["We are victims of an plot international. Today after the one that
you are in West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed into the
headquarters of Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya,
Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of
killing Christians. ] Our civilization suicide bends for to defend
those who want to destroy us. of Magdi Cristiano Allam.
27/05/2013 080902 (Il Giornale) - How much is happening around and
inside of us makes us touch with hand the agony of secular civilization
and liberal West, both in its economic dimension, capitalism, both in
its political dimension, democracy, both in its constitutional
dimension, I Status national, both in its spiritual dimension,
Christianity. and not it is the approaching of a death due to failure of
our civilization, but orientation partially unconscious and totally
irresponsible to commit suicide, choosing of submit to the dictatorship
of speculative finance and twofold dell 'eurocracy that are killing and
the real economy the substantive democracy, the dictatorship of the
globalism that it knocks down our borders and dell'immigrazionismo
promotes the ideology, the dictatorship of the relativism that
undermines the core values of our humanity by promoting the spread of
Islamic ideology with her led of terrorism, violence, hatred,
destruction, will, and dissimulation culture of death.
How not see the report mirror and complementary between the attack of
two of the terrorists British Christian converts to Islam that behead
the soldier UK Christian to and London the acquittal of the first
Minister UK Christian qualifying the attack as an "betrayal of Islam"?
as we could explain the fact that the network of mosques and of radical
Islamic movements, such as Al Muhajiroun (The Emigrants), whose leaders -
the Anglo-Pakistani Anjem Choudary and the Syrian Omar Bakri - have
welcomed the cutter head and praised the attack, continue the activity
of "production" of Islamic terrorists, if not considering the power of
Islamic finance in the City and this blackmail Perpetual the sheiks
that lavish petrodollars to condition that you build mosques?
Such as not we could take note of the ratio of the interdependence
between supply Sheikh of the Qatar Mohamed Al Hemadi in visit to Mazara
of the Vallo the last May 16 ("I Available to contribute to the
consolidation started the Casbah by the City Council, through an action
to my cost of Recovery territorial that also provides for the creation
of a mosque"), the 'enthusiastic reception of the Mayor Nicola Cristaldi
("The proposal of Sheikh is reason pride for our policy and
multicultural multi-ethnic and we think is right that our city has a
mosque "), and the full support of the bishop, Monsignor Domenico
Mogavero (" The mosque is an law fundamental. is freedom of worship, an
right people's basic that not it can be ignored either in name of a
misunderstood reciprocity ").
Equally as you may not reflect on the silence of European governments
about the presence of over 800 Islamic terrorists with European
citizenship in Syria where they fight for in size group Jabhat to
explaining Front (Victory) , tied up Al Qaeda, killing Christians and
Muslim minorities, while the European Union is officially sided with
Islamic terrorists together to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar? as are
self-explanatory the embarrassment of the French President Hollande to
mentioning the identity of the Islamic terrorist that has tried of cut
the throats of an soldier French to Paris and that the authorities
Swedish to make public the names of immigrants that a week are placing
to iron and to fire the suburbs of Stockholm and of other cities?
The truth is that servile dictatorships financial Eurocratic, globalist
and relativist Us nell'autocensura precipitates vietandoci of accurately
represent reality. So as suffer our reduction one state of poverty even
though we are an rich country submitting ourselves to terrorism
psychological of those who would have us believe that the power of the
banks, the single currency and the market globalized would be and
inviolable irreversible, also suffer the dispossession of our values
and the loss of our identity to because of the choice of the political
class, the Curia and Catholic the hegemonic culture that legitimate the
'Islam and the killing national borders.
The agony of our civilization and secular Liberal emerges as the homage
the costs that the costs of the formal dimension capitalism, democracy,
and the nation spirituality, up to to the point to debase and give up
the substantial size, that brings us to be ashamed of, to say calmly,
firmly and proudly that this is our home, that Italy is the home of the
Italian. On the contrary we of self-imposed consider our home as a land
of none, where anyone can take possession, to scream speakerphone that
due to him and rights freedom even if is entered illegally, if you
reside irregularly, if opera for and destroy destroy us. Well this agony
not is not is a calamity our mission is to redeem our right inalienable
to life, dignity and the freedom to here home.
twitter @ magdicristiano
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] To Colle Val D'Elsa the new mosque "Italian" megaphone
fundamentalism Islam. of Magdi Cristiano Allam. 19/05/2013 091731 (Il
Giornale) - At last we have a mosque Italian! Wanted by Italian
anticipating the same claims of the Islamists, managed by Italians in
cahoots with Muslims, funded by the Italian together with Muslims, with
an imam (religious leader) Italian converted by Muslims. The mosque of
Colle Val D'Elsa, of Debuting, embodies the suicidal choice of Italy
ideologically colluding with Islam of ally themselves with their own
aspirant executioner, devoting to sacrificial victim on the altar of
the relativism, of the doing good, of the pro-Islamism and of the more
unconventional materialism.
We are seeing, for, many unknowingly for Other irresponsibly, the
evolution of species dell'islamicamente correct in Italy. At the
beginning there was the mosque of Segrate, the first with dome and
minaret, which was granted scope local treat the will of the Islamic
community of foreign to put down roots in the our Country. After is sort
the Great Mosque of Rome, financed by Saudi Arabia, built in scope the
national political class that has ruled in the First Republic as
monument the choice of Italy ally and of submit to the holders of the
god oil on the shores of the other the Mediterranean. Now, finally, in
the context of globalization inspired by multiculturalism and from
speculative finance, will inaugurate the Mosque of Colle Val D'Elsa
wanted and managed by an Italian public institution, the Town (managed
as usual, by and communists from them descendants), funded with a total
of 500,000 Euros an Italian bank, Monte dei Paschi of Siena, for through
its Foundation (also in the hands of the Communists and the them
descendants). As well it will be the first mosque that in Italy will
represent and act as a case of resonance of the so-called "Arab Spring",
the most colossal media lie that has enabled the advent the power of
the fundamentalists and the Islamic extremists own of front-to our
house, accepting generous donations of the Qatar and Saudi Arabia (cost
total the mosque is of of 1.5 million EUR), that are own those that
finance Islamic terrorists that are killing Christians and Muslim
minorities not Sunni.
They are states before Marco Spinelli, mayor Ds to Colle from 1994 to
2004, and then her successor Paul Brogden, of the emblem the rising
bad-communism that has marked the Second Republic, in them as of members
of the Foundation of the Monte dei Paschi of Siena to want to all costs
the mosque, by promoting the grant of 500,000 Euros to end lost (of
which 300 thousand for the mosque and EUR 200 thousand for the
redevelopment of the surrounding area), offering half the area of the
park Municipal San Lazzaro in the neighborhood Abbey (3,200 square
meters) to the self-styled "of the Muslim community Siena and province,
"entrusting and paying the study of feasibility architect Tarantino
Danilo Raccuja, converted Islam, rejecting, two referendum promoted by
the citizens of Glues why the construction of mosque not have an
"interest in the question of an project presented as an subject Private
bearer of definitive deserving of rights protection according to
statutory principles of good faith," even if then contradicting the
City has decided of not cash charges of urbanization and construction
and of setting an rent of the soil slightly more that Symbolic.
Our Islamist allies would be "a person Private bearer of definitive
entitlements deserving of protection according to statutory principles
of good faith"? But they know all that behind the code "of the Muslim
Community of Siena and province," that has signed with the City
agreement for the construction of the mosque, lies the Ucoii ,
ideologically affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood, those that with the
acronym Hamas practice terrorism suicide, that in Syria are responsible
of heinous massacres, that in Egypt aim the elimination of Christians.
It ' light and round Article 2 of the status Annex time of opening the
file "Community of Muslims of Siena and province," recorded to
Poggibonsi at lo Study of the notary Andrea Pescatori March 17 1999 (No.
217, series 1, 260,000 paid L.) "The Association of Community and
acceding Islamic Organizations in Italy (Ucoii)."
In an interview with the weekly magazine of the New Yorker May 2006,
Oriana Fallaci said, "I do not want to see this very mosque close to my
house in Tuscany, not I want to See also minaret of 24 meters in the
landscape of Giotto When I not I can not even wear a cross or bring a
Bible in the their Country! if I'm still alive I will go by my friends
anarchists to Carrara and with them I take Explosives and I can jump in
the air. "
Poor Oriana! We must blame first of all with ourselves! The case the
mosque of Colle Val D'Elsa touch with us hand that we are our us the
main enemy, that first of of the worry terrorism Islamic we must take
care of our vocation to suicide of our civilization. After the offensive
and policy media to favor of ius soli, the decriminalization of the
crime of entrance illegal, the banning the word "illegal", exaltation
dell'immigrazionismo with for the unconditional opening of our borders,
with the inauguration of the first mosque Italian are making an
additional step in forward the direction of the abyss. And then redeem
the our law and duty to be fully ourselves to our house claiming the
resignation of both the Minister Integration Kyenge that he says, "I
could not be entirely Italian," is the stop mosques that promote the
ideology of Islamic soaked hatred, violence and death. Stop the mosque!
twitter @ magdicristiano
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] To comparison with Nigel Farage I love Italy is a
candidate to represent the opposition all'Eurocrazia in Italy. of Magdi
Cristiano Allam. 14/05/2013 203307 Dear friends of I love Italy, this
afternoon the seat of the Parliament European to Brussels there was a
meeting of the Group of 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy (Eld) chaired
by Nigel Farage, leader of the UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party)
and Co-chaired by Francesco Spurs of the Northern League, to I adhere to
as vice president as the leader of I love Italy.
Farage has illustrated the new policy prodottasi in United Kingdom with
the recent success UKIP that has obtained about 25% in local elections,
becoming the third political force after and the Labour the
Conservatives . "Today there are 4 of the ministers Government Cameron
that of done marry UKIP favorable position at the exit of the United
Kingdom the European Union. It is of an change historical why it is our
choice Set the center politics. Anyone would dream more of irriderci and
Us become a structural reality of the country. "
The colleague Fiorello Provera, the Northern League, has expected that
in the next Parliament European the face of the euro-skeptics or
euro-critics will be much more consistent. In this context Farage
believes that the euro-skepticism will be transversely in all the
political right to the left. Mario Borghezio, always the Northern
League, has highlighted the need of equip this common front euro-skeptic
of a political platform that Us light the key points shared.
In my action I said two concepts. The first one is the political
opportunity and of media qualify in positive and not only in negative,
ie of highlight that we are to favor of monetary sovereignty and
legislative, and not only that are against the euro and against this
Europe of bankers and bureaucrats. The second is the opportunity of give
life to a network of political parties that in each country
participating in the European Union and promote the same strategy that,
as a whole, serve to encourage the growth electoral of each individual
in the own Country.
Well, dearest of friends I love Italy, I turn to for you manifest the
belief that I love Italy can and should act as subject political that
in Italy is the face of the opposition and all'Eurocrazia the promoter
of the Ransom of our monetary sovereignty, legislative, judicial and
national. These instances are present in single-issue but some
associations that not have neither a policy nor a presence in
consistency the institutions, while not are all no in no political
actors present in the Parliament. I take the opportunity for detect that
both Beppe Grillo is Roberto Maroni you are both pronounced to favor of
an referendum on the euro (can not is permissible with the current
laws), but both have clear of to be for the euro and the European Union.
We will work as of now for consolidate our movement and make it to the
next European elections in the May 2014 ready to achieve consensus the
Italians that will be aware of the necessity of redeem the our
sovereignty for to revive him development and employment, and safeguard
the family the local community, ensure an the future for the young.
Let's go forward! Together we will succeed!
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] Lo ius soli? The shot of grace that kill our civilization.
of Magdi Cristiano Allam. 13/05/2013 080123 (Il Giornale) - Is the
front of the captive-Communists supported unfortunately by CEI (Italian
Episcopal Conference), that promotes the offensive for the legalization
of ius soli the right automatic citizenship to those born in Italy. Lo
ius soli promises as stroke of grace that kill our civilization and
secular Liberal on the floor and values identity, in Parallel with the
financial and the European dictatorships that are killing our
civilization on the floor economic and social. A reflection that is also
necessary in the light of the tragedy caused by the Ghanaian Kabobo to
where we have given asylum policy even in the more absolute contempt of
our civilization.
Such as the de-Christianization of Europe is occurred more for adherence
to the ideology of the Europeans relativism in its religious declension
that has created "enmity against of ourselves," as the called
masterfully Benedict XVI, that for over Islam, equally likely of the
Italian nation to be sunk by our most the same repudiation of our
civilization, the very existence or sconfessandone however, the
goodness, for uncritically adopt the ideology of the globalism to
regardless of its consequences for us and for our children, that
impetuousness of immigrants.
Is since Maximum D'Azeglio (1798-1866) said, "We have done Italy, now it
is of Italians do", that it is spread the place common that not is
there any Italian civilization, understood as a common platform of
values and national identity. not to case those that they promote the
ideology of the globalism, that is based on the idea that the world is
one land and that humanity has an unconditional right of the settle
everywhere desires, are those that deny, oppose and scoff the concept
the same of Italian national identity.
Is the case of Paul Gandolfi, MP Pd, that in reference to a petition for
my the resignation of the newly appointed minister Integration Kyenge
Cécile for he argued, "I could not be entirely Italian "after to have
sworn on the Constitution of performing his duties in the" exclusive "of
the nation, has replied in fashion mocking" Unfortunately are high 1
meter and 90 cm and my name denotes blatant and Gandolfi incontestable
Lombard origins, dating back to the sixth, century AD I admit of not
feel completely Italian, also why When hear the scent French fries,
walking for a town of Flanders, only that then I feel really to home.
Compounding all what I think, also that those born in Italy and is to be
Italian. for this I ask you kindly of sign a petition also for ask for
my resignation from Parliament. " Sandra Paw, Parliamentarian of the
Democratic Party, I wrote "His reflections are hallucinating (...) to
civilization you are referring to is really as far as initiatives his
own. Prides nationalists devastated and our history our peoples. "
Comments by the Italian parliament or Europeans of the center-right. I
take act that if there is to intervene on the key issues that concern
the size of the values, identity and civilization that match the
certainty of who we are, is more easy that the face the front of the
relativists and the globalists, that not who has to the heart of the
Italian nation. Also in this case, as well as and it happened before
during the election campaign, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of
CEI, it is heard in of duty go in field to favor of ius just saying that
is an "law a fundamental human that in the this must be safeguarded."
The center-right and all the Italians that love Italy, that have to
heart the future of our children should Acting for valoriali and support
the reasons identity that substantiated our civilization, for clarify
that the Italian nation not is a desert land, that not we want either
transform in a colony of the Chinese economic and financial nor in a
colony of Islamic religious-cultural.
twitter @ magdicristiano
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] The Kyenge resign why has sworn false not it can serve the
unique Italy's interest of those who say not be "entirely Italian." of
Magdi Cristiano Allam. 06/05/2013 081629 to name of the Italians that
love Italy and that have to heart the supreme interest the Italians ask
for the resignation of the newly appointed minister for l 'Integration
Kyenge Cécile for swearing false on the Constitution.
Upon assuming his office, Sunday, April 28 at the Quirinale, had said
the ritual formula "I swear of to be faithful to the Republic of
faithfully observe the Constitution and laws and of perform my duties in
'exclusive interest the nation. " But in his first press conference to
Palace Chigi Friday, May 3 has said that "I could not be entirely
Italian," what that is Incompatible with the oath of performing his
duties in the interest " exclusive "of the nation. These are his words
"I am a Italo-Congolese, and I want to stress, are Italo-Congolese why I
belong to two cultures, to two countries that are inside of me and not
I could be entirely Italian, not I might be entirely Congolese, this
also justifies my double identity, what justifies what that I I port
behind. This is with the first thing when I said I would like to be
defined. "
For the first time in the history of the Republic shall be designated an
Minister that not you hear of the all Italian and that not neither
intends to become one why it is conceived as depositary of a double
national identity, Italo-Congolese, saying candidly of belong to and the
two countries to two cultures. in addition to the clear constitutional
and incompatibility policy entrusting an ministry of the Republic to an
citizen that not you will recognize or identify with Italian identity in
its entirety, the Kyenge embodies distortion the and our culture our
tradition about the concept of nationality of a corporation of Homeland
and of the nation.
It is clear that if there being an vice of origin, ie not adherence to
national identity in Italian mode full and exclusive, not we must be
surprised that the Kyenge put before the claims of immigrants than The
basic Italian, arriving to conceive as national priorities for the
automatic granting of citizenship to the children of foreigners born in
Italy, that to them again automatically agree parents the right even if
citizenship not exist the conditions specified by the law, abolition of
the crime of underground, the closure of Cie (Centres of identification
and of expulsion) and the legalization of undocumented immigrants, the
reception of immigrants unconditional why would be only a resource and
never and then never an problem, the wider extension of the right
kindergarten political.
The choice of Kyenge is fruit the share of the part an large
foot-in-catholic-communist dell'immigrazionismo relativist ideology, the
ideology that requires of us to consider the positive and immigration
immigrants good to regardless of the consequences for the our lived and
our daily lives. In the photo of of the family new Government Been to
Kyenge is reserved the place of honor, between the head the Status
Napolitano and the President of the Council Letta. Is state only an
excess of sake for not being labeled as racist if you were mixed, as
well as should be in the middle the government team?
Her to be "black", as she has wanted to be publicly qualified is become
the distinction that not we can of ideas worth contesting the charge of
racism? if Been are united the racists (I of Egyptian origin with a
mother that it was pitch black of Sudanese origin!) for having supported
"Before Italians," explaining that, above all in a tragic stage which
44% of households not get to end of the month, Italians should be
granted priority in access the goods and services, then we must
reformulate the contents of the basic concepts of our civilization. We
should, to say that Italy not is the more the homeland of the Italians
but the land of all those that that port and plant their tents that the
Italian identity not longer corresponds to Christian roots, culture and
secular liberal, fundamental rights of the person, that Italian
civilization not is the more qualitative dimension that enhances the
excellence of its history but the quantitative dimension that sum
instances of identity, and cultures different religions that is put on
the same plan to apart from them content.
We do that we are proud of being 100% Italian, to apart from the fact of
being born abroad and of skin color, we support to speakerphone that
Italy is Homeland the Italians, we ask that the integration takes place
in the context national identity and values the rules of Italian
citizenship, as well as ask, that immigration should be included, as
well as regulated by fostering lo development and conditions of decent
living in the countries of origin of immigrants to make migration is the
result of a choice and not of compulsion. Since 2005, I proposed to the
then President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi the birth of the
Ministry Identity, Citizenship and Integration Cooperation development,
such as it was actually made by Sarkozy in France in the 2007. Now more
that never, "Before Italians"!
twitter @ magdicristiano
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] Unique success of Nigel Farage in Great Britain it grows
in all'Eurocrazia opposition across Europe. of Magdi Cristiano Allam.
04/05/2013 135418 Unique success of the Party for the Independence of
the United Kingdom, UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party), led by
Nigel Farage, the local elections that have concerned 35 Tips of County
and of Metropolitan area. Winning a total of 130 seats, representing 25%
of the vote, the UKIP becomes the third party Britain behind to Labor
and Conservatives and overcoming the Liberals. He had 8 directors in the
2009, now it has in all 147, with 17% more of the vote.
Farage is MEP and chairs the Group Europe of Freedom and Democracy
(Eld), to which adheres I love Italy and to which I participate as
vice-president ELD.
The UKIP has participated the elections with strong three proposals no
Europe (exit by the European Union), no immigrants (freezing visas for 5
years), no to gay marriage (but yes to civil unions).
Success UKIP highlighted the growth in across Europe of the foot
opposite all'Eurocrazia and favorable for a redemption of full monetary
sovereignty, legislative, judicial and national of each the state.
In recent weeks in Germany is emerged an new Subject political,
Alternative for Germany, Wizard Bernd Lucke, is given some surveys up
20%, but in any case with an consensus more than 7%.
In France, Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, resulting in
second place in the polls after former President Sarkozy today if you go
to vote again, while Hollande rushes in third place.
In the rest Europe the positions of the parties hostile all'Eurocrazia
swing both on the floor identity (where you record even racist
connotations) is on the floor of the consent.
I love Italy is the only one Subject political that in explicitly
promotes Italy's exit from the euro is both the European Union, with an a
proposal and secular liberal that focuses on the person, the natural
family, the local community, not the values negotiable, rules and the
common good.
I love Italy points out that an indication of the M5S and the Northern
League as political actors that in Italy is connoterebbero as
Eurosceptics is of the everything unfounded, why Grillo is both Maroni
clearly said of to be favorable and the euro both the European Union. It
is of an will journalism that makes us understand with how much
superficiality or perhaps for devious motives operate the Italian press.
From today will promote with the greater force of the mission redeem our
sovereignty, dignity and confident of freedom to have an increasingly
viewed elsewhere in Europe thanks to the increased awareness of the
responsibility of the European Dictatorship in the destruction of the
real economy and impoverishment the citizens.
Let's go forward in time to our mission to give a soul to Italy and Europe! Together we will succeed!
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] With Letta is born the consociational regime expression of
the Dictatorship financial and relativist media
Magdi Cristiano Allam. 30/04/2013 132412 with the government of Enrico
Letta Italy is established an consociational regime to whose members are
PD, PDL and Choice Civic that consecrates the triumph of financial
dictatorship that is based on the dictatorship of relativism and is
Dictatorship supported by the media.
When 13 months of the Government Mario Monti when the same subjects were
political and allies they barricaded behind the so-called technicians,
are now leave at discovered for to build with the greater determination
same strategy of statement of speculative finance and globalized
Eurocracy stripping of the all Italy of its monetary sovereignty,
legislative, judicial and national.
The consociativismo Letta version is the glue of the castaways of party
politics an PDL that survives only thanks to the charisma of the
Berlusconi forced to remain why scene deny him an safe-conduct the
judiciary ideological , an Pd that is imploded with Secretary Bersani
forced to resign why incapable of gain respect and of assert its
strategy within of the her the same party; Choice Civic that born
beheaded for the inaction of an Monti servant of the bankers confused
for the savior of his country.
Since its early stages it is clear that the parties conceive Government
Having read as a footbridge for privileged media continue the campaign,
in order of increasing consensus each for your self-interest, in the
knowledge That early, you will return to vote.
Is the case the scripted Imu, council tax only on the first house,
introduced by Monti in the January 2011 with the approval of the
Democratic Party, PDL and UDC, that in campaign Berlusconi had promised
of return, that yesterday while Letta of gain confidence in the House
had promised of suspend payment to June, but that today is the newly
appointed minister for Relations with the Parliament, Dario
Franceschini, it is reneged all saying, "the IMU not will be removed,
there will be an extension for the installment of June," is the newly
appointed minister for Regional Affairs, Graziano Delrio, has confirmed
that "the IMU will be suspended for the installment of June with the
commitment to lighten it all for the least the poor. The work will be
done with the Parliament, not we can either know the point of landing. "
and you not you think that this charade has been agreed, that each of
them also reads role, certain of we can treat as if we incapable of
understanding and of the will, to the point that an day allow of and to
say one thing the day of the exact support contrary without that by the
citizens there is a reaction of Outrage or the choice of rebel?
The truth is that Letta is dependent on the same powers and globalized
financial eurocratici to they belong Monti, Napolitano, Dragons, Prodi,
Amato, Ciampi, Bonino. to About Bonino, you've never as asked is can
that you may have been given the charge of important Minister Foreign
despite having the Party Radical, to to which she belongs, obtained an
result is disastrous in the last election and that therefore not is not
even represented in Parliament? The answer is that the appointment of
Bonino is had been endorsed by the powers that flow in the Group
Bilderberg to she is a member.
I love Italy urges Italians to distance themselves from the government
why Letta is the same strategy initiated by Monti, aimed at the
destruction and the real economy the condemnation to death of business,
depletion of Italians and to disruption the families that not be able to
carry out the most vital function of social safety net.
I love calls to Italy collection of all Italians goodwill for create an
front, wider possible face a redemption of our monetary sovereignty,
legislative, judicial and national. Solo with exit from the euro and and
from this Europe of bureaucrats the bankers we redeem our inalienable
rights to life, dignity and freedom for to be fully ourselves in our
beloved Italy, our common home.
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] Lo scandal of the hostages in Syria Italy so legitimate
terrorists. of Magdi Cristiano Allam. 15/04/2013 081752 (from the
newspaper) - we are all of the satisfied release the four Italian
journalists Amedeo Ricucci, Susan Dabbous, Elio Colavolpe and Andrea
Vignali ten days later their Seizure April 4 in Syria by Islamic
terrorists of the Jabhat Al Nusra Front (Front for Victory). and to this
point, becomes secondary if Italy has or less Given a counterpart doubt
more that legitimate given our established reputation of paying of the
fine Terrorism Islamic in change of the release of our countrymen. But
what on which not we can either settle, otherwise the loss our
credibility and dignity as Status height of to protect her freedom and
sovereignty, is the immediate decision of outlaw Al Nusra Front , such
as is the case of Al Qaeda to which is officially affiliated.
We know all that in the time Italy is straight from an government
resigned. We know even that the sixties our Country has chosen for the
backroom deals with Middle Eastern terrorists, closing an eye on them in
the logistics business our territory in Rate insurance that not we
would hit. Agreements that not are were, however, observed from the
fringes dissidents. But at least Monti to take the lead, right on the
basis of the seizure of our countrymen, of to promote a resolution of
the European Union ban of the Nusra Front, as well as have already done
since the United States by last December. Above own while held our four
journalists, the chief of the Nusra Front, Abu Mohammad al-Golani (or
Julani), has confirmed April 10 his loyalty to the leader of Al Qaeda
Ayman al -Zawahiri. Well since that, on the basis of international
resolutions, the United Nations, and the United States the European
Union have put to notice either Al Qaeda or any group connected to it,
we must just ask for respect international law.
And if look closely the atrocities committed by Al Nusra Front, we
should horrified of the idea consider them as interlocutors with they
treat behind the scenes maybe for safeguard our future economic
interests in the area change of money or weapons. The last february At
Nusra Front has claimed 49 of the 60 suicide terrorist attacks
perpetrated in Syria from the beginning of the conflict internal which,
remember, is held in the frame of the media lie of the "Arab Spring."
These attacks have provoked of thousands and the dead of injured. At
Nusra Front has widespread in network video that show running in direct
of Military and Civilians with an blow the neck, the burning of people
still alive, decapitation of abandoned corpses outdoors. The victims of
Al Nusra Front are mainly Christians and Muslims not Sunnis, to since
the Alawites to it belongs to President Assad, Druze and more in General
Shiites, all considered as infidels. On April 4, the Sheikh Yasir
al-Ajlawni has issued a fatwa, verdict legal Islamic, that the
legitimate rape perpetrated the damage of "any Syrian woman not Sunni."
to his Warning capture and rape Christian women or Shia not is contrary
to the precepts of Islam.
On April 5, the bishop Syrian Issam John Darwish, in an meeting to
Milan, there has warned "Syria is become the haunt Islamic terrorists
from all over the world. if not stop them in Middle East not there will
be more Christians such as is already happened the Jews. But know that
after will this turn Europe. " in Syria about an opera thousand of
Islamic terrorists in Europe, of Nationality British, French, and
Spanish Belgian, that fight in size to Al Nusra Front, among which there
are of Christians converted to ' Islam. The our enemy is already inside
our house!
We in Syria support directly and Islamic terrorists in here we allow
Europe that I become and go for there carry out the "holy war." Is a
suicidal madness! Alarm Italy, European Union, Catholic Church,
Christians of all the churches, the United States, the United Nations
put outlaw Islamic terrorists of Al Nusra Front! twitter @
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] Entrepreneurs and suicide genocide of Christians where is
the Church?. of Magdi Cristiano Allam.
08/04/2013 075835 (from the newspaper) - The funeral of the three
suicides for the economic crisis, spouses Romeo Dionisi, Anna Maria and
Sopranzi his brother, Joseph, held Saturday last in Church of St. Peter
and Paul of Civitanova Marche, have demonstrated that Italians are aware
that it is of an "assassination of the state," merciless imposing the
highest Level of taxation in the world, a fugitive in the back their
debts to companies that are a total of 130 billion (estimated Cgia),
tormentor in the expect even more of the Due executioner in assisting
impassive the death of its citizens.
At the time the same has confirmed changed attitude the Church which,
while considering suicide a manifest breach of the value not Negotiable
of the sacredness of life from conception natural death, grants to
religious funerals for suicide economic reasons because of victims an
injustice unsustainable. to the point that Archbishop of Subject Luigi
Conti, President of the Bishops 'Conference of the Marches, during the
homily has he himself implicitly married the thesis of' "murder of the
State" turning an appeal to "those that govern us why do early and you
make account that not we can make more (...) not you can imagine how
many people ask me for help, but lately are scared. not are only the
workers to apply to me but also entrepreneurs. "
The archbishop's words are difficult to reconcile with the official
position of the Secretariat Status and the Vatican the Italian Episcopal
Conference that have publicly and directly supported Government Monti
year of the its sent and in the election campaign in which resolved an
failure. why is just Mount official representative of the global
speculative finance (Goldman Sachs, Moody's Group Bilderberg) that
killing the real economy, condemning to death enterprises (about a
thousand a day), reducing in poverty Italians (over 1 million of laid
off in the 2012).
Just This context means that the praise poverty with where Papa
Francesco has opened his pontificate of risk being misunderstood as an
invitation to resignation. Contrariwise Italians would expect the strong
denunciation of the Church the overwhelming power of the banks
speculative, of the Fund Monetary International, European Central Bank
and of this European Union subject to the god € and to of the
dictatorship relativism.
There is a second emergency to the Church should give a clear answer and
strong the genocide of Christians in Islamic countries. The set of the
Mediterranean is Been Christian up the Seventh century. with the wars
and forced conversion, and the eastern shore Southern are be submissive
to Islam. After forcing to flee Jews, Muslims today are pursuing a clear
strategy of expulsion of the Christians. The bishop Catholic Syrian
Issam John Darwish, speaking to Milan last Friday, is Been categorical
"We are victims of an plot international. Today after the one that you
are in West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed into the
headquarters of Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya,
Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of
killing Christians. if Europe is not help Christians in East will also
his turn. Extremism Muslim on the southern shore of the Mediterranean
inevitably hit the north shore. " in the weekend Egypt Islamic
extremists have killed at least 7 and Christians attacked the main
Coptic cathedral in Cairo. Well also in this case the Church should
immerse themselves in the reality of Eastern Christians that are
suffering an true and own genocide, instead of insisting on the suicidal
madness of the legitimacy of Islam.
Entrepreneurs and suicide the genocide of the Christians of the East are
Two emergencies that challenge the Church and that put to naked the
imperative of combine what that it says, in what where and you believe
that that it actually does.
twitter @ magdicristiano
["We are victims of an plot international. (Caliphate of the world IMF,
Bildenberg agenda NWO World War) Today after the one that you are in
West called Arab Spring, Syria is transformed in the headquarters of
Islamic terrorists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan Chechnya united by the will of killing
Christians. ] For save our businesses it Status to issue currency to
credit and free ourselves from the constraints of the Draw of the
financial statements, of the Fiscal Compact and of the Covenant of
stability. of Magdi Cristiano Allam. 04/04/2013 184753 in Italy died
about 1000 companies per day. Most companies die why creditor since that
the debtors not pay and the principal debtor is insolvent lo State that
companies must not less of of 100 billion €. The truth is that I Status
this money is not he has and not you can get them.
Not them has in absolute having the our debt public now breached the $ 2
trillion of Euros reaching the level of the 127% respect GDP (Product
Interior Gross). Neither can have them having Signature Both Draw of the
budget, even entered in the Constitution, is the so-called Fiscal
Compact, an the Treaty European with where we are self-imposed of
reducing public expenditure of about 45 billion of euro a year for the
next 20 years, up to to to achieve a ratio of the 60% of debt public and
That is why of the face of the promise return 20 billion of euro in the
2013 or more an fifth of the Due after that the president of
Confindustria Squinzi has repeated for the umpteenth time that
companies are to extreme, the government Mountains arrabatta doing false
papers, or looking of remove the public money under form of increased
the fees for give it to companies . But we are own sure that our money,
the money of the Italians that are reduced more and more poverty, will
be for businesses? No! They will go to the banks! Do you know why? why
companies that are you survived are debt with banks for to continue to
pay the contractors, salaries, taxes. So the money of the poor citizens
will be to in the end the pockets of the rich banks!
I love Italy launches a national mobilization for save our companies
from the financial dictatorship embodied by the government and Mounts
from this Europe of bureaucrats and bankers. Mobilize for redeem our
monetary sovereignty that concrete results in the output from the euro,
why only realistically through the issuance of currency to credit by the
Status allows you to return 100 billion of € of debts to companies and
more General, settle debts without being forced to issuing new debt the
securities of Status to debt, which burdens the interests that now
amount to about 80 billion of EUR year and that to them turn translate
in new taxes or in new public spending cuts.
The issue of 100 billion of EUR to cost zero is an act that this relates
to our national sovereignty. This money, since that materialize in
work, development, production of goods and services will be of the
everything inverati and not generate inflation, ensuring the well-being
of the community.
In order for the Ransom of our monetary sovereignty can take place, is
should be out dall'Eurocrazia is free themselves from the shackles
imposed on us by this Europe under form of the requirement of the Draw
of the budget entered in the Constitution, of the Fiscal Compact and of
the Covenant of internal stability. The latter, that the Covenant
follows of stability and growth contemplated the Treaty of Maastricht
(debt equity Public Administration - GDP less than 3% and ratio Debt
public-GDP to 60% ), prevents even the virtuous community of being able
to dispose of its resources for promote the development of the territory
and to honor their debts to companies.
In parallel is certainly necessary drastically reduce the cost of
public administration. In this regard, I love Italy, in the protection
of the right and duty to suitable employment, dignified and fruitful,
promotes the elimination of unnecessary or entities useless as Regions,
Provinces, Municipal Services, the approved, the Senate of the Republic.
Only so we can drastically reduce both taxes and the cost of the work,
for support the revitalization of the development entrusting
entrepreneurs in the context of the rules defined and enforced by Status
and public institutions.
We are aware that it is of an invasive, it is the only effective for
revive the fortunes of an Italy and dying to liberate Europe and
executioner a globalized financial speculation criminal.
Location in a situation of Upper alarm not there is more allowed beating
around the bush of front companies that die, families that
s'impoveriscono, the adult unemployed, young unemployed and that not
see never retirement. We Italians not we deserve This class policy that
has devastated Italy. Rebel crime that being transformed Italy rich in
Italian poor! Mobilize together to The Italians of goodwill for redeem
our inalienable rights to life, dignity and freedom! Together we will
France is can we reconcile Islam with secularism? Interview to Abbruzzese.
Peter Vernizzi.
24/05/2013 141421 (Source
Status secular and radical Islam at clash muscle in France. From an side
there is an model of the most secular societies in the world, with
President Hollande that of recently has introduced the marriage and
adoptions by same-sex couples. On the other hand there is a large Muslim
community, politically influential, and that offers of substantial
funding from of United as the United Arab Emirates. for curbing the
spread of extremism Muslim in the French prisons, Paris is come to
employ 60 imams for preach tolerant interpretation of the Qur'an inside
the country's prisons. Ilsussidiario.net has interview Salvatore
Believes that the operation of Hollande in the French prisons can succeed?
The fundamental problem of this initiative is that any employee public
French is held the oath of and allegiance to the Republic the laws of
State. is pretty obvious that this raises in be an conflict with obvious
radical Islam. There is a difficulty in objectively line of right, and I
wonder as This can not be seen on the part of Islam as an effort of
insert a potential spin-off to her inside.
Explain professor.
The statements of loyalty to the secular French Republic can be
interpreted from the wing radical as a statement incompatible with
loyalty to the Quran, setting everything required for an conflict inner
the Islamic community, in what this. This may also not future, but not I
would be surprised, if inside some members of radical Islam took, the
distances to these imams / paid by the officials State, which not may be
such, without recognizing and in the values legal principles and moral
of the French Republic. if for this an Catholic not creates particular
problems within of a particular interpretation of the universe Islamic
may submit several.
Up to that point, Islam in France is likely, of to become a force egemonizzante?
Do not call it a force egemonizzante. Surely there is a striking
presence, and society the French institutions remain but potentially
secular. It is an example emblematic passage of the law on the wedding,
and above all the adoption of the part of children gay couples. We have
saw to an true and own clash muscle determined as an sure so of the
secular understanding, too, against the same French company. is to this
level that I see in act very hegemony strong. However, the fact that the
United Arab Emirates is when you get to fund the reconstruction of the
Parisian banlieues (suburbs) is definitely an element of important be
aware of.
What do you think instead of the choice of Two French Ministers of
boycott a conference of the Islamic intellectual participated Triq
Tariq Ramadan is Been accused of to have contact with the universe
terrorist, to the point that if the University of Aosta him has invited,
the Autonomous Province has withdrawn its presence and her contribution
the conference, blocking of the fact the initiative. On Tariq Ramadan
is an open discussion, it is accused of having had an attitude,
condescending towards the more radical of the world Islamic environment,
including terrorists. From 2004 to 2010, the U.S. authorities have even
prohibited of to go on the ground american, and, only, three years ago,
Hillary Clinton has decided of withdraw the ban.
Believes that the of Ramadan is an case isolated, or the symptom of an more widespread problem?
The true origin of the problem is that Islam is a religious reality
extremely particular in that is even immediately a political reality. is
a radical differences, not we have never forget that Islam not is
Christianity. The latter has permissions lo State secular, ponendone the
ontological premises, while in the world Islamic secularism is an
aberration for and some a curse for Other.
Europe that madness satire equate Islam with terrorism.
Magdi Cristiano Allam.
22/09/2012 by 'the newspaper (24/09/2012). The European Union wants to
ban the vilification the religions with binding legislation on the floor
of the law international and the does submitting to terrorism Islamic
unleashed in the aftermath of the spread of an film and the publication
of Muhammad cartoons judged blasphemous. not it was never happened that
under blackmail of the Terrorism Muslim that has shot dead dozens of
people and destroyed embassies, churches, shops and homes, the European
Union underwrite a joint statement with the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation, the Arab League and the African Union, in which puts on the
same floor an film and with the cartoons Terrorism Islamic as "acts of
extremists on both sides. " In the statement, signed September 20 from
Above Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Catherine Ashton,
it supports the argument of the reactive Terrorism Islamic, according to
the film and the vignettes correspond "all ' hate religion "that has
made" incitement hostility and violence "as well it is stated that
terrorism Islamic would be a form of deviance" of small groups of people
"that not represent Islam inherently moderate espresso the "larger
communities from which they come."
The idea of suppress for legal criticism and Islam to Muhammad was aired
on September 19 by the Minister Foreign Terzi that he had felt duty
warn that in Italy defamation of religions is offense. Always Thirds
September 20 has he also put it on the same floor criticism of Islam
with terrorism Islamic claiming that "it is absolutely legitimate by
governments blocking of That sites are subject of not behaviors
positive, of incitement to hatred, of refusal of understand the other,
as well as of sites that have a them criminal power. "
I wonder why global institutions would punish criticism of Islam and the
Koran with the laws binding to level international, while anyone think
of ban means the complete chain that, to since the preaching of hatred
in the mosques, culminating in the Islamic terror attacks? why the
European Union and no government European is addressed for strongly
condemn the ad of the Minister Pakistan Railways, Gulam Ahmad Bilor,
that has offered a size of $ 100,000 for the killing of the producer
film "The innocence of Muslims"? and not it seems to me that is the
proper response of the government Pakistan that it is limited to declare
that it is treated of "an independent initiative of the minister." But
as an Minister the State incitement to murder offering money to those
anywhere in the world kill an man guilty of having expressed their
opinion about Muhammad and its Government it is limited to opt out? And
it is the same the government that 21 September had incited the people
to revolt and proclaimed an "Day Love for the Prophet", which culminated
with 23 dead and 200 wounded, the of destruction an evangelical church
with adjoining school where they studied 500 students.
Well I consider absolutely legitimate and the affirmation of the truth
the critical representation, also in artistic key or satirical, and
Islam Muhammad. So very well that terrorism Islamic is always of
aggressive nature, not reactive, being an integral part of a strategy
that is based on the obligation Koran of imposing even with violence
everywhere in the world Islam considered as the only true religion. are
aware that terrorism the size-language that brings us to not and say to
not do anything about that can hurt the susceptibilities of the Muslims
is even more harmful for the fate of our civilization of the terrorism
the throat-cutting that physically annihilate us.
I ask to this Union European relativistic, materialistic and Islamically
correct of recover the use of reason and rediscover the healthy
self-love safeguarding the our legitimate rights freedom of expression,
by promoting on the floor of the law international crime of incitement
to criminal for religious purposes, stating as "a crime against
humanity" Terrorism Islamic species in its suicidal. not is all true
that all religions are equal, that Jesus and Muhammad are the same
thing, that Islam, like Judaism and of the Christianity believe in same
God and would love to the same way the next. not give up the right and
duty of safeguarding recognize the truth and ever freedom nonetheless.
Wake up! twitter @ magdicristiano
Cons the myth of the "Arab Spring."
Thomas Monfeli.
25/09/2012 154512.
REPORT presented at the conference ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM OF CHRISTIANS (MEMORIAL Oriana Fallaci - FLORENCE, September 16, 2012).
Lord and gentlemen, good morning. I divide my action in two parts. In
the first, I mean briefly present the association "Fight or Flight"
("Overcoming Fear") is incorporated in the last month of June for the
initiative of Dr. Valentina Colombo, an expert of geopolitics of the
world Islamic, and linked to the movement political "Me I love Italy"
founded MEP and former Deputy Director of the Corriere della Sera Magdi
Cristiano Allam, who converted to Christianity and baptized by the
Supreme Pope Benedict XVI in the mists of Easter of the 2008, of which I
am part together with other lawyers.
The association stems from the awareness that the jihadist threat, has
now exceeded the limitation of the world Islamic (that Islam, however,
not recognize, considering them an legacy of the Western colonial
impositions) and it is established in Europe, thanks to the connivance
of the Western countries with exporting nations of oil and of the
ideology relativism, of the Multiculturalism and of the third world,
that result in law and particularly tolerant favorable towards
immigration and Islam the uses and costumes of the same sharia.
One of the techniques of the jihad is the constant intimidation of the
opponent and its demonization, that someone has defined as "reductio to
Hitlerum." Anyone, in the name of freedom of an expression, it allows of
to criticize the conduct displayed in Muhammad's life, that for the
Muslims take normative value, or of highlight aspects of Islamic
civilization that appear more problematic in the light of Western
culture (both in terms of the view of Christianity, and from the more
strictly secular, that finds expression in the catalogs of "human
rights") is immediately accused of to be an enemy of Islam, reactionary,
pointing to him to danger the public from gag and often, when becomes
the object of "fatwa", must fear for his own personal safety, to the
point by having to emigrate, or to live under protection even inside at
home. Famous are the cases, for to be the most famous, of Salman
Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the same Magdi Cristiano Allam, personality
between them as very different to reference values and cultural,
That you are threat of being found in common death by Islamic
fundamentalists for as content in them written. In addition, in the our
western cities there is everything an undergrowth of situations where
people of Christian religion (sometimes immigrants from Muslim countries
own for escape persecution) can be found threatened by Muslim fanatics
and see compromised their personal freedom, but that not jump why the
headlines not involve of characters first, floor. Recently, the quote
only to title of example, I are busy professionally defense of a mother
of Egyptian family of Coptic religion which, fled in Italy Egypt, for
escape to atrocious harassment (still on the door face the signs of a
sfregiatura, with acid suffered as a young man) it is found persecuted,
insulted and threatened by an Islamic extremist, for the streets of
Milan! It is of unfortunately phenomena in growth, although, again, if
the media care for them only when we beat the dead or When to be the
victim of such threats or violence are characters of prominent of the
world political, cultural or intellectual. Other phenomenon on not is
underestimated the tendency on the part of Muslim immigrants that are to
contact with a civilization that to them is unacceptable, morally
corrupt and decadent (and below this aspect we must recognize that may
have them reasons), to decline of morals Western life and to seek refuge
in sharia, because less for to identify the conduct to be within their
families. So we have had in Italian cases of teenage girls killed in way
by their ritual same joint of sex male because, for example, had
started relationship with an boy Italian not Muslim or why refused the
veil and dressed with an clothing equal to one of them Italian peers,
judged too Western and therefore improper. Even here, I can to limit
myself remember the two most tragic cases and famous, those of Hina and
Sanaa, killing at Italy - an country that describes itself as secular -
from them in the same family because claimed in them everyday behavior
incompatible with independence the dictates of sharia.
Opposite to threats of this type, of which too a few are aware, you need
to react. for this why, as I mentioned, is was founded the association
"Fight or Flight", that has the purpose of to preserve, in sense first,
the freedom of speech, of an expression and of religion Italy, in Europe
and in the world the Arab-Islamic world. in so specifically, that
association will take care of providing support legal and, if possible,
financial to anyone who is the target of the so-called "legal jihad", to
anyone, is imposed for the conversion able to celebrate their own
marriage civil, with a Muslim woman, to any person who, being
threatened, or suffer violence, in name of a tradition or of a religion,
to any person who, being a victim of segregation , and ill-treatment
discrimination, in name of a religion, to any person who, being more in
General threatened and therefore limited in their freedom of religion
and expression. Likewise provide correct information on the above
issues. The Association also aims of curb the actions of all those
individuals and associations, which seek of limit and suppress freedom
of expression and of religion on topics such as Islam, the 'radical
Islam, terrorism and financing of the terrorism, religious freedom,
using the instrument Legal or doing make laws, instigation to hatred and
anti-defamation laws against Islamophobia. Victims of such legal
procedures are analysts, politicians, journalists, and famous not, and
ordinary citizens. On the other hand victims of discrimination for
religious and tradition-bound are often women. The Association will also
be responsible of all those Muslims / and that are accused, directly or
indirectly, of apostasy in order of protect / and and guarantee them
total freedom in the live and practice their faith.
I hope that the association "Fight or Flight" to find support to level
international and penetrate an network that the enabling of operate at
its best for the acquisition of its purpose.
This for the On the first part of the mine action.
In the second, shorter, I would like to mention an phenomenon, to my
Warning disturbing, that involves the means of the Western. I take cue
as I heard an pair of nights ago while I was tuned on an famous Italian
satellite channel, where in the course of a transmission of deepening
the riots exploded in the world Islam, to result of the controversial
American film Muhammad, you are alternating to talk about two of the
commentators in vogue in television lounges, both of experts
geopolitics, Lucio Caracciolo, director of the magazine Limes, and
Stefano Silvestri, president of the Institute International Affairs.
Both of these commentators, albeit with different shades, are accredited
the thesis that the Muslim Brotherhood, that is come to power through
formally democratic elections after the reversal the existing
dictatorial regimes of Ben Ali , and Mubarak Gaddafi, it would be an
movement everything added peaceful, democratic and moderate with the
West, like it or not, and can must resign to live, because less for
avoid fundamentalist tendencies even worse, while the upheavals
resulting from the spread of the films about Muhammad (but actually know
that, at least in the case the assault the American embassy in Libya,
it is was of actions planned for some time, that expected only the
pretext for to be put in practice) would be the work of the Salafist
movement linked to al-Qaida, whose objective would be of to derail the
revolution that in the Western media are under the name of "Arab
Spring" (Spring, because after the winter of dictators supported by the
West, would finally opened up the doors of democracy and of the welfare
to of populations those lands).
Allow me dissent from of so authoritative scholars. The revolutions that
have concerned, and that continued still to affect (see Syria), the
Arab countries to Muslim majority, not are an the taking of the bank
power by the radical organizations of mold Salafi, but rather, they are
the prelude. In fact, to Aside from the fact that there are obvious
areas of contiguity between these movements, apparently in competition
with each other, the fact remains undeniable that Muslim Brotherhood and
Salafist terrorists, if rates differ because to strategy, they have in
actually an unique common goal, consisting in the total Islamization of
society, with the reduction of minorities not Muslim (Christians first
and foremost for historical reasons) the role of "dhimmi" deprived of
their most basic rights, including the right to life, integrity and
personal safety, and of its assets and of freedom to practice the
Christian religion. We have had a demonstration as never clear are these
days. And violence and so widespread protests prolonged in all the
world Islam, would be were unimaginable to a little more of an year ago,
when they were to power much despised dictatorial regimes . We must
therefore out of our heads that and the revolutions democracy are for
force a good thing, as in in reality certain contexts, which in fact
that Islamic, are the prelude of a terrible persecution for the
inhabitants of Christians those lands, that if not act (and if not
intervene we will be morally complicit) may take on apocalyptic
dimensions. Thank you.
The massacres in Syria if Christianity not he says, that Islam is an enemy death, will be swept away.
by Silvana De Mari.
10/10/2012 220059 News atrocious arrive from Syria. Photo of churches
and plundered bombed, Islamic Jihad militants that show in carousels
made with cars the crosses torn as booty of the war. The photo of an
child slain. The photo of an man with the face swollen for that laugh
Been is ripped an eye. The photo of an corpse which is was cut away the
face alive.
A group of children is squatting the aftermath of the convent that served as an orphanage.
A dozen of sleeping for children on the ground Floor of a classroom are
refugees in Lebanon, welcomed in the why schools not there is other.
Muslims also suffer in this terrible war three hundred thousand are in
Jordan, stories in refugee camps, but for them at least there is some
help for them rise refugee camps tents, cooking , latrines playgrounds.
for Christians not there are aid. International aid are distributed by
Islamic organizations that not succor Christians. why they should? One
the aims of the civil war in Syria is "purify Christianity from Syria."
Syria is the second cradle of Christianity. The three hundred the oldest
churches are in Syria, or perhaps it would be more correct, to say that
were in Syria, up to year last year. Now not know what remains. The
third is the cradle of Christianity the place that now it is called
Turkey, why it takes its name from the Turkish population arrived from
Central Asia. The city that now called Istanbul was called
Constantinople and is the city where Christianity is out of the
persecution, so it should be a holy city of the Christianity.
Constantinople is fall May 29 of the and in 1453 was Tuesday. The event
Been is such a tragedy that it has been placed by the populace, on the
same floor the crucifixion of Christ of which took place on Friday, and
recalled, in a sort of proverb. of Venus and of Mars, not we get married
and not it starts, and not you start an art. The superstition is an
effort of to make the story predictable removing it from the madness,
and contains, as every myth, the reality of the events. He began with
the massacre of the socket Constantinople eradication of Christianity
from the Mediterranean. The Christians were 100%. of the population of
"Turkey" at the beginning of the century last they were 30%, then the
genocide of the Armenians, and the forced conversions the flight have
reduced the number to 0, 6%. In the city where is the Book of Revelation
was written of San Giovanni Christianity not longer exists. The Book of
Revelation is addressed to the Churches of Asia, why Christianity it
was an Asian Religion Asia is almost completely eradicated. Tourists in
Turkey are accompanied by guides that show ruins with written and Greek
Latin that them not know decipher why should they? The language of the
defeated, as their culture is garbage. Christianity between not a lot
not exist in Syria, for delete we must destroy the bodies of Christians,
kill them, torture them, push them to flee. Their pain is unheard.
Listening to him is politically incorrect, it means blowing up the big
lie of the Dialogue Interreligious go to communicate with the militia
that cry happy after having destroyed and a church on them jeeps are to
hunting of Christians. It means to blow up the lie that not is in act
one clash of civilization. It means to blow up the lie that the problem
is Israel. Many religious hierarchies like Islam, let's face this truth,
why is damn true. Violation the Gospel that order, an strict orders,
absolute, the obligation principal of each Christian, of to evangelize,
to bring the Good News, that is a and a single, state that all religions
lead to God and reject of "proselytizing", ie convert. The Cardinal of
Milan has completed the chilling gesture of bow before Ramadan his task
it was stated that Ramadan is a cruel practice that forces to Starvation
and thirst and destroys the ability of work, destroys the same neurons,
and say this up martyrdom.
Christianity not exist shortly in North Africa, that when he was a
Christian he was rich, green, Libya was the granary empire, was caught
the library of Alexandria, philosophical arguments, the beautiful
paintings as those of Fayum everything deleted, everything lost.
Agriculture entrusted to slave has destroyed irrigation, that requires
work smart, not forced, of People that works for self and for their
children. The cutting of trees for manufacture the ships that for
centuries supplied slaves, it was my people, has desertified North
Africa. Been Sudan is an place rich and read, Coptic cradle of
civilization, that Egypt has reached Ethiopia. The kingdoms of Copts
Dongola and Axum have participated the First Crusade. Lo have made for
to free the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed by Muslims, that crucified the
pilgrims the idiocy of religion of Islam peace and tolerance let's leave
it to the ravings of the Director Ridley Scott, the 'idiocy of the
Crusades made for economic reasons in an era that the economy not you
had no idea, let's leave it to the criticism of the Marxist historians,
who, poor things, start the assumption that Lenin was smart and Marx
good, that not are even able to understand that Marxism other not is
that the theory of the return to state feudal and then are trained to
historiography fantastic . But not Been is the only one reason there was
also the need of save the head of them, and children the belly of them
women, once you become the Mediterranean an Islamic sea, Christendom
would been destroyed, as Judaism. Islamic Sudan is an location of pain,
misery, murder.
Christianity prefers to attack Israel, invent that the people,
Palestinian, so you call it now the occupants of Islamic Samaria and
Galilee, that the Egyptians moved into the strip of Nasser Gaza are an
people, that is undergoing military occupation, an people that has the
"right" of to destroy him state of Israel, or at least of to continue
trying, without that the Israelis have the right of defend themselves.
What has to do with Israel Christians massacred in Syria? and with the
Copts massacred in Egypt? and with Christians burned alive in Nigeria
there is an chilling movie that it shows bodies flames that try of
It has to do, in fact is everything there. The most ignoble and crowds
of Christianity, or the people that they believe Christian, it is
aligned against Israel. In the minds of many, of too much, is remained
the crazy idea that an people, has the responsibility of the killing of
God. The responsibility of the killing of God God's got Jesus Christ
must go to death, is necessary, not and to avoid the look. He is the
unique responsibility of a death that is the Gift to all of us, the
certainty that in the pain there is God, not a punishment. From the
point of historical perspective the crucifixion, torture Roman is was
performed by Roman soldiers, under the Empire Roman for order of an
prefect of Rome. Been Jesus is killed by the Romans, not Romans, all but
a few Romans, those guys, the ones provided, in that time. Been was
Sentenced to death by Jews, not by the Jews, some Jews, others were his
followers, the majority not even knew, what was going on and not who
Jesus was why not they lived to Jerusalem and not had never met. Those
that it they had Sentenced to death had asked her death, not that was
killed in such an atrocious manner. in actually remember that Christ was
jew, one of them, and that the Romans were the other, the enemies, the
occupants. There is a theory, and not is of the all sock, that the
Sanhedrin had condemned to Jesus giving death for obvious that with in
front of his dialectic to Pilate if the would manage to avoid a penalty
of death. It was a way for call into line an heretic. But Jesus before
to Pilate is silent, why it must meet his destiny, that is our
Many Christians conserve hatred for the Jews, the hatred for Israel,
they are allies or spiritually physically with why Islam Israel and
destroy realize that the anti-Semitism that store in the them and tiny
minds in their hearts and dry dry as the desert that has enclosed the
greatness of Christ for 40 days without being touched and not sprout.
Enclose The certainty that the people of Israel to be "punished" with
the diaspora, and that the diaspora not it should end.
This theory is contained in the Words of many Fathers of the Church,
that were Men, and as these fallacious. Very large as an hand of sinners
hatred and pride on the other. as wrong Abraham for some great verses
and for other ignoble When impersonating a beautiful bride for his
sister, when joins the slave. as wrong David, great king that makes the
action of ignoble send to death of the soldier faithful for steal the
bride. We are men. and we can either be very large and ignoble and no is
protected from this. Only Christ not make mistakes, only that Mary not
commits sins. The others, yes, even the great, even the patriarchs, even
the fathers of the Church. Christ not is Died in cross why a dogmatic
religion was based where the word of other is worth more than his.
"Forgive them that not know that that they" is Been pronounced from that
moment all the true perpetrators of the crucifixion, an fist of Jews
and intolerant an fist of many Roman cruel, are been forgiven and anyone
who violates that forgiveness is violating the will of God in what
point of the Gospel Christ, there has charge of revenge?
Christianity in front of Nazism that it was an danger deadly, that
Christ declared and and Mary Peter, belonging to an inferior race, has
favorite not recognize him clash of civilization. Use wisdom, that is
cowardice. The Jews would be were massacred, except someone saved in
some convent, but not enough, and Christianity not it would be touched.
The result is Been Auschwitz.
Now of new part of the Christianity, or of professed Christians, commits
the same crime they line up against Israel, is sold to the cause of the
Terrorism Muslim softens his voice in front of the monster .
Is not for to have the physical safety of their children. The children
of the Christianity were safe in the 60s. E 'was the approval and west
of a monstrous part of the ecclesiastical hierarchy terrorism
Palestinian that has unleashed the beast. The Synod of Bishops of the
medium East has acquitted terrorism Islamic stating that every gesture
is due to the exasperation of the existence of Israel, "a body stranger
that rode "Been is Undetermined. of every gesture against Christians
will be considered Israel responsible the beast is was triggered. Of
course that Israel is an Body alien an location of democracy, of of
civilization peace where Christians increased and not are persecuted. Of
course that "eats" that in country, when Islamic it was a land of
rocks, swamps and scorpions, is now an location of progress and
well-being. for the same reasons, are oasis of work, of well-being, of
peace, are foreign bodies considered that gnaw Christian communities.
The results we have bottom the eyes.
Providence not it allows that the same error, same crime is committed
and twice the story either. or Christianity lines up with Israel, or
stated that Islam is an enemy deadly for both, or recognizes that no
dialogue is can with who has condemned the adulteress after that was
pardoned, or will be wiped out.
And this not it can happen.
It will not happen. if happen it means that that that is success on the Carmelo not has been sense.
So not happen. not it can happen.
Let's start us. Just a single torch why the darkness not is absolute.
and from candle to candle, a torch to light another reconquest of the
world and the darkness is won.
A very good news the prize Nobel for peace the European Union (committed nell'islamizzazione Europe!)
by Silvana De Mari
16/10/2012 114245 The European Union is the institution that most of
every other one is worked and is working the Islamization of Europe. Two
small examples, two tiny details that carry in because, being small
things, will escaped to most. with money of our contributions, in in
Europe economic crisis, the EU year last year part of cultural
activities has organized an prize in money (a lot money ) to the best
photo of the minaret or mosque on ground European,
Five million of Euros are been squandered by the EU for school agendas.
The agenda of each student if the purchase by choosing one with the
graphics and or images comics that prefer. The state school agenda is
thrown. But the serious thing is that the diaries reported the religious
festivals of not all religions Christianity, were missing and Easter
Eurabia. as Europe is become anti-Christian, anti-Western,
anti-American, anti-Semitic is the title dell'imperdibile essay, the
writer Bat Ye'or, born in Egypt, in which he explains as the European
Community, together with the world European cultural, including
academics that award the Nobel laureates, have destroyed and the soul of
Europe the are delivering Islam. Bat Yeor, as Magdi Cristiano is forced
to move with stocks when someone faces threats of death, we can either
assume that worth of to know his words.
At the beginning of my research, anti-Zionism the European Union seemed
to me an item accessory the genesis and creation of Eurabia, and I was
going to resize to the maximum the importance, but soon I including the
futility of this effort, because it constituted in actually the core
essential, and the backbone the mind of Eurabia. This situation is
explicitly stated in recommendation 11 of the Project Muslim Brotherhood
"To adopt the Palestinian cause in the project Islamic world, on an
floor political and through the perspective of the jihad, since this is
the key of time of the rebirth of the world Arabic today. "
You might think that this jihad not only aim the destruction of Israel.
and instead is was precisely the Palestinian issue the instrument used
the jihad for break up Europe, since it has established in fact the
foundation and the plant organic of which is sort Eurabia, and the core
of the alliance the Euro-Arab fusion, sprouted on the ground of anti.
Now, the relations between Europe and Israel, Christianity and Judaism,
not investing only the scope geostrategic, but they represent the
constraint ontological and the lifeblood of all the spirituality of
Christian Europe. are this glue, this spirituality that today come apart
and disintegrate in Eurabia, where the worship of the end of Israel,
fed, from 'palestinità, "assures the triumph of the ideology of hatred
of the own jihad. The palestinismo, again worship European that has
taken the place the Bible, is giving shape, inside of Eurabia, the
founding myths of the jihad the moral supremacy and policy of ' Islam.
Contrary to everybody else, assigned in Sweden, the Prize Nobel for
Peace is granted by Norwegian academic it is of Five individuals without
any dowry, highly politicized, that use the "prestige" and above all
money Nobel related to anyone who claims their Ideas and given that is
the government Norwegian to appoint academics the Nobel (lowercase) for
peace (lowercase) is just an means why the government of Norway extends
to the world its influence. The Prize Nobel for Peace Prize is awarded
by a commission of five persons selected from Storting, the parliament
of Norway. Second, the definition that the European Union itself gives
of anti-Semitism, many of the members of the Parliament Norwegian are
anti-Semites. (Dr.Manfred Gesternfeld, Behind the Humanitarian Mask).
for clarity, just remember the reaction of former Prime Minister
Norwegian Kare Willock to the choice of Rahm Emanuel to Head of the
presidential staff as part of Obama "It is very promising (as President,
nda ) if choose an head of staff jew "(March 29 2011" to Norway Jews
You're Not Welcome Here "of Alan Dershovitz, professor of right to
The Swedish situation not is a lot better, however, and we can either
evaluate the allocation of the Nobel Prizes for literature data to
characters less and less, if possible anti-Christian, anti-Zionist,
anti-Semitic words, full of contempt for Western civilization.
The European Union has since 1973 as purpose the disintegration of the
Jewish-Christian spirituality, spiritual and economic disintegration and
Europe its Islamization.
The Islamization is done through three steps
1) Lebanonisation. Massive immigration, which is recognized the right of
vote and citizenship so as to change the fabric European and the
greater Islamic demographics are yes that Islam is past small minority
to minority of huge weight in the ride of 40 Years and risks of to
become the majority.
2) Coaching Sharia in the body of law. an Muslim not can not live where
the laws of Islam reign, why not could follow them. The division between
religion and Islam State not can exist. The claim of immigrants, or
more often of Islamic citizens of before and second generation, is that
are to them recognized the right to opposing laws to right European,
collected in sharia.
3) Economic aid. The economic crisis, that will allow the entry of
massive "aid" Arabs, with further taken of possession. The sheikhs of
the Qatar you are offered after having purchased the Olympics, of to
provide the necessary assistance for the dilapidated Islamic suburbs in
Germany and France (suburbs that are degraded only where are occupied by
Muslims). on the Corriere della Sera of two days ago an entire page to
the Saudi prince that offers aid to Italy.
I am a was puzzled for the Nobel Prize to Arafat, Rabin and Peres but
there was hope that a real peace could be born, are remained sick in
front of outrageous awards to Carter, the UN that has a 'Assembly that
allows you to an one State of publicly state of wanting to destroy an
other, Al Gore, ElBaradei, Ahtisaari and Barack Obama. This Last Prize
awarded the jewel of the disaster economic and political, the most
grandiose representation, second only the defunct USSR, of an
all-powerful bureaucracy, monstrous, destructive of wealth, corrupt and
foolish instead makes me happy. Individuals as Barroso, Ashton, Olli
Rehn, and also Juncker, and Dragons so many others, thanks to which
countries as Greece, Spain and for some ways even Italy and Portugal are
to put iron and fire and on the brink the civil war, a war between the
poor who, full of Privileges and annuities, are allowing to banks and
high finance for mirror of the savings dozens of United.
Thanks to these individuals now Europe is an place where anti-Semitism is to higher levels that in the '34.
The Nobel for Peace 2012 is awarded European Union for "the more than
six decades of contribution advancing and peace reconciliation, and
democracy human rights", right in the Currently in which anti-Semitism
is rampant in overwhelming way through states and beyond borders, and
entire states are on the brink the bankruptcy and civil war.
Why are happy? why this award's irritating. The unemployed and Greeks
even the Spanish ones have enough of this nonsense. The prize get for
search of to strengthen the prestige of a European Union and means that
his prestige has need of to be strengthened why is to disarray. They are
supporting one with other, world culture, world economic and world
politics, why they are sinking. and the know.
This soulless and Europe without attributes is dying.
Now the need is create home spaces and that inside of these spaces the
world cultural fills of new of for love Christianity and Judaism. is the
our turn.
The truth not longer exists, triumph the financial and Islamic dictatorship.
Magdi Cristiano Allam
22/10/2012 075622 (Il Giornale) - The truth not there is more! The
biggest loss of our secular civilization and liberal is the denial of
the very notion of truth. The ideology of the relativism is first of all
an offense to reason why prejudicially is imposed of to put on the same
plan all religions, cultures, values and even the facts to apart from
them content. This translates into the argument that the truth must be
combined in the plural. of therefore we have stopped of to know who we
are, why even the A, B, C of our humanity, our being a person, and
family life itself must be reformulated mode deviates from the our
tradition, culture, and civilization even from science.
The truth is that in Syria is in act an true and own genocide of
Christians. But not only no it he says, on the contrary our means of
communication of mass falsify reality for justify that this the West is
deployed the side of the persecutors of Christians. Yet it continues to
want us to believe that we must support the so-called "Arab Spring", the
most colossal lie in the recent history of the media Middle East, where
Islamic terrorists are ennobled as "activists".
The truth is that Mario Monti is destroying the real economy with more
than 224000 companies failed in the 2012, the unprecedented unemployment
up to record an Millions of of places work in less in a few years, the
decline of the GDP and industrial production, the cost the life that
rears between growth of taxes, IMU, fuel, bills of electricity, water,
gas and garbage, food prices. Yet the major newspapers and national
television, together with the three main parties in Parliament that I
argue, there it they represent as the savior of his country and as of
now we do to mean that verosilmente Mountains will be confirmed after
even if the election he not it will appear, why in however whoever wins,
as has clear the head the Status Napolitano, shall comply with the
commitments made the Bank European Central. to that go therefore, serves
to vote for? that the end is if the essence of democracy elections are
reduced for an ritual Formal?
The truth is that are suffering the dictatorship of speculative finance
that for recycle a mass of money virtual (derivative securities, equal
to 787 thousand billion of dollars in the 2011), that is about 12 times
the world GDP (Product Indoor profit, equal to 66 trillion of dollars in
the 2011), and requires affects the political power anywhere in the
world, as well as we are suffering the the slavery of seigniorage bank
coin, that is a tax unfair that we must pay just why we have given the
prerogative of issue the money to private bankers of the ECB. Yet among
those who talk about it that govern us and the press that argue the
strong financial powers? None!
The truth is that is this Union European Union an illegitimate
institution, anti-democratic, warmongering, why to impose their own laws
the sovereign states as if we did part of one State unitary, when in
the right International supranational institution not can issue binding
regulations for its members; why the executive and Legislative are held
by the same institution of the European Commission; why its members have
participated to almost all the wars that there are state and since the
war they have recently promoted the war in Libya. Yet is was awarded the
Premio Nobel for Peace! is an outrage the truth!
The truth is dead and triumphs falsehood! We are irresponsibly
subjecting the ideological dictatorship of Muslims claiming that and
Islam Christianity are the same thing, that the Muslim Brotherhood and
the Christian Democrats are the same thing, that terrorism Islamic and
the resistance of the partisans are the same thing. We are submitting
irresponsibly the financial dictatorship by convincing us that we have
to do penance after having lived from spenders to the point to accept of
sacrifice our lives for to save the euro. In doing so we are losing the
life, dignity and freedom. Our salvation depends on our capacity of see
reason and dig up the truth. Long live the truth! twitter @
EU 800 EU citizens fighting to side the Syrian rebels.
of \ www.imolaoggi.it
22/05/2013 142718 May 22 - About 800 Europeans fight currently in Syria
to Side rebel against the regime of Bashar al Assad. Lo Le Figaro,
citing estimates of an diplomat EU, confirmed by an leader of the Syrian
opposition. Among the fighters of some people have achieved the ranks
of the group Jihadist Jabhat to Nusra Front, would include an hundred of
French, many British, 50-70 Belgians, many Germans for the more 'of
Turkish origin, Irish, and Kosovo Danish.
Syria in the Islamic militias there are over 100 Europeans that have Answered to call to jihad.
Syria, bishop of Aleppo Use and prosecution complaint Islamists also from Belgium.
Threatened by the fighting, about forty of them has started to flee to
Turkey. But them possible return in Europe, after an Training extremist,
anti-terrorism services concerned. The latest estimate of European
fighters in Syria, provided an month ago by the coordinator of
counterterrorism EU, Gilles de Kerchove, spoke of 500 people. (ANSAmed).
Netherlands recognizes polygamy celebrated on the first legal union.
of VoxNews 22/05/2013 201451 And 'the result logical the approval of
homosexual unions. Friday in Holland is was recognized the first
official case of polygamy "legal" in Europe. Victor de Brujin (46 years
old) has married either White (31 animals) that Mirjan (35 years) a
ceremony in front to an Notary that has registered their civil union.
"I love Bianca is that Mirjam, so the husband and all, two." This has
said Victor de Brujin of 46 years. and so the Netherlands is an other
small step to the abyss. He "loves" and all, two.
Already conjugate with Bianca, two years ago has met Mirjam in a chat.
She has left his her husband for marry an other already married.
"And Mirjam White are bisexual. with two heterosexual women would be
more difficult. " In short, an "triello." and from now on then will be
All combinations to pleasure, as an game - an sad game - interlocking.
"A marriage between three persons not is can in Holland, but a civil
union, yes. Location gone to the notary, dressed as bride and groom, and
we have confused the rings. We think that this to be alone an normal
marriage. "
Netherlands and Belgium are were the first countries to give full rights
of marriage to homosexuals, opening so the way to legal forms other
than marriage between an man and a woman. That's when open the jar of
Pandora, everything comes out. not it is limited to gay marriage, why,
once wrote for the law that "marriage not is exclusively between an man
and a woman," you open the hole that then it becomes a chasm, which
handle anything. It becomes impossible to discriminate tastes and all
other perversions not allow polygamy, pedophilia, incest and sex with
Soldier shot dead with machete to London.
of Bend.
22/05/2013 203251 an soldier in service Been is killed by two armed men, that have shouted 'Allah Akbar'.
Horror and fear in the afternoon to Woolwich, in the south east of
London. an soldier in service Been is beheaded by two armed men of
machete, that may be Islamic fundamentalists. The victim is was first
immobilized and then killed. During the attack are different weapons
were used, including - thinking at the time - even a firearm. The two
men are were wounded by the forces of police that are immediately
The fact is what happened this afternoon to a few meters from the
barracks of the Royal Artillery, department of artillery of His Majesty
'. Second an witness, quoted by Sky News, the man killed, wearing a
t-shirt of the association voluntary 'Help for Heroes', that helps
soldiers wounded in battle.
The attack it would be of Islamic. The police of London has said that the two attackers would tried of the assassination film.
Second BBC that cites government sources, the authors were shouting 'Allah Akbar'.
The image of an Black with blood on their hands that holding a cleaver
and an knife appears on the site the broadcaster British ITV, that
states of be possession of an movie in that man, that suspected to be
one the authors of the attack in the south of London in where an soldier
Been is shot dead, speaks watching straight the camera saying phrases
such as "In the name of the great Allah, not we stop of to fight you."
The authors of the attack today in the south of London in where an
soldier Been is shot dead, "asked, passers of photograph them,"
according to a testimony reported by the BBC. Lauren Collins has told
that it was just dropped from an bus when it is noticed that for the
ground lay the body of an man. Those that with in all probability were
the authors of the attack asked first to passers-by of photograph them.
Minister British the Theresa May has confirmed of being updated by the
responsible services of security (MI5) speaking of an episode "barbarian
and creepy." and the first Minister UK David Cameron will be of return
to London from Brussels as early as this evening. Cameron is at the time
in Travel to Paris from Brussels, where he has taken the Council
European. is provided, however, a press conference of the first minister
to short to Paris.
Media and terrorism Allah is great (and virtual)?
Dominic Nose
24/05/2013 094717
- there is something of chilling and disturbing, barbaric nellla
beheading of an soldier English yesterday to Woolwich. not only the
gesture in self, that of course is creepy, but it all the corollary of
actions and behavior on the part of the command terrorist that the has
To kill cool an man and then ask to loud voice of being filmed for go on
television news or on the internet, is perhaps the sign the times and
social media that we are experiencing. Right in England, some time ago
had done a lot discuss the television series Black Mirror, an disturbing
journey through the distortions of the image of the company and
Information in Time real.
And also Episode Series (White Bear) tells its own of mad killers that
love be filmed by dazed and insensitive citizens, that follow the
"deeds" of the killers as automata guided only from the cameras of the
them smartphone. an Short circuit social media what, to because it
seems, has violated the mirror the stage fiction and has invaded the
Video Exclusive of ITV, that shows the murderess with the machete and
blood on their hands that explains why the attack and pretend television
recording, is a symbol of a tragedy that goes beyond terrorism. The
Islamic attack is clear, even if it remains to understand if it is
treated of an gesture little organized or the realization of the floor
of a larger organization but the jump of quality media is obvious. not
enough anymore, not even the brutal Islamic terrorists, and sow death
terror for the streets of our cities.
The murder and striking barbarian becomes almost a half, and not the
end. The goal to end is media visibility. is the theory of Warhol's
fifteen minutes of Celebrities that crosses and pop the company image
and becomes macabre claim of or ideological motives political. is the
other side the coin of the information society time real and the global
network. Many merits, for many contributions to improve the quality of
our lives, but also some crazy variable that it can become a threat for
the stability of the Western system.
In England, for now reigns an justified terror. But before or then past
him shock, it will reflect on the perverse effects of an a system of
communication that maybe we're missing of hand.
'Islam and Mosque', Magdi Allam, "the mayor of Cream not know the meaning of Islam, of the Qur'an and the biography of Mohammed"
Emanuele Mandelli
25/05/2013 100844 by www.cremaonline.it - Cream - Reception Hall
crowded for passage Crema dell'europarlamentare Magdi Cristiano Allam,
hosted by the local branch of the Northern League in of an evening of
discussion organized for speak of and Islam the perspective of
construction of a mosque to Crema.
The Holliday not know of What's it about
Obviously Allam during the evening is repeatedly reported the local
situation "The mayor is wrong to authorize the mosque and the why does
only not know the meaning of Islam, of the Qur'an and of the biography
Muhammad. if you take the trouble of an seriously study content
understand that Islam more than that a religion is an ideology. "
Islam is not is moderate
"A thought all-encompassing that violence and imposes the abuse of
power, the not respect of Christians and Jews, in addition to consider
the woman as be lower. A not separating element religious and government
that door as inevitable consequence of eliminating the appearance
secular the company. not there is an moderate Islam, but only that
single moderate Muslims. "
Mosque or musalla little change.
On the question of the actual name of the proposed structure to Cream,
mosque or musalla, the former Deputy Director of the Been Corriere della
Sera is a lot Net "First of all is should specify that in both cases it
is of salt of prayer among them not there is no difference, if not for
the dimensions being the second of simply smaller size. "
One look to London.
Not are lack of references to recent events record, in particular
incident of violence occurred for the streets of London, with starring
two Islamic extremists "Who has beheaded yesterday the soldier British -
has said Allam - has emulated Muhammad that has fact example as of we
should behave with the enemies of Islam. "
The signatures of Crema.
At the end of the evening the members of the Northern League have
cremaschi announced that the next May 27 settle the signatures collected
in these weeks of all citizens cremaschi that have wanted say no the
hypothesis of 'settlement in cities of an center cultural, mosque or
other location of worship afferent Islam.

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inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! https://youtu.be/FTgrGBqbYZY #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel https://uniusrei.wordpress.com/2018/10/27/lorenzojhwh-uniusrei-beis-h...

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)