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CyberSec 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security

my Easy Note SJ51: Serial Numbers: 110353010390: has been destroyed: a because of a "brutal attack". one of the best: Italian engineers: to hundreds of kilometers from my house: he said: you could try: a destroy: Your computer: namely, you can: through: the door USB (fact: that: the reader: CD-DVD was marked: with codes: graphs, and it was unusable: you can load of the update: the BIOS: but: the system has been programmed: to overheat quickly: and Processor: who: will burn quickly! and it is just that: that: is successful: In fact, I have lost: two computers in one day: then, becomes more credible: or: hypothesis: that microsoft is: who pays: the hacher: for make war: against linux (free services): or: that: the killers: information: they have been paid: own: against: of me: so, in mode specific: it means a "brutal attack"? is an attack: "selective": did: through: the technique of remote monitoring or remote. --ANSWER-> HOW NOT TO DO: TOO I, MY BRUTAL ATTACK AGAINST OF THEM NOW?

CyberSec 2012 : The International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic

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Caricato da  in data 12/feb/2012
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Couple Shot by Muslim Extremists Undaunted in Ministry

  • my Easy Note SJ51: Serial Numbers: 110353010390: has been destroyed: a because of a "brutal attack". one of the best: Italian engineers: to hundreds of kilometers from my house: he said: you could try: a destroy: Your computer: namely, you can: through: the door USB (fact: that: the reader:
  • CD-DVD was marked: with codes: graphs, and it was unusable: you can load of the update: the BIOS: but: the system has been programmed: to overheat quickly: and Processor: who: will burn quickly! and it is just that: that: is successful:
  • In fact, I have lost: two computers in one day: then, becomes more credible: or: hypothesis: that microsoft is: who pays: the hacher: for make war: against linux (free services): or: that: the killers: information: they have been paid: own: against: of me: so, in mode specific: it means a "brutal attack"? is an attack: "selective": did: through: the technique of remote monitoring or remote. --ANSWER-> HOW NOT TO DO: TOO I, MY BRUTAL ATTACK AGAINST OF THEM NOW?
  • I was attacked by haker: and now, they have changed: my "bios" on a laptop: it: I can not use: more do reading: the reader: of: my: CD DVD that: it was renamed as: "* __ etc. .. etc. .. "but, for another laptop? have destroyed the file system and I can not reinstall windows.. their goal? do lost: against me: the my time: and: my money! [[TO DO: DESPITE A: AGAINST ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HAS SET: VERY "BAD": his WINDOW: OF HIS traslator!
  • WHEN: 2. YOUTUBE becomes: in numbers indecipherable: the clues of my friends! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - ANSWER -> YOU GUYS! you have the "syndrome of Cain"! but will, perhaps: you people? you who have chosen: to be Satanists criminals: of IMF-NWO: ALL of them to do evil against all peoples: CIA MOSSAD? you have already ruined peoples: too: ENOUGH: certainly: you will be punished!
  • my Easy Note SJ51: serial Numbers: 110353010390: è stato distrutto: a causa di un: "attacco brutale!". uno dei più bravi: tecnici italiani: a centinaia: di chilometri: da casa mia: ha detto: tu puoi provare: a distruggere:
  • il tuo computer: cioè: tu puoi: attraverso: la porta USB(dato: che: il lettore: CD-DVD: era stato contrassegnato: con codici grafici: ed era inutilizzabile: tu puoi caricare l'aggiornamento: del BIOS: ma: il sistema è stato programmato: per surriscaldare rapidamente: il processore: che: andrà bruciato!
  • ed è proprio quello: che: è successo: infatti, io ho perso: due computer: in un giorno solo: allora, si fa più credibile: o: l'ipotesi: che è la microsoft: che paga: gli hacher: per fare guerra: a linux(piattaforma gratuita): oppure: che: dei killer informatici: sono stati pagati: proprio: contro: di me: in modo specifico: poiché: un "attacco brutale"? è un attacco: "selettivo": fatto: attraverso: la tecnica del controllo a distanza o remoto.
  • si hanno attaccato me! hanno modificato il bios i questa macchina: ed hanno rinominato: il mio CD DVD: con codici speciali e grafici: ed ora? io non posso più usare il mio lettore! è stato: un "attacco brutale"!.. è stato fatto dai satanisti della CIA: amici di youtube! quancuno ha detto che è la microsoft:
  • che sta facendo guerra a linux: ma, io non credo a questa ipotesi: sono gli: "amici" di Rothscild: che usano i soldi rubati a me: attraverso il signoraggio bancario: che loro fanno guerra a me come io ho già ucciso molti di loro!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel