inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Pharisees (Cain): 666 IMF 322 NWO, masonic system: Bildenberg, they hated so intensely the love of God, that is, in Jesus Christ of Bethlehem, which have made themselves, the Satanists, so they destroyed the roots: Judeo - Christian, all hope burned, and poisoned, institutions, then plotted: against: the existence of all peoples: just to start from Israel (Abel) is in this way that almost made it: in mode impossible, absolutely, to all peoples, to have access to God's mercy Abu Abu Antar Antar has posted a comment 12 minutes ago Miley Cyrus new video "We Can not Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist, Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
3 minuti fa
[ispiratori di ogni malvagità e corruzione che nasce dall'occultato: signoraggio bancario: per i poteri occulti:] maledetti Illuminati farisei (Caino): 666 FMI 322 NWO, loro hanno odiato, così, intensamente l'amore di Dio, cioè, Gesù Cristo di Betlemme, che, hanno fatto di se stessi, i satanisti, così hanno distrutto le radici: giudeo - cristiane, bruciato la speranza, ed hanno avvelenato, le istituzioni, quindi hanno complottato: contro: la esistenza di tutti i popoli: proprio ad iniziare da Israele (Abele) è in questo modo, che, hanno reso quasi, in modo assoluto, a tutti i popoli, di poter accedere alla misericordia di Dio
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
16 minuti fa
Miley Cyrus new video "We Can't Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist, Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
35 minuti fa
satanist is her society, Bush 322, IMF 666 NWO, Rothschild phrisees: masonic system, new babylon tower, for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
Miley Cyrus is satanist.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
i am king of Israel, my kingdom is the Palestine, for universal brotherhood, bless to all Peoples blessings too all, shalom + salam
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
we should not have: fear, resentment against Satan, (because, otherwise we will be subjected upon us, old age, disease and death) (but we must: to him, indifference and contempt). the fear, of evil? means to offend, the omnipotence of God: Why, only the fear of God: YHWH, must be in us. Also, to hate Satan? it is to enter: in his domain: of his reign, that: is: a kingdom of hatred, and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince, the most excellent creature, very honored and privileged, and consequently, we deplore her: pride, and his ambition: they all, do not want to serve, 1. Jesus of Bethlehem, 2. to its Unius REI, 3. and to every man, that, envy, jealousy (for failure, of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline, degradation, which is why, 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love), has become the king of all liars and murderers, of all the hypocrites like him.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
noi non dobbiamo avere: timore, rancore contro, satana (perché, altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi, malattia, vecchiaia, e la morte) (ma, dobbiamo: a lui, indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male?, significa offendere, la onnipotenza di Dio: perché ,solo il timore di dio, deve essere in noi. Inoltre, odiare satana, significa entrare: nel dominio: del suo regno, che: è: un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare, che, satana era un principe, la più eccelsa creatura, assai onorato, e privilegiato, e di conseguenza, noi deploriamo il suo: orgoglio, e la sua ambizione: di non volere servire, a Gesù di Betlemme, ed al suo Unius REI, che, invidia, gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati, la causa, della sua decadenza, abbrutimento, ecco perché, 666 è precipitato, nell'abisso della distruzione, e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore), è diventato, il re, di tutti i mentitori e assassini, di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil, lost communion with God (spiritual life)]], but never lose the love of God, for him (ie , its possibilities to exist, then, become: evil, without spiritual life, this: his evil will remain in him until the day of: judgment, when, despair infinite: its hell, it will be disintegrated: together : with him into the lake of fire, which is: the disintegration or second death). in fact, as: it is clear: the Lord YHWH, the Creator of all things, it is not: against: None. So: it is only our behavior, which can have an effect: scary. in this way: everything: that: we do, for good: o: for evil, to other creatures?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil, lost communion with God (spiritual life)]], is destined to go back on ourselves, so: to be amplified. That's why, it is our faith that can produce: blessing or: curse: all conditions: of doom: all the horrific consequences of sin .. I have never found a criminal, who, has not: for himself, a rational justification, for his behavior, so even the international criminal: the most dangerous in the history of mankind as: IMF NWO 666: SPA, Rothschild , and the King dell'Saudi Arabia, sharia imperialism: for, worldwide caliphate, they have their rational justification, for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male, perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]], ma, non perderà mai, l'amore di Dio, per lui (cioè, la sua possibilità: di esistere, quindi, diventerà: maledetta, senza vita spirituale, questo: suo male: rimarrà in lui, fino al giorno, del: giudizio universale, quando, la disperazione infinita: del suo inferno, verrà disintegrato: insieme: con lui: nello stagno di fuoco, che è: la disintegrazione: o seconda morte). infatti, come: è evidente: il Signore JHWH, il Creatore di tutte le cose, non è: contro: nessuno. Quindi: è soltanto il nostro comportamento, che, può produrre degli effetti: spaventosi. in questo modo: tutto quello: che: noi facciamo, di bene: o: di male, alle altre creature?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male, perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]], è destinato a ritornare, su noi stessi, in modo: amplificato. ecco perché, è la nostra fede, che, può podurre: benedizione: o: maledizione: tutte condizioni: di: sventura: tutte le orribili conseguenze, del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale, che, non abbia: per se stesso, una razionale giustificazione, per il suo comportamento, quindi, anche i criminali internazionali: più pericolosi della storia del genere umano: come: IMF 666 NWO: SPA, Rothschild, ed, il Re dell'Aabia Saudita, sharia imperialismo: worldwide caliphate, hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali, per i loro crimini immensi, di sterminio e di genocidio..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas, impide que tengamos, la comunión con Dios, porque Dios no puede odiar, y de hecho, YHWH es amor infinito, su amor es una . amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios: no se pueden conservar, en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno, para la gente, por lo tanto, nuestra acción agresiva, violenta, debe ser dirigida contra el crimen, la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque, de hecho, el testimonio de la verdad, y: la protección de los inocentes, que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho, JHWH: no puede odiar, o maldecir a Satanás, como su amada criatura .. Por lo tanto, son sólo sentimientos, el odio, la rebelión, la codicia, el orgullo, la malicia, la mentira y los crímenes, que Satanás tiene en sí mismo, que, maldice el mismo Satanás, y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura, puede impunemente, desviar, por sentimientos de amor universal, de su Creador!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures, nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu, parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr, et en fait, YHWH est amour infini, son amour est un . amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu: ne peuvent pas être conservés, dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout: les gens, donc, notre action agressif, violent, devraient être dirigées contre le crime, le «injustice en soi! parce que, en fait, le témoignage de la vérité, et: la protection de l'innocent, il a la priorité sur tout! en fait, JHWH: ne peut pas haïr, ou maudire Satan, comme sa créature bien-aimée .. par conséquent, ils ne sont que des sentiments, la haine, la révolte, la cupidité, l'orgueil, la méchanceté, le mensonge, et les crimes, que Satan a en lui-même, qui, maudire Satan lui-même, et c'est une loi universelle, de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner, par des sentiments d'amour universel, de son Créateur!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures, prevents us to have, communion with God, because God can not hate, and in fact, YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God: can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any: the people, therefore, our action aggressive, violent, should be directed against the crime, the 'injustice in itself! because, in fact, the testimony of the truth, and: the protection of the innocent, it takes precedence over everything! in fact, JHWH: can not hate, or, curse Satan, as his beloved creature .. therefore, they are only, feelings, of hatred, rebellion, greed, pride, malice, lies, and crimes, that, Satan has in himself, that, curse Satan himself, and, this is a universal law, of the spirit. No creature, can with impunity, divert, by feelings of universal love, of his Creator!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile, contro, le creature, impedisce a noi, di avere, comunione, con Dio, perché, Dio non può odiare, ed infatti, JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi, i servi di Dio; non possono conservare, un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone, quindi, la nostra azione aggressiva, violenta, deve essere rivolta, contro, il crimine, l'ingiustizia, in se stesso! perché, infatti, la testimonianza della verità, e: la protezione degli innocenti, ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti, Dio non può odiare, o, maledire satana, come, sua amata creatura.. quindi, sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio, ribellione, avidità, orgoglio, malvagità, mengogne, e crimini, che, satana ha in se stesso, che, maledicono satana stesso, ed è questa, una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura, può impunemente, deviare, dai sentimenti di amore universale, del suo Creatore!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7, 666 CIA NWO 322: système maçonnique, FMI - si vous êtes, calme, maintenant, je le ferai connaître encore: aussi, pour vous, de cette façon, je peux le faire, le mal, en mode global, mondial, contre tout criminels! [en fait, sont, seuls, les lois éternelles, de: l'Esprit Saint, que: je peux, d'intensifier, aggraver, car: de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle: même dans tout le royaume de Dieu), et le plus souvent, il s'agit d'une menace, très délicate, parce que: tribulations, les malheurs, les maladies, les catastrophes et la mort prématurée, rupture, sont faites, pas, en mode immédiat ...] il ya tellement de pages: dans youtube, parce que , quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page, afin de protéger, de cette façon: les criminels, les blasphémateurs, les pharisiens, les communistes, et les salafistes, immoral, pervers, cynique, menteur, cruel, etc ..?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
Il sera, alors, aussi, dans sa vie, toutes les malédictions, de leurs crimes .. un fardeau de culpabilité, métaphysiquement intenable: satan brûlure, au nom de Jésus!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7, 666 CIA NWO 322: masonic system, IMF - if you are, calm, now, I will make it known: also, to you, in that way, I can do, evil, in global mode, worldwide, against, all criminals! [actually, are, only, the eternal laws,of: the holy spirit, that: I can, intensify, aggravate, because: of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction: even, in all the Kingdom of God), and usually, this is a threat, very tricky, because: tribulations, misfortunes, diseases, disasters, and premature death, snap, are made, not so, in mode immediate ...] there are so many pages: in youtube, because, someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page, to protect, in this way: criminals, blasphemers, Pharisees, communists, and Salafis, immoral, perverted, cynical, lying, cruel, etc. ..? He will, then, too, in his life, all the curses, of their crimes .. a burden, of guilt, metaphysically untenable: satan burn, in Jesus's name!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[théologie de la fraternité universelle, ou métaphysique: la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit: «de grandes bénédictions, sont, reste à la tête de l'homme juste, et il peut jouir, abondante, de la joie à la présence vivante: de YHWH, de grands plaisirs, à sa droite, maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont: 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses, la guérison physique et la prospérité économique) .. mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions, vont loin de toutes les bénédictions, et de semer: la haine, le mépris, la violence, le racisme, le fanatisme, le dogmatisme, et ce uniquement, pour une sensation misérable: la cupidité, la prédation, la poursuite du pouvoir, qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon, d': religion) .. c'est pourquoi, aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[la teología de la fraternidad universal, o la metafísica: la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito: "grandes bendiciones, son, descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo, y se puede disfrutar, abundancia, alegría al presencia viva: de YHWH, grandes delicias, a su derecha, ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen, por favor divino (que son los siguientes: 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas, la curación física y la prosperidad económica) .. pero, muchas malas religiones, van lejos de todas las bendiciones, y la siembra: el odio, el desprecio, la violencia, el racismo, el fanatismo, el dogmatismo, y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste: la codicia, la depredación, la búsqueda del poder, el cual, es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio, de: la religión) .. por eso, ninguna religión puede ser, que participan en la gestión del poder político.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[theology of universal brotherhood, or metaphysics: the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written: "great blessings, are, rest on the head of the just man, and he can enjoy, abundant, joy to the living presence: of YHWH, great delights, to her right, now, and forever! "the prospects offered, by divine favor (they are: 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches, healing physical and economic prosperity) .. but, many bad religions, go away from all the blessings, and sowing: hatred, contempt, violence, racism, fanaticism, dogmatism, and this only, for a feeling miserable: greed, predation, the pursuit of power, which, is Satan himself (as demon, of: religion) .. that's why, no religion can be, involved in the management of political power.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
ci sono: tante pagine: in youtube, perché qualcuno: deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente, dei martiri in questa pagina, per proteggere, in questo modo: i criminali farisei e salafiti?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[teologia, della fratellanza universale, o metafisica: della realtà politica: del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto: "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo, dell'uomo giusto, e lui può gustare, abbondanti, gioie alla presenza vivente: di JHWH, grandi delizie, alla sua destra, ora, ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte, dalla benevolenza divina (sono: 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze, di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma, la cattiva religione, allontana, da tutte le benedizioni, e semina: odio, disprezzo, violenza, razzismo, fanatismo, dogmatismo, e questo, soltanto, per un sentimento, miserabile di: avidità, predazione, ricerca del potere, che, è satana stesso (come, demone di religione).. ecco perché, nessuna religione, può essere, coinvolta, nella gestione del potere politico.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teología política: del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca, la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como, podemos conseguir: por ejemplo: el profeta Eliseo (posee), una porción doble: del poder: del espíritu del profeta Elías, y cómo: podemos tener: a nuestra disposición: el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI: el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política: en la tierra. y esto: es un don universal, entonces: todas las naciones serán benditas, en el modo de vista económico, etc ..!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste, 2. debemos: tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios, porque, bueno, como vemos, comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir, el mismo criterio, que Dios se encargará de: nosotros, de hecho, Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros, a través de nuestra fe
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[théologie politique: du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez, la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens, nous pouvons obtenir: comme: le prophète Elisée (a eu), une double portion: de la puissance: de l'esprit, du prophète Elie, et comment: on peut avoir: à notre disposition: le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI: le roi d'Israël: dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique: sur la terre. et cela: elle est un don universel, alors, toutes les nations seront bénies en toi, en mode économique, etc ..!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste, 2. il faut: prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu, parce que, eh bien, comme nous le voyons, comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère, que Dieu va voir: nous avons, en effet, Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous, par notre foi
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[political theology: of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for, glory, and power of God in your life! [like, we can get: such as: the Prophet Elisha (has got), a double portion:of power: of the spirit, of the prophet Elijah, and how: we can have: at our disposal: the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI: the King of Israel: in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form: on earth. and this: it is a universal gift, then: all nations shall be blessed, in mode economically, etc. ..!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body, 2. we must: take our position in relation to God, because, well, as, we see, understand, God in faith? that is, the same criterion, that God will see: we, in fact, God looks at each of us, through our faith
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teologia politica del Regno di Dio: sulla terra] voi cercate, la gloria, e la potenza di Dio, nella vostra vita! [come, noi possiamo ottenere: come: il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto), una doppia porzione: della potenza: dello spirito del profeta, Elia, e come: noi possiamo avere: a nostra disposizione: la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI: il Re di israele: nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio: in forma politica: sulla terra. e questo: è un dono universale, quindi: tutti i popoli saranno benedetti, economicamente, ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti, di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo: prendere la nostra posizione: nei confronti di Dio, perché, così, come, noi vediamo, comprendiamo, Dio in fede? quello è: lo stesso criterio, che: Dio potrà vedere: anche noi, infatti, Dio guarda, ognuno di noi, attraverso, la nostra fede
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - tu viennes à moi: car tu as été: misérable, et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO: à savoir, le système maçonnique, de seigneuriage bancaire, finissent tout son pouvoir occulte: arnaque, jusqu'à ce que, vous ne serez pas exterminés , pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan .. vous venez à moi, et je vais apprendre à vous, le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí: porque tú has estado: horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM: es decir, el sistema masónico, por señoreaje bancario, Finalizar su poder oculto: estafa, hasta que, usted no será exterminado , para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás .. vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted, el camino del poder de la fe!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - you come to me: because, thou hast Been: wretched, and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO: ie, the Masonic system, for banking seigniorage, end All His occult power: scam, until, you will not be exterminated, to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan .. you come to me: and I shall teach to you, the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me: perché, tu sei stato: miserabile, e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO: vale a dire, il sistema massonico, di signoraggio bancario, finisce tutto il suo potere occulto: truffa, fino a quando, non sarete sterminati , per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana .. venite a me: e ti insegnerò a voi, la via della forza della fede!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno, circa: il Signore YHWH, e nessuno: dirà: ancora, si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]] Santo, santo santo, il mio, il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH, Che Essa, è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana .. [[It is written, "and everyone will know, about the Lord YHWH, and anyone will say again, you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy, holy, holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH, that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan .. [[It is written, "and everyone will know, about the Lord YHWH, and anyone will say again, you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno, circa: il Signore YHWH, e nessuno: dirà: ancora, si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع: يمكن أن يكون كل شيء: السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا ... أنا لا: هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH, and no one: will say, you know the Lord: YHWH?"]] Holy, Holy holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees, ex-Masons, ex-Islamists, ex-Communists, former Satanist, ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously, you know, I'm not designed, to do evil, to any, of your precious creatures, - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course, will fall every lie, about, all religions criminals, Because YHWH, you have to be loved above all things, and the next (ie, every human being) as ourselves ... I do not: there is violence, That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI, and king of Israel .. [[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH, and no one: will say, you know the Lord: YHWH?"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
Holy, Holy holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees, ex-Masons, ex-Islamists, ex-communists, former Satanist, ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY, you know, I'm not designed, to do evil, to any, of your precious creatures, - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course, will fall every lie, about, all religions criminals, because YHWH, you have to be loved above all things, and the next (ie, every human being) as ourselves ... so do not: there is violence, that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
4 ore fa
holy, HOLY holy, my, @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente: tutti possono essere: ex-farisei, ex-massoni, ex-islamisti, ex-comunisti, ex-satanisti, ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE, tu lo sai, io non progettato, di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose, --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente, cadrà ogni menzogna, circa, tutte le criminali religioni, perché JHWH, tu devi essere amato, al di sopra di ogni cosa, e il prossimo (cioè, ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non: c'è violenza, che, può essere fatta, contro, la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
@CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now, will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] [message to humanity, the book of remembrance p.261] [without: the foundation of natural law, represented: by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms, to take, control of the company, society, nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie, only from my own: the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme, by criminals, legalized, institutionalized, is: always the same: 1. militarism, 2. oppression, 3. violence, 4. crime place: in a legal manner] here's how: also, the noblest of men, Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken, "with swords and staves," and he had to endure, a show trial, even, even, for the crime of the highest levels of: authority: whether religious, that policies (which they should represent, the justice). [Is evident, as the evil that: is: always been present: in the world, it was worse: by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance], which is a refined form of hypocrisy, because, from: their foundation: the Bank of England, (they stole to all peoples: the monetary sovereignty) then take control: of: institutions, through : their occult powers: Masonic associations, corporations, all monopolies, Bildenberg, etc. ..] to be directly involved, in their agenda: NWO, for, world wars, related Shoah. So, not only that, there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such, but, the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking, against the majority of the people. the real crime: it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system), an example is represented, from playing the stock exchange, raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial: speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital, adding, injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are, not, thieves and murders of the road, but, in the system of legalized "bags", financial and commercial, with speculation kill more people than all of ... however, these ideological murderers, enjoy respect and a good reputation, and have big, worldly honors, but, they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer, to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars, debts, inflations, depression, unemployment, unfair competition, etc. .. because this is the result: an IMF, which is a: private SPA, for, the impotence of the state: and its not efficient governance[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] [The false church within the TRUE Church today is: more work that: never] of: Stefano Arnoldi. 29/12/2012. Now we can truly say: after seeing her work: also: in the political (and the incredible: outrageous support to: PRESIDENTMonti: and: Europe, that: pursue an: Masonic program: in support of private banks: Jewish bankers: IMF FED ECB 666,322! - is: to deepen the incompatibility, between the Freemasons and: Christian doctrine, as the Vatican contradictory, false church within the church, threw the mask, and: now in the light of the sun, with: devilish effrontery, manifests its poisonous heresies and: its betrayal.
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] Betrayal primarily against of Christ (rightly John Zeno, director of the publishing house "Faith & Culture", he writes, that: the lineage of: Judas is: now reproduced to: dramatically, to: the manner of cancer, and: still an: time, Christ is betrayed, for: an: handful of: coins) but: also: betrayals of the faithful, whose salvation, and the soul: the conquest of the eternal Paradise, not: to care anymore: no one, least of all, to: lots of: those priests, bishops and cardinals, that: they are made of tool: an: false faith (watered down by sentimentality, and: gooders often bordering on infantilism), of: an: false doctrine (poisoned visions increasingly Protestant, from worldly logic, and: by that superb careerism in the conquest of power and: vainglory),
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] and: finally, inexorably, of: an: false church (where the moral, and: the truth have left the place to "logic" of: life, that: not: have nothing of: Catholic, infected, as they are openings to be complacent: what, if: it is: called up to: yesterday "sin" but: that today not: it is more: the subversion of the true with: false, and: good with: evil: is been: done). To front: this scenario, Catholics attend or astonished, perhaps the most naive, not even aware of: one, that: you are perpetrating to: give them: here is: in the game or salvation: eternal damnation: in the dramatic confrontation, as noted by the card. Caffarra (Archbishop of Bologna), between: the culture of death: and: the Gospel of life, between: the devil and Christ.
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] Land of: clash: the life of: each of: us. Bone of contention: the soul. The story, for: the human intellect, is: even embarrassing in his simplicity, but: an: heart immersed in an: society refractory to the Truth, obscured: as many lies and: led to: rambling: shepherds lost: that: for: of: the most arrogate to: Guides despite having secretly made traitors of the one true God, that: claims for: Self: and: for: Self only the role of Salvatore (with lots of greetings: the court of the gentiles : the card. Ravasi), an: heart so obfuscated: not: can that: lose the key to the problem: and: fall inexorably: the spider in the web up to: become a prey and: then slave for: forever.
And all this because it happens? Because faith is: a retreat, also: in ecclesiastical circles,
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] especially in ecclesiastical circles: not: longer believe in eschatology (raise your hand, who can most to: hear the words death, judgment, hell, heaven homilies) , not: longer believe in the one true doctrine, capable of: to give precise answers to: precise questions (that magnificent Catechism of St. Pius X that: still teaches us the true doctrine, is been: removed: and : even mocked by an: clergy that: is defined to '"avant-garde" with: result: that: the teachings of the Gospel and: the words of Christ are deformed: and: altered to: according to worldly expectations: the moment ), not: longer believe in the Mass (indeed, he hates that of: always, in Latin ... too dangerous because it converts the heart!) and: in the good graces: that: It emanates from (now: in the churches functions with "rite updated" are performances: pregnant of: insolence: towards the Master of: home: with: deformations liturgical also hard to bear, as Mgr. Bux) ...
[everyone can see: "rationally": God, really: JHWH: himself, through: of me] Isaiah 6:1-8. In the year, that, King Unius REI, began, to reign, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. 2. under, Above, it stood the seraphims; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. Isaiah 6:3. And one cried unto another and said, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." 4. And the posts of the door moved at the voice: of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5. Then said I, "Woe is me! For I am undone, because: I am a man of unclean lips: and: I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." 6. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me(ie, toward: all people, and all Peoples), having a live coal in his hand, which, he had taken with the tongs: from off the altar. 7. And he laid it upon my mouth and said, "Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity: is taken away, and: thy sin purged." 8. Also: I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"
[everyone can see: "rationally": God, really: JHWH: himself, through: of me] Then said I, "Here am I. Send me!"(said: all people, and all Peoples), my metaphysics, is not: a mystical activity, but is a political act, rational, philosophical, speculative, is a property:of the human spirit, and, an his demonstration of it. would say, even, the atheist, anticlerical: Benedetto Croce! that is, the intrinsic value, the greater values: for an: more precious revolution, ie, the foundation: cultural and spiritual Christian civilization! This is why, in an intuitive way, everyone, can live: the experience of this word of Isaiah(rational, speculative, emotional, political, ie, real), and everyone can see: "rationally": God: JHWH: himself, through: of me .. because, only, in this way, I can see God
[is why: the IMF, must collapse: necessarily!] then, on the eve of a nuclear world war, because the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, it is full of derivatives fakes, and why, circulates, much more than double the money (money ill), which does not: it can never be converted into real wealth, and, therefore, the fraud of the Pharisees, it would become obvious to all, if not all were killed, and if all, not, be destroyed [at least, 70%: of mankind, must die] .. is because, the IMF, must collapse: necessarily! then it is stupid, doing support, to search well-being: unattainable and impossible for the peoples, therefore, it is smarter to invest in weapons, which is why if, the King, dell'Arabia Saudi, sells to me: 300,000 sq km of useless desert for him, then, can have the military resources necessary to stop, the army of the CHINA, and RUSSIA, that, will came against him!
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world, and you will have: to save it! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Behold, I lay: in: Zion a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes: in it: not: be disappointed," unius REI. 1 Peter 2.6.
You know: that: S. Margaret wrote before: of the: beginning: of the: French Revolution, this expression of the Madonna: "When, the crucifix will be trampled, blood will came: flow: is for: all the streets!" [[Why: we not: can tell of ourselves: of not be "Christians" the philosopher: Benedetto Croce,]]. perhaps: foresaw the occupation Masonic, and: the infiltration: cultural nature, and: Satanic our institutions: ie, modernism evoutionism? 1st ed. Original: 1942. is: an: short essay written by Benedetto Croce: in: the: 1942, in: the: who, the author claims, that, the Christianity has: completed revolution "that worked: in: the: heart: of the: soul, the conscience, and: giving prominence to the intimate: and: your: of: this consciousness, almost seemed: that: to acquire a new virtue, a new spiritual quality, which, until then: was: lack to all humanity "which, for: about: of: the revolution, it can: not: say" Christian. " [[Why: we not: can tell of ourselves: of not be "Christians" the philosopher: Benedetto Croce,]]. "The men, heroes, geniuses" who lived before: of the advent: of the: Christianity "action time has done: beautiful works, and: transmitted to us: an: rich treasure of molds, of: thought , of: experience, "but: in: all they works, lacked that value: that: today is: this: in: all of us and: that: only Christianity has: given to every man. The Christian revolution, 3. Philosophers: and: Christianity, 4. The merits of the: Christianity, why: not: can: not: call ourselves Christians? The morning has: trace the design: an: little written on the subject [1] "On August 26: of the: same year" to shake the melancholy has: meditate: and: wrote the essay: why: not: We can: not: say "Christian". [...] Are: deeply convinced: that: thinking: and: the modern civilization are Christians, continuing the efforts made by Jesus: and: by Paul. on: of: this: has: wrote a short note of: historical, that: I'll publish it as soon as the available space. of the: rest: not: She feels: that: in: this terrible war, that: that: is: in: contrast: is: a concept still Christian: of the: life with: another: that: could trace pre-Christian age, and: reattach the front to the: civilization, against the barbarian horde violence [4] "The work thus, ie: atheist: and anti-clerical: Benedetto Croce: wanted to indicate the particular perspective: that: assumed in his analysis the phenomenon of the: Christianity. in this brief text, Croce was, immediately, spread: this: notoriety: when the Catholic Church began: to: make explicit his dissent, against: Fascist regime. which reacted: with: a violent campaign of: Printing: that: hit also: Benedetto Croce: done scorn by the minister Fascist: National Education, Giuseppe Bottai: that: alluded ironically: about, "operetta" of Croce: with: an: article entitled Benedetto Croce "rincristianito" ie, stupid: for: Despite, value political and cultural of Christian revolution: In true Benedetto Croce: not: had abandoned, never, his belief secular, nor took sides: to: defense of the Church in Rome: but: just watched as, "The appeal to the: history: not: we can: not: recognize, and: not: tell us Christians." The story showed what is: that: was been: the historic success: of the: Christianity, more: that: his religious message: to: establish itself: in consciousness. of all. Benedetto Croce: writes: "Christianity: is been: the most revolution: that: humanity has never: made ... "Like it or not, therefore we are the heirs of: a revolution: end: that: not: to: use case, Benedetto Croce, wanting, to signify the explosive character, and: constructively together: of the: Christian interior love: ie, revolution, that: historically: has: work,not, as all the other revolutions, that: but ... ". The Christian revolution represents: an: unique event in the history of the: humanity: why: to: difference: of: all the others, it "worked: in the center, of the soul, in the moral conscience ',' the His law drew only by the inner voice 'and' moral conscience itself, the appearance: of the: Christianity, approximate, arrival rejoiced: and: is his labor: in: mode new. " Christian: is been: a revolution "so understanding: and: deep, so fruitful of: consequences, so unexpected: and: irresistible: in: the: its realization, that: not: wonder: that: has appeared or will yet appear: as, an miracle, a revelation from above, as, an: direct intervention: of God in human affairs. " but: in really, the Christian revolution ": it was: not an: miracle" and "is because, is the spirit, that is: always full: of: himself." [The philosophers: and: Christianity]. That Spirit is present: in: all philosophers, from, the medieval to the Renaissance, the French Enlightenment, the various Vico, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, made them, debtors of the values: of the Christianity: but: the same time, legitimate interpreters: of: the religion dissemination, of the his christians Principles, "these, and: all the others, as: they, that: the church of Rome, (like not: could not: be) of protect his institution: and: his structure: that: he had given to his dogmas: in the Council: of Trento, was of: disavow result: and: persecute and, in: last sentence: with all much in the modern age:[[ ie agenda Talmud IMF: an its syllabus without be: in degree: of: contrast to the science(exploited ideologically), to the: culture(exploited ideologically): and: to the: modern civilization(exploited ideologically): of the: bad atheists: an, for do, an other: evil civilization masonic satanic satanic bad civilization: for destroy: human values and pave the way for global slavery. ]] " Poor in act: and: spread values: of the "Christian revolution" those philosophers, even laymen, that: the Catholic Church: that: has condemned them: but, ... . The Church must be recognized, however, the merit: of: not have removed, from the religious thought: the ratio personal: between: the man and God, ie, all scale mythical of past: and: of: having prepared definitive philosophical categories, in 'scope: about, an: debate cultural and politic: about on christian universal thought: for an attended, in all other areas: and, for all philosophies subsequent. Neither the Church escaped, his task: of: become universal, looking: of: Christian thought that, prevails: and: be spread: in Europe, ecc.. while falling itself: in the its historical course: in: " errors "from which, however, was able to be healed: for, with through the reform. [[The merits of the: Christianity]] are "and: revolutions: and: the discoveries that: followed in modern times: they were special: and: limited in the manner of them, but: all invested man, the soul itself: of the: man, no!: you can not think of the Christian revolution ... why: the original impulse was: and: continues its ... re-evolution Christian worked: in the heart: of the: soul, the conscience of value universal and human, and: giving prominence: about this consciousness, almost seemed: that: to acquire, a new virtue secular, a new spiritual quality secular, that: until then: was not been given, to all humanity. "[is atheist and anti-clerical: Benedetto Croce] In Christianity we have a new vision, of the history where man acts according to a new morality based on love, "of all men, without distinction: of: the Gentiles: and: of any classes, of free man: and: of slaves, to all creatures, to the world: that: is: work: of God, and for God: that: is: loving God, "the God, that: is the" spirit "[9] whose mystery is: still the subject: of the: survey: of the: philosophers whose passion for: the truth, makes almost: of the martyrs: is why". [is atheist and anti-clerical: Benedetto Croce]... in the Christian God: is still, ours, more refined philosophies, they call it, the Spirit Holy, that: always beyond us: and: forever: is: ourselves, and, if us: not: we adore more as: mystery is: why: we know: that: it will always mystery, into our eye: of the: abstract logic and: intellectual, undeservedly, believed and: dignified as "human logic", but: that: clear truth it is: for the eye: of the: concrete logic, that: may well be called "divine", in understanding: of: as be a Christian: why: as man continuously rises his values, and that is: in this continuously joining into God, he does truly man.
@ King of Saudi Arabia - you'll wonder why, I put in the first place: Israel .. but in thee: there can not be an answer! If Italy were destroyed, along with all of its civilization? I could find, always, something like that, elsewhere in Franca: with, Pascal, Maritain, etc. .. (or, I might, find important values, anywhere, even in Saudi Arabia) .. but, if Israel was lost? nothing could stop the empire of Satan on earth! That's why, the Pharisees IMF, of, Neturei Karta, have an interest in destroying Israel. ! Se l'Italia andasse distrutta, insieme a tutta la sua civiltà? io potrei trovare, sempre, qualcosa di simile, altrove, nella Franca: con Pascal, Maritain, ecc.. (o, io potrei, trovare valori importanti, ovunque, anche in Arabia Saudita).. ma, se Israele andasse perduto? nulla potrebbe fermare l'impero di satana sulla terra! ecco perché, i farisei FMI, Neturei Karta, hanno interesse a distruggere Israele
@ OBAMA - synnek1, he closed the comments page of youtube? because no criminal Satanist would die for his country! Satanists are only: the traitors of the IMF: and their kingdom is against all peoples, @ Pax 666 pax voodoo - drink your poison: made by yourself: Synnek1 kkk nazi. I heard Satan to ask your human sacrifice: on his altar! you're ready? to love Satan, in an absolute and total mode? .. You saw how many people die on the altar of Satan, every day? why, it Should not ever be like: even: your time, now? even one: day. or another day? will came for you! Pinocchio and Candlewick: Their ticket they paid for: being: in the "Toyland". is not better, That Should one man die: that is, Synnek1 MASTER BIG, So That all the people of Satanists: is can to return to the Lord Jesus Christ? That Is, for to be, with me, unius REI? --ANSWER @ IsraelnationalTV but he closed on this article, the page of youtube, 24 hours ago. Satanists have control of all media: and you're dead!
now that, modernism, (naturalism consociativismo: Masonic. after, 600 excommunications, of a Church that, not: still had betrayed Jesus Christ) will win, most of the Episcopate? Satan will finally be released from his dungeon! so, Israel will be annihilated! is for, this, that have worked the Pharisees of IMF NWO. damn clerical celibacy, emerged: the crime of privilege medioeval: of "primogeniture". Catholic Church has condemned itself to destruction has not been able to protect Israel, and gave mankind to Satan! ora, che, il modernismo, (naturalismo: consociativismo: massonico. dopo 600 scomuniche: di una Chiesa: che non: aveva ancora tradito, Gesù Cristo) conquisterà l'episcopato? satana, potrà essere finalmente liberato! così, Israele sarà annientato! è per questo, che, hanno lavorato i farisei del FMI NWO. maledetto celibato ecclesiastico, scaturito: dal crimine del "maggiorascato!" la Chiesa Cattolica: ha consegnato il genere umano a satana!
for have persecuted, Natuzza Evolo, and Padre Pio? the Catholic Church has lost any, credibility spiritual! is shame: disciplinary, about, infamy, medieval, for primogeniture, then, has imposed: celibacy ecclesiastic: an inhuman cruelty done, after, his: 1000 years of history, and it is also a crime theological for saying that, "human nature is good", but, in this way: he spit, on not necessary, for her, sacrifice of the Cross .. while, it is not able to speak, about, the divine nature, that, only, every Christian in a personal relationship, with, the Risen Lord: may have. because, denies, specifically: the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, into charismatic life, of: every Christian! and is a crime masonic: of, high: treason: to have done: of itself, the silent accomplice: of: banking seigniorage: of 666 IMF FED ECB: NWO satanic, the synagogue of Satan, of the Pharisees, and: even: invited to give the vote to the Freemason: enlightened: Bildenberg, ie,President MONTI
the 50 countries, the worst. Serving persecuted Christians worldwide: OpenDoorsUSA.. 2012: January. Table of Contents: World Watch List 2012 Countries. North Korea, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iran, Maldives, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Eritrea, Laos, Northern Nigeria, Mauritania, Egypt, Sudan, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Chechnya, China, Qatar, Algeria, Comoros, Azerbaijan, Libya, Oman, Brunei, Morocco, Kuwait, Turkey, India, Burma/Myanmar, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Syria, United Arab Emirates. Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Cuba, Belarus, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, The Main Persecutor of Christians
of all the heresies of Judaism, like Christianity? the most dangerous heresy has always been: the heresy of the Pharisees, that they hijacked the religion of Moses: from the time of the exodus, causing, in Moses and, in Solomon, the huge upset pain! in fact, it is the fault of the Pharisees, and their secret lodges, for the continuing deterioration of the conditions of mankind in the last 4000 years! di tutte le eresie dell'ebraismo, come il cristianesimo? la più pericolosa eresia: è sempre stata: la eresia dei farisei, che, loro hanno dirottato la religione mosaica: dal tempo dell'esodo, provocando in Mosé ed in Salomone, degli enormi turbamenti! in realtà, è colpa dei farisei, e delle loro loggie segrete, il continuo peggioramento, delle condizioni del genere umano, negli ultimi 4000 anni! not only aliens, but also to all my enemies, will start to come out, of the blood, from, his mouth! all the blood: of innocent people, christians martyrs, ecc.. all the poor unhappy, that they criminals have devoured...
[where: not a leaf stirs: that Riyadh does not want] Nigeria, killing nine voluntary anti-polio. the witnesses say, was the sect Boko Haram.
From the first evidence, the massacre was carried out by militants: with: a series of attacks: in the northern city: of Kano. With Afghanistan and Pakistan, Nigeria is the only country: where: polio is still endemic. Since 2003, Muslim leaders: oppose vaccination: because it would lead to infertility. In 2003 Muslim leaders in northern Nigeria: have do opposed the anti-polio vaccination, saying that would cause infertility. The attack resulted in: Kano is yet another blow to the efforts of world organizations involved in health to eradicate polio still endemic in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Just in Pakistan in December, seven voluntary polio: were massacred in Swabi, 75 km north-west of Islamabad.
[TUNIS Djellaz: is the strategy for the Saudi imperialism: the terror] Magdi Cristiano Allam: founder of the party, "I love Italy" says: "each, man secular, thus becomes an enemy of Islam, which is : worthy, for this: of the death penalty, we need to create: a middle class, which, know how to get out: all Muslim peoples: from platform: barracks and mosques - ANSWER - the target of Islamist terrorism: is an State, society, ecc.., that, will , reflects the objectives of the: sharia and jihad, but, they are incompatible with the survival of the human race ... while Al Arabiya: gives news of a new aggression against: an opposition leader, Ahmed Nejib Chebbi, that is: the founder of the Democratic Progressive Party. and [translate. google] has intentionally destroying: my previous article: and also: blocked my ADSL
humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento
[TUNIS Djellaz: is the strategy for the Saudi imperialism: the terror] Magdi Cristiano Allam: founder of the party, "I love Italy" says: "Also, Tunisia, is: confirmation, how Muslims can be moderate, but that, Islam: it is incompatible: with: democracy, "when it becomes inspiration, for a political force, in fact, this has been: murder, that: the Islamists have made: against: Chokri Belaid, because: on: facebook, Chokri Belaid, has been shown: as: leader of the unbelievers, and instead, he was just a good Muslim secular, but it has been shown, such as an enemy of Islam who deserved to die. thus, a political force, which adopts Islam as the Qur'an and Muhammad then: is no longer compatible: with democracy and human rights .. because, only: they become: the incarnation of divine truth, and: everyone else, even if, differ: a single point: they are enemies to kill, to delete! "
February 8, [where: not a leaf stirs: that Riyadh does not want] series attacks in Iraq, 29 dead, for: Two car bombs: exploded in Baghdad near a market. Another attack in the city of Shomali. At least 29 victims: two doubles: attacks: that took place today in Iraq, according to a new budget: provided by medical personnel security. The first attack struck the crowded market Kazimiya, district by a majority: Shia Baghdad, the second: it happened in Shomali, predominantly Shiite city: in the province of Babylon. In both cases, it was double explosion. epr programmed to the massacre of Shiites heretics .. Shia and moderate laity were sentenced to death by the Salafis, in anticipation of the Jihad of World War III: This, he said, his uncle Pharisee: talmud 666 IMF Rothschild
09/02/2013 [Among: tear gas: and prayers, Tunisia burying Belaid, and his Spring: crushed: by the imperialist dream: of Salafi jihad islamists ] The crowd in the cemetery: Al Jellez, where: was buried: Chokri Belaid . were over one million the number of people who have followed the procession. The heavy toll from the clashes, with dozens of cars on fire, dozens wounded, and 131: people arrested by security forces: the Arab Spring: was prompted by the IMF: to be murdered, the reasons is agenda NWO, for, forced a World War III: for disintegrate Nazism Islamic and the State of Israel .. "dies, Samson with all Philistines. "A million were at the funeral of the leader of the opposition: the procession, huge, shouted:" Government murderess ". Government murderess "Government murderess "Government murderess " is true: is an islamist Government murderess "
Obama has been a disaster! we see how, is capable of defending itself from cancer, too him? [jihad imperialism is worse than Al Qaeda] people sentenced to death in Riyadh, forced, to the Holy War against Syria: [war Syria Saudi Arabia] 09/02 / 2013. The agency, AINA, revealed a "memo", top secret, sent by the Ministry of Interior, Saudi Arabia, where it is possible to Those condemned to death by decapitation: in the cells of the Saudi kingdom: to: opt instead: to go and fight: the "Jihad", the "holy War" religious, against: the Syrian government. by Marco Tosatti. The agency AINA: revealed a "memo" top secret sent by the Ministry of the Interior: in Saudi Arabia, where it is possible, Those sentenced to death by beheading: in the cells of the Saudi kingdom: to opt instead: to go and fight the "Jihad", the "holy War" against religious: the Syrian government. The memo is dated April 17, 2012, and was Concerned at the time, 1239, guests on death row.
Obama has been a disaster! we see how, is capable of defending itself from cancer, too him? [jihad imperialism is worse than Al Qaeda] people sentenced to death in Riyadh, forced, to the Holy War against Syria: [war Syria Saudi Arabia] is Offered, full forgiveness, and a monthly salary, to their Families in the kingdom , change "... of Their training, to be sent out, the Jihad in Syria". The nationalities of the prisoners, were different: Yemenis, Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Jordan, Somalis, Afghans, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Iraqis and Kuwaitis. The memo, reported Which Aina, a photograph, that show side, was signed: Abdullah bin Ali al-Rmezan, a senior official: the Ministry: the Interior. Second, a former Iraqi parliamentarian, the Russians have Threatened: to bring: this case to the attention of the United Nations. The Saudis would: then: Decided to stop: their clandestine activity, provided that: the program will not: was: made: in the public domain.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Honour, then: to: you: that: you believe, but: for: those: that: not: believe the stone: that: the builders rejected: is: become a corner stone: and: stone of stumbling stone: of: the scandal. They will stumble: why: not: obey to the: Word. to: this: they were intended. " 1 Peter 2.7.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Behold, I lay: in: Zion a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes: in: it: not: be disappointed," unius REI. 1 Peter 2.6
You know: that: S. Margaret wrote before: of the: beginning: of the: French Revolution, this expression of the Madonna: "When the crucifix will be trampled, blood flow: for: the streets!" Time: not: is: never: enough, indeed: time is running. The dangers: not: are: never: been: to: so high!
: Never: our time: is been: so limited! Converted, as long as you are: in: time! The time is never enough, in: fact the time is racing, while the dangers have never been so tall! Our time has ever been so limited! Converts, until are: in: time! He, YHWH will forgive you, if: you turn: to: Him: with: all my heart! "... C 'is: now: in: the: world: an: Satanic group: of: planners: an: single global system (New World Order). They eliminate the Church of Jesus ..." Unius REI ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
[Arab League: all the beasts of the Gulf, the jihad of the penis: and: happiness: Obama vampire] 08/02/2013. The route of the young Indian, sent to serve (sexually) the sheikhs of the Gulf, to which four wives are not enough! The Guardian, reveals the story of many girls, who, with the promise to find a place, of, skilled labor: in Saudi Arabia (where there is slavery) end, however, the spiral, the exploitation of: francesca peaceful. Poverty has forced more and more Indian girls, to surrender: in the hands of traffickers: no scruples, that the ship in the Gulf countries (Saudi Suadita, Bahrain and UAE) to serve the rich, as unscrupulous sheikhs. is the new frontier: the trafficking of women, unveiled today by the British newspaper: Guardian that: recounts, including: the other, the story of Begum Anis, 27 years old: and: 4 children, deceived by a so-called intermediary:
[Arab League: all the beasts of the Gulf, the jihad of the penis: and: happiness: Obama vampire] that, after having taken: 10 000 rupees (about 120 euro) to: send her to work as, domestic workers, in Saudi Arabia (where he would: have earned: 125 euro: per month, that is, four times: his wages home to hospital), he sold, at auction: the prostitutes in Riyadh, for the consideration of 300 dollars. According to the National Crime Records Bureau: In India there were: 3,517 cases: of human trafficking: in 2011 (there were: 3,422 in 2010). Events: as a: the: of: Begum Anis are frequent, admits Indian police: that: a few months intercepted a "load" of 40 women from the start: at the airport in Delhi. The "sale" on: almost always family of humble origins, illiterate, in some cases: the victims (mostly women) end: really: clean: a luxurious residence of petroleum:
[Arab League: all the beasts of the Gulf, the jihad of the penis: and: happiness: Obama vampire] but: much more frequently, are initiated into prostitution. The market offers opportunities to profit, not only trade, but also on the falsification of documents, which explain to the Guardian, the volunteers: Indian Migrants' Rights Council, is privileged channels: at the border, where: corruption : it is almost: endemic. Last month, an employee of Air India: he was arrested: the airport in Delhi: own: for having printed: a fake boarding pass to a "migrant for employment" with: the complicity of: an agent Police. Once they arrive at their destination, they discover Indian slaves: that he had burned the bridges behind him. Trade unions in the Gulf: not: even exist: for local workers.
[Arab League: all the beasts of the Gulf, the jihad of the penis: and happiness: Obama vampire] According to a recent report: Human Rights Watch: immigrants: that: working in Saudi Arabia are hard at work: from 15 to 20 hours: daily: without holidays, health care, neither lunch breaks. Then, there are brothels. Occasionally, there is a species of happy ending. Begum Anis: was released from his wife (one of his wife) his "master" and has succeeded to return home in Hyderabad decided to denounce: the agent: which was: his months of captivity, but, apparently, they've lost track of him.
[nulla è cambiato da 4000 anni: oggi, noi abbiamo le loggie massoniche] il Gran Sinedrio, cioè, il supremo consesso, Il sinedrio di Gerusalemme o Gran Sinedrio (poi, erano presenti anche sinedri locali, con giurisdizione limitata), ecc.. tutta questa struttura, è diventata segreta, attraverso, le loggie massoniche! infatti, il ruolo fondamentale dei sinedri local, era principalmente politico, e soltanto relativamente religiosi! Ogni singolo Sinedrio era un consiglio legislativo composto da 70 anziani.. ecc.. [[ IL GOVERNO MONDIALE EBRAICO, di Dagoberto Huseyn Bellucci. (in 18 capitoli), CAPITOLO 2°. IL GRAN SINEDRIO MONDIALE : LA TESTA DEL SERPENTE! ]] --ANSWER-- io no ho il tempo per leggere questo documento, ma, è lo stesso FMI FED BCE NWO, ad attestare che molte delle tesi, qui illustrate devono essere vere: necessariamente!
ma, la malvagità dei farisei? veramente: è senza limiti!: perché, quando i farisei: Illuminati(cioè, quelli del sistema massonico: per fare congiure, e tradimenti), si sono accorti, che, tutto il popolo degli ebrei, era dalla parte di: Giovanni Battista: e dalla parte: di: Gesù di Betlemme, poi, hanno maledetto: il loro stesso popolo, ed in questo modo: subito dopo la morte di Gesù: hanno giurato di annientarlo: attraverso, l'Olocausto, ecco perché, hanno trovato il modo di fare perdere 2000 anni di genealogie paterne (ed infatti, a tutt'oggi, gli ebrei hanno soltato, delle inutili genealogie materne!), ed infatti, da quel momento, anche tutti gli ebrei: sono stati parificati ai goym, ecco perché, a tradimento, nei loro riti religiosi, viene fatto ingerire, un composto, contenete del sangue umano, sangue, sottratto, ai goym, attraverso, il sacrificio umano a satana..
poiché, la Torà condanna a morte: ogni trasgressore? sia, il gentile", come anche l'ebreo, quindi, i farisei: Illuminati del FMI, hanno condannato a morte: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, apparentemente, per la questione: di: Marilyn Monroe, mentre, nella loro ipocrisia, loro non potevano essere sfidati, circa la sovranità monetaria che aveveno rubato a tutti i popoli, atraverso, il signoraggio bancario, perché, con L'ordine esecutivo 11110, che, fu un ordine esecutivo firmato il 4 giugno 1963? : John Fitzgerald Kennedy, di fatto, aveva spodestato gli Illuminati del loro potere: i satanisti farisei: nel suo tentativo( di JFK.) di difendere: la spenza di tutti i popoli! cioè, la sopravvivenza di Israele.
ora, noi sappiamo, che, Dio, non: ha un problema: con il peccato, perché Gesù ha pagato il prezzo ddel peccato sulla Croce! e, se, qualcuno, dice a Dio: "tu Dio, tu perdona me, per questa mia infrazione: contro: la legge della Torà(Bibbia)". allora, Dio nel perdonare: lui dimentica, anche, il tuo peccato! perché, la mente di Dio: è: come: un HD, dove: i file possono essere cancellati, da lui stesso. ma, sorge un terribile problema, per chi ha dato scandalo ai semplici, cioè, alle giovani coscienze in formazione! "meglio per lui, sarebbe stato, che, lui non fosse: mai nato!".. ecco perché, tutti e non soltanto: gli "intemperanti", loro devono proteggere nel pudore, della loro vita privata, ogni forma di attività sessuale.. quindi tutte le immagini di contenuto erotico, che, servono ad aumentare le vissualizzazioni, devono essere occultate!
[sodoma e gomorra: è: la agenda dei farisei, per distruggere i goym] Zapatero ha detto: ai bambini: di 9 anni: nel suo pubblico programma: di istruzione: "la natura: ci ha dato il sesso"(lol. ma, non ha detto: chi: a noi ha dato: la natura), "e noi: possiamo usare: il sesso: con una ragazza, o: con un ragazzo, o, con: un animale".. ecco perché: si è giunti a dare il matrimonio, agli omosessuali(un vero abominio sociale), dove tutte le giuridiche, garanzie: per le coppie di fatto: sarebbero state: più che necessarie.. perché: il matrimonio ai gay, mentre, non rappresenta, una loro tutela, in realtà, è soltanto, la distruzione dell'ordine naturale, e, senza ordine natrale, non c'è la civiltà cristiana.. perché, i farisei, sono come i salafiti, molto religiosi, e per loro: è necessario: poter condannare a morte la società, circa, tutto quello che dice la Torà
[666 political, knows all this] 03/16/1973. The Freemasons: are all Adorers of the: devil ... it's all part, My children, to: an: evil plan: for: to reduce man to a state: of: enslavement, to the evil, ie ideology: of: scientism, relativism, materialism, pornograzia, craziness, subliminal messages: of : any kind). We are: under, this enlightened masters "(original term), that: now seek: of:" groom "the life of: every man, woman: and: child (between, Their: Net Work, institutions, etc. ..) for: to lead mankind to the: slavery. I assure you, My children, that: is: an octopus: that: is getting longer: in: all directions: on earth: for: overpower the man: and: do an slave of him. These tentacles stretch: for: to promote ': an: one world government and one world religion (New Age) [322 political knows all this] ... Church of man "based on humanism, modernism: ie: Satanism." 01-10 -1977. . "There is an: piano: in: this: when, for: to plunge your world: in: a common dictatorship ..." 24/12/1976, "... is the work: of: Lucifer: that: use agents (SpA) for: remove and corrupt, all the churches (all religions) from your world and all mankind together: in the name: of the: peace: and of the: brotherhood under: only one roof, ie, 666. At some point, My children, that: you will think: that: it would be better to die, so great: is evil: that be shed: in: all world, by the "Illuminati" (original term) and their agents!(Zapatero, ecc..). "11/25/1978,". The Antichrist, "666", is: in the world (with techno-finance), in your country (USA).. He sows discord among nations. "05/14/1977,". 666 is: entered: in forces: on the ground. His agents: are: from too time: in the Vatican. are been seized of: some of the highest positions in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. and, also, Took control: of many governments. They're bringing the nations to the brink: of the: destruction. "05/08/1977, posts to: Veronica Lueken, Bayside, New York. Mankind: not: find peace until: to: when it: not: know My Message said. Jesus: to: Sister Faustina Kowalska. [No. is impossible: pay taxes].
In fact, the tax levy: is: of the 75%, for do pay, 1 euro: at: 2.70: euro. The tax: is: a true extortion, in fact, said: Prof. Giacinto Auriti, [But: is: also: demonstration: an: secret government: and: Satanic behind: of: all fake pseudo democracies: and of all: fake: Governments in the world. The first: to: disclose this criminal organization: is been: Jesus Christ: of: Bethlehem. in his invective: against the Pharisees, who today are the masters, of the world, and masters of the IMF: also. This revelation is: occurred when the organization of the Illuminati: was: really secret: and: only the Lord could reveal it to the: mystic Veronica Lueken, Bayside New York already: in: the: 1973, the report, between:" Politics, magic: and: satanism".
In the light of: Joseph Cosco has: published "Politics, magic: and: Satanism" claims: that: essential: is return to national self-determination! The writer concludes: that: you have to abolish: IMF FED ECB, EU, multinationals, all supranational institutions: project microchip, for: the crime already made: of: high treason. masonic, strategy adopted by the Political: of the: Bilderberg Group. with: the purpose of do occult nazi slavery, for: the establishment of: an: New World Order: and: of an satanic World Government by 2016. Weapons Silent occult: for: the silent war "is: a doctrine: JabullOn, adopted by the Policy Committee: of the: Bilderberg Group: for destroy, Christian civilization and Israel, with, their Organization; Group: of the: Bilderberg, recruit: politicians, ministers, financiers, Presidents: of: multinational moguls: of the: information, Reali, university professors, men: of a number of criminal: in any fields that: with: their decisions can influence the world.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, as, having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam.
Trilateral (meets industrial: and: businessman: of the: three blocks continental USA, Europe, Japan, Asia): and: Commission of Foreign Relationship (3D CFR: that: or: never: from 1921 brings together all the characters that: are manage on the U.S.) ... "outer circle"? "inner circle"? (but: this Satanists are all crazy)! U. Agnelli, H. Kissinger, Mario Monti, ALL GOVERNORS: of the: CENTRAL BANK SPA. 33.000 encrypted bank accounts: and: cleanstreem called? 666, 322 FED ECB, IMF - you have ruined the world, and you will have to save it, now! this time? you do not laugh, as, having have laugh, on your: 11_09. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vote Magdi Allam. 666, 322 FED ECB, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, laugh like having all'11_09; [rate Magdi Allam]. you not: has idea: who can compete on this: investigation: of the gender, but I think: that: both of the interest: Suspected or appointed: that: an: court [Enlightened are over all, and any jurisdiction?] enshrines Their strangeness to the assumed facts are: The Lords: of the World, Secret History: of all criminals, Their family Enlightened, for, New World Order:
The criminal power: of the: banking seigniorage is: real satanism: ie, expropriated all Peoples of Their (seigniorage): of the 100%, and pay also, debt (interest) of the 100% more. further, indebted, to other: 70% for private debt, theft of 70% of all our taxes, Because The total cost of money is equal to 270%: said: scientist Giacinto Auriti. (interest: over, another interest, ie, unresolvable debt cost). Therefore, as: hypothesis: of: crime we have: criminal Association: for, genocide, satanism, fraud, usury, incitement to suicide, induction: and: reduction to the: slavery, exploitation: of the: prostitution, predation, high: treason, of the Constitution, etc ... So, the crime would be: extinction of the entire human race. Agency Italian Illuminati: Mario Monti. Upon complaint: of: Mr Tremonti: that, said: in: TV: "Illuminati, are: Padoa Schioppa, Prodi, Veltroni, group "Bilderbergers: Giovanni and Umberto Agnelli, Mario Draghi, Renato Ruggiero, 1996 Franco Bernab is: Mario Monti, Walter Veltroni. 1997 Carlo Rossella, Stefano Silvestri, 1998 Emma Bonino, Luigi Cavalchini, Rainer Masera, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Siniscalco, 1999 Paolo Fresco, Francesco Giavazzi, Alessandro Profumo. Illuminati and the Black Nobility: all, MASTERS OF Masonic lodges. with all PRIESTS: of: SATAN'S INTERNATIONAL institutional: secret services.
the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, FED, ECB, the U.S. President, MULTINATIONAL ALL, all: NET WORK: and: THE NATIONAL TELEVISION NETWORKS (is, for CONCEALMENT: of the: seigniorage banking) Hollywood major studios are: and: Record Companies International. 666, FED ECB 322, IMF NWO. You have ruined the world, and, you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, as, having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. In the: 1871 plan: of: Weishaupt was further includes: his: Albert Pike: that: Processes an: document: for: the establishment, of an (New World Order) through three world wars: for: create, and destroy Israel. Would be: enlightened, all possessors of: hyper riches, the families of Rothschild, ASTOR, BUNDY; COLLINS, DUPONT, FREEMAN, KENNEDY, LI; ONASSIS, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, the British Royal family, Bill Clinton, ecc.. "fixer" Polish Harriman, of the Morgan Guaranty. ecc.. all Bildenberg, ecc.. all masonic lodges.
everything, that you want not to invest about me? will be lost! hallellujah-- [EGO SUM: Emerald Tablet: I am] only, YHWH is alive! all creatures, and ourselves, we are, only, of images, as, oleogrammi, with, have free will, then, none of us can live independently outside: OF the thought of God, and no one thought, it could harm against: HIM, is why, JHWH is thinking to him: and to everyone! and, I am unius REI, because, no man before me, and none after me will ever have the concept of totality and unity in him, as, it is in me! I am the GREAT ARCHITECT, but, in any way: my work, NOT, may be used by the antichrist! because, I do not leave MY successors, but, ONLY, free peoples and sovereign nations! [[Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, [Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis] KING metaphysico UNUS REI I AM, eGO SUM]].
[[Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, [Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis] KING metaphysico UNIUS REI, eGO SUM. ]]
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] But the work of the demolition of the false church and faith: the true Church continues unabated: the his: to come: pacts with: world (consociativismo Masonic): is: manifest: and: professing Catholics, of: base or: of: bose (... and: hold out an: veil!), now: not: it means nothing: if: not: wear an: mask of: fake respectability: for: conceal an: empty interior: ethical and: spiritual: an : empty afraid.
In an: Note that: did discuss (the Good always discuss the evil passes instead always in silence ...), Msgr. Crepaldi (bishop of Trieste) was spoken of as "two Churches" that: now express two different theologies. Lighter of: so! Everything we know well (or perhaps: we have forgotten?), Is been: Christ foretold: "... but, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? "(Lk 18:8)
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] suggesting, that: all over the world, also: the Church was to be invested by an: fearful of crisis, faith . However, "... the gates of hell, not: prevail against of: it" (Mt 16, 18). not: prevalebunt, the forces of evil, not: they can crush and eliminate the true Church, that: although increasingly resized and: haunted (just open your eyes and rise, also: only an: mm hypocrisy, love wallowing in which ) is alive because Christ himself, risen: he lives in it, (if, in fact, the Church was only a human institution, it would've been wiped out, hatred of how many in history is been: and is: reversed: on of: for it: silence her, or condition it: destroy ... this is: of course).
[Agony of Christianity: and his Masonic ally] Moreover: also: Madonna to: Fatima said "at the end: My Immaculate Heart will triumph" confirming: the period of: crisis, that is: of: apostasy, in which: would pass the boat of: Peter: and: pointing out to you the same as a rudder for help: for: get out of that storm. Let us therefore aware of: the one that:'s going on, and: act of: Therefore, because every Christian, willingly or: not, will have to make an: choice, keeping in mind and printed: in the heart these words: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of: evil, against, of: to you: because of me. Rejoice and be glad: for great is: the reward prepared for: you: in Heaven "(Mt 5: 11 -12) ... and: not: are the words of the card. Martini, but: of Jesus ... these so-echo of: eternal life ... by: Stefano Arnoldi - Director of the Servants Lane
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] REFLECTIONS an AD: Year of the:
On 26 November 1983 the Congregation for: the Doctrine of the Faith published an: Declaration on Masonic associations (cf. AAS LXXVI [1984] 300).
A little more of: an: year of: distance of the: his: publication can be useful to outline briefly the meaning of: this document.
Since the Church has begun to: rule concerning Freemasonry on his: negative judgment is been: inspired by many reasons, and practices: doctrine. It not: he held the only responsible of Freemasonry: subversion: for her, but: since the first pontifical documents concerning: and: in particular in the Encyclical "Humanum Genus» of: Leo XIII (April 20, 1884),
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] the Magisterium the Church has denounced in Freemasonry and philosophical ideas: moral conceptions opposed to Catholic doctrine. for: Leo XIII, they essentially led back: to: an: rationalistic naturalism, the inspiration of his plans: and: its activities against the Church. In his: Letter to the Italian people "Guardians" (8 December 1892), he wrote: "Let us remember that: Christianity and: Freemasonry are essentially incompatible, so that: enrollment in one means separation from the other." not: it could therefore leave out of, take into account the positions of Freemasonry: of the: point of: view of theory, in the years 1970-1980 when the S. Congregation was in correspondence with: some Episcopal Conferences particularly interested to: this problem, to: why the dialogue initiated: by of: Catholic personalities:
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] with: representatives of: some lodges: that: said they were not: hostile or: even favorable the Church. Now more thorough study led the Sacred Congregation for: the Doctrine of the Faith to: confirm its conviction of of: bottom between the principles of Freemasonry and: those of the Christian faith.
Therefore, regardless of the: consideration of the practical of the various lodges, of: hostility or: less towards the Church, the Sacred Congregation for: the Doctrine of the Faith, with: the his statement on: 11/26/83, intended to be placed level: deeper: and: the other essential part of the problem: on the floor: that is, of the principles, on that: means incompatibility both in terms of faith, which, irreconcilability of its moral demands.
[THE CONGREGATION for: THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] to: from this point of: view of theory, in continuity with the rest: the traditional position of the Church, as evidenced by the aforementioned documents of : Leo XIII, then derive the necessary: practical consequences, that: valid for: all those faithful that: if they were members of Freemasonry. to: sull'inconciliabilità about the affirmation of the principles, however, must now be somewhere arguing that: essential of Freemasonry would be just the fact of: not: impose any "principle" in the sense of: an: a philosophical position or: religious, that: is binding for: all its members, but: instead of: it gathers together, of: beyond the boundaries of different religions and: visions of the world of men: goodwill on the basis of: humanistic values and understand: acceptable to all.
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY]
Freemasonry would constitute an: element of: Cohesion for: all those that: believe in the Architect of the Universe and: they feel committed to of: those fundamental moral orientations that: are defined as in the Decalogue, it not: separate anyone of the: his: religion, but on the contrary would be an: incentive to embrace more.
Here not: can be discussed and the many historical problems: philosophy that: they hide in these statements. that: also: the Catholic Church pressing in the direction of: an: collaboration of: all men of: goodwill not: is: certainly necessary to emphasize that following the Second Vatican Council. The member of Freemasonry, however, far beyond this legitimate and collaboration: it has an: much more important and: determinant of: this.
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] First of all, it should be noted that: the community of "free masons" and: its moral obligations are presented as an: progressive system of: symbols of the: character extremely challenging. The rigid rule of, that: there dominates further strengthens the weight of interaction: signs and: of ideas. This climate of: secrecy entails above all, for: members of the risk: becoming an instrument of: strategies unknown to them.
[THE CONGREGATION for: THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] also: if: it is stated that: relativism is not: it is taken as dogma, but it is proposed of: made an: relativistic symbolic concept and and therefore, the value of relativizing: an: that moral-ritual community, far of the: being eliminated, is crucial to the contrary.
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] In this context, the different religious communities to which the individual members of the lodges, not: they can be considered if: not: as mere institutionalization, of: an: and broader truth: elusive. The value of: these institutionalization appears, then, inevitably relative with respect to: this broader truth, which instead is shown in the community of good will, that in the Masonic fraternity.
For an: Catholic Christian, however, not: is: can live his: relationship with God in an: dual mode and divided that in an: humanitarian form - and supraconfessional: in an: internal form - Christian. He not: can cultivate relationships of: two species with God, nor express his: relationship with: the Creator through symbolic forms of: two species. That would be something of: completely different from that collaboration, that: for: he is: obvious with: those that: are committed to doing well, also: if: to: from different principles.
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] On the other hand an: not a Catholic Christian: it can at the same time participate in the full communion of Christian brotherhood and, on the other hand, look at his: Christian brother, to: start of the: Masonic perspective, as to: an "outsider ".
Even when, as already is: said, not: there were no explicit obligation of: profess relativism as a doctrine, but the strength of relativizing: an: this fraternity, for: his: own intrinsic logic: it has in itself the capacity of: transforming the structure of the Act: faith: so: so radical as not: be acceptable as part of: an: Christian, "which is dear: the his-faith" (Leo XIII).
This distortion of the fundamental structure: the act of: faith is carried out also for: mostly in a gentle way: and: without being noticed: firm adherence: the truth of God, revealed in the Church,
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] it becomes mere fact of belonging to : institution, considered as an: particular expressive form in addition to other forms of expression, more or: less equally: possible and: valid, of man's eternal.
The temptation to go in this direction is: much stronger today, as it corresponds fully to: certain beliefs prevalent in contemporary mentality. Opinion: that: not the truth: to be known: is: typical characteristic of our era and, at the same time, an essential element of his: general crisis.
[THE CONGREGATION for: THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] Just considering all these elements, the Declaration of S. Congregation says that: Subscribe to the Masonic "remains forbidden of the Church" and that the faithful: that: you sign up "are in a state of: serious sin: (is mortal sin) and: not: they can receive Holy communion. "
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] with: this last statement, the S. Congregation points out, to the faithful, that: such registration constitutes an objectively: grave sin and by specifying that: the members to: an: Masonic association not: they can receive Holy Communion, it seeks to illuminate the consciences of the faithful of: an: serious consequence that: they must take of the: their membership to: an: Masonic Lodge. The S. Congregation declares finally that: "not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities: opinion on the nature of Masonic associations, with: an: judgment, that: would imply a derogation to: the above provisions." to: this regard, the text also: reference to the Declaration: February 17, 1981, which already reserved to the Apostolic See: any pronouncements on the nature of: these associations that: have implied derogations from the Canon Law then in force (c. 2335) .
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [THE CONGREGATION for: THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] Similarly, the new document, issued of the: Sacred Congregation for: the Doctrine of the Faith in November 1983, expressed the same intentions of: reserves relatively : to: pronouncements that: of the diverged: the judgment expressed here: the irreconcilability of Masonic principles: with: the Catholic faith, the gravity of the act: sign up to: an: loggia and: the consequence that: it follows for: the reception of Holy Communion. This provision indicates that, despite the differences that: there may be among the Masonic Lodges, especially in their declared attitude towards the Church, the Apostolic See:
is for [inciucio massonico: VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] [irreconcilability between: and CHRISTIAN FAITH: FREEMASONRY] I found some common principles that: require an: same evaluation: the part of: all ecclesiastical authorities. In making this statement, the Sacred Congregation for: the Doctrine of the Faith not: it intended to ignore the efforts of those who, with: proper authorization of: this Council, sought of: establishing an: dialogue with representatives from the Freemasonry. but: of the: time: that: there was a possibility: that: it spread among the faithful the misconception: that now the membership to: an: Masonic lodge was lawful, it considered his: duty to let them know: the authentic thought of the Church in this regard and: warn against of: incompatible with belonging: the Catholic faith. Only Jesus Christ is, in fact, the Teacher of Truth and: He only Christians can find the light and: strength: for: to live according to the plan of God, working for the true good of their brethren.
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] and Lies: Lies by Stephen of Francesco. 03/01/2013. And lies: lies: Just, to: treat us, like, stupid. Just passively of the: morning to night, an: uninterrupted series of: lies, lies, lies that: unison are told by all the media, opinion improvised, economists and mediocre in the pay of the potentate of: round, incapable of: warn first that: the crisis occurred and now all ready to: say what are the right ways of: output of the: same. But that: credibility do you have? ... What do you want to suggest over your chairs? Bombarded by an: similar amount of: falsehood, who can therefore wonder that: still give credit to the poor Monti, the self-proclaimed savior of the country, promising support and vote in the next election. [Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam . Viva: I love Italy.]
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] Since not: responding to my way of: to see things, to dwell in long and very long: lengthy ruminations, often without head or tail, I would submit that the point of: starting an: chart that: should begin to: reveal an: of the great lies told by the media, by Mr. Mario Monti, of the: ECB, of the: IMF, on the need for: an: of country: Leftovers make of Balance as a precondition for: development and: growth. As can be seen of the: graph, the 1929 crash was the his: why not: the U.S. budget deficit, that: in fact it was an: Surplus of: budget, but in the excess of: Private debt, that debt just that: today is ignored, hidden as not: and there: of: nobody talks about. [Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam . Viva: I love Italy.]
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] Do not believe us? observe with: attention the following chart. The graph shows the trend of the interest and: of the debt of American households from: 1920: in 2010 of the: which shows that in the years immediately preceding the crisis, to: in front of: surplus of the federal budget, acted as an antithesis: progressive and: increasing level of private debt with: consequent rise in interest that: they reached the highest level: 14%: the disposable income of households. an: crazy thing, only the interest eroded 14% of the family income. Today, as it is clear of the: chart, we are in the same condition: 1929 with: an: overall level: enormous interest. [Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam . Viva: I love Italy.]
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] In 1929 we were in an condition in which the Federal State (USA) not: issued more money because: it incassava more of: that: that: spending (realized Leftovers of: budget) and: given that: the gold standard was deflation: as the production of gold was stagnant for: have you resorted to currency and debt: there was an: explosion of: private debt and: of: leverage, both for: real estate speculation: and: financial that: for: consumption. As the United States emerged from this situation of: severe depression? Here is the third and last chart that: highlights for what they did: go to: grow. In 1933, Roosevelt started the New Deal, an: of program: public expenditure with: deficit of the supported: Keynesian theory and, almost entirely funded with: state debts to banks and private: with: an: devaluation dry: -40 %: Dollar compared to Gold. [Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam
crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] Inflating succeeded, despite substantial deficits to: reduce the total debt (the gray line in the graph)! Reduced the DEBT! Is not: de difficult to understand! also: Monti should succeed! The main difference with: the current situation is: that: having learned part of the lesson, now, is: avoided the chain: of: of failures: banks and: of: Companies: pumping money into the system: financial-banking: with : the QE, for: which not: we have reached the levels of: banking panic of: time. In America, and Japan: England have issued money into the economy through massive public deficits recovering the production and the proportion of income. not: for: nothing GDP: Uk is that: the United States: continuing to: grow. Eurozone instead: it is replicating, on a small scale and, only to damages: the countries of South-Europe, the mechanism of the Great Depression
crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] an imposing: a fixed exchange rate and: overrated (then: against: Gold and: today: against Marco) and: for the prohibition: the countries of: do deficits. is: always the same story, the machine always works Economy: In the same way, not: there is nothing: of: new (including the stupidity of who should know these things). Every time that: there is an: excess of: debt (shown in the graph of the: level of interest equal to 14%: the disposable income of families in 1939 and today) the only way: for: get rid of: is: create inflation! Compress: the rates of: real interest: up to: when: not: are negative: and: it inflates the nominal income. not: there is another way of mathematically: reduce the ratio: debt / income: or: debit / national product. is: n ratio: between: two nominal sizes: and: you have to increase because the denominator falls.
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] This is because: the denominator (income) depends of the: numerator (debt), for: which: if you seek of: reducing the second (through scraps of: budget: and imposition of taxes, then subtracting currency system) drops also: the first: and the ratio gets worse rather than better (it seems, that: is exactly what happened, so also: lately, or: no?). The only solution is: inflate the numerator. The path traced out of the: our government is: and wrong: criminal; leads to an: destruction aware of: to wealth: only advantage of the banking system. [Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam . Viva: I love Italy.]
[vs crime: Satanism: and: extermination! is was stolen by the Freemasons of the IMF 666: our: monetary sovereignty] it is necessary that: deficit of the State to meet: budget, is: necessary to carry out repressive financial policies: with: lower interest rates on the debt at the rate of inflation is: necessary to kill: taxes on families and businesses for: to allow 'economics of: growth. There they will do as long as we remain in the Euro and Europe of this: paper? Well! Abandon them to their fate and we will do: reviving and: dignity to our national currency, reclaiming Monetary Sovereignty. The rest is just bar talk. Long live Italy. of Magdi Allam . Viva: I love Italy.
IMF has put the human race on a route cursed! [International institutional Satanism, occult powers of the: IMF? can make: any crime, all the false democracies Masonic: of the: banking seigniorage stolen] Mystery Los Roques, still a tragedy: In 1997 and in 2008 two other planes disappeared. 01/05/2013: Mystery Los Roques, still a tragedy. In 1997 and in 2008: two planes disappeared. Five years ago, four of: January, an: other device touring disappeared with 14 people to: edge (8 of Italians). Sixteen years ago an: similar incident on the same route always cursed. Los Roques, missing plane. The route cursed. 16:30 - Needless to say that the disappearance of the plane to: four Italians to: edge of nearby Los Roques immediately refer to: a similar story in 2008, when an: touring aircraft in which they were traveling eight Italians , disappeared into thin air.
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
The IMF has put in the human race on to: route cursed! [International institutional Satanism, occult powers of the IMF? can make: any crime, in all the false democracies Masonic: of seigniorage banking: stolen] Even that time the scenario was the Venezuelan archipelago and, the day is: on the other hand the same: Jan. 4. Against the background of the story, still unresolved, the spectrum of the: drug trafficking. to: several years after his death, the fate of the: small plane (a twin-engine Let 410 aircraft Transaven) and: of its 14 passengers. of: including eight Italians, remains an: unsolved case. A few days ago, the weekly Today reported transcripts of tea: green light for takeoff by the tower of: control, emphasizing that the person to: board were 18 and: not: 14. This indeed support the hypothesis that four more passengers were drug traffickers who hijacked the aircraft would subsequently be used for the transport of: cocaine.
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
The IMF to: mis dans la race humaine sur une route maudite! [Internationale satanisme institutionnel, les pouvoirs occultes du IMF? peut faire tout crime, dans toutes les fausses démocraties maçonniques: the banque de seigneuriage: volées] Until now, the only body to have been found is: one of the: co-pilot, the 37 year-old Osmel Alfredo Avila Otamendi. And aircraft: the other passengers, between: and when even three Venezuelans: a Swiss, not: is: no trace was found. On the route cursed, an: another case in 1997, but there is not only the former of the: 2008. On the same route on which he flew too damn plane of Vittorio Missoni, an: similar case occurred in 1997. It was March 2 when an: Cessna 402 with to: carrying two spouses Venetian, Mario and Parolo: Teresa de Bellis, and departed from Caracas: direct to Los Roques not: is: never arrived to: destination.
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
El IMF puesto en la raza humana en ruta a maldito! [Institucional internacional Satanism, los poderes ocultos of the: IMF? puede hacer: cualquier crimen, en todas las Falsas democracias masónicas: from the bank señoreaje: Stolen] Of the two Italians, who were traveling with three other passengers, not: heard from again. In a parliamentary question period, the Northern League, said that the remains of the plane not: were located and: that was found during the search of the body: an: Australian, dead, on the basis of the autopsy, not: by drowning but of: violent death. Congressman Henry Knight suggested therefore, in addition to the hypothesis of the accident, including that of "an act of: air piracy committed by organizations of: Venezuelan drug traffickers."
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
Der IWF hat in menschlichen Rasse auf einer der Strecke verflucht zu setzen! [Internationale Institutionelle Satanismus, Okkultismus Befugnisse des IWF? machen kann: ein Verbrechen, in all den falschen Demokratien Freimaurer: von-seigniorage banking: Diebstahl] Other earlier in 2004 and in 2006. In total there are 4 air crashes involving Italians along the route cursed by Los Roques addition to the cases of the: 1997 and: 2008, appear in fact two similar incidents in 2004 and: 2006. In the first case also disappeared: Beechcraft Bonanza, led by Antonio Buzzi: to: board also two daughters, Barbara and Betty, and: his son Franco Rosetta. In 2006 he disappeared instead an: Cessna: to: Franco board Rotunno Diaz, Efrain Vincenzo Rotunno Oteiza and Gabriel Ariza Venturi. The remains of the: aircraft were found months later, no survivors.
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] of: Magdi Cristiano Allam. 28/12/2012. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti: the wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. (Il Giornale) - While the ways of the Lord are infinite, however, remains difficult to understand how they can interbreed and: even marry the Magisterium of the Church, Catholic morality, the social doctrine that inspired by faith in God and: dogmas manned by Pope put on the person, the natural family and the common good, with unscrupulous ideology of Mario Monti in the wake of the: Chinese model combines capitalism and: statism, by focusing on the money, and the banks, the markets .
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] The warning of Jesus "You can not serve to: and God: to: Mammon" (Matthew 6.24 and: in Luke 16:13) resonates so disruptive in consciences of: all the faithful and, more generally, persons of: goodwill. not: you can not: be amazed by reading the explicit support of the official organ of the: State of the Vatican, the Osservatore Romano, in an: article which enhances the expression of: Monti "go into politics" , reviewing it as "an appeal to: recover the highest sense and more noble of the policy is: still, even etymologically, care of the: common good." So how do you sing the praises of the: Head of the: State Napolitano "another political figure who enjoys wide popularity and: to which all recognize the merit of: you have located right in the Senator
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. Axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] to: the right man to life: Italy ferried out by the waves of the financial storm. "It 'amazing to see that is been: an: to love: the first sight. receiving Mountains in the Vatican last January, Benedict XVI addressed to: him with words of: appreciation, "You have made a good start in a difficult situation and, almost insoluble." Yet Monti, after being dropped from the financial powers of the strong driving: Government more than questionable, had already restored the tax on the first home of the increased: 60% after the revaluation of land estimi, had increased the ' retirement age retrospectively
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] in violation of the terms with millions of: citizens, had announced an increase in VAT and: of the price of fuel boosted by the cost of living, sparked the regime of: the tax police that controls all current accounts and: must rely on banks transactions over a thousand euro. As well as in the subsequent discussion of the Secretary: State of the Vatican, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, had expressed to: Monti "and attention: encouragement for action difficult, which costs sacrifices, to cope with the economic crisis: an: considerable effort from the point of : morally. " The basis of the: partnership between: the Church and: Monti were thrown into the Forum of Catholic associations held to Todi 17 October 2011, commissioned by the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, which saw the participation of: well three ministers of the future: Monti government:
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] the then CEO of Banca Intesa, Corrado Passera, the Rector of the Catholic University: Lorenzo and Ornaghi: the founder of the Community of: Sant'Egidio Andrea Riccardi. Since then, the Cardinal Bagnasco is: in the first line of defense: Monti, answering even "on-call" of the: Corriere della Sera, as is: happened on December 10 last year, to counter the attack of frontal: Silvio Berlusconi the head of the: Government: "The biggest concern is: the seal of the: our country and: then social cohesion. (...) The caretaker government has sheltered and humiliating capitulations by: highly risky. not: you can send to hell the sacrifices of: an: year, which are often fallen on the most fragile. (...) and: it confirms the root of: a crisis that is not: is: only economic and social, but cultural and: morality. "
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] For Bagnasco Monti would sponsor of: a cultural reform and: morality that would also result in economic salvation and: Italian society? He has doubled the number of Italians who suffer from hunger, which forced 47,000 families to leave the house because not: have the money to pay the mortgage, which has tripled the number of young unemployed or unemployed, which condemns to: death an average of 200 companies per day? and: you is: perhaps forgotten that Monti was the European Commission, presided over by an: more dear to the Catholic Church, Romano Prodi, when this Europe relativist vetoed the reference to Judeo-Christian roots in the draft of the new constitution which was later rejected by popular referendum?
♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my-YHWH] ♰ warning light.
[The wicked pact with Europe anti-Christian. The axis between: the Vatican and: Mario.Monti:] What is: which binds the Church to: Monti? The blackmail of: having to pay for all of the IMU on buildings: Church property the value of which is: equal to: about an: one third of the: value of real estate in Italy and, that, therefore, would result in an: financial drain? And 'This is the most likely hypothesis. But even if it not: it was, the Church knows that the association with Monti consolidates and disorientation: away more of: the m. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ithful. Certainly not: you can enjoy and understand: of the consent by the families, entrepreneurs, and esodati: young people who are the main victims of frantic strategy of austerity has reduced the person to: instrument at the service of the currency, Parallel stripping Italy of its sovereignty in order to feed it to: this Europe of bankers and: globalized financial institutions where he served and: supporting Monti. twitter . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. magdicristiano
Laos --- Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Three Lao, Two Thai Christians Arrested in Laos Published in 2012 DUBLIN, June 25 (World Watch Monitor) — Lao officials arrested two Lao and two Thai Christians in Luang Namtha Province earlier this month, seizing them from a private residence in Long district, according to Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF). Officials also .... Lao Police Arrest Pastor for Spreading Faith Published in 2012 DUBLIN, June 11 (World Watch Monitor) — A 53-year-old Lao pastor remains behind bars today after Lao police arrested him on Wednesday (June 6) for encouraging others to convert to Christianity, a spokesman from the group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF) confirmed
Kenya-- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Nairobi church stands strong after grenade kills boy, injures others.. in 2012.. Nairobi, October 11 (World Watch Monitor) — "Every week we wondered 'What if it's this week?' Yet every week we turned up for church." Speaking to Open Doors News just after her Oct. 9 return from the funeral of 9-year-old John Ian Maina, Nairobi Sunday School teacher Sally Gatei was . Grenade Attack on Church in Kenya Kills One Published in 2012 NAIROBI, Kenya, April 30 (World Watch Monitor) — A grenade explosion yesterday killed a 27-year-old university student at a church in Nairobi and injured 16 people, sources said. Kelvin Walumba was killed after a man pretending to be a worshipper at God's House of Miracles International Church
Israel--- Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Victims of Explosion in Israel Lament Plea Agreement Published in 2012 JERUSALEM, May 31 (World Watch Monitor) — A Messianic Jewish congregation leader whose son was almost killed by a bomb planted by an ultra-right wing Jew said he feels like the Israeli criminal justice system has abandoned him. On Monday (May 28), the Jerusalem District Court approved a .... Messianic Jews Singled Out in Israeli Town Published in 2011 ISTANBUL, September 15 (World Watch Monitor) — Messianic Jews in a suburb west of Jerusalem continue to be harassed for following their faith, this time by someone anonymously placing flyers in public areas singling out members of Messianic congregations. The flyers began appearing two weeks
Other Africa --- Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. From Africa to Asia, offended Muslims vent anger on Christian churches Published in 2012 September 26 (World Watch Monitor) — Across much of the Muslim world, more than two weeks of backlash to the internet video "Innocence of the Muslims" has occasionally been directed at Christians, from computer hacks to church burnings.It can be difficult to sort deliberate .... Kidnapped Swiss Christian Freed Amid Mali's Unrest Published in 2012 ISTANBUL, April 27 (World Watch Monitor) — Separatist Islamist rebels released a Swiss Christian woman kidnapped by a private militia on April 15 amid political turmoil in Timbuktu, Mali, according to a Swiss foreign ministry statement. Armed members of the militant Islamic group Ansar
Africa -- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors, in 2013. Washington, D.C., January 8 (World Watch Monitor, Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest, a new report says. The two-year-old Arab Spring has toppled autocrats across Northern Africa, but it .. Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas, 2012 Colorado Springs, December 21 (World Watch Monitor) By Steve Rabey Jesus warned his followers that they would experience persecution, a prediction that was already coming true before the books of the New Testament were completed. Today, Shortt argues, "the greatest curbs on religious freedoms take
North Korea --Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Report Details Targeting of Christians Published in 2008 April 25 (World Watch Monitor) — BANGKOK, April 25 (Compass Direct News) -- Refugee testimonies in a report released this month by a U.S. government body confirm severe persecution of Christians throughout North Korea. In the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom's .... Refugees Facing Crackdown Published in 2007 July 31 (World Watch Monitor) — LOS ANGELES, July 31 (Compass Direct News) -- Douglas Shin is a Korean-American pastor living in Los Angeles who has built "underground railroads" for North Korean refugees since 2000 as leader of the "Exodus 21" movement. Compass Direct News caught ....
Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Nigerian church tries to move on after massacre Published in 2012 Okene, September 9 (World Watch Monitor) — The church is still empty. Clothes and bibles remain scattered throughout the sanctuary. Dried blood stains the floor. One month after gunmen opened fire inside Deeper Life Bible Church in Eika-Adagu, a suburb 12 kilometers from the town of .... Gunmen attack Nigerian worship service, kill 19 Published in 2012 Okene, August 7 (World Watch Monitor) — Anti-Christian violence erupted yet again in Nigeria on the night of Monday, July 6. A gang of gunmen, carrying sophisticated arms, surrounded and invaded Deeper Life Church in the town of Okene, in Kogi state, in the southern region of the ....
Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Nigerian Christians on frontline vow to stay despite 40 'barbaric' student deaths Published in 2012 Mubi, October 17 (World Watch Monitor) — President Goodluck Jonathan's commiseration visit to relatives on Oct 15th, two weeks after the murder of about 40 students from three higher education institutions in Mubi, in Adamawa state, Northern Nigeria, has failed to elucidate further the .... 'I will never forget that day' Published in 2012 Jos, October 5 (World Watch Monitor) — It has been nearly three months since Hannatu Dantong's husband died. She has been surrounded by his colleagues and family during this time, but still is in a deep state of mourning. "I find the greatest comfort in Psalm 23," Dantong said.
Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. 10 killed, four churches burned in Nigeria. in 2012. Lagos, December 6 (World Watch Monitor) Ten people were killed and four churches burned in two separate Dec. 1 attacks in northeast Nigeria by gunmen suspected to be members of the Boko Haram Islamist group. The victims included nine Christians and one Muslim, who were killed in Kwaple . Nigeria -- twin suicide attacks on Kaduna church, after future Archbishop of Canterbury visits, in 2012. Lagos, November 27 (World Watch Monitor) Amidst continuing attacks on Churches and Christian communities in Northern Nigeria, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair has launched a faith-based programme to promote religious tolerance in the country. Eleven people were
Nigeria --- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Nigeria - 30 Christians killed in eve of New Year massacres Published in 2013 London, January 7 (World Watch Monitor) — Thirty people were killed in two separate attacks carried out by armed men ahead of the New Year, in North-eastern Nigeria. 15 people were killed in a single attack which occurred on Sunday 30th, when armed men stormed a church service in Kyachi .... Gunmen kill 12 Nigerian Christmas-Eve worshipers Published in 2012 Potiskum, December 25 (World Watch Monitor) — UPDATE: In two separate attacks, gunmen shot and killed 12 worshippers who had gathered for Christmas-Eve services. One attack occurred in the northeaster Nigerian state of Yobe. Among the dead was the church's pastor, according to news
Synnek1 -- tu sei con me da 5 anni! allora, se puoi esporre una accusa, contro di me? tu puoi farlo: ora! - you are with me for 5 years! So, if you expose an accusation against me? you can do it, now!
Morocco --- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Convert Serving 15 Years for His Faith Published in 2010 ISTANBUL, September 17 (World Watch Monitor) — Nearly five years into the prison sentence of the only Christian in Morocco serving time for his faith, Moroccan Christians and advocates question the harsh measures of the Muslim state toward a man who dared speak openly about Jesus. By the end .... Morocco Continues to Purge Nation of Foreign Christians Published in 2010 ISTANBUL, July 1 (World Watch Monitor) — Moroccan authorities expelled eight more foreign Christians from the country last weekend, bringing the total of deported Christians since March to 128. Two foreign women married to Moroccan Christians were included
Mexico ----- Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Missionary Couple Slain; Peace Pact in Puebla Published in 2012 MEXICO CITY, February 3 (World Watch Monitor) — A married couple who had served for 28 years as Baptist missionaries in Mexico were murdered on Tuesday (Jan. 31) at their home near Monterrey in El Cercado, Santiago, Nuevo Leon. John Casias, 76, and Wanda Casias, 67, were strangled with .... Christians Forced from Village Published in 2011 MEXICO CITY, September 16 (World Watch Monitor) — About 70 Protestant Christians lived in the village of San Rafael Tlanalapan, Puebla state, until Monday (Sept. 12), when they faced a frightening ultimatum -- leave immediately or be "crucified or lynched."
666 IMF CIA Synnek1 -- sommo sacerdote voodoo, dai poteri del cazzo! è commovente, il tuo tentativo, di salvare tutte le tue lucertole: e tutti i tuoi alieni nel mondo.. ma, anche la tua ora ,, è stata scritta
Mauritania --- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Christians in Mauritania Tense after Murder of Aid Worker Published in 2009 LOS ANGELES, July 1 (World Watch Monitor) — As funeral services were held in Tennessee for Christian aid worker Christopher Leggett yesterday, tensions remained high for Christians in the capital of Mauritania, where he was slain last week. A Christian worker who works in the capital .... Christians Tense after Murder of Aid Worker Published in 2009 July 1 (World Watch Monitor) — LOS ANGELES, July 1 (Compass Direct News) -- As funeral services were held in Tennessee for Christian aid worker Christopher Leggett yesterday, tensions remained high for Christians in the capital of Mauritania, where he was slain last week.
Maldives -- Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man. Maldives Arrests, Deports Indian Teacher for Owning Bible Published in 2011 NEW DELHI, October 21 (World Watch Monitor) — Police in the island nation of Maldives held a teacher from India for about 15 days before deporting him on Oct. 14 for having a Bible in his house, a source said. Shijo Kokkattu, a 30-year-old Catholic and teacher at the Raafainu School in Raa .... Muslims Force Expat Christian Teacher to Flee Maldives Published in 2010 NEW DELHI, October 5 (World Watch Monitor) — Authorities in the Maldives last week had to transport a Christian teacher from India off one of the Islamic nation's islands after Muslim parents of her students threatened to expel her for "preaching Christianity." On Wednesday night (Sept. 29)
il tuo CIA 666 IMF FED ECB 322 NWO .-- è falso! non me!
Malaysia -- Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Christians in Malaysia Accept Ruling on Church Raid, 2011.. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, November 9 (World Watch Monitor) Following controversy over a raid on a church event in which Muslims were present, Christian leaders in Malaysia welcomed a sultan's pronouncement that neither the Christians nor the state officers who disrupted the meeting would be prosecuted. .. Malaysian Christians Seek to End Restrictions on Malay Bibles. 2011. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 6 (World Watch Monitor) Christian importers of Bibles that Malaysian officials detained are balking at conditions the government has imposed for their release, such as defacement of the sacred books with official stamps. The Home Ministry stamped the words,

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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- control institutions
- 247 giurisdizione universale
- 249 universal political theology of the Kingdom
- amen
- 251 in Jesu's name
- 252 ciclo del FMI
- 254 money value
- 253 noble sensitive sister
- 255 REI UNIUS is invincible
- 256 Jesus Christ
- kill Israel
- 259 NWO ILLUMINATI satanisti massoni banchieri mon...
- 258 avvelenato istituzioni
- demoni superstizione occultismo magia intolleranza...
- 261 You are all lost
- 262 Addams Family
- 263 triumphant Messiah
- 264 dissociato
- evil Freemasonry talmud Baal Hebrew
- 266 brothel of Rothschild
- 267 Holy Cross
- OGM save Israel SPA mankind
- OGM tyranny exploitation
- 273 decalogue of Moses
- 272 Bankitalia: bankestern
- 274 decalogue of Moses
- 275 ADDIS ABEBA Unione africana UA
- 276 Malaysia
- 277 universal brotherhood
- 278 Al Qaeda
- 279 Scharia With Their verfluchten
- 282 Servants of the Cross
- 283 enlightened Zionists of seigniorage banking
- salvation SPA 666 FED NWO
- honest legislators
- sciacallo assassino jihad sharia Muslim murderess
- 289 world governments
- 290 stolen all our resources
lug 07
- ► 2014 (174)
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++++++++++++ ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
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Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)