IN REALTÀ SITUAZIONI COME POTERE RICCHEZZE FAME DOMINIO RELIGIONE IDEOLOGIE ecc.. non sono un obiettivo della mia concupiscenza.. è vero sono stato in passato un grande lussurioso e consumatore di pornografia ma da quando io sono Unius REI? molte cose sono radicalmete cambiate nella mia vita tutte cose che internet e youtube potrebbero dimostrare. Addirittura? ora come Gandhi mi sto esercitando a non toccare più neanche mia moglie... figuriamoci se possono tentarmi sessualmente quei poveri miserabili che seguono satana talmud corano ideologie religioni tutti come maiali felici e giulivi che vanno tutti al macello come se andassero al Paradiso soltanto perché Satana ha riempito la loro testa di tante menzogne apostasie ed errori teologici!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina YES! i am only ME I AM HOLY ISLAM ONLY! shalom salam UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD!
Corteo a Islamabad impiccare Asia Bibi. In migliaia per difendere legge contro blasfemia. 28 marzo 201616 la LEGA ARABA MINACCIA IL MONDO CON IL NAZISMO DELLA SHARIA.. QUALCOSA DEVE ESSERE FATTO SUBITO!
ISLAMABAD 28 MAR - Migliaia di manifestanti riuniti davanti al Parlamento di Islamabad a difesa della rigorosa legge contro la blasfemia pachistana hanno presentato un documento contenente dieci rivendicazioni fra cui una che chiede di "accelerare l'impiccagione di Asia Bibi" la madre cristiana condannata a morte nel 2010 con l'accusa di aver offeso Maometto durante una lite. Fra le altre richieste vi sono una promessa formale del governo che la legge sulla blasfemia non verrà emendata in modo più mite la piena introduzione in Pakistan della 'Sharia' (legge islamica) e il riconoscimento che Mumtaz Qadri la guardia del corpo che ha ucciso il governatore del Punjab Salman Taseer per aver "osato" criticare la legge è "un martire".
USA E SHARIA LEGA ARABA SONO I PRINCIPALI RESPONSABILI DEL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO NEL MONDO! Terrorismo Chomsky "La guerra al terrore espande solo il terrore". 29.03.2016. Nel 2001 il terrorismo era limitato ad una piccola zona di Afghanistan e Pakistan ma ora i gruppi terroristici jihadisti operano in tutto il mondo
Le operazioni e la politica americana che può essere ricondotta nell'alveo della cosiddetta 'guerra al terrore' lanciata dopo gli attacchi dell'11 Settembre ha contribuito a creare Osama bin Laden e a diffondere i movimenti terroristici in tutto il mondo. E' il filosofo e linguista Noam Chomsky ha spiegare in questo modo la sua frase "[La] guerra al terrore espande solo il terrore". Lo ha fatto durante una conferenza svoltasi a Tucson presso l'Università dell'Arizona. "Al Qaeda e ISIS vogliono distruggere le nostre società per costringerci alla guerra con il mondo musulmano".
Nel 2001 il terrorismo era limitato ad una piccola zona di Afghanistan e Pakistan ma ora i gruppi terroristici jihadisti operano in molti altri paesi anzi in tutto il mondo:
"Ogni volta che si reprime [il terrorismo] con una mazza si espande. Se si vuole seguire il disegno delineato da Osama bin Laden e dai suoi successori continuiamo a colpire con una mazza…Lo abbiamo fatto per 15 anni ".
Un rapporto pubblicato dalla Camera dei Rappresentanti del Comitato di Sicurezza Nazionale all'inizio di questo mese ha classificato in aumento il numero degli incidenti connessi allo Stato Islamico e definito il 2015 come l'anno più attivo del terrorismo jihadista negli Stati Uniti
al Sud siamo al 50% della disocuppazione e massoni comunisti del PD hanno aggiunto più disperati e poveri alla nostra disperazione! Rubavano i mazzi di fiori al cimitero e li rivendevano ai matrimoni arrestati
La coppia un uomo di origini egiziane e una donna romena di 23 anni era solita rivendere i fiori saccheggiati dalle tombe per poi rivenderli ai
Il transgenderismo è un disturbo mentale parola di psichiatra. Chi promuove la teoria del gender?
Dopo Pechino 1995 una governance mondiale ha promosso la parità dei sessi come una delle priorità trasversali della cooperazione internazionale.
Un ruolo decisivo in tale rivoluzione culturale è giocato dalle potenti ONG internazionali come Amnesty International Planned Parenthood Women’s Environment and Development Organization Greenpeace ed altri. Questi attori non statali esercitano un’influenza maggiore di quella dei governi nella costruzione del consenso attorno al nuovo paradigma etico. Essi si sono infiltrate nei maggiori centri di potere internazionali cosicché oggi l’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite il Consiglio d’Europa il Parlamento Europeo l’UNESCO l’UNICEF l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità sono tutte schierate in prima linea nella promozione del gender diktat. I programmi di azione di tali organizzazioni sono addolciti da termini a prima vista condivisibili e politically correct di modo che la rivoluzione possa avanzare subdolamente in maniera silenziosa. Il transgenderismo è un disturbo mentale parola di psichiatra
Diario di Rorscharch Gay Bob. Perché tutti i bambini sognano un pupazzo gay perché sì completamente diverso dagli altri pupazzi etero eh! Ma fatevi un TSO e andate a cagare!
#GayBob #giocattolo #gay #LGBT #malatimentali #bambini
Benjamin Netanyahu ] NON HAI NESSUNA POSSIBILITÀ DI SALVARE ISRAELIANI DALLA SHOAH TOTALE! [ QUALCUNO ha deciso che nella mia mail lorenzoJHWH io non dovessi più ricevere la newsletter from ISRAELE e quindi io sono un ragazzo ubbidiente! ECCO PERCHÉ NON PUBBLICO PIÙ LE NOTIZIE DA ISRAELE I PUGNALAMENTI ECC.. ! .. E come tutti sanno la CIA e UK services loro non hanno bisogno di una passaword per entrare dove desiderano " noi siamo i sudditi del loro signoraggio bancario costituzionale Rothschild! " NON HAI NESSUNA POSSIBILITÀ DI SALVARE ISRAELIANI DALLA SHOAH TOTALE!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] QUANDO da ragazza FEDERICA MOGHERINI decise di tradire Dio e di percorrere le strade del peccato? LEI NON AVREBBE MAI POTUTO IMMAGINARE CHE SI SAREBBE RESA COMPLICE E quindi cOLPEVOLE dell'assassinio e OMICIDIO DI MILIONI DI PERSONE INNOCENTI!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] anche tu hai deciso di uccidere la RUSSIA? [ oggi la Russia è diventato il nemico perché NATO ONU e sua sharia Ummah hanno deciso che LA RUSSIA non si doveva permettere di impedire il genocidio dei cristiani degli sciiti e dei popoli russofoni! QUINDI LA NATO SI PREPARA A FARE LA GUERRA ALLA RUSSIA per questo infatti senza essere minacciati MOGHERINI NULAND Obama Merkel BREDLOVE HANNO DECISO COSÌ!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] anche tu hai deciso di uccidere la RUSSIA? [ QUANDO A TRADIMENTO con una calunnia la NATO AGGREDIRÀ LA RUSSIA DALLA POLONIA? Tu sarai costretto a mandare il tuo esercito in difesa dei sauditi! [ QUESTO È STATO PROFETIZZATO! MA I SAUDITI E IL TUO ESERCITO? SARANNO TUTTI STERMINATI!
i popoli indebitati e derubati del loro stesso denaro sono devitalizzati e spinti al suicidio mentre i massoni complici hanno tradito e sputato sulla sovranità costituzionale perché SALMAN e Erdogan sharia così hanno voluto che così fosse per ottenere il trionfo dell'ANTICRISTO! quando mi distruggono i canali youtube non mi agito più di tanto perché è questo il mio patto con Dio è meglio che uccidono i miei blog o canali youtube e non che Massoni Gender Farisei e Salafiti uccidano persone innocenti.
se per 25 anni I MAOMETTANI SHARIA non mi avessero mai messo in mezzo ai cadaveri dei martiri cristiani continuamente io avrei mai criticato Maometto che CERTAMENTE lui è una anima maledetta all'inferno MA che è salito in anima e corpo al Paradiso da Gerusalemme 7 anni dopo la sua morte? e per tutti i suoi delitti? CERTO lui è all'inferno! certo CHE NO nessun politico critica le cose dal punto religioso! IO SONO UN POLITICO E TUTTI SANNO CHE I POLITICI SI INTERESSANO SOLTANTO DI QUESTIONI CIRCA LA NECESSITÀ DEL PRESENTE! Ma tutti i Governi islamici non sono politici veri sono dei religiosi camuffati che fanno il Genocidio di tutte le altre religioni perché le persone non possano vedere che la loro religione è il delitto!
c'è un arca di Mosé e della fratellanza universale dove voi potrete sopravvivere all'olocausto nucleare di tutti i popoli io sono Unius REI il Re di Israele. venite da me! LA INTELLIGENZA GMOS ALIENA DI GOOGLE (A.I.) I DEMONI HA SOSTITUITO IL MIO ESORCISMO "CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB" CON QUESTA PAROLA " ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM " ma io non dissesto il sistema "io sono il sistema del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di JHWH!" dato che il sistema che stanno costruendo i FARISEI lo stanno facendo intorno a Satana! .. i popoli indebitati e derubati del loro stesso denaro sono devitalizzati e spinti al suicidio mentre i massoni complici hanno tradito e sputato sulla sovranità costituzionale perché SALMAN e Erdogan sharia così hanno voluto che così fosse per ottenere il trionfo dell'ANTICRISTO!il movente è ridicolo e irrazionale! Nessuno ti tortura a morte per giorni e giorni con sequestro di persona perché tu hai resistito ad una rapina quelle due donne devono essere estradate in Italia per un interrogatorio senza ricatti dei SAuditi SALAFITI! IL CAIRO 25 MAR - Sorella e moglie del capo della banda di criminali indicata dalle autorità egiziane come responsabile della tortura a morte di Giulio Regeni hanno sostenuto in una deposizione che il giovane ricercatore friulano è stato ucciso perché resisteva alla rapina lo ha riferito all'ANSA una fonte della Procura generale egiziana.
my JHWH ] hai visto? non li ho minacciati questa volta!
è soltanto Rothschild che per non far crollare il FMI ha disperato bisogno della Guerra Mondiale quindi compratevi l'elmetto perché la NATO con una calunnia aggredirà la RUSSIA! ] [ “La NATO si occupa dell'inesistente minaccia russa” ] E NON VEDE L'ISLAM MAOMETTANO CHE HA FATTO RIPIOMBARE NEGLI ORRORI SHARIA DEL MEDIO EVO IL GENERE UMANO! 25.03.2016 La NATO si occupa dell'inesistente "minaccia russa" mentre l'Europa è confusa nei vecchi stampi ideologici ritiene il presidente della commissione Esteri della Duma Alexey Pushkov. "La NATO sta elaborando i piani per inviare ulteriori contingenti militari in Lettonia e crea le basi per le forze di risposta rapida in Polonia. Tuttavia per la cosiddetta "inesistente minaccia russa" nella UE non è mai morto nessuno. Per colpa dei terroristi sono rimaste uccise 130 persone a Parigi e alcune decine a Bruxelles. Dunque da dove arriva la minaccia? Dalla Russia o da qualche altra parte?" — ha detto Pushkov in un incontro con alcuni deputati italiani nella Duma.
"La NATO si occupa dell'inesistente minaccia russa. A mio parere è un paradosso e assurdo allo stesso tempo. Inoltre ci dicono che finchè la crisi ucraina non verrà risolta non ci sarà alcuna cooperazione nella lotta contro il terrorismo" — ha rilevato il politico.
Secondo Pushkov l'Europa è impigliata nei vecchi stampi e luoghi comuni ideologici ma ora è giunto il momento di sbarazzarsene
il terrore della Sharia in tutta la LEGA ARABA è il NAZISMO ci uccideranno tutti! ] [ 25 MAR - Un giornalista saudita Ajaa Brinji è stato condannato a 5 anni di reclusione e a 8 anni di divieto di espatrio per una serie di tweet. Lo rende noto Amnesty International affermando che la sentenza "è una chiara violazione della legge internazionale e l'ultima dimostrazione della profonda intolleranza delle autorità saudite per il diritto di espressione pacifica".Brinji già giornalista per testate quali al-Bilad Okaz e al-Sharq è detenuto dal maggio del 2014. L'imputato è stato giudicato colpevole di diversi reati fra i quali "insulti ai governanti" "incitamento dell'opinione pubblica" e "avere accusato le forze di sicurezza di aver ucciso manifestanti ad Awamiyya" una regione nell'est del Paese.
per il loro buco del culo? i GAY GENDER DARWIN trascineranno all'inferrno ogni cosa insieme a loro e neanche Maometto riuscirà a salvarsi! E LA DISTRUZIONE DEI CRISTIANI NEL MONO IN REALTÀ RAPPRESENTA LA VITTORIA DEL SATANISMO SPA NWO FED SPA NWO!!
Roz Ward Coordinator of Safe Schools Coalition Victoria speaks at the 2014 Safe Schools Coalition National Symposium. Andrew Smith Australian correspondent
Gil De Gamesh ** 25/03/2016 ** Circolo La Croce - Treviso ** LEADER LGBT australiano conferma i programmi nelle scuole NON sono contro il bullismo sono per PROPAGANDARE gender e omosessualismo.
Kamikaze al parco giochi Strage di cristiani 72 morti. È INDISPENSABILE METTERE SOTTO ATTO DI ACCUSA LA SHARIA! Attacco ieri pomeriggio in un parco giochi a Lahore tra le famiglie che celebravano la Pasqua. La maggior parte delle vittime sono donne e bambini. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa "Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato
NewsHomosexuality Politics - WorldFri Mar 18 2016 - 12:53 pm EST WATCH Aussie ‘safe schools’ leader admits program is about gay activism not bullying
australia homosexuality MELBOURNE March 18 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Undercover video recorded at the 2014 Safe Schools Coalition National Symposium has exposed as a lie the claim that the program is about helping students stand up to bullying in schools. The symposium was a launch event for the contentious Safe Schools programme which has come under sustained attack during its existence. Ostensibly a programme to protect gay and transgender school students from bullies critics such as MP George Christensen have referred to it as “Queer theory being taught in the classroom.” Released on the National Day Of Action Against Bullying And Violence the video shows Coordinator of Safe Schools Coalition Victoria Roz Ward addressing the audience. She says “Safe Schools Coalition is about supporting gender and sexual diversity. Not about celebrating diversity. Not about stopping bullying. About gender and sexual diversity.” The source of the video recording spoke exclusively to LifeSiteNews requesting anonymity for fear of retribution. He says “I didn't review my footage carefully enough to begin with and so I didn't realise I was sitting on a bombshell for 18 months.” The resurgence of the issue in the media prompted him to go through the footage again. Speaking of the moment of realisation of what he had recorded he says “I was shocked because I didn’t think someone well organized on the political left would be so clumsy as to make a statement like that and expose their true agenda.”
Fear of retribution towards those opposing the programme is not unfounded. Supporters of the scheme lashed out today with a violent protest at Senator Cory Bernardi’s office just before it was formally announced that the government was cutting out huge sections of the programme. The Safe Schools Coalition organisation would have to accept these changes if they were to continue receiving federal funding. They are presently reviewing the government report. Christensen speaking to ABC News said “essentially we're gutting most of the bad content that actually these people wanted to remain in place.” Shadow minister for education Kate Ellis responded along the bully line stating “How do we expect any student in the school yard to stand up to bullies if Australia's own Prime Minister (Turnbull) can not stand up to the bullies within the fringe of his own party.”
The “fringe” that Ellis was referring to is in fact the majority of the coalition government members who according to Christensen have signed his petition for the Safe Schools Coalition to be defunded.
Both Christensen and Senator Cory Bernardi have been pushing for a full parliamentary inquiry into the programme with all funding to be suspended pending the outcome.
The Victorian state government has indicated it will make up for any federal funding cuts to the Safe Schools Coalition programme. If this promise of funding is fulfilled it would negate the need to abide by the latest cuts to the scope and content of the programme.
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RISORGETE tutti ALLA VITA DIVINA DEI FIGLI DI DIO ALLELUJAH! Domandiamo a Gesù risorto che trasforma la morte in vita di mutare l'odio in amore la vendetta in perdono la guerra in pace. Sì Cristo è la nostra pace e attraverso di Lui imploriamo pace per il mondo intero. (Papa Francesco) AsiaNews augura agli amici lettori una buona Pasqua 2016
ECCO TUTTI I FINANZIATORI E COMPLICI NATO USA UE DEL TERRORISMO INTERNAZIONALE! 26/03/2016 TURCHIA-SIRIA Isis Turchia e petrolio i documenti sui legami fra Ankara e lo Stato islamico. Documenti abbandonati dai jihadisti e testimonianze di combattenti catturati rivelano il legame fra Ankara e Daesh in tema di petrolio. I fascicoli riportano nel dettaglio le modalità di trasporto il valore del greggio venduto e il numero di fattura. Civili costretti a lavorare nelle raffinerie sotto minaccia. Le frontiere turche spesso sguarnite favoriscono gli spostamenti dei miliziani. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - Documenti abbandonati da miliziani dello Stato islamico (SI) in ritirata nel nord della Siria e ritrovati dai combattenti curdi uniti alle testimonianze di jihadisti catturati mostrano le prove del legame fra Turchia e Isis nel commercio del petrolio. A denunciarlo è una inchiesta approfondita di RT il canale satellitare russo che ha inviato una propria troupe nell’area e ha raccolto testimonianze di prima mano. Le carte sono finite nelle mani delle Unità di protezione popolare (Ypg) nell’assalto alla città di Ash Shaddadi durante la quale sono stati catturati diversi “foreign fighters” provenienti da Turchia e Arabia Saudita i quali hanno confermato i rapporti fra Daesh [acronimo arabo dello SI] e Ankara. Lo Stato islamico ha saputo conquistare in pochi mesi ampie porzioni di territorio in Siria e Iraq compiendo decapitazioni omicidi di massa riduzione in schiavitù di interi gruppi etnici promuovendo al contempo le proprie gesta sul web attraverso un’abile propaganda. I jihadisti sarebbero implicati anche in attacchi su larga in scala in altri continenti come testimoniano i fatti di Parigi e più di recente Bruxelles. Analisti ed esperti sottolineano che accanto a una organizzazione militare di primo livello vi è al contempo una capacità di movimento e organizzazione impensabile senza l’appoggio logistico e finanziario dall’esterno. Fra i Paesi ritenuti in qualche modo fiancheggiatori dello SI - assieme ad Arabia Saudita e Qatar - vi è proprio la Turchia che pur dichiarandosi nemica giurata dei jihadisti nei fatti - e i documenti ne sono la prova - si comporta in tutt’altro modo.
Alcuni dei documenti finiti nelle mani dei combattenti curdi riportano voci dettagliate compilate dai miliziani dello SI relative ai proventi del petrolio dei pozzi e delle raffinerie oltre che il volume totale delle estrazioni. Ciascun fascicolo contiene in cima alla pagina il simbolo dello SI. Ogni voce comprende il nome dell’autista il veicolo utilizzato peso del mezzo - vuoto e a pieno carico - oltre che il prezzo di vendita e il numero della fattura. Una di queste è datata 11 gennaio 2016 e rivela che lo SI ha estratto circa 1.925 barili dal pozzo di Kabibah vendendoli per 38.342 dollari. Gli autori dell’inchiesta hanno interrogato anche civili della zona costretti a lavorare per l’industria petrolifera dell’Isis sotto minaccia. “Il greggio estratto - racconta una fonte - veniva portato in una raffineria per essere trasformato in gasolio e altri prodotti petroliferi”. In previsione della vendita “venivano intermediari da Raqqa e Aleppo [Siria] i quali raccoglievano il petrolio e spesso parlavano della Turchia” come meta finale. Alla voce dei residenti si aggiunge quella di un jihadista un prigioniero turco il quale conferma che “il petrolio estratto da Daesh viene venduto in Turchia”. E le quantità sono “tali che le autorità” di Ankara “non possono non esserne al corrente”. Un combattente curdo ha mostrato una collezione di passaporti prelevati dai cadaveri dei jihadisti uccisi in battaglia. Nelle immagini si vedono miliziani di varie nazionalità fra cui Bahrain Libia Kazakistan Russia Tunisia e la stessa Turchia. La maggior parte è entrata nelle aree di guerra di Siria e Iraq passando proprio attraverso i confini turchi che il più delle volte - a raccontarlo sono gli stessi jihadisti prigionieri - non sono pattugliati e consentono un facile attraversamento. Del resto è risaputo che la leadership turca del presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha fornito sostengo logistico ai miliziani in lotta contro il presidente Bashar al Assad o comunque “non ha interferito” nei movimenti trans-frontalieri dei jihadisti. Inoltre molto del materiale che alimenta la propaganda dello Stato islamico viene prodotto e stampato in aziende sparse sul territorio turco. “La Turchia è il vicino diretto dello SI” e se il governo di Ankara tagliasse i rifornimenti dei miliziani “l’organizzazione terroristica non potrebbe certo sopravvivere”.
Vedi anche
26/06/2015 SIRIA - TURCHIA
Lo Stato islamico attacca Kobane. Curdi accusano la Turchia di favorire il passaggio jihadista. Tre autobombe hanno colpito un punto di controllo alla periferia della città. Negli scontri morte 57 persone; in un villaggio a sud lo SI ha giustiziato 23 curdi siriani fra cui donne e bambini. Ankara smentisce le accuse e parla di “propaganda nera”. Esperto mediorientale gli attacchi “spettacolari” dello SI azioni “diversive” per sviare l’attenzione da Raqqa.
17/02/2016 08:55:00 ONU - SIRIA - TURCHIA
Conflitto siriano Onu nuove distribuzioni di aiuti per le aree sotto assedio
Il governo di Damasco ha dato il via libera per la consegna di cibo e generi di prima necessità in sette zone. Fra queste vi è anche la città di Madaya dove la gente muore di fame. Mosca respinge le accuse di Ankara sul bombardamento degli ospedali. Il Consiglio di sicurezza Onu critica la Turchia.
14/10/2014 SIRIA - TURCHIA
Kobane controffensiva curda contro lo Stato islamico rimossa la bandiera jihadista
Le milizie curde hanno riconquistato la collina di Tall Shair e tolto la bandiera islamista. La loro avanzata agevolata dai raid dell’aviazione Usa. Obama incontra i vertici militari della coalizione; Ankara blocca gli aiuti ai curdi nega l’uso delle basi aeree e bombarda i ribelli del Pkk.
27/01/2016 08:56:00 ISRAELE - TURCHIA
Israele contro la Turchia Compra petrolio dallo Stato islamico finanzia i jihadisti
Il ministro della Difesa Moshe Yaalon ha sottolineato che Daesh ha beneficiato “per molto molto tempo” del denaro turco in cambio di greggio. Egli aggiunge che “è compito della Turchia” unirsi alla lotta contro il terrorismo ma “questo sinora non è avvenuto”. Ankara favorirebbe inoltre il passaggio di miliziani sul proprio territorio.
non possono gli schiavi del signoraggio bancario votare per la Costituzione! TUTTE LE MODIFICHE COSTITUZIONALI SAREBBERO NULLE!
Referendum costituzionale come ratificare la dittatura di una minoranza. 25.03.2016( Il prossimo ottobre i cittadini italiani saranno chiamati a votare per il referendum confermativo sulla riforma costituzionale.
Dopo tre Governi nati da giochi di palazzo e dopo le transumanze di parlamentari e di gruppi partitici creati per convenienza sarebbe bene che gli italiani comprendessero qual è veramente la posta in gioco in questa consultazione elettorale. Persino l'ex presidente della Corte Costituzionale Gustavo Zagrebelsky in una recente intervista a La Stampa si è espresso in modo lapidario sul testo varato dal governo Renzi Non voglio più insegnare diritto costituzionale. Se passerà il referendum sulla riforma Boschi non saprei nemmeno più cosa insegnare. E' un testo scritto malissimo in certe parti contraddittorio e incomprensibile… La chiarezza per una Costituzione è anche un fatto di democrazia. Sì alle riforme il Senato italiano pronto a cambiare
E la sua posizione non costituisce un caso isolato le critiche stanno piovendo dai giuristi più autorevoli di qualsiasi estrazione politica e sono accomunate dal timore per un testo impraticabile alla prova dei fatti e che tende al centralismo autoritario dei poteri. Renzi non offre poi rassicurazioni su questo punto quando al Congresso dei Giovani Democratici dichiara Mi dicono ma tu governi coi voti del centrodestra? Già perché abbiamo perso le elezioni l'altra volta. La prossima volta le vinceremo e non ci saranno. Conosco un metodo infallibile per non avere in maggioranza Alfano e Verdini vincere le elezioni cosa che nel 2013 non è accaduta… Non abbiate paura di giocarvi la carta del potere perché non ha un valore né positivo né negativo è la carta per fare le cose. Il premier insegna alla futura classe dirigente che l'esito elettorale può essere disatteso pur di esercitare il potere; come legislatore costituzionale è stato coerente mettendo in piedi un premierato assoluto con un macroscopico vizio di forma il non passare attraverso il voto diretto dei cittadini. Le dittature nascono sempre così con modifiche ai principi cardine dello Stato per garantire le risposte ai cittadini delusi. Di fronte al mostro normativo gli italiani hanno anzitutto il dovere di informarsi. Zagrebelsky ha stilato ben 15 motivi per dire no al referendum costituzionale sbugiardando tutte le scuse che accamperà il Governo per legittimare il proprio operato. Questi punti rappresentano un vero manifesto in quanto calano la riforma nel contesto reale in cui si trova l'Italia una nazione che oggi ha un Parlamento illegittimo che è ostaggio dei diktat di un'Europa matrigna e affarista un Paese che con la scusa dell'ingovernabilità giustifica la propria inerzia e legittima i colpi di mano e le minacce di epurazione (si ricordi il trattamento riservato a sindacati associazioni datoriali parlamentari non allineati al pensiero unico). Zagrebelsky ci tratteggia un quadro spietato della Repubblica renziana nella quale si sta ultimando la demolizione dello Stivale avviata col berlusconismo il giacobinismo delle sinistre e con i tecnocrati europeisti
il sistema SPA FED BCE NWO 666 NATO massonico REGIME BILDENBERG dalla Democrazia alla DITTATURA ] non possono gli schiavi del signoraggio bancario votare per la Costituzione! TUTTE LE MODIFICHE COSTITUZIONALI SAREBBERO NULLE! [ Personalmente credo vi siano otto ragioni per riflettere seriamente sulla della riforma Boschi. In primo luogo si è certi che questa modifica della Costituzione non aumenterà le tasse? Evidentemente di fronte ad un ritorno al centralismo ci sarà meno efficienza e quindi maggiore spesa pubblica qualcuno si ricorda la Prima Repubblica nella quale alla sussidiarietà si preferivano le politiche ministeriali? Il debito aumentava peggio di adesso e la parola efficienza era sconosciuta. Poi il Senato a differenza di quanto continua a sostenere il Governo questo ramo del Parlamento non viene abolito ma diventa solo un organo non elettivo con competenze non molto chiare che rischiano di paralizzare l'operatività delle Istituzioni locali; basti pensare alla situazione delle Province che la Riforma Delrio abolisce sulla carta e che invece sono ancora lì vive e vegete ma senza dotazioni economiche adeguate persino per le funzioni basilari. E lo vogliamo davvero un Senato non più votato dal popolo ma con senatori protetti dall'immunità parlamentare? E i cittadini saranno contenti che i senatori a vita continuino a esistere pur non essendo più a vita ma con una nomina settennale? Inoltre viene alzato il numero di firme necessarie per presentare un referendum abrogativo ma non si ha il coraggio di aprire all'istituto del referendum propositivo. Si giunge infine alla peggiore delle questioni la riforma costituzionale unita alla nuova legge elettorale il cosidetto Italicum darà la possibilità a una minoranza (cioè alla lista che prende un voto in più) e al suo premier non votato direttamente dal popolo di nominare più di 1600 posti di governo cioè posizioni preminenti come quelle nella Corte Costituzionale o nel Cda della Rai nell'ambito delle Authority o negli Istituti di Ricerca. È una deriva pericolosa che assume l'immagine di una dittatura della minoranza. Ma l'Italia ha bisogno di un'involuzione del genere pur di garantire finalmente la governabilità? Non lasciamo ai posteri la sentenza che non sembra per nulla ardua ma riflettiamo bene prima di votare
Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah of Israel Jewish Mashiach DI NAZARETH Messiah [ SALMO 110 ] PERCHÉ TI SEI MERAVIGLIATO CHE NESSUNO DEL TUO POPOLO ERA CON TE?
13:30 Trovata foto della Merkel con il presunto kamikaze di Bruxelles
12:23 Belgio ucciso dipendente di una centrale nucleare il suo lasciapassare è stato rubato
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma anche SHARIA ROVINATI!] Moshe Cohen [3 months ago] You are a Messianic Jew? Why? /// [ YOUR is EVERYTHING against Jews and Christians because you have desecrated the Bible through the Talmud ] I LIKE TOO MUCH WHY THE JEWS ARE PRACTICAL rational materialistic and it is thanks to this their mental structure utilitarian and rational that Jews have forced even God JHWH holy to become man in Jesus of Bethlehem into House of David therefore God has been forced on the cross to show his infinite love for us! A LOVE SO GREAT FOR US INFINITE LOVE ALL GIVEN TO US THE HOLY CROSS THAT IS A SCANDAL THAT CAN NOT BE BELIEVED AND ACCEPTED BY US THAT IS WHY WE ARE ALL SELFISH! and in any case Jews forced even God JHWH holy to manifest yourself among men from Abraham to Moses to all the Prophets. SO IN THEIR SENSE PRACTICAL MATERIAL ALL JEWS WILL came ALL BY me lorenzoJHWH WHY I represent THEIR INTEREST their future the unique THEIR chance to collect the 12 tribes of Israel under the wings blessed grace and protection of their God YHWH in MY Jewish Temple once again for the last time BEFORE of tHE END .. BUT yOU RABBIS PHARISEES you said in the Talmud that ALL non-Jews their soul was created by the devil (tHEREFORE iT iS tHE dEMON tHAT HAS CREATED ALL aNIMALS and also all (goy animals from the human form) WHEREAS in fact GOD CREATED oNLY tHE JEWS but only those who have not lost their paternal genealogy .. so in this mode you have gave to devil the creative power but which everyone knows as creative power can be only of JHWH God's Only is his only the creative power! HOW YOUR THEOLOGY IS OVER THE SHIT? that's why you did the Holy YHWH be the devil! .. And this is right for your hypocrisy perversion concealment racism hatred blasphemy murder monopoly wear Spa Central Banks Bildenberg regime AIPAC Masonic system SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN AGENDA Chemtrails Monsanto and GMOs agenda 666 NWO and heavy metals in vaccines to harm future generations of goyim and exterminate them all (all Satanism that you have taught your brothers Saudi Salafi Shari'a) then in your hatred now you will die too all Israelis as well as have killed all the Jews of Europe too! THAT IS THAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN IN Talmud IS SO TERRIBLE SATANIC NAZI racist DEMONIC THAT CAN NOT BE BELIEVED REAL FROM A HUMAN MIND WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS MAKE HUMAN SACRIFICES on altair OF SATAN WHY ARE YOU pRIESTS OF SATAN THAT TOURS SPA WORLD BANK SPA SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE FED ECB IMF ALL MONOPOLY SPA AND GUIDED CIA AND NATO to massacre 5 billion PEOPLE it's possible AS SOON! by UNIUS REI from] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Usted es un Judio Mesiánico? ¿Por qué? /// [TU es todo contra los Judios y los cristianos ya que han profanado la Biblia a través del Talmud] me gusta demasiado ¿POR LOS JUDIOS son prácticos racional y materialista y es gracias a este su estructura mental utilitario y racional que los Judios han obligado incluso a Dios JHWH santo para hacerse hombre en Jesús de Belén dentro de la Casa de David por lo tanto Dios ha visto obligado en la cruz para mostrar su infinito amor por nosotros! Un amor tan grande para nosotros por amor infinito TODO dado a nosotros LA SANTA CRUZ QUE ES UN ESCÁNDALO eso no se puede creer Y aceptado por los Estados Unidos por eso todos somos egoístas! y en cualquier caso Judios forzados incluso a Dios JHWH santo para manifestarse a sí mismo entre los hombres desde Abraham hasta Moisés a todos los Profetas. SO en su sentido material práctico TODOS LOS JUDIOS VOLUNTAD vino todos por mí lorenzoJHWH ¿Por qué represento su interés su futuro la única SU oportunidad de recoger las 12 tribus de Israel bajo las alas benditas la gracia y la protección YHWH de su Dios en mi templo judío una vez más por última vez antes del fin .. Pero ya RABINOS fariseos dijeron en el Talmud que todos los no-Judios su alma fue creada por el diablo (por lo tanto es el demonio que ha creado todos los animales y también todos los animales (goy de la forma humana) mientras que de hecho Dios creó sólo los JUDIOS pero sólo aquellos que no han perdido su genealogía paterna .. por lo en este modo usted ha dado a diablo el poder creativo pero que todo el mundo sabe como el poder creativo puede ser única de la JHWH Dios Sólo ¿es su único poder creador CÓMO sU tEOLOGÍA es más de la MIERDA? por eso que hizo el Santo YHWH ser el diablo .. Y esto es correcto para su hipocresía la perversión la ocultación el racismo el odio la blasfemia el asesinato el desgaste de monopolio Spa Bancos Centrales el régimen Bildenberg sistema de AIPAC masónico! SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA Chemtrails Monsanto y los OGM programa 666 NWO y los metales pesados en las vacunas perjudicando a las generaciones futuras de los goyim y exterminan a todos ellos (todo el satanismo que ha enseñado a sus hermanos Arabia salafista Shari'a) a continuación en su odio ahora que va a morir también todos los israelíes así como haber matado a todos los Judios de Europa también! O sea que usted ha escrito en el Talmud es tan terrible satánico nazi racista del demonio que no puede ser real creído DE UNA MENTE HUMANA ¿por qué siempre hacen sacrificios humanos en Altair de Satanás ¿por qué te sacerdotes de SATANÁS que los viajes BANCO MUNDIAL SPA SPA SCAM BANCARIA SEÑORIAJE FED BCE FMI TODO MONOPOLY SPA y guiado de la CIA y la OTAN masacran a 5 mil millones de personas es posible tan pronto! por Unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [3 Monate her] Du bist ein messianischer Jude? Warum? /// [IHR ist alles gegen Juden und Christen weil sie die Bibel entweiht haben durch den Talmud] ich wie zu viel warum die Juden PRAXIS rational sind materialistisch und es ist dank dieser ihrer geistigen Struktur utilitaristischen und rational haben die Juden sogar Gott JHWH heilig gezwungen Menschen in Jesus von Bethlehem zu werden in House of David deshalb für uns hat Gott am Kreuz gezwungen seine unendliche Liebe zu zeigen! EINE LIEBE SO GROSS FÜR US unendliche Liebe alles gegeben uns die Heiligen Kreuzes DASS EIN SKANDAL IST DASS NICHT GEGLAUBT werden und von uns akzeptiert das ist warum wir alle egoistisch! und in jedem Fall die Juden gezwungen selbst Gott JHWH heilig sich zu manifestieren unter den Menschen von Abraham bis Moses an alle Propheten. SO in ihrer praktischen materiellen Sinn ALLE Juden kam die alle von mir lorenzoJHWH WARUM ich ihr Interesse darstellen ihre Zukunft die einzigartige ihre Chance die 12 Stämme Israels zu sammeln unter den Flügeln gesegnet Gnade und Schutz in meiner jüdischen Tempel ihres Gottes JHWH noch einmal zum letzten Mal bevor Sie das END .. aber Sie RABBINER PHARISÄER sagten Sie im Talmud dass alle nicht-Juden ihre Seele vom Teufel geschaffen wurde (daher ist der Dämon dass alle Tiere geschaffen hat und auch alle (goy Tiere aus der menschlichen Form) während in der Tat schuf Gott nur die Juden sondern nur diejenigen die ihre väterlichen Genealogie nicht verloren .. so in diesem Modus haben Sie Teufel die schöpferische Kraft gab aber die jeder kennt als kreative Kraft nur sein kann von JHWH Gottes nur ist seine einzige die schöpferische Kraft HOW Ihre Theologie über die Scheiße ist? das ist warum Sie der Heilige JHWH tat der Teufel sein .. Und das ist richtig für Ihre Heuchelei Perversion Verschleierung Rassismus Hass Gotteslästerung Mord Monopol Verschleiß Spa Zentralbanken Bildenberg Regime AIPAC freimaurerischen System! SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN TAGESORDNUNG Chemtrails Monsanto und GVO Agenda 666 NWO und Schwermetalle in Impfstoffen um künftige Generationen von Gojim schaden und vernichten sie alle (alle Satanismus dass Sie Ihre Brüder Saudi Salafi Shari'a gelehrt haben) dann in Ihrem Hass jetzt werden Sie auch alle Israelis als auch getötet haben alle Juden Europas zu sterben! DAS IST DASS SIE HABEN geschrieben in Talmud IST SO Terrible satanisch NAZI rassistische dämonisch dass Real nicht glauben KÖNNEN die von einem menschlichen MIND Warum bist du immer Menschenopfer auf altair MACHEN DER SATAN warum bist du Priester SATAN DASS TOURS SPA WORLD BANK SPA SCAM BANKING Seigniorage FED EZB IWF ALL MONOPOLY SPA UND FÜHRUNG CIA und NATO massakrieren 5 Milliarden Menschen ist es möglich SO SCHNELL! von unius REI von] Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Você é um judeu messiânico? Por quê? /// [SEU é tudo contra os judeus e os cristãos porque você profanou a Bíblia através do Talmud] Eu gosto muito por que os judeus são práticos racional materialista e é graças a esta sua estrutura mental utilitária e racional que os judeus têm forçado até mesmo Deus JHWH santo para tornar-se homem em Jesus de Belém em casa de David; por isso Deus foi forçado na cruz para mostrar seu amor infinito por nós! Um amor tão grandes para nós amor infinito ALL-nos dado o Santa Cruz QUE É um escândalo isso não se pode acreditar E aceite por nós é por isso estamos todos egoísta! e em qualquer caso os judeus forçados até mesmo Deus JHWH santo para manifestar-se entre os homens de Abraão a Moisés para todos os Profetas. SO em seu sentido material prático todos os judeus vieram todas por mim lorenzoJHWH Por que eu represento o seu interesse o seu futuro a única sua chance de coletar as 12 tribos de Israel sob as asas abençoado graça e proteção do seu Deus YHWH em meu templo judaico mais uma vez pela última vez antes do fim .. Mas você RABINOS fariseus disse no Talmud que todos os não-judeus a sua alma foi criada pelo diabo (por isso é o demônio que tem criado todos os animais e ainda todos os animais (goy da forma humana) enquanto que na verdade Deus criou só os judeus mas somente aqueles que não perderam a sua genealogia paterna .. so neste modo você deu ao diabo o poder criativo mas o que todos sabem como poder criativo pode ser apenas de JHWH God Only é o seu único poder criativo como sua teologia está sobre o MERDA? é por isso que você fez o Santo YHWH ser o diabo .. E isso é certo para a sua hipocrisia perversão ocultação o racismo o ódio a blasfêmia assassinato desgaste monopólio Spa Bancos Centrais regime Bildenberg sistema de AIPAC maçônico! SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN dO GÉNERO DARWIN aGENDA Chemtrails Monsanto e OGM agenda 666 NWO e metais pesados em vacinas para prejudicar as futuras gerações de goyim e exterminá-los todos (todos satanismo que você ensinou seus irmãos Arábia Salafi Sharia) então em seu ódio agora você vai morrer também todos os israelenses bem como ter matado todos os judeus da Europa também! QUE é que você tem ESCRITO NA Talmud é tão terrível satânico nazista racista demoníaco QUE NÃO PODEM SER CONSIDERADAS REAL DE UMA MENTE HUMANA por que você sempre fazer sacrifícios humanos em altair de Satanás POR QUE É VOCÊ sacerdotes de SATANÁS que as excursões SPA DO BANCO MUNDIAL SPA SCAM BANKING senhoriagem FED BCE FMI ALL MONOPOLY SPA e guiado CIA ea NATO massacrar 5 bilhões de pessoas é possível tão logo! por unius REI de
========] Moshe Cohen [il y a 3 mois] Vous êtes un Juif messianique? Pourquoi? /// [VOTRE est TOUT contre les juifs et les chrétiens parce que vous avez profané la Bible à travers le Talmud] I LIKE TROP POURQUOI LES JUIFS SONT PRATIQUES rationnelle matérialiste et il est grâce à cette leur structure mentale utilitaire et rationnel que les Juifs ont forcé même Dieu JHWH saint pour devenir l'homme en Jésus de Bethléem dans la Maison de David pourquoi Dieu a été forcé sur la croix pour montrer son amour infini pour nous! Un amour si grand POUR NOUS L'AMOUR INFINI LE TOUT DONNÉ POUR NOUS LA SAINTE-CROIX QUI EST UN SCANDALE QUE NE PEUT ETRE CROYONS ET ACCEPTE PAR US QUI EST POURQUOI NOUS SOMMES TOUS SELFISH! et en tout cas les Juifs forcés même Dieu JHWH saint pour vous manifester parmi les hommes d'Abraham à Moïse à tous les prophètes. SO dans leur sens matériel pratique TOUS LES JUIFS WILL est venu ALL BY-moi lorenzoJHWH POURQUOI je représente LEUR INTERET leur avenir l'unique leur chance de recueillir les 12 tribus d'Israël sous les ailes bénies la grâce et la protection de leur Dieu YHWH dans MON Temple juif encore une fois pour la dernière fois AVANT dE lA FIN .. Mais vous rabbins pHARISIENS vous avez dit dans le Talmud que tous les non-Juifs leur âme a été créé par le diable (Par conséquent il est le démon qui a créé tous les animaux et aussi tous (goy animaux de la forme humaine) ATTENDU en fait Dieu a créé seulement les Juifs mais seuls ceux qui ont pas perdu leur généalogie paternelle .. donc dans ce mode vous avez donné au diable la puissance créatrice mais que tout le monde sait comme puissance créatrice ne peut être que de ce JHWH Dieu seul est sa seule la puissance créatrice COMMENT VOTRE THÉOLOGIE eST sUR lA MERDE? Voilà pourquoi vous avez fait le Saint YHWH être le diable .. Et cela est juste pour votre hypocrisie de perversion de la dissimulation le racisme la haine le blasphème assassiner l'usure de monopole Spa Central Banks régime Bildenberg système AIPAC maçonnique! SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN GENRE DARWIN aGENDA Chemtrails Monsanto et les OGM agenda 666 NWO et de métaux lourds dans les vaccins de nuire aux générations futures de goyim et exterminer tous (toutes satanisme que vous avez appris à vos frères Saudi Salafi Shari'a) puis dans votre haine maintenant vous allez mourir aussi tous les Israéliens ainsi que ont tué tous les Juifs d'Europe aussi! QUE est que vous avez écrit dans le Talmud est si terrible SATANIC NAZI raciste DEMONIC QUI NE PEUT ETRE VRAI CRU à partir de l'esprit humain POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS FAITES TOUJOURS SACRIFICES HUMAINS sur altair DE SATAN POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS PRETRES DE SATAN QUE TOURS CIA SPA BANQUE MONDIALE SPA SCAM BANCAIRE seigneuriage FED BCE FMI ALL MONOPOLY SPA ET GUIDÉE ET dE L'OTAN à massacrer 5 milliards de personnes il est possible dès! par UNIUS REI de] موشيه كوهين [3 أشهر منذ] أنت يهودي مسيحي يهودي؟ لماذا ا؟ /// [ك، هو كل شيء، ضد اليهود والمسيحيين، لأنك تدنيس الكتاب المقدس، من خلال التلمود] أنا أحب TOO MUCH لماذا هم اليهود العملية عقلانية، مادي، وذلك بفضل هذا الهيكل العقلي النفعية و عقلانية، واضطر أن اليهود حتى الله JHWH المقدس، لتصبح رجل في يسوع من بيت لحم الى بيت داود ولذلك فقد اضطرت الله على الصليب لإظهار محبته اللامتناهية بالنسبة لنا! حب كبير جدا بالنسبة لنا، الحب بلا حدود، وبالنظر إلى كل الى الولايات المتحدة الصليب المقدس، وهذا هو فضيحة، وهذا، لا يمكن أن يعتقد، وقبلت من قبل الولايات المتحدة، ولهذا السبب، نحن جميعا الأنانية! وعلى أي حال، أجبر اليهود، حتى الله JHWH المقدسة، لإظهار نفسك، وبين الرجال من إبراهيم إلى موسى، لجميع الأنبياء. SO في شعورهم المواد العملية، وجاء كل اليهود WILL، قبل كل شيء لي lorenzoJHWH لماذا، أنا أمثل مصلحتها أو مستقبلهم، فريدة من نوعها فرصة لجمع 12 أسباط إسرائيل، تحت أجنحة المباركة، نعمة، وحماية إلههم يهوه، في المعبد اليهودي MY مرة أخرى، للمرة الأخيرة، قبل نهاية .. ولكن، لالحاخامات الفريسيين، قلت في التلمود، أن جميع غير اليهود، تم إنشاء ارواحهم من الشيطان (ولذلك فمن الشيطان الذي خلق كل الحيوانات، وأيضا الكل (الحيوانات اليمنية من الشكل البشري)، في حين أنه في الواقع، لقد خلق الله اليهود فقط، ولكن فقط أولئك الذين لم يفقدوا نسبهم الأب .. لذلك في هذا الوضع، لقد أعطى الشيطان، والطاقة الإبداعية، ولكن الذي يعلم الجميع، والطاقة الإبداعية يمكن أن يكون إلا من JHWH الله فقط هو له إلا قوة خلاقة كيف، اللاهوت الخاص بك، هو على القرف؟ لهذا السبب، يمكنك فعل يهوه الكريم يكون الشيطان .. وهذا هو الحق، والنفاق الخاص بك، تحريف، إخفاء، والعنصرية، والكراهية والتكفير والقتل، وارتداء الاحتكار، سبا البنوك المركزية، نظام Bildenberg، نظام ايباك الماسونية! م واس هوليوود هالوين الجنسين داروين جدول الأعمال، Chemtrails مونسانتو، والكائنات المعدلة وراثيا جدول 666 NWO، والمعادن الثقيلة في اللقاحات، إلى يضر الأجيال القادمة من الأغيار، وإبادة كل منهم (عن عبادة الشيطان، وأنك قد علمت إخوانكم السعودية السلفية الشريعة) ، ثم في الكراهية الخاص، والآن سوف تموت، أيضا، جميع الإسرائيليين، فضلا عن أنه قتل جميع اليهود من أوروبا، أيضا! هذا هو أن كنت قد كتبت في التلمود بشكل فظيع SO، الشيطانية، النازية، عنصرية، الشيطانية، التي لا يعتقد ريال، من العقل البشري، لماذا أنت دائما تقديم التضحيات البشرية على نسر، الشيطان، لماذا أنت كهنة الشيطان، بأن تور م واس البنك الدولي، SPA الغش المصرفي رسوم سك العملات، FED البنك المركزي الأوروبي وصندوق النقد الدولي، وجميع الاحتكار SPA، واسترشادا وكالة المخابرات المركزية ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي لمذبحة 5000000000 الناس، فمن الممكن، AS SOON! بواسطة الخط الفاصل بتصفح من
========]モシェ・コーエン[3ヶ月前]あなたは救世主のユダヤ人ですか?どうして?ユダヤ人は唯物、合理的な実用的である、そしてそれは、この彼らの精神構造のおかげである理由/// [あなたがタルムードを通して、聖書を冒涜しているので、あなたは、ユダヤ人とキリスト教徒に対するEVERYTHING、ある]私はあまり好き:功利とダビデの家に:したがって、神は私たちのための彼の無限の愛を示すために十字架の上で強制されてきたユダヤ人たちはベツレヘムのイエスで男になるために、聖なるさえ神JHWHを余儀なくされていることを、合理的!我々はすべての利己的理由、IS、米国で受け入れ、信じて、できないことを、SCANDAL IS ALL米国THE HOLY CROSSに与えられた私たちのためにSO GREAT LOVE、INFINITE LOVE、、、!いずれの場合には、ユダヤ人はアブラハムからモーセに、すべての預言者の男性の間で、自分自身をマニフェストに、神聖な、でも神JHWHを余儀なくされました。 SO:感覚実用材料においては、すべてのユダヤ人WILLはすべて私が、来た:lorenzoJHWH:なぜ、私が関心を表し、彼らの将来、ユニークなそれらの祝福翼の下に、イスラエルの12部族を収集する機会、恵み、および保護:彼らの神YHWHの、MYユダヤ教の寺院で:ENDの前の最後の時間のために、もう一度、..しかし、あなたラビパリサイ人たち、あなたは、すべての非ユダヤ人、彼らの魂を悪魔によって作成されたこと、タルムードの中で述べて(そのため、すべての動物を作成した悪魔であり、また:人間の形からすべて(異邦人の動物)、一方で、実際には、神はユダヤ人だけを作成したが、のみそう..彼らの父方の系譜を失っていない人このモードでは、あなたは、悪魔に創造力を与えているが、誰もが知っている、創造力としてJHWH神ののみで、のみになります!あなたの神学は、たわごとを超えた状態でいられる、彼の唯一の創造力とは? ..悪魔であると、これはあなたの偽善、倒錯、隠蔽、人種差別、憎悪、冒涜、殺人、独占摩耗、スパ中央銀行、Bildenberg政権、AIPACフリーメーソンのシステムのために、右です:!、あなたは聖YHWHなかった理由です(あなたがあなたの兄弟サウジサラフィーシャリーアを教えたことを、すべての悪魔主義)、SPA HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN性別DARWIN AGENDA、ケムトレイルモンサント、およびGMOの議題666 NWO、およびワクチン中の重金属は、すべてのゴイムの将来の世代に害を与えるし、それらを退治します、その後、あなたの憎しみでは、今あなたが死ぬことになる、あまりにも、すべてのイスラエル人、ならびにも、ヨーロッパのすべてのユダヤ人を殺しました!それは、タルムードで書かれているお客様は、ARE YOUは常にALTAIRに人身御供をMAKEなぜ人間の心、FROM、REALを信じてすることはできませんSATANIC、ナチ、悪魔のような、人種差別主義者、ひどいされていることである、サタン、なぜあなたにの司祭ARE SATAN、TOURS、SPA WORLD BANK、SPAのSCAM銀行シニョレッジ、FED ECB、IMF、ALL MONOPOLY SPA、ガイド付きCIAとNATOこと:大虐殺50億人に、それが可能だ、とすぐに! UNIUS REIによってから] משה כהן [3 חדשים צוריק] איר זענט אַ מעססיאַניק איד? וואָס? /// [דיין איז אַלץ קעגן אידן און קריסטן ווייַל איר האָבן דעסעקראַטעד די ביבל דורך די גמרא] איך ווי צו פיל וואָס די אידן זענען פּראַקטיש באַרדאַסדיק מאַטיריאַליסטיק און עס איז דאַנק צו דעם זייער גייַסטיק סטרוקטור יוטילאַטעריאַן און באַרדאַסדיק אַז אידן האָבן געצווונגען אַפֿילו גאָט דזשהווה הייליק צו ווערן מענטש אין יאָשקע פון בעטהלעהעם אין הויז פֿון דוד דעריבער גאָט האט שוין געצווונגען אויף די קרייַז צו ווייַזן זייַן Infinite ליבע פֿאַר אונדז! אַ ליבע אַזוי גרויס פֿאַר אונדז Infinite ליבע אַלע געגעבן צו אונדז די רוח קרייַז וואָס איז אַ סקאַנדאַל וואָס קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט און אנגענומען דורך אונדז וואָס איז וואָס מיר זענען אַלע עגאָיסטיש! און אין קיין פאַל אידן געצווונגען אַפֿילו גאָט דזשהווה הייליק צו באַשייַמפּערלעך זיך צווישן מענטשן פון אברהם צו משה צו אַלע די נביאים. אַזוי אין זייער זינען פּראַקטיש מאַטעריאַל אַלע אידן וועל געקומען אַלע דורך מיר לאָרענזאָדזשהווה וואָס איך פאָרשטעלן זייער אינטערעס זייער צוקונפֿט דעם יינציק זייער געלעגנהייַט צו קלייַבן די 12 שבטים פון ישראל אונטער די פֿליגלען ברוך חן און שוץ פון זייער גאָט יהווה אין מיין אידישע המקדש אַמאָל ווידער פֿאַר די לעצטע מאָל איידער פון די סוף .. אָבער איר רבנים פאַריסעעס איר האט געזאגט אין דער גמרא אַז אַלע גויים-יידן זייער נשמה איז Created by דער שטן (דעריבער עס איז די שעד וואס האט CREATED אַלע חיות און אויך אַלע (גוי חיות פון די מענטשלעך פאָרעם) כוועראַז אין פאַקט גאָט CREATED בלויז די יידן אָבער נאָר יענע וואס האָבן נישט פאַרפאַלן זייער פאָטערלעך ייחוס .. אַזוי אין דעם מאָדע איר האָבן געגעבן צו שטן די שעפעריש מאַכט אָבער וואָס אַלעמען ווייסט ווי שעפעריש מאַכט קענען זיין נאָר פון דזשהווה גאָט 'ס בלויז איז זיין בלויז די שעפעריש מאַכט! ווי דיין טיאַלאַדזשי איז איבער דער SHIT? אַז ס וואָס איר האט די רוח יהווה זייַן די שטן! .. און דאָס איז רעכט פֿאַר דיין צוויעס פּערווערזשאַן קאַנסילמאַנט רייסיזאַם האַס בלאַספעמי מאָרד מאָנאָפּאָל טראָגן ספּאַ סענטראַל באַנקס בילדענבערג רעזשים אַיפּאַק מאַסאָניק סיסטעם ספּאַ האָלליוואָאָד האַללאָוועען דזשענדער DARWIN אַגענדאַ טשעמטראַילס מאָנסאַנטאָ און גמאָס אַגענדאַ 666 NWO און שווער מעטאַלס אין וואַקסינז צו שאַטן צוקונפֿט דורות פון גויים און יקסטערמאַנייט זיי אַלע (אַלע סאַטאַניסם אַז איר האָבן געלערנט דיין ברידער סאַודי סאַלאַפי שאַרי'אַ) דעמאָלט אין דיין האַס איצט איר וועט שטאַרבן אויך אַלע יסראַעליס ווי געזונט ווי האָבן געהרגעט אַלע די אידן פון אייראָפּע אויך! אַז איז וואָס איר האָט געשריבן אין גמרא איז אַזוי שרעקלעך סאַטאַניק נאַצי ראַסיסט דימאַניק אַז קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט עמעס א מענטש מיינונג וואָס זענען איר שטענדיק מאַכן HUMAN קרבנות אויף אַלטער OF שׂטן וואָס זענען איר כּהנים פֿון שׂטן אַז טאָורס ספּאַ וועלט באַנק ספּאַ סקאַם BANKING סעיגניאָראַגע fed עקב ימף אַלע מאָנאָפּאָל ספּאַ און גיידיד סי.איי.עי. און נאַטאָ צו שכיטע 5 ביליאָן מענטשן עס ס מעגלעך ווי באַלד! דורך וניוס רעי פֿון
========] משה כהן [לפני 3 חודשים] אתה יהודי משיחי? למה? /// [שלך הוא הכל נגד יהודים ונוצרים כי אתה חללת את התנ"ך דרך התלמוד] אני אוהב יותר מדי למה היהודים הם מעשיים רציונלים חומרני וזה בזכות המבנה הנפשי שלהם זה תועלתניים יהודים רציונלי כי אילצו אפילו אלוהים JHWH קדוש כדי להיות אדם בישוע של לחם לתוך בית דוד ולכן אלוהים שנכפה על הצלב כדי להראות את האהבה האינסופית בשבילנו! אהבה כה גדולה בשבילנו אהבה אינסופית כולם נתנה לנו את הצלב הקדוש כלומר שערורייה זה לא להאמין AND מקובל עלינו וזו הסיבה שבעטיה שכולנו אנוכי! ובכל מקרה היהודים בכפייה אפילו קדושים אלוהים JHWH להגשים את עצמך בקרב גברים מאברהם למשה לכל הנביאים. SO לפי החומר שלהם במובן המעשי כל רצון היהודי בא בכוחות עצמיים lorenzoJHWH למה אני לייצג את האינטרסים שלהם העתיד שלהם הסיכוי שלהם הייחודי כדי לאסוף את 12 שבטי ישראל תחת כנפי מבורך חסד והגנה הויה אלוהיהם ב המקדש היהודי שלי שוב בפעם האחרונה לפני הסוף .. אבל אתה הרבנים הפרושים אמרת בתלמוד כי נוצרה כל הלא-יהודים הנשמה שלהם על ידי השטן (ולכן הוא שד אשר יצר כל בעלי חיים וגם הכול (חיות הגוי מן הצורה האנושית) הואיל למעשה אלוהים ברא רק יהודים אלא רק אלה שלא אבדו הגנאלוגיה האבהי שלהם .. כך במצב זה יש לך נתן השטן הכוח היצירתי אבל אשר כולם יודעים כמו הכוח היצירתי יכול להיות רק של רק של JHWH אלוהים:! הוא הכוח היצירתי שלו רק איך התיאולוגיה שלך נגמר החרא? זו הסיבה עשית את יהוה הקודש להיות השטן .. וכן זה נכון על הצביעות שלך סטייה הסתרה גזענות שנאה חילול שם רצח ללבוש מונופול בנקים מרכזיים ספא משטר Bildenberg מערכת בונים חופשי איפא"ק! מגדר HALLOWEEN HOLLYWOOD SPA דארווין סדר היום Chemtrails מונסנטו והאג'נדה הנדסה גנטית 666 NWO ומתכות כבדות בחיסונים לפגוע בדורות הבאים של הגויים וגם להשמיד את כולם (כל כת השטן כי אתה צריך ללמד אחיכם ערב הסלפית השריעה) אז בשנאה שלך עכשיו אתה תמות גם כל הישראלים כמו גם הרגו את כל יהודי אירופה מדי! זֶה הוּא זֶה שכתבו בתלמוד שכל כך נורא שטני נאצי גזעני שטני לא ניתן אמין אמיתי מן המוח אנושי למה אתה תמיד עושה קורבנות אדם על אלטאיר של שטן למה אתה כהנים השטן כי TOURS SPA הבנק העולמי SPA הונאת הבנקאות seigniorage FED ECB קרן המטבע הבינלאומית ALL MONOPOLY SPA והנחה CIA ונאט"ו לטבוח 5 מיליארד בני אדם זה אפשרי ברגע! על ידי unius REI מ] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] Sei un messianico Ebreo? Perché? /// [TUO tutto contro ebrei e cristiani perché avete profanato la Bibbia attraverso il Talmud] mi piace troppo perché gli ebrei sono pratici razionale materialista ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale utilitaristici e razionali che gli ebrei hanno costretto anche Dio JHWH santa per diventare l'uomo in Gesù di Betlemme in casa di Davide dunque Dio è stato costretto sulla croce per dimostrare il suo amore infinito per noi! Un amore così grande PER NOI amore infinito TUTTI dato a noi della Santa Croce CHE è uno scandalo questo non può essere creduto E accettato da noi è per questo siamo tutti egoista! e in ogni caso gli ebrei costretti anche Dio JHWH santa di manifestare se stessi tra gli uomini da Abramo a Mosè a tutti i Profeti. SO nel loro senso MATERIALE PRATICO TUTTI ebrei è venuto tutto da me lorenzojhwh perché io rappresento il loro interesse il loro futuro l'unica loro possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di Israele sotto le ali benedette la grazia e la protezione del loro Dio YHWH nel mio tempio ebraico ancora una volta per l'ultima volta prima della fine .. Ma rabbini farisei ha detto nel Talmud che tutti i non ebrei la loro anima è stato creato dal diavolo (quindi è il demone che ha creato tutti gli animali e anche tutti gli animali (Goy dalla forma umana) mentre in realtà Dio ha creato solo gli ebrei ma solo coloro che non hanno perso la loro genealogia paterna .. così in questo modo si è dato al diavolo il potere creativo ma che tutti conoscono come il potere creativo non può che essere di di JHWH Dio solo è il suo unico potere creativo cOME lA TEOLOGIA è sopra la mERDA? è per questo che hai fatto il Santo YHWH essere il diavolo .. E questo è giusto per la vostra ipocrisia perversione l'occultamento il razzismo l'odio la bestemmia l'omicidio l'usura monopolio Spa banche centrali regime Bildenberg sistema AIPAC massonico! SPA HOLLYWOOD dI HALLOWEEN dI GENERE DARWIN AGENDA scie chimiche Monsanto e gli OGM agenda 666 NWO e metalli pesanti nei vaccini per danneggiare le generazioni future di goyim e sterminare tutti (tutto il satanismo che hai insegnato i tuoi fratelli Arabia salafita Shari'a) poi nel tuo odio ora si muore anche tutti gli israeliani così come hanno ucciso tutti gli ebrei d'Europa troppo! Cioè che hai scritto IN Talmud è così terribile SATANICO nazista razzista DEMONIC CHE NON può essere creduto reale dalla mente d'uomo perché sei sempre fare sacrifici umani su Altair di Satana perché sei sacerdoti di SATANA che i tour SPA BANCA MONDIALE SPA SCAM BANCARIO signoraggio FED BCE FMI TUTTI MONOPOLIO SPA e guidato CIA e la NATO a massacrare 5 miliardi di persone è possibile non appena! da UNIUS REI da
SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA SE NON MUSULMANI SONO I DHIMMI E SE QUESTI ASSASSINI TERRORISTI DIVENTANO GLI EROI? POI LA LEGA ARABA È RESPONSABILE DI ALTO TRADIMENTO E DI TERRORISMO SHARIA CONTRO IL GENERE UMANO! Pakistan kamikaze fa strage di cristiani a Lahore 72 morti maggior parte donne e bambini 28 marzo 2016 ] con la sharia nazista senza libertà di religione e gli schiavi dhimmi D'alema Mogherini Boldrini? i mandanti IDEOLOGICI di ogni strage ISLAMICA SHARIA sono sempre i SAUDITI salafiti Ergogan e SALMAN .. E TUTTI I LORO ALLEATI SHARIA COMPLICI! [ Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa "Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato. E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati dall'azione di un kamikaze ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore nel Pakistan centrale dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio un responsabile del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento". Fra le vittime una trentina sono bambini che nel momento dello scoppio utilizzavano i giochi e le attrezzature sportive del Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto mentre si cerca di risalire ai responsabili del movimento Jamat ul Ahrar che ha rivendicato l'attentato. La polizia pachistana ha arrestato nelle ultime ore 15 persone. Lo riferisce oggi Geo Tv. Fra gli arrestati si è appreso vi sono anche tre fratelli del giovane kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere fra le famiglie che trascorrevano la Pasqua nel Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park della città. L'attentatore suicida è stato identificato come Yousuf 28 anni figlio di Ghulam Farid e residente nel distretto di Muzzafargarh. S.Sede Papa prega strage orribile - "La strage orribile di decine di innocenti nel parco di Lahore getta un'ombra di tristezza e di angoscia sulla festa di Pasqua. Ancora una volta l'odio omicida infierisce vilmente sulle persone più indifese". Lo dichiara padre Federico Lombardi sull'attentato in Pakistan. "Insieme al Papa - che è stato informato - preghiamo per le vittime siamo vicini ai feriti alle famiglie colpite al loro immenso dolore ai membri delle minoranze cristiane ancora una volta colpite dalla violenza fanatica all'intero popolo pachistano ferito". Strage cristiani a Lahore - Oltre 70 persone in stragrande maggioranza donne e bambini della minoranza cristiana sono state uccise in serata in un attacco suicida in un parco pubblico di Lahore nel Pakistan centrale gremito di famiglie che celebravano la Pasqua. L'esplosione di forte entità è avvenuta vicino a un ingresso del Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park situato nell'area di Iqbal Town un popolare ritrovo domenicale e particolarmente affollato in occasione della festività cristiana. Il kamikaze si è fatto esplodere vicino a delle altalene in mezzo alla folla. E' stata una carneficina con oltre 300 feriti rivendicata dai talebani del gruppo Jamatul Ahrar. Secondo quanto riferito all'ANSA da Xavier P. William responsabile dell'ong Life for All Pakistan che si occupa di diritti delle minoranze religiose almeno 51 vittime e 157 feriti appartengono alla comunità cristiana. I sopravvissuti hanno detto di aver visto i corpi smembrati dalla deflagrazione riversi in pozze di sangue. Per trasportare i numerosi feriti negli ospedali sono stati usati i taxi e gli autorisciò che erano parcheggiato all'uscita del parco. Il governo di Islamabad ha dispiegato alcuni reparti dell' esercito per facilitare le operazioni di soccorso. La polizia ha confermato la presenza di un kamikaze e anche l'uso di sfere metalliche nell'esplosivo per aumentare l'effetto letale. Al momento della strage c'era una grande folla nel parco a tal punto che le vie di accesso erano intasate dal traffico. E' emerso che non c'era alcun servizio d'ordine a protezione dei numerosi ingressi del parco pubblico che è uno dei più grandi di Lahore. Il massacro è stato duramente condannato da India Stati Uniti e anche dall'Italia. "Il pensiero corre alle piccole vittime pachistane di #Lahore e alla Pasqua insanguinata dalla follia kamikaze #prayforlahore" ha scritto su Twitter il premier Matteo Renzi. Anche la premio Nobel per la pace Malala Yousafzai ha stigmatizzato la strage sempre su Twitter. "Sono sconvolta da un crimine insensato - ha scritto la giovane - che ha colpito gente innocente". Il 15 marzo dello scorso anno due kamikaze sempre del Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamat-ul-Ahrar si erano fatti esplodere all'ingresso di due chiese di Lahore vicine fra loro la cattolica St.John's Church e la cristiana Christ Church causando 17 morti. 28 marzo 2016 ] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// IL TUO È TUTTO contro ebrei e cristiani perché tu hai profanato la Bibbia attraverso il talmud /// MI PIACCIONO TROPPO GLI EBREI PERCHÉ SONO PRATICI razionali E MATERIALISTI ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale utilitaristica e razionale che ebrei hanno costretto addirittura Dio JHWH holy a diventare uomo in Gesù di Betlemme della Casa di Davide quindi Dio è stato costretto sulla Croce a dimostrare tutto il suo amore infinito per noi! UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE PER NOI AMORE INFINITO TUTTO DATO PER NOI SULLA SANTA CROCE CHE È UNO SCANDALO CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO ED ACCETTATO DA NOI CHE NOI SIAMO TUTTI EGOISTI! e comunque EBREI hanno costretto addirittura Dio JHWH holy a manifestarsi tra gli uomini da Abramo a Mosé a tutti i Profeti. QUINDI NEL LORO SENSO PRATICO MATERIALE LORO VERRANNO TUTTI DA ME PERCHÉ IO RAPPRESENTO IL LORO INTERESSE il loro futuro la LORO unica possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di ISRAELE sotto le ali benedette di grazia e protezione del loro Dio JHWH nel MIO Tempio Ebraico ancora una volta per l'ultima volta PRIMA DELLA FINE.. MA VOI RABBINI FARISEI voi avete detto nel Talmud che per TUTTI i non ebrei la loro anima è stata creata dal demonio (QUINDI È IL DEMONIO CHE HA CREATO TUTTI GLI ANIMALI (goy animali dalla forma umana) MENTRE in realtà DIO HA CREATO SOLTANTO GLI EBREI ma soltanto quelli che non hanno perduto le GENEALOGIE PATERNE ).. quindi voi avete dato al demonio il potere creativo che tutti sanno può essere di Dio Soltanto il potere creativo! COME LA VOSTRA TEOLOGIA È FINITA NELLA MERDA? ecco perché voi avete fatto di JHWH Holy il demonio! .. e questo è giusto per la vostra ipocrisia perversione dissimulazione odio razzismo blasfemia omicidi usura monopolio Spa Banche CENTrALI sistema massonico Monsanto Scie chimiche e OGM e metalli pesanti nei vaccini per danneggiare le future generazioni di goyim e sterminarli tutti (tutto il satanismo che voi avete insegnato ai vostri fratellastri Sauditi salafiti sharia) quindi nel vostro odio ora farete morire anche tutti gli israeliani così come avete fatto morire tutti gli ebrei europei anche! CHE QUELLO CHE VOI AVETE SCRITTO NEL TALMUD È COSÌ TERRIBILE SATANICO NAZISTA RAZZISTA DEMONIACO CHE NON PUÒ ESSERE CREDUTO REALE POSSIBILE DA UNA MENTE UMANA ECCO PERCHÉ SIETE SEMPRE VOI CHE FATE I SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALATARE DI SATANA PERCHÉ SIETE VOI I SACERDOTI DI SATANA CHE GUIDATE SPA BANCA MONDIALE OGNI MONOPOLIO SPA E GUIDATE CIA E LA NATO PER MASSACRARE 5MILIARDI DI PERSONE AL PIÙ PRESTO! by UNIUS REI from
DIVERSI SACERDOTI DI SATANA cannibali e non sono tecnici informatici SONO STATI MESSI A DISTURBARE IL MIO LAVORO DALLA CIA MOSSAD SERVICES UK NATO NWO SPA FMI ECC. sono sempre sulla pagina di ma se anche voi non li potete più vedere perché sono stati tutti sconfitti e danneggiati da me e quindi si sono nascosti? ma loro so li ancora e mi seguono dentro tutti i miei siti! ] SAID " IHateNEWLAYOUT " IO Penso che tu mi ami tutto tutto il tempo che si parla di me Way ???? Oggi vedo uomini molto molto pazza in steet a parlare con lui di sé a Dio. Qualcuno mi ha detto di dirti che fanno uso di droghe ??? Sono nato 1591BC .. CIA lavoro molto duro ma CIA detto che sono molto bravo con il mio lavoro CIA. 374z3z8ie @ è Alex. So Rothchild mi incontrano. /// I Think you in Love With me all all time you talking about me Way???? Today I see very very mad men in steet talking to he self about God. Someone told me to tell you You Use Drugs ??? I am born 1591BC .. CIA Very hard job but CIA said I am very good With my CIA JOB. 374z3z8ie@ is Alex . I know RothChild he meet me. ===== MA IL SUO SACERTOTE DI SATANA DIRIGENTE GLI HA ORDINATO DI ZITTIRE! StratScorpius SAID " IHateNEWLAYOUT BLOCK " 1. IHateNEWLAYOUT you do not know how to watch my new video lol IFuckingKillYouRapeU watch?v=LDg8qbzG4Lw you see me. UFuckWithWrongPerson SOON I Get u a Account Warning From StopSpaMistafield. Not you I mean I Shut down UniusRei 1 or channels /// 2. 187AUDIOHOSTEM Google "Spying BIG PENIS from my boyfriend" [Stop Spying My Genitalia] /// ANSWER SPERO TANTO CHE PER COLPA MIA SATANA NON VI ABBIA MESSO IN GINOCCHIO SUI CECI! lol. /// answer /// SANTA PASQUA 2016 A VOI E ALLE VOSTRE FAMIGLIE! FATEVI SANTI e ... ci vediamo in PARADISO E NON MI BIDONATE E SOPRATTUTTO NON MI FATE ASPETTARE TROPPO!
D'ALEMA MOGHERINI BOLDRINI Bildenberg Rothschild? NESSUNA PIETÀ PER LA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA NOI CI DOBBIAMO ESTINGUERE E DOBBIAMO ESSERE SOSTITUITI DAGLI ISLAMICI! Dalla Duma proposta per aiutare le famiglie Stato paga parte mutuo dopo nascita figlio 27.03.2016. Il programma "Sgravi per l'alloggio dei bambini" prevede che in caso di nascita di un figlio parte della rata del mutuo sarà pagata dallo Stato
LA INFESTAZIONE DEMONIACA GENDER IDEOLOGIA? È UNA MINACCIA ANCHE PER I GAY! la omosessualità non è una turba (malattia) psichica ma è una malattia spirituale contagiosa! QUINDI LO STATO HA IL DOVERE DI PROTEGGERE LA SALUTE SPIRITUALE DEI CITTADINI! LA RUSSIA DOVREBBE INSEGNARE AL MONDO IL GIUSTO APPROCCIO NON VIOLENTO E NON DISCRIMINATORIO! Gender e ddl Cirinnà come distruggere la famiglia naturale Ddl Cirinnà come stravolgere la famiglia e la società Stop famiglia tradizionale arriva la nuova gen(d)erazione
ANSA QUESTA VOLTA NON POTEVA NASCONDERE IL FATTO CHE LE VITTIME ERANO I CRISTIANI A CELEBRARE LA PASQUA MA SE PUÒ NASCONDERLO? LO FA! ISLAMABAD 27 MAR. QUALCUNO DOVREBBE SCRIVERE LA PAROLA "FINE " A QUESTO DELIRIO CRIMINALE ISLAMICO CON LE BUONE O CON LE CATTIVE! ISLAMABAD 28 MAR - E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati da un kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore nel Pakistan centrale dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio un responsabile del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento". 28.03.2016. La polizia ha determinato l'identità del kamikaze che ha compiuto una strage a Lahore durante la domenica di Pasqua riporta oggi il canale “Geo TV”. L'attentatore è stato identificato come Yusuf figlio di Ghulam Farid nato il 1° gennaio 1988 e vissuto nella città di Muzaffargarh nella provincia pachistana del Punjab. Secondo le indagini preliminari Yusuf ha insegnato per 8 anni in una scuola religiosa a Lahore.
TRA Generali della NATO che fanno i politici e 28.03.2016 Iraq Ban Ki-moon che fa il commercio? quì si perde l'equilidrio mentale di quello che le nostre Istituzioni dovrebbero essere e fare! Il Segretario generale dell'ONU Ban Ki-moon è in visita ufficiale a Baghdad per discutere di investimenti. Synnek1 big YOUTUBE mASTER boss said "Dear YouTube FUCK U! >;-) " Dear YouTube Personnel You're a piece of shit... Your nothing. You make me sick. Human waste-rotting away...(X2) "supernatural" lol >;-) "We HAVE to put up with those annoying posers who are always like "I love that too!" but they are not really fans like US...Right buddy? lol >;-) Synnek1 YOUTUBE Master PADRONE ha detto "Caro YouTube fuck u>;-)" Caro Personale YouTube Sei un pezzo di merda ... Il tuo niente. Mi disgusti. rifiuti in decomposizione umana via ... (X2) "soprannaturale" lol>;-) "Dobbiamo fare i conti con quei posatori fastidiosi che sono sempre del tipo" Mi piace che troppo! " ma in realtà non sono tifosi come Stati Uniti ... Giusto amico? lol>;-)
Barack #Obama #leader europei #Cameron #Hollande #Jean-Claude #Juncker #Merkel #Donald #Tusk #MASSONI #BANCHIERI #CIA #NATO #RENZI #MOGHERINI #POLITICI #D'ALEMA #BILDENBERG #Martin #Schulz #Wolfgang #Schäuble ] [ giuro che questa brutta storia di sangue INNOCENTE? sarà la storia TRAGICA di sangue dei vostri figli! ] [ #Donbass #Ucraina prepara l’offensiva contro #RPD e #RPL ] [ 1. IN BASE A QUALE LEGGE VOI AGGREDITE UN POPOLO COSTITUZIONALMENTE ORGANIZZATO IN MODO PLEBISCITARIO? 2. IN BASE A QUALE RISOLUZIONE ONU? 3. IN BASE A QUALE LEGGE VOI AVETE LEGALIZZATO UN GOLPE IN UCRAINA? [ 12.03.2016 Il ministero della Difesa della autoproclamata Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk ha dichiarato l’esercito ucraino si sta preparando ad operazioni offensive. Le forze di sicurezza ucraine hanno iniziato l'evacuazione della popolazione di Marinka per preparare le manovre offensive contro la autoproclamata Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk. Lo ha dichiarato sabato ministero della difesa della RPD. «Al fine di preparare le attività offensive sulle posizioni della RPD le forze di sicurezza ucraine hanno iniziato l'evacuazione dei civili di Marinka» ha detto il ministero della Difesa all'agenzia di informazione «Donetsk». L'interlocutore dell'agenzia ha precisato che in connessione con l'aggravarsi della situazione la RPD «radunerà le riserve sulla linea del fronte ad ovest di Donetsk». Nell'aprile 2014 il governo ucraino ha lanciato un'operazione militare contro la RPD e la RPL le quali si sono autodichiarate indipendenti dopo un colpo di stato in Ucraina nel febbraio 2014. Secondo gli ultimi dati delle Nazioni Unite le vittime del conflitto sarebbero più di 9 mila. La risoluzione della situazione nel Donbass si discute nel corso delle riunioni del gruppo di contatto a Minsk che dal settembre 2014 ha già approvato tre documenti che regolano le operazioni di de-escalation del conflitto tra cui l'armistizio. Tuttavia dopo gli accordi per la tregua tra le parti in conflitto continuano gli scambi di fuoco
LE NOTIZIE AI TG ITALIANI? SONO UNA BANANA NEL GENDER DARWIN DEL POPOLO PECORA schiavo truffa alto tradimento del signoraggio bancario SpA Banche Centrali! ma SE tu VUOI SAPERE COSA SUCCEDE NEL MONDO? DEVI SAPERLO CERCARE IN INTERNET! QUESTA SINAGOGA DI SATANA SISTEMA REGIME Trilaterale MASSONICO BILDENBERG? FARà UNA BRUTTA MORTE! Sierra Leone no del presidente alla legge sull'aborto. Per la legge approvata unanimità è il secondo stop in 3 mesispa GMOS AGENDA TALMUD NWO kabbalah magia nera FED TRILATERALE SPA CLINTON HILLARY Rothschild Bildenberg regime Gezabele UK Queen GENDER SODOMA; Obama SPA Banche Centrali ] [ hei tu Satana ] circa ISRAELE? in PAELESTINA? JHWH li ha liberati dalla schiavitù dell'EGITTO e voi ne avete fatti degli schiavi del signoraggio bancario che sharia cazzo devono morire!
11 mar 2016. Brasile colpo di stato mediatico-giudiziario ] LA FINANZA SPA FED IMPERIALISTA AGGREDISCE I PAESI DELLA AMERICA LATINA CHE ASPIRANO ALLA PROPRIA SOVRANITà! [ Con l’arresto di Lula un nuovo tentativo di golpe in Brasile che segue di tre mesi la richiesta d’impeachment per la presidente Dilma Rousseff. Ma questa volta il colpo di zappa sembra essere andato sui piedi dei golpisti ancora una volta il processo sociale torna alla ribalta con grande potenza e offusca gli scenari fasulli che i media controllati dalle oligarchie avevano preparato per la rappresentazione. Il Partito dei Lavoratori dopo i momenti di difficoltà vissuti nei mesi passati ritrova la forza e la volontà di ricompattarsi e ritrova il sostegno di altri partiti progressisti di movimenti sindacali e dello storico movimento dei Senza Terra.
Omphalos Pillon Forum Famiglie rinviato a giudizio. Il Tribunale aveva disposto sequestro video contenenti le dichiarazioni dell’avvocato 24 marzo 2016.
Omphalos Pillon Forum Famiglie rinviato a giudizio. È stato notificato ieri il decreto di citazione a giudizio che vede imputato l’avvocato Simone Pillon consigliere nazionale del Forum delle Associazioni Familiari. L’avvocato era stato querelato da Omphalos Arcigay Arcilesbica per diffamazione nella vicenda degli interventi informativi nelle scuole superiori del perugino.
L’esponente del Forum delle Famiglie in diversi convegni pubblici aveva affermato che gli interventi informativi contro l’omofobia dell’associazione con gli studenti degli istituti superiori fossero in realtà degli inviti ad avere rapporti sessuali tra persone dello stesso sesso. Inoltre l’avvocato aveva additato le attività dell’associazione come istigazione all’omosessualità e cosa ancora più grave aveva affermato che l’associazione distribuiva materiale pornografico nelle scuole e offriva la propria sede per “pratiche di iniziazione” di giovani che vogliono sperimentare l’omosessualità.
«Questo primo atto del Tribunale di Perugia – commenta Patrizia Stefani co-presidente di Omphalos – ci conferma che non siamo i soli a pensare che le parole dell’esponente del Forum delle Famiglie siano gravemente diffamanti dell’importante lavoro che la nostra associazione svolge ogni giorno nel combattere omofobia e bullismo anche nelle scuole. Avevamo e continuiamo ad avere piena fiducia nell’operato della magistratura e ringraziamo sin da ora gli avvocati Saschia Soli e Antonio Rotelli di Rete Lenford (Avvocatura per i diritti LGBT) per il supporto in questa amara vicenda.» Il Tribunale di Perugia già nel gennaio 2015 durante le indagini preliminari aveva disposto il sequestro dei video contenenti le dichiarazioni dell’avvocato. Il GIP ha ora chiuso le indagini ravvisando gli estremi per il rinvio a giudizio.
«Procederemo ora in giudizio e l’associazione si costituirà parte civile – dichiara Emidio Albertini co-presidente di Omphalos – chiedendo anche il giusto risarcimento per le gravi diffamazioni ricevute. Annunciamo sin da ora che l’eventuale risarcimento che il Tribunale deciderà di accordare verrà interamente destinato in progetti contro omofobia e bullismo nelle scuole del territorio. L’impegno di Omphalos per una scuola più inclusiva e rispettosa di tutte le differenze rimane una delle nostre priorità. Proseguiremo su questa strada con ancora maggiore determinazione.»
PTV news 25 marzo 2016 - L’Onu si accorge del massacro di Odessa
webster4948 Scommetto che l'onu richiuderà gli occhi come ha sempre fatto.Ipocriti!!
PTV news 25 marzo 2016 - L’Onu si accorge del massacro di Odessa
Jarvis Piazza1 giorno fa
Io smetterei di chiamare quei bastardi semplicemente nazionalisti il nazionalismo in certe situazioni e quando non è contrassegnato dallo sciovinismo può avere dei risvolti positivi questi sono solo dei delinquenti al soldo degli stati uniti!
Vitkur Ivanov
Vitkur Ivanov3 giorni fa
Il governatore di Odessa è sakashvili lo stesso che nel 2008 entrò nelle città dell'ossetia con i carri armati sparando sulla gente prima di essere fermato con un blitz dai russi. Quindi fatevi due conti
'Unbearable' dual standards for terrorists and Jews
Arutz Sheva TV Pubblicato il 27 mar 2016
Arutz Sheva TV
OGGETTO BULLISMO GOOGLE ] [ QUINDI YOUTUBE per penalizzazioni di altri canali ha deciso di negarmi l'accesso al mio canale lorenzojhwh che è senza penalizzazioni ed è il mio primo canale storico ..376 iscritti 522.895 visualizzazioni. Data iscrizione 30 mar 2008. ] Buongiorno Lorenzojhwh Unius REI from [ Chiunque sia in possesso di un account sospeso o chiuso non potrà creare nuovi account o accedere alla community di YouTube. ] Descrizione My kingdom does not tolerate any violence as a crime whatever that does any violence against an innocent whatever? he will fall under my opinion immediately! is why in the world any violence and any poverty will disappear very soon Throughout the world for I have faith to do all this that is my universal brotherhood why I am UniusREI!many believe that it is the sinfulness of a person to make of him a satanist .. in a very wily Satanists say "you've gone too far to turn back to God!" .. but the opposite is true .. God has no problem with your sin .. so you do not let Satan drag also you too in its destruction! I am the "FREE of PALESTINE"I am kingdom because it is an abomination to the Lord God JHWH or Allah a false democracy of the Masonic bank seigniorage [ QUINDI È GOOGLE CHE HA PRESO QUESTA DECISIONE PUNITIVA E E DI CENSURA! Sono stati rimossi dal tuOI account i seguenti video:
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L'olio di palma è insostenibile
COME I FARISEI TALMUD SPA FED ENLIGHTENED hanno maledetto gli israeliani e perché loro teologicamente hanno dato al DEMONIO IL POTERE CREATIVO cioè DI CREARE DAL NULLA LE ANIME INFUSE IN ANIMALI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA! nel trattatello Abhodah Zarah (25b) viene usata la parola Goi ma nello Schulchan Arukh (Iore Dea 153,2) viene usato il termine Akum. Kerithuth (6b) usa Goim; Jebhammoth (61a) usa Akum Abhodah Zarah (2a) usa Obhde Elilim Toseph usa Goim e Obhde Ab Choshen Hammischpat (edizione veneziana) usa Kuthi; (Slav ed.) Akum . E si potrebbero citare. Nel suo libro sull'Idolatria Maimonide chiama indiscriminatamente idolatri tutti costoro i Goim gli Akum gli Obhde Kokhabhim gli Obhde. Elilim ecc. " che sono di origine diabolica che le loro anime vengono dal diavolo e che dopo la morte ritornano al diavolo nell'inferno; " AMEN!
Be Christian and then act more seriously you do not like each leaf to the wind and do not believe that the hypocrisy of religion you wash.You have the Bible and the Pope who will guide you; this will be enough for your salvation. If the bad greed did not do to you shameful things " men are and not mad sheep so that the Jew banker not laugh of the your misfortunes!" (Dante Alighieri Divina Commedia Paradiso 72-81) what would do the prophet Jeremiah if him had youtube?All comments of "humanumgenus" "lorenzojhwh" is the story of a ministry in the power that goes by you judged This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[paradise 1/3] The (terrestrial paradise) is all around us this is the dimension from which we us all fallen but we can continue to fall into another dimension lower that is that of hell. So the mere fact of being in this world declares us all of be bad and guilty before God also impossibility of can build a our righteousness without be submissive and grateful of divine grace Now all the religions seek of trace the lost dimension of the (earthly paradise) All the best players of Justice come even in the heavenly paradise But only Christianity of the children of God 1) born again 2) effusions or Pentecostal 3) biblical fundamentalists they ripen a faith so aggressive that does Participate their to same (nature of God) in higher dimension sit they upon the their thrones in the throne room of God.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[paradise 2/3] Unfortunately religions have not been able to love one another (this is serious because all seek to honor the same God) so have not given the world a metaphysic theocratic and a civilization referred the world was waiting. But the laity by the French Revolution inspired by Freemasonry and funded by Jewish bankers of seigniorage continue to choose yet today the Satanism that as reveals to we the apocalypse has conquered these recent times "Father forgive them who do not know what they do! ELI ELI LAMA SABAKTANI" Now it's too late for operators of Justice to take Final control of the planet.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[paradise 3/3] So that the atheists and the religious "people of good will" are not overwhelmed and they have a place of refuge cultural moral and supernatural (3°JEWISH TEMPLE) so as to addres victoriously the final battle for the salvation of his soul. Perhaps we are not good Muslims or vouchers Zealots when we seek a good solution for everyone? But we are true Christians only when we try the will of God in the mind of Christ! Yes that Cross that is violent repugnance for the wisdom of man!The cross "my thoughts are not your thoughts" -JHWH "scandal for the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles!" -Paul. But only the martyrdom can give to us the intimate and direct communion with God! I can promise that no man will of right /Justice be in the world at the end of the world. Is convenient for us to anticipate that moment!
"PainlessTragedy" said "lol it's the Radical Zion Jews that are causing all this junk They are afflilated with the Queen of the UK and Skull and Bones Secret Illuminati Society All in a humble but careless attempt of the Globalization of the New World Order. Disarm the republic Obama I say never. I know exactly what is going on.
I am alone and you are too many all the answers you want are in you will not be so arrogant to be able to discover I have difficulty with time and language but you are in total error your mind has been deceived by Satan after read if you do me a single application for time I'll answer
i am just letting the first of its kind on the internet and youtube on my website at check it out people say my life is VERY interesting :D you can also add me on the other social sites links. thank you once again guys for all the love. Thank you guys so much for the love and support i love every single one of you your truly -lorenzojhwh said "Just a "yes" to being inside or a "no" to be out - just a speck of dust to move the balance of opinion forever please do not stay on the wrong side because this is your time lucky This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"nirvanaispus" him is Michael said "please take care and have fun" You like all the men you have a problem with God and is not what you say "There are 1000s of reasons why you should never believe in god" Rather no man is happy of as God has made the world or of as has decided the hard way of salvation. "lorenzojhwh" has understood all these mysteries! 1) God has made the earthly paradise and we have betrayed us all together to Adam, why we are here while the earthly paradise is still full of all people who have not betrayed. 2) What to say of the "fossil polistrate" trees of 50 meters that run vertically the scam of all the geological eras proving the universal deluge? This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
How long have you tried a test of the existence of God? But the deaf the best are not those that not want feel? And what of the blind say that I do not want to see? Now this ministry of justice that you has doomed to destruction not has perhaps transformed your ruin in a perfect proof of the existence of God? So when you that be perverse will state hit all men of course give glory to God! If you feel the wrath of God upon youI "lorenzojhwh" I can advise you of do atonement reading all the posts in "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"madi227h" Calls to "DrumKiller2" iv seen hid real face and hes hot in his mask -- ANSWER --> in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" order major problems the circulation of blood in the bodies of all the bankers Freemasons and political Amen ** the metal does not make of you a Satanist but makes you a victim of it! ** if you listen metal you will be damaged and this will the all your roads in climb I do not hate you because listen to metal indeed compassion you do to me. ANSWER TO "ashkrou" you took the face of a witch. The evil has entered deep into your bowels will end soon destroyed where eternal despair! *|* I have a mission "to reduce the evil in the world!" We must realize the best family of mankind in equality and in the perfect freedom of religion
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Jesus is risen because I know him personally! You know him personally also you? I do not I would never of read the book of the Bible Why am sure that all the times constant encouragement and protection. I do not I would never Open the Bible to read a book. Then my God illuminates my mind and gives me powerful insights bright ideas. This is my strength! Then he revealed to me One important secret the only secret that the world can not know "with my celestial body - In pure faith - have already been enthroned in the Hall of the Throne of God where all the angels call me Your Majesty" Yes,I am a fellow citizen with the saints and are an intimate family of God. I see an empty seat next to my you want it take you?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
response to "JiMiHeNdRiX714" [you have not been caught by a music but from a satanic energy that has you transformed into a demon!] Não sabeis vós que sois santuário de Deus e que o Espírito de Deus habita em vós? Se alguém destruir o santuário de Deus Deus o destruirá(lui); porque sagrado é o santuário de Deus que sois vós.I CORÍNTIOS 3:16,17 ** "Não me escolhestes vós a mim mas eu vos escolhi a vós e vos nomeei para que vades e deis fruto" (João 15:16)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
in what way the devil has taken complete control of your mind? There are not even in your mind the basics of an elementary school book! a stumbling block? as you can block the will of God that has seen the end of the story before it start? The temple to us is only a refuge for not doing that death desperate that is about to descend on the world
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
i am just letting the first of its kind on the internet and youtube on my website at check it out people say my life is VERY interesting :D you can also add me on the other social sites links. thank you once again guys for all the love. Thank you guys so much for the love and support i love every single one of you your truly -lorenzojhwh said "Just a "yes" to being inside or a "no" to be out - just a speck of dust to move the balance of opinion forever please do not stay on the wrong side because this is your time lucky This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
his is the first ministry POLITICAL that God has raised with deadly power to protect every religion and save the entire human race from impending disaster orchestrated by Freemasonry International SpA of seigniorage banking which already controls and guidance the world to Satanism. For understand and heal You are invited to read all the comments of "lorenzojhwh "ShalomGerusalemme "humanumgenus" The bad in all the world have begun to suffer a lot! This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I just noticed that someone cloned your site and was putting obscene posts on my site. I thought it was you but found out it was not because I blocked him. SORRY FOR MY ANGRY COMMENTS!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
You do know it was Albanian and Bosnian Muslims who defended many Catholics when they were being killed by the serbs. I even lost relatives in Vukovar Croatia and it was the Albanian Muslim Croatian General Agim Ceku who lead the resistance against the genocidal serbs.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
** Is preferable an atheist that achieves many works of Justice to a religious who does not have the faith for move the mountains! *** I'm not who you think! But it is the opinion of God that is been done heavy on you!
** This ministry is not tied to my physical body and will remain on earth for as long as it is been established! his is the first ministry POLITICAL that God has raised with deadly power to protect every religion and save the entire human race from impending disaster orchestrated by Freemasonry International SpA of seigniorage banking which already controls and guidance the world to Satanism. For understand and heal You are invited to read all the comments of "lorenzojhwh "ShalomGerusalemme "humanumgenus" The bad in all the world have begun to suffer a lot! This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
How long have you tried a test of the existence of God? But the deaf the best are not those that not want feel? And what of the blind say that I do not want to see? Now this ministry of justice that you has doomed to destruction not has perhaps transformed your ruin in a perfect proof of the existence of God? So when you that be perverse will state hit all men of course give glory to God! If you feel the wrath of God upon youI "lorenzojhwh" I can advise you of do atonement reading all the posts in "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
"ShadeGirl123" said [hey! I love heavy metal music,but I'm not satanic! In fact I fucking hate Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go to church ALMOST every Sunday,and I love God and Jesus! Just because I listen to metal doesn't mean I'm going to hell does it?] ** You are a liar "ShadeGirl123" and you will not find on youtube a Only naive that will believe in you! This ministry infallible has judged the ideological errors heavy metal music has seen the devastating effects on social and personal psychological and spiritual. thus condemned to premature death and to many sentences all the artists of metal music. This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Tutti credono di chiamarsi "Ognuno" "Qualcuno" "Ciascuno" "Nessuno". C'era un lavoro importante da fare e OGNUNO era sicuro che QUALCUNO l'avrebbe fatto. CIASCUNO avrebbe potuto farlo ma credeva che NESSUNO lo avrebbe fatto lui... così crollò rovinosamente il fondo monetario e venne pure la Terza guerra mondiale allora i signori Ognuno Qualcuno Ciascuno e Nessuno morirono TUTTI.
"nirvanaispus" him is Michael said "please take care and have fun" You like all the men you have a problem with God and is not what you say "There are 1000s of reasons why you should never believe in god" Rather no man is happy of as God has made the world or of as has decided the hard way of salvation. "lorenzojhwh" has understood all these mysteries! 1) God has made the earthly paradise and we have betrayed us all together to Adam why we are here while the earthly paradise is still full of all people who have not betrayed. 2) What to say of the "fossil polistrate" trees of 50 meters that run vertically the scam of all the geological eras proving the universal deluge? This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
How long have you tried a test of the existence of God? But the deaf the best are not those that not want feel? And what of the blind say that I do not want to see? Now this ministry of justice that you has doomed to destruction not has perhaps transformed your ruin in a perfect proof of the existence of God? So when you that be perverse will state hit all men of course give glory to God! If you feel the wrath of God upon youI "lorenzojhwh" I can advise you of do atonement reading all the posts in "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible "PrinceWilliamAntichr" sees anticristi everywhere he says:"The Prince William is the Antichrist"This to confirm how much can be damaging the esoteric and have many friends Satanists still a bit of time and you are all evil because"lorenzojhwh" states in the name of Jesus that are immediately destroyed all those who have bad video on youtube:ufo porno horror metal Satanism and with immediate effect are damaged in way progressive up to die*inclination to evil,as you are introduced throughout the land? Who sinned against the Lord falls into the hands of the doctor-Sir37*He gave the men the science because it glorified in its wonders. You remove and hunting the error rule your actions purifies the heart from all sin-Sir38 *Everything that is born of God overcomes the world;This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith!1Giov5,4
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
zenitcaballeros said "CATHOLIC 4 EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" --ANSWER--> but the Catholic Church called "separated brethren" other Christians. Always brothers call them because? The Catholic Church has shown high regard for Muslims in many ways! We Catholics today are undergoing a crisis "modernism" Pray with me for the Church brother thanks
"TheCyMan" said "Fuck you! You uneducated shit! Your priests molest children!" -- ANSWER--> You jets the mud of a few sinners upon many saints You know immediately punished why your crime. Your fall will be disastrous because you are a bad man! Hours you're throwing shame on you and on your nation "TheCyMan"
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
we accept Christ because Christ has accepted us Put of Christ we are clothed with of all its perfection and then we can say:
"It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me!"
"one is God -God is one"
every religion has its own structure wrong and must be helped only the laity or the atheists have the power to humiliate and disciplinary the Religious. While the religious have the power to regulate the laity because the world is better!response to "jewishpride4life"
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
iamericanright, tells me ["Lo" Armistead was a Free Mason. End of debate] --ANSWER--> even the demons know how to say beautiful words to what God is was referring Armistead when he said?"Trust in God and Fear Nothing" maybe he wants to refer bafomet murdok or to the same divinity invisible who are the 40 Jewish bankers of the monetary fund of seigniorage banking and that are to of upon of Governments also if the people do not know. indeed Freemasonry is Satanism already excommunicated by the Catholic Church Freemasons have the only despair of ending in deep hell for them there is no hope of forgiveness. I "lorenzojhwh" prophesied in the name of Jesus and in blood of Innocent Lamb a deadly disease and the misfortune more evil for children of all Freemasons!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
naiekomyasoo3 said [Jesus Was A Gay Alcoholic Crab Catcher]--ANSWER--> you are you doing blasphemy minds and do slander slanderer of things that you can not prove and condemn yourself in total. I see as you ignorant and poor stay for fall in hell
واحد خول ابن متناكه قل ادبه على الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام..وحزرناكم مليون مره من قله الادب يا نصارى يا ولادalso Egyptian said "NAYEKYASOO3" curse on him forever
المتناكه..لكن مفيش فايده فى زفارة لسان كس امكمnaiekomyasoo3 said [Jesus Was A Gay Alcoholic Crab Catcher]--ANSWER--> you are you doing blasphemy minds and do slander slanderer of things that you can not prove and condemn yourself in total. I see as you ignorant and poor stay for fall in hell
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
n metal music believe their that Satan is the freedom while God that has given the 10 commandments is the oppression.This is madness! You and your children are under destruction because you are saying that good is evil you have lost hope major disasters are about to fall on the world and none of you (who are rebels to God) will save you and if this ministry of "lorenzojhwh" is violent is necessarily violent for save more screw human that is possible. Converted immediately and read the Bible every night returns the cross with the tears and returns to who has decided of to take the your destruction and that him said to you " I and my Father we are one and a single what " Jesus of Bethlehem the Messiah
"lorenzojhwh" states in the name of Jesus that are immediately destroyed all those who have bad video on youtube ufo porno horror metal Satanism and with immediate effect are damaged in way progressive up to die (inclination to evil as you are introduced throughout the land? Who sinned against the Lord falls into the hands of the doctor-Sir37)(He gave the men the science because it glorified in its wonders. You remove and hunting the error rule your actions purifies the heart from all sin-Sir38)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Faith178" tells me:" Why do you send this message to me? I do not listen to "Metal" although I agree that satan uses "Metal" music to influence the youth! I know that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me. The radical transformation in my life is evidence of that! I walk by faith and not by sight denying myself daily!" --ANSWER--> God bless you brother "lorenzojhwh" say to you peace - shalom
1/2 Freemasons The document "humanum genus" explains in detail the aims of Freemasonry that is a conspiracy against the government and against the Church with their means and purposes. In fact the swearing in Freemasonry is incompatible with the Constitution and democratic sovereignty that today precisely by Freemasons is been emptied of each meaning. It is they who today have control of all on behalf of central banks are building a satanic New World Order.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/2 Freemasons But for the criminal threat that represented they were fought by governments Conversely those who have banned / persecuted Masonry...the "Holy" Inquisition King George III Kaiser Wilhelm III Hitler Mao Stalin. Today they are which exercise and we are seeing everywhere the comic results.As mentioned by Pope Pius Pietralcina was a curse saying "the infamous sect of Freemasonry" no mason can be saved from hell I advice you to come with me from my part Your life will certainly be poorer but you'll be saved from eternal death! The real men have left the walker
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"zenitcaballeros" tells me:"allah ilsam ist an satanic religion" -- ANSWER--> Please because Islam can improve much better improve much from can be glory perfect for God Even we Christians do not read the Bible every day! Even we Christians can be better. peace Christ reigns!
KoriAlex":Because Satanism means freedom]Freedom of any violation of natural law anarchy?But if Adam and Eve in purity of the immortal life and in the science infused were deceived! Who are you to instruct them by Satan?Trust of God "the truth will set you free."John8:32this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion!Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse.To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women.Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?
this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion! sosBROADCAST the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
I am not a religious even though it may seem that way. I am a personal friend and son and representative of God on earth. But this for me is not important As you know not ever lose your soul in the deep hell. To me atheists are better than those who are religious but do not have the faith to move mountains And this should not happen and will not happen If you to do many works of justice There are many tests and you do not see? Here you will find all the evidence on the existence of Christ who seek
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
sos BROADCAST the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA You read the comments of lorenzojhwh - humanumgenus - ShalomGerusalee - copy and paste and spread those you love maybe there is still one last hope for the world!
I believe that also Islamic peoples as in the West prisoners are a State terrorism like us in different forms that terrorism and abuse is always the expression political will of enslavement Peoples rather that the expression Spontaneous of isolated power groups criminals ritengo che anche i popoli islamici come in occidente sono prigionieri di un terrorismo di Stato al pari di noi sotto diverse forme tale terrorismo e prevaricazione ed espressione di una volontà politica di asservimento dei popoli piuttosto che la espressione spontanea di isolati gruppi di potere criminali. la parola di Dio sembra avere una corrispondenza superficiale per i superficiali frenetici. IL MISTERO POI NON PUÒ ESSERE TRASMETTO CON PAROLE PERCHÉ È SEMPRE UNA SCOPERTA INTERIORE the word of God seems to have a superficial correspondence to the frenetic surface.THE MYSTERY THEN CAN NOT BE SEND WITH WORDS WHY IS ALWAYS AN INNER DISCOVERY
The bank seigniorage demonstrates the violation and the contempt and the establishment of a hidden Masonic Jewish monarchy throughout the world. But this monopoly Financial may prove conspiracy of existence of any other monopoly that he produces and that obey to him The monopoly strategic of information is the first tool of control of the people:Only an idiot does not understand that is global NetWork. If you hide the 10% and you interpret it another 10% of strategic information. here is that the lack of 20% of information strategic is sufficient for a distortion of reality which will become virtual will be the slave unconsciously the jew banker and so you will have missed your life. Not only rating is corrupt the Your life is sucked but the JUSTICE is profaned because reigns the lies in the world! For the Masonic corruption of every government you will need you to believe that Bin Lander has felled the Twin Towers. We are all prisoners of 40 Jew Satanists SpA
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I am not a religious even though it may seem that way. I am a personal friend and son and representative of God on earth. But this for me is not important As you know not ever lose your soul in the deep hell. To me atheists are better than those who are religious but do not have the faith to move mountains And this should not happen and will not happen If you to do many works of justice There are many tests and you do not see? Here you will find all the evidence on the existence of Christ who seek Dio a te non deve dimostrare niente tu sei arrogante! perché trovare Dio è il premio che si concede agli uomini migliori! God you should not show anything you are arrogant! because God is find the prize that gives men the best! You do the works of justice not to be a Satanist criminal then I do not have interest in what you want to believe "rangers9111"
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
we accept Christ because Christ has accepted us Put of Christ we are clothed with of all its perfection and then we can say:"It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me!"
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"YouRockRadioTube" asks me in "ShalomGerusalemme" What you have against love? I do not want to change! ---ANSWER--> I do not care what you want to believe! Why you so afraid of me? The world is closer to the precipice and to you no matter anything? I am not a religious even though it may seem that way. I am a personal friend and son and representative of God on earth. But this for me is not important As you know not ever lose your soul in the deep hell. And this should not happen and will not happen If you to do many works of justice
When I said to the world[Break down the State of Israel ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible]Because there was not a single Muslim who said:"right!" Because your goal is the genocide of all Jews?And where you have not done a genocide?You're doing genocide in Sudan! Wherever you are now many Christians were first!In what cemetery you set them brought Cain!How many Christians you kill each day in the world? To Who of you has talked Allah? to None! Yet Allah spoke to Abraham and in truth always speaks to my heart!I asked him:"it is true that you said that the Muslim is superior?"Allah told me:"as a man can give or say all this evil on the Infinite Justice?"You are the disgrace of yourselves and not the Jews or the Americans because as you rightly say:"Allah is the Lord!"despair injustice ignorance fanaticism superstition stupidity ruin destruction will always be with you if you do not give a spiritual interpretation to the Koran!Have mercy for your children
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Noble"adamz101[quran 2:255,256 255]Allah He the Living the Self-subsisting Eternal He is the Most High the Supreme in glory[256]Let there be NO COMPULSION in religion Truth stands out clear from Error:whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks.Allah heareth and knoweth all things(The truth is clear:In Islam nobody should be forced to follow a religion because belief is within the heart and no-one can change that Unfortunately people judge Islam by the followers action instead of looking into the Qur'an2:136Say(O Muslims)"We believe in Allâh and that which has been sent down to us.we have submitted (in Islâm)"This day I have perfected your religion for you completed My Favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion(al- Ma`idah 3)The truth is clear so if you follow what man has created or follow your own heart instead of the truth then you are the biggest lost of HELL FIRE
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"LonglivegreatIsrael" thanks for video "New version- Jewish inventors achievements and ideas"but you have not said that 1- Hitler and Judas the traitor were Jewish 2- the jew have invented the seigniorage banking that is the greatest crime of humanity which is leading to insanity and Satanism the world.The what more strange is that I do not respond never never to this question 1 why not invented also as prophesied the third Jewish temple on the Mount of Olives? 2 you are left without bricks or to how many prostitutes do not want of give up?
you will be punished "singinrick" because you go saying that "lorenzojhwh" is a Muslim who is pretending to be a Christian but my strength is the transparency that I do not need to hide anything. You or you're crazy or six malignant "singinrick" I said to you [I am a Christian who tries to make advanced and not the violent Islam "adamz101" is looking between Christian a sample by challenging but my role political and strategic not allows me to collide with him] so I have passed/transmitted to you the documents that he sent to me so you can respond to its Applications You're giving suffering the Holy Spirit of God "singinrick" What is the demon that you have become a servant? Your gestures and actions are hasty imprudent and criminal You have offended my ministry publicly with slander and now you have to publicly ask for forgiveness on my page or you will not be forgiven
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
why not read with a little patience all the comments on my channel "humanumgenus " lorenzojhwh "ShalomGerusalemme ". How can I explain with few words Because there are no human words to express a divine ministry. I am a Christian in love with interpretation of Islam in its spiritual purity. Come io posso spiegare con poche parole Perché non leggi con un po di pazienza tutti i commenti del mio canale:"humanumgenus" lorenzojhwh" "ShalomGerusalemme". Perché non esistono le parole umane per esprimere un ministero divino. Io sono un cristiano innamorato dell'islam interpretato nella sua purezza spirituale
Everything is of God and then all is our "OK!" As? You have come from Egypt to worship JHWH? No one hunting! But just you are entered into a house and have hunted the legitimate inhabitants because one of your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago YOU ARE CRAZY! This you have done because the uncle Satanist American (the real master of the world) that of the seigniorage banking SpA the have permission to you! Before that "lorenzojhwh" lose patience and come him to beat the your head against the rocks until the stones do not cry for the pain! 1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible 4- based all of you upon a network of city of special autonomy 5- you proclaimed Jerusalem "open city property throughout the world". In this way 1 realize the prophecies; 2 Palestinians have everything; 3 Jews will have all; 4 and will end this fuck to war.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
sosBROADCAST: the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
own you"givingheadtothedead" I was waiting for you from long time accursed Antichrist and the devil to which I have given ordersin the name of Jesus I have ordered to take you to bring you here for your entire destruction! Now you'll need to receive that death that you have served and to which you belong! How strong is the fear of your boss who has decided to sacrifice his best man? I "lorenzojhwh" in the name of Jesus crushes the spirit of death in the depths of hell:Begone Satan! idiot "givingheadtothedead" you have rejected the death that Christ has done for you and now you must die
Bless you for sharing
Master Lee Mochow
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Permindex" said Yes they think the enemy is guns. Eliminate the guns and peace love dove. This Marine swore an oath to the US Constitution and I'll die protecting said and Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS against government tyranny. They call us Bubba. We Bubbas call it Jefferson & Adam's 2nd Amendment. Our Oath and Duty. We the People are just starting to expose these Zionist NWO International Bankers cloaked as Jews. They bring our ruin. We the People bring their ROPE. AWAKE!--ANSWER-> ALL HAVE THE RIGHT OF ARMS. THE DEFENSE IS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF PEOPLES. TIMES ARE TO BE Terribile. MUST PREPARE TO PEGGIO! YES! TO A TERRITORIAL OF ARMY DEFENSE. THE CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE NOT IS MOST OF POLITICIANS BUT THE BANKS AND MASONRY HAVE ALL! We have to prepare for the worst!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
The Supreme Truth exists outside and inside of all living beings the moving and the nonmoving. Because He is subtle He is beyond the power of the material senses to see or to know. Although far far away He is also near to all. -- Bhagavad-Gita 13.16
When: bankers Masons Satanists and all those that have videos not suitable for children on youtube realize that with my faith I have the power of ruining and then to kill their all then it will be too late. Will be their disbelief and their rebellion to God that them has killed! We kill "lorenzojhwh"? It might be a good solution if he does not belong to ranks of those who already participating in the first resurrection, as described of Apocalypse!
ANSWER to "GodKillerAtheist" The my God seems like a weak God? We are all in his imagination and Him has already won on all of us! But God could not come to you because you were in an environment of coercion! Now frustrated and jealous you live to do evil to Him doing harm to you! You have looked at the Bible as a book while in reality it is a PERSON: Seek him as a person and the Bible will become now immediately! The person listening in silence! Freeing your hear of Resentment of which is abundant in you! You have been too much time with"lorenzojhwh"for not having loved me! You've been too long near to God to have forgotten as he has loved you! But he does not respond to us as we want because he God has always a better way the way of the cross! You always want something that is short! He always wants us to something that is eternal! Yuo wants to continue to hate him for that? While he loves you and is waiting for you on the path of life?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Thank you for sharing friendship nice channel have a great weekend.
Nice Channel....:) Thanks for the invite:)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I have not religious controversy to do with you! above all in moments so dramatic for mankind throughout! Your Holiness the lets you see the demons of 1 seigniorage banking 2 Satanism 3 Freemasonry joined together they form a single organization and control power at the service of 40 Jewish bankers called "enlightened" for NWO? That is that suffocating for all spiritual man! If you do not see it then it is hypocritical to your religion! You are possessed by the demon of religion! Is valuable to share the Gospel. But do this with the lamp off of the faith is to be idiots! You sell your religious belief in place of the Faith! But is a forgery of money I tell you!
lorenzojhwh (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"sterneis1" said "i have only one video for you in the aspect of your preaching to me-my answer clear and true!" - ANSWER-> I have seen that music video that you proposed to me "beautiful fast sensual!" But the world of lorenzojhwh is not a monotonous world where people do not have the freedom to learn with their own the wrong. lorenzojhwh not delete your music and Your sexual freedom. The wisdom that he can only propose for the harmony is a widely shared by the best wisdom. is in the interest of everyone to understand. lorenzojhwh not has to be imposed a world religious! He is a politician who only free from of the nightmare of all the peoples of seigniorage banking Masonic.
FlorienBloem777 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Great channel thanks for sharing!
God bless you.
lorenzojhwh (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ZEITGEIST is right when it shows Crime of State 11 September 2001 (well the hidden powers are invincible) but that as the son of Satan he denied the historicity of carpenter of Nazareth and many believed to him despite of all the dictionaries in history. "MaximilianHorizon" said "Could you then that is not Jesus to be upset the Roman world but Constantine in 325 with the Council of Nicaea." - Lorenzojhwh - ANSWER-> You should know that Constantine was never a Cristiano (perhaps on his deathbed). He has noted as each political ago 1 the situation of his reign! 2 has harmony among his subjects! The Roman Empire was shocked to martyrs of for the river of blood did flow from your friends Pagans. But there were no victims pagan when the Christianity has took control of society! You are from the evil "MaximilianHorizon" and be with you the father of lies that belongs to you!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I have already said "Pacovl8" that I am Catholic Christian biblical fundamentalist and I have personal experience of many invisible reality. For this I am also 1 - jew (because Jesus was jew) 2 - I love God as a Muslim (because the Abraham is our father) 3 - I love all men who love God 4 - "I love all people of" good will "5 - I love all the atheists who are" operators of Justice. "But the religion dear" Pacovl8 "is less important than faith Why in the Kingdom of God which already I belong I can not see a religion! God wants from me that 1) I will bring the world peace 2) I protect all religions Preziose 3) to merge them together like the fingers of one hand 4) against the parasite jew Satanist of the bank seigniorage. Symbol of 5) unity of all the good people of the world will be the 3° Jewish Temple
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
All of us we have a single origin and the meaning of this is the love that is justice equality and truth This also approves an atheist!
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hydroids (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
True. Which is why we must eliminate barriers between humans.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
any comment my 3 channels is the page of a book God has written. is likely during July and August my 3 channels 1 lorenzojhwh 2 humanumgenus 3 ShalomGerusalemme will be inactive. Prepare for you video of lessons in language English. I am very rational! My faith does not humiliate my reason. Scientology Freemasonry etc ... and list would be very long are daughters of the devil! Today the devil can take with him to hell 50% of the human race! You may save yourself?
BereanBeacon (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
And be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith Philippians 3:9
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
God bless Israel! ONLY GOD CAN GIVE ISRAEL PEACE * I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great. You will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you. In you will all of the families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12:2-3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen whither they be gone and will gather them on every side and bring them into their own land Ezekiel 37:21 For I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. Ezekiel 36:24 *God bless Israel!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without an image and without an ephod and without teraphim Afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days. Hosea 3:4-5 (A million days have passed since Hoseas prophecy. Israel indeed suffered many days without a king without the Temple. And now they have returned for a final time in these latter days. Why is this hard for people to grasp? Could it be that the human mind does not want to believe it? I think this is a distinct possibility for it would logically follow that the God who could predict events far into the future would also have the authority to tell us how to live. And that many of us cant abide.)
marciano2002 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
i sub to support ya my friend........
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1 / 11 The splendor of the truth] "Inenascio" Padidio [Pa(ZZO) crazy of God] he was led physically for a few moments in Paradise where he made tangible sensory olfactory auditory and visual that is a lucid experience of that reality we call PARADISE! "lorenzojhwh" believes that God through the laity should rephrase the reasons and rational foundations of faith given that the Church has lost credibility sometimes wrongly for a crime defamation of publicity but sometimes justifiably as a result of modernism which has lost to the Church his transcendence. Unfortunately now the Church no longer credible testimony of the Kingdom of God to a greater number of people which sometimes do the choices the more distressing and devastating.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2 / 11 The splendor of the truth] "Inenascio" Pa (ZZO) crazy for God a perfect prototype of materialized and insensitive to the divine now becomes for all the world a rational model a demonstration of transcendence. Because of its experience "mystical" came with clear evidence his life is suffering the upheaval / structure like that of a sock to the point where it is believed mad and as such is abandoned by all. But he does not decompose has found that faith invincible which alone can sustain the world. And now he officially declared insane crazy and dangerous per se and for others he became the wisdom and hope of the world. How God has turned him the most foolish of all now he will be a turn around the world like a sock. Indeed who does not own anything have everything like Jesus before and St. Francis of Assisi then have effectively demonstrated.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3 / 11 The splendor of truth] Since then his life was transformed. He was born in Portici on 23/01/1939 the most beautiful madman who has never seen in the world. In the name of truth captivates and convinces, who hears the divine reality and of Christ Holy trinity. He who has imparat to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ from just 5 years. Grateful to the mother of God Queen of Peace and the Holy Mother Church and St. Paul of Tarsus for the Glory of the Great Wonderful King. Lord my God finally I see you with the eye of faith which I have given. I can see you. I the most beautiful crazy God who has seen the world with the most scientific of all the statements. Now we ask "what we do now with this faith?" I am ignorant that I have terribly offended for 51 years how can I serve you now? Recite the Psalm 118 and 136 but who I believe? I am surrounded by Christians Fearless
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[4 / 11 The splendor of truth] course everyone believes but few look! Are their own which I was convinced that are really crazy. Lord help me! You who are "The love that moves the sun and other stars this for me that I passed from darkness to light I have no problem! But you have given me the privilege to ask you one thing with the Word of St. John's cap 14,12-13 "verily verily I say even those who believe in me will the works that I made and will to the greatest! Because I'm going to the Father! Whatever you ask in my name I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. "I realized finally that this is the opportunity of my life I can solve my biggest problem not finding me 1 - Paradise to cry my past misdeeds 2 - alone without those whom I loved in this life!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[5 / 11 The splendor of the truth] I am mortified in this tell you! But I refuse your paradise even if it does not bring with me all those who I have loved! Rather I prefer the hell here then my prayer "Oh wonderful Father Almighty Creator of all things visible and invisible you ask in the name of Jesus Christ that I with my little intellect but with arguments inspired by the Holy Spirit that I can convince all mankind and bring it back so happily to the obedience of faith according to thy holy will! Amen Glory to you Lord you've heard my prayer turning on me your eyes are what they are in your sight but to all nations declamo only "the fool of God! I will show you God! "But who am I? I am the fool of God! [Effectively and dramatically declared dangerous madman science journal]
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[6 / 11 The splendor of the truth] That is the more wise men! "I am the fool of God that is the more wise men!" I am the weak of God which is the strongest of men! "I am one person truly that is the happiest of men!" I turn the world like a sock! Glory to you Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! THE DIVINE COMEDY in Praise of Our Lord Jesus Christ Glory to the King. Lord and my God! I see you finally with the eye of the Faith which I have given led ignorant and moreover of poor memory that we do with this faith? How can I give thanks I that I have terribly offended for 51 years? Recite the Psalm 118? But those who believe in me? Eternal is Thy mercy! Psalm 136 it repeats 26 times they are surrounded by unbelieving Christians all believe but few observe and if you recite
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[7 / 11 The splendor of the truth] at the end they have to convince me of being crazy. I consider indispensable redeem yourself but how can I do? Glory to Thee O Lord help me! - Wait a while! there is the Prayer, which lets you get all what you want the only justified and sacred condition but it conforms to the law of Love that thou us Lord for our own good that the divinely immortalized "love that moves the sun and other stars. " This for me as I passed from darkness to light I do not create any problems. - So let's see what can request and obtain to feel then once for all complete fulfillment? - There are two verses in the Gospel of the disciple that more I was impressed and fascinated. John 14,12-13 "verily verily I say even those who believe in me will work duties and that I WILL IT MORE GREAT because I'm going to the Father
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[8 / 11 The splendor of truth] Whatever you ask in my name I will do because the Father may be glorified in the Son. " This is truly a great opportunity for me to solve my biggest problem I want to make clear in words more clear "hope not to see me one day in Heaven eternally to weep tears of contrition for my misdeeds of the past. " And by the way of heaven even here Good Lord it's good that I clarify my thoughts "I am mortified to be forced to tell you clearly refuse to heaven if not I will be with all my neighbor Tu Yes just you me inculcated to love then you like myself rather forgive me I prefer the hell! This to my knowledge you have already said with the art of painting of Michelangelo in PROCEEDINGS UNIVERSAL. I am sincere I could not tell? "
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[9 / 11 The splendor of the truth] I can put that to you God my prayer - 'Oh wonderful Father Almighty Creator of all things visible and invisible I ask you in the name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST which I for Thy great glory with little little little intellect with arguments inspired by the Holy Spirit will be able to convince the mind with more of all mankind and so happily return to obedience of faith according to your SS. will. Amen. " -Glory to Thee O Lord! You have heard my prayer coming over me Your eyes! They are what they are in Your eyes! -All Nations declamo only THE CRAZY FOR GOD-GOD SHOWS ME! -BUT WHO AM I? -I AM THE CRAZY FOR GOD-WHO IS better educated than men! -I AM THE GOD OF STOLT-THAT IS THE MOST SAPIENT FOR MEN! -I AM THE WEAK OF GOD
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[10/11 The splendor of truth]-WHO IS THE STRONGER FOR MEN! -I AM TRULY BE THE FREE-THAT IS THE MOST HAPPY FOR MEN! - I turn the world as a sock! - GLORY TO YOU LORD! Alleluja! Alleluja! Alleluja! DIO_c'è! GOD Inenascio shows. Prophecy fulfilled. Performing Arts Why I believe the crazy of God? Why I am magnanime benign are not jealous I do not boast of anything I am not swollen not lack of respect not looking for my interest I am not angry did not keep account of evil it does not enjoy dell'ingiuzia but I am the truth. But all I think I hope I can! Here because own charity! "The love that moves the sun and other stars" Love Understanding from the heart of God so too I can recite the Magnificat "for he has regarded the humility of his servant! He casts the mighty from their thrones has lifted up the humble.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[11/11 The splendor of the truth] has filled with good things. Sent the rich away empty handed! He has helped his servant Israel remembering his mercy. For now the wish of "peace and joy" to all humanity by the servant of all the induced Enrico Ascione. In all nations and is recognized Jesus Christ be praised! This work aims to transform humanity from the "valley of tears" to the "garden of God" will begin as the new ERA of the civilization of love! AMEN! I assure you all that peace joy and love that I assure you are in me. The most beautiful madman who has never seen the world led by the Holy Spirit of God to save the Italy and the Holy See and all the nations! To start the new ERA civilization of love called by Pope Paul VI.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/11 Lo splendore della verità] "Inenascio" Padidio [Pa(zzo)di Dio] è stato portato fisicamente per pochi istanti in Paradiso dove ha fatto tangibile sensoriale olfattiva uditiva e visiva ovvero una lucida esperienza di quella realtà che chiamiamo PARADISO! "lorenzojhwh" ritiene che Dio attraverso dei laici voglia riformulare le motivazioni e i fondamenti razionali della fede nella considerazione che la Chiesa ha perso credibilità a volte a torto per una criminosa campagna di diffamazione ma a volte a ragione a motivo del modernismo che ha fatto smarrire alla Chiesa la sua trascendenza. Purtroppo ora la Chiesa non risulta più credibile testimonianza del Regno di Dio per un maggior numero di persone le quali a volte fanno le scelte più angoscianti e devastanti.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/11 Lo splendore della verità] "Inenascio" Pa(zzo)diDio prototipo perfetto dell'uomo materializzato e insensibile al divino diviene ora per tutto il mondo un modello razionale di dimostrazione della trascendenza. Dal momento della sua esperienza "mistica" avuta con ludida evidenza la sua vita subisce il rivolgimento / capovolgimento come di un calzino al punto che è creduto pazzo e come tale viene abbandonato da tutti. Ma lui non si scompone ha trovato quella fede invincibile che sola può sostenere il mondo. E ora lui ufficialmente dichiarato pazzo e pazzo pericolosissimo per se e per gli altri lui è diventato la sapineza e la speranza del mondo. Come Dio ha rivoltato lui il più stolto di tutti ora sarà lui a rivoltare tutto il mondo come un calzino. Infatti chi non possiede nulla possiede veramente tutto come Gesù prima e San Francesco d'Assisi poi hanno effettivamente dimostrato.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[3/11 Lo splendore della verità] Da quel momento la sua vita è stata trasformata. Lui nato a Portici il 23/01/1939 il più bel pazzo che si è mai visto al mondo. In nome della verità avvince e convince chi ascolta della realtà divina di Cristo e della SS trinità. Lui che ha imparato a credere nel Signore Gesù Cristo da appena 5 anni. Grato alla madre di Dio Regina della Pace e alla Santa Madre Chiesa e a San Paolo di Tarso per la Gloria del Grande Meraviglioso Re dell'Universo. Signore mio Dio finalmente ti vedo con l'occhio della fede che mi hai donato. Io riesco a vederti. Io il più bel pazzo di Dio che si è visto al mondo con la più scientifica di tutte le dichiarazioni. Ora si chiede "che ci faccio ora con questa fede?" Io ignorante che ti ho terrabilmente offeso per 51 anni come posso servirti ora? Recito il salmo 118 e 136 ma chi mi crede? Sono circondato da intrepidi cristiani,
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[4/11 Lo splendore della verità] certo tutti credono ma pochi osservano! Sono proprio loro che mi hanno convinto che sono veramente pazzo. Signore aiutami! Tu che sei "L'amore che move il sole e le altre stelle questo per me che sono passato dalle tenebre alla luce non mi crea alcun problema! Eppure mi hai dato il privilegio di chiederti una cosa con la parola di S.Giovanni cap 14,12-13 in verità in verità vi dico anche chi crede in me compirà le opere che io compio e ne farà di più grandi! Perché io vado al Padre! Qualunque cosa voi chiederete nel nome mio io la farò perché il Padre sia glorificato nel Figlio!". Ho capito finalmente che questa è la occasione della mia vita posso risolvere il mio più grande problema di non trovarmi 1- in Paradiso a piangere le mie malefatte passate 2- solo senza quelli che ho amato in questa vita!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[5/11 Lo splendore della verità] Sono mortificato nel dirti questo! Ma io rifiuterò il tuo Paradiso se non porterai anche con me tutti quelli che ho amato! Piuttosto preferisco l'inferno ecco allora la mia preghiera "oh meraviglioso Padre Onnipotente Creatore di tutte le cose visibili ed invisibili ti chiedo nel nome di Gesù Cristo che io dotato del mio piccolissimo intelletto ma con argomentazioni ispirate dallo Spirito Santo che io riesca a convincere tutta l'umanità e di riportarla così felicemente alla obbedienza della fede secondo la tua santissima volonta! Amen! Gloria a te Signore hai esaudito la mia prehiera volgendo su di me il tuo sguardo sono quel che sono ai tuoi occhi ma a tutte le genti declamo soltanto "il pazzo di Dio! Io dimostro Dio! " Ma chi sono io? Io sono il pazzo di Dio!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[6/11 Lo splendore della verità] Che è il più savio degli uomini! " Io sono lo stolto di Dio che è il più sapiente degli uomini! " Io sono il debole di Dio che è il più forte degli uomini! " Io sono un essere veramente libero che è il più felice degli uomini! " Io rivolterò il mondo come un calzino! Gloria a te Signore! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! LA DIVINA COMMEDIA 1^ Puntata in Lode di Nostro Signore GESÙ CRISTO a Gloria del RE dell'UNIVERSO. Signore e mio Dio! Ti vedo finalmente con locchio della Fede che mi hai donato indotto ignorante e per di più di scarsissima memoria; che ci faccio con questa Fede? Come potrò rendere grazie io che Ti ho terribilmente offeso per 51 anni? Recito il Salmo 118? Ma chi mi crede? Eterna è la Tua misericordia! Il Salmo 136 lo ribadisce 26 volte; sono circondato da increduli cristiani tutti credono ma pochi osservano e se lo recito
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[7/11 Lo splendore della verità] alla fine sono loro a convincere me di essere pazzo. Ritengo indispensabile riscattarmi ma come posso farlo? Gloria a Te Signore aiutami! — Aspetta un po! c'è la PREGHIERA che consente di ottenere tutto ciò che si vuole con lunica giustissima e sacrosantissima condizione che sia però conforme alla sola legge che tu ci imponi Signore per il nostro bene quella divinamente immortalata dello «AMOR che move il sole e l'altre stelle». Questo per me che sono passato dalle tenebre alla luce non mi crea alcun problema. — Allora vediamo che cosa posso chiedere e ottenere per sentirmi poi una volta per sempre completamente APPAGATO? — Ci sono due versetti nel Vangelo del discepolo prediletto che più mi hanno suggestionato ed affascinato. Capitolo 14,12-13 «In verità in verità vi dico anche chi crede in me compirà le opere che io compio e NE FARÀ DI PIÙ GRANDI perché io vado al Padre.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[8/11 Lo splendore della verità] Qualunque cosa chiederete nel nome mio la farò perché il Padre sia glorificato nel Figlio». Questa è veramente una gran bella occasione per risolvere il mio più grande problema che voglio precisare con parole più chiare «la SPERANZA di non trovarmi un giorno in Paradiso a piangere eternamente lacrime di contrizione per le malefatte passate». E a proposito di Paradiso anche qui Signore Buono è bene che Ti chiarisca il mio pensiero «Sono mortificato per essere costretto a dirTi chiaro e tondo di rifiutare il Paradiso se non accompagnato da tutto il mio prossimo che Tu sì proprio Tu mi hai inculcato di amare dopo di Te come me stesso; piuttosto perdonami preferisco l'inferno! Questo per quanto ne so Te lo ha già detto con l'arte della pittura Michelangelo nel GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE. Io sono sincero avrei potuto non dirtelo?».
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[9/11 Lo splendore della verità] Non mi rimane che formularTi la mia preghiera — «Oh meraviglioso Padre Onnipotente Creatore di tutte le cose visibili ed invisibili Ti chiedo nel nome del Signore GESÙ CRISTO che io per la Tua Gloria immensa dotato di intelletto piccino piccino piccino con argomentazioni ispirate dallo Spirito Santo riesca a convincere la mente maggiormente dotata di tutta l'umanità e riportarla così felicemente allobbedienza della Fede secondo la Tua SS. volontà. Amen!». —Gloria a Te Signore! Hai esaudito la mia preghiera volgendo su di me il Tuo sguardo! Sono quel che sono ai Tuoi occhi! —A tutte le Genti declamo soltanto IL PAZZO DI DIO —IO DIMOSTRO DIO! —MA CHI SONO IO? —IO SONO IL PAZZO DI DIO —CHE È IL PIÙ SAVIO DEGLI UOMINI! —IO SONO LO STOLTO DI DIO —CHE È IL PIÙ SAPIENTE DEGLI UOMINI! —IO SONO IL DEBOLE DI DIO
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[10/11 Lo splendore della verità] —CHE È IL PIÙ FORTE DEGLI UOMINI! —IO SONO L'ESSERE VERAMENTE LIBERO —CHE È IL PIÙ FELICE DEGLI UOMINI! — IO RIVOLTERÒ IL MONDO COME UN CALZINO! — GLORIA A TE SIGNORE! ALLELUJA!ALLELUJA!ALLELUJA! DIO_c'è! Inenascio dimostra DIO. Profezia avverata. Recitazione perché ho interpretato il pazzo di Dio? Perché io sono magnanime benigno non sono invidioso non mi vanto di niente, non mi gonfio non manco di rispetto non cerco il mio interesse non mi adiro non tengo conto del male ricevuto non godo dell'ingiuzia ma mi compiacio della verità. Ma tutto credo spero e posso! Ecco perché posseggo la carità! "L'amore che move il sole e l'altre stelle" La carità intesa dal cuore di Dio così anch'io posso recitare il Magnificat:" perché ha guardato alla umiltà del suo servo! Ha rovesciato i potenti dai troni ha innalzato gli umili.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[11/11 Lo splendore della verità] Ha ricolmato di beni gli affamati. Ha rimandato i ricchi a mani vuote! Ha soccorso Israele suo servo ricordandosi della sua Misericordia. Per ora l'Augurio di "pace e di gioia" a tutta l'umanità dal servo di tutti l'indotto Enrico Ascione. In tutte le Nazioni sia riconosciuto e sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Questa opera ha lo scopo di traghettare l'umanità dalla "valle di lacrime" al "giardino di Dio" inizierà così la nuova ERA della civiltà dell'amore! AMEN! Assicuro a tutti voi quella pace gioia e amore che vi assicuro sono in me. Il più bel pazzo che si è mai visto al mondo guidato dallo Spirito Santo di dio per salvare l'Italia e la Santa Sede e tutte le nazioni! Per iniziare la nuaova ERA della civiltà dell'amore auspicata da Papa Paolo VI.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/3 Dante Alighieri]because,these 40 Jews are demons in human form they are hidden divinity far superior to any that man.They are mortal enemies of Israel!Their secret is the cunning,their long time the plan projects that the children or grandchildren will realize! They have no true friends. Fat and do hate their team and then leave them to the destruction of hatred. Before hating fat and make their victims then to leave kill! Have guided their own events that brought Hitler to the point of inevitable war and the holocaust! With all the Heads of State as the cat plays with the mouse! Ahmadinejad like a perfect idiot is making their game. Every politician may be an idiot in respect of their strategic superiority. They did not hurry but make sure that events couples spontaneously secretly feeding the fire of hatred because in every war they reinforce their power!Invisible nobody can suspect them.In 500 years have disguised the true directors of any event in history.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3 / 3 Dante Alighieri unnecessarily alert the world] Only the stupid and corrupt they can deny the absolute power which creates a monopoly of creating money from nothing. They now have the 3 / 4 of the financial strength of the world. A richness that does not can be spent in a lifetime humanely and that the sole purpose may be to plot against the entire human race using banking freemasonry SpA How can you play cards with one that creates the maps with whom you play the game against him? The concept of concealed bank seigniorage shows the manipulation of politics universities information etc. .. If it is true that people are unaware what is the bank seigniorage. So what is really strategic and important in the world today is wrong / hidden!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/3 Dante Alighieri unnecessarily warning the world] "Be men not sheep matte that between you the Jew does not laugh" With the invention of the "assigned" (the modern bank seigniorage) namely the creation of money from scratch + (consideration of the public debt). The French Revolution and the Bolshevik could overwhelm the sole risk of the banker jew has the Catholic Monarchies. These with the educational tools of the Inquisition not reaching the planned target the power of corruption can easily wins men. We want to kill now all of our politicians? But they may not be adequate to understand and counter this threat! No human mind can be adjusted! Indeed the governments see these Jewish bankers as benefactors of a solid support in emergency situations. Only the Ministry of lorenzojhwh may be an appropriate solution
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
SAID: "So wait these bankers are not human?" --ANSWER-> They are human! but their height is so high institutional AND IS AS OCCULT that are invisible to politicians! They also have the first power of Satan! Satanism and its human sacrifices they are a creation and are in control that they exercise over the human race. But against an exorcist like me they have no hope! I can kill? Now for them it is too late! Because their cunning is always that to come away with clean hands! BUT, THEY ARE THE CRIMINAL MORE OF DANGEROUS OF THE WHOLE STORY OF HUMAN KIND!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
" Permindex" SAID "Damn Kennite Khazars NWO DNA EXTERMINATION will be their reward. Heads Up I know your all Patriots & Oathkeepers.Beware of September 9 2009 9-9-9 turned upside down is 666. The Zionist Shadow Government that controls our US Politicians may make their move. Russian Intelligence says Kissinger said all weapons will be taken from the American people in September of this year. There are UN German Russian Japanese and Chinese troops within US borders right now. Be prepared for the worse. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Heads Up! Death to NWO
ALKuwaitTV (3 mesi fa)
in arabic plzzz
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
behind the International Monetary Fund. There are from 500 years 40 Jewish families of Satanists the real masters of the world (with banks+Freemasonry+ SpA have a top-level control)That with their position may play the smart way against the politicians easily. Is terrible this for all Arabs to understand that all their governments are slaves of the Jews (who by the domination of money influencing everything) with the exception Iran and China (the only countries not to be in the bank seigniorage ) predestined victims of butchers Americans to realize the New World Order.And all the Arab governments hours laughing with Satanists Americans when to Iran will come to Iraq:They are all Freemasons!All belong to one family and together with satanic SpA now control the world no more hope for the people. Prisoners of misleading information and unconscious mechanisms of bank seigniorage.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I believe before God who Ahmadinejad is a mason and himself who sold Iran to the Banker jew. you must know that Iran is still the only free country by seigniorage banking together with China. and this is opposed strongly to New World Order Now Ahmadinejad is giving only an excuse to do the massacre of the Iranian people as has already happened with the Iraqi people. Ahmadinejad is a mortal danger to all of you! I also hate what you hate. But behind the propaganda of the regime Masonic banking that dominates in Iran and around the world hides a deadly truth for you. you can put in google "seigniorage banking" understand when with calculations that 40 Jews have the 3/4 wealth of the world you frighten us! The problem is ideological and must be fought culturally through the metaphysics of Maritain or atropocrazia Nicolò Bellia all the comments on my channel are important for understanding how the situation is really
loveresurrection (3 mesi fa)
AS warm thank you for the sub friend. our pleasure
Respect Love
lorenzojhwh (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Freemasonry is a conspiracy to murder aimed at "high treason" of the State! Few rich always rich compared with many poor always poorer. La massoneria è un complotto per l'omicidio volte a "alto tradimento" dello Stato! Pochi ricchi sempre ricca rispetto ai molti poveri sempre più poveri There are the illuminati jews and the religious jews two diferent ones. Siamo in guerra e i disertori vengono passati per le armi! We are at war and deserters are passed to the weapons!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
lorenzojhwh is warning the large audience that the clash at the more highest level and INSIDE OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE = JESUS vs masonic bank seigniorage SPA! To get prepared for the worse and the signs that indicate clearly from the Bible the Deceptions false miracles the lying signs and wonders and the mystery of inequity for those who failed to love the truth. That explains why the worshiping zombies can not see the truth. They have failed to LOVE the TRUTH so the Mystery of inequity has clouded their thinking ... aka apostasy (MODERNISM). OUR ENEMIES KNOW THAT lorenzojhwh WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FAITH OUR COUNTRY OUR WORLD AND OUR CHILDREN. VICTORY IS of GOD JHWH = ALLAH. ALLELUIA!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
THE CONSTELLATIONS (85) (al-buruj) In the Name of God the Beneficent the Merciful The only reason for which they tormented the believers was the latter's belief in God the Majestic and Praiseworthy (8).
and the One to whom belongs the heavens and the earth. God is the Witness of all things (9). Those who persecute the believing men and women without repenting will suffer the torment of hell and that of the burning fire (10).
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Setaiesh" SAID "I am not interesting on any messages on the YT."--ANSWER-> Those who refuse to fight they must bow to deadly slavery! What do you keep doing against seigniorage banking Freemasonry and Satanism? Brother is not very effective your prayers during these years if the world is now owned by seigniorage banking Freemasonry and Satanism! When as human torches you'll cry your desperation! Based on of what justic you ask to me "help me?" You who today have despised Justice 1 of Christ on the Cross! 2 of lorenzojhwh secular? 3 and that there are not processed into agents of justice! You are all like unconscious animals which are about to go to slaughter!
lonnie3155 (3 mesi fa)
you are very welcome! if in fact you have found her and her son god bless you pray the rosary daily
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Yatukih001" said "You attack people like me and Charles Manson and Venger Satanis for what? That we don´t like to hang around with you? Then you attempt to use your religion to invoke curses against us? Then stop chasing us. Let go. --answer-> You do not look for more an impossible friendship with lorenzojhwh Because when the faith of Moses is put on the side of the scales of history the free will of the Pharaoh (guaranteed to all by God for court) is canceled and he must die! My intelligence my conscience the Holy Spirit of God Sacred Scrutture of All the World are incompatible with are Satanists Freemasons bankers and politicians. This have started to die like flies! Greater will be your disbelief the greater will be your ruin [stubborn! you have always brought to death the other and now we believe it safe for you?] The master of seigniorage jew has realized that lorenzojhwh is more dangerous to died who to live the dead not go wrong. You their dogs? I fear not!
eero2100 (3 mesi fa)
How you take care of yourself
lonnie3155 (3 mesi fa)
in the end her imaculate heart will triphant (her meaning the mother of our lord jesus christ) she will crush the head of satan our heavenly father will always come out the winner wait and see pray the rosary daily yours in christ god bless you lonnie
PyramidHead333 (3 mesi fa)
You're nothing but a waste of human flesh Lorenzo.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
"FukkFistedCadaver" said " The Eight 3384/SATANIC Statements represents 1-INDULGENCE instead of abstinence! 3-undefiled wisdom! 4-kindness to those who DESERVE it instead of love wasted on INGRATES! 5-VENGENCE INSTEAD of turning the other cheek! 7- man as just another animal sometimes better more often worse than those that walk on all fours who because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development" has become the most vicious animal of all! 8- all the so-called sins as they all LEAD to physical mental or emotional gratification! -ANSWER-> Tu says he is the fukk the Fisted the cadaver!--> To believe in some of these lies the 50% of all mankind falls in depths of hell. But is sufficient look at you and look at people like you to be aware hazard of these lies! In truth men lose God have also lost their dignity and happiness!
blaziermissy (3 mesi fa)
I'm glad you approve of atheists. Peace to you and your family.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
AnarchistCommunity SAID:"I am against one thing and one thing only. I am against the theft of human and animal rights." --ANSWER-> You of the banker jew invisible you're already been transformed into an animal "AnarchistCommunity" In fact you can not understand perfect animal from which you become together with all mankind that the bank seigniorage has cheated you of all your rights. If now you are unable to defend your rights as a man then learn to defend yourself like an animal! lorenzojhwh prophesying in the name of Jesus misfortune illness depression above for all who do not actively fight bank seigniorage Freemasonry and Satanism.
ALKuwaitTV (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
لا تراسلني مره اخرا
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
______________________ any comment
_____shalom________salaam of this channel
________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
___________________hi "ShalomGerusalemme"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
But if you're bad you cut!"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice! TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit:antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains?CSPBC SSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
In the time of this ministry of power how steps they think they can put rebel criminals against God? Rich or kill me or change the world! Believe me it is easier to change the world!--> Paco lorenzojhwh belongs to all the good people of the world! Lorenzojhwh loves everyone! I do not worship Mary! Mary is my sister! Rich or paid for my silence doing build to me the 3 Jewish Temple or I will do to fill the world of Christians! Secret associations as 1 bank seigniorage 2 Freemasonry 3 Satanism have taken control of the planet and have already realized the their New World Order. Yuo read all comments my channel to get you a conviction.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/5 mortal combat] Even if "HighPriestSatanis" is the best face of Satanism however He attacks you with the your fingers soaked in human blood and him not fear to say this to you> SAID "Political Ambition * Repeal the separation between church and state as the Cult of Cthulhu will be the official religion of the United States. * Legalization of plural marriage. Polyamorous union shall be recognized and encouraged for select citizens of merit. * Stratify population according to potential ... citizens will have privileges revoked depending on stratification laws ... Those who oppose our Cult will continue to be the tortured dregs feeding the universe. In the year 2012 I will be eligible to serve as President of the Unites States and I intend to run for office at that time,.. If you want something bad enough you can attain it.. So far I think weve been successful. Preparing for world domination"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/5 mortal combat]-ANSWER-> The goal the Presidency of the United States and of the world. is already active and effective in secret. But if they are not stopped will soon to emerge into the open! Of course until there is this Ministry of lorenzojhwh they can not prevail but in recent times that are now very close. This objective will be achieved officially along with the micro chip just as said the apocalypse. But "HighPriestSatanis" has committed the mistake of his life OF TALK TO ME "what the heck? do yourself a favor and stop believing in such garbage. you're smarter than that. we can talk but it's clear that you don't understand Satanism at all. also i'm not a Satanist. i'm the High Priest of the Cthulhu Cult. have you ever read H.P. Lovecraft?"-ANSWER-> When you have decided to talk to me your heart will not say to you that you'd lost your lives? Bring the wrath of God or about you on the 50% of the human race
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3/5 mortal combat]to lorenzojhwh should serve only a small prayer! In fact, you are already inside the destruction of sin deadly and stubborn! "One who is in me is greater than he who is in the world" Even if the your results are disastrous for the people of the selfish rich they cry for your terrible fate. As Wept the people of Israel when Elijah slaughtered the priests of Baal. In reality the world loves you but follow me for 2 reasons 1- not want to be killed in hell with Satan. 2- for the sake of their children can not give you the control of the government to you. Bankers Freemasons and now will be the first to run behind the my flag the cross of Christ! History teaches! At the time of Elijah * Satanism had taken full control of the company * had been killed all the prophets of jhwh. * Terror on the one hand and corruption (of the economic pressure etc.) on the other has done to win quick Satanism to all the people!
ShalomGerusalemme (
[4/5 mortal combat]* The injustice is was in triumph against the poor! Now, lorenzojhw not want to take away to you your sexual freedom just warn you that every sin is always a mess and always leads to suffering! Everyone then is how to organize how to better believe yourself! The people of Israel then realized that miraculously thanks to free action of the only Elijah obtained for him again an impossible hope. They had found for their freedom dignity social justice and what was more important a real future for future generations. QUESTION:-->kittykittypaw said "And whats wrong with the whole world being Christians?" -- ANSWER-> Secret associations as 1 bank seigniorage 2 Freemasonry 3 Satanism have taken control of the planet and have already realized the their New World Order. Yuo read all comments my channel to get you a conviction. --> Friend too many innocent children dying of hunger! You are not responsible?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
If you just want to be me of replies then you'll need to run the risk of becoming a Christian? I said to you "adamz101" many times that I can not make discussions on the superiority of a religion! Want to be blocked? this is what you want? But if you decide to want to risk your religion you have to know that I illustrate my Christian faith in my site
this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion! sosBROADCAST the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
When I said to the world[Break down the State of Israel ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible]Because there was not a single Muslim who said:"right!" Because your goal is the genocide of all Jews?And where you have not done a genocide?You're doing genocide in Sudan! Wherever you are now many Christians were first!In what cemetery you set them brought Cain!How many Christians you kill each day in the world? To Who of you has talked Allah? to None! Yet Allah spoke to Abraham and in truth always speaks to my heart!I asked him:"it is true that you said that the Muslim is superior?"Allah told me:"as a man can give or say all this evil on the Infinite Justice?"You are the disgrace of yourselves and not the Jews or the Americans because as you rightly say:"Allah is the Lord!"despair injustice ignorance fanaticism superstition stupidity ruin destruction will always be with you if you do not give a spiritual interpretation to the Koran!Have mercy for your children
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"dovetastic" tells me:[You are speaking to a sufi muslim who has both arab and jewish ancestry. Jews and muslims are bothers and sisters. We even have the same dietary laws. Not all muslims are bad as you convey here. Your messages of hate is not kind and it is not the christian way either. The prophet Jesus [pbuh] spoke of love forgiveness showing kindness and compassion to others. Preach peace for all humanity of Earth where ever we come from.] -ANSWER-> sweet is for the wolf to talk about peace when he have yet the blood of the lamb between the teeth. No one can hide his true thoughts in front of the ministry of power and justice of "lorenzojhwh".You know the ruin that is for fall throughout the world for the hypocrisy of all the men? This ministry of "lorenzojhwh" in truth is the last mercy that God grants to the world. For this reason it breaks down violently against each man religion and government
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Everything is of God and then all is our "OK!" As? You have come from Egypt to worship JHWH? No one hunting! But just you are entered into a house and have hunted the legitimate inhabitants because one of your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago YOU ARE CRAZY! This you have done because the uncle Satanist American (the real master of the world) that of the seigniorage banking SpA the have permission to you! Before that "lorenzojhwh" lose patience and come him to beat the your head against the rocks until the stones do not cry for the pain! 1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible 4- based all of you upon a network of city of special autonomy 5- you proclaimed Jerusalem "open city property throughout the world". In this way 1 realize the prophecies; 2 Palestinians have everything; 3 Jews will have all; 4 and will end this fuck to war.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Jewishfan" said "Please fuck yourself!" -- My answer to your kind request -- to your many requests addressed to me kindly reply to that that to me is seemed the more publishable -->The promises of God are valid in ever. It is not necessary the conversion to Christianity and not is from me request. If you become Christians? I "lorenzojhwh" I have to make me jew! Why Judaism is indispensable in the projects of God. But what happened to your faith? Where is your religion? Where is your temple? Who prevents that this 3° Temple is built? This ministry is invincible and has already obtained the collapse of bank seigniorage in the world Before being humiliated naively studied the 263 comments of the entire channel So you will see 1- some of the victims excellent 2- the evolution of the Ministry 3- Justice of thought 4- objectives and the means
Messages Bayside (USA 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken "God (the father) has already released the ball on its trajectory toward you!" The people who follow Babylon will punished forever! Revelation 18 1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2With a mighty voice he shouted "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. 3For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
1/3 Messages Bayside (USA 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken:You are a perverse generation and there attracted the hand of doom that is not coming to target. On earth will be a great darkness. The air is stagnant with no oxygen. There will be light. The candles will be lit in a small number. Then the heat will become intense. You will be advised on the approach of doom some 'before.The GREAT DESTRUCTION affect the humanity in two stages. The first time you have the Great War (the third world war) which lead away from the ground a third of men and then the BALL of Redemption who lead by another third. The punishment therefore will be a huge ball of fire and the world will be baptized in the fire.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/3 Messages Bayside (USA 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken "God (the father) has already released the ball on its trajectory toward you!" The people who follow Babylon will punished forever! Revelation 18 1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2With a mighty voice he shouted "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. 3For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
3/3 Messages This is the great punishment this time does not originate on Earth but is sent from heaven. Will be produced by a celestial body a large comet that rigirerà quickly around the Earth. First there will be an obscure that will last three days and three nights the air is stagnant without oxygen and the intense heat. Will be annihilated much of humanity Jesus of Maria Giulia Jeahenny When in a cold winter's night thunder explodes from the mountains to tremble then very quickly close the doors and windows . Your eyes must not desecrate the terrible event with curious eyes. Meeting in prayer before the crucifix put under the protection of my Holy Mother. Do not be taken by any doubt as to your salvation Turn blessed candles recited the rosary. Persevere three days and two nights. I your God I will have purified more. Magnificent will be my kingdom of peace.
ShalomGerusalemme (
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
3/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> SAUDI ARABIA Fr George Joshua an Indian Catholic priest was arrested and jailed in Saudi Arabia where Jesus Christ is considered a criminal. Expelled after many ill-treatment. Fr George Joshua He founded a group of intercession and prayer to free from Satan that country's Islamic and is given also of the Islam the dignity it deserves through freedom of religion for all. His prayer group is composed of 500 persons They pray constantly 24 hours a day,
for world peace for the happiness of all the Saudis and for the health of Saudi King Abdallah
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
4/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->INDIA genocide with the blessing of the government satanic! Pastor Raju Indian Geesala to took a trip for the Australia for to ask help for the humanitarian catastrophe occurred in India in the State of Orissa where from August 2008 Hindu extremists are free of to hunting the Christians as is will the hunting for the animals. 16,000 Christians have been killed! 650 churches burnt! thousands of Christians hiding in the jungle like animals. Tragedies of impossible description!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
5/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->United Kingdom a Christian minister who leads a broadcast of London was brutally beaten threatened with death and robbed. After you have had during transmission a heated discussion with representatives from Islamic. On the streets they said "If you go back at the recording studio we will break the your legs"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
6/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->MAGDI CRISTIANO ALLAM Thank you Jesus for my conversion from Islam to Catholicism [made impossible in the Islamic nations]ed. Mondadori Milano 2008 SAID "the Christianity exactly the opposite of Islam... I like San Cristiano because as he I believe deeply in association between the testimony of faith and the freedom of choice. This fascinates me and convinced me of truth and of the superiority of Christianity To which I had the good fortune and to have been able to join voluntarily responsibly and safely
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
7/7 JHWH=Allah said"There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" - ANSWER-> I Rafiq I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself. -- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
by "love love light kathy" -- ANSWER-> Want to see and hear the demons (as has happened to me 20 years ago When I threatened all them, in the name of Jesus and are not to see more) to be able to believe in their existence? But you believe in God and believe in the Holy Scriptures yet these often speak of the demons! Who then has cursed so much your faith? Who you has ridiculed the worth of Sacred Scriptures?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2 Peter 1:17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory saying "This is my Son whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Acts 4:12 - Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given for which we must be saved.
Philippians 2:9,10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Romans 10:9,10 - That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
200,000 human sacrifices murders committed annually by the Church of Satan can not never find a guilty. As can be seen the institutional Satanism if the bank seigniorage makes him invisible? If the peoples of the world are betrayed by their governments because does not know the origin of money? How can they be defended the peoples from all the many criminal organizations that seigniorage makes invisible? How faith can remain Worldwide if all the religions of the world are hypnotized together with their people? Every sin can be forgiven and all evil can be overcome but not to oppose the seigniorage means to imprison the men with the laws of predation and abandon their to disordered instincts. Are incompantible the secret societies Freemasonry and Satanism with the rule of law. stop metal horror porno ufo OGM NWO S.p.A + you have to find God in all your victory!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Dove credi di stare a casa tua dove siete abituati a tale vergognoso linguaggio? 1- impara la educazione! 2- Piero Angela sbriciola l'oroscopo dimostrando la esistenza di 14 costellazioni e lo spostamento ciclico dell'asse terreste fa spostare a sua volta l'orientamento di due costellazioni rendendo ridicolo l'oroscopo. 3- Dionigi "il Piccolo" ha sbagliato involontariamente e tu lo vuoi uccidere? Bhe è già morto! Mi dispiace per quel ciuccione come te di Geitgeist ma Gesù è nato il 4,5 a.C. 4- sono stato bloccato e non posso rispondere al tuo commento su Questa è vera delinquenza di "Trickyre" che poteva cancellare il mio articolo invece di impedirmi di rispondere! Comunque tu confondi la astrologia con l'astronomia di cui gli antichi si "servivano per vivere". Prima di dare dell'ignorante ad uno storico e a un teologo "magazzinho" dalla tua alta cattedra delle pecore pensaci!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Non rimuovere questo commento o il Signore rimuoverà te dal libro della vita! Infatti ogni peccato può essere perdonato e ogni male superato ma opporsi al messaggio della salvezza significa negare agli uomini la speranza e costringerli alla schiavitù del signoraggio bancario e del mondo animale delle leggi della predazione e degli istinti disordinati. Parlo con fiducia alle vittime del peccato che il Signore mi ha promesso di salvare. Stop pornografia satanismo!
TheCyMan (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Thank you my friend for writing me God bless right now I have a project due at Edwards in Kern County up north so I will be busy. I noticed some of your posts do you know those people for real? When people get into trouble in Muslim countries I have been able to get them out of trouble when I appeal for them if they did NOT commit a violent crime I am successful many times!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
______________________ any comment
_____shalom________salaam of this channel
________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
+++stop+seigniorage banking+Freemasonry+++++++
+++stop+heresy of modernism+OGM+NWO+S.p.A+++++++
+++YES national self-determination++++++++++++++++++++
Everything that breathes is precious to God and God will do everything possible to save
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/3 leave Satanism] The Satanists have the same qualities of the saints also they are selfish and ambitious. 2 examples 1) St. Peter said to Jesus "What we have in reward What we gain to have left our business and for we have followed to you?" Jesus was not sorry but said "100 times so very of more of 100 times of all that you have left and after life eternal" Here as the Kingdom of God also on earth appears extraordinarily rich of each wealth desirable. 2) St. Francis of Assisi was very very rich and educated because he sang in French it was his ambition that did say to him in its incredible suffering "is all the well expect that to receive in the Kingdom of God that all suffering I feel today by me great joy and consolation".
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/3 leave Satanism] Of St. Francis of Assisi with Satan can not be own talk because gets angry a lot Indeed San Francesco took the throne him that was left empty and who had when called Lucifer in Paradise! The Church through the heresy of modernism has betrayed these lessons and own this is the reason for where the young ambitious become Satanists. Own because fail to know a wealth higher. Only those who is very ambitious address suffering and sacrifices for reach its purpose. Even lorenzojhwh has its purpose that justifies for him its sacrifices. How to escape from institutional Satanism? Do you believe in me! Demons and Satan can not read in your thoughts. But may interpret the Your emotions and the tue intentions through the movements of body!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[3/3 leave Satanism] But if do not speak not write and six "cold" impassive their can not enter in your mind. Take the cell disable ringtone and vibration and put above a train going to a state foreign. If you have a mobile phone with you will find yourself immediately. You Refugees in a prison or in a police station Police. From that moment you have only 2 days to put on paper all the Your memories. Then you call 2 priests 2 relatives 2 lawyers 1 notary. None of these 7 people need to know Who are the others. Then go abroad in a convent lonely to reconstruct your personality. All other things God will in person to them and to organize you not lose your life! However life in this world is not the most important thing! Satan is a failed without hope Better to die for Christ!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2 Peter 1:17For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory saying "This is my Son whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Acts 4:12 - Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given for which we must be saved.
Philippians 2:9,10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Romans 10:9,10 - That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
by "love love light kathy" -- ANSWER-> Want to see and hear the demons (as has happened to me 20 years ago When I threatened all them in the name of Jesus and are not to see more) to be able to believe in their existence? But you believe in God and believe in the Holy Scriptures yet these often speak of the demons! Who then has cursed so much your faith? Who you has ridiculed the worth of Sacred Scriptures?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> EGYPT Sabri Shihata a Coptic Christian of 25 years was sprinkled with gasoline and burnt alive by Yasir Ahmed Qasim Muslim which suspected the boy was boyfriend with her sister. Sabri Shihata is died but also the father of him was killed and immediately stabbed Islamic extremists have tried to kill the little brother Rami.The Egyptian police have arrested the murders
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->Kazakhstan: Elizaveta Drenicheva a sister missionary was imprisoned and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment because its teachings on the original sin have been judged a criminal offense by Government. The case had raised the attention of several groups Human Rights and of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Of which own the Kazakhstan should take the Presidency in 2010. For these reasons Elizaveta Drenicheva have she done only 3 months in prison
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
3/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> SAUDI ARABIA Fr George Joshua an Indian Catholic priest was arrested and jailed in Saudi Arabia where Jesus Christ is considered a criminal. Expelled after many ill-treatment. Fr George Joshua He founded a group of intercession and prayer to free from Satan that country's Islamic and is given also of the Islam the dignity it deserves through freedom of religion for all. His prayer group is composed of 500 persons They pray constantly 24 hours a day,
for world peace for the happiness of all the Saudis and for the health of Saudi King Abdallah
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
4/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->INDIA genocide with the blessing of the government satanic! Pastor Raju Indian Geesala to took a trip for the Australia for to ask help for the humanitarian catastrophe occurred in India in the State of Orissa where from August 2008 Hindu extremists are free of to hunting the Christians as is will the hunting for the animals. 16,000 Christians have been killed! 650 churches burnt! thousands of Christians hiding in the jungle like animals. Tragedies of impossible description!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
5/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->United Kingdom a Christian minister who leads a broadcast of London was brutally beaten threatened with death and robbed. After you have had during transmission a heated discussion with representatives from Islamic. On the streets they said "If you go back at the recording studio we will break the your legs"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
6/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->MAGDI CRISTIANO ALLAM Thank you Jesus for my conversion from Islam to Catholicism [made impossible in the Islamic nations]ed. Mondadori Milano 2008 SAID "the Christianity exactly the opposite of Islam... I like San Cristiano because as he I believe deeply in association between the testimony of faith and the freedom of choice. This fascinates me and convinced me of truth and of the superiority of Christianity To which I had the good fortune and to have been able to join voluntarily responsibly and safely
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
7/7 JHWH=Allah said"There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" - ANSWER-> I Rafiq I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself. -- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
In metal As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism that many young people corrupt? Son of the Devil among witches and Satanists Think how far you you can do road yet before arriving at the cemetery? What? maybe "lorenzojhwh" has created you with eternal infinite and moving love? Maybe that "lorenzojhwh" he killed his only begotten to save your dirty and damn life? "lorenzojhwh" will you one and immediate glow if you Do not delete now all the shameful Video that have here among young children iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! every religion is the demonstration the inexhaustible riches of God. All religions together demonstrate the wealth of God. No to syncretism! No New Age! Do you like lamb of god? spread between the Satanists
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
200,000 human sacrifices murders committed annually by the Church of Satan can not never find a guilty. As can be seen the institutional Satanism if the bank seigniorage makes him invisible? If the peoples of the world are betrayed by their governments because does not know the origin of money? How can they be defended the peoples from all the many criminal organizations that seigniorage makes invisible? How faith can remain Worldwide if all the religions of the world are hypnotized together with their people? Every sin can be forgiven and all evil can be overcome but not to oppose the seigniorage means to imprison the men with the laws of predation and abandon their to disordered instincts. Are incompantible the secret societies Freemasonry and Satanism with the rule of law. stop metal horror porno ufo OGM NWO S.p.A + you have to find God in all your victory!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Grazie per la tua preghiera su di me che Dio la esaudisca ed io abbia una migliore capacità di padroneggiare l'inglese! Thank you for your prayers in my favor that God hears and I have better to master the English!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Sorry I am having trouble understanding you.
May the LORD bless you with better communication skills.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"simpleboy1234" Dear brother You are dear to God and He is glorified in you! --ANSWER--> 1) Are religious all those that follow a religion also weakly. 2) God first looks to works of justice that you do and also to the fact that go to church 3) The Church the sacraments and prayer are before a our need and then a our duty CONCLUDING The CHURCH the prayer and especially the daily reading of the Bible are indispensable not to be overwhelmed by Satan. If the priest you are not sympathetic EXCHANGE So with all THIS prostitution and Satanism in our company as is possible survive?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Onestamente, caro "NicholasPOGM" Io non credo che il Papa sia l'anticristo. Ma qualcosa di terribile deve essere successo nel mondo se anche la Chiesa non riesce a parlare di signoraggio bancario e della congiura ebraico massonico chiamato NWO ma non si trova neanche un giornalista che in televisione ne vuole parlare. Evidentemente questo è già il governo che opera nel mondo e porta al satanismo e alla distruzione di quello che resta della civiltà cristiana. Honestly dear "NicholasPOGM" I do not believe that the Pope is the Antichrist. But something terrible must have happened in the world If the Church can not speak of seigniorage banking and of the Jewish Masonic conspiracy called NWO which in truth is so under the eyes of all but is not even a television journalist who wants to talk Obviously this is already the government that operates in the world and leads to Satanism and to destruction what remains of Christian civilization.
+++the wrath of God is a fire that devours
+++and burns without consuming
+++is a total desperation
+++is a cry forever
+++a devastation
witch "xxLivingxDeadxDollx1" I have heard your desperate cries from the depths abyss The lamb that confidence to wolf Instead of giving confidence the Good Shepherd you like the name? with Jesus now the road is uphill But forever will be down and very proud! If you call the positive with the name of negative what hope can remain on you? What is 100 years in the face of eternity? I was told:"who is opposed to "lorenzojhwh" quickly consumes his evil life"
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
In metal As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism that many young people corrupt? Son of the Devil among witches and Satanists Think how far you you can do road yet before arriving at the cemetery? What? maybe "lorenzojhwh" has created you with eternal infinite and moving love? Maybe that "lorenzojhwh" he killed his only begotten to save your dirty and damn life? "lorenzojhwh" will you one and immediate glow if you Do not delete now all the shameful Video that have here among young children iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! every religion is the demonstration the inexhaustible riches of God. All religions together demonstrate the wealth of God. No to syncretism! No New Age! Do you like lamb of god?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Heavy, parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? بين حرية الدين مقدس ويجب أن تحترم حتى لو كان المبتدع! الله وحده يعلم كيف يدافع عن نفسه! ولكن أعمال العنف في الدين لن يغفر -La libertà di religione è sacra è deve essere rispettata anche se è eretico! Dio sa bene come difendere se stesso! Ma la violenza in religione non sarà mai perdonata! Ma il satanismo non è una religione perché è un crimine! ولكن ليست Satanism الدين
انها جريمة
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/3 living matter]all the modern history is subject to a satanic power hypnotic and coercive ever experienced by mankind Indeed the monopoly the source of funding mockery every sovereignty and have become all the strategic resources a single monopoly(SpA) and it precipitated the entire human race in a virtual reality. For this all the crimes of mankind made from 1800 to date are assigned by God only to 40 Jewish bankers and masonry. All other men will be forgiven with atonement. But since all our politicians and governments are just buffoons without power it is necessary that the Masons decided to demolish the seigniorage banking and that the sole and only purpose to save their lives wastewater together with all the money that they stole to the poor. "DEMONSTRATION of God" can never be explained the mystery of matter we will never to demonstrate *how to start? *how far is it to extend?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/3 living matter] *what's next? *its complexity? *your organization? *his energy? In infinitely large and small what exists after the last galaxy? Since our universe is not infinite who in turn contains to him? You donkeys Total do not know nothing of God and with arrogance spoken of God? And while God desperately trying to be friends with everyone those who know him personally? But all in articulated laws of matter speaks of a single DESIGNER. the Greek philosophers called him "Archè" and the greatest sages have said "HE is ONE" *!* "DEMONSTRATION that Jesus is Christ is the Messiah" When HE said on the Cross "everything has been brought to completion!" primarily intended to say that all the 333 prophecies concerning the Messiah were made! now science statistics declare as can not be reached even with deception 27 of those detailed connections
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[3/3 living matter] The 3° Jewish Temple is a need for atheists because they are desperate to search for a metaphysical truth many are idiots that not become aware of to stay one step from the abyss but many are seriously worried because they are the foundation of unity ethics political and cultural this leads to anxiety and depression dispersion disintegration and despair and religions fully exploited not for the atheist a point of reference. The 3° Jewish Temple is the first meeting place of all religions where they must understand FINALLY which are all the fingers of one hand:the hand of God! Will be great peace and progress on earth! How many today have a love supernatural? Who has the love divine of lorenzojhwh? For this if him will retry you you'll need have all the broken bones. But if he smiles at you everything in you will blossom This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Io preferisco un ateo onesto e responsabile ad un credente che non ha la fede per spostare le montagne. Ma se tu non ti rendi conto del pericolo che rappresenta il satanismo e la sua ideologia veicolata attraverso il metal tu sei irresponsabile disonesto e pericoloso I prefer an honest and responsible atheist to a believer who does not have the faith to move mountains. But if you do not realize the danger is that Satanism and its ideology conveyed through the metal you are irresponsible dishonest and dangerous. Non credi che con la massoneria e con il signoraggio bancario che generano un governo ombra chiamato New World Order alla tua età (che è anche la mia) tu dovresti avere un altro genere di curiosità e soprattutto di responsabilità? Do you not believe that with the masonry and the bank seigniorage generating a shadow government called the New World Order at your age (which is also my) you should have another kind of curiosity and above all the responsibility?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
was time that a jew of seigniorage the true master of the world did you forward with its unnecessary slander "IsraelGudsAugestein" with these slander unsustainable SAID "Shalom Ladies and gentlemans. Please let me say that lorenzojhwh is a deep anti-Semite with many conspiratory theories. If he subscribe to your channel or are your friend pleas delete him.Thank you.Respectfully David." --answer-> Why not try to kill also me as you killed President Kennedy? I am ready and I have no fear!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
but you probably do not know what is the bank seigniorage From deportation to Babylon those 40 Jews were secretly Satanists of the god Marduk - Hitler did this for the tragedy. To free Germany from the monopoly banking. These have supported the French Revolution and all the crimes to date. All governments of the world are fraud and deceive against the people. Because without monetary sovereignty is false any government! what is the bank seigniorage worldwide payment for real money but has no money to buy the money also pays the interest on bills called debt public And I'm risking my lives for to tell this! with their power power and wealth their could give peace to the world in an instant but then how could they continue to reign over us if not keep us ever divided and enemies? so they are just that a small table plan and implement all the wars of the world also because without their money could not be fought
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
IBNEmam said "i didn`t talk about attacking u noway it`s Haram to be aggressive in Islam 2:190. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors but (Allah lets you fight) in order to test you some with others." -answer-> Muslim brother thanks for the explanation now I understand! I am also for the holy war if it is inevitable! We are the army of God! The day has come that united set our brothers Jews we set holy war against Satanism of seigniorage banking. Great will be the victory and will be great joy and peace throughout the world. We will do to these criminals vomit all the blood that they sucked to the people of world! BROTHER Our real enemies are rendered invisible are the 40 Jewish bankers of seigniorage banking [but you probably do not know what is the bank seigniorage worldwide payment for real money but has no money to buy the money also pays the interest on bills called debt]
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
______________________ any comment
_____shalom_________salaam of this channel
_________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/3 leave Satanism] The Satanists have the same qualities of the saints also they are selfish and ambitious. 2 examples 1) St. Peter said to Jesus "What we have in reward What we gain to have left our business and for we have followed to you?" Jesus was not sorry but said "100 times so very of more of 100 times of all that you have left and after life eternal" Here as the Kingdom of God also on earth appears extraordinarily rich of each wealth desirable. 2) St. Francis of Assisi was very very rich and educated because he sang in French it was his ambition that did say to him in its incredible suffering "is all the well expect that to receive in the Kingdom of God that all suffering I feel today by me great joy and consolation".
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/3 leave Satanism] Of St. Francis of Assisi with Satan can not be own talk because gets angry a lot Indeed San Francesco took the throne him that was left empty and who had when called Lucifer in Paradise! The Church through the heresy of modernism has betrayed these lessons and own this is the reason for where the young ambitious become Satanists. Own because fail to know a wealth higher. Only those who is very ambitious address suffering and sacrifices for reach its purpose. Even lorenzojhwh has its purpose that justifies for him its sacrifices. How to escape from institutional Satanism? Do you believe in me! Demons and Satan can not read in your thoughts. But may interpret the Your emotions and the tue intentions through the movements of body!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[3/3 leave Satanism] But if do not speak not write and six "cold" impassive their can not enter in your mind. Take the cell disable ringtone and vibration and put above a train going to a state foreign. If you have a mobile phone with you will find yourself immediately. You Refugees in a prison or in a police station Police. From that moment you have only 2 days to put on paper all the Your memories. Then you call 2 priests 2 relatives 2 lawyers 1 notary. None of these 7 people need to know Who are the others. Then go abroad in a convent lonely to reconstruct your personality. All other things God will in person to them and to organize you not lose your life! However life in this world is not the most important thing! Satan is a failed without hope Better to die for Christ!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
لأول مرة كنت قد سدت
ثم اكتبوا لي؟ and will end this fuck to war? عند بناء معبد يهودي التي ستكون أول مكان للعبادة عالمية
الاولى رمز وحدة البشرية جمعاء وقبل أن يمكن إعادة تنظيم المنتمين الى طائفة عبدة الشيطان
سيكون لدينا أكثر من 30 عاما من السلام والازدهار رائعة من أي وقت مضى ، وتاريخ البشرية قد تمكنت من وستعرف Salaam Shaolm
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Tutti noi abbiamo il "diritto" e il "dovere" di essere truffati quando andiamo a votare! Infatti il signoraggio bancario rende ridicola la sovranità popolare e la vita democratica. Grazie ricchi massoni che avete contribuito a creare quella micidiale realtà virtuale in cui l'Occidente si trova! Grazie ricchi massoni che avete fatto un dispetto al patriota Dante Alighieri che disse "sicché il Giudeo (banchiere) di tra voi non rida!" Come è dolce il sangue dei poveri? Il sangue che avete succhiato ai poveri ora non lo devono vomitare i vostri figli proprio loro che io sto tentando di salvare dal satanismo? Oppure scegliete Santo Padre Pio che parlava di "infame setta della massoneria" Massoni ogni giorno la mano di Dio si rende sempre più pesante su di voi. Reagite ribellatevi al banchiere ebreo tornate a Dio lasciate la massoneria se non vi volete tutti ridurre a strisciare! Chi giura per la massoneria tradisce il suo giuramento alla costituzione e alla religione!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Questo è un ministero laico politico universale per una nuova famiglia umana fondata sulla giustizia e sulla verità "lorenzojhwh" che è un laico e la VERA libertà di religione deve essere affermata solennemente in tutto il mondo! Perché la tragedia dello Stato Indiano di Orissa dove una comunità cristiana è stata devastata e la suora Barwa dice "Io violentata dagli indù mentre la polizia stava a guardare" Per mesi la folla impazzita ha imperversato provocando atrocità molti cristiani sono ancora nascosti nei boschi. I movimenti "VHP" e "Bajrang Dal" hanno sobillato e organizzato le persecuzioni 500 sarebbero i cristiani uccisi e decine di migliaia gli sfollati. Gli estremisti indù sembrano inarrestabili per la complicità dei governi locali Non si può più continuare a uccidere i cristiani perché si è inferiori! Infatti nessuna religione e superiore ad un'altra e allora bisogna evolversi sia culturalmente che spiritualmente per essere adeguati ai tempi!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
unprecedented in "lorenzojhwh" is the unit of all mankind and of all the Churches of Christ *!* "GODLOVESUSSOMUCH" said "My Friend in Christ i'm not sure what that message was about but God Bless and have a wonderful Day bro. Keep spreading the Love and Truth to all of your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus as his second coming is very soon several years in the future. The truth is beautiful and the truth is all praise and thanks be to God!" ANSWER to "sagtf" Posso io dimostrarti la esistenza di Dio, se proprio lui il SANTISSIMO si nasconde intenzionalmente? "La sapienza di Dio è quella di nascondersi! Ma la gloria dei Re è quella di stanarlo! "-Bibbia] "lui il Re dei re (noi) e il SIGNORE dei Signori (noi)! - Bibbia] Tu sei contento di fare il servo? Allora sono contento anche io! Cerca di essere onesto e avrai la mia benevolenza!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[sunday VI/B]You shout to the ends of the world"The Lord has freed his people ALLELUIA!"in truth I understand that God makes no preferences of people and accepts those who fear him and practice the justice at whatever nation he belongs..and those who had come with Peter were amazed that also upon the pagans had widespread the gift of Holy Spirit;Indeed felt their speak In other languages and glorify God Then Peter ordered that also their were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ!-Atti 10)(All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God Sing joyfully to the Lord of all the earth shout exult hymns sung -Salmo 97)(if one loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him -GV 14,23 because whatever that you ask to the Father in my name grant to you so that your joy may be perfect. This I command you "love!"-Gv15,9) has not commanded to have only one religion
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
one aspect of Vladimir Putin is universally of respected and admired when as TRUE patriot he bears much relation to the religious authorities! Putin working with the religious authorities has been shown to improve the power and prosperity of his peopleBut true enemy of his people is Zapatero (true prototype of the Antichrist) Indeed Zapatero follows his erroneous and deadly ideologies instead of following the good of People and best cultural traditions of the Spanish people. Zapatero trampling so strongly the instances of the religious authorities is sinking his people moral cultural and spiritual unprecedented
"CherishTheChildren" said "I been advocating human rights and child rights for about 10 years I never dreamed I would be doing this in my own country. Ontario is a disgrace to human rights having 53 private corporations mandated to impose their legalized child kidnapping and child trafficing agenda. When a governement no longer serves the rights and laws of the people its time to remove that government" ANSWER-> in truth many institutions are for the destruction of citizens. Indeed the Banks with their excessive arrogance are in first place.
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"CherishTheChildren" SAID Wow You preach it Brother As Moses said LET OUR CHILDREN GO. If they refuse to release the children in bondage kidnapped legally thru our corrupt systems Then Please Let the Blood Of JESUS be poured on their Heads time is up redeption is at hand. If they fail to listen they too will see the power of our LORD such as Ramses did even ramses now repents is their spirit so arrogant that they will not hear the WORD that says Let the little children coem tome for the Kingdom Belongs to them. Will they still commit blasphemy and keep taking children from families and destroying the very temple of our LORD Nay I say not.. AMEN CHRIST JESUS SHIVA
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[Satanism 1/4]"LokiMatrix3V" one principles of the Satanism tells me :1)Who God really is and the Word has been manipulated through various translations -ANSWER-1-> God has no power to maintain "clean" and "pure" his WORD? own the tool indispensable and fundamental of his trial? Without a word perfect there can be no trial! :2) in ancient times Yahweh's teachings were consistently oppressed -ANSWER-2->The 10 Commandments are found in all religions of the world because coincide perfectly with the natural law (αγάπη + philia + eros)
[Satanism 2/4]representing in this way a teaching metaphysical universal suitable even the atheist that is operator of Justice. You call "nature" the instinct of pervert and the Satanist that leads to death (θάνατος) :3)its cause due to your self-righteousness of denying alternate paths unto He who is most Holy -ANSWER-3->There is no one path to reach the HOLY but God is only to meet the operators of Justice by His grace! :4)One should look to empower those in need of help not hit them in the back of the head for they are mostly in need of God's love
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[Satanism 3/4]-ANSWER-4-> 200000 Satanic sacrifices is a need for God? But it is the WOMAN of Genesis that is crushing the head of all the snakes who are you! :5)One should restrain from performing 'exorcisms' on people over the internet -ANSWER-5-> I do not I would never of read the Bible because he is a PERSON infallible who always speaks to me my eyes have already seen you dying prematurely I am not responsible of your lives damned if you stay on youtube yet. Now you see what will happen! have you the number of Satanists ruined dead and who will die? You know the number of channels that have closed since "lorenzojhwh" is here? Close and reopen with a face cleaner because who can survive near a fire devour?
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[Satanism 4/4]:6)the Satanist "Mythology102" tells me "So like how are you going to exorcise me?" -ANSWER-6-> The exorcism is not an insult! Is a prayer of the love of God! All we need it! The good man is protected while the bad man is beat! The bad becomes good and the good becomes even more good! :7)T2KRANGERST2K said "im not a satanis" -ANSWER-7-> I am glad that you are not Satanic. But you can not dress by wolf and then hope of not to be killed. Your symbols is a blasphemy Against Christ and condemn you to death equally. The Spirit who is in "lorenzojhwh" do not to you save but join also you in the extermination! -what whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming (Thessalonians 2:8)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
MenoftheInfinite said "Perfect harmony between all religions indeed! Achievable only in a state of perfect oblivion. AMEN" --ANSWER--> The faith of a TRUE Christian does not stop opposite the borders of evil. launch the your heart over the ranks enemy and then corre stronger to go back to him (your heart) Then sweeps all your enemies to go him to recover (your heart) That road has been open of all the holy fathers in Assisi. I believe that now is the time right it is very easy for true friendship among all religions May your days be bright and your life filled with love. Surely you be very nice to me! and perhaps could be born a beautiful friendship! I am not forcing you to be a believer. but I hate two defects in humans 1) the hypocrisy 2) selfishness May your days be bright and your life filled with love. Woe unto those who blind with light. For in the Great Day there shall be a judgment with which they shall be judged wise king
ShalomGerusalemme (
WahreChristin (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
God bless you!!
"Das ist sein Gebot daß wir glauben an den Namen seines Sohnes Jesus Christus und lieben uns untereinander."
(1.Johannes 3 23)
Daxmcneil377 (3 mesi fa)
"I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End the First and the Last." Rev 22:13
I like Fallout 3 too.
Love is all that matters Peace Love Freedom Happiness and Bless you spread the truth destroy the lies and keep those who would destroy the children exposed!
inakus (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
i want you to know.. that im not against what you say.. i talk to the satanists as well but cannot change their minds that's out of my power..
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Message to my 1st LOVE Israel Bad Jews,that with falsehoods oppress and decimated a people that lies from ever in his land converted or you are destined to hell the power of the Antichrist that of seigniorage banking of which you are complicit will be your ruin forever. What will redeem you and your children from these crimes? Although you manage to take the possession of worldwide and there are almost succeeded be you the real losers because you generate your children to damnation. Men by hard-cervix and by hard-hearted fanatical rabbis racist and anti Christians you always do the evil to Palestine that you have sullied and robbed with fraud and violence. You have no alternative now is JHWH that through "lorenzojhwh" condemn you will be trouble for you now your curse now and forever. This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Amico "gzyyy6" questo ministero di "lorenzojhwh" non ha armi contro l'umiltà. La durezza di "lorenzojhwh" è per la vita di tutti i peccatori pentiti. Se sei da Dio non lo devi dimostrare a me! Sei sei un operatore di giustizia tu abbi pace! Friend "gzyyy6" this ministry of "lorenzojhwh" has no weapons against humility. The hardness of "lorenzojhwh" is for life of all repentant sinners. If you are from God do not you'll need to show me! Are you are a trader of Justice you have peace!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
______________________ any comment
_____shalom________salaam of this channel
________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
To me "lorenzojhwh" because I was covered with Christ I have been also of his infinite perfection and for this reason you "TRUTH2012seeker" being in trouble with me now. You must know that God when has give to someone the rights of representation his are being very bad moments for all cursed like you that you are as a wolf transvestite lamb. As Elijah decided that all should have had the famine throughout the world God ratified and confirmed the word of the his faith!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
"666DeathxAngel666"said me:"Go to hell with all the other hypocrites preacher" -ANSWER-> but if already are you with the devil you? Daughter when I did sex with your mother we had never just a"game" why did not exclude the possibility to be able to marry. We did not need Satan for to make sex. Not had needed of bring she on a tomb in the cemetery and to use the sex of she in the middle of the group.This Satan that already has mandate too many lives to destruction without remedy their corpses that have not had even the piety of a graveyard because they are finished in the sulfuric acid container. We are two universal symbols that everyone can and must judge! How to let the others make their own choice?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
God says through"lorenzojhwh"with lips that stammer and in a foreign language to all JHWH will says "behold I put in Zion a cornerstone (Christ) who believes you should not lose 1- the right already will be the justice. 2- the trial already will be the like a mower earthquakes giant hail along with flood will affect only the rebels.Will be canceled the your alliance with secret organizations the your idols no longer be able to help as before. When will be passed the scourge will be trampled 3 times per day for Day after day the blows of God will be increasingly violent to hit rebels and they will be all terrified because themselves will be understand of to be damned. Now cease to act with arrogance because a decree of destruction"lorenzojhwh"has heard about on you God shows us what is admirable in his drawings of great wisdom! -Isaiah28 All that is in Satan is deception he is the father of lies! "Acquires wisdom and intelligence not forget and do not betray of God!"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"JiMiHeNdRiX714" said "I've eaten alot of friends and put people in sulferic acid"- ANSWER -> dear friend when the next time you'll need to bring the your ugly face near the sulfuric acid you'll need to be more careful why of the her face did not remain much. You must know that while the world goes to the loss us that we are already of the Kingdom of God we are going of life in life of glory to glory of joy in joy because the riches in Christ that is given to us is infinite. In fact while become older ye we become young!
JiMiHeNdRiX714 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I've eaten alot of friends and put people in sulferic acid
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"shadow7death" said me:"I didn't read any of your garbage" - ANSWER -> But that spit brain Satan has left to you for not being able to read a text so small? But if we look better of the head of above Satan has stolen throughout. And unfortunately for the head of under we failed to find good news. You should know that all that is in the world is at a loss to the death while those who are in God they go to life in exciting dynamic and progressive. This is a victory overwhelming because Innocent Lamb has took all our evil and has gave us all his good inexhaustible wealth ** Crux Sancta Patris Benedictus \\ Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux \\ Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux \\ Vade Retro Satana \\ Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana \\ Sunt Mala Quae Libas \\ Ipse Veneno Bibas ** This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
shadow7death (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I didn't read any of your fucking garbage. Too long. Quit messaging me.
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
the römisch catholic curch and the vatikan and the believe is the true
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
"ReinhardvonHolst" said "Knowledge is not power..... APPLIED knowledge is power. You can be the most knowledgeable man on the planet and know everything but if you are stuck on a desert island with no way to use that knowledge all you can do is crack coconuts and fish. What we are doing is creating awareness and spreading the knowledge so that we and others can apply that knowledge to bring about a better future for all. PEACE [ ILLUMINATI & IT'S POWER OVER YOU WITH THE FREEMASONARY TO BRING IT ABOUT ]
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
UFOs are only military experiments: "serverchief" said:"Stop the media localization and buyouts;For example the whole US and rest of the world was so consumed into the Swine Flu crap that 90% of people still dont know that Chrysler went bankrupt.The control of the media is a real power behind everything. "July4Patriot" said "If you've taken the oath to defend the constitution I ask that you honor it. If you haven't taken it I ask that you do. In the last 6 months the NWO has stepped up its assualt on the American people. Stand ready to make the decision to be a sheep or be free. Redistribution of this video as always is fully allowed"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Shutitup18" - said me "9/11 was the saddest day in my life and in the lives of everyone else that day. How do you think the terrorists will be punished since they can't be punished in this life? I'm not trying to say it in a cynical manner I just wanted your opinion." --ANSWER--> ALARM "Shutitup18" the Japanese and Germans were not so naïve to want war against the United States! Your government has made the 11-09! "myselfrevealed" said to: " I agree I watched the zeitgeist orientation movie the other day and as far as I am concern they left out something very the human race was to interact in this new world. It was quite clear that this new world vision has no soul......the author obviously doesn't understand that a soul recieve's its happiness by its participation in the positive progression of it's individual work. Zeitgeist takes individual participation away.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
God Bless You!!! will be blessed for ever "oceansplague" who said "ur rite i will change my profile" --I had told to him long ago -->I can not judge a thing good or bad because this is subjective! But you can do good or evil? the metal is good to you? But if you. As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism? io non posso giudicare una cosa bella o brutta perché questo è soggettivo! Ma a te può fare bene o male? il metal a te fa bene? Ma se si. Come tu puoi accettare gli stessi simboli e gli stessi contenuti del satanismo?
-->brother now you have to raise the cross!
gzyyy6 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Who is Nicolò Bellia? A genius scientist and philosopher founder of antropocrazia! A true and living Mahatma Gandhi!
Nicolò Bellia is so good to believe that one day even the devil will become good! It has a simple solution to every problem without going against anybody. Nicolò Bellia is so good that if a thief goes from his home he calls him and says "Brother you forgot one thing of value that is in drawer!" He wants the "enlightened" still continue to print and sell to all of our money. When this old saint will die you will remain alone with "lorenzojhwh" which has no mercy even of himself?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"opiekat138"asks me "When you say Satanism do you mean real satanism the ideology or devil worship? There is a big difference." --this was for him the immediate response-->Heavy parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? Satanism is a crime! is the ideology of evil!In Satanism if you find something of good this is a deception!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
How can a man say "I hate those people?" If good men and bad are sown everywhere equally in each 1 - Party 2 - nation 3 - religion. I lorenzojhwh I had and I still of perplexity about to all Muslim countries. But now that I became friends with "yanlisnumaracanim" and "thecyman" and many other. Now I look at all the Muslim countries with much hope. God have done all men as brothers for to love one another but own Freemasonry and seigniorage banking lead people to hatred for the wickedness of their corruption.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
If you exit out of the window you'll see that the air became ill. Surely the wrath of God weighs above all the earth. Because he told me having never forgot every evil committed against the innocent. Me too if you do not know well the seigniorage banking and do not understand well all its consequences on the world. I would be very puzzled of my own messages.Woe to those who call good evil and evil good; who change darkness into light and light into darkness. Woe to those who believe shall be deemed wise and intelligent. Woe to those who carry gifts for a guilty and deprived of his right the innocent. Therefore as a fire consumes the straw so their roots will become a rotting because they have rejected the law of the Lord of Armies have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah STOP porno horror satanism Freemasonry spa ogm nwo
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/3 flee!]Says LORENZOJHWH "let that the Satanists come to me! And not hinder them for theirs is the kingdom of God when the blood of Jesus has made to their hearts pure pure as the hearts of innocent children!" Because you want a female dog to share with others? What is better a woman who loves only you with small children so happy? In half to many witches and Satanists how far you can still road do before dying? are many the your companions that you have put in the bin of sulfuric acid? What of your friends have you eaten? Those who have been killed perhaps have loved Satan less of you? Maybe they had less fear of being killed of that fear that you have you? Satan is frocio because he has lost the angelic body and now he has need of your body to show the his hatred in the our size. God believes that you are a victim and believes that guilty is only Satan for all the your crimes.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/3 flee!]Christ be very good sits him on the kingdom and which is for return. Of who you be became a servant? of King Risen or of the shadow of bankrupt?lorenzojhwh loves you but run stronger you you can in the Holy Spirit that is in you/him. flee! flee! Your Creator loves you still and has prepared for you a road invisible on which flee. You now not can see it. But when he begins to run will become visible. For satanists this road can not be see it! You are in too many to flee now! This is your moment! How old are you still of hate and terror? Now with this exorcism you violate all your chains. Play this card! However, to die as a martyr for Christ is the greatest victory! St. Francis and St. Anthony failed their desire did not have the privilege of martyrdom! But if you go with determination and intelligence without thinking much now,"lorenzojhwh" I promise you of save the your life in the name of Jesus.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3/3 flee!] You have two days to write a very detailed report to make 10 copies [lorenzo. king lorenzoJHWH Unius REI from] for delivery to the police and then for fled/escape in a convent where you have to stay for months in isolation Total. Even if your relationship will not be considered by the judiciary But you you have saved your life. What did was that Satan has not stolen to you? Who in his ignorance take to say something evil about lorenzojhwh a cruel disease takes hold of him! Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell! Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter. When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
"Teravih" said me "You have to be muslim to be saved from hellfire!!!" -- ANSWER -> You must be a big idiot like all those religious of other religions that like you have a brick instead of brain. YOU "Teravih" you make me angry for your ignorance which is not different from the ignorance of many Christians. In fact when God said to Adam "and have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth" God had turned in exorcist every man because Adam was not a religious. No friend every man will be judged and saved for own his works of justice that enable him to be exorcist to irrespective by religion
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"amdarvon" said me "Brother thanks for all of your messages and the information that you are conveying. It is all very important and especially your heart. I can only say to "calm" it. That is your heart. I can see you have too many thoughts. That is good but to try and let others' understand is not easy. Calm Patient.Thank you." --ANSWER--> brother my activity would not be possible if God not attack me and not overwhelm me with his insights. These do not come together. But as I finished a message now comes another message in my mind. Who would be so stupid from suffocate a pulse of the Holy Spirit? Because I did not sad tired demoralized and stressed out? Because I am so full of enthusiasm and joy? The Holy Spirit of God has placed in the heart of "lorenzojhwh" the sure that will be overcome any resistance of the enemy.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Mio caro e prezioso amico "magazzinho" Se zeitgheist non dicesse anche delle profonde verità non sarebbe così micidiale quando fa delle calunnie! Nessuna religione e neanche "lorenzojhwh" deve dire "io sono l'unica interprete della volontà di Dio!" Questo è un crimine prima contro Dio stesso e poi contro tutto il genere umano. Questa è la premessa ideologica per il genocidio! La legittima prerogativa di ogni religione è quella di dare la autorevole interpretazione delle loro Sacre Scritture e di dedicarsi alla formazione e promozione umana. Dio è troppo grande per poter entrare totalmente nelle tasche di una religione! Chi ti sta imponendo un dogma a te? Fammelo conosce che gli faccio un culo a ciambella! ciao e buon appetito
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1/2[EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110]Can you believe that the world may believe to Holy Scriptures? No I tell you! The world has never bowed to the truth that can not hear! But always have done great attention to the submission to justice of Buddha Gandhi kennedy killed by seigniorage Mother Teresa of Calcutta. ecc.. Indeed one who have in him the greatest justice has in him the greatest truth! This is why all he says "lorenzojhwh" must be believed by all! Who in the world today can attributed to him the righteousness of "lorenzojhwh"? support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/2[EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110]Why then own him who loves everyone must him be forced to prophesy in the name of Jesus against governments and to ruin of the rich mason powerful for defend all the peoples of the world? This is the truth the 40 Jewish bankers of seigniorage through a secret masonic organization have already taken the political control of the whole world and without the intervention of God there is no remedy to all this crime. the Television is a perfect tool for prostitution and corruption, because it does not say never EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110 SIGNED BY JF KENNEDY ON 4 June 1963 and that will be the real reason for his death! support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Mio caro e prezioso amico "magazzinho" 1- quello che ha fatto S. Paolo prima della conversione ci riguarda ma solo per dire quando può essere pericolosa una persona onesta che viene presa dal demone della religione. E quanto il demone della religione (1° nemico di Dio e dell'uomo) ha provocato la morte del Cristo. Tutte le aberrazioni del Cattolicesimo sono li e io non le voglio sminuire anche perché il Santo pontefice Giovanni Paolo II ha chiesto perdono al mondo per tutti i crimini della Chiesa. Quella che in fondo noi non amiamo molto. Ma la Chiesa che ha inventato gli ospedali le opere di assistenza che ha protetto i popoli nei momenti più difficili quella Chiesa di S. Francesco e S. Chiara P.Pio Madre Teresa ecc.. quella la amiamo tutti! Ma mettere sempre in evidenza il "negativo umano" e nascondere il "POSITIVO DIVINO" di quale logica si mette al servizio?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
La Chiesa non ha fatto violenza alla civiltà pagana precedente come i musulmani hanno fatto. Noi non abbiamo martiri pagani. Il paganesimo è stato sconfitto culturalmente e spiritualmente. Anzi grazie ai monasteri tutte le opere di grande valore letterario sono state ricopiate. Ma ti immagini tu "magazzinho" i monaci a ricopiare la letteratura pornografica di Orazio? Il fatto che la Chiesa ha fatto stermini gli stermini di massa come la valutazione quantitativa e simbolica della inquisizione trovano già alla fonte una distorsione ideologica che si completa quando il dato viene estrapolato dal contesto in cui è stato vissuto. Ma sui propri errori a volte inconsapevoli tutte le religioni come ha già fatto il cristianesimo si devono dissociare dalla organizzazione politica delle società. Questo sarà l'alibi parziale che le religioni troveranno di fronte alla storia per quanto riguarda la loro omertà di fronte al signoraggio bancario.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"magazzinho" dice:"la vergine è la costellazione dove nasce il sole prima del 25 dicembre 'annunciato' dallo allineamento delle 3 stelle chiamate i 3 re con la stella Sirio ciclo solare è un caso? una coincidenza?" -- answer-> Anche se molte affermazioni sono menzogne evidenti tuttavia risulta molto oneroso confutarle perché sono richieste specifiche competenze. Ma io sono pratico anche se fossero affermazioni vere nel significato loro attribuito devi sapere che "Cristo è il significato di tutte le cose - Tutto è stato fatto per Lui e in vista di Lui quelle cose del cielo come quelle cose della terra tutte in Lui sussistono!" Pertanto tutto trova un senso solo ponendo Cristo come centro della storia e dello universo. Difficile è stare dietro al fiume di calunnie che Satana sta vomitando contro il cristianesimo. Calunnie che trovano un facile attecchimento in chi come "magazzinho" ha la presunzione di essere una persona istruita.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[calunnie 1/3] Quando tu "magazzinho" non fai il "copia-incolla" viene fuori il tuo livello culturale:1) il desiderio del martirio è l'elemento che distingue un vero cristiano da uno ipocrita. S.Antonio e S.Francesco tentarono inutilmente il martirio perché è la VERA conformazione a Cristo. 2) San Paolo non ha sterminato e sgozzato nessuno (Gesù lo ha impedito a lui) ma ha esercitato il suo diritto di "libertà di religione". 3) chi non vede la filosofia dietro ogni religione (anche pagana) è un idiota come tu sei "magazzinho"4) nel mondo greco romano la fede non era l'ultima cosa nella scala dei valori infatti centinaia di migliaia di cristiani furono martirizzati. Lo stesso Paolo salvò la sua vita solo perché si fece prigioniero dei romani. 5) in particolare la metafisica del Verbo è il più alto grado della cultura che vedeva nella filosofia e nella teologia i pilasti degli studi che noi chiameremmo universitari.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[calunnie 2/3] Anche nelle trattorie si appassionavano su argomenti filosofici e vi era la scienza del persuadere chiamata eloquenza - retorica. Il fatto che lo Spirito Santo procedeva solo dal Padre è stato un "tormentone" popolare prima di essere definito nel Concilio 6) S.Paolo cosi facendo ha introdotto il razzismo religioso? Se lo hai detto a me non lo dire più a nessuno! Tutte le botte le lapidazioni le flagellazioni gli attentati e il martirio che S.Paolo ha subito? Indicano forse un contesto sociale civilizzato e la nobiltà del paganesimo? O non piuttosto la dominazione satanica di tutte i governi e di tutte le religioni che usano la violenza? 7) la miseria e le menzogne di tutti quelli che odiano Cristo è troppo grande! Per il cristiano non ci sono mai state vergini da avere in Paradiso dove tutti sono come "gli angeli di Dio" segno di questo sono sempre state le virtù cristiane della verginità e della castità.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[calunnie 3/3] 8) Costantino è l'esempio perfetto di quello che un governo dovrebbe essere nei confronti della religione tolleranza rispetto e distanza. Costantino che non era cristiano dichiarò solo la fine delle persecuzioni e non fece del cristianesimo la religione di Stato. Come amministratore del regno sostenne i Concili? Chi può negare che la religione è fondamentale per la concordia sociale? Questo è il motivo per cui proprio noi essendo diventati molto poco religiosi stiamo disgregando la civiltà e la società intorno a noi. 9) il controllo sociale è il legittimo fine di ogni governo questo diventa un crimine solo quando subdolamente e segretamente come avviene attraverso il signoraggio bancario non è più un sistema che sostiene la sovranità dei popoli ma che li tradisce. Vedi il maledetto New World Order. 10) il monoteismo è stata la prima ed efficace risposta al razzismo!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"opiekat138"asks me "When you say Satanism do you mean real satanism the ideology or devil worship? There is a big difference." --this was for him the immediate response-->Heavy parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? Satanism is a crime! is the ideology of evil!In Satanism if you find something of good this is a deception!
UstasaBelgrade (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
shalom my brother
lorenzojhwh (3 mesi fa)
Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Because many do not understand what I say? Freemasonry Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power. These criminal organizations are organized pyramid and are hierarchical that only the vertices
of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak why only in few can understand what I say
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
by "zenitcaballeros" NON NOBIS DOMINE NON NOBIS NOMINI SET TOU DA GLORIAM Vater unser der du bist im Himmerl geheilt werde dein Name dein Reich komme wie im Himmel so auch auf Erden vergib uns unsre schuld wie auch wr vergeben unsere schuldigern verfühe uns nicht im versuchung sondrn erlöse uns vom den bösen den dein ist das Reich und die Kraft in Herlichkeit in Ewigkeit Amen JESUS CHRISTUS UNSER HIRTE DU BIST DAS LICHT UND DIE WAHRHEIT KEIENR KOMMT ZUM VATER ALS NUR DUCH DICH AMEN
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
How can a man say "I hate those people?" If good men and bad are sown everywhere equally in each 1 - Party 2 - nation 3 - religion. I lorenzojhwh I had and I still of perplexity about to all Muslim countries. But now that I became friends with "yanlisnumaracanim" and "thecyman" and many other. Now I look at all the Muslim countries with much hope. God have done all men as brothers for to love one another but own Freemasonry and seigniorage banking lead people to hatred for the wickedness of their corruption.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
INTRODUCTION --> thanks for the invite mate.. which such strong ideals burn in your noble heart? any comment of my 3 channels is as a book with love for all people and for each religion a protection against the Satanism of seigniorage banking. You can not understand the danger of the present moment if not please all of the post Channel Why is the first obstacle to be removed for all is spiritual (secondarily intellectual) Please! You do not have to rush out immediately. I am sure it will be the best investment of your life "lorenzojhwh" "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" God bless you! Spread this SOS! lorenzo. king lorenzoJHWH Unius REI from I do not succeed to communicate myscientific articles to all of you so you return every day to read their between the comments my channels. Do not let without this Strategic Information. Thank you for accepting my invite. I wish you peace health happiness and prosperity. Knowledge is our power. Our ignorance is their power.HP
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
AUTENTICITÀ della BIBBIA Tutti i papiri e le pergamene più antichi recuperati dagli archeologi che riguardano il Nuovo Testamento partono dal 70 d.C. Nessuno di questi frammenti o testi si contraddice mai! Anzi possiamo affermare che si tratta di copie perfette. Tutti i libri Biblici hanno la stessa caratteristica. Gli agiografi avevano un sacro terrore a modificare riassumere o sintetizzare la Parola di Dio (tentazione economicamente e logicamente rilevante) che a noi sono giunte due narrazioni diverse della creazione e diversi racconti multipli perché la comunità ebraica non ha visto in essi dei doppioni ma un messaggio irripetibile su stesso soggetto. I libri del pentateuco (genesi esodo levitico numeri e deuteronomio) nella struttura portano quattro tradizioni diverse ma i sacerdoti di Gerusalemme che le hanno assemblate hanno avuto il sacro terrore di modificare STRAORDINARIO!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
The Holy Shroud is a fake historical medieval and yet his image has a supernatural origin (esoteric) and accurately reported the true image of Jesus of Nazareth called the Christ. This is a digital image with very high resolution not yet fully visible from our current digital technology. This image is composed almost from billions of faces of damned souls and contains itself all the major biblical stories. That emotion when you see yourself watching billions of damned souls See te watched by billions of damned souls not put a little shiver behind the your back? Also the Santa Anna Katharina Emmerick that with his visions has allowed the discovery of the house of St. Mary in Ephesus she would say this []
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Who is Nicolò Bellia? A genius scientist and philosopher founder of antropocrazia! A true and living Mahatma Gandhi!
Nicolò Bellia is so good to believe that one day even the devil will become good! It has a simple solution to every problem without going against anybody. Nicolò Bellia is so good that if a thief goes from his home he calls him and says "Brother you forgot one thing of value that is in drawer!" He wants the "enlightened" still continue to print and sell to all of our money. When this old saint will die you will remain alone with "lorenzojhwh" which has no mercy even of himself?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
a girl said to me Godbless you too!m8 he who is without sin let him cast the first stone dont beat yourself up man alive you are the most honest person I have ever had a message from,,Thru you God will show himself to many!!&I truly believe souls will be won! May God please take away your burden&replace it with his peace & love!Brother we all sin&fall short of the glory of God,,but he forgives us(thank good ness hahaha) m8 i am no angel & I think you must be a wonderful human yr past is that (PAST) man alive ive done some bad crap in my life too lol peace brother peace God forgave you&me when Jesus died xxtootsxx
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1/2 GENOME the demonstration scientific of creation! The genome is the genetic sequence universal of each cellule and tells of all the biological life of our planet. So also the cell of a leaf have the genetic code of the dinosaur as also have the genetic code that is of the man. Then the genome is full full full of dead genes that are deactivated (pseudo-genes). A very small size of the genome is alive and is these that make the difference among all the different forms of the living. But this is own the demonstration scientific of creation! support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/2 GENOME the demonstration scientific of creation! So that 10,000 years ago the genome has been activated always selectively For each species therefore all the chains of DNA unusable have become pseudo-genes. Many scientists are criminals because they say that the theory of evolution is proven! They continue to deny the "intelligent design" that does not preclude the evolution all this is because that the academic world is prisoner of the ideology Masonic and satanic of the tecnofinanza. support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
yanlisnumaracanim said "freemasonry exists here in my country widely like any other country...they have access to nearly everything...freemasons control economics,politics,military and they orchestrate wars to secure their power...but hope never long as there are people with minds seeking for answers there will be hope as well..and i assure you my day that hope will overwhelm the greed and humankind will be free...i think this is the challenge God wants us to endure...those who cleanse their soul from greed are those who are close to God and that makes them experience heaven on earth.. "yanlisnumaracanim" said "i beg your pardon? judging from your channel info we have things in commong..freemasonry is cancer of the world exploiting all its noble citizens,all the human beings regardless their beliefs...
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
7/7 Rafiq I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself.- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? hole 3 m that leaves glass of windows intact? All of the metal that is Giambo vaporized? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Dio dimora nella lode! La lode rivela la potenza e gloria di JHWH!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
God dwells in praise! Praise be the power and glory of JHWH! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
CherishTheChildren said:"Dear Brother I belive fully on the WORD and the sacred scriptures indeed its my greatest weapon against the demons . My faith is not ridiculed nor do I accept this new movement trying to deface Christ and the word ,,we knew it be coming but IAM ready and can only hope others are too ..The Power of GOD Love and the Power og GODs Light watch over you
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
1/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> EGYPT Sabri Shihata a Coptic Christian of 25 years was sprinkled with gasoline and burnt alive by Yasir Ahmed Qasim Muslim which suspected the boy was boyfriend with her sister. Sabri Shihata is died but also the father of him was killed and immediately stabbed Islamic extremists have tried to kill the little brother Rami.The Egyptian police have arrested the murders
ShalomGerusalemme (
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
jdcriveau SAID:"again i ask you what or where do you think paradice"--> We know very well as is done Paradise because we have many details. Many of our brothers Catholics Orthodox and Protestants have been them and after they talked to us so we have a preliminary description. The Bible reveals many details. A mind like metaphysics that my rationally perceive. them where even the flowers of the meadow are eternal and turn to look to see when passing a single child of God them where there is no dust. them where everything is glorious. them where the light that comes from God is reflected in all things. them where a delicate fragrance of God is felt everywhere. them where the choirs and the music of angels can be heard continuously. them where we are surrounded and nourished by glory them Where is impossible not to remain absorbed by the beauty of that moment of praise and adoration of God. In truth is a much more dynamic and complex than we know here in this dimension.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Never "lorenzojhwh" him was been so happy in her life! Why is a the big booty of souls that him is doing to Paradise! Precious and beautiful "netengeargirly2k" affable my sister in Christ "Who deserve Paradise?" But even lorenzojhwh may deserve it! God has decided to be a gift of heaven for all repentant sinners and who love him and that have washed their soul in the precious blood of Innocent Lamb. God knows how to protect all those who love him! And in the terrifying moments of the final none of those who are his still be on this planet ruined will be still here! But the bad guys all over the world now are about to take a stunning defeat 1- The third Jewish temple will be built soon! 2- Seigniorage bank falls! 3- All evil will be removed and away from this generation! A wonderful time and beautiful prosperous and peaceful will be for all peoples of the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
netengeargirly2k"SAID:"But your right what is about to fall upon the world is going to happen no what we say. It's God's will. i'm not sure when the New World Order is coming but i'm probally pretty sure it's almost upon us. I bet you know that as well. Soon when this horrible day comes no man will be able to sell or but without the Mark Of The Beast.I dread this day but then know that it is part of God's plan and look forward to seeing the Lord rule this earth one day. That's going to be a blessing. I hope that I am included in those sheep and you as well friend. I am not worthy but know that because of what Jesus did then I might be there at that great calling. And oh what a calling it is going to be.We must look to Jesus for our salvation and soon just as you say that the New World Order is going to take place then so it will be that everyone will know the true religion.I think that day will come also. What do you think? How are you? Good to hear from you.Have a blessed day
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"ironmonkeypalm" SAID ME "Virgin apparitions are just demons .. God will not give His glory to any other." -- ANSWER-> The devil does not know the future! But in 3° of Fatima apparitions we have these predictions 1 - the end of 1 World War; 2 - the start of 2 World War; 3 - the failure of communism; 4 - the martyrdom of Christians in the twentieth century; 5 - the loss of the dogma of faith in the Christian churches because of the heresy of modernism. God has stripped to his only Son Christ. Has stripped him of all its glory on that cross. For you! Now you to take in his glory now if you are a True Christian you are truly a child of God shared is its nature and also shared is in his glory!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
muratbulutbey said me QURAN/Sura 3 The Amramites (Ali-'Imran) In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful 113.They are not all the same; among the followers of the scripture,there are those who are righteous. They recite GOD's revelations through the night,and they fall prostrate. 114.They believe in GOD and the Last Day,they advocate righteousness and forbid evil,and they hasten to do righteous works.These are the righteous. 115.Any good they do will not go unrewarded.GOD is fully aware of the righteous.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
if you dear brother "muratbulutbey" very dear to my heart valuable for many reasons! If you do not understand the drama of these moments that all mankind is crossing and insists on wanting to deal me with questions in reference to our different religions.. things that may reinforce our good relations? You are a little idiot "muratbulutbey"! You should have understood that I can not do with you the issues that can divide us while the whole human race is close to an abyss of destruction and death! Great is your work to strengthen and comfort your Muslim brothers as for me to strengthen my Christian brothers. But for our mutual good relations given the current political moment we should discourage any form of proselytism.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 1/8] The power exuberant and unpredictable of this ministry is initiated of one month and has already impressed the world as myself! So I can not have more time to write to you as before! Now I am more committed because they are many in those that make me any questions to sometimes personal. And the answers are very demanding but unpredictable:1- these answers are to be sensed and developed by me in a mode simple and brief 2- but the same difficulty of English becomes a resource because it gives me time to rework and falls more in Deep and depth of "BE"! 3 - but when I try a better translation is then that the text itself is transformed by himself and at times and he becomes that person and is based and is conducted by himself by generating the concept that buys the energy to vibrating in your heart.. This is precisely the reason for which the Holy Spirit of God wants me to that see write in English my torture! your joy!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 2/8]One of the most surprising quality that has a metaphysical? Is that he can explain a spiritual topic both to atheists that for religious. The metaphysical is not syncretism Proselytism and that everyone should be proud of his religion and national identities. On the contrary of the New World Order that seeks to destroy the self national for all mankind for be a only flock of sheep. So metaphysics is also an energy policy that is opposed to seigniorage and the NWO and process the real foundations of the unity of the human race!Only the bad guys can hate a metaphysical because he wants to change the heart and not to ideas. The metaphysical is really good as can be really dangerous when he must defend the innocent around the world. For the metaphysical every little child on the planet is his son! The metaphysical of Gandi churches to a his Hindu friend to nurture with love The little orphan of His mortal enemy Muslim
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 3/8]according to the Muslim religion! The metaphysical reveals what is in the heart of every man! Even an atheist can be metaphysical! Indeed there is no heroism and holiness larger not ever having to say a lie to anyone! This higher form of spirituality and metaphysical perfection has always been given by Archè of the Greeks from the Vedas Buddha Confucius etc. who say "Yes it is Yes! No if it is not! The more is definitely from the evil!" Please analyze all the comments lorenzojhwh (spiritual) humanumgenus (scientific) ShalomGerusalemme (political) before you ask unnecessary applications. So too will have the joy of a new acquisition Because the science of metaphysical (atheist or not has a lot of religious significance) is in the heart of every man that is an operator of Justice " and not in his mind or his books. This science being rational does not emerge as a esoteric note because it is deductive that inductive
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 4/8]of the intuition that developing The figure then reaches ever to a conclusion. If this method is applied to scientific research as exciting discoveries could do quickly the science? Metaphysics is a speculative and reflective analysis of the inner reality that emerging from the value can go down to being at the bottom of all things from which all together have their origin.Then if something is true is also view by all as true! [this said Giacinto Auriti when attempting in vain to talk with all institutions Masonic that Today bully us said "The evidence is proof of itself!"] is scientific because always reproducible by all! For this the metaphysical does not want convince and strives for this. Each walk for that light of knowledge that is in him but today a billion are descending into hell.Then their discarded lighting intuitive and rational of those their right inner of these metaphysical
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 5/8]to which the deadly ideology of Finance Masonic has denied the right to a legitimate competition. How many researchers continue yet to recite the dive evolutionism for need of survival? hose researchers could overcome lorenzojhwh very easily if you find the metaphysical dimension of their being? Here even the atheist metaphysical becomes eternal because eternity is the value that we now live in him and expressed through of him ALLELUIA! That creative power God has placed in every man for himself!Because man coward Decides to lose all this in favor of pornography etc.. You also as an atheist you can bless yourself and all mankind HUGE! Indeed the metaphysical and the glorious presence of God. Because God is 1- love 2- Justice 3- 4 Truth- 5 Intelligence- science! An atheist can do without these values? About waiver to these values is worse than a beast even if the judiciary can not strike him and if God hours tolerate him to because of free will.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
ministero 6/8]But it is no for free will the witness lorenzojhwh that now many will affected?This metaphysics is also in the ateo when he decided to devote himself wholly and without compromise and until the supreme sacrifice of himself if necessary! This becomes a truly blessed life why is the maximum of dignity is a metaphysical dignity! "lorenzojhwh" is bringing a new civilization to all mankind! Where others more capable and more worthy of him have failed just because could not have the power to destroy and kill the damned of seigniorage Masonic And without the decimation of many Freemasons and Satanists in fact for this planet is no longer possible can a hope. Who then does not believe that lorenzojhwh may have this opportunity in his faith he can always do from guinea pig for this experiment.but it is not essential that you to be from guinea pig because it is obvious for all worldwide is note to all
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
ministero 7/8]as the circumstances are bringing all of us to be more bad selfish and materialistic and are getting worse of every day!You made a covenant with death? is that right now you will have to eat the fruit! then you have to die in despair very soon and let the world at all which are men by 1- goodwill and 2- operators of Justice! One fact is indisputable because many great scientists and philosophers of his story that have discovered this rational metaphysics and scientific always were all forced to oblivion! forced to silenced during all the Modern history of seigniorage bank? Why the monopoly of Judeo-Freemasonry has crushed with financial corruption and the manipulation of financing all the discoveries of philosophers such as Pascal Maritain etc. Why is the Church of Christ has been so blindly in the face of this threat? Peace and Joy to you.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
ministero 8/8]Distressing punishment on the rebels in the name of Jesus in these terrible moments that we like so many chickens we are waiting passively and unconscious of what is about to fall on the world. You do "copy - paste" and Spread those messages that like most to you!But the quality most devastating that has a man metaphysic is that he is not required to prove the culpability of those which addresses whit allegations. But it is they who must demonstrate the their innocence at the opinion of him. The high moral and spiritual of the man metaphysic that this is really in the intimacy of his dignity. But when him receives a universally recognized. This is the highlight of a level so high compared to all other men selfish. What are they that their have the need to be credited by him.This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
If you repent (apologize to Jesus and forsake your sins) and put your faith in Jesus Christ your God and Savior you will be saved. If not you will face the wrath of God upon your sins. Jesus said:Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life but whoever rejects the Son will not see life for Gods wrath remains on him. (John 3:36)Confess to God you are a sinner who deserves to justly be sent to Hell but you believe Jesus died on a cross in your place taking the punishment you deserved. Then He was resurrected from the dead to conquer death and hear your prayers and is able to forgive and save you.Repent from sin and put your faith in the Savior today.Hell was made for Satan and his angels (Isaiah 14:12-15 2 Peter 2:4)Satan deceived humans into sin (2 Corinthians 11:3)We are birthed into sin (Psalm 51:5)We are separated from a Holy God by that sin (Isaiah 59:2)Sin brings death (Romans 6:23)Jesus is the sacrifice for our sin (1 John 2:2)Repent - turn away from your sins
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Kingery4President" SAID ME humanumgenus Tell me about the attributes of your god. Then tell me how you know this about your god. I am curious as to the location of the heaven and the hell. Is not Earth itself part of the Heavens? --ANSWER--> The land is part of who she wants to be part! God is a beautiful virtuous modest and honest girl which hides itself in his modesty shy and sensitive. The most precise symbolic and attribute of God is the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is not a prostitute who opens the her legs to you for force a goat to do the love with her!When 20 years ago. I was a novice evangelist I could perceive the anger of the demons but now that my faith has become adult none of them is so silly Risk aversion the own disintegration before of time set!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
PAINSCOURT" SAID ME "Our freedoms are being lost every day and in my opinion the time for entertainment should be drawing to a real fast end. If you would like to have your voices up on XM radio & PAINSCOURT AS A SHOW THEN ADVOCATE WITH THE CALL & E-MAIL XM RADIO TILL I'M HIRED SUED OR SCREWED & THANKS SHARE BROTHER PAIN DO I HAVE YOUR SUPPORT OR DO I GET WAY TO GO AND GOOD LUCK ATTITUDE FOLKS? Just listening to the radio or receiving videos is not enough the most important part of this is to e-mail or call once a week or every other week share with other's and be consistant remember it's not going to happen over night only persistance will pay off. PAIN --ANSWER-> The entertainment in these tragic times of impending disaster is an unconscious attitude!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
The evidence is Christ and we need no other evidence then the evidence itself. Wisdom is his name and he was here from the beginning. Everyone who truly seek wisdom will find the overwhelming evidence that is Christ our Lord who died on the cross.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"halabalo195" SAID ME "I can see that you have a strong faith i would like you to proove that the christian god exists. " -ANSWER-> the 332 detailed Prophecies messianic of Old Testament lived / made from Jesus completely / perfectly. when only 27 of them are humanly impossible be implemented for the Science of Statistics that connect to main concern of Jesus that expressed he on the Cross before dying when he said "Everything is finished!" This of course is the only scientific evidence of the divinity of Christ and of all the truth contained in the Bible. see 1 - MY teacher Benny Hinn 2 -
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"religions are beautiful sisters are the fingers of the blessed hand of God! 1000 people 1000 religions one family the world! "Amen!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"Kingery4President" said me "Is not the location of the desired heavens and the undesired hells both contained within the space between the ears of the individual? Is not the difference as to one's own peace or torment based solely upon which gets the most food?"-ANSWER-> The secular metaphysics of Maritain may push to a more noble spirituality universal which opens itself to universal political action for better friendship among the peoples! But for an observation theological is can define only the scientifically the uniqueness and holiness of God! But if you want of the detailed answers the world of invisible You must potentially be open to the revelations of a religion! The Catholic literature of the lives of mystics is very detailed. A Fatima Mary made transparent the soil for here three children they were like on a plate of glass and saw and felt hell. If Mary had not been to them with all its beauty and the love of course they would died of fear!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
plak1288 said me "Thanks for the message. Good to know that there are still a few Westerners making a stand for our Lord Jesus christ. I agree with you that in these difficult and end times the only way to survive and be saved is to have a strong faith and trust in our Lord and His message of love to all peoples. Grazie tante per il suo messagio su l'importanza di fidarsi e credere totalmente nel nostro Signore e Maestro Jesu. Continuate con il suo lavoro importante. May God bless you and your work to spread the urgent message of the need to turn back to our Lord now. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
RabAdamson said me to be or not to be is what we ask ourselves is being aware showing you care and loving with a unified mind the goal that we seek for the gentle and meek to find the answers as they turn and unfold for truths to be had for a thought these truths that are diligently sought with an open mind that thinks not of self but for humanities sake for the heaven on earth to prepare the inner peace to find and other souls to touch embrace with a love that is truly divine our spirit it shares with all life eternally vibrant a kindred bond that when brought to light can never be broken for wisdom was spoken IN A VARIETY OF WAYS in a variety of ways BUT CLARITY AND UNITIY OF MINDS but clarity and unitiy of minds BRING ALL KNOWLEDGE TO THE PRESENT TIME bring all knowledge to the present time
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
DUDE "youstbi" are not your children those children who die of hunger? If they were,
you would have done the philosopher in this way? To a banker jew of seigniorage the cannibals have ate the son Thus he for revenge has decided to destroy an entire continent in many different ways he also found how to destroy all African whit by spreading of the HIV. And you "youstbi" now if you want can continue to make the idiot theologian but you will not be friend to me yet! All religions are beautiful sisters are the fingers of the blessed hand of God! 1000 people 1000 religions one family the world! What Elijah has did in his time? 1- So why believers should be surprised to lorenzojhwh? 2- While the rebels they should die in silence if no stop oppressing the poor! 3- The Satanists? Satan because now they can not help those who are his?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[ministero 1/7]La potenza esuberante e imprevedibile di questo ministero è iniziata da un mese ed ha già impressionato il mondo come me stesso! Allora io non posso più avere il tempo di scrivere a voi come in passato! Ora sono più impegnato perché sono in tanti che mi fanno delle domande a volte personali. E le risposte sono molto impegnative quanto imprevedibili 1- queste risposte devono essere intuite ed laborate da me in forma semplice e sintetica 2- la stessa difficoltà dello Inglese si trasforma in una risorsa perché mi da il tempo di rielaborare e di scende più in profondità nell'ESSERE! 3- ma proprio quando cerco una migliore traduzione è allora che il testo si trasforma da solo e a volte e lui che diventa PERSONA e si ispira e si conduce generando quel concetto che acquista l'energia per poter vibrante nel vostro cuore. Questo è proprio il motivo per cui lo Spirito Santo di Dio vuole che io scriva in lingua inglese la mia tortura! la vostra gioia!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[ministero 2/7]Una delle qualità più sorprendenti che possiede un metafisico? è quella che può spiegare un argomento spirituale sia all'ateo che al religioso. Il metafisico non fa sincretismo proselitismo e vuole che ognuno deve essere orgoglioso della sua religione ed identità nazionali. Al contrario il New World Order cerca di distruggere le autodeterminazioni nazionali per fare di tutto il genere umano un solo branco di pecore. Allora la metafisica è anche una energia politica che si oppone al signoraggio e al NWO e elabora le vere basi della unità del genere umano! Solo i cattivi possono odiare un metafisico perché lui non vuole cambiare il cuore e non le idee. Il metafisico è veramente buono come può essere veramente pericoloso quando deve difendere gli innocenti in tutto il mondo. Per il metafisico ogni piccolo bimbo del pianeta è suo figlio!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[ministero 3/7]Non fu il metafisico Gandi a chiedere a un suo amico Indù che aveva subito degli omicidi dall'odiato nemico musulmano che a sua volta era morto drammaticamente di allevare il piccolo orfano del suo nemico secondo la religione musulmana? Il metafisico svela quello che c'è nel cuore di ogni uomo! Anche un ateo può essere matafisico! Infatti non c'è eroismo e santità più grandi di non dovere mai dire una bugia a nessuno! Chi può riuscire senza riscirare molto? Deve essere puro come lorenzojhwh o come Gandi! Questa forma superiore di spiritualità e perfezione metafisica è sempre stata indicata da Arché dei greci dai Veda Budda Confucio ecc.. che dicono "Si se è Si! No se è no! Il di più viene sicuramente dal maligno!" Per favore analizza tutti i commenti di lorenzojhwh (spirituale) humanumgenus (scientifico) ShalomGerusalemme (politico) prima di porre delle domande inutili. Allora anche io avrò la gioia di una nuova acquisizione
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[ministero 4/7]Perché la scienza dell'uomo metafisico (ateo o religioso non ha molta importanza) è nel cuore di ogni uomo che è un "operatore di giustizia" e non nella sua mente o nei libri. Questa scienza essendo razionale non emerge come un atto esoterico perché è deduttiva e induttiva di quella intuizione che elabora il dato. Se questo metodo venisse applicato alla ricerca scientifica quante scoperte esaltanti potrebbe fare la scienza? La metafisica è una speculativa e riflessva analisi interiore della realtà che nascendo dal valore può scendere in fondo all'essere di tutte le cose da cui tutte insieme hanno origine. Allora una cosa se è vera è vista vera da tutti![questo diceva Giacinto Auriti quando tentava inutilmente di parlare con tutte le istituzioni massoniche che oggi ci tiranneggiano diceva "la evidenza è prova di se!"] è scientifica perché sempre riproducibile da tutti! Per questo il metafisico non vuole convincere e non si sforza per questo.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[ministero 5/7]Ognuno camminerà per quella luce della conoscenza che è in lui ma oggi a miliardi scendono nell'inferno. Allora la illuminazione intuitiva e razionale di quelle facoltà interiori è la metafisica a cui una cattiva ideologia finanziaria di morte ha negato il diritto ad una legittima competizione. Quanti ricercatori continuano a recitare la tuffa dell'evoluzionismo per necessità? Quanti ricercatori potrebbero superare lorenzojhwh molto facilemente se trovassero la dimensione metafisica del loro essere? Ecco anche l'ateo metafisico diventa eterno perché eterno è il valore che ora vive in lui e si esprime attraverso di lui ALLELUIA! Che potenza creativa Dio ha messo in ogni uomo per se stesso! Perché l'uomo decide di perdere tutto questo in favore della pornografia ecc.? Tu anche come ateo potrai benedire te stesso e tutto il genere umano ENORMEMENTE! Infatti la metafisica e la stessa gloriosa presenza di Dio
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[ministero 6/7]perché Dio è 1-amore 2-giustizia 3-verità 4-intelligenza 5-scienza! Un ateo può fare a meno di questi valori? Chi rinuncia a questi valori è peggio di una belva anche se la magistratura non può colpirlo e se Dio ora lo tollera a motivo del libero arbitrio. Ma è proprio per il libero arbitrio della fede di lorenzojhwh che ora sarete colpiti a morte! Questa metafisica è anche nell'ateo quando decide di dedicare se stesso totalmente e senza compromessi e fino al sacrificio supremo se indispensabile! Questa diventa una vita veramente benedetta perché è il massimo della dignità è una dignità metafisica! "lorenzojhwh" sta portando una nuova civiltà a tutto il genere umano! E senza la morte di molti satanisti di fatto questo non potrebbe essere possibile. Lui non è il più idoneo. Ma avendo il potere anche di uccidere chi potrà fare opposizione al suo ministero?Chi poi non crede che i satanisti e i massoni stanno morendo come mosche
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[ministero 7/7]può sempre lui fare da cavia e poi è evidente constatare come le circostanze per tutti noi incattiviti egoisti e materialisti in tutto il mondo stanno peggiorando di giorno in giorno! Avete fatto un patto con la morte? è giusto che ora ne mangiate i frutti! Un fatto è incontestabile perché molti grandi della storia che hanno scoperto questa metafisica razionale e scientifica da sempre sono stati messi a tacere durante tutta la storia moderna del signoraggio bancario? Perché il monopolio della massoneria ebraico-finanziaria ha schiacciato con la corruzione e con la manipolazione del finanziamento tutte le scoperte di quei filosofi come Pascal Maritain ecc.. Pace e Gioia a voi. Castighi angoscianti sui ribelli nel nome di Gesù in questi momenti terribili che come tanti polli stiamo in attesa passiva e incosciente di quello che sta per cadere sul mondo. Tu fai "copia - incolla" e diffondi quei messaggi che ti piacciono maggiormente!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1/3[] Benedetto XVI ha detto «Il cuore umano anela ad un mondo in cui regni lamore dove i doni siano condivisi dove si edifichi lunità dove la libertà trovi il proprio significato nella Verità e dove lidentità di ciascuno sia realizzata in una comunione rispettosa. A queste attese la fede può dare risposta siatene gli araldi! Il Papa vi è accanto con la sua preghiera e con la sua benedizione...». Purtroppo alla Verità di Cristo si oppone mortalmente il Diavolo con «Lo strapotere della "moneta debito" iniziato 315 anni fa (1694) con l'istituzione della Banca d'Inghilterra» [Prof. Giacinto AURITI]. Questa infamia immensa è stata poi seguita nel XIX secolo dalle dinastie anglo-americane dei Rothschild e Rockefeller. Oggi abbiamo che 300-400 famiglie soggiogano brutalmente l'intera umanità di circa 7 miliardi di persone a mezzo del controllo totale delle sovranazionali Banche centrali S.p.A.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/3[]Così la grande Massoneria è menzogna del diavolo. Ma gli Insegnamenti non ascoltati dalla "Rerum novarum" di Leone XIII alla "Centesimus annus" di Giovanni Paolo II."Quadragesimo anno"1931 Papa Pio XI denuncia:«105E in primo luogo ciò che ferisce gli occhi è che ai nostri tempi non vi è solo concentrazione della ricchezza ma l'accumularsi altresì di una potenza enorme di una dispotica padronanza dell'economia in mano di pochi e questi sovente neppure proprietari ma solo depositari e amministratori del capitale di cui essi però dispongono a loro grado e piacimento. 106Questo potere diviene più che mai dispotico in quelli che tenendo in pugno il danaro la fanno da padroni; onde sono in qualche modo i distributori del sangue stesso di cui vive l'organismo economico,e hanno in mano per così dire l'anima dell'economia sicché nessuno contro la loro volontà potrebbe nemmeno respirare»
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
3/3[]Per risolvere l'attuale crisi mondiale SCONGIURO e rivolgo accorata preghiera al Santo Padre BENEDETTO XVI affinché non taccia come hanno fanno tutti i Capi di Stato ma come hanno fatto i suoi predecessori PROCLAMI con forza La gloria a DIO! La moneta al Popolo Sovrano. La Massoneria tenebrosa la smetta!Quando finalemte le democrazie saranno "Stato di diritto" e non truffa criminale? Violazione di sovranità? Si istituirebbe il «Reddito di cittadinanza» per ogni cittadino a garanzia del diritto alla vita. Quanti disoccupati e quanti suicidi? Tutto risolto! Allora potremmo iniziare l'agognata "Civiltà dell'Amore" auspicata da Papa Paolo VI. Come disse una vittima del Signoraggio il dott. Cafè "non avremo più una economia triste!" e gli uomini sarebbero liberi dalla oppressione dell'insostenibile finzione giuridica del "Debito pubblico". Dio per questo sia benedetto in eterno!iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[Of course! 1/2] your question "jdcriveau" where is life after death? for me is the question easier! The Paradise as well as Hell These are two places metaphysical and are present in another dimension. These are unique yet under their dimension are simultaneously on the head of every man 1 - Paradise to about 500 meters up; 2 - while the inferno at about 500 meters down. I intercepted their position for metaphysical insight but and that not using the meaning of my body This is for your luck! So you can glimpse and hope that potential rational spiritual that God has placed in every man that honor HIM. You illuminate facts by Grace that only drops in the blood of the Cross. your human nature is not destroyed but submits to conviction of your divine nature that lives in the grace of the Holy Spirit of God This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[Of course! 2/2] This is very important only when it comes to not deny the superior experience and the upper doctrine of the Church! My faith is dry is completely rational intuitive and reworked. This makes my experience as a model easily accessible for all an experience that is replicable. In fact the glory of God is the rational man! For it is written "the glory of God is man fully alive!" does not say the mystical does not say the charismatic does not say perfect. The glory of God is the sinner who seeks God! This sinner in God is glorified significantly more than in all the Saints of Glory! God is glorified more contrition in his that in lorenzojhwh! Of course! This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/2 abundance!] you must read all comments of page if you have wanted to understand what is important. My all comments are as cards of a book that God has written for you Do not despise the grace that God gives to you. Many good Christians as "jd*" say:"the only way to have eternal life is to know death" another error is to interpret them "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" as if Christians can not have domain in economics and in politics. But the main responsibility is that bad shepherds! Samson was not invulnerable but with a bone has killed 3000 soldiers because he had faith in his anointing! In democracy we need the consent of the majority. But in the Kingdom of God which is now in power in our midst for all those who know how believe and as You should believe. The authorities is received only for investiture! These moments are very dangerous for the many Golia that these days are on the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/2 abundance!] I see they are terrified! They do not know where to hide for maintain their lives! for that we have the faith for we in the Kingdom of God is now at this time We are for progressing and we go from glory to glory of pleasure to happiness without deprivation. Because Jesus said I came because you have life in abundance! Our God is too rich and there wants rich very rich in everything! Which the Father wants to see their children suffer? For this reason he abused his only-begotten. The Father has destroyed the Son because all we are relieved! But as you can hope something if you despise this love? But who wants to save his life in this world? will lose it! But lorenzojhwh gave all and now has one hundred and one thousand times more and more of so! All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/6purgatory] For the metaphysical questions of "Kingery4President"that we all want to thank him for this education even God could not be dynamic and creative intelligence if first of all if HIM were not is absolute selfless love. Yes lorenzojhwh in him intelligence increase with learning of new information continuously and without reading books as a source in him! This is true even for an atheist of metaphysical where the wisdom will take possession of his body and he will becomes a creative genius. Lorenzojhwh is not a phenomenon what is in him is also in all. In all those who risk their lives for a noble ideal absolute he Sees to come activated in him the spiritual faculties even if he is an atheist. At that time he becomes "image and likeness" of God. Certain if you are a man which receives its existence (form) from scratch out of pure love Then is in his rebellion? Then he is to starts to challenge JHWH who did so?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/6purgatory] Then him that hope can have? For the metaphysical questions of "Kingery4President" that we all want to thank him for this education "God is a person in the human sense of the term he has tastes trends individual personality. JHWH can fall in love with you as a teenager to her first love. as tremble with emotion the heart of those who having been Satanist in previous week When will consider without ambiguity and will that JHWH is so crazy in love with him that begins to play - for him - with all the traffic lights of the street or starts to play with all the stars to make them go down in his / your heart? It will be like it was for St. Augustine He is originally taken from rabies and say "as I could be so deceived by Satan? How much time and lost in a bad way in my life?"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3/6purgatory]But he will understand a fundamental truth with the Creator of the time all is recovered in God Almighty all is and becomes necessarily a full recovery! Today JHWH manifested himself to lorenzojhwh in the same way that reveals Himself to an atheist no perception sensitive! But that is why it is always seen by him with the faith at any time. This is precisely what He want when it begins to hide. JHWH wants for you a particular level of faith that he JHWH not could longer be able to hide himself from you. The "power of transformation" is to be prisoner of death. But when you now enter into God Today she/he becomes eternal young forever. Then while the whole world goes towards death lorenzojhwh go towards youth and eternal life to be transfigured covered by the glory of God.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[4/6purgatory]That is the time of to do experience the and understand not to belong more to the death and that as Enock you can be abducted into heaven body and soul. Already today is the experience that you do not belong more to the death! Yes! Your dominant capital vice of lust? It certainly will change in you in virtue main and dominant of purity! Why God revolt / transforms All your sins that him making become it your own good bigger! This has made Christ on the Cross while him has took all the your evil have not left blank you but have you filled it with all its good gifts! Where he lived with abundance the sin know now has the grace of JHWH that abounds because God is the greatest! But these results do not take place without exciting your dedication!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[5/6purgatory]Without totally shut down and television voice of the false and vain world the mentality of a world full of all the deceit! Only God has "the BE" and only he can test himself. In fact all honest men in their mind in its rationality must honestly admit "After death there is nothing!" They know they are nothing! They know they are only a dream of love that it has yet to achieve! If what her say were true then the symbol would not have any importance! And then the well could never be separated from evil. So there could be a trial who will be made infallible on the code of the Bible. Because a judge can exercise him the legal opinion, is necessary that the law should to be written. And it is written so frightening section upon section standard upon standard precept upon precept.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[6/6purgatory]So, who will survive? Only those that are in Christ "born again" or the atheist who has had the privilege of innocent martyrdom not pass through the trial and then condemns but for all the other in mode inevitable for the Merciful they all will in purgatory. I have seen purgatory! All billions and billions with one voice I have seen their, that all were praying for lorenzojhwh. Many of you that are you here now and many that still have yet to be born. I have seen many of you between the holy souls in purgatory. All of them have been able to obtain eternal salvation through this ministry of lorenzojhwh.All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
my precious friend "Kingery4President " tells me "I would tend to think an atheist when virtues or ideals are tested suffer much less. Simply I see the atheist as one who must recognize for themselves as either having the ability to overcome such temptations without the need of calculating whether some god might have a greater purpose. After all... Is not the greatest purpose for the individual to strengthen themselves through every adversity and joy experienced? Good an Evil exists solely within the ind of the receiver; the observer; and the user of the tool they wield. Thank you Daniel *** to suffer for one of my fastest response dear and sweet friend!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
my precious friend "myselfrevealed" tells me "Hi humanumgenus I see that you have sent me several messages I am very sorry I do not understand them very well. I am not an athiest I do not follow any worldly religion I do believe in a creator. I believe all peoples in the world are the same in our creators eye's I think a good thing to go by is the Ten Commandment and treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. There is going to be a time I believe very shortly were my awareness in the darkness that is coming were I will be playing my part because I have already already suffered the pain of what is to come I'll will be ready to serve thos who are not!!!!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/3 construct] The Satanist "badjesus666" which will be in hell with the mason he told me What about "Biblical Hermeneutics" which is a branch of metaphysics and named after the Greek God Hermes the Messenger of the Gods? :-) Your God Loathes You ~Genesis 6:6 --ANSWER--> Gen6,6:"the Lord repented that he had made man on earth and if it was very saddened in his heart" But in Gen6,8(8° days of the saved) also says "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord!" The hermeneutic of the Bible is the curse of the Christian Churches today because you you can do hermeneutic of thought of who is dead but not of those who is alive; Risen sits on the kingdom of his universal throne.All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/3 construct] Says the Lord "crazy! master of nothing! Just you those are dead bleached tombs you who have closed for yourself and for men the doors of the Kingdom of God The hermeneutic of modernism (which is worse than the seigniorage) all you despise the Previous Councils and the same wisdom of saints. And it is very serious that with so many priests God should be compelled talking through the secular "lorenzojhwh" which is the last in the Church. Unfortunately the Catholic hierarchy today seems like a masonry why has not the faith go against itself (wolf does not eat wolf) thereby condemning the entire human race to destruction.All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[3/3 construct] You Satanist "badjesus666" also if you have an education higher-level. you have been misled of the ideology of techno-Finaz that has been corrupt in depth the same sources of knowledge by time of the French Revolution when the Jews took bankers the monopoly and demolished the corrupt monarchies Catholic. The true metaphysics is just atheist because it is based on pure logic of thought you must seek the good and the beautiful through the natural law! These are the 2 pillars 1- not lying! 2- not to do the evil I do not want to receive you." Now you do act of submission to God and save your soul from destruction.All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Which pistol I "lorenzojhwh" I put on your head "Pindaknabbelz"? Malignant hypocrite! Damned soul! You admit the freedom of thought for all but deny it to me
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Praise the almighty I know what the Bible says when you ask Jesus in your heart your saved and you have the light within you Jesus is the light it is Roman 8; 9,10 and he also says Abide in me and I will abide in you so if you have asked Jesus in your heart you are not away from the light just call on Him.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
dear brother "ArabJinn" this icon image is the dream of God = Allah = JHWH. Dear brother "ArabJinn" we have a history of 6000 and with certainty we can say that hatred was never a final solution. Although the hatred is a human feeling it always comes from Satan because it is not intelligent. I did not ask the man to be good because it must be God to be good and lorenzojhwh also is not good! But we must of necessity be smart! If you build the 3 Jewish temple the third world war nuclear Instead of coming in 2012 will be moved to 100 years. Israel will be erased judge and PALESTINIAN TERRITORY will extend and will to include Lebanon with a federation of city special autonomy and administration. This will make the love of God if we want to be submissive -Shalom Salaam Amen man cannot serve two masters he will either love the one and hate the other or hate the one and love the other man cannot serve both GOD and Mamon. --> SPREEED
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Thank you you are "***"a brilliant and wise boy. when you see the bad people (ugly face) around (around you) you put (copy * paste) This exorcism on page and they begin to fry to being sick! and you will be protected hello You are a genius because you have not been dragged yet in sin. But Satan will do everything to corrupt your soul! "Whatrebel" SAID ME "I belive in God. I'm glad you address corruption in banks just so you know there is coruption in most govenment and corperation. Most of that is corrupt Thank you God bless you --ANSWER->Thank you God bless you
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
because "shaivasiddhanta" you might think who are psychologically weak the Hindus? But I believe in the identity of a people and respect all religions. I know many bad Christians and bad to want to increase their number! But freedom of religion should be a sacred principle an inviolable right of freedom of every man! If we are not united on this unless we learn to love then jew banker of seigniorage has already won his wicked and cruel apostasy of the NWO on the whole human race!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I have already said "Pacovl8" that I am Catholic Christian biblical fundamentalist and I have personal experience of many invisible reality. For this I have also:1 - jew (because Jesus was jew) 2 - I love God as a Muslim (because Abraham is our father) 3 - I love all men who love God 4 - "I love all people of "good will 5 - I love all the atheists who are operators of Justice. but the religion dear "Pacovl8" is less important than faith Why in the Kingdom of God which already I belong I can not see a religion! God wants from me that:1 I will bring the world peace 2 I protect all religions Preziose 3 to merge them together like the fingers of one hand 4 against the parasite jew Satanist ie that of the bank seigniorage. 5 Symbol of unity of all the good people of the world
will be the Jewish Temple
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
When God formed Adam JHWH already knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross said of Peter "Begone Satan!" Today Mary is still one of us. Mary is now as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now Mary remains for the sake of us as always has been our humble maid for love sister and mother. Many do not know but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I am proud that you are a proud Muslim. do not want to convert you! but you do not read what I write to Christians. But do not close the communications because the my ministry is primarily a political universal
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Never "lorenzojhwh" him was been so happy in her life! Why is a the big booty of souls that him is doing to Paradise! Precious and beautiful "netengeargirly2k" affable my sister in Christ "Who deserve Paradise?" But even lorenzojhwh may deserve it! God has decided to be a gift of heaven for all repentant sinners and who love him and that have washed their soul in the precious blood of Innocent Lamb. God knows how to protect all those who love him! And in the terrifying moments of the final none of those who are his still be on this planet ruined will be still here! But the bad guys all over the world now are about to take a stunning defeat 1- The third Jewish temple will be built soon! 2- Seigniorage bank falls! 3- All evil will be removed and away from this generation! A wonderful time and beautiful prosperous and peaceful will be for all peoples of the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
myselfrevealed SAID:"I am aware the of personal integrety and do not need to be in a group to tell me what the standards are (does this help?)I know our purpose here is to love. There is nothing else we think we have that will matter in the end only love. But I also believe there is a force that wants to take away the ability to love and for a reason ttp:// http://www.illuminati-news/savli.htm The links are just examples the first one is someone who claims 'their' purpose. I believe this person is part of the force who wants to take away the ability to love. The other two links are from people who reveal how they were stripped of the ability to discern How and what for interesting stuff
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"MilanoItalia4life" for jews SAID That is why I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce fruit for it.Mtthew 21:43 * Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him.- John 8 * II Chronicles 36:16 states "But they (Jews/Israelites) mocked the messengers of God and despised his words and misused his prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people (jews/israelites) till there was no remedy". * Matt 23:37- "O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often I would have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not!"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
For me the mason is the most evil of the Satanist! Of course end all to hell they end up with no hope! Traitors of popular sovereignty! Traitors of mankind! No organization can exist secret under the rule of law. But indeed the our State it is a scam created in the art by Freemasonry and designed to art by jew banker in order to exploit the peoples
sdrs85 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
no sei massone.... "soy nadie" "im a nobody" "sei nessumo"...
xpsalm119x (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Hello my new friend! I just wanted to thank you for your friendship! *smiles* Happy Sabbath!
"Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them." - Psalm 119:165
DanieljDixon (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Good to be friends... nor am I ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. On the contrary I am honored that he would consider me a friend.
777BLEU777 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Thank you for inviting me new friend. Peace to you.
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Ne ne you have since you have again no right of course faith is important but to what it is the question then is the religion is important roman catholic faith is the true faith and that has been proven because jesus christ un the Blessed Virgin Mary very often appeared or appear
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
dear brother "ArabJinn" this icon image is the dream of God = Allah = JHWH. Dear brother "ArabJinn" we have a history of 6000 and with certainty we can say that hatred was never a final solution. Although the hatred is a human feeling it always comes from Satan because it is not intelligent. I did not ask the man to be good because it must be God to be good and lorenzojhwh also is not good! But we must of necessity be smart! If you build the 3 Jewish temple the third world war nuclear Instead of coming in 2012 will be moved to 100 years. Israel will be erased judge and PALESTINIAN TERRITORY will extend and will to include Lebanon with a federation of city special autonomy and administration. This will make the love of God if we want to be submissive -Shalom Salaam Amen man cannot serve two masters he will either love the one and hate the other or hate the one and love the other man cannot serve both GOD and Mamon. --> SPREEED
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
the Signoraggio Banking and Freemasonry transformed into puppets all governments and politicians of the world! If 40 bankers control the power the wealth the institutions the economy Finance 3 / 4 of the planet there is no longer a margin for hope! il Signoraggio Bancario e la Massoneria trasformano in pupazzi tutti i governi e i politici del mondo! Essi hanno già il potere assoluto i popoli sono ipnotizzati e non c'è più un margine alla speranza
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1John3:4"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law:for sin is the transgression of the law."Eph2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith;and that not of yourselves:it is the gift of God:Not of works,lest any man should boast."Rom6:14 "For sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law,but under grace.What then? shall we sin,because we are not under the law,but under grace?God forbid."Mat19;26"But Jesus beheld them,and said unto them With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible"John15:5"for without Me ye can do nothing"Phil4:13"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."1Cor15:57"But thanks be to God,which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."Is53:5"But he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities:the chastisement of our peace was upon him;and with his stripes we are healed."Ps85:10"Mercy and truth are met together;righteousness and peace have kissed each other
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
John14:15"If ye love me,keep my commandments"Psalm119:136"Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,because they keep not thy law."Psalm19:7"The law of the LORD is perfect converting the soul"Mark7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition,which ye have delivered:and many such like things do ye."Mark7:8 "For laying aside the commandment of God,ye hold the tradition of men."Acts5:29 ".We ought to obey God rather than men."1John2:3-4 "And hereby we do know that we know him,if we keep his commandments.He that saith,I know him and keepeth not his commandments,is a liar,and the truth is not in him."Matthew7;21-23 "Not every one that saith unto me,Lord,Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.Many will say to me in that day,Lord,Lord have we not prophesied in thy name?and in thy name have cast out devils?and in thy name done many wonderful works?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Ap14:6-12"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,and to every nation and kindred,and tongue and people Saying with a loud voice Fear God,and give glory to him;for the hour of his judgment is come:and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea,and the fountains of waters.And there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city,because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice,If any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation;and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels,and in the presence of the Lamb And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
that your question "sdrs85" makes me happy "if god's glory is the only glory that exists then why do you try to convert others? wouldn't they just convert when his will is done that is if his will is to save others?" --ANSWER->God did Terrestrial Paradise only for the glory of man and woman said "and has exercised dominion" Gratitude for the man should have thank God but it has moved its glory and his kingship to a shadow life who had only a mouth to talk. Just as it is today of seigniorage banking supported by Freemasonry *** ANSWER TO "zenitcaballeros" faith is more important than religion when religion without faith certainly is misused
DJthemastermind (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Hmmm a question who are you and for what religion you are and what do you want me say? I find it interesting but i wonder why you don't quite
ArabJinn (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
What does it mean your icon image ?
I think you mean that there is peace between us and zionists. No way they are our enmies for long ago and we will stel fighting them until we retrieve the holy land and until we take a revenge from our martyrs. I promise you it is very soon (it is just a matter of time). Goodbye
sdrs85 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
if god's glory is the only glory that exists then why do you try to convert others? wouldn't they just convert when his will is done that is if his will is to save others?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
If there is a capitalist he is doing to die many children we can always go back to spitting in the face But with a SpA we do not have a partner but the damned banks and shareholders. "lorenzojhwh" declaring illegal and criminals all SpA prophesied in the name of Jesus to their ruin various evils and evil certainly reach will affect of all those that are the Board of Directors. They are all cursed repeatedly because they use the advertising to destroy the Christian values.// Con una SpA noi non abbiamo un interlocutore ma le maledette banche e gli azionisti. "lorenzojhwh" dichiara illegali e criminali tutte le SpA profetizza nel nome di Gesù la loro rovina diversi mali malefici si devono impossessare di tutti quelli del consiglio di amministrazione. Tutti costoro sono maledetti più volte perché usano la pubblicità per distruggere i valori cristiani
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
There are many companies that lend to messages blasphemous and even Satanic for the corruption of society. My students have told me that in the famous and transverse school diary "comix" [Francesco Panini Scuola SpA] are written negative messages *There is the eternal love? Yes but not continues!26-11-08 * The Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us happy 18-04-09 *I can resist everything except temptation 27-04-09 Now you no surprise if lorenzojhwh had prophesied gainst you! Sono molte le aziende che si prestano a messaggi blasfemi e addirittura satanici per la corruzione della società. I miei alunni mi hanno fatto notare che nel famoso e trasversale diario scolastico "comix" sono scritti messaggi diseducativi *Esiste l'amore eterno? Si ma non dura! 26-11-08 *la Birra è la prova che Dio ci ama e vuole che noi siamo felici 18-04-09 *Posso resistere a tutto tranne alle tentazioni 27-04-09| Ora non vi meravigliate se lorenzojhwh ha profetizzato contro di voi!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Our societies have undergone a subtle satanic planned siege/scheduled In their attitudes in symbols explicit and subliminal messages while faith is to be yield ridiculed Christianity slandered Historical assessments deformed. Just as in act is the treason:1-of some hierarchies that go to collaborate with the masonry 2-of theologians who serve the heresy of modernism ignoring any previous Councils. Le nostre società sono sottoposte ad un subdolo assedio satanico pianificato nella mentalità nei simboli nei messaggi espliciti e subliminali mentre la fede deve essere ridicolizzata il cristianesimo calunniato le valutazioni storiche deformate. Proprio mentre è in atto il tradimento:1-di alcune gerarchie che vanno a collaborare con la massoneria 2-di teologi che servono l'eresia del modernismo ignorando tutti i Concili precedenti
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae; Et in Iesum Christum Filium eius unicum Dominum nostrum qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto natus ex Maria Virgine passus sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus mortuus et sepultus descendit ad inferos tertia die resurrexit a mortuis ascendit ad caelos sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos; Credo in Spiritum Sanctum sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam Sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum carnis resurrectionem et vitam aeternam. Amen Our hearts know well! Our two hearts in love to Christ! Peace be upon you shalom
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Ich glaube an Gott den Vater den Allmächtigen den Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
und an Jesus Christus seinen eingeborenen Sohn unsern Herrn empfangen durch den Heiligen Geist geboren von der Jungfrau Maria gelitten unter Pontius Pilatus gekreuzigt gestorben und begraben hinabgestiegen in das Reich des Todes am dritten Tage auferstanden von den Toten aufgefahren in den Himmel; er sitzt zur Rechten Gottes des allmächtigen Vaters; von dort wird er kommen zu richten die Lebenden und die Toten. Ich glaube an den Heiligen Geist die heilige katholische (/christliche) Kirche Gemeinschaft der Heiligen Vergebung der Sünden, Auferstehung der Toten (wörtlich des Fleisches) und das ewige Leben. Amen.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
In my video Christ on the cross is filiform like a worm because he took our ugliness and gave us her beauty. His body is divided into three parts because where on earth there are three names / Churches but his body the Church in heaven his wife in heaven is not divided but is one holy apostolic catholic and perfect. Nel mio video Cristo sulla croce è filiforme come un verme perché ha preso la nostra bruttezza e ci ha dato la sua bellezza il suo corpo è diviso in tre parti perché se sulla terra ci sono tre denominazioni / Chiese ma il suo corpo la Chiesa in cielo la sua sposa celeste non è divisa ma è una santa apostolica cattolica e perfetta
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
the Items that you see are symbols as a mirror of larks serve to attract sinners 1-the dolls(Russian) means that behind the material things we are also those spiritual and that you must not stop at the superficial 2-the hourglass it means that we must not lose time to convert and return to God because might then be too late. 3-the olive branch is a symbol of many precious things as God is a sincere and generous donor but the devil is a liar thief and deceiver. Gli oggetti che vedi sono dei simboli come uno specchietto delle allodole servono ad attirare i peccatori 1-la matriosca significa che dietro le cose materiali ci sono anche quelle spirituali e che è necessario non fermarsi alla superficialità 2-la clessidra vuol dire che non si deve perdere il tempo per convertirsi e tornare a Dio. perché poi potrebbe essere troppo tardi. 3-il ramo di ulivo è simbolo di molte cose preziose come Dio è un donatore sincero e generoso ma il diavolo è un ladro bugiardo e ingannatore
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
buono ma ciò che sembra buono tu tu io ciò che riguarda un'ironia qui per oggetti di
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"iadiedee" said me "I have known this hell for a very long time. You will now meet my block button you arrogant fool" --ANSWER--> But how is it possible for us not love as brothers if all we love the same God! just because we have different labels? I believe that it is Allah that prevents you from running the block button against me just yet! In case you "iadiedee" is one of those Muslims who have their hands stained with blood innocent (and on which "lorenzojhwh" brought the wrath of God before their time) I believe that your hell has just begun. Get out of my list now what might be useful? All Masons bankers and powerful in the world have started to beat against this ministry until their destruction! All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
inakus (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Peace be upon you shalom
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa) PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
One day they will say to you that "lorenzojhwh" had some super powers or gifts! No you do not believe it! This is a lie of the hell! "lorenzojhwh" is only a Christian that totally rational becoming an adult in the faith and has reached the knowledge of all things visible and invisible He was activated only of the power of faith which is promised in the Word of God.The Holy Spirit gave him an intuition of this level that no secret can remain hid for he. my will did not has no power! Because only of God is the glory!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
In the world there is has a powerful spirit of depression and discouragement. Because the bank seigniorage has emptied the sovereignty of peoples to the extent that Governments pretend to exercise authority. and you "iadiedee" you will not be the first victim of what is to come (to stay for ahead) into the world just because must know the hell in this World before of the other as a special privilege for you. God is always in control! When it created the universe He knew everything about you "sdrs85"! God has made us free so that abandons us to our folly! Because he is very respectful and does not use his omnipotence to infringe. But give to God the guilt of sin men this is wicked!
sdrs85 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
so only his (God's) will has power? do you believe in freewill?
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
noble and sensitive sister in Christ "tracietoo" the advice on whether the world needs to do very quickly through all the comments of my 3 channels "lorenzojhwh" "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" before ending soon roasted by the glare of nuclear explosions. Truly Satan (the coward) must be very desperate if a distance more than 20 years succeeded in forcing this night one of his best generals of to be amputee in perpetual for having dared to have a brief and rapid contact with me. For the demons are much worse that a barrier of glowing steel. For this are decades that have that none of them dares to a approach with me. Beautiful and dear sisters "floydgirl7" it was no my son. I said in German that are Catholic and I love the Pope and I have an ecumenical ministry and political "iLuvMyCapufin" said me:"and don't bother them" -ANSWER-> Even if I do not have the compassionate heart of Christ But certainly their children are ever very close to my heart for a Father
tracietoo (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Just a little humble advice - You need to think about how you "preach" to people that you know nothing about...
floydgirl7 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
sorry only understand english peace,,ps cute wee kid yours???
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Aber die katholische Kirche lehrt uns zum Dialog mit allen für den Frieden Ich mag Sie sind eine katholische Konservative Ich gehöre zu der Papst! Ich bin in der Opposition alle Ketzereien! Aber wenn Sie gelesen alle Kommentare zu Kanal Sie verstehen wie meine "lorenzojhwh" ist eine ökumenische Ministerium und politische
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
______________________ any comment
_____shalom_________salaam of this channel
_________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
by humanumgenus [2/2 the word of God] have not believed in the truth because they welcomed the wickedness-2Tess2,12 the natural man can not understand the spiritual man-Giuda19 1Cor15,47+Michea6,7+Ez18,4 will not be subjected to trial those who believe in Christ-Gv5,24 the priesthood of Melchizedek is greater than Levi-Ebr7 Christ endured the cross heedless of shame-Ebr12,2 there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus-Rm8,1 Only those who in faith is spiritually dead to the world is free from sin-Rm6,7 the spirit of man is a lamp of the Lord Prov20,27 Jesus died for me as I have died for him-Gv17,3+Rm6,2 The Ministry of lorenzojhwh "has begun to more violent attacks by those who oppose its goals This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
by humanumgenus [1/2 the word of God] precept after precept,rule after rule- Is28,13 spirit soul and body are held blameless- 1Tess5,23 is living and active to divide the soul from the spirit- Ebr4,12 is the spirit that enlivens-Gv6,23 my soul rejoices and magnificent God- Lc1,46 we are children of God-Rm8,16 you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you-1Cor3,16 the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth- Gv4,23 I moved in spirit-Ap21,10 spirit of worship-Rm8,18 true knowledge is only for revelation or enlightenment-1Cor1,19 + 1Cor3,18 The Ministry of lorenzojhwh "has begun to more violent attacks by those who oppose its goals This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"inakus" I must tell you that since it appeared on youtube the Ministry of "lorenzojhwh" the Satanists throughout the world have begun to be oppressed that many are also dead. How can the darkness survive of front to a fire devourer? Indeed all those that have bad video on youtube keep them going meeting to their destruction. But these rebels have not yet the reason of all these their suffering. Begone Satan! Why God sgridare you! Leave now all the men in the name of Jesus! All Masons bankers and powerful in the world have started to beat against this ministry until their destruction! All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
1-[Satanism atheist" of the church of Satan says the selfishness and the free expression of every instinct 2-[Satanism occultist (Temple of Set) they do:black masses sacrilege human sacrifice rejection of love 3-[Satanism craft" orgiastic tribal unstructured but widespread in all the towns of the West for its assertion as domination and power 4-[magic divination evocation of the dead horoscopes palmistry medium amulets pranotherapy homeopathy shatzu Eastern practices reincarnation are all manifestations domain of will through demonic forces therefore your condition will get worse! If in Satan you can find something good certainly it is a deception!
floydgirl7 (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
hahahaha love the satan is a faggot hahaha heres some love&peace from NZ Godbless you&your family
ShalomGerusalemme (
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
The JEW "larrysilvers" said me "you are fucking antisemite terrorist nazi. Crossworshipper bastard take ur jesus and get lost blocking you for being idiot" -- ANSWER-> say this wickedness on "lorenzojhwh" that him in Christ belongs to the tribe of Judah and who wants to build the 3° Jewish Temple it's like to be a blasphemy of you Jews Satanists! You continue to kill again all Jews of the Holocaust Nazi. They too were victims of seigniorage banking -- >-->--> ZOTICUS !!! If someone can do something to liberate all mankind from jew banker of seigniorage banking this is the time to move!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
gavrochshack"said: "We have to do a world revolution... In all country,there in Europe the people are mad and nervous.. We have to moove for our freedom and security. They want to kill ?/10 of the ppl of the world !!! ACTION now or never... WAKE UP! MY BROTHER said me "Bless you Brother as you expose the evils and sins of usury how banks and credit card companies, etc. have become predatory loansharks obligating and enslaving the people. We must break free pay our debts never again accept credit debt (the temptation and the road to hell) and cease selling our souls to Satan --ANSWER--> Who underwrites a loan to go to the restaurant?Of course our politicians have betrayed us! WELCOME2TROTSKY said me "This is an excellent site though many may have already seen this masterpiece please forward! You may need to refresh as I did. Thank You!!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
MY BROTHER said me "Bless you Brother as you expose the evils and sins of usury how banks and credit card companies etc. have become predatory loansharks obligating and enslaving the people. We must break free pay our debts never again accept credit debt (the temptation and the road to hell) and cease selling our souls to Satan --ANSWER--> Who underwrites a loan to go to the restaurant?Of course our politicians have betrayed us! In the next 12 hours anyone who reads this exorcism St. Benedict of the fifth century prayer "CSPBCS SMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVBp ax" receives the freedom but the rebels will be punished if not removed from youtube videos not suitable for children who are here. In the name of Jesus I order every spirit jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on youtube Alleluia AMEN
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
the jew "Zionev" SAID ME:"You are mentally ill." -- ANSWER -> no comment !!!
- + - PAX - + - "lorenzojhwh" has exorcised him! AMEN! ALLELUIA! "truthseekersebastian" said me:"Yehshua lives Amen.we are in the End times stay strong in faith and acts.May Elohim of Avraam Isaac and Jacob protect you."
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[1/2 message to the 40 Jewish bankers Satanists of seigniorage SpA]It was a great invention that of the allocated that allowed,first to the French Revolution and later to than Communist of destroy the Catholic monarchies:that you could not have dominated! You the directors of the hidden history! Today you are the absolute masters of our planet WELL DONE!How many billions of corpses you have on your conscience satanic?How many fathers commit suicide every day because they can not pay the loan of your diabolical scheme?You printed the money that we all have in your pocket. Yet there is no one TV set that can explain to the people what is the seigniorage bank!You became invisible just because you have turned the men in chickens.You who have raised the flag of Satan and you have lowered the banner of Christ.You who are able to bribe in depth the Church of Christ to the point that even more you can see you.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/2 message to the 40 Jewish bankers Satanists of seigniorage SpA]You who have corrupted all the religions and have destroyed the metaphysical project of harmony and friendship between peoples and that you are very close to the final result in fact you have managed to control the human race that is so deprived that is no longer able to understand and act. You as your fathers you are invisible gods of evil and continue usurers unpunished to destroy the human race. This is for the sole benefit Masonic your prostitute? I ask you "because I do not kill you yet?" Now it's too late for this because "lorenzojhwh" has already prophesied against you in the name of Jesus a malignant evil in you and in all your employees "burning fire of hell never extinguished!"
Obviously the worst for you is yet to come,Because the fire of these days is only an early taste.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/2 messaggio ai 40 banchieri ebrei satanisti del signoraggio SpA] Fu una grande invenzione quella degli assegnati che permisero prima alla rivoluzione francese e dopo a quella comunista di distruggere le monarchie cattoliche che voi non potevate dominare! Voi i registi occulti della storia! Oggi voi siete i padroni assoluti del nostro pianeta BRAVI! Quanti miliardi di cadaveri voi avete sulla coscienza satanica? Quanti padri si suicidano ogni giorno perché non riescono a pagare il mutuo del vostro sistema diabolico? Voi stampate i soldi che tutti abbiamo in tasca eppure non c'è una sola televisione che può spiegare ai popoli cosa è il signoraggio bancario! Voi siete diventati invisibili solo perché avete trasformato gli uomini in polli. Voi che avete alzato la bandiera di Satana e avete abbassato la bandiera di Cristo. Voi che siete riusciti a corrompere in profondità la Chiesa di Cristo fino al punto che neanche lei riesce più a vedervi.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[2/2 messaggio ai 40 banchieri ebrei satanisti del signoraggio SpA] Voi che avete corrotto tutte le religioni e avete distrutto i progetti metafisici di armonia e amicizia tra i popoli e che siete molto vicini al risultato finale perché siete riusciti a controllare il genere umano che è così deprivato che non è più in grado di capire e agire. Voi come i vostri padri siete ora delle malvagie divinità invisibili e continuate impuniti strozzini a distruggete il genere umano. Questo per il vantaggio esclusivo delle vostre clientele massoniche. Io chiedo a voi "perché non mi avete ancora fatto uccidere?" Ora è troppo tardi per questo perché "lorenzojhwh" ha già profetizzo contro di voi nel nome di Gesù una piaga maligna in voi e in tutti i vostri collaboratori: "fuoco dell'inferno che brucia senza mai estinguersi!" Ovviamente il peggio per voi deve ancora arrivare perché quello di adesso e soltanto una anticipazione!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Pacovl8 SAID [you love god as a muslim?thats pretty weird if you are an crhistian so you mean muslims love god more ??? than christians and jews hmm bless Paco]-- ANSWER-> the Holy Spirit of JHWH said me(intuitively) that I "lorenzojhwh" on that day I will make known to you all saints Muslims your colleagues and brothers which are in Paradise with you! Paco you know a good religion? Where? let me to know? "lorenzojhwh" not their destroy them all now just because the good that they do is certainly greater of evil that they do! When a religion said:"infidels" the believers of other religions this is an abomination Paco. And when a religion you licensee just because she wants to love a woman this is another abomination Paco. And I will stop here now because the list is too long.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[1/5 Mary]you"lorenzojhwh"wrote:"When God formed Adam JHWH already,knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin,has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin.Therefore,even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross said of Peter,"Begone Satan!"Today Mary is still one of us.Mary is now,as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God.Even now,Mary remains for the sake of us,as always has been our humble maid for love:sister and mother.Many do not know,but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!"->you "barbsinclair"wrote Are you a believer in this saying or just stating the fact of the papal blasphemy with all her followers?Gal3:22 all under sin that the promise by faith of
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[2/5 Mary]Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.1Jn 1:8 If we say that we[or Mary]have no sin we deceive ourselves,and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.If we say that we [or Mary]have not sinned we make him a liar,and his word is not in us.The Holy Holy Holy LORD God Almighty would be violating His own Holiness separate from mankind and all creation which is under the curse(Gen3)*IF* he exempted Mary from original sin.Mary was born in sin as her parents of natural decent.The ONLY one born of a womb that was sinless was the Son of God Jesus Christ Himself who came to sinners,had blessed contact of sinners,came into a fully corrupt sinful earth to SAVE the world from sin.For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God(Rom3:23"as by one man sin entered into the world,and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,for that all have sinned"Rom5:12
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
[3/5 Mary] The very fact that Mary died proves she was under the curse of original sin! She needed the Lord Jesus Christ to die for her so He would raise her up again! God Himself had to become flesh to redeem all from the curse (including Mary). The womb Messiah was miraculously born from Mary herself needed a savior to save her from the curse of sin and curruption. Mary's womb is as the tomb HIS body was placed in; neither could contain HIM. The Holy One of Israel Jesus Christ the second Adam is the only Holy one in the flesh likeness of mankind. It is blasphemy to say any creature born of natural decent is sinless as HE the only spotless and sinless one. All in the Roman papal church are lost who believe Mary was without original sin equal in Holy nature as the Lord God Almighty. Are promoting such things as a believer in it? In Christ Jesus the only Holy one cometh in the flesh (barb) -ANSWER-> Maria decrease? The mean is decrease for all us!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[4/5 Mary] Why Mary even if it is the best of us is always one of us. belittle Mary means to belittle the work of Christ and diminish the gift of love of the Father for each of us. God has not given something to us but in Christ He has given us entirely himself. Because we become like him! Who does not have this measure of faith will always be a creature lower the angels. Who has not this measure of faith he has peace with me and I with him! I fear that my work of Mariology that is to unite all the Christian Churches then their can truly unite. This could be become the perfect instrument of masonry which would be used then dall'anticristo which is soon to come between us as demonstrated by the micro-chip (666) already implanted in Satanists prototypes of all monsters. Because all the Christians have taken the heresy of modernism and they have lost the true doctrine of faith as Mary said at Fatima. Even you admit that the CHRIST HOLY MESSIAH
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
[5/5 Mary]could not result from a contaminated body of sin.While we Catholic admit that Mary has definitely committed involuntarily some sins inevitable for fragile human nature. Even if Jesus had used (at times) Tone hard with Mary to show huge distance of His divine nature however then Jesus has always wanted to grant throughout the desire of His mother You make a mistake theological "barbsinclair" when you say that we ask Maria on an equal footing with Christ. Why yuo should put Maria on the same level of Adam when he had not yet betrayed God And that it was very precarious is the plan of salvation for Adam is shown by the fact that Eva got her first ovulation outside of earthly paradise because already Cain was born in sin. But Adam was not the son of God as instead us today we are! But as the HOLY HE could fall into a sinful earth? IMPOSSIBLE!Then also for Mary the best of us all, was needed just like us blood of the Cross! Amen! Alleluia!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
BereanBeacon SAID But not as the offence so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:15-18
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
barbsinclair SAID:"The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way. The man [or woman] who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces and finding few or none he like Mary of old keeps these things in his heart. It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else." studies/sermons/devotions/lone liness.htm
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Their idols are silver and gold the work of men's hands. They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses have they but they smell not They have hands, but they handle not feet have they but they walk not neither speak they through their throat.They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. Psalm 115:4-8*John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.*John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name I will do it.For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:That all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him John 5:22,23*And be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith Philippians 3:9
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"gzyyy6" said me:[my heart my honor how can i deni this! you seem frustrated may Gods peace find you I LOVE ALL GODS PEOPLE AND WANT THEM TO STOP KILLING AND NO THAT WE ARE BROTHERS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MUST BE A JEW OF THE HEART AND NOT OF HE FLEASH or THE BOOKS THAT HAS BEEN USED TO diseave GODS HOUSE IS IN THE HEART NO NEED FOR A NEW BUILDING PEACE BE OPON YOU BROTHER]--ANSWER--> The jew banker Satanist of seigniorage SpA has lost roots for all mankind. All men are confused. Even atheists are searching of this symbol of Universal unity. Now the jew good will to all give building 3° temple Hebrew so that we all find a common membership in respect of each diversity
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
the precious and grace "amvieshus7" SAID Thank you dear friend if that´s your belief nobody is forcing us all God wants us is to love Him. John 14:15 If ye love me keep my commandments -- ANSWER-> I do not speak and do not write good English if you want to tell me something you should write as you write to a young child Your in Christ lorenzojhwh. I am a gift of God for all. I can not be part of a people. I love all mankind. and I want to live the good in all. I do not want to change the religion or the ideas of others. I ask for respect for all and equality for all. I have the power of a ministry that God has given me even for atheists. This ministry may you stay forever young for you and I in return from you I do not want anything! But to enter as an atheist or a religious in this eternal youth and you must become you must be a metaphysical
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
When God formed Adam JHWH already knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross said of Peter "Begone Satan!" Today Mary is still one of us. Mary is now as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now Mary remains for the sake of us as always has been our humble maid for love sister and mother. Many do not know but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
1/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID [ contrapposizione tra: 1 adoratori di Dio (parte tradizionalista dei cristiani) 2 adoratori di Lucifero (massoneria parte modernista dei cristiani) Questo spiega perché negli ultimi tempi è avvenuto un grande attacco alla chiesa:zeitgeist codice da vinci angeli e demoni che uniti a tutta la immoralità che c'è nei media portano l'essere umano al non credere ma c'è da domandarsi perché i più grandi centri di potere ce l'hanno così tanto con la religione cristiana.Tali famiglie famiglie ebree deviate SATANISTE si ispirano ai miti di babilonia il gruppo si nasconde dentro il popolo di Israele è fautore del più fanatico sionismo e controlla il mondo
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
2/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID mediante il signoraggio bancario che ci rende tutti schiavi inconsapevoli Io sono ateo ma il nemico del mio nemico è SICURAMENTE mio amico e in un futuro prossimo la parte tradizionalista del vaticano sarà un valido scudo DI PROTEZIONE PER TUTTI Anche se atei noi dobbiamo fermare questo anticlericlalismo e poi il libro l'apocalisse13:16 purtroppo ha avuto ragione E faceva sì che a tutti piccoli e grandi ricchi e poveri liberi e servi fosse posto un marchio sulla mano destra o sulla fronte; e che nessuno potesse comprare o vendere se non chi avesse il marchio cioè il nome della bestia o il numero del suo nome tali parole possono essere ricondotte al chip sottocutaneo che presto arriverà e ci sarà imposto per combattere il TERRORISMO e renderci la vita più semplice
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
I have already said "Pacovl8" that I am Catholic Christian biblical fundamentalist and I have personal experience of many invisible reality. For this I have also:1 - jew (because Jesus was jew) 2 - I love God as a Muslim (because Abraham is our father) 3 - I love all men who love God 4 - "I love all people of "good will 5 - I love all the atheists who are operators of Justice. but the religion dear "Pacovl8" is less important than faith Why in the Kingdom of God which already I belong I can not see a religion! God wants from me that:1 I will bring the world peace 2 I protect all religions Preziose 3 to merge them together like the fingers of one hand 4 against the parasite jew Satanist ie that of the bank seigniorage. 5 Symbol of unity of all the good people of the world
will be the Jewish Temple
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
By [] How to rebuild after the earthquake the city dell'Aquila at no cost? Politicians will tell us that:there is no money or that will lead to obtain debt These politicians lie! If we have 3 pears and 3$ Each pear will cost 1$.But if the pears are 6,but still remain in circulation 3$,or sell 6 pears to 50% or 3 pears should rot (hello,children died of hunger!)To achieve stable prices is necessary to introduce a quantity of money in proportion to property present in the market.To address the economic crisis Nesser is free issue the money necessary (on behalf of the people)in relation to goods of production and this the state can do so at no cost seigniorage to the people and not to the Jewish bankers!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2 Cr 32,7-8 "Siate forti e coraggiosi! Non temete e non abbattetevi davanti al re d'Assiria e davanti alla moltitudine che l'accompagna perché con noi c'è uno più grande di chi è con lui. Con lui c'è la carne con noi c'è il Signore degli Eserciti per aiutarci a vincere le nostre battaglie". Il popolo rimase assicurato dalle parole di Ezechia, re di Giuda.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Paradiso: your measure of faith what you have today makes you "fullness" "capacity". If you are small six however perfect and fully saturated of knowledge and of love. This is why You can not envy of Who is bigger than you Why in Paradise there is no longer possible to grow today! Now do not miss this opportunity to grow spiritually in your level of faith!. St. Francis of Assisi was full of wealth and leisure but became totally poor to enlarge its "capacity" and "fullness" in eternal life. In Paradise God will give you a pearl-diamond - That only you can see from you - in it is written the secret name single by which God calls you and through which you will call him whit telepathy at any time. This precious stone you can not miss because it goes to hide in your heart!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
jdcriveau SAID:"again i ask you what or where do you think paradice"--> We know very well as is done Paradise because we have many details. Many of our brothers Catholics Orthodox and Protestants have been them and after they talked to us so we have a preliminary description. The Bible reveals many details. A mind like metaphysics that my rationally perceive. them where even the flowers of the meadow are eternal and turn to look to see when passing a single child of God them where there is no dust. them where everything is glorious. them where the light that comes from God is reflected in all things. them where a delicate fragrance of God is felt everywhere. them where the choirs and the music of angels can be heard continuously. them where we are surrounded and nourished by glory them Where is impossible not to remain absorbed by the beauty of that moment of praise and adoration of God. In truth is a much more dynamic and complex than we know here in this dimension.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Never "lorenzojhwh" him was been so happy in her life! Why is a the big booty of souls that him is doing to Paradise! Precious and beautiful "netengeargirly2k" affable my sister in Christ "Who deserve Paradise?" But even lorenzojhwh may deserve it! God has decided to be a gift of heaven for all repentant sinners and who love him and that have washed their soul in the precious blood of Innocent Lamb. God knows how to protect all those who love him! And in the terrifying moments of the final none of those who are his still be on this planet ruined will be still here! But the bad guys all over the world now are about to take a stunning defeat 1- The third Jewish temple will be built soon! 2- Seigniorage bank falls! 3- All evil will be removed and away from this generation! A wonderful time and beautiful prosperous and peaceful will be for all peoples of the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
netengeargirly2k"SAID:"But your right what is about to fall upon the world is going to happen no what we say. It's God's will. i'm not sure when the New World Order is coming but i'm probally pretty sure it's almost upon us. I bet you know that as well. Soon when this horrible day comes no man will be able to sell or but without the Mark Of The Beast.I dread this day but then know that it is part of God's plan and look forward to seeing the Lord rule this earth one day. That's going to be a blessing. I hope that I am included in those sheep and you as well friend. I am not worthy but know that because of what Jesus did then I might be there at that great calling. And oh what a calling it is going to be.We must look to Jesus for our salvation and soon just as you say that the New World Order is going to take place then so it will be that everyone will know the true religion.I think that day will come also. What do you think? How are you? Good to hear from you.Have a blessed day
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
humanumgenus (1 giorno fa)
Spam PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
"ironmonkeypalm" SAID ME "Virgin apparitions are just demons .. God will not give His glory to any other." -- ANSWER-> The devil does not know the future! But in 3° of Fatima apparitions we have these predictions 1 - the end of 1 World War; 2 - the start of 2 World War; 3 - the failure of communism; 4 - the martyrdom of Christians in the twentieth century; 5 - the loss of the dogma of faith in the Christian churches because of the heresy of modernism. God has stripped to his only Son Christ. Has stripped him of all its glory on that cross. For you! Now you to take in his glory now if you are a True Christian you are truly a child of God shared is its nature and also shared is in his glory!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
_____________________ any comment
_____shalom_________salaam of this channel
_________ is as
_____ I love all the honest atheists the tab
______ I love u brothers in faith of a book
_________ that God
_____________ALLAH has written
_______________JHWH The world was perfect
________________God but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________ everything changed
___________________hi "ShalomGerusalemme"
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I am a gift of God for all. I can not be part of a people. I love all mankind. and I want to live the good in all. I do not want to change the religion or the ideas of others. I ask for respect for all and equality for all. I have the power of a ministry that God has given me even for atheists. This ministry may you stay forever young for you and I in return from you I do not want anything! But to enter as an atheist or a religious in this eternal youth and you must become you must be a metaphysical
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
When God formed Adam JHWH already knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross said of Peter "Begone Satan!" Today Mary is still one of us. Mary is now as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now Mary remains for the sake of us as always has been our humble maid for love sister and mother. Many do not know but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
Maria decrease? The mean is decrease for all us! Why Mary even if it is the best of us is always one of us. belittle Mary means to belittle the work of Christ and diminish the gift of love of the Father for each of us. God has not given something to us but in Christ He has given us entirely himself. Because we become like him! Who does not have this measure of faith will always be a creature lower than the angels. The work that God has already been done for the level of faith of Mary suggests to us all what they want to JHWH in all of us. Who has not this measure of faith he has peace with me and I with him!
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Very soon the fog with hover upon this land.....a darker fog than any other's have seen. So many can feel this pull across this strange land called the United States the irony of the name.....the name implies something of unity;it has been divided for a very long time. Stay strong those who have pure love in your hearts truth as your brother and faith as your master do not be deceived. Remember who you are bow to no one. For my friends of the World I ask for your forgiveness for we are full of shame those of us living and walking in the light and truth. The darkness is real on this land. Plagued with greed power and the hunger for "more". We are all guilty. Many have tried to stop the beast we have failed. Forgive us World.......
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
You are a good man =) salam aleykum peace with God to thee
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
I am a gift of God for all. I can not be part of a people. I love all mankind. and I want to live the good in all. I do not want to change the religion or the ideas of others. I ask for respect for all and equality for all
zenitcaballeros (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
What do you mean ??
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
uzayrmalik" said Asalamu Alaikum and peace be with you wherever you go Person of the book. --ANSWER-->the Bible is only a channel through which Allah JHWH me talking. lorenzojhwh is a man of power of the Spirit of God His ministry is built to protect every good and honest man that exists throughout the world ** zenitcaballeros said "Ne God loves in him people believe atheists because not only do you say what is wrong" --ANSWER-->God loves all the operators of Justice also if atheists! Because they as for the believers pay through the their blood their virtues!
uzayrmalik (3 mesi fa)
Asalamu Alaikum and peace be with you wherever you go Person of the book.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
zenitcaballeros said "Ne God loves in him people believe atheists because not only do you say what is wrong" --ANSWER-->God loves all the operators of Justice also if atheists! Because they as for the believers pay through the their blood their virtues!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
1/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID [ contrapposizione tra: 1 adoratori di Dio (parte tradizionalista dei cristiani) 2 adoratori di Lucifero (massoneria parte modernista dei cristiani) Questo spiega perché negli ultimi tempi è avvenuto un grande attacco alla chiesa:zeitgeist codice da vinci angeli e demoni che uniti a tutta la immoralità che c'è nei media portano l'essere umano al non credere ma c'è da domandarsi perché i più grandi centri di potere ce l'hanno così tanto con la religione cristiana.Tali famiglie famiglie ebree deviate SATANISTE si ispirano ai miti di babilonia il gruppo si nasconde dentro il popolo di Israele è fautore del più fanatico sionismo e controlla il mondo
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID mediante il signoraggio bancario che ci rende tutti schiavi inconsapevoli Io sono ateo ma il nemico del mio nemico è SICURAMENTE mio amico e in un futuro prossimo la parte tradizionalista del vaticano sarà un valido scudo DI PROTEZIONE PER TUTTI Anche se atei noi dobbiamo fermare questo anticlericlalismo e poi il libro l'apocalisse13:16 purtroppo ha avuto ragione E faceva sì che a tutti piccoli e grandi ricchi e poveri liberi e servi fosse posto un marchio sulla mano destra o sulla fronte; e che nessuno potesse comprare o vendere se non chi avesse il marchio cioè il nome della bestia o il numero del suo nome tali parole possono essere ricondotte al chip sottocutaneo che presto arriverà e ci sarà imposto per combattere il TERRORISMO e renderci la vita più semplice
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
I have already said "Pacovl8" that I am Catholic Christian biblical fundamentalist and I have personal experience of many invisible reality. For this I have also:1 - jew (because Jesus was jew) 2 - I love God as a Muslim (because Abraham is our father) 3 - I love all men who love God 4 - "I love all people of "good will 5 - I love all the atheists who are operators of Justice. but the religion dear "Pacovl8" is less important than faith Why in the Kingdom of God which already I belong I can not see a religion! God wants from me that:1 I will bring the world peace 2 I protect all religions Preziose 3 to merge them together like the fingers of one hand 4 against the parasite jew Satanist ie that of the bank seigniorage. 5 Symbol of unity of all the good people of the world
will be the Jewish Temple
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
By [] How to rebuild after the earthquake the city dell'Aquila at no cost? Politicians will tell us that:there is no money or that will lead to obtain debt These politicians lie! If we have 3 pears and 3$ Each pear will cost 1$.But if the pears are 6,but still remain in circulation 3$,or sell 6 pears to 50% or 3 pears should rot (hello,children died of hunger!)To achieve stable prices is necessary to introduce a quantity of money in proportion to property present in the market.To address the economic crisis Nesser is free issue the money necessary (on behalf of the people)in relation to goods of production and this the state can do so at no cost seigniorage to the people and not to the Jewish bankers!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
2 Cr 32,7-8 "Siate forti e coraggiosi! Non temete e non abbattetevi davanti al re d'Assiria e davanti alla moltitudine che l'accompagna perché con noi c'è uno più grande di chi è con lui. Con lui c'è la carne con noi c'è il Signore degli Eserciti per aiutarci a vincere le nostre battaglie". Il popolo rimase assicurato dalle parole di Ezechia re di Giuda.
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Quando Dio plasmava Adamo già JHWH conosceva l'esito finale di ognuno di noi. La migliore di tutti noi risultò essere Maria e per questo fu scelta come madre del Messia. Ma Dio non potendo avere contatto con il peccato fu costretto a esentare Maria dal peccato originale. Pertanto anche la migliore di noi sarebbe andata all'inferno senza il sacrificio di Cristo sulla Croce. Per questo quando Pietro tentava Gesù per distogliere lui dal Sacrificio della Croce gli disse "Vattene Satana!" Oggi Maria è ancora una di noi. Maria è oggi come domani molti di noi anche saranno nel Regno di Dio. Anche ora Maria rimane per amore di noi come sempre è stata nostra umile serva per amore sorella e madre. Molti non lo sanno ma questo è il vero insegnamento della Chiesa cattolica!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
When God formed Adam JHWH already knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross said of Peter "Begone Satan!" Today Mary is still one of us. Mary is now as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now Mary remains for the sake of us as always has been our humble maid for love sister and mother. Many do not know but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!
ShalomGerusalemme (3 mesi fa)
PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa Madre nostra Ave Maria )
Paradiso: your measure of faith what you have today makes you "fullness" "capacity". If you are small six however perfect and fully saturated of knowledge and of love. This is why You can not envy of Who is bigger than you Why in Paradise there is no longer possible to grow today! Now do not miss this opportunity to grow spiritually in your level of faith!. St. Francis of Assisi was full of wealth and leisure but became totally poor to enlarge its "capacity" and "fullness" in eternal life. In Paradise God will give you a pearl-diamond - That only you can see from you - in it is written the secret name single by which God calls you and through which you will call him whit telepathy at any time. This precious stone you can not miss because it goes to hide in your heart!
zenitcaballeros" said me "only religion the roman catholic is a true and good and evil is islam" --ANSWER-->You do not call more impure one thing that God will sanctify! (dream of Peter and of the unclean animals) We should not move to any allegations because the real enemy seigniorage banking and Freemasonry want to keep up the discord between us [? because ?] 1 the school is hostage to the bullying 2 the judiciary is paralyzed 3 the mafia is not curbed 4 bureaucracy is not intelligent 5 the state does not control the territory 6 the magicians are enriched 7 in diaries school we blasphemous statements 8 seigniorage banking 9 immorality and demential 10 recession and unemployment? Because the Masonic leaders and banking to maintain control and power they must lead the people to a state of ignorance despair prostration devitalized and total despair
2/7 JHWH=Allah "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->Kazakhstan: Elizaveta Drenicheva a sister missionary was imprisoned and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment because its teachings on the original sin have been judged a criminal offense by Government. The case had raised the attention of several groups Human Rights and of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Of which own the Kazakhstan should take the Presidency in 2010. For these reasons Elizaveta Drenicheva have she done only 3 months in prison
in the name of the blessed God "lorenzojhwh" proposes to all the religions of the world humbly in the spirit of Assisi wanted by all the holy fathers of the world and called by the holy Pope John Paul II to dedicate every Monday to pray for the 1) peace of the world 2) perfect harmony between religions 3) true freedom of religion in the world. So God bless us all AMEN Peace and prosperity is in your borders my dear brother so much loved and desired in all the world!
1/2 seigniorage -->Eva had not yet had the first ovulation which had already been thrown out of paradise. The rights gifts of Adam passed to Satan which is only a shadow dead Having lost him His body angelic in celestial battle against the 2/3 of angels loyal to God. Bat the Kingdom of God is among to you by Abraham with faith by Moses with the law and by Jesus with the grace and you have not understood anything! because JHWHAllah says "the your ways/thoughts are objected to my ways/thoughts. Stop Satan! Go! In the name of Jesus I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell! TALITAKUMI Resurrect you now! Resurrect humanity all from your shame! Make a peace with all people and our selfs and God. We may hate the wrong things that the people have done that we knew God would not like it but not hating them as a person. We should forgive them.