you're hating Jesus Christ who has made the crime of loving you!] @ Emma Bonino - what makes you believe that I am the friend of the clergy? is your fault only if I do not I still have them all removed! you are unaware of almost criminals you are destroying the Jewish roots of the Christian and you're telling the first Muslim who comes "we are children of the whore without roots and without identity" you are handing over Europe to the Arab League but I do not believe that for you turn with the burca will make you happy. In contempt of the current regulations the crucifixes from classrooms and the Christmas crib? has been replaced by Halloween! the cultural crime that you are doing? is immense! but if you can do expose in all public places again an new crucified with below supplemented by the Menorah? then you will become my friend!
[the destruction of the Jewish-Christian civilization] [la distruzione della civiltà ebraico-cristiana] Julian Mangano Comment on your video "YHWH King loving peaceful" SAID " The Zionists who you find yourself at the top of the system the Illuminati are worshipers of Yahweh it is their God Yahweh is the god of Israel! - ANSWER - since 1600 with the founding of the Bank of England SpA a private Rothschild corporations? are the hidden directors in the history. therefore are responsible for any the Holocaust as they are into Olympus invisible and in their state you can predict well in advance all the historical and political phenomena which they plan! the worldwide caliphate of the Arab League the de-Christianization are the inevitable process to disintegrate Israel as Albe Pike wrote to Mazzini then there is a very precise agenda that is lifting the era of Satan that is the NWO
Julian Mangano Commentaire sur votre vidéo «YHWH Roi aimer pacifique" a déclaré «Les sionistes qui vous vous trouvez au sommet du système les Illuminati sont des adorateurs de l'Éternel il est leur Dieu Yahvé est le Dieu d'Israël ! - RÉPONSE - depuis 1600 avec la fondation de la Banque d'Angleterre un spa un Rothschild privé les entreprises sont les administrateurs cachés dans l'histoire. donc sont responsables tout l'Holocauste comme ils sont en Olympus invisible et dans leur état vous pouvez prévoir bien à l'avance tous les phénomènes historiques et politiques dont ils envisagent le califat dans le monde de la Ligue arabe la déchristianisation sont l'inévitable processus de désintégrer Israël comme! Albe Pike a écrit à Mazzini alors il ya un ordre du jour très précis qui est la levée de l'ère de Satan c'est le NWO
[my Holy JHWH my Holy Bible] the man was perfect had infused knowledge but it was not an automaton because without free will there can not be love.. therefore all of us in the Garden of Eden we have betrayed in a conscious way (do not know why all your comments do not come in my internal mail) of course that God has always done miracles without no miracles? neither do we we might be alive today! but God's plans which pass between the wheat and the tares? are not totally understood by us today however we must never doubt God. God has never said to do usury wear against goyim (but this was introduced in the Bible they also lied about Solomon who wanted to introduce religious tolerance) but the Pharisees Illuminati IMF today they wear too against the Jews themselves which for them not they are Jews
[my Holy JHWH my Holy Bible] because when they killed Jesus intentionally bore for all the Jews to lose their paternal genealogies 4000 years. the system to be "worlds" belonged not to a lack of charity (in the thoughts of God) but in the rules of procedure to worship for the priesthood and the worship due to the Levites though this was made by the Pharisees for their manipulation Jesus will say about divorce "was allowed because of the hardness of the hearts of the fathers your!" we live in the age of Grace and we can not understand the effort of those that have lived in the era of LAW
Giuliano Mangano Commento sul tuo video "JHWH re amorevole pacifico" SAID " I sionisti che ti ritrovi al vertice del sistema gli Illuminati sono adoratori di Yahweh è il loro DIO Yahweh è il dio di Israele! -- ANSWER -- dal 1600 con la fondazione della banca di Inghilterra la SpA privata Rothschild corpoations? sono gli occulti registi della storia.. quindi sono i responsabili della Shoah essendo nell'Olimpo invisibili e nella condizione di poter prevedere con largo anticipo tutti i fenomeni storici e politici che loro pianificano! il califfato mondiale della Lega Araba la scristianiizzazione sono il processo inevitabile per disintegrare Israele come Albe Pike ha scritto a Mazzini quindi esiste una agenda molto precisa che è sollevare l'era di satana! cioè il NWO
@ Emma Bonino - I'm curious to see what you say to these serial criminals of the ARAB LEAGUE Sharia to exterminate the dhimmi and do the Caliphate Worldwide of Al Qaeda a religion criminal that was created by Muhammad as an imperialist system to stifle peoples because if you do the good my girlfriend? Besides you can also be my friend! because Unius REI? is not the enemy of atheists! @ Emma Bonino - Sono curioso di vedere quello che dici a questi criminali seriali della Lega araba Sharia sterminare i dhimmi e faccio il Califfato in tutto il mondo di Al Qaeda un criminale di religione che è stato creato da Muhammad come un sistema imperialista per soffocare i popoli perché se si fa il bene la mia ragazza? Inoltre si può anche essere mio amico! perché Unius REI? non è il nemico degli atei!
Giuliano Mangano tuo video JHWH re amorevole pacifico". "Ma tu non credi di essere stato già blasfemo maledicendo in nome di Gesù? Sei un prete,non puoi maledire. --ANSWER -- I'm not a priest and in any case I'm sorry to curse in the name of Jesus in fact I'm doing it no more. but you what you can do against satanists murderers Masonic system Bildenberg the IMF which has stolen the monetary sovereignty which has violated the Constitution with his silent coup that pretends do democracy? they have perverted all the concepts of good and evil too! we are on the brink and I'm scared for the impending social catastrophe!
IL CAIRO 27 MAG - Il segretario generale della Lega araba Nabil el Araby sara' mercoledi' a Roma. Lo riferiscono fonti diplomatiche egiziane secondo le quali nella sua visita el Araby incontrera' il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino. E' anche possibile che il capo della Lega incontri papa Francesco ma l'udienza al momento secondo le fonti non e' stata ancora confermata. -- ANSWER -- QUESTI sono assassini seriali maniaci religiosi pericolosi criminali internazionali se non riuscirò a fermarli con il mio amore? io sarò costretto ad ucciderli tutti!
but I decided to do the evil:against all criminals in a supernatural way!) - ROME May 27 -'' In the present week a bill only in my signature I expect that the other sign and then we'll see In the PDL there are many who think like me and like Bondi such as Mara Carfagna Laura and Ravetto''. This was stated in an interview to 'The Phone Call' on Channel 5 chairman of the Committee on Culture and exponent of the PDL Giancarlo Galan about the recognition of civil rights for gay couples. - ANSWER - gay already have civil rights but you in a criminal manner against all the evidence natural you want attribute the natural rights but violate the truth do not means to desire the good of gay. legitimate Commercial sexual perversion it means to do erode the pillars of sexual morality because the sin against nature is a violation of the same heterosexual marriage. lust must be fought on the individual level not justified.
ma io ho deciso di fare il male ai criminali in modo soprannaturale!) - ROMA 27 MAG -''In settimana presenterò un disegno di legge solo a mia firma mi aspetto che altri lo sottoscrivano e poi vedremo. Nel Pdl ci sono molti che la pensano come me e come Bondi come Mara Carfagna e Laura Ravetto''. Lo afferma intervistato a 'La Telefonata' :su Canale 5 presidente della commissione Cultura e esponente del Pdl Giancarlo Galan in merito al riconoscimento dei diritti civili delle coppie gay. -- ANSWER -- I gay hanno già i diritti civili ma voi in modo criminale contro ogni evidenza naturale voi volete attribuire i diritti naturali ma violare la verità non significa volere il bene dei gay. legittimare una perversione sessale significa fare sgretolare i pilastri della moralità sessuale perché il peccato contro natura è una violazione dello stesso matrimonio eterosessuale.. la lussuria va combattuta sul piano individuale non giustificata.
I am happy with your identity dear Julian Mangano I'm Lorenzo ! there not could be something good in you if God were imperfect then you could not even have the concept of imperfection. I am glad that thou cast against a false concept of God which the Pharisees and Islamists have written in the Bible and the Koran. sono felice della tua identità caro Giuliano Mangano io sono Lorenzo ! non potrebbe esistere qualcosa di buono in te se Dio fosse imperfetto poi tu non potresti avere neanche il concetto dell'imperfezione.. io sono contento che tu ti scagli contro un falso concetto di Dio che i farisei e gli islamisti hanno scritto nella Bibbia e nel Corano.
LONDRA 27 MAG - Monta la polemica oggi sulla stampa britannica per la decisione del premier David Cameron di partire per una vacanza a Ibiza con la famiglia mentre nel Paese resta alta la tensione dopo l'uccisione del soldato Lee Rigby mercoledì. Su molti quotidiani compare in prima pagina la fotografia di Cameron insieme con la moglie Samantha sull'isola delle Baleari rilanciata sui siti. Downing Street aveva fatto sapere subito che il premier 'rimane in controllo della situazione' anche a distanza. --ANSWER -- PERCHÉ voi siete così ansiosi e sciocchi? i politici sono soltanto degli attori il sistema massonico delle Banche Centrali SpA i poteri occulti e massonici Bildenberg FMi-NWO non perdono mai di vista la situazione quindi la terza guerra mondiale non può essere evitata perché è questa la loro agenda per non fare scoprire il falso in bilancio del FMI!
Il monaco Basilio fu un profeta russo vissuto all'epoca di Pietro I° il Grande. Nato a Mosca nel 1660 Quando la misura sarà colma - afferma il monaco - giungerà un personaggio chiamato enigmaticamente l'uomo di Colosse. "Sarà un uomo inviato da Dio per unire i frammenti del mondo e aprire le porte d'un tempo nuovo... Egli sarà l'avanguardia del Governo Universale". Chi è l'uomo di Colosse? Il Governo Universale in questione è forse il "UNIUS REI"? Infine Basilio annuncia "Piccolo uomo del duemila non sforzarti di capire che cosa sarà il tempo nuovo il tuo sforzo è inutile perché la tua mente è chiusa ai disegni dell'Eterno. Sappi solo che l'uomo del Tempo dei Giusti(UNIUS REI) non nascerà piangendo (nel timore) verrà deposto nella culla della felicità (fratellanza universale) camminerà sul sentiero della pace parlerà con lo spirito (Santo) e non avrà bara (sarà eterno)" forse rapito al cielo come Elia.
voodoo cannibal 666 IHateNEWLAYOUT - when you go to China? you need to do like the Pope you have to kneel and kiss the ground you have to because every corner of this world is the temple of God but then you do not tell to the Chineses "Satan saved!" 1. why then I never see your face shit never more! 2. because they the Chinese? they are not pieces of shit such as your Bush Kerry Obama Zapatero Emma Bonino Bidenberg etc.. -- quando tu vai in Cina? tu devi fare come il Papa ti devi inginocchiare e devi baciare la terra perché ogni angolo di questo mondo è il santuario di Dio ma poi tu non dire ai cinesi "satana salva!" 1. perché allora io non vedrò mai più la tua faccia di merda! 2. perché loro i cinesi? loro non sono così pezzi di merda come il tuo Bush Kerry Obama Zapatero Emma Bonino Bidenberg ecc..
Rothschil Pharisees Islamists DirtyRichBeautyful JovyX76 - think something unworthy of against God or attribute that is to him an injustice evil caprice arbitrariness racism intolerance selfishness meanness etc.. any imperfection is a crime of high tradimento! is a sin against the Holy Spirit that there can never be forgiven! -- pensare qualcosa di indegno contro Dio o attribuire a lui una ingiustizia malvagità capriccio arbitrio razzismo intolleranza egoismo meschinità ecc.. una qualsiasi imperfezione è un crimine di alto tradimento! è un peccato contro lo Spirito Santo che non potrà mai essere perdonato!
Giuliano Mangano Commento sul tuo video JHWH re amorevole pacifico Ma un DIO Onnisciente avrebbe dovuto sapere cos'era un'epidemia e poteva benissimo insegnare ai popoli come curarsi,o dire ''E sia!'' e scacciare all'istante l'epidemia. Perchè invece non l'ha fatto? Perchè ha preferito piuttosto tenere i malati fuori dai suoi luoghi sacri!? -- ANSWER -- noi siamo tutti i criminali che sono stati espulsi dal "paradiso terrestre ed il capo di tutti i criminali non è Rothschild ma sono proprio io! ecco perché a me è stato dato il potere di estrarre dall'inferno nel giorno del giudizio universale tutti coloro che io vorrò.
Comment on your video YHWH King loving peaceful But an omniscient God would have known what was an epidemic and could easily teach people how to heal or to say,'' So be it!'' And instantly banish the epidemic. Why instead did not do it? Why preferred rather keep patients out of his holy places!? - ANSWER - we are all criminals who were expelled from the "earthly paradise and the chief of all the criminals is not Rothschilds but I am myself why I was given the power to extract from the hell in the day of judgment all those who I'll want to.
Giuliano Mangano Commento sul tuo video JHWH re amorevole pacifico Quindi a chi devo credere? -- ANSWER -- La mia laicità razionalità equilibrio magnanimità universalità la metafisica giustizia universale per la fratellanza universale dimostrano senza ombra di dubbio che io sono seduto(in fede) sul Trono di Dio io sono il RE Unius REI che Davide chiamava mio Signore nel salmo 110. Comment on your video YHWH King loving peaceful. So who do I believe? - ANSWER - My secularism rationality balance patience universality metaphysics universal justice for fratellanza Universale (universal brotherhood)prove without a shadow of a doubt that I'm sitting (in faith) on the Throne of God I are the KING Unius REI whom David called my Lord in Psalm 110.
Julian Mangano Comment on your video YHWH King loving peaceful I wonder how can a blind lame or one that has crushed testicles cause an epidemic? - ANSWER - but at that time the Pharisees did not have the science to determine if testicles schiacciti etc.. they could cause an epidemic and why a standard of social protection was accepted was included in the "Word of God" was right however that the sacrificial offering and his priest they were both perfect. because God is perfect in fact it is the perfection of the priest that is to sanctified even all the people and Peoples that is the element imperfect so the priesthood is not a right but an election in fact I am perfect on being elected to be the King Unius REI.
Giuliano Mangano Commento sul tuo video JHWH re amorevole pacifico Mi chiedo come può un cieco uno zoppo o uno che ha i testicoli schiacciati provocare un'epidemia? --ANSWER -- ma a quel tempo i farisei non avevano la scienza per stabilire se i testicoli schiacciti ecc.. non avrebbero potuto provocare una epidemia e perché una norma di protezione sociale fosse accettata andava inserita nella "Parola di Dio"era giusto però che l'offerta sacrificale ed il suo sacerdote fossero entrambi perfetti. perché Dio è perfetto infatti è dalla perfezione del sacerdote che viene santificato anche tutto il popolo cioè l'elemento imperfetto quindi il sacerdozio non è un diritto ma una elezione infatti io sono perfetto per essere stato eletto ad essere il Re Unius REI.
@ Julian Mangano (DirtyRichBeautyful) MA Satanism cannibalism sacred prostitution etc.. were not invented by Rothschild his evil family of Pharisees Illuminati has only taken all those practices abominable this is the eternal jew shoah against Abel jew. I have always fought successfully against the demons that are inside of you. and inside of your satanist MCMXXXlll.. io ho sempre lottato con successo contro i demoni che sono dentro di te
if you consider that the vow of extermination was also extended to animals this is that you have to consider about the nature of the demons the demon Asmodeus could not be captured by the Archangel Gabriel until he remained hidden into body of Sarah the future wife of Tobias. is the demon that killed all 7 the husbands of Sara daughter of Raguel a resident of Ecbatana but as demon could not stand the smell of the fish (symbol of Christ) he was forced to go out from his fortress and is in this way that the Arcangelo Raffaele could catch him then they had not the power of the Holy Spirit to free the animals and objects from the power of Satan because the blood of Christ on the Cross was not yet spread
@Giuliano Mangano (DirtyRichBeautyful) se tu consideri che il voto di sterminio si estendeva anche agli animali è questo che tu devi considerare circa la natura dei demoni il demonio Asmodeo non poteva essere catturato dall'Arcangelo Gabriele finché rimaneva nascosto nel corpo di Sara la futura moglie di Tobia. è il demone che uccise tutti e 7 i mariti di Sara figlia di Raguele abitante di Ecbàtana ma poiché non poteva sopportare l'odore del pesce (simbolo di Cristo) fu costretto ad uscire dalla sua fortezza ed è in questo modo che l'Arangelo Raffaele poté catturarlo quindi non avevano la potenza dello Spirito Santo per liberare gli animali e gli oggetti dal potere di satana perché il sangue di Cristo sulla Croce non era stato ancora sparso
Exodus 34:10-14. 10. Then the Lord said "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I the Lord will do for you. 11. Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites Canaanites Hittites Perizzites Hivites and Jebusites. 13. Break down their altars smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.[a] 14. Do not worship any other god for the Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous God. --ANSWER -- @Giuliano Mangano (DirtyRichBeautyful) MA satanismo cannibalismo prostituzione sacra ecc.. non sono state inventate da Rothschild la sua malefica famiglia di farisei Illuminati le ha solamente adottate tutte quelle pratiche abominevoli è questa la eterna shoah contro Abele ebreo.
Giuliano Mangano Commento sul tuo video "JHWH re amorevole pacifico" said "YHWH odiava i malati disse chiaramente (Levitico 21:16-23) ''chi ha un difetto (fisico) non può entrare nei miei luoghi sacri perchè io sono il Signore che li santifico''. Dio benediva l'usura sui Gentili (Deuteronomio 23:20-21). -- ANSWER -- hai mai pensato che in tempi in cui una epidemia poteva diventare un genocidio delle precauzioni andavano prese? hai mai pensato che i farisei usurai e satanisti dovevano giustificare i loro crimini e delitti di predazione del signoraggio bancario FMI contro tutto il genere umano? infatti i versetti da te citati sono stati sconfessati dai profeti ma i profeti sono stati uccisi e la loro parola è stata calpestata dal talmud. così tu non hai lo Spirito Santo per capire la differenza tra la parola di satana e la VERA Parola di Dio in ogni testo sacro?
@ex-synnek1 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM Satanism international IMF-NWO ex-synnek1 @ 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM occult power masonics ystem synagogue bildenberg --- moron! is useless that you have done damage FIREFOX because you hope that I can entrust my password of uniusrei3 to chrome etc.. because I never will! you never cease to be evil against me while I'm doing everything possible to save the life of a piece of shit like you! satanismo internazionale FMI-NWO @ex-synnek1 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM --- imbecille! è inutile che tu hai fatto danneggiare FIREFOX perché tu speri che io possa affidare la password di uniusrei3 a chrome ecc.. perché io non lo farò mai! tu non smetti mai di essere malefico contro di me mentre io sto facendo di tutto per salvare la vita ad un pezzo di merda come te!
diggi7272 Commento sul tuo video Siria Inno Nazionale Syrian National Anthem النشيد الو Fuck Assad from Germany and Kurdistan --ANSWER -- REALLY? but just that democracy human rights and freedom of religion exists in Your Sunni Arab League? in comparison with you? Assad is 100 times better! ma quale democrazia diritti umani e libertà di religione esiste nella Tua Lega Araba di sunniti? in confronto a voi? Assad è 100 volte meglio!
Julian Mangano. Comment on your video YHWH King loving peaceful. YHWH King loving peaceful? EH!?!? But have you ever read a bible!?!? - ANSWER - of course YHWH is king loving peaceful also in the Old Testament in addition to over every human imagination and the key to this revelation is that his love led him to be crucified on the CROSS on this aspect you can lose every bet with me but to a covenant 1. you must not take the explanations by the Pharisee Rothschild IMF-NWO and his satanic Talmud but 2. you have to believe my biblical explanations because I am a theologian biblical fundamentalist.
Giuliano Mangano. Commento sul tuo video JHWH re amorevole pacifico YHWH re amorevole pacifico?? EH!?!? Ma avete letto mai una bibbia!?!? -- ANSWER -- certo JHWH è re amorevole pacifico anche nell'Antico Testamento oltre ogni immaginazione umana e la chiave di questa rivelazione è che il suo amore lo ha portato ad essere crocifisso sulla CROCE su questo aspetto tu puoi perdere ogni scommessa con me ma ad un patto 1. non devi prendere le spiegazioni dal fariseo Rothschild IMF-NWO e dal suo Talmud Satanico ma 2. tu devi credere alle mie spiegazioni bibliche perché io sono un TEOLOGO fondamentalista biblico.
Abu Antar --- because ultimately you have become so negative? if you had a personal relationship with God? then you would have been less affected by the events of a bad luck! what is ails your heart? look at me my stability in spite of that you've always done my enemy on this page? I am now worried about you. perché ultimamenite tu sei diventato così negativo? se tu avevi un rapporto personale con Dio? poi tu saresti stato meno condizionato dagli eventi di una cattiva sorte! che cosa affligge il tuo cuore? guarda a me alla mia stabilità nonostante che tu hai sempre fatto il mio nemico su questa pagina? io ora sono preoccupato per te
@King Saudi Arabia-- 1. Adamo era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 2. Abele era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 3. Enock era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 4. Noè era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 5. Abramo era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 6. Mosè era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 7. tutti i profeti era un musulmani che hanno parlato con Dio; ecc... ma 8. Maometto era un musulmano che non ha parlato con Dio! cazzo! Adesso che musulmani possiamo essere noi se parliamo soltanto con dei libri? ecco perché; tu devi aiutare me a costruire il Tempio Ebraico! perché io di questo sono sicuro Dio vuole parlare anche con ognuno di noi! Se poi tu non puoi fare queste cose perché porti una corona? dalla ad una rana e fai il folle!
["socialist dictatorship".FED ECB IMF 666 NWO] PARIS 26 MAY - Scuffles at the end of the demonstration against the law on gay marriage in Paris. On the Esplanade des Invalides while the protesters were returning to the bus some youths threw stones at police who responded with tear gas. The protesters chanted slogans against the "socialist dictatorship". - ANSWER --- but this is a story which we have already lived when so-called Jewish lobby and Masonic (that are Satanists and non-Jews to be the real instigators of each Shoah) bleed choke a nation through crime theft of the banking seigniorage and its consequent debt and then prepare the ground for the emergence of totalitarianism. but also totalitarianism is a desired effect because this is the pyramid of the New World Order occult powers. Illuminati are invisible to the mortals in their Olympus
google youtube @ 666 --- you are the bigger terrorists into sites computers internet! stop with your hypocrisy against the Chinese Hackers! your employee to whom you have given power to get into my sites BLOGGER to erase what he wants to and to put all the filters which he wants against me so for not to do to list for my articles from engines search? he insulted me (day before yesterday) on the page of my youtube channel saying "you must go to hell," and when I asked him the reason for his insult he said to me "for spam which you do" --ANSWER --. you are the Masonic conspiracy crime of high treason against the CONSTITUTION because this your employee that I stuck on my page? he has also come to cancel your comment on my channel arbitrarily.
[ 666 IMF 322 FED occult power ONU ECB masonic system Bildenberg for destroy Israele e la civiltà ebraico-cristiana ] 05/25/2013 VATICAN.Pope the economic crisis has ethical roots we need a global rethink of system. We can not put "the idols of power profit money over and above the value of the human person." Unemployment "is spreading like wildfire in large areas of the West and boundaries of poverty are spreading at an alarming rate. And there is no worse material poverty I am compelled to emphasize than that which does not allow people to earn their daily bread and deprives them of the dignity of work. "Pope those seeking the Church must never find doors closed by "faith inspectors".During the Mass Francis recalls the episode of Jesus who says "let the children come to me" to invite the acceptance of "people." "The faith of the People of God is a simple faith a faith that is perhaps without too much theology,
[una rivelazione sulla TRINITà è una famiglia anche per noi! ] 05/26/2013 VATICAN Pope the Trinity "the face with which God revealed himself" as "love" What does it mean that God is in three people? Francis Pope spoke about it during the Angelus and his first visit to a parish in suburban Rome where "it is easier to understand reality." As he spoke about Father Don Puglisi who was beatified yesterday he turned his thoughts to the "mafias" that exploit so many children in the world. He also greeted a group of Chinese Catholics who gathered in Rome yesterday "to pray for the Church in China." Vatican City (AsiaNews) - During his first pastoral visit to a parish in Rome before he addressed 80,000 people in St Peters's Square for the Angelus prayer Pope Francis spoke about the Trinity,
3 giorni fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu - when in 1600 he founded the Bank of England SpA Rothschild the Pied Piper he started playing his music of Death above all peoples and since he uses the Kabbalah which is satanic science for to spread the cobwebs on the Peoples then he can not say that the Holocaust of the Nazis was a hiccup.. you see this "187AUDIOHOSTEM" he is the true manager of youtube? he first was "Synnek1" and also if in the NWO he is more powerful of politicians actors obliged as wagons to flow established on the rails of history and therefore he is more powerful:of Obama since is higher to Obama in PYRAMID MASONIC of the NWO however he is a loser that in fact I forced him to do erased by himself his website for shame but this criminal wrote on my page of uniusrei3 which in his name have been deleted 1000.000 sites.
3 giorni fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu - the whole planet is only one pyramid namely the 666 322 NWO that is the new Tower of Babel is a very fragile construction from my point of view for me. but in reality without divine resources you can not fight it with it because it is made of demons. Since it is not possible do not have relationships with the IMF and with the stock market or commercial then no one can say "I am no part of the NWO" not even the IRAN can say that! but if in a nation are SpA corporations and then there is also the Masons? then even that nation it was completely smitten! and how Freemasonry is occult too on the inside so the NWO is hidden on the inside and feeds nourishes regenerates in the to do crushing of lower levels of this pyramid which is the kingdom Satan. that's why I will dash to hell all those who do not devote their lives to denounce the bank seigniorage
3 giorni fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu - and since the NWO is from the point of view political that the IMF is from the monetary point of view then if you have a map of wealth per capita the people and of peoples you can draw perfectly the pyramid:of the NWO of Satan and therefore you can discover on its own such as Saudi Arabia has a place much higher in the NWO of Israel sorry Benjamin Netanyahu but you for Rothschild and for that sewer cover the King of Saudi Arabia? you Iran and Israel you are already dead here's why an unthinkable alliance between the Israelis (who distuggono Masonic state of Israel and Iran?) will shatter the New World Order and save the human race from world War! I am quite sure of this God is really pissed against all the Jews of the world but Rothschild obviously worked to achieve this they result too!
3 giorni fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu - however with the sharia Islamic Muslims they are a great threat to the survival of the whole human race and if your alliance with the Scythians would the defeat of the Sunni and you ottenessi the 400,000 sq km to return all the Jews of the world this project would not stop of imperialism the worldwide caliphate (which with their fanaticism has needs of very little capital to continue to expand itself) and therefore would leave the Jews gathered in Palestine getting exposed to future extreme danger! and since the religious maniacs not never will give up to sharia and their murders of Nazism if they not were forced to do so here that you hit all of them with nuclear weapons at the same time it is the only winning strategy so they abandon their criminal sharia. about Bush Kerry Obama? Rothschild can put his finger in the ass in those parrots and make them say everything that he wants!
3 giorni fa
@youtube 666 NAZI said Upgrade to YouTube One Channel Your new channel features cross-device branding a channel trailer for new viewers and better organization of your videos and playlists. 12 days left to upgrade If no action is taken by June 5th your account will be automatically upgraded. --- ANSWER --- NOT LIMITED TO YOU HAVE DESTROYED 50% of the written comments that I could do before but now you destroy the images of background, everything you do is always to destroy the possibility communication and democratic so you're a violation of the Constitution.. --- ANSWER --- NON SOLTANTO TU HAI DISTRUTTO il 50% dei commenti scritti che si potevano fare prima ma adesso tu distruggi le immagini di fondo tutto quello che tu fai è sempre per distruggere le possibilità comunicative e democratiche in questo modo tu sei una violazione della Costituzione
4 giorni fa
Soldato ucciso è Drummer Lee Rigby di 25 anni. ma Uno dei killer è cresciuto in una devota famiglia cristiana a Londra. 23 maggio 19:43 "Questo non è solo un attacco alla Gran Bretagna questo è tradire l'Islam. Non c'é nulla nell'Islam che giustifichi questo atto". Lo ha detto il primo ministro britannico David Cameron. --ANSWER -- in questo modo "Cameron" il demone africano esperto in genocidio si improvvisa Imam per parlare lui a nome dell'Islam ma lui dovrebbe spiegare le sue farneticazioni islamiche ai 300 martiri cristiani innocenti che vengono uccisi in nome della sharia ogni giorno e ai 200.000.000 di dhimmi che vivono nell'angoscia di ricevere continuamete stupri violenze ed emarginazioni di ogni tipo. ovviamente il problema non sono i musulmani ma tutti i suoi complici islamisti della Lega ARABA
5 giorni fa
I can not know where as when my ministers the angels and they will kill or do the evil to my enemies but I can know why because I am the Messiah of the Jews a single king on all the World unius REI! I am a political authority of the Kingdom of God and not only a commentator. because I'm a politician of the Kingdom of God then my comments can bring life and can bring death --- io non posso sapere dove come quando i miei ministri gli angeli uccideranno e faranno del male ai miei nemici ma io posso sapere il perché perché io sono il Messia degli Ebrei un unico Re sul Mondo Unius REI! io sono una autorità politica del Regno di Dio e non soltanto un opinionista.. poiché io sono un politico del Regno di Dio quindi i miei commenti portano la vita e portano la morte,
5 giorni fa
[@King Saudi Arabia solo perché Rothschild ha dato a te il diritto di fare questi delitti per realizzare il califfato mondiale? 05/22/2013. SYRIA. Aleppo prays for Orthodox bishops kidnapped a month ago] Bishop Audo Chaldean Archbishop of Aleppo speaks of the pain of the Syrian Christian community. For a month the population has been waiting for news on the conditions of Msgr. Youhanna Ibrahim and Msgr. Boulos Yaziji kidnapped on 22 April. The appeal of Bartholomew I for the liberation of the two prelates and peace in Syria. The hopes for an end to the conflict is supported by the hymn "Christ is Risen Alleluia" which is heard every day in all the churches of the city. Aleppo (AsiaNews) - "Pray for the release of Msgr. Youhanna Ibrahim and Msgr. Boulos Yaziji and for all the people of Syria." This is the appeal of Msgr. Antoine Audo Chaldean Archbishop of Aleppo
5 giorni fa
[@King Saudi Arabia solo perché Rothschild ha dato a te il diritto di fare questi delitti per realizzare il califfato mondiale? 05/22/2013. SYRIA. Aleppo prays for Orthodox bishops kidnapped a month ago] one month after the kidnapping of the two Orthodox prelates which took place on April 22 at the border with Turkey. "What most saddens us - says the prelate to AsiaNews - and what saddens the population is the total absence of news about the conditions of the two bishops and where they are prisoners." On 18 May all the Christian churches of Aleppo Catholic and Orthodox organized a day of prayer for Syria. Thousands of people attended braving the bombs the risk of robberies and kidnappings. The bishop says priests and religious leaders are an easy target for criminals and extremists "I myself cannot move freely for fear of being kidnapped. We have to plan all our trips."
5 giorni fa
@666 youtube and his faggot [employees who do evil to uniusrei2 and many Christian sites] IHateNEWLAYOUT Abu Antar 187AUDIOHOSTEM I'm a politician who can not do the exorcist as Pope Bergoglio but if you let Satan? you can become exorcists! but you must not make the mistake of Father Amorth he does talk the demons the demons should not be given the right to have a voice they just state their name only in order to be sent back to hell.. ma non dovete fare l'errore di padre Amorth che lui fa parlare i demoni ai demoni non deve essere dato il diritto di avere una voce devono solo dichiarare il loro nome per poter essere rispediti all'inferno
5 giorni fa
Washington May 21 - A powerful tornado devastated a suburb of the city of Oklahoma City the capital of Oklahoma in the south-central U.S. bringing down whole blocks of houses two schools and killing at least 24 people including 7 children. According to CNN at least 145 people were admitted to hospital. - ANSWER - [if there is divorce gay marriage abortion sexual perversions etc.. atheism evolution Sharia dhimmi Dalits goyim etc..] then [for us there is no God] in fact we have been worthy of our demons! the Pharisee of the IMF to be able to exploit all Peoples has offered us the corruption but we have taken it arousing the jealousy of God but not is God do us harm are the elements of nature which are been rebel against us ie demons.
5 giorni fa
Washington 21 mag - Un potentissimo tornado ha devastato un sobborgo della città di Oklahoma City capitale dell'Oklahoma nel centro-sud degli Usa abbattendo interi isolati di case due scuole e provocando la morte di almeno 24 persone tra cui 7 bambini. Secondo la Cnn almeno 145 persone sono state ricoverate in ospedale. -- ANSWER -- [se c'è questo divorzi matrimoni gay aborti perversioni sessuali ecc.. ateismo evoluzionismo sharia dhimmi dalit goym ecc..] allora [per noi non c'è Dio] infatti noi siamo stati degni dei nostri demoni! il fariseo del FMI per poterci sfruttare ha offerto a noi la corruzione e noi la abbiamo presa suscitando la gelosia di Dio ma non è Dio a fare a noi del male sono gli elementi della natura che si ribellano.
5 giorni fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM said 14 hours ago on my page [You're On A Hopeless Quest] - ANSWER - really? 1. then all religions have been destroyed 2. the Pharisees Illuminati IMF-NWO have won 3. the new age the Satanism ideological and practical it has conquered the planet 4. Israel is been disintegrated. 5. all men were forced to take the micro-chip 5. all organisms GMOs have replaced the natural organisms 6. the whole human race is maintained around 200 million inhabitants.- really? 1. allora tutte le religioni sono state distrutte 2. i farisei Illuminati del FMI-NWO hanno vinto 3. la new age del satanismo ideologico e pratico ha conquistato il pianeta 4. Israele è stato disintegrato. 5. tutti gli uomini sono stati costretti a prendere il micro-chip 5. tutti gli organismi OGM hanno sostituito gli organismi naturali 6. tutto il genere umano è mantenuto intorno a 200 milioni di abitanti [Jesus Christ Messiah will came!]
[il peccato contro natura elevato a simbolo di Dio cioè a simbolo dell'amore] "Serviranno certamente gesti nuovi spettacolari e simbolici per scuotere i sonnolenti le coscienze anestetizzate e risvegliare la memoria delle nostre origini. Entriamo in un tempo in cui le parole devono essere rese autentiche da azioni". Questo il contenuto dell'ultimo intervento online di Dominique Venner lo scrittore e militante anti-nozze gay che si è tolto la vita all'interno della cattedrale di Notre-Dame. Sul suo blog si legge ''I manifestanti del 26 maggio (prossima manifestazione degli oppositori ai matrimoni dello stesso sesso ndr) hanno ragione a gridare la loro rabbia. Una legge infame una volta votata può sempre essere abrogata" -- ANSWER -- è giusto combattere l'omofobia ma la legittimazione di una perversione sessuale è un crimine molto più grande!
@Elisabetta II ovvero Gezabele II --- alleluia! il crimine che la Monarchia Inglese ha fatto con la cessione della sovranità monetaria al Signor fariseo Rothschild FMI FED BCE SPA è un crimine di sterminio non soltanto del popolo inglese ma con la fondazione della Banca di Inghilterra è anche diventato un crimine di sterminio di tutti i popoli.. tutti i potenti di questo "mondo di tenebre e malvagità" devono essere portati nel fango! @ Elizabeth II ie Jezebel II --- hallelujah! the crime that the English monarchy did with the transfer of monetary sovereignty to Mr. Pharisee Rothschild IMF FED ECB SPA is a crime of extermination not only of the English people but with the founding of the Bank of England has also become a crime of extermination of all peoples. all the rich powerful men this "world of darkness and evil" should be brought into the mud!
@Benjamin Netanyahu Bibi -- Rothschild 666 il fariseo del FMI lui ha scommesso sul fatto che tu non sei abbastanza "maschio" per fare un attacco nucleare preventivo contro la Lega ARABA. che salverebbe Israele ed il mondo dalla III guerra mondiale... ed è questa la verità "Rothschild raramente si sbaglia!" 1. i salafiti sunniti loro sono troppo malati mentali maniaci religiosi per avere una strategia politica così raffinata quindi sono sostenuti dai farisei. i sunniti sono sotto il tutoraggio dei farisei!. 2. e poiché non esiste un futoro per Israele e per gli sciti nel Califfato Mondiale dei sunniti se è vero quello che dice Rothschild contro di te ciè che tu sei una femminuccia.. poi è il caso. che i condannati alla estinzione si uniscano e divengano alleati almeno!
6 giorni fa
[You're On A Hopeless Quest]
[i peccati non sono un impedimento per il miracolo! I miracoli esistono lo assicura Papa Francesco testimone oculare diretto di un caso]. PER APPROFONDIRE Francesco preghiera miracoli guarigione Chiesa fede papa francesco di Franca Giansoldati. CITTÀ DEL VATICANO - I miracoli esistono. Parola di Papa Bergoglio che alla messa celebrata a Santa Marta stamattina ha raccontato ai presenti di essere stato testimone diretto di un evento prodigioso. L'episodio è avvenuto in Argentina alcuni anni fa «Mi ricordo una cosa successa nel santuario di Luján» dedicato alla Madonna. Una bambina di sette anni si era ammalata gravemente e i medici non trovavano alcuna soluzione. Anzi la piccola andava peggiorando sempre di più sino a quando una sera il primario dell'ospedale comunicò ai genitori,che purtroppo non c'era più niente da fare e che le rimanevano poche ore di vita.
[i peccati non sono un impedimento per il miracolo! I miracoli esistono lo assicura Papa Francesco testimone oculare diretto di un caso]. «Il padre che era un elettricista un uomo di fede sembrava diventato come pazzo dal dolore. E sospinto da quella pazzia quella sera prese l'autobus per recarsi al santuario di Luján due ore e mezzo strada oltre settanta chilometri di distanza da Buenos Aires» dove arrivò a notte fonda e si trovò tutto chiuso. «E lui ha cominciato a pregare con le mani aggrappate al cancello di ferro. Pregava e piangeva. è rimasto così tutta la notte. Pregava e piangeva». Papa Bergoglio nel suo racconto ha spiegato che quell'uomo stava lottando con Dio. «Lottava proprio con Dio per la guarigione della sua bambina». Alle sei di mattina sfinito si recò al terminal per riprendere il bus e tornare indietro. «È arrivato all'ospedale alle nove più o meno.
[i peccati non sono un impedimento per il miracolo! I miracoli esistono lo assicura Papa Francesco testimone oculare diretto di un caso]. Ha trovato la moglie che piangeva e ha pensato al peggio cosa è successo? Non capisco. Cosa è successo? Sono venuti i dottori gli ha risposto la moglie e mi hanno detto che la febbre è scomparsa respira bene non c'è niente. La terranno ancora solo due giorni. Ma non capiscono quello che è successo». Insomma un miracolo. Perché — ha commentato il Papa — i miracoli ci sono. «Ma serve la preghiera! Una preghiera coraggiosa che lotta per arrivare a quel miracolo non quelle preghiere per cortesia Ah io pregherò per te! Poi un Pater Noster un'Ave Maria e mi dimentico. No!
[i peccati non sono un impedimento per il miracolo! I miracoli esistono lo assicura Papa Francesco testimone oculare diretto di un caso]. Ci vuole una preghiera coraggiosa come quella di Abramo che lottava con il Signore per salvare la città; come quella di Mosè che pregava con le mani in alto e si stancava pregando il Signore; come quella di tanta gente che ha fede e con la fede prega prega».
[@lega araba -- sorry ma qualcuno potrebbe pensare che voi avete dei gravi problemi psicologici?] 18:38. 20 mag. In Turchia 666 donne uccise in 4 anni. Rapporto ministro famiglia ma per ong sono stime sottovalutate. 18:33. 20 mag. Iraq 85 morti in violenze ultime 24 ore. Circa 230 i feriti. Maliki annuncia cambio vertici sicurezza. 18:29. 20 mag. Gb negata liberta'vigilata a Abu Qatada. Giudici scarcerazione costituirebbe rischio sicurezza nazionale. 15:40. 20 mag. Iraq:nuovo attentato a Baghdad 12 morti. In quartiere sciita 63 vittime da ieri sera in attentati. 15:39. 20 mag. Libia attacco a sito gas Mellitah. Impianto gestito da società mista con partecipazione Eni. 17:05. 20 mag. Siria frustati da jihadisti in pubblico. Condannati per 'condotta immorale' da corte islamica
[Agenda IMF talmud for destroy Israel ]Funeral Party leader Imran Khan killed 19 May 22:20 - ANSWER - of course those traitors media Masonic WEST of seigniorage banking every time can they? they try to hide the identity of the Islamist terrorists. Funeral Party chef Imran Khan qui a tué le 19 mai 22:20 - RÉPONSE - bien sûr ceux traîtres médias maçonnique WEST du seigneuriage bancaire à chaque fois peuvent-ils? ils essaient de cacher l'identité des terroristes islamistes. Esequie leader partito Imran Khan uccisa 19 maggio 22:20 -- ANSWER -- ovviamente quei traditori dei media massonici OCCIDENTALI del signoraggio bancario tutte le volte che possono? loro cercano di nascondere la identità dei terroristi islamisti.
@ Giorgio Napolitano my father you have seen? increasingly technical men faithful to private companies SpA and always less power to the politicians.. [PROFILE Franco State accountant another 'man Bankitalia'. Since 2011 central manager to Economic Research. May 17] but this was not that our Constitution had expected. then our democratic system has failed but you continue to hold in resuscitation room a political corpse because without monetary sovereignty? it is not possible to express a political sovereignty! so we are at the mercy of large international banks ie big wear such as the scientist Giacinto Auriti said tour a cost of borrowing 270% (with three scams legalized) for a tax levy of approximately 70% to pay the costs of the money of property of Satanists Pharisees the worst criminals international and you have become all institutions all the accomplices that is the torturers of the peoples
@ Benjamin Netanyahu (attacco nucleare preventivo contro Lega Araba) (preventive nuclear attack against arab league) --- il vero motivo per cui hanno ucciso Saddam Hussein è perché 1.200.000 cristiani stavano bene con lui ed è questo anche il vero motivo per cui Bashar al-Assad è stata attaccato è perché i farisei Illuminati hanno giurato di distruggere e di sterminare i cristiani.. perchè i cristiani nel loro cuore non potrebbero mai odiare Israele... - the real reason why they killed him Saddam Hussein is because Christians were 1,200,000 were good with him(but now are few than 200.000) and it is this even the real reason Bashar al-Assad has been attacked it is because the Pharisees Illuminati have sworn to destroy and to exterminate the Christians. because Christians in their hearts they could never hate Israel.
@ Benjamin netanyahu --- the ARAB LEAGUE are religious maniacs international criminals jihad sharia dhimmi Al Queda Islamist caliphate worldwide it is a satanic system only criminal against when the whole human race will have to fight if wont to survive. but there would be no Islam so criminal if there not were the Pharisees and Masons bilbenderg (which they need to Islamic terrorists for disinterare the civilization Jewish-Cristana) then no one will be really safe in this planet until organizations corporations SpA the occult power that are constitutionally prohibited the Pharisees and Masons IMF that is the great wear international will not be destroyed. no honest man will be safe in this world of shit here's why on this page there are so many Satanists to do spam against me.
@ benjamin netanyahu --- la LEGA ARABA sono maniaci religiosi criminali internazionali jihad sharia dhimmi Al Queda islamisti e califfato mondiale è un solo sistema satanico criminale contro cui tutto il genere umano dovrà combattere per poter sopravvivere.. ma non esisterebbe un islam così criminale se non ci fossero i farisei e massoni bilbenderg (che hanno bisogno di terroristi islamici per disinterare la civiltà ebraico-cristana) quindi nessuno sarà veramente al sicuro in questo pianeta finché le organzzazioni occulte che sono vietate costituzionalmente di farisei e massoni del FMI cioè la grande usura internazinale non saranno state distrutte.. nessun uomo onesto sarà al sicuro in questo pianeta di merda ecco perché in questa pagina ci sono tanti satanisti a fare spam contro di me.
a lorry driver friend Told me "The transport market in Italy is become an suicide has become a" fact bad evil "Because. truck drivers must cover the debts with the banks or the insolvency Creditors they are forced to works with a turn loss "then procuring work other payables work loss and not procuring a gain necessary? that's why they will end with the failure to do to do gain!" a lorry driver friend told me "The transport market in Italy? it has become a suicide!" In fact "since. truck drivers must cover their debts with banks o defaults their creditors they are forced to turn," below cost " then procuring work others more debts work loss and not procuring gain essential necessary? that's why they will end with the failure to do! "
a lorry driver friend told me "The transport market in Italy is become an suicide has become a" fact bad evil "because. truck drivers must cover the debts with the banks or the insolvency creditors they are forced to works with turn a loss "then procuring work other payables work loss and not procuring a gain necessary? that's why they will end with the failure to do to do gain!" un amico camionista mi ha detto " il mercato del trasporto in Italia? è diventato un suicidio!" infatti "poiché. i camionisti devono coprire i loro debiti con le banche o le insolvenze dei loro creditori loro sono costretti a girare "sottocosto" quindi lavorano procurando altri ulteriori debiti lavorano sottocosto e non procurando un guadagno indispensabile necessario? ecco perché finiranno con il fare fallimento!"
05/16/2013 [nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama UE IMF FED ECB NWO 666 satanAllah idol stone jihad and sharia for dhimmi ie worldwide caliphate for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. Twitter the social medium the emirs do not like. As government persecution continues six more people are arrested in Bahrain for offensive twitting against the country's customs and institutions. Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia the religious police warns locals that anyone using social media "has lost this world and his afterlife." Manama (AsiaNews/Agencies) - A Bahrain court sentenced six activists to a year in jail for insulting King Hamad bin Isa al-Halaifa in messages posted on Twitter. For the public prosecutor they were guilty of "misuse of freedom of expression". On the same day the six activists were convicted Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh head of the Saudi religious police strongly criticised the use of twitter by Saudis
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama UE IMF FED ECB NWO 666 satanAllah idol stone jihad and sharia for dhimmi ie worldwide caliphate for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. saying that "anyone using social media sites," especially Twitter "has lost this world and his afterlife" reflecting official concern that Saudis use Twitter to discuss sensitive political and other issues. Saudi Arabia is believed to have seen the world's fastest increase in the uptake of Twitter. Protests in Bahrain began in February of 2011 leading to the arrest of 3,000 activists and the death of 80 protesters 35 of them only between March and April. Bahrain's ruling family has run the small country for more than 200 years. When challenged it called on the Saudi government to help them crush demonstrations. Riyadh responded by sending about a thousand troops.
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama UE IMF FED ECB NWO 666 satanAllah idol stone jihad and sharia for dhimmi ie worldwide caliphate for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. On 9 July 2012 Nabeel Rajab head of the Bahrain Centre for human rights and an iconic figure in the protest movement was also sentenced to two years in prison on misusing freedom of expression as well. Friends now run his Twitter account which has become the online window for Bahraini dissidents with over 200,000 followers. On the same day that the six activists were convicted Nabeel's family went public with strong concerns over the conditions of his imprisonment.
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama UE IMF FED ECB NWO 666 satanAllah idol stone jihad and sharia for dhimmi ie worldwide caliphate for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. See also 03/14/2011 BAHRAIN -- YEMEN. New pro-democracy demonstrations in Bahrain as rumours mount about a Saudi intervention. 02/09/2012 MALAYSIA-SAUDI ARABIA. "Blasphemous" Saudi Poet arrested in Malaysia and deported to Jeddah. Risks death. 03/04/2011 YEMEN -- BAHRAIN -- SAUDI ARABIA. Anti-govt protests end with 2 deaths in Yemen as unrest bubbles up in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. 09/07/2004 SAUDI ARABIA. A catacomb Church? Perhaps but one that is alive and well and universal. 01/02/2013 SAUDI ARABIA. Around 500 intellectuals sign petition for blogger opposed to Sharia
@ President Giorgio Napolitano and --- Because I am the freedom of conscience? and Because I am the King the greater and most important of the entire history of mankind? Then everyone will speak evil of me without fearing for Their Lives. Because I'm magnanimous. and because I am the freedom of conscience? and because I am the King the greater and most important the entire history of mankind? Then everyone will speak evil of me without fearing for their lives. because I'm magnanimous. who is the messenger of God? he has to do also the works of God That are justice equality freedom of conscience free will freedom of religion. while Muhammad? he did not do any of this Which is why he was the prophet of the devil! and All Those who have come after him? demons have been more perfect 1000 times More than him! I can not wait to come to Israel to exterminate to the entire Arab League
05/16/2013. [there are no martyrs in the world under kingdom Unius REI I am universal brotherhood in natural law] ITALY. For Bartholomew the "persecution of the Christians" has not ceased and "the Church of Christ will never cease to generate martyrs". The Ecumenical Patriarch is in Milan to celebrate 1,700 years since the Edict of Constantine when "for the first time religious freedom was enshrined into law." Today however in many places Christians are seen as enemies of society and the state. Equally the Christian faith is not tolerated in many countries. Milan (AsiaNews) - Some 1,700 years have passed since Emperor Constantine granted Christians the right to believe in God yet "the persecution of Christians has not ceased;" thus "the Church of Christ will never cease to generate martyrs" until God "enlightens everyone so that they understand that peace reconciliation tolerance,
1 sett. fa
Paris May 16 (TMNews) - French President Francois Hollande expressed "the emotion of the whole nation for the tragedy" that has consumed this morning in a school in the center of Paris where a man committed suicide shooting himself shot in the head in front of a dozen children of not more than six years. The head of state also expressed appreciation for "the staff (school) that prevented perhaps another drama." "We will do everything possible to help these children," added the president during the second big press conference of his mandate. After the suicide some children were assisted by a team of psychologists before the parents alerted by telephone were gradually to retrieve them from the school located on rue Cler in the chic seventh arrondissement of Paris. - ANSWER - MASSONI BETRAYERS Bildenberg MURDERERS THE MAN IS A PROPHET BECAUSE WITHOUT MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY OUR CHILDREN ARE ALREADY DEAD!
1 sett. fa
Paris May 16 (TMNews) - French President Francois Hollande expressed "the emotion of the whole nation for the tragedy" that has consumed this morning in a school in the center of Paris where a man committed suicide shooting himself shot in the head in front of a dozen children of not more than six years. The head of state also expressed appreciation for "the staff (school) that prevented perhaps another drama." "We will do everything possible to help these children," added the president during the second big press conference of his mandate. After the suicide some children were assisted by a team of psychologists before the parents alerted by telephone were gradually to retrieve them from the school located on rue Cler in the chic seventh arrondissement of Paris. - ANSWER - MASSONI BETRAYERS Bildenberg MURDERERS THE MAN IS A PROPHET BECAUSE WITHOUT MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY OUR CHILDREN ARE ALREADY DEAD!
1 sett. fa
[Israel Pharisees system MASONIC 666 Star Satan IMF NWO] will be sweet for you receive the death by my hands because I will continue to love you tenderly as Israelis as Jews in my Kingdom of Palestine together with our Palestinian brothers when sharia has been abolished throughout the world! [Israël pharisiens système maçonnique 666 Etoiles Satan FMI NWO] sera doux pour vous de recevoir la mort par mes mains parce que je vais continuer à vous aimer tendrement comme les Israéliens les Juifs dans mon royaume de la Palestine ainsi que avec nos frères palestiniens quand la charia a été abolie dans le monde entier! [Israele Farisei sistema MASSONICO 666 stella satana FMI NWO] sarà dolce per te ricevere la morte dalle mie mani perché io continuerò ad amare te teneramente come israeliani come ebrei nel mio Regno di Palestina insieme ai nostri fratelli palestinesi quando la sharia sarà stata abolità in tutto il mondo!
15/05/2013 РОССИЯ-КИТАЙ. Впервые за последние 50 лет мессу в православном соборе Шанхая. На судейство Божественной литургии патриарх Московский Кирилл. Глава Русской православной церкви завершает свой "исторический" визит в Китай - Ответ - с тем сколько любви и сострадания с тем что я хотел быть в ваш Божественная Литургия о Патриарха Московского Кирилла. Глава Русской православной церкви. Pontentemente Да благословит вас Бог мои возлюбленные Святой Отец! а также благословить все народы мира!
1 sett. fa
15/05/2013 RUSSIA-CHINA. For the first time in over 50 years celebrated mass at the Orthodox Cathedral of Shanghai. To officiate the Divine Liturgy the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church concludes his "historic" visit to China. 15/05/2013 VATICAN. Pope Pray for the priests and bishops because they do not yield to the temptation of money and careerism. - ANSWER - with how much love and compassion with what I wanted to be in your the divine liturgy of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Pontentemente God bless you my beloved Holy Father! and also to bless all the peoples of the world!
1 sett. fa
@ benjamin netanyahu --- IsraelNationalTV or CER | The Jewish Community of Rome. [/ User / ComunitaEbraicaRoma]. they have kept my comments. But when my Holy Spirit he called to a young rabbi of Rome and through me infused knowledge that is the power of my metaphysics I have sent to him in a fraction of a second all what is to be the Jews Satanists for banking seigniorage? Then the Pharisee rabbi he closed his heart and said to me "I do not care that your children should die like dogs suffocated by debt scam of banking seigniorage you are only the goyim!" The Kingdom of God we can prove I did not hurt his children in fact they are still all alive! So what difference there is between the wickedness of the Pharisees and that of the Islamists? that is why God YHWH has made it possible the Holocaust at the hands of Hitler and even Israel is already dead!
1 sett. fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM owner youtube 666 said ABOUT uniusrei2 this account has been suspended Due to many or major violations of the rules about YouTube about spam (the biblical book of Solomon Wisdom written and translated slowly for 3 hours on the youtube page) gambling (impose the kingdom of God and Palestine on the planet to prevent world War III) contained ambiguous (all done with that bitch OF your wife ) or other violations (ie defend the Christian martyrs from your Satanists the Pharisees and the Islamists IMF-NWO) of the Terms of Service (that you do for Satan and you destroyed the best Christian sites for 322 NWO tower of babel cult your owl Baal Marduk at bohemian grove) for the evil you have done to my uniusrei2 (where I had entrusted to him the original copies to all my videos personal originals) and evil that you have done against the whole human race? you will never be forgiven!
@ benjamin netanyahu --- Kabbalah is the technique to challenge God that is the ability of Satan to be able to place bets against God and do the application policy:of the Talmud to obtain absolute power his goal is the annihilation of the Jewish race because until remain the Jews the human race is not never could be just turned into a one only flock of slaves. In fact the real goal IMF-NWO is to arouse the era of Satan that is the highest level of social engineering Masonic to manipulate men into slavery subliminal occult spiritual psychological institutional sexual perversions esoteric etc.. all this it is behind the banking seigniorage 666 of your loved ones Pharisees IMF but only in a few those who are at the top of the pyramid they know the real goals. here's why the Pharisees are also unintentionally the most deadly enemies of the Jewish people in Israel.
Secularists of Shit --- voi avete cacciato il Crocifisso (calpestando le leggi attualmente in vigore) dalla scuola ed avete fatto entrare Halloween! come pensate che i vostri affari potranno prosperare.. voi siete dei massoni scomunicati pronti per l'inferno
[secularists of shit!] FLORENCE MAY 15 - Back Sunday May 19 The March Barbiana. This is the walk in memory of Don Lorenzo Milani e a support of public schools in Italy. - ANSWER - you can not in the name of the Holy Catholic priest to do the war against the private Catholic schools and then against the law also you remove the crucifixes the classroom because a monopoly of information and training makes ill to the offer of the market education-training. remove rather (to save) all work in the afternoon and additional features.
1 sett. fa
[laicisti di merda!] FIRENZE 15 MAG - Torna domenica 19 maggio la Marcia di Barbiana. Si tratta della camminata in ricordo di don Lorenzo Milani e a sostegno della scuola pubblica in Italia. -- ANSWER -- voi non potete in nome di un Santo Prete cattolico fare la guerra alle scuole private cattoliche e poi contro la legge rimuovere i crocifissi dalle aule scolastiche perché un monopolio della informazione e formazione rende malata l'offerta del mercato istruzione-formazione.. eliminiamo piuttosto (per risparmiare) tutti i lavori di pomeriggio e le funzioni aggiuntive.
1 sett. fa
Emma Bonino Bildenberg says "Enough austerity GDP first quarter it is -0.5. again This is the seventh consecutive decline a record is absolutely negative!" - ANSWER - @ Emma Bonino [enough stop! with this macabre theater of death! Masons Bildenberg you you have betrayed the peoples because YOU did not have to ever do the conspiracy of passing the monetary sovereignty ie banking seigniorage to the Pharisees IMF FED ECB (and the people still do not know anything yet) to pay to us the 270% the cost on the money here's why 70% of the tax levy Serves only to pay the money to the IMF Rothschild SpA] in this way? no political action can free the people from your extermination that's why before the people will do the civil revolution? you will wear all Peoples to the carnage of World War III
1 sett. fa
Bonino Emma Bildenberg dice "basta austerità Pil primo trimestre è -0,5. questo è il Settimo calo consecutivo è un record assolutamente negativo!" -- ANSWER -- @Emma Bonino[basta con questo macabro teatro di morte! voi massoni bildenberg voi avete tradito i popoli perché VOI non dovevate mai fare la congiura di passare la sovranità monetaria ai farisei (ed il popolo non sa ancora niente) per fare pagare a noi il 270% del costo sul denaro ecco perché il 70% del prelievo fiscale serve soltanto per pagare il denaro a Rothschild FMI SpA.] n questo modo? nessuna azione politica può liberare il popolo dallo sterminio ecco perché prima che il popolo farà la rivoluzione civile voi lo porterete al massacro della III guerra mondiale
[[2013/3/15. ليبيا. بنغازي، وأحرقت الكنيسة القبطية المرقسية]. [هو الجغرافيا السياسية لل"سريع وفضفاضة" مع الإسلاميون الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، أي جدول أعمال التلمود، الفريسيين صندوق النقد الدولي، والتي هي في حاجة ماسة، للوصول الى الحرب العالمية الثالثة، على أن تفعل تتفكك إسرائيل والإسلام النازية. ] 2013/5/14. ليبيا. بنغازي في ثورة ضد الإسلاميين في أعقاب الهجوم المميت.]]
1 sett. fa
05/13/2013 CHINA - RUSSIA. Xi Jinping and state media praise Kirill during his visit to Beijing. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch is the first high-ranking Christian leader to meet a president of Communist China. Whilst the two leaders praise each other Moscow and Beijing boost their relations. Chinese leaders are now considering whether to recognise Christian Orthodoxy as one of China's official religions. CINA -- RUSSIA. Kirill a Pechino le lodi di Xi Jinping e dei media di Stato. Il patriarca ortodosso russo è il primo leader cristiano di alto livello a incontrare un presidente della Cina comunista. I due si scambiano complimenti all'ombra dei nuovi rapporti fra il Cremlino e Zhongnanhai. Possibile la concessione del riconoscimento di "religione di Stato" all'ortodossia. --ANSWER -- OHhh! this is very very very good news
1 sett. fa
Attacks in Libya the United States moved 500 marine at Sigonella - ANSWER - @ 666 IMF-NWO 322 hypocrites Al Qaeda Islamists Jihadists that you pretend to want to fight in the world? are the same that you are financing in Syria! are always the imperialistic project of Rothschild did the Pharisees to destroy Israel through the Arab League [dhimmitude sharia worldwide caliphate] Cameron? camerom I know he is the name of a demon African he is specialist in doing genocide ethnic cleansing and extermination. @ Jihad Abu Antar - hypocrite liar murderess of a Scythian that you have claimed to be a Christian for the destroying of innocent Christian martyrs employee the Iranian secret services etc.. Satanists Americans have found you? where are you? you still alive?
1 sett. fa
@ "187AUDIOHOSTEM trochilo of a Korean MASTER owner's youtube shit. @ 666 cannibals youtube CIA MOSSAD 322 google Bush-NWO-owl Baal Marduk Rothschild IMF FED ECB SpA corporations Bildenberg masonic system. ---. the my family doctor? him he was too a freelancer. ie a gynecologist important but by its relation to adultery he caught a virus which. killed him in 50 years! when you will take the same virus from the asshole of your gay? then you will have ruined also all those i ask also that are with you and when you're trapped in the powerful magnetic field to be become the nuclear fuel the engine of our atomic planet? after thousands of years in the infinite despair? for my love and my compassion for you? "i will like to give to you the gift of disintegration". Revelation 20:14. 19:20,21. 21:8 etc..
1 sett. fa
@"187AUDIOHOSTEM trochilo of a Korean MASTER owner's youtube shit. @666 cannibali youtube CIA MOSSAD 322 google Bush-NWO-Baal owl Marduk Rothschild IMF FED ECB SpA corporations bildenberg masonic system --- il mio medico di famiglia? lui era anche un libero professionista. ie un ginecologo importante ma dalla sua relazione di adulterio lui ha preso un virus che lo ha ucciso a 50 anni! quando tu prenderai lo stesso virus dal buco del culo del tuo gay? poi tu avrai rovinato anche tutti i porci che sono con te! e quando sarete imprigionati nel potente campo magnetico ad essere diventati il combustibile atomico del motore atomico del nostro pianeta? dopo migliaia di anni nella disperazione infinita? io per carità e compassione vi verrò a dare il dono della disintegrazione.. Apocalisse 20:14. 19:20,21. 21:8 ecc..
Giacinto Auriti Notizie essenziali Iniziative del Professore Libri sull'argomento Appelli e Avvisi. Interviste al prof. Auriti S.AU.S. CANALE VIDEO. Il prof. Giacinto Auriti aveva costituito il S.A.US (Sindacato Anti USura) di cui era il segretario generale. Facciamo vivere questa sigla S.AU.S. con You Tube possiamo vedere le trasmissioni "MONETA al POPOLO" Clicca su questo canale e vedrai la ScuolaAUritianaSimec. Il prof. Giacinto Auriti su Facebook SIMEC. org [thirst for righteousness] The prof. Giacinto Auriti had been the SAUS (Union anti-wear) of which he was the general secretary. We live this code S.AU.S. with YouTube we can watch shows "money to the PEOPLE" Click on this channel and you will see the ScuolaAUritianaSimec [thirst for justice] SIMEC. org
[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] Where Dhimmis raise their voice of protest by exposing the truth about our Dhimmification. under the tyranny of Islamic Aggression and Political Correctness. IT IS LONG PAST time to bring the world's attention to a global scandal. Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law the Sharia mandates for non-Muslims primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis "protected people," are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia and as such are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring to restore everywhere in the Islamic world and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race.
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[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] If dhimmis complained about their inferior status institutionalized humiliation or poverty their masters voided their contract and regarded them as enemies of Islam fair game as objects of violence. Consequently dhimmis were generally cowed into silence and worse. It was almost unheard-of to find dhimmis speaking out against their oppressors; to do so would have been suicide. For centuries dhimmi communities in the Islamic world learned to live in peace with their Muslim overlords by acquiescing to their subservience. Some even actively identified with the dominant class and became strenuous advocates for it. Spearheaded by dhimmi academics and self-serving advocacy groups that same attitude of chastened subservience has entered into Western academic study of Islam,
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[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] and from there into journalism school textbooks and the popular discourse. One must not point out the depredations of jihad and dhimmitude; to do so would offend the multiculturalist ethos that prevails everywhere today. To do so would endanger chances for peace and rapprochement between civilizations all too ready to clash. But in this era of global terrorism it must be said this silence this distortion has become deadly. Before 9/11 it was easy to ignore and whitewash dhimmitude but the atrocities changed the situation forever. In jihads throughout history untold millions have died. Tens of millions have been uprooted from their homes. Tens of millions have been stripped of their cultural identity.
[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] To continue to gloss over the destruction wrought by jihad ideology and its attendant evil of dhimmitude is today to play into the hands of jihadists who have repeatedly vowed to dhimmify the West and destroy any recalcitrant elements. While jihadist groups even with their global diffusion are not strong enough to realize this goal by themselves they have a potent and destructive ally a genuine fifth column in the dhimmi academics and dhimmi journalists they have recruited in the West. They have succeeded in confusing millions in the West into mistaking honesty and truthfulness for bigotry and self-defense for oppression. Before it's too late for Western Europe and the United States which gave birth to the traditions of freedom and equality of rights for all that shine today as lights in the entire world this must be stopped.
2 sett. fa
[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] Therefore Dhimmi Watch seeks to bring public attention to The plight of the dhimmis an immense but almost completely ignored ongoing scandal that continues in Muslim countries today; The plight of women under Sharia provisions similar to conditions imposed on dhimmis in the denial of equal rights and dignity; Slavery in Islamic lands which continues today justified by Sharia-'s dhimmi codes; the integral role of jihad and dhimmitude ideology in global terrorism today; The license that academic and journalistic whitewashes of dhimmitude gives to radical jihadist enemies of human rights for all. We join Dhimmi Watch in the fight to ensure that deeds done in the darkness for so long will not continue to be done.
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[[] May the truth prevail. the Arab League and his IMF NWO CIA 666 are worse than the Nazis]] The light of world attention is anathema to the proponents of jihad and dhimmitude we have seen in recent years that women sentenced to stoning for adultery often victims of rape unjustly accused thanks to Sharia laws disallowing rape victims' testimony were freed following international outcry. Dhimmi Watch will seek to provoke similar continuous and increasing outcry wherever and whenever the Sharia's institutionalized injustices threaten dhimmis and women. Benjamin Netanyahu -- have pity on all these monsters religious maniacs terrorists monsters criminals liars unthankful slanderers hypocrites murderers mass murderers enemies of God and of all mankind? means spit on the blood of our children that are become all martyrs for our fault! So what you need to do? do it soon!
2 sett. fa
[i am UNIUS REI] I have sworn upon the Throne of God what one has chosen as its symbol too what should be his fate. the evil that he wanted against the other person will fall on his body? is the same evil that must be in him along with his children! this is the law of blood in fact I Unius REI I am the law of retaliation! my jurisdiction is universal is an jurisdiction eternal! io ho giurato sul Trono di Dio quello che uno ha scelto come suo simbolo anche quello dovrà essere il suo destino. il male che ha voluto agli altr? è lo stesso male che dovranno subire lui insieme ai suoi figli! questa è la legge del sangue infatti io Unius REI io sono la legge del taglione! la mia giurisdizione è una giurisdizione universale ed eterna!
2 sett. fa
@CINA -- quale è la differenza tra i farisei(la notte) e me (il giorno)? è semplice! loro usano le leggi dello spirito per ridurre in schiavitù tutto il genere umano (e se non fosse sorto Unius REI? ci sarebbero riusciti!) Io come Mosé uso le leggi dello Spirito per liberare tutti i popoli da loro che sono i nuovi faraoni di oggi! ma mentre il loro spirito è quello di un ombra morta e marcia il mio Spirito è lo Spirito Santo ecco perché non esiste la possibilità per poter violare la mia fortezza! e se i farisei sono diventati i padroni del NWO-FMI attraverso le leggi sataniche dello spirito (Cabala) poi tu devi prendere lezioni di teologia immediatamente dai vescovi e dai cristiani che tu nascondi nelle tue carceri come si nasconde una perla in uno scrigno! diventare i paladini dei diritti umani significa per te vincere la pace mentre invece al contrario non c'è una guerra mondiale che può essere vinta da qualcuno!
@666 CIA IMF 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- eih Dirigente Direttore Generale di youtube! io non credo che questo tuo sito durerà più a lungo di quanto è durato il tuo precedente sito di synnek1! tu stai facendo le figure di merda come un troll qualsiasi! allDavidDuke 13 minuti fa @my JHWH -- there's a dirty job to do and it must be done!
Libia primo sì epurazione 'gheddafiani' (ANSA) - TRIPOLI 6 MAG - L'Assemblea nazionale libica ha approvato con 115 voti su 157 il primo articolo di una controversa legge che esclude dalla vita politica tutti coloro che hanno opccupato un posto di responsabilità sotto il regime di Muammar Gheddafi. Il voto è stato trasmesso in diretta dalla tv libica. In contemporanea gruppi di uomini armati che circondavano da qualche giorno i ministeri degli esteri e della Giustizia hanno annunciato la sospensione delle proteste. -- ANSWER -- sono simpatici questi nazisti di salafiti portati dalle 666 bomme bildenberg NATO con le mitagliatrili antiaeree che ottengono le epurazioni dei nemici politici. e che ricattano il Governo evviva il Califfato Mondiale di Rothschild per distruggere Israele
@King Saudi Arabia-- 1. Adamo era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 2. Abele era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 3. Enock era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 4. Noè era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 5. Abramo era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 6. Mosè era un musulmano che ha parlato con Dio; 7. tutti i profeti era un musulmani che hanno parlato con Dio; ecc... ma 8. Maometto era un musulmano che non ha parlato con Dio! cazzo! Adesso che musulmani possiamo essere noi se parliamo soltanto con dei libri? ecco perché; tu devi aiutare me a costruire il Tempio Ebraico! perché io di questo sono sicuro Dio vuole parlare anche con ognuno di noi! Se poi tu non puoi fare queste cose perché porti una corona? dalla ad una rana e fai il folle!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] [tu non puoi avere una religione che è una ideologia per desiderare la guerra mondiale dei farisei Illuminati FMI poi i comunisti pensano che tutte le religioni sono cattive come la tua] Sabra now says he doesn't know bishops' whereabouts. Published May 24 2013 by Nuri Kino. Syrian opposition leader gave more certain account 2 weeks ago. The leader of the Syrian opposition coalition is backing away from previous reports that he is certain of the location and condition of two Syrian Orthodox bishops kidnapped April 22. George Sabra president of the Syrian National Coalition told World Watch Monitor on May 21 he is not informed of the movement of the bishops from day to day or of the identity of the captors.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] This is a change from May 7 statements attributed to Sabra during a meeting of Middle East leaders in Beirut. Sabra also told World Watch Monitor the coalition is "doing our best" to expel the handful of Muslims who have come from Europe at the urging of jihadist groups with al-Qaeda links who count themselves among the broader Syrian opposition movement. Yohanna Ibrahim head of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Aleppo was kidnapped alongside his counterpart from the Greek Orthodox Church Boulos Yaziji after travelling to the Turkish border in an attempt to secure the release of two priests kidnapped in February. Their driver Fathallah Kaboud later was killed.
[you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] Apart from an early flurry of erroneous reports that the clerics had been released little was heard about their whereabouts who snatched them or why. That changed May 7 when Amin Gemayel former president of Lebanon and current leader of its Kataeb Party held a meeting in his Beirut office. "The bishops are in good health and are being held by a small group in a town called Bshaqtin 20 kilometers northwest of Aleppo," Sabra told Gemayel by phone during the meeing according to the Lebanon Star. Attending the meeting were Deputy Bishop of Aleppo Joseph Shabo Mount Lebanon´s Syriac Orthodox Bishop George Saliba Beirut´s Bishop Daniel Koriyeh and Syriac League President Habib Afram.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
[you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] Afram told World Watch Monitor the group had sought the meeting with Gemayel to seek his help securing the bishops' release. Instead he said they heard Sabra tell them he was powerless to help. "During our meeting Syrian opposition leader George Sabra spoke with both Cheikh Gemayel and Bishop Saliba over the phone. Sabra claimed that he knows where the abducted bishops are and who the kidnappers are. I find it outrageous that one of the most powerful leaders of the Syrian opposition says he knows where they are but can´t do anything to release them." Afram Secretary General of the Union of Lebanese Christian Leagues and a prominent defender of the fate of Christians in the Middle East,
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your]said Sabra's inability to secure the release of the bishops has troubling implications for the future of Christians in Syria. "Sabra said things like 'This is not giving a good impression of our revolution and we promise to take all possible actions to get them released'. But that is only words," Afram said. "We emphasized that if he can´t control his own area — the place where the bishops were kidnapped — then how can he claim that he can change Syria for the better? And how will he be able to make Christians remain in Syria?" Contacted May 21 by World Watch Monitor Sabra gave a less certain accounting of the bishops than he was reported to give May 7.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your]"You know that the bishops are moved always day by day or from week to week. So therefore we don't know the place exactly," he said. He also said the coalition isn't sure who is behind the kidnappings. "About this we have different information we have new news that we will check. We have news that they are in Aleppo. We can't say that this information is real; we have to check." When asked how he knows the bishops are moved if anyone has spoken to them and if there is any evidence they are alive he replied "you know by our people inside Syria that interrogated the groups." "Really we believe that they are alive," he said. "But there is no clear picture of that. We are doing our best but right now we didn't succeed."
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] Thousands of Christians have fled the violence in Syria and church leaders say the abductions have accelerated the exodus. Sabra said he wants Syrian Christians to remain courageous. "We are aware of the impression this gives to our revolution," he said. "But we are doing our best. Syrian Christians have been living in the country for thousands of years. And they should be courageous enough to stay in their homeland." Sabra himself a Christian insisted there is no evidence Syrian Christians are under pressure because of their religion despite testimony to the contrary from Christians inside Syria and those that have fled to Turkey Lebanon and Jordan.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] "Maybe there are some small events here and there," he said "but we have not the right to exaggerate with these events to tell it as a fact as a truth of the life in Syria. Really it is not true. And the only way to protect Christians as to protect other Syrians is to push Bashar al-Assad's regime out of power and start a new era in Syria with a civil state a democratic state with elections constitution a law. This is the only thing which will help all people in Syria to be protected in their country." Sabra also rejected any comparisons of the impact of Syria's drawn-out civil war on Christian nationals to the flight of Christians from neighboring Iraq. "We have two major principal differences here in Syria," he said.
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] "Iraq was occupied by foreign troops and also they have a neighbour considered an enemy to Iraqis for many years I mean Iran. So the effect of the occupation and the effect of Iranians inside Iraq caused the situation. In Syria we have something different. I'm sure that Christians will stay and live in Syria as they did for hundreds of years. It's their country. In Syria we have thousands of churches and nobody can prove or give one example of a church being persecuted by Muslims." Still when pressed Sabra acknowledged one similarity to Iraq of grave concern to resident Christians the presence of imported Islamist militants some of them aligned with al-Qaeda. An April report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] at London's King's College estimates that somewhat less than 10 percent of the opposition fighters are from outside Syria and that between 7 percent and 10 percent of that fraction come from Europe. "We are sorry to hear about that," Sabra said. "We were informed about two young people from Belgium. Believe me we are doing our best to contact these people and to operate with the European community and the European governments to save their lives and send them back home to their countries safely." Meanwhile Afram said he meets with Christians that have fled Syria every day in his office in Lebanon. "People are kidnapped on a daily basis for ransom or just to scare them to leave," he said.
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your]"Christians are systematically targeted by kidnappings." He said if the bishops are alive Sabra should employ the power of his position to win their release. "George Sabra should act and he should show leadership capability or leave," Afram said. "He should exercise direct involvement even take risks to go himself with the army of the opposition to negotiate the release of the bishops; make a clear statement regarding his [objection] that bishops were treated like this." Nuri Kino of Assyrian (Syriac Orthodox) background is an award-winning TV/radio journalist now living in Sweden. In January 2013 he wrote a report 'Between the Wire'
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] in which he conducted more than 100 interviews with Syria's minority Christian community. He is co-author of the independently published political thriller 'The Line in the Sand'. Egypt is at a crossroads says Coptic Bishop. Published May 23 2013 by Steve Dew-Jones. Bishop Thomas of the El-Qussia and Mair Diocese in Upper Egypt. Stefanus Alliance International/Wegge. A "big force" is pushing Egypt towards greater conservatism and religious extremism according to.. OIC letter from C African Republic President sought support for Islamic republic. Published May 22 2013 by Illia Djadi. Michel Djotodia CAR President Crispin for World Watch Monitor.
@Arab League [you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] The Catholic Church in the Central African Republic (CAR) has written a letter to the former rebel.. Bangladesh — Islamist protest leaders arrested in wake of Dhaka siege. Published May 21 2013. Cattle market in Dhaka pictured in 2008. W Jackson for World Watch Monitor. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh on May 17 alleged that the opposition party the.. Iranian Christians face 'systematic persecution and prosecution' Published May 20 2013. Boko Haram 'on verge of seizing control of Borno State' after pastor's death. Published May 17 2013. VHP leads mob to destroy Indian church. Published May 14 2013. Nigeria -- Taraba State violence over funeral procession leaves at least 39 dead. Published May 13 2013.
[you can not have a religion that is an ideology to wish for the war world:for the Pharisees Illuminati IMF then the Communists think that all other religions are bad such as your] Indonesian clerics dispute president's 'world statesman' award. Published May 10 2013. Tanzania -- bomb outside new Catholic church one of worst 'terrorist' incidents in years. Published May 10 2013. [vous ne pouvez pas avoir a religion que est une idéologie à désirer l' guerre mondiale les pharisiens Illuminati FMI alors les communistes pensent que tout les autres les religions sont mauvais comme votre ] [kann man nicht haben ein Religion dass ist eine Ideologie zu wünschen das Krieg Welt für die Pharisäer Illuminati IWF dann denken die Kommunisten dass all andere Religionen schlecht sind wie Ihre ]

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
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extermination was also extended to animals

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- ► 2014 (174)
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++++++++++++ ++++ Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro ch...
inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Phari...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
1_2 . [ [ Illuminati - nouvelles. com ] utres n'est pas malware ] Etes-vous voter pour les démocrates ou les républicains ?...
Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic Church, Homes Published: Sep. 30, 2011 by Wayne King A group of hard-line Muslims attacked...
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consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)