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PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave ) BRUSH go awy the infamous troops away
Libya, Italy is in the sights of Haftar
  The fall or killing of an Italian drone around a base from which the strong man from Cyrenaica coordinates the attacks in Tripoli puts at risk the position of our country and its military deployed at Misrata.

SPAZZATE via le truppe di questo infame
Libia, l’Italia è nel mirino di Haftar
 La caduta o l’abbattimento di un drone italiano nei dintorni di una base da cui l’uomo forte della Cirenaica coordina gli attacchi a Tripoli mette a rischio la posizione del nostro paese e dei suoi militari schierati a Misurata.

‘Courageous Decision’: Netherlands Slashes Palestinian Aid Over Terrorism
  Top Israeli politicians on Thursday thanked the Dutch government for its decision to cut funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) over its payments of salaries to convicted terrorists and their families.
“It is very pleasing to see that a growing part of Europe is sobering in its relations with the Palestinians and refusing to fund terrorism indirectly. Better late [than never],” tweeted Member of Knesset (MK) Ayelet Shaked about the Netherlands’ decision to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority in response to its refusal to halt salaries to terrorists and their families.
MK Avigdor Liberman commended the Dutch for their “courageous decision.”

“Well done to the Dutch parliament who courageously decided to stop transferring funds to the Palestinian Authority which funds terror,” he tweeted.

The Netherlands has previously given an annual €1.5 million to the PA to pay the salaries of Justice Ministry employees and will cease to do so.

The PA approved its annual budget in March 2018, allocating 7%, or NIS 1.2 billion, towards paying convicted terrorists and their families until the end of 2019.

Responding to questions on the matter, the Dutch Aid Ministry announced its decision on Wednesday during its annual budgetary discussions.

The ministry explained that they had attempted but failed to convince the PA to stop payments to terrorists with funds received from the Netherlands. The PA pays out funds to terrorists according to the length of the prison sentences, said Dutch Aid Minister Sigrid Kaag.

“The Netherlands has worked to put an end to the link between the duration of detention and the amount of the benefit to Palestinians in Israeli detention and their relatives. Although the talks with the PA on this matter were constructive, they did not lead to the desired result and therefore the Netherlands will no longer contribute to salaries in the justice ministry in the coming year,” she said.

The Netherlands made another pro-Israel move on Wednesday when a Dutch Member of Parliament submitted a motion to challenge the European Union (EU)’s highest court’s ruling stating that Israeli products coming from Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights must be labeled as coming from “settlements” and not from Israel.

if, also the accusations and the witnesses of: Mandelblit:
were credible and 100% reliable,
however, there is no proportion
between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!
this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed
se, anche le accuse e i testimoni di: Mandelblit:
fossero credibili e attendibili al 100%,
comunque, non esiste una proporzione
tra l'inchiesta, e il danno arrecato alla Nazione!
ecco perché questo è un golpe: quindi andranno trovati, ed andranno uccisi i mandanti di: Mandelblit

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 

BRUSH go awy the infamous troops away
Libya, Italy is in the sights of Haftar
  The fall or killing of an Italian drone around a base from which the strong man from Cyrenaica coordinates the attacks in Tripoli puts at risk the position of our country and its military deployed at Misrata.

SPAZZATE via le truppe di questo infame
Libia, l’Italia è nel mirino di Haftar
 La caduta o l’abbattimento di un drone italiano nei dintorni di una base da cui l’uomo forte della Cirenaica coordina gli attacchi a Tripoli mette a rischio la posizione del nostro paese e dei suoi militari schierati a Misurata.  

Robin Rosenblatt
It is the Israeli left and the America left sent there to destroy Bibi and Israel.
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI Robin Rosenblatt
"This sad political outcome came after a second electoral cycle that was forced on Israeli citizens when the 21st Knesset voted to dissolve," says Rivlin to Edelstein.
"This is a moment of darkness unprecedented in the history of the State of Israel".
when the RIVLIN mole comes out of the Rothschild hole?

light for him is a torment!

quando la talpa RIVLIN esce dal buco della fogna Rothschild?
la luce per lui è un tormento!
"Questo triste esito politico è arrivato dopo un secondo ciclo elettorale che è stato costretto ai cittadini israeliani quando la 21a Knesset ha votato per dissolversi", dice Rivlin a Edelstein. "Questo è un momento di oscurità senza precedenti nella storia dello Stato di Israele".

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI  

Sardine poster: 'Populisti the party is over'
happy idiots celebrating the catastrophic ruin of the country!

Manifesto delle sardine: 'Populisti la festa è finita'
idioti felici che festeggiano sulla catastrofica rovina del Paese!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 

Argentina, order of arrest for Monsignor Zanchetta for abuse
Monsignor Zanchetta
against: two seminarians. The bishop is in the Vatican.
1. when is the marriage for the priests?
2. it is not easy for clericalism to admit its mistakes, in any religion!
3. all Islamic sharia must be immediately removed from political power!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 

Obama urges the dem, "unite against Trump" (Salvini Netanjahu).
. Rothschild FED IMF NWO conspiracy theorists do not have a real political project!

Obama sprona i dem, "unirsi contro Trump" (Salvini Netanjahu).
. i complottisti non hanno un vero progetto politico!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 

now shoot the Turks !!! BRUSSELS - "This morning I had a frank exchange" in Brussels with the Foreign Minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu.
1. "I reiterated the EU's strong condemnation of the Turkish military intervention in the north-east of Syria.
2. It is a serious violation of international law, which undermines stability and security in the region ". The president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, announced in a note.
In the meeting with Cavusoglu, which was requested by the Turkish government, Sassoli also:
3. "raised the problem of Turkey's continuous illegal drilling activities in the eastern Mediterranean.
4. We are in full solidarity with Cyprus - underlines the president of the European Parliament - with regard to respect for his sovereignty and his sovereign rights in accordance with international law ".

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI  

Bin SALMAN] [it's not my fault: the Saints prayed, because I woke up earlier! after God Almighty? I am the highest hierarchical authority in the Kingdom of God!
The whole history of mankind will fall under my jurisdiction of judgment and supreme court: on the day of the last judgment!
everyone in the Kingdom of God depends on me!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI  

CHINA INDIA USA EU RUSSIA] The president of the European Parliament had criticized the Fonte di Pace operation. [ Muslims sharia dogma Kuran jihad threaten us with death all over the world!
It cannot be said that the meeting between parliamentary president David Sassoli and the foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, was successful. The comments on the sidelines of the summit, published by Sassoli through the social media, poured fuel on the fire of the already tense relations between Ankara and Brussels, which a little more than a week ago had adopted sanctions against Turkey, due to drilling in the south of Cyprus.

‘Courageous Decision’: Netherlands Slashes Palestinian Aid Over Terrorism
CHINA INDIA USA EU RUSSIA] The president of the European Parliament had criticized the Fonte di Pace operation. [ Muslims sharia dogma Kuran jihad threaten us with death all over the world!

It cannot be said that the meeting between parliamentary president David Sassoli and the foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, was successful. The comments on the sidelines of the summit, published by Sassoli through the social media, poured fuel on the fire of the already tense relations between Ankara and Brussels, which a little more than a week ago had adopted sanctions against Turkey, due to drilling in the south of Cyprus.

CINA INDIA USA UE RUSSIA ] Il presidente dell'Europarlamento aveva criticato l'operazione Fonte di Pace. [ gli islamici ci minacciano di morte in tutto il mondo!
Non si può dire che sia andato a buon fine l'incontro tra il presidente del parlamento David Sassoli e il ministro degli Esteri della Turchia, Mevlut Cavusoglu. I commenti a margine del vertice, pubblicati da Sassoli attraverso i social, hanno sparso la benzina sul fuoco dei già tesi rapporti tra Ankara e Bruxelles, che poco più di una settimana fa aveva adottato delle sanzioni contro la Turchia, per via delle trivellazioni a sud di Cipro.


New Documentary Shows ‘Bigger Picture’ of Golda Meir
New Documentary Shows 'Bigger Picture' of Golda Meir
LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI a few seconds ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.
ma cosa è successo a questo mio account che è continuamente bloccato?
tutti i miei blogspot? sono senza flusso di persone viventi! soltanto i computer della CIA visitano i miei blogspots
Israeli Democracy Reins: Netanyahu Faces Indictment
Mandelblit will be killed ] [ if, also the accusations and the witnesses of Mandelblit were credible and 100% reliable, however, there is no proportion, between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!

this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed

LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
ma cosa è successo a questo mio account che è continuamente bloccato?
tutti i miei blogspot? sono senza flusso di persone viventi! soltanto i computer della CIA visitano i miei blogspots
Israeli Democracy Reins: Netanyahu Faces Indictment https://unitedwithisrael.or...
Mandelblit will be killed ] [ if, also the accusations and the witnesses of Mandelblit were credible and 100% reliable, however, there is no proportion, between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!

this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed


Netanyahu comes out swinging: 'It's an attempted coup' In una dichiarazione ribelle giovedì, Netanyahu ha affermato che l'accusa deriva da "false accuse" e da un'indagine sistematicamente "contaminata". you have been banned by World Israel News. A cura di World Israel News Staff e AP you have been banned by World Israel News. you have been banned by World Israel News. Il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha respinto la sua accusa per una serie di accuse di corruzione, affermando che il paese sta assistendo a un "tentativo di colpo di stato" contro di lui. In una dichiarazione ribelle giovedì, Netanyahu ha affermato che l'accusa deriva da "false accuse" e da un'indagine sistematicamente "contaminata". "Indagare sugli investigatori", ha detto, attaccando in particolare l'avvocato Shai Nitzan e Liat Ben-Ari, uno dei principali pubblici ministeri che hanno costruito i casi contro di lui. Disse del procuratore generale Avichai Mandelblit che non era in grado di resistere alle pressioni di Nitzan e altri nell'ufficio del procuratore. Netanyahu ha fornito un lungo elenco di incidenti in cui i pubblici ministeri hanno bloccato gli appuntamenti politici con cui non erano d'accordo, definendolo un "metodo". Ha invitato non solo i suoi sostenitori, ma anche i suoi rivali - quelli di cui erano "equi" - a resistere all '"inquinamento" o alla "contaminazione" nel sistema. Ha parlato dopo che il procuratore generale ha annunciato la sua incriminazione per accusa di corruzione, frode e violazione della fiducia in tre casi di corruzione di lunga data. Netanyahu non è stato in grado di formare un governo a seguito di elezioni back to back senza precedenti quest'anno, in parte a causa dei suoi problemi legali, e un terzo voto potrebbe essere tenuto in pochi mesi.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI   

Mandelblit will be killed ] [ if, also the accusations and the witnesses of Mandelblit were credible and 100% reliable, however, there is no proportion, between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!
this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed
se, anche le accuse e i testimoni di: Mandelblit:
fossero credibili e attendibili al 100%, comunque, non esiste una proporzione
tra l'inchiesta, e il danno arrecato alla Nazione!
ecco perché questo è un golpe: quindi andranno trovati, ed andranno uccisi i mandanti di: Mandelblit

Kurt Hendricks  

I have to say it may be a general problem. My son did an Engineering project in Israel and said corruption was general - he left!

Alex Peshansky  

This is not democracy - this is a political witch hunt!!!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI Alex Peshansky 

Obama urges the dem, "unite against Trump" (Salvini Netanjahu).
ah ha ah ah ah ... Rothschild FED IMF NWO conspiracy theorists do not have a real political project!

Gavin Kadey  2 hours ago

What exactly does the headline mean?

Democracy "reins in" Bibi, or did they mean to write that in Israel democracy reigns?

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI Gavin Kadey  40 minutes ago

when the RIVLIN mole comes out of the Rothschild hole?
light for him is a torment!
"This sad political outcome came after a second electoral cycle that was forced on Israeli citizens when the 21st Knesset voted to dissolve," says Rivlin to Edelstein. "This is a moment of darkness unprecedented in the history of the State of Israel".


Being indicted cause a box of cigars? Democracy? You got to be kidding. The prosecution just wants to make a name for themselves!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI wilson   

if, also the accusations and the witnesses of: Mandelblit:
were credible and 100% reliable,
however, there is no proportion
between the investigation and the damage done to the Nation!
this is why this is a coup: therefore they will have to be found, and the principals of: Mandelblit will be killed

Raymond Gork   

Spelling correction; It should be "REIGNS"- not "reins". What kind of spell-checker do you have on your keyboard?

alpcns .  

It IS a bloody witch-hunt, just like against Trump. This is not a coincidence. The stupidity is colossal, especially at this point in time.

Hector Zuniga  

For sure somebody is plotting against Netanyahu, and at the same time against Ysrael, Bibi Netanyahu is by now the most effective Primer Minister, open relations with many Arab Nations. some one behind curtains tried to destroy the good job of Bibi and of Donald Trump. Whom ever is behind this, will be responsible for whatever happen to Ysrael.

alpcns . Hector Zuniga   

You're absolutely correct. The horror is, they don't care what they're responsible for. The people - monsters - that do this are happy to remove Bibi and equally happy to reign over the resultant ruins.

Sword of Honor   

Treachery, pure and simple. And it's also incredibly stupid to attack a savior.

SAWolf  4 hours ago

Its pathological how leftists cannot tolerate success. Because the system they demand everyone else adhere to has worked long term, nowhere. Hope the Israeli People can see through the shiiteforbrains.

Robin Rosenblatt

It is the Israeli left and the America left sent there to destroy Bibi and Israel.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI Robin Rosenblatt  39 minutes ago

"This sad political outcome came after a second electoral cycle that was forced on Israeli citizens when the 21st Knesset voted to dissolve," says Rivlin to Edelstein.

"This is a moment of darkness unprecedented in the history of the State of Israel".
when the RIVLIN mole comes out of the Rothschild hole?

light for him is a torment!

Robin Rosenblatt  5 hours ago

It is the Israeli left and the America left set there to destroy Bibi and Israel.

JB Silver  5 hours ago

This is MOST DEFINITELY the failed Left trying to bring down the successful Right, no matter the danger to Israel and its vibrant democracy.
I'll take the legal opinion of Alan Dershowitz, that this is a setup and NOT a genuine corruption case, over Mandelblit's lies and posturing.

Gershon Perry  6 hours ago

The system is rigged against Netanyahu by the left and all other anti-zionists from The Vatican to Williamsburg. They failed with ex Judice attempts so they got people like Mandelblit to do the dirty work.

retired22 Gershon Perry  4 hours ago

Notice that this indictment lingered along until elections & only came about at the last minute as plan B after Ganz couldn't form a government.
If they couldn't remove the PM from office by elections,they would do it with bogus criminal lawyers with trumped up charges.

Neil  6 hours ago

Bibi is facing the same lies as President Trump! These people of satan know they are loosing and will do anything to stop it!

Bro. Nick Nicholas Neil  5 hours ago

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' - a Biblical Zionist - and a long time supporter of PM Benjamin Netanyahu
- Unfortunately it seems to me that the 'Political System' in "Israel" is as corrupt as it is in my increasingly "wicked" country of 'Amerika'
- And - Exactly "as it is written" Prophetically:
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

J. Rochotte Bro. Nick Nicholas  4 hours ago

Amen. I too am a Christian, according to the Word & faith. Satan knows his time is short & is wreaking havoc. Even so, Come Lord Jesus, Messiah.

Neil Bro. Nick Nicholas  4 hours ago

God bless you brother Nicholas!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 

'Joker' Joe 666 Biden
a cuccia voi: Allah e Satana:
ma, voi portatemelo quì!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI  8 hours ago

what it is, and what it is not: I decide
1. Avichai Mandelblit is a Rothschild liar;
2. Avichai Mandelblit is not anyone's head: because no one elected him:
this is yet another Rothschild conspiracy with its priests of CIA satan!
if, even Netanjahu was responsible for minor faults: of course national security prevails against all judicial logic:
when the political mandate ends: then it will be possible to defend .. in case of high treason a prime minister can be prosecuted ..
and in fact, he had not deported the Palestinians,
he really did treason!

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel