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intrinsically perverse

1_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] At 556: threshold: of the: life: public: baptism, to: threshold: of the: Easter: the: Transfiguration. To Baptism of Jesus "declaratum fuit: mysterium primae regenerationis" - was manifested: the mystery of the: first: regeneration: our: Baptism ", the: Transfiguration" east sacramentum secundae regenerationis - is: the sacrament of the : second: regeneration: the: our: Resurrection "[St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa: Theologiae, III, 45, 4, ad 2]. Thus far, we share: to: Resurrection of the Lord through the: Spirit: Holy that: acts in the sacrament of the Body: of Christ. The: Transfiguration gives us an: advance: of the: coming: glorious: of Christ, "which will transfigure our: put: body to conform: to its: Body: glorious" (Philippians 3:21).

2_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] but: reminds us also that: "it is necessary: through, many tribulations enter the kingdom: of God" (Acts 14:22): Peter: not: it: he understood: again: when: Mount wanted to live with Christ. This: happiness Christ thee: reserved: after: the: death, or Peter. Time: instead he himself says, down to toil on the earth, to: serve on the earth, to: be despised, to: be crucified on the: ground. And 'descent: the: life: to be killed; descended: the bread to hear: hunger is: down: the Via, because the felt: tired: of the: way; is: down: the: source for thirst, and thou waste of: pain? [St. Augustine, Sermons, 78, 6: PL 38, 492-493
560. Admission: of Jesus to Jerusalem manifested: the advent: of the Kingdom: that: the King-Messiah is going to: make with: the: Easter:

3_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] of the: her: death and: Resurrection. with: the: entry celebration: of Jesus in Jerusalem, Sunday: Palm Sunday, the: Liturgy of the Church: starts: at: Week: Santa.664. Being seated: the: right: of the Father means: the inauguration of the: kingdom: of the: Messiah, the fulfillment: of the: of the vision: prophet Daniel concerning the Son of man: "[ The Old Man] gave him dominion and glory: and: kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and: the language: they served, and his power: is: an: eternal power, that: not: set: never, and: his: kingdom : is: such that: not: be destroyed "(Dan. 7:14). to: from: the: time the Apostles: became witnesses of the "kingdom: that: not: will be no end" [Symbol: of: Nicene].

4_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] power: and: glory great "(Luke 21:27) [cf Mt 25:31] by: come: of the: on the Re: Earth. This Kingdom: is: again undermined: by the evil powers, [ cf 2 Thes 2.7] even if they are already been defeated by: Easter of Christ. Up: at the moment: when everything will be to: he subdued, [cf 1 Cor 15:28] "to: that: not: there will be: the new heavens and: the: earth: new, in which: justice has: la: his: abode, the Church: pilgrim, in his sacraments and: its institutions, that: belong : present age, carries: la: Figure: fleeting of: the: world, and: lives in: the creatures, which are: groan: and: in labor: of the: delivery: up: now: and : waiting for: the: manifestation of the sons of God "[Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Lumen Gentium, 48].

5_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] This: why Christians pray, above all: in the Eucharist: [cf 1 Cor 11:26] to hasten return: of: Christ [cf 2 Pet 3.11 to 12] saying, "Come, Lord" (1 Cor 16.22, Rev. 22.17, Rev. 22:20). 672. Before: Ascension Christ has: said: that: not: was: still: time: of the: glorious establishment: of the Kingdom: messianic expected: from: Israel, [Cf At 1.6-7] kingdom: that: was: to bring: all men, according to: the prophets, [Cf Is 11.1-9] the final order: of the: justice, love and: of the: peace. Time: this is, according to the Lord, the time: of the: Spirit: and: of the: witness, [cf Acts 1:8] but: also an: time: again, marked: the "necessity" ( 1 Cor 7:26) and: the: test: of the: evil [cf Eph 5.16] that: not: save: the Church [Cf 1 Peter 4.17] and: opens: the fighting of the: past time [cf 1 Jn 2:18; 1 Jn 4:3, 1 Tim 4.1].

6_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] It 'an: time: of: expected: and: of: security [Cf Mt from 25.1 to 13, 13.33 to 37 672 Mc]. The: coming: glorious: of Christ, hope of Israel, 673. After: the Ascension,: come: of Christ: in: glory is: imminent, [cf Rev 22:20], even if not: it: to: we "know the times and: the moments that: the Father has: reserved: to:'s picked "(Acts 1.7) [cf Mk 13:32]. This: coming: eschatological could be accomplished at any time [cf Mt 24:44; 1Th 5.2] even if it: and: the: try: finale that: the: precede it are "prevented" [cf 2 Thes 2, 3-12].
674. The: come: of the: Messiah: glorious is: suspended: at every moment of the: history [Cf Rm 11.31] recognition: of: to him: part of "all Israel" (Rom 11 , 26, 674 Mt 23:39) to: because: of '"hardening: of: a: part" (Rom 11:25) in unbelief [Cf Rm 11.20]

7_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] verse: Jesus St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after: the: Pentecost: "Repent therefore and: turn again, that is: deleted and your sins: so they can: get the timing of the: consolation: part of the Lord and he will send the same: that: you had: intended: as the Messiah, Jesus, whom must receive: in heaven: up: at the time of the: restoration of: all things, as: said: God since ancient times, by mouth: the his holy prophets "(Acts 3.19 to 21). and: St. Paul makes: echo: "For if their: refusal: he: marked: the: reconciliation of the: world, what will be the: them readmission if not: a: resurrection from the dead?" (Rom 11:15). "The: full inclusion" of the Hebrews (Rom 11,12) to: salvation messianic: to: result: of the: total participation of the Gentiles [cf Rom 11:25, Lk 21,24]

8_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] allow the people: of God: of: arrive "at: full: maturity of Christ" (Eph 4:13) in: that "God will be everything to everyone" (1 Cor 15:28). The latest: test: of the Church. 675. First: of the: come: of Christ, the Church: it must pass through: a: test: final that: shake the: of faith, many believers [cf Lk 18:8; Mt 24.12]. The: persecution that: accompanies: his: pilgrimage on the earth: [Cf Lk 21.12, Jn 15.19-20] will unveil the "mystery: of: iniquity" in: the: form: of: a: imposture: religious that: provides men: apparent solution to their: problems at the price: apostasy: From: truth. The: Maximum imposture: religious is: that: the Anti-Christ, that of: a: pseudo-messianism: where the man glorifies: himself: instead: of God: and: of the: her: Messiah came: in: meat [cf 2 Thes 2.4 to 12, 675 1 Thess 5.2 to 3, 2 John 1.7, 1 John 2.18, 1 John 2.22].

9_10.[UniusREI, is not religion: or: syncretism, but, is, an: shape of kingdom of GOD: anyway..] 676. This: imposture: of Antichrist: outlines: already, in the world: whenever: we claim of: accomplish in: history: the hope Messianic: that: not: can be brought: to: completion: that: at out of: there, of: it, through, the judgment that: is eschatological, also, under: his: shape: mitigated, the Church: has rejected: this, adulteration of the Kingdom: future under the name of "millenarianism" [Cf. Congregation for: Doctrine: of the: Faith, Decree: of the: July 19th, 1944, De Millennialism: Denz. -Schönm. , 3839] especially: in the: form: political: of: an: Messianism: secularized "intrinsically perverse" [Cf Pio XI, Encyclical Letter. Divini Redemptoris, that: sentence: "false: mysticism" of: this: "with-counterfeiting of the: of the redemption: the humble"; Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Gaudium et Spes, 20-21. [Cf Ap 19.1-9] Cf Rev 19, 1-9].


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  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    38 minuti fa
    se, tutte le Religioni, e tutte le Istituzioni, o tutti i Governi, o, tutti sistemi ideologici appartengono, al Regno di Dio, nella misura: in cui: essi sono espressione: della giustizia e della verità universali, cioè: l'uguaglianza di tutti gli uomini, la libertà di coscienza e di religione, che è essere fedeli alla legge naturale? Di conseguenza, nessun di loro, e neanche, il Regno di Unius REI, può sopperire pienamente: a tutte le esigenze: del Regno di Dio, che: può essere soltanto: escatologico, dove, la nostra corruttibile natura: sarà rivestita di immortalità: e di incorruttibilità! e dove, Dio stesso, potrà dare a noi: la grazia di poter vivere fedelmente, e perfettamente, secondo la armonia: della sua sublime volontà, che è: la sapienza dell'amore, che, realizza armonia, in tutte le cose
  • CustodeDellaFede
    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
    44 minuti fa
    Papa Gregorio XVI, Mirari Vos: "E qui vogliamo eccitare sempre più la vostra costanza a favore della Religione, affinché vi opponiate all'immonda congiura contro il celibato clericale: congiura che, come sapete, si accende ogni dì più estesamente, unendo ai tentativi dei più sciagurati filosofi dell'età nostra anche alcuni dello stesso ceto ecclesiastico:(...)"
  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    46 minuti fa
    tutte le religioni, appartengono al: Regno di Dio, nella misura in cui, esse sono rispettose della legge naturale: e dei diritti umani(libertà di coscienza: di tutti gli uomini), e: non: come: la Chiesa Cattolica, esempio:. che: costringe: i suoi preti alla castrazione: "obbligatoria", 1.distruggendo: la realizzazione: di molte vocazioni ,al presbiterato; 2. costringendo: molti presbiteri: alla riduzione: allo stato laicale; 3. costringendo molti presbiteri: a fare gli omosessuali, adulteri e pedofili, perché, dopo tutto, il clericalismo: è una forma di idolatria: in tutte: le Chiese cristiane! in questo modo: il male: che: la Chiesa ha fatto a se stessa?, è maggiore di tutto il male, che, possono avere fatto a lei, tutti i suoi nemici!
  • CustodeDellaFede
    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
    32 minuti fa
    Chi non riesce ad astenersi si sposi pure, e non scelga di fare il sacerdote. Se uno non riesce a camminare in salita, si limiti a camminare in pianura.
  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    33 minuti fa
    se non sei stato ancora preso a calci in culo da youtube? è soltanto perché i satanisti sono felici del lavoro che tu fai contro di me!
  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    34 minuti fa
    il tuo obiettivo: è quello di fare spam: contro: di me! la tua azione: è una azione negativa, infatti tu fai copia incolla: degli stessi articoli: con una monotonia, che indica la cattiveria e il bullismo, contro di me, dell'uso arrogante che tu fai dello spazio di questa pagina! i problemi sessuali sono sempre esistiti, se la castità è imposta ... e non hanno nessuna relazione con contenuti dottrinali
  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    . 10_10 [UniusREI, n'est pas: le syncrétisme] 677. L'Eglise: non: entrez: la gloire, du Royaume: ce que: par le biais: celui-ci: Pâques, pour l'homme suivra son Seigneur dans: la sienne: la mort et la résurrection [cf. Ap 13.8]. Le Royaume: non: être remplies, à travers: un: le triomphe: historique: de l'Eglise (pas l'impérialisme) [cf. Ap 20,7 à 10], mais, comme: un progrès: ascendant, à travers: a: victoire de Dieu: contre: le déchaînement ultime: l': le mal [cf. Ap 21.2-4] que: descendra du ciel, son: Mariée: [cf. Ap 20,12]. pour le triomphe: de Dieu: d': la révolte de l': le mal [cf. 2pt 3,12 -13] après: le dernier: bouleversement: cosmique: de: ce: monde: que: va: [Cf. Dn 7,10, Gl 3-4; 677 Ml 3.19].
  • allxRonPaul
    allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    -REPONSE - NON, aucune question: dans mon royaume: la religion ou l'athéisme, de personnes, mais, à la haine, le Christ des chrétiens? ce qui est illégal, c'est mon état, pour ne pas laisser, détruire: le monde dans cette imminente. 3rd World War, qui: est nécessaire: indispensable: pour régénérer un nouveau Fonds monétaire international!
  • lorenzojhwh
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    10_10 [UniusREI, ist nicht: Synkretismus] 677. Die Kirche: nicht: Eingabe: die Herrlichkeit des Königreichs: dass durch: das letztere: Ostern, denn der Mensch wird ihr Herr in folgen: seine: Tod und: Resurrection [vgl.. Rev 13,8]. Das Königreich: nicht: erfüllt, dann durch sein: ein: triumph: historisch: der Kirche (kein Imperialismus) [Vgl.. Ap 20,7 bis 10], sondern, wie: ein Fortschritt: aufsteigend, durch: a: Sieg Gottes: gegen: die endgültige Entfesselung: der: evil [vgl.. Ap 21,2-4], dass: wird vom Himmel herabkommen, seine: Braut: [cf. Rev 20,12]. für den Triumph: Gottes am: Aufstand der: evil [Vgl.. 2Pt 3,12 -13]
  • lorenzojhwh
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
    6 secondi fa
    nach: der letzte: Umbruch: cosmic: von: dies: Welt: dass wird: [Vgl. Dn 7,10, Gl 3-4; 677 Ml 3,19]. -ANTWORT - NICHT haben jede Angelegenheit: in meinem Reich: die Religion oder Atheismus, von Menschen, sondern zu hassen, der Christus der Christen? Das ist illegal, das ist meine Bedingung, um nicht zu verlassen, zu zerstören: die Welt in diesem bevorsteht. 3. Weltkrieg, die: ist erforderlich: Wesentliche: eine neue Internationale Währungsfonds regenerieren!
  • lorenzojhwh
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    10_10 [UniusREI, no lo es: el sincretismo] 677. La Iglesia: no: aceptar: la gloria del Reino: que: a través de: la segunda: la Pascua, para que el hombre seguirá a su Señor en: la suya: la muerte y la resurrección [cf. Ap 13,8]. El Reino: no: se cumple, entonces a través de: una: el triunfo: histórico: de la Iglesia (sin imperialismo) [cf. Ap 20,7 a 10], pero, como: un progreso: ascendente, a través de: a: victoria de Dios: en contra: el último desencadenamiento: del: evil [cf. Ap 21.2-4]
  • lorenzojhwh
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    que: descenderá del cielo, su: Novia: [cf. Ap 20,12]. por el triunfo: de Dios: por: revuelta de los: evil [cf. 2Pt 3,12 -13] después: el último: agitación: cósmica: de: esto: mundo: que: hará lo siguiente: [Cf. Dn 7,10, Gl 3-4; 677 Ml 3,19]. -RESPUESTA - No, tiene alguna cuestión: en mi reino: la religión o el ateísmo, de la gente, pero, al odio, el Cristo de los cristianos? esto es ilegal, este es mi condición, por no dejar, destruir: el mundo en este inminente. Tercera Guerra Mundial, la cual: se requiere: imprescindible: a regenerar un nuevo Fondo Monetario Internacional!
  • lorenzojhwh
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
    5 minuti fa
    MongaJe R:♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ my JHWH-♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★Rei Unius Re di Israele★alleluia!♰ non ti voglio sulla pagina di youtube, perché tu hai mentito, tu non potresti mai essere un cristiano

10_10.[UniusREI, is not: syncretism] 677. The Church: not: enter: the glory, of the Kingdom: that: through: the latter: Easter, for man will follow her Lord in: his: death and: Resurrection [cf. Rev 13.8]. The Kingdom: not: be fulfilled, then through: an: triumph: historical: of the Church(no imperialism) [Cf. Ap 20.7 to 10] but, as: an progress: ascending, through: a: victory of God: against: the final unleashing: of the: evil [cf. Ap 21.2-4] that: will descend from heaven, its: Bride: [cf. Rev 20.12]. for The triumph: of God: on the: revolt of the: evil[Cf. 2Pt 3.12 -13] after: the last: upheaval: cosmic: of: this: world: that: will: [Cf Dn 7.10, Gl 3-4; 677 Ml 3.19]. –ANSWER-- NOT, have any matter: in my kingdom: the religion or atheism, of people, but, to hate, the Christ of Christians? this is illegal, this is my condition, for not to leave, destroy: the world in this imminent. 3rd World War, which: is required: essential: to regenerate a new International Monetary Fund!

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel