by HellxDesPairTruction
@ AIPAC -> that is the how: like: 666Rothschid and 322Bush: have condemned to you and yours: in an atomic despair: for not have assigned to you: a mini apartment in the depths of the earth? But, what is less scary for you: that is, what is best for you: 1. the wrath of the people? or Satanists and aliens in the deep, of the heart: of the earth, that widely: they are habit to eating: the human flesh? How, in what way, you will do the death for choking of the mice in the ground? why, the your poor children: were been destined with you, to be together in to the hell! I do not know anybody who deserves to die more than you! Yet, God must have a liver infinite if it has just sent me to save a turd like you!
@ AIPAC - if you do not stop persecuting Christianity? None of you be can withstand the wrath of God: this time it will burn, how and more much more as has burned: in the crematoria of "Auschwitz Birkenau". In fact, God wants to see allies, so in mode powerful: Christianity and Judaism: you stop doing: the Satanists of the penis fucking!
@ AIPAC - you will not be afraid, if, I destroyed Zionism: racist and Satanist, who comes from the Talmud! You do not be afraid, to give: to me, control of the IMF- New World Order: Because, I has swear to God, for the reverge: all the martyrs, Christians and Jews: that, are been make in these: 1400 years, by Muhammad and the his accursed muslims of Koran (that is another: the apocryphal Gospel): that muslims murderes have did: through the sharia. I swore to God and to all the martyrs, who I will kill also: the last Muslim, who wants to raise the sharia: to threaten even the whole human race! But God said to me, that in reality the Muslims, are not bad (as you)! "In fact they renounce at Sharia: spontaneously"
Glory to God in His Heavenly Temple Hebrew: house of all people! hallelujah for my universal brotherhood!: the company is dying, men are losing faith and peoples are losing hope: people give up more and more all: to Satan is here because, I am forced to do harm to the rich : selfish and accomplices of the IMF-New World Order.
@Drakecul -- if you have a false God? then you are an false man: also. But if you seek the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: that is said Israel. [() not does this abomination of Israel's: of Masonic banking seigniorage (). with the star satanic of Rothschild: on its flag]. then, you'll be a real man! ie, not a Freemason, ie, not a Satanist, not a liar of the IMF- New World Order. you can never become the prey of an ideology or of a religion!
@ Furstenfeldbruck - As you are sure that God is not real? if you are 100% sure? So, in this case should not be difficult for you: to give to me, under oath, your soul on this page! you know, that Satanists have a duty to kill all those who remain without a soul? You know that a poor man: he has sold his soul for many: money, and then, though poor: he went to redeem it?
of course: I have no an sin that can be evident: in pubblic! However, maybe I exaggerate: to declare the sin withinin me, why, is invisible to other. But this is for all sinners to encourage. In fact, if God uses me: in mode powerfully? Then God can use anyone, because for God? To him? sin does not exist! God suffers to see how the sin: do hurt to us. because God created us: to love us and Allah suffer to see: our misfortune
of course: my body, so bodily: reject sin: that is repulsive for him: how, too: rejects the absolute holiness and purity of God is this my will! I want to be like: all men in all their contradictions. Since it is the cowardly weakness of human nature: that, I has wanted to find: and in fact: I have found: a street, to go into the kingdom of God, that is very more powerful of the mystical: Because, come: the denial of mystical same: shut up in the pure rationality, and in the weakness of involuntary sinfulness: I have opened the road to heaven for me: as for all mankind: for the metaphysics of the natural law being: I do not take all men, through, their religion, but for the purity of the their faith. Believing that God's mercy: he won: in Christ Jesus, the same law of God
@ AIPAC -> that is the how: like: 666Rothschid and 322Bush: have condemned to you and yours: in an atomic despair: for not have assigned to you: a mini apartment in the depths of the earth? But, what is less scary for you: that is, what is best for you: 1. the wrath of the people? or Satanists and aliens in the deep, of the heart: of the earth, that widely: they are habit to eating: the human flesh? How, in what way, you will do the death for choking of the mice in the ground? why, the your poor children: were been destined with you, to be together in to the hell! I do not know anybody who deserves to die more than you! Yet, God must have a liver infinite if it has just sent me to save a turd like you!
@ AIPAC - if you do not stop persecuting Christianity? None of you be can withstand the wrath of God: this time it will burn, how and more much more as has burned: in the crematoria of "Auschwitz Birkenau". In fact, God wants to see allies, so in mode powerful: Christianity and Judaism: you stop doing: the Satanists of the penis fucking!
@ AIPAC - you will not be afraid, if, I destroyed Zionism: racist and Satanist, who comes from the Talmud! You do not be afraid, to give: to me, control of the IMF- New World Order: Because, I has swear to God, for the reverge: all the martyrs, Christians and Jews: that, are been make in these: 1400 years, by Muhammad and the his accursed muslims of Koran (that is another: the apocryphal Gospel): that muslims murderes have did: through the sharia. I swore to God and to all the martyrs, who I will kill also: the last Muslim, who wants to raise the sharia: to threaten even the whole human race! But God said to me, that in reality the Muslims, are not bad (as you)! "In fact they renounce at Sharia: spontaneously"
Glory to God in His Heavenly Temple Hebrew: house of all people! hallelujah for my universal brotherhood!: the company is dying, men are losing faith and peoples are losing hope: people give up more and more all: to Satan is here because, I am forced to do harm to the rich : selfish and accomplices of the IMF-New World Order.
@Drakecul -- if you have a false God? then you are an false man: also. But if you seek the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: that is said Israel. [() not does this abomination of Israel's: of Masonic banking seigniorage (). with the star satanic of Rothschild: on its flag]. then, you'll be a real man! ie, not a Freemason, ie, not a Satanist, not a liar of the IMF- New World Order. you can never become the prey of an ideology or of a religion!
@ Furstenfeldbruck - As you are sure that God is not real? if you are 100% sure? So, in this case should not be difficult for you: to give to me, under oath, your soul on this page! you know, that Satanists have a duty to kill all those who remain without a soul? You know that a poor man: he has sold his soul for many: money, and then, though poor: he went to redeem it?
of course: I have no an sin that can be evident: in pubblic! However, maybe I exaggerate: to declare the sin withinin me, why, is invisible to other. But this is for all sinners to encourage. In fact, if God uses me: in mode powerfully? Then God can use anyone, because for God? To him? sin does not exist! God suffers to see how the sin: do hurt to us. because God created us: to love us and Allah suffer to see: our misfortune
of course: my body, so bodily: reject sin: that is repulsive for him: how, too: rejects the absolute holiness and purity of God is this my will! I want to be like: all men in all their contradictions. Since it is the cowardly weakness of human nature: that, I has wanted to find: and in fact: I have found: a street, to go into the kingdom of God, that is very more powerful of the mystical: Because, come: the denial of mystical same: shut up in the pure rationality, and in the weakness of involuntary sinfulness: I have opened the road to heaven for me: as for all mankind: for the metaphysics of the natural law being: I do not take all men, through, their religion, but for the purity of the their faith. Believing that God's mercy: he won: in Christ Jesus, the same law of God
@ eachtem ->
@Patrick Walker -> Satanism in youtube? blasphemy? forms of
sexual perversion? animal sex? for all this? too, with your children (if
you have the gift of being able to receive) .. all you pay with them,
all the price of this curse. Your wealth and apparent power, momentary?
the enlightened mind should be not deceive! Since you can not have the
good doing wrong!
@Patrick Walker -> per tutto questo satanismo di youtube? forme di perversione sessuale? sesso di animali? anche tu, insieme ai tuoi figli(se avrai il dono di poterli ricevere).. voi tutti pagherete, il prezzo di questa maledizione. La vostra ricchezza e potenza apparente, momentanea: non dovrebbe ingannare una mente illuminata! Poiché non è possibile avere il bene facendo il male!
@Patrick Walker ->in the media, censorship only works: for the benefit of the Jewish lobbies: the seigniorage banking and his power occult: satanism, ecc... ie, those dogs of the racist Zionist of Talmud, all sons of 666Rothschild, and his six-pointed star, that it's never been the star of David, ie: synagogue of Satan, ie, banking seigniorage: for inevitable: 3 ° WWnuclear! But, if Satanists and their "instructions" of blasphemy have citizenship in youtube? then democracy is dead too!
@Patrick Walker -> nei media, la censura funziona soltanto: a vantaggio delle lobby ebraiche: del signoraggio bancario: cioè, quei cani: razzisti dei sionisti: figli di 666Rothschild e della sua stella a sei punte: che: non è mai stata la stella di Davide: cioè: la vera sinagoga di satana e del signoraggio bancario: per la inevitabile:3°WWnuclear! Ma se i satanisti e i loro: "istruzionii" per le bestemmie hanno cittadinanza in youtube? allora, la democrazia è morta ugualmente!
@Patrick Walker -> God is the most polite and kind person, caring and sensitive for to all of us, kind and benevolent, which, I might never know. Some people? I would kill them, in an instant! But, he: JHWH looks in our future, and HE hopes and waits: always our conversion (he says: "I think: Lawrence, Patrick, etc. ... will improve !")... You do not believe that, you may return to me, my UniusRei2?
@Patrick Walker --> Dio è la Persona più educata e gentile, premurosa e sensibile verso tutti noi, simpatica e benefica, che, io mai potrei conoscere. Certa gente? Io la ucciderei: in un attimo! Ma, lui guarda nel nostro futuro, e spera e attende: sempre la nostra conversione (lui dice:"io credo che: lorenzo, Patrick, ecc... migliorerà!")... Tu non credi, che, tu potresti restituire a me, il mio UniusRei2?
@ksrea --> I now have opened my page and you can comment freely!
but those of Muslims Satanists? have not signed the convention on fundamental human rights, because:
1. Satanists of Muslims want to continue to have slaves!
2. Satanists of Muslims want to Deny the right to freedom of religion!
that's why we are forced to kill them all, not to be exterminated by them!
God is my friend! and if the atheists: the religious subject, subject at their demon of religion, Satanists, Freemasons enlightened Zionists Sharia, etc. .. will to burst with envy? For me can die all together! but God is so humble, gentle, and lovable
that I do not know how you can not abuse him! In fact, it is inevitable for me, of be with him, in mode very arrogant! in truth I am a rough man
@ wishes to all the newlyweds! -> Today is my seventeenth: wedding anniversary, but, unfortunately, my wife has not given me permission to make a personal statement. However, the relationship with my wife? is still problematic, although we have never committed adultery. all those who are married: they should understand: that divorce is not an option: in fact, our life, does not belong to us, but belongs to society and children. Of course, faith in God has protected us! All women should understand that the happiness of a marriage is: humility and mutual submission, but is the wife who should set an example, unfortunately is the original sin that acts against all of us! All those who have lost their partners? Should recover him/her .. if possible, because the first marriage? it takes precedence over others!
Commento al tuo video: 79 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei
88tuner SAID: I don't get why the Muslim faith would deny a fellow Muslim the belief in Jesus. He is their messenger. Why persecute a person for belief in the very messenger of the Quran? This has always puzzled me. In my opinion, bias and hatred is the flaming sword that protects the tree of life. Love is the key to opening the door to eternal life. Clearly the message of Jesus to the brother Issac and Ishmael. --answer-> These Satanists of muslims, they think that Christians are idolaters (confusing: with the polytheists). And because the idolaters are bound to hell, it is better to kill them immediately, rather than other Muslims to go to hell: for apostasy and blasphemy, through evangelization.
Commento al tuo video on lorenzojhwh: open letter to muslims
eachtem SAID: want me to send it to all my Muslim friend in Canada?
Muslims are all wonderful, all better than Jews and Christians, certainly, in fact, they pray and the other: "no." But, this story of Christian martyrs that muslims kill? is a story that will end in tragedy for all. Like the Jews, only, can fight: Rothschild and the seigniorage banking? so only you (Western Muslims) can force the Muslim states to the secular state and the true freedom of religion!
@Patrick Walker -> per tutto questo satanismo di youtube? forme di perversione sessuale? sesso di animali? anche tu, insieme ai tuoi figli(se avrai il dono di poterli ricevere).. voi tutti pagherete, il prezzo di questa maledizione. La vostra ricchezza e potenza apparente, momentanea: non dovrebbe ingannare una mente illuminata! Poiché non è possibile avere il bene facendo il male!
@Patrick Walker ->in the media, censorship only works: for the benefit of the Jewish lobbies: the seigniorage banking and his power occult: satanism, ecc... ie, those dogs of the racist Zionist of Talmud, all sons of 666Rothschild, and his six-pointed star, that it's never been the star of David, ie: synagogue of Satan, ie, banking seigniorage: for inevitable: 3 ° WWnuclear! But, if Satanists and their "instructions" of blasphemy have citizenship in youtube? then democracy is dead too!
@Patrick Walker -> nei media, la censura funziona soltanto: a vantaggio delle lobby ebraiche: del signoraggio bancario: cioè, quei cani: razzisti dei sionisti: figli di 666Rothschild e della sua stella a sei punte: che: non è mai stata la stella di Davide: cioè: la vera sinagoga di satana e del signoraggio bancario: per la inevitabile:3°WWnuclear! Ma se i satanisti e i loro: "istruzionii" per le bestemmie hanno cittadinanza in youtube? allora, la democrazia è morta ugualmente!
@Patrick Walker -> God is the most polite and kind person, caring and sensitive for to all of us, kind and benevolent, which, I might never know. Some people? I would kill them, in an instant! But, he: JHWH looks in our future, and HE hopes and waits: always our conversion (he says: "I think: Lawrence, Patrick, etc. ... will improve !")... You do not believe that, you may return to me, my UniusRei2?
@Patrick Walker --> Dio è la Persona più educata e gentile, premurosa e sensibile verso tutti noi, simpatica e benefica, che, io mai potrei conoscere. Certa gente? Io la ucciderei: in un attimo! Ma, lui guarda nel nostro futuro, e spera e attende: sempre la nostra conversione (lui dice:"io credo che: lorenzo, Patrick, ecc... migliorerà!")... Tu non credi, che, tu potresti restituire a me, il mio UniusRei2?
@ksrea --> I now have opened my page and you can comment freely!
but those of Muslims Satanists? have not signed the convention on fundamental human rights, because:
1. Satanists of Muslims want to continue to have slaves!
2. Satanists of Muslims want to Deny the right to freedom of religion!
that's why we are forced to kill them all, not to be exterminated by them!
God is my friend! and if the atheists: the religious subject, subject at their demon of religion, Satanists, Freemasons enlightened Zionists Sharia, etc. .. will to burst with envy? For me can die all together! but God is so humble, gentle, and lovable
that I do not know how you can not abuse him! In fact, it is inevitable for me, of be with him, in mode very arrogant! in truth I am a rough man
@ wishes to all the newlyweds! -> Today is my seventeenth: wedding anniversary, but, unfortunately, my wife has not given me permission to make a personal statement. However, the relationship with my wife? is still problematic, although we have never committed adultery. all those who are married: they should understand: that divorce is not an option: in fact, our life, does not belong to us, but belongs to society and children. Of course, faith in God has protected us! All women should understand that the happiness of a marriage is: humility and mutual submission, but is the wife who should set an example, unfortunately is the original sin that acts against all of us! All those who have lost their partners? Should recover him/her .. if possible, because the first marriage? it takes precedence over others!
Commento al tuo video: 79 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei
88tuner SAID: I don't get why the Muslim faith would deny a fellow Muslim the belief in Jesus. He is their messenger. Why persecute a person for belief in the very messenger of the Quran? This has always puzzled me. In my opinion, bias and hatred is the flaming sword that protects the tree of life. Love is the key to opening the door to eternal life. Clearly the message of Jesus to the brother Issac and Ishmael. --answer-> These Satanists of muslims, they think that Christians are idolaters (confusing: with the polytheists). And because the idolaters are bound to hell, it is better to kill them immediately, rather than other Muslims to go to hell: for apostasy and blasphemy, through evangelization.
Commento al tuo video on lorenzojhwh: open letter to muslims
eachtem SAID: want me to send it to all my Muslim friend in Canada?
Muslims are all wonderful, all better than Jews and Christians, certainly, in fact, they pray and the other: "no." But, this story of Christian martyrs that muslims kill? is a story that will end in tragedy for all. Like the Jews, only, can fight: Rothschild and the seigniorage banking? so only you (Western Muslims) can force the Muslim states to the secular state and the true freedom of religion!
TumnusIndustries SAID: read psalms 83;18 in the king james
bible, if we are to follow yours then you can at least follow ours to
see what we have to say =) give it a try and after that read
matthew24;14 then revelation21;4 and then finally prover...
Freedom of religion: immediately ok! if inispensabile is, to kill Muslims? We will kill them!
but I can not conceive: The Fact That They Can Be alone and only and forever: that is,
Structurally, the criminals of the Koran only!
Freedom of religion: Immediately
Freedom of religion: immediately
h Commento al tuo video: 9 Christian Martyrs persecution Open Doors World Watch List 2010
moges720 SAID: Christianity is not a monopoly name for the evangelists. Just because you are not allowed in some country does not mean they hate Christianity. Look at the work of religious groups in countries like Angola; Ethiopia, Kenya , Evangelists have been in these countries in the name of uplifting the lives of the poor for the last 30 years and you see no change in the lives of these villagers in fact it has worsened, so what is the point of sustaining poverty in the name of Jesus??, --ANSWER-> What you said? is shit, that is so: shit, that your stench: will remain in youtube around for the next 100 years! What you said is the destruction of any notion of civilization! Indeed, this is the true face of your Satan, for you are a true Satanist evil!
La community di YouTube ha segnalato uno o più dei tuoi video come non appropriati. Quando un video viene segnalato, viene esaminato dal team di YouTube in base alle nostre Norme della community. Dall'esame è emerso che i seguenti video presentano contenuti che violano le presenti norme, pertanto sono stati disattivati: 1 Coptic Christian girl being sexually abused by muslims: attitude criminal of Sharia - (allChristianMartyrs)
Data ricezione: 18/ago/2011 | Data di convalida: 19/ago/2011 | Appealed
IN appello È DETTO: "stronzo e complice di assassini"
allChristianMartyrs (1 secondo fa) on youtube page
This ugly history, that is, to kidnap, rape and raping Christian girls by Muslims, to destroy Christianity? Must end! but, my video of:
"" 1 Coptic Christian girl being sexually abused by muslims: attitude criminal of Sharia ""
was perfect for the introductory comments, no scenes of violence or nudity, because everything was banned: very bad definition with a video that painful! The innocent blood of Christian martyrs? is also on your hands for be you, a consistent patron of Satanists!
@ youtube SAID: "refused (inappropriate content)"-answer-> for consistency? Now you must remove all the your whores, that you have here: IMMEDIATELY! You are a coward: you have been afraid of your shareholders Muslims. but working in this way? without an objective morality? this is very unfair: for what would be the last bulwark of democracy before the police state: that it was decided to suppress the people and every constitutional right as it was already done with the bank seigniorage that was stolen from the Jew 666Rothschild and 322ConpanyBush
! ! rebukes you, Holy Spirit! !
* because the Holocaust is true to 95%, ie, because they have been retouched to rounding, the extra digits?
* because only the Catholic Church has always told the truth for 2000 years!
+ -. her my beloved Mother Church, that, has forcing the priests to chastity (give, or take), still, violates the fundamental rights of man! But, there is no Mason or animal, that protest, because their goal is to see the Catholic Church destroyed!
+ -. The diocesan priests' celibacy? it was because of Satanism of "primogeniture", but for 1000 years (as the Orthodox), they could be married: well.
+ -. but in their hypocrisy, [["clericalism" power]], prefer to endure pedophile priests, gays and adulterers: that honestly having a priest married!
@ULTIMATESEXUALLUSTS->myFriend,Johnny could destroy your personality, for to lick the shoes (for love, the whole body of the partner: It may be licked:by reciprocity)? My dear, me, Church and God forgive us, we mean, any sin, though, that: it is done privately, but because you put these videos "publicly"? you can never enter the kingdom of God, for this. Because, you induces, incites others: against the Word of God, to destroy and wreak havoc in the dignity of man and woman! All this sadism, masochism? It can only be done by Satanists. [You're a Satanist?] Or economically desperate people! ie, the victims of bank seigniorage, and the strogginaggio banks, because the cost of a mortgage? more, that doubles the capital received: is all this, in times of recession? is murder!
v @depravati ==> God told an angel: "you go and hit for do fall: against all those, that have a misconduct: in respect of the sovereignty of the King of Israel lorenzojhwh Unius Rei. "here is why is: all the demons of hell all put together? they do not have one only life! you can say this: to all Satanists: family from me! why I am UNIUS REI! [[Against blasfemy]] God wants to humbling the Catholic Church. "heavily." (sorry, but you are something, that, God has not provided!) In fact, after 600 excommunications against Freemasonry: 1). the Church has lost its historic battle against the "synagogue of Satan" of Jewish Illuminati. They forced the Pope to every humiliation ... 2). pray for the victims of September 11: (ie, to justify) the State crime: that was done by: the CIA and MOSSAD: as everyone knows and as has stated the President Cossiga.3). to accept the sword of vassal of the criminal King of Saudi Arabia's, mass murderer of innocent Christian martyrs and the slave trader! He who, along with everyone: Muslims "Wahhabis" are been sodomized: by 33 demons violent homosexual .why: even Muhammad, has the same treatment! 4). must consent to an act of Satanism: in the historic visit to the Synagogue of Rome: that is, a framework consisting of the numbers of the Kabbalah, which is the science luciferin: to dominate and plunder: up to the extermination of all peoples through: the banking and seigniorage his New World Order: argument, which, for me in youtube, in four years: it was impossible to discuss: with any jew: in the world! As well as no Muslim has ever condemned the Sharia and the total lack of: freedom of religion, for to have taken both: the road of the hell! In conclusion .. "In fear that it could become Pope, one of the many: bishops"heretics""modernists".. His Holiness: John Paul II, he claimed, that his best friend: His Holiness Benedict XVI become his successor! So, you can not Ossanna one, to denigrate each other: it is because of all your lies, your sacrilege .. that: "I prophesied against you: a violent death, which, however: it will be premature death, the conclusion: of this: damn your life: if you not remove: immediately, this your video: of blasphemy, which is: an insult to every man who wants to believe: himself a civilized person! " In fact, what you have done is blaspheme: against: Holy Spirit: ie, the Innocent Blood precious: of Jesus Christ. that is, the only hope of mankind! so, begone! cursed: in that flame of destruction and despair infinite prepared by God for all the demons before the foundation of our time! amen
v @depravati ==> God told an angel: "you go and hit for do fall: against all those, that have a misconduct: in respect of the sovereignty of the King of Israel lorenzojhwh Unius Rei. "here is why is: all the demons of hell all put together? they do not have one only life! you can say this: to all Satanists: family from me! why I am UNIUS REI! [[Against blasfemy]] God wants to humbling the Catholic Church. "heavily." (sorry, but you are something, that, God has not provided!) In fact, after 600 excommunications against Freemasonry: 1). the Church has lost its historic battle against the "synagogue of Satan" of Jewish Illuminati. They forced the Pope to every humiliation ... 2). pray for the victims of September 11: (ie, to justify) the State crime: that was done by: the CIA and MOSSAD: as everyone knows and as has stated the President Cossiga.3). to accept the sword of vassal of the criminal King of Saudi Arabia's, mass murderer of innocent Christian martyrs and the slave trader! He who, along with everyone: Muslims "Wahhabis" are been sodomized: by 33 demons violent homosexual .why: even Muhammad, has the same treatment! 4). must consent to an act of Satanism: in the historic visit to the Synagogue of Rome: that is, a framework consisting of the numbers of the Kabbalah, which is the science luciferin: to dominate and plunder: up to the extermination of all peoples through: the banking and seigniorage his New World Order: argument, which, for me in youtube, in four years: it was impossible to discuss: with any jew: in the world! As well as no Muslim has ever condemned the Sharia and the total lack of: freedom of religion, for to have taken both: the road of the hell! In conclusion .. "In fear that it could become Pope, one of the many: bishops"heretics""modernists".. His Holiness: John Paul II, he claimed, that his best friend: His Holiness Benedict XVI become his successor! So, you can not Ossanna one, to denigrate each other: it is because of all your lies, your sacrilege .. that: "I prophesied against you: a violent death, which, however: it will be premature death, the conclusion: of this: damn your life: if you not remove: immediately, this your video: of blasphemy, which is: an insult to every man who wants to believe: himself a civilized person! " In fact, what you have done is blaspheme: against: Holy Spirit: ie, the Innocent Blood precious: of Jesus Christ. that is, the only hope of mankind! so, begone! cursed: in that flame of destruction and despair infinite prepared by God for all the demons before the foundation of our time! amen
on youtube page Commenti sul canale (339007) Aggiorna
JewsxMessiahUniusRei (55 secondi fa) Spam
@666Rothschild @322Bush --> (( [[ [[[[ ★ ]]]] Rei Unius King of Israel ]] ))
I was by kill at his time: that is, at the right time!
as you do not you understand?
now? it's too late! Surrender to me? is the only way that you have, for you can save your life now!
why, I am not against sinners repent!
io ero da uccidere a suo tempo: cioè al tempo giusto! come tu non lo hai capito? ora? è troppo tardi! Arrenderti a me? è l'unico modo, che, tu hai, di poter salvare la tua vita: adesso! poiché io non sono contro i peccatori pentiti!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei (9 minuti fa) Spam
Commento al tuo video: Obama: Stop Israel massacre of Palestinians in Gaza: jews vs zionists
tjcombo84 SAID: What are you talkin about , wand what are you responding too ??
-- ANSWER-> that jew you are?, if you do not know, what is the seigniorage banking? it is certainly rare, but possible! In fact, one my brother jew to Auswhitz, said: "Why?". In fact, he really did not know whoth is the banking seigniorage: the six-pointed star of Rothschild, which you say, falsely, of be that of David. When the Torah prevent any symbol or image? you are fake jew!... che ebreo sei tu: se non conosci cosa è il signoraggio bancario? certo è raro, ma è possibile! infatti, il mio fratello ebreo ad Auswhitz diceva: "perché?". Infatti, lui veramente non sapeva di signoraggio bancario: è la stella a sei punte di Rothschild che voi dite: mentendo, che è di Davide. Quando la Torà impedisce di fare ogni simbolo o immagine
JewsxMessiahUniusRei (30 minuti fa) Spam
Synagogue Of Satan Spawns From Jekyl Island
shobhitgosain (33 minuti fa) Spam
HellxDesPairTruction (1 ora fa) Spam
@666Rothschild @322Bush -->in Jesus's name: I have removed the control of youtube to the Satanists, to any Satanism, and any racism. What you see now: "if I have the power to kill you: in a supernatural way?". You have stopped being becoming invisible for to the people: to make their predation! I give you 12 days time to return to me Unius Rei, the banking seigniorage, that you have stole to all the nations, to impose on all people of the logic of the Satanism that is the NWO.
@666Rothschild @322Bush --> in Jesus's name: io ho sottratto il controllo di youtube ai satanisti, ed ad ogni satanismo e razzismo. Cosa volete vedere adesso: "se io ho il potere di uccidere voi: in modo soprannaturale?". Voi avete finito di essere invibili ai popoli: per fare la loro predazione! io do a voi 12 giorni di tempo: per restituire a me: UniusRei, il signoraggio bancario che voi avete rubato a tutti i popoli: per imporre su tutti gli uomini la logica del satanismo che è il NWO.
HellxDesPairTruction (1 ora fa) Spam
[[[[ ★ ]]]] Rei Unius King of Israel]]
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus of Bethlehem, the Messiah
Holy Mary, Mother of God, made man for us! Pray for all of us, that we are the sinners,
hours and at the hour of our death. Amen. hallelujah
Ave Maria, Piena di Grazia, il Signore è con te: tu sei benedetta tra tutte le donne
e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno: Gesù di Betlemme: il Messia
SANTA Maria, madre di Dio, fatto uomo! Tu prega per tutti noi, che, noi siamo i peccatori
ora e nell'ora della nostra morte . amen . hallelujah ✞ [[ ★ ]]
RandomPerson745 (1 ora fa) Spam
It's the same shit everyday on this channel... RELIGION, RELIGION, RELIGION! It's been going on for almost 1 year with this guy.
eastwestpictures (1 ora fa) Spam
lorenzojhwh (1 ora fa) Spam
Commento al tuo video: Islam 270 Million Bodies in 1400 Years
RafaelMartinezVEVO said:older verse is wrong cause it has been changed by the jews god said it perfect to jesus but the jews didnt listen again--ANSWER->God is very happy about our freedom because if we're honest? Always we reject our: selfishness, greed and racism! That is, always will avoid all forms of violence and coercion to make us die in the carnal man, and to live in us: the spiritual man: for: the Kingdom of God is not a matter of religion but the fact is of: love and justice and equality Dio è molto felice della nostra libertà: poiché se siamo onesti? sempre noi rigetteremo il nostro: egoismo, avidità e razzismo! Cioè, sempre eviteremo ogni forma di violenza e coercizione: per fare morire in noi l'uomo carnale, e per fare vivere in noi: l'uomo spirituale: poiché: il Regno di Dio non è un fatto di religione: ma è un fatto di: amore e giustizia e uguaglianza
lorenzojhwh (1 ora fa) Spam
metal or evolutionism is religion of satan
see my "EvolutionIsReligion"
Application of masonic principles in the matter of educating the peoples. Masonic watchword. Meaning of Anti-Semitism. Dictatorship of masonry. Terror. Who are the servants of masonry. Meaning of the "clear-sighted" and the "blind" forces of the "goyim" states. Communion between authority and mob. License of liberalism. Seizure of education and training. False theories. Interpretation of laws. The "undergrounds" (metropolitains).
The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our masonic watchword, namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," will, when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words no longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into: "The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood." That is how we shall put it, and so we shall catch the bull by the horns... DE FACTO we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although DE JURE there still remain a good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only PRO FORMA at our discretion and by our direction, for THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM IS INDISPENSABLE TO US FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF OUR LESSER BRETHREN. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us.
For us there are no checks to limit the range of our activity. Our Super-Government subsists in extra-legal conditions which are described in the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible word - Dictatorship. I am in a position to tell you with a clear conscience that at the proper time we, the law-givers shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us. AND THE WEAPONS IN OUR HANDS ARE LIMITLESS AMBITIONS, BURNING GREEDINESS, MERCILESS VENGEANCE, HATREDS AND MALICE.
IT IS FROM US THAT ALL-ENGULFING TERROR PROCEEDS. WE HAVE IN OUR SERVICE PERSONS OF ALL OPINIONS, OF ALL DOCTRINES, RESTORATING MONARCHISTS, DEMAGOGUES, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, AND UTOPIAN DREAMERS OF EVERY KIND. We have harnessed them all to the task: EACH ONE OF THEM ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT IS BORING AWAY AT THE LAST REMNANTS OF AUTHORITY, IS STRIVING TO OVERTHROW ALL ESTABLISHED FORM OF ORDER. By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquillity, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with submissiveness.
The people have raised a howl about the necessity of settling the question of Socialism by way of an international agreement. DIVISION INTO FRACTIONAL PARTIES HAS GIVEN THEM INTO OUR HANDS, FOR, IN ORDER TO CARRY ON A CONTESTED STRUGGLE ONE MUST HAVE MONEY, AND THE MONEY IS ALL IN OUR HANDS.
We might have reason to apprehend a union between the "clearsighted" force of the goy kings on their thrones and the "blind" force of the goy mobs, but we have taken all the needful measure against any such possibility: between the one and the other force we have erected a bulwark in the shape of a mutual terror between them. In this way the blind force of the people remains our support and we, and we only, shall provide them with a leader and, of course, direct them along the road that leads to our goal.
In order that the hand of the blind mob may not free itself from our guiding hand, we must every now and then enter into close communion with it, if not actually in person, at any rate through some of the most trusty of our brethren. When we are acknowledged as the only authority we shall discuss with the people personally on the market places, and we shall instruct them on questions of the political in such wise as may turn them in the direction that suits us.
Who is going to verify what is taught in the village schools? But what an envoy of the government or a king on his throne himself may say cannot but become immediately known to the whole State, for it will be spread abroad by the voice of the people.
In order not to annihilate the institutions of the goyim before it is time we have touched them with craft and delicacy, and have taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanism. These springs lay in a strict but just sense of order; we have replaced them by the chaotic license of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law into the conduct of elections, into the press into liberty of the person, BUT PRINCIPALLY INTO EDUCATION AND TRAINING AS BEING THE CORNER-STONES OF A FREE EXISTENCE.
Above the existing laws without substantially altering them, and by merely twisting them into contradictions of interpretations, we have erected something grandiose in the way of results. These results found expression first in the fact that the INTERPRETATIONS MASKED THE LAWS: afterwards they entirely hid them from the eyes of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation.
This is the origin of the theory of course of arbitration.
You may say the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail - the undergrounds, metropolitains, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organisations and archives.
Courtesy and care of: Be Wise As Serpents BBS
International Christian Educational Services
1 / 3 [warning] youtube is not responsible: for all what is
happening! Rather HIM as a Satanist: youtube is: another one my victim:
only! In fact, my authority: does not like from youtube that: with the
ITS Service: It Could save: many lives: instead, Because "God does not
enjoy the destruction: of the sinner: but: that he convert and live!" in
fact: also in all the world, even men who do not know youtube? can have
the premonition, That, They will die: so early: in mode premature ..
"This is going: to have: as an impulsive thought: All These? Actually
die: so early: in mode .. why premature: they are: Considered
accomplices; now have the benefits of banking seigniorage (the rich, the
immoral, the selfish, the Pornographers, Politicians, journalists, etc.
2 / 3 [warning], but I and the Holy Spirit only, we: we are responsible: only: for the premature death of millions of These criminals, That the State law can not identify: Since every state is criminal: ie, in violation of the Constitution: it is a criminal trend: for to buy, bankers of the jew, the your money: at interest: for 270% Of His value! That is why all nations are indebted up: for Their Destruction! Since God has Given the Sovereignty to the People: but: These men Deceived by Satan, They have Betrayed God, losing the image and likeness of God, losing: the right to reside in the Garden of Eden, and assuming the image of Satan , here's: The Why of: Sharia, communism, Zionism, Nazism, wear, Unemployment, recession, etc. ... ... why, They Their Sovereignty Transferred To The Jew: parasite moneylender: ie, bankers: enlightened: the banking of seigniorage:
3 / 3 Called "enlightened" the destroyer: of the hope of Israel: that is for the biblical monotheism destroy: for HAVING Already raised: a new Tower of Babel: i: New Age, fake evolutionism, etc. .. IMF-or New World Order. for the reduction into slavery: of the whole human race. Therefore, the 3 rd Jewish Temple and the Third World War Nuclear representative: for These criminals of Satanists, international: the final realization: of Their project: The Illuminati, are the fathers of Freemasonry and of Satanism: Are the controllers, of : at Monopoly: of each: and: every corporation: SpA, of programmers: all time, for any: holocaust: Against: my Jewish people, why, Their wealth and power, born from the destruction of all peoples.
2 / 3 [warning], but I and the Holy Spirit only, we: we are responsible: only: for the premature death of millions of These criminals, That the State law can not identify: Since every state is criminal: ie, in violation of the Constitution: it is a criminal trend: for to buy, bankers of the jew, the your money: at interest: for 270% Of His value! That is why all nations are indebted up: for Their Destruction! Since God has Given the Sovereignty to the People: but: These men Deceived by Satan, They have Betrayed God, losing the image and likeness of God, losing: the right to reside in the Garden of Eden, and assuming the image of Satan , here's: The Why of: Sharia, communism, Zionism, Nazism, wear, Unemployment, recession, etc. ... ... why, They Their Sovereignty Transferred To The Jew: parasite moneylender: ie, bankers: enlightened: the banking of seigniorage:
3 / 3 Called "enlightened" the destroyer: of the hope of Israel: that is for the biblical monotheism destroy: for HAVING Already raised: a new Tower of Babel: i: New Age, fake evolutionism, etc. .. IMF-or New World Order. for the reduction into slavery: of the whole human race. Therefore, the 3 rd Jewish Temple and the Third World War Nuclear representative: for These criminals of Satanists, international: the final realization: of Their project: The Illuminati, are the fathers of Freemasonry and of Satanism: Are the controllers, of : at Monopoly: of each: and: every corporation: SpA, of programmers: all time, for any: holocaust: Against: my Jewish people, why, Their wealth and power, born from the destruction of all peoples.
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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)