BIDEN OBAMA antifa FED IMF ECB NWO sharia satanic culture Deep State #DEM! Mariah Carey’s Sister Accuses Mother Of Abuse During Satanic Rituals Mariah Carey’s estranged sister Alison Carey filed a lawsuit against their mother as she accuses her of sexual abuse in the context of satanic rituals which also included ritual sacrifices. La sorella di Mariah Carey accusa la madre di abusi durante i rituali satanici La sorella di Mariah Carey, Alison Carey, ha intentato una causa contro la madre mentre la accusava di abusi sessuali nel contesto di rituali satanici che includevano anche sacrifici rituali.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Wayne Dupree: Joe Biden's hug to Cardi B: It's shameless and immoral, but it shows we on the right have lost the culture war, this is the culture of the devil satan that the rothschild lgbtq masons have set up with the banking seigniorage, and that the saudis are supporting for our destruction! Wayne Dupree: L'abbraccio di Joe Biden a Cardi B: è spudorato e immorale, ma mostra che noi di destra abbiamo perso la guerra culturale, questa è la cultura del demonio satana che i lgbtq massoni rothschild hanno impostato con il signoraggio bancario, e che i sauditi stanno supportando per la nostra distruzione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Is the monstrous abuse of Uyghur women in China bad? as long as the 1400 years of sharia genocide exists Muslims cannot demand any act of understanding! Il mostruoso abuso delle donne uiguri in Cina è un male? finché esiste il 1400 anni di genocidio sharia i mussulmani non possono pretendere nessun atto di comprensione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Kenosha shooter accused of first degree murder and attempted murder faces life imprisonment from the video in my possession you can see how he defended himself from aggression (then, his is self-defense) certainly the media and the institutions are with the antifa Il tiratore di Kenosha accusato di omicidio di primo grado e tentato omicidio, rischia l'ergastolo dal video in mio possesso si vede come si è difeso da aggressioni (allora, la sua è legittima difesa) certo i media e le istituzioni sono con gli antifa
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
@signori_massimo I have been going to Sweden for 15 years. Worse and worse. Gothenburg and Malmoe look like a suburb of Paris. The do-gooders of the center left approx. 1,200,000 migrants, mostly Islamic, rampant rapes. For the first time the right has touched the only victory via x save Steven Fellas Malmo, Sweden; the city burns under the blows of the faithful of the Koran. @signori_massimo Vado in Svezia da 15 anni. Sempre peggio. Goteborg e Malmoe sembrano una periferia di Parigi. Il buonismo di centrosinistra ha portato ca. 1.200.000 migranti per la maggior parte islamici, stupri in impennata. Per la prima volta la dx ha sfiorato la vittoria unica via x salvarsi Steven Fellas Malmo, Svezia; la città brucia sotto i colpi dei fedelissimi del Corano.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
GOLPE MERKEL MACRON TRUDEAU BILDERBERG SOROS TECNOCRATICO MASSONICO PARASSITARIO ANTIFA, ISLAMICO NEOLIBERISTA SATANISTA E ANTISIONISTA EUROPEO, sorry! I have signed many petitions recently in Melbourne Australia were I live, against the socialists. I don’t live in Italy and I cannot help you. However, he is very aware of the situation in Italy, and asked Mattarella to leave the Eu and Cina. He sent 30.000 soldiers who were posted in Germany to Italy. Italy is very important to America and is up to the opposition to do something about this. Mattarella is under the control of the Mafia and he will never listen to him. Trump is very stubborn and smart and has accused the socialist Italian Government to have broken the long standing pacts with the NATO. spiacente! Recentemente ho firmato molte petizioni a Melbourne, in Australia, dove vivo, contro i socialisti. Non vivo in Italia e non posso aiutarti. Tuttavia, è molto consapevole della situazione in Italia e ha chiesto a Mattarella di lasciare l'Ue e la Cina. Inviò in Italia 30.000 soldati inviati in Germania. L'Italia è molto importante per l'America e spetta all'opposizione fare qualcosa al riguardo. Mattarella è sotto il controllo della mafia e non lo ascolterà mai. Trump è molto testardo e intelligente e ha accusato il governo socialista italiano di aver rotto i patti di lunga data con la NATO.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
‘FREE PALESTINE’? Anti-Police Rioters Vandalize Synagogue in Wisconsin 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Len It's true: that there was a time when the Republicans actually worked with Democrats for the good of the USA. but that time will never return, because the DEM Soros Kissinger jaBull-On, Marduch lgbtq Murdoch Rockefeller Antifa Morgan FED IMF ECB NWO Deep State, esoteric agenda, churches of satan, Bill Gates, etc .. they are declared for satan and Allah officially in fact the antichrist is also anti-Zionism! è vero: che c'è stato un tempo in cui i repubblicani effettivamente lavoravano con i democratici per il bene degli USA. ma quel tempo non tornerà più, perché i DEM Soros Kissinger jaBull-On, Marduch lgbtq Murdoch Rockefeller Antifa Morgan FED IMF ECB NWO Deep State, esoteric agenda, chiese di satana, Bill Gates, ecc .. loro sono dichiarati per satana e Allah ufficialmente infatti l'anticristo è anche l'antisionismo! Len 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 A brilliant rebuttal. Maybe they should bring you in to create peace in the World. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Len i am "UNIUS REI" the peace in the World for universal brotherhood lorenzoJHWH jewish Messia
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Deuteronomy 25:19 When the Lord your God gives you rest from all the surrounding enemies in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the name of Amalek B'nai B'rith SpA 666 lgbtq FED ANTIFA sharia genocide Satana from under heaven. Do not forget! Deuteronomio 25:19 Quando il Signore tuo Dio ti darà riposo da tutti i nemici circostanti nella terra che ti sta dando in eredità, cancellerai il nome di Amalek SpA 666 lgbtq FED ANTIFA sharia genocide Satana da sotto il cielo. Non dimenticare!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa if it's Luigi Di Maio Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, that filthy trumpet, in the water in front of everyone, he should be fined, for public indecency, and he should be discharged se è Luigi Di Maio Ministro degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale, quel lurido che tromba, in acqua davanti a tutti, lui dovrebbe essere multato, per atti osceni in luogo pubblico, e si dovrebbe dimettere
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
but, sharia is a death penalty genocide against us, in time trap! New Zealand: life sentence for the mosque killer Killed 51 faithful live on the web. New Zealand unprecedented sentence: life sentence for the mosque killer ma, sharia è una pena di morte genocidio contro di noi, a tempo trappola! Nuova Zelanda: ergastolo per il killer della moschea Uccise 51 fedeli in diretta web. Sentenza senza precedenti Nuova Zelanda: ergastolo per il killer della moschea
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Hope: 'The superticket abolished Now no one will pay it anymore ' From September 1st, stop at 10 euros more on challenging ANSWER 60% Italians now impoverished, from the EU and the euro they had given up on medical care Speranza: 'Il superticket abolito Ora nessuno lo pagherà più' Dal primo settembre stop ai 10 euro in più sulle impegnative ANSWER 60% italiani ormai impoveriti, dalla UE e dall'euro avevano rinunciato alle cure mediche
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
"Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan ] [ rightly: I…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan ] [ rightly: I was reprimanded for writing a generic article on the page of the young and holy rabbi killed by Hamas. but, this page is also very important, because you are the last hope before the destruction of mankind! giustamente: sono stato rimproverato, per avere scritto un articolo generico, sulla pagina del giovane e santo rabbino ucciso da Hamas. ma, questa pagina è anche molto importante, perché voi siete l'ultima speranza prima della distruzione del genere umano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Positive migrants attack the Celio doctors 'Bites and blows', three Nigerians denounced. Guerini: 'Serious and inadmissible'. The wrath of Salvini and Fdi because of UE Pd and his synagogue of satan bilderberg we are a decaying NATION! Migranti positivi aggrediscono i medici del Celio 'Morsi e botte', denunciati tre nigeriani. Guerini: 'Grave e inammissibile'. L'ira di Salvini e Fdi per colpa di UE Pd e sua sinagoga di satana bilderberg noi siamo una NAZIONE in decomposizione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Exploit truffa di Draghi tra i leader, piace al 53% degli italiani ma, noi sovranisti,noi siamo il 60% e certo non piace a noi! Exploit truffa di Draghi tra i leader, piace al 53% degli italiani ma, noi sovranisti,noi siamo il 60% e certo non piace a noi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Immigrazione, Minzolini smentisce Lamorgese: "Clandestini contagiati? Più del doppio degli italiani" Immigration, Minzolini denies Lamorgese: "Clandestini infected? More than double the number of Italians"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
CHRISTIANOFOBIA fron kingdom of Satana lgbtq Allah, reign of antizionism and antichrist ] [ 'Suffering for the sake of the Gospel': Hindu radicals in India brutally beat pastor for 2 hours https://www christianpost com/news/suffering-for-the-sake-of-the-gospel-hindu-radicals-in-india-brutally-beat-pastor-for-2-hours-238624/ Christians meet near their rebuilt church in Kandhamal. In 2008, almost every church in the area was destroyed by Hindu nationalists. | John Fredricks, A pastor in India shared how his faith sustained him as Hindu extremists beat him almost to the point of death because of his evangelistic efforts. International Christian Concern reports that on Aug. 21, Pastor Prasanna Kumar, 32, was attacked and brutally beaten by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists as he returned home from a prayer meeting in Bikampur village, located in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The radicals accused the pastor of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. “The attack seemed well planned,” Pastor Kumar told ICC. “I thought they were going to kill me.” According to the pastor, a mob surrounded him and pulled him from his motorbike before beating him with wooden clubs. “They yelled at me and accused me of converting people to the Christian faith,” Kumar told ICC. “They said that I give money to people to make them convert to Christianity.” “I tried to talk to them, but they would not allow me to say anything,” Kumar continued. “I was bleeding from my head and was kicked around like a football.” The attack lasted for two hours, leading the pastor to believe he was going to die. “God gave me the grace to accept even death,” Kumar told ICC. “Scriptures were running through my mind as I was being attacked. However, when I thought about my 4-year-old daughter and my wife, I was shattered, and it was excruciating.”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
'Suffering for the sake of the Gospel': Hindu radicals in India brutally beat pastor for 2 hours Christians meet near their rebuilt church in Kandhamal. In 2008, almost every church in the area was destroyed by Hindu nationalists. | John Fredricks A pastor in India shared how his faith sustained him as Hindu extremists beat him almost to the point of death because of his evangelistic efforts. International Christian Concern reports that on Aug. 21, Pastor Prasanna Kumar, 32, was attacked and brutally beaten by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists as he returned home from a prayer meeting in Bikampur village, located in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The radicals accused the pastor of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. “The attack seemed well planned,” Pastor Kumar told ICC. “I thought they were going to kill me.” According to the pastor, a mob surrounded him and pulled him from his motorbike before beating him with wooden clubs. “They yelled at me and accused me of converting people to the Christian faith,” Kumar told ICC. “They said that I give money to people to make them convert to Christianity.” “I tried to talk to them, but they would not allow me to say anything,” Kumar continued. “I was bleeding from my head and was kicked around like a football.” The attack lasted for two hours, leading the pastor to believe he was going to die. “God gave me the grace to accept even death,” Kumar told ICC. “Scriptures were running through my mind as I was being attacked. However, when I thought about my 4-year-old daughter and my wife, I was shattered, and it was excruciating.”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
STOP ISLAM SHARIA WORLDWIDE TERRORISM ] [ Petition Title: Terrorism To Get Upperhand If Karman Has Representation In Social Media Regulatory Body. The social media giant has now put a supreme court together to ascertain the authenticity and quality of content to feature in Facebook. Strangely, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Yemeni journalist Tawakkol Karman has been made a part of this special court. Amongst them Karman is apparently connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Tawakkol Karmanxs ties to the agenda of the Qatari-Turkish xspringx and its Brotherhood affiliates are well-known. A huge danger lies in her having access to a sensitive regulatory system in Facebook. She will not only continue to support Qatar and forward their agenda through social media; she will also support Turkey that is known to throttle freedom of speech by arresting and killing journalists
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
MAGA PATRIOT WINS ] TRUMP & PENCE HERO [ Have you heard the news, lorenzoJHWH? Tonight I’m going to address the nation during the Republican National Convention in support of President Trump. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past three and a half years with our Republican Senate Majority, and I’m honored to speak on the President's behalf. MAGA PATRIOT WINS lorenzoJHWH, before I address the nation, I must ask you a question. Are you committed to helping President Trump and I defend our Republican Senate Majority come November so we can continue building upon our conservative wins for the American people? If so, can you please chip in before tonight in order to show us that we are able to count on your support?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Pence Dismantles Biden: Democrats Don’t Talk About Agenda Much - ‘Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, we see American greatness,’” MAGA PATRIOT wins
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
"Protests in Istanbul, #Costantinople (Armenian and Byzantine genocide jihad…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Protests in Istanbul, #Costantinople (Armenian and Byzantine genocide jihad sharia) protest by lawyers for the death of Ebru Timtik, the lawyer who asked for a fair trial for ISIS al-Nusra and the Ottomans Erdogan Proteste a Istanbul, #Costantinopoli (genocidio Armeni e Bizantini ) protesta degli avvocati per la morte di Ebru Timtik, l'avvocatessa che chiedeva un equo processo per ISIS al-Nusra e gli ottomani Erdogan
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Here's what's really behind the Navalny case the CIA has an interest in hurting that idiot Navalny Vladimir Putin would have had no advantage in poisoning Navalny and thereby compromising Moscow's image in the world. Ecco cosa c’è davvero dietro il caso Navalny la CIA ha interesse a fare del male a quell'idiota di Navalny Vladimir Putin non avrebbe avuto alcun vantaggio nell'avvelenare Navalny e compromettere così l'immagine di Mosca nel mondo.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Lamorgese gives the numbers (in every sense): "Migrants arriving in Italy are not a problem". And it gives the numbers (in every sense) state infector, Islamic invasion smuggler, Nigerian mafia. high treason bank seigniorage, incitement to suicide, and threat to national security Lamorgese dà i numeri (in tutti i sensi): «I migranti che arrivano in Italia non sono un problema». E dà i numeri (in tutti i sensi) stato infector, islamico scafista, mafia nigeriana. alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario, istigazione al suicidio, e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa Non c'è proprio nulla da fare, chi è stato comunista può anche camuffarsi e mimetizzarsi per essere presentabile in una democrazia occidentale, ma comunista rimane nel profondo dell'anima, con tutto il carico di violenza e odio che questo comporta.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa "oltre il 40% delle forniture commissionate dalla Regione Lazio in emergenza Covid non sono mai arrivate a seguito di truffe e di inadeguatezza delle società scelte". "Si tratta – aggiunge - di dispositivi sanitari per un controvalore di oltre 40 milioni di euro mai arrivati negli ospedali del Lazio, se avessimo registrato i picchi dei contagi delle regioni del Nord sarebbe stata una strage".
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
You cannot be tolerant with those who kill Sodom #LGBTQ #lgbt. You cannot be welcoming to those who would never welcome you. Rights cannot be given to those who, according to the Koran, destroy them all to subjugate you. #DEM #Pd # M5S have destroyed work and safety! Non si può essere tolleranti con chi uccide Sodoma #LGBTQ #lgbt. Non si può essere accoglienti con chi sharia non ti accoglierebbe mai. Non si possono dare diritti a chi diritti umani per Corano li distrugge tutti per soggiogarti. #DEM #Pd #M5S hanno distrutto lavoro e sicurezza!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
It's time to investigate anarchists criminal bulling #BLM #terrorist #golpe #DEM. , Black Lives Matter made millions off of George Floyd's death. That money is funding a Marxist revolution in the making -- and it's up to you and me to find out what they're hiding and why. Let me explain. My name is David Horowitz and I understand the radical Left and their Marxist movement better than anyone... because I used to lead it. I was born to card carrying communists. I was friends with Black Panthers. I edited a radical magazine. I was deep in the trenches of the Left -- and when I was 31, I finally realized how wrong they were, and how wrong I was. We weren't "saving America" we were destroying the greatest country in the world. So in 1984 I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan and never looked back. I dedicated the rest of my life to combatting the Left's twisted, Marxist vision and using my insider knowledge to expose them for who they really were.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
It's time to investigate anarchists criminal bulling #BLM #terrorist #golpe #DEM. The Black Lives Matter protests and riots ended more black lives in 2 weeks than police took in all of 2019. Yet Black Lives Matter raked in more money between the beginning of June and now than they have in the history of their organization. While black children are slain in the street, black neighborhoods are burned to the ground and black businesses are looted and destroyed. Something isn't adding up. Black Lives Matter is laughing their way to the bank while everyday Americans pay the price. Enough is enough. It's time to follow the money.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Lamorgese nega l’evidenza: “Nessuna emergenza sbarchi”, ne sbarcano 700 mentre parla Lampedusa, 45 sbarchi in 48 ore. Polizia: “Abbiamo perso il conto dei clandestini” E’ di nuovo emergenza: 40 sbarchi in neanche 48 ore, Lampedusa è in ginocchio.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Hamas terror diverts attention from pandemic, poverty in Gaza Mohd Dilshad, another mentally ill Allah uh akbar ERDOGAN Quran sharia jihad who forced a Christian Dalit girl to become a Muslim is in the district of Lakhimpur Kheri, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the north of the country. where the girl was surprised and attacked by the Muslim Dilshad. He attacked the 18 year old in the countryside, raping and stabbing her. government institutions in Uttar Pradesh such as a case of "love jihad", in which Muslim individuals usually try to approach Hindu and Christian girls and entertain loving relationships with them, to then force them into marriage and conversion to Islam. Mohd Dilshad, un altro malato mentale Allah uh akbar ERDOGAN Corano sharia jihad che ha costretto una ragazza dalit cristiana, a diventare musulmana, è nel distretto di Lakhimpur Kheri, nello Stato dell'Uttar Pradesh, nel nord del Paese. dove la ragazza è stata sorpresa e aggredita da l mussulmano Dilshad. Egli ha assalito la diciottenne in piena campagna, stuprandola e accoltellandola. istituzioni governative dell'Uttar Pradesh come un caso di "love jihad", in cui solitamente individui musulmani cercano di avvicinare ragazze indù e cristiane e di intrattenere relazioni amorose con le stesse, per poi costringerle al matrimonio e alla conversione all'islam.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Sì, Donald TRUMP ha detto in diverse occasioni, compreso il suo discorso di accettazione di ieri sera, che gli abusi della polizia devono e saranno legalmente puniti. ma BLM è terrorismo antifa di DEM Deep State yes Donald TRUMP said on several occasions including his acceptance speech last night that police abuses must and will be legally punished. but BLM is terrorism antifa by DEM Deep State
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Pd Bilderberg EU, infector government! high treason, scam banking seignoiorage, murder, rape, mafia incitement, Islamic invasion: unemployment, detalization, debt, incitement to suicide, and threat to national security Pd Bilderberg UE, governo untore! alto tradimento, omicidio, stupro, istigazione mafiosa, invasione islamica: disoccupazione, detalizzazione, debito, istigazione al suicidio, e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
She is Pia Klemp, the "pirate" who is ferrying 219 illegal immigrants to Italy: "Mine is an anti-fascist action": we are preparing concentration camps to imprison all those of the democratic party Lei è Pia Klemp, la “pirata” che sta traghettando in Italia 219 clandestini: “La mia è un’azione antifascista”: prepariamo campi lager per imprigionare tutti quelli del partito democratico
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity on the Italian people? threat to national security! all EU NGOs download in ITALY! EU smuggler, terrorist, Bilderberg Soros CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT, Islamic terrorist and terrorist, violator of human rights, Malta closes all ports to smugglers and NGOs: now the traffickers of Sea Watch 4 are heading for Italy. Criminal government. * Sea Watch, the pink ship of the English "trafficker" Banksy appears: it has already taken 89 illegal immigrants to take to Italy * Salvini: “The left does not welcome illegal immigrants out of solidarity, but because it earns billions. It's just business " * Even the jurist Raffiotta removes the red robes and agrees with Musumeci: "The ordinance on migrants is legitimate" non c'é nessun pervertito, tecnocrato, usuraio, neoliberista, satanista che ha pietà del popolo italiano? minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! tutte le ONG della UE scaricano in ITALIA! UE scafista, terrorista, Bilderberg Soros GOVERNO CRIMINALE, untore e terrorista islamico, violatore di diritti umani, Malta chiude tutti i porti a scafisti e Ong: ora i trafficanti di Sea Watch 4 fanno rotta verso l’Italia. Governo criminale . * Sea Watch, spunta la nave rosa del “trafficante” inglese Banksy: ha già prelevato 89 clandestini da portare in Italia * Salvini: “La sinistra non accoglie i clandestini per solidarietà, ma perché ci guadagna miliardi. È solo business” * Anche il giurista Raffiotta smonta le toghe rosse e dà ragione a Musumeci: “L’ordinanza sui migranti è legittima”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
"is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity on the Italian people? threat to national security! all EU NGOs download in ITALY! EU smuggler, terrorist, Bilderberg Soros CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT, Islamic terrorist and terrorist, violator of human rights, Malta closes all ports to smugglers and NGOs: now the traffickers of Sea Watch 4 are heading for Italy. Criminal government. * Sea Watch, the pink ship of the English "trafficker" Banksy appears: it has already taken 89 illegal immigrants to take to Italy * Salvini: “The left does not welcome illegal immigrants out of solidarity, but because it earns billions. It's just business " * Even the jurist Raffiotta removes the red robes and agrees with Musumeci: "The ordinance on migrants is legitimate"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Hamas terror diverts attention from pandemic, poverty in Gaza Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Erdogan IRAN Riyadh OCI UMMA] sorry: but this is not a good job scimitar genocide [ Rothschild Freemasons Brotherhood Bilderberg FED IMF ECB NWO Demonic Masonic World: the anti-Zionist antichrist: reserved exclusively for perverted lgbtq Jewish elements: the Order of the B 'nai B'rith, they are the masters of slaves: dhimmis Kafir dalit goyims, by making us Islamise (outside of a sharia law regime) they are threatening the survival of ISLAM worldwide! Erdogan IRAN Riyadh OCI UMMA ] mi dispiace: ma questo non è un buon lavoro scimitarra genocidio [ i massoni Rothschild Fratellanza Bilderberg FED IMF ECB NWO Massonica demoniaca Mondiale: l'anticristo antisionista: riservata esclusivamente a elementi ebraici lgbtq pervertiti: l'Ordine del B'nai B'rith, loro i padroni degli schiavi: dhimmis Kafir dalit goyims, loro facendoci islamizzare (al di fuori di un regime sharia law) loro stanno minacciando la sopravvivenza dell'ISLAM a livello mondiale!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
Ong ANTIFA francese verso Lampedusa con 219 clandestini: “Questa è lotta antifascista” Agosto 29, 2020 Lampedusa, 45 sbarchi in 48 ore. Polizia: “Abbiamo perso il conto dei clandestini” BREAKING NEWS, INVASIONE IMMIGRATI IN RIVOLTA, POLIZIA: “ORDINE PUBBLICO ORMAI A RISCHIO” BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASIONE Il virus e l'ISIS arriva sui barconi: il 10 per cento dei clandestini è infetto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
French NGO ANTIFA towards Lampedusa with 219 illegal immigrants: "This is anti-fascist struggle" August 29, 2020 Lampedusa, 45 landings in 48 hours. Police: "We have lost count of illegal immigrants" BREAKING NEWS, INVASION IMMIGRANTS IN REVOLT, POLICE: "PUBLIC ORDER NOW AT RISK" BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASION The virus and ISIS arrives on boats: 10 percent of illegal immigrants are infected
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
"Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran ] [ I know that dirty clothes should be…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran ] [ I know that dirty clothes should be washed at home, and that the shame of ISLAM should be hidden (but you have not opened a private correspondence with me) when your secret agent (Syria Iran) "Abu-ANTAR" when he was with me on the youtube / discussion page he made friends with the 4 priests of satan, and he he did my enemy, too Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran] [ lo so che i panni sporchi si dovrebbero lavare in casa, e che le vergogne dell'ISLAM dovrebbero essere nascoste (ma tu non hai aperto con me una corrispondenza privata) quando il tuo agente segreto (Siria Iran) "Abu-ANTAR" quando lui stava con me sulla pagina di youtube/discussion lui faceva l'amico con i 4 sacerdoti di satana, e lui faceva il mio nemico, anche lui
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
"the guillotine is looking for: the traitors lgbt islamic freemasons and…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom the guillotine is looking for: the traitors lgbt islamic freemasons and bilderbergs la ghigliottina va cercando: i traditori lgbt islamici massoni e bilderberg
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
How is the mafia liberal, global or, Mephistopheles? there is an illegal mafia but, always allied with the powers DEM, Deep State, ANTIFA anarchists, antichrists and anti-Zionists, occult powers and strong financial and Masonic FED IMF ECB, and then, there is a legalized mafia who are the Masonic and consociative system of the Banks and international financial: the churches and synagogues and mosques of satan, they are the NWO OCI UN La mafia com'è liberista, mondialità o, mefistofele? c'é una mafia illegale ma, sempre alleata dei poteri DEM ANTIFA anarchici anticristi e antisionisti, poteri occulti e forti finanziari e massonici FED IMF ECB, e poi, c'é un mafia legalizzata che sono il sistema massonico e consociativistico delle Banche e finanziario internazionale: le chiese e sinagoghe e moschee di satana, loro sono il NWO OCI ONU
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 giorni fa
They died, but they were healed: but, "counted as victims of Covid" They died in road accidents of old age, of cancer but they have been counted as victims of Covid the health terrorism of Bill Gates FED IMF ECB neoliberal technocratic regime Bilderberg #DEM #lgtq, esoteric agenda, and its vaccines SpA Bayer 666 cursed and murderers to nano uranium particles Sono morti, ma erano guariti: ma, "contati come vittime di Covid" Sono morti in incidenti stradali di vecchiaia, di cancro ma sono stati contati come vittime di Covid il terrorismo sanitario di Bill Gates FED IMF ECB neoliberisti tecnocratici regime Bilderberg #DEM #lgtq, esoteric agenda, e i suoi vaccini SpA Bayer 666 maledetti e assassini alle nano particelle di uranio
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