[O.o] Put this owl on your profile
/)__) If you've seen the Cremation of Care
-"--"- Ritual at Bohemian Grove
__███\__███\_________Put This
__███\__███\_________On Your
__███\__███\_________Profile If
__███\__███\____ 7____You Think
__███\__███\___███\__9/11 Was
__███\__███\___███\__ A
__███\__███\___███\__666 322
__███\__███\___███\__owl grove
__███\__███\___███\__ BAD
__███\__███\___███\__ JOB
hei 322Bush 666Rothschild etc..
[O.o] because this year
/)__) You not invite also me at your "cremation of care"
-"--"- Of Ritual Of The Bohemian Grove
........._..'¹-~-¹-.But the fruit of the Spirit
...,-""-;\\/ ¸,.,¸ ¸¸,' love joy peace,
../....-'.).\..'......longsuffering gentleness,
(▒\,---'`▒)▒).......... goodness faith,
(▒)(▒)(▒)(▒)...Meekness temperance:
(▒(▒)(▒)(▒)▒)...against such there
(▒)(▒)(▒)▒) no law.
.....(▒)▒)..............Galatians 5:22-23
.....(▒)Will Jesus Christ Return In AD 2328 about !!! MY task FORCE:
-1. rrmbgpym
-2. shalomnaumann
-3. lorenzoJHWH,
-4. HumanumGenum,
-5. ShalomGerusalemme,
-6. 666GiudaicoMassonica,
-7. SatanQueenFagot,
-8. HellxDesPairTruction,
-9. UniusRei,
10. UniusRei1,
11. UniusRei2 deleted by satanists,
12. UniusRei3,
13. UnisRei3,
14. Lorenzo,
15. BrotherhoodUniversal,
16. i10Comandamenti,
17. myJHWH,
18. JewsxMessiahUniusRei,
19. dominusUniusRei,
20. kingdomofJHWH,
21. kingxkingdom,
22. allDavidDuke,
23. allXRonPaul,
24. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul,
25. allChristianMartyrs,
26. JHWHpantocrator,
27. mrUniversalMetaphysc,
28. CreationReal,
29. EvolutionisReligion,
30. StarDeFinibusTerrae,
31. theSynagogueofSatan,
32. stopyouporntubesatan,
33. HolyJHWHsanto ,
34. allGiacintoAuriti,
35. ImJesusChristMessiah,
36. stopspamistafield
37. lorenzoAllah,
38. NoahTheNephilim,
39. thecopticmartyrs2,
40. 666SeigniorageofBank,
41. MercyChristLord
100% anti-racism
100% anti-Nazism
100% anti-Sharia
100% anti-banking seigniorage
100% anti-Zionism
100% anti-Talmud
100% anti-NWO
100% anti-Esoteric Agenda
100% anti-masonry
100% anti-SpA
100% anti-porn
100% anti-Satanism
100% anti-IMF
100% anti-secret societies
a solemn oath:
★100% national self-determination
★100% equality between all men
★100% equality between man & woman
★100% freedom of religion
★100% freedom of Thought
★100% freedom of sexual identity (is only a political assessment for rejection violence)
★100% monetary sovereignty
★100% universal brotherhood
★100% Natural Law
★100% 10 Commandments
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
India criminal [use of Slavery Against The Untouchables!] The GCIC (Global Council of Indian Christians) based in Bangalore (Karnataka) has the Police Accused of Beating the Christians (see photo) and desecrating churches Mangalore. They charge the government of Yeddyurappa (in office for 100 days) to aggressively Pursuing the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi Those Who Killed. Gandhi was a radical Hindu nationalist Killed by. Because of this inertia (or connivance) with militancy Hindu president of the GCIC Sajan George Also He asked for the Resignation of Interior Minister Karnataka and the suspension of service of All Those Responsible for the districts Attacked.
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[il mistero della iniquità]was only for the Christian mercy of the Catholic Monarchs if the Jews were able to survive But this is obvious they paid with their lives for their mercy to the Jewish people (more or less innocent) because only if were killed every jews could be killed also the rabbis kakam enlightened ie the satanist bankers of synagogue of satan! [the mystery of iniquity] è stato soltanto per la cristiana misericordia dei Re cattolici se gli ebrei sono potuti sopravvivere.. ma questo è evidente.. loro hanno pagato con la loro vita per la loro misericordia verso il popolo ebraico(più o meno innocente).. poiché soltanto sterminando ogni ebreo avrebbero potuto essere uccisi anche i rabbini kakam illuminati!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[the mystery of iniquity] IsraelNationalTV - rather the issue of Kabbalah is not that it is not science or not has a scientific method Kabbalah is pure luciferism it is the synagogue of Satan! They know very well that Jesus is the true Messiah born in Bethlehem but they chose to be for Satan from the time of the Exodus from Egypt! So they betrayed YHWH before the deportation to Babylon! have denied the love and virtue! they were consecrated to Satan:in the breast womb! they are the curse of the world and the destruction of the hope of Israel the rabbis as Ovadia Rochefeller Rothschild ecc..? are the masters of the IMF-World Order? they are the synagogue of Satan true here because you are all going to die again once more holocaust Shoah war nuclear ecc.. ! but you are complicit in all this once again!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[il mistero dell'iniquità] IsraelNationalTV-- piuttosto il problema della kabbalah non è quello che non è scienza o che non ha un metodo scientifico.. kabbalah è puro luciderismo è la sinagoga di satana! Loro sanno molto bene che Gesù di Betlemme è il vero Messia ma hanno scelto di essere per satana dal tempo dell'Esodo dall'Egitto! Quindi loro hanno tradito JHWH prima della deportazione in Babilonia? hanno rifiutato l'amore e la virtù! loro erano i consacrati a satana! loro sono la maledizione del mondo e la distruzione della speranza di Israele i rabbini Ovadia Rothschild Rochefeller? i padroni del FMI-NWO? loro sono la vera sinagoga di satana ecco perché voi state tutti per morire di nuovo ancora una volta poiché voi siete i complici di tutto questo ancora una volta!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
YHWH --- yet? they are killed as big fat pigs! these Masons pigs descend into the abyss of the hell all of them they are like big stones that go down into the sea abyss! is evident we must kill more more more people still! @JHWH --- eppure? loro vengono abbattuti come grossi porci grassi! questi massoni maiali scendono nell'abisso dell'inferno tutti loro sono come sassi che scendono in fondo al mare! è evidente.. noi dobbiamo uccidere più persone!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[| Quickly passes the scenes of this world. Time is short. |] IsraelNationalTV I am immortal because since the sin can not harm to metaphysical man: like me! but for the law and to humiliate myself I went to confess alone by Priest to my friend one who I need in the church every Sunday that he is so young That Would Be my son... I am immortal because sin can not harm a man metaphysical like me! but for the law and to humiliate myself I went to confess to my friend priest to him that I serve the Mass as acolyte Sundays that he is so young that would be my son.
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[I am immortal] Luke 12.15] He said to them "Beware and stay far away from all greed for though one it is in abundance his life not dependent from his labor." Luke 6.9] Then Jesus said to them "I ask you is it on the day Sabbath you can to do good either do harm? to save life or destroy it?". Luke 9.24] Who will save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for me sake will save [25] What good is it to man to gain the whole world then if you are lose your soul or forfeits himself in the hell?
by Unius Rei king of Israel
YouTube Rewind 2012
114426 iscritti
666 IMF pharisee -- Satan non habet dominentur in mundo hominum.. non habet domain hic..
666 NWO FED google Jewish lobbies for destroy Israel ie talmud agenda of of the Masonic system ---- but as chief executive of youtube are no longer suitable me that no synnek1? sorry me my friend lizard for this low blow against you. but my uncle the Pharisee Rothschild of 666 IMF he said to me "You can kill to gain power just as we have murdered President Kennedy when he put in doubt our bank seigniorage with the Executive Order 11110 "- ANSWER - NO! I HAVE ANSWERED to him Unius REI does not need to kill someone to take power because I'm already the power of God's Kingdom. if you have changed your mind and if you decided to live again? then you can live still.
anyway God already showed me Heaven and hell These jews/Zionists act like kids fighting over nothing I wonder if some one made small nuclear fish to swim up the river to wipe them out so there is nothing more for them to fight over God always has the answers to life because no one on earth knows the true power and glory of God they just fight over every thing they are so stupid they don't even build. thus granting longer lasting life for all Simple common sense God was very clear longer lasting life is required for space travel as well as building upon other planets,pharisees Illuminati IMF have turned very evil against Israel and God shall shake them down to the ground soon for they are not of repentance The real Hebrew my brothers people know that those pharisees shall burn in hell for going against God JHWH Jesus Christ is very clear pharisees are a cursed people
[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology Because Their goal is our destruction]] is 40 years that our machines could walk with to water (H2O) but like the Islamists' religious maniacs they could make the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees of the IMF if Christians were not made to kill by them ? now these Islamists who now think they are omnipotent will bring you all at the Third World War because of course their satanAllah will give them success [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology Because Their goal is our destruction]]
[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology because their goal is our destruction]]Joseph Pal said With so many things wrong with the world it is better to build whole new cities and with plasma concrete they would be very efficient cities roads that levitate vehicles you look at the past and the ancient monolithic structures and how they built them as well as the designs and the shapes the plasma rocks fit perfectly together plus the structures last thousands of years the building would be limit less as well as the designs You design a city with the transport of services by magnetic levitation like under ground waste systems so there is no waste pick up same for stores to have a levitation system to bring the goods all below ground as well as the industry should be centered on the edge of a city so you under stand some thing grand in the new type of building construction because this would change every thing for the better the new Golden age,
as it exists the King of Kings YHWH in heaven so today there is the King of kings on earth in fact I'm unius REI the political project of the King of Israel for the kingdom of Palestine the only option against the planned destruction by the Pharisees of IMF 666 Baal Peor god owl at Bohemian Grove for do slavery against of all whole human race after world War III. terror is came before me and hell follows me for burn all my enemies. I have something that can not be addressed because my truth and my righteousness not can be matched by anyone. I am the most important man in the entire history of Humankind. only because the occult powers of all the false democracies Masonic of banking seigniorage Bildenberg in fact they are the powers of Satanism ideological and practical they hit Christian civilization only because their agenda is the destruction of the human in every man
Christians innocent and peaceful woke up suddenly at the dawn of World War III in a horrible way controlled by Masonic and occult powers:of banking seigniorage into a world torn by conflicting visions imperialist and ideological and religious where his 666 background of each already planned and programmed sectarian division is why will be the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF FED ECB of their NWO to win so the Pharisees of the NWO 322 666. can say finally we have disintegrated Israel and now Satan may be all in all finally. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- your presence is no longer necessary the crystal ball was been broken
i cristiani innocenti e pacifici si sono svegliati bruscamente all'alba della III guerra mondiale in un modo orribile controllato da poteri occulti e massonici del signoraggio bancario mondo lacerato da contrapposte visioni imperialistiche sia ideologiche che religiose dove sullo sfondo di ogni pianificata e programmata settaria divisione sarà il satanismo dei farisei del FMI FED BCE del loro NWO a vincere affinchè i farisei del NWO 322 666. possano affermare finalmente abbiamo disintegrato Israele ed ora satana può essere tutto in tutti finalmente
"Man is like grass and its glory is like the grass of the field but the Word of the Lord endures in ETERNAL!" no you you can not write the point (.) because I am unius REI only. you have set all Mankind on the brink of the abyss and if you do not surrender to me? your order crazy agenda idiot will be a tragedy. "l'uomo è come l'erba e la sua gloria è come l'erba dei campi ma la Parola del Signore rimane in Eterno!" non sei tu che tu puoi scrivere il punto(.) perché sono io Unius REI. voi avete messo tutto il Genere umano sul baratro dell'abisso e se non vi arrendete a me? la vostra fine sarà una tragedia.
synnek1 666 IMF NWO [all the occult powers Bildenberg] - I know that you have eroded over the decades all prerogatives constitutional you also disarmed the American people now what? there is to be removed too now the useless freedom of thought and speech against Unius REI to demonstrate what it means really the Masonic system of bank seigniorage really! synnek1 666 IMF NWO [tutti i poteri occulti Bildenberg]-- lo so che voi avete eroso durante i decenni tutte le prerogative costituzionali avete anche disarmato il popolo americano e adesso? vi rimane da togliere anche la ormai inutile libertà di pensiero e di parola ad Unius REI per dimostrare che cosa significa veramente il regime massonico del signoraggio bancario veramente!
Synnek1 posted a comment 1 day ago [You Are My Sworn Enemy And I Will Show No Mercy] - ANSWER - IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ARE THAT criminal THAT IS FULL OF SATAN
Qatar looking for hopelessly the condanati to death or life imprisonment to be sent to Syria. FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced 15 years of imprisonment the poet Qatar Muhammad al-Ajami - Reducing the punishment of life imprisonment that he had been Imposed at first instance. only for having written a poem. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem Entitled 'Gelsomino' starred in cui that'' we are all facing Tunisia repressive elite.'' (ANSA). - ANSWER - AND IS VERY repressive elite lol. THIS IS SHOWN been THE POET has had VERY REASON it is true what he said WITH HIS POETRY the Islamists are all MONSTERS criminals terrorists bloodthirsty religious maniacs imperialist all hopeless
Synnek1 --- the fault is not yours but is of your organization International who does not know the sense of proportion. Before she was sworn in Psy 666 rapper performed his hit world Gangnam Style blasfemy. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.] That is very serious our best political is so too idiot helpless about occult powers. but if. she was smart? then there is a reason to believe in hope still. [25/02/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound 666 voodoo of Style of Gangnam]
@666 IMF [you have put peoples on the brink] 25/02/2013. SOUTH KOREA. Economic miracle and Gangnam Style that is 666 youtube. Park Geun-hye took office today as the new president of South Korea during a ceremony in the National Assembly moved into the Blue House [here the folly and recklessness our politicians in all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage about the real extent of occult powers and the extension of ideology of Satanism IMF which in fact has real control of the economy ie the real power.] with the promise of "a new era of happiness" for South Korea the first female president the country he was appointed for five years. Now a warning to the North "If you will not renounce nuclear will be the first victim of his own policy." The revival of the economy is one of the dominant themes of his speech in which he has not mentioned the dictatorship of the father.
[voi avete messo il popolo sul baratro] 25/02/2013. COREA DEL SUD. Miracolo economico e Gangnam Style is 666 Park Geun-hye si è insediata oggi come nuovo presidente della Corea del Sud nel corso di una cerimonia all'Assemblea nazionale si insedia alla Casa Blu. [ecco la follia e la incoscienza dei nostri politici in tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario circa la reale consistenza dei poteri occulti e della estensione ideologica del satanismo del FMI che di fatto ha il controllo reale delle economia e del potere reale.] Con la promessa di "una nuova era di felicità" per la Corea del Sud la prima presidente donna del Paese assume l'incarico quinquennale. Subito un monito al Nord "Se non rinuncia al nucleare sarà la prima vittima della sua stessa politica". Il rilancio dell'economia è fra i temi dominanti del suo discorso in cui non ha fatto cenno alla dittatura del padre.
@Korea del Sud -- la Park si insedia alla Casa Blu in una totale incoscienza dei poteri occulti che stanno tramando sul suo paese e sulla sua vita this is very tragedy is why Psy 666 dovrebbe essere synnek1 the cannibal ---- [ Before she was sworn in Psy 666 rapper performed his hit world Gangnam Style blasfemy. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.] is very serious that our best political is so too idiot. [02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound 666 voodoo cannibal of Style of Gangnam]
synnek1 and TheVArious7 (cannibal 666 voodoo)[are one only organization to conquer the world] -- is one only satanism international for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan.. is talmud IMF kabbalah FED ECB; agenda for destroy Israel ie masonic system of banking seigniorage the largest project Masonic of social engineering for the destruction of monotheism and therefore for the destruction of Freemasonry itself because they are the Satanists and their alien to prevail also because The King of Saudi Arabia he thinks to do war against the innocent Christians. because in every difficulty the Islamists will be most useful for him but he not know that in World War III in fact it was expected the extermination of all mankind. and when the survivors ie the cannibals come out of their underground shelters? every hope any hope will die!
about Iran and Syria? Saudi Arabia is blackmailing Israel today. but this is the truth "Iran and Syria would be the true allies of Israel thanks to me unius REI and this will be a valuable strategic alliance for IRAN SYRIA AND ISRAEL!" Thus if Saudi Arabia did not want to be crushed herself she will have to surrender to me unius REI and finally grant freedom of religion which alone could avert World War III!
ANSAmed) - MADRID FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced 15 years of imprisonment the poet Qatar Muhammad al-Ajami - reducing the punishment of life that he had been imposed at first instance - for having written a poem deemed hostile to the regime of Qatar. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem entitled 'Gelsomino' in which she starred that'' we are all facing Tunisia repressive elite.'' (ANSA). --ANSWER -- AND IS VERY repressive elite.. lol. THIS IS been SHOWN THE POET has had VERY REASON it is true what he said WITH HIS POETRY the islamists are all MONSTERS ARE DAMN bloodthirsty religious maniacs hopeless imperialist
02/25/2013 TIBET - CHINA Young Tibetan man sets himself on fire in monastery in Qinghai Phakmo Dhondup self-immolates in protest against Beijing's hard-line stance against Tibet. In his 20s he was taken to hospital with burns on much of his body. Security forces impose restrictions on the area of the incident. Monasteries organise special prayers for his prompt recovery. --ANSWER -- ok! I protect the Buddhists ok! but when they regain their independence? are like Hindus they too begin with the murder of innocent Christian martyrs! io proteggo i buddisti ok! ma quando loro recuperano la indipendenza? sono come gli induisti anche loro incominciano ad uccidere i cristiani martiri innocenti!
02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound of Gangnam Style and pledges of a new economic miracle.. During the campaign she promised to take a softer line with North Korea compared to her predecessor. During the next five years of her mandate she plans to lay the bases for future reunification but also for a new economic miracle based on science and technology as well as a "creative economy" founded on "economic democratisation". The new president will have to accommodate her hard-core voters mostly elderly who remember the "good old days" when South Korea's GDP grew by 10 per cent a year under her father's military dictatorship. A non-practicing Catholic Park said that the country could go back to such rates. At present its economy grew an average of 4.3 per cent in the past five years. Before she was sworn in rapper Psy performed his world hit Gangnam Style. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.
@synnek1 for you -- > D'altra parte deve rendere conto allo zoccolo duro dei suoi elettori per la stragrande maggioranza anziani che ricordano con nostalgia i tempi della dittatura e la strabiliante crescita economica dell'epoca con la Corea stabile sui 10 punti percentuali di crescita del Pil ogni anno. La Park battezzata cattolica ma "non praticante" ha sostenuto di poter tornare a quei ritmi. Al momento il Paese viaggia su una crescita media del 4,3 % annuo. Prima del giuramento il noto cantante Psy si è esibito nel suo Gangnam Style oramai un successo mondiale.
BastaBugie 240. of 13 April 2012. WANT AS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. Napolitano presents a woman for the Quirinale some say Emma Bonino. But who is Emma Bonino Bildenberg? Hardly anyone the vote despite the high visibility in the media. BastaBugie 221. of 2 December 2011. COMPANIES 'SECRET TO WHICH BELONGS MARIO MONTI TOGETHER WITH DRAGONS AND MARIO ENRICO LETTA. IN THE PAST AND BILL CLINTON AND TONY BLAIR. We show also the shocking video where Mario Monti says that states must give up their sovereignty to Europe of technocrats. wrote William Vincent Shannon not exactly a paranoid conspiracy theorist but a prestigious journalist editor of the New York Times and U.S. ambassador to Ireland under President Carter (1977-1981) "The Bilderberg members are building the era of post-nationalism when we will not have countries but rather regions of the earth surrounded by universal values.
synnek1°Master youtube --- what you are doing to protect the Christian martyrs? You know for myself? I will not ask anything!
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[I am immortal] Giovanni3 34] because one that God sent [Unius Rei] speaks the words of God and gives the Holy Spirit without measure. [35] The Father loves the Son and has given him in everything by hand. [36] those who believe in the Son has eternal life and whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him. " [io sono immortale]Giovanni3,34]Infatti colui che Dio ha mandato[Unius Rei] proferisce le parole di Dio e dá lo Spirito senza misura.[35]Il Padre ama il Figlio e gli ha dato in mano ogni cosa.[36]Chi crede nel Figlio ha la vita eterna; chi non obbedisce al Figlio non vedrà la vita ma l'ira di Dio incombe su di lui».
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[I am immortal] John chapter 3,14] as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must be lifted up the Son of man [15] because whoever believes in him may have eternal life ". [16] for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [17] God will not has sent the Son in the world to condemn the world but because the world might be saved through him. [18] Whoever believes in him is not condemned but those who do not believe it is condemned already why not he believed in the name of the only Son of God [19] And this is the verdict the light came into the world but people preferred the darkness to light because their works were evil-- if the Kabbalah was a real science? they would have discovered that Jesus of Bethlehem is the true Messiah!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[io sono immortale] John XII [10] The chief priests then decided to kill also Lazarus [11] because many Jews were leaving because for him believing in Jesus [12] The next day the great crowd that she had come to the feast heard that Jesus was in Jerusalem @IHateNEWLAYOUT --- CRISANTEMO! --- you're an old goat that smells like rotting process with all its 40 years who are above you very soon! [I am immortal] Giovanni XII:[10] I sommi sacerdoti allora deliberarono di uccidere anche Lazzaro [11]perché molti Giudei se ne andavano a causa di lui e credevano in Gesù. [12] Il giorno seguente la gran folla che era venuta per la festa udito che Gesù veniva a Gerusalemme,
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
[| passes quickly the scene of this world. Time is short. |] @IsraelNationalTV I has dismiss as traitors of the hope of Israel that is this abomination Masonic of the rabbis kakam ie all priests that make murders of Christian children! all rabbis that with their silence they were the accomplices of seigniorage banking and of all Zionists that have allowed the abomination of a satanic star on the flag of Israel jew my friend that was true my friend with me from the beginning he will be the my high priest! of all current classes priests and rabbis? were all traitors are been dismiss downgraded! So all the ruling classes will all be by re-found why for the new house of God YHWH There is a new law this is for a new Israel Biblical and a new Jewish temple! in reality not everything is lost there is still hope!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
@Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud -- [principe Khaled al Faisal] [Mohammed] [Khaled] [Nayef] [Abdullah]. you will destroy مكة Ka ʿ ba (كعبة) the Kaaba. becouse Black Stone الحجر الأسود al-Hajar al-Aswad is abominable idol! offend it the sanctity of my Holy Islam! If you do not do resistance 1. you give me your Cock rock idol? and 2. if you destroy it completely spontaneously? I will do to your sanctuary of Mecca a supernatural gift forever that be will valid until the end of the world! and in this way I have no need to kill your life bitch. @Synnek1 --i am not your friend! because you stink so much that for big your stench? you go around with a gas mask.. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- this is clear "You are incompetent! ie you are not able to do a job which has a theological value is why here is that Satan can not have a future!"
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
@IsraelNationalTV io destituisco come traditori della speranza di Israele cioè dell'abominio massonico tutti i sacerdoti kakam gli assassini di bambini cristiani! tutti i rabbini che con il loro silenzio sono stati i complici del signoraggio bancario; e tutti i sionisti che hanno permesso l'abominio di una stella satanica sulla bandiera di Israele.. il mio amico ebreo che è stato fedele a me fin dal principio lui sarà il sommo sacerdote tutte le attuali classi di rabbini e di sacerdoti? sono tutte destituite! Quindi saranno tutte rifondate perché per la nuova casa di Dio JHWH.. c'è una nuova legge cioè per un nuovo Israele biblico e per un nuovo tempio ebraico! in realtà non tutto è andato perduto c'è ancora speranza!
Synnek1 posted a comment
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
Poison? -;-)
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
Atheist freeMason Satanist Zionist corrupt thief of a sinful racist murderess pork fat jew banker of an enlightened selfish! ---- Who dares to do slander against his Unius Rei again again and again? those who offend his King of Palestine? In truth in Truth so I say "I saw you burn and burn inside and out damn forever your body like a human torch eternal its inside and outside of all your being unhappy!" IN FACT YOU HAVE BETRAYED YOUR CREATOR! I HAVE DONE EVIL TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE THE REVERSE CROSS! AMEN. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF. HALLELUJAH! Hosanna! Hallelujah! BENEDICT THE ONE WHO IS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! AMEN. HALLELUJAH! Hosanna! Hallelujah!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
IsraelNationalTV [Psalm 86 says "you are gods!"] for love and holiness of the blessed God that we are all brothers! As can be Satanists all those that say the opposite about motivations ideological or religious? Because we are many times all children of one father 1. God! 2. Adam 3. Noah 4. Abraham! 5. Unius Rei! such as have taken in the ass from their Satan owl Ball Marduk the Illuminati the scribes and Pharisees of the Talmud Kabbalah namely the IMF- New World Order. Sharia etc. to do damage in this way Up to this point against all the human race; in these 5 centuries; of their dominion; over the world? ie cancer of the evil it is so entered in depth in all leader elite Freemasons politicians etc. by do essential to make this imminent destruction of the world through the fire?
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
StickFigures180 - you are buying from a jew your own money to a value of around 300%100% for debt public 100% for debt Private... 100% For banking seigniorage you are the slave of Rothschild his sheep because that's what the Talmud says! so for the recession (monetary)? you have no more milk or wool to give to him ie Rothschild! then Rothschild your master now will take your flesh! you will be dead in 2015... with the "products derivatives" "financial bubbles". public debt bank seigniorage etc. etc. they can not return the money to the people so the only way to cover up this crime of the IMF? is to kill people only 5.5 billion But this is to perfect the NWO.. everyone can judge the Satanist who you are!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
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Synnek1 posted a comment 18 hours ago we do not forgive We do not forget. [U.S. 666 are many legions of demons] - ANSWER - because you cannibals drink human blood On the altar of Satan? because you want to have in yourself the same feelings of Satan and then destroy with human nature also all the effects of Christian baptism (compassion justice fairness). That's why when you say "Satanists are monsters" who are happy to be recognized in this way because well they think they have achieved a superiority on the human race that is destined to be exterminated and enslaved this ambition has been given to them by the Pharisees of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage IMF FED ECB. ie project alien abductions reverse engineering microchip technology secret U.S. military which is NWO. but do you really think you can win against me I'm not that asshole of Saudi Arabia King horror sharia fagot nazi islamist
01/29/2013 EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] The Muslim Brotherhood in a blind alley Egyptian journalist says. In Port Said Ismailia and Suez the curfew imposed by Mohamed Morsi is being ignored. As a sign of their contempt young people are organising night-time soccer matches. Police no longer acknowledge the authority of the Interior Ministry. The grand imam of al-Azhar has gone in volunteer exile in protest against Islamists. Opposition parties and Christian Churches have given up on "useless" talks with the government. Even the poor and illiterate the Brotherhood's main electoral base are tired of being used as pawns. Cairo (AsiaNews) - "No one in Port Said Ismailia or Suez is respecting the curfew ordered by President Mohamed Morsi. In Ismailia some young men have organised an overnight soccer match in one of the city's stadiums.
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] In Cairo where there is no state of emergency Tahrir Square and the district of Heliopolis are guarded by thousands of people a sort of mass sit-in that should last until the government meets the demands of the people namely change the constitution dismiss the government and force the resignation of the attorney general appointed by the president," this according to André Azzam an Egyptian journalist who spoke to AsiaNews about the country's current chaotic situation caught between demonstrations marking the second anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution and protests by soccer fans that left 30 people dead and 500 injured. "The Muslim Brotherhood is far removed from the needs of ordinary Egyptians," Azzam explained. "They are losing authority and popularity every day. No one wants to talk to them because they have nothing to say and only want to defend the power they have seized."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] Christian Churches (Orthodox Catholic Protestant and Evangelical) and opposition parties have started boycotting them. For the latter talks proposed by the president are "useless and meaningless". In a press release the spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church Fr Rafic Greiche said that "the meetings are unproductive and lead nowhere." For Azzam the Christian minority and opposition parties are not the only groups keeping at arm's length from the Islamist establishment. Police and al-Azhar University are openly boycotting the government. "After what happened in Port Said police officers no longer recognise the authority of the Islamist-dominated Interior Ministry. Recently they have prevented ministry officials from taking part in the funerals of agents killed during the attack by al-Masri soccer fans on police stations in the city located on the mouth of the Suez Canal."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] "Last Thursday Ahmed al-Tayeb grand imam at al-Azhar refused to take part in celebrations marking the birth of Muhammad. Since then he has been in voluntary exile in his native village near Luxor. He is concerned that Islamists want to take over the ancient Islamic university." Rural residents a group that traditionally backs the Muslim Brotherhood are turning away as well. Last Friday Islamists kept away from celebrations marking the Arab spring going instead into the villages to volunteer and hand out food at half price. "They are trying this way to earn the support of the illiterate who however are starting to see that they are being used by unscrupulous people," Azzam explained. "A Cairo taxi driver who lives in a suburb told me he bought two kilos of meat for his family from one of these places," he said. "It was so old that even after five hours of cooking you could not eat it."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] "According to him the poor are tired of being hoodwinked and are no longer willing to sell themselves for a bag of rice or a piece of inedible meat. They too want to participate in building Egypt." (S.C.). 01/28/2013. EGYPT. Egypt in chaos Morsi declares state of emergency. The curfew will begin this evening at 21.00 in Suez Port Said and Ismalia and will last 30 days. Arab Spring protests mixed with football hooliganism. The death toll is 50 dead and nearly 500 injured. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has proclaimed a curfew in the districts of Port Said Suez and Ismalia after four days of violence that has killed 50 people. The measure will begin this evening at 21.00 (local time) and will last approximately 30 days. "Prior to my election
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda]- said the president - I said I was opposed to resort to extraordinary measures but the security of the nation is in danger and it is time to act." "The violence of recent days - he continued - has nothing to do with the revolution. Instead it is the 'ugly face' of a counter-revolution." Since last January 25 the second anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution Egypt has been in the grip of severe tensions. For three days hundreds of thousands of people protested in major Egyptian cities - Cairo Alexandria Assuit Port Said Suez Sharqiya Kafr al-Sheikh - calling for the end of the Islamist establishment and a true democracy. The most serious clashes took place in Suez where eight people were killed. The protests of the young democratic movements overlapped with the violence of football hooligans
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF III WW NWO talmud agenda] linked to the death sentence handed down to 21 people over the Port Said massacre took place on 2 February 2012. On 26 January the family of the condemned and supporters of Al-Masri - the local team whose fans are responsible for the deaths of 73 supporters of the opponent al-Ahly (Cairo team) - tried to storm the police stations. 32 people died in clashes. Yesterday at the funeral of the victims hooligans and police again clashed on the streets of Port Said adding seven more dead and 450 wounded to the toll. 11/25/2011. EGYPT. Al Azhar backs Tahrir Square protesters calls for the defence of Christians. Sheikh Shaheen urges the military to heed demonstrators' demands. More than a million people are in the streets of Alexandria and Cairo. Appointed as the new prime minister Kamal Ganzuori is tasked with forming a national unity government. He was also prime minister under Mubarak.
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] Cairo (AsiaNews) -- Al Azhar is backing Tahrir Square protesters calling on everybody to defend Christians. In his Friday sermon Sheikh Shaheen from al Azhar the most important Sunni university slammed the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) for listening to politicians rather than the young protesters. Dubbed the 'imam of the revolution' he called on state TV to give the revolutionaries their own channel to express and spread their views. Today more than a million people are in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria to demand the dissolution of the SCAF and the postponement of the elections. For its part the SCAF has asked Kamal Ganzuori 78 to form a new government of national unity. Mr Ganzouri is a former prime minister under Mubarak. The new cabinet is expected to include for the first time members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF IIIWW NWO talmud agenda] For Nagui Diamiam a young Coptic Catholic demonstration the support of al Azhar is great news. "Until now the Islamic university had not officially taken side in favour of the demonstrators. For young people Muslims and Christians the [sheikh's] message is sign of respect and an invitation to persevere. It goes against the position taken by the Muslim Brotherhood which has moved away from the protests. Now the Islamist party opposes putting off the election and does not want to make enemies of the army. For the Brotherhood this is an important opportunity to gain power." However the appointment of a new prime minister and the formation of a new government are no longer enough Diamiam said. "The military must go as they promised and postpone the election. It is impossible to vote in a situation of constant clashes and repression." (S.C.)
01/30/2013 PAKISTAN Punjab Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy acquitted on appeal by Jibran Khan After Rimsha Masih the community celebrates the release of Barkat Masih after 18 months in prison. He had been indicted on false charges for having fulfilled his job. The joy of human rights activists and associations another "important precedent". Pakistani priest it is time to review the laws and prevent abuse. Islamabad (AsiaNews) - After the young girl Rimsha Masih the Pakistani Christian community can celebrate the acquittal on appeal of a man sentenced to death - without evidence and on the basis of trumped-up charges - for blasphemy. The verdict may give new vigor and hope the other victims of the "black law" including the 46-year old mother of five Asia Bibi still waiting.
01/28/2013 [but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] ITALY - ASIA. Card. Bagnasco Shock at the persecution of Christians in Asia. The president of the CEI opens the work of the Permanent Council denouncing the "intolerant rage" against Christians in Asia and North Africa where the faithful "are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation." A blow to the West "which proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply them and demand them with in different measures" and an invitation to the parishes "cultivating the memory of our persecuted brothers and sisters also revitalizes our faith.". Rome (AsiaNews) - The persecution of Christians in Asia and around the world "creates dismay throughout the Church. In too many countries,
[but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation except by camouflage or in hiding. Experts speak a total of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure which can not leave people indifferent - individuals and institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests" stated Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco during the opening address to the Permanent Council of the Italian bishops' conference of which he is president. Besides the usual reminders about the Italian political economic and social scene - reminders present in his book "narrow gate" (published by Cantagalli) presented on January 24 in Rome with the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone -
[but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] the Archbishop of Genoa devoted a long passage to the persecution of Christians in Asia "The crisis which shock us most at the beginning of this year which once again the Pope wanted to usher in in the sign of peace are situations of persecution which target Christians situations which largely coincide with the unresolved conflicts in several countries but partly also develop where apparently there should be no sources of tension". In addition to the well known places says the archbishop "racial nationalism is emerging in Asia that periodically arouses intolerant fury under the distracted eyes of the West that proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply and demand these same rights with different measures. We regrettably also have to add the frontiers of Africa Nigeria Kenya the Democratic Republic of Congo Mali,
[but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] where the reasons for the attacks are mixed and the public reasons for the violence seem to want to identify Christianity with the West. Yet the Gospel wherever it is inculturated is constantly accompanied by experiences of aid to people often the only aid to be found on the spot". Then continued the Archbishop of Genoa "there is ethnic migration of a religious factor so people who profess Christianity - a religion that is perhaps the most historically rooted in a specific geographic area - must flee leaving their entire existence and all their worldly possessions in order not to renounce their faith. Behind the upheavals that took place recently in North Africa disturbing attempts at further discrimination are emerging and in too many countries Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation except by camouflage in hiding through dislocation".
[but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Experts speak of a total "of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure which can not leave anyone indifferent - individuals or institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests. Those who suffer and die for Christ do so for us and they are our brothers regardless of the distance that divides us. In the mysterious economy through which the kingdom of God on earth is concretely woven communion with these situations of martyrdom gives truth and vigor to our pastoral work today focused on re-evangelizing the lands that have long known the Gospel".
[but if the Catholic Church in its hypocrisy dare not even appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] In conclusion Cardinal Bagnasco launches an invitation especially to the West "If our parishes can keep alive even nourish a systematic memory of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in the world then even the local faith would be re- vitalised. Who else if not they can give us authentic momentum and reasons to believe? ".
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku Giappone.] 2013/01/29. 日本. 日本首次将基督教遗址纳入申遗名单提交联合国教科文组织. 日本长崎县和熊本县政府联合向文部科学相提交十三处"人类文化遗产"名单。其中包括了著名的、被教宗比约九世誉为"东方奇迹"的大浦主教座堂以及多处基督徒殉道纪念遗址。历史上,日本的福传事业遭遇了最为严酷的迫害. 长崎(亚洲新闻/通讯社)-日本政府历史上首次考虑将国内基督教遗址纳入名单,向联合国教科文组织申报世界文化遗产。长崎县和熊本县政府向文部科学相下村博文递交了一份十三处申请"人类文化遗产"名单。下个月,东京将正式向联合国教科文组织提出申遗,预计将于九月获悉结果 上述十三处地址几乎全部是基督教在日本发展历史的遗址。其中首推巴黎外方传教会两位传教士于一八六四年创建的、
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku Giappone.]专门纪念二十六名殉道基督徒的著名大浦天主教主教座堂。 五九七年,这九名欧洲人和十六名日本人被当时的日本皇帝丰臣秀吉下令钉死在十字架上。这座圣堂也是日本的第一座西方式建筑、一九三三年被指定为"国宝" 圣堂建成后,部分村民找到参与建造的传教士询问是否可以进入"敬礼玛丽亚"。由此,传教士发现了这些遗留下来的首批日本基督徒的后裔。因为丰臣秀吉发起的教难,令他们被迫隐姓埋名。随后,几万地下教友来到圣堂、恢复了信仰生活。教宗比约九世闻讯后,盛赞这是"东方的奇迹". 除大浦主教座堂外,长崎和熊本县政府还要求将其它基督徒殉道处、十六世纪日本基督徒逃难的地下墓穴申遗。事实上,长崎是日本福传的发源地。但因德川幕府的迫害,遭禁二百五十年。
7 amen ♰ ☠ pax ☠ pax ☠ Alleluia AMEN. Sharia NAZI. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself alleluia. amen. Rei unius King of Israel - you are buying from a jew 666 IMF your own money to a value of around 300% 100% for debt public. 100% for debt Private. For 100% seigniorage banking. you are the slave of Rothschild his sheep Because that's what the Talmud says! I know for the recession (monetary)? you have no more milk or wool to give to him ie Rothschild! then Rothschild your master now will take your flesh also! you will be dead in 2015. with the "products derivatives" "financial bubbles". public debt bank seigniorage etc. banking system can not return the money to the people. I know the only way to cover up this crime of the IMF? is to kill only 5.5 billion people. But this is to perfect the NWO. everyone can judge the Satanist who you are! by Rei unius king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
@StickFigures180 --- freemasons master with all Governments banking system ie seigniorage banking... are preparing the 3 ° WW nuclear! the only way to hit youtube to his satanic heart ie the IMF ie the CIA and Mossad New World Order? youtube is Illuminati CIA MOSSAD satanists freemsons IMF NWO. you are idiot! these are in the project aliens at the Bohemian Grove Talmud Kabbalah Bildenberg e Trilateraleecc... you are free only if you love God; with all thy heart; and with all thy mind! with all your strength! this is true power! I do not need to speak well English or good English. youtube is the heart of Satan the Jewish power of the IMF the Illuminati's home.. because I can speak in all souls of the world! I am the metaphysical! I'm here because you all are going to die! in this 3°WW nuclear:
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
@:MrZAZAZAKHO [open letter] @:to IsraelNationalTV and @:to all my muslims brothers we are the Kingdom of Palestine 1. we have the right to conquer Saudi Arabia because that is the place of the true Mount Sinai! 2. we have duty to kill his satanic King (little Satan) that has sold for genocide) (at the great Satan Bush and Rothschild) my Palestinian people in exchange of the his Islamic imperialism against the all Muslim peoples and to harm the sanctity of Islam in fact everywhere come the bombs of the Americans? Then the terrorists are Muslims to take power! above all we must teach at the Slave Trader What does the word "civilization" and what does the word "Islam Holy" here's why I have seen on the way to Mecca a carpet of corpses on which I will walk!!! here as will end the curse Mohammedan and will be built a big blessing Islamic. I am Mahdi
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia amen hallelujah amen Alleluia
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
2_2.@Muslims! -- these are the orders I have received from God! I will destroy مكة Kaʿba (كعبة) Kaaba. becouse 1. Black Stone (الحجر الأسود al-Hajar al-Aswad is idol! it offend the sanctity of my Islam! 2. Dome of the Rock قبة الصخرة al-Sakhr Qubbat it is the holiest site of the earth this is why that all Muslims and all people the world will pray in the direction of Jerusalem where he soon will rise mine too 3 rd Jewish Temple for the tables of Moses? the Ark of the Covenant? has been found! [Arca dell'Alleanza]:[Ark of the Covenant]..metaphysics it has brought me in Ethiopia! I have been the presence of the Blessed JHWH!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
1_2.@MrZAZAZAKHO Muslims! -- God my Holy Allah he knows how I has doing in 1982 in Scutari (Albania) I entered a mosque after making ablution rituals with bare feet as I have laid low with his face to the ground between the astonishment of all the elderly Muslims yes my holy Islam! In this past 1400 years? your cursed "Sharia or Jihad" has killed too many innocent people! The measure of God's wrath? has reached its climax against you! The planet earth has become too small for me here's why I will kill personally the last surviving criminal that dares to speak of sharia! As for any religion? God has not given the control of political life
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
@IsraelNationalTV - not only we must love Muslims like brothers! but we have the duty most sacred to be subject to the elder brother and our brother's Ishmael? He is our elder brother! So if we do not want to be condemned by the law of God the Torah we must destroy the State of Israel and we must be their servants! Now if we do overcome ourselves by a Christian of bastard (ie Unius Rei) we could fool the law in this way because who can say who is the son of a bastard as lorenzojhwh? He even looks like a Muslim!
by Unius Rei king of Israel
7 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
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feb 26
- Syria Talkha Tamarod Teacher Teenager Terrorize
- Problematic Religious Drafts Adopted OGM Parliament
- Pastor Killed As Drug Past Catches Up
- Satan dominentur OGM hominum
- Hashtag: di cosa si parla su Twitter
- Berlusconi bibblico, E’ tempo di riflettere
- Reregistration Deadline Passes for Religious Groups
- holy 9
- families of Jews Satanists called enlightened, IMF...
- Knife attack kills Christian woman in southern Egypt
- holy 10
- President Sisi sets a historic milestone
- Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
- Gender violence mercilessly
- centrodestra deve partire dalle primarie
- giornalista, politico, scrittore egiziano, natural...
- 666, NWO, FED google, Jewish lobbies, destroy Israel,
- mr Universal Metaphysc
- Biblical prophecies Messiah
- destroy satanic, abominable, Masonic State Israel
- Horus truth
- Messianic Prophecy Roger Liebi
- LorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine
- profezie bibliche sul Messia 332 profezie messianiche
- holy 7
- Egyptian Judge Frees Attackers Who Knifed Christian
- 666 IMF pharisee, Satan
- 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods owl Baal Marduk
- Islamists in Egypt Use Rumors to Attack Christians
- NEVER FORGET ✈ ▌ KILLER satanist 666 rOTHSCHILD, 3...
- I want the place, synnek1 in youtube
- Meloni: Non saranno i tecnici a salvare il mondo m...
- Pdl torna a cercare voti in mezzo alla gente
- Resurrection and Day of the Lord
- Parasites abduction
- by Unius REI, king of Israel
- Gli italiani hanno il diritto di sapere
- conoscere il pensiero di tutti i candidati alla gu...
- satanist international institutional
- Giorgia Meloni dice addio alla Giovane Italia
- Berlusconi diserta Atreju e spacca il Pdl. Delusio...
- Christian Lawyer Faces Difficult Choice
- hopp Auc Bevapnad grupp Colombia, forfulgte kristn...
- Lungo il cammino si disseta al torrente, e solleva...
- holy 12
- riforma del lavoro – Le mosse del centrodestra
- Training Plus Prayer Equals Hope for Church Leaders
feb 26
- ► 2014 (174)
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++++++++++++ ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
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consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel