ama gli uomini onesti anche se sono atei. Ma è difficile rimanere atei se si è veramente onesti. I più grandi scienziati? Sono creazionisti! Dio ha voluto essere invisibile e filosoficamente ha lasciato solo il 50% di prove della sua esistenza perché lui è un dono di amore per gelosia. Allora il passivo negativo egoista ecc.. a quale 50% vorrà credere? è terribile! la stessa fede che ci vuole per credere è anche necessaria per non credere. Non lasciarti cancellare dal libro della vita.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

God told me to cast out Satan from youtube. perhaps they will go willingly? All symbols of Satan metal horror porn extraterrestrial which remain on YouTube will bring disease and misfortune in some cases death. Precisely for this reason Satanists have many died. God will test the world. Will be difficult to meet a Satanist on youtube because their will lead to extinction. God will do with the Satanists of YouTube a terrible warning for all sinners. // Dio mi ha detto di cacciare i satanisti da youtube forse che se ne andranno spontaneamente? Tutti i simboli di satana metal horror porno extraterresti che rimangono su youtube porteranno malattie e sventure in alcuni casi la morte. Proprio per questo molti sono morti i satanisti che sono morti. Dio lascerà una prova al mondo. Sarà difficile poter incontrare un satanista su youtube perché saranno portati all'estinzione. Dio farà dei satanisti di youtube un terribile monito per tutti i peccatori.

Re:This colony of your great kingdom in his guide has in turned against you.gtoutofthawrld SAID:Does anybody understand what in the world this message mean???--ANSWER->mean mercy or the greatest tragedy ever Suffered in the human race. even an atheist is aware of the seriousness of Satanism which moves in relation to the destruction of faith. Institutional Satanists were in control of YouTube but now they have blocked lorenzojhwh because his exorcism has caused them much loss of lives. Meanwhile all those who honor God of every religion have had new opportunities. Ministry of lorenzojhwh authorizes and protects: Muslims and anyone using the name of Jesus against Satanists. in alternative to exorcism there is a statement. Join the spiritual battle for defend your children and all communion with this ministry? Even the physical protection!

to satanist --> You can not combine the water with the oil! Soon you will be destroyed with your vanity. You can not justify what is vain: each prostitution is intended to burn. Just what is eternal will remain. The doomsday is upon us. Who has deceived you? you will not overcome that moment to survive. That day will be a day of terror without hope for you all. because can not will not cross the flame of God's holiness. Satan has no a future and for this that you should not be with him! Run son run you will not fall behind with death and with what needs to die you come on!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

the world turns as befits the rich but then like big hogs they end up slaughtered. We have the faith (the only energy left) to stop this madness. I'll stop the movement of the world! il mondo gira come conviene ai ricchi ma poi come grossi maiali essi finiscono macellati. Noi abbiamo la fede (l'unica energia rimasta) per fermare questa follia. Io fermerò il movimento del mondo! Blessed is he who hears the words of God and knows the science of the Most High who sees the vision of the Almighty and he falls and has lifted the veil from her eyes. Yes I see it but not now I contemplate it but not close - the prophet says: "A star shall come forth from Jacob and a scepter shall rise from Israel."
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[NWO vs Apocalypse] Lacks the light of grace? "enlightened" are "blacked out"! is with the superstition that manage the world. This is suicide! their lives along with all+all their accomplices will be lost in a bloodbath! They fear the 2012 and instead they must have to fear today because they know that exponentially people are know about the pyramid (NWO) integrated system of: bank seigniorage masonry SpA Satanism etc. Now all institutions and religions is a crime of high treason to the people. The blood of suicides and despair is about to fall on their heads. The tragedy is invisible but close. History has saved their fathers? but will not spare their children! YHWH? also forgive them! Then 3 immediate solutions: 1.building a Jewish temple; 2.print money communal property of the bearer convertible Bank 3.dominate monster/demon of NWO with a metaphysical authority that is capable of handling it
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

[NWO vs Apocalipsis]falta la luz de la gracia?"iluminados son"tachado"!es con la superstición de que manejar el mundo.Este es un suicidio! su vida junto con todos+todos sus cómplices se perderá en un baño de sangre! Temen que el 2012 y en su lugar se debe tener miedo de hoy porque saben que de forma exponencial la gente sabe acerca de la pirámide (NWO) sistema integrado de: señoriaje del banco albañilería SpA satanismo brujería etc.Ahora todas las instituciones y las religiones es un crimen de alta traición a la gente.La sangre de los suicidios y la desesperación está a punto de caer sobre sus cabezas. La tragedia es invisible pero cerca. La historia ha guardado sus padres?pero no escatimará sus hijos!YHWH?Asimismo,perdónalos! Entonces 3 soluciones inmediatas:1.building un templo judío propiedad comunal de dinero Imprimir Banco convertibles al portador 3.monstruo dominate/demonio de la NWO con una autoridad metafísica que es capaz de manejarlo

Anonymous says: "Hi lorenzojhwh! the NWO? they control the institutions. it's very difficult to fight them now. Illuminati have no power on this fact ie they have fear of may change. ie increase consciousness of mankind what of course Illuminaty don't want. So they do their best to hold people in law frequencies by materialistic concerns pornography and allmost all fear ( about economical crisis diseases and so on ). But I feel like if they do more and more as if they are not sure to win the race. That's what I intended to say." -ANSWER-> IF I WAS NOT SURE OF CHANGE? night I would be in their bedroom!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

bibleortraditions said: & As a true follower of Christ we cannot sit on the sideline and expect others to do His work for us. We must all each and every one of us do what it takes to get the Gospel taught. "humanumgenus time is running out. Dear humanumgenus we need your help. May God bless. Donald BOT -ANSWER->The Word of God has true transforming ability "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."-Hebrews 4:12
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

Re:Objet :In truth there is not a political solution. But do not lose your head quiet. Pray with me -> MrJapaneseboy1111 SAID:. and it's kinda funny to me that the Quran dosent mention the fakestinians even once ! ! ! but the israelis many times! "And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass we will gather you together in a mingled crowd'.". -Qur'an,sura 17:104 -+ -Qur'an Sura 5:21- + -Qu'ran Sura 17:104- if you are a true muslim you got to be a zionist! -ANSWER-> ALL THE WORLD KNOW THAT lorenzojhwh is not a Zionist!
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel