@ IsraelNationalTV -> when the best: among: men: he wants to do a good job: for love of the your creator? God commands: immediately an angel: to hit him: 1. flagellation, 2. crown of thorns; 3. crucifixion; 4. spear in the heart! since God can not be glorified: by a carnal man: that: he must die, because: God can be served: by only: a spiritual man! But, now, a spiritual man resurrected? He ends: and began to suffer: to rule the world! here's why: Catholic priests: they commit blasphemy when they say: "diseases?: are a gift from God!" .. In fact, many saints: (in order to benefit mankind?): they continue to suffer: only: for: their explicit: the request! but this is not my case! for: I have decided: to kill: so: in mode supernatural: all the traitors of my kingdom!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> Freemasonry: namely, the synagogue of Satan: 1. was born: in: the slavery of Egypt! are them, that: 2. have broken: down: every possibility of resistance of the people: because stabbing the back: the heroes and patriots: of the Jews! 3. they did sin, of Moses in the desert! and taken away: the hope of entering the "Promised Land" to Him! 5. they have cursed Israel mightily! 6. They are our rabbis: that is, the Pharisees: IMF: and all their accomplices in the NWO! I am compelled by God(like Jonah) to forgive all, but I pray everyday for God to make a massacre of them all: for not to give me: this disgust: that is: of having to forgive them!
kwv1 -> is for mercy: that: we have extended: the salvation outside of Christianity .. though? 1. Christians go to hell: very right: like everyone else! 60%: of all mankind? is for the hell (geenna). 2. 39.9%? is in purgatory (ade:sheol): that it's the same suffering: physical: that is in the hell, but, in place of demons: there are the holy angels: to make a comfort sweet! "born again"?: it is indispensable to achieve: the same divine nature of God himself: it: Christians do not become children of God: automatically, but only: through: 1. an active apostolate: 2. a personal and individual relationship with God!
@ YHWH -> "Lord Have mercy of us! Christ's mercy!" -> People are all sinners dead: all grass:for the fire: up soon: 3°WWnuclear! that's why: for my love and mercy: I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1= satanist = youtube= IHateNEWLAYOUT:you suck! @ all Governs --> the way of love? is always the cheapest! that's why I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1: all satanists and freemasons this is the one: that: it really matters!
My heart is full of love and happiness! because: my future is bright .. while: the your heart((perverse and evil)) is oppressed: with sadness .. because: your Satan: has already lost its future
@ Youtube-Synnek1: = IHateNEWLAYOUT: you suck! you have decided: that: I no longer have to answer .. (at all "shared" with you) [[From: lorenzojhwh. A: p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]], but all governments: of the world? they must know: all the evil: that you: IMF-NWO: CIA MOSSAD: you're doing: against: me: and against them!
I was attacked by haker: and now, they have changed: my "bios" on a laptop: it: I can not use: more do reading: the reader: of: my: CD DVD that: it was renamed as: "* __ etc. .. etc. .. "but, for another laptop? have destroyed the file system and I can not reinstall windows.. their goal? do lost: against me: the my time: and: my money! [[TO DO: DESPITE A: AGAINST ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HAS SET: VERY "BAD": his WINDOW: OF HIS traslator! WHEN: 2. YOUTUBE becomes: in numbers indecipherable: the clues of my friends! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - ANSWER -> YOU GUYS! you have the "syndrome of Cain"! but will, perhaps: you people? you who have chosen: to be Satanists criminals: of IMF-NWO: ALL of them to do evil against all peoples: CIA MOSSAD? you have already ruined peoples: too: ENOUGH: certainly: you will be punished!
youtube suck! --> [Against bishops: freemasons and modernists] if there HAD not Been: the apparitions of Our Lady: (fatima lourdes, etc ... etc ...) the my: "Queen of the Angels" and there are not Been: father saint Pius from Pietrelcina, and all other saint? the synagogue of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, would have annihilated: every form of: Christianity throughout the world .. Because Christianity is not a political movement: as is been grazy crazy: Islam, but, now: all Satanists: with my Kingdom of unius Rei? now they become: all the most talented guys: or: go down to dance between the bones!
Illuminati of IMF are afraid of this server! here because it will be resized! @ Synnek1 ---> about: March 7, 2012? you're dead! youtube is IHateNEWLAYOUT = youtube = is Satanists! I am not responsible: if you has chose to be a Satanist .. you sided with the forces of earth: to see the worms happy! and so: you lost the sky! and since, Angels have the air force: their: they win? You suck! I believe that all people of this planet? they are in love with me! I'm sure: all the saints of God: and all the angels perfect! and God himself: they are all in love with me!
@ IsraelNationalTV - >时,最好的:其中:男子:他要做好:爱你的创造者的呢?神的命令:立即天使向他袭来:1。自虐,2。荆棘冠; 3。十字架上; 4。在心脏的矛!因为神不能被歌颂:一个属肉体的人:他必须死,这是因为:上帝可以送达:只有一种精神的人!但是,现在,一种精神的人复活呢?他结束和开始遭受统治世界!这里的原因:天主教神父:他们犯下的亵渎,当他们说:“疾病?是来自上帝的礼物!” ..事实上,许多圣徒:(以造福人类?):他们继续受苦:只有:他们明确:请求!但是这不是我的情况! :我已经决定:杀:在模式超自然:我的王国所有的叛徒!
@ IsraelNationalTV - >济:即撒旦的会堂:1。出生在埃及的奴役!其中:2。有破:向下:每个人的反抗的可能性:因为刺伤背部的英雄和爱国者:犹太人! 3。他们做了摩西在沙漠中的罪恶!并带走:进入“乐土”,他的希望! 5。他们诅咒以色列的境地! 6。他们是我们的拉比:是,法利赛人:国际货币基金组织和其所有在苏国的帮凶!我不得不请原谅所有神(如约拿),但我祈祷每天都为上帝让他们屠杀:不给我这个厌恶:那就是:不必原谅他们!
kwv1 - >说:求饶:我们已经扩大了基督教的救恩以外......虽然? 1。基督徒去地狱:非常正确的:像其他人! 60%:全人类?为地狱(geenna)。 2。 39.9%?在炼狱(ADE:阴间):它是相同的痛苦:身体:这是在地狱,但恶魔的地方,有圣洁的天使:舒适香甜! “重生”:它是必不可少的实现:神自己的神圣性质相同:基督徒不要成为神的儿女:自动,但只有通过:1。积极的使徒:2。个人和个人的关系,与神!
@耶和华 - >“主怜悯我们,基督的怜悯!” - >人都是罪人死:全草:火起来很快:3°WWnuclear!这就是为什么我的爱和怜悯:我会画:我的这一切:人类!YouTube的Synnek1 =撒旦教徒= YouTube的= IHateNEWLAYOUT:你吸! @所有治 - >爱的方式吗?始终是最便宜的!这就是为什么我会画:我这一切:人类!YouTube的Synnek1:所有的撒殚教徒和共济会,这是一个真正重要的!我的心是充满爱与幸福!因为:我的未来是光明的......而你的心((有害和邪恶))是被压迫的:悲伤......因为:你的撒旦已经失去了它的未来@ YouTube的Synnek1:= IHateNEWLAYOUT:你吸!你已经决定:说:我不再有回答...... (所有与你的“共享”)[:lorenzojhwh。答:p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w],但所有的政府:世界?他们必须知道:一切邪恶:国际货币基金组织苏国中央情报局:摩萨德:你正在做的:反对:我对他们的!
我被攻击haker:现在,他们已经改变了:我的笔记本电脑上的“BIOS”:我可以不使用:不读:读者:我:DVD光盘:它改名为:“* _等......等......“但是,另一台笔记本电脑?已销毁文件系统,我不能重新安装窗户......他们的目标是什么?不丢失:对我说:“我的时间和我的钱! [TO DO:尽管反对我吗?答:] 1。谷歌浏览器设置:很“坏”:他的窗口:他traslator!时间:2。 YOUTUBE成为数字破译:我朋友的线索! lorenzojhwh ......一个:LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg的 - 答案 - >你们!你有“该隐综合症”!但,也许你的人吗?您已经选择:是撒殚教徒罪犯:国际货币基金组织苏国:他们都做对所有人民的邪恶:中情局摩萨德?你已经毁了人民,也就够了:肯定:你将受到惩罚!
YouTube的吸! - > [反对主教:共济会和现代派的,如果不是有:圣母玛利亚显灵:(法蒂玛卢尔德,等等......等等......)我:“皇后的天使”,有没有圣徒Pius从Pietrelcina,父亲和所有其他的圣人?撒旦,即犹太教堂:国际货币基金组织,世界秩序,将有全军覆没:每一个形式:基督教在世界各地......因为基督教是不是一场政治运动:如grazy疯狂:伊斯兰教,但是,现在所有的撒殚教徒:我unius REI王国?现在却变成了:所有的最有才华的家伙:或去跳舞的骨头之间!
光明国际货币基金组织是怕这台服务器!这里,因为它会被重新调整! @ Synnek1 --->有关:2012年3月7日,?你死定了! Youtube是IHateNEWLAYOUT = YouTube的是撒殚教徒!我不是负责人:如果你选择是一个撒旦教......你站在地球的力量:看到蠕虫高兴!等你失去了天空!和,因为天使有空军:他们:他们赢了吗?你吸!我相信,这个星球上所有的人吗?他们是在用我的爱!我相信:所有的圣人神和所有完美的天使!上帝自己:他们是爱我的所有!
@ YOUTUBE - >我是很邪恶:TO DO:对你:你给撒旦!你能使用凡士林,用凡士林......我已经咨询:我的朋友:“IsraelNationalTV”他对我说:“没有不走:ZippCast!”
@ IsraelNationalTV - >時,最好的:其中:男子:他要做好:愛你的創造者的呢?神的命令:立即天使向他襲來:1。自虐,2。荊棘冠; 3。十字架上; 4。在心臟的矛!因為神不能被歌頌:一個屬肉體的人:他必須死,這是因為:上帝可以送達:只有一種精神的人!但是,現在,一種精神的人復活呢?他結束和開始遭受統治世界!這裡的原因:天主教神父:他們犯下的褻瀆,當他們說:“疾病?是來自上帝的禮物!” ..事實上,許多聖徒:(以造福人類?):他們繼續受苦:只有:他們明確:請求!但是這不是我的情況! :我已經決定:殺:在模式超自然:我的王國所有的叛徒!
@ IsraelNationalTV - >濟:即撒旦的會堂:1。出生在埃及的奴役!其中:2。有破:向下:每個人的反抗的可能性:因為刺傷背部的英雄和愛國者:猶太人! 3。他們做了摩西在沙漠中的罪惡!並帶走:進入“樂土”,他的希望! 5。他們詛咒以色列的境地! 6。他們是我們的拉比:是,法利賽人:國際貨幣基金組織和其所有在蘇國的幫兇!我不得不請原諒所有神(如約拿),但我祈禱每天都為上帝讓他們屠殺:不給我這個厭惡:那就是:不必原諒他們!
kwv1 - >求饒:說:我們延長:基督教以外的救恩......雖然? 1。基督徒去地獄:非常正確的:像其他人! 60%:全人類?為地獄(geenna)。 2。 39.9%?在煉獄(ADE:陰間):它是相同的痛苦:身體:這是在地獄,但惡魔的地方,有聖潔的天使:舒適香甜! “重生”:它是必不可少的實現:神自己的神聖性質相同:基督徒不要成為神的兒女:自動,但只有通過:1。積極的使徒:2。個人和個人的關係,與神!
@耶和華 - >“主憐憫我們,基督的憐憫!” - >人都是罪人死:全草:火起來很快:3°WWnuclear!這就是為什麼我的愛和憐憫:我會畫:我的這一切:人類!YouTube的Synnek1 =撒旦教徒= YouTube的= IHateNEWLAYOUT:你吸! @所有治 - >愛的方式嗎?始終是最便宜的!這就是為什麼我會畫:我這一切:人類!YouTube的Synnek1:所有的撒殫教徒和共濟會,這是一個真正重要的!我的心是充滿愛與幸福!因為:我的未來是光明的......而你的心((有害和邪惡))是被壓迫的:悲傷......因為:你的撒旦已經失去了它的未來@ YouTube的Synnek1:= IHateNEWLAYOUT:你吸!你已經決定:說:我不再有回答...... (所有與你的“共享”)[:lorenzojhwh。答:p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w],但所有的政府:世界?他們必須知道:一切邪惡:國際貨幣基金組織蘇國中央情報局:摩薩德:你正在做的:反對:我對他們的!
我被攻擊haker:現在,他們已經改變了:我的筆記本電腦上的“BIOS”:我可以不使用:不讀:讀者:我:DVD光盤:它改名為:“* _等......等......“但是,另一台筆記本電腦?已銷毀文件系統,我不能重新安裝窗戶......他們的目標是什麼?不丟失:對我說:“我的時間和我的錢! [TO DO:儘管反對我嗎?答:] 1。谷歌瀏覽器設置:很“壞”:他的窗口:他traslator!時間:2。 YOUTUBE成為數字破譯:我朋友的線索! lorenzojhwh ......一個:LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg的 - 答案 - >你們!你有“該隱綜合症”!但,也許你的人嗎?您已經選擇:是撒殫教徒罪犯:國際貨幣基金組織蘇國:他們都做對所有人民的邪惡:中情局摩薩德?你已經毀了人民,也就夠了:肯定:你將受到懲罰!
YouTube的吸! - > [反對主教:共濟會和現代派的,如果不是有:聖母瑪利亞顯靈:(法蒂瑪盧爾德,等等......等等......)我:“皇后的天使”,有沒有聖徒Pius從Pietrelcina,父親和所有其他的聖人?撒旦,即猶太教堂:國際貨幣基金組織,世界秩序,將有全軍覆沒:每一個形式:基督教在世界各地......因為基督教是不是一場政治運動:如grazy瘋狂:伊斯蘭教,但是,現在所有的撒殫教徒:我unius REI王國?現在卻變成了:所有的最有才華的傢伙:或去跳舞的骨頭之間!
光明國際貨幣基金組織是怕這台服務器!這裡,因為它會被重新調整! @ Synnek1 --->有關:2012年3月7日,?你死定了! Youtube是IHateNEWLAYOUT = YouTube的是撒殫教徒!我不是負責人:如果你選擇是一個撒旦教......你站在地球的力量:看到蠕蟲高興!等你失去了天空!和,因為天使有空軍:他們:他們贏了嗎?你吸!我相信,這個星球上所有的人嗎?他們是在用我的愛!我相信:所有的聖人神和所有完美的天使!上帝自己:他們是愛我的所有!
@ YOUTUBE - >我是很邪惡:TO DO:對你:你給撒旦!你能使用凡士林,用凡士林......我已經諮詢:我的朋友:“IsraelNationalTV”他對我說:“沒有不走:ZippCast!”
@ IsraelNationalTV -> 때 최고 : 사이 : 남성 : 그는 좋은 일을하고 싶어 : 귀하의 창조자의 사랑을 위해서라면? 하나님의 명령 : 즉시 천사 : 치려고 : 1. 채찍질, 2. 가시 왕관 3. 십자가; 4. 마음의 창! 하나님께 영광 이후 수 없습니다 육체적 사람에 의해 : 그 : 하나님이 제공될 수있다 : 다음 이유 때문에 그가 죽어야만을 기준 : 영적인 사람! 그러나, 이제, 영적인 사람은 부활? 그는 끝나는 :와 고통 시작 : 세계를 지배하기 위해! 카톨릭 신부 : 그들이 말하는 때 그들이 모독을 저지르지 : "질환 : 신이 주신 선물입니다!"왜 여기있어 .. 실제로 많은 성도 (인류에게 이익이 될 수 있도록 위해서는?) : 그들은 고통을 계속 : 전용 : 위해, 자신의 명시 : 요청! 그러나 이것은 내 사건이 아니예요! 용 : 저는 결심했습니다 죽이는 : 그럼 : 모드 초자연의 : 내 왕국의 모든 반역자!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> Freemasonry : 즉 사탄의 회당 1. 태어난 :보기 : 이집트의 노예! 이들이며, 그 : 2. 이 깨진 : 다운 : 사람들의 저항의 모든 가능성 : 때문에 다시 찔러 : 영웅과 애국자 : 유대인의! 3. 그들은 광야에서 모세의 죄악을 했어! 그리고 빼앗긴 : 그분께 '약속의 땅 "을 입력의 희망을! 5. 그들은 힘차게 이스라엘을 저주했습니다! 6. 그들은 우리의 랍비 님들과 같습니다 IMF :, 바리새파 사람입니다 그리고 NWO의 모든 그들의 공범! 나는 모두를 용서하는 하나님 (요나와 같은)에 의해 강제하고 있지만, 하나님 께서 그들 모두의 대학살을 만드는 동안 나는 매일기도 : 나에게주는 못해서이 불쾌를 : 그것은 다음과 같습니다 : 그들을 용서하는 것에 대해!
kwv1 -> 자비를이다 : 우리가 확장했습니다 : 것이 기독교 이외의 구원 ... 도요? 1. 그리스도 인들은 지옥에 갈 : 매우 오른쪽 : 다른 사람처럼 모두! 60% : 모든 인류의? 지옥 (geenna)입니다. 2. 39.9 %? (sheol ADE) : 고난에 그 같은 고통이라고 : 신체 : 그 귀신의 장소에서, 지옥에 있지만 : 거룩한 천사가 없습니다 : 편안 자상하게! "다시 태어난": 하나님의 동일한 신성한 본질을 : 그것은 달성하기 위해 필수 불가결가 : 자동,하지만 : 그리스도 인들은 하나님의 자녀가 될 수없는거야 통해 1. 활성 apostolate : 2. 하나님과의 개인과 개인의 관계!
@ YHWH -> "주님이 우리를 자비를 베푸세요 그리스도의 자비!" -> 사람들은 모두 죄인 죽은 모든 풀이 : 화재에 대해 : 최대 곧 : 3 ° WWnuclear! 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다 내 사랑과 자비를 : 나는 그릴 것이다 : 나에게 모든 : 인류를!@ 유튜브 - Synnek1 = 사탄 숭배자 = 유튜브 = IHateNEWLAYOUT : 당신이 최악이야! @ 모든 지배 - 사랑의> 방법은? 항상 저렴한입니다! 내가 그림을 그릴 것입니다 그 이유는 바로 인류 : 나에게 전부로!@ 유튜브 - Synnek1 : 모든 사탄 주의자와 freemasons 이것은 하나입니다 : 정말 중요한 : 그!내 마음은 사랑과 행복이 가득! 내 미래는 밝아입니다 .. : 때문에 동안 : 심장 ((심술과 악의)) 억압입니다 슬픔과 함께 ... 당신의 사단 : 이미 미래를 분실했기 때문에@ 유튜브 - Synnek1 = IHateNEWLAYOUT : 당신이 최악이야! 당신은 결정했습니다 : 내가 더 이상 대답할 필요가 없습니다 .. : 것이 (당신과 모든 "공유"에서) [[출처 : lorenzojhwh. : p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]]하지만, 모든 정부 : 세계의? 그들은 알고 있어야합니다 : 모든 악을 : 당신이 그걸 : IMF-NWO : CIA의 비밀 정보 기관 소속 : 반대 : 당신이하고있는 나 : 그들에 대해!
나는 haker에 의해 공격되었다 : 지금, 그들은 변경된 : 노트북에 내 "BIOS를"그것은 : 내가 사용할 수 없습니다 : 더 읽고합니까 : 독자 : 중 : 내 : CD DVD 것을 : 그것이 같이 변경되었습니다 : "* __ 등 .. 등 ... "하지만, 다른 노트북을위한? 파일 시스템을 파괴하고 나는 창문을 다시 설치할 수 없습니다 ... 그들의 목표? 잃은 것 : 나를 반대 : 내 시간을 :하고 내 돈! [[하려면 다음과 같이? 나를 반대] :에도 불구하고] 1. Google 크롬 : 설정했습니다 : 아주 "나쁜": 자신의 창을 그의 traslator의! 시 : 2.YouTube는된다 : 해독할 수없는 숫자 : 내 친구의 단서를! lorenzojhwh .. : LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - 답변 -> 너희구나!당신은 "가인의 증후군"가! 하지만 어쩌면 것입니다 : 당신이 사람들? 당신이 누군지 선택 : IMF-NWO의 : CIA의 모사드 : 모든 사람에 대해 악한 일을 그들 모두 사탄 주의자들이 범죄자면 ... 당신이 이미 민족을 망친했습니다 : 너무 : 정도 : 확실히 : 당신은 벌을받을 것이다
YouTube는 꺼져라! -> [주교 맞서 : freemasons와 modernists] 거기 없었다면 : 우리 레이디의 apparitions : (파티마의 루르드 등 ... 등 ...) 제 : "천사들의 여왕"그곳은 아니었있다 : 아버지 성자 Pietrelcina에서 비오, 그리고 다른 모든 성자? 즉 사탄의 회당 : IMF-세계 질서는 전멸했을 것이다 : 모든 양식 : 세계 기독교를 ... 기독교가 정치 운동이 아니기 때문에 지금, 이슬람지만, : 등 grazy 미쳐 버릴되는 모든 사탄 주의자 : unius 레이 나의 왕국으로? 모든 가장 재능있는 남자 : 이제 그들되거나 : 뼈 사이에 춤을 내려가요!
IMF의 Illuminati이 서버 두려워! 그것은 크기가 조정됩니다 여기에 있기 때문에! @ Synnek1 ---> 약 2012년 3월 7일? 넌 죽었어! YouTube는 것입니다 IHateNEWLAYOUT = 유튜브 = 사탄 주의자입니다! 나는 책임이 아니에요 : 당신이 사탄 숭배자로 선택한 경우 .. 당신이 땅의 세력 편 : 웜 행복 볼! 그래서 : 당신이 하늘을 잃었다! 그리고 이후, 천사 공군있다 : 그들의 : 그들이 이겼다고? 이 자식! 저는 믿습니다 그것이 행성의 모든 사람? 그들이 나를 사랑입니다! 나는 확신 : 하나님의 모든 성도 : 모든 천사 완벽! 그리고 하나님 : 그들이 나를 사랑에 모두 있습니다!
방법은 다음과 같습니다 : 당신이 서 : 그리고 귀하에 대한 사단> 내가 아주 악마 AM - @ YOUTUBE!귀하가 바셀린을 사용할 수 예 바셀린을 쓰는데 .. "IsraelNationalTV"를 그리고 그는 나에게 말했지 : 내 친구 : 난 모든 종류의 "아니오 가지 말고 : ZippCast려고!"
@ IsraelNationalTV -> when the best: among: men: he wants to do a good job: for love of the your creator? God commands: immediately an angel: to hit him: 1. flagellation, 2. crown of thorns; 3. crucifixion; 4. spear in the heart! since God can not be glorified: by a carnal man: that: he must die, because: God can be served: by only: a spiritual man! But, now, a spiritual man resurrected? He ends: and began to suffer: to rule the world! here's why: Catholic priests: they commit blasphemy when they say: "diseases?: are a gift from God!" .. In fact, many saints: (in order to benefit mankind?): they continue to suffer: only: for: their explicit: the request! but this is not my case! for: I have decided: to kill: so: in mode supernatural: all the traitors of my kingdom!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> Freemasonry: namely, the synagogue of Satan: 1. was born: in: the slavery of Egypt! are them, that: 2. have broken: down: every possibility of resistance of the people: because stabbing the back: the heroes and patriots: of the Jews! 3. they did sin, of Moses in the desert! and taken away: the hope of entering the "Promised Land" to Him! 5. they have cursed Israel mightily! 6. They are our rabbis: that is, the Pharisees: IMF: and all their accomplices in the NWO! I am compelled by God(like Jonah) to forgive all, but I pray everyday for God to make a massacre of them all: for not to give me: this disgust: that is: of having to forgive them!
kwv1 -> is for mercy: that: we have extended: the salvation outside of Christianity .. though? 1. Christians go to hell: very right: like everyone else! 60%: of all mankind? is for the hell (geenna). 2. 39.9%? is in purgatory (ade:sheol): that it's the same suffering: physical: that is in the hell, but, in place of demons: there are the holy angels: to make a comfort sweet! "born again"?: it is indispensable to achieve: the same divine nature of God himself: it: Christians do not become children of God: automatically, but only: through: 1. an active apostolate: 2. a personal and individual relationship with God!
@ YHWH -> "Lord Have mercy of us! Christ's mercy!" -> People are all sinners dead: all grass:for the fire: up soon: 3°WWnuclear! that's why: for my love and mercy: I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1= satanist = youtube= IHateNEWLAYOUT:you suck! @ all Governs --> the way of love? is always the cheapest! that's why I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
@ youtube-Synnek1: all satanists and freemasons this is the one: that: it really matters!
My heart is full of love and happiness! because: my future is bright .. while: the your heart((perverse and evil)) is oppressed: with sadness .. because: your Satan: has already lost its future
@ Youtube-Synnek1: = IHateNEWLAYOUT: you suck! you have decided: that: I no longer have to answer .. (at all "shared" with you) [[From: lorenzojhwh. A: p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]], but all governments: of the world? they must know: all the evil: that you: IMF-NWO: CIA MOSSAD: you're doing: against: me: and against them!
I was attacked by haker: and now, they have changed: my "bios" on a laptop: it: I can not use: more do reading: the reader: of: my: CD DVD that: it was renamed as: "* __ etc. .. etc. .. "but, for another laptop? have destroyed the file system and I can not reinstall windows.. their goal? do lost: against me: the my time: and: my money! [[TO DO: DESPITE A: AGAINST ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HAS SET: VERY "BAD": his WINDOW: OF HIS traslator! WHEN: 2. YOUTUBE becomes: in numbers indecipherable: the clues of my friends! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - ANSWER -> YOU GUYS! you have the "syndrome of Cain"! but will, perhaps: you people? you who have chosen: to be Satanists criminals: of IMF-NWO: ALL of them to do evil against all peoples: CIA MOSSAD? you have already ruined peoples: too: ENOUGH: certainly: you will be punished!
youtube suck! --> [Against bishops: freemasons and modernists] if there HAD not Been: the apparitions of Our Lady: (fatima lourdes, etc ... etc ...) the my: "Queen of the Angels" and there are not Been: father saint Pius from Pietrelcina, and all other saint? the synagogue of Satan, namely: the IMF-World Order, would have annihilated: every form of: Christianity throughout the world .. Because Christianity is not a political movement: as is been grazy crazy: Islam, but, now: all Satanists: with my Kingdom of unius Rei? now they become: all the most talented guys: or: go down to dance between the bones!
Illuminati of IMF are afraid of this server! here because it will be resized! @ Synnek1 ---> about: March 7, 2012? you're dead! youtube is IHateNEWLAYOUT = youtube = is Satanists! I am not responsible: if you has chose to be a Satanist .. you sided with the forces of earth: to see the worms happy! and so: you lost the sky! and since, Angels have the air force: their: they win? You suck! I believe that all people of this planet? they are in love with me! I'm sure: all the saints of God: and all the angels perfect! and God himself: they are all in love with me!
YOUTUBE said: "you go to ZippCast!" -- ANSWER-- > BETWEEN ME: And my friend BERLUSCONI? There are few: differences: but, the most important difference: not is: that: he is a Freemason: ready for hell: but, it is what: he takes: the Viagra, and not me! Anyway? is appropriate for you: to prepare the vaseline: about: 7 marzo 2012.!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> pi bon lè a: nan mitan: moun: li vle fè yon bon travay: pou renmen nan kreyatè a ou a? Bondye kòmandman: imedyatman yon zanj Bondye: yo frape l ': 1. flajelasyon, 2. kouwòn avèk branch pikan; 3. Krisifiksyon; 4. frenn nan kè a! depi Bondye pa ka fè lwanj: pa yon nonm matéryèl: sa vle di: li dwe mouri, paske: Bondye kapab resevwa sèvis: pa sèlman: yon nonm espirityèl! Men, koulye a, yon nonm espirityèl resisite? Li fini: epi yo te kòmanse soufri: Nou gen pou kòmande sou mond lan! isit la nan poukisa: Katolik prèt: yo komèt pale mal sou Bondye lè yo di: "maladi:? se yon kado soti nan Bondye!" .. An reyalite, moun k'ap sèvi Bondye anpil: (yo nan lòd yo benefisye limanite?): Yo kontinye soufri: sèlman: pou: eksplisit yo: demann la! men sa a se pa ka mwen! pou: Mwen te deside: Nou gen pou touye: konsa: nan Supernatural mòd: tout bann trèt yo nan gouvènman mwen an!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> masonry: savwa, sinagòg la nan Satan: 1. te fèt: Nan: esklavaj peyi Lejip la! yo se yo, ki: 2. gen kase: desann: chak posiblite pou rezistans nan moun yo: paske kout kouto do a: ewo yo ak Patriyòt yo: jwif yo! 3. yo te fè peche, nan Moyiz nan dezè a! ak pran: espwa nan k ap antre nan "pwomèt Tè a" li! 5. yo te madichonnen pèp Izrayèl la fò! 6. Yo se raben nou an: se sa ki, farizyen la: Fon Monetè Entènasyonal: ak tout konplis yo nan nwo la! Mwen fòse pa Bondye (tankou Jonas) nan padonnen tout, men mwen priye chak jou pou Bondye fè yon masak yo tout: pou yo pa ban m ': degou sa a: ki se: ki gen padonnen yo!
kwv1 -> se pou pitye: ke: nou te pwolonje: delivrans lan deyò nan Krisyanis .. menm si? 1. Kretyen ale nan lanfè: trè dwa: tankou tout lòt moun! 60%: nan tout limanite? se pou lanfè a (geenna). 2. 39,9%? se nan purgatwar (ase: kò): ke li nan soufrans la menm: fizik: sa ki nan lanfè a, men, nan plas move lespri yo: gen zanj Bondye yo: Nou gen pou fè yon konfò dous!"Fèt ankò":? Li se endispansab reyalize: menm nati a diven nan Bondye tèt li: li: kretyen pa tounen pitit Bondye: otomatikman, men se sèlman: nan: 1. yon Apostola aktif: 2. yon relasyon pèsonèl ak moun ki gen Bondye!
@ The LORD -> "Seyè Gen pitye nan nou gen pitye Kris la!" -> Moun yo tout moun k'ap fè peche mouri: tout zèb: pou dife a: leve bonè: 3 ° WWnuclear! Se poutèt sa: pou mwen renmen ak pitye: Mwen pral pran dlo: Nou gen pou m 'tout bagay sa yo: ras imen an!@ YouTube-Synnek1 = satanist = YouTube = IHateNEWLAYOUT: ou souse! @ Tout rejwisans -> wout la nan renmen? se toujou pi bon mache a! Se poutèt sa mwen pral tire: Nou gen pou m 'tout bagay sa yo: ras imen an!@ YouTube-Synnek1: tout satanists ak Freemasons sa a se youn nan: ke: li vrèman enpòtan!Kè m 'se tout lanmou ak kè kontan! paske: lavni mwen an se klere .. pandan: kè a ou a ((move moun ak sa ki mal)) se maltrete: ak tristès .. paske: Satan ou a: ki te deja pèdi avni li@ Youtube-Synnek1: = IHateNEWLAYOUT: ou souse! ou te deside: ke: Mwen pa gen reponn .. (Nan tout "Pataje" avèk ou) [[From: lorenzojhwh. A: p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]], men tout gouvènman: nan mond lan? yo dwe konnen: tout sa ki mal an: ke ou: IMF-nwo: CIA MOSSAD: w ap fè: kont: m ': ak kont yo!
Mwen te atake ak haker: e kounye a yo, yo te chanje: "biyografi" mwen an sou yon laptop: li: Mwen pa ka itilize: plis li: lektè a: a: mwen an: CD DVD ke: li te chanje non tankou: "* __ etc .. etc .. "Men, pou yon lòt laptop? te rive detwi sistèm dosye a epi li mwen pa ka reenstalasyon fenèt .. objektif yo? pèdi: kont mwen: a tan an mwen an: ak: lajan mwen! [[POU FÈ: malgre yon:? Kont mwen]] 1. GOOGLE chrome: te fikse: trè "move": fnètr li yo: NAN traslator li! KILÈ: 2. YouTube vin: nan nimewo endechifrabl: endikasyon yo nan zanmi m '! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - Reponn -> OU guys! ou gen "sendwòm lan nan Kayen"! men sa, petèt: ou moun? nou menm ki te chwazi: yo dwe Satanists kriminèl: nan IMF nwo-: tout nan yo fè sa ki mal kont tout pèp yo: CIA MOSSAD? ou te deja pèdi pèp: twò: ase: sètènman: ou pral pini!
YouTube souse! -> [Kont evèk: Freemasons ak modèrnist] si gen pa t 'janm: rvnan yo nan Lady nou an: (Fatima Lourdes, etc ... etc ...) mwen an: "Rèn nan zanj Bondye yo" epi li gen yo pa te : Papa Saint Pius soti nan Pietrelcina, ak tout Saint lòt yo?sinagòg la nan Satan, sètadi: ta Lòd la IMF-World, te elimine: tout fòm nan: Krisyanis nan tout mond lan .. Paske Krisyanis se pa yon mouvman politik: kòm se te grazy fou: Islam, men, koulye a: tout Satanists: ak Wayòm mwen an unius Rei? kounye a yo vin: tout pi talan mesye yo: oswa: desann ale nan danse ant zo yo!
Iluminati nan Fon Monetè Entènasyonal yo pè sa a sèvè! isit la paske li pral rdimansyone! @ Synnek1 ---> sou:, 7 mas 2012?ou mouri! YouTube se IHateNEWLAYOUT = YouTube = se Satanists! Mwen menm mwen pa responsab: Si ou te chwazi yo dwe yon Satanist .. ou konplo ak fòs ki sou latè: Nou gen pou wè nan vè yo kontan! e konsa: ou pèdi syèl la! epi depi, zanj yo gen fòs aeryen an: yo: yo genyen? Ou souse! Mwen kwè ke tout moun nan planèt sa a? yo se nan renmen ak m '! Mwen sèten: tout pèp Bondye a nan Bondye: ak tout zanj Bondye yo pafè! ak Bondye li menm: yo tout nan lanmou avè m '!
@ YouTube - Mwen trè mal: POU FÈ: kont ou: a, Satan POU OU! Èske ou ka sèvi vazlin, WI SÈVI AK vazlin .. Mwen pale ak: Ak zanmi mwen an: "IsraelNationalTV" AK li di m ': "NON pa ale: Pou ZippCast!"YouTube di: "ou ale nan ZippCast!" - Reponn -> ant mwen: Lè BERLUSCONI zanmi mwen an? Gen kèk: diferans: men, diferans ki pi enpòtan an: pa se: ki: li se yon Freemason: pare pou lanfè: men, li se sa ki: li te pran: vyagra an, ak pa m '! De tout fason? ki apwopriye pou ou: Nou gen pou prepare vazlin a: sou: 7 marzo 2012.!
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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Èske ou ka sèvi vazlin, WI SÈVI AK vazlin
Allah cagna di Satana ☦️ burn satana ☦️sharia ☦️Allah ☦️ owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux, Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Non draco, sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. [ DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: da un CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Santo +. Amen!
by ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
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feb 12
- I was attacked by haker
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- youtube = is = IHateNEWLAYOUT Satanists
- CAN YOU USE Vaseline
- Utiliser la vaseline
- Můžete použít vazelínu, ANO POUŽITÍ vazelínou .
- Èske ou ka sèvi vazlin, WI SÈVI AK vazlin
- Kan du bruge vaseline, Ja Brug VASELINE ..
- seigniorage baincéireachta chaitheamh
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- tem muito tempo comunicar milhões
- to prepare the vaseline: about: 7 marzo 2012
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- hogy használ millióinak szerte
- tienen necesidad de: extremo: al ser reprendido po...
- CyberSec 2012 International Conference on Cyber Se...
- know OldTestament New Testament
- youtube moved from zipcast
feb 12
- ► 2014 (174)
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
++++++++++++ http://intermatrix.blogspot.it/2014/08/scoperti-veri-mattatoi-islamici-per.html ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! https://youtu.be/FTgrGBqbYZY #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel https://uniusrei.wordpress.com/2018/10/27/lorenzojhwh-uniusrei-beis-h...
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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)