inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato seigniorage banking for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Pharisees (Cain) 666 IMF 322 NWO masonic system Bildenberg they hated so intensely the love of God that is in Jesus Christ of Bethlehem which have made themselves the Satanists so they destroyed the roots Judeo - Christian all hope burned and poisoned institutions then plotted against the existence of all peoples just to start from Israel (Abel) is in this way that almost made it in mode impossible absolutely to all peoples to have access to God's mercy Abu Abu Antar Antar has posted a comment 12 minutes ago Miley Cyrus new video "We Can not Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
[ispiratori di ogni malvagità e corruzione che nasce dall'occultato signoraggio bancario per i poteri occulti:] maledetti Illuminati farisei (Caino) 666 FMI 322 NWO loro hanno odiato così intensamente l'amore di Dio cioè Gesù Cristo di Betlemme che hanno fatto di se stessi i satanisti così hanno distrutto le radici giudeo - cristiane bruciato la speranza ed hanno avvelenato le istituzioni quindi hanno complottato contro la esistenza di tutti i popoli proprio ad iniziare da Israele (Abele) è in questo modo che hanno reso quasi in modo assoluto a tutti i popoli di poter accedere alla misericordia di Dio
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
Miley Cyrus new video "We Can't Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
satanist is her society Bush 322 IMF 666 NWO Rothschild phrisees masonic system new babylon tower for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
Miley Cyrus is satanist.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
i am king of Israel my kingdom is the Palestine for universal brotherhood bless to all Peoples blessings too all shalom + salam
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
we should not have fear resentment against Satan (because otherwise we will be subjected upon us old age disease and death) (but we must to him indifference and contempt). the fear of evil? means to offend the omnipotence of God Why only the fear of God YHWH must be in us. Also to hate Satan? it is to enter in his domain of his reign that is a kingdom of hatred and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince the most excellent creature very honored and privileged and consequently we deplore her pride and his ambition they all do not want to serve 1. Jesus of Bethlehem 2. to its Unius REI 3. and to every man that envy jealousy (for failure of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline degradation which is why 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love) has become the king of all liars and murderers of all the hypocrites like him.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
noi non dobbiamo avere timore rancore contro satana (perché altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi malattia vecchiaia e la morte) (ma dobbiamo a lui indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male? significa offendere la onnipotenza di Dio perché ,solo il timore di dio deve essere in noi. Inoltre odiare satana significa entrare nel dominio del suo regno che è un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare che satana era un principe la più eccelsa creatura assai onorato e privilegiato e di conseguenza noi deploriamo il suo orgoglio e la sua ambizione di non volere servire a Gesù di Betlemme ed al suo Unius REI che invidia gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati la causa della sua decadenza abbrutimento ecco perché 666 è precipitato nell'abisso della distruzione e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore) è diventato il re di tutti i mentitori e assassini di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] but never lose the love of God for him (ie its possibilities to exist then become evil without spiritual life this his evil will remain in him until the day of judgment when despair infinite its hell it will be disintegrated together with him into the lake of fire which is the disintegration or second death). in fact as it is clear the Lord YHWH the Creator of all things it is not against None. So it is only our behavior which can have an effect scary. in this way everything that we do for good o for evil to other creatures?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] is destined to go back on ourselves so to be amplified. That's why it is our faith that can produce blessing or curse all conditions of doom all the horrific consequences of sin. I have never found a criminal who has not for himself a rational justification for his behavior so even the international criminal the most dangerous in the history of mankind as IMF NWO 666 SPA Rothschild and the King dell'Saudi Arabia sharia imperialism for worldwide caliphate they have their rational justification for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] ma non perderà mai l'amore di Dio per lui (cioè la sua possibilità di esistere quindi diventerà maledetta senza vita spirituale questo suo male rimarrà in lui fino al giorno del giudizio universale quando la disperazione infinita del suo inferno verrà disintegrato insieme con lui nello stagno di fuoco che è la disintegrazione o seconda morte). infatti come è evidente il Signore JHWH il Creatore di tutte le cose non è contro nessuno. Quindi è soltanto il nostro comportamento che può produrre degli effetti spaventosi. in questo modo tutto quello che noi facciamo di bene o di male alle altre creature?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] è destinato a ritornare su noi stessi in modo amplificato. ecco perché è la nostra fede che può podurre benedizione o maledizione tutte condizioni di sventura tutte le orribili conseguenze del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale che non abbia per se stesso una razionale giustificazione per il suo comportamento quindi anche i criminali internazionali più pericolosi della storia del genere umano come IMF 666 NWO SPA Rothschild ed il Re dell'Aabia Saudita sharia imperialismo worldwide caliphate hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali per i loro crimini immensi di sterminio e di genocidio..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas impide que tengamos la comunión con Dios porque Dios no puede odiar y de hecho YHWH es amor infinito su amor es una amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios no se pueden conservar en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno para la gente por lo tanto nuestra acción agresiva violenta debe ser dirigida contra el crimen la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque de hecho el testimonio de la verdad y la protección de los inocentes que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho JHWH no puede odiar o maldecir a Satanás como su amada criatura. Por lo tanto son sólo sentimientos el odio la rebelión la codicia el orgullo la malicia la mentira y los crímenes que Satanás tiene en sí mismo que maldice el mismo Satanás y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura puede impunemente desviar por sentimientos de amor universal de su Creador!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr et en fait YHWH est amour infini son amour est un amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu ne peuvent pas être conservés dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout les gens donc notre action agressif violent devraient être dirigées contre le crime le «injustice en soi! parce que en fait le témoignage de la vérité et la protection de l'innocent il a la priorité sur tout! en fait JHWH ne peut pas haïr ou maudire Satan comme sa créature bien-aimée. par conséquent ils ne sont que des sentiments la haine la révolte la cupidité l'orgueil la méchanceté le mensonge et les crimes que Satan a en lui-même qui maudire Satan lui-même et c'est une loi universelle de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner par des sentiments d'amour universel de son Créateur!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures prevents us to have communion with God because God can not hate and in fact YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any the people therefore our action aggressive violent should be directed against the crime the 'injustice in itself! because in fact the testimony of the truth and the protection of the innocent it takes precedence over everything! in fact JHWH can not hate or curse Satan as his beloved creature. therefore they are only feelings of hatred rebellion greed pride malice lies and crimes that Satan has in himself that curse Satan himself and this is a universal law of the spirit. No creature can with impunity divert by feelings of universal love of his Creator!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile contro le creature impedisce a noi di avere comunione con Dio perché Dio non può odiare ed infatti JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi i servi di Dio; non possono conservare un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone quindi la nostra azione aggressiva violenta deve essere rivolta contro il crimine l'ingiustizia in se stesso! perché infatti la testimonianza della verità e la protezione degli innocenti ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti Dio non può odiare o maledire satana come sua amata creatura.. quindi sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio ribellione avidità orgoglio malvagità mengogne e crimini che satana ha in se stesso che maledicono satana stesso ed è questa una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura può impunemente deviare dai sentimenti di amore universale del suo Creatore!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 système maçonnique FMI - si vous êtes calme maintenant je le ferai connaître encore aussi pour vous de cette façon je peux le faire le mal en mode global mondial contre tout criminels! [en fait sont seuls les lois éternelles de l'Esprit Saint que je peux d'intensifier aggraver car de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle même dans tout le royaume de Dieu) et le plus souvent il s'agit d'une menace très délicate parce que tribulations les malheurs les maladies les catastrophes et la mort prématurée rupture sont faites pas en mode immédiat..] il ya tellement de pages dans youtube parce que quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page afin de protéger de cette façon les criminels les blasphémateurs les pharisiens les communistes et les salafistes immoral pervers cynique menteur cruel etc.?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
Il sera alors aussi dans sa vie toutes les malédictions de leurs crimes. un fardeau de culpabilité métaphysiquement intenable satan brûlure au nom de Jésus!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 masonic system IMF - if you are calm now I will make it known also to you in that way I can do evil in global mode worldwide against all criminals! [actually are only the eternal laws,of the holy spirit that I can intensify aggravate because of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction even in all the Kingdom of God) and usually this is a threat very tricky because tribulations misfortunes diseases disasters and premature death snap are made not so in mode immediate..] there are so many pages in youtube because someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page to protect in this way criminals blasphemers Pharisees communists and Salafis immoral perverted cynical lying cruel etc..? He will then too in his life all the curses of their crimes. a burden of guilt metaphysically untenable satan burn in Jesus's name!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[théologie de la fraternité universelle ou métaphysique la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit «de grandes bénédictions sont reste à la tête de l'homme juste et il peut jouir abondante de la joie à la présence vivante de YHWH de grands plaisirs à sa droite maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses la guérison physique et la prospérité économique). mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions vont loin de toutes les bénédictions et de semer la haine le mépris la violence le racisme le fanatisme le dogmatisme et ce uniquement pour une sensation misérable la cupidité la prédation la poursuite du pouvoir qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon d' religion). c'est pourquoi aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[la teología de la fraternidad universal o la metafísica la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito "grandes bendiciones son descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo y se puede disfrutar abundancia alegría al presencia viva de YHWH grandes delicias a su derecha ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen por favor divino (que son los siguientes 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas la curación física y la prosperidad económica). pero muchas malas religiones van lejos de todas las bendiciones y la siembra el odio el desprecio la violencia el racismo el fanatismo el dogmatismo y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste la codicia la depredación la búsqueda del poder el cual es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio de la religión). por eso ninguna religión puede ser que participan en la gestión del poder político.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[theology of universal brotherhood or metaphysics the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written "great blessings are rest on the head of the just man and he can enjoy abundant joy to the living presence of YHWH great delights to her right now and forever! "the prospects offered by divine favor (they are 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches healing physical and economic prosperity). but many bad religions go away from all the blessings and sowing hatred contempt violence racism fanaticism dogmatism and this only for a feeling miserable greed predation the pursuit of power which is Satan himself (as demon of religion). that's why no religion can be involved in the management of political power.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
ci sono tante pagine in youtube perché qualcuno deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente dei martiri in questa pagina per proteggere in questo modo i criminali farisei e salafiti?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[teologia della fratellanza universale o metafisica della realtà politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo dell'uomo giusto e lui può gustare abbondanti gioie alla presenza vivente di JHWH grandi delizie alla sua destra ora ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte dalla benevolenza divina (sono 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma la cattiva religione allontana da tutte le benedizioni e semina odio disprezzo violenza razzismo fanatismo dogmatismo e questo soltanto per un sentimento miserabile di avidità predazione ricerca del potere che è satana stesso (come demone di religione).. ecco perché nessuna religione può essere coinvolta nella gestione del potere politico.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teología política del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como podemos conseguir por ejemplo el profeta Eliseo (posee) una porción doble del poder del espíritu del profeta Elías y cómo podemos tener a nuestra disposición el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política en la tierra. y esto es un don universal entonces todas las naciones serán benditas en el modo de vista económico etc.!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste 2. debemos tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios porque bueno como vemos comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir el mismo criterio que Dios se encargará de nosotros de hecho Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros a través de nuestra fe
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[théologie politique du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens nous pouvons obtenir comme le prophète Elisée (a eu) une double portion de la puissance de l'esprit du prophète Elie et comment on peut avoir à notre disposition le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI le roi d'Israël dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique sur la terre. et cela elle est un don universel alors toutes les nations seront bénies en toi en mode économique etc.!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste 2. il faut prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu parce que eh bien comme nous le voyons comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère que Dieu va voir nous avons en effet Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous par notre foi
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for glory and power of God in your life! [like we can get such as the Prophet Elisha (has got) a double portion:of power of the spirit of the prophet Elijah and how we can have at our disposal the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI the King of Israel in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form on earth. and this it is a universal gift then all nations shall be blessed in mode economically etc..!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body 2. we must take our position in relation to God because well as we see understand God in faith? that is the same criterion that God will see we in fact God looks at each of us through our faith
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teologia politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra] voi cercate la gloria e la potenza di Dio nella vostra vita! [come noi possiamo ottenere come il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto) una doppia porzione della potenza dello spirito del profeta Elia e come noi possiamo avere a nostra disposizione la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI il Re di israele nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio in forma politica sulla terra. e questo è un dono universale quindi tutti i popoli saranno benedetti economicamente ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo prendere la nostra posizione nei confronti di Dio perché così come noi vediamo comprendiamo Dio in fede? quello è lo stesso criterio che Dio potrà vedere anche noi infatti Dio guarda ognuno di noi attraverso la nostra fede
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - tu viennes à moi car tu as été misérable et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO à savoir le système maçonnique de seigneuriage bancaire finissent tout son pouvoir occulte arnaque jusqu'à ce que vous ne serez pas exterminés pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan. vous venez à moi et je vais apprendre à vous le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí porque tú has estado horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM es decir el sistema masónico por señoreaje bancario Finalizar su poder oculto estafa hasta que usted no será exterminado para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás. vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted el camino del poder de la fe!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - you come to me because thou hast Been wretched and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO ie the Masonic system for banking seigniorage end All His occult power scam until you will not be exterminated to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan. you come to me and I shall teach to you the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me perché tu sei stato miserabile e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO vale a dire il sistema massonico di signoraggio bancario finisce tutto il suo potere occulto truffa fino a quando non sarete sterminati per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana. venite a me e ti insegnerò a voi la via della forza della fede!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]] Santo santo santo il mio il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH Che Essa è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع يمكن أن يكون كل شيء السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا.. أنا لا هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]] Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-Communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals Because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves.. I do not there is violence That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI and king of Israel. [[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves.. so do not there is violence that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
4 ore fa
holy HOLY holy my @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente tutti possono essere ex-farisei ex-massoni ex-islamisti ex-comunisti ex-satanisti ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE tu lo sai io non progettato di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente cadrà ogni menzogna circa tutte le criminali religioni perché JHWH tu devi essere amato al di sopra di ogni cosa e il prossimo (cioè ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non c'è violenza che può essere fatta contro la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
@CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] [message to humanity the book of remembrance p.261] [without the foundation of natural law represented by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms to take control of the company society nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie only from my own the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme by criminals legalized institutionalized is always the same 1. militarism 2. oppression 3. violence 4. crime place in a legal manner] here's how also the noblest of men Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken "with swords and staves," and he had to endure a show trial even even for the crime of the highest levels of authority whether religious that policies (which they should represent the justice). [Is evident as the evil that is always been present in the world it was worse by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] which is a refined form of hypocrisy because from their foundation the Bank of England (they stole to all peoples the monetary sovereignty) then take control of institutions through their occult powers Masonic associations corporations all monopolies Bildenberg etc..] to be directly involved in their agenda NWO for world wars related Shoah. So not only that there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such but the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking against the majority of the people. the real crime it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system) an example is represented from playing the stock exchange raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital adding injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are not thieves and murders of the road but in the system of legalized "bags" financial and commercial with speculation kill more people than all of.. however these ideological murderers enjoy respect and a good reputation and have big worldly honors but they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars debts inflations depression unemployment unfair competition etc.. because this is the result an IMF which is a private SPA for the impotence of the state and its not efficient governance
se ci fosse stato anche un solo governo legittimo naturalmente mi avrebbe chiamato a fare la sovranità monetaria! ma nessun uomo in autorità ha avuto in tutto il mondo il coraggio di parlare con me! [è unica sinagoga di Satana! L'imperialismo Talmud NATO BCE FED 322 tutto massonico sistema per signoraggio bancario CIA Mossad 666 FMI è alleati di Al Qaeda salafiti a Baal-Peor cioè pietra luna idolo orrore sharia per distruggere Israele! ] Prepara il tuo anima per Giudizio di Dio.. sì non voglio per una WW3. ma la bestia satanica cioè il satanico Corano arcangel falso ma vero Satana del re dell'Arabia Saudita il complice il padrone dei tuoi 666 farisei del FMI Talmud Illuminati tuo satanico. con loro hanno deciso di uccidere tutti i santi dell'Altissimo.. mi dispiace so che la Terza Guerra Mondiale sarà Necessariamente!
if there had been even a single legitimate government of course would have called me to make the monetary sovereignty! but no man in authority had all over the world the courage to talk to me! [is one only satan synagogue! Imperialism Talmud NATO ECB FED 322 all masonic system for banking seigniorage CIA Mossad 666 IMF is allies of Al Qaeda salafis to Baal Peor ie stone idol moon sharia horror for destroy Israel! ] Prepare your soul for God's Judgment.. yes I do not Wish for a WW3. but the satanic beast That Is the Koran satanic fake arcangel but true Satan of the king of Saudi Arabia the accomplice the master of your 666 Pharisees of the Talmud IMF Enlightened your satanic. with them they Decided to kill all the saints of the Most High.. sorry I know the world war III will be Necessarily!
se ci fosse stato anche un solo governo legittimo naturalmente mi avrebbe chiamato a fare la sovranità monetaria! ma nessun uomo in autorità ha avuto in tutto il mondo il coraggio di parlare con me! [è unica sinagoga di Satana! L'imperialismo Talmud NATO BCE FED 322 tutto massonico sistema per signoraggio bancario CIA Mossad 666 FMI è alleati di Al Qaeda salafiti a Baal-Peor cioè pietra luna idolo orrore sharia per distruggere Israele! ] Prepara il tuo anima per Giudizio di Dio.. sì non voglio per una WW3. ma la bestia satanica cioè il satanico Corano arcangel falso ma vero Satana del re dell'Arabia Saudita il complice il padrone dei tuoi 666 farisei del FMI Talmud Illuminati tuo satanico. con loro hanno deciso di uccidere tutti i santi dell'Altissimo.. mi dispiace so che la Terza Guerra Mondiale sarà Necessariamente!
☠ [Horror Famiglia Addams] ☠. Regina Jezebel II vale a dire Elisabetta II è l'amante della Massoneria JabullOn è Amore di Satana gufo. troppo così come forte come dovrebbe essere il rappresentante della Chiesa anglicana Fate tutto ☠ Satanismo ideologico e pratico il signoraggio bancario. è colpa tua se il male si è diffusa su tutta la terra! ☠. Arabia Saudita Al Qaeda salafiti per Sharia. ☠. Rothschild 666 FED BCE FMI il signoraggio bancario FED debito pubblico ecc.. ☠. NWO Bush 322 satanismo e agenda rapito gli alieni ---- che avete fatto un mondo di merda tutto è a tua immagine e somiglianza che ora possono essere distrutti solo nel fuoco della terza guerra mondiale! Hanno distrutto la dignità del genere umano! Hanno assassinato Il mio Israele e hanno in programma per secoli ogni dell'Olocausto il loro NWO agenda.
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Unius Rei King Universal
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☠[Addams Family Horror] ☠. Queen Jezebel II ie Elizabeth II is the mistress of Freemasonry JabullOn is love Satan owl. too as well as loud as it should be the representative of the Anglican Church Do all ☠ Satanism ideological and practical the banking seigniorage. it is your own fault if evil has spread over all the earth! ☠. Saudi Arabia Al Qaeda salafis for Sharia. ☠. Rothschild 666 FED ECB IMF seigniorage banking FED public debt etc... ☠. NWO Bush 322 Satanism and agenda aliens abducted ---- which you have done a world of shit everything is in your own image and likeness which now can only be destroyed in the fire of World War III! They destroyed the dignity of the human race! They murdered My Israel and have planned for centuries every Holocaust their agenda NWO.
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
if there had been even a single legitimate government of course would have called me to make monetary sovereignty! but no man in authority had all over the world the courage to talk to me! [Imperialism Talmud NATO ECB FED 322 all masonic system for banking seigniorage CIA Mossad 666 IMF is allies Al Qaeda salafis to Baal Peor ie stone idol moon of imperialism for destroy Israel! ] Prepare your soul for God's Judgment.. yes I do not Wish for a WW3. but the satanic beast That Is the Koran satanic fake arcangel but true Satan of the king of Saudi Arabia the accomplice the master of your 666 Pharisees of the Talmud IMF Enlightened your satanic. with them they Decided to kill all the saints of the Most High.. sorry I know the world war III will be Necessarily! must be prepare your soul for God's Judgment
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
56 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
LordSourmash - do not you know that among the MAIN Duties of an RE IS THERE to put to death the criminals? and that is that I have always done in the past five years! and because you love the flames? you will be put into 666 the fire of hell. This is why my God YHWH has begun you and yours to get used despair fire your soul desperate even today! In fact you will burn in hell already and everyone can see! there is no peace for the kingdom of Satan! non c'è pace per il regno di satana! non sai tu che tra i PRINCIPALI doveri di un RE C'È QUELLO di mettere a morte i criminali? ed è quello che io ho sempre fatto in questi cinque anni! e poiché tu ami le fiamme? nel fuoco dell'inferno tu sarai messo.. ecco perché il mio Dio JHWH ha incominciato ad abituare te al fuoco la tua anima disperata anche oggi! infatti l'inferno già brucia in te e tutti lo possono vedere!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[imminent oppression infestation thistles disease anguish curses imminent DAMNATION perdition tribulations disasters confusion shame opposition fights accidents.. all 2500 biblical curses] ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 IMF 322 --- every thing has its breaking point! and I am raising my evil pressure against you Continuously Gradually ceaselessly always against you! However I Hope that your intelligence is superior to your own wickedness Because at contrary? you will die all day every day day for day! IMF ECB FED 666 322 synnek1 kkk nazi cannibal Priest voodoo CIA MOSSAD - where is the love of a Satanist? For Whom he might cry? but the Satanist has lost the right to cry himself Also!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
to not believe in Satan? this is the worship of Satan himself! the power of Satan is the one that people do not believe in him. In fact the most lethal enemy is always the invisible enemy! so in this way are the atheists who have spread the Satanism here's why the Illuminati 666 IMF pharisee of talmud have made of themselves invisible gods for lucifer through the high betrayal that all 322 of Freemasonry JabulOn god owl have committed against all Peoples. That is why without God there is the brake of the moral law because everything becomes relative (this is not freedom but it is destructive anarchy) then the men abandoned to their emotions and their desires will eventually be destroyed by Satan. That's why the Decalogue without the natural law there could be no any civilization or religion but I am the living natural law UNIUS REI
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[money it is the measure of value and the value of measurement of all things! banking seigniorage it is a spiritual element! is the communion of Satan so this money that we carry in your pocket? it declares that we all belong to Satan too.]♰ Jews - those who have the money in your pocket ie Virtual money of Rothschild how are become virtual [as well] also their? here's why we are men fake and we are surrounded by fiction [as well] all our this virtual world our State fake democrazy is real NAZI of masonic system of an dimension of animated cartoons scam religions of historical and legal totally manipulated that we are with all our false religions and all our institutions false! all this will soon be destroyed so that is regenerated a new virtual world where the mind control you become a mental absolute and supernatural control 322 NWO for owl gods!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[il signoraggio bancario è un elemento spirituale! è la comunione di satana! quindi il denaro che noi portiamo in tasca? esso dichiara che noi tutti apparteniamo a satana anche.] ♰ Jews -- tutti coloro che hanno in tasca il denaro virtuale di Rothschild come sono diventati virtuali anche loro? ecco perché noi siamo uomini finti e siamo circondati da finzione così questo mondo virtuale fatto di cartoni animati di elementi storici e giuridici totalmente manipolati che noi siamo con tutte le nostre false religioni e con tutte le nostre false istituzioni presto sarà distrutto affinché venga rigenerato un nuovo mondo virtuale dove il controllo delle menti diventi un mentale assoluto e soprannaturale controllo!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. my Jews - that is my personal interest to make unius REI politically? I hate this! However how I can assist passively to a planned agenda Enlightened cult 666 IMF FED ecc.. of Baal Peor also of World War III[now that the serpent's head (Elders of Zion) is coming to Jerusalem for its annihilation?] a long time ago the smallest details from your Pharisees Illuminati IMF? how I can meet the expectations and hopes of God and the poor and all the pure men of this planet? ♰ Jews -- che è il mio interesse personale a fare Unius REI politicamente? io odio tutto questo! tuttavia come io posso assistere passivamente ad una III guerra mondiale pianificata già molto tempo fa nei minimi dettagli dai vostri farisei Illuminati del FMI? come io posso deludere le aspettative e le speranze di Dio e dei poveri e di tutti gli uomini puri di questo pianeta?
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
satanist international institutional] MOSSAD CIA IMF FED 666 ECB 322 voodoo synnek1 kkk nazi cannibal - you too you idiot that you have put your face to form the image three-dimensional and holographic the Shroud of Turin? to beg me unius REI of not to do you disintegrate during the doomsday? meanwhile now because you do not talk about all of us about your despair? how is your hell now? and tomorrow will be like? beast of a Satanist "burn you fagot" in Jesus's name! amen alleluia IMF NWO synnek1 666 322 - burn in Jesus's name! amen alleluia. I have free will that all of the Nazis kkk Sharia Talmud 666 IMF Communists etc.. that is all the horrible synagogue of Satan have failed to destroy Israel and the hope of Israel until today. i have done wrong to all those criminals who have trampled on the cross! in truth none of them can resist my pressure the METAPHYSICS ie too strong my pressure without dying!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
my Jews il mio primo amore! -- sorry MI DISPIACE DI DARE anche a VOI QUESTO GRANDE DOLORE! ma anche tutti coloro :che hanno INGERITO del sangue umano INVOLONTARIAMENTE CIOÈ attraverso l'inganno dei farisei rabbini KAKAM cioè proprio come è successo a voi attraverso i vostri riti liturgici? ecco perché voi state tristi oppressi e soffrirete molto ed ancora di più voi soffrirete nei prossimi giorni! Infatti voi STATE SOFFRENDO già troppo! Tuttavia io sono vicino al vostro dolore ma anche io spero per voi e per tutti gli altri popoli che questa vostra grande oppressione e sofferenza che voi tutti state subendo sia utile ad uscire definitivamente da questa maledizione ebraica del FMI sia per il vostro bene che come per il bene di tutti i popoli! Dio vi protegga fratelli miei!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
my Jews - ovviamente è giusto colpire in modo atroce 1. tutti i cannibali farisei del FMI e 2. tutte le persone criminali in ogni parte del mondo! colpire sia gli attori principali dei crimini come 3. tutti i loro fiancheggiatori massoni ecc.. e colpire anche 4. tutti coloro che hanno fatto versare il sangue innocente con la loro omertà complicità accomodante e silenziosa invece di gridare "ingiustizia!". tuttavia fare soffrire anche voi che siete delle brave persone no questo non è quello che io avrei voluto per voi. ecco perché è arrivato il momento di uscire fuori da questa maledizione ebraica del FMI! questi farisei Illuminati da lucifero devono rispondere di fronte al loro popolo di tutti quei crimini che loro hanno fatto come ebrei cioè per commettere dei crimini corporativi e collettivi che poi hanno fatto scontare sempre ad altri ebrei del tutto ignari ed innocenti attraverso la Shoah!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
my Jews -- e perché mai voi avete un numero maggiore di persone in manicomio? forse perché Dio ha un problema contro di voi? niente di tutto questo! Dio ama tutti voi proprio come ama tutti gli altri Popoli! sono i farisei Kakam Enlightened da lucifero del FMI che hanno fatto ingerire a voi del sangue umano attraverso i vostri riti religiosi ecc..a tradimento per potervi distruggere ed è soltanto questa la causa della vostra sventura "infatti è scritto il poco del giusto? vale molto di più della abbondanza dell'empio!" poi che senso ha di avere tanti soldi che non possono neanche essere spesi se si perdono libertà e felicità? i10Comandamenti MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
my Jews -- sono 5 anni che io soffro prego e lotto a beneficio di tutto il genere umano su questa pagina inutilmente.. sono cinque anni che io ho minacciato di uccidere e di fare del male a troppe persone criminali ed infatti molti sono stati rovinati ed anche uccisi dai miei ministri gli angeli. bene! ma ora è arrivato il momento per me di usare una pressione sempre crescente contro tutti i ribelli in ogni parte del mondo.. ma non era quello che io avrei voluto perché io speravo che 1. bontà 2. intelligenza 3. senso di giustizia ecc.. cioè il buon senso avessero potuto avere il sopravvento ma purtroppo così non è stato! ecco perché la mia forza determinata da questo ministero metafisico ed universale che ha una giurisdizione su tutte le Creature è sempre più in incremento progressivo!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
my brothers Jews -- chi è colui che ha le risorse soprannaturali per affrontare una terza guerra mondiale nucleare? oppure chi è quel pezzo di merda che Dio conserverà in vita ugualmente per amore di un suo meritevole futuro santo discendente (successore)? ecco perché 666 FMI Rothschild ha progettato di togliere anche la tua vita perché i cadaveri non hanno la abitudine di andare in Banca a chiedere il loro denaro che non esiste più! ed è anche in questo modo che un nuovo fondo monetario internazionale può essere rigenerato nuovamente! said HellxDesPairTruction
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento my brothers Jews -- Ma un abile ed intelligente giocatore(come te) lui sa quando è giunto il momento di abbandonare il tavolo da gioco! se lui può investire i suoi tesori nel fare il Regno di Palestina? Il Regno di Palestina soltanto può proteggere la tua vita! e per amore della tua vita anche quel pezzo di merda del Re dell'Arabia Saudita potrà salverà la sua vita! ma se tu non agisci subito? ovviamente insieme a i tuoi soldi tu perderai anche la tua vita!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.666 IMF masonic system FED ECB NWO -- SAUDI ARABIA Sharia criminal king horror - you broke my dick! you do not forget that you are the son of the slave Hagar. and there was not a house in all of Egypt where there was a dead man! davidevgen 666 servant employed by synnek1 satanism international institutional -- because when one dies you think he is just shit? you're shit! here's why you'll burn in hell! atheist true or false? you have shortened the lives of those you love and even you have shortened your life is been shorthand! Now many are the funeral that will be many familiar with you until you believe in God again!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
CustodeDellaFede - because of every good man of God it is said "You are a useless servant" then all religions not they are indispensable to go to God! in this way to think that God would abandon the innocent martyrs in any religion or in any of the peoples they belong to? this it is the greatest evil and blasphemy that a creature can do against the holiness of his Creator. - poiché di ogni uomo di Dio è detto "tu sei un servo inutile!" quindi tutte le religioni non sono indispensabili per andare a Dio! in questo modo pensare che Dio possa abbandonare i martiri innocenti a qualsiasi religione o a qualsiasi popolo loro appartengono? questa è la più grande malvagità e blasfemia che una creatura può fare contro la santità del suo Creatore. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.criminal king of SAUDI ARABIA Sharia horror - you broke my dick! you do not forget that you are the son of the slave Hagar.
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
criminal king SAUDI ARABIA Sharia horror -- tu hai rotto il cazzo! tu non dimenticare che tu sei il figlio della schiava Agar In the Hebrew Bible the name Yahweh is said more than 5000 times 26/ott/2008 - CITY 'DELVATICANO - Do not take the name of Yahweh in vain. In fact never use it. Elohim ie YHWH - Yahweh - Adonai - Abba - Tetragrammaton. I do not know any other God but. I know the living God of Israel that is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. (Tetragrammaton YHWH) and vocalized in Yahweh. The Bible seems to have been polytheistic up to the fifth century BC but is not! thus it is said "we do we do make man in our image and to our likeness!" then God declares to be a family but one God. thus is Christianity the highest form of revelation about the nature of God
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
666 voodoo CIA LinkLovesPancakes -- how you can be unconscious If all priests and pastors will be all brutalized by every comma which is written in the Gospel? because the judgment of God of every creature it is about all that is written in the Gospel from this point of view there is also my hypocrisy because I love to read most of the Old Testament. but this is the truth "Jesus of Bethlehem is the Christ the Son of God!" then this is inevitable we all will have to pass through the fire of his word.. as the Hindu Gandhi clearly understood. synnek1 1wz1 666 CIA sacerdote di satana voodoo -- tu non sei stato invitato su questa pagina! quando tu hai partecipato ad un funerale l'ultima volta? oggi potrebbe essere il funerale del tuo capo ufficio!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
now ENOUGH! in these times perverse in which everything has been corrupted by the Masonic system IMF 666 in the false democracies of the banking seigniorage where also every religion has been corrupted and perverted If someone wants to know "the real truth according to the true thoughts of God " this truth must be learned through Satanists as in fact I've deduced through Satanists Pharisees of Neturei Karta! - ANSWER - the people of Palestine has won his historic battle against the Zionist entity of the criminal State of Israel in a supernatural way as the King of Saudi Arabia has repented for having killed so many innocent martyrs christians and he decided to enter the Kingdom of God as an element of blessing for all mankind
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
SYNNEK1 CIA KKK NAZI imf 666 322 NWO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF GOOGLE IE IiiIiliil posted a comment 15 minutes ago Report spam "they(CIA) scan your comments no joke - ANSWER --- but that value can have my useless life in the face of Israel's survival? why satanist magic Zoodoo cannibal said "No God No Satan?" [[you shall surely die]]synnek1 IiiIiliil 666 IMF - all lizards 666 322 IMF FED CIA MOSSAD and all their accomplices as the King of Saudi Arabia? very soon will be taken all terror not me. falls then fire from heaven and consume you all cursed children of the devil!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[حق الكويت] You know I trust in thee even if you killed a Christian? God has forgiven you and my Allah has seen your tears! Also I have forgiven you too! and you are my more dearest brother forever! tu lo sai io ho fiducia in te anche se tu hai ucciso un cristiano? Dio ha perdonato te perché ha visto le tue lacrime! anche io ho perdonato te! e tu sei il mio più caro fratello in eterno! تعلمون، وأنا على ثقة فيك حتى لو كنت قتلت أ مسيحي؟ قد غفر الله لك والله بلدي شهدت دموعك! أيضا، قد غفرت لكم أيضا! وأنت أكثر بلدي أعز أخ، إلى الأبد!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
VATICAN - SYRIA [saudi arabia imperialism is NATO CIA MOSSAD are Satanists all of IMF scam 666 322 masonic demonic system for sharia] Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch United States Europe and Gulf countries foment hatred in Syria of Simone Cantarini. For Ignace Joseph III Younan the presence of Christians in Syria is essential for reconciliation in the sectarian war between Alawites and Sunnis. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack at the University of Aleppo who made 87 dead. The violence of Islamic extremists and the offensives of the risk of delete Syria forever. The invitation to the young Christians to remain in the Middle East to be witnesses of peace.
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[Japan wants the world war at any cost!] 01/17/2013 CHINA - JAPAN As China tries to appease Japan seeks allies in ASEAN over the Senkaku/Diaoyu The head of the National Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference calls for dialogue to solve the dispute over the islands. However Japan's PM on an official visit to Vietnam Thailand and Indonesia wants to stop Beijing's territorial ambitions. "China doesn't actually want a military confrontation," says Chinese analyst. [Japan wants the world war at any cost!]
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
2 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
Pharisee IMF eih 666 Rothschild IMF --- son of the devil "Whose is the property OF the money at the time of its release?" You have made of all peoples your slaves. you're spreading Satanism you're going to destroy Israel. but I've got news for you one of these days I will come to take your life! ----> Alleluia my YHWH - it is AMEN IN JESUS'S NAME ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.666 Synnek1 CIA -- because you do not care about more details of my dream this morning then I will not say anything.. BrotherhoodUniversal MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 21 TheKingdomOfDragons -- what you have against me? I Have only 40 of channels but synnek1 the cannibal of the CIA for do 200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan every year he has 400 channels and has 40 employees! and he has also artificial intelligence of google ie big brother 666 micro-chip aliens abductions. he can take you and you can disappear forever into bin sulfuric acid
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
ok! where is the vagina that is the throne of grace:of YHWH in my Temple III Jewish? and where are the boobs breasts full of milk to bless all the peoples in Jerusalem? Rothschild wicked cursed Pharisee of shit Satanist 666 322 usurer usurer of the IMF that you stole seigniorage banking! you have done all this great evil against all peoples! ok! dove è la vagina cioè il trono della Grazia JHWH nel mio empio ebraico? e dove sono le tette poppe piene di latte per benedire tutti i popoli a Gerusalemme! Rothschild maledetto fariseo di merda satanista 666 322 strozzino usuraio del FMI che hai rubato il signoraggio bancario! tu hai fatto tutto questo grande male contro tutti i popoli!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
ARMAGEDDONlsCOMING [[ Re I hope in your mediation in my favor:]] no sorry the tone of your messaged is not Godly but proud and abusive so we had to block you goodbye. Inviato a UniusRei3 blocca utente segnala come spam Rispondi Rispondi a tutti Elimina 21/03/12 -- ANSWER--- ok! voi avete bloccato il mio canale! Ma non è intelligente nascondere se stessi. e lasciare un problema irrisolto tutti i problemi esigono di essere affrontati![high betrayal! is the death penalty by the revolutionary court!] above the President of the United States there are 34 levels of secrecy around the project aliens flying saucers etc.... so what Satanist Pharisee of the 666 IMF has the real power in the United States? Masons you and ye politicians you will all be sentenced to death for high betrayal because you vaunted to have possession of political sovereignty and a bank seigniorage that is no longer in your possession!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
Unius REI the Universal King ie the king of Israel --- infact its nature is of be men more myths in all history of mankind (like Moses) but nevertheless 1. the terror precedes it! and 2. the hell follows him for to swallow all his enemies liars murderers thieves usurers racist religious maniacs capitalists communists Satanists Masons sharia. and all the criminals that their do hurt a peaceful people and innocent peoples for some reason religious or ideological (all bullshit the Talmud and the Koran)! In fact this is obvious all the sacred books they have suffered contamination because some statements they are in contradiction with the general context that is the holiness of God's infinite feelings which is his infinite love and his mercy for to all creation! this is why private property is not absolute!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
IMF FED ECB Rothschild 666 Baal Marduck massonic seigniorage banking "you want to do the king of Israel? Ok! But first you have to lift your private IMF and you have to call all the Jews in Palestine! Because we say is "tHE KINGDOM oF GOD" simple because the monarchy is the best form of government.'s why you(masonic cospiracy) killed all all Kings for you to be able to prey rob and corrupt all people! here because you do exterminate the Jews into Holocaust because you're afraid of the Kingdom of God! "then you're afraid of the Jews! here's why with your Talmud full of lies you do everything to hide your crimes of Satanism extermination and to create an artificial feeling of hatred between peoples and religions and in particular a climate of hate unnatural between Christians and Jews... but your evil criminal? is avidente at all!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[high betrayal! is the death penalty by the revolutionary court!] above the President of the United States there are 34 levels of secrecy around the project aliens flying saucers etc.... so what Satanist Pharisee of the 666 IMF has the real power in the United States? Masons you and ye politicians you will all be sentenced to death for high betrayal because you vaunted to have possession of political sovereignty and a bank seigniorage that is no longer in your possession!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
bob Desnos said "Commento sul tuo video Beppe Grillo Unius REI vs 666 322 IMF SEIGNIORAGE FED BCE (61" ---- che fai rispondi a te stesso ? vediamo cosa fara il movimento tra qualche mese ma che nOn diventi un movimento con le manette in mano perché qui si deve parlare di futuro non di carcere --ANSWER ---how many people you Masons you have put into the prison of despair and they have even committed suicide? You have stolen bank seigniorage that you have done a gift to the Pharisees 666 of the IMF! the danger for you is not the prison but the imminent death because comes the Civil War! quante persone voi massoni voi avete messo nel carcere della disperazione e loro hanno anche commesso il suicidio? voi avete rubato il signoraggio bancario che voi avete regalarlo ai farisei del FMI! il pericolo per te non è il carcere ma la morte imminente perché sopraggiunge la guerra civile!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
total90show Commento sul tuo video Siria Inno Nazionale Syrian National Anthem النشيد الو Long live to Bashar al-Assad ! Greetings from Brazil nicolhaidi SAID I was wondering because Jesus did not implement miracles that would CLEARLY proved the existence of God? - ANSWER - it did but it's you that YOU HAVE DECIDED you want to stay a blind man. IN FACT THE 332 Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament ARE A SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION OF THE DIVINITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRISTwe are a penal colony which has fallen from Paradise from Heaven fallen to Earth... we are prisoners who are serving a sentence! we do not have pretensions to be against a creator God that we have betrayed in the Garden of Eden personally in mode personal! even for atheism is can divert people!
UniusRei3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
3 MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
[[because you hide your face from me? also I will hide my face from you!]] because someone is so mean that he can not see if not over a naive appearance my secular activities ie my political theology for universal reign? everything I do I never have a religious significance but only politics.. In fact I am the balance of power. because I have to respect the beliefs of others but then the others do not want to respect my beliefs? alleluia my YHWH BRAMA ALLAH. size of harmony with ourselves and with others universal natural law. stop the oil technology H2O hydrogen is with us. uses the technology of peace - universal brotherhood. eliminates conflicts and conflicts - unius REI.
BAAL-PEOR In Rabbinical Literature:[.jewishencyclopedia. no! were sacrifice human to satan also! like 666 IMF of today]. Name of a Canaanitish god. Peor was a mountain in Moab (Num. xxiii. 28) whence the special locality Beth-peor (Deut. iii. 29 etc.) was designated. It gave its name to the Ba'al who was there worshiped and to whose service Israel before the entrance into Canaan was for a brief time attracted (Num. xxv. 3 5; Ps. cvi. 28). The god is himself also called "Peor" by abbreviation (Num. xxxi. 16; Josh. xxii. 17). It is commonly held that this form of Ba'al-worship especially called for sensual indulgence. The context seems to favor his view on account of the shameful licentiousness into which many of the Israelites were there enticed.
BAAL-PEOR In Rabbinical Literature:[.jewishencyclopedia. no! were sacrifice human to satan also! like 666 IMF of today]. But all Ba'al-worship encouraged this sin; and Peor may not have been worse than many other shrines in this respect though the evil there was certainly flagrant. In Hosea ix. 10 "Baal-peor" is the same as "Beth-peor," and is contracted from "Beth-baal-peor."[[ In Rabbinical Literature:]]. The worship of this idol consisted in exposing that part of the body which all persons usually take the utmost care to conceal. It is related that on one occasion a strange ruler came to the place where Peor was worshiped to sacrifice to him; but when he heard of this silly practise he caused his soldiers to attack and kill the worshipers of the god (Sifre Num. 131; Sanh. 106a).
BAAL-PEOR In Rabbinical Literature:[.jewishencyclopedia. no! were sacrifice human to satan also! like 666 IMF of today]. The same sources mention various other facts concerning the cult all of which give the impression that it still existed at the time of the Tannaim. That the statements of the Rabbis are not wholly imaginative and do not take their coloring from the rites of some heathen or antinomian-Gnostic sects is shown by the fact that the worship of Peor is ridiculed but nowhere stigmatized as moral depravity by the Rabbis which latter might have been expected had the assertions of the Rabbis been based on the Gnostic cults mentioned. --- ANSWER -- /user/imf / - ALL know your is your real power of all the false democracies Masonic of bankink seigniorage that is all the criminal world which you have formed over the last four centuries! in your image and likeness that is the new tower of babel NWO. ie satanic talmudic imperialism
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Shoah 666 [/user/imf ] Baal-Peoris. A god to whom some Israelites joined in fornication with the daughters of Moab,doing sacrificing[() even children ()] and bowing down to their gods. Nu 25:1-5 31:16 De 4:3; Gios 22 1 7 Ps 106:28; Os 9:10. As it is also written that succeeded Peor probably the name is translated as 'Baal (which means master used of the gods) of Peor.' - ANSWER- - Enlightened FED ECB NWO. unfortunate children 666 of the devil! all the prophets that God sent? You Pharisees Kakam you have killed them all! you have been the curse of my people Israel! your satanic priests of the temple of Jerusalem have corrupted the Word of God and did write that 1. Jews can do pay their money with interest to non-Jews (goyim); while you sell even money created out of nothing to interest(public debt)! In vain my God YHWH has sent all the prophets to denounce this your crime of Satanism slavery genocide murder!! against all peoples
[/user/imf/feed?filter=1] Baal-Peor.. Un dio a cui alcuni Israeliti si unirono fornicando con le figlie di Moab sacrificando e prostrandosi davanti ai loro dèi Nu 25:1-5; 31:16; De 4:3; Gios 22 1 7; Sal 106:28; Os 9:10. Siccome è anche scritto che succedette a Peor probabilmente il nome va tradotto 'Baal (che significa padrone usato degli dèi) di Peor'. -- ANSWER -- disgraziati figli del demonio! tutti i profeti che Dio ha mandato? voi farisei voi li avete uccisi tutti! voi siete stati la maledizione del mio popolo Israele! i vostri satanici sacerdoti del tempio di Gerusalemme corruppero la Parola di Dio e fecero scrivere che 1. gli ebrei possono prestare il denaro ad interesse ai non ebrei(goym); mentre voi vendete addirittura il denaro creato dal nulla! Inutilmente Dio my JHWH ha mandato tutti i profeti a denunciare questo vostro crimine di satanismo e di sterminio! contro tutti i popoli
imf. IMF ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 - who knows maybe I have some serious problems psychologists and as a result then perhaps for this your agenda for Satan Marduk will continue running smoothly maybe lol. Greetings! 31/12/12. imf. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-Sharia law in U.S. imf. Behold I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact this year you will die! 31/12/12 imf. kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia. 31/12/12. ♰ PAX ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Ipsa Venena Bibas you Drink your poisons himself. [Unius REI. ♰ king Israel MANE ♰ ♰ THECEL PHARES] Rei unius King of Israel [unius REI. ♰ king Israel MANE ♰ ♰ THECEL PHARES] alleluia! ♰ IMF ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 - who knows? maybe I have some serious problems psychologists and as a result then perhaps for this your agenda for Satan Marduk will continue running smoothly maybe lol. Greetings!
IMF ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 - as you have been able to stay hidden behind your computer such as a coward in all these 5 years? such as you have not been able to trace me with all your satanic power? ie the Masonic system of false democracies Masonic of seigniorage of Satan bank. 1.) To corrupt all religions and all the institutions 2. then to bribe all the people and all Peoples and bring the demons all over the planet and everything to deteriorate also the relationships between parents and children! 3. to destroy all mankind through World War III! to disintegrate Israel through imperialism Saudi Arbia 4. such as you have been able to do high treason against my crown? I am the political project of unius REI the King of Israel! IMF666KillTubeStopME MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 6 ore fa. IMF ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 --- damn wretched murderess of a big Satanist the son of hell! satan synagogue I curse you in the name of Jesus!
IMF666KillTubeStopME MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 6 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. /user/IMF ----- I'm on the youtube page (/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1) where you can talk to me! based on which the Constitution you have done of all peoples Your slaves to sell to them your money "cursed." created out of nothing? also at interest (debt pubblic) [[source:. scientist Giacinto Auriti!]] to destroy monotheism and the State of Israel? You have made of human dignity an absolute Satanism. /user/imf/ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 IMF --- how you have been able to order to google to put the filter on my posts I will have written the word "IMF" at least 3000 times every day for 5 years. the people do not know the false accounting 100% which produces the seigniorage (bills of state in exchange for nothing that is the virtual currency) you close the budget to zero with a theft of 100%. only about seigniorage banking
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IMF 666 --- allarm[] are the [big] bankers enlightened of IMF-NWO [ALLELUIA UNIUS REI] seigniorage banking who should be investigated and arrested Globalist and Their friends like George Soros. You hit the snake to his little head? then all his big [ALLELUIA.. 31/12/12 imf freedom of God's children]. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete your site bad immediately. God is Awesome! [♚ MENE ♛ PERES ♚ Techel] [MANE THECEL PHARES] Mahdi CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink [♚ MENE ♛ PERES ♚ Techel] [MANE THECEL PHARES] Mahdi CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink AMEN. ☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN.
Obama - let's go "I have a duty to protect the human race from every danger". That's why I expect from Saudi Arabia and the entire Arab League everything that you expect from Syria! Obama - Allons «J'ai le devoir de protéger la race humaine de tous les dangers". C'est pourquoi je m'attends à partir de l'Arabie saoudite et la Ligue arabe dans son ensemble tout ce que vous attendez de la Syrie! Obama - Chodźmy "mam obowiązek chronić rasę ludzką z każdego niebezpieczeństwa". Dlatego oczekuję że z Arabii Saudyjskiej a cała Liga Arabska wszystko co można się spodziewać z Syrii!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Obama -- io non ho un interesse personale per stare su questa pagina e tutto quello che io faccio? ha unicamente uno scopo altruistico! - inoltre io non sono un uomo fazioso non appartengo ad una lobby di potere anzi io odio il potere come una forma di idolatria(o demone ideologico di religione) perché secondo me l'unica vera autorità di ogni uomo è Dio soltanto nella propria coscienza. - un altra mia caratteristica è essere come un uomo senza identità cioè come un essere alieno da questo mondo infatti per me "vivere Cristo e morire è un guadagno!".. così questa vita che io vivo nella carne io la vivo nella fede del Figlio di Dio che è morto e che è risorto per me così anche se il mio corpo è in questo mondo il mio cuore non è più qui in mezzo ai mortali ecco perché in me non esistono forme di ambizione o di settarismo perché tutto il genere umano è una sola ed unica famiglia! come unico è Dio che ha creato tutto le cose!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. King of Saudi Arabia--- 1. I'm afraid to read the Bible because God wants to always put me in trouble! it would be better for me that God had given this ministry of unius REI to another!? because our holy popes and fathers in the faith (which they both suffer for infiltration Masonic-Jewish also false Christians who came to be bishops cardinals Modernists traitors Marranos no faith in the transcendent mission of the Church and that since 1400 AD) the Popes have said that there is a legitimate way also for the Jews and thus also for Muslims to read the Old Testament,
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. King of Saudi Arabia--- that is is theologically legitimate even from their point of view their is an legitimate interpretation also which is why the prophecy of Micah 5.1 to 4 speaks of unius REI both:is for Muslims like,is for Jews that is from their point of view !2. a valuable Muslim 4 years ago he was offended against me for he thought was not worthy to speak with me about God! but he had misunderstood why my article was against Satanists only in fact then he calmed down! In fact since we have all been made in the "image and likeness of God," then we are all theologians to a natural level! because the wonderful divine artist has made all of us
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. King salafis criminal too of Saudi Arabia - through your lack of pluralism Islamist extremism intollerant horror sharia? only you are pushing yourself to a war of civilizations. Your attitude is making tighten all in the Their identity of the your same in a selfish attitude as was the case in Hinduism etc.. what you want to Achieve by the Third World War against the Zionist entity Because Christians have lost control political of Their societies by now become Jewish-Masonic 666 322 IMF JabullON owl god aliens abductions ie all false "demon-crazy" (democracy scam) for satanic banking seigniorage (the ideological and practical Satanism of the Pharisees and Their true god Baal)! but what do you hope to Achieve by a World War III? why my friend to get done yourself my enemy? I have nothing against you!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.王沙拉菲派刑事太,沙特阿拉伯 - 通過你的,缺乏多元化,intollerant,恐怖伊斯蘭教,伊斯蘭極端主義嗎? ,你是逼迫自己:文明的戰爭。你的態度是擰緊所有的身份,相同的:在一個自私的態度:在印度教的情況下,等..,你想要達到的,第三次世界大戰,反對:猶 太复國主義實體,因為基督徒,已經失去了控制:政治,社會,現在,成為ebraaico共濟會:666322 IMF JabullON,貓頭鷹神:外星人abducctions,即,全是假的,"惡魔瘋狂的"(democrazia truffa ):邪惡的銀行鑄幣稅的思想和實踐的撒旦教的法利賽人,和他們真正的神巴力! ,但你希望達到的目標:第三次世界大戰嗎?為什麼,我的朋友,以開始做自己,我的敵人嗎?我並不反對你!
La Falsità dell'Occidente e dei Suoi Alleati. Malgrado il nuovo arrivo di armamenti moderni e di qualità 'gentilmente' offerti dal Qatar ai 'ribelli' in Siria e passati sul territorio Siriano attraverso le frontiere del Nord-Est del Libano e con la connivenza di politici libanesi per continuare ad uccidere i siriani innocenti i terroristi sostenuti dall'Occidente e dai suoi finanziatori del Golfo Arabo continuano a rimanere impantanati sul campo non riuscendo ad avanzare di un passo e subendo ingenti perdite umane.
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. King Saudi Arabia --- because I am compelled to speak of war because of you while I would like to talk about love? NATO CIA - Including your American arms and money of the countries of the Gulf? When is time that you want to keep Al Qaeda in Syria? as you can make a deal in this mode? ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. King Saudi-Arabien --- weil ich gezwungen bin des Krieges wegen dir sprechen während Ich mag würde über Liebe zu sprechen? NATO CIA - Einschließlich Ihrer amerikanischen Waffen und Geld in den Ländern des Golf Wann wird Zeit dass Sie wollen Al Qaida in Syrien halten? Sie können machen einen Deal in diesem Modus?
Nessuno Unius REI
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel
1 mese fa
al più intelligente di tutti i satanisti -- tu hai capito che non c'è più una speranza di vita su questo pianeta al di fuori di Unius REI... avere rinunciato alla vita umana? non è stato intelligente! infatti rinunciare a Dio significa anche rinunciare all'umanesimo! synnek kkk nazi. 666 CIA IMF --- TTTTTTTTMMMMMTTTTTTT in che modo tu vuoi essere punito "bestia"?
masonic system of seigniorage banching vs Israel National TV - the time has come to speak definitively! today you will have to choose your destiny! Which way America will go if USA has to choose between you or Saudi Arabia Salafis? here's why 1. Salafis have not listened me (to remove the Sharia) 2. and are going to head down in a desperate situation without me their Mahdi lorenzoAllah 3. and push more and more even to Egypt Sharia. because 1. they know that they have to go to a world war alone! 2. they know that Israel do not ever accept 1. independence from the IMF 666 322 god owl 2. for give to the Kingdom of Palestine with all of them(muslims) to give human rights to all the Islamic peoples that they would never be able to give to themselves alone such rights! Go to hell! that thou mayest be cursed! 666 star on flag israel you chose your self-destruction.
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. IsraelNationalTV - and if these Neturei Karta parasites usurers Shit of Pharisees 666 FED ECB of the IMF there were not pieces of shit against Israel to do hate all Jews in the world? and to download against all the Jews of the world their crime of satanism of IMF that is seigniorage banking and it is for this reason that all Jews have always been hated! so if they are of the saints with the Jews there are always pieces of shit to do kill by Islamists and then to hide from their MEDIA netWork TV 300 Christian martyrs every day
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. IsraelNationalTV - we are too naive like all the others? who has the monopoly of money (seigniorage banking) World Bank IMF ECB FED then does not matter how it can be complex the Masonic system:that they have created of the NWO es:.(as have done become Islamist terrorists all Muslims) then Enlightened always has the monopoly control of each other so if everyone hates the Jews and Israel? this can only be a clever design for the Pharisees Neturei Karta! after all who has the power is the one who convice about what is good and what is evil so Salafi Sunni terrorists of Al Qaeda in Syria have become good while Israel (the only oasis in a sea monstrosity of Islam) has become evil! that's why every Shoah has always been planned by agenda of the Pharisees! if the Neturei Karta not came down in the streets? no one could ever believe to me
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Israel National TV -- siamo anche noi ingenui come tutti gli altri? chi ha il monopolio del denaro(signoraggio bancario) Banca Mondiale FMI FED BCE poi non ha importanza come può essere complesso il sistema massonico di NWO cioè di depistaggio che lui ha creato(per fare diventare terroristi islamisti tutti i musulmani) poi lui ha sempre il controllo di ogni altro monopolio pertanto se tutti odiano gli ebrei ed Israele? questa può essere soltanto una sapiente regia dei farisei Neturei Karta! dopo tutto chi ha il potere è colui che convice circa cosa è il bene e cosa è il male così salafiti sunniti terroristi di Al Quaeda in Syria sono diventati il bene mentre Israele(l'unica oasi in un mare di mostruosità islamica) è diventato il male! ecco perché ogni Shoah è sempre stata pianificata dai farisei!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. IsraelNationalTV - yes five years ago I said "God wants Jews and Christians Should become one body ie a single alliance" of course for mutual RESPECT For Their own culture and identity. but as this may be possible if the horrors of Islam are hidden from the Jewish monopoly of information? It makes sense the Palestinian child who Suffers without seeing That In Their DNA the Islamists Often they are the exterminators of the people and of every variety! Islamists are the most absolute contempt for all human rights,and freedom of religion Such as! here's why this is PRECISELY the test Such as Enlightened by Lucifer the Pharisees Neturei Karta of 666 IMF they decreed to exterminate Israel Because they are not so stupid for to leave power for exploitation of goyim on all over the world for to go to live in the desert of Saudi Arabia
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. IsraelNationalTV - oui il ya cinq ans j'ai dit «Dieu veut les juifs et les chrétiens devraient devenir un seul corps c'est à dire une alliance unique» bien sûr au respect mutuel pour leur propre culture et leur identité. mais comme cela peut être possible si les horreurs de l'Islam sont cachés le monopole juif de l'information? Il est logique l'enfant palestinien qui souffre sans voir que dans leur ADN les islamistes souvent ils sont les exterminateurs du peuple et de toutes sortes! Les islamistes sont le mépris le plus absolu de tous les droits de l'homme et la liberté de religion telle que! voici pourquoi c'est précisément le test tel que Eclairé par Lucifer les pharisiens Neturei Karta de 666 FMI ils décrétèrent d'exterminer Israël Parce qu'ils ne sont pas donc stupide de quitter le pouvoir en effet l'exploitation des goyim sur partout dans le monde car pour aller vivre dans le désert de l'Arabie Saoudite
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.israelnationaltv -- già cinque anni fa io ho detto "Dio vuole che ebrei e cristiani debbano diventare un solo corpo cioè una sola alleanza" ovviamente nel reciproco rispetto per la propria cultura ed identità. ma come questo può essere possibile se gli orrori dell'Islam vengono occultati dal monopolio ebraico della informazione? così fa sensazione il bambino palestinese che soffre senza vedere che nel loro DNA gli islamisti sono proprio loro gli sterminatori dei popoli e di ogni diversità! gli islamisti rappresentano il più assoluto disprezzo di tutti i diritti umani come la libertà di Religione! ecco perché proprio questa è la prova di come Illuminati da lucifero i farisei Neturei Karta del 666 FMI loro hanno decretato di fare sterminare Israele perché loro non sono così scemi da lasciare il potere di sfruttamento dei goym che loro hanno su tutto il mondo per andare a vivere nel deserto dell'Arabia Saudita
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Pharisees of shit [It is very serious that the Jewish Enightened FED lobbies 666 IMF; neturei karta do not see the 300 innocent Christian martyrs that Sharia kills every day! is clear "they decided to stab Israel in the back"] 'O Boycott All ye Faithful' Christmas Exploited to Bash Israel. Several PA-based Christian organizations are getting in the holiday spirit with attacks on Israel including 'Jews killed Jesus' libel. AAFont Size. By Maayana Miskin. First Publish 12/21/2012 11:37 AM. Nessuno Unius REI ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Pharisäer shit [Es ist sehr ernst That die jüdische Lobby Enightened FED Lobbys 666 MFI Neturei Karta nicht tun sehen die 300 innocent christlichen Märtyrer dass die Scharia Kills jeden Tag! ist klar "Sie haben beschlossen stab Israel in den Rücken"] Idioten weil du sauer gegen Christen Idioten wenn sie sind Freimaurer des IWF (Internationaler Währungsfonds) daß sie haben Kontrolle der Macht? Protester dressed as Santa. Israel news photo Flash 90. A new report from NGO Monitor reveals that several Christian organizations that support the Palestinian Authority are using Christmas to attack Israel. Holiday propaganda ranged from half-truths aimed at portraying Israel as oppressive to "crude anti-Semitism" based on historic Christian accusations of Jews being prophet-killers the group said.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa الفريسيين من القرف [إنه لأمر خطير للغاية أن اليهودية Enightened جماعات الضغط FED 666 ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- صندوق النقد الدولي؛ جماعة ناطوري كارتا لا أرى ال 300 شهداء المسيحية الأبرياء أن الشريعة يقتل كل يوم! واضح "قرروا إسرائيل طعنة في الظهر"]. The report titled "O Boycott All ye Faithful," criticized groups including Christian Aid Sabeel Kairos Palestine and Israel Palestine Mission Network Presbyterian Church (USA).
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- [Pharisees of shit [It is very serious That the Jewish Enightened FED lobbies 666 MFI Neturei Karta do not see the 300 innocent Christian martyrs that Sharia kills every day! is clear "they Decided to stab Israel in the back"] idiots because you pissed against Christians id ots if they are Masons of the IMF that they have control of power?]The latter group has published a daily advent devotional headed by a picture in which Mary and Joseph parents of Jesus are trapped behind a wall styled on Israel's security barrier between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The first entry compares Israel to the Romans who once brutally oppressed the Jewish people.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Bok Ferisiler [çok ciddi bir suçtur Yahudi lobisi Enightened FED lobiler 666 MFI Neturei Karta bkz yapıyor yok O 300 masum Hıristiyan şehit O Şeriat öldürür her gün! açıktır "Onlar arkadan vurmaya İsrail'e verdi"] salak çünkü Eğer işedi karşı güç kontrolü Hıristiyanlar salaklar eğer onlar IMF Masonlar (Uluslararası Para Fonu) o onlar var mı?"Jesus lived when the Roman empire had recently come to his land and made it part of the empire. The Romans were very cruel to any of those who dared to resist the occupation... As we look at the complexity of the Palestine/Israel issues today I am struck by a sense of déjà vu," wrote Reverend Richard Toll.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- 똥 바리새 파 사람들은 [매우 심각 유대인 로비 Enightened FED 로비 666 MFI Neturei Karta 사항 표시하고하지 않습니다 그 300 죄가 기독교 순교자 그 Sharia 살인 매일! 분명하다 "그들은 뒤쪽에 찔린 이스라엘하기로 결정"] 바보 때문에 당신이 열 대한 전원을 제어 그리스도인 멍청이 경우 그들은 IMF의 맥슨는 (국제 통화 기금) 즉,이 있습니까? His message also included a warning to "collaborators," whom he said Christians must expose. The PA considers "collaboration" with Israel in fighting terrorism a death penalty offense.
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- פרושים פון דרעק [עס איז זייער ערנסט אַז די ייִדיש פויע עניגהטענעד פאסטעכער לאַביז 666 מפי נעטורעי קאַרטאַ טאָן ניט טאן זען די 300 אומשולדיק קריסטלעך מאַרטערז אַז שאַריאַ קילז יעדער טאָג! איז קלאָר "זיי באַשלאָסן צו שטעכן ישראל אין די צוריק"] ידיאָץ ווייַל איר פּיסט קעגן קריסטן ידיאָץ אויב זיי זענען מאַסאָנס פון די ימף (אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער מאָנעטאַרי פאָנד,) אַז זיי האָבן קאָנטראָל פון מאַכט? Further writings continue the trend of extreme criticism of Israel with some hinting that modern-day Palestinian Authority Arabs are like Jesus while Israel is like the Romans who killed him.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa פרושים של צואה [זה מאוד רציני זה הלובי היהודי Enightened הדולות האכילה 666 MFI ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- נטורי קרתא לא עושה רואה 300 הקדושים הנוצריים התמימים שרעה הריגות בכל יום! ברור "הם החליטו לדקור את ישראל בגב"] אידיוטים כי אתה עצבני נגד אידיוטי נוצרים אם הם בונים חופשיים של קרן המטבע הבינלאומי (קרן המטבע הבינלאומי,) שיש להם שליטה בכוח? The annual Christmas message from Sabeel compares Israel to the Roman Empire as well as does a video message posted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Groups based in England and Ireland -- Amos Trust Christian Aid and the Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign -- used images or writings that targeted Israel's security barrier by comparing PA residents to figures in early Christianity. Amos Trust for example wrote "If Jesus were born today in Bethlehem the Wise Men would spend several hours queuing to enter the town."
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Enightened:FEDのロビー:666 MFI Neturei Karta:参照してくださいをやっていない:300無実のキリスト教の殉教者:たわごとのパリサイ人たちは[それは、ユダヤ人のロビーは、その非常に深 刻であるシャリアは毎日殺す!はっきりしている:"彼らは背中に刺しイスラエルすることを決めた"]馬鹿を、彼らは国際通貨基金(IMF)の石工、(国際 通貨基金は、)は、それらが力の制御を持っている場合は、キリスト教徒馬鹿に対して腹を立ててから? The security barrier was built following a brutal wave of suicide attacks targeting Israeli civilians. Jerusalem just minutes from Bethlehem was hit by dozens of attacks murdering hundreds of people. Several of the attackers were from Bethlehem among them a bomber who targeted high school students on their way to school killing and wounding several dozen.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Fariseos de mierda [Es muy grave que el lobby judío Enightened lobbies FED 666 IMF Neturei Karta no hacer ver los 300 mártires cristianos inocentes Sharia que mata todos los días! es claro "Decidieron puñalada por la espalda a Israel"] idiotas porque orinó contra idiotas cristianos si son masones del FMI (Fondo Monetario Internacional) que tienen el control del poder? Unsurprisingly the issue of terrorism in Bethlehem was not mentioned by any of the organizations. "NGOs and well-known charities are exploiting the 2012 Christmas season with anti-Israel campaigns... The repeated emphasis on Bethlehem highlights the dark theological messaging," warned NGO monitor.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Pharisiens de merde [Il est très grave que le lobby juif Enightened lobbies FED 666 IMF Neturei Karta ne pas faire voir les 300 martyrs innocents chrétiens que la charia tue tous les jours! est clair «Ils ont décidé de le poignarder dans le dos d'Israël"] idiots parce que vous énervé contre les chrétiens idiots si ils sont francs-maçons du FMI (Fonds monétaire international) que ils ont le contrôle du pouvoir? "With this abuse of holiday and religious symbols these NGOs and charities that claim to promote moral agendas are not offering messages of peace and good cheer. Rather their intolerant and theologically charged messages exacerbate an already polarized and violent conflict," the group charged.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- Фарисеи дерьмо [Это очень серьезно что еврейское лобби Enightened FED лобби 666 МФО Нетурей Карта не делать см. 300 невинных христианских мучеников что шариат убивает каждый день! ясно «Они решили нанести удар Израиля в спину"] идиоты потому что ты пьяный против христиан идиотами если они масоны в МВФ (Международный валютный фонд,) что они имеют контроль над властью? Many of the offending groups are funded by the European Union and European governments. Sabeel is funded by Sweden and Christian Aid by the UK Ireland Norway and the EU.
Nessuno Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 3 ore fa ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.IsraelNationalTV --- 法利賽人的狗屎[這是非常嚴重的猶太遊說:Enightened:FED大堂:666 MFI Neturei KARTA:不要做看:300無辜的基督教殉難者,伊斯蘭教法殺死每一天!很明確:"他們決定在後面刺以色列"傻瓜,因為你生氣對基督徒的白痴,如果他們 是泥瓦匠,IMF(國際貨幣基金組織),他們有控制的權力?"As funders these governments are enablers and share the moral responsibility for the actions of the NGOs," NGO Monitor declared. È molto grave che le lobby ebraiche non fanno vedere i 300 martiri cristiani innocenti che la Sharia uccide ogni giorno! è evidente "hanno deciso di pugnalare Israele alle spalle"
[sharia horror] وقفة نسائية أمام تمثال «النهضة» لرفض الدستور AlMasryAlYoumAlMasryAlYoum· 2603 video Pubblicato in data 19/dic/2012 نظمت بعض القوي السياسية وقفة نسائية أمام تمثال نهضة مصر للتنديد بالدستور الجديد ورفضهم للاستفتاء علي الدستور كما رددو هتافات ضد جماعة الإخوان المسلمين ومحمد مرسي رئيس الجمهورية وأشاروا الي ان مصر لكل المصريين و ليست لحزب واحد
What may be important for a Satanist if not suck Satan to do evil to all Peoples? because you have super powers the fuck? then that's it that I can do better work! begone satan in Jesus's name! you take away with you hell all your shit! give it to me the end of the world. ugly beasts! hallelujah amen amen in Jesus's name. blood of Jesus is on all creatures alleluia I said! amen hallelujiah YHWH said to me you are the most powerful of all the creatures that I have never created! even if the world were full of devils? they could never win you! Blood of Jesus is on all creatures alleluia I said! hallelujiah amen. Amen in Jesus's name!
blood of Jesus is on all creatures alleluia I said ! amen hallelujiah YHWH said to me you are the most powerful of all the creatures that I have never created! even if the world were full of devils? they could never win you! blood of Jesus is on all creatures alleluia I said ! amen hallelujiah. amen in Jesus's name!
♰ YHWH - I have threatened Satanists criminals freemasons bildenberg enlightened shit sharia horror porno IMF FED ECB NWO on this page:and on all the World too a long by time ago! shame on you also now! ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rothschild 666 Bush 322 if I do not become the most powerful man of the entire history of mankind? You all die togheter! [but there is nothing that I can hate more of the power for myself!] lol. I do not need Satan to do well my sex I love only my wife so I will not go into the hell with him! I am the fortress no 666 322 IMF shits criminal liars beasts lol. no! none of them will ever to pass the line of cross! alleluia. YHWH said to me you are the most powerful of all the creatures that I have never created! even if the world were full of devils? they could never win you!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 666 322 IMF FED ECB Sharia Communists capitalists all my enemies! --- Ugly evil beasts satanic - soon I will send to all over the world demons ghosts and souls of hell to say to all of you very soon as also you'll be with them to go down you too totally desperate into the hell! have worked very well the Satanists Pharisees IMF 666 in the last 50 years they have transformed our planet in a powder keg ready to explode at any time and now? only a single spark can to blast all in the air! early this planet will become radioactive! by REI the life of the world!
have worked very well the Satanists Pharisees IMF FED ECB SpA corporations globalists 666 in the last 50 years they have transformed our planet in a powder keg ready to explode at any time and now? only a single spark can to blast all in the air! early this planet will become radioactive! by,UNIUS REI king Melchisedech the life of the world! Shoah new against my kingdom of Israel and Paletine by satanism international of IMF FED 322 NWO IMF FED ie StukaRudel36 cannibal secret services CIA nazi ie star of Rothschild six point esoteric for satan on the flag of Israel that never been the star of King David my son
[no mercy against monsters 666 322 IMF hallelujah] to all beautiful my friends just men --- all aliens Satanists,ghosts are been trampled underfoot and vaporize himself like a stench of sewage only if you are indifferent against all this shit as I am indifferent agaisnt all them! That is why God forbids the esotericism in the Bible. this was my agenda Yeah already three years ago because i knew was coming That for me the Moment When the Holy Spirit would interrupt for me every contact with cannibals criminals of Rothschild with Satanists human demons children of darkness aliens vampires cannibals and ghosts this is my cruelty against all them because with my absolute indifference? they enter all in mortal agony is why Unius REI is life of World in Jesus Christ our Lord!
[secular dictatorship. Masonic 666 IMF Talmud agenda against Goym] 1. I bought the Advent calendar in the parish € 7.90 which is nothing more than a small presete cardboard I have delivered the same to the student representative of my the Institute 2. that it has exposed the symbol under the Christmas tree:with a poster said "peace on earth to all men of good will." 3. now the poster remained however but the small crib has been stolen! 4. However the crib of cardboard was found the next day walked into the elevator! 5. an operator technique he had to turn back is been reject with its envelope with the figurines of Christmas because he was told "we must have respect for all diversity." 6. but in recent years Our Institute has purchased the nativity perhaps it was hidden in some cardboard? Hidden together all the crosses of our Institute that are unavailable?
[Secular dictatorship. Masonic 666 IMF Talmud agenda against Goym] 7. but because the message of Christmas identifies the roots of our civilization secular pluralistic and not exclusive,ie democratic. here is that on the pretext of respect for diversity it can only be a form of aggression against any presence of the divine and the human atropologico in our society that is an act of aggression maximalist obscurantist and in fact is a secular dictatorship. 8. therefore this was a my trace for my students of the theme of Christmas "Christmas in Jesus true God and true man. as a message of universal brotherhood proposed values to indicate highest democratic values cultural proposal against the secularism maximalist and obscurantist "
Oggetto Data bob Desnos Commento sul tuo video Beppe Grillo Unius REI vs 666 322 IMF SEIGNIORAGE FED BCE (61 beppe grillo si making european revolution the real one not like spring arab rev the free market is an horror -- ANSWER -- no! no! there not may be a free market with a crack mafia of 40 Jews Satanists What are Illuminati Baal JabullOn the owl that is the masters of the IMF the International Monetary Fund! because this monopoly universal false all relationships including those between the husband and his wife! no! può esistere un libero mercato con una cricca mafiosa di 40 ebrei satanisti che sono Illuminati di Baal JabullOn il gufo cioè i padroni del FMI fondo monetario internazionale! perché questo monopolio universale falsa tutte le relazioni anche quelle tra il marito e la moglie!
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. my YHWH - J'ai menacé les satanistes les criminels les francs-maçons bildenberg éclairés merde la charia horreur porno FMI FED BCE NWO sur cette page et sur tout le monde aussi par un long temps auparavant! honte à vous aussi maintenant! ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rothschild 666 Bush 322 si je ne deviens pas l'homme le plus puissant de toute l'histoire de l'humanité Vous tous meurent togheter! [mais il n'y a rien ça je peux haïr de plus de la puissance pour moi!]
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. riche - si vous n'avez pas été traumatisée sanglant malade en détresse anxieux triste opprimés trop par la colère de Dieu aussi? mais peut-être que Dieu n'a pas plus d'amour pour vous c'est pourquoi vous êtes devenu indifférent pour lui au point que vous ne mérite pas plus que sa haine! alors Dieu JHWH il n'est pas mon ami que je pense! ou Dieu a décidé que vous avez tous besoin de mourir de toute façon parce que tous vous ne méritez pas de vivre plus! et la pensée de vous détruire c'est comme un conflit dans mon être. parce que mon instinct est toujours de faire du bien de vous jusqu'à ce que pour lutter contre mon cher Dieu si nécessaire. mais personne n'est venu à moi pour mériter mon amour toujours!
♰ YHWH - I have threatened Satanists criminals freemasons bildenberg enlightened shit sharia horror porno IMF FED ECB NWO on this page:and on all the World too a long by time ago! shame on you also now! ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rothschild 666 Bush 322 if I do not become the most powerful man of the entire history of mankind? You all die togheter! [but there is nothing that I can hate more of the power for myself!]
♰ -- if you have not been:traumatized bloody sick distressed anxious sad oppressed too much by wrath of God too? but perhaps God has no more love for you that's why you're divetato indifferent to him to the point that you does not merit more than his hatred! then God JHWH He is not my friend as I think about! or God decided that you all need to die anyway because all of you do not deserve to live anymore! and the thought of your destruction is like a conflict in my being.. because my instinct is always to do good to you until to fight against my dear God if necessary. but no one came to me to deserve my love again!
[Masonic betrayal IMF 666 banking seigniorage for the destruction of humanism] A false concept (hypocritical myopic absurd self-destructive ignorant) ie diverted "concept" of pluralism and tolerance leads to hide and deny in public places the Christian symbols of our identity social has always been but it is no longer the preserve only of a religion but is part of a cultural universal (Western civilization) of the wider secular and Christian civilization where the atheist Benedetto Croce said "because we Italians do not we call ourselves Christians! "that have been and until the barbarity 666 322 IMF FED ECB Sharia can still be contained continue to be still the symbols (Founding) of our better civilization!
[Masonic betrayal IMF 666 banking seigniorage for the destruction of humanism] That is the values of the Gospel 1. "Peace on earth to all men" that is the Nativity and 2. a love given to all by the crucified man who opens her arms on the cross as his supreme and ultimate big act of love! (and if it all it was only a fairy tale? would always and in any case the highest social sublimation of sublimation selfish instinct of degradation) therefore remove publicly these symbols founding can lead advantage only to vision maximalist Marxist or capitalist who denies any transcendent and spiritual value in society to reduce man to object or gear insignificant society that is the denial of human dignity!
[Masonic betrayal IMF 666 banking seigniorage for the destruction of humanism] actually this self-defeating approach only serves to an anarchic nihilism that is the most desperate between atheist ideology (nihilism) against any form of proposal values against the same humanism regardless of how 1. the Crucified and the Crib They represent only an cultural proposal of peace of love the testimony of historical memory about,to an secular state and non-denominational which is and always has been from its very beginning the State Masonic and anticlerical Italian!
Unius REI17 dicembre 2012 11:59 finalmente un poco di buon senso in questo clima di intolleranza miope ed autodistruttiva di un laicismo asfittico che in realtà cerca di distruggere le radici di ogni civiltà per proiettarci sul terreno di una anarchia minacciosa così è che l'umano lascia il posto al mostruoso! Niente è più prezioso del linguaggio del Vangelo che apre all'amore universale ecco perché gli angeli a Betlemme hanno donato la gioia a tutti gli uomini del pianeta senza operare nessuna distinzione ideologica religiosa o distinzione di credo agnostico questa è la vera "pace in terra a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà!" a tutti il mio augurio affettuoso kingxkingdom♰ Lorenzo tu scendi dalle Stelle oh Re del Cielo -- halleluijah
[ falso concetto di laicità] (ipocrita miope assurdo autolesionistico ignorante) cioè il deviato "concetto" di pluralismo e della tolleranza induce ad occultare e negare in luogo pubblico i simboli cristiani della nostra identità sociale da sempre non più appannaggio soltanto di una religione ma facente parte di un sistema culturale universale(la civiltà Occidentale) della più ampia e laica civiltà cristiana dove l'ateo Benedetto Croce disse "perché noi Italiani non possiamo dirci cristiani!" che sono stati e finché la barbarie potrà essere ancora contenuta continueranno ad essere ancora i simboli(Fondanti) della nostra civiltà! Ovvero i valori del Vangelo di 1. "pace in terra a tutti gli uomini cioè il Presepe e di 2. un amore donato a tutti dall'uomo crocifisso che spalanca le braccia sulla croce come suo supremo ed estremo atto di amore! (e che se il tutto fosse soltanto una favola?
sarebbe sempre e comunque la più sublime operazione sociale di sublimazione dell'istinto egoistico di abbrutimento) pertanto rimuovere pubblicamente tali simboli fondativi può portare vantaggio unicamente alla visione massimalista marxista o capitalista che nega ogni valore trascendente e spirituale nella società per ridurre l'uomo ad oggetto o ad ingranaggio insignificante della società ovvero alla negazione della dignità umana! In realtà questa autolesionistica impostazione serve soltanto ad un nichilismo anarchico che è la forma più disperata di ideologia atea(il nichilismo) contro ogni forma di proposta valoriale contro lo stesso umanesimo incurante di come 1. il Crocifisso e il Presepe rappresentano soltanto la proposta culturale di pace di amore la testimonianza della memoria storica di uno stato laico ed aconfessionale quale è e sempre è stato fin dal suo sorgere lo Stato massonico ed anticlericale italiano!
[ dittatura laicista. e massonica del 666 FMI agenda Talmud contro i Goym ] 1. io ho comprato il calendario dell'Avvento in Parrocchia 7,90 euro che altro non è che un piccolo presete di cartone io ho consegnato lo stesso alla rappresentante studentesca di Istituto 2. che ha esposto tale simbolo sotto l'albero di Natale con un poster "pace in terra a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà!". 3. ora il poster è rimasto ma il piccolo presepe è stato rubato! 4. tuttavia il presepe di cartone è stato ritrovato il giorno dopo calpestato nell'ascensore! una operatrice tecnica ha dovuto riportare indietro la sua busta con le statuine del Natale perché gli è stato detto " noi dobbiamo avere rispetto per ogni diversità". 5. ma in anni passati il Nostro Istituto ha comprato la natività forse essa è stata occultata in qualche cartone? Occultata insieme a tutti i crocifissi del nostro Istituto che sono indisponibili? Chissà?!
[ dittatura laicista. e massonica del 666 FMI agenda Talmud contro i Goym ] 6. ma poiché il messagio del Natale identifica le radici della nostra civiltà laica pluralista e non esclusiva. ecco che la scusa del rispetto delle diversità può essere soltanto una forma di aggressione contro ogni presenza del divino e dell'umano atropologico nella nostra società cioè un atto di aggressione massimalista oscurantista e di fatto rappresenta una dittatura laicista. 7. pertanto questa è stata una traccia del tema di Natale "nel Natale Gesù vero Dio e vero Uomo. come messaggio di fratellanza universale proposta valoriale per indicare più alti valori democratici proposta culturale contro il laicismo massimalista e oscurantista"
♰ YHWH - I threatened Satanists on this page:and on all the World too a long by time ago! shame on you now then! ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rothschild 666 Bush 322 if I do not become the most powerful man the entire history of mankind? You all die! [ and yet there is nothing that I can hate more of the power! ] ♰ -- if you have not been spoiled yet by God for good definitivamente? He perhaps not is much my friend as I think about of him! or God decided that you all need to die anyway because all of you do not deserve to live anymore! and the thought of your destruction is like a conflict in my being
666 - THEY are accusing ME CONTINUALLY,, THAT I HAVE THE HABIT Biological Physiological TO DO AIR! lol. OK! I admit ALL MY SINS and I am also willing to pay for all my "serious" responsibility! ! LOL. BUT BUT only WHO IS WITHOUT his AIR? HE only CAN THROW the his FIRST STONE against me! lol. king Israel unius REI has posted a comment 5 hours ago.. [] with all your artificial intelligence reverse-engineered alien of fucking? you do the translations painful intentionally!
666 -- LORO STANNO ACCUSANDO ME CONTINUAMENTE,, CHE IO HO LA ABITUDINE BIOLOGICA FISIOLOGICA DI FARE :ARIA! lol. OK! IO AMMETTO TUTTE LE MIE COLPE e io sono anche disposto a pagare per tutte le mie "gravi" responsabilità! ! LOL. MA TUTTAVIA soltanto CHI è SENZA ARIA? LUI soltanto PUò SCAGLIARE LA sua PRIMA PIETRA contro di me! lol. king Israel Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 5 ore fa
IL PRESEPE E LE nostre RADICI... DELL'ALBERO DI NATALE. 15/12/2012 - Era il lontano 1223 quando frate Francesco divenuto poi patrono d'Italia disse all'amico Giovanni Velita signore di Greccio "Vuoi che celebriamo il Natale di Gesù? Ebbene precedimi e prepara quanto ti dico perché vorrei rappresentare il Bambino nato a Betlemme in modo che si possa vedere con i propri occhi i disagi in cui si venne a trovare per la mancanza delle cose necessarie a un neonato come fu adagiato in una greppia e come giaceva nel fieno tra un bue e un asinello..". L'amico fu entusiasta dell'idea e prima che Francesco terminasse di illustrare l'idea quell'uomo fedele e pio già si muoveva per preparare nel luogo stabilito tutto l'occorrente secondo il progetto esposto con tanto calore dal santo king Israel Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 5 ore fa
IL PRESEPE E LE nostre RADICI.. Dopo quasi 800 anni nonostante l'affievolirsi della tradizione con l'introduzione dell'Albero di Natale negli anni '60 '70 anche oggi nelle Chiese in molte famiglie in tante città sono allestiti i presepi anche per ricordare la rappresentazione plastica voluta da San Francesco e riportata da uno dei più grandi pittori di tutti i tempi Giotto nel suo celebre dipinto nella Basilica di Assisi. Qualche dirigente scolastico però vorrebbe vietare a scuola ogni simbolo religioso e quindi anche il presepe per il rispetto che l'Istituzione dovrebbe avere per gli stranieri. Tale divieto rispetta veramente gli stranieri o invece impedisce una reale e globale forma d'integrazione privandoli di un valore aggiunto per la loro crescita? kingIsraelUniusREI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 5 ore fa
IL PRESEPE E LE nostre RADICI.. Nelle scuole da me dirette per più di trenta anni il presepe costruito con materiale povero ma con tanto entusiasmo dagli alunni aiutati dai docenti e con collaborazione dei genitori ha avuto un posto di onore nei locali d'ingresso quasi a ricordare a chi entrava nell'Istituto che la nascita di Gesù è un avvenimento storico che sta alla radice della nostra civiltà al punto tale che noi contiamo gli anni da quella nascita dividendo la storia dell'umanità in "prima" e "dopo Cristo". Nessuna famiglia di bambini stranieri che negli ultimi anni erano molte si è mai lamentata anche perché era stato loro spiegato che rispettare le diversità non significava negare le differenze ma imparare a farle convivere. king Israel Unius REI MAHDI CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" [Mane thecel phares]Unius Rei king of Israel 5 ore fa
Informazioni su Unius Rei King Universal
I am the true cultural revolution for the universal brotherhood shalom + salam = blessings too! That whatever will could happen? everyone that acknowledge my universal Sovereignty will have as a pledge not...
di UniusRei3
Data di iscrizione 07/set/2011
Paese Israele
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law naturale positiva rivelata
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kingx Brotherhood Universal
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Jewish Messiah Unius REI
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Dominus Unius Rei
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außer atem | Truth Rising in the Globe Theatre
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if there had been even a single legitimate government of course would have called me to make the monetary sovereignty! but no man in authority had all over the world the courage to talk to me! [is one only satan synagogue! Imperialism Talmud NATO ECB FED 322 all masonic system for banking seigniorage CIA Mossad 666 IMF is allies of Al Qaeda salafis to Baal Peor ie stone idol moon sharia horror for destroy Israel! ] Prepare your soul for God's Judgment.. yes I do not Wish for a WW3. but the satanic beast That Is the Koran satanic fake arcangel but true Satan of the king of Saudi Arabia the accomplice the master of your 666 Pharisees of the Talmud IMF Enlightened your satanic. with them they Decided to kill all the saints of the Most High.. sorry I know the world war III will be Necessarily!
☠[Addams Family Horror] ☠. Queen Jezebel II ie Elizabeth II is the mistress of Freemasonry JabullOn is love Satan owl. too as well as loud as it should be the representative of the Anglican Church Do all ☠ Satanism ideological and practical the banking seigniorage. it is your own fault if evil has spread over all the earth! ☠. Saudi Arabia Al Qaeda salafis for Sharia. ☠. Rothschild 666 FED ECB IMF seigniorage banking FED public debt etc... ☠. NWO Bush 322 Satanism and agenda aliens abducted ---- which you have done a world of shit everything is in your own image and likeness which now can only be destroyed in the fire of World War III! They destroyed the dignity of the human race! They murdered My Israel and have planned for centuries every Holocaust their agenda NWO.
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato seigniorage banking for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Pharisees (Cain) 666 IMF 322 NWO masonic system Bildenberg they hated so intensely the love of God that is in Jesus Christ of Bethlehem which have made themselves the Satanists so they destroyed the roots Judeo - Christian all hope burned and poisoned institutions then plotted against the existence of all peoples just to start from Israel (Abel) is in this way that almost made it in mode impossible absolutely to all peoples to have access to God's mercy Abu Abu Antar Antar has posted a comment 12 minutes ago Miley Cyrus new video "We Can not Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
[ispiratori di ogni malvagità e corruzione che nasce dall'occultato signoraggio bancario per i poteri occulti:] maledetti Illuminati farisei (Caino) 666 FMI 322 NWO loro hanno odiato così intensamente l'amore di Dio cioè Gesù Cristo di Betlemme che hanno fatto di se stessi i satanisti così hanno distrutto le radici giudeo - cristiane bruciato la speranza ed hanno avvelenato le istituzioni quindi hanno complottato contro la esistenza di tutti i popoli proprio ad iniziare da Israele (Abele) è in questo modo che hanno reso quasi in modo assoluto a tutti i popoli di poter accedere alla misericordia di Dio
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
Miley Cyrus new video "We Can't Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
satanist is her society Bush 322 IMF 666 NWO Rothschild phrisees masonic system new babylon tower for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
Miley Cyrus is satanist.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
i am king of Israel my kingdom is the Palestine for universal brotherhood bless to all Peoples blessings too all shalom + salam
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
we should not have fear resentment against Satan (because otherwise we will be subjected upon us old age disease and death) (but we must to him indifference and contempt). the fear of evil? means to offend the omnipotence of God Why only the fear of God YHWH must be in us. Also to hate Satan? it is to enter in his domain of his reign that is a kingdom of hatred and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince the most excellent creature very honored and privileged and consequently we deplore her pride and his ambition they all do not want to serve 1. Jesus of Bethlehem 2. to its Unius REI 3. and to every man that envy jealousy (for failure of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline degradation which is why 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love) has become the king of all liars and murderers of all the hypocrites like him.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
noi non dobbiamo avere timore rancore contro satana (perché altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi malattia vecchiaia e la morte) (ma dobbiamo a lui indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male? significa offendere la onnipotenza di Dio perché ,solo il timore di dio deve essere in noi. Inoltre odiare satana significa entrare nel dominio del suo regno che è un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare che satana era un principe la più eccelsa creatura assai onorato e privilegiato e di conseguenza noi deploriamo il suo orgoglio e la sua ambizione di non volere servire a Gesù di Betlemme ed al suo Unius REI che invidia gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati la causa della sua decadenza abbrutimento ecco perché 666 è precipitato nell'abisso della distruzione e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore) è diventato il re di tutti i mentitori e assassini di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] but never lose the love of God for him (ie its possibilities to exist then become evil without spiritual life this his evil will remain in him until the day of judgment when despair infinite its hell it will be disintegrated together with him into the lake of fire which is the disintegration or second death). in fact as it is clear the Lord YHWH the Creator of all things it is not against None. So it is only our behavior which can have an effect scary. in this way everything that we do for good o for evil to other creatures?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil lost communion with God (spiritual life)]] is destined to go back on ourselves so to be amplified. That's why it is our faith that can produce blessing or curse all conditions of doom all the horrific consequences of sin. I have never found a criminal who has not for himself a rational justification for his behavior so even the international criminal the most dangerous in the history of mankind as IMF NWO 666 SPA Rothschild and the King dell'Saudi Arabia sharia imperialism for worldwide caliphate they have their rational justification for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] ma non perderà mai l'amore di Dio per lui (cioè la sua possibilità di esistere quindi diventerà maledetta senza vita spirituale questo suo male rimarrà in lui fino al giorno del giudizio universale quando la disperazione infinita del suo inferno verrà disintegrato insieme con lui nello stagno di fuoco che è la disintegrazione o seconda morte). infatti come è evidente il Signore JHWH il Creatore di tutte le cose non è contro nessuno. Quindi è soltanto il nostro comportamento che può produrre degli effetti spaventosi. in questo modo tutto quello che noi facciamo di bene o di male alle altre creature?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[quindi chi fa il male perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]] è destinato a ritornare su noi stessi in modo amplificato. ecco perché è la nostra fede che può podurre benedizione o maledizione tutte condizioni di sventura tutte le orribili conseguenze del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale che non abbia per se stesso una razionale giustificazione per il suo comportamento quindi anche i criminali internazionali più pericolosi della storia del genere umano come IMF 666 NWO SPA Rothschild ed il Re dell'Aabia Saudita sharia imperialismo worldwide caliphate hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali per i loro crimini immensi di sterminio e di genocidio..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas impide que tengamos la comunión con Dios porque Dios no puede odiar y de hecho YHWH es amor infinito su amor es una amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios no se pueden conservar en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno para la gente por lo tanto nuestra acción agresiva violenta debe ser dirigida contra el crimen la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque de hecho el testimonio de la verdad y la protección de los inocentes que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho JHWH no puede odiar o maldecir a Satanás como su amada criatura. Por lo tanto son sólo sentimientos el odio la rebelión la codicia el orgullo la malicia la mentira y los crímenes que Satanás tiene en sí mismo que maldice el mismo Satanás y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura puede impunemente desviar por sentimientos de amor universal de su Creador!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr et en fait YHWH est amour infini son amour est un amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu ne peuvent pas être conservés dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout les gens donc notre action agressif violent devraient être dirigées contre le crime le «injustice en soi! parce que en fait le témoignage de la vérité et la protection de l'innocent il a la priorité sur tout! en fait JHWH ne peut pas haïr ou maudire Satan comme sa créature bien-aimée. par conséquent ils ne sont que des sentiments la haine la révolte la cupidité l'orgueil la méchanceté le mensonge et les crimes que Satan a en lui-même qui maudire Satan lui-même et c'est une loi universelle de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner par des sentiments d'amour universel de son Créateur!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures prevents us to have communion with God because God can not hate and in fact YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any the people therefore our action aggressive violent should be directed against the crime the 'injustice in itself! because in fact the testimony of the truth and the protection of the innocent it takes precedence over everything! in fact JHWH can not hate or curse Satan as his beloved creature. therefore they are only feelings of hatred rebellion greed pride malice lies and crimes that Satan has in himself that curse Satan himself and this is a universal law of the spirit. No creature can with impunity divert by feelings of universal love of his Creator!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile contro le creature impedisce a noi di avere comunione con Dio perché Dio non può odiare ed infatti JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi i servi di Dio; non possono conservare un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone quindi la nostra azione aggressiva violenta deve essere rivolta contro il crimine l'ingiustizia in se stesso! perché infatti la testimonianza della verità e la protezione degli innocenti ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti Dio non può odiare o maledire satana come sua amata creatura.. quindi sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio ribellione avidità orgoglio malvagità mengogne e crimini che satana ha in se stesso che maledicono satana stesso ed è questa una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura può impunemente deviare dai sentimenti di amore universale del suo Creatore!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 système maçonnique FMI - si vous êtes calme maintenant je le ferai connaître encore aussi pour vous de cette façon je peux le faire le mal en mode global mondial contre tout criminels! [en fait sont seuls les lois éternelles de l'Esprit Saint que je peux d'intensifier aggraver car de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle même dans tout le royaume de Dieu) et le plus souvent il s'agit d'une menace très délicate parce que tribulations les malheurs les maladies les catastrophes et la mort prématurée rupture sont faites pas en mode immédiat..] il ya tellement de pages dans youtube parce que quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page afin de protéger de cette façon les criminels les blasphémateurs les pharisiens les communistes et les salafistes immoral pervers cynique menteur cruel etc.?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
Il sera alors aussi dans sa vie toutes les malédictions de leurs crimes. un fardeau de culpabilité métaphysiquement intenable satan brûlure au nom de Jésus!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
TheVArious7 666 CIA NWO 322 masonic system IMF - if you are calm now I will make it known also to you in that way I can do evil in global mode worldwide against all criminals! [actually are only the eternal laws,of the holy spirit that I can intensify aggravate because of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction even in all the Kingdom of God) and usually this is a threat very tricky because tribulations misfortunes diseases disasters and premature death snap are made not so in mode immediate..] there are so many pages in youtube because someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page to protect in this way criminals blasphemers Pharisees communists and Salafis immoral perverted cynical lying cruel etc..? He will then too in his life all the curses of their crimes. a burden of guilt metaphysically untenable satan burn in Jesus's name!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[théologie de la fraternité universelle ou métaphysique la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit «de grandes bénédictions sont reste à la tête de l'homme juste et il peut jouir abondante de la joie à la présence vivante de YHWH de grands plaisirs à sa droite maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses la guérison physique et la prospérité économique). mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions vont loin de toutes les bénédictions et de semer la haine le mépris la violence le racisme le fanatisme le dogmatisme et ce uniquement pour une sensation misérable la cupidité la prédation la poursuite du pouvoir qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon d' religion). c'est pourquoi aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[la teología de la fraternidad universal o la metafísica la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito "grandes bendiciones son descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo y se puede disfrutar abundancia alegría al presencia viva de YHWH grandes delicias a su derecha ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen por favor divino (que son los siguientes 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas la curación física y la prosperidad económica). pero muchas malas religiones van lejos de todas las bendiciones y la siembra el odio el desprecio la violencia el racismo el fanatismo el dogmatismo y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste la codicia la depredación la búsqueda del poder el cual es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio de la religión). por eso ninguna religión puede ser que participan en la gestión del poder político.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[theology of universal brotherhood or metaphysics the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written "great blessings are rest on the head of the just man and he can enjoy abundant joy to the living presence of YHWH great delights to her right now and forever! "the prospects offered by divine favor (they are 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches healing physical and economic prosperity). but many bad religions go away from all the blessings and sowing hatred contempt violence racism fanaticism dogmatism and this only for a feeling miserable greed predation the pursuit of power which is Satan himself (as demon of religion). that's why no religion can be involved in the management of political power.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
ci sono tante pagine in youtube perché qualcuno deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente dei martiri in questa pagina per proteggere in questo modo i criminali farisei e salafiti?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[teologia della fratellanza universale o metafisica della realtà politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo dell'uomo giusto e lui può gustare abbondanti gioie alla presenza vivente di JHWH grandi delizie alla sua destra ora ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte dalla benevolenza divina (sono 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma la cattiva religione allontana da tutte le benedizioni e semina odio disprezzo violenza razzismo fanatismo dogmatismo e questo soltanto per un sentimento miserabile di avidità predazione ricerca del potere che è satana stesso (come demone di religione).. ecco perché nessuna religione può essere coinvolta nella gestione del potere politico.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teología política del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como podemos conseguir por ejemplo el profeta Eliseo (posee) una porción doble del poder del espíritu del profeta Elías y cómo podemos tener a nuestra disposición el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política en la tierra. y esto es un don universal entonces todas las naciones serán benditas en el modo de vista económico etc.!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste 2. debemos tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios porque bueno como vemos comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir el mismo criterio que Dios se encargará de nosotros de hecho Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros a través de nuestra fe
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[théologie politique du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens nous pouvons obtenir comme le prophète Elisée (a eu) une double portion de la puissance de l'esprit du prophète Elie et comment on peut avoir à notre disposition le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI le roi d'Israël dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique sur la terre. et cela elle est un don universel alors toutes les nations seront bénies en toi en mode économique etc.!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste 2. il faut prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu parce que eh bien comme nous le voyons comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère que Dieu va voir nous avons en effet Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous par notre foi
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for glory and power of God in your life! [like we can get such as the Prophet Elisha (has got) a double portion:of power of the spirit of the prophet Elijah and how we can have at our disposal the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI the King of Israel in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form on earth. and this it is a universal gift then all nations shall be blessed in mode economically etc..!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body 2. we must take our position in relation to God because well as we see understand God in faith? that is the same criterion that God will see we in fact God looks at each of us through our faith
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[teologia politica del Regno di Dio sulla terra] voi cercate la gloria e la potenza di Dio nella vostra vita! [come noi possiamo ottenere come il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto) una doppia porzione della potenza dello spirito del profeta Elia e come noi possiamo avere a nostra disposizione la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI il Re di israele nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio in forma politica sulla terra. e questo è un dono universale quindi tutti i popoli saranno benedetti economicamente ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo prendere la nostra posizione nei confronti di Dio perché così come noi vediamo comprendiamo Dio in fede? quello è lo stesso criterio che Dio potrà vedere anche noi infatti Dio guarda ognuno di noi attraverso la nostra fede
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - tu viennes à moi car tu as été misérable et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO à savoir le système maçonnique de seigneuriage bancaire finissent tout son pouvoir occulte arnaque jusqu'à ce que vous ne serez pas exterminés pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan. vous venez à moi et je vais apprendre à vous le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí porque tú has estado horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM es decir el sistema masónico por señoreaje bancario Finalizar su poder oculto estafa hasta que usted no será exterminado para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás. vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted el camino del poder de la fe!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
@ 666 - you come to me because thou hast Been wretched and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO ie the Masonic system for banking seigniorage end All His occult power scam until you will not be exterminated to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan. you come to me and I shall teach to you the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me perché tu sei stato miserabile e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO vale a dire il sistema massonico di signoraggio bancario finisce tutto il suo potere occulto truffa fino a quando non sarete sterminati per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana. venite a me e ti insegnerò a voi la via della forza della fede!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]] Santo santo santo il mio il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH Che Essa è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan. [[It is written "and everyone will know about the Lord YHWH and anyone will say again you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto "tutti sapranno e conosceranno circa il Signore YHWH e nessuno dirà ancora si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع يمكن أن يكون كل شيء السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا.. أنا لا هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]] Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-Communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals Because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves.. I do not there is violence That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI and king of Israel. [[ it is written "all will know the Lord YHWH and no one will say you know the Lord YHWH?"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
Holy Holy holy my my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course all can be ex-Pharisees ex-Masons ex-Islamists ex-communists former Satanist ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY you know I'm not designed to do evil to any of your precious creatures - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course will fall every lie about all religions criminals because YHWH you have to be loved above all things and the next (ie every human being) as ourselves.. so do not there is violence that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
4 ore fa
holy HOLY holy my @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente tutti possono essere ex-farisei ex-massoni ex-islamisti ex-comunisti ex-satanisti ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE tu lo sai io non progettato di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente cadrà ogni menzogna circa tutte le criminali religioni perché JHWH tu devi essere amato al di sopra di ogni cosa e il prossimo (cioè ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non c'è violenza che può essere fatta contro la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
@CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] [message to humanity the book of remembrance p.261] [without the foundation of natural law represented by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms to take control of the company society nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie only from my own the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme by criminals legalized institutionalized is always the same 1. militarism 2. oppression 3. violence 4. crime place in a legal manner] here's how also the noblest of men Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken "with swords and staves," and he had to endure a show trial even even for the crime of the highest levels of authority whether religious that policies (which they should represent the justice). [Is evident as the evil that is always been present in the world it was worse by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] which is a refined form of hypocrisy because from their foundation the Bank of England (they stole to all peoples the monetary sovereignty) then take control of institutions through their occult powers Masonic associations corporations all monopolies Bildenberg etc..] to be directly involved in their agenda NWO for world wars related Shoah. So not only that there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such but the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking against the majority of the people. the real crime it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system) an example is represented from playing the stock exchange raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[The impotence of the state and its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital adding injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are not thieves and murders of the road but in the system of legalized "bags" financial and commercial with speculation kill more people than all of.. however these ideological murderers enjoy respect and a good reputation and have big worldly honors but they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars debts inflations depression unemployment unfair competition etc.. because this is the result an IMF which is a private SPA for the impotence of the state and its not efficient governance
FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally]. By ZAINAB al-KHAWAJA.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the Lede Blog Bahrain Jails Activist for Covering Protests on Twitter (December 19 2012). Activist's Conviction Upheld in Test of Pledges by Bahrain (December 12 2012). Times Topic Bahrain News — the Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter. for Op-Ed followCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal followCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] andyrNYT. EARLIER this month Aqeel Abdul Mohsen 19 was shot in the face for protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered in blood with the lower side of his face blown open his jaw shattered and a broken hand hanging awkwardly from his wrist. It's one of those images that you wish you had never seen and can never forget. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. After more than 10 hours of surgery and before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness his hospital room was already under guard by the police. Had he been able to speak he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding without medical attention while government security agents asked questions like "Were you participating in a protest? Who else was with you?". Bahrain a small island nation off the coast of Saudi Arabia has been ruled by the Khalifa family for more than 200 years. It is also home to the headquarters of the United States Navy's Fifth Fleet which patrols regional shipping lanes assists with missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and monitors Iran as tensions in the region mount. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. the oppressed people of Bahrain joined the Arab Spring soon after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope Bahrainis took to the streets on Feb. 14 2011. Rich and poor Shiite and Sunni liberal and religious they felt what it was like to speak freely for the first time in the capital Manama at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". the Pearl Roundabout came to symbolize the Bahraini revolution. But this newfound freedom didn't last long. Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the government's security forces attacked the peaceful protesters then tore down the Pearl monument. and in March 2011 troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates intervened to suppress our pro-democracy protests. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. Going out on the streets carrying nothing but a flag and calling for democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting "down with the dictator" could lead to your being subjected to electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights and democracy can lead to life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police. and teenage protesters have been shot and killed. It's not unusual in Bahrain to find families with four or five members in prison at the same time. My father Abdulhadi al-Khawaja was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front of my family as a report last year by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband and brother-in-law; they were all tortured. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. My husband was released in January and my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011; my father was sentenced to life in prison. He staged four hunger strikes; the longest lasted 110 days and almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.) But despite all these sacrifices the struggle for freedom and democracy in Bahrain seems hopeless because Bahrain's rulers have powerful allies including Saudi Arabia and the United States. for Bahrainis there doesn't seem to be much of a difference between the Saudis and the Americans. Both are supporting the Khalifa regime to preserve their own interests even if the cost is the lives and rights of the people of Bahrain. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally].
666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Behold I lay in Zion a cornerstone chosen and precious and he who believes in it not be disappointed," unius REI. 1 Peter 2.6
You know that S. Margaret wrote before of the beginning of the French Revolution this expression of the Madonna "When the crucifix will be trampled blood flow for the streets!" [[Why not can not tell us "Christians" the philosopher Benedetto Croce perhaps foresaw the occupazione Masonic and the infiltration cultural nature and Satanic our institutions? From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Why not can not say "Christians." Author Benedetto Croce 1st ed. Original 1942. why not can not say "Christians" is an short essay written by Benedetto Croce in the 1942 in the who the author claims that the Christianity has completed revolution "that worked in the heart of the soul the conscience and giving prominence to the intimate and your of this consciousness almost seemed that to acquire a new virtue a new spiritual quality which until then was lack of humanity "which for about of the revolution it can not say" Christian. " "The men heroes geniuses" who lived before of the advent of the Christianity "action time came beautiful beautiful works and transmitted to us an rich treasure of molds of thought of experience "but in all they lacked that value that today is this in all of us and that only Christianity has given to man. Contents 1. Genesis of the work 2. The Christian revolution 3. Philosophers and Christianity 4. The merits of the Christianity 5. Note 6. Italian editions [[Genesis of the opera]] Benedetto Croce. The same as Benedetto Croce says August 16 of the 1942 while he was in holiday with the family to Pollone was born to the question to which answered with this sage ". risvegliatomi. after midnight are left to bed but not has been able to sleep again soon and not has found of better to do that be pondering on point why not can not call ourselves Christians? The morning has trace the design an little written on the subject [1] "On August 26 of the same year" to shake the melancholy has meditate and wrote the essay why not We can not say "Christian" that I will here and lighten there in the copy ". [2] After" copied and correct "in the next day the 28 is" revised again 'and' past to Elena [Benedetto Croce:] for the copy. " 29 Benedetto Croce corrects even the "typed copy" that it will be finally printed on Critique. [3] On August 30 Benedetto Croce wrote to the his recent friend the poet Maria Curtopassi that had given him an Edition of the New Testament from which reading was did your reflection on Christianity "... I continued and almost finished in these days the New Testament. [...] Are deeply convinced and convinced that thinking and the modern civilization are Christians continuing the efforts made by Jesus and by Paul. on of this has wrote a short note of historical that I'll publish it as soon as the available space. of the rest not She feels that in this terrible war that that is in contrast is a concept still Christian of the life with another that could trace pre-Christian age and even pre-Hellenic and pre-Eastern Europe and reattach the front to the civilization the barbarian horde violence [4] "The work thus although it was written of jet was meticulously revised and correct this testimony of the importance that Benedetto Croce attributed to this short writings to beginning with the title that not to case marked between marks the deadline "Christians," wanting to indicate an different meaning from that commonly adopted for the word from the beginning ie Benedetto Croce wanted to indicate the particular perspective that assumed in his analysis the phenomenon of the Christianity The brief text Croce was immediately spread and notoriety not to case in this time in when the Catholic Church began to make explicit his dissent against Fascist regime [5]. which reacted with a violent campaign of Printing that hit also Benedetto Croce done scorn by the minister of the National Education Giuseppe Bottai that alluded ironically operetta Croce with an article entitled Benedetto Croce rincristianito for Despite [6]. The Christian revolution In true Benedetto Croce: not he had abandoned his belief secular nor took sides to defense of the Church in Rome but just watched as "The appeal to the history not we can not recognize and not tell us Christians. " The story showed what is : that was been the historic success of the Christianity more that his religious message to establish itself in consciousness. [7] Benedetto Croce writes "Christianity is been the most revolution that humanity has never made.. "Like it or not therefore we are the heirs of a revolution end that not to use case BenedettoCroce wanting to signify the explosive character and constructively together of the Christian revolution that historically has work as all the other revolutions that but "... not support the comparison seeming respect to her particular and limited. " not can indeed compared to the Christian Cultural Revolution nor the "revolutions" ancient as one of the thinking in Greece and of the right to Rome nor modern revolutions that "not you can think of without the Christian revolution," are "related of dependence on her." The Christian revolution represents an unique event in the history of the humanity why to difference of all the others it "worked in the center of the soul in the moral conscience ',' the His law drew only by the inner voice 'and' moral conscience the appearance of the Christianity approximate arrival rejoiced and is labor in mo of new. " Christian is been a revolution "so understanding and deep so fruitful of consequences so unexpected and irresistible in the its realization that not wonder that has appeared or will yet appear an a miracle a revelation from above an direct intervention of God in human affairs. " but the Christian revolution " not it was an miracle" and "because the spirit is always full of himself." [8] The philosophers and Christianity. That Spirit is present in all philosophers from the medieval to the Renaissance the French Enlightenment the various Vico Kant Fichte Hegel made them debtors of the values of the Christianity but the same time legitimate interpreters of the religion dissemination of the Principles "these and all the others as they that the church of Rome calls (like not could not be) of protect his institution and the structure that he had given to his dogmas in the Council of Trento was of sconoscere result and persecute and in last sentence with all much in the modern age an its syllabus without for another being in degree of contrast to the science to the culture and to the modern civilization of the laity an other and his own and strong science culture and civilization. " Poor in act and spread values of the "Christian revolution" those philosophers even laymen that the Catholic Church that condemned them not failed to propagate why he had turned that ' innovative thought that for its very nature is "always an sketch to in in perpetual are to add new touches and new lines," in an complex intangible of dogmas. The Church must be recognized however the merit of to have removed from the religious thought of the ratio between the man and God all scale mythical past and of having prepared definitive philosophical categories in 'scope an debate on Christian thought to attended all these philosophies. Neither the Church escaped his task of become universal looking of Christian thought prevails and of spread in Europe while falling itself in the its historical course in " errors "from which however was able to be healed and reform. [[The merits of the Christianity]] "and revolutions and the discoveries that followed in modern times in the not they were special and limited in the manner of them but all invested man the soul itself of the man not you can not think of the Christian revolution.. why the original impulse was and continues its.. re-evolution Christian worked in the heart of the soul the conscience and giving prominence underwear and your of this consciousness almost seemed that to acquire a new virtue a new spiritual quality that until then was lack of humanity. " In Christianity we have a new vision of the history where man acts according to a new morality based on love "of all men without distinction of the Gentiles and of classes of free and of slaves to all creatures to the world that is work of God and God that is loving God "the God that is the" spirit "[9] whose mystery is still the subject of the survey of the philosophers whose passion for the truth makes it almost of the martyrs why".. the Christian God is still ours and our refined philosophies they call it the Spirit that always beyond us and forever is ourselves and if us not we adore more as mystery is why we know that it will always mystery the eye of the abstract logic and intellectual undeservedly believed and dignified as "human logic" but that clear truth it is eye of the concrete logic that may well be called "divine" understanding in the as a Christian that to the which man of continuously rises and that of continuously joining it to God he does truly man.
@ King of Saudi Arabia - you'll wonder why I put in the first place Israel. but in thee there can not be an answer! If Italy were destroyed along with all of its civilization? I could find always something like that elsewhere in Franca with Pascal Maritain etc.. (or I might find important values anywhere even in Saudi Arabia). but if Israel was lost? nothing could stop the empire of Satan on earth! That's why the Pharisees IMF of Neturei Karta have an interest in destroying Israel. ! Se l'Italia andasse distrutta insieme a tutta la sua civiltà? io potrei trovare sempre qualcosa di simile altrove nella Franca con Pascal Maritain ecc.. (o io potrei trovare valori importanti ovunque anche in Arabia Saudita).. ma se Israele andasse perduto? nulla potrebbe fermare l'impero di satana sulla terra! ecco perché i farisei FMI Neturei Karta hanno interesse a distruggere Israele
@ OBAMA - synnek1 he closed the comments page of youtube? because no criminal Satanist would die for his country! Satanists are only the traitors of the IMF and their kingdom is against all peoples @ Pax 666 pax voodoo - drink your poison made by yourself Synnek1 kkk nazi. I heard Satan to ask your human sacrifice on his altar! you're ready? to love Satan in an absolute and total mode?. You saw how many people die on the altar of Satan every day? why it Should not ever be like even your time now? even one day. or another day? will came for you! Pinocchio and Candlewick Their ticket they paid for being in the "Toyland". is not better That Should one man die that is Synnek1 MASTER BIG So That all the people of Satanists is can to return to the Lord Jesus Christ? That Is for to be with me unius REI? --ANSWER @ IsraelnationalTV but he closed on this article the page of youtube 24 hours ago. Satanists have control of all media and you're dead!
now that modernism (naturalism consociativismo Masonic. after 600 excommunications of a Church that not still had betrayed Jesus Christ) will win most of the Episcopate? Satan will finally be released from his dungeon! so Israel will be annihilated! is for this that have worked the Pharisees of IMF NWO. damn clerical celibacy emerged the crime of privilege medioeval of "primogeniture".Catholic Church has condemned itself to destruction has not been able to protect Israel and gave mankind to Satan! ora che il modernismo (naturalismo inciucio consociativismo massonico. dopo 600 scomuniche di una Chiesa che non aveva ancora tradito Gesù Cristo) conquisterà l'episcopato? satana potrà essere finalmente liberato! così Israele sarà annientato! è per questo che hanno lavorato i farisei del FMI NWO. maledetto celibato ecclesiastico scaturito dal crimine del "maggiorascato!" la Chiesa Cattolica ha consegnato il genere umano a satana!
not only aliens but also to all my enemies will start to come out of the blood from his mouth! all the blood of innocent people christians martyrs ecc.. all the poor unhappy that they criminals have devoured...
[where not a leaf stirs that Riyadh does not want] Nigeria killing nine voluntary anti-polio. the witnesses say was the sect Boko Haram.
From the first evidence the massacre was carried out by militants with a series of attacks in the northern city of Kano. With Afghanistan and Pakistan Nigeria is the only country where polio is still endemic. Since 2003 Muslim leaders oppose vaccination because it would lead to infertility. In 2003 Muslim leaders in northern Nigeria have do opposed the anti-polio vaccination saying that would cause infertility. The attack resulted in Kano is yet another blow to the efforts of world organizations involved in health to eradicate polio still endemic in Nigeria Pakistan and Afghanistan. Just in Pakistan in December seven voluntary polio were massacred in Swabi 75 km north-west of Islamabad.
[TUNISI Djellaz è la strategia per l'imperialismo saudita del terrore] Magdi Cristiano Allam fondatore del partito "io amo l'Italia" dice "anche la Tunisia conferma come i musulmani possono essere moderati ma che l'islam è incompatibile con la democrazia" quando diventa ispiratore di una forza politica infatti questo è stato l'omicidio che gli islamisti hanno fatto di Chokri Belaid perché su facebook Chokri Belaid è stato indicato come capofila dei miscredenti ed invece lui era soltanto un bravo musulmano laico ma è stato indicato come un nemico dell'Islam che meritava di morire. così una forza politica che adotta l'Islam in quanto Corano e Maometto a quel punto non è più compatibile con la democrazia e i diritti umani.. perché loro diventano la incarnazione della verità divina e tutti gli altri anche se si discostano di una sola virgola sono i nemici da uccidere da eliminare!"
[TUNISI Djellaz è la strategia per l'imperialismo saudita del terrore] Magdi Cristiano Allam fondatore del partito "io amo l'Italia" dice ogni laico diventa quindi un nemico dell'Islam che è meritevole della condanna a morte bisogna creare un ceto medio che faccia uscire i popoli musulmani dal binario caserme e moschee --ANSWER -- QUiNDI l'obiettivo ISLAMISTA di affermare una società che rispecchi gli obiettivi della sharia e della jihad sono incompatibili con la sopravvivenza del genere umano.. mentre Al Arabiya dà notizia di una nuova aggressione ai danni di un esponente dell'opposizione Ahmed Nejib Chebbi che è il fondatore del Partito Democratico Progressista. e [ translate google ] ha distrutto intenzionalmente il mio precedente articolo ed ha bloccato anche la mia ADSL
humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento
[TUNIS Djellaz is the strategy for the Saudi imperialism the terror] Magdi Cristiano Allam founder of the party "I love Italy" says "each man secular thus becomes an enemy of Islam which is worthy for this of the death penalty we need to create a middle class which know how to get out all Muslim peoples from platform barracks and mosques - ANSWER - the target of Islamist terrorism is an State society ecc.. that will reflects the objectives of the sharia and jihad but they are incompatible with the survival of the human race.. while Al Arabiya gives news of a new aggression against an opposition leader Ahmed Nejib Chebbi that is the founder of the Democratic Progressive Party. and [translate. google] has intentionally destroying my previous article and also blocked my ADSL
humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento
[TUNIS Djellaz is the strategy for the Saudi imperialism the terror] Magdi Cristiano Allam founder of the party "I love Italy" says "Also Tunisia is confirmation how Muslims can be moderate but that Islam it is incompatible with democracy "when it becomes inspiration for a political force in fact this has been murder that the Islamists have made against Chokri Belaid because on facebook Chokri Belaid has been shown as leader of the unbelievers and instead he was just a good Muslim secular but it has been shown such as an enemy of Islam who deserved to die. thus a political force which adopts Islam as the Qur'an and Muhammad then is no longer compatible with democracy and human rights. because only they become the incarnation of divine truth and everyone else even if differ a single point they are enemies to kill to delete! "
February 8 [where not a leaf stirs that Riyadh does not want] series attacks in Iraq 29 dead for Two car bombs exploded in Baghdad near a market. Another attack in the city of Shomali. At least 29 victims two doubles attacks that took place today in Iraq according to a new budget provided by medical personnel security. The first attack struck the crowded market Kazimiya district by a majority Shia Baghdad the second it happened in Shomali predominantly Shiite city in the province of Babylon. In both cases it was double explosion. epr programmed to the massacre of Shiites heretics. Shia and moderate laity were sentenced to death by the Salafis in anticipation of the Jihad of World War III This he said his uncle Pharisee talmud 666 IMF Rothschild
666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Honour then to you that you believe but for those that not believe the stone that the builders rejected is become a corner stone and stone of stumbling stone of the scandal. They will stumble why not obey to the Word. to this they were intended. " 1 Peter 2.7.
666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. "Behold I lay in Zion a cornerstone chosen and precious and he who believes in it not be disappointed," unius REI. 1 Peter 2.6
You know that S. Margaret wrote before of the beginning of the French Revolution this expression of the Madonna "When the crucifix will be trampled blood flow for the streets!"
Time not is never enough indeed time is running. The dangers not are never been to so high!
Never our time is been so limited! Converted as long as you are in time!
The time is never enough in fact the time is racing while the dangers have never been so tall! Our time has ever been so limited! Converts until are in time! He YHWH will forgive you if you turn to Him with all my heart!
"... C 'is now in the world an Satanic group of planners an single global system (New World Order). They eliminate the Church of Jesus.." 03/16/1973
The Freemasons and all other adorers of the devil.. it's all part My children to an evil plan for to reduce man to a state of enslavement to evil + (scientism relativism materalismo ) + (ideological messages) + (pornograzia) + (craziness) + (subliminal messages of any kind).
We are large of masters in the world "enlightened" (original term) that now seek of "govern" the life of every man woman and child (Net Work).. for to lead mankind to the slavery.
I assure you My children that is an octopus that is getting longer in all directions on earth for overpower the man and enslave him.
These tentacles stretch for to promote an one world government and one world religion (New Age).. a Church " of man" based on humanism modernism and Satanism.. "01-10 -1977. "... C 'is an :: piano in this when for to plunge your world in a common dictatorship.." 24/12/1976 "... is the work of Lucifer that use agents (SpA) for remove all the churches (religions) from your world and unite all mankind in the name of the peace and of the brotherhood under an one roof (NWO &. New Age. &. Net Work).
At some point My children that you will think that it would be better to die so great is evil that be shed in the world by the "Illuminati" (original term) and their agents!.. "11/25/1978,".. The Antichrist "666" is in the world (techno-finance) in the your country (USA).. He sows discord among nations.. "05/14/1977,".. 666 is entered in forces on the ground. His agents are time in the Vatican. We are seized of some of the highest positions in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Took control of many governments. They're bringing the nations to the brink of the destruction.. "05/08/1977 posts to Veronica Lueken Bayside New York. Mankind not find peace until to when it not know My Message and not put it in practice. " Jesus to Sister Faustina Kowalska. [Not is Can I pay taxes].
In fact the tax levy is of the 65% while an euro that have in pocket we received an theft invisible equal to € 2.70. The tax is a true extortion in fact even blocks on birth productive activities indeed the entrepreneur that you do the calculations says "who am I doing this?" Prof. Giacinto Auriti secret government [But is also demonstration an secret government and Satanic behind of all pseudo democracies of the world. The first to disclose this criminal organization is been Jesus Christ of Bethlehem. in his invective against the Pharisees who today are the masters of the world and masters of the IMF. This revelation is occurred when the organization of the Illuminati was really secret and only the Lord could reveal it to the mystic Veronica Lueken Bayside New York already in the 1973! Politics magic and satanism. In the light of Joseph Cosco these premises that has published "Politics magic and Satanism" claims that essential is return to national self-determination!
The writer concludes that you have to abolish the ECB the EU multinationals all supranational institutions for the crime already made of treason. strategy adopted by the Political of the Bilderberg Group. "Bilderbergers with the purpose of occult (and thus in the hidden participants) for the establishment of an New World Order and of an World Government by 2012. Weapons Silent for the silent war "is a doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first meeting in the 1954. A copy found in the 1969 was in possession of the services of Information of the U.S. Navy ". Organization; Group of the Bilderberg recruit politicians ministers financiers Presidents of multinational moguls of the information Reali university professors men of a number of fields that with their decisions can influence the world. Trilateral Trilateral (meets industrial and businessman of the three blocks continental USA Europe Japan / Asia) and Commission of Foreign Relationship (3D CFR that or never from 1921 brings together all the characters that manage the U.S.).. "outer circle"? ? - "inner circle"?? ( but these are crazy)! U. Agnelli H. Kissinger Mario Monti ALL GOVERNORS of the CENTRAL BANK SPA. 33,000 bank accounts encrypted and cleanstreem called? 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. not has idea to who can compete on an investigation of the gender but I think that both interest of the appointed or suspected that an court [( ?) which one? views that to be of above of any jurisdiction?] enshrines their strangeness to the facts assumed also as hypothesis of Article The Lords of the World Secret History of the family of the Rothschild and of the New World Order of Giorgio Bongiovanni. 666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. The criminal power of the banking seigniorage is expropriated (seigniorage) of the 100% and debt ( interest) of the 100% more. ulteriormante indebted to other interests for an 70% (interest on interest = unresolvable debt cost). therefore as hypothesis of crime we have Association to crime genocide satanism fraud usury incitement to suicide induction and reduction to the slavery exploitation of the prostitution predation treason of the Constitution etc.. etc.. So the crime would be of these proportions which necessarily must be concealed but that even not is been even coined a word for to define it. Agency Italian Illuminati Mario Monti. Upon complaint of Mr Tremonti in TV Padoa Schioppa Prodi Veltroni group of people until then to me unknown the "Bilderbergers Italian:. 1995 Giovanni and Umberto Agnelli Mario Draghi Renato Ruggiero 1996 Franco Bernab is Mario Monti Walter Veltroni. 1997 Carlo Rossella Stefano Silvestri 1998 Emma Bonino Luigi Cavalchini Rainer Masera Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Siniscalco 1999 Paolo Fresco Francesco Giavazzi Alessandro Profumo. Illuminati and the Black Nobility MASTERS OF Masonic lodges. PRIESTS of SATAN'S INTERNATIONAL. the United Nations International Monetary Fund the U.S. President MULTINATIONAL ALL ALL NET WORK and THE NATIONAL TELEVISION NETWORKS (FOR CONCEALMENT of the seigniorage) Hollywood major studios are and Record Companies International
666 FED ECB 322 IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; vota Magdi Allam. In the 1871 plan of Weishaupt was further includes an his American follower Albert Pike that Processes an document for the establishment of an NWO (New World Order ) through three world wars. Would be enlightened all possessors of hyper riches the families of Rothschild ASTOR BUNDY; COLLINS DUPONT FREEMAN KENNEDY LI; ONASSIS Rockefeller Rothschild Russell Van Duyn the British Royal family Bill Clinton His Majesty the Prince Bernhard of Lippe of the Netherlands (former SS officer) that it is was the president until to when in the 1976 has had to resign for the scandal "Lockheed" and Joseph Retinger an "fixer" Polish
Harriman of the Morgan Guaranty.
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the United States speaks about supporting human rights and democracy but while the Saudis send troops to aid the Khalifa government America is sending arms.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying such an obvious double standard toward human rights violations in the Middle East. Washington condemns the violence of the Syrian government but turns a blind eye to blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain. This double standard is costing America its credibility across the region; and the message being understood is that if you are an ally of America then you can get away with abusing human rights. [322 agenda Talmud CIA FED 666 IMF [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. If the United States is serious about protecting human rights in the Arab world it should halt all arms sales to Bahrain bring Bahrain's abuses to the attention of the United Nations Security Council support a special session on Bahrain at the United Nations Human Rights Council and begin a conversation about potential diplomatic and economic sanctions.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. theCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama administration should also demand that high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable for human rights abuses and that nongovernmental organizations United Nations human rights investigators and journalists be allowed to enter the country and investigate abuses. At present the Bahraini government believes it has international immunity. [322 agenda Talmud CIA FED 666 IMF [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. It commits widespread human rights violations and business continues as usual the government continues to buy arms and negotiate lucrative deals without having to face any real consequences. This is why the most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison. Until the United States starts to put real pressure on its ally Bahrain's government has no incentive to change. No matter the price Bahrainis will keep demanding the very values — human rights and democracy — that the United States claims to stand for. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally].. It is an outrage that America continues to back a regime that tramples them. Zainab al-Khawaja an activist was arrested and jailed earlier this month and charged with inciting hatred against the Bahraini government. A version of this op-ed appeared in print on December 26 2012 on page A25 of the New York edition with the headline Bahrain a Brutal Ally. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. By ZAINAB al-KHAWAJA CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the Lede Blog Bahrain Jails Activist for Covering Protests on Twitter (December 19 2012). Activist’s Conviction Upheld in Test of Pledges by Bahrain (December 12 2012). Times Topic Bahrain News — the Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter. for Op-Ed followCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal followCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] andyrNYT. EARLIER this month Aqeel Abdul Mohsen 19 was shot in the face for protesting against Bahrain’s government. He was covered in blood with the lower side of his face blown open his jaw shattered and a broken hand hanging awkwardly from his wrist. It’s one of those images that you wish you had never seen and can never forget. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. After more than 10 hours of surgery and before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness his hospital room was already under guard by the police. Had he been able to speak he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding without medical attention while government security agents asked questions like “Were you participating in a protest? Who else was with you?”. Bahrain a small island nation off the coast of Saudi Arabia has been ruled by the Khalifa family for more than 200 years. It is also home to the headquarters of the United States Navy’s Fifth Fleet which patrols regional shipping lanes assists with missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and monitors Iran as tensions in the region mount. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally]. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the oppressed people of Bahrain joined the Arab Spring soon after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope Bahrainis took to the streets on Feb. 14 2011. Rich and poor Shiite and Sunni liberal and religious they felt what it was like to speak freely for the first time in the capital Manama at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center. the Pearl Roundabout came to symbolize the Bahraini revolution. But this newfound freedom didn’t last long.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the government’s security forces attacked the peaceful protesters then tore down the Pearl monument. and in March 2011 troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates intervened to suppress our pro-democracy protests. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. Going out on the streets carrying nothing but a flag and calling for democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting “down with the dictator” could lead to your being subjected to electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights and democracy can lead to life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police. and teenage protesters have been shot and killed. It’s not unusual in Bahrain to find families with four or five members in prison at the same time. My father Abdulhadi al-Khawaja was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front of my family as a report last year by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband and brother-in-law; they were all tortured. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. My husband was released in January and my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011; my father was sentenced to life in prison. He staged four hunger strikes; the longest lasted 110 days and almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.) But despite all these sacrifices the struggle for freedom and democracy in Bahrain seems hopeless because Bahrain’s rulers have powerful allies including Saudi Arabia and the United States. for Bahrainis there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between the Saudis and the Americans. Both are supporting the Khalifa regime to preserve their own interests even if the cost is the lives and rights of the people of Bahrain. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally].CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the United States speaks about supporting human rights and democracy but while the Saudis send troops to aid the Khalifa government America is sending arms.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. the United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying such an obvious double standard toward human rights violations in the Middle East. Washington condemns the violence of the Syrian government but turns a blind eye to blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain. This double standard is costing America its credibility across the region; and the message being understood is that if you are an ally of America then you can get away with abusing human rights. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel.. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. If the United States is serious about protecting human rights in the Arab world it should halt all arms sales to Bahrain bring Bahrain’s abuses to the attention of the United Nations Security Council support a special session on Bahrain at the United Nations Human Rights Council and begin a conversation about potential diplomatic and economic sanctions.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama. the democracy that you want from Syria? I want from the Barein and Saudi Arabia! because this is the truth "You're killing Israel and all mankind". Israel Mahdi:King UNIUS REI. theCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Obama administration should also demand that high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable for human rights abuses and that nongovernmental organizations United Nations human rights investigators and journalists be allowed to enter the country and investigate abuses. At present the Bahraini government believes it has international immunity. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. It commits widespread human rights violations and business continues as usual the government continues to buy arms and negotiate lucrative deals without having to face any real consequences. This is why the most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison. Until the United States starts to put real pressure on its ally Bahrain’s government has no incentive to change. No matter the price Bahrainis will keep demanding the very values — human rights and democracy that the United States claims to stand for. [FED NWO 322 agenda IMF Talmud for kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [terrorists Saudi Arabia Imperialism sharia NAZI for destroy my Israel in III WW nuclear]woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." by Unius Rei king of Israel. Bahrain a Brutal Ally. sharia salafis Brutal Ally. It is an outrage that America continues to back a regime that tramples them. Zainab al-Khawaja an activist was arrested and jailed earlier this month and charged with inciting hatred against the Bahraini government. A version of this op-ed appeared in print on December 26 2012 on page A25 of the New York edition with the headline Bahrain a Brutal Ally.
I am King of Israel ie king on all the world because only an idiot would not want to be my happy subject in fact my subjects do not pay taxes because I do not buy my money from the Rothschild Satanic Pharisee thief 666 IMF! Ie,I am kingdom of Palestine ie the first man that you find on the street? what I am an ordinary man because humility is truth to be an ordinary man so only God will be honored and exalted he alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 2CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ? Matthew 27.51. And behold the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride of all whole human race) was torn " - 1. Then went out the glory of grace for to bless all peoples 2. Then it is true that there is no need of a third Jewish Temple theoretically 3. but since the Masonic lobby the Pharisees of shit Neturei Karta Enlightened by Lucifer. and their satanic Talmud (all the worshipers of Baal IMF FED ECB 666 322 New World Order in secret) they enlightened have stole everything from my Jewish people in these last 5000 years. (so much so that even the King Solomon was forced to deliver the Ark of the Covenant,at the Queen of Sheba) 4. therefore all Jews are entitled to be restored consulates of all each of their lost!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 2CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ? Matthew 27.51. And behold the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride:of all whole human race) was torn! "- 5.'s Why we in the Kingdom of God we have decided to give this total recovery at the Jewish people 6. and for their love? also a double outpouring of the Holy Spirit will again be poured on all mankind and so 7. those that they had any form of loss violence and deprivation? 8. for the sake and love of my Jewish people? too they can be all rewarded refreshed and consulates in my Jewish Temple also them.. 9. here as is the true meaning of the word Jerusalem I am unius REI! all the people in Jerusalem shall be comforted!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 2CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
Per l'atto di amore dello Sposo divino Cristo? Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa tutto il genere umano) si squarciò!" --1. quindi uscì la Gloria della Grazia per benedire tutti i popoli 2. quindi è vero che non c'è più bisogno di un terzo Tempio Ebraico teoricamente 3. ma poiché la lobby massonica dei farisei di merda Neturei Karta Illuminati da lucifero.. e il loro satanico talmud (tutti gli adoratori di Baal FMI FED BCE 666 322 NWO in occulto) ha rubato tutto al mio popolo ebraico in questi ultimi 5000 anni.. (tanto che anche il Re Salomone fu costretto a consegnare l'Arca della Alleanza alla regina di Saba) 4. quindi tutti gli ebrei hanno diritto ad essere ristorati consolati di ogni loro perdita!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 3CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
Per l'atto di amore dello Sposo divino Cristo? Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa tutto il genere umano) si squarciò!" - 5. ecco perché noi nel Regno di Dio noi abbiamo deciso di dare questo recupero totale al popolo ebraico 6. e per loro amore? anche una doppia effusione di Spirito Santo sarà nuovamente effuso su tutto il Genere umano e così 7. tutti coloro che hanno avuto qualsiasi forma di perdita violenza e privazione? 8. per amore degli ebrei? anche loro potranno essere tutti ricompensati ristorati e consolati nel mio Tempio Ebraico 9. ecco quale è il vero significato della parola Gerusalemme Io sono Unius REI
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 4CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[WHY the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn represents:the HYMEN of MANKIND which breaking it make free effusion the GRACE of the Holy Spirit for to bless the whole human race?] Because Jesus in his supreme act of love infinite gave all of himself which is why his love has torn the veil of the temple and he brought out that is of all peoples the holiness of God that was kept enclosure:in the Jewish Temple as well on the cross which is the nuptial love of Christ God has enriched the Church (the human race) God has freed his grace and his mercy in Christ Jesus our Lord too for the benefit of all peoples "of good will" if there is no presence of the Holy Allah YHWH BRAMA in your life? then there is bondage and you are the slave of all your lies! Joel 2:28-32 And after this will be what I will pour my spirit upon all flesh;
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 4CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[WHY the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn represents HYMEN of MANKIND which breaking do the free effusion the GRACE the Holy Spirit to bless the whole human race?] And your children and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions. 29. And also upon the servants and upon pour out my spirit in those days. 30. And I will show wonders in the heavens and on earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke. 31. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. 32. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance as the Lord hath said and among those who had escaped from WW III that the Lord called.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 4CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ PERCHÉ il "VELO DEL TEMPIO"ebraico squarciato rappresenta l'IMENE del GENERE UMANO che rompendosi libera la effusione della GRAZIA; dello Spirito Santo per benedire tutto il genere umano?] perché Gesù nel suo supremo atto di amore infinito ha donato tutto di se ecco perché il suo amore ha lacerato il velo del tempio ed ha portato fuori cioè su tutti i popoli la santità di Dio che era conservata confinata nel Tempio ebraico così sulla croce che è il talamo dell'amore di Cristo Dio ha fecondato la Chiesa(tutto il genere umano) Dio ha liberato la sua grazia e la sua misericordia in Cristo Gesù nostro Signore anche a beneficio di tutti gli uomini "di buona volontà" if there is no presence of the Holy Allah YHWH BRAMA in your life? then there is bondage and you are the slave of all your lies! Gioele 2:28-32 E dopo questo avverrà che io spanderò il mio spirito sopra ogni carne,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 4CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ PERCHÉ il "VELO DEL TEMPIO"ebraico squarciato rappresenta l'IMENE del GENERE UMANO che rompendosi libera la effusione della GRAZIA; dello Spirito Santo per benedire tutto il genere umano?] e i vostri figliuoli e le vostre figliuole profetizzeranno i vostri vecchi avranno dei sogni i vostri giovani avranno delle visioni. 29. E anche sui servi e sulle serve spanderò in quei giorni il mio spirito. 30. E farò dei prodigi nei cieli e sulla terra sangue fuoco e colonne di fumo. 31. Il sole sarà mutato in tenebre e la luna in sangue prima che venga il grande e terribile giorno dell'Eterno. 32. E avverrà che chiunque invocherà il nome dell'Eterno sarà salvato; poiché sul monte Sion ed in Gerusalemme vi sarà salvezza come ha detto l'Eterno e fra gli scampati dalla III WW che l'Eterno chiamerà.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 4CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
of course Revelation Describes future events Such as World War III nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads helicopters tanks and fighter bombers etc... the impact devastating of a large asteroid and the consequent formation of mutant insects etc.. giant hail earthquakes tidal waves etc... of course John could not have our own technical language. Revelation speaks of the microchip 666 by the end of Chapter 13 not to have anything to say to peoples of our time! lol. the Ultrasound my enemies? are slightly higher to those of my friends. but this is the truth for all as well for me. we all need to convert our life and to walk more freely along the paths of virtue because if we do not donate our life? the world can not be saved!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette. Discounting to 01/10/2013 unius REI] : The priests that are the servants of My Son they with life and loss greed of money make possible the manifestation wrath of the Almighty. Consecrated men and priests remit My Son of new on the cross (modernism Freemasonry syncretism reincarnation spiritualism horoscope). Due to the behavior of the inhabitants of the earth it will be called the anger of the Heavenly Father. The leaders of the state (Masons) and the peoples have neglected prayer and penance the devil will be called from these stars (makers of science) become dark and full of errors ( all accomplices 666 IMF that he has stolen the monetary sovereignty ie stole the soul of all peoples). Humanity stands on the threshold of sad events and heavier punishments.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. The Church will live a very deep crisis (modernism mess Masonic omitted complaint the bank seigniorage). It will be the time of darkness. The sacred faith in God will fall in the forgetfulness the man without God lose love : for all things and each will be chief : of all the others. Will follow a crisis without : end with and violence arrogance of all kinds. He approaches this time where you will only see the triumph of the empire of oppression and the killers hatred and lies everyone try only:'s own selfish profit. Not there will be more love for family and the home. The Holy Father will suffer much. But I will be beside him and receive you his sacrifices. The triumph of evil not be insured for forever.. The temporal governments will all have the same purpose,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. that of breaking down the religious basis of the peoples and disperse for base materialism spiritualism and atheism... There will be a great war. God not it will be honored in Italy and in France the Gospel will be completely forgotten. The evil will come into every home. Many large of cities will be burned and almost destroyed others swallowed up by earthquakes. All believe that the end has come. The righteous will have much to suffer but their prayers and the sin offering will go right to heaven they implore my mercy and my help will be provided to them. Then the mercy of My Son will command the Angels of destroy the enemy in the world. [Revelations of : La Salette. Future date TBD unius REI] Suddenly all the enemies of the Church of Jesus Christ and disappear the Earth will become like a desert.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. After slowly begin a new era (unius REI) where the men of Earth will arise to real service of Christ. Peace harmony between men and God and love : for the next will take precedence over everything. The new government will become the right arm of the holy Church that it will really become the bearer of the virtues of Jesus Christ. The Gospel will be preached everywhere and men will make much of steps towards the true faith because there will be unity between the faithful of Christ and men live fruit of God [Revelations of : La Salette. ABOUT 01/10/2063 unius REI] This peace and concord between men not but will last a long time you forget that the sins of the world are the origin of all punishment that fall on Earth. [Revelations of : La Salette. ABOUT 01/10/2113 unius REI]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. A forerunner of the Antichrist will make its appearance and will be seen as the new God The seasons change the atmosphere also the water and focus cause terrible earthquakes and much of destruction and mountains the city will fall. And the stars the moon not they will have more strength of shine. Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist [revelations of : La Salette. ABOUT 10-01-2213/2313 unius REI]. The demons of the air in the air will produce prodigious phenomena (ALIENS) and on Earth (ZOMBIE). The men would be worse and worse. But God will always of his most faithful servants and men of goodwill. The Gospel will be preached everywhere and all peoples all nations shall know the truth of God,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. So I can call the apostles of the last times the faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who have led a life of humility and brave hardships in contemplation and silence in prayer and atonement in union with and God divine things. I can call them that they lived immersed in the pain and hidden from the world. The time comes on which they must show for fill the world of light. Then I will tell them "Go and shew my children and I will be with and you for you Fight the children of light for the glory of God and : of Jesus Christ." "The Savior of the world" such as will call him the prince of darkness emerge from the abyss that opened in the ground. He wants to raise superb in the air and reaching for the sky. But know the breath of the Archangel Michael and it will be stifled.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[].Will fall on the earth and will be sucked for forever in the eternal abyss of hell with his acolytes. [ Is the Last Judgement!] Then and water fire will purify Earth and all will be renewed. Then God will be served and honored. "[THE KINGDOM of GOD THE EARTHLY PARADISE ETC. is been RESTORED,] political theology or ab that agnostic the Kingdom of God. The needs of human life are seen from a perspective an theological that if secular because only genesis says that the man is made in the image and similarity of God This is : that human life is sacred and is quin of ak of above ideological systems religious and institutional at of outside the Judeo Christian we not we have a full sense of life that's why sacredness :
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. one of the symbols of atheism in 1990 is Benedetto Croce he understands the political value of Christian civilization and the defense this civilization as a foundation humanism and for respect of all the inviolable human rights! But us after 2000 years in contrast with existing regulations (presence of crucifix in public places and the symbol of Christmas)?. we decided for the suppression of these symbol we incapable of to understand the crime cultural and political,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[].if you read Daniel and Revelation? then you can have a vision more realistic in the future. [Revelations of : La Salette[]. That we commit with the lack of Christian symbols in fact capitalism and materialism have reduced man a objects of exploitation in favor of all religious ideologies criminals atheistic as is also for any form of maximalism intolerant! Indeed we have fallen into that that the satanic 666 IMF FED ECB doctrine the Talmud that he thought against us (myth of Marduk where the man is been created for to be used by the gods!) and against all those bastards of Jews that they have lost the paternal genealogies ie against all goyim!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[how it started the "pollution the" Masonic in the Catholic Church (advocates crime,of "partial truth")] is a story quite complex that has its tragic in the phenomenon of Jews Marranos who as were arrive inside as false Christians (but true Pharisees hidden)for to corrupt the Catholic Church from the inside as it is already in the century 1400 Jewish bankers were in control and management the power of money that is the most strategic form of power because the politicians always play function screen of truth to the people. Obviously though the greatest bulwark (the Catholic Church) was attacked by this infiltration also the other Christian confessions children also suffered such an attack. but a symbol of modern malaise of this Masonic poor decision was made by John XXIII and Paul VI to keep hidden the III secret of Fatima!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[how it started the "pollution the" Masonic in the Catholic Church (advocates crime,of "partial truth")] 1. betrayal of God has been done when the truth is not been reported in full and on time appropriate infact a partial truth is a form of betrayal manipulation:of the sanctity of the holy truth that is integral truth! the Church that he had not the courage to deny the truth of the revelations of Fatima (and it did so very willingly as against all other supernatural phenomena) has chosen in mode hypocritical to hide in part that truth! because if you believe that it is a truth? you would never have had to oppose it concealing for so long time! Why do not you that you have to decide when it is the time that you can make a revelation is God and not you ie as you has done against the same intentions of God!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[come è iniziato il "l'iquinamento" massonico nella Chiesa Cattolica(apologia di reato "verità parziale")] è una storia abbastanza complessa che affonda le sue ragici nel fenomeno dei giudei marrani i quali giungerò come falsi cristiani(ma veri farisei occulti) a corrompere la Chiesa Cattolica dall'interno poiché già nel secolo 1400 i banchieri ebrei avevano il controllo e la gestione del potere monetario cioè la più strategica forma di potere perché i politici svolgono sempre la funzione di paravento della verità nei confronti del popolo. ovviamente se il più grande baluardo(la Chiesa Cattolica) fu attaccato da questa infiltrazione anche le altre confessioni cristiane minori subirono ugualmente tale attacco. ma un simbolo moderno di questo malessere massonico è stato dato dalla infausta decisione di Giovanni XXIII e di Paolo VI di tenere occultato il segreto di FATIMA!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 5CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[come è iniziato il "l'iquinamento" massonico nella Chiesa Cattolica(apologia di reato "verità parziale")] 1. tradimento verso Dio; è stato fatto quando la verità non è stata comunicata integralmente e tempestivamente infatti anche una verità parziale è una forma di tradimento manipolazione della santità della verità santa cioè integrale! la Chiesa che non aveva il coraggio di negare la verità delle rivelazioni di Fatima(e lo avrebbe fatto molto volentieri come contro tutti gli altri fenomeni soprannaturali) ha fatto la scelta ipocrita di occultare in parte tale verità! perché se tu credi che è una verità? tu non avresti mai dovuto opporti ad essa occultandola per tanto tempo! Perché non sei tu che devi decidere quando è il momento giust di poter fare una rivelazione contro le stesse intenzioni di Dio!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 6CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
crazy "SatanDarken " said:"Catholic Church is the scarlet whore of Babylon(Egypt) with the golden goblet of the fornication of the blood of the saints who are martyred for believing in Christ(ie king saudi arabia sharia horror and his accomplice talmud Rothschild IMF 666 FED ECB owl gods at Bohemian Grove?). There are many false messiahs also prophets and I made my sacrifice(human for satan your?) to stop this once and for all. I made my sacrifice by the blood of my lord((ie the billy goat owl shadow died without blood?)) and I'm the angle of death who will carry out the punishment on those who do not believe in the blood of the innocent one(ie innocent:saint cannibal ie all parasitic moneylenders thieves of seigniorage banking IMF Marduk 666 322 JabulON?). Anyone who who tries to drown me out with false teachings will be punished accordingly. My warpaint is supreme(and now teaches the skeletons of the cemetery?).--ANSWER-- lol. VERY EDUCATIONAL
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] Matthew 23 13-22. Lectio 1) Prayer O God that Thou will join in one the minds of the faithful grant unto thy people to love what thou commands and desire what what you promise because among the events of the world there are fixed our hearts where true joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.. amen alleluia! 2) From the Gospel according to Matthew 23.13-22. At that time Jesus spoke saying "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you so you do not enter and do not leave even enter those who want to get them. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites walking around in the sea and earth to make one proselyte and is made ye make him the child of hell than yourselves.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
Woe to you blind guides which say Whosoever shall swear by the temple it is not true but whoever swears by the gold of the temple he is obligated. Ye fools and blind what is greater the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? And you say Whosoever shall swear by the altar it is not true but whoever swears by the gift that is upon it he is obligated. Blind! What is greater the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Well whoever swears by the altar swears by the altar and everything on it and he who swears by the temple swears by the temple and by Him who dwells in it. And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him that sitteth thereon. " 3) Reflection Over the next three days we meditate on Jesus's speech criticizing the teachers of the law and the Pharisees calling them hypocrites.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] In the Gospel of Today (Mt 23.13-22) Jesus pronounces against them four times the expression "Woe to you.." (Mt 23.23-26) and in the Gospel of the day after tomorrow the pronunciation twice more (Mt 23 27-32). Are expressions against the religious leaders of the time and are very harsh words. In meditate I think not only the doctors and the Pharisees of Jesus' time but also hypocritical that is in me in us in our family in the community in our church in today's society. Look in the mirror of the text to find out what is wrong with ourselves. Matthew 23.13 The first 'Woe to you..' against those who close the door of the kingdom for so you will not enter and do not let those who want to even enter into it.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] How to close the United? Presenting God as a severe judge leaving little room for mercy. Imposing in the name of God laws and regulations that have nothing to do with the commandments of God falsifying the image of the kingdom and killing the desire to serve God and the Kingdom. A community that is organized around this false god "does not enter into the Kingdom" nor is it an expression of the Kingdom and prevents its members from entering the Kingdom. Matthew 23.14 The second "Woe to you.." goes against those who use religion to get rich. You who exploited widows and steal their homes and to hide it say long prayers! For this reason you will receive a very severe condemnation. "
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] Jesus allows disciples to live the gospel for it says that the laborer deserves his wages (Lk 10:7 cf. 1 Cor 9.13 to 14) but use the prayer and religion as a means to get rich this is hypocrisy and not reveals the Good News of God transforms religion into a market. Jesus drove the merchants from the Temple (Mark 11.15-19) quoting the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. But you have made it a den of thieves "(Mark 11.17; cf. Is 56:7; Jr 7:11). When the magician Simon wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit Peter cursed him (Acts 8.18 to 24). Simone received a "very severe condemnation" of which Jesus speaks in today's Gospel.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] Matthew 23 15 The third expression of 'Woe to you..' is against those who proselytize "walking around in the sea and land to make one proselyte and is made ye make him the child of hell than yourselves." There are people who are missionaries and proclaim the gospel is not to spread the Good News but to attract people to their group or their church. Once John forbade a person to use the name of Jesus because he was not part of his group. Jesus answered "I do not banned because whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:39). The document of the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Latin America which was held in March 2008 in Aparecida Brazil as the title
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] "Disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ so that in Him our peoples may have life. "In other words the purpose of the mission is to make sure that people not become Catholic but that the peoples may have life and life in abundance. Matthew 23.16-22 The fourth Woe to you..! is against those who do oath "You say whosoever shall swear by the temple it is true but whoever swears by the gold of the temple he is obligated." Jesus gives a long disquisition to show the inconsistency of many oaths that people did or that the official religion ordered to do oath by the gold of the Temple or the offer that is on the altar. The teaching of Jesus as in the Sermon on the Mount is the best commentary on the message of today's Gospel:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel you kill the Pharisee IMF FED ECB occult power of 666 satanic Talmud Baal Marduk owl and his Freemason 322 JabullOn and you live together to all of us instead!] "But I I say to you Do not swear in any way neither by heaven for it is God's throne nor by the earth for it is the footstool of His feet or by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great King. Do not swear by your head because you have the power to make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply 'Yes or no no more than this comes from evil. "(Mt 5.34 to 37). 4) Personal Four' Woe to you.. ' four reasons receive severe criticism from Jesus Which of the four critical refers to me? Our church is worth today these 'Woe to you' by Jesus? 5) Concluding prayer Sing to the Lord a new song sing to the Lord all the earth. sing to the Lord bless his name. (Psalm 95)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
save us Israel YHWH! save us all Israel YHWH Help all your friend help yourself also lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 2CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israel if you not kill 666 IMF Baal owl IMF Marduk FED lucifer ECB Enlightened lucifer pharisee talmud at bohemian Grove? than thay 322 JabullOn will kill you and us all!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Matteo 23,13-22. Lectio 1) Preghiera O Dio che Tu unisci in un solo volere le menti dei fedeli concedi al tuo popolo di amare ciò che tu comandi e desiderare ciò ciò che tu prometti perché fra le vicende del mondo là siano fissi i nostri cuori dove è la vera gioia. Per il nostro Signore Gesù Cristo... amen alleluia! 2) Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo 23,13-22. In quel tempo Gesù parlò dicendo "Guai a voi scribi e farisei ipocriti che chiudete il regno dei cieli davanti agli uomini; perché così voi non vi entrate e non lasciate entrare nemmeno quelli che loro vogliono entrarci. Guai a voi scribi e farisei ipocriti che percorrete il mare e la terra per fare un solo proselito e ottenutolo lo rendete figlio della Geenna il doppio di voi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Guai a voi guide cieche che dite Se si giura per il tempio non vale ma se si giura per l'oro del tempio si è obbligati. Stolti e ciechi che cosa è più grande l'oro o il tempio che rende sacro l'oro? E dite ancora Se si giura per l'altare non vale ma se si giura per l'offerta che vi sta sopra si resta obbligati. Ciechi! Che cosa è più grande l'offerta o l'altare che rende sacra l'offerta? Ebbene chi giura per l'altare giura per l'altare e per quanto vi sta sopra; e chi giura per il tempio giura per il tempio e per Colui che l'abita. E chi giura per il cielo giura per il trono di Dio e per Colui che vi è assiso". 3) Riflessione Nei prossimi tre giorni meditiamo il discorso pronunciato da Gesù che critica i dottori della legge ed i farisei chiamandoli ipocriti.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Nel vangelo di oggi (Mt 23,13-22) Gesù pronuncia contro di loro quattro volte l'espressione "Guai a voi..." (Mt 23,23-26) e nel vangelo di dopodomani la pronuncia altre due volte (Mt 23,27-32). Sono espressioni contro i capi religiosi dell'epoca e sono parole molto dure. Nel meditarle devo pensare non solo ai dottori ed ai farisei del tempo di Gesù ma anche e soprattutto all'ipocrita che si trova in me in noi nella nostra famiglia nella comunità nella nostra Chiesa nella società di oggi. Guardiamo nello specchio del testo per scoprire ciò che c'è di sbagliato in noi stessi. Matteo 23,13 Il primo 'Guai a voi...' contro coloro che chiudono la porta del Regno perché così voi non vi entrate e non lasciate entrare nemmeno quelli che vogliono entrarci.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Come chiudono il Regno? Presentando Dio come un giudice severo lasciando poco spazio alla misericordia. Imponendo in nome di Dio leggi e norme che non hanno nulla a che vedere con i comandamenti di Dio falsificando l'immagine del Regno ed uccidendo il desiderio di servire Dio e il Regno. Una comunità che si organizza attorno a questo falso dio "non entra nel Regno" non è nemmeno espressione del Regno ed impedisce che i suoi membri entrino nel Regno. Matteo 23,14 Il secondo "Guai a voi..." va contro coloro che usano la religione per arricchirsi. Voi che sfruttate le vedove e rubate nelle loro case e per occultarlo dite lunghe orazioni! Per questo voi riceverete una condanna più severa".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Gesù permette ai discepoli di vivere il vangelo poiché dice che l'operaio ha diritto al suo salario (Lc 10,7; cf. 1Cor 9,13-14) ma usare la preghiera e la religione come mezzo per arricchirsi ciò è ipocrisia e non rivela la Buona Novella di Dio. Trasforma la religione in un mercato. Gesù scaccia i commercianti dal Tempio (Mc 11,15-19) citando i profeti Isaia e Geremia "La mia casa sarà chiamata casa di preghiera per tutte le genti. Voi invece ne avete fatto una spelonca di ladroni" (Mc 11,17; cf Is 56,7; Jr 7,11). Quando il mago Simone volle comprare il dono dello Spirito Santo Pietro lo maledisse (At 8,18-24). Simone ricevette la "condanna più severa" di cui Gesù parla nel vangelo di oggi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] Matteo 23,15 La terza espressione di 'Guai a voi...' è contro coloro che fanno proselitismo "che percorrete il mare e la terra per fare un solo proselito e ottenutolo lo rendete figlio della Geenna il doppio di voi". Ci sono persone che si fanno missionari e annunciano il vangelo non per irradiare la Buona Novella ma per attrarre le persone per il loro gruppo o la loro chiesa. Una volta Giovanni proibì ad una persona di usare il nome di Gesù perché non faceva parte del suo gruppo. Gesù rispose "Non lo proibite poiché chi non è contro di noi è a nostro favore (Mc 9,39). Il documento dell'Assemblea Plenaria dei vescovi dell'America Latina che si è svolta a marzo del 2008 ad Aparecida Brasile ha come titolo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] "Discepoli e missionari di Gesù Cristo affinché in Lui i nostri popoli abbiano vita." Ossia lo scopo della missione non è fare in modo che la gente diventi cattolica ma che i popoli abbiano vita e vita in abbondanza. Matteo 23,16-22 Il quarto Guai a voi..! è contro coloro che fanno giuramento "Voi dite se si giura per il tempio non vale ma se si giura per l'oro del tempio si è obbligati". Gesù fa una lunga disquisizione per mostrare l'incoerenza di tanti giuramenti che la gente faceva o che la religione ufficiale ordinava di fare giuramenti per l'oro del Tempio o per l'offerta che sta sull'altare. L'insegnamento di Gesù dato nel Discorso della Montagna è il migliore commento del messaggio del vangelo di oggi:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ] Israele tu uccidi il fariseo FMI FED BCE occult power of 666 satanic talmud Baal owl Marduk e il suo massone 322 JabullOn e tu vivi insieme a tutti noi invece!] "Ma io vi dico non giurate in modo alcuno né per il cielo perché è il trono di Dio né per la terra perché è lo sgabello per i suoi piedi né per Gerusalemme perché è la città del gran re. Non giurare neppure per la tua testa perché non hai il potere di rendere bianco o nero un solo capello. Sia invece il vostro parlare sì sì; no no; il di più viene dal maligno." (Mt 5,34-37). 4) Per un confronto personale Sono quattro 'Guai a voi...' quattro motivi per ricevere una critica severa da parte di Gesù. Quale delle quattro critiche si riferisce a me? La nostra Chiesa merita oggi questi 'Guai a voi' da parte di Gesù? 5) Preghiera finale Cantate al Signore un canto nuovo cantate al Signore da tutta la terra. Cantate al Signore benedite il suo nome. (Sal 95)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 13CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
BettterSkatez 666 IMF --- son of perdition! if your Pharisees were not going to exterminate all the whole human race and Israel? my ministry political universal it would be never existed. and certainly you know what is the banking seigniorage! fils de la perdition! si vos pharisiens on ne va pas à exterminer toute la race humaine tout entière et Israël? mon ministère universel politique ce serait jamais existé. et certainement vous savez ce qui est le seigneuriage bancaire! -- hijo de perdición! si los fariseos no iban a exterminar toda la raza humana en su conjunto e Israel? mi ministerio político universal que sería nunca existió. y desde luego sabes lo que es el señoreaje bancario! - Sohn des Verderbens! wenn Ihr Pharisäer waren nicht zu vernichten all das ganze Menschengeschlecht und Israel? meinen Dienst politische universal wäre es nie gegeben. und natürlich Sie wissen was ist das Bankensystem Seigniorage!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 14CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[to save Israel and all mankind it is necessary to kill the Pharisees 666 IMF and all Freemasons 322 NWO] because instead of being happy for my explanation of Matthew 27.51[[ And behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom the earth shook and the rocks were split 52 the tombs also were opened and many bodies of the saints fallen asleep were raised. 53 And out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many]].. they have continued to do slander against me! their lives are incompatible with the life of all mankind 1. while "the veil of the Temple was torn an immense blessing was released on All Nations." 2. but was given released a double blessing over my people Israel only,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by alleluia REI Unius♰:King Israel: Mahdi 14CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ]
[to save Israel and all mankind it is necessary to kill the Pharisees 666 IMF and all Freemasons 322 NWO] in fact only to them the Jews saw many saints resurrected. (then it is not necessary to be a Christian for be holy with God) and while even the most hardened hearts became full of love "rocks were broken". the Pharisees accomplice IMF 666 Baal continued to do slander (like now) with of theiir curse freemasonry 322 JabullOn. While many Jews decided to follow Jesus at the cost of their own lives. in this way many holy people who had been resurrected by God were put to death again! Matthew 27:13. "Do not you see what that the Pharisees are saying against you?" asked Pilate to Jesus.

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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- 264 dissociato
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- 274 decalogue of Moses
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++++++++++++ ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
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Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
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Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel