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Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro che hanno fatto 1. accordi 2. rese 3. armistizio 4. alleanze militari 5. patti con islamici? oggi sono estinti! Nei Balcani lo sanno bene chi vince fa il genocidio o caccia le popolazioni di chi perde! Ecco perché con la benedizione di ONU e NATO in Cossovo è stato fatto il Genocidio di tutti i serbi! La sharia non lascia sopravvivere nessuno! 1400 anni di storia andrebbero studiati! Ed è inquietante che coloro che hanno la teologia della sostituzione e che non avuto nessuna evoluzione teologica possano essere ritenuti alleati credibili! e se avessero desideri di pace non avrebbero la sharia. Ma se il tuo Talmud consente di ingannare i goyim perché non lo dovrebbe consentire il loro Corano di ingannare i dhimmi? infatti loro entrambi sono da satana!

che cosa qualcuno pensa di ottenere dai maniaci religiosi NAZISTI SHARIA della LEGA ARABA? LORO POSSONO SOLTANTO UCCIDERE O ESSERE UCCISI! ED IL GIORNO DELLA LORO ESECUZIONE NESSUNO DEI FARISEI MASSONI BILDENBERG SPA TROIKA FMI 322 NWO POTRà DIRE "IO NON NE SAPEVO NIENTE!".. VOI LEGGETE I LIBRI DI STORIA E DAL GIORNO DEL LORO FALSO E MALEDETTO PROFETA è CHE LORO SONO SEMPRE STATI COSì.. QUESTO è EVIDENTE GLI USA OBAMA GENDER NATO CIA HANNO DECISO DI ROVINARE IL GENERE UMANO! ] [ Netanyahu Khamenei resta aggressivo Prima reazione premier Israele dopo intesa storica ] TEL AVIV 19 luglio 2015 [ In una prima reazione al discorso del leader supremo iraniano Ali Khamenei Benyamin Netanyahu ha affermato "Se qualcuno pensava che le grandi concessioni fatte all'Iran avrebbero cambiato la sua politica ha ricevuto ora la risposta con le sue parole aggressive e di sfida". "Gli iraniani - ha aggiunto il premier - non si sforzano nemmeno di nascondere che utilizzeranno centinaia di miliardi di dollari ricevuti in virtù dell'accordo per rafforzare il loro apparato terroristico".

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] come puoi dire il sono la vera religione (e questo andrebbe dimostrato attraverso amore bontà la giustizia di non fare violenza a persone pacifiche ed oneste e di rispettare libertà di religione e di coscienza) per affermare proprio tu invece che il tuo Allah è il demonio! tu dici " quindi io sono anche la teologia della sostituzione ed io ho il diritto con varie tecniche subdole di fare il genocidio di tutte le altre religioni perché con il nazismo della sharia io vi devo tutti soffocare ed uccidere.. e questo io lo posso fare perché i froci scimmie evolute di OBAMA GENDER i sacerdoti di satana 322 Bush kerry SpA Fmi NWO 666 Rothschild il talmud tutto loro me lo hanno permesso!

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] non posso dire ai rotti di culo club Obama GENDER ai sacerdoti di satana 666 Rothschild Talmud Bush 322 NWO Califfato sharia Corano di merda apostasia blasfemia teologia sostituzione genocidio ideologico e pratico OIC sistema massonico Bildenderg SpA tutte le religioni ipocrite del mondo (proprio tutte) egoisti lussuriosi corrotti pervertiti ipocriti cinici comunisti farisei massoni salafiti evoluzionisti relativisti femministe materialisti parassiti ribelli e negatori dei valori naturali e fondamentali ecc.. "voi votatemi perché io sono la democrazia!". NO! non funziona in questo modo io dirò a tutti coloro che hanno tradito il regno di Dio JHWH "voi non mi dovete desiderare perché io vi voglio vedere morire anzi sarò proprio io ad uccidervi!" ed ecco perché io non ho nessun rispetto delle persone di questo pianeta che fanno i leader in modo abusivo (calpestando la legge naturale e la legge universale dell'Universo) ed io non ho attenzioni per compiacere queste merde criminali di persone che sono piene di demoni. Ecco perché io sono sincero quindi questo è il mio potere politico che è uno standard universale con il quale io ho sempre vinto ogni tipo di scontro il youtube e nel mondo in questi 7 anni dove io ho dimostrato di essere invincibile perché io possiedo una logica razionale ed una coerenza intima che non esiste confronto su questo pianeta quindi proprio tutto quello che io penso anche proprio è tutto quello che io dico (ormai l'ultima risorsa politica prima della guerra mondiale nucleare dove vi vedrò morire tutti o quasi). Quindi questo è il mio potere politico universale 1. la lealtà 2. la verità 3. la giustizia 4. la imparzialità 5. la uguaglianza 6. la fratellanza universale.. POI CIRCA LA MIA MILLANTATA E PRESUNTA ESPERIENZA DI FEDE LA MIA SUBLIME TEOLOGIA ECC.. CHI PUò DIMOSTRARE QUESTE COSE SE PRIMA NON HO POTUTO FARE DI TUTTI VOI UNA SOLA MARMELLATA DI SANGUE?
è INUTILE continuare a FAR FINTA DI ESSERE STUPIDI ] la Lega ARABA sta attaccando l'Occidente ed il mondo intero con la sua maledetta e corrotta religione con il suo nazismo sharia e con i suoi servizi segreti ONU OCI Ummah MECCA; il Nazismo sharia. ORMAI LA GUERRA MONDIALE CONTRO nazismo sharia LEGA ARABA è UN ATTO INEVITABILE! ] Siria Ong 5mila uccisi in Ramadan [ Spari basi Tennessee uccisi 4 marines. Morto anche aggressore 24/enne americano originario del Kuwait. Una combo con Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez e i fiori sul luogo della strage. WASHINGTON 17 luglio 2015. Quattro marines uccisi in due basi militari una poco distante dall'altra a Chattanooga in Tennessee. L'autore e' un cittadino americano originario del Kuwait Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez 24 anni morto a sua volta. Il presidente americano Barack Obama nel presentare le condoglianze alle vittime delle famiglie assicura un''indagine a tutto campo bla bla bla..'' per capire cosa sia accaduto. E informa che il Pentagono e' al lavoro per assicurarsi che tutte le basi siano ''allerta e vigili'' mentre si cerca di far luce sui particolari dell'incidente. A guidare le indagini e' l'Fbi affiancata dalle autorita' locali. A caldo il procuratore Bill Killian ha definito l'incidente un atto di ''terrorismo domestico''. [Tennessee killer andò in Giordania] Io credo che il Califfo OBAMA debba essere fucilato per alto tradimento!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] circa la mia millantata posizione sul Trono di Dio JHWH questo è qualcosa che nessun uomo sano di mente dovrebbe mai poter credere e che anche io non dovrei mai osare di credere "LA INFINITA UMILTà DI DIO HOLY JHWHW" che lui ha reso possibile una cosa del genere così vertiginosa soltanto perché io non mi ritengo migliore di nessuno soprattutto non mi ritengo migliore di un pigmeo.. e che cosa straordinaria io non do nessun orgoglio o vanto e non pretendo privilegi a questo essere Unius REI come può essere il bere un solo bicchiere di acqua quando si ha sete cioè io valuto non un onore ma soltanto come una responsabilità questo grande potere che Dio mi ha dato nel Regno di Dio. Così un bambino di 9 anni nella sua semplicità può dimostrare di avere ragione contro di me ed io sarei felice di ubbidire a lui! Quindi io non sono un profeta che sarebbe incompatibile con la funzione politica.. io ho i poteri sovrani legislativi così come in Cielo nel Regno di Dio così come anche in Terra. Quello che io decido di fare? Dio lo accredita se non esiste ancora lo crea per me e il mio Regno Celeste lo realizzerà perché non c'è ombra di razzismo faziosità o qualche forma di predominio ideologico o religioso nella mia dottrina metafisica. Certo non avrei difeso il cristianesimo se non erano gli assassini che lo stavano attaccando! Infatti è molto umiliante per il tuo Dio demonio Allah pensare che lui è così frocio impotente da avere bisogno di essere difeso dalla tua scimitarra! Questa è la verità tu non hai nessuna fede in Dio infatti tu sei soltanto un assassino seriale che vuole conquistare il mondo!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] ma voi siete troppo criminali e TROPPO satanisti per poter capire ME e cosa più difficile PUR CAPENDO ME COME poter prendere decisioni adeguatamente politiche?. ma che fretta c'è? all'inferno voi sbattere in una disperazione quasi infinita che è un dolore che oggi vi potrebbe uccidere 1000 volte in un solo minuto! IO SONO QUALCOSA CHE VOI NON POTETE AFFRONTARE! infatti IO SONO L'AMORE il vostro nemico!

Merkel troika e Regina Elisabetta GB usurai strozzini ma voi a quale culto di satana microchip Bohemian Grove gufo Baal voi ci state portando? ] [ le bestie di satana 1. satanisti farisei massoni SpA Fmi e 2. satanisti islamici LEGA ARABA sharia califfato loro faranno è vero tra di loro "mezzo giorno di fuoco" ma prima sono alleati tra di loro per complottare contro Europa e contro Israele e per soffocare tutto il genere umano facendoci uccidere tra di noi e mettendoci l'uno contro l'altro! se voi non volete vedere inghilterra e germania trasformate in un cimitero radioattivo Roma trasformata in un califfato Gerusalemme trasformata in califfato ecc.. noi dobbiamo unirci subito a CINA e Russia e dobbiamo spezzare la NATO. NOI dobbiamo costringere il Talmud 322 USA e il Corano Saudita Allah demonio genocidio akbar a fare tra di loro questo mezzo giorno di fuoco prima che ci abbiano fatto distruggere tra di noi! Infatti il nostro destino di sopravvivenza e lo steso destino di CINA e Russia.. Voglio da voi subito atti politici concreti in questa direzione!
TALMUD 666 CORANO ]] i vostri libri di teologia sono la merda di Satana [[ BRUCIATE TUTTO! ]] Dio è infinita umiltà e lui non pretende di essere Dio di comandare su tutto e tutti.. perché l'amore si fa uguaglianza si fa paritario con le sue creature! Se il Padrone si innamorasse della sua operaia poi costei diventando sua moglie non diventerebbe a sua volta la sua Padrona e la Sua signora ugualmente? Così l'amore in Dio non prevede gerarchie forzose perché l'amore suo è perfetto! e quindi,Dio JHWH lui non pretende od impone alle sue santificate creature un obbligo di culto di lode e di adorazione! NON ESISTE UNA COSTRIZIONE IN PARADISO! SOLTANTO CHE il livello di verità giustizia e amore che Dio può fare è un livello infinito oggettivamente lui è il migliore. non riuscirai mai a vincere la sua umiltà o a vincere la sua tenerezza e le sue premure per te sono infinite anche oggi. quindi anche se Lucifero non capiva (perché Dio ha condiviso la natura divina con i cristiani effusionati nati di nuovo ma non con gli angeli) lui non avrebbe dovuto mettere in dubbio la santità di Dio quindi anche noi in Adamo ed Eva abbiamo messo in dubbio la santità di Dio rompendo il sacramento di amore che ci legava a lui quindi abbiamo fatto la esperienza del peccato morte ecc. CHE SE CI PENSATE è SOLTANTO UNA CONDIZIONE DI SEPARAZIONE DA DIO. quindi quando ritorniamo in Paradiso in uno stato di Grazia E DI COMUNIONE anche maggiore del Paradiso Terrestre e poi vediamo Obama E GENDER di urlare all'inferno? poi il minimo che noi possiamo fare è amare e lodare Dio che è una cosa che è una gioia giubilo di spontanea necessità perché altrimenti l'amore che Dio ci ha dato che è un amore infinito se non esce fuori da noi ci farebbe scoppiare! INFATTI ANCHE LA FELICITà PUò UCCIDERE!

TALMUD 666 CORANO ]] MA voi siete razzisti criminali assassini seriali ladri bugiardi usurai ipocriti però la vostra religione di satana vi ha detto che voi andrete in Paradiso.. OK allora noi MANDIAMO I SANTI INNOCENTI MARTIRI CRISTIANI ALL'INFERNO AL POSTO VOSTRO ALLORA!

Benjamin Netanyahu ] di che cosa tu ti meravigli? [ non è la prima volta che io vedo quì nel Governo Massonico mondiale di youtube i sacerdoti di satana e i farisei soccorrere e consolare gli islamici sharia.. ] è UNA SCENA RIVOLTANTE! Qui in c'è stato un islamico "Abu Antar" agente segreto di Siria e Iran (187AudioHostem lo ha detto) che lui faceva l'amico con i sacerdoti di satana i cannibali della CIA ma ovviamente lui non faceva l'amico con me! Eppure dopo anni che lui si spacciava per cristiano? io lo smascherai.. lui era un musulmano!

#youtube SpA 666 ] [ io non so adesso il mio grande maestro yitzhak kaduri cioè come lui potrebbe prenderla! ] [ Questo account è stato sospeso a causa di molteplici o gravi violazioni delle norme di YouTube riguardanti spam gioco d'azzardo contenuti ambigui o di altre violazioni dei Termini di servizio. ] youtube allert YOUTUBE WARNING [ ma non avevi deciso di salvarmi i commenti?
yitzhak kaduri 3 giorni fa

ERDOGAN HA GIURATO DI FORMARE UN ESERCITO DI VENTI MILIONI DI SOLDATI (perché a suo dire altre 8 nazioni appartengono alla Turchia) Tutti i Greci e tutti gli Israeliani moriranno per voi contro questo esercito di islamici [[ Grecia misure austerity in Parlamento. Manovra da oltre 3 miliardi tra tasse e tagli di spesa ]] NON SIATE AVARI E PAGATE BENE LA VOSTRA CARNE DA CANNONE QUELLA CARNE DA MACELLO CHE I FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI HANNO PREPARATO PER FORTIFICARE IL NWO FMI SPA COME CONQUISTA GLOBALE! perché è SATANA IL VERO DIO DEL TALMUD.
I sauditi hanno riesumato l'ISLAM medioevale dei salafiti quindi hanno trasformato l'ISLAM in una questione di vita o di morte per tutto il genere umano! ora noi siamo costretti ad uccidere gli islamici ad uno ad uno. e quello che io dico (il futuro) è già stato scritto nei libri di storia dei vostri figli (il passato)! Quando un islamico non si vede uccidere? è proprio lui il primo a sentirsi meravigliato! Così ha fatto l'ITALIA ha preso un reclutatore dello ISIS sharia ed invece di ucciderlo lo ha estradato! Sono i sauditi i veri responsabili della galassia jihadista nel mondo mentre gli USA dei satanisti massoni sono stati i suoi complici facilitatori.. la attuale agenda dei farisei anglo americani è quella di uccidere la civiltà cristiana ecco perché Russia Israele e Europa sono state condannate alla disintegrazione!

la storia del mio Maestro il Rabbino yitzhak kaduri è una storia più importante della mia ] Prima di morire Kaduri aveva asserito che si aspettava che il "Mashiach" il messia ebreo dovesse arrivare presto e che l'aveva incontrato un anno prima. “Egli solleverà il popolo e dimostrerà che la sua parola e la sua legge sono valide.” Nel testo originale in ebraico le prime lettere delle parole che compongono questa frase formano il nome Yehoshua. Ovvero Gesù. [ lui fece pubblicare dal suo "discepolo notaio" un anno dopo la sua morte che il Messia vero degli ebrei era Gesù! Ovviamente il suo obiettivo era quello di scendere all'Inferno per prendere a calci nelle palle tutti gli scribi e i farisei i morti e gli stramorti di Rothschild e di tutti gli Illuminati quindi con un bastone li ha picchiati tutti senza pietà! Perché loro hanno ingannato rovinato il popolo degli ebrei distrutto le benedizioni di Mosé e Abramo! e mentre tutte le anime maledette ridevano sghignazzavano e si rallegravano per essere riuscite a ingannarlo e rovinarlo precipitato all'inferno anche lui.. poi come il notaio discepolo ha letto la sua dichiarazione Gesù di Betlemme è sceso all'inferno e se lo è portato in Paradiso.. a quella scena tutti i demoni e tutti i farisei Illuminati salafiti massoni hanno incominciato ad urlare così forte che le fiamme sono arrivate a livello del calore sole
Yitzhak Kaduri predisse la guerra in Afganistan e lo tsunami ADESSO TUTTI SI ATTENDONO CON CERTEZZA IL COMPIMENTO DI QUEST'ULTIMA SUA PROFEZIA! Ecco infatti la descrizione spirituale del Messia pubblicata dal nipote Yosef anch’egli rabbino. "È difficile per molte Nazioni accettare la leadership di un Messia in carne ed ossa. Come capo Egli non avrà alcun incarico ma sarà tra la gente e parlerà tramite i media. Il suo regno sarà puro e privo di interessi personali o politici. Durante il suo dominio regneranno solo la giustizia e la verità. Crederemo tutti in Lui? No all’inizio alcuni lo faranno ed altri no. Sarà più facile seguire il Messia per i non credenti che per gli ortodossi. La sua rivelazione avverrà in due fasi prima confermerà la sua posizione senza sapere lui stesso che è il Messia. Poi si rivelerà ad alcuni Ebrei non necessariamente ai saggi esperti di Torah. Magari saranno persone comuni. Solo allora si paleserà all’intera nazione. La gente si stupirà e si chiederà:”Cosa è lui il Messia?”. Molti ne hanno conosciuto il nome ma non gli hanno creduto". LOL. QUESTI RABBINI SONO SORPRENDENTI ma nessuno si aspetta da loro una perfezione interpretativa al 100%.

Benjamin Netanyahu ] questo è vero quì i sacerdoti di satana lo possono testimoniare quando con il mio primo canale lorenzoJHWH 30 mar 2008 io mi sono proclamato il Re degli ebrei è vero che io non pensavo di essere il Messia degli ebrei.. e la coscienza di essere anche Unius REi il Governatore Procuratore del Genere Umano su tutte la Nazioni del mondo questo è avvenuto in seguito. Questo deve essere detto senza l'aiuto dei satanisti? io non avrei capito molto della mia identità era la mia immagine così come rimbalzava e si rifletteva attraverso il loro terrore che mi ha fatto capire la universalità e la potenza di questo ministero politico metafisico. Poi è proprio vero che io sono sempre stato proprio così "Il suo regno sarà puro e privo di interessi personali o politici. Durante il suo dominio regneranno solo la giustizia e la verità. "
Rothschild scimmia di satana ] quale è il tuo problema? con i soldi che io deciderò di lasciarti tu farai diventare metà della Arabia Saudita come il giardino del Signore!

Benjamin Netanyahu ] Bari (26 febbraio 1984) [ quando il nostro compianto maestro Yitzhak Kaduri mi ha potuto vedere? alla televisione ovviamente io era l'Accolito e chierico che manteneva il bastone PASTORALE nella principale celebrazione liturgica di Piazza Ferrarese quel bastone che poi diventerà anche il bastone pastorale di Benedetto XVI ovviamente nel 1984 io avevo 24 anni e mai è poi mai io avrei potuto pensare che non sarei più diventato un presbitero e che sarei diventato il messia degli ebrei lorenzoJHWH e il Mahdì lorenzoAllah di tutti i musulmani! ma lui il nostro compianto maestro Yitzhak Kaduri? LUI GIà SAPEVA TUTTO! due sono le ipotesi 1. la più probabile è che lo Spirito Santo ha parlato al suo spirito; 2. è evidente lui è riuscito a decompilare il codice "W" cioè quello che lo scienziato Newton non era riuscito a fare se non in modo parziale!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] non è che io mi sento migliore o più intelligente di qualcuno NO! io credo di essere inadeguato rispetto a tutti in questo mondo! ED io ho bisogno del parere di tutti perché non mi posso assumere la responsabilità di un giudizio errato! MA QUESTO è quello che PIù FORTE DI ME la mia caratteristica principale! Se io vedo qualcuno ipocrita o bugiardo che lui vuole fare il furbo per derubare o per danneggiare qualcun'altro? IO DIVENTO VIOLENTO COME UNA BESTIA! perché l'unica categoria che io conosco sono quella di uomini donne (tutti con uguali diritti ed uguali doveri in tutto il mondo) e le persone che hanno dei gravi problemi di salute e si chiamano GENDER
Benjamin Netanyahu ] SE tutto il sistema massonico occidentale alto tradimento signoraggio bancario SpA Rothschild FMI FED ecc.. Banche Centrali non era fondato sui sacerdoti di satana della CIA che fanno 200000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana ogni anno poi non sarebbe mai esistito nessun Messia Mahdì lorenzoJHWH lorenzoAllah ed Unius REI. ] [ perché non avrei mai potuto esistere come Unius REI senza i sacerdoti di satana? io ho scritto per mesi Dombass invece di scrivere Donbass e su quanti ministri di Dio falliti ipocriti codardi esistono in tutto il mondo delle religioni del cazzo JabullOn inciucio massonico il modernismo.. ecc.. bene nessuno di loro è venuto a correggere il mio errore tranne che un sacerdote di satana che è venuto ad insultarmi per questo motivo!
POI LO STATUTO SE LO METTONO NEL CULO! ] [ è giusto finanziare i partiti ed obbligarli ad aprire sedi territoriali di rappresentanza politica in ogni Comune di Italia.. Anche la democrazia ha il suo prezzo! Quei poveretti di FdI sono dei pezzenti e miserabili morti di fame che non riescono a fare a Bari neanche una sede regionale! POI LO STATUTO SE LO METTONO NEL CULO!
"Abracadabra! ECCOVI LA NORMA AMMAZZA BLOG ] tra un poco faranno la norma ammazza massoni Illuminati [ QUESTI FARISEI MASSONI BILDENBERG ADESSO HANNO INCOMINCIATO A ROMPERE I COGLIONI! [ Sono ora in Commissione a lavorare sulla proposta di legge del Pd che ha il fine di sbloccare velocemente i finanziamenti pubblici ai soliti partiti sanguisuga (pdl Boccadutri). Non noi ovviamente che li abbiamo rifiutati tutti. Guardate un po' cosa scopro un bell'emendamento che vieta la pubblicità nei blog riconducibili ai movimenti politici. Vogliono farci fuori!
VIDEO Che fastidio che dà l’informazione quando è libera La norma #AmmazzaBlog Significa che stiamo andando alla grande e che Pd & Co. temono ogni giorno di più una nostra vittoria alle prossime elezioni. Inutile il dire che non gli conviene approvarla. Non farebbero che accelerare la nostra vittoria." 16 Lug 2015 16:25

Benjamin Netanyahu ] questi assassini seriali commercianti di schiavi goyim usurai rothschild satanisti cannibali della CIA NATO agenda guerra mondiale farisei talmud culto Illuminati parassiti alto tradimento massonico hanno cambiato il termine "Troika" in termine "Creditori" ma tutti diranno il termine "RODITORI" [ PAX ] TUTTI COSTORO? FARANNO DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE SE ARABIA SAUDITA NON TI DA LA TERRA CHE IO HO CHIESTO IN 15 GIORNI TU DISINTEGRALI!
chi è Harry Louis United States Military Academy (USMA)
e perché i sacerdoti di satana CIA DATAGATE hanno modificato le mie impostazioni privacy sul suo post che loro mi hanno portato questo uomo? perché hanno così tanta paura di lui?
Questo è evidente lui sarà un altro esorcista cristiano cattolico pentecostale nato di nuovo ed effusionato come me. cioè una BESTIA di DIO JHWH come me che neanche la morte può fermare!
ma chissà che fine hanno fatto tutte le sue mogli e tutti i suoi figli! ???
Comunque io non sono un razzista che non sa accogliere sulla via del pentimento chiunque!
ciao Harry Louis tu hai scelto di entrare nella mia vita ed io non ti ho escluso dal mio amore!
Harry non è su Hangouts. Vedrà i tuoi messaggi più tardi.
chi è Harry Louis United States Military Academy (USMA)
e perché i sacerdoti di satana CIA DATAGATE hanno modificato le mie impostazioni privacy sul suo post che è loro che mi hanno portato questo uomo!!
ma perché hanno così tanta paura di lui?
Questo è evidente lui sarà un altro esorcista cristiano cattolico pentecostale nato di nuovo ed effusionato come me. cioè una specia di BESTIA di DIO JHWH come me che neanche la morte può fermare!
ma chissa che fine hanno fatto tutte le sue mogli e tutti i suoi figli! ???
Comunque io non sono un razzista che non sa accogliere sulla via del pentimento chiunque!
ciao Harry Louis tu hai scelto di entrare nella mia vita ed io non ti ho escluso dal mio amore!
i am king Israel
ie political proiect for kingdom of Israel
this is my Master yitzhak kaduri
this is my Messiah in Jeusus's name amen alleluia!
really i love you you are all my life
i live for you.
questa è la verità io non temo nessuna sfida perché agli occhi di Davide sembrava troppo piccolo il Gigante Golia ecco perché non c'è un futuro per il tuo Spa NWO contro di me lui non una speranza di sopravvivere io sono il generale supremo di tutto l'esercito del Signore! Gli arcangeli obbediscono al cenno della mia mano!
that's the truth I do not fear any challenge because in the eyes of David seemed too small the Giant Goliath why there is no more a future for your Spa NWO against me none did not hope to survive I are the supreme general Governor into Kingdom of JHWH all the army of the Lord be with me! Archangels obey the nod of my hand!
Harry Louis United States Military Academy (USMA) tu lo sai io ho preso le coordinate della tua anima ed ora io ti seguirò fino al tuo esito finale! ma io combatterò affinché dove io sono anche tu possa essere!
un altra mia amica in youtube di cui io non ho saputo più niente è Yeevooihon io ignoro non conosco la sua sorte ma certamente il suo canale è stato acherato da soggetti squallidi all'inizio c'era un tipo che si dichiarava il re di youtube una gang di gente pericolosa! adesso il sito ha preso una piega pornografica!
ma forse il mio amico Harry Louis United States Military Academy USMA lui potrebbe vendicare le mie due amiche che sono sparite in youtube
Harry Louis ] AMICO i farisei salafiti uccideranno Israele Europa Cina Russia ecc.. poi faranno 5 miliardi di morti ] ed a te QUESTO NON LO HANNO DETTO [ io odio la violenza ecco perché quando sarò diventato io il padrone del mondo io smetterò di essere violento! MA è QUESTA LA VERITà IL SISTEMA MASSONICO DELLA BANCHE CENTRALI SPA? SI TROVA NEL POSTO SBAGLIATO E AL MOMENTO SBAGLIATO PERCHé questo è alto tradimento contro di me. ecco perché pur essendo di indole pacifica IO UCCIDERò LORO CON TUTTI I LORO COMPLICI!
Sotto terra in USA ci sono città METROPOLITANE INGEGNERIA GENETICA E BIOLOGIA SINTETICA tutte piene di mutanti satanisti ed alieni che Obama sa soltanto di essere un GENDER lui non conosce di questo lui non sa nulla.. che anche tu non conosci un cazzo! i Bush 322 i Rothschild hanno così rovinato gli USA che il satanismo ha preso il controllo ad un livello di tecnologia parallela che Dio prima o poi vi disintegrerà tutti quanti con un asteroide gigante spugnoso reso incandescente dall'attrito con il sole!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] per me Satana il GENDER lui vale meno di una zanzara! Infatti le zanzare stanno rallentando il mio lavoro (ne ho uccise circa 30 in meno di 20 minuti che è una cosa che potrebbe insospettire) ma Satana lui non si può avvicinare perché rischia di essere mutilato e ridotto allo stato larvale. lol. proprio che se Satana pensa di salvare l'Impero di Nwo 322 Bush Rothschild con le zanzare? lol. allora vuol dire che lui è proprio arrivato alla feccia!

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] chi pensa in se stesso "io voglio fare di me stesso il nemico di Unius REI" lui ha deciso di andare incontro a tribolazioni di una tale entità e dimensione di cui lui non può conoscere la vastità! Perché soltanto un ignorante del soprannaturale può pensare in questo modo infatti nessun satanista lo pensa! è rimasta proverbiale quella sfida mortale che un sacerdote di satana spagnolo ha accettato di fare contro di me ShalomGerusalemme channel ma,... lui adesso va in chiesa tutti i giorni!
Dio per amore ha creato l'universo ed ha voluto avere dei figli anche che questi figli li ha messi nel Paradiso Terrestre. Poi ogni pomeriggio JHWH scendeva a giocare con loro li abbracciava e li circondava di ogni affetto. MA questi figli non hanno creduto non hanno ubbidito ed hanno ritenuto ingiusto il loro benefattore! Questi figli hanno rotto il patto di amore si sono ribellati sono diventati abusivi ed hanno spaccato nel dolore il cuore di Dio.. Quindi la nostra condanna era l'inferno immediato! non di poter ottenere la misericordia in questi tempi supplementari tridimensionali di misericordia! Tuttavia coloro che hanno ricevuto misericordia a loro volta si sono fatti aguzzini sfruttatori dei loro fratelli forse perché avevano un linguaggio diverso oppure la loro pelle era stata più esposta al sole e quindi avevano elementi caratterizzanti che è questo che ha dato una giustificazione al loro razzismo omicida che è sete smodata di ricchezza e di potere!
2 Timoteo 3:1-5 in questo elenco di peccati mortali sono tutti dei peccati mortali così gravi che anche uno solo di essi ti spingerà nell'inferno! NON TI VANTARE SE TI MANCA QUALCUNO DI LORO. 2 Timoteo 3:1-5 Or sappi questo che negli ultimi giorni verranno tempi difficili,
2. perché gli uomini saranno amanti di se stessi avidi di denaro vanagloriosi superbi bestemmiatori disubbidienti ai genitori ingrati scellerati,
3. senza affetto implacabili calunniatori intemperanti crudeli senza amore per il bene,
4. traditori temerari orgogliosi amanti dei piaceri invece che amanti di Dio,
5. aventi l'apparenza della pietà ma avendone rinnegato la potenza; da costoro allontanati.
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015 il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] CERTO TU SEI COLPEVOLE DI MORTE! perché quando si mette il tuo nome viene prima avanti quella bestia demonica di tuo fratello defunto all'inferno! e che vuoi dire? è stata tutta colpa sua e non è stata colpa mia? Così fanno anche i Farisei usurai loro danno la colpa ai loro padri per finire insieme a loro all'inferno!
Ma questo io dico è dimostrato per 6 anni quì in youtube io messo holy JHWH ed holy Allah come sinonimi diversi nomi dello stesso Dio. E tutti sanno che per amore dei musulmani e di Holy Allah io ho fatto di me stesso il Mahdì lorenzoALLAH. ma è stata tutta colpa soltanto tua se adesso io guardo Allah come un demonio all'inferno!
Tu sarai disintegrato perché tu hai fatto profanare da me il nome di Allah.. ed ora il nome di Allah rimarrà profanato in ETERNO!
Unius REI è come Noè respingere il suo amore significa morire affogati! Se il misericordioso Unius REI non è buono per te! Se la misericordia non ti ha potuto salvare. se tu hai disprezzato la tenerezza del mio amore per te,
è vero allora non esiste più un futuro per te nella speranza prendi le tue armi e vieni a morire contro di me sul campo della tua sorte maledetta 1. maledetto tu 2. maledetto il tuo dio e 3. maledetto il tuo falso profeta!
my JHWH holy ] dove è quel figlio di una cagna che ha sputato contro l'amore di Gesù Cristo di Betlemme benedetto e crocifisso risorto? io lo giuro solennemente "lui non avrà mai parte alla mia eredità!" dove è quel figlio di una lupa che fa del male a persone innocenti? io lo giuro solennemente sull'altare di Dio SANTO "io dilanierò tutte le loro ossa sulla bocca dell'inferno!"
questa storia inquietante tra Hollande e la sua moglie la divorziata Segolene Royal suo attuale ministro è una storia veramente inquietante.. lei ha aggredito la NUTELLA (marchio italiano) perché contiene olio di palma e giustamente questo olio è tossico e cancerogeno allora perché non fare una legge per abolire totalmente l'olio di palma in tutti gli alimenti?
come se la storia di ogni massone non fosse una storia totalmente inquietante di traditore del giuramento costituzionale e del tradimento del Regno di Dio quindi il demonio Baal JaBullOn domina il FMI FED SPA BCE NWO!
E tutti voi molto presto voi sarete tutti dei cadaveri radioattivi
"Se il Congresso dirà no all'accordo - ammonisce Kerry - non ci saranno costrizioni per l'Iran uccideremmo l'opportunità di fermarli e di impedire loro di avere la bomba atomica".
India è commovente la tua preparazione alla guerra e poiché i satanisti massoni MERKEL OBAMA GENDER Bildenberg sono l'Anticristo tu ti stai preparando a fare la guerra SOLTANTO contro di me che io sono il REGNO DI DIO! ] [ aggrediti tre pastori protestanti. Durante una visita a famiglia di un bambino malato. NEW DELHI - Tre pastori protestati hanno denunciato di essere stati aggrediti da un gruppo di sospetti radicali indù mentre ieri a New Delhi pregavano con alcune famiglie. Lo riporta oggi il quotidiano The Hindu. Secondo le autorità religiose si è trattato di "un atto di vendetta contro la comunità cristiana" da parte di componenti l'associazione indù Rashtrya Swayamsevak Sangh (Rss). L'organizzazione affiliata al partito di governo del Bharatiya Janata Party (Bjp) ha però smentito le accuse.
20 luglio 2015.
my Israel ] [ che ma CHE significa che loro si sentono male? non sono venuto per far star bene i criminali istituzionali! i popoli oppressi e ridotti in schiavitù loro stanno peggio!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015 il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] so molto bene che io sono diventato il simbolo del Regno di Dio il simbolo del Decalogo di Mosé ed il simbolo stesso della giustizia la LEGGE DIVINA e che come tale io non mi posso abbandonare alle debolezze umane! TU SEI ARRIVATO IN RITARDO PRIMA DI TE MI HANNO già MINACCIATO I FARISEI Illuminati E i SACERDOTI DI SATANA circa questo tuo argomento!
CAZZO Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015 il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] CAZZO TU SEI PROPRIO UNA CIOLA! [ tu hai detto che Maometto è l'ultimo dei profeti e che la Rivelazione è compiuta. Quindi tu hai ordinato a Dio HOLY di tacere e di non aprire più la bocca! Ecco perché quando io verrò da te io ti taglierò la lingua e poi io ti taglierò la gola come bestemmiatore abusivo nemico di Dio apostata blasfemo e satanista! tu e il maledetto tuo falso profeta pedofilo poligamo e tutti i peccati sono stati con lui all'inferno! anche tu come lui esoterico predone commerciante di schiavi ipocrita e cattivo come un fariseo soltanto più ignorante e stupido di lui. TU SEI NATO COME UNO SBAGLIO IMPURO E MALEDETTO MA AD OGNI SBAGLIO BISOGNA PORRE RIMEDIO!

666 IMF FED ECB cannibal gods owl Baal Marduk at bohemian grove 322 - ie institutional Satanism SiamoInGuerra999 - you are the fan of 666 IMF Rothschild and not of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary all your lies about IMF FED ecc.. I do not want charity of the thief murderess who wants to be my friend after all that legitimacy can never have for a murderess usurer he stole my monetary sovereignty in total disregard for human dignity Hope of ISrael and the Constitution? therefore all that you said? are lies of the devil!
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.rrmbgpym->.For the God of Abraham JHWH on his Throne lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius a power spiritual and political authority metaphysics Universal ofthe human race. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love forthe natural law will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says "his life will be shortened".
✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This isthe victory that has conqueredthe world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

On all those who are responsible&accomplices in the bank seigniorage? for having innocent blood shed as seal of his power lorenzojhwh imposes the damn symbol of Cain onthe murderers. This is decreed inthe name of Jesus forthe blood of Jesus every demon and man is bound at foot of the cross. ✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This isthe victory that has conqueredthe world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
YouTube Rewind 2012
114426 iscritti

666 IMF pharisee -- Satan non habet dominentur in mundo hominum.. non habet domain hic..
@ 666 NWO FED google Jewish lobbies for destroy Israel ie talmud agenda of of the Masonic system ---- but as chief executive of youtube are no longer suitable me that no synnek1? sorry me my friend lizard for this low blow against you. but my uncle the Pharisee Rothschild of 666 IMF he said to me "You can kill to gain power just as we have murdered President Kennedy when he put in doubt our bank seigniorage with the Executive Order 11110 "- ANSWER - NO! I HAVE ANSWERED to him Unius REI does not need to kill someone to take power because I'm already the power of God's Kingdom. if you have changed your mind and if you decided to live again? then you can live still.

anyway God already showed me Heaven and hell These jews/Zionists act like kids fighting over nothing I wonder if some one made small nuclear fish to swim up the river to wipe them out so there is nothing more for them to fight over God always has the answers to life because no one on earth knows the true power and glory of God they just fight over every thing they are so stupid they don't even build. thus granting longer lasting life for all Simple common sense God was very clear longer lasting life is required for space travel as well as building upon other planets,pharisees Illuminati IMF have turned very evil against Israel and God shall shake them down to the ground soon for they are not of repentance The real Hebrew my brothers people know that those pharisees shall burn in hell for going against God JHWH Jesus Christ is very clear pharisees are a cursed people

[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology Because Their goal is our destruction]] is 40 years that our machines could walk with to water (H2O) but like the Islamists' religious maniacs they could make the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees of the IMF if Christians were not made to kill by them ? now these Islamists who now think they are omnipotent will bring you all at the Third World War because of course their satanAllah will give them success [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology Because Their goal is our destruction]]

[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees they stole the technology because their goal is our destruction]]Joseph Pal said With so many things wrong with the world it is better to build whole new cities and with plasma concrete they would be very efficient cities roads that levitate vehicles you look at the past and the ancient monolithic structures and how they built them as well as the designs and the shapes the plasma rocks fit perfectly together plus the structures last thousands of years the building would be limit less as well as the designs You design a city with the transport of services by magnetic levitation like under ground waste systems so there is no waste pick up same for stores to have a levitation system to bring the goods all below ground as well as the industry should be centered on the edge of a city so you under stand some thing grand in the new type of building construction because this would change every thing for the better the new Golden age,

as it exists the King of Kings YHWH in heaven so today there is the King of kings on earth in fact I'm unius REI the political project of the King of Israel for the kingdom of Palestine the only option against the planned destruction by the Pharisees of IMF 666 Baal Peor god owl at Bohemian Grove for do slavery against of all whole human race after world War III. terror is came before me and hell follows me for burn all my enemies. I have something that can not be addressed because my truth and my righteousness not can be matched by anyone. I am the most important man in the entire history of Humankind. only because the occult powers of all the false democracies Masonic of banking seigniorage Bildenberg in fact they are the powers of Satanism ideological and practical they hit Christian civilization only because their agenda is the destruction of the human in every man

Christians innocent and peaceful woke up suddenly at the dawn of World War III in a horrible way controlled by Masonic and occult powers:of banking seigniorage into a world torn by conflicting visions imperialist and ideological and religious where his 666 background of each already planned and programmed sectarian division is why will be the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF FED ECB of their NWO to win so the Pharisees of the NWO 322 666. can say finally we have disintegrated Israel and now Satan may be all in all finally. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- your presence is no longer necessary the crystal ball was been broken

i cristiani innocenti e pacifici si sono svegliati bruscamente all'alba della III guerra mondiale in un modo orribile controllato da poteri occulti e massonici del signoraggio bancario mondo lacerato da contrapposte visioni imperialistiche sia ideologiche che religiose dove sullo sfondo di ogni pianificata e programmata settaria divisione sarà il satanismo dei farisei del FMI FED BCE del loro NWO a vincere affinchè i farisei del NWO 322 666. possano affermare finalmente abbiamo disintegrato Israele ed ora satana può essere tutto in tutti finalmente

"Man is like grass and its glory is like the grass of the field but the Word of the Lord endures in ETERNAL!" no you you can not write the point (.) because I am unius REI only. you have set all Mankind on the brink of the abyss and if you do not surrender to me? your order crazy agenda idiot will be a tragedy. "l'uomo è come l'erba e la sua gloria è come l'erba dei campi ma la Parola del Signore rimane in Eterno!" non sei tu che tu puoi scrivere il punto(.) perché sono io Unius REI. voi avete messo tutto il Genere umano sul baratro dell'abisso e se non vi arrendete a me? la vostra fine sarà una tragedia.

synnek1 666 IMF NWO [all the occult powers Bildenberg] - I know that you have eroded over the decades all prerogatives constitutional you also disarmed the American people now what? there is to be removed too now the useless freedom of thought and speech against Unius REI to demonstrate what it means really the Masonic system of bank seigniorage really! synnek1 666 IMF NWO [tutti i poteri occulti Bildenberg]-- lo so che voi avete eroso durante i decenni tutte le prerogative costituzionali avete anche disarmato il popolo americano e adesso? vi rimane da togliere anche la ormai inutile libertà di pensiero e di parola ad Unius REI per dimostrare che cosa significa veramente il regime massonico del signoraggio bancario veramente!

Synnek1 posted a comment 1 day ago [You Are My Sworn Enemy And I Will Show No Mercy] - ANSWER - IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ARE THAT criminal THAT IS FULL OF SATAN

Qatar looking for hopelessly the condanati to death or life imprisonment to be sent to Syria. FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced 15 years of imprisonment the poet Qatar Muhammad al-Ajami - Reducing the punishment of life imprisonment that he had been Imposed at first instance. only for having written a poem. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem Entitled 'Gelsomino' starred in cui that'' we are all facing Tunisia repressive elite.'' (ANSA). - ANSWER - AND IS VERY repressive elite lol. THIS IS SHOWN been THE POET has had VERY REASON it is true what he said WITH HIS POETRY the Islamists are all MONSTERS criminals terrorists bloodthirsty religious maniacs imperialist all hopeless

@ Synnek1 --- the fault is not yours but is of your organization International who does not know the sense of proportion. Before she was sworn in Psy 666 rapper performed his hit world Gangnam Style blasfemy. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.] That is very serious our best political is so too idiot helpless about occult powers. but if. she was smart? then there is a reason to believe in hope still. [25/02/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound 666 voodoo of Style of Gangnam]

@666 IMF [you have put peoples on the brink] 25/02/2013. SOUTH KOREA. Economic miracle and Gangnam Style that is 666 youtube. Park Geun-hye took office today as the new president of South Korea during a ceremony in the National Assembly moved into the Blue House [here the folly and recklessness our politicians in all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage about the real extent of occult powers and the extension of ideology of Satanism IMF which in fact has real control of the economy ie the real power.] with the promise of "a new era of happiness" for South Korea the first female president the country he was appointed for five years. Now a warning to the North "If you will not renounce nuclear will be the first victim of his own policy." The revival of the economy is one of the dominant themes of his speech in which he has not mentioned the dictatorship of the father.

[voi avete messo il popolo sul baratro] 25/02/2013. COREA DEL SUD. Miracolo economico e Gangnam Style is 666 Park Geun-hye si è insediata oggi come nuovo presidente della Corea del Sud nel corso di una cerimonia all'Assemblea nazionale si insedia alla Casa Blu. [ecco la follia e la incoscienza dei nostri politici in tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario circa la reale consistenza dei poteri occulti e della estensione ideologica del satanismo del FMI che di fatto ha il controllo reale delle economia e del potere reale.] Con la promessa di "una nuova era di felicità" per la Corea del Sud la prima presidente donna del Paese assume l'incarico quinquennale. Subito un monito al Nord "Se non rinuncia al nucleare sarà la prima vittima della sua stessa politica". Il rilancio dell'economia è fra i temi dominanti del suo discorso in cui non ha fatto cenno alla dittatura del padre.

@Korea del Sud -- la Park si insedia alla Casa Blu in una totale incoscienza dei poteri occulti che stanno tramando sul suo paese e sulla sua vita this is very tragedy is why Psy 666 dovrebbe essere synnek1 the cannibal ---- [ Before she was sworn in Psy 666 rapper performed his hit world Gangnam Style blasfemy. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.] is very serious that our best political is so too idiot. [02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound 666 voodoo cannibal of Style of Gangnam]

synnek1 and TheVArious7 (cannibal 666 voodoo)[are one only organization to conquer the world] -- is one only satanism international for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan.. is talmud IMF kabbalah FED ECB; agenda for destroy Israel ie masonic system of banking seigniorage the largest project Masonic of social engineering for the destruction of monotheism and therefore for the destruction of Freemasonry itself because they are the Satanists and their alien to prevail also because The King of Saudi Arabia he thinks to do war against the innocent Christians. because in every difficulty the Islamists will be most useful for him but he not know that in World War III in fact it was expected the extermination of all mankind. and when the survivors ie the cannibals come out of their underground shelters? every hope any hope will die!

about Iran and Syria? Saudi Arabia is blackmailing Israel today. but this is the truth "Iran and Syria would be the true allies of Israel thanks to me unius REI and this will be a valuable strategic alliance for IRAN SYRIA AND ISRAEL!" Thus if Saudi Arabia did not want to be crushed herself she will have to surrender to me unius REI and finally grant freedom of religion which alone could avert World War III!

ANSAmed) - MADRID FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced 15 years of imprisonment the poet Qatar Muhammad al-Ajami - reducing the punishment of life that he had been imposed at first instance - for having written a poem deemed hostile to the regime of Qatar. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem entitled 'Gelsomino' in which she starred that'' we are all facing Tunisia repressive elite.'' (ANSA). --ANSWER -- AND IS VERY repressive elite.. lol. THIS IS been SHOWN THE POET has had VERY REASON it is true what he said WITH HIS POETRY the islamists are all MONSTERS ARE DAMN bloodthirsty religious maniacs hopeless imperialist

02/25/2013 TIBET - CHINA Young Tibetan man sets himself on fire in monastery in Qinghai Phakmo Dhondup self-immolates in protest against Beijing's hard-line stance against Tibet. In his 20s he was taken to hospital with burns on much of his body. Security forces impose restrictions on the area of the incident. Monasteries organise special prayers for his prompt recovery. --ANSWER -- ok! I protect the Buddhists ok! but when they regain their independence? are like Hindus they too begin with the murder of innocent Christian martyrs! io proteggo i buddisti ok! ma quando loro recuperano la indipendenza? sono come gli induisti anche loro incominciano ad uccidere i cristiani martiri innocenti!

02/25/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA Park takes office amid the sound of Gangnam Style and pledges of a new economic miracle.. During the campaign she promised to take a softer line with North Korea compared to her predecessor. During the next five years of her mandate she plans to lay the bases for future reunification but also for a new economic miracle based on science and technology as well as a "creative economy" founded on "economic democratisation". The new president will have to accommodate her hard-core voters mostly elderly who remember the "good old days" when South Korea's GDP grew by 10 per cent a year under her father's military dictatorship. A non-practicing Catholic Park said that the country could go back to such rates. At present its economy grew an average of 4.3 per cent in the past five years. Before she was sworn in rapper Psy performed his world hit Gangnam Style. In her address Park did not speak about her personal history marked by tragedy.

@synnek1 for you -- > D'altra parte deve rendere conto allo zoccolo duro dei suoi elettori per la stragrande maggioranza anziani che ricordano con nostalgia i tempi della dittatura e la strabiliante crescita economica dell'epoca con la Corea stabile sui 10 punti percentuali di crescita del Pil ogni anno. La Park battezzata cattolica ma "non praticante" ha sostenuto di poter tornare a quei ritmi. Al momento il Paese viaggia su una crescita media del 4,3 % annuo. Prima del giuramento il noto cantante Psy si è esibito nel suo Gangnam Style oramai un successo mondiale.

BastaBugie 240. of 13 April 2012. WANT AS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. Napolitano presents a woman for the Quirinale some say Emma Bonino. But who is Emma Bonino Bildenberg? Hardly anyone the vote despite the high visibility in the media. BastaBugie 221. of 2 December 2011. COMPANIES 'SECRET TO WHICH BELONGS MARIO MONTI TOGETHER WITH DRAGONS AND MARIO ENRICO LETTA. IN THE PAST AND BILL CLINTON AND TONY BLAIR. We show also the shocking video where Mario Monti says that states must give up their sovereignty to Europe of technocrats. wrote William Vincent Shannon not exactly a paranoid conspiracy theorist but a prestigious journalist editor of the New York Times and U.S. ambassador to Ireland under President Carter (1977-1981) "The Bilderberg members are building the era of post-nationalism when we will not have countries but rather regions of the earth surrounded by universal values.

synnek1°Master youtube --- what you are doing to protect the Christian martyrs? You know for myself? I will not ask anything!
how many many Satanists Freemasons bankers politicians and enlightened I must kill before being considered? to all those who havetheir hands stained with innocent blood? MURDERERS! As accomplices of IMF-NWO? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross the innocent victim perfect I order on you a plague of evil spell! I order in the name of Jesus "You have the mark of Cain cursed! [♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

Alleluia". Alleluia! you'll have a plague a painful thorn in your flesh damn! AMEN. Alleluia you will be punished soon your own life is now in danger! God is stronger than anything and its time for you? may have expired ✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This isthe victory that has conqueredthe world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

there is a power 1. human 2. supernatural 3. super natural 4. divine the my. I always to attack the summit! I go immediately to trample Satan and so in hell is spreadthe terror. So will in the world of men. I'm learning to perfect my faith in this recent days. So you can seethe excellent victims that I will do for you so thatthe project of our Jew TEMPLE can be accelerated.& Obstacles be broken! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

if there had been even a single legitimate government of course would have called me to make the monetary sovereignty! but no man in authority had all over the world the courage to talk to me! [is one only satan synagogue! Imperialism Talmud NATO ECB FED 322 all masonic system for banking seigniorage CIA Mossad 666 IMF is allies of Al Qaeda salafis to Baal Peor ie stone idol moon sharia horror for destroy Israel! ] Prepare your soul for God's Judgment. yes I do not Wish for a WW3 but the satanic beast That Is the Koran satanic fake arcangel but true Satan of the king of Saudi Arabia the accomplice the master of your 666 Pharisees of the Talmud IMF Enlightened your satanic with them they Decided to kill all the saints of the Most High. sorry I know the world war III will be Necessarily!

☠[Addams Family Horror] ☠ Queen Jezebel II ie Elizabeth II is the mistress of Freemasonry JabullOn is love Satan owl. too as well as loud as it should be the representative of the Anglican Church Do all ☠ Satanism ideological and practical the banking seigniorage it is your own fault if evil has spread over all the earth! ☠. Saudi Arabia Al Qaeda salafis for Sharia. ☠. Rothschild 666 FED ECB IMF seigniorage banking FED public debt etc.. ☠. NWO Bush 322 Satanism and agenda aliens abducted ---- which you have done a world of shit everything is in your own image and likeness which now can only be destroyed in the fire of World War III! They destroyed the dignity of the human race! They murdered My Israel and have planned for centuries every Holocaust their agenda NWO.

this is the cost 370% of our money [(cost)] ☠ 100% banking seigniorage (Euro / Dollar etc. vs Bills (titles). + [(cost)] ☠ 100% public debt (interest required to bill) + [(cost)] ☠ 70% fractional reserve is required When a mortgage is asked at the bank. + [(cost)] ☠ inflation. + [(cost)] ☠ recession derivatives financial bubbles market manipulation speculation,. + [(cost)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(cost)] ☠ 3 ° WW nuclear inevitable and essential as Stated! But between ourselves Who the fuck really gives peace a chance? War is the greatest business of all times. and business is war. Yeah ladies and gentleman that's capitalism welcome to our world 666 IMF. + [(cost)] ☠. satanic x NWO perfect!-ANSWER-[♰] ☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠ pax ☠

♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [Soon God's wrath will burn against you!] LordSourmash (international institutional Satanism) - do not you know That among the MAIN Duties of an RE IS THERE to put to death the criminals ? and That Is That I have always done in the past five years! and Because you love the flames? you will be put into 666 fire of hell This is why my God YHWH has begun you and yours to get used fire despair your soul desperate even now! In fact you will burn in hell already and everyone can see your shame! there is no peace for the kingdom of Satan! drink your poison made by yourself. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.

.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - vous ne pouvez pas refuser de tuer pour moi parce que sinon il ne serait pas sans signification avoir envoyé l'ange de la mort dans le pays d'Égypte. J'ai rejeter refuser mon royaume mais je ne rejette pas ma vengeance! .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - usted no puede negarse a matar para mí porque de lo contrario no lo haría ningún sentido de haber enviado el ángel de la muerte en la tierra de Egipto. Rechazo niego mi reino pero no rechazo mi venganza! .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - Sie können sich nicht weigern zu töten für mich denn sonst würde er nicht ohne Bedeutung zu dem Absenden der Engel des Todes in das Land Ägypten. Ich lehne verweigern mein Reich aber ich nicht ablehnen meine Rache!.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.耶和華 - 你可以不殺,對我來說,因為否則,他就不會沒有意義:發送死亡的使者,在埃及的土地... 我拒絕,拒絕我的王國,但是,我不拒絕我的報復!

.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - Вы не сможете отказаться чтобы убить для меня потому что иначе он не будет никакого смысла для того послал ангела смерти в земле Египетской. Я отвергаю отказаться от моего царства но я не откажите мне в моей мести! .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - non si può rifiutare di uccidere per me perché altrimenti non avrebbe alcun significato di aver inviato l'angelo della morte nella terra d'Egitto. I respingere rifiutare il mio regno ma non respingere la mia vendetta! .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH - you can not refuse to kill for me Because Otherwise he would not no meaning to having sent the angel of death in the land of Egypt. I reject refuse my kingdom but I do not reject my revenge!

666 IMF FED ECB 322 Rothschild Rochefeller 322 Bush NWO --- but if you are scared of me that I am only a computer from 400 euro? then you would do well to retire pieces of shit!
what you are about to do? has no precedent in the history Therefore you do not even have the power of control of one only cock! 666 IMF FED ECB MMMMMTTTTTTTTTTMMMMM international institutional Satanism of Germany for do 200,000 human sacrifice on the altar of Satan every year ie masonic system 322 of seigniorage banking. said "deine Mutter grow up du Schwein" - ANSWER - in you is the curse of the Nazi Talmud racist.. NO ONE IS BASTARD for GOD YHWH ARE YOU only BASTARD 666 cannibal.

1_5.[my kingdom Palestine Unius REI for the life of world vs 666 Talmud IMF: ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Recep Tayyip Erdogan liar murderess conspiracy was been prophesied "no one can destroy Israel to the end of the world!" but you can do it that he best enormously if accepting my kingdom of Palestine! this is clear 666 IMF to be replaced by an other body so that all the Jews of the world will finally return to Palestine and live with the Palestinians as brothers in new state of at least 300,000 sq km. and the more you do the children of bitch? is more I enlarge the boundaries of my kingdom in square kilometers! today are 300,000 sq km have become!

2_5.[my kingdom Palestine Unius REI for the life of world vs 666 Talmud IMF: ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰(ANSAmed) - ANKARA FEBRUARY 3 - Prime Minister turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel today of making "terrorism of the State" with air strike in Syrian territory "a violation unacceptable of the next International law"- ANSWER-1. you are the international plot! 2. you are the international Islamic terrorism 3. you do 300 Christian martyrs innocent daily. 4. you are the negation of all human rights. 5. crime that you have done of invasion of Syria that What is it? 6. all the dead who are were IRAK SYRIA etc. are were sacrificed on the altar of your imperialism your demon Allah:

3_5.[my kingdom Palestine Unius REI for the life of world vs 666 Talmud IMF: ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ for the destruction of all hope of freedom worldwide! is why you guys are jerks with the shit in the brain that the IMF will make its planned nuclear world war but then what? Islam will be treated in the same way of Nazism definitely! [Israel abandoned the IMF Pharisees Neturei Karta of shit](ANSAmed)- TEL AVIV 03 FEB - The Shin Bet the of Israeli security is failed to in extremis thwart the abduction of an Israeli military or civilian. The hostage - according to the plans - was to be conducted to Jenin (West Bank) and the 'held prisoner. The incident which took place the night of New Year is been released just today.

4_5.[my kingdom Palestine Unius REI for the life of world vs 666 Talmud IMF: ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Arrested an group of the Islamic Jihad activists. Their goal to Apparently it was of in exchange an second time the hostage with Palestinians detained in Israel. [Israel abandoned the IMF Pharisees Neturei Karta of shit] Protests official why turns an air raid in Syria? but is for destroy material that it would be delivered to Hizbullah [which is not is a terrorist organization but instead is an elegant London club,] The world is on the contrary is the only hostile modern country western democratic that is surrounded by zombie killers of 1400 years ago and EU USA etc... afraid of condemn Islamic countries (oil? gas? residents are millions?)

5_5.[my kingdom Palestine:vs 666 Talmud IMF: ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ that own them are the continuation of Nazi Germany. is the usual speech of blind pacifism. of gooders absurd a bad faith ideological for global slavery of NWO. [Israel abandoned by the West] the cause of instability today is from countries that still today not ashamed to declare Communists Islamists. war of aggression in Syria Iran's nuclear program attacks in Iraq attacks in Pakistan Afghanistan changes of governments in Tunisia Libya Egypt for the spread of terrorism. The unfortunately confirmed U.S. administration put in also pedestal people such as Erdogan and PresidentMorsi ie as donate blood not but the hospital to Dracula himself. that criminals salfiti of the Muslim Brotherhood ie Al Qaeda as in Syria is has been shown

Egypt no longer has a legal right international after the isthmus of Suez? it is all of Israel because Egypt has hatched a conspiracy international to disintegrate the State of Israel Egypt lost with war of six day all that territory!
8 minuti fa [My Kingdom is of this World]--ANSWER-- your Satan IMF FED ECB 666? stole the kingdom through the deception against Adam and Eve here's why you will have only a kick in the balls. SATAN IS DEAD soon also you will die like any other traitor! only shame for you 666 IMF is unlimited
Obstacles? will become dust! the Lord raises his Torah against talmud,& all those who dare challenge his authority supreme. I repealingthe right of Jews to lend money to wear! to anyone! AMEN. Alleluia! All you have make against Jesus? inverted cross? are a lock for you! You can not enter in the Kingdom of God but so you go to hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[This is a threat I do not want to see Satanists vulgar evil horror and porn on youtube and this ordered in the name of Jesus] Don't take the teachings lightly. Please know thatthese teachings are in all the religions
1. Have no other gods before YHWH (the Creator); 2. Don't make and worship "things" as gods; 3. Don't use God's name in vain; 4. Honor the Sabbath; 5. Honor the Father & Mother; 6. Don't murder; 7.Don't commit adultery; 8. Don't steal
9. Don't bear false witness; 10.Don't covet.

[freedom of God's children]. You are already free if you want to be free is the truth!"all your debts have been paid". you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain Jesus is already on your side. 1 break with Jesus. very soon all your chains will fall. I have the power of promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you.

[freedom of God's children]. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete your site bad immediately. for the love of God Holy all saints good souls for the salvation of mankind now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous for better or for worse? how you can to go all to hell? to millions?

REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not thatthe unrighteous shall not inheritthe kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers ofthemselves with mankind Nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inheritthe kingdom of God. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

REPENT OR PERISH. Revalation.22:15. without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent forthe Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

REPENT OR PERISH. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.
♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 10:28. And fear notthem which killthe body but are not able to killthe soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay inthe dark or perhaps you arethe dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of 1. God of Abraham 2. His Throne 3. His name"YHWH" 4. angelic choirs. I lorenzojhwh decrees allthe curses on all Satanists andtheir accomplices forever I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

"AMEN. Hallelujah." can not be counted dead disease illness accidents infections obsessions possessions anxiety depression disorders insomnia despair madness "AMEN.. Hallelujah."I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple?then all you die because this is what the international jew banker decided much ago long as didthe 11-09. his is true he does a good job for to kill you. But you are not prepared for death because of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? the power and security that come from fear? are 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[sharia & zionism]But Love beauty wisdom do not fear confrontation not weaken in division are strongest! love has already won over death! If all are farmers of love? you have a weight! I'd enough - alone - to sink all you in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥.Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist?thenthe enlightened come to me!I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.rebel->. for how long still? falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly AMEN. CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙ drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony the planet earth is rebel against at the Kingdom of God for those? Satan? But he has nothing to lose! But you will lose your soul! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.enlightened--> There is No Proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked with Christ Himself. But Because Christ is Risen? then everything has already been Established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for Satanists all in the world a real threat. as You Have not tried a satanic ritual on me? useless! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.rebel->. now If I Had a passive attitude against You? this should not deceive you because the Holy Spirit does not need my permission to rise up against you! The Holy Spirit that is inside me rise up against my enemies spontaneously The Bible is not a book to read as the Koran The Bible is God the Word wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN. There is not a future for Satan,& for you. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

freemasonry SAID "hell is on earth i'm serving my life sentence death will set us both free ofthe chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death can create life and take it away does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me i am just a reflection of yourself!"-ANSWER->. no! You are a reflection of Satan but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure cursed unhappy now thatthe occult powers of the IMF-NWO dominate the entire planet as then your situation will be desperate for you after death

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.freemasonry-> I have the joy even now Happiness is in my being but pain is to relieve the despair of the world. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down in the drain. we are at final stages of Satan's breath blessed my friends but more curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia the kingdom of Satan now falls is crumbling AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

enough Cancer now for those who have in youtube animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children. I'm Rei Uniusthe King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that the first dangerous that will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive a invincible disease that leading to death lovedthe curse? Falls on him! AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.sinners-->If You Have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you That Jesus loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His life for you. God Father There also loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His only Son for you by sending to Him the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking all of your sins upon Himself and all of my sins. He Was Judged for Our sins and paid the price for all our sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.sinners-->.Therefore Our sins will never be Held Against us. right where You Are you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing That Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are pause to Reflect on what Christ has done for you and to say "Father I Believe That your Son Jesus Christ is died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.muslim of sharia ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.jew of Talmud Your time is near time to show your extreme loyalty to your Satan. Alleluia! AMEN. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind like burning wax so arethe wicked for Glory ofthe Lord. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus "Now you must burn!" STOP halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.muslim of sharia ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.jew of Talmud for the destruction of your satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking. for you fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.muslim of sharia ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.jew of Talmud ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Communists Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with me &with him at the river Kishon where you will be executed with your boss jew enlightened belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony I hit your ascending hierarchy (up tothe enlightened) and descended. I linked you to the foot of the cross for to knowledge of your opinion of damnation. AMEN. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

enlightened SAID most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code. -ANSWER->.You're crazy! unique character of Satan isthe breaking of all morality that exaltthe freedom for to bring atthe idolatry of himself & all lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! only medicine to eradicate it? is to be back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena & then they deny God or Satan? This is absurd! I will ruin you & certainly have the power to do so. ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love we are all equals & brothers

[Psalm 140] from the rock were throwntheir leaders that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land their bones were scattered onthe mouth of hell. curse are cursed all Muslim nations who do harm to the innocent Christians. The blood and horror that they have given will soon to ricare on their children blood flow and despair on all their roads. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song his praise in assembly of the faithful Let Israel rejoice in his Maker they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. they praise his name with dancing with drums and harps they sing hymns to him. the Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. the praises of God intheir mouth and two edged sword in their hands to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform onthe sentence already wrote on of their This is the glory for all his faithful. ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors mason elite leader statesmen] God has put more energy and love to create you that not to create allthe galaxies and allthe angels. you instead for gratitude you have reversedthe cross which is why thatthere is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down intothe abyss you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW before and not after. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors mason elite leader statesmen] If you have sold your life to Satan for metal horror porno ecc. if you have had an old site this you Need to Know who he was before of you is died I killed him so I kill also you! ✙ ♥. ♔ is virus deadly AMEN. "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order inthe name of Jesus immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB

[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] forthe sanctity of Allah and Islamthe Sharia is bad criminals satanist racist even if the Holy Quran is the word of God to 95% Mohammed that prophet is? I am lorenzojhwh the Imam Mahdi and for the Holiness of Allah for Abraham allthe saints and prophets forthe name of Jesus Christ I order the secularization of all government to starting by criminal Saudi Arabia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] I have ordered the removal of religious identity by document and every discrimination between citizens. i ordered to St. Michaelthe Archangel and all my angelic divisionsthe death and destruction allthe rebels. AMEN.hallelujah! ♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN. hallelujah! ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ ♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♰ AMEN. hallelujah!

YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his blood I have bind the foot ofthe cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrowthe cross symbol of the greatest love? I love his funeral! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Jewish lobbies->. what?:the Constitution decided thatthe people had to be a subject of banking seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power like Satanism Freemasonry intimidation corruption? Because ideologies kabbalah Zionism Sharia idolatry witchcraft porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Jewish lobbies->. Who destroyedthe Christian civilization and imposed the evolutionism? human life is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. JHWH Jewish lobbies have destroyed your dignity in all the man. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners all evil of evil. they have the first disease dangerous that is inthem mind in this year not accounting funeralthe misfortunes of all kinds accidentsthe shame and dishonor on their children oppression despair anguish and tribulation infestation.I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew son of a dog the devil "enlightened" have usurpers of power withthe banking seigniorage they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices not untilthey see the destruction of alltheir children withtheir eyes. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated bythe earth face I can seetheir ruin thatthey can get allthe depths of hell/ geenna in this year. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ★TECHEL ★PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by★ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì

That's enough! for all those who have in youtube 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact that is not suitable for children? I Rei Uniusthe King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that the first dangerous che will disease to whichtheir thinking think? is ownthe one that should receive an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved:the curse? Falls on him! AMEN hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰ PAX

nargargoole" SAID i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is likethe Devil doing you a favor..learn it.then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER->. That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command i orders destruction of all satanism institutional government secret services military religion youtube aliens administrative ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan begone! Drink your poisons made by yourself. enough Cancer now for blood of Jesus Christ I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross for their immediate process. for their internal demons and angels from the outside hit hit hit allthem untilthe onset of insanity consumption & death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game "You are all lost!" Luke19.27

i am Rei unius [✙ ♔ ✙] God is ♥. + God is ♥. + God is ♥. [✙ ♔ ✙] ♛ ♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness. a new life. I can not let Satan in my kingdom Therefore all Satanists Should Be Killed in a supernatural mode ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥. ♔ I am the door Metaphysics natural positive secular rational justice to open to all honest men from first to last atheists the heaven in Jesus' name. AMEN. Hallelujah God Gave us men to Our love Our sense of justice and equality the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!

kneel! can not you see? passesthe Lord! AMEN. alleluia. what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to youtube you destroy this abomination of Satan. You're Already atthe cemetery You're About to Lose His senses Satan is your destruction! now? burn! in the name of Jesus now you must burn! AMEN hallelujah! in the name of Jesus "Now you must burn!" STOP halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for your destruction as is the cemetery? what the hell you feel at the hell? AMEN. hallelujah! MENE♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of the children of darkness.

[109 Ps] God of my praise you will not be silent as against methey openthe mouth of the wicked man and of fraud; speak against me with a lying tongue. they invest me with words of hatred they fight against me for no reason. In return of my love I movethe accusations while I am in prayer. Make me evil for good and hatred with love in return. Raises a villain against him. an accuser is always to his right. He is convicted and his appeal is terminated in sentencing. Few are his days and his place bethe deal another. His descendants will be devoted to destruction. the iniquity of his father and his mother is mentioned continually tothe Lord. Because he refused to show mercy and persecutedthe poor to kill those who are broken-hearted. Lovedthe curse? Falls on him! AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE TECHEL ♛ ♛ ♛ PERES ♰ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB

♰ ♔ ♥.lorenzojhwh:ReiUnius&King of Israel from the throne of God & for the glory of His throne,& who is sitting God of Abraham and Melchisek Our patriarchs and prophets who Revealed to His Name Holy to Moses YHWH the big name of YHWH & for all the churches land the heavenly church and purgative the Kingdom of God for all pure souls and prayers of all saints and heavenly and divine creatures for all mankind and in the name of Jesus the power of the Holy Spirit binds with and through all creatures is for the blood of Jesus all at the foot of the cross and for all the martyrs The order to St.Michael the Archangel and all the immediate removal for fire angelic the destruction of Satan and all of His satanic symbol on this planet with immediate effect ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✙ Halleluja✙MENETECHELPERES♰

AMEN.hallelujah! ♚♰. God can close your life now! But for what will go on your damn life? You snake will live forever under the gaze of my Spirit. When I Shall see thee to descend into the abyss? then I will let you go! accuses you the Holy Spirit. You have loved the curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! Took possession of Terror the children of darkness. The order at Saint Michael Archangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all the Satanists of all the world AMEN. Alleluia. You Have Loved The Curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE Techel ♛ ♛ PERES ♰

[★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have donethe wrong to all those criminals who toppledthe cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Youtube ->. I command in Jesus' name thatthe blood of Jesus be upon you and all men and women of all the world the blood of Jesus is all about on channels web sites videos comments users and all people of the world &web. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect heal heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan principalities powers powers thrones dominations demons devils aliens Illuminati Masons Satanists banks SpA web occult powers network politics religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil you are destined for hell! die![★♰ PAX♰★]♰ I have donethe wrong to all those criminals who toppledthe cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰

☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia

La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti in cui sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me lorenzojhwh "tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!" 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri l'obiettivo di conquistare tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? -ANSWER->. Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli ebrei massoni politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro "terrore" infatti i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:

I command in Jesus' name thatthe blood of Jesus be upon you and all men and women ofthe worldthe blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons ofthe devil you are destined for hell! [★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have donethe wrong to all those criminals who toppledthe cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰

[★♰PAX♰★]the time of hope has expired you wait forthe collapse ofthe IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given by God
You have your legacy is infinite despair. I command in Jesus' name thatthe blood of Jesus be upon you and all. You are all sons ofthe devil you are destined for hell! ♰ I have donethe wrong to all those criminals who toppledthe cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰

you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject ofthe jew banker who decided to kill you 3° WW nuclear die! -->. What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel Peres the weed bad is burned with fire:"You must burn inthe name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" AMEN.. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!:the traitor is sentenced to death"Inthe name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! AMEN.. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself) ♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES

☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN. ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ i am from God. iI do evil to bad & selfish like you I kill Satanists and all:the accomplices ofthe IMF-NWO only ie 500 million people for I am Rei Unius

[★♰PAX♰★]you've wasted your life given by God you have been rejected by God You have your legacy is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name thatthe blood of Jesus be upon you and all men and women ofthe worldthe blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons ofthe devil you are destined for ****! ♰ I have donethe wrong to all those criminals who toppledthe cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰

MARANATHA! Come Holy Spirit sent to us from heaven a ray of your light come father of the poor come giver of gifts light hearts Come comforter sweet guest of the soul sweet relief safe in the heat solace in sorrow infuse your intimate peace without your strength? man is nothing nothing without force lava that is sordid warm what is cold halyard that is crooked your faithful that only gives you trust in your holy gifts gives reward to virtue gives death saint gives eternal joy. AMEN. Hallelujah! vieni Spirito Santo manda a noi dal cielo un raggio della tua luce vieni padre dei poveri vieni datore dei doni vieni luce dei cuori consolatore perfetto dolce ospite dell'anima dolcissimo sollievo nella calura riparo nel pianto conforto infondi nell'intimo la tua pace senza la tua forza? nulla è nell'uomo nulla senza forza AMEN. ALLELUIA!

[This is for your miracle] YHWH the God of Abraham and Moses must humiliate all enemies of ReiUnius lorenzojhwh. Thanks for me created HAVING me Have Sacrificed your only son Jesus Christ the Messiah King of Israel for me! Is for the Blood of Jesus on the cross Which I am now in your presence as a angel! Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on the cross Which I destroy / to order all my diseases and all my problems "Satan begone! drink your poisons made by yourself!" Jesus is the innocent lamb slain for me that's why I Can Be happy feel good victorious No have financial problems. AMEN. Alleluia. I proclaim before angels saints to The World That "Jesus is my God my only Lord and Savior's. Why I am Entitled To receive all the fullness Because my debt is paid I am divine immortal Transfigured and glorified. Glory to JHWH in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit! This is the miracle that I want to give Public Testimony HALLELUJAH

"If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him fromthe dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9,10 Dear God I realize I am a sinner and that my sin will keep me from Heaven. I believe Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. I now trust Him alone as my ♥.Savior. Thank you for your gift of love and of eternal life♥. Some Bible Verses that say >Jesus is God<<< Atheist people claim to believe that Jesus was a good prophet but they deny that Jesus is God. If that is you I would like to encourage you to consider some Bible verses:

We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns. If we make itthen we will go to be with him. Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized inthe name of Jesus Christ and recievethe holy ghost. Read Acts 2:38 it isthe right way andthe only right way to be baptized.

Objet I would cry forthe 3rd skyscraper that fell to 11-09 TECKMASSE said "Yes I cry too but love is in our children and we must be strong forthem. Listen children say and forward please."-ANSWER->. You OWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN THAT YOU MUST LEARN TO PULLthe FINGER life of all peoples ofthe world? is in extreme danger!

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Rrmbgpym->.[:the biggest abomination]the king of Israel that built the Temple? has always beenthere! In fact it isthe king of the world NWO. ie what controlsthe world bank IMF. However it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. That isthe greatest murderess and criminal of history of all mankind.the good boy of YHWH? This offense did not deserve! Since it is written "Thou shalt not kill! Not steal! Prisoners free" then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! that you are celebratingthe triumph of Satanism? History has taught you nothing? these bankers are preparing a new holocaust of Jews!

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Rrmbgpym->.Jews can not build a Jewish temple asthere isthe satanic domain ofthe Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship this corporatocracy/multinationals seignorage banking are at act withthe same unitary identity of Satan isthe most clandestine empire whereby have subjugate to slavery all peoples whose only goal is to maximize profits with no respect for the environment and humans. "No one shall be enslaved more distressing to those who believe to be free"-Goethe. This is an extermination against allthe peoples who are doingthe World Bank-IMF NWO satanic empire. Before it is too late you withdraw your money fromthe bank. But since we missedthe "purpose ofthe contract"the contractor no longer has to repay/mortgage loan tothe bank. so you not paythe mortgage[/watch?v=CP9-CzBkiIA]

Re:Leavethe old ideas sami7002 SAID O Abdullah. One god is not a partner inthe King and allthe jinn are all servants of God. I love Jesus peace be upon him (284):the messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers -andthey say We hear and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness our Lord. Untothee isthe journeying.(285)--ANSWER-->. friend! God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge:ther. he is always bigger! I love ♥.ISLAM♥.holy - I love YOU peace be upon YOU! What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion but is spirituality high mystical level of adoration ofthe infinite beauty:♥.Allah♥.!!there is still hope inthe worldthen! no violence on religion then!

this isthe cost of our money [(1)]☠ 100% bank seigniorage (Euro Dollar vs bills Bott & CCT) +[(2)]☠ 100% debt public (interest required to bill) +[(3)]☠ 70% fractional reserve is required when a mortgage is asked atthe bank. +[(4)]☠ inflation. +[(5)]☠ recession. +[(6)]☠ rarefaction monetary. +[(7)]☠ 3°WW nuclear inevitable and essential as stated ":theElectroAllstar" "Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But between ourselves Whothe fuck gives peace really a chance? War isthe greatest business of all times. And business is war. Yeah ladies and gentleman that's capitalism welcome to our world. +[(8)]☠ W JEW satanic x NWO perfect! -ANSWER->.☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠pax☠ + good 3° WW x you

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Enlightened what is the thing that you have afraid more of best?
is JESUS is Him ALLELUIA! 1. King of kings; 2. Messiach; 3. Savior; 4. Lord; 5. Emmanuel 6. Anointed 7. One; 8. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; 10. wai truth life; 11. Son of God & man; 12. the Word; 13. Mornig star; 14. Alpha & omega; 15. Name above all name.
--- ANSWER ->lol. stingy ugly put the hands in their pockets or around the world will become one Christianity very soon!
by your ★King-of-Jerusalem★&Palestine♥.♰ReiUnius
Yahushua Messiah bless you too!
I am King of Israel & ReiUnius! God is Awesome!
a great victory for the Lord our God Yahushua Messiah. Bless you!

[perpetuates curse on this page] against Racism Satanism to bring hatred and vulgarity on world do for an abuse of That page of YouTube against Sharia Zionism cowardly abominable killers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters masonry liars horror porn enlightened leaders lobby Governments IMF NWO elite Corporations SpA Have taken on this page the disease that they fear. That is established in the name & blood of Jesus amen. I am the metaphysics of natural law universal brotherhood. hallelujah. if you do not stop your spam against people? I exorcise in all youtube again But of your death? only you will responsible!♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross CSPBCSSML NDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♰ I am Rei Unius & king of Israel:.alleluia!♰Begone Satan!♰!Their part is in lake sting at fire & brimstone very soon be dead! [MENE★Techel★PERES]♰ pax "Drink your poisons made by Yourself".♰amen

[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength] the earth shook appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire he flew coals. glared at them with his arrows! Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies I leave behind me! (110) Because you have trained my hands for battle my arms to stretch a bow of bronze. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? they immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried the my favor paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus order at my Spirit to make until the end of the world slaughter of the satanists Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia!Go satana!"Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰♛

Sure God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact in Luke 19.27 - Jesus says And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia! Revelation of St. John says "those who take the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink the cup of God". We're talking about something that is 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into the body. But looking at you one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan you are both whit serious psychological problems I have the right medicine for you the fire of Sodom! Amen! Alleluia! /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen

I prophesied about you misfortune in the name of Jesus throughout 2010. Amen. Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists because i have love and esteem for them they are dignified positive honest. you filthy. You will can not overcome the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous now?You will not see the 2013! Throughout 2012? your life is in danger you must be careful at all odd days but are those par that want kill you:will be alive in 2013? I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism throughout the world. Satanists of all of your lists? The doctor is calling them! ✙ CSPBC SSMLNDS MDVRS NSMVSMQLIVB this
is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself" God has programmed me to win. /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen

satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call others crazy I mean really especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? those are the most crazy. You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization.You will stand in judgment of you himself? as he does on this page. Hard Its not a question of
cosa dad can beat whos dad up.CSPBCSSML NDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVB my father God has already defeated your father the devil on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a REAL LOSER. How crazy is that?"Drink your poisons made by yourself"

alleluia!God has given me all right!Even a child can tell you:"You go like a soul damned!"all the fortresses were broken! if still standing? is because they kill each other in 3rd WW Nuclear which is for given the blame of the collapse of IMF and the planned slaughter of all mankind. I know every secret even yours! On this planet no one WILL can live according to natural laws so all the enemies of God will die everywhere! now you satanists whether if they be atheists or believe however you have only this life to "enjoy"=lol. outputs then go away from all together in a mass for protest. because this will be noticed and may be a solution to extend the your life.this is not a request for your conversion:no! But you can continue to do so the pig again!ok?✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27

bless! as a whole the theory of evolution has transformed the ideology of the NWO international Jewish finance in an ideological crime that is proof against God lol. while it is against logic since God is timeless. Sure we have the evidence of evolution in the same species but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false after. We refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil" the nephillim all these tests prove it 1. the Flood. 2. the existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among the hundreds of surveys measurements and finds pictures of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat we also had the inspection Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.rrmbgpym->For the glory of God of Abraham & his Throne lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius the best power spiritual & political & authority metaphysics Universal of human kind. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for the natural law ie will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says "his life will be shortened". On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain on all murderers. This is decreed in the name of Jesus for the blood of Jesus every demon & man is bound at the foot of the cross. ✙ ♥ ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥ ✙CSPBC SSMLND SMDV RSN SM VSMQLIVB ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ *This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4

the power that was given to me by God? is awesome terrible the love! can not be contained and can not be supported in any way by men. I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed the terror is spread among Satanists and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God justice truth humility love forgiveness. What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven! I'm like a rod of iron and in fact everything I have by shatter? I will shatter! as the various of clay. Re Arabs do not know that for to do the 11-09 were the Jews satanist of the IMF called "enlightened" or Masons to destroy Iraq and to reduce the constitutional liberties and better to damage:
of the whole human race NWO

You are already free if you want to be free is the truth!"all your debts have been paid" and you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain:Jesus is already on your side. first break the chain with Jesus. very soon all your chains fall. I have the power promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete this site immediately. for the love of God saints good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous for better or for worse? how you can take to go all to hell? millions of children?

REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind Nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. Revalation 22:15.For without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 10:28. And fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (spread this message)

Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are the dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛ the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of 1. God of Abraham 2. His Throne 3. His name "YHWH" 4. angelic choirs. lorenzojhwh decrees all the curses on all Satanists and their accomplices forever "Amen.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Hallelujah." can not be counted dead disease illness accidents infections obsessions possessions anxiety depression disorders insomnia despair madness "Amen. Hallelujah."Mene Techel Peres PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself! this is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"

[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? then all you die because this is what the international jew banker. decided for many of you much ago long in short as did the11-09.this is true he does a good job for to kill you.But you are not prepared for death because of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? The power and security that come from fear? are 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. But Love beauty wisdom do not fear confrontation not weaken in Division are strongest! love has already won over death! If all farmers of love did not have a weight? I'd enough - alone - to sink you in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? Then the enlightened come to me! ✙ ♥ ♔ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. We love are all equals and brothers

♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.crippledfonz--> you got to keep moving? for how long still?falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly rest AMEN CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony the planet earth is rebel against the Kingdom of God from which is? there is no proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world a real threat. you have not tried a satanic ritual on me? now if I had a passive attitude against you? The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies spontaneously? the Bible is not a book to read as the Koran. the Bible is God; the Word; wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN there is not a future for Satan for you

Re:✙drink your poisons made by yourself. "HipHopMessiah09" SAID "hell is on earth and i'm serving my life sentence death will set us both free of the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death can create life and take it away does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me i am just a reflection of yourself!" -ANSWER-> no! You are a reflection of Satan but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure cursed unhappy now that the occult powers of the IMF dominate the entire planet as then your situation will be desperate for you after death. while I
have the joy even now. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession ofthe children of darkness. AMEN..♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.Rrmbgpym-> we are at final stages Satan's breath blessed my friends + Curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia the kingdom of Satan now falls is crumbling Amen Alleluia

enough:Cancer. now. for those. who have in animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children? I'm Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that the first dangerous che will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive invincible disease that leading to death loved the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBMENETECHELPERES♰PAX

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are pause to reflect on what Christ has done for you and say to the Father "Father I believe that your Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins."

Your time is near time to show your extreme loyalty to Satan.Alleluia! +Mene+ Techel +Peres + ->PAX. Amen. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind like burning wax so are the wicked for Glory of the Lord. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus "Now you must burn!" STOP halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for the destruction of your satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking for you fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed and your boss jew belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to the enlightened) and descended. I linked you to the foot of the cross to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.Amen

SAID most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code-ANSWER->You're crazy! The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself all the lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! but I'm back for this extraordinary words of MrAndocalrisian said " I've needed a good laugh because I've had this spiritual tumor growing inside me. I think the only cure for spiritual tumors is a good laugh" -ANSWER-> EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! the only medicine to eradicate it? is back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena and then deny God or Satan? This is absurd! then if I say I know them both?" you do not believe to me and continue to take in so much filth to ruin the children? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so.

[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown their leaders that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. [Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song his praise in assembly of the faithful Let Israel rejoice in his Maker they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on the sentence already wrote on of their This is the glory for all his faithful.

[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors mason elite leader statesmen]God has put more energy and love to create you that not to create all the galaxies and all the angels. you instead for gratitude you have reversed the cross which is why that there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into the abyss you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW before and not after. If you have sold your life to Satan in for metal horror porno ecc. if you have had an old site this you Need to Know who he was before of you is died I killed him so I kill also you! ✙ ♥ ♔ is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order in the name of Jesus immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB

YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his Blood bind the foot of the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow the cross symbol of the greatest love? What the Constitution decided that the people had to be a subject of bank seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power like Satanism Freemasonry intimidation corruption? Because ideologies kabbalah Zionism Sharia idolatry witchcraft porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? human life in is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. has been destroyed your dignity in him. Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners all evil of evil. They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind in this year not accounting the misfortunes of all kinds accidents the shame and dishonor on their children oppression despair anguish and tribulation infestation.

YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew son of the devil "enlightened" usurpers of power with the bank seigniorage they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices not until they see the destruction of all their children with their eyes. God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face I can see their ruin that they can get all the depths of hell in this year. That's enough! for all those who have in 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that the first dangerous will disease to which their thinking think? is own the one that should receive an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰

Re:Amen hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰pax "nargargoole" SAID i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER-> That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command i orders destruction of all satanism institutional government secret services military religion aliens administrative ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan:go! Drink your poisons made by yourself enough Cancer now for blood of Jesus Christ I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross for their immediate process. for their internal their demons and angels from the outside hit hit hit all them until the onset of insanity consumption and death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game "You are all lost!" Luke19.27

i am Rei Unius [✙ ♔ ✙] Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ [✙ ♔ ✙]♛♰♛ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself)pax ♛♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES ReiUnius ♥ king x Israel ♔ ♛♰♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness a new life.I can not let Satan in my kingdom Therefore all
Satanists should be killed in a mode supernatural✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥ ♔ I am the door metaphysics secular positive natural rational justice to open to all honest men from first to last atheists the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love our sense of justice and equality the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!

kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom +salam..what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! vas a que destruir esta abominación de Satanás I have news for you amen "He who is in me? is stronger than him Satan that is in the world. All hell? is powerless against me! " you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to you destroy this abomination of Satan. You're Already...

[O.o] Put this owl on your profile
/)__) If you've seen the Cremation of Care
-"--"- Ritual at Bohemian Grove
__███\__███\_________Put This
__███\__███\_________On Your
__███\__███\_________Profile If
__███\__███\____ 7____You Think
__███\__███\___███\__9/11 Was
__███\__███\___███\__ A
__███\__███\___███\__666 322
__███\__███\___███\__owl grove
__███\__███\___███\__ BAD
__███\__███\___███\__ JOB
hei 322Bush 666Rothschild etc..
[O.o] because this year
/)__) You not invite also me at your "cremation of care"
-"--"- Of Ritual Of The Bohemian Grove
..........._..'¹-~-¹-.But the fruit of the Spirit
.....,-""-;\\/ ¸,.,¸ ¸¸,' love joy peace,
..../....-'.).\..'......longsuffering gentleness,
(▒\,---'`▒)▒).......... goodness faith,
(▒)(▒)(▒)(▒)...Meekness temperance:
..(▒(▒)(▒)(▒)▒)...against such there
(▒)(▒)(▒)▒) no law.
.......(▒)▒)..............Galatians 5:22-23
.......(▒)Will Jesus Christ Return In AD 2328 about !!! MY task FORCE:
-1. rrmbgpym
-2. shalomnaumann
-3. lorenzoJHWH,
-4. HumanumGenum,
-5. ShalomGerusalemme,
-6. 666GiudaicoMassonica,
-7. SatanQueenFagot,
-8. HellxDesPairTruction,
-9. UniusRei,
10. UniusRei1,
11. UniusRei2 deleted by satanists,
12. UniusRei3,
13. UnisRei3,
14. Lorenzo,
15. BrotherhoodUniversal,
16. i10Comandamenti,
17. myJHWH,
18. JewsxMessiahUniusRei,
19. dominusUniusRei,
20. kingdomofJHWH,
21. kingxkingdom,
22. allDavidDuke,
23. allXRonPaul,
24. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul,
25. allChristianMartyrs,
26. JHWHpantocrator,
27. mrUniversalMetaphysc,
28. CreationReal,
29. EvolutionisReligion,
30. StarDeFinibusTerrae,
31. theSynagogueofSatan,
32. stopyouporntubesatan,
33. HolyJHWHsanto ,
34. allGiacintoAuriti,
35. ImJesusChristMessiah,
36. stopspamistafield
37. lorenzoAllah,
38. NoahTheNephilim,
39. thecopticmartyrs2,
40. 666SeigniorageofBank,
41. MercyChristLord
100% anti-racism
100% anti-Nazism
100% anti-Sharia
100% anti-banking seigniorage
100% anti-Zionism
100% anti-Talmud
100% anti-NWO
100% anti-Esoteric Agenda
100% anti-masonry
100% anti-SpA
100% anti-porn
100% anti-Satanism
100% anti-IMF
100% anti-secret societies
a solemn oath:
★100% national self-determination
★100% equality between all men
★100% equality between man & woman
★100% freedom of religion
★100% freedom of Thought
★100% freedom of sexual identity (is only a political assessment for rejection violence)
★100% monetary sovereignty
★100% universal brotherhood
★100% Natural Law
★100% 10 Commandments

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel