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Illuminati have a real power

      WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 
      5 ore fa
      az99920 مرحبا كويتي بحق ! يا اخي السلام اجمل كلمه هي الامل والحب والسعاده والهدوء ونقاء القلب ليس هناك ما يدعي للقتال والحرب اذا دخلت بيت من بيتكم ساجد اب وام وابناء مجتمعين في البيت ليس لهم علم او اهتمام بسياسه هم يتطلعون للحياه والمعيشه والسلام وانا اشعر بذلك المطالب الروحيه نحن بشر من اخطئ يتوب وليس الكل لا يوجد به خطئ ولكن الاستمرار في الخطئ هو الخطئ بنفسه والذنب ويجب علينا ان نحيي القلوب الغافله للخير خوف عليهم للان الشر هو الهلاك انا لا يوجد ذر في القلب كرهه للاي مسيحي او يهودي او اي انسان انا اكرهه من يكون الشيطان
      WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 
      5 ore fa
      سيده له ويعمل ما يامره الشيطان للدمار والهلاك وتدمير المجتمع بتدمير الاخلاق والقيم وتدمير الضمير الذي هو نور القلب والاحساس بالخطئ ((واتمنا من الله ان يسعدكم ويسعد ابنائكم ويحقق امالكم ويحفظ الجميع)) Sent to: WakeUpUSAxRonPaul

    lorenzojhwh (1 secondo fa)
    374z3z8 (mistafield: Synnek1:IHateNEWLAYOUT)SAID: user/mawm: a new world ? a new game ? ich ficke tote kinder [[Inviato a: lorenzojhwh]] --ANSWER-> ALL SATANISTS BECOME: "ich tote kinder"! none of you could enter the new world .. because it will be done "totally clean!".. nessuno di voi potrebbe entrare nel nuovo mondo.. perché sarà fatta: "pulizia totale!"
    lorenzojhwh (57 secondi fa)
    @ All governments -> [[This is the situation!]] The Illuminati? are afraid to leave: to lose: their power of: IMF: Bank Seigniorage: New World Order, secret societies: all the monopoly, because: all systems: 1. religious and, 2. ideological: they are intolerant: and violent! like this: if the whole planet: submits: himself: to my sovereignty? they feel safe! You have: a government: a power, that is fake: without, monetary sovereignty! but, The Illuminati have a real power .. what: of more: just ,you, so that: you was been defeated: the victims predestined, etc. .. when more than you have to give them an example! come forward and done vasallage: why, I'm unius Rei! also, because if you come all? they are left alone!
    374z3z8 (11 ore fa)
    you have made me holy...a evil holy soul ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    lorenzojhwh (11 ore fa)
    IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 1 hour ago My user name is for zippcast ........... EvilDeli - ANSWER -> THIS IS REALLY a joke.. LOL. you have seen youtube that goes away, from youtube: to: zipcast to go .. Then, youtube moved: from zipcast .. lol. he said i am "Evil"+"Deli"--> yes, youtube is true satanist
    @ IsraelNationalTV -> who has been: that the idiot: of a jew, that: said: "we must kill lorenzojhwh!" Because: this is certain: if God has given: a KING, to you? So: you could not live: not politically: and even: not spiritually: without him! Maybe: you're just the man: that: playing cards with aliens (abductions)? namely, the one who thinks it is necessary to destroy Israel: in the 3°WWnuclear?lazialissimo80: said: Masonic lorenzojhwh control: it is actually Masonic bank seigniorage: is reality slavery: it is actually Wake up everybody, fuck!
    lorenzojhwh (13 ore fa)
    kwv1 said: Is that right but, That you dont believe in the new testament? - Answer-> is impossible to know the Old testament: If you do not know the New Testament: in fact: the Pharisees rabbin kakam: of the IMF: they are ended their life in the hell!: for do to Guide: their: of to the Talmud and the Kabbalah: in a blaze of: hatred and racism: for loving of Satan: to destroy the entire human race and have finished with the drink the blood of Christian children, why: for their Talmud: they are only animals in human form! I'm certainly: more focused: on the Old Testament, because: I am the King of Israel: and I am also: the Jewish Messiah!v
    lorenzojhwh (13 ore fa)
    @ Rochefeller -> false Christian! jew Marrano: a wolf werewolf: of the IMF: if, you compel me to be your enemy? one boy: of Rothschild could survive! but: none: of Rochefeller: could survive, because, you are: of the synagogue: of Satan? the worst!
    these Jews? they have need: extreme: to be reprimanded, by their king! yes! have attacked: my computer! have changed: the bios: of this machine: and have renamed: my CD DVD: with special codes: symbols: and graphics, what now? I can not use more: to use my player! was: a "brutal attack"! .. was done: by satanists: of the CIA:all youtube friends! someone: said: "" microsoft is: who: is making: war: against linux, you remove ubuntu!"". but, I do not think: to this hypothesis are the "friends" of Rothschild: that: they use the money, stolen from me, through: seigniorage banking: that: they make war: to me: as I make war against them, in fact, I have already killed many of them!
    lorenzojhwh (13 ore fa)
    my Easy Note SJ51: Serial Numbers: 110353010390: has been destroyed: a because of a "brutal attack". one of the best: Italian engineers: to hundreds of kilometers from my house: he said: you could try: a destroy: Your computer: namely, you can: through: the door USB (fact: that: the reader: CD-DVD was marked: with codes: graphs, and it was unusable: you can load of the update: the BIOS: but: the system has been programmed: to overheat quickly: and Processor: who: will burn quickly! and it is just that: that: is successful: In fact, I have lost: two computers in one day: then, becomes more credible: or: hypothesis: that microsoft is: who pays: the hacher: for make war: against linux (free services): or: that: the killers: information: they have been paid: own: against: of me: so, in mode specific: it means a "brutal attack"? is an attack: "selective": did: through: the technique of remote monitoring or remote. --ANSWER-> HOW NOT TO DO: TOO I, MY BRUTAL ATTACK AGAINST OF THEM NOW?
    lorenzojhwh (21 ore fa)
    YOUTUBE said: "you go to ZippCast!" - ANSWER- I AM do VERY EVIL: AGAINST YOU: AND YOUR TO SATAN! CAN YOU USE Vaseline, YES USE VASELINE .. I HAVE Consulted: WITH MY FRIEND: "IsraelNationalTV" SAID TO ME: "NO DO NOT GO: TO ZippCast!" BETWEEN ME: And my friend BERLUSCONI? There are few: differences: but, the most important difference: not is: that: he is a Freemason: ready for hell: but, it is what: he takes: the Viagra, and not me! Anyway? is appropriate for you: to prepare the vaseline: about: 7 marzo 2012.! BERLUSCONI? my friend? really: I have given him my vote! and I will vote again to him! but, when: I discovered the: banking seigniorage: I'm not going: to vote more! time is too long: that: I am using: my spiritual faculties: for communicating with: millions of people around the world: Jews: Heads of State: Leader: elite: religious, atheist, etc. They know me as, I know about all of them!
    lorenzojhwh (22 ore fa)
    Illuminati of IMF are afraid of this server! here because it will be resized! @ Synnek1 ---> about: March 7, 2012? you're dead! youtube is IHateNEWLAYOUT = youtube = is Satanists! I am not responsible: if you has chose to be a Satanist .. you sided with the forces of earth: to see the worms happy! and so: you lost the sky! and since, Angels have the air force: their: they win? You suck! I believe that all people of this planet? they are in love with me! I'm sure: all the saints of God: and all the angels perfect! and God himself: they are all in love with me!

    CAN YOU USE Vaseline! [USE VASELINE!]] I HAVE Consulted: WITH MY FRIEND: "IsraelNationalTV" AND HE SAID TO ME: "NO DO NOT GO: TO ZippCast!"
    lorenzojhwh (22 ore fa)
    @ Youtube-Synnek1: = IHateNEWLAYOUT: you suck! you have decided: that: I no longer have to answer .. (at all "shared" with you) [[From: lorenzojhwh. A: p5tsnHKQWFf2Hqo-0WGz3w]], but all governments: of the world? they must know: all the evil: that you: IMF-NWO: CIA MOSSAD: you're doing: against: me: and against them! --ANSWER--> I believe that all people of this planet? they are in love with me! I'm sure: all the saints of God: and all the angels perfect! and God himself: they are all in love with me!

      lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
      2 secondi fa
      IamKingOfHearts: the jew? What was: absolutely: pathetic and crazy about him? he gave: to me: of the conspiracy theorist, but his own graphic background? is the most powerful demonstration of the conspiracy theory.. cosa era: assolutamente: patetico e pazzo di lui? lui dava: a me del teorico del complotto, ma, proprio la sua grafica di fondo ?è la più potente dimostrazione: della teoria del complotto.. Was war: absolut: erbärmlich und verrückt nach ihm? er gab: zu mir: der Verschwörungstheoretiker, aber seine eigenen grafischen Hintergrund? ist der stärkste Beweis für die Verschwörungstheorie.. Quel a été: absolument: pathétique et folle de lui? il a donné:
      lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
      33 secondi fa
      pour moi: de la théorie du complot, mais son propre fond d'écran graphique? est la démonstration la plus puissante de la théorie du complot.. ¿Cuál fue: absolutamente, patética y loca por él? dio: a mí: de la teoría de la conspiración, pero su propia imagen de fondo? es la demostración más poderosa de la teoría de la conspiración

    374z3z8 (mistafield: Synnek1: IHateNEWLAYOUT) a dit: utilisateur / mawm: un nouveau monde? un nouveau jeu? ich Ficke fourre-tout gentil [[Inviato a: lorenzojhwh]] - REPONSE-> TOUS DEVENIR satanistes: «ich fourre-tout gentil"! aucun d'entre vous pourrait entrer dans le nouveau monde .. car il sera fait "totalement propre!" .. nessuno di voi potrebbe entrare nel nuovo mondo .. perché Sarà fatta: "pulizia Totale!" 374z3z8 (mistafield: Synnek1: IHateNEWLAYOUT) dijo: usuario / mawm: un nuevo mundo? un nuevo juego? ich Ficke bolsas de kinder [[un Inviato: lorenzojhwh]] - RESPUESTA-> Todos los satanistas a ser: "ich bolsas más amable"! ninguno de ustedes podría entrar en el nuevo mundo .. ya que se llevará a cabo "totalmente limpio!" .. Nessuno di voi potrebbe entrare nel mondo nuovo .. perché Sarà fatta: "pulizia totale!"
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    374z3z8 SAID: user/mawm: a new world ? a new game ? ich ficke tote kinder [[Inviato a: lorenzojhwh]] --ANSWER-> ALL SATANISTS BECOME: "ich tote kinder"! none of you could enter the new world .. because it will be done "totally clean!".. nessuno di voi potrebbe entrare nel nuovo mondo.. perché sarà fatta: "pulizia totale!"
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    7 minuti fa
    @ All governments -> [[This is the situation!]] The Illuminati? are afraid to leave: to lose: their power of: IMF: Bank Seigniorage: New World Order, secret societies: all the monopoly, because: all systems: 1. religious and, 2. ideological: they are intolerant: and violent! like this: if the whole planet: submits: himself: to my sovereignty? they feel safe! You have: a government: a power, that is fake: without, monetary sovereignty! but, The Illuminati have a real power .. what: of more: just ,you, so that: you was been defeated: the victims predestined, etc. .. when more than you have to give them an example! come forward and done vasallage: why, I'm unius Rei! also, because if you come all? they are left alone!

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)

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Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

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questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel